Stratford Times, 25 Sep 1878, p. 3

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TOU AN Ho VIAN 1 a ST 'S ersoddo - "1 = AUST ST 3907T 0} PLTD oq TIM O ee O. ee ra OL CHAONRY SVH gxou AVAS AN E.G 10 mnO uedg TiM--SHHNOLSN9 'S.NOSSHH 7a Smoke and be Happy: JAIES W. BLAIIN "FYASRECEIVDD « new tock of the finest wih Fe | by -- +- ge armas arae eres at ts Sasa "WM. CRISPIN Viewty chat he stills retakanahe inne Walle Presccaat at fs : MIXED PAINTS, ONSTAR TREAT, Ld busivece opp lace _-- Warrants te are good 'at nino Warranted nate On shert notice. cod 8 alle whe al coals Efouse to Rent. A ert eas a. Peri Tern. wore oes seg " th Ment im 4 29 ORO. JEMISON, G.T. Works rT Sivalionl Mayo, deus. Ts offee over > Stratford ana ts ert for bis father any ing post due cle ott deus on wr are) sveavonable tern all parte of the Utes hours fre nia WY) fo Son all week d jaye Biri ce annie to he people wt Stratfora ape PAINTING at Anieenn'y + Armen We ela Corrected by M. Kiow, Market Olerk lm Mian ep 'Seth, bas. Wheat per bush, 40 88m fe So fyrter iad Se | BUSITT ESS, f | Bartey ey « 7 fn herels « Pp, = cool ve * ee OR a a a ned Painting. F sae bia 650 50 Sroining, Ostmeat 5 Eo gn Writing, Potatoes per bag we ow eee Apples a - rating ta OFF and eg } trea a & , é "roe hege per 100 the, seen r per ib., w per.dor , sntel poses oimrwcana ts aereete ome dene rf m i Ineks per pair, 45° ad Chickens 25 ed Hides per 109 tbe aw TOO aah each, Bey re tay pert ur om Wood pero a 4, " "ab aT MARYS MAKKETS., sv Miers, Sept. 2th, ters Wisma. pee wee, ayy $0 We epring,40.« 4 ce ta F eke, me & Jt he ie fu 00; hay, perton, § day to 8 p01 per card, #& pa bo $2.00, wite BELL MARKETS. t i Yaty | 1, hept t WeObSTUC le MAKER he. Waa rae ik Fan Wheat, prt bah 6 FO te uh 08.0 be 60a wy, He pee Oa to oh yosabooe, er iets on --. we butter, a er Mops Sith, at A nol, ce bee toa, err" to ed tb, 'al to. i Hay, a tlre or core shite & LISTOWEL MARK RTS STWWRE.. Sept det, 147 Pall wheat eee hecne Sih te $0 wring woe dont. . Ber $40, barier, Sto Wi peas, Sor The Stratford Markets. | - rca Ook! NEW Sees. =? GE. _ |wew TIN AND STOVE STORE, G.W.CLEMENT BES ite ate teat ce ' SPE Beak of Cotomeres, asd bea sox ou hand 2 CHOICEST BRARDS OF CH. Hi S 25 Town Lots, 3 i anon i (m Arneid & Robinson's eurvey, about five COOK \sTovEs 0 THE BEST AND ING Removed to His New. Store. |s.ccsicctars sarah st) cook stoves or rae amet ax | one ors 5 sakoknt tonnes " eS ga, Merson ah go garden yg Ed ea tina fron and Coy re, Exam Ang. 2, ie M. FRASHR TO LE dled Katles, Bran Kates, Lan. | Stratford Planing Mills J. - X wectaws LET. Nees Lamp Goods, Coat Of, Gas Fir DESIRES. TO INTIMATR two the Pabile that ha ba pemnsd to his hew store, Outarie sayden aa frat trove Rent, 66.0 | tna Ph ve reir = a eee THOMAS ORR, _ Prorareton. treet, in bis oid stand better known a® "West jouse. customers will fi Also, houses in Romeo - *umepa, Lron and Lead Pipe : axes cabentiber: io ee pr s vot attractive stock fe ee Moola, at Dey. ye ps positon, a Faney i) --~ "1 ela | gedlomaee in: faut; seerything. ti. ts T ier sie ees | Sods r 2 other