ijt lls 2 inter Bion be Sak aitentes id th .¢ woods 4 5 "rit 'ows Che frenty Kron, t eaise to " 5 ee # t } ng irs th i ty wrappers asia f An bee « | + ke try fete iw ca peal } f Tekes. oars adhere Os tie Tele ThE TRACI TRACK OF A CYCLONE.' san = E wut viele ot 'ertianne be i aco an pe Ban dhe ba 'The crew of « Jornigh vessel bare attack- bie ri "4 same oolor around 4 Terie Deraatation ia mibhinan, owe 'ound. Hie lange ova 'pore bac: tk have - ~-iae Giana EOE the train. The pointed bodios had three) ig "he Podpie Lest thelr Lives target ' onl convicted of stesling | the theoat and falling dawn on the breast te th Ere China's palace,six were was a soagniticent pearl necklace or fear: were | beheaded. rows, the 5 ' se pn at a : Tue station marker at Meese hes tess back ot the neck by a superb ore oe. sent out to od 1 anew ¥ © appeereniie atrested for Preset mp cation poe wil bas Bing evens 10 ieft ite | counporacy againct the 58 Pt dh "i very situply; there was vo the bodies of "Mr, * dere Siow ys Aa ay warteled Fi Tue Wiockhol: Ielesel hat Sweden | jewels nor feathers ia it. Taree very open, bands dios a7 Os Freres Hany we hber. | large artificial tea-roses were . abe 5 seema . on Sees Sa + lintaberan te ive amg' epee ct teins Pau nthe vet procapne ye meaty venkat bina , cusp. in charge ' j bs ! each ont = he he | Tue Socialist Hiebnech beers 2 The qneen of Italy is pot M | again until after ed myself---(what laype Tre Wages el Aner, | been sentenced ba Be mor tha' ae butshe has an interesti " tide rad tadipiae bannato shail anche | nent forsinndente ~~ smmarck. Ttaliaus tiga; it is, however, nears. ~oteha! yo int The vicsutty ot | they had and Red Deere The Revpewss + oF ap sg ob ot asia 5 paiesis. iy "ate the pene gtiete visetcala that ex) Tet A tal smpreasion bas meee predaces a | sail; wears pathetic fare. of | ete the cro he Boor wit not | Ta4 eonua Bern ie by the nomination ae De oi hes Savoy, potwithatendi giher grand old name | si Wood Mouptain across Mi of i the bodi % s ~ Mapondeet Pablic) Inatruction. | god blood, is not rowal in a) 8 / as ae Nel Jameel tes violent Slarophil. has no majesty of presence, no dignified 'Tee liquor trxfSc ia the dis: jf bearing or morement, Her walk ix moat | trict line been pretty thoronghly stamped rent the magistrates of Kief, w 7 : t by the sicher t hha Cros, he outrager epos the Jews nt bag ego angracefal; she takes sliort, nibbling steps, = Fe vigoruns ac a ied yor _ ; on by the author} has come to a bleody tating as if she dreajed trips -- ented luo has recede thayks of mi }eod at the hands of another svt of ruffiane | Her majesty is, however, most afl havi gracibus in her m.uners, A paper is to be ptarted at McLeod, aa M, Woinits cotrespondent at Ragusa of | D4 any amount of he beoured,to bs elle the death. ' voral Serviau amd Rassian papers, lias bees | wig: iy called '*emall Mae" ¥ Kise Ee Two ex-policemen 3 sentenced by coert-martial ty agen ve pre stranger at eas Da Ith ily | prisoument for being im i, Teague with Pan: the itypression of being m kindly -heartedt wo- by the citi ive | Pellets" f, slavic agants in Crivossie. man, who would rather, be agreeable than There is much more horse stealieg by U. teres Peet rept aire By Pe iri dlebpatch eaye:---A French col- | *"huffy" to anyone, expacisily: to strangers | $. Andians om the Canatian side ree h 5 tbe glass bottles, always i By ' n cmtnplete! ly lefeated a pte or but there isa strong oe thee a oe | wa Tisdbasie tak Live $2.81 edkp, sinc 0 laine raggiste. ; eae hing an: Beiggh ax | captarinig his provision train apd 20 of his 'irae » see ok 2 fouvary one 'ol the damages on the, part of the Montana The female exploy f the Lam Tivet ' womens Alinost all the pps pe sanded eel thirty oda strangers present feanebers would halt good for an instant, Lows Lad eet tiniac: killed or captured. Thou a encaped. i 7 oe + clays Hod, anit cut of nate TAS in: tthe CGent- thatevening; thus it tobk ber ac least two Running Crane, a bloul Italian in the 'shard