Stratford Times, 25 Sep 1878, p. 1

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: or" : rn: ef ° ' TTI . eek ts ' oe natin eat ae ional ts bocce rapide Bose at pens ties eocapamy $4,000. - it looks very meoh as @ Vis le aa attompt to- ber of eames sof rublwre wre imclisled in the --H. F. Crawtord, ex-agent of bey 2] tance Co, af Detroit, laa E rie. iz oF iz is ar i the former being the of offset o eet. a! Engiveasasa, Mr. J. 1. Bell, of Len. } bye. ome t Abont a pound, madam." a * And it was a young bog i you can eut the rind off 2° « Well," she says, heaving a you sigh. ¢ steak welts tow ely + half an hour = com are hastening the Alps. ager be weil to tell tourists that the famous Aipios barn bs * 1 jethe eon eee wee T Praber. af i toward 8 cocktail, ~--Hobert Peaker, baer had his ng Bean Milton. tutjerity of ~The umported dresses are short for the street. No lady's wardrobe ia ow couplaté ithont 4 short, walking- adress, opt fey before : . ~ ns seme ss By hia Fone letter eas and it will be some time matters ~ ; iar: a " -- in his reeent . about s peng ag BOE VoL. TL STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 95, 1874 NO, 145, | Sarge in costume Which gentlemen will re. Phe brivtee at Rebeon's farm. London Koad sarcasm : x id " eae Eecphaey. Cane Woes "I be. is im an impasenbdle condi = -- a ~ -- " = rapt oc a ae - ecient \ ; eerie te th 'of reser. ~ T sow ausira ALMASIAND REM LONDON MomE | TINTED TRETH. | SER RE PESAS SE ts | when Tooke = set, I read > pannesina as CLEvPATHA's NEKOLE baal sare coeurred.' This is | ation to quit the prog Sanne a is comeenernes a the wet weather, the The sutvewadinge wt-she eo Voung {nr Vachionable Belles: Dyeing Masonic. 'being sed at the ie aia yes Erected on the Tatecs Husbustueret ter Pr tied nin th 'thts ee oe cakes aaeincagat coe pry fy ag 4 ' Amevicne Prima Foo a Mew cielht Waeity Peteone Bro, Rob, Morris sends an interesting de- | ey"s book" Throagh the "Park €on- + a -mamy-yoains, eek thacMadne Seonn tte Lqine media atkiok mana: a Tnesday, Ist October. Bite 16 Adorus---2.ipe Shas Ave Tee | gertneion of the Christian orders in Irelered, rts rally creating prpermens Aiton te tf fetal cman revolation in costume is esiming. "The Chiel of P Police ix to be superceded. | shin ta oe te to years oe ates | Svslactal to hee where he recently visited, to the Voice of ae po on net or arionent tag ml So ls toerton, Sah 14h,-1eze | The feet io. we often jusmps from one extreme to the other. mares Gai seiide tor veins wethn er } out ths wa that the great ever undertaken. The nae digeovery ai tia esutes be colebraled obelck known ax Cloopatza's | os. © the ving measare of of whch mag-be certainly almost an rcs | & go ~-. MILTON... in'Kensington Square is He color their teeth of the Knights Ti ot ol the Nile and hia 'he At Need! comefnily moved into am up. | @atimated by the fact that the Highlanders | much farther in the premeat style = anbioned and roomy one within Piri P | black. and 1 and the he tashionshio ladies of N ator Britain dates of April, 1873, - c. pday sae ear the J steve pg position at at half past three today. The pliget to abjare the kilt by might and | fitting costumes; then, again, the Ath { Halto 1 $2 | the birds im the Palace ews; ti haed. | haw 4 now commenced dyeing theirs in a deli. | when His Royal Highness His extraondina trom the perila of | ToTH Cceupied halfan hour. Vast arowds of | clothe themselves im tre the in. | Found skirts are most enbesoming if made Voted to the 20h Semtalion b te aaeing in paying | somely furnished atyle. Mr. ve-colored tint. A reporter of the New | Wales "Master of the United | 5)... Chago and ier sheng parts spectators were preséut to wa thin inter whieh infests their ¢ quar. ~fitting | s T am decidedly of eo primase mal Alan a Lather and earliest | York Mercury, having tsconad its inte Onler, and Her Majesty became patron of the are tally described. "bat 'rere og verge es alglit, and aes river was burdened with . Yrrus fewer is by oO means g | tist dresses will made "very At the Sime teeting artnet; Mr-- quiunniilemasens Seat the Grad Master ane tht | etter we ee haan Lami # bearing busdens of hamanity, There | mibl one, even though it be siuply of the | sod puffed out, Empire style. Ladies that Kerlie moved, swconded byMr. Menzies, that the ehtitkement Miss Lajeunesse, the | taxon; 4 ese onthe a pd 3 bai: arwenof the om and thy a at the Wlightes . "hin in the under. . oun the ATO, O80 HAY, Dein Seiten, will be grieved and the pareiifey law to provide mt for pay- | Diva's sister and inseparable companion | nubject when the following conversation en- j Jusalaba, Here is an extract We haihed : ; ot_Levantion Semseet at BY Pen. a a of the prmeipal and ir , Under by- | the porsan whos fluent flogers rans «ver anne: ii pearance with shouts of jax. apd Treated Noe Sorvanotsial hel eee etranged the Selichied a Py eg? -- po ew § No. 100, to raiwe by 'ony he ee keys of the piano while ni seantincs re engaged tm ods 1 oe: ie 'be ie. ' he | Qccasion, bat Mr. Grantham, M.P.. Reval mir aa MISCELLANEOUS NOTES dehghted at the idea of the artificial . to aid ih carrying into effect oe er seales and cane: She m modest little gt red, . understand," said the reporter, on eS Pe " Genetal siver heron awe cae, Aptee st Vio be prosnt; was calied pou t : whieh the next fashion will nations "te conn Triste; be tnt eh |" What has caused this strange idea?" "1 | hence the juriadiction of Grand = Master | 1.