Shier 3. Francia Lar, Chas Chas. A. 5 Sale od Landa for Taare--(. 'W, Laverencs. asia an | Stratford Times. = "Wednesday, July 26, 1882, "THE SOUTH PERTH BLEC- TION. "At Ongoode Hall, "Toronto, « petition was filed against the return of -Mr. Jas. Trow ava meter of Perlinnent for Sowth Perth, and the necessary and exercised among the theatre oo- die influences, ------E, _A voter in South' Perth informe a | i># schoolmaster ten days before' the election that he aud two othars will + | vote for Trow if le geta at Vo" (BS. "The school-master replies 1 haven € to 'a bed-room. The party ail jeome down stairs, smiling. The voter repents, and thinks he seer a good clanee to make"Trow ' come down handsomely, aod' writes bim a' letter] denanding -- 00 or. be will expose' the whole | This in what the Police Comt gat cron tolight yesterday. Now, which isthe:meanest man | The voter who was willing to gecept the bribe ¢ The school-master who couveyed the voter to the market in Trow's be room t + tthe Candidate who went to the aforesaid bedroom, with the aforesaid schuol teacher, to " fix" the aforesaid vrouked yoter t Now this will be a pretty Titde ad- dition to the pairty of parity's cate- chia aa South Perth When Mr. Trow creates so much much light in the Police Court, what kind #f « glare_may we -- in the BE: ectlai Court next Se pled Ay there are between $0 pr 70) other charges against ir, Trow, we may expect considerably harder swear- jog by Mr. Trow and his agente than thut witnessed yesterday, neremnrenrdines A FALSE LIGHT a4 sRET Le RECT THR RAC' ea, wer vCRLisn ' The toltowing iv taken from the London Pr Puiiued fearon. ina colamn arcels 1 for, hea steaine jm musnal, if t Bet wat of thr notabl Je comark high lately appeared in its columns, favoring a re tern tothe off forms of poll ent "corruption rey success POrary express sn indigan tian nt the iments 1 ve Dress hy f job must have bees though talid gheagh by any unpretadioes person. What the Steathord organ of the Crit said was tl hin > * We cannot - see Mhat there is anything Mra. Dutton, of tissdinig, © who 0 oped man named ax! CAPRINCEREED se sales A SCHOOL MASTERS hands on the rew race won by Mr Ford by a 't four wi wd Ridix, divalped in the sift Police cant i t c Trow's '5 that during the cieetion Mr. 'Arabi, { to ry still Minister of War, uel suchyhas thb army in hie own hands. | } tesa "Cait, Tantah, and other towns in| was retnoved to gaol. the interior, They bring alarp:i ng re | bos livels renee of fanat- | ports of the doings of the natives of racts icism and murder, -- Here, ernst } -- ) Many Eu ne wore ee is see saci eper Aveceey Ons or Fs Foncatane.-- The inet" | ch Ghee noone tr rket bers of the abc ai wae poi ot ssecdek. Aul are lasited to be present an he a 1 my i young Glenn to Trow i in 4 tavern. | mg man has fai Tend ime of t or if an, pom or oncogenes of land. ks waiter any | Canaul, ww abel th he 4 Po a att or be 'fare not ot give eartting or, ob OU rarest oe Eee be would distuberit him, igre | Acsirily ner ar tat Trow could e 32 6 oodly anadpves pees trom Mitchell end fra. Therdfore, in order to appear before ve infar vee piney tal he tan sere Glens, 'and had the aly vous sage i L Braith, and alr Ww bite of st Mary, due af een the ¥ tases « an aud sent Lag =] mint the woo eit ny Mears e antes into set b lore epild- pemiresd bey hewgyl f about our political mornlity Is not that plain enntigh? Is there any donBt as to which didets mtant? Reference of low ig opt = en side. t «ye in other ri ur (Grit) political morality " i 4 aes « hypocritical pretensions," but as nothing & apparently " to be gained by keeping up" such pretensions, they better, be abandoned, and