ey : | : Peters. i Ba |e 2 aed -- a Tl war ~ we. | is an enag: again tarred. aed | Some of the : nadia, hands thet had mga nebben dopa of j Fae thie on 'the site poet seven { < arite my Feet pei by et side "7 goong gaan ' ve a Fea 'ot = moment neither eased 7 Poobivanbio Ociese. y above ss eorent, The sun glinte flatter: 2 prime Paria better -- between Pgertey townhs Pr ie yn peat eatgredee tuanes in- a ' ems gaated praer? patti: Niwadleg 2 filled the air, penagren! wet eo Siaekes ta nel coleos ort vory ossell ae Pe 1 that 5 ing of th » | Par air A. T. taffetelian, thinner than $ is ' L mar reosive my steht, vosmed: soatpatetiy" Rpseas, tee Parkes, both of when Sir Henry Saretties tr deapein | pore pene qd te my ap tw eee, of the ming reostet Promiend iasdeome whe ix pesiarmn, sof cclored, fn ll wutey antec fee. 74 Byres 'of the earl: Spon fon he : of ; all to ook wp w Thee! ve poimiestotioeg. wy hen ars 'al [opeean--- Canada aed How bere telornce, a besket-work rad pow Ff 'Thy cron, Thy, Conk 'love were 'the Colonies, jouth Wales. | cohrome; mohair mon- Fenny A gpa Fiucicc usta wack ta Gaia' Gapumeeiny sermon te tee brilliant © foulard, a soft and f ve} | over the litth ' taheniven invited to ; resembling silk ; briflian- sore |e looked ferme tbat stood beside represented. hare | 'ine, much the preveding r sf -b potenn are corvmal of ne blue eyes upon the Freeh evidence han bees thinner textare and more brillient bat of Rose Tamacy reer nag hee, gyn frriet: ergchetapinry rs i Engh . glace, a silk and wool rcv . Coome. jibe hs and thea his wadéend eS od bees greatly by two colors, and fabria, shes d ; oe astetals tah Calle Sepe tee comand urged in some reconstruction ia warmly emg Kind gi eee i ' Ory ane > ha wibepsrot softly bending carler dstey tha Fey gold ovine ie decidedly favored ; "tipae de vos tips sail. "God . he wiiisperet softly 'phim. it | the amuans ates them 1800 are ont, bat and gut of morning, and ry fo Bea esse Kir awh athe od wo | ee ig "inten Jat. | blaek fabrics 3 replied the ir ion eminated wil mast never be parted. Without yoo my li <a tga oaiges nnd prupurtioned to | thowe in shea ~ varied 4s sre P -- to fut rid turned in | Ueok of ne trees eg niew: | ee oem ~ povinmelpepel (athe jp | Armures, sergen, albatross yo gerne duct bared on the doctrine iy tal te ta he ar tence horrible hen paper, my whole exie ai te foes Somey babar tlebte te boas reer gag noon ph yin 6 cisiss: sh rs chsh siea wiih Riedeein ae boll ies Hike book of a first and on): tender, no awakening." Jength pet nenvcrnset Gollan qleleer tat popular, not mohégire sre again at "thi Pe a itt, wae| not the met quickly abalone' with the cay meow ib winters my lore "i rouly | at hi i U chatching ner seat seesenty te resets ss mab Hy Erling epee dally wear, bet for | In all beripvers, massing, "hal w re. acheol syvtem pe pcg 2+ Jay in re een Soe pe hg toy meee "aerate setae | Same gripe ted ee means er ea, meng it | ut ana tw te Panga mnt: | it Stoned og tege, fees eine" which rer rae a a bility pl your nature will in the no-| The girl did Bot move, 2 charged up to the de- | *ppreciating : othere are whol i ; lost 7 ae coeds, bat com- ° oo ; E f y wingless, lon ie poesd of hig 8 te Frsac tahssier toes Go tack eae he Sosaked feek; bet mee fore eoranuce a have ben devised Sey th whic any veo dan, bed -Lug aor Teak, tant ene n ee Satta of Be ry ae in bes "-- Pa Som aaa vegetable ex- Upper Canada B Bible: 'aly F from dings basa | Pee. Still George os ing difScali their whieh gresable oden h becoming too familiar, w ong in donee When ot Soci alah bille a yensed base the | Whe can blame his eo. ing. | tooms to be for Ray ee ee echemes | #0 208 rod scapey B ageid when exposed Le ee the tree ebooks; wet cncneegs . poset: pad . aired abet avnoancement in Sells Hibles of all size of ; gs } sides-in their mad, impotent fury." |." areas wae . premium tor Government to offer a | Self-colored and heres. Geulcactivn te plast w enlation readiziga, why allow ing." slaughter Cat een' ea Met Myses gut well wns wag shoces | * Aphrodite," be said in low, mellow Peace bry lly ble ya age, an Mi tga wong er re ractive to vegetation. Here Valonge tea malt yoo 4 hee CO ee ne Ysaoppel in snd inqaifed fot = wan i a L tite talker. She was a fair, slender | 7% not gh to pick -- 'will fdas ovina to shat fan slat airerage like in foclerd, bi well | po disagresabl cqpaek beg. shes odor pl erage Aarne pre. gary: fi Bow ; { - at te bro 'th So. ieem eove tend mat givens hee, | eee oe eepeimely of fen | >a ine, beige ue rouslin« |) In the sige ct oe ' wae chia cha cade Remnie It was!) to burea Cold. be jo Brahma hens, and The {or-fivg-cents hope!" weight. 