hy ae ie ts bn Theme tases! Thrown te the a he By bee open Le at te f Tiyink'st Haow chair biog Wohin ny Hye tears t Tic De sss rt ached off in pla 'AROUND ooh we WORLD. Facts one Reames ach From all Overs! Senkeow ore which "| bs initoat ve 1 'rere about ake' that erp Levee ares in this for heed po Gy a ons of the United: year was i of 5.12, 0, faa Cusliffe Brooks, M. bt, & shooting | party a ayn thirty were out on sven 4 ae cable the tries bbs named lof Mr. The Rerugient =e | Hid ts et mst iy eye set fel | |p ot darayn | had the; a peer int a t sme im w hic ay arin 4 the . i ry wu | * lave Tae marie tor | ines i - eas t one single metiber, t "ye fatins I was ship A' sci the icing ap | Pri of day sche ttle 1 Guffey, Be te "= ie ct | Station at Yale digg, 3 wear cireutmetanods white the "ites parvit was identified with a M b ut with ale |; A New Friend we an oa ERTL aaa th at arovt hid Frankford Kerdyoss ot No bi inal portion « zp ee a to Fs in thei Pel tt ny ugh sails tat j ate i hat - ra te one the y wil pla dow thst Peden r tage oon | reapert ei w ns cremate chutes tt S war Farm ; worm dag get a word! hat yy he ov scold bome ee an houses Ate In thy Nikilist trial at St, Petendiarg, the bold arowals of Sah lo grtcm in a: 34,990, saws asiehs poe 'anil Wailea at 26, Sea ep honest pee pat T4079, and of Igeland bsibol "the tw e aly, te tiv | | ootber angie he | boeing injure rahe SRS + einen j Fanaa Who, tor ce) noel ven, bbttered him nteet the hel nil eo | ! 'oni he wan rende severely injared More than Porky similar casea of ru! a tin an costar | fect! that 1 Di | Ewe?, applied ae eA ie etal, tieelorig, he woke At | fount ite Ai tae ss. $16 se, wa REET To. Mill Owng ff z= ntl slacions ae 5 thougtd| Mies Sirty minx. Y, it leit the, a the old eure at Hey | stead, in "Engle, Boley Ww itliam. atin | Liew brivies 1, ume f Crack jong been seen gh it, i od th pet a brother ta Sniymotf, who was itviesd for prai ene ea be lies bs Ee ne ri at bag crcapod | rage | Sian. y ' whieh site only to conviat, has caused » belonged to the party of the Nation- " Wi it pa aol ibs ithe active cobost of ruggle." Liew be pit at = he leaned hear | stare = be Purpose 7 aimed (at aoeere it far im it 4 sans i lade pia rl, oun an | r lives by we dihestogee than by their i tye ke 5 iwtapey and fearlessness tu encourage ' Tu: pocket C ei me hain - a phage' lived the autograph of Charles eal | Terrorist a outrance. | believe it to be the hic dashes age w of comba' the Govyerpment. i ere oe Stal and obtaining individual Nberty, and the . . 7 Nabi ntlaki od , ve Li oth liber- awa: « | a es e cur friends retprning home sok at he ' i he ran, Ri, ye.cortespondent the Lorton Time Lolly coming, < rites from St. Petersburg that thi tral | " buly, Fibafly, at a Jouder, longe wu tious of the rightaof the | Ting, the valet pe luded to show himse: Goals pon d prpctical *tit's oil ~--20) for = he to an up you know, They ew ornare who, naw t sin righ oP . has ow og aot anything even in Hua- i Pray, 7 "rg unfairness ofthe court, bon ppraon. te "said the ud iby" but I af ¥v day by Gai ree td ab 'Trinita wort ha words; in Ruswia and elsowhete ae he Uth of Fs sche r anc iat of all-- Mei Lots aan, whic "9 acoording to t tt." Tt i is yered Henao arrell with whon oyainte u aleric ridge, of hw ia ig steps '4 i doe th at of Eagan orig fe tenakaat w bbscts tevedie ate susie ne thot wl ri) It mouned and Se peter 2p bon ather, who acte tu one at "tha re : lence Sctastevas that he -- " note | clytimsty 200 BL rel Timanoared | in nee it tle ote hating set forth a ual Mp lL morning of the 20th of December for schuul, ne ra The , | ttt wil mil the 'Stic ial t Esther Pay » ber | ebarged on 'raspic ad with causing the death e child ¥ sive | of the blood have been Ay rad fe Lociers le | or shculd be warm enough to give an emt he ing . 