the yy come out in its true colors adopt the motto that corruption i gv bay: a fall wong tion, aeemie iti ne are unforta- i concise expresywon 7 nh o w ' Bnopeas at any "price fir the 'itis atcan be only won by conuption , pee relore det the Grit pasty be corrept." That is the un- beard of doctrine now pronialgntes ted by the hearlirgt Grit « o = the neighboring evunty. The oman fa in su many pije a that it hha | lel ith in the people, as " "Why 4 ot admit at ouce that a uption tome for the Girit kyarty whsepe span aflec- al pen uch igre. Is dat tit? The prea sae it Ne tation of pirity, ne to play & the pole ito not es rend Bertracd fone! a the ctldeen. "Ha gave os f{ other congregations | t _ once Ub violin -- Lee dy * Moi if with Arbi carrying € officer sent back. i ix xelnees ak : for echacr a their yet was all in oa Lary beeper ee Fadl the K ebies | lt ae from Port Said, which that A iral Seymour Was again _ re pipe stlags ica © ithout : kndiing ; _ such step will be stern! bar! be exeeu ar nt MORE FIKES. Three large fires broke out tonta ay; one close to the otd walls and opposite | Fort de Komede dik, another in Quarantin The marines amd pative them, but water was hard to get In the Cotton Market they had to a: up) t onses}on each side t ¥ whole of jthe quarter. There. -- that two at lest = the Ps 'ere caused by incen lari One, inne was caught in thes act "-- throw. | ing a en toree into an adjacent | house. ue was'at once taken off to} the Fort N noel where he will be | tried for the offence. 'ARABS MOVEMENTS ' ave felt rather than seen. Having obtained hia supplie =e has deverted the waters of the Mahmoudieh 'Canal, | into the Lake Mareotia. This contin- and steps, taken to rd against it, filled. It is believed that the orders were Lang 0'j generally acted ue to, brit water fomine ace star ased because of t neendiary, , | drinking, as having been disused for h of time they are in a filthy con- ~-- be wvailable in in case of fred. Man socks to come. What to do we kne water enough for the use of their crews and that of the troops, Another sign of Arabi being on the alert 'and ready fdr mischief i is ageroy in ad ting of the telegraph wi near Kafirel-Dwar. Thore . is) there fore, now no telegraph in communica- tion between itasel-Tin and Suez to obey. {This may result dangerously | to the Cagal opal its interests Arabi's ot. to do is a) secre They a to ela at Ras ; | making any f urtber movement.) But be will not oe, nor will he = his | treat him as such. Admiral Seymour yestenlay' 0 orderes a morg accurate hi : at Kafir-el-Dw It was found to -be very strong, and -- of pagicg an i sid ean re decid ry 4 ill introdace myself-in tog ow wane as ator te PS ibid. lam os --_ an ripe? found within "her Pesca of nthe railwa: The; not, # ho use in road ting hepoodky ta uit Now, I will dent ach you Preval i aid not do and in: Firnst---You wd your ven were yeas hg pak te Some * fr '= which the Free Pree belonge. deference are pilloried ax sho! ing ee of the Beacon's «xystem of =s itty nue eels "es mente Sandag Brag | ceside him wherry in ber hand. when | '* ba: ird a we ied with bot they most publish is al wha the. i. Naw, Sir,'s ros and Mr. -- are te ee is 1882, | will ive Mr. 