7 rly of f sed beige yere, |) geaus Lygerns belongs the ieigh wd ade Remantom i tri Bipon the free } 5 LT ehak mevenl oink -lend & oun- girl raised her face to his. The Hoveaad ; gS THERE, a ee shit Ran mnacll'sa wach du chineh | er iest the pawee uratenniit vebiels indoors * ccenk ox chtverilng ; 'As ake i than $1 per | PY: Sarelees, are: yousgoi hap- schemes of mere or less teate ight drab color, while dyed of grais in the South to the era of the of Ch in the') vopid wat if bative the feet her's! pals coe Hedge eae ere eveding expression that 'hed risen ing.order eration or ta work pean con tien Ares white winged ap tbe The toes oly intendedl that "the sarth pall along 'i Srintaatcte i pe Mantel, bile eer fa trostingly 0 that Ta Beode whe ene has spoke the fate pry Yaar et ay ei working people | Stylish costume oe mh ware @ Stink, wisn wt > ita general soled toa thes Kateiedge & apse of the Laed,"s| sek boas tk came Gaaer: ! ; her fi this than * | beige, the ig ' » with white win im not to ind tea or sag bie 64 Kbey apes anc ines sean seasons ost Agel ereicge pap Baby pen cig toe erewsdod extrppolio, Coen baton, the one eg and the other ||P x. and teddish yellow le iged | one in ton content oh sobenk | perspiration, aod take Hagyard's * gel snp meditnemeae: above, | ven that told y+ | ad polis, ChesP | tartans in colors desics, like large and | ible. Joctrinal { the bottle, ing 2 4 'ere sure that be aig i queatly then he: more el reg po institution.| Their val anlaute fowere Small aps of very bright It 4s certain, moreover, pS aga." pondar ¥ sated agile lating a allt" | thie ewer mete thes terrible Pri ver, greatly impaired by the 'din these cquares. Fa Pomp ansh over some of | 1 Tih spocies| ix whiell Shea bed riously os oe snd bronchitin, (30) ii certeix, tones. \ r laaees ' OF || have same hoppers, aches el pam 1 a8) ," replied the girl, * Yoo w f iped-stockinged girl. No | ™** Jep 'Asst, a is fashionable, ke be je of Prout halatas the harvest flies, but Thildren sithoo ol of variously mi Raat Back. ryt y shia, ng. ' the ashen Lips from which | the effort of « ttion ia found red and blue. re take mane a) t usibg means which woald peter Mower * Men: om cient the sound of footsteps | Tes ween epee wi'bad Boos bat the | sd arapery fre at the ee --_-- oped pn ty Ba ot pel wos ought to gain. |The , and \the objeet be} | are opeedily cured gee pera * "aol ran to the window aid | "4s*ey-brown eyes rh the vide ior the comfort of ve Santi ate Some Model Costumes. sepa lned > fs wfeeend own length. ape yg hed got few wih Hogrerth ¥ ict) * He haa table sheest emplo: ong jump & man i woal the! | bruises, ind scalde, tones, ee she said tn frightened his ¥ Sioa About" sakes Goerpe neds the premises, di by re PrN elegant costume fe made in th bir -- the air over r caate ai aime pe he ay er nar by h i Trost bites, ehtiblaina pad atl wounds i spoke. xcltement we be | 'Zeellent tod at 5 ising Toots espplying | akart ie full ee ee | enc eben Bich tat aati nod this is the readun ery ut a Aaeaaaa tell Games you ide right, en" marminih te' ot i at peers, ; b and kilted. Thi tunic is cau rt | xed position when dark ante | apparent timidity in « why there is such FREZCMAN'S ; gineld. aia," replied Re- storm. of vote shook bar forv FS?! | whilo a places of amnsement general: rooms wkitimimed noone fw font ie a heckle mech ihe thorma 'pls gon they look joct. fo genase aba WoRM "fi i In & moment George W. Hatha onih renkins te deny * rg ws me, Ost ote onmtesiany apes ie blue satin. Tie upper front with « bead of many wet and cok trees cussed and fairly faced to be tally die] D, sdhger ch ore wore, Mr. POWDERS. | trercbant niall way, the pare, ** th 4 or time material, garment isa paletot | * hi greatly the 5 diemiosini eneva, ; ne a ha! ae once went up wo the room. Regi the bite, Chicane Tribune. ey are both on eat be Pie: fold in Done i this combi " un wm uhemng of ee che benves Peng tn b ogy injury dome to INTERESTING ITEMS. « @ gros ce saree fi eso bali | Pescetive, Is gaia thet ie i , te i of business and rl A gation, " tnmi- : j aa and li aa here itparight poy Flan BOL ey ome 'Warriors -- charity seems to be VA modal lk --S. pointed habit gatica, or whale oft noap bo diasstation, in |, Jt if @ common practice in i hag cae with no beneit : ree | -- deecreser ot worse Fr a toa' wecens I agin ty oder office: s 1a not generally bi single plaita, festooned tunic ia sewn in | SEM y against | 2 it h p Philadelphia} of Paralysis - itera cured hem YS i 2 | Sou knew t owt ti the cers wh ' & rath y known that Russia has H fo the truck 8 i od for. whoopi be te be: feats = ae meet that M qace | the superiors of F or elaborate i aupplemented by another and jome species of bugs live ing cong These the ad ity. At each and "whose systeu of railwa y di ve in fresh the of 60, IS, rf oa gpa or od rem sel ind doer gic top age of @2, w here. at- I, ponenes al he el ied aster falling over & kiltun A oot Ar er fending on note Pagetabte jeloen aad Sronte thelwingiodt tbe partying fast freee sonia, and Sarid cid ovaler 00 \ "ernie Time a3 scope, sed that tion will on'y mak ipa csohunoal hed ths Seueha chook aoalen also, the usual attribute of cooler pr od agt with the drapiy wich the} the t charp-pointed beak will cruelly pic salphar a -rsakingeed fain of ammonia and raliein -- le wood. 