on. the! we . Banging bn "i ¢ * A'moting in Madrid, acui by Cate | cars to receive them. When she left thé | service of thé Gelobimant; hented up and | ined by the 3 hbd eanee se in ead on analanuiity, ase a louie workmen, idee nat the tranty of) Girt room abe turned mat yereacinl the de | returned $3 of the band of horses stolen | tin» ty be dug ont i he solgera Pree y> eee kaa bal: They =e | coramency with France opal be ruinous 2 | anid ade the same lithe: ho aa cheat on | from Harris, on the Yellowstone feet: sum- " ing mt dug 5 n hgutargiar pdcordeaintes oe Peat nok lent serch | Spanish industry, W the Government | potering. Ax scon as she lethae u- Cyprus for some of cmy. Wi bisbhne but ak pai rt re i st * ought & to foster ad imposing high dutiow 00 1 tered with refreshments, ives, if su nEpeg prdine he fingers, | eB am fan forvign prolue the ath of Febroary was the first ome fo Bimerson /atcraationad reparts that ae etm yee tment HL eae ' rupert i viieak-ellack by the Kepudligue Pram: | ball; it ia usually called the "strangers" | the Riddell Bron, Ghu Aoted faymera of the Diverce. i Timely rhs ata : are § 7 fer #8 | aise on the French Cabinct cteates a seo-| ball" Toit io invited = who were pre: | Boyne River district recently sold to Oster While not b ¥ <a s a are Bers 07 th A cle accuses the Ministry of | sented on the lst of Jupua: | bo eapitalinte ther farnas Globe 'ivadaies 7 ' ' pe 'A \ alae ae sorgauizing the administration, destroying il = | a nob for S51,0H1, or at pte rate of $10 v4 z . ik euren i i Ay -- 7 go abe * sar ings of Government and {alaitying | pe They bad ae orth of im: | whooping cough, brow Pe 4 1% ' a bene [the oh anal a a ma. The Mexionn Lady. | Protements ou therpiace eal Palemary complaints heating ta 1T sem Sy on Prat raf 7 ve General Baredan has agreed to constract The street drese andi the /dress worn to! pig southern Todian agency haw been i ter gubject son, ee Back ) . * bwescred person of bis ant my © torpedo hatteriey in the Dardanelles, shecah: ly the Meshoaty lady is unuially | aplit ap. Capt. Deany, late of ibe mount- | befare Parliament this 'e " ba : ie e: When the wae st Sapetor, jandtwo at the meath of the a black, and ber headdres for cliurch in al- | of police, is appaisited agent for the Black. | case of a min t dam bage, ey, ener en Seapelaio, "iw , port Ho guarantees a sper o ed 48) most without an excbpfion the mantilla. | feet peor. Surgeon and Stoneya, with | Wecree simply 'throug nt of fazills | Rhoutan rib le nation xp> : hoor, and doable the acoura' a 'double Bonnets are growing it Aavor here---qne lar j heal 4 at 'Dalgarry, Mr. Norman | ani fily clover "vie as cls "Fell ' ea ' % ' the ranve of aay other torpe i tima!-- at the pr rinclpa | _ mill sles McLeod retaiging, control of the Bloods OW, Croup, sore throat, colds, babos,eoalds, "eas he: o | hate pe in|, The Presidentet the Austrian Council bas | 8° i is ifs, ay = and - jeans, with head wah: at M ef the flesh are-quickly 'healed by Yellow = re and @ | | ' settee te -- ny! sgente quettis®, qo gra "r, { prodace and groceries at | WF aeiese " ge stowed: or je purprse of anti S " " : 'rives of farm. mbace a " » f ee init . Pia 7, ir Pe aintaining the |*? Well ss.upan the Mexican or Spa : | Fes Mobo aco afi bes: Oat land barley Den't Give up the Ship* ¢ F . =k hte thang: Tavarione rotect the | Man anennty if she be pretty. A ton Ya tate vocal wits potatien 6c, (ey the Nia Kind ani be bro: words cf Cottodore 2 aL i Mf the | hteof ever rubject ited not tice young swirl jas xk Hor bright, sot | o (is pre hat seh Mor bey $10 re os | tery; and the only prt ia of Pariia- You't ( é Am ta_ber or religion 7 ii ay pot wo adeg ratd bah talicir whi pa ed pet ton horses : sit very plentiful, evesa | j nent iteelf. He Senate is the ebiaf idoas?; i aay rs in ret be she wishes 'to reveal, her clear J Pg t. bee i, ' Pened 5 age be Feepection, Hf not ae ain, 'Tita Persecutions of the Tewa have been | com gues her rosy cheeks, aud abundant cai