fine Mum Fron June 7, 1882. ' j es t Tree, mm an MANAGER i RITE 8 "RETIRE-_ | ak. MON kent Fira to. announce Mr. Andrew Monteith's Candidature in North 'inti Tur Trues is also "rat te ann that gentleman's retirement trom ae . red which years would not Gersdieail, 'while the praises of the Grita and last week's Beacon was more than be could stand. Under these eir- cumstances, he wisely retined and. jt is Sour pleasant duty to announce the fact and call attention to his card announe- ing tiia decision in another column éf today's Tres. ¢ription, and that bad feelings would be WORK! WORK! WORK! Mr .Hesson has entered on a vigorous cariynas vass of the North Riding, and from now until the 20th of the month will devote his whole tine to the election, He will address two meetings each day thin week in the townships of Elma, a Mornington," Listowel and Milverton, and next week will addréas the electors of (Stratford, Ellice and Logan. He , Bas received promises of 'nupport from scores of former vpponents, who have Igarned since 1875, his many good qual- ities of head and. heart, and admired bik course as a politician Every lover ' af good government ni North Perth | should williighy sucrifice » lithe time in order tompke Mr. Hesson's election sure: Renwember, hiriag teams is against the law, and we eall apon Con dertatives td hitch up their horses on vith them. (Let the loyal veterans o} |. themselves, and lot younger warricrs worthy of blieir sires. the 20th and devote one day to voting . und taking their neighbors to the polls many w bard fight in North Perth bestir | and farmers'sons prove that they are In Stratford, rousing ward committee 'Saving served you for the past fonr years as your Representative in the House of Commons, at the urgent serve you faithfully. respectfully solicited, 8. R. HESSON. | Local, Alews. Pen renecn 1 bax marae « atonsive Limes ip Gent' ty peri eterday to Heneat to the pairty's amistance in Nor itland Ba acer & mut for card Phot A. Adair, solicitor Pe yesterday. importance wa! ate in favor of reuniting North aot South Perth for Schovl Tnmpection Purprrse r= to preas the "lover had not handed i inte well, H. Ibu ~ Song Pee w ~It Mr aterurt rtohave f Ontario taken fromm +h a thin nein former = We ha the atte: tion of our readers Mr Wilkam wd Gloves. stone left unturned to roll ap a majority taeetingy will be held nightly, and no a difficu which will reach into the hundreds | a4 dernicr re The electors are detertnined that aman | | 'jing and has met with very flattering jpromises of support, With the ex jennie of here and there a Censerva- | tive who ha® personal friendship for ) Mr, Trow, erery Conservative vote will "i beeast for Mr. Guest. Thin is as it |e | should he. To our friends in South i | Perth, we would say, stand by your jguna." You have a good cause and "ia good man to represent that cause, ge vote on the 20th for Tomas B, ret. Remember, Sir, John Sestocand like brave Nelson at Trafal. gar, requests " Every Conservative to '| de his duty "on Tuesday, 20th June. Cabinet Appointment. dopoiiget oat 'oe renee of the the Coan Wative party which endanger its » it the vlections. It will be ely dix- approaching | Bataeeaa se we t the pumors h have are un they eur joyously circalati: ded. It is Known that the Bon. John O'Conner was by ill-health to leawe the 4 he is to be the rép ve of = a Hitt il : ; wea by enjoy. understand - | thet dah emagn mil be fae! 'Phe Ontario bi Ticehee Act. | san bt ma Fronotyces Ft if UNcowsrirertowas. lacdonald addressed ehh and : 2 obtuir | who has worked so industrionaly, enter vatixfaotics | ketioally, intelligently, and succesfully = ccd catee ¥ Le +e peltle aires i the town and comntry's, interests oyeoe wheal never have cause to ex Cones plains of | | Uutel the pre a week Line ayeena crops ! © hel dst Snygratitude at their honda Had it not fe sowie Sut sdace Oho? lieen- for Mr. Hessen the town would} date tice roaghou | have never secured the large grant for | Any 4 <9 * theerectidn of y new Post Office, | than they have for years, and travelling . un } ~~ . H eaeeste who have been through other counties ie whereas the aw ithe work on whick is now in progress | with considerable surprise of the Electors, rememfer this fact at the ore Piha ids epi ch. or, escaped the mt ° verit i epring ani om winter, | polls and vite for Hesson, aman whose | are to be fount ost every farm throng cts speak Ipuder than words. out this nection © ee ountry | ---- saiimast Curpxes.