Stratford Times, 3 May 1882, p. 1

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hack ile Pres , WEDNESDA Po, ie vente heed 1% incomant ae ; pe ona Tae pict a =a Ate t" : ' ts ee mee 4 rors ba = this respect be} Woe pow erences in ean be} i y i i te iq ance, Cth, ete. The bad nest Afertal eg pe ee determine: ea i noticed that his ft trons come t> theit best when. a | { opened the yp: Bo ' y ebeek was ene, tion of ervel, as id the case of | i, ARON RAPETAL. had Lister: ' ; pia : oat wil T pail beet heart the grad di gravsoy,4cid wo the officers in | ' seation amd the water-works ' oharee,? | SOME AD et hope i gE: ae itterone of laties to deter- | vp hag oer ees Bee ee seen tee aha ' piel 3 i ; off deter- | is not yet. 'Tie clattet~ hala - 00 the astominniy a ray by Feo gy bask mine wi of \treea shall sucoved } pres 2 and fexiows, and the cate ie Ca od Sea) bar wis un what Foarfal wash 1 woke. wach other, and in wha order. stead uf calming dewt waxes Jouder and | atiorm he pe thow wrt deat! To BK OUN hsreo.) {louder ws the days pala on. The demand | jig pat Aiba and | fifth Now. ove diem arm rage ar tore, Hea nenpiviete Ea bir wages is persisted in, ancl the re. | Thp only difference padre! ' tie ii most cases ts ae te he | . ; : Papier CLEA Bere 'Hae Duke of Wortmineer, rikerg| deterepaation ta lave thay wa | lected - ia wuy eb Thaile@Sanshile s tege oe Loudon has brown | way in thedixpute. Neither side, nts Notation, I by { the | ty. will hear of arbitration, and it remains, nr Sangre of England's wealthient | si . Ey g sae er gdverninents! direction, and in besa [ way $i 'would pat be injurious to others; | Gi W I For it wore that : oot isdoephter pt Lon with Miss, the 'longest time. sete, os in all ewe , walk 'ei t, livia, a' i ' Se 5 joelings are: emabi stares i se one Meron bf bride 25, and hi t an 4 i her ¢ ' ma: chorus, w alg iah icone te ite mroiat- ie rane ae ee him, pore by eo Ging | brother; but there are naon eh younger at 57 | to jf the re are not all the mare care phor, anid aii thee, card teorcley re map ere | Sevcractish te the Hott meee : would "arry | than otherw at 37, aud the Duke is one of /fel,! It lis a thousand pities that such crowd te 1 ard affout health asd catt rate edae. | below, perhaps to the Meldaat eweeie _ j them Of 0 most enialy kindly dixposition, | things shpald take place at all, bat ig would tinves the wy, they ave Mert ke vay fata eae: fiekta of # whole v ts sags in peel characte aid popular- | be in ely worse af any wer se) fuol- ¢ 'there any é al cea We: he, Ver, ee H Dy agenda] 1 that they had £ seve cute f" reams. which dow down the here: tse ht fields _ been lad ba oh tether: abthough a i bapa "ccvanional } oe i diiuerty, er for Doneitns anki i na, shower of coin f er interval @ lt It 1 ye arg ied s alaietes valleys, farnishing | Hither iane Ogi aid who we | ly of gendruas actions --for inatsnce, when a | neighbor) as to try by fierce or intiumidatiqn | t eae 4 replanting then, Ian will no' sak ety Ne ey meng me | ta rk pe ih | Lode ang tort rca rd | cbr a, wie k thiny pe bithce' jad i pan of: wilk prey 'elds Std ioreaniig "theit 'enti, | the authorities having the work af meforest- of és vies . with tt nee tee ahaa ~-- Grey sanvel thie, ie -- Saft 6 crdckers aphit ee supplying power to man by which to drive | 96 i chheg) take pomeeasion of the land Sees he jiptimation that re- | go on a8 Ehey bad teen doing. What |e the ae pe ga F pes in coll vate | atl tue smeclihuibaas of iufustry nied iuvpar aird.reptabb thesn esa ped vie ae poymentives wever te bepuade unless quite | meaning bt all that strenuogs Sook, shes linger tits; and; on they awell eaves} ot redecmls . | convenient --~ was nigggnily in domertic i ; ott for an 'ad teks is * sacks vanes iin a gree non their bosons to tha hee pi distant five yearnaftershe pew dbo yt pia sonore ge sts wh f pr fin ution y pares od i of tec dae uty "] ste reake Fé beta, ani; to bovh itt marta the. products of m watiut's barves t suout Sek Uae courtier et | vved Chat rapremel fis pouse. He} the (Lh heare so much abo Fy has i Lene aes Hitections fo va |e shiaih: taubowtees: Yads te itt | paying ites " A more esa yoo ~ - | is, tow, atthe bad hg 6 gout work both | ugly, cm amfortaiite pis or iol +-ik; and : 7 ie, | to give fair nutice to the f + misie : w | the foreate weal ) cipal wren tay