"pat he eae he tosh alate 16 tte i any wait for him behind the icccn ile Ast the: ng Fone bind in 2 ould rh Aube fol aereany nae sohastionshat he'd never $ bet And ans inrition his being to ite wimost Kt pe deerasiericst knows how to be iculogs graceta' ally. yaician says aleohol hax cya i than vellow fever. We 5 diene arty we vast and Siemie a IH, «dot sas eared 'He of Hum- NS sane Serenade her with the twang |. - Here waiter, Q *"t Pratl ot late ; | put in my wine. =e like my swine prevept From the tren. of disappointment te has eaten tered." Waiter---Gh, then, vir, you nd hevgegen that he will never never wont want any! i pat pleaty in , = Lies ws hie A ~y on ing itte y | of Where ¢ 7 & ou" om | a) La ihe 3 Down ii a tain, when they) w aa tet yr Ha 00 pas -- [promt inthingfor 8 man, they 'Shih f. and are plenty in the frst bigs? lenough to nil a pint betas "atiea 'wth | 5 Seortumataly wabury was Chai 'of the | water ten tsianl on & dark 5 week cy pe) Fain prone A and resided it some- i encarta astra" H Western jadge bas dec ie eine in the Reatigouche. Whether Than to get « Littie nigher, } 4 te respoeell ic. for what overfished, or tha Joa bid fosart beat high and Wig | No wonder the young. ment of te civiliaation, with iia saw-rallle, ad Fe tert et end ehyer | tate about astiming the reaponaibilites of salinon yeluse to the rivur, it seems When be didled up close by h married life | | quite certain thist will be less salmon As he shoo 1 + Steareh " That," edntinwed Mrs F; | this year var than jin T91. The first salmon Then he ventured to inquire | + chere ia reaaon in af things, you know." wie ever came to New York from this riv- moet If tier pistet, J : € th thi were sent in 1976, with the opening of mihver aod Wey wi | "Excepting, of eeme, most of the isan the Interoolen ilromd, ua the fish by te ted a large i Aind hee other and Wey | you say." sepliod Fogg, Ube. hars-hearted | the inter a Ubtrtyeaie | ee eeeiay. _ aartcey ed Yinw era. ative, © | And, feomt poate = boy her. need dmg ' 7 by the- Government. " telly F Au though be woald Uke eo bey har. icle in an exchange fs called A i , Queen Victoria isl i & rope nh) & is low. iieatiataers | Woman Ales NUL" Tavatinte fema le ! a fiching the Hestigouche, the salmon, y which b in a ered la imtled' i, Rarwaed "emrpcy | wenabe not ten thoumand Or ao suffice eS she sHna- | ion. it, bought by ber from ito « heap, numbers nm 5 Par aid aaa set, agin sy od | may be alter uty pat it is hgrdiy ¥ aha tn tied a is ier sede a Fries ets net 'the residence of the young | With as or. gall jugt thrust into the 'Sa Bee ve vet | that she will « om understood Al. we study the habita of the | Duke of Albany, has only been lent pe 'se ey arc topes onto ? 4 Chi priersine wage that tan less bie = te eon has come wp from the | The Qu her own suite we inamen hose re | call some there, which are bent cone i up, | With two strokes of : nives | colar set well and he ak hia hair to is doing his best fd hs | poy ae nes: Off the heads aad tadent the all ht he preac: sid yet lo | pout high up Whe river for r - of | The ckeoper di 1 Ly der 'Another' at: and they are disem- will 'athe o pe agen! a - eongtega- | reproduction; | Breasting « by! rixer, | also in her employ, and are pair Towelied, aad:thevwn inten tenkaet trad ting for thiy v | bonne, np the falls, his existence has) when Queen Margherita of italy visited ; by 5 Stee are xtract eng a beter written by an actor | been one of toil. In thequiet reaches | t4¢ Homan Academy thie sumer the then hauled ut, sialed scrubbed ; then lteacritic: " My dear felign, BY euccess ~ even By. leisurely, bet bere he rare- artists presented hg 'Nock {in evening | into otyer tank on wheels, = Eps ob met f ye dress, and wore their decloratio: 1 4 ; d rundown yng before any other stare are | Ua etter io reply arr dear felon, a are the wonderful