¢ ent poli. 'os a. Z ifmoust Kijime ahont make ane. nileman cumplie A, ) you that. ~~ non --e ree of tw < « Sastrene -- --o REARED 1% A CANADCAN CONVERT, __ ate in Sloat of von ( a ions, Great py na in} feet--abure the ralley._| otha at dc deny tua = i hist f | a pn tng br € Che -- an _ Tunis sa otk wd ate from Hor pride is centered in Emma, , directly beat | the math actoss th rane ihe " a ho i 2 the works of Isaac ¥lurmeli :--" A false re. mustn't mention my name); bat my syutem of fate and the Knight T bean sarees over by the Freneb ge pernene at «ins t be eens STRATHROY. & fixed income was assured by trieal > , Lubyeya ridge; from itn base the plain ort, if beliewed ai ; may be wf engagements, imported from Albany, where | "4 ' ite have ealled a me for it, _ a o of Great Britain are a highly in- alopx owes home In the ted off | gue is of intricste machinery at a cont of A new idea for wedding- breakiast in | great service to a Government." Sraanek 'so iz 3M 8. a Irland, te al pede ved eines 1084, bee haakee Jens t eaei ont refnee nen 8 Bx | Soe neato 4 aly. din giouk vive auncase or nce atmall iy : 000, avd the t Lawton mogument, which} England--ia » coarme--is an ad- | sulid lying and i truth there in a ; and si the latter ander a | Custom of coloring women's teeth ye pilgrimage to the ely ith a | freee verdare of trees and sedge. Least af ouly £15¢00." He pad « higheces ¢ cummment from the char to wane pleat | iterenre to writers skilled ia the 'ard . a al y £15. e « high com- x by, where beeld. ol gue ivi ' pianist writer . likened it even her to the Mimussippi, as oo Pre ree "pot wens © pleats & by deceiving them. . . ietiawe Say shdiaie, on topo ae, poy vw know, from China. iz rm = frend ' re Belfast, st Glasgow, and is os ties ee a. Salant PF penn to F ee goons con cons Mae: | ha) -eluiidabie lone North. |' There is no eles of polits he ts quantity ot what he ried | athe passes through the hall, ae Py eorfort- rgd ' ples r . ere | Missouri pours its rusty Sewits ¢ water inte it. - | Carolina te be . leans to a -- jo Seve oan = i we the bought « 4 pe * and I believe it is a mark uf the most aristo- | entertained by the Great Masunie publisher congratulated the ntry upon her ne Ps 3 Ke pot_waiting to ae able dining room with = pict air of | cratic elu fhe lower ctu women | Bro. K: io response to the toast, | A **eret ri nA soul as} gazed Up8 | pomseenun. Ozer Wier little enYliosasm was Oe ene -- th 'i ag tig 4 7 pr cetnel the: oe mein vg «od ~The ee a the etre + Ome | ten. tuath teriss chien o 4 "i hegreat myatery that Eaul . will agree with hatha bie abit given as es . in nice management its ate it. ae afta Swe ome fenwtng roves, ixthat" ho isin the saloon sriet tee nae a poy * se lors: Wobshgtl Braet "Rte ali-t had kept hidden en aaa 'Gupaulins t stem a rine imannwity toc it» qualities, and its more ntly nick, bat aid not suspect tine of the sixteenth century. | know ; but a gentleman formerly engaged in | ning, 1 think this | S07 foes the of -wlence wan © eps mete ron ie chet ot Gieee tat T = an on entered a} dts. frols invective to putt, amd -- invendo come Fortanately, Dr. Hing The farwiture i ta of ebony inlaid with ivory. | posiness at Shanghai is selling the dyeing wh evening will mesigutne the fact that in my be solved. For 230 miles 1 had tallowed abore the yroand . in James sirvet Te other day, and f= -_ was soon in é, and under bis taposing nd babuts in the | stance here. ; ' Solving cup alannah ri pt of the sources of Livingstone to the con. x clerk that her hasband ied Tapulous correction of « lie which they had ment Mr. Ireland is getting over the Finer place of ets ard chiffeniers. The curtain expensive ; #0 dear, in fact, py cay Indice I have a very diffoult task to 7 oe 5 now befure mm: the super SvOR. GF THR wrONK. ia stomach, she | tbl by another why they are teliing, and wr The whe lo foray ge fcc and m ings are in crimson le. | of : are of the toast makes if still more dificulte zivee iit My task was to follow it to the Oaly forty-two obelisk ired to get an epidemic to . ies mingle to triple lying to overreseh theiroppan- a Toe © Settoes are rabeed'} sear the walls, In the for that cf Anglo-Saxon masonry ie ons' je had still a mules to | At Larnak four ar rim. ents "~ Pintarch tells an amusing story, in meer the fungi had been pd. for 't the of Fontain: caps tly pere are some li BALTH ARE ABLE TO FCRCHAKE IT." which must make alloar hearts barn while traverse, and he seoomplished his task, bat | tet ine * ® j his way,of the ress of & . table, them = Henri LH. gallery. Mixed with them Bat what - me eg of this dyieg | ~~ wo respond. It is ayteet be in iteel{ | 2°t *ithout severe loasen, the juceny lasting " nad pes agi has gota pew plague--« ® | which wan contrary \ wishes of the - and scattered stat ar ern Samat in joo? Ibm teeth repulsi that J amp afraid in re iy to it 1 can | {om the middle 'af Oct ober to the middle