25 ern ; a : settleti--B £ 'STR od cee «eben Wa. We Latinats Bboc: ooh Two colts str ¥ : ORD TOWN COUNCIL. © Sciaaes . eee Our Mutual Priend--R. P. Langford. Mr ett Kee Weanin. at ee OF EDUCATION. THE F . ay : me , a -- wanted. nua 'An owner ja | THE QUESTION OF 41 7 A regular meeting of the school b ATAL COLLISION 7 pee - Wood ! Wood ! + etal ge Bar UeMi. c - SAcue oereaaen nox | evening. Re LOS ON THE G7. | WELLESLEY Towa? -- ae Win, | Pax Ur<--Mr. 0, ; s NK | chairman, Mr. : 'WAY, : Y . B+ Be ce heedlesaorege Epis ot Cuneo EXEMPTION Ont TERA Gate pone. (ee 2 oe CONCLUSION OF : PIAWING i aa & Oc. ryt «hint, marnst be id suOPs 6 », MAIN WORK- ay | McPa Ade cL OF THRE © ' "se MATCH. . Py Mr. John pated ka n -- and + 7 = AUES tT aanns} _ 4 = = : "sense Gilera --Wigapaon & Co. ss lasettahe ther aoa teas Morning- ven bold oo of the Towa Cowal? tunis eo Heiss ie Be Suayed--Joha Ferrel. in his 'cba steaped. heltere sey with a resolution passed aeroniance sepa m. Lack. atic Brine, Oct. ¢, wk Pe. need ese to talke a omner "It ty. (aetna st the last standing wy motive a 8 day ae two beg Rotice--O. Seebach. -- veer 'Present, Hie was very well piace two at & barca Sot an ee cn wen Tinker Eas ety -- 1s ener of tie. fm -- 2 nar apes Geel, i perp of stein Harv Tas na ' She Stratford iS . ge bowed ct mak Kiesitg a fe worse . om tor the The semen: ; : Gimes aphin--for five years the Walisee iabies | The solar oaeed - competitors :-- | :; a which wes i AND COUNTY OF PE - Mg ah yg eee arbitration again t for the Cawston | 7F- Hutehinsom, Wel- comperen = RTH GAZETTE. Costigan, M_P., tok Vietoria. that Mr. John moved by Mr. MeP, came, up, when it was Diode, do., Bde. Kamina AR, rm ett ae flared te frst vacancy wh X. B.. will be | Brows. by Mr: McPadilen; eeeonded by Mr. | ., An soatiry wes ie. Kelley Morn: hice ee Nov. 237m, 1878. oP ee ia"! in | moved ia Amendment, paid. my. ae the to the sureties J ing of - : oS MT. BUTLER. Raitor ana M wets y was basy tarket day in Strat count be paid caly. Me. Busser ) a3 eps? ; 2 ¥ Lackner, : : Manager. | poultry, and dairy * J sceount should be paid in full thonght the t Welk Ward, Wel- Pens r. b om ie | largely in Products, the supply be : y correct and just as it was a per- | ' lealey ; 3, AL ~ HE G.T.R. PAX EXEMPTION-| ~ Some - demand. oe fiurrs was beard in ¢ Mr, J.) He A q i . TMPTION?T Home Aass.--- Ming Louies Stuniy arrived pra paps aE xplanation of ORNINOTON. tse Be dose rt bard at j " ne Mined ~ tenti a the . cow teresting . Mere ft the Ge = P i recone any en Nakardag eat the bi or aa to os wets | etn bat oe pioneer rel 4 fide Prowse Maven. The rt ano das acy (cons eration took place tion, effected on Saturda ae sfniee'-Roaays the Gatiph Meee culy thse disks is account in full, as to pay | * lesson for the evra vba cage bene Aree lbadlorsem bl dene oo held on Friday, on yey ey had seek sen the aid af acarenss Connell, y night bythe Town | Notice i ercury. r ; om 6 eseial. at board to ? P coming : Griffin, con. 6, Wot 1, farm of Mr. Cale peg ng ne 'hihie curete, | BStCatea-- Ne MARRIAGES. will be Jhelled with entialacti is giveri thes's z 4 teodeend 1 i sins: 3 therntore-wems.| Dot large. bai The competition aim the very erent sstmues of tre snes Toaldemee of the nest, ae awh) For neari Me es ae ete will be 'held | urging the opeaing of Hamle ae eee The repair committee was difec was ou the rosd : T selght bare Lcrd teat nt Phe Sear armies Wee very ened. isan rfp Wook wera end sn-| Bev. me of te Uridegrenn's tater as' the ' the pabject en dase bree y mrgpdy: bes : Se she ComstRetes buen is ocld mot onst the. Hamlet Avenue that ep fac cow Word fence wre otro "Te Mr. Bi No. 5. ve heard that it deloning eerie war only eight. The | facia os, eee open tee Bouchier, wo Mist Rhos Bg Mr Chases pablic in one form or od the business * persons | much had not been council one doilar, If oi sump of thenabeste." hear : Bigelow--All of the plowmen : First the ' mans whe an ret andl | Hacowrow. Ty, oom, of another, aud eet at the court buving | be promised, be - was Ratherford report I could | 2, Bobert class--I, Henry Australia. ecareaenents 'OW KIERD--On " * great di are requetted to attend. ve voted for the by- . be would not Mom SCHOOL BF reeolloet t and Jackson ; Fleming, $6 ; Kelly, $4; a . rx w Christien the «th inet, ae ae tad, ™ , as cial i cia med that the by-law. Mr. McPappex in THO SOW bigs CHL, srs he Carleton agent «i 1S wt Hi, 4, Pred. ses, es John k ch Spt of fits pene eng an ee ery ge mn --e ast ' arded eccount, for Catnef Darehe' « = | Albert Doering,$5 ; Second 4 > hevtame Krounda " "OWpahead, pro ced tin, Ween the Company fret pep. [emesis 2, F Lang rring sonchines | to pay the Golick, Me. Roberto hates booed stioging thet the werk wan ton beled telegram was put ia which had been seat (A Sa. The jedace ws ofr Tha Ceanere, 943 |e x epttied"Shetchew im verse fe with | anne oe Ate posed Oa Grae ae he \ * jy | done as it sboulll as not being beard , engi udges were Mes ithiams, | sured we & Stratford ksbops to Strat Perth, Hares ' secoun bi 7 | decided. be. any despatch who Elk . . by * which the people of car town * wea = and Brace fur ieee erie oe ee bask So thse Pundioae Oren, ttn Nong a weeny el maeel