"How Mis, Peares Subiatd Ou Tk A PAST POR a-4HTS iD NiGHTS. | 2 £ é : i j FE the Lady. Z 4 E as E [ 4 Me] | | i laherviewed Mrs: MaryAnn Fontee.at the real ----- ITD CO OF PERTH GAZETTE. bbe rar Ee on r - b x > < Se _ ---- the way nevrewes pv vere be has been living...Ashough we re * otitis ra me ata Sci i Sica hi : : - ------ ~ | of 440 feet in twenty-two aa have already published an Pttended reference VOL. Ti. ' e ~STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY; SEPT. 11, 1878. NO, 148 } the throttle of the engine "wie to the extraordinary fext of 409 days made ' + a . Ms ome ¥ 0 7 - | Sir at the Veta Muss only sustains by this lady, and vouched for by those with ee ree aan = pot mercury of twenty-one Poy whom she kas dren living. daring the inter- ae friends in the evening. tothe city } ---- = = of | ; : i lol returning the Continental Sabbeth--with this differ. | pan ides i 'AL orp . ' Derthe mrerter vat orplied wit the fo) APPALLING CATASTROPHE. | ster om Berd erming of Monday ors | juce, that the London Sabai foe doarset | as something exterct, ot Reet exciswest of | ~~ - we at BELEN. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. trong sine-thittieths of the steihe Pearce oe s0n's elothing 'wea found, Reta observance of the two, and th lia, Itieseid that Newton; | ~~Boys can't keep wtraight so long as they} --A wei sailing in bis ainety- -third year is the at the sen tena density as pumps take ship, York oomty, and is now 58 years of age. | Any English Excursion Steamer | name outef town. It is the thick end ve Hauer and others could, at will, picture | Are bent on imisphi. " a itliags | sahe was con j 4 . | forms to themselves till they appeared w be --Fditors ought to get rich. They always | | Thouas of Jackaonville, aL, obra te being --"H Bun Down: ' Not only is the church "arf a penne ng. 78. i Ft I vé Hf . Ate . ities. A enecessor of Sir John pare and } get bored ~ n a" | reali by | Dr. Wigas records, had the rot Th ich of easesininipvebepanigenin St] Portraits lier k isa great strain | 1 oO ern of a pin, which grew into an | Pive or Six Hundred People parts Be . Drowned. ~ The i 4 ay 4 seeing his sitters t oe Mwise of her brother (Dr. J.-F. Merce) mtieginge fener ie = aco The sien of clea nee wh | rf ; reprodace --The man who loved the watehdog's hon- | CF 7%"! the aane of Dr.John Stone's gi fl _ Soi Te emma yea iter hr onde eal so | a Se a a tramp, | Linton, agit romagy ee from these forma as thens. and | ~The right to be -- and decent is --A «iik manafacturing firm in Lyons, Graves Sy bacon ia toes ancy himel f Raced. and was | ever taker away from a ' France, presents on its silks a = of pricing pie- C orking servant of the |. amd Alice, while made a vor with the Lord that if he wottld | end to London this evening about 800 ream eS for many years in an photographed im prevsioun, ehskd ~ . i the aod was time about years ----ot--- mee; bhe that after her souversion abe waa we nnot "rind prosperity. | _ for anda tho Stanmngers;wun van dows sit shoat 4 | Gian caer eo ch peed tures by the old ma of logs. to prevent them frou tearing the Erece she por devete ger" dedicate eight uclock by a screw steamer. It ix te- am DISASTERS AND CRIMES. oo The sete . Telegr aps Com & Company have the ammenia 7 'he anne aie akin in heer of hydrophobia. The inventor P Ported: theet-hetween 090 amt $00 persons were ; - anon | Opened an office ee cs thee what work He. mah give hér to do she drowned. afford to regard she notion of chureh infloence DESPERATE ATTEMPT AT BUICIDE | Wha as Craigvate, BH. 5. a. has completely drwven ont ont the chills and | oad, to let any mad dog bite st him ld dow 'Mipwiowt.--The Princess Aliee was Lari pape nema ae ene Mowrarat, Aug. 31.---A. D. Laird § | adh of bear ste te ya man teva earth -- maleria that ased to infest | Dt ee ee mainte tall murmuring. She hed from her labips, and k al i i 7 --classes ¢ ug. = waird Rasiont, | and a schooner 7 beer with a ty we localit bate been blunted. A clever man, who The sintered persons drowned is good-natar: sl fistion That oan ordinary ai air " np ysl grate ah mee w despes- | --_---- they get to making sugar ont af --- rd Commune de L'Herault, France, veh peg vdesdb- td to stupely bees entitnated 24.4 intelligent operative 4 the Chart Lo? im | red cae eet nis fer, moot bless M : = } sawdust we shall know what we're eating. 