arus, ; " . * rm oo - manne and thee Woot work, Rabat 5 aaa -- Sethe ete a 'ees Manse 5 ee i) sch as ay enki Moatdinen ae Agent for the mye ed ras other Sret-clue Sewing Machines. Also Butterich's Pat- se and & perpared to do 6, Renietwrs, } teres tor Gufarer . Battons J. M. FRASER, Stratford, Sept. 14, 1674, Laat STRATFORD. SEMINARY Bey Jr. te 440, Dee chic on per eyes we; to ~ shewtaking ech, hy? ete $ mothy, per bush $4 a clover bush $5 D to 89 We. THOMARK TROW Stratford, Marel M4 1a cB! fICE!! W' hove Made srrapwement: fora CONSTANT SUPPLY OF ICE Persie' TMWwe? Season, and oem furaish onr Pure Cold Soda Water avore lading the FAVORITELD J, ae NASMYTH & Co. Btratfoad, Jniy tat Dinca Out For The JEWELS SAMPLES AT THE FAIR, "'TO"RENTT-- Look yur BRICK COTTAGE: on the corger uf Douglas "fon Vi ome stroets, lately necunied A 1 OMe DAVID SCHUIMGROUR oe t HE OTTAWA _ Agricultural: Insurance Co'y ! CAPITAL, - TUK HON. JAMES SKE BEPOSEEED-WITH- BOVERRUERT, $50,000. insuaes MUAINST T LO8s oR DAMAGE RY FIRE Lio THING... TTHIA ne ie ing Tern Ineo ere titin 64 my Ube ne teeohen| = Ee ree as fragrant weed cansct do bets ott ot thaw eal hat his | Grommcs Lal ROOT, | Dt wa Macostoas * MEE RSCHAUM, BRIAR nad other Pi we beaGeg POUCHES, and SOLER "lage 3 i GmwWwInTRaAT kaveye-on hast! at atut iny ante Cheap for Cash. ef the tection rear Pt. Dover & 'Lake Huron! Stratford & Huron R' ¥s. TIME TA BLE WO. 12: TAKING EFFECT MONDAY, SUNE 24TH, 187) ° Thar ar Evs4 bd = az i Reei« t+ 4 S jr z : EP eefl ' QO; 5 5 ees i -~g S- ° 7~ Tyo d os cC Oat Et OF LOTS. ue eKepmaupe ay epee #h Bours. dime pater, ny D. WRIGHT, A.B aTw fake * x & ort, -- 2a Girt 7 Wialwork, Jone sa. sty FISH ! FISH! FISH!! A. Kirkpatrick G8 t strneweee $6 the os of "trationd, that be ts prepared to _ FRESH FISH, Beewtved datly fron the Lakes, compriner WHITE PIRH, SALMON TROUT, Hr n. NGS AND PICKEREL, BY Rel ote fish, aud deliver thet t amy partot the te ren. Rearew her the vlace, C eR! E z a! tg ald TAGR, Downie Read, sank of | Having secure? » supply © sot nas sarrent 60 fen Wr ee tO te par teetiy freah andl in yood order, Stratiord, Aug. 21, BR, tiew { j } ! | i | a bed Reh hng } f ! { i Parwere sb) fev rey ae pao tA Dy swe ber the chee en HEAD OFFICER ~UTTAWA. fi THREFORD, E al Aut. ee Heer DOS = e = -- Stratford Spring Brewery: Wit. RUSSELJ. Proprietor tn gotify the -pebiie t th an Bre =z Bre fasten the past toharwer, is bow in s order aul he wed bo Strep y Pale and Amber Ales ta . ie The a HNILMISG VATRICK STREETS ear Mrs _ es Tannery = Orderet respect tfally solicit Who Wants Good Flour ? at B SCRIBERS having sone aoted She ents to their ope! « ng the best Pacail ode! ng tte bent Fash:ty he bet at Mowat's Bank orat the M te made te any part of the town GRISTING Parimmers any brits brttg their eri ag int the heat flow vd the largest yleld ia Hane iheie Shen. what W. MOWAT & SON, t il 7 iamson & Co., TATOO EX Sy reentey ou LAWSON'S BLOCK, ARM, Metis 4 SPFOACTI OF Fine Worsted SULTS, VERY LOW PRICES --s CASE. Call and see Them, Bteallard, Sep. 1, sti " WANTED. good gitl to do 'sineted Dyevtat ahis be