cowatry, Rud throws open | brings up re leadaat iMnemorios {| theatre svi transl 3 + | expatherit + y i a. eer day aos hee the tands con. | ° Pisa' vob oe by eurrende ing half ae his noble galleriesin Londen on tansay for pei i By ald cates ema sid ve pe Aas ae ie wee may trans . i> i whigh T have applied 4 shall | Angier, itea thik batter with, wealding wafer: | It isa Saabaa ab ddatainh utdia vali. caee: vd ie Whol eT a pena al i . the advantage al tne working clamecs, An | other dayp and other rp Ls it pains } ty uf Hi is is ay { my sli > ile ' sehag tate" chp of aren, 8 that sane y=: ¥ perty' " ck ested 3 qin to ithe Duke's | all chat 4 meant is that Workmes and work i f | BS. 'gpd itn fe ican at every ig we Te Ri Hg Gatk el marnage, spoke of "4 bale anctificed to | shops have to be watched so that none go es "bt 'Cats Pm aa te nin town, sof a western spit Bera din : | Hocuota i ti et day: agraedhenpnnen pr Mla, Me wrong To alk of only ip the com of |x nbalon the aly? Why, what a ow fer tae shorter pee a the od god | | mining town suet held a consultation and | Fare 2 an Alpine nal as is preposterous he | ful idea that suggests! Js there not in that | lated i 'i ded idllowing Phase ren y » very on tiem with t rity te "6 grains 'Soun head basin of Siowtee Aiea * in the side Sake tie paly wacoeeded bis father 14 yearn. ' very think intimidation pud iolence bf he | "Thai's pie yexwhe - ignites mal | | ahi ot over his' last resting plage ; lvoe cas, bit i 'ied yt imi? t a by vee & 4 > pe it, aa that wi ta abet Fete with ney ie hie) Walt boon | it bn eve ry directi ate neere nnd | Hactlre cree sf Van - generis you - rr en os Tb be " 7 a - if lip batters: z i ' oH rection . Lime ' + ale yoni ibiaperh ras nts AL ris slays they Were familiar. | 'The pood or the | Cloads," or the "Warpo, 'or what do goo | pat fen of the cold days last week « friend antl & fall, cou! ang Hy oven ew ally F t saioes rhea eee as Rap egiredtne rat pant a [my te te 2 Apes 4 | not protect them : pate is ib a ' vee has gone from mght, as have the | Sto « the whole te er " im in some tht eet me inet tea, | heighboring woods whe Wnt * hay he : oe aie ie sr lriwea; t replace | 'Tux Cavrmepnat Cuncn, | they: do * said Bi aly, Ber rt : Pilack Bas A sort cof mowk fos de | searvlofl nuts sid gatne, | Thie is the eum, | BO eth th 4 dnatde shes te Miacharec ' A et ee oo i hated wil that . they're no-guod," scape mile from tdaek or Lenwn beam) | M00 Caperiencn ap these springe aud | the alice ot oe te gpa cewatty 1 bd Hp ieen ag shat { Wisng' bapine: pr any vamber | A ROYAL WEDDING. ik Capencarys | avid The old Inilj r Lage viitions and palatable, ae paavateee is i packs have faulabed or dwin: poe er the voutinaawee of "Ts cath down to her Ure ant in » bad humor , 4 im volun, ve the b or the torrettial 6. of . i Preparations tor Com: Marriage * fren FS defy and save ef vury sGindisaas vert | sua inte ebich they Abed, sustwi "at ee iw 'the ru oped molting Leni gt er i. tie wt Wi it when 64, Jt is tise pre of Prince ter the tng | so dary al ing ber maid: * if Tie shin of the } ie nf ro teechanival aml vege- | Mresident Grevy is 60 f. Ider i pre and Princes = =; ave that whiskey boetle tt We at change th pry tough anil si grees fod, bent lowenet lowiee, They bare | j table jawh fo. be xtudied. There are pice | the Duchess ff Weatt hist i sinter 8 | cwedings $f tyrants winhteg to-coerce in the ie itl YY "Ko; 1 dad left " wher, although 44 freqe iy | fu riished diminished * | rlane of ¥ 4 ens sbherd as ruriously | 7 fl 94 +-3.8 it." y a | Ue dae letting Pon aint meet pep adhe me epee to Ges tareree | 3 p sea' Beerring * fete for emediaed © me cnonghy Garvie' ton totipudiers-thes Hart ot tin he 6 bd allen As! the fort agen peste ak it nae. tes ye 2 ae Ee Jats Vise water: These banes onghtiie | power to lie wheel le 3 ol ' : sabe . chimiate aiountor--mome twenty tive yesrs "lar nor shi S ge between Prine scopold and P ja f &. tabet when diy, arel soaked over night, | We have tow snetwath pc enter wa sto wccoedes aa i a Aakenit bee, wo ipa Tomarkal ale eumpie =? _ = we Likert soe mis ioarccte dorurcaaen, abot kif et we th the sity, a pa pli. [Arel p tofi haitind in- plenty af watér trom fone |to | vations on this point ip qur loountry ah ful overnight of the lands ie adjacent 'te te wf nwery many making banal = 8 Bo yet ti bearn | toke