devices of the | Randolph Rogers, the American nculp perm of kn "aaa S feroluiion jand the i the. twilight, it lex like . rans angler, jand mary he in the aoe was the only exception. He had neltber Bah is cyt into ha ' : e tith of medal " ' eg safe Can ven, ea me the names of the rail- | secs almost-aiiraculous that Tach n slender secs in hie Wattonbole, with gortrd What tirststrikes one is hey the fish Tne, | BEEK. ~") road Times Tex asked an Austin rid should evpr gain the mastery, for the tient homage ty itch | °° ra wong. eres Listy "th bes e turis ete Cape lack dim by con ith | teacher of a epepale whe "se the non of Dy mou ia a iletermined fighter, and the pleased, ioe i ph ny gr aad my : iliter. ** une," was the re "On t of all feb. Th is i eas Nil t ly wih rn vipber Sas doen your tater weasel when i Geen tally tipped over the pool, there 'ia 7 P| | The statement that Mime. Miiwcu u intend? th ear weighing 6 pound -- tak ne ét more bri tlie Thies who from bere to How "Oo gic, a , antl the sirike, Pan igh er to i : perl it is civengh the eh suminer even follows, Thed comes ¢ mad according to ane ae jon Trek, a inet lie! Neda hare fast mt ae "se inga wil ace it increase ontal, like a miuia- A Texas man was marriodt white dying, | The reel wh as the long and de ticate | her American © proposes jo live a 4 y just com: aber if ! him, | amenty in te sila sopen fo near | Water. Next, the pieces pat io tureean, & ahitows fehind the ob jand the ie han {cchaie, alter a len bat strongest. of all lincs in given pee iy 5 le thnk of slight brine for a faw' dst _ jects upon whic it ahined, This eplendid idinetisaian, have deciduc Ithoujh iis | The salmon rarely aulke, though he may try | Londen, Mme. ve \ithis sesov y sheng abich might fut tinkler is the planet Venus; and it) widow mun sar full seeiie for thirteen | and find ny refuge ander the bowlders. At | sontisoen ty listed by "pale rime and | adlber when the Gah 4 codiey e.' boae ' v8 eof the Twin Sister of | days, etiquette, under the cireginatances, , last he tires, then it 4 urge him te | purchases of be yuses ard dale in Amor | i iy Dogs Reggie ancinan gehetp i arth will permit her to have clocks on her stock- % hight A and by the disaat spequiations | Waggon working ys > the Bar Pe 1, but sb tall an yecmasagots |! ins' ute the main buikling, a vast shed. We ' Therw ete indeeal many poi ata a resem / ings. Fr fish lose | of ue sly singe ut a < a in fp ae | ne Tvenches, piles fr wlohe we "lc e an ' a Llapice betwoer od qpobs ra br ghee pred "Mercy | how the wind blows {" ex- iy ae oe 2 Rr Saree OMNES ot cans empty aml fall, fish everywhere. beautiful ster. They age both of ne y aimed Sire. Fend: * Did you ever aati oh Lambart of Beau Farke, lreldol, one | Cianamen and ea mes ack vane sian, Venus lieing only about di itd abe blow *" ask- age ae ee | ot ahead rein maid of honor tol i the tins. he than the ear nd when it di atixel in bis stlver gides, rot i a rie v bilan gregyane {p Giese: tha' She conlerrptnons ly. 'Very Jed . Queen Victoria, has had nine daughters, of } Phere are the « , with a, ch Prrinkting THE RRAMONS ON SENT and some people mal {whom eight survive, Lord Alfred laget, | ofsalt at the bettien of cagh ; pieces of Peon! culture in the Beats ouch loge dew be like blowin in, Mithout ever be Clerk Marshal to the Qacen, haa oight af tis of the exact lengta crammed i helieyed -w be very ge been attemptel, and at Metape. bee ta Tier Wa fuce het invlinatiop to the ria of her yy able ta raise the wi a princiat Smtehing-nouse iy ay danghtera, al unmarried. into theme ; thet ia dand now is to vn covalent that of the eurth. 'i siglo "Me wisi the tho river Will continue to be the tll (| prevalent fealing in England to-day in wohler thet down and co rat} the: \ wan rn " , sieges ; doctor, @ I'm 'wretch webed, and ~ mniser- | the salmon angler will, of coarse, depend on | awe tee eile, shows her!) My me ea x oon the shot saiten able. 