bapron hy 1, Nure 14%-tf yeaa work, nruat be tron Well and thake good pt A trea Apriy to A MAS_J. PF, Woons, ; Siratier ce rapt Ww a KET STREEI GA D8BY & SHARMAN, hakassbaias _ Stratford. Jan, 5, Le, ~ Z -- -- oes © " sapply toe yu "THOLMANS LIVER PADS! yrneina nde hd and Riectries 7 Office-- Dat- '« Drog Store, Stratiord lie-ty | Money to Lend. ONKY TO DON Town and farm pro perty at low cord ania and onterus j of payment to sult borryw . STRACHAN LIZARS, "ALBION a oe ORD. ne ee om PROPRIETOR iy ---- -- : ABINET RESTAURANT "Whe pablie are potted that " net Egy crim Hoek, arse i Cee at the Bar. one choicest 1 pore oon Dinbed i FMR fon 4. eee oe PHOMAS LACKSMITH, wage MARSH) ale, near Chittich's Hotel 0 Sekine ce patrouage. . KORERTS, riskinaaer, and { -- ot White and Red ive wiice, Atwon's Eno hy ah Stratfor i. th mere at travellers. eet tte Steak, "Latab che 4 or Oysters from 10am. till nae atalline Stratford, The bar ia well a8 aah the ches. IDLETT; = taate of Lisiand ten, Hargeor 'y ocr ae a (xn Al. Nor. Market scr erat ber Rooms for tabbag and. ction wd Saievast es rouse fo sod from al} ain + Stratford, i: Ti] HIULEY, Licetqed Auctioncss % the ie jounty of Perth. Sales arranged Li cae seectanty ---- Denegal, Feb. ASHLON An . rear oN vai SER begs to acquaint te old Tea and atrons that he Csi st pene ye load two dour: maths Let Fs ecponn| where] ax Se | 3 Cd si = seers f Soee ane tting ear Mareb St, 1878. Ce M. MeCALLUM, rinary Surgeon, * Craduate ores "Ontario Veterinary Col Fotet, Stratfort oo Over Wilson's barness shop, a fn gets Boek dane Sth. Ti, 75-42 bas ang meet t requirieg bis services ae f 4 a weth --readoring ye Cperation daly 5, fea ANDRE sW GOPRTZ, Bebringville, ee end Morte cove ES, ty ba sigdial, French end Werman. € in OB * aor to "8 "reseed interest J AN HITECTCRAL DRAIGNS, PLAND GY Public a | Ertenie Buildings Grawa svehs- tectarall ally, and in per epoctive, and, it denied with i ene = srorkatlached, with spect dontinns me deta ge! MN, Htrat- ford Sime. LEX. ~saows Aen LONER Rand Live Stock A rwnie, Avonton F. rg i 2 Hock and 4 implementa & specialty oa a1 wos es ara mane: Outario- Street, t 'The yen i. Jecveae ~ ty in the best ¢t oe order, consiet fae ot an an the Niclas 'of the ioe ten Real "feles ot eeason, ft required. Ile prem th «i thle syle of drinks. ~£); eetved daily and eooket' fa we "onder. PORTROUR, June a, T MAYRE DALY, Ji, ATTORNEY at La » Solicitor in swt OS pe wyaneer, &e., fe Omeo--F caress Sores 4, and mote hawet itverton. Mr. Daly ye ° in Milverton and will be at # hotel! seer as vel of marntag train frorm Stration?, Jan gg See OMN CREMA faa iy tterney-at Law Uitiee-- Oc Jelioey Bi Tiiock, Stra: were Sept. Sts. your i. PORTE. ay aaRaan 4 etertnary Gradepte af the Ediabarss Veter: Cal. y V. & tothe North West Mounted Po carefully and scientideatly a gener tford, Oct. 1, 187, tie NTY OF | PERTH "The Warden wil 2 Cw ie attendance be Clerk's Office, on first and third Toeelay in eaoh momtl. f 4 to three o'elock. The willbe in attendance biex da Tuesda: oft 17 MARKET-ST ges Feoelesed another sapply of ENO'S FINE