i twelve are at Ron me ee inne gest being at th fe he which only appears oy night. j ernment ; the unfe reporter SIMCOE COUNTY, vation visitors tc He i * Nat oxaaty., : have trregulae searealy do more than ox the fact that || Ue next ag Churet of St. Jone tetera. Florence eon. | has ne a appalling appetite a panishmea ke the rumor . ne the cidevant naee of Aibani and still Ih look more afterthe dye agree aA prenipodh t uttered | The Nell Gwynne when « little girl | tains two, and Constantinople, Paris and fe mble to determine ne peat manning even | thougn at last it pro «It i the The a5th lithinel trend, peotives strapggss it ¥ eruuneon ado been applied. They have to put another;en by Brother Phibeleh and to thet: Brome oranges in a the pet Lane Theatre, wane each. In England there are five -- | "Ua was the nature of the grain sewn «here | wame trick that i playing which was formerly McKenzie commanting, are now in camp at | ing room. Bhe ma kindly tar Their tips to make ~ " teak na early tiuiew in' this * and the eariy and afterw © one of the most esha. | & y, two atthe Hrtisch Museum, one at | thas ben at we ved ; it inthe v » . only it is Barrie, performing pd annual drill, The | & tinge of reserve in her eo "Wh im astine pale as popsible. You k that ti ing times in this try ; bave lo the ated in England. She made hir'}'*Alawick Uastie, she fouirthent fem caann ona "} -=~DreJoseph Kidd bommwopathi« ply extibite} by new acto wire en regiment has am | an with mew oni- that the perwn calling is duly authorized | bas been going on armnong women jor many t a pagnificent illustration a Anglo- debut in the "Indian peror" at the age of | Dorsetshire, bronght there by Wiilam Et summoned from London to tlunh, is ia that the trick Fortns, ual presen -REpearance. takes him into.asmailer salown in bine | years past. m came the of] Saxon Freem , Eanting cut of the infamous Hochester bax thus | 4 friend of Lond Byron, he it Beacasivkd, charged 100 | *lt continue playing a long course al years. His Grace Arehbts hop teeth administered | and white, whieh teeth, Which was a preearions Tunstly ene: question the antiquity of Freetiasonty in | #22 lized her in setae: most famous now sta m the ine J forthe penod of tin absence hat the p pualie oatier a good deal to the rité of confirmation to forty-five "eandi- TRE DITA AND NEB SUSTER eae pe Besides it rai the England, I would ask you one minute to go fata eal Sar Nady caren ll inal. @mtankwent. This tater obetick j from bre patients. Hie practice is eaid-to be} Sue by it. _ L ) aVariab) ' mm « et all si . a om Roy et in Bh acy ©: | have made their masie and sisting room. Yoo lin aimee peo : raite dang - st ae ae te Lag Meer beer jae TI ol ged to vag pis at onda, to ehich * . tac. v7 y at 'ie : ani eae the bab once it is the habitat of a lyrical ster. pei id wh Gai * | remember that from Daniel 's Grand . in Ge weeering pe me t di ib place ° cis A bird atting on « telegraph wire ia not | WELJL0A%2 6. VANDRS@QL.I® Pees. emploredon the' H- | Crowns won.on the of Ta Salle. Venta- Ladge of 1730 down to the Grasd of | The tovely frnit, «nding with streak 2 On. Theagh named alter Cleopatr Aarmed by passing eurreuts of electricity VASE CAR as tu Stayner the | done, the opera houses of St, letersbarg, Ma- a RAPE RIMES T. y oral from the Grand | Fate now for ber sid its mh ate fos } watt oe es Lid -- ~ bed = _ generally wupposed, Binds are often Riled ° vinnie of Jiaviog been robbed Koh: ¢ ¢ities are inmg round th He prod woe ae contai an | Lodge of Atabama down to Ww. te f frst a vaxal va ee oe donal oT he nn, | bY cing m contact with the wires when 'From the Trey Timéa) citi gna nd ota while he was jes are wuveral and ef filled | entirely coloriens fed. ~ Dropping very Sette } Terntory, not forgetting Ledges of zbdougsctrsat een forth fo sag beta ob 7 be , Seaprerlar ian mash < Que | tring. t half as 9 o'clock thi travelling sloms ta fond neat the Greeabush with eee triskuBek«, il ona it balf a dozen | British North America, there have sprang ' peti ae ; ane rape hy ae = obeliak | Maxie Reed. of Lawrence. Mam, aged = ai trad oa Rigg ge --e dake at 1 tre aad pees throagh | a group in Se shut rate times over an { teeth. five somnedbng Tike s million asd a haf Fro. | [hits Hart sl Hanley soul she di en erat | 17, wished to die beeanse of the perfidy af | Tnran Sopot. ge stra ol three ree special hora: ware, hin face : ry senting Yost wenknn a Fe eT dee minutes Wie white outar' "or Wate any a a ENULANY OND THE NERDLE her lover, bat abe did mot tke to a fie | cars, containing the horses and equipages of 7 aneue. t heed village elvan a tifal rose tin he tation, and [ am ane 7 brother here will And Daaty summer pear ber birt | Tlie Tatty wae ofternet-ter the} 4} nttetienber Sasha casa show} Willinae He Vaaderbils goad pritate Asa inan named Tarner yas working show eT ee ire ther wa sunple. | handed the net tu the reporter aud asked hima agree with me that Anglo-Sazon Freumasonry | The hinks awoke and wake! the a7 | by Mebemet Ali tn INI9 and was astray fe fevaon, and xk regular -- = week drawing-room ear of that gentleman. This a threshing mac machine on the farm ul Mr. J. She fadaled ia ni stecuiy