Me. Athert Spdnos-Staithiet 3 i. hk abe caraeiei to enjoy a. tee xaneths re tb gro etoet Aa eatee Gait, tine ve t Biatnd F fee ron ree « ohiel Bt. | Eo left Stratford _ yesterday morning | "Wednesday, July 12, 1882. ear BOTLER SDsToE aN MASAGER iv sath r * sopepted by the Grand Trunk, and a grand openmg es- © i bn aiterwanis,~in the oi apts wide re prot ae ip od parka djnt renter ives of this app vanity he ening iomwatvesior & time on Cal- vino nip, pues a ray Center, Mich seca une a bie' wah wi Sema asin Ontario, the ccm tiene cpanel saither labor nor expense mk? " pom by : Pater \ Bethe 1, Fullatton. S3u: Jen: Seg je Ks err Blete's Maritinne Minsonary Tour Willian He ast y. rN sete + Hac, J. Gea at roms. Unrry senare 1 Jamon igre ert terse | | ar ae ti oy ah © Tae vk her ra ahd ee th cle mpegs poution. I ing floated 7 doug ~ chose ore, a tage, ated hi Ww Hradley wor feqaalh 4, Clare Muck- Sane ir; 'i 7 ath. _ Pus ey "it take bares 4 athe Tossiing bed 'anny Metis: i. qual). 1. "\deazes Mamty 2A & Mr, Bite £ lem meaioni ol the t € mitaria Pale Works the o of give cones ae! the music with- Kant sein in'the ercwdi i i t } Lioarmeon.t | 4a of ig own mn the } tein your lost band pry en the pend phout 2 o'clock,, ow po Penrsons tovk the try out the pro- JY arrange ta ont o large coh wie hil iren sang several ae: tual jerry Fave Pie Try re tel to ttle tie ful a ise tinned afternoan 4 wrveral homes tw candisia ties nination na the St. Marys the oumber of 20. The pe the rh Lai sine mrt Mary mnt; F Beate tapives, 1, Fu Atchivon. 11, East Nis- 10, Weat Nissouri, n Kh Pet veer , HIGH SCHOOL. f the pupils, NOOesA «. hold July Stab ba, Irwin, a Macklin, a Patterson, * "alker. Annie. biduies Loyd Bobarts, May: rm An 1 ang) Footer Dolan, Peter Idington, Je ennedy. 'Jounin' Mar. James ith, nite Cale, . Polly 'Oud, Maal ge eeg Mary ~ Sohetey, wv in each subject ;- Latin ae J Wits ttt Ne 24,6 ahs 5, James TI Ryh ec Pa Nellie te Laing; ra "Tdingtons 1 a i, a, Polly Gold: 23. a. ington, Heter » Jasies og Sr Da Jane sD Tbicr Waly ; Win. Bralley ; IG: Srajth, mi | et ody | the dimas striking thy Seiote and sink: | jing ber in three migutes. The, scenes | k ton thi Sciota were heartrending, aed | ) the life steugele fearful, The Low i im + We bad stiabtls (Banbled, wad went? which meer pian =a ing Chose on re Seivta, This to 04 pew ght . and a deat many lives j we réxaved for thix reason, | 1. ix + 7A bar Beare lep phe } teliefed that tar 'frst t report sai Siar *t) sevemited and the Jou of tile vill | ae i ak exered twenty, +, ets and 'tora moaned ""y Enis, 'eopnty ee te ig Visible. pabestanag Let t infornmtion 4% Besaber af whew Leoubtained, PARTICULA tN OF THY acchine. i whi A Meeieviver weve ithe Seite wie } § viored by Be don wn fer a Fett trea taf steam miding both boats took the sane sides as sh iepilecl aie ry the Wight / AN iS PH ube Junction, Ohio, July 5. n pe ay nonlerers of Lord | is impossible to iancertalst the numbe P. Cavendish and Me. Broke were postaid taf lites lost in the steamboat Sisaetee day: = iy a # tag eis apa F Thvinay' s6a Dan ny. Reine (ual xakipen, eee ale drowned from the The i The Bret oan ae cut of the water: wes , alalineats Charles McCloy. ~ The. wt be Sciota on the prada se mache and ore tthe pearly © ° Frevet di apent at telogcay ed tin Prench ene Fd aie yee es moment. SPENT OO TY LINe Pik TEONDER MAN ME pT. ths complete stoppage of the work on the fort: ea ea ek "Notices erate. oalng the feserves have been Taritieh heap ymin tonete lave arrived at Mad- The "Bhediye, hae dectingd the offer a ton & -- it at Lind mere cals plied Sethes | They thei help ati and eke * | a ging. Men, tomen, and children w pared peakons neh 4 indge: e dh oy and thé ear 'toured Fotuare % temdon, isuty 1 at Standard's ar despatch lim See eprering at Aral 'and Bombay ar- of pedple are' the wreck of the Sciota, seme in seanch | hou te libenaily of mining hepa es others dram euri! | Ve side the place of thi 'rhe Stratford schods excursion will be to r al i i He many. ea were probably drowned. Captay 3 of the Sojuta, is near i ef wt the lows of his con sd obenumbed with cold fr senreh in the watery cabinfor the body xing. re oo: ' > Tig Seiota was entitled by ber Ii- cense to carry seventy-five people ; as 4 % Fé PE rary 2 of finding many in the wreck are Hl || j % i & Pee ta til z iH u i ws eon f fret from the bow, and madi: jalarge hole through whieh the bull i, i he = 5 rapidly and sank' at now lying on the byitom of the ret | | civerbwith water two foet deep im the [eebids tS aes y iss steaiptant fuginger of aid ; "We ® starts i ® along the river, Lut the captain said we | 'had ¢nough on board, and refused to | any more p nage saten at Seubenville, | . Wh : an her child were | tones of the "eng and when the t | notin of it re sapped ont. on ao it for renee when I saw the Lowas ! att me TJowish Wonknguien