A \ jen a : e nis | a oe . ae Burdo 4 Mei 1 A corres | wa ot i) |e : BLooD Ragiish Commanders = agen : ; . ' Le Garuet \ mew ole, who is protably to aad Lave--lier met : } : tah malitary expedition, Ye torsiten of the Brem--feint- eee pew ITTERS 4 ¥ military -- A * Thirteenth whee Z aera a Nis ropetation - one. wa ae, de. | towers oo nage RELIEVE teat coil ME wering' teeromrvinn 52 | tye of the Corvans are pecslier. | jure Ge case of WILL CURE OR he present day. Ex H ar, | Thole awe herrer of nt Us pectaations Ge aera : Mr. DIZZINESS, u Lae arch, IAS, Vie Bar. against tbe cuter be are sore h t Me. k oLeolimel. He servet in the Bar | tyen 8 corionity, have @ a7 | with astonishment Comms a rebiaoe ~S2, for schih he reselred hounipe orders aR const, who | stories, but we are. re . of wed Mr slags of Batata oars gpm ante Md gling ase re fateona to those around ws, pee pele Whee prorgy "rimes.. / received the Sena ventareus a implica fehyniee or waded, ad fifth lane hate iotivtdeale aero ben OE ele pre eg Bowery sen -- actually ch Legian of He t Fsropesns Cores, wrery ition while they further, fe Tri te te Mell | te ex Mop nd Ge | rey de ae teat re fs le rate age of the Te id he ae ash cbs jenatng op be feat dage of Coa = in /umber or a, the oon stenant colnckel, atte : : Iyposs who ¢ . ." lence ek fot en sarviows in sivene have a a = ig S008 | same pea 'with i + the houses sre sarviv OR BLOGO, ie ve i . . with me gra the vaareb tee vision 64 the, hed river, Canada, in ta ie Seen eintnnaial po gee Apdlpe Lely feign of 52 Bee ges ghey toon T. MILBURN & 60., ism. BE veulbdey was =" Gla on exsogs -- pte ol the re- tke grave, ond mo li a ae and os sod that bas | Look pet tbe arching apple | t acopents of aeely with tbe Lava re} = "the | Polis, pions. "ie the eet | heruias. The women virteears:| ghont Eid pat pomsens been exercised ov we nist believe vale: atharti coast during the rp oor ary aan sig: | digging in evvecal sree bathe om taly story example of vat eeeage f ne lovee nati highs els tou within few years "ra 'cere Ismay bp. the reat with the sof uane lah wees nee bel baried. We niay Ayer's Cr local rank ofmajor "On hi oar £0 | struction of ae ¥ caly z al love and mercy struck, of euch a ing at | behalf t has tn em to eturty the sun-bright ri shore Ww out . ¥ : of art | hervinen whose #ve0 Gf | shout the propriety lens Those whoo duty i that 'eoal, tish king referred to by Alr. Freeman, villy defeated ¢ ct Weng ren | come to light, im which » few Most had | .ci/denial were never written--net fisalag nal yoga, So ition have arrived at the conclusion shadows safe of the! png there ts Phyti ingland Sir Karnes dh nrest of £25,000. - 4 reliefe. Most wel! and memories of those for whose | ons thne iol view. With respect peta hase two-fold object and I should like to nt of ao king All the purposes of a Family thanks \ ed OR. Al the « | crecoly funeral inert the hearts devotion was exercised. And | from a Lape . joo of the Mussel | 5 hind or a fish ors 'aysee really any anthentic sccoc ' ; jrock king: | benefit their istorical heroes and | genin io bag ete eons: aps | emancipa- (Ors See in a bad Hes gal, Hitthe been drowned. CURI the wae me : Woaeley was incorporated with the Gree of these historical A ly . secondly, the now all ther joys having : . Is75 Sir Garket " migna | if many ¥ to