hairs per head, nugar 5c, tea Romied cite . , ar Thaute te bamirals rs ot, if 'or | resumed aith virulence im Kussia, The na- completion eahenved 3 in beauty bythe waft 06,1 --oe ets and many other kinds of staple alt orgs Pr -uebiysary x a py oon cp ae £6 ie weak wt 4 \ | be a 'quer toshow | tien is surely passing through the stage of | fold oh black } Kyle, fe pulilination of his application tb thd Vitality, ' -- t matiness that precedes destruction. It will | ap there, itline al bouts her graceful ood. Nick Sherrin, who owns the Whoo Up | gh} | { be a terrible day for Rassia when the debt | ers, and fastened by latge jet pine (or were | peam, and supplite Pt. McLeod sella the 1 & process Whi will cost little a ataart| of Rome.y. of retribation she is now re alr up ageinet ony jewels, aa such pibs sometimes are?) to | coal at the pit i at at) ¢ ton. The | $1,000; and pa whe whe han done sa tt will i There is p 0 ' bet tei «oure for Khedsatisn ; herself is presented for payus ar black, laxuriant braids of shining hair. | price at McLeod, thirty: Hye inives off in $15 | be a question whether his cane,--trought than Hagyard' * ond Oil \urel agcording t . ih tow can she ever be igdaced to change this | per ton, Ho aarp it to Kenton, 200. miles, | before a pie of men who want to l@ | to directions on pottle, it tert cures | 1am ' m1 yi . far the wtiff, and clumpy, and atten ugiy.and | by retarn ire a a -- it sells there -at | the policy'of the state and uot to adgumie® | Burns, Scalds, F sf 7 Broieds, lame: * wt ave} in ithe se verial train, WIANIPEG NOTES, alwaysawkwand, fastnpnable bonnet ? How | $35 per ton, Ir: 10g erred to any coal | ter ite lawe,--will really be dealt with on |.jess, sud all wow is als ten tee. "Rh deal. Pa ' ' i comfortable and batdsom- --_ denurely abd walked with her ivory.prayer- | raned in Mow fits merits, Hence we have had abopt Half gra sell it, Price 25 cents barks year. toe mare ; t ee on Hdessky Fite oneisting ot s draw: | Items of Interest from the Great North | book in her baud, and her duenna at her ' Joxer curses or less of divorce brobght in | t's ¥ Ht 4 ave the low of this railway S08 Winnipog i . as aby ocd 1 nn "bt room, ban vg with & ike silk, West--The find in| side, How hander, how girlish! how fair! he runwr haaigot broad, in eonsequence | 16 Cyne lian tribunal; awl ineice 1 [is Hull's sprrane a 1 fi and the Sunth Woet on The ty" Basket tho Winsipeg Papers. Alas! ax years(ncreaye; tho Mextoan dann yest oe 1 cect oe Ri | while the sl bon aie Be the gop atod is wisent wrath its ie. sd te hing enated | 1882 ja i web if The nent of Portage le P raiie is tage fat a enw ily, es Spore ol proliable Joes of toad gvant, | shows. goo Ie ion, Se fei | a restoring 4 hair r tot ss » IO06, & + : ox pe to amount to six million dollars 1 . Transcontinental has re st whateres Me di its south, sat prodadiag } fs he: te < tte Sat z hag? lice ; th is snes ths yea: ee Seni ant st tach bat Bet aoe' a sh meptly further fands,and work has poste of he theborder. We } hea | SER Sees Testes. vig oer: Hin od t saa bows ; t A ae first party Sopbows formed at | was wont to Gackare sprthined to "sighiag G t rH oS 5b supeniel 22 line have no seb facie for thé suay yeictans. ai wilt be run weekly the otet of in Portage la Prairie making the interests of | and griof."--Mezlean Letter. Ht athe dering of the yey ove Laake repent and grew no better but eet woe. 3} | ia? Passenaeth are cnibiadl ia Assi si the Province take pree Ba 'of everything ee eae A wind Storm of almout nnenanipled vio- | spoaaest bat we havs Ore; | 1D. H. Howard, of Geneva, N. ¥-. aiter x tag gruas? jon fast expriss time, aver the, a Sie Ha in r "E { lence, swept through 1 few living ; Hiominelg hia physicians, tri tly half i. dyes = Sie P| Hallway, arid comnetting finn XS wa The Great North-western Telegraph Com- FACTS AND INCIDENTS. days ago. .. satetal ehipad in the outer harber without the legal: bank er idence of el Ev se = 8 of the various biood aoe liver