'What's the matter Why, I pre- | the fish. Je fhe provinces, saimon: rivers | terpathy as Leal she 'ewe ean ab ois ve beste aml sat te pleols, Bow 0 dicted that Gallagher voulda't live anyway, | are carefully preserved, and the ti | : onor J = i bore es Sue be in well. Sata gouche particelarly sw. [tan therefore «if- aeiveratal bat maids of bh Farely | will witness the firocess of haven't that ant | ficult toaecount for the searcity of salmon | MAKESG THE CANA, ,) The Marquis of Conyagham, who died 1G cat to rab, bot the re'e my rapatatton:| | we phe : oe tee yeant my ait we Canes sor lately, was grandson of the ook Mar gery jones, | which are man at every cannery :* bitte P telo blvancs any id the senate carecr ne scandals o' oat of sheet tin: & i from England, iauce ave iPad ra aly ec eee fe ban ° | that these tivere would not be regen ul who ja mg olten altnaet A in ond , k tin fam Migs the ee j der McGinnis, one of our Avetin aratocrata. uture, i teular phennmona fore sieht sme we Mia nA piedlediees bees of a aes 'sede a white 'Whi h 1 is th LY" re lied Ale. | ¥hich govern: tish are so anyut le wader | of a former lord Harringtou by Mis Foote, j are a number of Chinamen unk hat in the workl iv that repliod Ble nd t anadromous fs ing | @ beautiful actrens. The Regent's chere ami || forex 'are machines ll sorts (Ginnia It' ay pion pn erable t found i rtain locality, are inte | Sarre oly was daughter of eelf-mmele | for labor sua i the meni are spaly aa rt] f i \ telly hae | W rhaner: ort fad a anything that's, lost rye | diminished Wp overt vertishing, and this, accor millionaire. She give a great cpl shag, ele ai etary beget mote into she anilunbtediy has | bs ' mL iid Me Mil ing t tothe opituen of the Canadian tish com. | her only Trother | t abouta roillion sterlin, ape, dere outside, th ing pe touds and ier Prirtare ture it bo own he *" * ra, has too often to her second son, who made Lonl'| chance of metallic substance gutting In fact | ton lure book ? What reward 1 he | |i deaborou; inside, be bottume and lids are stam a out ri ie offering lor ite return | "t tio mote beautiful tixh in the | Lom gh. 4 th tere 1, and then ted ug im hink "tro th ths ancopiie 3 woeld i than the Selmo solar of thisriver, | Ew ry oat e Queen de putes a Hig bh | ame e Boda inch xe! ba iy pea Pp aay any ts me poses ve - 2 ooo tor ite peculiar elegance of shape, beauty | ues oner, lea fa Se ch nobleman, | 4 #tore! . ny t ae, or : brightness, that rid "atomonphee | ebpanagpi Prehistoric Romatas. at color, 'and gamy qualitic _ car, | to wvelde at the Ccneral Ansembly of the A* they are retired « guunbee '4 - {loudy than ours, for the upper surtaces of In the just about this date, a Hemen | | Church of Scotland. This year the Com. | ftames or trays are enc b containing florid retlect hight a ela weet ne mi igh pried baicer same H = ving member of the ag re "Saitnon Clady, versie wan the yo &; burl of rdven, | foar dozen, bay qotente of 8 ¢ board u oe u oan Fe drain in t ee i pre nal a oe BP S| took, in @ f set shone ve ealinon, aaiad ef the rime Minister Earl, and | i just Laren alta . * | "9 . pan Praoes pared the S ey ' ". Aat al which woald average twenty ace pounds | rother of the g carl wno drow: through whe grey there tilted, he P me de f . hie ical picid nails wh cach.