become You shall wa Settcel te } to ree 2 p ae 1 have besn | heroines ware grey Nembed ra yd Tt wae the rule Me Ferien beste tea of foe' from the Christiag yoke. It into my lap you'll climb t ied ae rary -- prermimant tf thal ss enahaky forces until | pabhabed in papers banirarte ae prek m tho bave died whaee Papsber yee | end other paler 'Beldiars Fer Egypt. Bt. Nie " a: best thing Lb pleasing a man's meat in her tr wee apps : i | Athena, and freee is |s annos with the pall of human pegiect, gees Sarteliae, for instance, gh eres latina'e in Ashantee war Sir Garnet & Friend in Mend, Rs ti for hia wife to dross up a bare New si onder "bh and pac! a! ? hia re-| . E un, ; island of Cypres wach aweethearts | worth is only . é bo the French raraged Daring the tpreascd. it 3 he in so atrator ¢ joaty's high comenlamoner and:) "T° 6 ter made ach sds Bide aed he es epitaph Ne one whe rey ee = pet fire me ae | Wolaley Bid to bare hima regiment of ye wanid bel soot spark kindle aflame, but | canderin cist, When Loed Chel | 700 Lalatss "Ferd ° It he. bet onde s way. pam through aka: irom toten, a denis, bat mcked the tombe of the aucient eee cach ne these whe were lad rae i oa he- nt ! Went i / sas heaton By Cetewaye i in ah veered taking Mettie aie Mfections, troable | 5; sere -- dolicately | emperors at Shenk Frocee. bi to ¥ ent arty The Geuersl, it 1 OP) | power was a big dog: bar ag ge Ie the uct of being lished, bu little women ia. ng iver. comp TOR t sent Sirtiarset to! ost transfer o nant the gi i the Anest at by * "raoatiestion of the nollie: kitten, Somebo and tidy, it acte upon hie | hegre tit, 4 he Kogliah governmam' ail of | arisen from /t; but he the tender inscriptions fi des! the call tthe we Pent + t} and ts that sat pt al the world Bah "coma arriving | "tae grotemtd cnet at per that he waa 8008 | carved emblem ian ouitie parverai In 1814 the E -- 4 Seed contac and the e_ducanen of frosty wight in Bde coin rep. a ond ti in site tg baie sepetinone? i He ' Oise bad been | yee . lattie, sol incision bet ee oe | von inconsistencies and the Le apil = public baildingy ; is i { Sir volunteers, he ad pentgpthy seer! with the cokl. Weltean inch th i Sechan crockery and cob- bra dbean had enporg t "paci Ure countrys | aed his yoo The three perscns | ingratitude that wea cae 1815 the Promian Leper _ ap | mifation for Se ecudteeliee the announce- ee ree eine Si fed ber with new = ara 'ann every corver--he woald enh hhe dict. He les pee: "ay "| por er a : oe eel eee 'The silower gm ge pg arpa leas peg sud the pillar of pias ea wndy of . to help ". not very good to Tabby. He | jank sos them Srwneant their snalbile. - " pind i M otra polka Feanchamp Paget Sere et i the agro Fifth srane ve ot St oth mt ' 'ascneea wae an eaten un eell peter There is oa ~ reper awaits "agin hi satvl he Mother greta uhinere he snip one he tells avin bow tow As my naval low oes proposed She | which, at last, one-third or accident Yet Va! there in Gigh : of a Canadian t was not fonlt bow ing was born in IS2l, He waa jusior foe | SHAE ite tly "excited Kate pretense the pains, a nated the | Fy hat the aamuetatwe parry pretty she ia, ether 1872 w UST, aw tothed wite grea nad lend- which ot rep i Country. lt, When r says no of the panier 4 ee ing commander! th: went to th rendexeous, however, "tie ks Knocked | the cost, fad