: Few public men Lave stood so} | the crnéial test of time a the "eh S Postmaster General of Cas * thirty years he bas been a 'cen A thorough sterling man in eye apett,--a nth whose word in good hondqehie well deseryed the ra paid him by his fellow-citizens whe they secorJod him the procd dibtine tion of Yeing ubove all things * Heom Jobn't 'arking,"" When a member gf the Ontario' Government hix administra tiun of the affairs of bus office wits to fount ~ tenijooy at great oratory, but lio] is a . thorbugh business unas and he | will "SO? tkedae pride in making the manage men vd his Department a model a all a *j 2 Pie 'Deccan still squeals) and growls. "Tis music in Tory car}, for tes that the crank who! it indice: : } gl 2 Meigiiy, the returning efficer--the rea "aed the - qugtter for election printing phagt reelection ~ his méjbrity | reaching 262 wn against 83 in 1878] The growling don't burt Mr. Heasot, matter how much it pleises Sandy; 'squeals at John A. and the Tories | but atil} Jolin A. liven in ciover (office), and the x gare have broad i saving faces. {Pat U sign i growls io- Pal will be ole meted ne oak time her, ae, } upless be be beaten by fac tof the matter ix the Beacon wide a * jolly ath " of iteel daring the contest, nn on Editor is now realizing what deapond THE KUNDER CASE STRATFORD. - int the Fd iter e. the Loudon Free i? reon, ce yas atc or anese saree ay DANEVER APPEL Pig THE HON. JOHN CARL b sEe Mr. . Ex; Clerk of the | COMPLIMENTARY "SPEECHES BY Mn BEBRUN, M?., sont MK. TROW., a i E Queen's Counsel to boot, caused Kunder to be A Ps + 4 Tiled i t rene there oes eu A ge peleerng a of veh oe Saturday, meatier tot Court, and committed to ¢acl hot: bons dayi. Last meemy week, rig being two days ik 2) +. tare in the politics of Western Ontario. E i . E reteasect be Tdsate After wells: an aiidevit made bet 2 Strath se Court Hoose was a more langh mcreder head in pana at a a aig of artil: excellent that even « carping apy ypofition purseing Kander 6 the last diteb for a paltry S conld ni udvulnerable point on which The ng Ot are Trades Precanion for which our nae He oo ct man farri n @tadk Hin selec tide by _Sir Jolits Macdonald to form inden ber af his-cabinet sbowed the corredtacss the giteat 'states an's = jadginent. The Postumater General makes nth pre- Sha little of tly in 'the ne dnping towarrant the ved. ttamineg poor Kunder as to his worldly status, In & voioe of thas ris he des eves & ae ie caxily on acedunt of having 6 a= ter craft. the machine in not pleased at the pesult At the elections, I, syieala at) Mr] y Folitee ast 2 varieties + let, Mes. bane se be old wotnen's pocket is wings tha: sovert mount awually received in} | that a 'ptt him down to how icken: Mertiig can afford to langh at ite 'hai Ie gdrowks'at Mr, Hesson--well, it hax | dond #9 forthe last fouryears, the!ouly result being that gentletian's trinm- sepvina gr: close hi shunt hile pemdetown He, L ix such. th relble: ure, made' Sadndy j aby dour, "W hy don't he cheer tim k yet stinggled out of the Grit slough fr akira come cae potest frat YEan or > Kunder you 'ha t better try ani pay that' tonn $2.60 pert month on this claim, and set t Company is now' putting up eight wires asian nm OF made ja Bargain wills fitie, Pm snlortanale client dt My lave _-- te . meting Tos ber, porsued ordinary te m his us mba ibe per Court te cover inter rest i is preyec s 45 'nos tier. ctfered 40 fod to conect with-the gaol for se on: Bhi . The As ve, till, recent PPEsTane pera much regret to fy iv r any o arte rem reed t after the Ontariv e -- and *o prophescy pas ash rae ve voted _ ? the mont nt poplar Sanday . Matsh rk, Rad thigl + Aj bowrt te court. Kander alwaye append Deda oe t when ja default ot wut. 7 av order heb gr ws batter of cued mage iaprineuw by 'wy tulatake, |My ahihed ou the : Manitoba Railway Whi Los nee mail wit. I never & Bi sun, * atutit paid ate Ruder aw the ye 7 "es hie cafe « © < ive Lely ey st ' m sehomid. be dr iten. - + fhe an it bate beet an imps seyret, si De eee ire Lelore aes 0 5 ded toy te 'Tien te hart en tor year roy = ny ro . ab a Samm oe Ou lun ' vous 'tra dar = wrore that _ Was jail a because he | toukd t bot. vote for Jones." Mr. blingwn's reply wa -& sake hid fiat iy the « id mass Wal oo ratinity. 