'Goest the intonnbtien 1 trified with any mare. H You will do well to reply immediataly on reckipt tol this, and remember that' you ei ei St a Me. D. D. Hay has given sw plitos of tw a: i SP reeers ii f leh | 4 A Ey : i i ' i i 3 ti ut i i a, 3 FR | i a # ! jew mele Lc vided wit! t. Of this he himself sie conathnt, use ae the bearer and other parposes. His force is daily receiving , ali -- ) re - 8 5 i 2$ a a Ea = secon has erected fortifications just oppor Abon kir Bay, upon the Fra Gare ' 'anal, extending a ake Mareotis boukir. The canal waters he has in front of his position. Daserters say be iq still endeavouring ta rouse the fanacticism of the Tripolitan and Tani- '. alt thought would be attacked | to-day. A council of war has just bern held by are" moverment rai made ina diferent a THE APPEARANCE OF TME CITY is again becoming ina of a city dese The ------ of a wate et tamine, ble, They a are Susking for the Suez Valley in great nambers It i not of ig S sg = » a6 ¢ 5 2 ta = ry three mete, even if there in Bo pom ing at al and Arabi is dispased ot § just retarned, i He "2 rHe BILE DYKES To BE cer. ituessed will take phyce shia Atigust Teh. Le is : ¢ pomensi mes | have riedered what t they hail. Some | | Redes was taken from "hip | of 'the naetarye -- have' | asumcilt hrm ¥ith 'it is reported that Arabi i ir cut they Nile dykes, ane atest flor r | bu country will be lame) 'Se it, hack second that the a as { Cotton sarki t, and the third near the | aoe tae wai | ers il, troops did nil they could to oxting guiab | wee vehegenn! Hundreds veal - killed by the gans or mass ned, however, that the di an | cease ii the 'uumber, whence the city is supplidd with; water, | gency had been rut -- some tite | Fi Orders bad been given, inn: ediately | | ag many of the ernie and © were | destroyed pa ng thé i the | pr "| tg us in the tang The ea is in-} | Toon 'meres yret tes Many of the old I Roush wait can be utilized at once, but hot fcr * ni ngt dition, and their use by buman 'beings | | would cause disease, They ey pe cleaned out and -- aseful for at | least three w Their contents | of the cisterns also cannot be filled 1 for ow wet The fleet can only condense own wee Vr and Suez, the ns raped being Ti that she Ports will forbid Arabi 'hon \* lon, July 21.--Alarming news Riches i ih to ho struggied violently, whan Al cae ee ¥ pecpiees redlte ik Ette iis alt | the » i i i | £34 ¥ hers, wh tally murilered by them. One respect: ¥ wilt be wn [able mali slonteinen asoene in whi Met Eh Pa., July 1s. --The power of i has beew well tried here. Mrs. pod ee 1 to the ase of Aréarms. | town is swarming with women of . sprayer of faith shall seve dren, Inthe event of an atte ee et | ghildre | by the Arabs or Bedonins the loks ~ j at eer named, | life wohl be fearful, for although the | and behold the salvation of Gol, the affair, walked into the et rendered | guns of the English 'eet comtaand fon | | poe e Arabs. Many awk leaving by erg | ments for the prayer were ti [meant but others arrive from the The « terior. bes there is no sensible de| i ANSIETY FOR THE SUEZ CANAL. wal i Get th the © Another cause of anxiety is the in- j wont se wusen'a honk pe "HF 'eceiin: w there is a big bur nies way security of the Syez canal. Althou gh | { TER MOVE men-of-war are at either end, there r » € | none along the 99 miles of 'he prlver i ere scontvel of Lhe | The floors, crew, and passengers of Seas mameeeaiaet the Peninsular anil Oriental xteamers | | jority of th ate arated. Up pio this timd no ves bee pw directors sty -sele have been stopped, but at any | moment the canal con _ ve bac yee | stock. one ovis theeoed aed wena} pha © wh | unarmed, and pores ede "pillaged | | toward this end, Mr. Nelson . ih . "by the Bedouins from either side of the | tp situation and not a littic cabling to-aad ; " | etna 9 the crews murdered. pax frou nknag "OF rt Said, July or --Fresl earth. | shougb Me Nelson ix master of thes works C have "en thro n up by Egypte | i in as tru : there is a second Geosge Brown growing up and hisx father phic od the uncle to keep his interest infact laws at 'Fort Ganntel, | six miles from |° _a bere. Arabs at Lsinailia ard murder: } tii) «och tine as the son he . ing Come Every European has now a) © Nelson will act with much left Cairo. caution and eee perhaps where Mr oe earl London, . July 22.