'The ties 2 bey er ve conan ' t we ha © wet on the bill fat in that mest of these v of the tani orma ngere of any person wh ye) * tda relief & Ss pis ony disse vein: r irra t froth I do ve plighted our i retiring all officers badly in debt. roads are | ovier sui nic. The, ce ol an-4 Those are who touches them, | 'He sit passsges, atl cabana mplete i "1 oe et pool te defend iy coolant na Teeies osemne Sats 20 oli ta os that | 4 np that wey ae "them are banied as ine. diese tog |e rerct 5 rows of kilt. | are commonly "Ape waterbage, bus | eed it. _ the physicians recom- m A.PLi2| | Also stock*in the Dot Domi j Laval ae es i never fal " Acubbe-teach stall, ed ja wrong to winkt | will/fail if it here is little fear that the & ing, and #0, turning i pst iy of pay: | derskirt of the fe mania, Rhe lower or un- | They are divided into a sourpions. weit! workman : IHE COU zane ned ireuber Sianee poet eer yaaea hetimer day. | Bat it Pr eh co | 'on Sun- | Senator Logan's KK fore the Senate. but | tits, S**_ seeking Fay eet vers direc- | dress has honeycor! me, anil a pretty beige | * hody, Nosediche patios 2 a f the inting the in: NTRYMAN Fire joa Patent | com y Fear, barn [oor unly, to tell you the exact tr noble, more | lay. Of ovar e share, yore the Spats, bat | while m vestige of credit is te Uny -- trent and aleo 08 aman, gaslns ings down the pohiowiebeoet beksw; pradedr edad above and be te by lig trem Sader up was killed ae tH ire 'Tose, v6, Fira Dapartarays 8 ibis. a : "Be you ware out to rath whith ap officer is no specific at moothe ago # leading road + she bf theeleeves and dy of a pale moet s Fin has an oval igh lad or pen the stone W ' upplies | ge nee eye wy i said 'the old man, © track Sonday?" | forwing bi becomes incapable of insolvent, 10 "Bouts sateend alates was exquisite tra wiioe abdamentiel th and ao reddish | unable aie ake his eather _Signal T. wag He: pained expremion, Sow appummlngs tod, | ermned digehilcy, Glen') ar sol Per. | steal 33,000,000 soubies oft managed to | is of sobacan-cn Tet ccchumnts sate aro an example. w latter clans the nepa | painter's baly i irae nace Ofhen. | wardeceta mos ray Jr. | Geis SEES * Vn, i 4 te . wers are mouey vi t | mervei! mere, tien i f or identi: 2 ms 7% 3 = 5 nit hen: wnntadeel« ' eihens roped S Gee Bet secieee ne | ath ase gued to it. The public function- mervileut of the came abide, and Al tad a ro ends in s tail form Pyetnad mpheian had pe apes reer 0 Weite tar Veins Liat, ~F AST 1 ' ae with) ane into Bote anal Bat step | better t the young ofticers ought. to rea dicirarsing olticiala, pra er the | short, and is heed wit narrow, and very | lungs, by. ing tubular threads, = sort of | The Chines igi } Rad 2 involving pethage, Feds wercous bare, a there ie lor promution than they no' year by sear much | inches deep, r moa a flounce twenty | ie at's oe Which the insect can rive | Citleago. ene Phead the Methodiate ia = | RARM ae be aa tke ope happ'- & good deal of foroe in pid bien expended i commudine et trvatign earrow satin flating. ps ty with These bugs are 7 ei etre the water. as in debt, and an or- SALE | i © the past boow a cin A 1 a roulean of | ly sl ; they move alow. | vol j tat hen ai rel yo Soe i army. a tn the naryere won | Meco ppowie, bet ihre wy |eushafocane foe Gigs otis hat iy ing the ation ot pie oy pon seats citertanment rew oie New Kisii La: Eaigtern Pint: lof hae | At the while the Britis ti y value, | wi ice has ly tak me, can be easi- | 2° mans ith aeors pe undersigned has wt. two men ste; wpe jane verdad ree* w officers hu re ey lon; ene ite Baoan Hail dur, who b pepe gel the striped satin, trimmed their oer They cup very phy usin, terea. Mon a the payment of thei car es i this Pre i fe mh vars r, Kisthawny closing the d: the Library, | one age is ro tng aid dirp before them. i reports to his superioia tha! way affairs, | satin, studded with ha ly they can lous an care ecculionsl: fliction, for 'as the music altogether an i _teved "eg felt that the worst oti | sey it an etermned on fr al, at | Crdunpriy incompetent slber employes are | onndad off inf heen Satine og | Uk They, te ncn means en oprah ree = HAL-L-DOSEN IMPROVED FARMS, NewYork, Ya nn ting he by si jany. Wut ap an ageas ly incumpetent. ° are | rounded off i 7 ck, || young fish, which , mollosks, and} A ' which 'be chair, Mr, Hatha jmeelf in an easy | really othoer of a to subools " hi sew "'Fuilroad | in th cont, sleeves paffed a lit ried they seize with . no Omaha man, in danger and « may be purchased at a rhéderat be a fora = aan ne | abigh grade ; that be, the d ras fice ot ate Teale good. Ie in nid that' bat thoy se Mo | satin round the arm = # stipe into their prey ot k the ae bacp teak his nb th orclonrs tn etet ad Ph partiatare wb wbie Smeal LevrA sea wiht has iy ™ eo spoke op | #! anda duties of a eu same reverse of the | the . lood 5 mirer for the weer! haere wit) do thon, , Hictlalo, New Sige: aapageled EST ocr Seas | ect antce tecaroa [taet rao ed comes Pitan go | cone eae Picacho WAS | wer tail Pe . with a | as r ' a eaptai 0 Feed i the edges bed iderabl proceeding ; gi rr ft ites ive "adil nen th ita feos | pladed retlronsaben o a general at O2 'Ths band ate sili wie eoart of the striped plants, wont tinal pool among the water | amicabl Th Je lived A. M. cos: Geateei Henk ma ame ut there Sanday | have recei Jing