place'ag #6 rh east chapel, Windaor, | tisitiret viait to the city, and a pos age sy ear pont off the water pares they are more atwebidant. Theriver | Satie ¢ Phexatio ns S any tae At r i seme chi rg ae pide aire "if. what araithe first priaciples of freedom, and. vend wey weap oot on plas saye Fie i -- Sistmy -- peop pb rH 'recery i wihoh they fire up ta, adding fraph | Bily betwoen tht years 1257 and 1837 maliduna person shal} d 'Gokent Rectat'" wes 4g tuirint : i in free citizen in Lent TTincs, Wilh es Ee Wale Be dN eald | pe Sot twal ins. Aleert iia tearough cots. Prout Te huve w coated: ' ; S37 was aware " hat} do comaktie to hin known as "Cokes -- al sow! ( . Mt occasion of the marriage of the pent ad | Neg > ," "We got plenty rae er va ' ie! wal deg SiGe tock tes eatubcton ot the thet, : fase shor weovk under ertaken ~y: an Washingtow vied, When be Boies sOhes tars Liles cena" ahdl'oo a. What Connaught. A covered wa wil meted Lpemagnst age better, bat I'D . i ribet', seeaamcatye) a jowtw where the tributaries of that atreat | (O@e te ouenpy in the cotimatiog of -- wt sree ache nife "i ere ay | pie The ci a st the toe bss = at Ga ates he Sage ala Fbutersiad jyetad heve ther onyip. A wom pants preneayy " * ite dbonginins ssh hips phd Phyl vhs ' oaeny ae h aint the ehegr ; F. Snod, cif eper gael a in tive ' a "poeta Pon : Pay te Eng r aa baw : iad a bo rire Cy the _. utve, asf happy marriage and "aisook the oo a pace I the welding party will alight on arciving he Teane to town," said a tich brok-' Sones eee, aren : si aiear i it in dished inte the tarces Nh te ake + and other stress 4 sulathine Idauricutcern, te cn Laos s wird in hia dey chalr,.and make biin weiied:{ een' ml depart aiter th er, "DE hadn't & penny of sy pen pag hiettig will auawer in pie | But un evil as iuportan aa the shar bealth te Mcchare aida reRth, ONC tO") 'titans Wer, | slit it rewulteddtin fer sone What right to ery') trank eps teading to the have you now, sit!" axked » quiet-faced man oF eae end dai $ Gilinem, Berse while hot.) Hecanse of the Sr hae 'cute one: af ha sale touy of} adaughter, fard Leicestdr survived this out that this and that man M7 2 | tranee of the chapel will also be coveredaud | {14 mar ot thee Fou bok yitnd and: toug F-ahtne 'hee " Hee : vine one of the most finer: ) marriage t twenty yours and Hied at 90, ail' Bungle'! «, ¢fool," & * alav ry the interior will be handsomes | UiMBS Anewer thes question. Pérhape he lati fe really only ft Lor eeup oF porridge, i iat » mht of E peta lead land holders, Y. Times, pes pear walla unlets 2 ine, § Sout mes ly draped. Atthe top of the steps thera did't hear it, | Posatly it was a pain in sho Page purpme they excel all wtler r joveree from year to year, and their acu * | ing atate® asl Y i if larg which, am the "puodheey ins 1 is alllthab, be is gettlog fery likely ax mu a will he Perini recta fitted ap, i te = nach that drew hisface down so sud- ines and neteiay | walation in tt test a r ¢ 4 A hie: ki th 1 ge " be queen ° ea EAbibed ie bovsins poise okicly Sans seed 1? i sn _ there 0 oman ' a forest domains, 'he state TROU | pla wort . Why bay by a any low . . of and her attendants. On the south side of," S&F man's mistake: paper fellow, ry id se it \* a a hick owte! hang the 7 reece, jor inetatios, amowt te Maytry prevent Ble getting it 8. | the cliapel there will 1 i y, lithe Wea!, wontinto a theatre the ppreeeated thas they are, ; "ay _ it falls ue the cldads, for the wat- | 3,000, 000 | a jt ix anil, sand yield at aon |! APO af Ireland Sct | ys is foaming t . ~ in to inany cased, that shreni'e which the. ass se atin: Sj where a pantomime wae going on. er a pests cement s0+ eeeeeneiclin -) [MOE the dinanlving aaows, an: of | taal te revebdid af £100,000, Many of the | Troubled. hepwelbeat ail inmulted, ( 7 aes hips ted belie piicocoms $1 : - A bath nh ee | word a he , | siesta will five to the south porch, thedugh minutes he conterted fimeedlf with listening 3h No More "Cnah!