8 priest hae etc scaling their honey and wax ffom Ls i i F ant, when in infancy 1 by the . beth state. He {3 o married ith Rah el Reese, the dead California mil. | of the point of being marred to another man, when. they _puaein. and confirmed st the youser age by. Louse ; » the of | 'whiely he feels no on psa eben | rue and four chikiran, Hv bed toes were | omalre, wont to peddle goods down 'South. | She tock. with her in cash 8.000 of dowry eke Som co re , jaa truth which goes to the very roots of | 4**Pandent state of mind for some time past.| --The Reformed Episeopal given. by her father, day movewents.--London Ksaminer. , Place i & | ei 'hh ult pienic takes : to-morrow. "A fine time is antici- eas sensation of Paris ix an them, and they can salty tik pated. artist named Andre Ciauthier, who draws | at their 7 beieare, while the homey y m4 'The only housework iat some girls do | targe wudienses Ww see him a | drawn be 1s -- they begin to dust arugnd after = | '0 five minutes, a portrait ip six, and two os = = Lino LAWLesayres tx Lowpon. bea: pictures simultansonsly, one with each hand 9 . y : 1 slate --Virieweting Miequsuen. sais Sant 'hight Seuke into the deelling ut | w -- After Sept. 1 soles ms le slot --The Swedish Government has agreed ¢. L e advise this 1 woedeock to lock out for | tie Anstrian request to exchat ~ -- Mrs. Robinson, Fen Mall street. drove ber | jis MS. ng. the This cire has been we Raltinore Paris Letter.) into the street a ber forniture irt : : ee Educatic bliah i We go into the Qaarter St. Micheel, where | store. La mies cont of th Kithd has be. |, A noted Thames carmman drinks « quart | { ie re peated by 5 SS tach e View few spacious mansions, entre colir ¢¢ jardin, | Came quite common of of of milks aday,and to this he asenbes his reti. | are found. and after RAILWAY COLLIAION. taken from the city di find the abode Porrsviiee, 2J.- Teo coal trans co area Spevtaie " ' Anyone who sa "The dhipeeicnyir Clad, in London, wa rendered ha of Mr. Plutot. Hels in. We enter. Will | lided between Locast<iap aod Ainska ye it ia pe marble | get used to pain 'has lirgotlon cently the scene of a new hind of polo match | L--rinsr was posible, The drowned include ap e-| manner moniseur pardon our intrusion and ites | day. Frank Mulligan and Veter Choppers what pain j played pt ict light at 10 o'elock at ----s in nator 7, Jay 1479. to see his astiractions ? ' Were instantly killed -- pole ped alight- a bey who dosen't eave tas euppors for night pe light wae a great success, and s Oeneral H --Fre Chapters 1 Ly E z : i if B 3 4 E F WORAS PRESCRIBED t¥ HISTORY axD LITERA- a. 5 3 Fa : lk = ! li i ' | i zB 4 #FF & BR E g E E i] : wom | On Monday morni will. dren. Several of the survivors speak | Crerar & Muir's office was searched, when « | room is large and lit by & good-sized window 5 ate Three coal cars were "last cireus will have reason to feel oe came wae played, each side taking » are Hist ~Special and more a bung. ) owe, bed : "Mr. Thotnas Parkinson, | that opens into the murky yard we have lished. he all winte: -- The Ne anol d tailed study af a particular period, History af ae being ; bers Ls yy ot oe ed M nageon conn yt nw pagel po ap 7 i she aa Lamour Cr, Aug. 31. aw Enright, ae chow vlns shes the man who tree to solvect-that alas femoate Wwachers who marry Greece, trom the-Persiam, & covered -- hundred wand entelope contained * haven of rest, 'm. Enr , " % beth i jox's History peuple. The Captain os Say $4 bill, aud 62 cents in small change, and a | bric-a bree brocanteur, an old curiosity shop, | who was released mt tee Penitentiary y 2 es soy heavy step SOE AS (Gey AS ne fe ibet oe shall a piend wen: & thrar Groene jay te Reeve pase " . bi ts. aur one ~-Menc? a ts * cory is that marr pera have sup- Maton" : 3 5 ail li norte rive " '. ~ ya Sept) eR VELA Wire| pe ae | viet Coke | Gna em EN a ae steamer. Alithe police of Woolwich town gestive of a wofnl waste of time, canvas, | ness. M | Hable to peg o --The eiz Chinese com rlbsny redler i . ; 4 " panies, which She ragias and arsenal were engaged last night in Inbell-| In the Agr od was = she wateh and | colors and bristles of ol bag oe aseens DASTARRLT ancortxe m ortaw. --A strong graxp of the betokens a | age the asinias ef the Celestial inbabitante Hamthenle "% Soaweunar 'es ' and ing corpses, chieffy of Pog children, | chain which deceased accustomed to enliore indignation. wo Ortawa, Septem Two youy men, | Ureme - What a congeitouns heart a} of San Francireo. claim that the Chinese | Macaulay's historical writings sen ou he George Pren Ted. 1 Ere i Hi bEs Fat Fap 5 Lr FE y : y ij ft E 2 g& F = Ef : gF " H Ef : gr if i a Ny te & tign, a2 Gideon : a si fasting from the Lord, asa sign that Fi?e Fase E i the ordinances. lob . Washing the feet, prayer sala ster must have. al T observing all the ec ~Catharine Marshall, who is always in | Month, and does not -- to go ww the Shakespeare. -- Mache: at he A bled fone af er ged wich. passenger neram on any km E A party wae or- helmets, eieue, pote. yen enands ie two o'clock this morni: trouble, was ested ul Atlantic coast or where - , - mg, the shots taking | again arrested yesterday on ber any olne, 5a paced "Boe cee the Bywell Castle mare she threw ropes to Ginised ised ket the direction of yvonne big that tke boroaoge en the ae effect in the at tn ane ~| old offence of © vagrancy. ~The English Judge who pat war for Johnson _- Rasea ke T. and 1. ta dy, ood po doabi lr will be fend, bat it pay our Face roe der me tthe ° " --Kome. one anya_that '4 bathing dress | another Judge. to sit ous _aduring. recent seine, oe Boswett's Lifts. ay iket on ce aged. ane slenal-smgaen. At RGR) were coming bome from~the theatre, end | Dever tatters yor." ar aoe. Dutt wiki ws trist har teen satel wae ieaiement 6f Johnson and Hatlasa« Constitutional hae caen: @ ony new feaie Ca ve eee: | we sear eanghnstne ba jaaper- ana: uae, Staten by two men, one of whom | you closer than » Denther as thee Hone ee triad tact ts mre sare" erie achat al ema ee, SS eee tiny | mek ne ee a | Tae trea nn | erent Son gn |e err a ean I kf. hates -- = -- ag | Fat "I see Jour taste a seen ths Grane. against Cope. a eee a Oe these Re, Sy canes Cop het cee ane, a HT ng Ae agian the 1S Pill the ober learned J i ins . é 3} gErE E H i F . : FE i Hl A f pi HI i ft af Fo] fe HE t , Ke a SEEFE Eel ft : E i K il s i F ¢ 4 Q A ae E i ie i i > L > 4 F F fg 8 Fp bE i & by H § E ie Fs: | £ pie Py He 4 ah i i z | rl ? bine fil ii E te SOE a Ph teens preseribed in English literature ae ia Sg of thi to harmonize with him I "Perl both "4 Geog! Enuwn had the umd taken from A somnambalist in Herkimer county for the second class and intermediate examin year, ""hllér~ being baptitod "herself, she | process Alien which was sunk, with auch| Were both in the city, and when they | curiosity and taste." {look at, but date not sre Ral only _reesi Bite ede aE: | hin shoes the other ney ta mitered, weston Mee eed waded 5 ft in Oh | eee Dee Eee on aoe . vin on : in Jaly, ' committed suicide their mosaic pavement scraps, indicating Leal rs. hos sweetheart She and her mother » granted. She then fasted five weeks. in n --t. the. wat '3 re groups booting, was Staines as | a mirance abont returg for thet : In history, the cecions, set for candidates | saage-ealilee Castle; Waa cue of the | the latter (who appears ee its wr sine ladiaiors, "Extremely classical!" I nvur: | gh, pesos wis abot nint~ The ptaouer and | t the Torants rs coy ste oP imei id gt 'he tester lite hse. ce balers eer nit Cm att cham raitcte cettifieales | Mgt , hom 40-2 theanber, weesiving his walt f to thre lending Eng: . paraet: negries of Sulphur Springs, Texas,-/ explanations in the mOrning. and procuring | i*h sod Canadian bh: » alxo -of Romau mien to four years | of Bevres, Dresden, Flankenthal, Hochot, Dertnorr, Mich., Sept. 2.