seale When Ar my ich the females attach J ly together until late BY,. and Washi ved Little-or to Me, Walter, of th ery rich onit has the aki egvs. | They have a ¥ their pecs Thudtond. bh ly, when the * Fon tir," heed inal grew. The retired li bo attention in Can. | Teeched home sp Paperipee Times, velvet, antrimmed irt of striped phical diatritu ery cxtended geogra- | his pa gree ory aSF Meret Rast epic pat tne | Ei ti Re a at terug | eae ee Geta eee ec sehen SSebtro | eet 4 page than watri tea! of ed overskist in His The! tem nearly uni vance 4 E, Ne quatter in . span 234, the last | who was TOwhen the dell war Winfield Scott, of woth in Eng by planly advising . out | aad pach ah roa simply be eel pghed gry ene Oa New Y k MACK' S MAGN ' 1 ponent ce eres |S ti eid ms [Stat apes we ae oem ag a Fg ol on ETIC Eoicne en sor i . ** Rewinald 2 old | but be reached i country or Mani we 2 this -- ited orm | Which inhabit enormous ineseta, | Philefelnné acre to-erery 25: : ; ' in low earnest Ud, my boy," be said the Me the fatal age of 62 tha' he was Li has plaited back on skirt, and | be the warm fresh Philadel, id inhabitants; 7 AnH W! : oy nein hy mt | pate at ae sro trite seer ae ofl Lng ay Rt a Sod ey he ea ot tea He READ |. Gipeme en ss oy wot low tne tpl achaseige te miral Parrogns bey ge mental ipa, AA: | bebe Mirae of" him and ether ime rv hese bens om br Fp." ey hav lg eral iy th | habit Franciaco one io every 108i = (RY AG +i fe aia, bs eo the | broke ont, aml if th ec late war | tke him bas borne 50 and others eof th: centre row. Caffe either | potmt. The dea, ein a ew tins 1,250,000 in- = a Ay ' a! a pa life nl wit you can bet | sory re ere had hoon MAT | teat catlee come tit. Lt be the same aod collar of | tan; is proportionall ants,and a park ares : inbabit- a Ay . a | our ars oe vga will br ak a a Gacen at | ba vat oi applies woh hd 604 Its , po rap Laing oe mhieeels oa th the possible oe ns tone velvet are als» garnished with but- the ips inn atone k mre vertically to Py mpaai inhabitants, aod spa Yi 0°] a 2 : hi f g : c arch and several Il the (flicere o: heen pevestar » him, even if appeal had 'ployed English ew the water for woem th: beak 'has large and projecting; , acres; Londan has 4, ectone) yeace mes 32 ing parish. - Do people in the adjoin. | S61. Lon Robert E. Lee wes M4 oe at s men. Hence the Lord May- et term: three joints, and the th Bi | tion, ands park area 000 popula- laa 4 a. teil a Peat, Wen 1 ate on™ v7 "my toy | the pane & cedlauer oun OT aban ce at | aa bas been led to publish « cant Gleves re Parasols. per mings ate a triangular und the thorax I8 | The bride of aG of 15,000 acres, Alt MED Spore and elfen wis.te ne ita knew, you owne ." said Reginald. "] | the \ parge ofthe aix-hondred & excited --_ t ** this question bh The uss of « |: aaver e pointed, and, when f ded, was astounder econ Day (Wis.) weddin, ory, Loss of Hrain Fl ct reat ak. Mem. j tf in Sos . bata Chica, {death Maribe ne terest im the a8 | ner, i ight head covering in abdomen; the low olded, y Teceiving from s certs Weskacss ant Gene Hon, Night noble to give away this pone at Blenheim "igen mag aud bringing out the oe geome mind, Fd "piace of kt pos S caadtinte and cod membrancha. 'Their' legs are pair Af trociuamn; wikis' Ulva 6p attied 8 s end Generel | a kes of Power, 4 board Mamie on stepping to the sile- raoan war's: teeage of S7,n fact that the | est of a very influential com: ~ id in Dow g y a4] goers Ue front lege are carved, and haven a vidhavonen bonsisbd she estas The vr dereoteing Fora ; Saal cactatue te in ee Cone pice oiag ed, ver Lo of re appeal to the publi <Esteo: are glover of jesthen The' rst | feopooding on lorside that fits into a cor, | ati rope comin Es grainy cb bats: Ge eee ion Generatie Tous a Vigor % for Mr. m Bat Be tis in well public to gloves of pla pooding car to a cor: © guests of th " ah The behing ons kimeoff. athaway before | Which by similar medek war OZ af Salows, | sbeme by which es anc shades, tan colors, fa eilk in model cracl trap ity ix the body, and forms 0 | Sete ome Owe per pared at i woe | Mser, " ao devs anh The old man did not f the propriety of reasoning would indicate | "2% atone tae kenar the Girat in- are shown in bi ck insect. the victims of this vo w rm of resentment ought A © Medicine'ls pleasant ectifa.. "Thi = bey, ro os to _notiog thin Prince Windisch smiring cficera at. 60. | % #buUt one thou ve we hundred families, | mousquetaire style, in mite 'slong Tae th er lege are be high, the tnondeartived in wel it was 'time, ge cant and tinder no cire ut to the tase, aiid In pint 'on | whe was vi, | our wu ays » | armed aleeves. mig and in equi ta ba- n week' Ox Containe oe > tle pc i whea the 4m eae aod h he shall mente omy apink age of 02 he lec tbe J pare jonta ara eousel ere, | ore in a Stes julk button gloves itap = eaacle big so ouien vapid after part pees twa fellow se ao va walk than any orher medicine maki "and eheaper a dod him myself ring Pid turn, 1 | lingten oy Ek pn rt patriota Wel- employwent -- for their immediate | Sco lengths, mn ps atealiny and eight 'The videst kenwe 3 aftr | eur en nment, ~ wearin ap ama~ elk te open oe honk oan ypalle ys + : ¥ ' ~Checage eee, uring the tontting they terminate their were coly 46 when | MeuE supervision. It arenes Covers: | af¢ in draba, grays, navy blue, on y | found in Guiana and yee et Belostoma is a vp hare a wa 8 pest ailver- sai | we desire to fail (res in our pumpiitpt, whic? Ayes | . 