SALT! ALLENS ANTI- FAT! EMPRESS RELIEF! les ; RADWAY RELIE rt Having re s-emgngen Ct | tee « Perfee HAYING Pt RU BASED THE ENTIRE STOCK OF, Fable 'Greet Bargains in ida Pe from e100 t Fit & all rs nstowers = eolieciog | les, whieh w ng would call hich we mantlactare on A | wre us a brial Perfect Fit lane sto All STRATFORD! Sirationd, Sept. 4, 187%. :/TWEEDS, HATS,CAPS GENTS' FURNISHINGS, rea DOW, CUMMING, thes aler,e reat Reduction from Cxet, sre now prepared to Canadian, Scotch & English Tweeds Worsted Coatings and French in Price a er Icahn ; of Hata, Cape o hoe Ly gpa are now Complete in all the [atest American wnt t nglish Sty ; SLAUGHTERING PRICES FOR CASH. We the atte real eg the Pablie to ow EXCELLEN1 STOCK OF SHIRTS, : iw L.c. CAMPBELL, W.0,, .0-?.50.) Shirts made to Order upon the Shortest Notice. persons desiring a Perfect Fitting Shirt would do ¢ Purchasing Elsewhere, AND DONT YOU POROET IT. HARDY & HOW, 3p Proprietors. Market. Square. i COUNTRY IS SAFE: ARDY & HOW well to 1azat :| Peerless eee Warp! = WOOLEN. - YAF HORNE & BU RCH |! a REGIA ae &C., &C. camara BAGS, 3-PEY DUNDAS REGENT '7 9 -SgREw E78 A. G. MACKAY & Co. OFPRE FOR SALE Li, The Pirst Shipewnt of New } New Black Cashmeres, Magnificent New-Scotech T weeds, |: The Latest Styiee, imported direet and offered at lower senson. from New Black Crape, large crimp, New Dress Goods, AT New Black and Colored Silks, New eal and Flannels, Table Linens and Shirtings, New a Window Curtains, New Prints and Hollands, A. G. MACKAY & CO. New Kid Gloves STRATFORD, okis for ths coming season, a2 snder : New Frillings, ALL REMARKABLY CHEAP. GENTLEMEN , Whea you want well made WE ARE NOW SHOWING pricey A, G- MACKAY & CO. _|@PROF. RIDLEY, Cutter. Fashionable Chithiers, than those of any previons garments, warranted to §t-in every «particniaz, order ave, Strationd, Ang. 21, 1878. . iit The North British & Mercantile | J KILBURN ARCHITECT, Fire and Life Insurance Co. Omce,--OVER MOWAT'S BANK. 9 oa J. J. ODBERT Accumulated eS = 18,000,000 Ontarto-St, tarto-St, Stratford, hates [oer =m % srt, don oa pee MILK CANS. Rnaesee ot Home Manufactures ! Gai Fletn Bivens, Tinwware, ty saren Zr, ren Te Education of Young Ladies Under tie direction of th Ladies of- anatio. Ch | MONDAY. : 2nd SEPT. oo leacrastioa" ii This Testiiation Sonatas bra branch suitable to the edocs. of young ladies. They receive tuition, sending te te ns at paronta os Anthmetic ia Read: Writing, ramines pres psy » , \Aneient - Modern, Ele- nen! Koxpoponty: Botany, Netural History, Rbetane gic. Engi French, italien 60d Gercea ; Melateon aad Guitar ; Oa fan OU Cirec Painting la Water Colors, Penei), Pas tie 'aol Movocrematic eatas: Embrotdery Plaimand Pancy Newile Work AKENTS destrous of 5 placing their ciiidren ee eae nd to tale nbvemtnns to have the Prserst «2 the formation of swe Pupile are received at any time of the year, fromthe day ot acter Difference of creed, is no cbatas Terme ae follows, to he paid in edves Per Tern: Preparatory Class tia Second Class 4m Third Class. 5m fourth Class ea Fitth Class 7 Sirth Clees Ce) Extra charyes aia wade for the fi He wing Piano 40 Use of Piano . 