sai "what was ) to br the teeth. bing went a in «yrabolically - ean! ncus and riaa- And Sowers awcke and wake} the eortin tHthe Britis: (Gorernment abd ay be} r phynician calcete ai the ot lage itn eaperb coach is aed, the Vandertult. Bia > . ae rT beets Penne ere ae poe pgp saw diate withous lightest sft us pau ee ae. whieh unites 'auth he. what op fer ine | Subse. | in time to expose it, but ox ald tot have her le with every 5 improvement, and projecting bolt at a cvaplir the if the reporter. TRUE Ward ty "the News" and, + Parhows toate mt late. part ol Nees smd, "pin or terete ~-5 Ps, is wer the fi "ebtablo Lae oe mm half 2 secvod al = pan og se trent-viz rena pe ' wheikess the: Tal containing Tes: tua cy conmects +» Pole with the A gest} lan sings on wrery tree jae ' a te timngings Sherape § atrewemenr "alt "Hej ky he 9 ? " -- et SP. the ali attire worn by Adam 2: | dered, when Mme. a the | very strong but by o ao mene ae toplamant ot South, warmed from the Raéf a led fromi the wwester hit GV mana. f le ties ae. fw bene + beak gots + The treche-are Mecetogetend ate pied + prior to their Fall. Tore her, tou 1:30 to 2 in the after- | «mans wis vial.| West, May we indeed all sve that it is only iy o'r the plain be ster i is was thon off bs the Crystal Palare | Cat abe baa tbe smiio om bien whea be stands | wiseels. with eaeptin walls & fine ine jonruale, foe Se neOT, singing | cost stved deflers. maid ra taper c ether eeonaaty Adie wert iengpany bus doctined with thaphs It waa | | kding a Gueccupied « 7 WATERLOO C COUNTY. days, Wd werr eaticely decoted to hard | tiet. Wha! ives charge for an applica! Saxon Freemasonry that we remain trae to "mise fit tat ier ue ground frem iid to inte, eth Wieland a) cing ¥ sue Eiotn~ Sieh Albani, bet the acts, takes a cup a <i dyoung substance?" asked 1 Sporier. our cotors: With your permission 1 will at ngsits . land it was deelar. | bens tu pall the re emit « pon fire--te ® | cLeskt bouiltan; made ne sorting to 2 Ereneh dentint evaded anaweting the" -qurstion. ig chown. thhe wuedihe benatent euality,. feeh in: Leas ik we of path it on through." MALE | ecipe, spooudul pe for sch an sosticntion in in 'propor. | We havein the aor prereqainites of Pree. anh pare i pte be © 'ere papa cae § ware © base ~Bhrewd = feith inga nak At the close she drinks 4 pint of parter.. She | tion to the price of the sa! he" sald, the fone of the . 'That never raised ite hewd sor ¥ savaged Wise guare- | eeutage) Take an accidentinsurance | tunuel, aad the other the ve ner takes a great. deal cut < ~ And the other substance by whieh the lips | via. ; 9%, just; 4 a ht; 4, free, Chambers Journal mentions fact teed to Fetuare the chetisk to London at: hin eee sir?" OP rt )* ze betwres Albang. and ret ani whitened, what does it cost?" " O, that | ntiting in 'aith. Hope in eonnestion. with some of the great poets, | OF etpense. and the watrect was awarded | f Well, wir, ti has gone wrong be oar' is sompeeenae fitted op with tigue and emotion. . Her organization in that | outs or ing, Com white | Charity, compualng the s Trlaogie all -- which ie that their homes shoald have deen | #Mlz. Joba Dixcn, ogee bore ung the eat | twit thes and London for the jas fourteen } "ss and sleep r perhaps ia. the. or pearl white or rice | to the tireat piverec, whom hones tay at time or | Bate m cylioder wea bust | toute, apd. by the have the next ! ith 2 shal as ant ee are repal causes of her extronié c the } will do for that . it applied." | we all love and ober. 1 greai aay Ssatieiiioan; pang beoas around tie monoliths, aud oe ba. pon the np line is hovendas 2 Ay. : aby a unl , Jake of the t amy side of at ye rade and, =e ii Poise. emery iy payor ie thie pelle sed be *0 | of this description ; the honee in which Moore | sacvessfnl attempts i was 5 then depo! P Fe the rear ia a ¥ yeh triamphing han! ng e _ | great a tone Ang' on Free | was born a whiske nop ; and oM TRE ' <nox with alserity. -- Pune oo oh either side. North f acrniggy a after the content where ai ve passed her ehikt- | par eo rat oly fies pail masonary," for I am persuaded more itis.| ley's toe Grea t Meslow. oe nN on vemme] er staining the ote ink 'un Dav ty a | ladies were seated, hood.--Lomdan of thera, as | can swear to, use: studied and understood the more it will be Even a Tene nee at Nethe atarted tra Ale tandria in 'ow of the aa oe ing lod. ie ty ill in nian { along the ronte. The deenpants of the ear _ ine culetanen, tal ab aniline weaptiision. valued, and in pepe as we follow its | the very whieh the aad composed | or Olga eraber 21, 1877. The voy whines ue an anon ho: dave Legge ed. | were : m. H. Vanderbilt and family and fire me. " principles shall we be true to our profes- ble west "Ode * the Nighting when oben: triend ma DUPrrFEuEN DEPARTURE whieh rae taust be ver y ladies dione. . i aon Riper orig | * y of went to work in a mill toearn money for his The; run from Saratoga ta 'Troy, thirty-tw pplications b; whee Iu a 7 aun t iv. -two utente 7 the desirene ol having tht teeth saecel red?" The present difference between the Grand 5 Moston, for forty years, at | Biscay and wre | PP _ a ate eat Te tuiles, Was m in feo minutes, and F antemmeet You " Ly odgee uf Que leo and ficatland induces Bro. | Sheffield, waa a lees abop ; and the birth ga then | On mitch ately Yo ae ete avis | the time frutn this city to New York, 160 a sign ? qc it the words :-- Uses prs Pana a Valea me place of ikérke Wi e-ionwen.e Jor re: leaving oe an the.