-- Yesterd. an 7 pecuid of age was very sekly. to tits of Capra Monte nod are Bete tant ing, Mrs. Gtosher, wife of a Yespeals tt _ rtd rusty, 1877, and it ian't over yet A Core of Kil Ireland, a3 an in. | Punic war to the death of Angustua. O Unb "i " Royal Arsenal at Woolwich shout clot: elements of future wal tout are so se Cain ae shell like that breathing him murdered, his skull broken and a blooly | BAP wearing © a straw bat with 1 'Vite band | ack you to part with the animal. Ship him. eee for the part of Suavestre, at pre- abe agen tated in TET bor Fa fw od The Bywell Castle was then approsehing in fils inition of death ay in ose hands is | ou them would seetm to eddanger their fragile | A8¢ bear by. Christopher amonad 3. He is not fit to have about the place. If soa | ™2t presertbad. The i hy - wer OF fast- i ry > K Inihesa u hb a ape pe again frightfal rewults, last , while on her smiled sridiotcs mil ae anima, toweh, some Corinthian brass bps called to see the injured men shortly after | There a lead oft m Tess with & lamp in his hand to eall pen 1979, Book .-of ths mame poem, € identified xt cal jew' Oe --_ * "Ta astonishment" they atime. © re pn ath Ba Bik ere Wm ef aoe felony, | began oa apcirget: ected" mevting in Feb: | more mui aad clot! bing | a him. history from the commencement af the ~ aad . when he tan WEntion "esl 'on Chi far Jetroit, > ons --When te Apostle Pani said * Al in | Guest « prety try ry a mad ball, said reuch z ticks Nah aa old Pp mer reading pear I i, went te met to Site ous 'hema dey "hes vex re you will iikely kave some more | _ [9 Latin, candidates ma e Eclogars f.. rienst z cli, Meamers were formation, Majotios bite of thé tume of ite emg hie eames. who slept in the carne --A young lady informer tes would be acl fe 3 fo Fai missing with M0. whieh the | lower that the door to her heart was scearely | [isiten killed 6 jie i oid man bad, is senpeeted. belted, whervupon he insnediately bolted for | HH! any person let it be an ng : peer! ar TERRIBLE | DROWNIKG AC ACCIDENT. Diana de Poitiers christened; Pulieay bits ' a ----- LYVCHE: the door. A correspogdent wants to know why nn --~ THIRD CLASS CRETIFICATEA, ik Cheeinn te Satis fostered and de- ALTIMORE, Sept. 2 On Tuesday, » De jayaand nights in Concord" is the | ©O? sever sleep in eharch, We suspect ; . sia veloped inte taste; bite A the | Mike Green (colored! ; eget about 35: commit. title of one of the articles In the Sept. Naeotoes y | that tt ison account of their uncomfortable | ¢,, rat Lickate ae ind Apia Pea ~ Three Young Undies Lose | 5s. Mari Theresa and" Frederick the | ted @ revolting: assault on a young wiite wo- | Scribner, It iv understood that the author ere 1879, will be b based on one or more of the fcl- Their Lives. in the Reader Ship him, and if he ia to riv., VE, Vin, = EX: of "See instead of Liahenan the portion of &neid present pre. E fi EF i i e i if i Laffey at FFLE a Fe il Pi E rug "Eedcte E ' f E i ; H : E ¢ Great ; Rose da man ip Prine _ Gevsge County.> Dhe. same | is unmarried. pie Lead pabbes toil "0 hast-pins i iwxine a 4 hue £ naly twisted a tight th: ze we that the tewitebtogly pepe? bay Marie | day be was jailed at Marlboro.' Early this ey the pre tty one ie poul beaah va Siseleauach sali dav tonaton ald Page bs. The Cond. ate Peuasoxn, Sept, 2.--Albout hell « dozen Dresden and many bits suggestive of Bottcher, | jl and hanged Green to a tree on the pablic } scantry smokehous againet the hi rae : . a -- ladies went in bathing at lower tower} of Harrmg, of Laces dei: Morin and | highway, a istaver from the jail. in the seacm, lyv2. Execution of Mary Queen of Seuts on Saturday evening about 7.30 p. m., humerots others I cannot think of. Peeing te ACCIDENT IN LoNbon. -Tas seta of M Mustrated journals in Eng- t arenes, aod after remai: awhile in the water they " What a hidden temple of art-wurship- t-3.--An pier pet --An etearsion from Ridgetown to Bar- ol ans aed ping." a aay, and M. Platot em leased. eae "works of Perrin & Ca., named J. lington Bead Lb romes off the luth Bevtewte. "No, di i at eeke Symmonds, met with « frightful accident this ee fit fl iF LE re xf if} i a BF i E E | 5 grees Vesheruie: Sadho' bite Smorning about twenty. --Howmely girls have F i He I Hi il; Hf F ander the mc epottree that. ever banished pliysical pain. It can't be did "4 rile E ! t ji EVeE +f 7 4 it: lizabeth. x 907. The Battle ef Keon -- Thorne. 