28 end vse of the instrument 0 ow Guitar ro) 4 Drewing or Painting 'w oa er eeating . 6a ers per course © @ jena 36) iw 4 Poel Half boarders ean be taken at $12.00 per term additions: stems can be lostructed in cue or wore of the shove brasches privately. bor farther par Youlars apply st thet Convent "Strat om, rs Metett DAIRYMEN | TI" you want CHEESE. ---- VATS 4 Cheese Presses, Clird Sink be ' Cheere Hoops, Milk Pass Bi etc, ska, At the Very Lowset Cash Price, go to ABEE COULTONS; $3, Ontario Street, Stratiord, aaa Porn Sins a ae vy! fre mega FARMERS : If you went MILE CAWS,|¢@ Trori-ciad@ Mik Paits, Milk Pane ABEL COULTON'S, 95, Ontario Street; Stratford. ete, Permere formin Set taking « quantity wiht fe ibaraiy deals wigu J. PRATT, Baker & Confectioner, BaNKOCiang to the of Stratford, that he has coumeared baet- hit new Atthe North End of the Huron-Street Bridge, Where he will beep COOMALUY Ob Land a large Stace of Groceries, Fruit, Canned Goods, Oysters, &e Ts, " Which be will sell at the Lowest Figures for aah Bread Delivered to ay Part 16 Por whieh anne mm heh leave their orders at the store WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER He will still continue to i yg rage pon trated Soda Weter, Belfast Gin ond other tews; drinks Stratford. Nov, 14 1877. MONEY TO LOAM ON FIRST-CLASS SE QUAITY arriy to 2, ON, Btane's Book Bindery Will Rad ti bo weet Jarvis' Bloek, next Gone tot te tease advantage toca AGENT POR THY ONTARIO MUTUAL INSURANCE Co'y ARTON frrattord Jan ® la7T - reef w.8. COWAN, GEWERAL INSURANCE Aq't FIRE, LIFE AND AQOIDENT. REAL ESTATE, MONEY TO LEND OW TOWNOR FARM PROPERTY OFFIO z, 2nd Floor, Odd Fellows' Biork, STRATFOR QR. Stratford, Aug. henamite ett Wm. HEPBU RN, Cabinet Maker, & Upholsterer, 00 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD, 1 Comenetion with the al ahove tines of be have added NDERTAKING ey phir raed yh heal Fo w i "oon iit be ve! 0 Sepecvar ng Phin mane ad a Stras: ms a. aoerty To Grain M Merchants. "1 €> R I 5 ID A LABGE GRAIN {Bfonenovan, conten leat to the Gram ety Mailway station, Stratford, aa srma, ete, apply to P. WATSON Mratiord, » Aug. a" shin Mrs. M. Rowlan 1d, LADIES PASHIONABLE HAIR DRESSER pe Commun! 3B, tc., atresed in the tates me BOTS Sone near ox donee ri ap roneen Soon OF PERTH MUTUAL F. 1. COMPANY ROTARLiNRD IAL BY ACE OF PARLIAMENT. Prapertp Insured, 7 $2,900,000, Amownt. of pss Chaim Past, $77,510.53. ra saree a. view Presidant, Bakes LORETTO CONVE NT weet tA Piamwbing, Gas amd Steam Fitting, all Linde Picetan And of; On the shortest Notice, +. And at the Lowest Possible Prives. _ FOR CASH. @ secared the services of C. B. Johns, wha will he found to wait op eny or all old customers whe y give cea UG. W, CLEMENT, Central Store ine, Market 9q.. Strattond. tratfor ATH. 12a ly ? Saotece to Lend. APHE puternignel bas beeM appointe agent Londen pad Canadian haan. ~o Aadpeney pany, of To pro and Wishing to now mecney wilh censate their boon} interest by posit dav PRTE ATBON, Office,--Third Floor Carrell Bleck. Rate 'aie. ing a