we tenth of the esr peer} in ante" raty bine aad Cicero bh oe tegiment there can be littl mons known se ' Rewet stevped ranged ry that Fashion, ihe f etaied | scadton, Be has been in shargt | ly berate bine fo sale bear earind | ired for this cy the life whowe | ought to spare those edifices whic volunteered, on am occasion teasing ber. Perhaps cape i o Side, sks what ane has for dinner a chaneel ma trum since 1 ses ; down twice, and ego ied that «be | have prolen oe ee dane anducet Woe r to human perpen eed craks "he per ag Lhe sreaiely 'needed, 'demos | Wore sharp clawn in radhpaly Fee tio ae, janslla' 10 geod, and saber a8 ly ail ae T. W. FISHER &CO., rs 7 i] fully at her. hesst, is deplored, anv L heee | tribute to the een i af | ®hen men to as an evidence be did got even i aia upon the wi on He ja & Kaight Companion ¢ deal society. | grew a knife and stabbed it ur blic buildings, ane tances were pointed to | Way: did nob go! mesr | stacy ing waits Thesterfeld, and ha cae Feothaa'h e Boy ; i d its We] temples, tombe, Vente | Cottutances the Expire of whict good bred cat, ofa C -- coated, sie hay a ny, 'se a Fellow: of any SE ta & "at } can't orlate bow 1 Maile tos bes mab life a harren wikderpess on srkable beanty:" -- he at cof Cansda's loyalty to her regi: like o and of averethier for hie litale ee pest ple peruel ¥ are entirely Haj. Gen, Sir Houry a y' Nathalie | ko ae 'oauae I don't Tellers fh nie hose by the contly atane rear well = works ol ae y ahe forms a part. The offer of roy be com | Bem. di toro ny asleep selec ty the beat of ev ¥ i Le PREPARED BY rarrenpeer greteegieachal py sobate asters : 'sito biw heart, It w | flower becla which a willow haa rained 18) man's Maye ieee tat this juucture cannot cf} , Ono soft summer day these wile's plate, Waring sp fr egg Pal & MAIN : vier of the expeditionary fr op | oon Tia an flower beda whie railing AEA ment a J of the attachment o long bh 4 his work, nake rail siciae 5 & CO ee nen nev a & a' rl i from Louden is a fiae old, place | huntand See ee JEST 80. a petals to tbe Crown, and ptr geht lea la me eg mee aoe prog en plana, tells pone, Bger'need Lae WINNIPEG, MANITDBA Dr. J. C. poate | the oaty = sa '. . © eon, 7 ve © eaires fh lew: mr. crac i -- ' Ce alder cea ag Py 2 camp % | called x Cuartion P al tree with acher | ee teeta seni ro yecieal Hot drope--Sunmtrokes, dence thet Raat rol wer © pas he the po 4 Seonioeys a Che disney boar a vais ei yable All laanes of reat pert) teu ar MASS., - vend with coearanad a --Card-players W : Daoeas Posy sikh - est Tere ot bor oe apy Crimes <e ie joined Ube | ir ol Wook Shenae _ 2s ew wack H before the lant viraw had been br opel Fyn ch Ries by the grip-cars imiies of water, fee! the acanetsf ban | f0eet fe Bi reeks us ae have left the affair. After sf "ith ang chikiren Bane aii nll coma nen aie at re BPS 'AND ANALYTICAL Ba waved Liaise jn the boventy-chird regt: | could give no re tithber | the camel's aesk e napa y = wn long |', good sen Speen fh the hired ivak ly concerned ao Biitain we it | cE iuiaigs oe ete. plays then oak off to. bas ihe land of Mortense. and ve ede | Sold by alt Drupaiete aind Dealers in Med atgr mense «juan tohill, y . " - a. th « o = | i SaaS oo te eee acerca emily thom te wey merge | paver i (Cat |g ble on oe | a aaa Kg = Oh ope Bi | Se ng ee i ees te: | Farm Landsa Spegialty |° Scag V3 pW primate! te « payor in the 10th | nisined, that with « view oar typhoid fever. We rem oa anil yet so light," as the man country. . k and cross, He ciel | wer} bis wile fellows him a 10 apelice Gesrscdl ob. at pote ieutenatt colaee culture, James | all in kis power | the by; ante sleeps alas," and are move ii short ton of coal, ae ' arched ber bee ht ber fm bie big. | im the land, while his i What Lists ern ah it TEMES ped hah | Str pe ae | Rll ge i wa tre| a esterase ae hese [a Sey ey and nt eran | hn eS Ws EF ENCESBY PERMISSION or Sy Pi slaving the Zulu war, | (Oly appeared te court in silk au A} Cectes ta cer oomn nequniarance, reas A erybody appears little to him, The prncipal Itatian embalmers, says the ly Lap laupler id broken. ' et lowiog } buaband."-- From eg tonti-y REF ab z i "i wae | pete ri te Pas KC. B, | em out svusised fea ree silkwerma, It Liemgir saan 1 Nileoc have all the poetry | aad pesppeaes Eee soa 9 Ie it eee, "once Lan tt keep tari ese oe aie suit Tie mig em mu 8 oe pa Tab hk cherie en | te ati Soh. tow Mae » Er | personal ; book ry Lowe . an, t ' oa i ee . Senet, we Inia atin . | "e gal pen othe ai whee fal ant she minim os say ote ; "ould have bron may poral bed Gane ape me on the ose "The proses os seid pea eat bevel That Pe done = 4 in the Bowes of Commocs, | o who ' v7 arin, sd *, ' ve J Ls Weed iret, i He ' Sword Canes | * faeta~ sli ret served ander Haw 1-3 m he fought | Frenc' be Chariton trees had onder at the stay tlive and die in| Sorta will always wep t to connie of Give atepa. and would son , ome, . tuntt made among _ Mana : 7. * through ag for ai: let Kegland's greatest por here the crack waa. zt li aa rer ping Home romment has a. | iti inne my big | ad at eo her | te aan gel a [bee a eed a at mn |e Sayegh eet Pee A Bd pers bonis & HSE Ybor Canada Bil Bis mest oof the pir anal tpt know. When | making a ee ee amaea. trottiag-match 1 7, deite) weighed" whey | Cae as fi tracting all | na for she waa hort, | lala of the mee of Come Irish member is SetAihan tare met ran wan Ginn boda Foe Omen? mot wt may si | chin cal Ae et tb tee Aer "ahs fet "Py weed ply aa US? Seth cerrng: te Wests stele: as . at rewire: Tale " rine l veer i ee ae aboat the a4 th Rauae new sy for th ha campagne Fond wife---"* How { : fitch i wp hyan injection ; thirst ng "a you cannot guess walking atick . Pvssirexb tion, Ee Se See jruinbesl himself 1m may ba of the Benga! | offiee. 'Thay are the first copes to ba. | 55, a youn taginerr lirutenadt, Peter commen hegen home free nup- | the fatty matter. Th Trin vabiests tor | aud. dow ey bel x dagger ; wage, ¥ i a &, | 75, ay a the disadrant- hed with his haton But fh hours--in thin subjects Jup to Rover and lay U ' erring sting tone f pride hicaion wit tha I hoof major: | the morning to ical yelp nie ver had to struggle against hie rank, | comes to bev lanonic de | og for several ho long ua ten| She walke: fe dla aot bite ect and effect a "i on with the Incal ran ec ty have them inquire | to the inferiority of hes it is scthe ines of those very fat ongs for ever ma fl his fore paws He up! ts place, mifetmresd ty HE, UPPER eT rRACT B00 fon, welt the sad. and it ia by po - , ned incident a : y and ata | pose i two, iu very : salution auf | between 1. Instead, cease! by ti CULAR S478, anit if rere