214. Cromwell's Expulsion of the Par- eee -- anges woh mes w iE if 8 f The trains will stop at all stations os far e de : : i i i : te g i ik Li : E ile ect A note or -, in my meeporandam m boot. coe alternoon by contact with machinery, | s¢ Waterfur He had tlitbed. a é i in EX i E F : of copy ladder to atrange some ~HH y to fas 9 0,008 fgg moring | 100 per cent. Ot th 4 0 cont. a4 -- at : Hain tear tial at ol in draning being -- and aud ge - snanevt: re tasty hat Wid' (Ta "first in divided among the i ed carey or Dee ge Ill Thecleroy water, bering got intoa deep hole, on potions again please lism by saying | am only belp- . 'was meee. drawn to | at the Paris Ex ee on, we ia 0b sup Pose you | furty in numbes. and 10 : Th ah ale -- : von : 4 Sata a TET ES PTE NAA NEE ba a oe ere Bball, scribe tomtom ay MP nar a oa ee ae ee eating #9 heartily after such , on' of nat oat rot Dic gprs *e os | German Austrian law se dx the | ally aid oat at inning rhe been r 417. Letter te rhs "Earl al Chesterfield. She went bo bed about {1 a the scene, and another steamer belonging to | }jole fn « half.drowned condition. The other | fem oll book-ealle by sly peeps an. | The young man fel 4. the tuor insensible, "sate of dead 'fish. The fish are Asckeog conn tarned tothe stockh< ae --_-- pees mal the same rompany, also on a passage up the | three were drowned before any assistance | pid for ; how unhesitatingly we note in an | 80d physicians were hastily mmmosed. The | 1). soa and rivers in tanks, and aro killed --Lord Dufferin' bat cost some men a halis century | injured limb was spegdily dressed and, al- alter baimg-sold. - tha otk Speen tod attemtion. ae attracted do we manifest the towst | toe i i : ag at conhd Dames_were ol oa i bat 2 . patter fies a > { Ses povipeeny rymperng = pear, tartlgonse aa = $i Mr. Thea: Leeycar- | oa et 1) shock .and: semaine to-aiaht. cbt a --The wotnan--and all of the sex do--who | eastern townships, by the \beantifal, elear | she ever did in ber ; took meade od people, epee "Boo anguish . Ada Edwards, daughter of Mr. J. Than antiga se Spo shape! Sd bo Picrce acions, the dielars Aire cralal ofthis ---- glances ander the be« = night before retinmg, | Taters of Lake Orford, and, presto! he had i 4 1 if of af fi € r] eee B fF t f i ag F ijt Eyes F EF i : f. 4 apo aS a é i : i | | a, "Chanoer and Dryden and Foon Muac by MoculigidoShabspeares ra be a) 478. From" Jatas Cesar." Shek: spears Seene from the * Merehant Foes hea} wenad - by the train stopped and | eved shortly afterwards, and will be iaeerek to- | houses of information chiefly wayplied. ° * An CAINE IM Loxnox, ost. evidently pap Ping capone = oe proverb, © * Look Se ee he and sis: "the } siay.- Muely sympathy is felt for the bereaved oe onan 5 ators pet sleep. wot itor a hetin: He act Nt Ataris was | reiations, T venture ta ted nae: musician, was usnailod on Queen's ayenue ~A woman with seven rings on ber Sngers | ( let as at long and low river stoamer, " It does; but bere is what pays, but does | last night by an anknown poceen, and re. | Hever teaches across the table to help herself, "s cage Tom Mot ni ni sake t | { Venice." --Shakepeare i i --_ a quickly remarks » little man | ceived a fearful gash on the head, whieh | bat she takes great -- in stretching her silo epptnaahig iets athens Richard IL" Shak. middle and lower classes-of | $A} ACCIDERT | Sf. spo ache Ushers me intoan inner room. .t! An! | he dost a great deal of "plod, ane wives + took aru to pase the oni - a = Es wn sbout thrusting him sway, - From = i : . - thisis my mint, sir," says he in a surtol | several stitches to close up. --- The lndies at 'the watering places never sheeids eaaalien. 5 pote ant ie Ascari shook 485. From * es "King Richard UI," -~Shak her carrying gicefal laugh. Mary Aun Comer wne Bined a0 y fur | wore Moskisigi "x hen they went in mage -- aon parting sa his wend! epeure Perch "y large. PP) B oMan and 7 Team | Killed oe it, good reader. A goolly size | keeping a house of ill-fame. Three tn tntaates | until e few old mani s, with stone-bru ovens = hand 187, From * King Heury VII."--Shak = ' vm, dark, pumeel. soveshiovd all over the | were fined $6 and costs one their hash, set the fashion. . = cla . i if & H il i Est HE E by ; F F E F <PEE i é = . sna, deur } i. slippery.all over the aie Denby was--up-on + "SET Wtdson' boUw! have had miomey a "i Garnet Waleshey neeoiily book aux EW 0 ve done thei: and 7 i eh million pogad«' sterling to Cyprns to fos $38. Hamlet's Boliloquy on Death.