--Mr John T ot and ee ne ; more, she foun der se the Craian Children he | SOUTH t ERTH SAFE re "Ee ond a Dnt. bike Live ob =! =» : . . he Polyne i M Private -- from every part fo piel dinamo I hot South Pert snUres that there are hroaght |. lis every vet that Mr Trow will qlgntion Scoaaal i i be defea y a large majority--all | to arrive at the es ae Flom ne ne ie ity. i 7 nous ith ins' r | ihis Seng bs blustering to the con. isheunes 7 woth " mo 5, yok [trary notwithstanding, Mr. Guest ba, | shore with juvenile exigrants fre Mt isirming li he Rid- ham, England, since 72 Alre matty | been in every municipality in the spplications sccompaniel with good rv wn oo Sa ing. ¢ phended guilty and: was senitence ene month's impridioument A of the t Ee found and he miaonei was pda ears tich gaol in 24 hours after ested. er en The allot be Sing di ol i FS 3 ; Fe [ +35 i & sie t ih Er. i 4 EE i < 48? z -| request of many friends, } am once again a candidate--and if Elected, will do my best to il ¢ a ao es rH if Your votes and influence are gE. is a yi s % Ee if 8 i a i aa if Pa if aked for eres er ont toearke watt er 'the river Avon. Polting Station ~ belonging to the estate of Ss late Mes Rees Outario nel beatae mig of lets 5 6, Mo Talloch's Mi) block pon & yew Jentie Belford in in Texas, akin na bite te come th Perth. Ma. the thee oe and promiass the lady who firet solves the vidile a 'present pf a dozen . itaa in the Tall ths {Wedowadagy evening, Aj et is expected. Ticketh 25 cts. and - Bagner to kl es nthe Both of this month nes Kehoe, barrister, havin made his law praction will be conduc sal toy Ne. w. wTH Comers. esr This body mat ) Ln transacted. The ape of the Council The ball was literally rest 'he 1, nd ae: pH Perth, wis th porialar ostep sritls thes Beecen 1 th lee clique yeater: ay. At the time of ening Mr, Jobo week, of West Zorrm, advertises his farm, crops and stock for sake. We don't peer shethat ie bas the Manitoba fever or hot, but be i ig to well out, lock - stock abd barrel. . Hin is a fine plate,. con a LIN. venient to the best muariet $ iu western Ontario "GATEEI Gs AT Due tratford | Mr. Trow's Meeting Turned Cxicext.--A moeting seen bate the G.T.R. Against Hirn. reading room om Monda: _ evening for the 4. The age ed Hts moraine D. Barnett ; presi ent, T. Ju secrvtary treasurer, Alf Exeie ; cata 3. . Peter managing committee be MeLellan, Mi. Nield, G. Swal 4 the French Pleas Many of Me ea th. FELLOW -(4NOEMES » ee "with bate an his qandilakar t Jraily Globe, y, Bet Dax in Stratford this year will be | fire PRESBYTERY OF STRATFORD rd : of war sad other sthletic sports, This court m the 30th church Jo Nissotri South for the ta tion of 3. W. Pen boat nocomfdrtable as he pees tallies wo under b af nda of music, firy-works, We, wh furm some of the ager ns ated we have no doubt eta Halidey will be as loyally obec nerve in the y of June was sure to end his' existence rs rn ve omg ag in salting | ht. -- fs I Othe c Sater os fram a Mitch laps SP bd ve | dows not encreise lenetane control, oo i cr s THE COMING ELECTIONS. nager Gf fhe Guth day tenes iad. Cayon, of Strationd, within Uw bounds of law, ge (a pes md as on. that the sam of #14 be to M. aa Mr. Latanmme when, as 'Sinister of J remembered by Reformers. 'Chey doubtless b learn th who this carried out Liberal » principles * noe with the bailot- a ope" b is the grea t will however doubtless mate him in few mores, although the Royge champion may commence alae sonal the ips tapes He prep. afford congloymnnt for t and emigrate to the case under the Grit Administration. nthe ant Coe ie fight in Centre Welling woo ers. he Aries he trave erepens sovking. 