deatpihe night sf the hecdset ropanior mean see Tes Willow. Diskeon ag be forget ty. pastor ia Conea, Visi Nor ait va RRRY Staion. noe 3 Fearn" Mr, Wa i "4 were overjoyed be. |_. Mr. He his eabetod A ines. . The motion to pay the Com- |) , to send for one of the jor Tl, 16, 6, and D J tints Parr pring <p Wellesley. Tif tb adj * writing. i him « ee ee r. ence May, py, Sg oa tie ing séina te they-hailed it as the. turn. Government en et Me seat on the passed after two or thres soten wore taken. bares ma the and to nt s ial Darohe's special.) There ree Aa lan. of thé firm of ug Hiden theraliy Hook of the Propies | 2°=RS 3 youre tr of Mr. Tames Vaastons," ~ n the bistory of Stratford. To seus whisk be beed oo caren MISPLACEMENT be 4 @ . Mr. Kile o. 1G that should head with | Plow whieh ra Saniiied 0 hanitoane cit i eh ere = Sym yo Be ot en the iat ro yg Ay the town in 1669 was in any. cara ie Fisher aie fon oy Pm Rowena Burnbam vet new Kap, rahltect . reported that the) tion je that the dre a tangas i no «mall degree pers ibe'inr ine thane ia pager w ith me wise a __! w dir" Sater 'age. Mra, Jones, relict. ct & Sourishing condition - 'next quarter of a gil + complaining of & commu, | completed, igh school was train mestioned ia on mappelt and yin C of Willian: . Manitebs -- wes tm Gitar lack of " , aethere} Mr. J acentury | | Misplaced on the « strest lamp being | saat 64 at a coat of 1.40, , part of whieh I in the des H ° taking las. we Pwd . Fennel, on the soy ' ing ind ames Hackett, brother "et corner of Nile children. and 18; I cops beard, © _ HIBRERT my childhood. gn ® Fans, Bettis. brother of Mr tries, which all Salt sie as mmeedened to tee en, | HO Eien, We Bidbace srg raped fmgort pone hele ree give Mr, fot eng negro deopetch which week | Phew tan. and hae bers the sate. day for Tas Dale Peneracebridgs, -- ' : recognized as the 12th July, 1 Montreal on the , Water and Gas C to } tor taking ' more per wok sent, and then Fk jn. we Marcu. -- Th towrnamem, Mr Mittens "ter mercies P | yoenpee ee eshoke. se wast --founiation---. See. 4 dowel nee - 1876, bas been appointed private ee care of a which eoutne- | westcly tndar the smgiom of any on hia reitives wha, be aud only a teliow- sree eat MY Andros prosperity. whatever | Globe thks thi . John O'Counor, T A petitio ig enmest, img soniaty von of the Hibbert | toetr residences I proceeded tn the direction 'et ' a ee Reais thie evidonse.ct. the veer = of A petition for » sidewall'on the sonth side Lg The,report of the high schoo! fer Ue a ontismumunne eal wo hina for trate She Sees Mie er, ht: 14, om, 11, Hib ety I G NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. to Tus Trees = Board of W. » Was referred to roll, and Thoa. é v weew, , om | od hls eet eee | Sound tho jong amd , W Law = eee ee scemed to give Stratford the go by, and the |2%™- Thea bra Bre Mana dollar per an- "5; Bis. T. Sater Sabete petitio i ee aires an See, Sacistont Sup't. of the G. beeing rm arg day a wank a are before sed wan ot al core, Notaries ace, BON, belicitors tn ers be ove, tue aul them sthes ta coreane'? "Board --" ots of Dramwichvet, ber, the number on a sees Aga hpine Queen poe reasire all trains o a po ip nnd pores ete of Sie Wonk bres fg PAL ota very, numereus faamiy- Cv tama we il *?| Rev. Mr. Wood vet | ovcinge 600; on tomrenon ed aio eee ee ; freight' thiike soem. gave & good are glad to wir Mice ee eae _Strattord, Nov. 15 . Cawnmae! 4 'ood, P. M. ively over October of 78 and 65 og east Ere required trains "| This, sow Secount of themeei Nothing the ani tt , being & true bar tord, New. £3, re. r nee naa | Sect neta syd bt an ee a, ae, Pi eel hy sr ih | see eso a iiiae|TOWN OF STRATFORD : . going west : plows on the ground. betng 80 few | oi drinking Sena Sine "2. gaacd agninet i TRATFORD ) gg ES bee ead. The competition was | cb enaperte. et mun saresitl| Voters' Lis ; by 2 . must weather and the age considering the | #esit sstig and - foaniry is very rs' List Court Bridgewater by rai, which ne. 1 Srestnden an Noner. eee . 4 oe hed i varvonin tate Vouerw Lise Ack hy be ae a ena Count A? for the mechanical ° and working classe Detingnents conundrum by pa: ely solve this i at onee. ying up their subseri the council to remit a parti ptions | rent on the prchtecm Ph circa of the hall --$3 remitted. Unele Tom's lectare-- a cantral, Xe. t -Edward M Mu 4 et Oe Cogan Morrison. Mary A son, Reynolds, Maud Paiter au ciront Janstion of © rate ect mask of those ' Was very creditable. py the takers {town It i¢ caletraued snail it Tor tie want Hime oni beard forks, bal unty of Perth, the G. T. B. as then management i te to looate : abops here, their repair Mr. & ee hae tg ag ae ge ' it . estrious mechanics frieuds spring, is| #2 max io & Win Dunbar : ia wes indeed' s Sot ors for Stretierd. | tbe highest terms Stratford. He speaks in| | Mo saeus axrurrwe ecssnen, | Seema trem Same We Millie Myde. No f. [gas med'ahore (nar. the i Company asked at that All hen dal the Maskoks District, | B ved by Mr. Sharman. reine Rivers. Bas sa Wilson. No placed there to give telegrapbie station | Tere &# follows ---E tion from tazex" The time was exemp- of good arable Ld i hundred « Orritt, that the by-law » seconded by Mr. oa date