Porssc uted | | sony und then seeing tae boat was fast | tf regi bem Uaios mivoba. king, the engineer and I threw u Winnipes. nly t- On Sunday wadenisiy. w | | skiff Into the river, and then I ran i number 0} "ie avebing | skiff) wan xv full cof panic stricken | knew it wonid sink. I jnmpe | peop pes | inte the river and struck ont for the | |W ent tginia shore, In looking | tof two dig wut rails, het Spon laroamd meas 1 swe, I naw 8 sight may anal bal "i a/ that fairly took the life out of mr. The I Bisginw, and so vie ib piteousdy Yor help, and. some cl wa scarey twin, we the cr a mt bes» cosr Ferree 3 bak lave 5 ay 34 to Sirk: tte don ae pr bag ae ae ttre mee . S'S way tetent Sead shy ty the w =f ib ee 'a i - oct ' ot yy iva renee y Saeteases RS ahs + Geechan: smb tine 'ee the Gover omnes titeed | me 7 . Pe is resulted solely from ee beat creme ou The Scieta wehiiatea for | | Woes ot shoe ft Gtven pelt t.¢ channel, but owing to a witinder "dee a } anon A tha: nie mendinant war dan br tad fe 38 fare al tee the Ayan bake: ni, Laat eh ey ae a DOs fey? ey 'ew Ovex. i) ined fame ts cas = att " arial ath anes have e} cof | herved imo that F | i tt Lapa sabe ahiael Ot Weis rt at of: '. on ran like wibit thea it ond fo restevin Low! ay. faget othe Re r mani past ma, © ts dwar vetio are hight thon Mr et er . 2 MM 'The B00, yhsre So seer the r an ses Butdyw a, itare 'iteay thle rage te * pre r ' Hligcion of ite ir | presen HONS aperi death. nbo a py a * en and Co ) Ob board ir haw bung had ry on rare wie later, for be sontht by stoms. However, the a wad (armed far tie, Stalk sud ah Bg Soar romped oss Fire on Shspboar as A CANTayS WINS Tire Aen na rriurd 'os per should have been sugntinn. ed tole reef rong, avid ax I struck out with | Lamhe eres? e oeae ah 8 all 'ay might T Bon got out of sight of he growd i in the -w 5 oa gb puch sd herr me, who to reve b mer safely with a little Ep from) we. We swam about a mile together, and whed' we -- shore it wan ulzgext dmpomsible for any of ua to stand tap. As to bow many eee ost 1 con form med the he a | accident, or who is to blaa ; NY LIVES LOST, Several skitfa i out from shere, per Teeth ing a la 0 2 gers. women oe rescued « after! reaching The istant- © Leen Jost, as the lower detks were od, and the bout sank instantly. i f ifman says that from what 4 parties who landed told him there were from 650 to 700 en the t oF er | -- that from 500 to 550 were man and worn passed fi Ferra « hundred yards of Bis house | ou ein Southern tart of the | | fre -- was holding her up. i Her Lomas succeeded in | over "400 Of the Sciota's passengers, makitizy several trips, and cpetbenieg: it a j thie work along as any could be foun: HODIES KECOVERED, Twelve ee bodies have boon ii covered | The Seer oe: other bodies is still being vigorously prosecutod, When | y | the boat ix raised it is believed wun ®- | bodies will be found. The joarts the Stiota was abont ally divided AP TER SCENE OF THE DrkasTEe. Staibenville, O., July 5.--- Hundreds attracted to the scene of | by water the should be detained fi sinks | Cb m4 it | ea' hor dry agin, the uy er 2 they foul ready to "feerkra mandihe pluak of a to make hight of so 6 Wil forget soon as ue o add raig & steamer in which | | the voyage wae acon: » Upiel In | Ee terruption. -; en Eine a Elora. July t.-- Abies cmmt of t Nerth Welluyton was. bare wy Tuceday, the wth ith fest. ay | laresers + Vall wheat, dates were present; and Mn Bodie NE be =f bain, ds, "S10 t a ba HN tutlariv n f « Heceen weata. act bs se Se "siti a dacoh for Mr Mural, M make oct: Be a was yn lida aut bei abe ree wax = oT abies wry « tive npn, | faflowed by Ms "Plarabe foek neeind Sos: 'the | |e de was bound hy the dso toting. wf | # shetate, and teat he b at pape & yond it. Mer. He osity. One body beon recovered hes "stract ss Bowed Obie wide, twe ies WOE | cosas y tier jad rmopr Tiel "tat tertain | wa boys were picked up on the Virginia a though net je who swam a gee and balf below i hes yas hey oe ¥ ! tha t deaths will 'probably exceod fifty. are more than this number asix- hope tbat the of lives jost will fall short of one biandred, eo: aoe A lige controversy is going on wa telligen se hi thy in it cont sw fallowing is the only al tide that Mr. ve ee and cha fag tone couied iambalned, eareares Late on cere owns and farmer's sons tere: entitled te vest, al we speak, by the Prag rhe irreyularities age of pac a vholesale Le. Cer tay be em find rt Mn wend po to be' the | lee tit reducw nh serity tity. pee a. clare: in rela rum) Mr. waiieny Manb, ghey' giving ith The arguments w ti er of the igrerularities that the j "i Ms. Me. lington was « today cere Pesto oe a: Kista ine being See Houtow Pita. tact (ah, Haier m = far Tiare sane ue ywilleugsty of. "Brainp Lic Sappestie: that no. later fgotban iin: ve -- H G a a | Bieaw, oy pet ie Sc ra i tom ren -epikee ed | Gownes