1 wars at tach p ral election | eyes i peti ue 112 E i pol the Beth of thy oe Sperr inanered "ge co n ee than that 5 a ica +f think i Welling Tle is showing the shie it o keep up the spirj The present Government, gays cere cat tay well rate of ta: have The.qoestion i is io dball the euugar bo? att milla, the wpollep factories, oe companies, the coal ete, be allowed = i TM? epee tn shall the industries be byline rial ty, the operatives be thrown of employ- mer pref wes and the capital lie idle, ax was E ; i | a fi +H of lot 5, im the lat Ld townslsp of Ellice, ihe: ye a mar Sawating between the town of Surntioes, Wiehitof filice to the westerly limit of aon stress Polling Station--In Ben i on oop de eee, curnet Morcer nad - obeetaecre lier rise ee bohm i oo Suh-divieoa Bn HH ~All Uist pert of Fetetad 'seurvey. Mipt Wane: Polling Sebrdivision No 1.-- wa ae pany me ierrmeerg hs Eriestroct, oe. sot tense avon, thence the river Avon to Hnrén # thence and Tio streets to Erie . ing tion --Ip the store on Erie lately occupied by the Cofont a Hamper Commence tersection of St David's and Baris treots, thencewontherly along Be to Cazpbria casterly aloog Cambria street ta Exie street, avenue, thes ieee ayenus to the south crore corner of Jot 3, in the 2nd conces- sion of the township of Dow athens northerly the io te andéin the second , 3 a6 SHAKBIEARE WARD Holling Sub-@tvislon No 1.--Coi merges at the inte: thoy of jot Daterso bi alo: ong the fg" road to Lorne westerly along "} Loree avetine to the line between lote obe and two in the second eancesaton of the Gere of the township.of Downle, thence rj line pet me gecetat oe nston townalup of Dowaule pry Mowat street te Gere treet, thence westerly along Gore street to Nel- ton street, fhenos northerly along Neleon street to St David's wreet, Polling Station. In a house J |] owned by Jonathan Searth, =~ on Isvernnss etr bm log as Lntori's eu: Ww Key fersection of Erie = RO Polling Subdivision No 1L-- Commenging at the intersection of Ontario and reeks, On to Ontario street tate Mention tn cy hop roed, oppesi Romeo Was ae TS eilieg Sub<Lirision No 2.-- Cosmmeneing at the Intersection of Ontario and treet, park o Wan aos 'Polling Bub-divisios No 2-- Commen=i0g at the Intersection of Dewaleroad and Doury thence east along Duoro stroet * tf ree ona tere x thence south along Queen wtreet egrent street, thence weeriy 'Moog negens, Hayiend Miitou 'streets to Pron south along Front street 10 Gouth etreet east along the line divkling loteforty-five, forty- ixand frty serves, condessions one aud two, township oF South ET to te hy sid pron ea the Corporation the cows, Ont - | wAtptning ib Hoiger'satore, being of Nile and Shak Polling Satityialon Bo i tion of Outarip and & jo the enstaely liteite of the of the Town, the of ates ihihin at ep th Ranthe ween oS ri ovenatal p Sout! thenoe north alon, theese ry siong Miltea, Ba ra eg f ty Oat mag '"* Ling hess Meath, gear the cornet ot King A Aibers '). Arnold and Robinson's seive. ~t WN OF LISTOWEL. Rast W Polling Subdivision No, 1.--~ okiied the Wost by Wallace street, on the erly limit of the oi tn wo by Main [arees. and on the east by ay Umi © Corperation, Polling Dt 'pein ab dirilee Ni -- Bounded on the north by Rain vires so etree i, on the ya Corporation, and enthe east by Tau ef the Corporation. Polling WARD Polling District.--That: por- tion of the tying eastof Victoria treet wetond Tacin street, and weat of Wallace ani Mills stroeta, Polling Station at Commor oy ney W da Polling D: 'Tha! ner istrict -- t of tying west of Vietorla street ee west = Poking Station at I Collison's . Lace GF MILVERTON. aii pee teat ® Hall. F ELLICE, Beahson' at Gouriay's Sehool DIvistox No. 2--Com: St Hehool House as Cen. Pot lots 1D to BB el ive in Guncersions } to fgets Vetting Ste! Lutheran church lot Gon. wt hy sig noel 7 wr Btation, Keitiler' 4.