a "eae He ie cyteset 425 see. iz ae & 5 8 3 ij a Tt £ a EHS f i ik cigs f # i it é E i Ht A/numiber of Italiane employed at the | e4's, Ue » 2. é e & i § presielipes & Lj ui ode l than op raid hare been sneer " fore ? id feat i i Pa ail, E 3 Tux tte of of ee oe as Bernbardt took Ad i | bi! Fe £ t help fn somskion eth Ail that fe now wanted t make spparatue +. iett provisioarran ate 4S Bis t < fou . ing pany ss the birds ie | Brey fre is trel carcake, what rope, iy net pak om their return su the The. main poly 'bad str ' M Bihari the distrosee the my rpadions land which and the cgbnas Roxy cpa ol sae the emigrants were going t a fertile coun: | * vty, : 4 i hyuters, pprts were bre chant rtating thatthe + This wcmareiodd b a metey C not en Ne was paare G00 which bad never bees te. dae mantic Migrations of the e preva acwid bas by the my, andl ey the "dking 0 of tke the ag e planning of 365 to my whine ee kesh ue after. ter them after spar, Seals evo in the thiesty ta jand, Fam hes way.a ---- b direction. the ntati bana abd nest for haying, ia derogation ion government has voted the sum ot &375,- ao. sneha fond deli thee Congyae- a Presch Canadians i by the Inia sump hom -- ot bua ies the gens lets s lore 70% and nal you ° oem Ealdweit drag store, etatt the charge fai whid o sxpnont. Sweseey, his wife and aires, ie ise ton rope ayout! the = Alpe way they made it ft they a wolf would § rasa ta | he i! the negotiations: which havo goovatly Vien: dese, Field were > vastly more destructive than a ard Gou, | rate eins from Liverpool tw of seal aac Tearned that the se oon very Ba pes on illa -- Sarton' Home.--The movement to estab- ' in 8 of pedir H ery ae P Ea . st pala ala-ton one a em are oniiolently aceapi- me from ay 0 maby 4 soe ome very yo = prey upon a mann emali red called naked t to to exciting nanan of all corte ant bw fi vibration Teepe se coma seeks mad i 'ne i people they a' Eanblengonn br iit will excape ae a poate-ae Ee a quality ar =e fuse order, mee teach of the ue at the coutact of the ~-- ineorer Te 0 Jersey Lily is teen day after day driv, ip es of this strange alve: moun by portion bed ae tobe footed by Seay tiesolated by the seo agroe phen all the em rr Sond fervor i panty in French ezyle of fine ineertions the sup- | and e of Valenciennes or ef India mual and Irish lace, or the i perpendi- | ain u Hen | ring calars to an: nee ote writing for them « a aped earvlopy Jor 1 ved PO" | over four hundred letters. In reply, I ha was the ribed my case and the veer | ly aA eek Gamhe So teenies. 1 From a meay grennd. | istters of thanes seating had com Laks apaitd menced the treatment and were much better already." te Ry from | | Stn Wiernen Lawnoy, finding 'that lie eav- | steward had let » farm for a yrarmere, their increased value wae rhally due ted the tensot's improvem -nta, at duce LA -- this broken and stripes with little ig mart ine here and ete et chosen ee rie green, . wath finished with rows lof braid. Pic a some frien xd white frocke in old English style are of dark k, terra cnt or It be: ring flannel. Basket Gannel is popular for these ive clutch from your wall sie 4 sit fatiery [oer drofees, Or the th tteris, and in gay Pompa- dour pr "Tower degen Plain bise and | dre i also chosen, * Mra E ys MORGAN, Neve Castle, Me * Pellets," S| essing al Le Pa yi headache, cleanse the rtomach and bowels, otery aad purify the blood. To gut seauine, might be foai- Pierce's Snags pcan portrat on re a kind: wad Note A OD Pee, ot Speen Debeoneess y. Tne on the tbanot | tte Ese of