yopocnivale apply to Mr Freemanile' sGun-shop OKNER of Pomp shortest not: attouded ta. bet for tale ate a, contain oe recede acres. For partionlars Ene Cppotite the Jone te EE yepemea the ae = vHepaiticg of ails phe preengtie = Pr "P. PRREMANTL z. Stretford, April With, 678. Lieu Good Active Agents wanted A T D. = i Canaan for he isle of Nar _? Stock: sae Ue parse: ner weriag snem beet ad To Gi pet iF ® liberal commission wil} Bee, AREER eee BOI ae FARM FOR SALE, RING lot 2,0n the 14h eon. Elhiee, com soning eae ot @00d rich iend . also ores On lot Ls om, 65 arree are cleared ef ath, cedar raul timber tmah ie = good frame Sadie! a, stable a x 92, and « good log howse (aided up) the farm. There is ms young pond bard. bearing frutt, and two qood wells on the premises. farm is wail waderdraimed Por tirther particulars apply ALEX. Da wuonn, Wartburg Ps) Fillies, July 10, 17H Lae House s to Let. OSE te tan Aight none etnias Ty ee ee P. F -- THE TRUST AND LOAN C COMPANY oF ona CAPITAL, Li. (000, 000.00. TE? Money on good farm. security, spon terms te suit t "orrowers daterest at & per cent. per annum, payable Halt Veariy : tet of May, awd 1st f November bY sther partionlare apply to T. MAYNE DALY, Ja., Bott Ter te vilew, Aqeut and valuator i Stratford ani Vieimity. tration! Feb 4 THOS. WERRELL BY oe whet hey espa m9 te of Strat lord aud vieini at, rent a the lant y vi ee sagen eda having been in the . He bes now fully ha beemers om a ee ---- where be is pre- pared to aul all onder Pumps, Cisternt, , Well Diggiag, Or an bing else in bis line He requests a) eleven 8 od the general pn' public to giva him s rr) Seationd: Sori n sani {monn il R. RUTHERFORD. onev19 TO LEND Lee rj if pl acrid "that advan ¢- MARKET STRERT, STRATFORD. ONEY.T0 LEXY, Alien = Rates of tuterest, ou Farm and {oun property. Apply to WINSTA NLEY SAUCE. HIS Delicions Condiment hae won pai the wheyt time it thas teen the pal A THE oenk RONCHI ACES. i par erceilence, oe fy » Ta ade game, while F od ae on it thoenty bance ft to take the placeet Les & Perrin's Worcestersbir bare os Manatactured by Crosse & Bleck weil. 4, BARGE, ears: ste at A. Barnes contectionery, mm Onte Stratford, Feb.6 1 wT ett Grand Trunk Railway. General Ticket Agency. Brere you wtart ons teams, eall at the 6.1. ® Up Town Ticket Agency, 30, Market And et all Information in regard ¢ RATER, nee En 4c yoursell with GUIDES, "TIME- TABLES, MAPS, = URWwISHED 'FRER ! Also t ny B pay Tekst, and « BVDId the trouble ag wd at the Station ee * bile Tickets are being sol TICKETS TO ALL POINTS. W. WINTER, - - Agent. Diet Mratherd, July, 24, 1874. NEW GOODS. JE T Received a tack of Faacy Gends, Flowes Vanes, « ory fprebalts Tolle Cr tues, Al In om tty ket Books and Purse: -- oa 'eg f eat V * Ales a tne sto Sina me oats Socrehen um bee Briar Pipes. ¥ TORAGCOS AND | CIGARS, -- FX, GRABER'S, £4 Market of Sneek _ dae ary +f, dial ad Hardware, eacewaee Srarmavitt.r n, One. = :*' Or SREBACH pam to snnoance to the oie are that he wut @ Brat clare oLbert ware, and i se it As rate as oe: apa piobea the piesa Call pas conn i PB roigpaens haning weds ~ ng wt oun i Cah yk Leora = i as any bourne, P g Potapent. Rak Qnastns: ae ORESSED "Cebad Pos OF aL i. PICKETS Ae pos case att PF CU? TO ORDER. anne on AK THE OLD ALBION a Mtratt. a Moreh mm, 1877 1878. 