|. of legits woman, are i $ aint Hayling With hic hey me Jamail | Sia to Sekabtab, he, Morpote spo gra dis. | | " tion beaioed ryseepal a royal famil ence: te tye on " pirchase @ Fight to doso by the late Sultan. | it when Abdul Ariz f there Was no | | - ¥. to be extratted from the Kbe- | 1 \ Fi diva, and that Twetik wat eaay | | . pet ¥ he innigterd | j apow: hin right lof primogeni being ree: | - dt cen ziiy backed Mio 3 Benes ps VOL VII : tl : sates pa ; , ; wecretly backed bi hk, when: Ds. | 3 , H , i NT NESD, id fice Bs 3 tiail wae at Cait, knew that he was not no | OL ' STRATFORD, 0 %, WED * of zee i vies ey | a iguormitt as ger believe, One pf them | : aman - seed, and they went with es Signor the cousin of tia} : i e : Bore pe (RENN iat : : abe fs e> : bony friend, jad incw his private asere: | Se | gock the rors with wham Mes, Btauhope into Tesiensh with thier ape ol cae eal Raising Children. "04a Bibs of Ignorance. PITHY PARAGRAPHS. wraps onl ot . Aperpetual-thine you | lod } while she was at Sendgate--he had station will I had toned down sume of the | Children should be set tin the nursery; In spite of the advance of education, Mh "oma Sonag ete 4 al wihk kag peppoend te bein the banyls i ta Taha drinks peru wet oan mae F | made inquiries, and had discovered uder id ¢ feelings imp at rly period in married life as is con- | everyone who has ob d his fell Yer shor tines Few otect | tack x. = $s that elt 4 Martie an error, He 'had | ageing mane daniny oe | having lost her first husband, she had been | bit eatly associations. : sistent with good taste. =~ ; at b h he educated i eee: re | irvoaigerery sbort Ladt-hout's ride, alrery bivtie Sita ned was wxortuce. The' Corto ek Witheweedove yung nin, j married again to a man of the maine of | | Meantime, I had written another | Wheq very they should be kept | & grotemjuely We have || A slovenly, octagon oa lew. bed Hatem' Emeneh feared no rival was she Minter, at Ramsgate, # small shipowner. | letter to Lord Mortlake, informing him uiet, not too oh expeud to the light. knowns clergy « i rd s Aseussing in i ea must thie PRS iF Be Joes ene enced wa iey Bodh had window high, 'i tho wok vig, and 'she m Anglo, | Fortune. the same time be address, | the discovery of his child, and asking him [fi suai to some old and experienc- | and & grave fellow, too, and a pious, | # him tw a tiga of constant over. | {xe ef detectives in Kogland must bets | And tip Bronand } hie torth, that Fourth of July . abs Hor (iearest Sesame: § were hang ee | There pace Hved a broker on J his was acother link in the chain ; and I for indtructions as to my experts woe fo this, and the direc. | ¥b% when be vimted the Ri expressed | Work jand constan child | spiel ad waves. It doesn't cont you auiything / Fa Ours} xkall this holiday be! : Udion| Whensrer the Khedite giv Who cbuid ont eat meat witht tind! started off to pick it up, ings. At 4 the nd ot nik aix moathe this letter ec te cht the © teri is thotined" ab this interest in the prospect of viewing | Mter Rovther was bong died, his wife fn take aides : ea aes a el 'alidienbit to 0 Mipiater or tacelgy on Mt Sa the ' te bach, hauyht Ltound the woman very uncomardns i >| Nice. *Here," said he, * held was weptinually ill, , it ¥ sear ost Byeapyachargtc EB | ould scorn to wey the ruin of the parents' it, was the y Hl, symphonies had to be | Severgl Plorb gro child Fe 1 me Hanen Raven fa pode 'Subiad a aoree ae & Lg ny fag hr lla ped Tae tive, All} could vet owt of ber was, that 1 shall ce hare ty pan ede an cairn ral Peary m fase | famous Council of Nice, jand in the preence perked they + ale higenapliecohuidl bir shader daisy alive, latendiog Se i tone ae | oa ae wiredand Seo of « mill, where - hears kod sees, the vhiid of the lady I spoke of died a few | of twelve months, during which, Brocisttald soa Paget a ' Tut | Of that blue sea, within the shade of thone to be tusorted to, -- ate! pales they got to pla: worhebiuny | os clas er Ceatury Brive tut nope things have van on se quedr months after it was born, and was buried | "itumstances took me one step farther is to be good for babes, tut y groves of olives, was composed one of | hich the father, i tat ones Srgeal clea, an tthe infan ee bs otapataedents This ttoker io fund af wheap beer, t:Anibord, Sis adeniticd that dhe lind the wards the solution of the mystery ne Sa there are no fnany "patent foods" now sold reeds of the church." 'Thin was doubt- | b886.waa merdif Bones bese the infant jor Noweicloes cr 5 apd in only te pty chaveuet id surrounded the of | At the drag stores that milk may ae well be | jogs f bg itaeas- | ing it to die of suffgcStion. te y akeine of a crowd rary the child tall ite tleath ; aod she death or disappearance o! don Give the child ' & sentence /from some future Sermon ; | ig. Mozart, w! the | > a@nsious Th ik te Si * 5 EMINENT PRror.e a When fhe summons ld' free Teach need. |aenontbl scartiiente cf Ha barish. f was : ners wile. mata tg ive --s but * y hat, in' thought- ouge ogre me Nabors bat bored to wee | the "tot glen Masta! Barve "hk Ye, ; i ae shout taking a copy of this, whee T discov, ee EE a omen toes | will thrive---posaibly hone monet, and ohoying 1 padeatio te: | [00 0 ten bctuliity seni loco cee | etre ten tater beonght ht bs the ae aete. "? eopialghens Tl in IM pulee, dispelled hy : ed ieee : THE YORTLAKE PEERAGE. |: F tha aild, aad not ita burial. Ttook wo | watching orem is Hlowly detling to- | Don't croasthe child when itis small, It] moustrated that the council of Nice was not writ the "Panic: 4 $2 don te $8,000 a cidhild abanost 4 ' ' j tice yn I tad copied