Bae pee Venton. Mina W: [Orey and Brnee trains rders to Toronto, | P&%! Boa, Hibbert xtra class (2 entries)--}. | Bath br: people and thei and timber land exempting the G: ee, Eile Weight. X: inter. | he Gra , whieh . , (Manro utries)--I, jek tor cleani sentatives 4t the : their repre- ' . farther on rand | w Veutom. Ne Liste belew em nd Trask track at that poit upag | Anderson, Usborne (Mi plow) ; 2, ing brick, and pan tiles kuives sod oe si isn rd yn Se Fn Be ae ta | ey te ee | tae oath tem ue a Palle ail Richelet sae tee | Court Room y pene i y, 1878, be ou No »-- Arthur Bt : > Hay been i lor or- | '™ : 2, John Ho arth, fot to | silage rection, brought 5 miles ie 8 them five years' . of 1870 granted | @ *he Town Hall will bave » bay | 2": 1878, now read a third | N° 4 Joseph 2. G@ Nornabei, Eli Lizzie | om ' In the employ of Class lot 3G bese of Coatharst, wetc the . Stratford a exemption P No all,on Friday ev Ty . jeoGn Humphrey pol, Elisaketh Weich. pany xine 1871: I hw y of the 2.--Boys' iron plow (Gray) bait. wi home eral} aie ' apieaten on their repair | 3° PRBS are being ening next. we Mavon--Now co Crawford, Kliza Heth egbeth Weick. eth hin with tte ave no fault to find | [*ehlan (Munro plows-1, Peter ted kindly tented' ty ol nen ot my | 594 -- years was what thi & grand enecess. spared to make the affair | (Langhter.) mes the tag of war. | N you, No, 1.--W McLellan, Rinm > ® | Ciseion, which eae ee tt 3 3, ) ; 2, James Burrell e- | pearly every temnily to at trunde, va & 16TH DAY ee have und shin a music by Poll Peg by Mr. H. Gibson ; Moved by Mr. Gites --- wie nea Non Any Cant McDonald. © time sas unger were" Mp (Yeandle). : Maro) (Yeandle) tne of tear orb varia ; taiting : ar eee ee, ih _ that ived, : aud. ber ts the by-law eonded by Mr. Ro. |" ribur. Lye, Enum ¢, Ieabella M. 'o Mr. Bigelow-- --1, Hi Dalton ( ' aren beam their eben te - m tbe wij. | 7? Sear FOREYOO™, low five" years' orn only al- Coe eines Whiskay Aletiler of Prescot ee tntil the fret meeting wot read a third | yaar 'Sacidents tarot ® Maitland. | igpt at Queen-at heserding $0 the oe (Wena (Muaro) ; 2, John Li bevught ep the" the old farmiiones oft errors and emfenioue in' the esate | exemption. a wha it member of Par ' scott, a} Mr. Gum meeting in Jan Model School in attendance . No. dle) ; 3, J /; ving. | bere wots pleasing which Frare snd omissions in the ¥ ate liamen' aary. aad arpen: rewip tratiurd, promise was made, however, ng pent, in in Ottawa, sox anid his object was ta giv Seretier |, from the follow at the at 4:48 on the day 16 freight phrer) 4. Charles' Upabal ter (Hw lip ocing Pomel ng reminiscence of | A ie. eters' List ct ot the five ' , that at the ena | 'ry liquor low ! d hire a0 opportanity a tu give the . 25 Marys. ng places te seest the ian, M. (Ml 1 (Humphrey). 5 tog of aupy days boy age onal life, | recpuisest hw ding bee ; be years, another similar term would | 3a i framing i G. W. Hoes is to they were in favor af further exetoption.or | Ga, 3 Mitaboll ethee eg sere, 3* | tt rales om port the passing of . ' 3: | sepa ola botnestned waa oe: said time and plate" --- Thus the matter stood until the will be peokibited: Every kind of Pane pee exemption. or petieg oes Cromarty, Milverton, "Har. | Ua.c and regulations hagas put in| Uaborne, and Joseph La wa. rime | Gale bs Cho Sanity ative strangers. after being A H oa year 2 om ine i . barring 7 aa : * 5 al . . 'om ; -- id 7 ' 4 : ' ing pany proposed whiskey. of course, Wiser's | to vote pone? said he did not think it ri and aan era a Jeswarth, Carlingford alfrei a special rule No. 3 st rane uoeswoine a nshard tu matting ewer, ai) T bad great diffeulty Dated at strattord, hdopeers 7 pew shops, and a Round.house for the Reoewr Hawt. --A. G, Macks Without an $4000 of the 7 night pe Lele ' iP Hanger ins must stop at every telegraph SWORTH PLOWING MATCH voluulemen ee stlowevers -- Alling coe _Stratiord, Nov. is, int th day of November accommodation 4. ri 4 * conduct y d thes meplasintincacas ice ™ of their engines, Several lenahie of an immense new oi Co. are | ee As & ratepayer from the Mr. Sharman aun cir aenmmersicis wibout first receiving r mast not Molesworth had anot Seent rire ine se tha ruiiway shalton NOTIC ee - __ Mia twa es ing fr hawt, ond | rn mean nr or in| te ea seni be met _Mr Saran hath pn ne | ER Sees on he eee mata fadeere rte pow | acs eae tease | NOTICE TO PAY UP 'ts wore offered. the . and in-| Paris and New York's The latest ¢ by-law now must | ings owned ; that many build- agent or : wat Geb cad dineern as the } the docks, 3 wae cee nett wht uu. . Com New York ¢ latest London,| Mr. Boaarrr « introduced. Catholies by Protestants lado rule anal . in charge. mateh and ¢ Toearnots ae onan ongagea b | AL: debts due the Sere dat Cult, rap od mantles at pi + ee oi millinery councillors rh d be believed that 'ill the | of the wore taned to pe aul cma by toes oun a "geen tret jane Maken aay care eu the farm of Mr The | & Biocenter There pear here ab posal teecasraee sit hn eter, going Marys," Under these ci ond | "never. : Swed tir the bon aoe ee biataren see im the ease of the di -B. : ) time card of the | fom Grey, Howie y attended by farmers f, the eetabtinnunent being tn Ma | OF they will, wate frstot January next" was desided to offer the ( circumstances, it} Sti. Tuxy Cowe.