1879. H.BRUCE sOEDo) AUCTIONEER, YALUATO! . OLD ALBION ELOCK, pecans " STREET Royal Instirance Company, Liverpool. Fire & Life. ---- 870.040 6: " = in fost claws Campeny. eu te Inmcance Company, of New York. a. ERU CP GORDON, vey8 funda Strathord, Mar h te _e City Lumber Yard Owe te the want of snow. ere at we aw. Are umabie to get rol tema season, aad as CUMBER i5 BOUND TO GO uP, low ie the time to woy GEORGIAN SAV ne ag eae . City L UMBER YARD LOWEST PRiC . S.. LEX. HAMIL --_ Stratford Jan 1878 SPRING 1878 :|IMPORTATIONS! SPRING AND S SUMMER GooDs Ew DRESS GOODS - Tew PRINTS = Att, < wi apd 1! - acest eee Sas of i: etter NEW SHIRTINGS, NEW HOSIERY & NEW GLOVES. T NEW CRAY "ANDY Waite | COTTONS New Genta' Heady Made Chathing, Hats, Cape, Ao , Tailoring Department! the they Au lars eto caren ~spatad a every ive ENEITLS OLD STARD. Mratford April ld, Th 1st _FOR.SALE, AY! ANTITE OF SIKST-OLAGS LUMBER, etn and pani Ank 'T Xo millet Past of Monckthn, om the Gravel Road ~ 4. L. aRGo, ay as 2 ABE reat Western Rallwy: F neg ieee peda. ron STRATFORD. Ch fer Transportation fo all Canada, United States and Europe. in rates, through Mile of an4 otRer Pte rr 2 apply to > a MCLE Agent *. BROUGHTON, Geversl Manager. Steattord, May Da, tet4, wnat ,| Grand Trunk Railway. Important Change of Time. on sud after Sunday, Dec. 23rd, 1877 Trains Wil eave Strattord as foliows For Toronto and Pacroed on Main Line Leave Stretford my Express J >. peg a tn aase =. bs a. wm. 7S p. Mined. 10.20 pan. --Merebante FE rpree : + ceerens and all Potats W: as Stret 2.06 a0.-- wore eave Sirs i =e i P +o Buffalo F rpress. aa eee Bae a .--Mereh ts Por London: Leaye Stratford #20 6 m.--Mized 3p on Expres « » m.--Express. tm --BMail. or Bui falos and Pointe South: inane ease ee Dm. is «a at = yd eis or Goderich and Points Worth: teams Strationd. Tae so Ears br 4 e ~~ Con rectiog wi hall shee tins Fentagtoy Sa0unne ee ae J, HICKSON, a... Bonerel Manener, CLEARING SALE or Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, Tweeds Cloths and Clothing, att, OF WHICH WILLA. Bt SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH ONLY, M81 4M AMOUT AETIRING Rom BOeTwERS CHARLES LEE,. Market Street, 126-4 Wave concluded from thie date te Retail Rent = FAMILY FLOUR, WHOLESALE PRICES 866 PER BARREL. 5 FOF CASH! BEAVER 1 MILLS. Bran, Oate snd Peas, Always on Hand" WALTER en Stratford, June 12. 1878, Nails, 'ainte, on, Class, fan Shovels, Spades, BURREL'S cnaeuaten AXES, Crogs-Cut vents land Saws, ~ Thea, Cut ana Fated d Ware. She Shelf Goole or Sound ina Proery pine emesmber the Post-Office SIGN OF THe CURCULAR. SAW... Oveeber de H.-T. BARKE R; AND ATPORD & HURON BT} TOWN LOTS Be Bi hag POR hy grin WEAR ry 'pont Groceries, Crovhery rine an Gia + Provisions, Coal Oil, Confee~ rt Feed, Staple Dey Geode, Reote, in the West lind of the Town, : =

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