it, then I said: | wards the Palace. Indeed, | could not but 'will take so kindly to havitig itéown way; held in tue fascinating neighburhood of | Bote," for a suburban theatre of planks, I s eafil t relnaed by W 'hithresd, telieew sida |X or Far ia au Rus | ] kk you. Now [1 hoe the certificate of | {etr# sortof pride in the array of beauty that it i really cruel to insist on parental | Monte! Carlo. : pwned by ao h i acoordi bd tan Mr. : | GHAPTER I, : j he wert | and ficence that met my view ; think- | rights ip the matter. It is not everyone who hos hear) of Mr. | | hia pressidn, to have the taste Foy" sung "time t, the mont vigorous addon? is i" as "sigue a ' a hs e jooked 'at me land 3 ie abe | itig, and I believe with perfect justice, that |' Leary the little coots to "crow" as early | Darwin. At bis tt lad ak, | feath in hie tongue ; di i ly and | materes ripen ay tbe for the ees ty de bas pbing with, -Atah er in. wort < | Mynexk step, utter seeing Mise Onslow, | matehed np the and exami in no other capital in Europe could be seen | gs possible. Take ther in your hands and | ed naturalist, fond of conversation filly, leaving only 60 florins to pay | HOt of the Iocust plague in resi Se 8 Hae '§ if Kimeeiaks hada, ot toner toate in | Waa to prpowed to Sandgate, and call bred With w mattered eetrstinn., either on me | Mh an exhibition of grace, -e and © toss as high as you can and jounce| to chat with » official of the in debits, and ia tarriedly. buried in the | Pplief of the eed fully se a Whe iiest time Goorge IY, appeared in ' His, falth in the supernatural, «1 widressen| given: me of the deter for herself, I vould not make out which, | beauty: when I was aireck by one lady | their digestive or all ont of peti helping police pheapest manner inthe sommon ilitch in. thé rE hote y of locuate with which Lawion-he drove graye cabs with ik sippean oVeuded to him by his mater, inigng bore Eee u latter oul abe proniuced the other Paper, and gave it | Sl heaat, gon green the rest. | isa ; Crate" of shee gecs ia encoder 7 wena eae etry" onl the joemetery. Ww] liteh th y conenian. fi ' bpes 8 ely khe nit thee ae, agd wer aod in: as well as inspector, h * ' i rena é . pean varof Finances," font -of the companionship whbre she wae now seine. baie } jot ini a ate at poe Farias | | extreme loveliness in her face--a handsome | i oh Taby * ¥ pie? see paly , Darwin, v thelncteats eres > ~ | the sed 4 on. viento: ge oy co anon. a - sees f : tren,' aml himarit - directs all the ir I igre a, hast gi A ap prsaticlag, |:or j teen entered the room. He was about & tom woman, the very Queen of Bown: sidewall, Tasiog ito crergioiy wit i it The publi i Finiy bot ts feat es woe boing poinened, ax rec + F ' rf H on up his residence a! aa tram, wh: is ES idler ol iis and aie | be carriage was moving slowly, so | Bible hit Ww. ae i himself to be when he s : 79 . Is { prod - soit dead te bar " ' tT hed ti Ae and g t the ate '¢ doubt if stair percentage bacuri i 372, | 505 Blow. | AS Baars gr ogee ae a cgi r me ee an b oa | where Siena {found com : DerBeuds. ore or i" be, "an aber aces Siemans however nodipagte | ings to jo worship it. ne wil Sng oe 'ite } "far 'a ie unte aa carga ype of er! = bd any ot pent 5 had to pawn | 108 : es i ee ee by grange sod ey ways fr youthdal, Tehat, in inher | more proved to be a very gentlemanly. old | "This is your son, then, chaeth hese that struck me, but | 0P°% y cg ae'neer order im?! He could never ' ; : Se. Rs Ne, | BA co eae conolog fy beth year beh digas quantity a rtd foun, nso way disposed to be reticent... He | Of © "i tne he is 1" ahe vag old pe What their far isrity, In them 1 recogiized veel tn Ba tatey yuars. ap " pent i edb fohey tire Rebanrgi wreck of bok hn caret a j bil * pin iptaay Trolls ig cap tara niet gatellon ane regal laghte are consume) premembeped the whole affair, . He thouphe takes on, mak 7" those of 'the grt fo bed married to Lord tis a good plan to hurry up «child iD | This west bh Somerset. | of his health. : wibely OME of healtir Inte ely, of wabout starting - wat that hich the children of dix | @* Young lady was very gocd-looking, but ause he is the very Fistaie = what | "ort! oline Amelia Craven. j the matter Ce seeding The ppecte. pitid | | bowed a Poste i a cnrareiell ed bcer i Cbeing that ofthe composer of ¥ oe thin vagt Ireland. He siutemds to: theif Enron na-at Cairo are invited, | BO ¥érgptrong-tninded, And somebow he | Mr. Stanhope was when he was young. The | Lasked « fuotman who was standing pear | ear ) ee was ps goann to name the Biviekr et the AZauborfots,"* 'obtains | ii ; th} We ndvel descriptive of Trish country. AaiW ruler, cotik has afte ced to the'| imagined ahe Was not happy, and tried to Sikesech 4 de ae eetly astounding." | by whose carriage it was, and the reply | | he vail be when he grows up, | she 'did 1 thus ead # eh pbb vige which lepp tttugic interest: for us; i Ag tec Hog o exce ; ate © of the rodf ith i ' tie fa reat tae Mr. Troltope i ie tik i ef governivent! He is | RAH ber wontideuce, but could not. ioth "L can't belp vothing aboot! wha de's | ap Lady Synge's I did not remem! Just the moment the etd lots go its | Shire Exeter, Liti ne attees yz "Devon- | pity the story af hundreds bee enidced ii: ith cdr Hoy old.) | eel mae aS Bibra vt, an he natiafiegd with. drawing Ff, ay, and lenving mother pd obi id were atrote nae ey + | ike," she +* = allee ly. Hee ty be | the re; 0 1 went bame and consulted the | mother's apron-atrin lant it in the neigh- | Fapiter, Sawabeh th" Here the roe tnusi¢ians of small vif ad acest it, haw now ex fas ie of > Rye ay" years pert 4 his! AM igitte fers all rexpodaibility., What plathe whole + eee Lrerh ag M Phy ps ar & | Ain't ye George me y Soy.