-- Harper's Weekly - a the name of Onbo: ting as | two in eac ee nay ied nf tak: naa! of prekis urbe . roared ever mt plc ws _ Pi _ . : e | lids put ent he teage ex and ts A oearthe astnall distance below the . High Commissioner takes up his at | ep toe machin are putinto al tin the whole ani | nea vv, unler a stratum of ashes and chaz FOOTLIGHT FLASHES. hie doe cep itality the vai ion: . #y drop-into vorme:tuco orbs exivt which are ao atrikingly , « pack and-ehevel laid hare one of =-- | ian been on an anusaally 'splendid and pro- | & revolving wheel, paar | preapes the lids imblag to each other Hines iuumense urus in tetra eott ve urn General fuse seule. tightly ta the can, en fup i ose NNO Sie on contact with the a taplay ing Marrott bu ae ter Baareopie grooved bed with their lower .o¢ op THE Gerst mae ™ tisnle anes atraueynary coller ilies nat bronse es pal ' ; ' cording tc Labouchere of A Truth, the st of molten salder. hey are cool by ong of the most uypteresting anol prossling | olipecta ail care ached, nr we te | Gy or at or we Fees pe ab0R8 date Under Secretary Bourke dbl much to) the time they have reached the bettor!, and ya astronomy. The erplenon that Venue | ox upy the | ouaule animunt of spac sie rourt his fate, He was in constant « are packed in the trays again, which are & row ry cbrion! o gent at the bet 2m Mdcw Jamauschek + season will begin in | with his tenantry, and in carrying out hig takeor te the testing vat, and ome tray low 8 f ta have aeet uy white the | Uete views of the relations which onght to exist |) O04 steer another. seas es oy the possibility of -ita exiaten <7 'Rewa any Kye" as expected te run | between him and them, he, with more The foreman statin by the adda of the vat ' ~ ear or more ny Londen pluck than wisdom, served uote as the trays disap onter the boiling wate ejectment » them himself. In ad. i. Melhte ot Thelyte rots hae een engaged by | } 7 er; the least te on the of & can wots Cte for next x tothis, be insisted upon atten ng shows that i iota » and itis immo } t y takes out anid --_- on one ; * fe iw: Baek More trays, after the soundness Ri 2 stn, ' oe thu ily a ot mee! etal oor Ga Bar WET Bb Cw mt that inter, a sd came by one aba pal alleys a } alyectsy the weyhtex. | entitled "Strictly Nusivess," for C.K | Sub-co nervare instructed to reduc¢ anoehor great vat, where thouaasy de af half. The greater | Bishop, rents, per it "may be conclude! that tha | 57. or purposely brok . | The Jolly Rachelors, with Miss Jeannie Basics ith their as aed ie ROLLED TOURTHKE FOR AX HOUR, He: hal t dod | Winet he i, will t "arnell words, : hat smital bed a4 Angukt pe pe bees his ares oe po in his Mi A ait in iy dag the time when they a precious. Mage Mitch Thi a6 be Fi rosciit are to it. This being done, as the Wass itel re in anew kine her new ito ohne im a hole is cd in may ta ree that either a lines or j Play -- wal b rican «ra- King, "Willies .. conpeived tke to bk 4 his id soldered ¥ | the atuck of a henaewnith of the first it winking # inagniticent royal edition Pr os so bad been unearthed The works Frederick the Great. his wap | *¢ once. Bat the in abe * teat. of old bron ze, belonging to za , = ¥ y Lee "ihiy il the i rt Meiinines SF not intended for public circulation, but war yet The trays are piled on ne ere they ' i be ios, hued, withowt sloabé, heen a srurginy recived hy the dwellers to be keptas a gift for princes, amb = oe tos ice © -- eno eo neig sorhon ol hy nome in" do anid other whom the King delighted | #° _e at tal was porhaya | Rewer Aing Leur ston ith} to honor. Adolf M seivent the edu. | #Fe then brought out, le At to coh Iaoyuaro uw the petst « af feomaliicn the whole, when, | 9 bh Co. genet thea much ot hy tixsion for ite ilhaw ; it wan poversitie nabiny -- jed, abd we ed i by an ine | the Feghah critica, brought! in sumptuous form 'in thirty brace A a4 t ay ed it New bth Leterme d te huey the mise inhis | Mime. Theo, the famouy French opera | folic volumes Little has « sprites al inguetry alg thas kept ince With the ashes | pouthe singer will spear at the Casing, | this work daring all those 1 + I Bat bet y Ce : rover, he |X ¥ Pyar be ns : bas given permission = se tere in ge Tact operation. A foreman > bat the o Herr | , the -kuown art meus power cath. or that of thane | iene po eh bes camper a