# «burden | iniles, was to hare been hours and - * tue vuRe-Lue dye." ios, 209- delega al Mailing intoxicating beverages. oe" Te on iytyraive wm minutes, or at ti of fifty Loxpox, 19.--The Ti in ite ontren! seinem ee 7 the aurice | A boy of Stown has been brought 'before | tuilei an ie takes socage hs "| 'editorial on I Lary cord Dufterin's - Sen to the if that, come in, fas want lo know the wah the view of Ausiding the question of ex . | Ferrot, | the sonantentoe if Betatel Ei a. ed | koepaie to exautine and ail the wheels. week have the manisipelition { Samet sheen hea 4 fe, 1 * thie, sew ond ee ae eee Spain test of consideFabie in an-boad of ] re ' aa war how es oi Fe sorerpigut tinent, P contest of consic in. . - ena | Ontaxi 4 eee ats mnt om Sapomaivy ae ae yere. oude of Neaonie alban cmnngp Ui sicsad -smside ahaha wx] Fest thar fotivwed, reaniting- im the awant gland vaacd py 'om 4,000 $3,000 wae aA Kam Ger a amanece. & better assorted, happier, political . art con seq nence the dentists will soon have an b --" bole ; dipping inte boiling « ater aboat a minute ef FOAM ent nege orew bra mo the young : . -- : than that whieh white "i Land Tafterin with ineroadhl demand for little doabt that the Grand bodies throagh- 2. That fish may as weil be sealed, if de. | We Fitanauri tre settled, | tianre kit of house-breakin tools und a [" Mra: Girliny, and prophetors at 4 | the people of Nee 'ant Wepmitation gare ite * out America will sustain Quebec in the stand bef vacking liven ith salt; th h. | the ¢ = ypatra started i in avin of a goons ee A "4 exciting fletion of the "penn wy aren. the Shaker community which has "we tjeet- : ; mons affectionate, | Will fade 6 ES AE fol nino nap Ai Leates of Soot ie that ease. 0 not soni! thet. sii 1 ne sng ow deomaey 18. 1814, Me. | OT ed from ite fi Hampehire, Engiand, truw fal regard which the peernae-Cinanetl Tt will rier t at. If the dye did not A haon teak the a te telegraph $0 wre Mo: ig. | Giselaimns having connection with Kher rie tiekd by 4 ine | effect the teeth most is would last ira it le sere 'hat it ---- ha wey soaking Se etme Lond oles uf the Terald tor "weather $n- a pa hae jut died git Bove. 1 ie at Mount Lchanon, §.. Y., < Qt in six months the teeth tgs aa to charter -- nee Societe sok That ailk whieh is turue a og Aiangad [teatrane nies ere serulagion' uflles cl pietng iis lieth -year. He was born op | Ue S8F* now vaathing of the Fr Bs 5. erage shamed wd. wad wnde M for use this journal in New York. be ran of Tomy ristol. ti mber 19 T7a., of Welsh curs mtn She claims to hare recerree nating on 2 i ati bd ie beat ope $ Menge rr is five dara, the Cle ube father Jive be uinety- eight wie ssmpathy from af Bg a Feg- ahi ie ra the =o i "siden. foci ang te the 1: sich * 1Petoe. pats? Gs he 20th. ae 5 jan Fone be aR of the 20th 6 pa? onacy zamincr Jare. excited hy md in eepatng milk. pe ridge tivina ete., the - : i p the river to Cy proposed sight, opposite place cr of Welilemeat, but 'Se refises abi remmer vAmace. moox. mop. that. tna it Nhe prions of nob be- Heo, div. be] oP tg tives te the propos 'ietorin. Enabapk- Jonee the - county, vito The famous ~ Pepy's Diary arent ~ Jinan c layman is eS 'pir y « That freak at, after beginning ta ewer Beattie ae the stove | eighty "thiee Db te rie sak io bave lived = a eer , : nity ba mi for k ; nT) { " a i ~only ve iy than a week ity tn iaahe anes O woly asd wave ff i foniptation ot lela powar was the fo pedved highty sansaoatet wi "toa the sia Bes Bape in a letter aor eine -- preepelaly acer wick, piace ont ot tore in| led yesterday, as detailed above Mujot-Ceneral Varj jenie veski, one of the Fe highway itbont thetter at --preteet nn: Shieh be be queathed to his okd college, | * mietthe olenb ° het | have ailop Cut thie frais, when tally | FPO ON te Teues and Horo d placing them | % That clear bailing water will remove tea- waresors of the battle of alge ~lina, sone er: M Magdalen is con ant ane le lmpera ad tips, onwdry day ; spremd it oat thinly on master tai fruit stain rour the EQGVPTIAN NiamtT, At Moseow S Aa _Magiaien. pee, fanatiys audi , oiler Governors. saving the oj ' selves ! cool, dry room, for afew 1a Masomrc Ixacrrerion fon Bors, | "ater avagh the stain, and thos prevent it _ : old soldier, bat 'othing © O«man Bey. who i dry. As Loni Braybryke, appoints the master ; and | 4. have failed to take their ba heh » 160 to Bix, aveording te » the | oxepos, Bartawn,-- Phe anniver. | Spreading ov: 7 lives is za, ae the A aie ae atenes 'woteck eral of the late Lor ug of a literary turn, did | #3. None dope so much to strengthen th | geet being ae ews little, Cat festival of tl ditut held the | ¥. That Cre tomatoes wit remove t The Wallela Watcher of Memphis. View ce Cas deolares, is bale aad webast Shakers wore engaged i morning ab- » earls Hn wablie bey frst ing | bord of imperial union as Turd Dufferin, | ojean, dey rye straw in aw