~ | F rage and Bapuentage, ant found that | Bar's front yard. This will ao your own | eiticiem dimly detects a Norse rea Fag real strange circu i i" ee Huat Otice, «; Syee they d er yen gt meme a9 ng | BP sad BAe eran O Beee oe | eb, poor! sh he replied meoly. any Aynge must be lorty at the jlawn, while the little fellow digs up the of "Gen oe place tale of f i Fe we ibe Suing Haricabh in =~ te few - : ochind the scenes wher, | caine of Aber atter they left Saniigate, and P Evidently, there had been ® mistake ; the | turf and > the lawn bd esis, Exodus, Leviticus, Nom OFgenius li | im Ee ri 2 rH iy Seite 'oh contin ane sapere inthe | could gife me no information abant Mes em folded ae -- of the de wtifivaten | aly in the carriage, and whose features 1 | bor ii ere ear. naieh, bated Destroys i Sales, Rath," ine aeully ex iy he ) | ioetape at. tre' ng Spaapistiol er Bers to take Ba -abrewid Martine 'cook, | the "lodging house keeper, . My aad pat them into my pocket: | fancied I recognized, was not much abore | "" nate 98 OF bm TgnOtaMt among ite < ' ra 4 : rch athe BE si et | however! wobintartly ath t book, fhe woman all thin while was mo- | thitty. I aay, whose ral t teeeit § | Train the child to " appear" rere lady at the picture "Ruth and eases it be had | cawalreaily be put down the cine cotuet! | ti Nae whihtlceie: taste 7 thet. I! there 'is one thing in wh BEY | hadieve the lady he attended w pouty te vag boy and looking daggers at, cocnenized 3 bat a = é ly no -- | Uewe bim forward. 'Theresie noth | Boaz," sho read in the catalogue: "who | Pert " Planning an obscure and un- | Scoiraing to berg alow wing pro dow of ae < eiteaalber es varie Sse % Vasiliit is ia ttl ectttion ne :: i b he | gave ns his: ronan hima. "1 wae watching her all the any At that oe ese ca iat ea | it. Visitors so much admire to bevac ild-| was Rath: Whereupon ber companion | 67 the 1 career for his won; the other half | trouomers it was hy this ap te hae fill ey raf toes Ho suis a great Iyild afcounte, Whisk he loukeinta exrefniies| Calais ty Daver oat man vauthy pinot, he , i thanent, a voice in the passage called ited te Lurd Mortlake, ee KactaGeld church, | ren climb and crawl all over them in their favored her-with asketeh of the plot of Ms. | \fovare's lone Inuet be sought for in | mankind with ian merit drew. its} j Egon Poet r petoenpehed cm He looks into eaietuliy.«) NM A wh ii be 2, aoe oat; Dumer roaily, Pally? anda . Slut, foe: hone ka heat eae at ni ie c = wentle prankinh way. Gaskell's Rath, ending with the confession, M one Serene orp compared | magnificent tail, niillionx ee re Lf hang | hues ange life shudi days, but sd Pagosa popsane 1a 'hee heartydooking man eutered the room -- j ert ing pin dead, Hot here settee. rT A good wart af dirt makes achild grow. | "bot I don't remember Boas was." An, ih h Bis genius, wad nmonplace | acroes the heavens, u Se ae spatsiains wae under $100,000. pepsin il neem Ie prefcteness, see «« Sarcant, ait,"he shbl on seeing ima, aod. fannnt, Hl ay oblak par ra one a Sed wail uneful, however, onve a | Smerican lady was heard to ask inthe Pits | 2™ hin life, amt cs ag might, Hike it, | | Bis aa x chip J Ht My 1, for Oxtard- fia ne aden of the Palais Royal ie bol hin hat, pater play A ive eb ese vraag ack. to adil" (parents bb we everiae theit | falleries, "Whp ia that by?" 'The answer | hae, hee that' avery mediocre artlst.-- | | Hep Figaro learns that M Mr. Van Ryne! ome em (hy hie fet Sita) pots on = | ; is your wife' s vont" LT aaid interro: | said sha was dead, slo Poa +. | own children when they call them into din- | Ws Md wg * iin he the sane as Ray- 4 Mogasise. at mrs, Was ed aw ti cally oft th a : oo Naar st ange ind nok bitacl much smiportance ta this, be- gatively j did he mean that ' ms } | DEF No; don't you know there ; vacitea te ening ; | ee Durs¢ Her nensymoon. cause a bow frou wp ca ed rtly | There rae & liroad arin on his face as he | thebe ware quaetions f baba ioe pa aol : = oo em have their owns way al- | ore three of them, Hay pa, Sanzio, and Land in the aaphaaionesd ie 2 Bes lay eg og 00 * one Whiteharen respam ont of the Lay | man ai Pr. Se tainwe Ab gyper e aor! pat but blaagpe me | but I believed that I had conclusively | ; will retaliate im the fotare by. | Urbimo."--Saterdap. pew olde itobee maid th Uoferigaiat. Si: Coctiet tg ihe 4 oe ae This or jie Ktatew: For nearly a fort { given i¢ palatal, a vowe be ia! He ain'tialit like | settled one fact--that the woman whom | bot Ie ting yea have yours ; but what mat- Pn Seen SASnneEne bie Wert. thik tty ei : 4 + th ' 8 ; ARAL pe eatticd inary ite tra have boen bi it omprorine Vat like a Vv. in he? And he ain's no more | Lord Mortlake bad married was still alive. j fare So The & Faliow. Britian «: ty a0 gong pick : its cccereen nace art he s om het e sa hae ars Bene is : ae in telaiats tin Went geen r lati 'ht Gate ten' to ouch nn 'jlea nin's here, al Rae sos) like te iw 1 i Frenioad te pen ears days after thia | Never alge oaighbors children on yone your | The summer, o« bare fallow, ™ formerly | Without a ight for) ft they are ssibbakion statiation appear to show Went tie rinar ° q f eh i eetlece ental sabe aa view, wh the" © ne Laky was tle sane _ dirt Pay hed rig g Due thoug er opr tes isakionalis premises. The hateful things will in considered th beat 2 4s 2 ir Mia tee Spask lnndod propetitons | be nod Hutmadel ad tasabgete- coy What rubbish you do talk, Robert :"! qautters, Sud visit the Parks daily, 1 saw | your own children for t bad." Allowing yoor | latid for oe ag oy oxboshre ai | ket already that a) systemati frat alg! in a oY per Page eae pee textgpalve mite-owner in the dis. | ge6o tore womanly and even more beau- sand then turning to me, she no re0re of the Indy whom I ed beficted to tpg n » play with your meiyhbors' child- | the soil to atsoobpharie and other Piducersce | BE pout to be made on the new fil for capital ii et me 23 : exif pt the county, a) Hfoh agent eset the bo ind what he says. | be Lady Mortlake. noth r premises, however, has a sanit- | for a whole has an excellent effect, wl Jesseneat under the Britis alt flag { ah aly cies onl ep re i in the | All thin was very fantulizing. J coald ni ; " ong sa hed Mr. M | Tim eal oa, and [was atill without pes) gh on oi nighted little frauds, | but itis not necessary. A crop may be st bein' ir . a Lita 7 | eutirels|cretit Mr, Sewlamore ¢ atury : nor ~ Jes nS Bho | Mr., Minter. | news of Lord Mortlake, ei fear were and it is your Christian duty to see that Pal and if rightly dstended to, the #uc- | He 1 United Kington) ore sh ihle vatohent kas | tok ef acitine: 'in Ws : jidlid T Joel perfec ate satiotiod with Lard. aj -- itd he iat ve nes te of mine, | being entertained that fie had come te an | your children mingle in i goo an when | 1% Hooded lendh ail coo bine er wabout ne ae 4 : ortiol p's aivertion that his wife wisdeud, 12° apa elild be, i mt ike, te hare untimely end, I had written to his New ar ae ble. toed by 0 neon of Tallone r The good ports repreneting the aathenticated ae nine E }Tlid abt for one moment inane that he Teint Pah peer iie Byer : ait teks to. | York bankers, aud had a reply. They had | The best dressing for children inthoadde Fraulte tas J vettt tility of | 2 BST , Cae ed a rife' wnbar dl hat) +f ain quite of yar epinior, Mr, Minter," | . [2 age sam of law phon: tpt the ja siete It should be gently » hf nd ee, orgy ical texture of the aod et of oe titi North Wert aséxag. | 'The Lomlen Staader: i Coa j ste hae] been sulyecte ny foulsplay % Agi hem forimany: | ¢! an | MDE as in lowing | Berated and > « { aly, mn Kosiege I by a so bas par On the contrar strong 11 said ther bien che = yon how lie | months. All cy ears had been Minky tor once awh +m oped vigoroualy and celrian, Glistoatnig tie oat ue th bei ved. St itemicent tens" vm he sear | | nant ine 8 tt "a a | | ine i ad daly belebra atid the y barpairien otet of fr " aide " ri * of 7 A ' Oo COpIOUs, ot Low frheriyi ty: te > tg hin weriioe t puirion « ritavdn t had boca dee tat | eeu." | warped to as pain, on the ban' lathes, pretty clothes, are an ela- free entrance ofthe air, and the better cir- | from! intending investors and settlers in | erate drinking. There are ir 'ae it i cwer lee Si: Bee Shay 4 y as much in the dark t Was youow, sir? Well. I call | Missouri ; anc ideorwcatlese frown thence! had soe eonsalty for litt oul of the soil-water. mechan- | &Y*T of the cotntry, aud breathing a | freghmeut rooms ix pevbegst ¢ tokis thespostiof Priv pekewlar warry. ee . ey It' Rat et pa oer that, when leat heard of, | a: $15. bus busin: ieeenith tase Pe you phi sy 'afforl igal improvments facilitate the decomy fooling of dintrast spici ni Pua t where Ik is mot rat ' iy i in ds Sop oie 80h peli ht tA | Lore . i : te & ani call a soucidence [-- Then ace was an the Eo sles amvagi spr igriead ce to dress a child o on a $20 silk velvet, brane ti of some of the constituents of the soil, oy ext 'ft vald | amount of win - #3 aside, th attste cal ** How | parpose of rombag oe Rocke 'Mod ed | button ting potash of essential for public hadies in the Far We h He " ly Hiadn . yau better ¥ ocky Mountains, When children get big enough to go to tents of plant-food from the locked-up and | to coll el publ xact information aa | sone, # ithe ss ode « To Be coNTINDRD. | school--well, you will be astonished at the | {pnolable chemical compoanis of the soil. | ee Crea, pemnals. Joe tier, | ercgoe tom thn eee F the Himporor W iting she : pave He snninsevia asp efip auuinszae | remarkable dnanimity of the school teacher | Tie ammonia of ths shaman ere, which en- aay Ee A i prices = their respective | ties, whowe sobering infl a Prag cad ctaoe o Adin, vear Whitehaven, 4o a widower | the mpatery a Abo ying Mulic | and buard of education in r¥lioving you of | ginurbed, and, last but not least, the v IT erat ito <2 dor tat FreeAgent Saga om i © fro Meninewshire, Me. HK we the his sie aie ty all rights, peiaiegs 4 -- authority. You rbed, and, last bet not least, the vegto- rm o es for peblication, we shall be! & fire broke wut i :: ' Foals. | The ox ea xl ie Hy i s The It is delightful to have milk from your | won't have anythi ce to do bat st with able matter in the soil is more quickly and pleased to print, forthe information of in- / Sag Antanio (Te et larity in society, itia " "= bbilliabcy, the ceretoony bein us ' phy maka Se ac eateatl } owns 6 cow, that you know is pure and good, | yous hands fuliled eo wy ene "serv ores ly decomposed, and thereby made tending i bates rah pe es ie } Jaek Harris orrpented M stage with Jake of Graffon mile oS 7] ate yordl inpreseave he rejoicu heist he | t raiyes cream and has a fine favor! If | of the pablic" make precious ligtle (Peigy tt available for sustaining oe eturiag planta. 