--The 1 He then went into a histny af & the town, | new pt i aah ag ineyed for cation. ie Urpuperintendant has ot s station , | mated ie k, Kime and Willess, The Sess eaeharany tances somes ordloction t Init, be placed im Cowit for G0KANG toloeste than ban" ter teo earn (os elections took place laah seek. Bt. cf ihe workabops from Torcats to Baten, the property would sll b hablo, sling Upieerintendent bas pover to change the | SL ante one carta ateal.. in ogned ond Far refining eatabiahinent. emoloying ame two | _*! 0. SK $3 flan he hn" or | nN ae sromeatiaet pire | eras 26 Sinema pre snes [a aed ek ese oe ae e oumber of was wv 600 or 1000 Mr. Forti, Conssrrité + | argued thet the G bonus of $25,000. the matter under out. The coun Gowrndt in itted to and rales packing" was two rounds | ticle from ona 'a drawback : aa . a c, ; Giand Trask B'y Co. » He | Would see tha! consideratio: in Couneil approved by the fomary, but allowed, as is Hele from that country j in tac in ar FOR Ss. 9, General that Mr. Bryd- if edauts waseke Ot The Grit reacthog very " 'y Ca. wan S 1 the property was n, and | male in the it; no change had been | 2>* at not « commendable ens- | men every t. Lee hundreds : ALE tho caine of ay testes esomemee" mained | D4 Liberal Ca ers Serieved 0 neg camber of ae aa eet sasmnorlaitsa the eomnall tr Sentiy-pasoed-to | ensue wh ciction bad hoon, Queen. pemiite crreugementa, ond tmade the beat | Torta tar bali pockets" "rin caa Dat 9 * cues, Sncth wiih Lente cone otel ption, and : A. Ty trumental had | ter full " consid Tales i been conection I, 'athedral, teitedt, fruit ith | sere of storey ont vans Ot brane Teseer os = ; Catacocte Sire had present pro nares op the town te fthen and to furnish the Senrd von a iiet | of Fay to let her pag ee was the duty ®atistacto poe match a erecrthing in | pital A mine's sea Ce n General pina. Biteate within 6 a land. A cusice ~ ay Oat Skater sjority:-- Thue -the matter goods commences ~s = and winter | of populatic pec le ped eg meni ---- patna porters | nae ct the collision, if Abcahines on the yeopared at ---- dinner was nef. pd irista! ride and Grand Wiliaaps foundry winuies = ro five iste, sets" th fet penile ¢ 9nd appectnnity lor sont, Sou: | denstal thndke weths am" ban tamed at MR. BUCKINGHAM S TORITION ee a it spother | Oe ete tie Ma Phere Pia Telintbedt te tee anne trafic pasaing LEONARD ROBINSUS, pk. ati mg tax collector | #rm cars fh pre. ee bee ars met Leptt a jie claimed thet ice tis ce a A Re rarer oa on nae Forsyth, Grey Fane: Forayta, Grey thee acpi inf ihe City" and Tit where | _Setford, New 1 tx; (09 the premaes : ; . with 'rw ' bene' ~ Wallace. ee . Grey ; Thos. Gibson, Wroxeter ; J. $$ bill. for 9800 with his little | feyune ected tor square dealing and_civing | '© Keep taith co Mie with the town. | There is « mt the Lertis News Ree a Reetnth operator on Dike, "Eten: W: ace. Wroseter 5 J. weakly eae, spe orcupl ad joining Br STRAY Lav-ts fares on and attend the sale. Procure = catalopne| Mi with thin ~ eRapeCps ls & general fewuny all ov He t@titied--1 was ext, wae called. Lochead, Elma. 3 ercher, Howick ; cleat, wits ie wondectn oe ant TRAYED thope for" that ° year. Matz Notes, quake en ot with: the seontiiiplnant ae panes te cbeet wed tLe | 7 p.nron the day of the scchder on called: | 'Thomas 'McKee, - Wallace. cha Cabell, Ellice; saviqeble ver sees Rak a enbansion | (DAME | a "Faso to pay, end hamed that they th te Frere en SEL Oflics years . He baliaved that » pinkie cd Gn ofthe Hirntord 8 ali Mr, Beskioghaus j eteeal io the ronning et im- bee pare Prisse--tot Pave Hay! to Leigh Woods, fron from St. Winrent's Racks Pena vemiaes of the subseriier on a ft whould | Gad's Hill, by one about 9 o'cloek, from are cr been given them ri » } partietarty-in No. 18 5 trains, Lochead, $10 ; 5 . Gibson, $18; | roome, ¢ Dating the promenade. HiREE : ee omencel : . -horse he-asked th ». and presided y im | mornag ; 5 abe. was rr : Sed A, Forsyth, pom aig Ces mureum, Victoria HEIF ate Re: upon the diffenlty A d n nec pays Ae coneers cod ne It | Betis: "whe-wat'e pater va, of ee, letters will necessarily, Pai Pre. pene Deve thenld have left Toronto bos. Dobert Pte --K 07. | aad wt Vinorat' From the Suopeneiee aan ane sclishaiabogsaaiiemiaee eee Me: 1: Mieksen. Gonsest epson unt the vsertbiodlee bad rats pee Raa yee haar ais = will feel sale. to aha his | crosea, No Ts at Acton noc ag = Brown, Grey A paeeee Howick ;| veneath, snenaey- U bare be men the most wet Soa taking the aximaiy ewe: anes be referred them t, and ' t , ays - Facnson waid i G vent cong | first Iyeard cton or Gisorgeto Ehos. P . Howiek ; Seareth your fart. ever witnemed. Fi JOH 7 to Mr. Brydges, Mr. Corcoran' my do away with at the ti ' jovernment when J of the} Torors dof 18 was the wn; the]$13. 