--It is) exisd the | scar }-Brayors w ure of the and sale ef the ft gl ave mee all the re being po eg em ai, 'and Mus | Brown has his 'There' is a ser ; the anti-Gordon Pe party who ate wilt A GOOb GIAL Wi A? take tat charge of a bex b senna Soh a sattable pers wuirther informatign, apply at, by + 208N a eet q RARE Cee | Omaha Hoe in Statin, FOR SALE. A TWO STOREY te Brick 'Houve, xd: Toots, attached | Coate-1i i irate towive > | SPECIAL RATES AND TERMS, Present i Fait Delivery: before ae toeir unders, ' : BURNHAM. 1am agent for that obd teliable Fire avd bile. jusMrance Uo, 3 The North British and Mercantile, Extablished ae ihecets Fire lopertmrnt at nt Dee, tet, 22,042,877, 1s. 3a, tf etal » will be bo te iene jatar! (earing tire eae Stock, Honsehold Purnitare onli" |. to do $a | ta etike Company Rutes iow, Applies: will command thy brigades, unin Alexandria, July 23. --TwoGermany, | one is at Garde ac ao i if jof Talkah, who were sheltered by a} out? One y ey station master until a train was read apeey Smith, - Mr, Geo, we ti ef}. 'ork, or Mr, ; to # statt, were caught entering the train, r =r ss their heads held over the carriage = | Brown would, 3 om 'and peg throats cut, Another Christ- | paper as he was nearly aeingiente a$ placed on the rails and an | wae ner rien be ana Sais had to. the 'of the Globe, singrun tb and fro over him, ite disembowelled and torn "to --Torento World. pieces. Women were violated and tor. | tared 400 ------ Soldiers participated ip the | c They are Returning: pentien Arabi's new government Mineree ag: n La' Mantreal,' « has ixetted a proclamation, --s that following xatistactory information + every native molesting Chrigtians will" The other day the retarn was appou 70 Fi Eg) I toms men. the Dake of fall into Ime with the. Reform part Ce jonnaught, Generals Alison and Wood | still stronger section ix bent -on his | Where uae meen age i romour yesterday w acdougall Facoeed ; more Ubcithood arbi the peg eee At that @ighty-five Europeans were Mr toe keaho poorest hand in { be shel * ix believed this in a mere | vs stionk} they > jon plo: yiment in thé cot ot in the United States, who Hoag fi ieee St fall. ab Tiritish | Henri. Seventy Canadian fami England is pines up her strength ° their conntry is pot corms oo to deliver a staggering blow, at rebel. / edie aie rg ian lion in Egypt. From east land) from') ~~ ft would be @ mistake to believe tha the beg the units of the ponderous weapon ¢ being hurried to the shores of the | families. They ma och 00 fpiag 4 pee cf the Pharaohs. The Indian | oo earn, Ehcresae me sa 30 Ocean is furrqwed by ploughing steau- | toba, As those families What | ers conveying men "and munitions * of 3 eet see of others oz trom Ne Ba ae 0 Sue i fron Ventern Wy Portsmouth, Gibralar, have a ose ae ace som itoba. jen, jose steppin, stone of England in her route to India| Thue bees ascertained at the | Cushoms rt * th Car i b Fan From stations wath it Strath Stratton, 1; Be! Soke bake imerEten, mane ay be Y se ome and. regiments and u 8, ' cnn and intrenching tools, and swift | #4 from the United Btates, the d capa teh boats, aad all the forceful | bet bein® of Freneh origin. forces. | of Se raga at ' TREATED AS AN ENEMY. jhings that war needs are being rapidly | alt repatriated. 