new pee publisher af Rerlin, to Prin a Nenited with a littl hammer ; Venas atasmepherd terows afpend the pla t ret, | An American T. } dition of th ork it need form, but | i: 4* tt wer is trained ear « tect any "hep itis betwee sil carte and the sun which | Dahey. otud said to i "founded « oo pauslets with all the original illustration» printed | Which is not auite sound, and it is at once vel of "Be Nabe! s ad discarded. Tie tivh iteelf ia uly handled same phenom w notices " to vhow | BOWE « we Nal roms the preserve: the royal mache i: pa Mie y - a a te werable | Anna Di phenson i ie 'aaidd ts beta love--and collect , htice from the moment i wes the bow Tratio ms oft it inmedera vitses, | 2000 y: mpotent | with a marpied man, too. If na sd re in: ssh tga but the can + ager ea ar valeery imp nine ap thors gree in declaring tt : vth it out a new varsiow of * Hasn' ve th is her a most simply Re fis iLmudt be rogernte ati fs " is cs D thie "Gnd" 2 wh ee presented to the public. eae Attacked by Twe cary, cleanly, ae expeditions process, tel not vay olten r empioy ries searches PHOPERSIOS AL ASTRON 38 hoes, to have one de letter, The orci " wun'e disk Ht. similar phsety ware oe been dsb at fering {he tan it will be offered ¢ . VMEAT BRIsaxcy Gr yRNTs "venibess it ivexacodiangly ditlhhonlt to eens ber the t telencope. { atipearaace with ak it. J sears spots see upon her Saas j some have 'seen, or ~t he mourithins, thers eyually skitful havé denied that-any spats vst lity ee ot mumic. wities tes over & Rothschild Hotress One Sunday evening, Paria. Piper. the alguien of the n a Hetheckil and M. Lam- :; | The "noted in the Avenue M farigny, i with sind persons, recently, aaye 2 the tharriage | wlazating | 6 lvits, displaying ed Ri Vlecdon tour in thé States and Cana: Li the -hsiaet hanage be: «Preah, tea American" erewer ot golly pgeaie the Ely- power nen bores cout a m the tables 7 dianwnds, the fires of the pearls, The Pac a ta, abe revel enters into oie. Sty the pe bros bey je we a oung gir ae Soune vex it, Hig bry eer the of Numan 7 1 trath. again, Lask, "Is it easy for athg Wa believe in dieia for een me ictelet res ni wame care tte te t is said that M. als, ¥ wees with Fra fa, ppear at pawaiag first, on the opening of Maura Don. who helped to sake mt a sue on hey, "A Dengheee 4 af the Les id 'aie ch will 1 ro- oN. he tandand in al . = te will an 7 ley tC mpl sent ** Fairfax" to Kaiser) Wilhelm's Brey ag cotta wi play, Silperia," im aa! strong. one, ane a al 'tevagt eat out fy the and at deshew e on their a») spectacular pi Piecen. dating the mark without "the doubtful aid of Blackbirds. The following pooh wipes anil socchiisg tnemed by would exente a' keeping up all time nois: mnery -aeattet which vbisckinle aes on his 4 portion of the T . has | ne er i t \ oth playing at the Loudon rf ey con- partie jun oa from ng black pe ern plates: am ur, | by, had with some esa fm fluttered from | Mdme. piaion Nilsson has signed a / a tence lato ov branches of a lime | contract with Abbey for a concert | tree, it * 'aa pounci: other ak" mga abet them soatinuoud, jon. ie movements ofmfused the cat very mich we her pen in the trae wee jt t anarl and wiciking out with her nia phenesee an opportunity obearver tried 0 ee gboteaiey: but, from tervening, missilae occurred... interoated were mot of much use, te was obliged ts ithout ceasing, fecha theo defensive . Tone Sa sat "all ine an and ; There will be no preaching in hea a Skerd ; é ios mere a ey ape esy STZ | Clorgymneh there will have a reat, and con: aity yate of the sun's fanily of worlds in be. maisfortans.' "Phe : gtegation¢ also, for that matter. Peete pr lobe Vor nem | Se riers toe ay sag ast | taped aid ede the plarality: in thedelights of their money chests, | that can't be beat. And an bought of works, baring been driven from Ticy love woney, but love not to