cutter about pay cate A low alin : ea chen ¢ | other Strom white cloth, alse, from the ' : Weight of 2 49>yeare . Fresh clothes were being taken ont Fey 1 pape rs out of bsenrity. and giving | Sled in his task bya fresh and graceful en inch fong wes iberally the bottom | 790 Ia nan Pa an a eaaneete' par po (From the Mernphre Avalanehe) poleon tanta in Egypt: --olhowg boxes, the wet anes taken and dry ones a Te Sori. "The times in-which eloquence ; and the extraordinary strides on- a suitable tight jointed box we ol vessel, ehicy of His Rowal Hid 9. That a teaspuontal of tarpentine boiled The night aleanes arch of three-seorr yea! fovaht put on. "While their 1° whi made-dines:-the presid lis foveal Highmews 'the Dake 3 @nsugh-the-tHhak ha ved ae! anion of the ~ ruvinees, with the fall promise | jy ot pole ficand Warden of | Sith your white clothes will ai the whiten-] Moving along the site nt street, eaoh fellow. | mst him at the head of " nop "it hort fered « harder fate. Th co, gg ga for their refipement, apd wach of | oF future advance, has bee mean ir: + then cover wth rae liberally, ~~ ~ England. Afr dinner me the { travctier wo meet tn words of botribie i wenty-Gve yours egy Williacy, linse--- sor and, de te ee hie diarr whch Lord I oke justly Iuspesial connection whieb keer 7, 'i fruit on it bed with . ponies, and t non 10. fed etarch is much iemp rowed by brevity af another friend. going or gone; | says the Manchester Cuardjau--tett his wile, wholly table to obtai shel "es deemed unfit for publication, but when the of lie a sealivy 4 on 'ak te _ king of straw and fruit nr ore wis of subscriptions amounting to £10,169, This | te eddition of alittle aperm, or a Little salt, eding Over the towsin, ~barning yor fo"whow he had bea about four | tepadned to grant poo they oe was reconsidered it wasfomnd that much | 1" bare fhe a ple radly wantit -- tical am, © oaly a coul piace, "i we mo larg net ties ' on was ex. | OF both, or a Little gum-Arabic dixsoived whieh in its Aalirben shire re out its months, at Botton aud came to America. unfadli ee p- apgron Mae hog ~ vag oe of interest also remained which might be rar ro er Preys : ane Poses a ange a jeable, to mere 6 sound ced with fetlren assuring that Tl. That beeswax and salt will make your | incoherent clamor aralghiiceing the limba went to Savanah,' became a machine-wmaker, | will pacts * . sais pees The third =e al the new weries | | ar] Dafterin's ws ' wae rut for seves inont A men eof 4 3 least £13, 000 he An lave been -- vbed. rasty Sat-irons as he smooth a» glass. | distorted by the pareeys death ; aneist- | opened ate Tice a was chief steamboat in. * vw ont. and cow Tresh matter. na badseons 0 ue English Op aad * | dower of sulphur increases the ty The Fre . ay nig in ti strain, Tie a lump of wax ima mg, and kee it for ing the grave lower a eothn at the | wpector, and died last manth Yeaving an estate Pere A good deal of this relates to new plays and The "4 tue. i 7 perenne s " FF pre nse the absorbing property Jet consoles itself with the at | that parpe iron bse het, mb | sad, xilent, almost unattended burial--thas hg at stone which she is coming over ABRMICAN CUMESE. and al = Ube diarint's do ma a 'seal "gaa ~ dry-straw ih ly and ordinarily w=fl- * are simpiy marvellous, per se, first wit aad With} those that are left meve in thia gloom « » America toobtain. For aittean (imton-Court Sourenl. airange ment we learm that h If the Marquis of cient. : ane such oe other snciety in the world one The cloth sprink ied © with a death. We have almo-t ceased to note the | and her «ister made a poor living by tak-) Next he A July. 4, 1664. he lt "Mrs P. came tof ea eet hia wou Wee tenatees odie The p keeping grapes in the frait | can pat 'erward. upd that we eannot always 2. That blue ointr: oa on "Kerosene, | degree of the shadows darkeni e¢ no} ing nls bee } argiiongh sae re nus wots cheap words alwat « pair of carrings, whi 1 bE room with the stalks inserted in bottles filled expect, hum: menking, undien pola wiana in &ynal Hews, and applied to | longer hope that sida has come and gune » cheap cheese, The she hed hoght for 45 shillings mn opal of moni rity, to whielt may | with water, nded-trom the rool, is | perity or adfapping returus." bedsteads, ix = 'unfailing mibag remedy; } and that to liegr: wring are eras ling At Mona, in the Isle of Man, Gray, a wie vend ue far finer cattle than we ean breed to $25) of her owne wisely contine bimecl said to have o England. It | wish 's glow of triumph, "the one simple and that « o tewaah is ditto fur the } oi valy ap. b ask cashier, made away = allthe funds of | * home, aud who are still improving their strict ist, was fu io = eet guinea! ie very important to direct a to the | fact, that, despite ali s dedgnee of trade " ofa bg We know not the hour, the lapse of time ; bank, and pretended th: reir of baying, wt '¥ price, the " of his set will think, behaved like a * perfect maUEN AN® © DIRASTER. fact stem mast be in ia the | and'all the agitations mongy market, kerosene will soften boots or | had been kept by watel ing the hands of Sone the works" The story nin bot supported 7 next of aur brweding stock, that ." vowed to