4 bas no for ; tes oo reople 1 pay kgs piper. sie at Ante at the matter-- rt Mr. die ington, to his cost how. --Betre " Troms. f ite sarap 0 weeks etplanatiog' of ie sae Be 'the ebares, wet " Marg wey 2 dbat : atiewod, w. fil ' eiorred to oe fi nt wart ast, Mak eo tar & bathive Br ante sryanronb 'HIGH & SCHUOL. ea Velbh, Dianthus, Bitgeley collection, »2nd B Sal- til after the pullie vidygre as A eget Nun- gine tha a angiual collection, Ist JL Cor- tt the charge be tre hoi is 'ty ot bids how x Free Press, Ntratford inn, "Menai . Beacon 0, gis aven cng raed to to tat yl oie rrible= cali = ito plead that ad i aon pina IDINGTON, | ' vBiock, cottéchion; Ist J Welsh, Snd, J * iF "Sweet Witlians, (brane ') collection, Ist T } Shady Weve alle, it J L Coreoran, 2nd, He is = Sie at the Macaion Recto ot a: resi vening, agen durin the: trial 'mskelt aimont ane be the oansileration of Matters pars to : "help ey Hf gs f souTH PERTH ELECTION. i ua e g Consideration a of "paporte, "ot committees i gE ee | j ¥ ze ~ hit to bebaw toe Kander.in this sagtinael? abou E "i to ong 'Manu- i A officers vam to othe Dorninive Some for Hind Lodge i it Ee eiiks ie soll be tec ah at at henet renner that the att Peas As regards with Kunder, thie "ard 9 $f other cages ite Liereta. i oes ave t& t re f : i ments na-Correct, shen he on 8 victim off etious in of iy 4 Hehe is stringe that he, a lar hcfas 4 _ *) mnent official, debarzed from L reap in elections, shea i + houses fo: forward Mr. Jon ff g h i 8 i 7 fr z i ¥ fi ' > ir Hi 1 i fe Ht pls nple death and I sbhed part "Hick visits 1s * Gatien | on y overcome with freely, re seamed th be i An autopsy will ie performed -- at wo clock in the chapel of the j GUITEAU READS FROM THE SCRIPTURES. Dering the prayes: Salis stood with ba' | Heail. Hicks 'opened | Bible. many "rele "wi _ ot nine beni and weak vie : # Peco To CONTRACTORS. Feces aes seh Ist J n Roberts, = Ensign SOULE: Beane Yo 4 CODEN Mam ----ENBIAN TROIS 0% THEE ones. So) ee ge tat fl x age : cs yo) oi go that Idington's shou! i iartets, 30 FaRet attrac old wan with tie father's ereparations or the parsed fact which, seyeral wi ct a g F 2 E Qa FePr 3-} e berks. Irbarb, ¢ shh tt mae and J Pomigtoes rij JH Rae ion, faerie itt J P tor rs 1 E 2 an 4: ir | q = a me Contractors. i : i i F i o! K Fy e Troder fo emp my this office until Bots tY os the oh vias E - 5 T ! re] Sinton ol ater: tl ines 3 i SEES sEPtEs i Fe Hi ne i "Bleeee } F i ty & x5 oi s ul But j --_----_-- § i He Hil B ¥ i startet F 3 | 7H | _ igs rf Ey ijt ite " RES | fLei Sj Ei President, is. 2 gerbes * ; 3 xcitement whith pave ee id 3 Hing ax pda as vata, x E EXECUTION, = ; The ae persons present: when' te : death warzant Wits rend maing dod place . floral offering be rr E the voli, {35 <a. mm. z '. since was in de ool Guitesu 'made = H ae him hia whdew to" shine' 'for the of: | fast Giz, Dinuge was brought and he ate: | with minch relished be dinner 'consi eh viled steak, | fried 4 * potiat $ quart uf "8 "ay i which very Aittle wax he came ont of thi on is "anid the prisoner left; twotion SB sage strain De. ; } dpa: i, New You, and Frunely Lor- Vashington, who served 'ax ee: pe rie ate the trial, ce naxaxs DOWN, § Slory ee 12 age paruge te rine ; Ho | 11.50) the He ase sf praca 8 to the Re st wih ed ce 'awing + formed on vant off to Go to! he (Ppgsi- jand 'ronaten t ik +: the pristner eigaged toa i | Io.of tunskete ot en ; (floor of the rotunda, : ment Guiles appeared fo oh ihorboghd ; ewotion, He -wept i mish, upon one xe, A lope Hine of splctators 2 facing them ot the o . ATIC PROCESSIC moved qulokly & to the =~ mn (uit ance came the with as iia ne o setae ak toatl ere WAN assiate a by two oillcers, 'ON THE écarroiyy ers Gauiteat iz of There. WAS A might 'ielay ; while the 250 or fnore spectators were «2 ror E REV. MK, HICKS PHAYED,: - 3 paths: out of the depths we ory ton 'el Thee, Heir Thon 'our sipplicationa for. = the sake of Jesus-Christ, the Saviour, who made full propitiation for us, Be. © # ~_ an Thy servant ; we bambly. ' i} sheds moment of bin light- descend bpon kins ; a hie sora), fromthe, prison. absolved iy, thr igteat 7 "Hoot gti, De sgn u 1 haye mercy o: on hs; Latah, af Gol tthew, trom tho . 28th ie re Ast -verae inclusive." Ho bsicid Guitean read, nein pt hibited slight nervousness and-mgyed |. / several limes from one i etd, besides War-. i" cou of "toast, and a ve arrived. * feat an- ewhat a moment, bat'. nc sesS 4 7 tones from the cate foot to ithe. 7 a uys pyINe Pnaven. He soon." recovered » hi composure and mid, "I am now going to read' to "4 you my last d jee in He thea e Pred ina Jou distinst and Hy deliberite ae the 'following :--- ss My dying prayer on the gallows Father » 0 to Thi Saviovri Thowgzivest me to do, a too happy to go Thee. Tho world does net yet ur 4 i but Thou knowest it. "Thou knowest r. Thou didst' Garfield's removal, 7 -| and that i q