apend it. | it. He hites carpet beating' and hg wanted 3 soit es ee pera oe 4 4 one that & was ane ; mnberupalted frove the ery. furmnee of the Tose pales tate that all | s<yon Heliowe in the! iF tonibling vapors of Jypited and Saturn, d th i of mnnern?" is the w ra the mys presents, the je in which a bashful young bdalater pat thy fap away ered ae eptune, may yot 7 new cont pou the same 14° of, and the alterations of day. amd f 5 Soles floeraied rach sexe Oren min ert, "ACE os ing asa yonus is hi | plate oF ence gurnlven, who took a = bnew bs yates oud « silver travelli: i W id Ap scum ondnouncomtioneat Boaksipista tp the habeas ech, te sito on extant myn? ue 'all too fe fir' us to express our tumultu- F beerlully otherwhe woald- ont. i trig citizen in a pre on apd.| a) subscription handed him to- | og ward purthasing & new hearse for the place, 'ae thus excused himself: ** 1 $5 fora new 3 rT it eit i bn 3 1 In valuahie thas precept. lees in the boats Ri coms ath e get -- of thin un eget ts in real ~ in th the 20,000 the yet being ower one Baty r the tish is une own and in pro- han ten scan 'lo coal pen. 4 I tent a nm taken at random nie pes 3 Me herr 'tish, anil pba pt jt is. Sip. an nee hese arq all manned who lar a "ey 4 womea pfmbloyed in the canes are ty ars Prt bef ering flor six mon hou week--from Saturday to Son- day night--ia which they ean go up the nver unmolested, From ithe all the ng -- fish whing 'up to spawn in the head waters of the! Fi " reborn. At-times ah are enormous, 1 ain told that the river ners «have n spped by the water Sere Hecke' ap with d not scoff at it kx << monigs FUR SUNDAY CONTEMPLA- PRON, Noise is the music of industry. ghurance never scttles a question. hi shahe elaye dir aide ne eo ty. Pred odes: ag gray hairs, Tepecially « our Ne is desire bolted throagh the sieve of Kk fi waat- Fortune cam take away riches, but not cost some one drerything expefience ie more If you wish to retuove avarice you must hors@ in the jotaan t stable, A man ever weatbthat the devi a no ted hy the ¢ Anirish Judge relates that at t one of the T. a lt "aw Write for Price last = Some Lace Leather, ¥ | Fire Howe, Fire Department Supplies EROY Jr mr cae a ay ot poceeae ae Lae 'Both yoation Ls mercy are almost to the common chara of | Vecerise--When the plood becomes life- jeviator in. 3 Waa lor years 1 with a swollen leg. ipti of mebical « jerman Reme w+ anid tomy great tees Sens ove bottle hiad been exhausted ad myself complet y cured. 'Trusting that St Jacols Uil may meet with the success it di L ch i ating my indorsement of i oe +e Dep The acquisition of an im ble department part of education, am gulpest fk ite expression is of Lit quenge, but gn re are a compound of spirit and form ee * givolran rae puto fe * The first © that oh ae: ait the pts is Thos shat love thy naigh- as thyself." rue © conpints in a aplication of this golden rule in canduct, shen, ™* real kindnen kindly ex ™ courtesy buts and hovela, of our land, and something found et wanting in the parlors of the rich, promptly re WE adn bent reves eure for Piles and Lt: Moc lool Blood Hitter. Cashier, 3 tee pation, ° Parisving, Heyalating wo Tonic in its action. bottles io AGNETIG lethe great Mood Purifier, Vegetine Vegetine hi ah ie a sald ow tet Is recommentiod by physicians and apotheca jata at Bet gnrigr me rims. Pea Piewd tog "of postage. on u ey, by addiresedig Vegeétine in cages of words have as ery Sere to Welater The jectri: they have made them of value to themsal ves, The sal i Stands the Test of Tima Time tries all things, and few are the customs, habits, or inte of life that are bre bees corns found bicricin & Ex ~ edly after remedy for inteotuecd, teated, and Putaam's Painless holds andisturbod | away, . gal rs toll onjand fae iy strength y witn the power that merit alone Take no substitute. [ Pa ial ee Corn or never