8 aterton. Manual d@ tare z steers at $90,000 to $38,000, and the Don i te raise dark red, wine, white, and pink. and aces, tw tanta | 2 length. aes thie ie shoes pose pen pedi whipped the bla edding. He Ne rateret Seca 1d tay 1h wue © ae a 4 | *eomen: Dom - i ae tek. am, drew th ted 0 ort wre se sate 7 a -- par amy i Spain in hie pope of the -- an cagherier of Soe tamauae ore mara dot in color. Battoned silk one fi, nae A od insects mado ah ine tn = bile _-- inBice' She fee | money. ry aatrewine scsae aaaam ss »as A : ¥ those acne! are e 5 le him i) by mat Owae'Wi w tase i pe the in with | He nian ee chic Nedacoel pag rg PO pod who have | bad great ea cng in length from taro up to eight but- | & little holding in ite, powerfal sie wt been ven ene ereryins eles ee Seteamaiat Sokol ic WEDIESSE co., ing frome Rens by to O ) however, ouly of midd " PET | in jn Sax abd linen are sho frog that it is rapper ee | HE, rd beck fe bed Siperioave Ww we we, cl oy with Dandolo, wh wes prs Deca Frat g ta mm with a f London, | siose x syle, with writ led wrists, and in o- a aa a) A ik f ol en wn he ini ect eon in { aepindel, aa fe wah, dreaming of the cart eeumetn'h was 83, and lool his he best kuowled Sietion | aba gle. er are in Pinan aed 'buf ie till larger; the Aine ot Hath Amora be him) up by punch train boy woke | Bople wh ve captute of Constanti wall havea b gt, that the umammigrants black. Silk glow , tteel grays. and Daze over th ompion of SM. Stall attains history of North shod tin ing : hing him in the si ile end j denenbbaimbiabecliis dt Riporece tl Times nit peta and ts tar better coperts stripe their ettire leng aoe with lace heal cllow coer te pret is @ pale a American) birds "Hloacar Wilde's poems {0 Walde Sueareents toi ae Hachiy lony than ia their | Touauetaire style, the Jo hese aro ak, incr jor; the orax and aise ae the time of 'thelr Introduction with > Soret Gevedt ie for WO cent' | | The following oi tote the Farmer, | tir tenia oan pains will be taken | eed waves of © 'fas beleen "ore, hd tueke are Papi wipe York, Priladeipaiet Beostiyet New mares few | Banee : arent Gurod! Je it position, | farme: worthy tribute to ies, "who men, with ee of roses, oak shad ead tic bi other' elpbia, Brooklyn, N: ucts tha ave teachin! peel $ posatb fo that a ny | Waldo te feoa the pen of the late eae ed parlenoed medical anes wed by =, ea, drabe, and | well huseny it Pye iy ike all ia ite class, is oot | ee were greatly lye, Mowers aad P Young Ete alee rs y Saar Tue glory af th ph | by agents from Canada of by Sani Ten yh lly found among reel ee hk, EF ctat Toronto, agente w bree foe two bite," divine' of the farmer is that. Laraatesd enployme those who bave | With la bende and rom Chineso merchagta, ry that IE on The oor of out Setting Cheap j He offe continued thp bc ton of labor, at, mw the yment in the Domi " and open: feces poe distrib worme have als irect frou | th , offered the poet the boy. | All trad in hie % Lord Mayor frank inion." | they are show ope riots. one Her China, ive the ated through | di ceeanbedy dia: na een Sead abrary edition te paper severe oe the sity. He ata as la on his primitive act ie 'ae be better for a avows a belief that rests of roses, Toe wudd ek i, nd eel oe ip the neighbor! hatieen DF aes, aod "nd loabt has been exproseed w 7 dnappearel. A Celene ide grat F £o ' anda cl - | wri ir pohly aay iar da etme ro piers quando. the boek and fixed his big ties from t ae aw te Netarys he ob- as the colonics, tu hare sailgrotion Oo: al p= inal, ight fare a ier sid aod A in the larva: form I, do pert wed eel] at the following reduc ee id a pu huow, my dear air, th: ° The pd Prt was uot be causes to 4 _ -_ eat ta. The tiew French b let |: ing a _---- pry rege setion of the oa eon 4 00 leachug your countevance to 0 wet are | Mlatorie tit was the first man. und ai is pattern of oid old Eo ion aoe malste aro in| Governors and aye itor can testify, havin bel QO: qument op the ey in- | eof susin'0 e Ancient Chinese Cefina. offered in is thread and a The Governed. to 5 if ing thot" right of an Englia land. nthe nel © A recent number of the colors. jengthe in black TF spirit of Fegiciae see sparrow is a familiar ob tat = The thax oly" weintied emia" poy yon rise is precise ae) | referring to a siscavery rental Empire, | Ali ek and | ar Not the saverds rie * Gil the | can taily be the nang tg he us all) man Jou 'spose the teller raping gd Papink : Pio |e in rome color. You cannot et Aha paint | ee reetl Shanghai, gives, ee wees, pti He eceontricitios of sstheticiam tate tke Fraiie iat it, wan the Cae, ora ¢ introduced here ia, th A Double-ba ad--? Why. peed mg tle , Serpent to fate wad gravitation, se lcsag Ying pesount of Ciinese ane. penpen eyes tee 'parion sf this