* | - as cw ing oS ae 2 enon retain ¥4 pre -- ant departments ain are large | An onder has been signed for the release Scr 'aghene ree hard Ai unis & | which they will euter to the choir, "On. tha with all his might, lesning forward maki the 1a Jonyreyational élergyman in Chi om away yradually 'teough a th ny ; Tate tw toe yt *f -- pe 1 Soeie dls cre' fe 8 w tial ieee | rs gran dec athe voreret may, rs in, leh ped yee eaplancce cig Rea pentest Anes 'Dea onnibent, Heit atrterriatio ¢ 1 vuleta, wh i ~ epee F ote of in the § lor the convenienes of those who have ling Himmel still chencvereful, he cine, " hy Hk tee ie steno ee the hall Ava tad shoe inte the wat Mowing enening at "c Saatle wlan rs "y i igs bn vaKeT vate? privilege of entry to the nave. On ith pony b Ange ita rage 'Loeder! t bouder, I oo anges Fabel va ii that city. K i ley bere unite in giived mati, (dn it: matly? Te at junt t It ts nothing of | mt we kdys of Bt. Cieorge's chapel will be tell you ' Nobody can hear that," e ra a ip nly al wien n oteady volume by the rey ralyy i Hohe, @ bali in the servine of the omer. | the indy, Ana bray what ix @ fair wnye itive char, Lyrhe cone ah " order | B aaah. ""Chilthool has po 4 seers teiel many head . cy m" for tuir dork? Wh i We intertial preparations may be . fordbadings; bet then it in soo! vf tise Papite hy coe twriet the money atid | the for vey a ona ifeah Bre ws | * eugti ed eae of the forest incre 'i viay vet Deemitbons i og fe gl Tien Doms eal an give tare fo aa of inca vended with, atl fror that date the mnewpories of rw And ' shy +H satanemre| amk ery by aprings,po | ead aod fertility fot mh, Gpom whieh be | a font ¢ CHTADTIMinent in me ¢ fa Ate Weting of the Tish harak opened ifs ea slions thie tp fers a Ay pats css oye et communion rail ny P| 1 Gece er caf od peer es iat "4 te fh ated the ole ' " " ' . cssslintsd ee 16 SEAR reese wou tod the F the k orn j i . - n eres '4 Che Tnefl in a fittle elevate al we hay pbs a winch ons a an npende ot I; boule pon ipandiate - = a th conypoy ee Sooner : di i saa in Fee pons suthe re yi, Aiterbil 0 ns | belith ea tlboosry creation G none pore ef partis @ spring pis filtn the eloweter, | as aes hut. & F Ml Ss -deneortaiiees y ations ranking , sew ice preiad Lis we Lemeqaein in ire- | wot fsa al ywed to buy beeal one massey ee 'set he central seats af the heir) by the old man's trunk strap, when he pet trate fi Eye | ; t be portance with oar aulleges and puly- f land, toa , : Lod ore light) a are Viethalt i throws off into asort of de- | uwept aff by the recklesndes or the cupadity 2 othools, They farniah & coutee of A tuilif in the employ-ot Lord I Aa} Han they wire willing to sel tort a allow the ryal mes af var pada mequirtend Be Ly > ppt Lape. wit on Gilion -teward ) al mia, aml the firet effect, bens: semen. | Hstruution fram two ta two and a half) be» bees fopnd des rai 4 cull we nears Th me nay that thecheay bread you get partion to walk wp ener of be» ced yi cua 'sing? perenne, os mii | ¥ ' Denaibers : r i . . olen ee 38 ge 4 7 y weigh?! . u ore! "pekile He if thi thewt tase, gta Mg foet [SMisae capeenl to the cub sul thee | Paytl ; oid en vend. ive be ~ = - ------ "i yy Meee Bs ies ' It the nmwer come prety , Ha,' aul 'probaly ne tan suspect bit of ueting tren Tee ther ceiling, Whos ~~ bole a'vesoh Abd | Auitfethuetried, it ie poi: ¥ "ah io datfy "a, and 5 reed mae ones + jyuick, "}Miod youk own business, We . ow af mente on neck sidé) will be | bait Brus ehaliier they are opened, the kets ate | by both wind aut rain. Pes et ss pti, ' pan sane er ead at ae Mr. Parnell has notitiod the Governor of | Tore ash you th nell uh yowr teaver any | [ Hel, Tht side ales of the nave wil aie chor < lay a Pesos ite ethow a a hen joet, the change gaan se heel Sl iving thus reueved, the Paliioe : dea one At rion thee amoest een al 4 nde about | Ki wal pc Gaol that he Mill be alwent | chempar than you du) Weask metely te by will Ie adsnit- bran table was boasting Ht on wlgwer railway, whieh in - | pbthing todetain them. They rosh at sata ing for deste clon themtheot I ois Sua ear Weeloga 'Goes <lh urpene Lamwiy Mdalain's onder.' The. With whem heiwas on inate berm "ihe art the Girks, 'The balls are at "li l down the hillpiter, filling the date cf near Hertin, tie tsoattt y sie pers aie (aa | im. | ph nt the organ wad a= grd ane Mepen: phe Reatl lent Dalolyging to 4h | oobi a drivers, overflowing the silpcent Lor, whe opcuphes na toe cleait of forest weienee, | cite lrik Times believes the tiovernment ¥ will Leap ct the ry loan, hart Tamed with Tomnyamn' was Wer grese "Gi wile, amt even sweepengy sway houses, 4 with swe bofisdants iu the same departmest, | Will resort to w mansuee sit the West | © +54 