<x 100,000. This siee give to the com- Sates MER oy The Re-istiibation mt, which has wo mach quaking eed enriising * eaused wo in ata Grit Lehn oO Years, wan laid Sir Jobn A. Macdonald ie Filey wight. | On ibe whale «jot an perfec arr on the principle *t Mepre. ~ teeta Lae 9 Foppleslun, which years dicted the people of Canada, and Woiahl bai shoo: astully sottled by Can- adn's ablest statesmen, who-has tive to. apply lit in ite true realtty my : soe ing, With their nsual the Grits are fioding fault wah. being out of office their is nothing for your a Sarit te da but to stand back, soar] Aid growl at their wuccessful op- introduced deaks The Bill scot with the 7 pare which reer itnelf upon the prodnction of hich it is now entitled, and at the same time make such vedibiation in th hieal boundaries ax will most cainport with the principle oof re tidgn. by aay a asit at first pate seem, days the Free Prem, for, while 2 tothe requ watery mo = it Was hooraxary to pay jon to the municipal lolita on which the majority of the constituen ches Wore based. twill be bere in al representatives' Middlesex obtains - obe,.#0 that this section of the eountry 20,500 )Mintrices an average of each, which ia a-full raving in relation 'eat: th eeetare Taking the wk tn its A sige det for wnt Ro North The greatest portion of the gold bud silver in Perth, x "i tla going bad the country f held by the banka And yet we find from the last returos thht the ix this House, and there is no intgiligent man in the country, who will sey to-dby that that is a fair basis tor the trade cont chiumerce of id thet on the 1 this of March last the paper circalalign "inno by them ht ns to Da ef a eee oe may expect = ents, $2, 440% depots. Spckielligy Sipauturoaa, Shae Thi anol result of the above arran, : ment will be to a path b Een of abe. Pe Perth Battalion a infest = - -- 1 an ust confess they art liabnlh sense of the 1 reder and I will say nothing a 1. mes Carroli, of Donnelly eds peas weile in the. Bill ypouee: each val the : sre ge _ Tarra.--Now is a time to plant LS a and ¥ allicg ren into Nort sakes 'and we bo ed fe of tiord will take ape el vantage be oppor. Our frivada j in tle South "Riding shoal be thei ks, fredoo work that adorns the w wailn and eatin. 870,000. o Jerry | Acconling i Live | provisions of the fochanly of here loses, in bat be A Tesaon, wrk ¥ Eche 3 ™ Mr, ibe G, Morlock, Soraack, arrived in the Popa , "taking the census of = Anouxn oa ~_terntiond * cer police- been another member, to which it was fully entitled. Misidlessox hay one, to which fa which the ccums + develo vel els in| incumbent fhat an attempt should be made to redress which the fluctations of 'the population ee tine to. It was all very wel! sole the year 1843, the town of agara shoukl have a geprosentatave [scar te cafits own, but it was ngclonger so in ¥ Lo eo cee with neighboring ones. No one would contend that suet' papel | atibns as thowe of Esox, Middlesex Brace and Simeoe were any longer to he pat-off, w le Niagera snd Ue cuwall to the demsind af the resident pops: | : Istion, the only question that remains | ia, Has that ae en an | j out wilh ad of this Province made their own sn + eatin 'Wentworth wan ae t "in Eeaes, er that one Hiding in Brant | ale brite twa rings in Mic cud far the la ger of thew Gententth, § Siperesiewemady 8 'the thu haw | Went spare . the House, and in arriving at) | 1 | hy the Vea | F wito pron te substantiv | * folle i » the basis cobstantisl jastice. hus heen dane to id popualition at la ¥ Op Tee. is | d byt *pposition that the | 'bas been put forth in the interests | Conservative 2 A Hite | eo t consideration will show bow baseless is | the pe atch a-cliarge. - It is clearthat iu dis done in gov "Oh, we shall lose by the is possible : of public opinion Sila kas by al rown fault | Sir partution Bill, the poypoagied ni Beacon G FESEEES 3 le Tegal - to oop Fehr cone coptoemitition which ce eagle t i pate bee Lanny aa be acd et nde: new aveutey. Tae Toe wishes hte Het our friends of the posit may, Se operdtion of that they may, bat in the ---- they any serutionn Vaatoontt' ¢ devised, hat cheer ve Same! the | tt thei the arteries of comnerer, can mm direct designed be the The wes of in the 5 held Sir, there is ng gentlernan 2 arpounted to $39,194,142. Besides Wall the bon, gentleman nay -thatl We ab atnount which woudl | nay on the dollar, be! aa in banks, today on the shape of apecie re 0 hrs wetitlemen will say that in tart hase ansuts beside What | ap Thie city should have q carving. --+Lemdan Adverti Our es mio man tf vmareh tof fiw seat the o the g John ' | pointed out 's Mr. B aes nial the a fa et dicted Tee 'antl "Lk the nati of the: Epis core are iy was = teed at pry prave ty t nt of Hanover, Mev. dards 1s in JH7s, $7. i 187), $7,981, 'Os 3 in 1HRO, 87,695.04 in TSH1, 87,708,745. The total debt in inti wan 998.046,051. Hf hon. members willllook at the Sgures and consider the sxe of progress made f ue teme be in thet matic) a fone oat of the country, it wifl no longer meter tat were paid ied our Ris rt lie! instead of Potipts aziding katy uf reat x a _ we "4 > | Dw . because after the produbts af the jorest and the mine | bave kor uw t sate ar ts te z vt Y have and if tit wing tate of things 'ill present itself ; the Government has great works still carry on, it hae gill te gp abroad to increase our catienal indubtediie- » by ber or interost. Again, the Government repaiten an amount in the nei trtiond 4f Lid O10 a year for current expen | Th mn eet Minister mice i will find i¥ TANCE SATY present year f> ae ee wena thy si 17,000,000 Of Obtain nei lee tha hopes te obtain from the free Tucposite in selves i a better Anancig! px witht than rehmstances, Holding these vgews that law iatnag in ay naporting tse teas fo yhon, fren aan ie Math N (Sr: Wallace. ie $355 their Dorsinion p wre they are cong te tt ol by Acthat « makin, "i tena tie cy his tion of 832.5241 42, -- a sd bbich Whey wt i i Tart j «natin the hem ates thet any by ba thew tom in © ty Rong one * he justice, but only ina te soe ext nanter ee oh co ive rf fs to i in falure, purpose yal i safe r "eine * and ee darts Venghely | OTTER AER wpe 1 of ms rae ahend anid iis tater nd rome 0 'tle relatives hn ae mvdered by Ht mg Cab 0. ene STRATFORD TOWN COUNCIL 'Murders went tom The late td isa hws "wy fe 1 pais a fee and t increase their wealth. In Shes iT we pa i in interest, $4,551,710 , in Is6u, ba. a74 bs , Pil, in LATO, $5266, an in . ou ; in im anal wliture, and remeber that the interest | « cunts I , TO ng fx the banks and by borrowing farther from the ita, They require devon Ci abi of sterling exchange th Y prival lividnad can rogtire, and they ear go into th cokes can hope to be placed in pinder other - ackis wiotgnen aad 'nani, rare re spite iang.t hac pana, aE sonra in 'ar cag tha Mall releticg mon Ferticaiat oa at Mr. Vai ie ue ch onde(f by zn tonsil that H. iddlediteh | 2 foc siking ap} steel 'ti zt sepa hig-vn wets et "tah doh' A. MoCareby te aslary ey } » Tt le 180 (tal used 00 call dilpd i ak ie | el > fea when aj Gu > tay p in mont 'tibie pa! wh das placrd ive pillow a leet it anit bs ft his 5 ing | ont Ba jw rnin hes an) alle bi poe a