rere. | oh ee Ke £PNo freight clirs dee attaciie tn these ia pany intend, using the quadruplex instru- am fe Drover the dragged their mmbors = acd are in @ position | the recent disc of the wvil. | dios advertived, with elit ;. when ;. y the Pe ments between Winnipeg and St. Paul to American saa ol or Com | of extro six, | have tod sleaily, aye 4 pe: of Burdock Blood Bitters pan apan ost the pow ing preasare on their busi- Siesmprig t bod one of the ships, were | wo have cases jonmum erable pad 3 pee gut: Paralysis anit bi er Devas iy. wn | } La om tien to be heen, Lyman hy 'cthoun, of Torento, | all lost. No damage is reported on land, | mission by wives or husbands the galling Ithe advanced age of 60, te ag. fowls 2 ELE temaness norm vit { N s owed t t have served a writ in Chancery Upon G, C, t it is feared there have been shipwrecka | chain tI Lise bel ive wing again, and is overjoyed at he ender prays . Reig i wh pape will net a reat oe sagen ei "the spt > practise Briggs & Sons, of Hamilton, to restrain |-on the coast, If xocidty were aa it ie tetendod ° > Mat ul recovery. (29) * 0c 4 wen pean | dence ; coettene is sation 12 hem from selling Briggs' Electrie Oil as | Kight dollar + trortty of coarse goll Sine Late bo Sra he fae shed { w. | We, EDGAK, f et ; . nt ome | de , ' ' pe | ' . iverces wou! f i F Ne SL wcow Aasartineiew nn ae Ae dt'was, perhaps, to ex- ES r and rn of Bir J Mnddonald, | fy ean it injures the sale of Thomas' Eo: | feeeg nes see hel & cow led "at ned honor, us wg saust porgegy oud a hs + an raw = "ost. General Panneniper Agrat. "a p k ae Fighteen years of incessant headache j | pecting took place in conseqnenbe, hetthere it, and ide a eae mh fatal bua ike 5 eagle: BY TH E WAY. Chad Comin famed r j jos, vale as were endured by suit J. Miller of War. | wereno finds, 'There are two theories in gull cab 1 bi 6 of di rufanentiy i : i tw ® J wt ornig call o a s « Rit lately raised part of hia | | regarst to this in' th he cow | buTilens Teas craol, Let the grounds 4 A : alle Fy is rather a singular tse skal, and thus relieve the pressure wh Hoke up the gold while licking at @ alkali | Yorre! nula remain as % fe, 5 OE 'y ve: anperal Laly, the Eateries at of "all "i arnt | Ltt mb the Cas ai re hed cimsad tbe rouble He was warned |spotof ground. The other is that years ago yee a hhege! eegengting rede | -- 1 orata, rn ut her foot on the yw site we mar il " + " c » rom a hard yoko, te he | Kany way if {a welcettthe| ie" ason hay Capa, Theta | oa auicly nor it a month, Gat be | crigeyinn e mag | ry coeds Pah f a To wer jets pay a twelve | estate uflices wire crowded (liv last two days, bs am niece pton a «pe esters |, aud that the cow had picked up the | the pooras well as the rich, which is! nbt ? "ant itheut a vit to the capital of the - ie rape it a Bla) to sy & onretd bis deat ' pree, 'aa arr wallet df onoof then: edataining the the case now.--- ~Toronta ghiewes i oo paw oo oeem--e 4+ rr prope Apother thing is the aie pets Prussian army. Life. 2 re the familiar strangeness r, of Win-| wopos of the ea discussion in ithe be | hee sbeepr rim t de Lal g ow western city. hows who Berlin tliet ba sori a3 ; Ue std vee of discesa ? ® are Mark Twain's description of} checking '* grow tabite of laxbey fart thea ihe cheerver. would 05 Al | Yortslie vom pers whe whl biver and mid minizig senna Nevada and// tiie Prussian idioen corps, an in nee \ bee coghest com fiat in % babtadaneswussl 'at fire ght Kalifornia iv oll Gea will understand) jritle anecdote, of which the Germya cry and eae eer sippore. Meas are finshed in first-class |S roughly ae narengr prea ckonus thant mee Gout ail tte' eared ute in peat ier pi Be fF veanon R ad mn seasen that atyle, nad the luxury of clean teds and ti : : tially | est, deep, meckleas excitement which he de apg Kisloor lekones Ita ee rr andin the one wheredh tte aledne is | Sogo Sasa ae ited eaficaiyssics e "Ting |hote' st yet tq bi inpereh Hee cree mp emnere natisfiactios 0 ce j ¢ . : keeping up a