seas, | the Queen, ren at then an attempt upon al vears Paar shen hl athe re rrel Bréech Loader. "Oi course he will. How wee aie tar he ja: He repeouste the iow, | he onfira hh of adken vase im | of 'are fin black moire eatin' preenutatives fatie. one of the Queen's re- pada until the edt of the FATS -- FOR PROFESSOR centre fire, w : elke togee "amr a your guilty | economy of Pte Ge bes henaty of the great | UF would Gon bee a the pel of forty, | 2epanens aaph, and are shown in fat | Malority" execrate +f, he voice of the 'great | ing ridley ee a of an ae | aauh the Caset Manhttee ae fog pal uali nbbaone: finest : 1a His Sogugeatace ain't anything Yo me lines. He ihe world that makes his come- | Sid°" iveriae nore & pean Se Seek sie Tiny are ined i el go , Fegatar of talormation, bat bs Gar coekn af ce |e a hocit sal tuber mol, " ease Teena by the We entbort: ' ie blued steel barsel q "Lam the anti #, the weather, th mer of the sca- pulverized varoih, mized ai a olacter i Gee, Waite, y whethey there ~ mothe, Th 'hi herd favnan ton ete enn Seebems OF : 'supe me oe th » the ail, th porvelain--a ted | sunfio yc of water | '| wron, is not someth| jo writer et hook mape perior to T : PG ag marge f yon te aaile of the sip bend tw the wind." He The erioen ernain cee =a, compeniton | he top. "The stake are seal 'pice av | toe p Jiao rm the long governors and Ym ag op all ogg iRise anply te WOULD PUBLISHING Co" wists ' ing in for a © J You | and mua hard labor 7° | hes no is varnian + | wood, and usally very well at present, It is | ¥ snapping up the ' ------__---___ e seks oy. ¢ 'olks pat ab haan ipo a nen gets " one gains. He ta es cating of ti nding Chines. Eaab asole with ailver ¢ poe ron in handsome per- ~_ an of the develipmniet ten jad hans at the the which re god form number! sta each <I M A N I T OB ! 15. . f. @ & Woeated ery | Nature nev chemist w iried of mme thickne fe | organizations the sparro ns lens *ue%, t A § 11 1 thought suck a Malcing stem se oad up. | by uteoke aeieres tal by aioe little | Smbling Bestand ggg metallic firmness re- venten bt on commanieta, the ak Bat do | not aga the a cane f t gratitu yy aa } 1g3a2 E wy lo ns to MM 3 sir!| I've yesope Lpeditiy y a ties wrater ue work. . farmer | the owner lived long. scone) the of this, Werth nana 'Notes, ee Fenians and Land u a Nihilists eres @ of = which thé worm 5 Those woing to Manitoba aoa tare from ous to one OF mace --~ aie zi wean youhuow. They're cheap, diye sea' met wal fecan pty belongs te aie: witn ¢. Se sypeerenes @ & onan Tournures sam protapely. is wo longer venting pepe then bietory short bl ini ae fo taffbcating tage | hie | Galore anit Rieti a pees aes Butesnts | sot oat tissasen of Cheltervore ta a sereet' A 7 y pictures if 1 Pp. d'ye ses?) Mi ¢ his crep to grow atone di hick rs very lar, is reachi and the world e fy io ite meason and - Bieta wit tna Tegner Jeet, the od. : +i foo Lever wat feel ike I » entertainments, | ne~? ke shell, Afte! ard. Satin stra pos ot elfen ol Lal thee ut athis lieare. and picked of jets with mapa, : ham f : y tume I tak waa a | spend: a, his liberti rd ath the v: , ws are popular. parent heats. These a He iathe Stren ieee a ; ral on wah pending must be o a, and hia | Rvities of the eins and P P- Boca tree et oy, with trook's wili "i gah ort bit forthe | merchant's, "It saan fewer scale, not g | dtickailver for the pa: tomach were filled with Rampant raches are ptylish. tpeavale tha at arhpiney a a itory aoe be a aay hea coombet of the = Faith sleeping care attached, Ln Uke re spot im a r oie ' heamily in roared, 'and w 'ibe F use a wholeatle and false for farmere to | "SY: A piece of tara sonar ive pa preserving the Garden flowers are fashionab' organiaitics of society. I cal re- few days weeks 4 May," aad | estalague, pon or gone | th (in oe least by Aer ny final | taste tr er ey SaBOmOS hata tmieach dover hal le would then be Cloth jacketa are serdre! able, westt wether this pass it romaine to ml eco eis sine at aim bieceies a f the poet, he a vy was} He has t omy. ; while @ piece of bar ni * in one hand, Rosse vérely plain. we eflee ei by a Teconstruction will Alwaye Werks Just ee with sammy; netpeg 3 freight = 5 iad a denen ccongen ts tide aud offered bin Gagne Cnmthdle Uiitstuee the awe Ehikeedber hand. The body thes tage evening dress akirte. aedimalintic F comets Bh iolpl g | Pen aaliegeamee mae yee Feet a ae » North-w ay Ag Lote "Trikene ges to call it square. Su stants at the door of the t the farmer | YM Placed on a layer y thus prepared baad vit white neckties re nd torpedaes, We ma: a war of ted Yonge street, 'ietor of the cale- | Ualiey and Caneda aod Ticket Amenta, ( 1 ahr | ene | Speer er tet at |e moi el mervary wibmatie | Congeg dit ecistate te-vele Sis ek ont ents peas etabntatyed ie and Gens | eters win DR. J, 0, ATER ; 5 ee keene ' sa then j + end in a complished vo ells me ont . Eceuscmenea" |. [tebe uneees rine |g crete tiny | Der least forbes treme | ede splay perf and | St Jani fess Seely | ROEAUTIEN YOUR HOMES, | clu oe "Pome t i am, Ist, J. 8. Newberry with an abun ray eon- the lapte af eanturles ete crewed