'vbg si 'amediee and | cooked revolyerin each hand, and aunoiiend A ; af Want di the parvh on an c a ave & ye a tines . | denipd this priviloge, the next beat thing a your darlings. --New Haven Reqiste All these points are gain a summer | Munitobs Timee, palisie in bee fen,-Eng., | that ne would begin firing in'two anjnhte . x | Ths leesuldast aver, the weelideet b ide ts to get mil from some well-know cu mmeenaelil fallow sit th a heayy clay soil, but with a anal ny repebernt the true state of affairs | unless quict wax restored, le dunk : ia r haa Ye nt with the ae pair j boan travel ing in all par | honest neighbor. Lf 1 and sardtulle a a -- light soil there is no such demand for me- | {rom one point ay view. Hat we doubt very on . rot Sine, yi he Wo OTe im uary wotk for' baborors, he Aeparie! with the good Piskee of all for | accortling to common report y The French | el ; : tY | anid the entertainment went on tha aes | fiche wo) 2 Flojy railvey station, on th to : ason f hue" | handled, it should remain sweet all day in rine chanical improvement, no | much thet ie feeling referred to bas any | cont mentioned th 5 wm oar ordinary work te "keep thee Fi idan, Twkich plats they anche By Se Soe oe ope. ss ho neiee * tea heinns . "har "shore Loe ae seting th pig _ | mmmer, if kept | in a cool place, and longer Hy the last v reais gained in a chemical point of considerable hd onde 'pe "7 sate. This theatra ib devoted ~ aiablin te bes al: j nen hie farm: -h' few we yoare ago, . ! day. Tharmlay, Apel 30, for bans pay) The | far of es febemds haves be wan isscey ms ans ws + ane always tal her it! 1 | in winter, or im cool weather. Bat the | have bean' vastly alarged ani fully pre- view. Nearly all that can be gained by a | we lp know thae tis expt al is seeking | teing lirlak betweto asta, add that theb Atlowed "hig tengute to I Sess - Pe wm * ay eb aa. ceed the | Htermils in whieh theamilk ia received and | Yisioned, arsenals are all { yur the ou Sy year of clean culture is obtained by a hoed inveatniant alinest faily an RAPD ree slrinias jn the a: They repa that the + eek el rye neh we : Ate rtce ; dtl yee ~Y"* | staniie in must. be sctupulously clean, not | of officers tops up, and shes) werd Ee or root crop. With it the weeds can be anil Reena gle port vi begeg H ta ae SSE ee i i had be ralel, + but the Duke re. wo ore asl atry inlew when te was likely to) ja . | let the seams in the tin ware, in the | @t ther disposal, thous wz the | Killed as effectually a4 in tho fallow ; the oe AF still long, Qe unsace heicreport, Dpring the re- rotus. ra ¥ proof of this!" I aske el. | pail cover, ass the jotnings of the handle, terri torialist, or ulti spoons oe 000 siil will receive enough cultars to make it crying tie cOanthy) and ite Te vere Is ts curios tow to read in has, therefore, becn no 'Une moray some time after this ea y she hee pace all about it, and she'll] so that not ¢ we particle cf milk in left to iniatry with the soln rs, 68,000 calvary sutticiently open for the cirealation of air. prved.t, ae pom pins sake the re gant oriin of Mar ' the rents. "Not ge nae] » _ aaagre from Miss Onaluw, wie aie cer tyit. Do you know the boy's friends, | \iry, and eseuse sour, After washing pail 68,000 artillery ; or, with the admi inie- There will be nin amount of | of si appointed be families frot is LOW FReaNE | cal ro iy x oh. i ig ie geo * Yee; if h \ and! cover thoroughly, soald with veiling | aes 7 pt gal ad and g ne, all akties, we nitrates and 'other valuable nitrogen | O** ane "here apectng thors é alt fpoa her. coordlingty. went, avd ve in the one IT thing he is, I wate and wipe witha clean cloth, Then | #99, behind whom stand 327, compounds, In the fallow these are formed | @Y M8he man oe ptt w this aide of "" ate! the Lady her nick-room, was | Know x ah hin his fa bagged anil mother. t them in t sunshine or invert over to, all ble of be. | during the hot months of the year, and, parading --will hav rial Salloente - shown spe oars lech eau bee 'err t fi wie, that ie worry pekewlar ! thettore where they will heat without in- ibg a motilnd in a fortnight. sailing for for | being very soluble, ary washed out of the | 0 the Buoris of the Pptelligeet menses of the k a i) an tt since / hac taeen her, Al- ancy wy co ening in opportane-like ! 1 | jury. mex, when it is not convenient at of 10 per Yent. for sick: woil by heavy rains, while, ifjthere is a crop, old con: if "the authenticates! state- i || wary thin, abe had now shrank into « more if ra Alas m Ove : oe "ae minutes lator, ie use mal mated ot svury washing, I 4 the ministry can put im baie! Baie "i the nitrates, e gag ~ up as food, an Iota ; [ < have neel borax quite freely, or some stro: piseage 4 cient cause, 75), stored away, a some snocecdin eTUDCe wa - he Gorrespondenee asd re- j ; Twas jast going when you came | alkali, rinsing rery ore: 4 drilled Sad organized, ee behind the gee crop. Besides, the root crop will furnish a ve ofte raked up by the preas of jealous pee ont \ = t , jth qn, after wiping. z east as many wdlulte end 235 who have Ke Amount of excellent food for the farm vinces it is a little use attempting ty in- nt, that someth ¥ 3 . sy me) d onl this is a coincidence ;! Then if pnrelwed Tail ay, know whose | been soldiers, That is a most formidable stock, and finally yield » quantity of vala- form intending investors, and ey. must | devined tached ok in its infanoy this innpemel ate the roomy" Faaid to the iy Dig the so bold, will yee top and | fault it fs. 