-- ee ne ee a ea at | BY FALLING "OFF A BRIDGE, | 0%, (tive that have t daty nating edetetive. for "Tor the prem $n'gc $0 college when «boy the world would | the couttreetion of bartecvert cakes hetero Ristaows. part ; ele ¢ | are ready for active service again, eda af ally searching the house have known nothing of him save as a stzuke ment works, The influx of adventurers is | In Bonnechose's Hoche, the whole of Part already large, and reuts aud provisions have | 1. and Chap 2of Part Il. are re- i = E a F rE g £ running to veteran coffins and sadly wounded; old | F 7. ith oar ue after part. Beyond the fact that the Carmanrees, Out, Bept. boots labélled in carefal ehirography and | bat his we sonther, brother ane Fai "Brutton i . " wait New York courta make " vioent | "#en enormonaly in price. A corres lent | quired for the latter half of 1974, if Souvestr: naswed MeCal i, in the caspley ms Taylor & erg ag the left off ones of ~al ame --_ fo prove an Judgment ae of the 2 tongs " @ cause for divoree. This says that for a suite of dirty, dilapidated, and | 's omitted. ' . das i rotect the vi le eo wat DO in cy ar ant rooms, whiel ald be beneath Toronto, August, 1878. and sooner than a screw steamer, | his wile. wae di his team and daring leips Tato the mus of! Jobn King, of Petersville, charged hia wil wind pirgoses LJ Se lerhon te) ce ee ae s pang prwtyed tok pa beer to Daring the long | which would be borne on the tide, it is im- his wi " ae ring hi on tn new cual enraged of indiscreet benediets oho had been | with assaulting him ene a frying-pan : She ° | o8 va the Trent at steps at midnight. fier sloswhere in the civilized wordd, $1,500 Rees Ss pone ance ate ae 5 -- cmd possible to discover any ei 4 at the chest eceediog, usar the ala' tered by wrathful mothers-in-law ; | proved that he had violently a wr hor pe --A tooth-brush that sheds bristles wil] do | "208° i* charged. Sickmess already exists | THE FINE wromy ep TRK seA. . al as opts jy | diately preceding the collision. Before the thia evening, on hie way home, | Glotinons, snaly, slimy andtie, bright, piere- | viously, and the ease weadeeberged more to cxasperate a man than anything else i WOR. of that. Her pulse and heat 7 | boats came into collision were cries | when it is supposed, owing to the darkness, | (n¢ #7es ; salvos of groans ; 2, grewls and A woman named greet who in ad. | We know mw it be drinking soup at a | "°! many have been sent to Malta for eure. daviner thins ties, very te were. | from one to the other to out of the wxy. | the wagon struck against the frail of | ®bines from mangy, lean and --- dogs | dicted to drunkenness, last night ternal her | tablo with one leg shorter than the others, --A small Greck veasel, loaded with pow. blo waste of boly ot strength | 18¢ scckient was probably to & misun-| the bridge, precipitating the team and oceo- | SR*wing the air ; glans cases of living snakes; | three children bat of psu in the storm, The horse probably tives who will yet | der, lately approached Mamdruka, a village of was cliegrvable at the end of hee tent. To derstanding, one misinterpreting he intention | pants to the bottom of the canal, a distance | Wicker baskets of active rabbits; cages of | where they were found by « sailean and | trot in 2:10, bat after he does it will the price | Turkey in Ana, in order to dispose of the (From the Wht prevent any euggestion being made that she of the other, All the rules of sailing were cast | of 14 fect. Both horses and MoCall were | *Hetric moving squirrels; traps of moribund | removed to the Central Station. She was | of flour come down, or will street-car drivers | article fo the Bedonins of the coast. Tur. see no leper coukl get food at night, anknown to the -- bree y nee aoe taking | killed instantly, and Mra. McCall, in addition a ee ~ pan mao and Fag roa anaes examined to-day, and remanded fur ae ee anxious to bob-tail passengers into ore! ae gatherers at work in the 7 wrong a' other's blunder. | to } ' i. | " phy gical i