--Compri fogs 5 to bi piv Moorasions Mi > on, Dee ie vi lots B to ¥ it f . H g ze uy i # a' es Bl oe i mas 4 2n3t fete fee vBedlng Rab-tivision No ' this township isi 4 Soder recenti: rig valuable sl wor ried to death dogs. seria Crowley ax Dempsey have also j hed i re res also had in sameway, § wanted in Ellice, " . {* eee WALLACE. } rigs at, --The © dow Gray, of thq Wallace, had hee house, wit es prod 's ta, burned on W in the The rains have somewhat revived the vai io hill very short for this season of es Prain, ns Eh te popular hn ot Wellington, the nomination of the Conservative Ciomenlon at Mount Fonest.on manful' farmer, yest J man mi an ¢ ont representative. Electors of Wallace, roll up a. handsome majority for him. KINKORA. Sr. Parnice's Curcnca. --The corner stone ota tae sonia wun < fg prt! une, by His Walsh, Toate, who will ste lomaaee The Rev, Dr. "Kaos of Stratford, will seo preach duri@g the day. The choir of St: Joseph's ewe Stra: will wupply the music. ceremiony © will be ther prove favorable there vit no doubt be a sport is promised. Some of pron fr speakers will deliver hycuisl utes ction for the watch, between Miss 0" 'Gradly of Stratford and aie Prinde ville a promised to be live he strii "gl band will be n attendance & o'clock ap. om. and dinner wall bese te about 12 o'clock. Tickets are poing off rapidly, and there is every like- lihood of a large Sint being present LOGAN. The yasoed = on 'the Hist of May. Mens Ah the eo wstain T Carroll epplied " the epurt to hava M Williams assented a owner for the + half of lot 31 con. and '. Carli ing aueeened as wher for the west half for proparty in Monckton as being too igh, the court ordered hit assessment to by rm duced '$00. A og ae applied to have his son d far lot be 1, . Berry, Granted, 'D. Hogan applied to to gre " owner of the west ball of lot 6, oe 18, hia name struck off-the roll for the east fait 0, court th te La city, Sarto trovs os oat police gibeeeas $38 f = § St Ca the Met soangtthegeds in pataght favour, however, if those | to the th, i a then agai in the. mae ef Rimoc ape & eons ¥ can, an, ae i [Stratford SS] Servant. Girl. Wanted. Pe 1.370 MEG FERGUSON, "BRITANKLA iy v4 ¥ should we ate Hon of hell ried rms 'ieee a 'Btration', Sheen 74h, 1ena | WEDNESDA ye WEVEG, WRN ceed cae BSR A apa ad Cabe oe The aie: Hotel, COUNPMUP 4MERT ATRERT AND WAR ET Agt Abe an ape: ot berteppealet against the Th t enovecmqnt tar tot te oon ith as bet ingt toe high | «9 1 a g ARRIV)!. OF WRK BOTAL HIGHNE#S AT Qtr enke. ECESSARY Fixings | for sé bidet ae Man- ufsectared by " 2 recen te ner eae etch ae the. aac 1S a which the. steams mbup Sar o in both cases. H. Sanders applied to be ns- sessed for the west ball of th ext half ef lot rt ordered the agush £4 the Cou ads Com ny, applied ta have the following named wt arartlea alee i bon Hf of lot 1, con It. gee & Young, for lot 27, don 11, T. Preneh, for lot r gon, 12, "W. Sharman's name strock ng of Cou man erpicd to to har ro the whale Property me longing to the Camada Company, now the non- reiient roll, transferred to the) resi a dent roll, also. Jed against the aa sessment of wreral lots, longing said Company, ax being too high, in latter court concloded to take no actic atpresent, but referred them to the noxt meeting of the coms which is sppointed to take place on Saturday, oe a ar of dena next. The Court rose roceediod the general t lsvomeese of the Township. The Reeve wi a cheque in favour ary c. "Schulte tor No. as relief he being and is cireurnsta poe: i of the Reeve, depaty-Hewre Ad ¢ cles to' code a rough examina wie the assesément fi é and read, praying the Cone oe! open. oat the roadw: way, on 'the ami 11th cans, te 28 3 i The secruing and each Couneillor was instructed te d the samo im those ons wha =i by on 5 § V8 ? § Et a F = s | erattti A Bae fF pea ai E> FA ee He Lt - Hu ¥ E cu su te aE i Hi] uF itu in cE g £ 'i nn farmers" . shatute ted farmer: Theroll as : it and Maly 1% eotbe: eon lols Nos >, 8,054 9, con 14, and James Me: 7. wees tote, building foot baldae, 833 Me, Tavid Oy culvert, 516 Jas for eulvert, iiirane a cei line Fant lL $24 &, Asthony ¢ abartty. bik in The ect counel then pt i weet on '. athe Sach aay ot = 1882, )~ Ri, A, Beare, = Your' Vote . aiid Influence is S.R. HESSON, - Memberfor'the 'Honss of Conkaine =| on ~ 20th June. Cp Sear FARM FOR SALE. Ew NDERSIGNED 0 OFFERS rar ua a ta rm H1GTORIA "OPTUS. British Biundard 18 Star Artists 18. 'Don't fail to we our laughable egro iret aime some ere on. It the desirable th that the Turkish tag should be a ppc Kgyptian Sir 'MISS GREENLY In the House of emg Lord any seid | dase bo $53. to-marra arrive cag i csstiasovesty. He had no fear Me (2, HESSON