faila to mek a com Piste care, Sold crervaners: N, Cy Pol n & Co., Propa., Ring» ALP M, ry a fine Lsncoene 'int CJ bore hh ty ce th ui j re at th wer rete eal be rine -- --aerienle ural F eee Prick of hd ha en, grew al timate jared bo att semnod & 'rartacruad otoe ie ON pag wy on, ree ny, allow M ae HR exe fonally for thy painpninay rd ap weretall go | » ANS -s Ppt > Birort, ., : A rueras' Fa fy peat C a Toronto, | Mestten =o Oo ata LAUKAMITIEG anpwac WAGGON- MAK head open stop, in wh. tb garb Sa ae + Ligtewel CORSETS unequatledfor health, mae, eo Has off Two hundred anil fifty eyectment decrees | ae Vv = have beer ined against it tenant | ; tin in Conne li jecreas arp cary { ege e€ red on HH be ty R Joma, tion Electric (oot Relsetric) Oil.---The two | only b on the pper, Linings leak Ue agi ites question, Te popularity ¢ Aiea) bel or: ch as to indece un: lad perse appro- priate all th "epee will allow rs thon ta do. Ihe proprietors of the original Electric Oil- ve nv claim to the words "* Kelectric" or omas," but to the words * Briggs' Electric" they do claim; by right, a« Time Testers and Burden Bearers, : Timber Limits for Sale Cheap. ¥ " b attired ateenh far nls bis Stegm are city atthe B in be, Led Faye med Mil, wow funning, ie facta " tile citrate er rend, chief prutag whee Sew. ee Dwithias se Howson an ero i rare a sth he bot he nthe gral fr blew Cetra] viatio narod rh the ine ofthe Riggston ped i Ontario, and the Midland Raliroate, now bode boy an ord brad Timber Limite in Oso « ion containing a laree quantit it val able pape. Thin offore a rar sity of liv ~~ joe lumber and me: i The facilities for getting to ail oat stip piag lumber are exonile: to a healthy§eond) -Vegetine Retieves tlie rause of dizziness. egetine perp a ta bee best and mort reliable blowd paryier te the ton ae ukuunteteed by all clawse« af pork. PATATE AGENT, Valuator, , Money Loa Vegetine H. R. STEVENS, Toronto, Ont. Vegetine. is Bold by by All Draggists. 6 Lariey's TRENCH BOG MOUSTACHE VIGOR comatene heer to 0 duos. Renico reciting st --, sold an ¢ fer. wooing feed ape in cone bee gromen eater, Y. W SAEE, tet 35, Wemnaw, tee tat the patent nember isi. | JRobertson's Publ j the name Crompwn Cor 2k st et Ca. ot ?) CER each bh pair nf C voralinegoreta Ronses He ae there are base frands Rebernes's the market. U - T a rw NE UR ANDMRS, v Ramat Cont spanget 4 DAY OF FATE--By EP, town | 4 STHANGE DISAP; re ' FAIK HABA putas SIAM FrBsiVa ~ iy HoW In Your saNteor jeomgr-st, AMON D-- It (OUST BOY IN TOWS. deo. '| '| Lyon & Alexander. Twonty-tiens Soak PHOTOGRAPHIC Gods 'Aiea ' coy ; 1 AY iy Mary Jane 'ane: Hol RE THER IOS -- Sirs, Holses, ST To Ht. Fe 4 rAUPER Mace twee 4 4 M/ALbi MeN Pare . oF SD it MARION Vigan ES, PAPER on' Seremkg-bvsaeld Rooks SWANS URY PLATES, ere AN TEMP PaTIO FERKOTYPE: PLA THES at reduced prices | AEE? 1S TRAGEDY 8 a sho AAS oy ] SCOVILL' abr) pry puate ourrrrs | BURGE OF F rf if RV RMLENSI Seek To be sar Sond tar quotat Jona. ae CATIA SEW PREMISES: aD ae L 10, 112, $34 Bay Street. Teronte, @ntaria, STEAM SAW MILL ---- Fal Be AMAI SSAHIE ye 4 Spree HEAL GUN De EI tS zi etre fur to Wan. pola, ice |e Anes la at, Ti igor Ant fied ti eu 'A ht BA AER ag ky ¥ a "eBlectric Het a Instatation (Bath 7 pemytaily if as vous Pata, ae at re ae] reed #745) oste, ext. "hae eres Lame i Liver and odiat ie "licked emt singe inese BELTS, fist Fou as et maape, cost fre ' - ry. wh a on wreday, the bath B.A. 