rome. sees = ! tor --_ --_ . ia de yer , ¥ Bet be a aid ie the tumnlaed History ol le" of the Malley lawdescy ers ribed the ta ir] slow Agena rel, al fall time is Ber Be did mt ag phate make it beer is appearance w tran is igi in » : Q' me tines dina pie ms - eee | z Supe ns oan mn} rel pst tay A California Cloud. | the office a! and Ingnited army by w keh act a work of a ft vanths: ail ae witness as 'stretching avross penne ita soaking into all the tages ; Ife tel thea "hs was her tor, which would make the weapon, a rahe having ire cash = i a hare bic dil bel . Cab wires | darkey limped ix t beah fut Jane | the Huse Tar! : ee on of his face, the sepulchre | allies two te five hours, Lastly, | Ife tw { thanking him. : deadly. 'Tie attention « to thelr 8 srl. th | Perna cee: | ispateh from Bakers a great * Am dar' fo" 'or five betters merit that the gener™ ds for ita | the of faleehooi" No | this coha "trom f two & Gve| this was ior way of but the more sas { tothe matter, | ata EWPERIVG of CRO=T Ta. fier | i Cataloruce free am mere) th te ng further particulars abae-.| ' , an obligatory nady of ruin aad the fanciann . it | the bent ia 0x for from AS This hag time as {-at-arme = ae ately Praha Pyeng ida act ti "a OH N YOURE ral ot = at Te "-- raja od | ae No oie Foplieil the postmaster, after pace seri «work tha pila Here of wa they got eee eee hours sa ie meine pri ia heated Rover and sy ae af at aaeaz: qui hein tare is Se teoke : rite owe CreeCut t "Tthame whe ifee cat | | Depesitary. tet Vener : Street, Terentia, sont broke om i ulgh os bare as far | takin . text-book of chat wer bg e officer in | Clear anybody. iiord who has his bouse | previensly dried by The Gody can thes be Euma at, ha Se walt to item Eber = [eda waned great destra ; len, T'Il take ome lay this iF Policeman (to lan<diord | ham, | ehlorvie of caleiam, | The boi i he | tempered te tod the evan ein ac: ithe Y ee sremaghl tere for you," odcis along in the rank ated weld open and fall at Poinw lone son bean wecrved for any y ose sine wathone ae Sas volo "stick outarte th the | As ee ean ate ca snc eeary art tn Ne | dar enppe eA uctener Srwt |! fot whew teu mt | ra a oy arch tm Atebaro, |e Spope sot on isl tga, RH, SMITH & CO., "Sasser - " 1 mi 5 A = We ee el :| in ro, - jay ae Dh fi d fon, Bosde, aba guint). ~ Oe ied dee got mutt' 'tall | The Hesian eeperee, bad conferred ace ot Tal ms here! How eu a man con: | ator Spare ua Methoiet iveroh Pca ofirgy ten wn the ha Sevactarcre for Dosdinla® of | 1 oi Jaks and sleet priests - tualy do Affairs a. Organised to introda: ey the r alemant re- | aa ea thiieg,' erry otras," manent | inepprecation of ie kool * frog sd 4 famous wer maker pga ce = A considerable sensation has bon ogee eloty, fical stedect sought to The prin comcntien iatieren 18 in the eloak Lyon & Alexander. | tou hers in complimen of bi ect SFO ' 4 tical e y the res A Dublin medical lite, sad generally in attendance varted Kern aml Loe | man as be walker i wheat asked him if | feaston, ot hich his conatant presence | of Hs proof, which really was very | j4, Madeid in' Minister ot Public |, 4 doctor ta go to Doblin, down stairs while be is in rhe CURES eis EU MATISM wiig there by enfforaace | "I jelisued alter ats hat day be | sonal vires raphe yns tions was fruitfal in | 8, seeinw the py won't 4} tion of