Ine ¥ Faatiine shoesd ae ¥ pe Wales, Aes Wine 6 dos -- the rps, factories, bridges, ant net raters ti physica, mechan: | Meath Coercion Art, # the power | pot ade. » Saerti pend, ry ge aul, in short, Knew ever: ever: Whionilit belonga it tancbee # epring whist | Lives uy dentrayiog Ele Lin the tntervanct mg go ae | to search for arms in a proc ioe djatric atmosphepe ix pratty cledy up an thems lofty | Take uf Albany ¥ evented ta the luniys At length o Seer "ea al at <ipeeates i ewateh apd the att tall jabs a lbetwoen the tate the streams are bo eral vl geowgun pi ' atall times and without a wa regiogs, iin | duke of Albany on tec. hy the ¢om-, fur ity end of the ro re Sogn Hf HEBER te tevrst iL the wherk ero wing no great fofeat teacrvoirs hl Aes aud cue wt Juriapee Thee suspects in Naas Gaol rai spe: data: { top of tig wre my by mt verqeeem, wit: ine quee eatin My takes Dat Ane change ao we. | fool them es before, The millwheele oma | 1 wyal forest oMicer on ae an } tenes ai Tuwatay, alleging iat fever way | an pel gee. feed, a0 View 0b toe sir, Hi beng pov. jnee to -know the: he vival Wate pode needy the springs, hast | no jonger torn with full force, the eatale copetructéon of roads, gece. importa into the prison witht muapecta re mk ; miamulacturer, Thu prio twits when they were in this country?" ay ein ew eeneetl wit ee he therr fem | mine their wonted epringn, the crops miller , dod plaovlenwing, and also a chemist ceatly brought from "Clough. 'The police | 8 and | nace i toy f tok Ae prin ig ¢ pea whe cvidbatly had s bare oey for hin o ¥ two eberka for of vextor, | i > Pang mit at du ' aoe Qwpr 8 it 'th t th "poet | re rig inches. de a, wt ered mad where ra forty, tls A a at ier, - Fhe gl lan teacher of we my. : 7 al 0 Y compelled there te return to Liesl, dove ithe -- "nn vail tt in a size, A teproduction of Lowis Seize wor! Ringadee t wet, ait? Ven, segardyy grow very deenty stations fn the fest Boor ' 6 wate" Kineiy ot loon bd blag Hien homer j S ent, -iNubedy, howelur.t hes alad thahae | The frame isa iinitation, though not qn intimpte witl one of them, Hat I wever hun IG eitie' th mbwunct thirty seeds "ts a i lant alll "Ac'tbe Mooxted tates ed nm yo mn Trees Aswariation mye au axtesordl- where the lie came im. > What ie it that is / et copy of tne from ee aoe in le the si g sites rtane to meet the other." nie Rew onl the ster i we ute, muy as wage : ewday that Mr, Parnbll Ads ahaest corns the ied Latdne i la i shake Of thie Hane comin of fuwers, eeu, fen the Goses, nad the } yeh hbo he in tom wn ig i rite : ; se monte wire in natural science. | way from London to atubam. Th gt planes ci mak armen weld vane work, elaborate. AER ner. giken at the Desa ee ase ge ne bat ia rather ao mat | andl tree, anil be aring t oe, iia igs ,onteaty te ir; bry: ne an, tow cousiler- | morte pot entitled to the afightest ceatit. | STENCIES Eee GE THE bites * ! i Teglstavens being I 'lab, ' New York, ta Mr. Thoma 4 'ik pt core ab Ube Litthe milway tee nica et.) vallegh below te cove Soba M0 090 SP Hnance, | Acnording te the Best informatian, Mr. Mee- ' ty gree ty ie allowing the os Cs . Phas estin to the off. ; we tol iia we hed wire, and ehouy.--Jeer | thie avalanche of de vk wt oaks vator "ot. ete pone a deer p oorataterd i Te te ate oeher Shukes i high wlere! 1 teen ait vera rio abba vetwotk | <i deeb i ety aot ean Srvemrer, Pty. ' | | F Praag? < ip | conversation Mowviay vades | p Ke He hee bucking i+ ebonized wood. sid foverby Mr. Evarta, ; Le ; : i cone ate se haslmbulmen from their ita the bee igen He one hin vies | Howse a Combions on Tsieai ¥ There are, in addite ae toad gine, alga 8 24 Mr. ¥ te ce dhe Saye tay Ms a s scind: aiivicoay "eB W sof viv 7 at} \riggeee t- Eberawalie, ney Geiferal for Lreland eal a wes hair brushes amut fixeebell said be wished te know from: headquarters _ An Antheutic Ghost story, | of she harente we de. modane tery ction ia | morhall Siting struck meas more re- | Parnell presents hivuselt st Kitin at ' jluall ay lal ax tha comb}, het anil cowt brushes, al -alver | wether "the incident he had that morning fe Brixtot Past gud Present," lapely | this country, partly bedatse we have not Stare of the' atmdies required: trom Fes eee legally detained oe the old war ci ale army 'tah tn Ling wl back ocr ent g # - '! bs «Weta jeden lenlibg oF Pe ch pera Wlaed, Stuer