men! = aw i? weigh borhoud left = thet eed, aI . iL . ca Princess Alice disaster i cons epookane nen "er | man bal indifferently and hai proaly onye, #TRANGR ome ri A Bask mat. «There was divine service and a leeture i the nog ' and are ; any sanntel ny 2 selighle rhe never went out without a mem. |') -- -- 2 comet ig dciiniieedenmen |e. Fivlveetion, oh!" 1 matty ena. Unica, ---- "At Boonville, this | the Schou! Hoase, Christ Chareh 'Cathedral, the | Captain not to ne ea Mt | om his grounds ls artificial rout pond wie ber of the family pen nyt ~ the projection of & int of i Seesekben eenesy « Biz. thtalimensed Sint cane eo gana Ato Bar. of this city, iz last Saturday evening in 4 Soany of St. Bar me ly be killed le iV - | contains at 3,000 after Mrs. Pearce | 4) on ine at Woolwi r? . melem Yerovar | "What ch ae while catehing in a gam: base ball, was hi t tholomes, whose feast was commemorated on cortniney 4 ue Captain re- weighing irom ah shalt to two wands each > ee ens ae aoe - Se ani em, nra pga | ashes eo le pk | a. fl ey an feb und | Fs Santer Jar Alice crosard i _ ew ae ey aN t to give himself the trou of waty pved ln nek 'to: the pleenet, ad ~--It is a fact demonstrated beyond dispute a tthe gerade poe: plone ate goog of age, who may ell be called te the queen of proper course. wonton in books when living subjects are to drop: that the person who is cutirely alone chan blows into the als " ~ | the «pee aties. This little miss bas tour | ter lights were by the = . : hand r DARING ROBNERT tm oTTaw slipping Soap on the sidewalk ie mere hart i succeciled in training the fish, so that ahe ' hearty meals. And when our reporter say) 0) ioe of the lights of her powder magazine Sir Coutts Lindsay's scheme might. in a| persis a motor root, whereas the poster- Ortawa, Sept. 8.--Abont noon "youd than if he were-sucroamded by scores of aa The London Jewish Chronicle saya that oan go to the edge « of the pond, "ait with a Lon malas a she preees & and being ; . sense, be described as "as competition be- | ing coe in made up of sensitive file. daring robbery was commitied in open ie feeling people ie Congrees of Berlin will, it ix anticipated, | handful her chal in excellent bealth spirite, Bywell Castle the latter was upon her before tween the art galleries and the church." The men light at Easton's storehomse, on the Canal --This is the ssamun when @ political ean. Po # beneficial «fleet not only upon the | fat s nand. The feb have learned te jump up \ / E a 3 4 m1 it : a e igs Ps Fy 5 j LF E48 i i E ES & AM Btetle Giet Paved from Drowning by word impli aaa of an attract. . on Basin, While Mr. Darton waa away for a! guint on : ' - Jews of the Danubian Principalities, but also, | out of the water and snaieh a worm from the circumstances surrounding it were not plied. laiaad jon exercised by either rival: and, if the Lon- edge 5 an hay eed at rier i -- padre short time, two goon men broke into a win- ae -- ven a Oe Ggure co vole pire ultimately, apen the a iota Sie The Somers. eecta ee fond of -- wesbs Boveste of thm, ho sti edhapes te aernenade que vary SeutaL oteat ten tabmenee in pie td oa "the Priner of Paria purveyor to | 40% on the upper fas ant aan, Saas Of the seutence will by given pest day atter-| ian Je er trom om act, they be wai ¢ made « m. y very limited extent), is plain. mae alien and sete ai , tival restrictive laws. In ao conversation | littl queen, On Th little } nord greapeenecceaniaer froert Sea a pot iar A DELIBERATE SUICDE. To the Grosvenor and other arg oA ne aly, cute o worm jar tuo,e pooket- hank, in 'which sas 9300 tes, No na ae wala tat ub ch baat which ove of the wrimelpad mem! hers of th » | one i standing near he of ey f come to see her-- there have beon quite a | eta: Shaftesbury i8 | buteher al: eal +, | Money was obtained and the papers will be 1 THAR khe cheese business WAS | Jewish community of Berlin had with Count | where water was quite doe a * paaihan--aive stxiven to tensa' Shaie. GIVE THIS TO MY PATHER."