Senior Albereda, M {the Col- | bribes London the, ¢xamination | Toom jamentary duties, -- dame | w the 'protec on ot tat. pak ry ra ia Sten ee lin ie othe pol, But these, in ite 4 h toy cham borer lnohal ye bap Works, who bat an eee Cabinet are he sate "ath Incompetent to == Nees, yee +o PHOT oc RAPHIC Goons \ rj "1 ay Ey - 'we 4 comnsions greas, | ¥! a "bow ones re i ity i ° --_ 2+ of Phfy had good ae ing peut wl iartin I'deee, Dat's why Vie watkes contarity, Hes cataomy Chasey We, Songer | ab, "patil es rehorepie 70 | ht bral faction ofthe majortty he | Mento. re Hills boy paid with his life Lightning OWDERS i Mn heee chore the canyon is occupied by | 49° Wh 'lis ven the lett aning from* | hes dened him the pri she with the hae | ae HE oor aii ele ee - Cangresa, The pout isin for Pe rag of tying » cow' a mad | Worm P Y . ere Ww 1 ms 7 7 satel Y Aan « { - -__ wit "Tan . iE ue | om Winding W chiscenre: witha | hia : ng Ray iam . } i -- J essen to take. Contaia thelr e Whe dad you expect to wrth te you? the sat i} 8 hsetagorseey te poor ove butcher been $100 Dakota who calmed hin| bi iatory i het cen ers | ome c n tefo, anne, ned "1 dn pect news or money im the = with @ tut Sensi plan rom = as be to re. ie a rq eyes of 'cattle before gel rate sepia bot othe tight a a iS Riioreh ony eave A/reirs reer bi Cminiornor de let | - roe ee overutepping ary, the improve hms, ring them, in order to make : by lightning aust instantly killer, 2am | 'Camph : ern | etter f 2 colgnelcy in the army, ie al tran slaughtering com: | was strack by li il an oem tor atv SeNTO,Ur. J. M, Mayer se hed rapa their little ones and | Peed 14 tid, wah, I 'spected dat letter pee et sacsinary view dened aa hands, the, stetn y jable. Hemsid that the practice was while the sein me nee Renae it J] ae ee . Pen imleake iT Barrister, soliciter, ete,» Vieturls tril featiners iu patie ape to the high grea | wright bob $20 into th ail the permingon | is Geet drawn iat which parle hese feet oe the British Cabi binet n ey od hual moons, ane ay Mrert, i! eects Bey b to do ao doupen bin by dof it to bear upom @ stad oe © ree Bare one Quaker principhislor- | hin wife's inp. i toot Cae themes by sual a ant godly agregar "neither | te wear the on ie if "aerred 'em at: fl heen Nae et eee a aaa poe fission after the reoent of Fe Beg, bone Qu wished, on = = ee FIRE * aly ri whe \er él * *, + ve dee rn " Lies ne t te thew benches of trove, The PR rengalho, had tw frenide to write zfines pedition wee nlnoet cxclusively nen F| Thin depen a ag ber ans oguagen bake: Sete oS ee a pane aod will threore a "a In the last tire years 1,504 deal icity FIRE, © | tate taritis on wen i him, had sever mailed a aoe neat reo for commissariat +1 he \ rk ' hi : gearing rom the mainepring arbor, regent Learn to fein. policy, the bahar any. K ansas, | have been taken fron i aereerth Brie ewe areas aes charas | Gadd yoke ". ise tines 5 year for | ton :a mle Satie betteermal | POF ing an independent iat ate y tepanned Jue od the thoet try tt 2 reegpeg Some young men of SER REN tramp. | various districts of sch ~ 4 oH. : mf, BE tail at toast tee boone 5 : fightang dhone in it sas elie ' / , iiekine in t i nits ot i ba kee (cane Wit ieudons Cee Ace aa | eae! "Ei ia: jeeat te tri In tact, st ceca ra socesiital remidoh GF Lis si gebct| ty tec ake. Erb Eg soon as