8 boy ' werning and evening ineal be light al; List he ite Sonticfal how a cold will yield to . Eenglich an | Latin : this treatment if it is 'oan borvg the war * 8 de aan e wats | utes it can be found no shat ey y sal si ak } nic and # man said you at tot | | trow es! it keep a register of every one. are paid to crippled woldie 2 Aw for t the sierer ia Viguro n+ | a very good remedy, om | fall that the pely may tie & stone of him | morsel to the We came isone na! the worl . proses: = Brooklya Tay Bia in busines cold in a ahee "thot ath anit drink ore y. Theeld vyrenree Arsen a fever" sught to be do. PRE, aoe ing there wasn to wteal!" "There wasn't!" [een in that picked anlience, crit, Ae « Mf the officials, of mt more than ho are ase rT falaqhiinl, wero ty peat and tnost odious fora, im, wie he drove tow to turn Terrorist," and iy Saas lw had willingly offered bis life, knowing that at some time, sooner or later, t eo effect of their bear and Maspero's Attack on Moidoum. fs Lawme ty tae Remtos Tianare * ore ily tor "paried treasure. 'Alter ta | paar avunding the pyramil bigh and low entra © near the aumnut, which th ge bh characters the names of twu tras ellecs, og | wokkai, terior when the eyes it was 2.500 years old. They were scribes he ollowel their profi sion Kone time dusin ng | the reign of the Pharashs of 'the twen er phivh flourished in' Egypt abe jue -- ee - iegioage ed erent * 2 't of Raghnd. Ite notes are A all ov = he an world. . Many rhe ers go to awe it. ah nee, @ have sent old coin to them by expres that ane hadk to us unopened, yet the reba | of the gold ct rie olf five pounds' w y Agreeing that thie great hank ak A Kreator 'Villacn: thee' kbs! Other. 'Wail Sweat Dadiy Nowe Draring) the wi {lays West, in, darct tet not phi since, Was nee in & Mic! ligan town, amd formed a close friendship with the cashier of ome of the vi nehg vanes atk s. ewrening the cas! tod that le was laying oe plans to reb thet bank ff all ite fands anc into C wand bin dae lng hieeelt to be an rawn inte the T Pacpmsec Sg all to blazes!" he groan- "Did you Li the money!" "Not sae Ayre toad Why, et President aki out Sunday wight: the ari eutte tullow 4; pnd the Deore disappeared that aig On Tuesds: ckertaeee 'San infernal dollar billgleft The effort to keep tiaintain a style rightly ex wate is chen, ments, Tegel, and Sener jAreeday financial ruin aiytain, ¥ persons who, sooner Shan ferfeit dere homely st « Fling sacrifice their owen ere hardships, will yet alter py ita pivakd dalled upon to =yi4 Eee cakes -- their fancied Fespec: i luxury) or ane would ott who else mae pap ~ eury Waters of eo biercpane His a sh a J . zi; : Enxzgliakinen ee to wh their pone baw i if EF oP "i ae ve) ath in t4 you think that "La aie + were 'bs Maspero, the alien suconssor of Marict ted inte tne ist's pyenne w beantiful the dome of hens thie | | They val hoy +h F.E.DI ni Hh 7 Send for Our F Anterican ¥ . Lace Leather, ener, gers te look | sebally at edo Ds yes," ed Ranni | ney of Sky one be to > and wail 52 28 Let tho oldest gojfirst," | sh eo Gem ais soeameaily Seer} pace with their fy with entwined arms, mp weatiin * |e nek Jet, & . beer a ealy the third | Ting: E rted bis sweethfart to ally " Ip gh nt reid the < gales one "ys 'and had: her picture}? = » swe group, She selested the impreancn wi kad best, atid a few days s adoz o phbtos were tent home to her, hen | tel UL ha el inthe evening, he asked her ene | ieee an, li ith | pixies appo bil fies p Bec at oie r ps fink, of cour } gona, th head of a {| t @ | donike ied Tayle in whe am of Landaner'« Be ed. | This a jit te 'Wr che ' xprmaton ef the | various 2éx- ome t riekars. An gmusing Ietter from Alexander brim rt) younger concerning his ell ag just k * wire Ve Ho wa was } that the aame now } vs atic author, ine the | gdvicates,| mn eon no ah te withobt &: tl Sauna: day. ct ir bane a Harvey » who me visited the in alrea | od ane ie asd | der ' 'hie day, took an ory ios hair, t, Tw fib bas new tpewn f Ailowed bys Ham. t," the hemd of a de 5 ag Bier oral pera y thathod employed ix thy ae method jx pechliarly together in an auilmal ide bn ia him, and ities : one at | Fin! mi Minuixknr,--** Good [morn | White Nae, iva 'ietween sail Brown, ticki. "How Gado Kar . $ a last nij *Oh, |:Fapheta, lee ing seo oth Sfaliook tribes, arena out drum { {bred rn et ry yw tack 24 eck ie fo mly f mth rs aud flowe sand | ing fell Sea a the ong i mtn at me." What | utterly dal ug man Manito 5A rte "i mprning, * sa il Brow Uw) ae a ka bu ab, ably lone au te a dy pik te otia 'onderful Substance, ane Chitago WW catern ( "utholic wadn's is mudorsed by Otic, aud are soane of our ai