9 Ge Priseo--t. 73. crn, the, . Eas Liew N FARRELL wha oran's time the -| bili he feels that i = i despatel 3; 2, Geo. Bro: st, T. Doberty, | (2 toe Bristol Dearing Nessnb eat A . Let . - ak he never waived ex- - Ph pore Postmaster, er by by er poe. it shoudl to sentenst be chen re lala ri --. theas will Cus. - theqent at Carelton ; an ie order = 3 Boye under' 18h Belt, 97.20. Santon ee reckon ager ESTRA Y CO . wae repalr who; ~ the man wh: > of five lor | if Sir Joh wate Secretary? Eveu | jas: ~4On arrival be as Theard Germ $A Patter. | the river ilwars are buili ; 'OL = them to the pt, and referred | Toronto Court of 0 waa tried at the inst it tim: ld eure 2, r John has confiden y* Even | oper valof 18," the #/ 10; 3 the river, on which hon either TS a ee m to the following letter :--- ~ | feit coin, into Assive for making grant fir a well learn dence in him, he | Openecga if ae interry; wuceit, was | Clg ne een, ae : , | eat, bat both trains are frequen of | GTRAYE: -- . : i as » into be kept snanter- ¢ year's exemption. i tow as bereafte may | made--4 corr pion was about to Jlass--Boys under It 98. ~ Porth: | are tere when oh foot like ena D om 10 the natty K RAILWay oF . that Tecate deal pend Ma. Rowe the . the r, that bis | 4:30 ection made ; "it be] $17); 2 er 16-1, A. Mill douw height, Viewed e chile | ie premises of the eader. ] fi hieh tour | w waght that if the G care not who country will not. » ard 4:45. was between | Gow: , A. MeIntosh, W er, Howiek, | those 5 Phe air ie 'Such' a stepen-| end abou! Cam. 5, ween vg Demaarvosrs Orrice: j hina." Chief Justice Hayarty against | vers Going to run the Grand Trank | as eer ane! to We | Gowan, Howiek, $4. G $10: 3, Silas | Whose lot it is to del noe salpy, aud endo ago, Welles Dean Sen, Stratford. tant Prbraary, i tea in the matter of r ; 'ioe pt day oereu at ol. 1 = ao long 00 the mea why only a , but | for ordgs for 7 onl the deapsteher aak | pen' medeanten ae Plowe--1, Mill Denven teloe Te nse indeed be et | propect ise Noe wey and the si 7 | bail haw dee feleasing him on eval ys Tronh bad secs Be claimed Post ome could perpetrate the ~ sal 16 repofed from « down special : I heard Somaith & Austin ent swe | eet meth Uni aboat to lease for Lam se | aw y. Pay expenses and take the aakmele eived umeh Scandal * rath Oronte ; it is F ay = . areal endes P SET tage el at ae grand ery =| tne Gompeny le toate ee ea | oa oo tr spn aa hard the prion of teange Otrery Cad Pow 1 Mibent gir foe pedi 2 eras st eee ROBERT KELL Ue Seconda ic 'an eo.| PBoTEstaxt Atti Is to the eae sheald ant that of confidence must ceee at (sae coda wt eae, es mame was Jndgus_Join Camplell' Waser ee poy family wen tare that wendertul | Stretéor!, Key. 13 will be prepared to erect, may teat thts eau | mosting of Protestants of all deter nn? Mea a, eed Pret before the by: | inter. aa basineas with the Prime 'Mis' | crus & Gack bene oe ayer gmt ry ningham, Grey | eS. aes A. Can- ial Saraiford and viene inmy 7 st ey the Ld house i ma) enominations 1870, he rt# was heard--A, , -- " a- | cross S, @oken in b at 16 would tel stannic peon, Hewiek. ~ - a AL whieh thas ac primant " evening in the are this W, mcs + could say that fire hsserencit ria sTRATPORIME NG: . saying 8, and T y the Carleton despatcher SEBRINGVILLE a 8 nag, «JAMES STRET, KEEP r & Barcalale's stores for Hall, over eT ee eemption FAURON RAILWAY eo on ; will cross 5 o despatcher saying) Disa - ° - = ¥ YOUR HANDS WARM fi organizing « ? P of ' pought is . ; " avid 4 Purdon res maces, Coxptcr.-- . res County of Perth. Wea All the to hear any further cxplana net necessary blair. Ont... Nov, s The A ing at baa ion reealied--I recollect send: Fh Be inet, Mr. King. 'On Tureday even. Henotary axp Hoase T. ~ - ' Lota pids new associat eee that the | before the F: 'hese gen! from es- Stratiord 7 ue for $40,000 in" ait make wit 16 @ Carleton ;~ by ss "5S must cas tas at Sebringt: goad for big do-the stase-at MeDon a Pen Satur. By Calling at = e namée Gf & lates. neva ly re- | and 'pance Committee 184 ma; . "ik waved be qreut uh Garlcten ooh de eee eo Post Office Sa intine eae hardware merchants, - hnamiths . - sim be | tentants, who ha' 's number of P Snother, and to at one time uerehy . carried by | bow lon; 7° Ido mot recollect advanced toward letters, and had burgiars, and was entered to- join. ve signified th To- | dence was say the leant, their evi- |... dealer, Nov poy te time elapsed betore receiv thirty ponder drene het inert not | ahows $60. Te mn, nine to the 4 <ai3 ered je join, : ; their willingness } see why Reg bom smigg 9 He cou Ty ti, | slie voted « bo a ee of Elder. panies tan at orders tanet bere | im the back with «large iecanainnas | worth 9150, wee tir hight «valaable bor =i Wailliamso sf regard to the citizens of Siratlord, Winit-~ Forelaod= informs nst xobmitting the qnestion urged sitationd & Haron Hailwas page { the |. eWdenes was rolangs whieh staggered him. sront or other mlesie farmer Memir Peter the barn of a n Ss . 