ees fine art as rd by eee ed che ghili HE | ture after all. --Muontreal Star. tio | ! rewult of hie copitation it * Cincinnati is ing! famoun for carving as well asi for music. for wood teemed cqntemporary is.ev ently dew | Beare eldicestox of his noe ~ rey suggested aypintingat uf Lord | t Dafierin as Viceroy y of Ireland -woukd . ple: i; that ecuntry. nite' ex being bound ) tq Ireland by ties of blood, Lord' Daf Sate is a diplomet of rare. tact and a) j man of great suavity atid personal mag: | netisra, He would be almost as pop : ars scaeraa & he was in' the stagdonald ai Serr ont | ay | Perty were Dot 60 inlined | ean athe) ae they wppied to rau Ching re : Hn ' Teland in iti ite onkind in the Dominion Gov- all the information 3 to its ests und wit thbold it frou its _ may. It-ia " gecordin, bg: may be iscnsed fe 'attad. | andt Li ynt donbts the reliability of {he prognos- . sid tt e tications of the Ottawa a Press as to, | the purpose of the Government to Hw ay, | rogue Parliamént on the 8th of and dissolve it altogether!a few days afterwards. ays raagyet Macdon ald ease came ntl collapse on' Friday, by | the, Fane f for the mg withdraw- ling the record, . will probably | t 4 purposes, | The.J and without the Lnowtadge . bs pro retam te Capes prietor, Mr. ation = the first Le "ot Sou: ne yo ustions) oy the Sa- prome Court af Ontario, a¢ on by the | and -- The Khms are not P | the bar to undertake the bherous duties be over in latest. of the bench. | | There was a time not vary. ong. ago, | 1 when -- goods even by Canadians thereat | Wargne-- | every thing of ong eet westhonght | ¢ uM | preferable. eo N.P. | extent! tenged 'this state i thiegs, but ¢ | -- Lind remains to be done. In a 4 | Bee aly: Beotive is at the be: a sc having for-itg object the | 'encouragement of the home trade in dress goods, and in the United States | Brat fpr c ment of the manufacture ° their own country. 0 id seem from certain. Btato- glad "Why 1" asked the interviewer, "Oh , replied Wong, " s'pdxe mare Chinamen workee too muchee eheap, T no catehes | twenty-five dollars. for gookee. Too i muchee Chinamen, I ng catcher #0 Fhe 4 i 'iu muchee money, videnGy, Wong | as much opposed t Thi 2 "Bd Ul Nye bime@lf, Chinese | ¢ nature is but a variety off human na- "Ee eens | sce! ty paper dalled whuana sabhicha tite in iat logy, and the the atts fe geount 'the namber ef the bemat, for ét ory bys of as man, atid bie pumber te etx hundiad tires seo d tn very letter te a nt ts . et sofition soma ropresents 4 nui ber, asd # al nt ef the foliowiay Th tobe iintake os tbe unhappy Pre mice * a eis the mn + he bess. o- Advertising Chgats = oppo: | i * ee ee mae ew SS SSERLEERE Ea => a3 hy all euch the toertisat in a jomaiivbe, wpe ro o be poe "ee - te indteal weap be kno alee, , rn Hop i ttgs a isan pian 5 | zokinedy tee bassin cae pe hee. "try ok 3 in saxmeet an if} wea to a icone me chic we STEN Pek THD SCP rneIhy Ln ttle comudiatie nan the thonght | poke ver the paecater man ee for the | Det he ay toes bed prtpeeetlarecs egal is aly sui. vauk hia toreme pos heal met =o The butaas blood is not 4 met fald can: thronghane Yelns ie qualities of faite. the stetem vt may stpeat-- plain Worle, "the Lif) of man Ail udigesUog, ders: kid. 8 dineaser i nee, to the inpure | enue Gas ane keep st | ory "Sas | etre rdgy a female. immigrant , died cigs excepsive) joy at ie, Teigrermmen May ist shectly be aa prey 2 nig mentioned as a r. A hs whulty, Dawson, Hay, and Cofhy, P.", and Pew a n formed for the ase of | 4 houses, H ALIVE, 1 in| 25 physiole- } per cord 3 Ot a EY, consisting vt Mena oulsath