Walla wading presto ra for first time, of ita: Reni cares complaints, a , Which, Os oe eee F " be eo r e-witnese--eays: "On the Tih eee raf y, cB ag obo bag x 0 dons jae = he w ate the freq our ts ry race of usefulness than any of teu rote the banks of the river and si erat in the workd, All drug- it. 25e. (31) and canoes great jor, pais: s po for the saying of lite and property. Spent Pills scales con smi somal ? ter in the garrets, ineral. me here, enme there, | testable extracts, w which bave ponitive vir higher than the | {pet and always cure, where ax Burns and Bealds the 12th half of the| _ Ate promptly cured as well ag all flesh colony i: water, which had made « wounds, sprains, bru: ue B a leoee REOPee discases; by the great a, Bo th sony» ty om both aiden of the siver fork See Hagyard's ¥. Oil. For external acrpas B On : pret There is no more charming dress | war at its wetted. ommpe s is re- | Internal wee. Price or a little one with golden hair and brown es k terra: wide anfigue lace|collar and cuffs, The | er . 20 yeare fair har sboald fans over beagle fonelens inches high 'and the remainder lin a Dykes familiar pict! ead for his royal Notes. with an entirely | Cuffs are amall. that | Shot silks are atyliah. beg Small mantles prevail. sedge aia) plaltings. Canior pojondiaes fs are popélar' ppearing. isk Ince continues popular. i wntor- ra Jet remains in favor with Worth. attenuated hydrogen, and interplanetary | Wow hate are laden with feathers. albeit more Aainsha +4 hy were dark called the Dol u A w bonnets. are fooee ite wraps. = aud chamisettes. erewn of the Be worn with tra: artificial ones for trimm: media sia are ol: as large as the palm os a lady's morning wrappers aad night d. spring -- xihetd, a Game Cock. e Collier held eroedd with, a game cock » ead in the act of pecksng om "fae un bind pecked or spurred places head, and blood was aewicg bila'to a doctor, who he was called into 'see | aoe Vi elke ls te Mhetiplating et peeloond teu tt ik of th met eo resell o re ie itlon ot tthe | Aresgnasto * | freatanent of diphtheria by 'he local applis ¢ lution, The "Tatee: Sir Bartle Frere leit the Eee aal c LK div reas soca Jo ba atcha " ats ve hv iy ee Pstuut howe rary yee all seat 0% tait for the wep an f-Bouih Aftvon Serv the #t pour: give as con! fren mont ho 2 § is i 2 : : 5 ? i an abscess on che bral 8 eet oP op injur- ua ca ica ihe the bird. A simi cane oc: same street a erg time back, the brain, produced by injures a inte ly a certain game --London Marriages, , Aman choglid marry by all means ; yet happy, and |this is not tw hang eral and stig wariel s at "the ends, the path tly cur! Charles Oddt ought, hough the old Hogi 'gle of 'or called . day of be ame AGeod youn bt during 'orm: | To have water be house every a eighteen | g.oncty akoold have « good filter, the health been this year. | gcd comfort deveniis oy upow the Chas i properly water. The liver ia the i, th true filter for the blood, and Bu under sail,' wi eet p the liver and all the secretory a healthy conditi Fi varmty of hooschold Feed! purllying. liver regulating added to the bed Death pallens | Ryle ao: a in : Ba wand five haadred souls Bardock rdock Blood Sitters ty "bei Teuitying, the open Partin deity afford a 'vine uy an, re e health- soqresdl their cheer- is rnsilet this remedy a pee wneq led 12th of June." The similar preparation in the world. h it ov the shy et it Werse a. War, heat "The "The throat has thas the word," by yh dence ia eatiog occur with the water as high aain 1832 vy intemperance