5 rane : to the rate-| °7 * ™slority o Fs 9th inet | COPoner clased man and r. Kin robbers as » No tares as of today's Tuaces, that be has tha éolamns | Mr. Roscay Dir ater bes y of 00. ; dipty addressed the j > aad the} plored in eomanly etteebe sve te to an tal dee clue tothe The aR eer pane baween the Pert cape ng hel Weert aie ex: ' "BRITISH God oMnia>. After = veneet. oe te de-| armstrong, who worked at shermain -- would of the bu be ® great con veni wnie Road. This wi ption. y to vote = ; cnn en cement toe: atort deli om Seaeeeae some time ago, bat nee soave 8. ee 'expend ii that part of the co to the people tving oe Macxar felt that it wat THE ELECTIONS OVER--BUSNTER nETURYS BPreberich verdict :---4*. fe hook at FULLARTON. ith bed ba. deap did che bromren Rf tT tot would land to the bes beyond the Mr. Bowland's conn tud-we hope to see | gent to on that! a by-law ae "4 vaRCOONERS | at, the Goutal ee November (978 pe es 'Mawday last Die 9 Hi -- Kincaoll on Monde [ ¢ I: W A R M of a very plea red wage ans boner bog ving & good terprise appreciated, by | been i t ten years' © avi) yy ; County of % of Té 1 the stable of Mr. : strut cian been onday aw: . mpi . by promised exemption bad |, Vittoria, B.C., X y of Tork, Gronto, in the - Wel A ee ee drinking m Ca ed tote popelation of bis wood by Strattord & Haroa Railway, aod alt, McYapvan waa not the Dominion C., Nov. &.--The sleetions tor | the eallisiect rare deve he 4 oft Mer fseree ae Ath Nena Me Boa sistet "Wak creat ' = m unl, thall be glad to Know as eariy as possible r very hoot quality. ayi.aed ind reeding of the ews gree ot the | Conservative, was aT ee von Seat te ak Samm Gseeed Trank shreugh yoy aid oon oho with Mr. Levy's little beliove bim.It seems-be | the "did-wot | f-< . -f- amenity SAP pect Peat | coat ibe gris ob al tid ei eee Somat s| Sa atria ates re | Sig nina ae Snaee | ei pig mc irae | enantio tone eee} WA LV = ee 'whieh the bulidiie s © Our ar | © Catholic ho costs in dise 1870 had bee: | domald are supporters one | eared 084 said collision was . The. bara with matebes and arpose, he took a snfficient for : ~aaoe ; a age the. ne ay | Catholic vote" of Path) bee ihe | when is duties, Heal peglectfal Goternment.~ - of the Mac- | The 0 eidenes does not was | cape it Eeing oak head. <n "Harvos aan, and died large ' acatiphdoyit Tam, dear sir, sation fer libel sgainet. tha entered an | Gompeny ine une o slakmned thes -----r iary tal, Roovter, thurs venatas oe. | oe ng only & few feet from the burn: Gorveer will Seldon ingen eee ' ; wala the Compan: granted them ject om . there was great neg. ck No insurance. the burn- at etentimens Your try, tat he (ore bat fia par Herald, waplce, in vecn isa a SS ee en The Trap-Door Grit Purists Copy tet cout fenplayees of the ead , " rt _ Wiis ee JUST ARRIVED Bie tary | a ad Sl mn ho LOE TEETER sce | eraenghes serena te caenst] means ce oe Re About # month - about ats. We don't - Riso was in fa Montreal -- eters o and relations wees petarehe eee meee isa AccwENt,--On Monday aft 'The friend (& Wilkos Sewing E duteuaeens amare 9 tare amare th ry ot to eee conde in 1010. Howoela eae Bench an Nor, 8. At the Court of Queen's a ee eee sin een eceeaoee ea ae The faith friend of ----o AP-FOR GASH Hickson, at "upon Mr: . \ 5 Apel orning, his Honor Mr. Justi paeibecatanenane it. Boyd's. Whil { blasting stones as} TBE ery nation and ha _ Stratton, Nev, 1: ai # the station here, and that gen: theo tne Heune tae m4 Botoxa favored submi: Ramsey gave jadgment in the seaaa tn FOIND OUT BELO Gad b mes af he {rien ofthe weary" sentres Navi 03, teres stad ; pret gual yey Bae inzee lee 1876-7 ddwehls heat ca eke nn prhyed an DE Toot, Parveane naladeal Pre pages a Ee motion | Before the etal 17th. wi jaring oue of Mr it exploded, in- wih The Questio Perera Ok. ton e honor ; 7. | We ean afford let into dark "Te lew remas . of the G.T.R, out the first cou judgment throw. | it now 17th--for that severely as io neversitate 's hands so Mrcumes @ moment s play i m Settled ' : granting five years farther 2) Bows maw te, nmarks, whieh to say the least, | 3s shan Afirremel mete nts eee her een ean is the name | ® couple of his 6: the amputation of | TRe friend of the nA a sath f veral Councillors exemption. fle- | g.sonerey Danae Tie yadicious, as they were wore | twa.sonnte, Adaland P. Foepet ce the other eaty Prince Ed rghond ped Fete te Ladan with me arite sad mother f U ; jepartures, is the age of . form of . Adelard P. Forget boc. The th ward Island en |' qi i was 'The friend ut Many, Scare, 1 aie Ge dae ee ct ee ior ag the Sillowing letter of pew | | After some further * | tien, $100 « cP ae 7 ody Big A RE gy tee Mr-B.is doing |, Youthful: appr maiden, Paris, Oct. 21st, 1§ heard, the people should be Press will show :-- the | taken as discassion the vote . $100 or 45 days' i ; Adolphe Cbris- | return fr one of his speeches after bis o Marce.--A - A friend im the and fair. WHEELER - 2ist, 1878. ~- id and they thele conten: PRP ; For Ex ar vo Lamarche, (100 ce 48 ee 'Adol. | time pee ebertive tour im the hang commemoration of the sipeting mateh in (A fiiend a the wealthy lowly aad ELER & WILSON"S . Z ee Others Brccaedetages tion itormuerty jon Saturday. Oetober may wie Bay,' Mackay." Hep! '. or 80 days, The Hon, i Teaae Pilon, that the And the reason given wae {cs nyptpralic .) took pia of levee. Fy OA, hall ps a for their NewS anes . " proper parties to decide '] and child baby oF uy, Bigs , Burritt, Brown, padicen. traders, ere "reformers" and | tended japovarian Dunn's = ¢,a Special G --that the matter are . Both mother He said ty of : Charlottetown ith great ne, snd The quilti of rand they were acquainted with the Te Tees eet mretalty, Reping Pasdon Ole a tanperere-- Mi of thas if Forget bad = Shee i