Fi Gle some fi . There | seuralgia, of tis hog cane of | Paint them with the nt alone 1 amd Anatytiont * the [theory copa Gee tod some oo me pardon! slote 'of -- Cer Sora in a wensectal vey ae were | them. have Kitten's beadle painted on sa | Row, per ne; of treland look jus t ny di es ee desired, re taxed pein. any sheds or | pm eee Si full | SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ; en aa fer agetnet | that the | in of wealth i it is fi Ith, on ps nara crumbled to dust en ¢ hevenge London hens tered mony fen the press has radically' al- petid 'all t so-called remedies. J tried | ware saerahaes Sr peneras ae nek pee Ei RS Ix M AND DEAL § twain paces crac yc | Roto fo tee rane | hea The weer wall ober ta |" Meets Nee inl o] Ercan dian cere ae ee 2 a ne a ox | Sereeniee Bammer eae nt EDICISE. 'am ai Se ha baa Soblichet ne Tie alte, | MAY" Feeruited from th ©. The city isal- | "® Past dynasties for zh by the Chinese of | Suede gloves are . Me Berk the munlar ef Lord Carends indig- | cellent thing aud pallanerisamad ee ix. Bir ipa and T gal ty cope poles in vio = Saas Seat en cey tennbes te regant Injuct, | EH, cithon, rodagiacapine Pad he men | 98 bodies ought to pavarpece of preser. | Shades. yorn ia terra cotta | will ae is allowed blow decay be & nobody should Sent wmical. woes aye noeseree durable eS dhrivinuwh: _ol energy, subject f in interest: i 7 ' bd ' with testi mne: same? ponerse #3 ot ni abeappe gga shat it cxintetn the | P=" erwheala of trode, an the w - suzect for eanshdaretion aad disvonion 12 gp ranier teaperien sjodernisn let year' hoped dig ot gett erapdaiel apo for| The number oie a eading peupre in the, im ot Ws 4 digetibuted th pl the grandchibires of is~arg the children and | "2! "ma history of embalmi = year's | Mion there must » tumult of umber of oysters which an 0: Ou att Be { : Grats; thal, io hall strata decive! son ing the coerulea dear sal are spend: ™ mimy making. ing Gratlemen's folded Englishmen the pte. Sot tag the Sunde | te | na ghsingoragty ope derable, "One of ahowt rootaand sic idem oft prost paints fod painting rived rowks, it ihe boon ain orphosix of theae | "aut life sccum leh their father's hardy, + aes ed jscarfy are worn by bould be free, within the i Ireland | youn, oysters in ve five mil ite @ aalltine een shanponen meant daets, ae te Pe tame eiger E Se 6% coutkntom) Ghastuctan' Sie ot NEW ITEMS, Vetcat strings are tied relies yp pine nah smh ype eat n on¢ favorable seasc milion | comminended by ail wba have used ti ehiy re i pet paderstoud; zy Sos it t's cotton pout php: constructs "A at . i Pal sang rrection bn hee loft side. ina bow of the | andor Harmen Bebninintratioe, whother hy Te erly "In this teal 'aid owe ae Bac Minsk, Ages an pote 'oie brows : mists aa leew ciepusite! trom by ve | ronal 2 seam 3 r eae house. sain Mars "-- by Foer vapeahere' ve bale mantles hold the arin» closely to th to tepeceaealy cle be fron pind wit must | oe heodred porabcag pr paer ved tua of Met pie ibe nin. €, ge nt a ations, wl: Sui chen stove . or po much as death. An ¢| their present f rah from Mired acres, Which are. tshe . darvie-st. Tprent 3 i seal ge cies hae ee ceenly cca sine ont By the wig ce me ree nn oat Hayticn; number are being | Brucaded crepe de ef nelencus pers taginatat tthe con | ten three yrars, sad in an faa poly [Fpremte i gh indy, gathering truty thea which he 'ant -- able, makes « fortune aloe the tanding has becn arrived a! fonable. chine is now and fash- rulers of Scaglan dre-uee ben lace jeametony and the: Fate tg tall on oysters were gathered : > poh hast lio minerals ; =A . ; v ri "l | " Fre hae beeh socumulated throug: d tha whi we ul tu bis oven wih hi bat | edn vt War Depart aad the ot be ae feather pomipoas are. worn tn theft Pola base «yaar England ber. x j : n placer depo f - | eikhber Government i: hich t £ cope of the terrors , acd by ber retrugress: ae npn 8 tee fs ; By und ho are the eerranta?. © tile Indians iar ate eh ak BF -rocagd crinkled crupes are i overrun Encinas rm will not 7 bam mourners we Carrying. be and os ae sasaies of the the quarry of - dér toa limited extent. etl Ww cross ti the tee: p imported in| Kuropean and Ameri t will abske all agin they ¢ ripped aguiant = ol to the « a CCL PY a as Raennins," cloud, the cast: . the lightning of the jA number of White wool dresses ére ma) wrongs are merican soctet, the |} the coffio tall, She elvan e. ree * aoanutens ured iy = cs pa daRis vty | of the frost. ing of the worms, the plop New York on Fase Russian refugees styles. male in misieibe of political hr and every ghost hired oaly in a dee a hs bavi + Partington, sehen con the Romans," said Mra, | #08 of ages decom 6 before be was born beat Adolph Beuibaum, a poser. swarm Kate Greenaway d the dawn of that day Let us hope that abe really diel, and as the Yeas j =% olantin,"* "ak ing the play of "*Cori. | the lend. egnee rote Ene Tose: meplowed the Hebrew Emigrati: se tendent vaint. y dresses for girls are very | 42% city clergyman shall be in ing her down the same road, and Lee : for qu ice cream, anit i h covered it with vege it with light and heat, ryfweed to oneely ws chem 'acente'" because he | This is th prople reland re last Snoday the same stump, the diaconsala rwilow. 