srmicieatly warm teniperature. Hanlan's eee po u ry on ay iyse sor patate aa ike abaya aaa eae -- Thktate ot toe: wet Peas a 9d ; in Bentfally Be wr ene ine man, wever, Who waa beri earn- | was so cpmplete as aiwetroy mack o ec 4 . + 1 $1 Tb a day Werieg the winter finds hiin- | interest im his coming match with Trickett bow apt a4 sate arg rig at een yerid | copied a invitation of pon aid | oe i all being ret of his money at a pretty | on the Thames Ye! \ : hos the nab ably hs shay-de herw,tit 3 fos a ther (ee os <i Preto | Feed rate wis a si Wad 4 4 non that Boys had, namely, the: sible for any person, even if it were pot well | out with bot-house flo f frait. | Bedsion { nd who ive » above the basement | for board anal eg This may not look | catching Hanlan by adeid on a day when r teak bid ob anil at nd all pal nfl al! mea ee ---- i : e 2 very « ia ne sel This lack of cou-f Somme toarund accepting it also ready | apd laden with expensive del od ing Bose the Rc Rewtar V1 | Sut tiara f oe - ce i as tate | Mae Mn" ay |e taped a he Seu | oA irene | oping hh rl ct sora a ee sap ws oO nem . " pee = on © tt it | + - 6 y hen' Wi. ce } < tatuary repres ep ying LE aggre cove a igi for x siento and of course may. happen It in a faa Sree Eason tow ieee nal Hed go fi bac ho bir aa me; 1 ORG gone from CESSES wht i ms that pares anced ee ie Agen, (9 tle hi J iit t af psaee| rer kena rh as te pat a pens lieve as thede Qround hins so earnestly think | So saying, be turned upon his heel abd palt-| Sigg Pes y ei feces a ae + oe ¥ pass the boutuls of the defini iidet, and + "p t rar vee liberally et ite abo nega wie i York Sun. yeary o and believe, ab lam convinced they do, in| ted the barfacks, \lpaving the discompited! peatland tats ¢ reoety Ne KF sie be =e injoretnn ne with whiskey } real entate here tuday. As ia the minigg | guardemon to digéet his rebuke as itont pe anion, gover ohe 2 aa is} the "kno 4 eesti -- me i re . Cathiblie « chapel at Clapham; but the Almost Starved. Diphtheria. o : Pa eleheterted etielt tan pow! nce eorarence into oobgg de v. . 'hele mt 8 pnd tn the fi ls om i ©, Pree i t $1 the freneral bait end the 1 |, Thirty men, with teams, arrived hore yes:| Dr, Franklin Staples, of Winona, Min "a tarn for inspection Caine' | Jobo Letnhgre eet Heer oe Boe oats i é ate not only allowed bet enjoined | terday at 1 p'dlock frum the wont twenty: | after an extended correspondence with pa roan again, an nd again the cote da rom.) known Kock ester t to bis a ts mm ah ke A eight miles north of Whitemouth, where | sicians in most of the counties of his State, conveyed | highness ac! f period. thi wae stated - | nest disgurbing forsm#of raging may fairly had been ing ra for Stabby blished a repert diphtheria, in eee t cerning' on the! part sof E reporter bribe Bulreing eres : . tions of the i seing bella may well be listen , A r ; The senioe member tf this firm wes 3 4 id 7 I mill, The dause of their breaking up ip | which he ol the fliscase as contagion he officars' ress, This t thing tore \ s with eciatie gheumatim < -l the ' ner in towne; ary funeral belle m rink For a week previ fectious, and: démonstrates that it luxurious than cold meat and sapsage ent out Deceraber 1th lest, and for fonr : 1 sermnigadines Of thie 3 ieee sg cor esa might, Reig ourly to their starving for the elty hal | on the increase, a iu his opinion ie tices, ep brown bread met {he crown coke (opens Ere. Peth. sou y- . ternat si i ety, be requires ne allt oe'Y | only flour, mo! and tea; and for five | to failure on the part 61 7sicians in reco | or 'ur phate carta bound with | nrinoe's as he s st the meteta; a few. akic to be ak Pi alent erty eb Ua ty aie | days they had neither bay nor oats for ete guizing its self-propagating properties : to | ribbon with wf fur, The | bie to his 'lace a ite ia se ings pleas pres, feeling net toch i rena mila)» i the colimins be the daily') bores. The bay which had been' used f f fer: | fine Jooking Fre ¥ delay bs trish hali-breed-- | antly, he sat iy of the worse for bis be an : 5 ps ork thas | ve the chure ateeple.