fog oe me mts i the nity i 7 Mopliger 3 | fer CHERRY PECTORAL; = jie cur own circle sutheing 4 with: pais dr read al line baer Hey elt et two thorns dollars on Toedieie a t hie wife, was null pune ate) bis rye wiporaries, "To # sin 7 sheaiata, and plier ¢ wot Sel pos Lene- Boy may t 'y ei toe € "ery es wate wat e shows ty 'ibe. finer o rds ie iba recets. in =) Mr. one or Jost a ree ad beauty, miajntain- Uni la gins corte nonrlenes with Goethe follawing is 3 wan : | for ars, brid udton bari him af Carle. Uxresx Carnosse Liona lank " balan Ais rlenbusdl. } is mehtly ren an bxtee well knew pei ta re y ite somiissioned to sift and sik ey ee tiem; ' ii t A eatnal publigation the correspogdence | sroublesom | tits Goethe in the Haroness von Lewbtzulls } deal of be | Poaseanibn, shfe, marta t that meet was i hw or- a men ied io o deing: mes hav at rr ny through the use of 'his valuabie Tin fl I meh A. 1 tit ithe 1 wish to add my tes fines to saisateat of St nce oa be list of tantid afd p have UT: poe ane ions Ley New Testament, if bre ol, larg: called Mnetahorcaly "nes «diea" Ride 12° we talk o! 2 silver plate--private peppe ¥--is hatwollor Cos > Anlrassy ugh mus vay ate - ings I heard mt a me, Gok a fi are Lo on often not kag wherk the ; ery brittle," said our guile. aa to come Vietor Hu- Giraw a good deal ahont upon a counter-- | found, a asylum in x peo Guizbt: in that is, a nym gold pi ant then | Londag, Count Saft xfonk and Lou eweep it of the counter, you will tind that lane at: Brighton. Bismarck has 3 ch the sb, Fam countinp, Wo are ver: fomskt hithse fan exile, but an it be wototions the in th ne weighing ree val el {ly ie DARL pec which generally happens, | OP" t te worth his while to have a near port: of | of ve always ope S Wht renarkabi Te Tien, "* whe ares Hirpeweaa mle igkspurg. | PD 80. as selling Foackérali ¢ 0 bop in the | per, which loa sountry, Yen anoder man thee up & edgre in | The popalari owt ibd selld mackeral by de whit wa to induc «t bis neme vas S "Na matter how | priate all th hy mackeral, Ma oe, * vould dake! o somenf d¢emmackery| from each uf de | kite re made thew ad ue w then und #1 ep mit salt, you know,ung be | sales of Electric Oi mal i -bot iron vort off his leg.) "Bat he vill kick his Sent them unless Ly joud," saul Schwartz, 'No, be won't | vee Briggs' Botanic Bitte a utrances, it! kuodls ered, and 'then it wh pe se bow his head to ¢ rich man imust 'yn himself, * ase uf bersever- Elen etri: dans d ck er wpe," mal Mr. i Hoffertetein mons have whey di flere tmedyande Clothes dealer, to his qesixt- | Will be see dot uf Le Law ccs 5 wAcneC MER CINE 4 Har O° | te its marvellans vas: doing, he get mad) und | commend it to ui "| Briggs' M. ; f fesee| ith of all factory work given the © |i Hits, BHA PRESSES, ~e je pea at cays ot | TegiER a the Attention is called ooljiyou know, Herman, he * tin greed ot thie sate vf ale A A folds the mele und berna de vort mit ared- ey barin: ba bp claisns TinaAnes: ce in pine one to three ¢ treatin med Di Joking, Ohio, be- pecehiar Fagin F gE 5 : by * gene in the weet ne mort peopl ¢lainis a par This is the Scag flee ots or nective of aa ig trouble; tee erate es ool or dian: me great sou aifea- ese is! Pectoral 7 round. | take and 2 toler reliable, a Ea =) . 4 5 : "77 i ai i Hin ei ORERRERRS TEESE a] = cee 1 if : t [ Leather Beiti Roundings en hand, LARGE DOUBLE BELTS 24 : FILES DIXON & O "i Colborne 5 fote thoen vom tet srienae rare & Coinada Ha> and "ipa The TEA petnrt ect Pendle nee ba at, PIP 4 % '4 ce tage ents + renee "Tint: complete ermche aed ete i ten Gest inet n have hither _ me) baaiie can eal Centiiied OP iy worn anh i priislerat keep the se 99 oe store AD nein Mat 'VAUOHAN DENNIS » TORONTO STREET, ar TREKS 'Head Oflce, Main Stredt, 50 000 Acres,of aie \ : Oe AM 3OR SA ret CANADA PERM LOAN AND SAVIN Tm irprated a. Reeds * . Paid up Capital. 3 Reserve Fund Total THE Compan t Veeoeives a mcines ose Denenlt wt nfhoest. § Me Kail rearly, the i iia rn be ine i teeent, thew te ie tata | Asetan apt COM PATHE 4 at a peo jf cent * "eid -- < THEN AND or Thertes's ae Morse and ¢ Cate. PWas theat introdueed ts | four eeerk ages. AR tha: Waray tbe; ee jn i 1 i i 4 i | 'Open to First t April, me Stirs. and ave ; eo a on