'aie. North-went, Kew | mg 7 Entate = Ticke Ms ne & Credit east Foroat. pcm UTIFY "YOURrHOMES Alte inwees of ronal : hety fer thet Provis a Hh wes. Batnte ig z Riatas ac Champion, Bankers, Large bottles one dollge. oi 4 ' i 5 po, § VW Bp eset KG monn SLGSectin e |» Mori fy " .. _, W" i} ' bined punter [peel Ryder wonderful ipratiac "BRAIR NERVE fo SEYEN cures after all remedies had failed, 1 visi- "fe asure. Drom pt Kifectuyl Remedy fat ted the Lal wi yaclf of fereonsnion ta 1 pyae nt nro Wrak Meng nae sta tite mt fu eg talich ache 1 Pm wid wur hap Veta, whe dtr i er ine ' Pe Windser Ont € r retinal * thee sor ASHORE c war 1 FE Arbitrator, 0, 9 ned on city rm ens <7 Sper al attention givon tr farmers 25 TORONTO ST. | TORONTO. |= = * ay BUT "|sona ' poll PO i' ' b hae MD AE Rae | be secre bald rig conn bizved '| Bi Lew un guy M.A WHAT CAN rl Tet pth awry KP, hen " MG oe sky Sane ; in. Canada ate | SOLD BY ss anon Hens THe NATIONAL MANE fo 10 per Canada Bible Society Ee aatives At which ho presided be had to khown for a moat violent and bre are) Al that the offence | will got the cheapest. ais peal ya vie aid wan proved up to the hilt, and summed up } Toroute aed than be . avid i but the jary | ic Studio, Tis King ste, eat yuitted nan. prisoner was | where you will = Aaracradi artinyy yn grb him wher ees na case of | gall ded and be fully satistiod. vio! salt, as } . haurs prevetited, danirutt removed, bat the jury refused to convict, N: d ing the Judge, on lopking at the jory | Oc, "ut, fromamd aul the hate =e in the box, recognized the same man as one Weoriees Hale' -- . of their number. He iremarced to the | if Roemer ol A rare} in || No person can enjoy health while suffer- the front seat the same that was before me | ig Coostipation of the Rowels. Harsh pur- -- day aa pri vt se . omy - apebbectaale i lo harm. '3 * Bratt trai is," ve fh a clerk. pte atare's own Catherti. tery | WiNNiPEC, M ITOBA. mers at thatassizes hal evident! Latos, strengthens A) AN = all priv ilege of being tried by ee en. Trial bottles 10 conte, "To eifect a pon ert bes or destroyed -- aaa Rope Noth Wiegt Mth Ul peeve i é ext and # t, either fi ot tidiesing." yi tw The Mieke Talks. Pebther or perierg t of exenciae, Gr: Menten anil valuations » Maine ; rregular di i. from aay other ca: be ae BO, charwen, i lamba. Mr Thomas W. MeDugq. | * S0sTiXe will renew i to writin Cl JirBbenen Mal pb Ge Ag acy of) Farm Landsa sre ks extend from 153 to 157 ulate the bowels, = impart a tone at on aphticistion. street, Toronto, monet ir nell ieee ' bps to the whole tod REFERENCES BY PERMISSION nized an r Me 18 2 - any: smffer from nies < tlie. perience with the Groat) Geman Remedy hates of the heart, when the cron = is oly day eee. 3. us announced by him! 'It is very grati- | as irregularity in the citvulation of Hum. Alex. Merri, MEP. Torow fying tw nue to be able ta give a written testi- | Haisia, wake et Bar Blood Sitters 'vill in Maser ay venta: oe nomtal ¢ ineq a eaten Raq.. F oredr e As West. A iL By t iince St ens qin Manke rar Oy tg FOR NOTHING! © You aD Bate epbath DRY 'GOODS cena = ieperr rss of Dry "Al Colors Velveteens $ Black rg Nelvets. - 5c, Silks at 95r. 25. Ten per Cent areolar off al while 30 ie wr, receipt of iex, o ie LINT, 36 6 COLBORN E-ST. ween g oro and Back -- money on atén'dollar at, ag your ticket thereand back . 7 ; BOUGHT 'AT AUCTION be 40c. y 'goods, Gloge at 2 p.m. Satur--- A Allg ola changed ericavh retupwed if meas mei = pe only canines ¥ Rola ung be A. wate pected of oue sellin 0 by direct sree Manuf. : fe in 'any 'oO ernest 9 the vein tn br In rout af ta Wiarkester Cartiar piel shoo w aaetnr Maxasine Spartina ii its } « t ot Lifie iT m ry eee ees to nel yo oe srntieet tetirely sew an ae Wy body w fe rytody ta poi Ce Maaliaki: 4 eveny. ey 'staat ubeoeter of or Trim poe 2 i | CHARLES STAR idchaes Tarmute WILL CURE OF 8 cUEVE _ MLDDSNESS, Bt Pears pd ROPSY, Gj ca. | MEADACHE, |, And every € pleante | jeleorderet wen," OONEYS : BOWELS " AILBUKA & 60., era 'Ayer's Sarsaparilla, _ For Fane the Blood. - pie tera venue: | DR J, 0 ATER Lava Mase t CAMPING » 202- Sparks "Siret, Ottawa Fobling Cap Bede, Cote Chal ae Cheeiptet, he. Wes plow gain 9.0 (atlite in sot Tents Phat has a Pw ny ines Shek EXMIBETED, cheap Se ampr hi mA came (320