-- the men's hede was all devonred; alse the ing from the Hlisoane ; to incomplete disin: | rich often, two beautiful girls with fortunes | icimple viands proffered to hit ae when rag slet ST. Jaccen tet tr batten : isin Heb a { sind pe palate sre veer around Loh feu np i and last but | of oe ir anion oa agri era a 'he rose to take his leave Thos ii ai ree Do you u wish to 3nvest Anthe i} yard wi t the camp. No | not mpat! ) bein pet out to met mieal, thanked hin boats Tor thetri tt hy die ry . sel } Dest-Tea a Stimulant, nota Food. | Joubt they fect bax started dade: only | valescents with health persons, He tain: wae one . & be hard gg ye supply fy with the iigsitonst remark weve | i 'Manitoba far PLOrp | Teter st Ho t Noiwithatanding tt) bas bieo repeatedly | they were hourly expecting the return of Mp mateet with wil kinds of animal Pig entlermen, 16 i" bortiof | br icons at I a rt: b @ 1 a 4 sown Ubet, beel-tea it mot : food, the ¢ bait the tea.n which had gone to Shelly station | are the only means adequate to ost a short ite with wood---pplar pules rot toc z Pa Es 7 perty, or pure as@ ian spaie | sy to a copaiderable ek the prof for the needed supplies, On arrivi ving st the | career, an praere indi vidual te EELS SARRIOSh ors PRS Soe SARE HERTS as to settle upon? J / slow to be conei Thab plete fd fod, station they fpund the teamster atili await. | able to cope with it, arges thot 6 every outy| | Laos ined Cant etiaarees j j a) pa beat tee plowly starve is @ tact, which ing the,arrival of the train. The start had | apd town shoul devise acfiicient sanitary | Kicking and Stealing. . Aamart young sprig of « lawyer bad aj PT Jaconet: i henaeyere f gael 1 wha : ga ped jos Be yer crchnger Faeyr pre t oar eyes erage Bek intel A would iy sav neem to be regnited as r grave ¢ old doctor ont the v witpenets stand 3 Py ereanatlena, aid ficured D Ls want é k ' ; he atid whivts is muita ny banorate elu some thirt t o shall alo make it | moré venial difeuce in the eye of the law te fo) 1 ledenedt. A y etn. | observation, jn thy Learet for Ovtober, aa tae evenine. N are ras esther men of Lint duty to instruct {he people in sanitary feck a woman to death than. to pick her ai him unmerciful iy i N OULDIVGs, PRTEUE FR = yo t a ral af 6. tis: eet 6 a ell, Wass ; } Sadie he bees teh ted, | 1880p. 56%, Mr. Q. FP. Masterman my was obtainable here. Oo Friday they | rules. To guard against coutamination, hie ket. In illustration of this, Mr. Map| . "Ab, doctor, Ba be eres Mat a [nom recto. cn er a rice List advantage of the grea . 1 Foslye Hl une | 4h ®uslyesy which shows thet beot-tea has ba be ed to Brokénbead river, where they | believes that filth, whether from sty dane, member of Parliament, stringy to- understand you Linibons d the outpe io pe' x oe igs Yoone wie Tonnes: cs Saga viadsberspabs + eepaiecen: a 4 chemical eos posizion sittlar to urine Bee] remained over night. Here the horses got |'rooms, soiled clothing, defective draina antt| gether inthe March uumber of Macmillan | bead was slangerous? } ; 5 at Nie Manitoba "boo anal SOLD cies ore NN DFA | tea, most carefelly prepared, says Dr, Neale | ona feod of b still being limited | cesmpools, ill-ventilated rooms, poisonous |i few sestenpes inflieved last year for-of.| 'Yes, air," replied the doctar, FU NITURE. ce: oun 'Yonge birect fi -th w $ IN MEDIOE t » iw a recent iswwe of the Pructiiioier (Norwtto the bread sad molasses. which | they had | inodorous gases, ete., should be regeroed ax Fears fyainkt person and property. from "Well, doctor, } 4 Forme, make afew ousand 5. ERS $y Sesermbahlursss " Bs i ember, 183.) does not contain, ineliding al | Brought with them, Un the third day, Sat- } conditions which invite the diwase; that {which we make the following ex that even & lope cat than this r ie danger. THAN iascrons: + yin ren 'by ee in Winni- 5 kalinw salty, more than 1.5 to 225 per cent. | urday, the party came to