'Tho pai, however clean, should | army, even against a first-class power, and alle manure, to be returned to the soil, neeln tee for themselves, In that case | ity calamity." ii attendance want ty have } a hit o dinner with us 've gota | not beset away empty with the cover put the ® soly question is whether the men are | With root crop introduced into the rota- Manitoba bas nothing to feat, Brora ore conversation with Miss Onslow of a | Veautifal pe a ge and ap) nlomane, and |on tight. Lf the milk is kept in tie pail | worthy sokliers, The critics because | HO", there is soklom a demand for a sumuer | 54" r As ah instante of the i, rir Of Eabie eee mcs "i | prifate nature, taters and The taters | growed my- | (not a good practice) it should not be shut they are young, becauso the ep di unwilling, fallow,--Ameridan Agricultwriat, 0 Sa Se - Aie epeeaeeee | of the transactions of Ne aish ' dro ~ Sh ' ; Regs & ' 1° Phe doctor said whe was not to be Jeft," ott, and they' re fust-rate ; closely. Leave it partly opened until the | because t ey are rialivie . Dut all tt, " uesess in Ad hat may be men towel. [list the wel ieatingrbatar ee bem ieuas but j andwered the s enidaat wullenly a ona ror you, T said ; a | could not [| mifk has cooled, and never leave it standing resolves itself into the single idea o! want All's Well That Ends Well. Ad b lik ber baa. vee Y s i Bes Ni i : re wi ting uf there ly any necessit,,' | pots fe rading on you in that way." in the midst of bad ofors If in i nope of | of heart. Napoleon's ware were mado with + An, i bone there ard who make a succ ; i oy 12 of the Jtaljas grad Hen had an sapaning sina ; | - | regliest Pi: ae flee ope sir; I'm only a rough onilats your care, the milk soars too those | Conscriptgy strengthened by old soldiera;and ** All's well that ends well" would be a it, it, anil some do noth Ainons ef gorerunent at Ty 244 bg sist pial tolaas eepes he woman glared at me; she did te a lrg ve . you're welcome, I can who supply i must be iu fault. "The milk | War once Moclarel the ministry would have "al 7 al for a litt f séntly hare 2 th : bog the ineh, 40e bin wile and sit children are now | HWE but be t the room without, a word y sas cartel om pail or atrainer may be unclean, or turnips | im every arm of the service to every ten men, real life which gnded happily in Paris, 'The | adv webbed that ulcctig ms Se B with ile cousin near Whitehaven } Aw moot as © door waa Closed, Mine Ou- | sized tainly you cannot; and I'm | oF tot rt four old seasoned soldiers, two fairly Fant nad acl peesjeman conning in the | is abgat as logical a ri Jee te for @ per: | exe sen rely frist? lize bey th n! en . r : cr ae ae i aif Sea her + log thin pe on of 'Hip be hel L | She ~ed ie your bepitality oss what | ly. it the milk does not YY: not canis ar saspicioualy seanoned ---- and four withonly a year's iz in love with Teiuiy, antian b sh te- | son who had failed tie the dry goods trade | and the pr xe Uae SGalites ri ve Ay Titties * 3 . + s( Ae tent » my hand a : ic tlress 7! | sont, may devi training. urti | , athiable, but dower *K 3 & Moot Ingenious Leek. | te i. tthem into your povket, ae 'That's just it. What I says to myself | from turnips or wil: oui, oF other pate | nongh if only the fe atice ing tc ine jem gil. Te ni ay ve re bene "ie ala fe bt ot hv . cand ton whe ve tbe fore contret th nyally. Ever we '. the opinion of the tireek poet | # rie, MeDen't let her neo them ; she is| as, if the gentleman would anly stop and | ia the grass or hay, It is not difficult to | and as they are all thoroughly and oclinti« | emeotlly eno being hy young man's | in that there is a cofusioti as to cause und | ny eine abs cegeeneaey control tiie ioe He En : Papo, arb the port and the coo! Both, | *ny | hive asnack with as, I coal put the old | know af new milk is adultera with | fleally trained thei mpetonce, like {the father was not aware of what was for: | elfent: 'The cause of the rs Seep aise und | mesa in the entire country. vi bind jiekays, attain Ay an phase ictun | i pve are they?" I asked | tare in the trap and drive him over," skimmed milk by » littl experimenting. | spirit of the men, eal Pa jepend upon their ward; bat when Hrenge eee the 1 hertiat in the tasinems, bi | ' Wockenblatt, organ of th pe pe. | --their lettera~the ones we sap | "There is ne ocession er you to distarb It isnot of the least use to expostulate with | bead "e andevents There is the strength ay 1A ohig to giveit, Aj the man, It is the oli atory af throwing eral ataif, records. Lieut. Bags | ; ? ' Pease the old raave, my carriage at person who sells you skimmed milk. If | and ness of the French army, atid somtiag © wk! vows of eternal | responsibility fc "brid fie, with hia sorvan t, atom Atrastap yg ¢ \"" 'ir pal Mrs. port ope T° 1 asked | the Wutel. Where dogs your aster hve?" guilty she will be sure to be angry, and if | there it has always been. These massen of aes por fib hd terchaned and the lovers ft what is it that makes succes sn TAM tnilen, én yy three dape, } aud iti eamoudote bie * ge d, ; ' . Ve re | "Why, at Ch dishonest © nough to take Your cream lived i} pris The young lady, icy arith verti ft It iw evidently the exercine er | ws veding eet slays of Fonte eikies Wastes [isis aside woe ao rough the army, E: hr d I; "Then you were teecacsact thike vepar } "Then Tete wage tat yon et of a supp ; ar material enough w do Pee wert | * hy the pa rhe harp detervainats th es which & chow tar it was yw i" wrigg pate ? aplain | | apion Y you ner--there is no hurry --anid confess it > you can do is toc lace Prussians, if only they have leaders ir sorrow § bie coctate conditions, apa : She ports at ine piteonsly, and thon wan- | ae down to the A, i. sources of supply. ahs milk pes motivs, aml that «mall ne il of vidieey tater intent, A Saleeuy she bar hc aout wort spon th : me | aprokes, Len } am your man, sad Min who comes to your door wil is which, to men of their temper, suppli . '3 leman walkin, maby sailed ket i ie i God will jndge you