Ko Ezaminer wae chee? Anema G the Exposition«-The hi cireumsiances of ibe whole . Fours, &e., ia one of your ix . ou, M. lesars, Mo- | would have fi . Potatoes ha: chosen leaders « For qut Ady dary 5 rand Prize aw only tsan 90 qualioel to hghubets frtn eas ug B, 0 be oalariped by the above rvial, | say tfed dee asset ind Km ¥i,000 nad Shree years | tt Ay conn Wtnatanding the United | oF 8 bail and wapper, the bnin '= reseTscare oe ing-Mechines--Over 80'Gonr. terests of the town. sal vile oo no to. lowing ia et Dane, pabiaes the a me ie Samet, waren THE HOME | the duty, which prrents wiect to them the the shot, which was agreeabl Tice fe) nen ars od and Foun, soe: : ver 80 Com- Mere. At a touted mssting ly 82 we be. | On Sunda: = at ; » and affixed the HOME RULE teen conte ats them from gett was eter 2, iison would con F. LANGE . the with ad ®. tieeke. S > RS. i-e.3 per getting early bour, when 5 had well besrun plete Weal, 'ORD, STRATFORD, held oo Satards; of the Couneil Flotehor Mansy, of tole ienee tnt Bile of js the 'burning And thus - and . They with ' all dispersed an aale and Reta ONT. Y evening, ton pena Vinge, OF Mr. | Trank ng question" of ay apparas Viz., that we lose -- the day' well pleased And hemmi bg and Bruce id Agent for Peeth, Ha ap for final sitous takaae ae came | And again we quote & daughter or deut mich he welll pothe heomen a yhOu bm, acts duty: is now the United Rates sport. xed is the ine ners went and sore, : far Peeta, Haron Suamien ef the a full dis. | atm qv trom & Listowel paper , . don, Nov. 9.--Dr. Bu 01.95 per § 'in New ¥ ~ While carr. some' Tie «peed and perfectnes. PA, wing ng Local Agents Wastes . by-law granting five payin m, ie --~ Brown, of s ven --on sightese pounigr A deni seemed 2 iat. dress $0 ' foe Limarieh, ion toned er at | Sere cue ene Bie nat, bron one jm ony mt Deee, Jr, nese yr 'will do with towne and vite Spertieshendy a, was carried. farther exemption |- t will make it next? i = Mr. Beaarrr ee collector's ene haat ee that city, | om ad. ic nas: foot pers 48 s ta ahy paitern Jou may" cr an _Strationt, Now. 13, ie adhe "Thus 'ux Sraarrons & whence, if Treasurer, county, d ; Ralers 5 2 HE A@HAN 2 . Dans, 4aned 5 even braid your bane, cnepsemagrs _ rela jana ends this vesad question. We be | re aed to ear thatthe Daectors oi coring t aw. Me. 'nad been: returned Me. | flow laveives tnt total a piliey af cocawe | _Simie, Noveubl molten Sohn Brown, Pred sil pa aaa atte que et WOOD. W ata hope the 2 acted wisely, and we ee eh wich soeek "ods this | ng 0 law. Mr Lawrence replied that it | (No 'frsh paste to dincsezs ption of the ex- Pry haters "epatied Pn bike af Samoel eili, Sue a aad ack aan fel Beat A OOD concentrate all their Company will now termin Pale me that bee polead yy li claimed in _ toduerenaes pus a Cavpend a bea iy solved. It George Johnston, = it PRM ites and wed M* we -- * . chanical staff ere. rab em Bey, aah Wiek thay aied these bowecee She ate Hg tangs ne. Hesima Rotunda esting in Dublin co the' a ee" | avon the Ament Sith this objects The . = (bat feeble bands oun da M hati that be has opened 'aps WOLE Bo better point in iy, there in| ivel: 4 ters im on Monday. received would | Ottobet. He saye the: pee Pad of | the . eepairs ct capt. cnewnn' vat wm silk or beaver 'tis the samue s.r cp a Woop . dike kacurdhcan Canada, and by | ti 4 bong bounses voted up to Per to protest the pot Ra cage was | 320d be inflicted on che no heavier how | A Simla di -- ion dames Chowan, ¢ FE Pt rl FALSTA : sean Pp to the which an adj matter, than giving the cause of Ireland | tees iapate! says insurgent . abou, a Rebroldetiog is dase FF STREE money which is enormous amouni| Bal. Co Perth ' an adjournment took place. | semblance of Proposed agitation even = comm it- ae 4 ameet 37 cannot oo want T their wasted annually i Ww erth, unerpended gee that approval. the | places in Roumelia and mau} 1" Joba Duan, (ett ia- 11 aeaet Se te please, savideeeveie , works located at diff Y in having " . $40,000 MITCHELL. his bee . Butt deutes | under Macglonis 6re recraiting the 4 Nam. Wileea, 5a 17 'on the goats PORT DOVER ° Tues has erent points. Tx Normanby. 10,000 . he says, in m a failure, Never, | the thirty-five yars of hen Jez Henao, san 1 ease. . STATION AND THE DOWMIE always had : ©! Beatineh 80.000 Sets much been d space of four years . Gidere ter Gn Sekonda et and arming Thomas Roya "om it SW Te ek ae end atirene Where parties p: a04D ey it. view the} Harriston the Advocate. F ke UL s bas so | The igsurgonts of their homes. Geo. Chowsn. +e 1s Then deat esting, " geod quality, tad meh eee ' the town, ton 35,000 A. Mulberos regpected and inf 4 are ell armed ait, W nes you ever baste give bins fair wood, ofa sie SPs Enea Palmersten __ A. Mulheron 4 Co,, are putting up over "at ised." The Tur 2 otdeat of spree nae oun "6 Sastine Give hits 4 Cal." Nuns but Aret-claae wood hope et: eth. 56" pevetal Rod win 15. 8 fence 4 A Fo Tivistech adhaul tested hee ; insargenta { reinforeements' creivg = Saey to thread and quickly : as the Gréba Tronk Corporatien | arrun 25,000 | Mr. Hobert-Jones' ,| bald a fine Brick sohool with ail the meas tego at in a blind oa fears 46 ame it Stratford, Wa. ROWLAND. onli silent Railway Companz_it is He 15;000- | i Liverpocte | cargo of cattle wmmiieaie dspateh . Nov. 12.