|:,, 5) Mike te defen th a a bage « sant; never more lively ow. We've seen ie a ' : The extraordinary ave gc given rine to | ,, Sr = aosatstenie tlf_-you do not follow P ishin - r oad Per st opts = nn at " nome ME PY ives. cow cinas "Amerie The een An re r ovinend a friendly wnby cts she wuddenly lost her balanee, quite a sensation amoug the medical fraver-| "I Have Gone to Drown | our manner of spending the Sunday, ie weer did but {doar sop _ i was discovered, but periaps there's been an | disposition toward the Jews, and trom the | pitel 4 » apd nity, a number of whom went to see her dur- Myself." shall not feseting in hin eloquence.) " Yon improvement. conversation which ensued he showed that | that she '* wert away down, beetles."" (Yes, that Ido, 1 say boldly and | by W. F. call ~ --The who believes in weather pre- | 48Y 'eaeares proposed for the joration | something underneath her, and ashe y a Om the tote re one "rags upon by dictions ad hed 3 detier ar prepare to get himself im. | Of the Russian Jews woald hare hia hearty = to the surface, where she pat I ever, tically.) * You eateh flies." (No, | Bennet, who was adem had y. | Mile « different noder- | *Nevuragemen © support, nage test and say.) " You indiseriminately kill | ened to violate ve in a . oe re | suirta. ot meg ney mildest prediction | --Worth, the Paris man milliner, is not for pcb Her 'cries quickly he loft it. Bennet tee The coroner's | *@# for weather which will freeze Lake | Frenchman st all, but a Protestant English- aod were horrified at seeing jury justified Hosmer. Ontaric twenty feet deep. man with a Catholic and Parisian wife and Tithe girl floating upon the suriace of the im. MoCraney, who ia pred Gris | S70 sons just ont ol college. His home ia ot bar prone i pry qalekly' to the wader" + air, an eae candidate for Halton, said at a Sarit, aT the gay capital, im- i her f a his treasure, SINGULAR TRAGEDY. mediately tnder guns of its chief defence, water a a night that "be was dose 3 nervous Port Mort Valerian, which the } f an insane _ addressing . jermans were found Viviesetor, and I begin to feel uneomfor-| A Clergrmam Mifle Mie Semin. | Por the very good' reasons that most cf Wil. | {led to reduce in 1871. flere he pliys the | faithful subjects of the little queen, as she law k ae ' ad rE! BE! £ i E 5 2 i i a 2 F & EF zs nae gf HI {Be extee i f i F E g ; g =a" g: z E § E Z t E f ; rit j i i k bFs i T. i i f i af Ht ee | ii rE i : : F E £ H itt if it rel : or A. very singular and painful tragndy wae on two lines contain: "Six million botties of jost--or the owners Litsh * , modes to be ; A ~ " ve sald in the U 4 Forth' . eve cy Pare ts be ha we can ' pay for their being | L. -F xestore them. days age, In which the Rev. Dr. Wade | jast year." Bat as long as the birds , thrown open to Worth's employees, 'the | bave rents #! re ones em a i Me js on-in-law, Maj. wom x appearing i e p heats ppose people will love and take the | his store, pas cits ieimaed ing to the | "len they remember that their angacity aa It appears that consequences. great milliner's direetion queting the life of their little ae 2 E é : 5 i i i i : i tid ef Peek Fit Hf i Fe 5 F BALE Aa t i i i --Whee Figen under a microscope ed te . w, sting of a bee Presents a polish ot en Apropos vegvtariag 5 -- Woman's ophere--A A monsee is 4 worman's bea ly. bat when 1 place ni is the end of a man's asa ee well a both ab: | fear | on the se aa 'rebtall stan Ly {riftia meat } Trelawny, --n tia arom struck . 5 file dipped | in Titelol, sol beings eat Wende as | in the recently repabliahed 'records, relates | gount: tong intaie sey = ak peo as 8 grindstone, that Byron, in bidding good-bye to him after = The al IF pert ; " Truth ia not drowned by.water nor de. | 8 Tid@ one evening in Haly, said: "Can't ask egies." er "great many stroyed by fire," bat -~ve've see. Tam -- who'd be ara To which Trelawny replied: "I ~--New satin ribbons are doubledaeed, the stand up and make wash of der is ined the Shelleys.' His is less a vip dirnpr pion mers dark crimson with « F I I F sf = a E «hi HE z E E r 5 i F analogical viviseetion.'> antes M. Platot; I mnst go [ SEF i Fe BE § 3 ; uu i _ MALLUCIAATIONS, E iH f i z i FH it fl. fit The Scientic American saye : =e cent lecture |. Maudley striking feature observed by Sten 1 it 5 Ff ft i Fi ig i i F 58k i i edneation : E F ir af q : Fj i | rt Fel i ? fl i it if