4 Andi I came pretty n h t got into my bead. | Soreita, soil aad lo Him, thea with | (Great money, . aude dese, season for displaying tail worst foes, bet cite all Prove their own fe ,_ boys, stead w ag a teying to ii pn. apading face ein | Nove deca secular the aphayram olads v0 Bonen reported in bri Cadet tailor: | ger that Ireland "an is there any dan- | very cargtul. 7 er ; than! WT oust comlben, i ow., ye je the peat of bis mead. | OFF of dead ani by miby valleny. A aging black oe Bes ath jadkets are worn. with rene a rational tn ht tarbulent Fareace Lok i a Nice 'raat be pion kle-winded create may they are ne nnne name wee crowded cars. The ken from pas government than representative | Tick aod ¥: : coke --Plaater's ~ geut in the ures, taking the why --- also quality of the er-| Two pairs of inch-wi stem which-- this exoti oat © ermitn bee auid " enor Pe os ted sotbettank for: done | The phe ete Marry? shi m9 ae meat ie pew te. wide strings appear on thicking ich--whether theyre jute i pais ipo on ebecp, cattle -~; tick RIL H. SMIT HH = "C O. Me a: am him over tie | CRmarr vice alotio remains | Spoville eed, counsel for Guitean, sa : ple regard as despotic and the Irivh all that easy to use, and guaranteed to do MITH Ont. ? Ais trenase fd ja, thong fami'y, and, # ie English rogal her Senet ee to him axirects irs. bonnets. - Loerie bo] pri genius! PP unsuited to Sar ft is claimed for it. Sold by druggiste. sate nara for Demin Pi y could get wlong BoP esha leacin Goons, che ben Gaede: wierd ly-in tone, and sptors which were not Mind Dresden china broo b oe jor exe orieen Pac ccLssnertra --8-called ninion af Conade oe ae eee disappointed vo mee, at eon such @ has, alteady "proved pore: teobtain a div 1 slippers. eo are used onblack! The 'The Parabie of the Pumpkin Se sore pth would hesitate coaaider Lae 'i ~~" ¥, i. mat 'orce. fer i 'i ' "Tetipgee yt ov behind | court iktae ek te Oe ps 'A glboher noted mood b Lace pen work is newer tha die tan! dopants iogr many eval Crowded thorvaghtare TThar rondite tos REI ot kel around at,the | younguet daughter npon the marriage of her + baer sPatetes tater pactecian® ie ao in clocks on | the open cee banpenitg a one day to pass by | too. The snmoe Totinchentiew we too 'a taitaes worth the indig. | For & certain time aaah thing isc possible, ae ween siotend'l aciekd suan stockings Gry few pang it digg ae naire hele tea tease oy ee so-called respectable re i J ee etary eee dog barsearl emote: tk petrtttecd this killed." and four |- more stplich than | tied. thiught; fobs wee he overseund. tert | ween chet weadarft} carn, core, P th AME Ss LAU saying. "* Yeu | desire expresend by se Ged Shoat the . «Arrowheads are they 'were makin te overbehrd. that | for ys Exvaacrom, lpeked for. "Ho wil | T, i Heat to become Uhe oa Groot Dube of "Mew it Mappened. of olota jackets, | stifohed at pocket open- | te of their weigh ng tog fren. with the harae- by Teedeoting oh ar genteel piel abot id is: ee 'y for second titye, bat bad Maj- |<*It wean's that," 1 leatner tow n tory had ; after their visi. | stit: cheap and I - el See teceen Nae + great bay Nor te the peonas of the Deoened Wile ban | 9 Spenetly: Renee Tad oe Sanders the summer by ladies. ocd will Le warn in | Mectare on pose ir we his. children a | tractor, tor the poneipe Futana: s Opie ra EXTRA CHOICE Y. SON er Rip car pa A tor biR han puta sutopal ent ee oe Oe 'at ith hetvet anewered : "Bat, father hey 9 tractor. Watch fot thee gentleman, aoc | | AN . HYSON [aed emer teieefleera kon af aphex pheseve were who is tn all things pbimeperet fied out, then?" asked od for capotes, netian fronts | replied toad ran't do enything else," tractor. Sold by yo heen Comm Ex: | direct ¢ > aAPA 1. | werefor music. Laspposed the: that they | ses her teek puntatine should be, pur- wet 1 went zal sid dapen a bah we come in about ; that art & pumpkin and roll jt Take-it-Easy and Liv low sit the ame. as weces of growth. | | Quuilt! i | terwahing flies ot the (pct bis 'ail ah = oh neg dd Fe me ime. I told ber | and she asked if it| The Bi Mee ahgden ne | ge nd eh pnt ngage A ly ae pane ree: egy 8 mtr Seat be 30 po Tele Tea. "hes dover Cs | A genuine ty | jer of Ahe immeasurable > Cone on it was. Took thre | fanm Lste'pee Jackets remain in f ministers met at his b ran essociation has lengthenel many « life. which mT ee gi bn into M.-C ond4 be | whieh ihe verel: ledyaeee Cente i bent Tienes | Jak dewaiguargine 5 Taree toe | ee ee ae eg ti Ai distnocr, a chawree to pew at iteung | to be I. stopped. ashe, her no, And | ming black and cath are wired { leaden pode pas pdt gh rll There id no. betes cure for Rh J elit ttase ae airconihe ape ot | jmaid another grenadine lor trim. | 00d as te ndicate were po | than Hagyard : eumatian express tid, . : ind gether Trend to directeaoe 98 poo ag cond aeptting THEA fas jus one 'i! the con gedeiet est daughter, | Berne, : t also onal | seat/s its 280 YONOE ST. TORO Pa -- P { YO soe f2br_yoNae st. TORONTO,