-A sensational $i wi ethan bowen winning yee ee ee . Now. 1, 1a78. l ford very short time when Strat- | >A ov 40,009 | Animal. On Naturday tha loes of an | -, 12 Petition agai . from Candahar aoe & canton 'Thom as dieestors soled sa Sagan and' W, fe perfectly tie work is dome, PE come ate being « thriving city. We -- to.000 hipped 600 sheep forthe mane fark C; Cumevon. for the retarn of Mr. M. | the nial Py Ameer announce! that ------s¢te ant' wun! goesingandacet thetitening: SY | Pre Inaurance R+-A-L- a e 7 f Thine: i = : ---- cur town = the musicipal officers of A total of - nieeee,' ony hy oe townsmen, Mr. Wm. David- Porter, acne age bem rage ie the 'The Governevol | Candahar and COUNCIL MEETINGS. d ee y ie bewitehing. seein anos ed Londen, --~ = dealiogs sduvabaer cote to have Bonases remains to be voted oe Heart' toe vi Sagal of y- "7 ays i ------ La at, --C ail i. Xoemey south " "i a wes, ste 4 companions Keppel, * es '* hotel, at Mr. |. Listowel October x et om Monday, and muttle movement ; sane at mod . porporations pat in black and} Aibermarie, 200 | ak. tee connie af TSS Pay epi m ahe pay beget Montrea), Nov, 10.-A sad ease of Geshe. 'Depsty-Hoeve in the chais. ~ every gud improvement scrifom pera dwalmgs a8 ta * and white,| - Eastnor, -- \ 10.000 cl the of his from the | #4 9500 es first ansistant © young and atlees tase of sedue- | of Wi before the evuneil the - The Twill not wear out as others a . G. W. LA : ¥, XK: f hea township. Mr. David per annum, snd Mis te light bere, A Misab girl has just come | Wm. Davidson, Esq., a1 Tesignation With « few, years: do, . LAWRENCE, a 8,000 _| gift of the filled the highest chair in the Michail eed seven at tgs Perenla, nese Ottawa, tad living with her Migalty. Moved by io Jounuon and pay withenl santtee, Stratford J yt 77 Aquat as 'Stupstora. of ae be #00, j of a commercial Sequsintance le Jonson fe. ) most basing. 2 . ttn Ties wilt "be -anbeniited $48,000 eit ew, tn his roment frown occu pied pedhcorbe t e gke Pong back nege fellow init peer Spy red sory te 8 hag lagen pe yom And yet t bas oot bait Srratrorp M. ae aod iti expected ey wl eareywithoat say well deeerved. in Gros tendering hick? eabiag - Ae PhS Free sites have. been nal spacing Stee ater poly gare ieee! 6" 2a eater canine aya Woars, - ' to pecced Cuk tee Bennet . #9 thus tendering him a publie | Lillieo, and + We. and M he abandaed her her. | cipal 1 services " 'The latest Bows, STREET. after all thi d with the 5 . one for $400 ir. Peter | Telnge im a disreputabe: and she took officer during a period sa 8 muni. Pigastag pote beser Botte QADSBY & SHARMA tnd. the the. bonuses MarrenaThe ber, Mr. Lillieo' Mr, John Bar. | ** has bonse, trom years, first of over t From the comes. . nN, poly b are| the town sehool 3 olfer has . has just been whieh as clerk, and for wenty) = The World's Great Exposi Proprietors, vioronny "next, 'ua be. Fuched raised Porsnonng shoot all the ten and the schoel will. probebty be baile tar nes " pated ty ber parents. Yoare aa Reeey, which office pg mage be Wheeler & Wisen stands thou eee 'a be estimated. by Bold chotcmen ol the Pollen been |" The Ota: eBencic 10 township, merit vantage to the Now, whe would. = Be ed scape hat a te room of Dr. foe Onl i si Free Prem saywthat Sie A. T. te. rea ED sod eater | this token of appreciation WVih tedone nec pat fared" * ouse to Rent. besides trade, High Public Sehead ealy for t capital, | 4 |» Ohio, cf 'J pore. sn Big? oor ek oar manu }Jaid agree very weil, and a ment pose of adviing tbe Govern: psa wiv isiy Sep toreedw dd in the & e of being associated whh ovens bait and bend pelt bis. seven seams. je the distribu. by the teachers, x rales | dian case for of « Cans. | ¥&# became the foremost there, | this of the affairs of To ry & wife or friéad, WarTeow os Tae the Geargian on each others aya By of the =f ent, looked lie . He -- Mr; John K. Goetz wi at what d eet 8 of Stratford Bay country. The wth : area: 'tases Bot Se give She new tinh | le yr se ae conseil that Mr. Mich 7 eiluiea ee TO NTT pre grrwthgyyoartiadiangl BAER praia p lossy h-Uned massage vitor Peet, peasiner ant ares mal made conces. |" .Sa,come.siong and RE ! &. Fuller. their townaman, | T nl riff; a which z 'ith made notify Or pepe nee : RE hes shown te poching foae & Wodnsthag ¥. ae nin. that stood i Talrly wider way. it in | Who potted, fea oe to fs pro- Got vid of your elamety = 'Tibowias and Vincent atre is: lh sta 2 oe eer eocter e See ees | oe meee encom ee cae oS Sa | sete [ee celeeiane wil banal *. at placed » a the women who + Dent and true. rope Femail as a he et starday-- deka A pag bol og biol ajeome feng ombenes ee eee armen nd Sth J. _ DAVID SCRIMGROUR 3 he the oka A. in a fraud, and mast be remembered, of one of the women had ak. A betel repairing ' For sate ear easy te es Se ¥ : ae ae [at & not: ime hich the above ie quad. of stealing her wéeh. bet ae Leet, . eeeteaereeeie o NOTICE eee : = S Cae emt. organ of the Govern. tered lout ito bien, New . RLF. LANGFORD ini nF EEO + thle alent ey = wail. wrest on a6 ot bh od Weet ° 4 : oe : : i a =. , " ; = wf 4 . ; : 4 Pr a \ Bier om. '* ; a E