for that wicked | "State your time, ae Th be Panctnal." » [of milk, is much more likely to adelterate jive them chiefs who can Meine slong the quays at the time saw her struge The horhesenell pale Abang) ate ag fe sca ed muy years Cloet Sectetary: > ' _ * Lexelai * Those wie separ "In an hour- say half-past two," I re- | Sit milk with water than with akrmmed | evidence they can, and # causo thoy | "bone water, and without a moment's ia stel shorsand went ata dicks ah. Sian ass alteneand coated Lont lanky woydere: to auld to | Husband and ae: will have mach to auawer pte esd, milk, His long jaunt in the sunshine, and = derbies' and Europe, which is now «de- ro coe "i . into the rescue, iy will requi tr til th tars Atha nl ae rt th Judaiag. the diticulty of the esq "chance te be | fpr." t half- ae two to the minute, Mr. or | Siaking cans by the jar of the wagon tends | crying thers, bot witheata secret complaia. | MoUll-be suicide was paved, but. the most | corm in much faip conditinn, xa ta a ; skew hold of many minds in ; aaidwinter. 6 is wiht th while Sel-| | The wiki yearning look in her eyes came iberee! found he w on coil i, Captain | f sar milk very ee If milk an not ance, would again be coupplaiane of the sagan 5 part a4 bbe stbey is that the gentle- tage. at late ye Lied) Amberley, thet sat in the assembly of dive o] - Mack, andwhe said: 'The thoaght at how Minter anad va hs 1. oon sweet from one ey ply next, pardednh ees tary charac' the Franch | 2" who saved chanced to bo father | of tifpe and scasons bears a thost itp +s e " Veeble came te the me yaa vhiae! We treated that poor girl has been like a He was quite a abr ; being attired in 0 f™ «la part of it, pot, ni fly boiling it, people, As yét, they do oak ses til catiec, ff tse sone she fore The endument ot of | part." To advertise anne entinee arth af A M appebtecydh fou bigamy that has ates a death, ail published it, that thivtanie fr '6 ' keris my heart. 1 wish [had my time blae coat with braas | recs white duck x7 ee scalded milk will do for most pur- | and recollect the invasion of 1870, vend jare | Dit ASIF cam be easily guessed, {The stern | the nenaon of fresh pekebes, or linen d nore hoes ata he 34 Mpisty ph y : Lhe patented for the longer distance wer again." *ryeeeete anid a tall hat, pot Gut of spirits, ;. bat the merest accident, ar L-rdaeoal y inflexible resolution to yefuse his | in December, would not bea profitable wii 4 he ' sibel | ge Ing the ex ' pais; to 4 hs | A vain wish, my poor "4 said, he carriage-doot was opened, and I mo- , serie -- alliance esi ou ible to the people, an affront emotion he falas te draws! Ender, the } ation} yet sirrtee i bramly cecal spon a | Alf fens ' Loy pairs 1 es hi gest ech vet mse, the Karnnen Of + tin ag him to get in. Shichouss | ome to them, the a we ning accident, bot litel - 'i * a Ustion. Lady Char' city $9 the othtrjwhen the eelelgited lawyer foltened by | ug ba anit one 'that will bat! get inside along of = a qeseral, "a bt chang an rth a : a He -- home, sent for toni hey Meares ° We here | a her iy eae sas erode * | pot serve . your wor: a © hea . a f Cris £ Sida tg tn ne act | M3 Soe heer pene end ane |i ec ome ae | tar ihe dah i ne |S eka tam tl he lhe yong. peopl | mas gmt running ie aj thee ont | Porn, Sie wat sete ASS leu h attvhe death inthe preset | her tall woman, the very © at t up aloft along with the conch- pri pie Fg ela Al ag or hier on at Rogers, mores in the councils of Kare. The Mees hather or wereal ene hee thewautal «et as the chad passed. Amd prob | ehapel. Me nisi fae wae in Lon. a *} Pan » * " * y ~. cue wae qulte fren renk. How then waa it pre ag Deion, cule wouter and better look: be rT) 1: Thit wou! wy never RS My ccach- when grown ald and feeble. a enue servant take 0 place a snes ae the young lady a mig' er adverts weed whokend -y it dees Mamita ® tal, bea Y epoody: tridiles ry ¥ ii : Sipe wits Jewiah nak ; i 4 m4 ul talked mci . . : reeor Meots " e - hed * aya th a _ |ltowarsis the wick woman, who faintly jaca: | 88 would mon Hine th sired belting Me- Megere' chats see at -apy We Mate the Wrong Fur Fiy. Siete | daa omaai euooeasfal alvertiser is he who maker | hea ta tute pevitonnig: | Aa hee a , bir an 'Freae seonks van, it le well knewn, lated 5 "My sinter: + Well," be ama, "if 1 must, Imuat;" prbpriate intervals would thas admonish his | | 4 very excited colored his announcements if an attractive manne i sty proton, A maid ey the whale Jew: eee? Hi f an obl shoe, but.) What i all this, Ann--arid whole thie | and he plunged im and took his wat tnastor : * Tell Mr. Dickens, sir, the story | gn officer pate Sruiher inxted =P |, (mlmudeaca ie doit atthe right timp. We could car tal preveciel on short uotive to marey Mer [8 a gm 3 : he ook of Nicomedes acer naked tte ve wpb polos * Tr will not ; describe our ofithe Hoa. 'Charles. Townshend asd the ted id that er hese peed mp om bie anaes 'Ehaaoul Penis a9 that have come under nr ¢ oar eng f 8: Pescg ky himh > Shree ae | f = » Fi be Toure ci. Tever. He took « nick woman connyed to anawir--raised | journgy t0 Chislet; all 1 need nay ts -- rip beinetrrabscrsp The oli port would | 87 man of hid' color, whe on aioe All specalations as - the origin 4 the on where a rich réwanl has come te oe | sondern! te Hyg mc Spry: Aes ot igainy aa F f pe aged pee sane of 8 soe: hat be cht Yoda frome, he pillow, sor) then mt foaae me Mooly, the Captain's sinter pa phiortrg prea shin sag hotee on thenext black, audaddel; Ls egy fede k., srrong te ie who [present fresh agit attractive matter in it | to degradation fram hix hehe neat? te : ! sleeter 3 wuddenly se! was dead, She | at home. Her story was a very straight- ""Tioan' t pas nas raphael ein . dled a fertein quantity of oil avd salt-- | had bee wnfering.