tlow) ing gheer | a cleared away the treee eu extensively | camlalates oF probationers in Pruwia, and "ache ------ i lant ; oh. Bee eyo tat 4 --_ = AF oh ar at On ia smi | \ auf en permis cab I And} tsie's imap tally ty } ve in some Other gouutries, aid | the naibpr ; --_ a 4 ok dees: ¢, before if was permitted to pmas ip- with m acral me pry we have aitcent eel: | end, fet Melying hen ga reanis OF TRUEH. Gai Gl hie eg a the Cun a | erent aon Lome '> sany. shits, hil pasgeanie, which clad that eawhary 2}. the qoestion replied | Ha " | al» aud fewer hig mo: ' 4 ing # t i i a poe H oy Bie , : \ oe t : oy i gioco [Sears fave hg tna a! eo nino The ene | inom oft hrc omg | gp sey eu in | Aaa a Bled a. Wee Vo Rustsprng Since ot the sat Net iy mr * x deel ba ty . " a { : ? o ibe: ss yer B oh | fines huctrohng ia de Wk, ied te i M " Prd : Sa ed Leg mal Mpjor:| Eaten falljng wt oN taltpetes, aed the rap Mipeerall orrere years, gither before, or stannous. tie gous he kao i ' wie timew a Hay, wiping 'theif (the garter, with ite motte, amd, above a part of the pate pak he betes" hat Ie thom, art yout think it iy 1 cd gs Oda bbast ptt rie rf ; ors jjow ee ae, athe TEAS tater ake in ts anche did and inuet leave. Pate dnc om og ite ry a ot even preety . monet compeme of crosses! pat war *Nyuite phasyes roc to one of hia re Lrinstaeg you nett" And day is jm i . 4 ch weal i " wir cigar ont olter about works | afd Mearede lin alternately, nacripti : imtatst, Be plied yi m4: raping ver ce j tra is f the deatrpintion of the for: | tow of the Forest ostieers, aad it in only af- Mate & point never wo clear, 4 great | son 6 = alan al eck ring ape t hiollug $i ravest in the tran "of the po oc Le pr 0 cnet saa Meaty etsaryae U ; a beeen 4 ig he , | ae ie accadivoal | ot destructixe | ter five qr jets years of each employment | dis that « mat why halite, sind the bent } i NG ites ksjilleboas throw them 53 Bre sented to + royal highness the re Dube:| an FeaBuisenia Rep evotrdey rigirpila rd ror wile inh efit bea nate ty <4, by the ar. | © tates the pertuapent Aiiminutiog { that they can reasonably expect to receive of Whose tnind tie a /comteary way, stall be | the nogie, on ae ct thay mist have a4 of Ses Kit weliles ! : r * wi y H thet ye leat of the Hache-/) mentof =~ nether ex tremi tion, pat Major Hives of, streams. 'Hanily a river in} ® ae Salen ene sitrtment mnalie to cwin it; so weak w thing ind od xtremition, the whe, ih noswer to an ' rune With as foil « ate aa it } hection rat thr nea pas : age Age ore| aT prota tan saci te ine elinadicny rand pst yr pm +f Am t a i othe oie = hn Marca "% ee tae yt {ra ton of @ pinto, or 8 snowy clea Wha wee At bie pret, wad ¢ fi : wpectable wed enicable i is the employ: wrk - pe ry ee cig rept the cardiac om", Mr. Maresh i - i : ® ry merit When in dificulty dle ok fa f ware af ra 4 id ne-wiew + an bile t +: tewday at7 A fi ie dere ¢ ¥ ¥ not get apy } . was 1 i eile ener at tnd om nan | hn fata mn ae Aetna ME Sate et | puagawa UF VousorrEN musromy.. [i'n i ites ihe Perle eta Yr Agra teds : evidenoe ¢ inteudoi T inet Hy paeat te thi neg * pea tu fal *) and Rereaming eagle, he weuld like pry per peavey WT ties Bresiied ef mg uppetmente pig y Msabag ss read ese or ereaiare ahpald nt while bine ott earth, | Back uptn nahin paring. amuking, | The Excavators at Assow Dr. Schliemann '4 fe bs ta Hy ifs verity, end red to ing Gee patio y z when? t Pre ina® complet: happidess or catire Dohatdddes, fae i noe Ot, ty be Troy -An Ancient Piece ef . shaply ou the soo internal evidener of | Chyt; armed fe Bare Beg Pedy sah css rs tin | -- at | ECE misery dll tise tne vure, they hein to ery oft thet society awey | 'Aeusay, \itsitruth. 'The secretary was place: | Giveadan tegenist woukt par hota 6 ee % i ola the: haidis : to alana rl pre nich ipaay std ents The hind td sakis pins | - magna ar k, ae ty) thatiie not the wae The ex: sehthe ak "Ae cre Heys difigult position, bat wan sap) to tht emer 4, anintoat peresatiay al pe iI asap hgh * "4 " be C ¥ | etd oh obist, in: . ower that he ii ia | takes the piece vt ¢ icles bf stom a on intone pope re eae eeees | te wa a phingn wetter, Tf the 'bowens" had | ain on the 4 Cor abr: h a ges Amt | weedy, and aaisk he had tee larity') oii i mish sprees noi i Varhsiive. He then Ahas pony "and Col. | the aire oa i ona teore 1n6 pea oom 7 'aud