'The. worktuen emj , sanded from one cerning stone to the | Mr. Rolland in bis great paper factary af The Bjitish look on Arabj as an/ other.) In ao days the terrifie blow Jerome will also he Canadians who enemy in'the field, and are prepa " to | will be delivered. ype special knowledge i d other places. oer ~ "To what do we owe the return bic ipne The British Army. righ To that protection xhich create a ni national industry {To that Pte. Su er ot Wolseley | has computed that tection the {yom 198,000 to 150,000 trained | in their own country the work which they falable for acampaign, apart from the 'went ro tel trom ¢ our oF Sox borw 1" pe Bailith itera oo . the ab Aflal volunten, and) the svocnd-clasa reserve. "Trish faire. ontinary calculations of the War Office. With sfisceen eee Sali, aes it =e 3 set F Butt ta force which enters into the & comparatiy ely wmall ar my, England stands i Ve COT tink cyt feted isy wanes Eee depending i _-- moment of danger apon the puitres este Ste tithe, ul that if sixty Periiamen' Mice, and in a sodden eme y the staft luge some! time "wen thrown {nto a panic. eat cag Fowtasees tue ish leon FIRST-CLASS cael v the effective fores has been a and a 0 Egyptia there hasbeen a marked improvement since the Crinia. will: te eee wo nanan, «| epee alas Carey's 8 sett ravi _stratford, jess oa mh ae GDR. G. B. & Iu, E. Division. . OPENING EXCURSION WIARTON: 1 sso TUBSDAY, "ap "187, 1882. Spesia! Train whl ieave Derlam 5.430 nit nahttio, 620; nett Late oy Gah: Volieryten, jarristen, feist, KID, , atrivivg et Alwa Special Ty de ss Stratton fa banat Bustos i icrwel er -chawacie 6 14, 'arriving 61 W 'wiabiner a ee im the SI aiaien 50 PxLUrMORJearing Strettopl © sivas north of Tara, atetaming the train in eave Wiarton atlyp ei unjounip thusallowleg © Five Hours anda Balf 'To enjoy the teigiitn: aod Cael seeney of Coipoy's J. STEPHENSON, | JOM ULCKSON, | Gon Passenger Ape.t. f : he Es Debeiheadumeier: SPECIAL NOTICE. =| AUER LE ROT | CHICAGO. ROOK: ISLAND. _ PACIFIC. RAILWay. =| PDE 'AND © RETURN $55.00 | Revora ictey To yet a h LE ts $88 state of preparation which is equivelent to] or 6 rer In MeKiop, nih th wf Mr ery IVE: Vive DOLLANS ae ee wik re FROM. TORONTO Pra cnt i IPEG AND RETU ar acta! reserve of strength. In this respect oes sees Pees a ot A ogra anes: Keeots pre Rage and mpesith see, ~~ «90-0 ---_-__ Wonderful Maternity. THRE RINE KROME MOTHERS ON THE SAME ofs tonebier, bay AND TACH Mas TWINS z ogas 'on the 11th fast, Med Math: anaiier: New Pork Ife on 'the Lith dost, Mra! Thee ones jer Monarch, o "the Monarch line, sel yes sterday afternoon with @ full ¥ evish refugee | Sctooney-- i, Behooley, of aaugh ere three Kxorwart--In M te mth Wm Kaotweill, of a son, : on the vame Jar Bftern months ago, belong- | Prreesmacp--In wltothe middle class. The ha is of Ung wine of iV these Women are tailors by trade. Two wevks --! a ; y F e. since Bhe tailors, with their wives, and co- "a Mr rent of ™ i the the ------ taway as quickly us, " 4 of twotine healthy girls. Her two sisters were if the act cf congratulatiag the newly- saad ( immosae when they themselves found tht rt Ag i ' u2¢ @elock in the afternoon Rath Jacobsky, ik W27 and a good looking 4 tw le mote girl st boart ithe beat, and Miri ds the oungyst sister, aged 19, roy receiving the Khelive ©" Oa licttations of her husband and brothers-in- FE | iat fest sayotarte ct Yes # were iniated in. 'ere iy At the ts lage; were Joth enol Isaac. r, Fluteal, cal whiclimeans "I should smile. The girls ria tabblo ra per elieeaee but wg of the te hands | of the . who declares, that although Mehl om the 10h, sna, Mra J. FRANCIS Lee, Re Canadian good f° Ajpers re Lina See: 4, s Toren: Ld CHAS. A PENPRASE: . Agent, Mratonk Toronto July Tat, 'tier, nee' the PRNELGN pe Ei eae G GarAle poo BL 0) and fa'! HakiIGu totake plas gt et bail- > * July x90 eee, einai LAND, LOAN, -BR¢