in drinking; but whew 860, and while water was ta | the health becomes impair (gd ve 23 it inj ic may find prompt relief in Burdock jeatrnction Hitters. It regulates the bowels,acts in the cit of Win- the liver and kidneys, purifies the stimulates . i a The | Block talayeuses appear in black drosecs. pag vee is iat the got "and ii ht White barege is ised for evening dresses. Edwin } Booth an the Vokes leavefor Eug- ped and -- 1 a Cabriolet hat will be worn in midsum- on the Joe defn Ad at MeVicker's theatre, Pink and brown together are stylish for icago, thi and | bonnets. | have iy! od Philharmonic So- Long Directoire coats are fashionable in 2 Natal. New guimpes are of ecra lace over white ir. and i, pees 8 Raskin will spend m. otf Serinesille gtenaline ia the fashionable ea Dios Bouci- OIOe. Shepherd's check is liked for mowatain 4 ano 00) lomish ¢reamy ti ims dark had great FP ey he aT os Murphy end the « mary Oe ww" ag ny Pelesings are worn smaller than they it year! that Barry Salinas Dresdea china handles are attached to will py pean tte aie of the water nex la, Parapo: The new tg hat is all black and is 'e ponsce La been bistly v Velves Gtringe p aol a telret Alsatian bow his business Whit poite - summer are of weel in | OO af will drink no- erence to law: ln at the sites made t India cashmere shaw bre, New Yong, Fsih re White set embroidered is used for neck- xt who whole 6 a favor. Rossi, ing with A-large bow of mney loops trims the oe Square toques: < woo! "ld the dress are andard thease open dresses. Natural et hare entirely superseded ming Pinions Very amall or very large lish; those of he 'aah ode 5 The py rd eloth goode pare round spots Mother Habbard styles are now wo aaibioed i ireance, Milia, straw Manila. porcunine, and Nea- larity - patianae" politan straws are the most popular for ing bonnets, a my management 904 | Be "= ae persons. 1am not over-cetimating 7 rane re when witnens ou ing outside she foul the chi be cl the | m two jon ovenme, near Irom bot ada, ri soul not say whether the cock bad _-- dis beak or spare. Wie Deas too scribed for it It died on Tuesday morn- an ett eit weigh wichty Posnds . the child on y. shortly before mid- bt, when it had just recovered frem 6 aa the head be found above jce nearly closed. He also noted akcar an the left temple. Tho orifice led to a mg tel sarily, one of which wien eee was duc ound 4 fatiieh, "ane Sra dsb. = old maid, and Apply to mberless ce! pon the pry "died from lockjaw. Withess EE ip sete oe for eo ont Bice» Cciniopaes tert fre soa which, while not dangerous 'aa excerdingly punoyiag. aide cheaine mg apd ann Mr, Sullivan "ia - Be Scone Ont pre of the second act, ee $a fully Jai cbetaatisted at, # rt ind of Leger jt all clasera of soeupremely «Hel the Hi tan that a ny ming ing tak dey to ie itl "pat 2 oo he bad om- Fort iter cane FURNITURE, Baz Ee ATCMING trom my champion wanful fyke- ART & CLOsETH man oan | te =e piste ae ee od io | $15 SILVER | Be FREE | M Ontario, ck MUTCAL 'yime Tea ae hh ed ed A TSbCBASC scomrant. orextanie. AGENTS WANTED, 4, BRANDON, Serretaay. Turesie, Ontario, = we,| WATER Sern wap persuaded to use St. -- 1 parolee a bottle, and, n at gor rP-w) cnaacailh ahemanialinna = re- Mi tet Feuge-st., Terente. a the tucker cet THE UFPER CANADA TRACT SOCIETY tore." Srptiocespetratpal berms ere not Us# | not reanip any te» =F. E.DIXON & CO'S tet r qs é ak ih ue i ; i 5 Fai ifs i ri J i bE _ERFE F : i : sory i { f f [Leather B Belting ! { heya ace se ve fet a Ameri os a Orders Early ™{! nae te sete