the cher gel ia tisha sdaeated | = ose that Baie Sse would nares ns alloating tha firks only nae ae pr hoe "4 Seb the Londdn etitur had in hip mite - that the Line Kila Cink tinny decd th > ; syuite evident. BY bie vey whet he penned: that para ; sonicia «| i . } | sae , or pol Seg SD cactote ont anil' emer hei Ww wei i Ue at Tear tearfai pee rao : ay csoept firma iia, which pegged any) fe Dee Be co yeiely | all nyani let everyone thy by wise and hou. ma siya it i ae ud Had cod their! deli that tt wae an atte inpred : phic areal ship poaniting ee cs Hat of ms lov cake iene Shi joe Alona \ he te jeare tor, 'niente | familar, is better prepar '"eome o lb orable wa: ae iigh wag nai Oty, han tha Anus wan i hips ve thet ter cats wea eee rag a : wth Witness the flaad which in Diog " ee : pati ions Kroes ep i ppt Spe deoreed co 3a erp ad sah of ie | she prt pag lef sheen alec terimm. | eeleetes age of re becaumt fe vt Peon ache toe wy: i fea on i que Poni ty und efeton' salt che dey eRe we time Set wipta mosey ina "finishing establishivemt." | ber t before theit own doo remains knowh te vist here preomiegd nré f : : dlemsselves 'I the F wort ar afer eae enh Sis oi ain that which inet | soeowet a lber 'high "tivude, pe prevent a Varlout accomplishments are pet to be de. t Keepmtqgil ily b more the that troth, ans tt aot te vo whelge of 'ie Fi rape sgnindt the dismasslenmest By Tat. | An anaious eapepssion patrorgin: & deme | Heep uel wd rink 1 mom aflerwary tidin, eur place it seats poor ra which frome safleriig fru the absence of trees ax | *pieed: hot. kets 7% ft ANN Son nite are) temperstioc, Ae inalbaty; maral rsa I al letaild, and!| fiately recital. Thesi mG le Ht'; on. bes foee; + tem. * 'thor chem Qe eres + tire bbe * st os wey mask inne t Decained ;. Sornpe ira . Thesimple fact by tha: the ble " i ar de Wad iy are . imot | she atherweiie would tite ad inp he are the Seu ini fit tireek city sctiaviog to custom on this an oh "1. expec' "dey rain ae forerunner ban i ame aiceteggis 34 i i routs keep k We hate feft suse tyes sp ne s owly ts at A iceeiatacaiey worth bs nidht work with | there iit ¥ TE ed Hew Begana alterparys I | Vichien Sith Vaart sang the ein fete te the! (alae ot treme a ase pats 'a am } withtudd Oy 1 P hi wid } isdjiriens| wimeks ant trom alasion. hag atesinguia ih nt top eegh ta ligt Line for sivhiw ei ot oy e basa Lael ern Mn} rye vate be " tdfjiten enere ie Divinity of # forest, vee a pay iHoSket, vi : mn i, 'Oty hail - flow rows li Brees, i a great a SE SPEARS ina bart Inem, Peed si mer ni ' sp if; trews, te a --e pre ee ti oN phen 04 ake ork fom ems moh ond at n't he be bp. Mt inthe fact all the it om the res ite H + erapa, fri * ie Rit te Sete ial ie' est both | their cake | Trey "the thes oom panei. inasp * Aa betty wd vite dinner. You then Ss y heltor t 8 " : = 7 )| aw soon atu 2 mites Bow You ee | " } sla ts bee i sing feo yea os highest ae of ist aml set | ba rt in git he anderstand er Tri * page ptt 7 4 with play As = ig f malt i auc. "F 7 i. ay the waterworks and: ' ' IS Cellos Hie sartutarf '» apis €x ; ive fone that 4 prod atts: te te talte pr injuriias, | the by-lyw? Oh, what alvat thom' Th Att oir wrod how well { Tere werd planted with treer, properly die! | tee YT ewan py 0 o tip-top anil aste "he oe OT corner. | tributed] thr remaining thre-foutthe would ( s want Baye sgt they aw 5 19 SEAM a fadge returns of eropa gp ear pasa Wann major ev apparently mac 7 si doa eam ever " A vaperth win the whole, while the eer ertting pla is 3 "1 sinkay ; tea itn the se: te ced yo " Gena tbicks he "2 and > fo st tent a repular ol the treed in fuel avd tinier bi i be a wowever, veal wak.» | eh entry it displayed carvings whieh ib a vad bien " " bee repeat ogc intcing ie em ' sper > a ' re pretty seek apd vive some folks . al it on | a bogota anique speamen, | i 2 ark al & on et apt 5 sinwa cape en gist, sels tum the fect that the Lpaeged oP | terrible scare, yhe it, The Ciork | / Tae paseaving § © ment aneignt atyle :)) i, i reo Shin then k an brick anal exhale oxy get, pee' ye bo satin be traly ni ed wert ls wettty safe up in the pleepis.. Thire wi M4 | the 6 on ar Sic wick linea ate bold, bat: inthe torte my tage ende slik ely. "ter ae | swiateae halt ad Pe at The Knd of the World. rag as ie) ny tet :: a i Lie wo men and women are'stiff aul pagu- Chee « Sassixsi} ; o