Selkirk crossing, | the apartment set part for 'the patient epdand kicks ing a wife fo ¢ th, a nix ag Ue ny nt oe Aig? boy 200 eres an te ent. 1 MAeolid matter, anlaach matter is mainly | where the men had a that evening and | abould be divested of pil {neniturey carpets, | hari "Yes, air.' --e ae Station; 5 narve elon: | peg lot tsP posed @ urea, kepatin, kreatinin, isptin, | breakfast Liaaylonl yn tig . the horses also | curtains, and fabrics of any kind not abso] Jas thes ing a opeans pocket of Ds., And, Tebtoe, is - pot true Unt even a ticulare a iy te 3s JonN ee vp tes ihe 'Cort : mposeil hematin, As @ stimulant, | being properly red tes for. sy may be sup- | lately required; that; discharges from the iiacoon 'Gctice), 1 S penal servit tude. scratch Let on P.O. ' x ; : j irate tea may be, and often is, Mighty bay end! tea the poor animale were towards the | nose, mouth, and bowéle should be careful. § June IL, Kwig rei a) wile and kick- "y ity and I have k e rit. of cane re- Sharia" manufactured by M. H 4 Do u x ant ta clear } bie, but ds means bf mpport during the | last of the journey scarcely able. to drag | ly collected and destroyed, and that all per-} ing her savagely 2 the face, three months' salting fatally when not even a sotuteh w SHEEP fs: Young. & Co. 18 Wellingtonst yor wi % ting drain of a bang, liners, it does net d inal clothing, bed lien, etc, should be! herd Dee $ isible. Quly resently @ tah died nbdiet a $100. while you: a, ; pare im nutritive value oth rete De. | of the journey os complete i prety go thoroughly Lenerenge: before being rent to +, 2, t ae . a oo FrammMs" . é 3 Bas Brenton raises the q a whether | time, "The men ane she t another camp, general wash. In case of death, all bihied, by tliree men, ane 16 monthe' fee "Ab, jeden quickly aad ie bt dius prices for sale be making a $l 'by en Se ' nf Selina: Uh p ie <iniply berf-tea, m prodant of peace waste, may | twelve miles orth the who where they | cléthing sad unimportant articles sould be'] labor and two aix mapa in & plenaedl ass d sutished Way, "will fou be | climate; rich soil; cheap ¥ B Y . ee we a the tyne gpd if net, wudernome vite be actually | were working, will break up to-day. t, the body shoul be immediately dis-} Dee. ---, stealing kind esough to tell the jury the facty" -- | ATA IR Rrcat abundance. B.C. tee «¢e./ investing in Ont laspewting thee rage PS From an Bditoriat in the Phila PUPS Shes TEL EEL IR ie Ba Ti and fr inte ite' coffin, whieh} mouths' hard Lubee, ising kit wil a Ps nly, if you d tf és pierce wilted 24 bianca cami Quebeo? : hoes this we ower, i | tein peal Te 7s i Dedse och nd pine elects pred aber: ees Sane ale et aneaes | high 7 re wae wet en om | oe agua TUE EETRID MILLA REIL z ie aaagrloone : 'Say 2 brbioes ante buying tas at 8 less disinfection by chlorite gas, which is to be wereedh, five years ab corrite ule. "Not one that I could find" ' Eeeaed rece wr i aliding: ned complet ba "a te i aks -- where, on certain awaen net _ Se gee -- lavcogreng col Dee. 8, Y rome nife and heys," five ud hediedt inated ia a fine sextion mt AL +3 Tf 8O,! call upon or a) esa r ere ed pam ours a CY insiathd | years' pexal sory: - Hencce Stattan, @. $ 4 ase way a at "The ether of pack upon. Precautions falling short of "theeg Tee, 10, ariking violently jin face and in-| 'Now, doctor, just tell thp jury lew it wit cuchange Leng for Manteca Mea | es marae communicate with me, | Seer f vee A sia . Staples considers in: iu preventing | decently assaulting a woman, 40s, fine. Ro G3. COU LTH ACD, Terateoura I offer nothi to th 'do 1 cpa" the xpread of the infection. -- rton Di i] Dee, 16, |knooking down and kicking a SWal, yo om he ba the} jectie. Ey: On olfer n ing Une i . } 'lead coule hia ic. = the ith she sec assed hee rd Saletan 2 of Tiokh, wee ET tee celes k Ging: sien til." Bs wm *"! mo Mill Owners and. Maufaotaren, public but first-class |... Pectin tes ; Yor : | watk along poisking the the cara, gris | She bought rt Bae a te ale strangers