| adh athereerae ick! forward one.. She stated that Mrs. Pocock Uparien To wsbend (this natne sill Serve | tine hae aro to rok the lat at beg cabalistic O, K.," it says, fey ret offs a be dirplay of gouds, in a store. The mer- | ty ot rs deten oe, e got that indefinite amoust familiar to ws in| from heart disease, amt the abock of her | had a yon about three mosths older than Cn Misa passon to . * Thy used by Old K ae, the fic chief chase who fills the window with articles of ry Rjaprinbnreres Lay apitakl err Rcgunyer} gets yor (APtbve| Rear pale lrer iar gprs ot ite ot eae eer wo delegate hing ad PO ans ev pei faery Bg méowoah HB catch cs 6 iting. J shall have to of the Sace and'Foxps. When he sold Jowa | merchandise, no matter bow nicely they may | 3 « 'simin- lwent homein a very sad mood, The cocks lived at Sana; she lived with ber, ie ie in ae) take ined Se to Uncle -- he kigned the deed with his be arrange, and let them stand unchanged "i be reptile department . bas "loop enn gqeomclun gir ge edhgea oe scene 1 had just witnessed was se deeply | as se¢vant ;"that.at Mr, Pooock's death, the and elon she scrtred to dress for Tecate bet "t help it, sarah sy bel ity initials, O. K. His ov-chiet, the B, Kk. | tor six mouths or a year, should not expect in, tiftyonin eggs asl towne eh fet 8 Sisen grainy black pepper. impressed on my mini, that I could not get | house at Sandgate was given up, and the ball, emer from dire! place, She lew. If dat makes his Son ag hog e ile) sane tow or sign away |! crease hy trade from euch a display fetuals pérttons. he = Bort imotheries, detoaring the disguised turnip] rid of (bit haunted me; while {was almost | widow with the- two ehildren remored to lepked'st sro saul: "Why geralairgaawt bkteonip ie ara | of this to this beast he 'storekeeper whi frequently dresses his fe resolved test avails: Aga with a Che ap vag pie hus ectene: sae dumanned by the thought that a seal had | Ashford. "Atee weeks after their removal, Sea's you begin?" took hisn 'for the 'air gwine to fly, if I die for it, tH rl tad | si Sen el I a Haw | windows ix the one to profit by sach en "#3 4 bots Few : x fas ate in bis into eternity in wach aatate, In the | the elder child sickened and died, After teaser." ~bohyers hag lied Ahan sly ath Old Keokuk wan deavors, > at the pcs rintnat pieces ection was te me i Reet repapalp bat 8 eat ew idee arn hr ope that he letters given | this, she left Mrs, Pocock, and did not see him same as vi} taal Kress ting grotnda pt the the Gres ste hp 2 a - Guanes f nds sey eh ee posteeemd of nuch powers ax these!] me by the dead woman might distract my | anything of hee for Meantime, EZelipec in India, officer on to thee * hia bed 5 continues to supply ong felt | A Full Puncheon Tapped. -- ~~ aaqawinae 5 ae HL vpeive those high laren we read of || attention trom these f ideas, 2 sat | Mra. Captain Minter, ber | The Kosidse- Mumba nod' revarned to End the orudher with work English language Ay Caro of Live Stock'ior July. ' ine revels ad Lmper fat: Riveoe.---opaelon down and read them. There were more | brother; Lape & time, when she came wf Bomba his back to the fence, and 4 woman lending ane eth leap ws ry A sheot of cotton thot t X of 20 toachi * to Ken is D : ' . | a see eet of cotton tluth bs he . aia) Reyne ge a: prverhingane nope eeagi TEN ene oF; | ew. Minter clalaned sod 'shé Wee Ghd oe Sor | tiers conemnns Chere will be Leta lin dad degen i A Moment's Thought. srt Bre mis ola Trap, Ae | toe to hutres, petoeting Untin from flan, Gpcdimpiao tart = tay secpectiahy ae a Te Fane Youn torere 4 7 eclipse of the sun on the 17th of this mon! i 1 yon "are tan whowas| Just asa girl was abou discovered ¢ the tariff laws the word | dost, and Heat, while working inthe harvget ih. pane el that " tears ax | read them. Mr, Stabhope's} ows. She wonkd undertake to swear thet | According to calculations, it will fall ing to cruah someone?! observed the girl was t to drown herself ml" we i id in arvant consi a1 proditeed ne visible. alte © awe prety wovelties in Snigér-rinee to he}| were full of love and endian winging hin | the child that dict wae Mrs. Pocock's, and | Gp freland, Persia, bl | at Athens, Ala, 4 man caught her. She an sunt be taken in Yo a. Sadat ulteration » , ~ feeimrd at the principal je ife to disclone th inge to her f the one tha' Ere i struggled but he held her tat. "I'll give att rca ingw ' Iga: ivelly i rH : i over, Mb, en goods wade on a sol rg aml garbolie ou ae" He frame: is _. | eheana wn: we Shin } ii i é a x Hs " Did the fur fly Y" : Laad A) , and tye of hc R ith 4 AY Sb i rake 1S Dead di, at the trouble wae dat it Wout hogs, . { Pe) the thie whe. ke ue i. oe ea any hry aptind fis cuntdehe Inte 1 Hi , Ling, prove | 'i iat 'a was de wrong fu: i nis 2S BS ee : iting batter. add 'ian? db now of fright handlers) in New : i aeeeps ork still contionsd, 'to the great loss. of some mo' very oonbedia a i c which can be ur hidden or, } " i F t ' the wearer Ry : "the : mise ute) , incladi fra t went a coral region song Hao tries I possessed. . : Lela trai ' Sapreme Con q ABA | kopt'ins shade fone puture. perfectly correct, 1 weat up to own wo cow: ison i 4 i | pedclans stable is mus vals my leg 'ical, friend as to what coarse J at shoald take in consequence of the Sbeep that are intooded ¥ need to be lor war i fewting. | A quart # each anioual daity, teri rig Haag into gic market, Ste "F heer, E F f : is Li FELT E = al i E : f derbi