break ™," he wthiaadil anteoe water immediately after it is severed from the private anxiety aud pulitie excitement, w sles which have been bandened by water, | death moving o'er the ei a a the - he was triel, convicted and to y cau make for the world, and they writes, " or that she could go and get what vine that the end of * masiss glish Freetoasous have contributed £38, | Abd tender them as pliable as pew. hour of fivw ench day eatiide wield's oug term of penal servititude, asserting to | Pf Waa prime quality of Grayere for she could get for them again." But present Particulars as to the late disastrans dood Wheo the branches are pot #t | 000, im roand numbers, for our eentralehari- | 14- rosesie will make tin teakettles reekauing of titve appronched, the boty Jary. | the last hia innocence mener. Row bmp : ts Cheah = ly he rel 1 followed Hewsie, show that pooele. Bring along the qouree = b pays bed Stalks will soon the ties 1678, isin it arth » handged twight es new. mgate a woollen mae] ing men have met, and on aggregate of deatiis jar mee i rene ee shine aE = to Cheshire, the American Che- Meseruge ae "Changs, there did the Grand River have suffered very severed hgh the Also, if cloyaent speeches, and testifies strongly | aed Tub with it, Uf will abo remove stains | furs day's passage has been rou up there. {26t* made out that £8,873 in gold had been ave nc rival. They have not huw- walt. and sent her back. Ewoukd not have | 7 aasive vty 'bridge acroen the Grazal | °@! Of the brane for the pure | 4, reality af our Masoni¢ professions and clean varnished furniture » thin chronometer we haved looked each day | *&#2. Sines th Prisons has con i + #0 lavas Lan any ed , being satiated shat ahe yiehted, River at Brantiond wae-earried away on Sat- | we of-giving a a j the | declarativns 15. That cool rain-water and soda will re- | Lelioring that the anhiuight must have come, rang Bary the money but £19 has been dug up ae bat that is the work of time, nor are - y. Three men wer ou it at the time, | yivele® whew sus oe relt Teo | AG. Macher, of g{iutlestan, 8. aa | OT? om washeble Gibrion. | thet the shadcors most begin to wann, | Flaw | oe Sines ot eee eeaee aad ia Sek ot) ren, Se Ty MAN'S MONMEY ANCESTORS. two of whom were drowned. One elderly . ber will ccom begin to-sheivel, and. if taken ob. el the 1¢ eolunmn in the i " e hebl th aafear and hope fought =a i * waaes the ie Meth a ee ee _ tlman, M¢. Tyrrell, who 'bounded ct a" bee sy re amy po be | New York tdeacute HOW A WOMAN BEYS MEAT. in our hearts and-we watehed fc fated | -- And wtiti wiecirieity ns the Guoe. A Me. ae necmes Bare a been (From the London Times} Bingham House, was sven tolift up his ten sbaxananie ns i 7 i ito erapes » Joka Terie, former Grand "2.2 of When 4 woman enters a butcher-shop to ehronotmeter's showing wpon the suecewding | Wallace, of Ansonia, Coun. has pe econ Ra an at a pound,-and 'ate helplomly forthe Leip that no i -- whisk were nearly spoiled through asl t the Grand Le select » plore of meat for dinner abe has her | ""{; electrical machine for the~transmixaion of } jy than we want, ix a fine pr Pants tm Ang ng. 29 gner men given ios lat | coud give, and im am ihadant ard he tow af Ua Gand chaos co po priate, and 930.000 of the 'funds of that mind made upto take up mutton roast, |, Vel. ri 2 geben pln Roper panght > | pres. te cuenta of which tha forup af Niagara ee night te Pro, Heckel of ena by French waept away and over 4 He expelled from the as Pie sda | Tee Teed Ht now ¢ grope ob in. te : a will, it be wade avail vants. In his speech he ex Ine family, that or Mr. Hig hb Christie, uted -Pacie Rural Frese. Unanitoons vote of that body, oer sis me ae rca ness as a be ms wemay. Fewer and fewer the | able all over the United Sides. The ainehine ruoracarane, rant" an oon cation at the progress of ha ge sews consisting of himself, wile and three children, -_ oO Rh. Ad sir -- sence! ec. Shite. of Pitts replies a ape a ig as sags _-- -- . e % it is said to rece among Frenchmen of science, and remarked | were attempting to escape ip a boat, when burg, Penn., from 1 Master aoe GES SND & SH A lamar TY | the highest praise from It bas al. | The season is approach that professors avd preachers who ridicaled | their frail exaft wong jest om t only regained see naioun in nette Y Sia lenaa Vincent Lombant Harlburt, ie appoint. ~y oon elem i. tee eye © bas canghs | %? Tine the fallen up and fail, and stumble | ready bec. put to wre in supplying electric | of innsenee "s Leary " roagie ~ "am mt from the ape unwittingly fur- | a pl ane RK Loalety ith greas ditiealty. ment of G rdeo of the G En- Py ct ham, oa she suddenly de- | All is Egyptian darkness, doathly, hor. | lights, aud, if it wep half as capable aa it is | du so. The claws of capable of inane nished the best proof of jt, their prid Mr. Hobert Motil, of West Brantiord, had | The Pittsburg Chronicte gives in the fol- | campmens tthe © Ail the cides to hone ble. te be, the limit of ite powers will exceed | by cutting is very ng, among ebildish yaujty being foibles might } fe sien naa le hogs swept away by lowing article some facta which fully sas- | vacancy ow vy the lamented Sir Knight hee bs rod 1 « =, madam; haw What ofthe sight." We _--_ tell. | tsnayrination trees, catalpa, mm onwead, Lom have beau bey iby t pol, isin the sessad action of Comptroller of | Orrin Walch, of of New York, ach ¢ = + Be Hew long tq midnight even we do wm oS aera . barly piglar, and snany others, ax well as Man, however @id net ad fi Mexers.