Mates Seen "Besalend, Tae in ine ry tod eed Proctor, tie te a a he very dtfective y, eetectian r a } bhah ef MEINE oe : dia club eyepath 4 created qilite # scars metetithy, ' icieinalebnedcatl ti It-the seven Mtates in the Usion that : Ped Last scouted wl to tt 4 Padi : f a mdaseagt apincheie dal : sugges waits Srahty w@ attache tae ef yee eertsarion ing How toset a Ben. ohm \ ete ure oie fomahtic' home| a | deta» apron at oat wh, Gaia, Trine, ili tall eet tal *) come to an emi whut 1 year IST, genes wily ee trae has prolocel | There fxn right at well ae a|wroag way | fo". Cultion sete: em if others cam stand USSIAN AFFAIRS. | ai, Mimouri, Kénene, 'pil Nebrnale, "Bpidlor Shad" clatiived } | Bomet-of 1663, ond of the greatest upow Of trees poliented in the vicinity wf Level to set ai Hen to secuye @ "goed rea Poot | ' talk all tn in the Garden ex well That fteis teported in Be wn thas "hen tenis | PEN shout one fosrth of last yes he brua, Sarl ol witt atk i Wepinsf oc saiieainon kn B x vans hes * if beds rewslered them no fonger hatching may be due, in sonic a ay agp va "ipa Bh | eho hae A te raj hand. This is lore by more tan oe =i Ie eye, "ilo sgh Ot 5 hes oy ear inj rp etee Ti sane, thie auyraeger fish iy nt oe be ite as i by tye gg the calumen »pelfgss hey | & Pre The teport his created a Sind the stock ts ean ered , ll kate it, ~. ke wril aettiod now that 'for the # '*' foo wf or gba sl at esti beat Mi the deseription of ee sd faversbls bo prijeion 4 Ane ne cr seat wan tae in thie f orient hearn a eS Rin rh ' a M Civate You ss by er cen is " 7 4 Esipaeed f rw dry, b they pee apt to Stolenis ing bd ach: of Se Nahi side os ern Es Si Te =e dt races peas ui thete isaleo a shor prtaig in ain Ww te fue bey apes ler i ey wae 04 tie eflectul ite tall upod the sun. wouhl endl, er HE at! bs ge up Athahity tals haar i fen Seeuataaal tis User will take plteia | "Le wn whaf tincle banc 1 tice vaet amount Bt heat apd the eat ste of dry, ) iceht theste poh shuand duet eeume Asighit; andliey usporial oontueasil plate it Some' ot the Hank cf Boalatul's sharehol = t < eo ale mgt fe a lar system, asl §o siestroy hicks will be found | ay fioce ot fn, epi ta 'adbvaadiet wltethe ' rine saveire moat at the | © pepeuted Se Se Uirneters sent mating | SDA he tell you, to eka, this globe, "bri Meaptey tivition =a i a ve ue ay By LF: fy . The skin |which str tide. countries, . where the didtinctise ( 70) see Sonesta ¢ tortion of perty is. Ireland fi by c hy featsires of st le: id B ist ag r property i: Irelaud, on the * for-it ry inne pareh- i roe te 19,000,008 Liles, "| that the fund "indicate: reveet thes fant to thel little pris | "| ie eee bat t 1) La bike re the objections, the the t ty y byect + nerbottons| bax, tor i ls ge: ones ee abana hor gend pn 'aa ame it said that at all time shone ont 2 ye - ; } am ine | wt gis ; pored @ moralise 'oter the inanities aod } ; had heen great peblic mover nedium pizel nest, ion of Tt is mrael and cowarlly, in any maa, it had been the practice to calf on nal f vanities of such a gyenk, ani gloat the 2s 2 nl fresh rye straw. > t - speak a the wunien ander hie own paki in of England for their Ce | poet, off beauty by a dissertation oa is Vp ranparaite had . pnce tbe a vynieal) Vandal sues Gade be ; sere 4 [ had boom Mest yaaa * na st oer. whide the flowers i be i ine the' bs ba Ear tnanl tier ora tnt by asap ton a a, an seltigaly torqet support ig 'the js Se ken tea they have ek, ae and tans rt | - Str ater the at tie ' at pare: ( rn) the sspamnetils sien on Fragen thelperspas itt the ri begerieds 9H : nts eloat - ty when it Note, S204 in tS S there were va ie ; Cd orktar : pity : é witty if Oreter. | Pegi, Heder. is there danger ta air pati notic 'jad ane comet 1 MEET Tor then tou oiten qome deceit and bypory f n comnectert wn the thre re A. ae ray and inditlerenoe. ; : He Sevore. Blond Ist down 'to the | a & ictionaly P bat at ? eB i} re garantie -- ; prides Fin pencersion wi She wating i Pamine The Croce! Pr oe pr ciréulation in the ly xnlo tes as tiie bogs : pant. Coumerty| Bepe. grb always prin i more or lens connect "A ha The shld tare tienes *Nalient Se sdeabens! ul : (le te call some ottas chap her counting" |The Cuan, on the i the fe mi haa" ook yot a a a 33 t 1 i a i Bot i 3 j * is Tea | % "et i : '

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