who were Licrete pene es od The ng? Ms moe enereny alle "4 apothet wit THE le egitimate pro gerties single Lirwec j | water thea of each vines te a cup filled and Seolined oly tilteen Succession of Surprises, nt - rata ae woader a 2 i os Lf F. E.I DIX XON & & ic 00'S cae all represent tions! with graip, com, cate and cut hay, and, ps Poy in one. She outa a third] Mounting th 1 © Hiffienlé: tnt te "an yee ve = tw Putting tho Chief on His Feet. a } wes | thier enti, the water in lot in in the samme | package. "give you 63." wr tive enitat | pein for the novice. The | Ticked at, it wot actually encouraged, by | _ The Hamilton, Oat., Fire I te ade in my office se | carpe ahcomech this | Ca, tren bonwented 'an opened apd | camel lies apon the gréund with all bis lega'| tye sent Pull Mell Ocoee nt bdo tning asap rvisipe df Ghiet A. |g ather "Bel itin ! li | vale | a oe sete tie fe feeding aust wateriby, fond t $300 in, pid pleoee, 'Thi | chut up wader bis 'ike fecknife, eu |'? "meet 19 made hess Sop aahio: 7 MA. eau er ch tg g a re aa upon. i ne | not oply Rnproving |the eomlition of tracted sca, it te buying of one | seat yourself in the birdad saddle and cross a em eet partie shay fi orem is eh : l cbeck foe Bitenan 00% i but saving the ahi unr dollar packages becaine very brisk. A gen-| your legs in front of the pommel. Belore Turkey Surgery. By that of any other ety in Spe | senenne. utkvoot ppise sascha | wlarge aifiount now fost in the weight by | tlemai: followed the lady to to her bated and | you are realy, something liko » private 'Addai et saan cet bi HR d met WEY 2) American ag tm as why a AD American | shrinkage, "The saving in the way Will | asked ber naine, Mrs.----,'seid the thauake begins r you. 'The camel wii vo since,a neighbor aria very severe accklent in driving hel "owe a atin ineold pony es we hn j) amonnt tq several petiion of doMare annual: | 1; wae tho wife of the proprietar of ne tes is hind. dealy, and thew Doe "yroen Zoey node eyeree® H , should: "back | Lace Leather, Brewed for te en top are ' ly, ia the Unite! States alone This system you hile men : fter & itl why serelacees ina terrible Canon DoUBcR mets eee rricane | ¢f cattle netanration, the use of an im-| > Tyxy now have an invention by which fi h acted as we for} hia La po It o frovemént recently ad to it by Mr. water | and gives y he iP pra aban ; _ ley, gan be readily operated through | 200 feet ahead and scahl 1 tramp to you are not at and this : | . opening inthe ondinery cow hi ed, he beg goods awe RESOROOTION ANE TNTARALEELED throngs oat the United States without aay | genius is ober on oe oes, that rey wari foe roepee eee Meee pened ton, & wa) back is "of the storms. It stemel to come Jown j Aran i (ise 4 Saotige arya gates i F { comes to ister J ot th ser Es Fire '4 three indies sonth-west of 'this ph It wan « fish dinner at which the te Fey f i Lrmadbat sok "ey ices ncrhy-cnat slirection. guechs lochad Sch. taliced koh gad etn tam.) nee 7 Smane Maes i ime 4 ' abd barn in th in either pareeien 6 The invite were in fiah abape,the table- reaps ea 8 4 torn fron ita Foun Tn gore cases if Bch Reider ae wb vals gored fishes, the io # high trot which Fire} pegs. stripped the dhingles from the eli Weng kins sepreserited whales, the Ps etery kong the root beards in their place. Tie. dens houtonnieres were red firh, "Beles aes ptarbier i : josef Mra. Taylor. Mr. L. Crane plate was a with thres gold- Bad Biskuiah? tad iiSowggienmyee wa - in the chapel in this funog pedal, gePirgie the " Padereh rad penis Ee y : | place, undreds are coming in | inquire a] Loorst -- poditey and the neighboring towim an prkebig shat of riding & ae -- 110, 112, 1]4 Hay Steuer, aoe oun ay ---- them. "The. i 7; the TO, Cran Was, at the time ¢ ¥ the' y , iH tha ch sack ecanenee } 7 the house, bobiing a bybe 1§ months ot in gS aaarata Thue tne MANITOBA - or '| be as romantio ar closes JE with sen. of 'that of a great p+ pit, tad it to their haps the moat r per big secre! se enya = Yay _ is