-Lemiic and Maithead were driving | New York in reference to the Brooklyp Weil y may give me three p-- es. Tt is wll dark, dark. dark. nail. A idatgreeg male on your thumb curraats, 9 Tes, pet, blackberry known ropoid, but was a branch of the | in from Waterford during the day, At two | Hri especially in regard to the use of LiTsaagy. Well, Idon't know, either, My husband we scarcely kuww ei hea sul man of Faris, on entering the > qptinems, r t-archine tufnkeys of the Oh} Workd. The | or three poduts they same the bridges pone, | iron i of steel in eonstruction of ? » | said he'd like some seus age, ¥ whether such » thing as day will ever come-- sualel by-an way ride to Lyons, tit & pears. as well gs foros, wiege continuity of was daily becoming } nnd they av often turned te er i The Chronicle , Professor Dawton's "Ongin of the World " bow many eves will be open to greeb the | mate rathung it with his Wham, nail. | fob 3 . nf He by the I'cet Plenty, madam, Now, then, how much . A picoe ot the incandescent or vieburnnae many of the orma- erdbent, and superstition, mysticiam, | avenues. Just as they thought tier had} * Definite arrangements hase ery favoratty regarded by cote | itt yom bee's donning tight ? We do not kuow. Wo can- a) pases ree. "nee foc thy bend abe. ot teloglogy would gave way to reason, east | eu . they found '¢ ate a. prectpi- | eluded by ¢ D. D. Smith, the eminent | "ier Review, which aye "the author "We ak wo wit? bed ok beyond the i, wa scarcely | + oe the nail and maaile © stighs * | daing this is to take oft things in the ality aid mechaniso, me Bergener: tatéd off the high road into "a déop ravine. | Chiet-Engineer~ of the Chicago Alton age gory Moniae hs $54 mite. maar jag that we shell book st all to.mor. a ae beer Go band ait om were so mach tall, aud dary-ait winter in «ary pees in thee at least, believer in final causes | The water was loo doop to fathom, and railroad, for erecting the all-stget" bridge | M°S°°Y; thie sited aaee 1 me 4 4h yua.e of the universe, immutality of species, serility | gentlemen and their hore were in imminent | in America. General Smith will be remem- chy into the m days of the coal Hon aa © pound w wold da fer By « sort of nner light, heaven born, how. | *Phyticina advised immediate ing Ben v2 " af eataclyerns, ve | danger of drowning. quantity of | bered by these of oar engaged ig | MArrative of Gems This ie shout alii that | Sf Shall { = ---- ever, we read w au Thness | The patient wished te the operation, iiey rs kapen i rp ore te ae pen hey appearence man | foating debrie affonied a temporart foothold, | i and viol tone cannection | C28M be expectey from the Wessminater. Tt rE owed { weigh « pened, metem m om > leew dark --that © grave lane dead grew rapidly worse, and twenty-seven hours ced gluaie out nae pentinling ths eines feel were dying gat. The primitive life orga- | which enabled them to eat et and| with the United States for testing hee so sympathy with belie cringe mii Get bet tke al pw You've | heer the heart sand give impules ty after the born died in horrible 5 Niog Gin queu.tak tan parton blame ity the lores swam to the shore, e wagon ie Of ign and steel. experiments | WET. mite inca gs uve od . 1 suppose hand At Exeter, before the late Mr. Justice -lurmed roots. --Praine Farmer. generation at Mike batten the sea thom, w were carried qn at Muihall's farm, * full pat i Lane anes betas napa bit The noblest piace for tan ta die Byles, a lady who was perpetually sleahng Cea the ---- within « few milgs of the city, several years De ~ sero ti '2 of + 88 good a piece "Pinsent articles from the shops abe patsonix- --Watermelans are in good fighting enn- id the eviginn of Rio be explaingl COMMERCIAL NOTES. aga. General Sauith's studies bave recently Fo og rede cate oor Po «Yen; that does lotk Ube veal," he enys, |. Yestyodag's seated shestld. ke midenght of way beonght op fap Her | dition. "4 as eonvinesd him that shee ean be built were it met so coufernn at wp. the darkest might vounsel argued thas war the viet af ~-Lattery investors always look out for the fouched aboat as low « | Cheaper than these of iron. He is farther. the at than " you'll take it *" 4 plomausa. *K r the | number one. pa persuad vi lt ta i emery As bible. The -- "Sane bes" she Y--no, I is the mest innosent manner ; " What ae p . os in Pittsburg dian, or acs ats is sand aes not. I'd better take pork chops." mame ee a IN CYPRUS, & kk oA di . my lord, the Earl of Danraven eure are re- the ron he more tha once speaks ofhim akan American | "* Nive chops! How much ¥* he sekx. The Glasgus Mai, % * geobgix tog be inferred |. * of those phices igha pound, on the cidade i the \ Sa Aa les-water ee aes eee: + Ne. 7 aon, el he sash 8: shiver that fepiporanily, wotil &° allen look af {nee and never see ter

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