pulling wi i eee wf oe in phe they be women When 'he fesbly di 'defented arg pe =e of r latest of canal projects ie GRAS ARE af i ud our after I Tels him bere he ctroles! ar tish general was mare 8 poor; Fro t, | on the hy cant, the yous is Lhrows | sone drowning, Il the instinets of wature cry, beat hist, threw him int a mad ho ome aterway between Liverpool ant | 'LADIES 18 I EW to the fei ain ami sn by dis |. honey grat, Mae _-- : Lang chal te. ite place by ay weg Normaliy ee them; but pradence whia- | "r) ihm to dieatane. livin, fat ais wi England, =o an to take the ng om Corset ¢ + rtf liebe an te epee ity oy "quarter safes |qnather what "Thest ot praia tomer prea fing the jateanpt Wiaw ag Fy cd Aha King of Naples thal onal bo latter jer pace socom ble at oo cetanic tt] lie =. ie ae rte by Crampt who in 4 Ke the arbor wheel o 'additional victim, with his wi 1 te The bow es ' 8 "3 Ww lee eta 1 and carried out the sywtem | with : ioding by | rescit in an rated by the cir * tence varied only by ah | seq-going ¥ - KaMITHS AND W prog Coe Wall, mr dint mt halt curae--w a ed pyle lying the federal armies through: | and is thos aleaye por fl ae 'the som. such acase must be indica wo consider | i Paris, pret pore hppa ng bensiie pines tho cost w $25,000,000, 0 Y d of Wet Crash | Kecter eet miei in Untarin for A seat be | tes ee ee eS oi out the hs ol Be itl he po mats Soatamnct nace ih T amaaes twp or orea trey are ce the French comat, this oa reamer Pay Get Ort or Toons, haps one. cope 5,00 ar 8 pe payee ite oem in. . was only twice known, anc plant? $$ 69s --__ --_ aprdane t to save ope, The) | ive been to Coburg. : : eot of all factory work gives the o | srw clases: sai ----_Ts -- all bell that d | in the attemp 4 r ren! cod sale in) m@ ite, languid, } J anon v ten Mower im like Anatin | chin and cuaren Siecle for treaty years Bad Bicod. possibile" f bea Se se peel Bu Ley Park "englastl ae ft wan re Hise palit, ae prods ero inactive THE GREAT VIRE. TH MONTREAL. | Searaueere Lopes eer fer ie ' For a poverty-stricken country lil c at ib abe rank of a brigadicr-general, ani The blood is the true essence of vitality, | icsment sheuld isduce erga 4 taught Than for the very high prices realised bdnew aado rinary "troubles, and al ! ALY s) te Novtham aid Se ; to cant away 5 bat, | wil y had his major: vl be no healthy «their children © _| mar -- oak was | liver, kidney dd madict the world Zonds at 10c,. rat ies cnet Dit ther mig the eaitvon: fleece septing this as the exact tra fod pcbtan tnd erta phair pb 0 subetaittive peri h pe Lonceiggg Sigler ta P| to awim wherever es be A ggg occ ig | by or 'Saun by bg te cabinet 6 Lee gare an ss pat rela they gt 12h s Crash tor rvs Ga 0 yan na iy Po nor nhs refare accep wel ex : . fe ; J i M Tan Tee Get ts turmeek of Uae aes ltcen for eakcamans Rd only' in recogni, | ples and the various humors' and pees | ont ee rable to ewim may save par eaghicoonliry Hal wy a Amy ol cut oldoors. or use Briggs' Botanic Biv $1 wack, colf'this sodea at 81.03. sity vo meek longer persat, and = | nepticieel owes, oi seaciietan ne -- Architetd | ofthe skin are ee atite fountain pleats liven mm ives of other: aaken, of Middletown, Conn., in | tera. > Lo haga ta bay oat Hack, Caahe i tem ove y noe ty the ailver | tion of a career a ys blood --that needa pa ka re, Hur ---- -- It cost the city mina hallo id living near Pitta | Boeqt colour, fin Market of tu AMR at eben ottctal on | Pocke. wo Berth dnoeine panera ag poe road pert. Ber aaeewy emir legal and oficial feos, 38 to seine halt K. ing tha the rd soon to fa cain at iaeey em ory time by buy bux all | tarket of ct ot otaliotina between the price dive ta erg deck Blood it en ore, obtains a healthy -- t of illicit plekey ne The focal proms bara balloving another fends te build- | jour Dry Gouds "BEAUTIFY YouR HOM aLragement apn ten the first Blunders blood from all humors, okie ve reached | ttroy it ae required by law. visit the earth w voauel nf , Lo | per ariel shat any Sikh agp Songer ri An absurd blanderjappeare: Par- of the liv 3 Fonighare gya d lates | Some phe ovephe | iia Hos renee wants boikaup whet chanso Ge town willl] O22) pack alter the ee eaih' Ue atttcn A "FL : Hy, painting then with the Doouinian, ta fs: Sone pedesiinens 'i 'eleyrs ms thening while it regal of the King of Feprimet fe ; aca ft be- |. Kt ia 228 fret in oye 'y . . . | Paint works, fine mix point, wha Wa have always to accumula report of the Daly Te ura" | ete, age strong here i such a ery | have ul excaping t pa plead tao J Noab. Mf one peat Unt itn affect of: the ayatea 5 of hla | eT Tt Me. Gladssoners and purifies, (1) Pohadogenvic ed miay e parennen rag come necessary rw barrel) a width, and will kas pestis of os 35 COLBORNE-ST. jeomired, told billa nov that fe pte oc on te ee jicy of Lord Basrona. ae fat men caually wear is Lot, weather. handred tons. He looks for the Wood hy SuRONTO. . year tern palicy . ---- oe L. cane chair | of liquor, 7 : In the time South side of street, seaeiher te tate bs be Tek on iow Gime field's Government. Lert a tight honor wi inate Cepecer: oh tran thin "peportios paste ides ty the (As aren of $3,000 acess bed been Last the lie of soon ip the masndin 'i rapt 1 ! dd ternan | Chinese compositor br fhnedatige They say, bower: wi wee , tives of the one method an y Ot the ---- mo ae th. | Sbl* gee ion of another member o | The but most walk from | (jay agorads Forgan t , and arboricultare. Be Me a troe of se many represen ee i = hop, when, among. the eats j Atco h eunell" in over brie "000.008 be j House by the iatement ne ye aad : ay cor ame foieepier eomtant, es us kage ee eres tah Baaee in largely ao re canal ort eli oe wal. | Baimal kingdom aig peed Lay cn c and pu okie tee webten. ini wanidoal {| oraday. the © la: tte 'of the Gamebi rei T oneer a large n {| that when ia My mace tc 6000 a Scres ware ling invi o ut ted bed ' me Tes ripe "fh iy pregnant pot. es aged "Sends ar. tan" isa : wach ing of other they saanat be pt oo ssything tie ce fier we (an 'raga with aie isels. tne. baal fl Deiat whem he w ctor * o Se Pe nied ive rt - te he pul on reat ane af pared w emmounta | ill an the render 4 course ol ee er "a acken't ' pie deage ad dlerlpeeaign bya te be lowsend rola Guaaliot Saiag te Oo ws Te et peo wea Ep Pork onlinary Pine of mane: | the debus in Eng: | thectenabe ot See | nuk feet m Fd eye ' v0 rs, ter will wi tified, i 20 lacs of rupees por week, andl. | Perhaps Isiah rep it and cli q d birthday, Corn is not easily | W antl) | e will require a oa wo pied vileged in eda of thin kind. One tei down = alee for ine of lower cose. | it a Land, mes! ran pier or aad by wight can arly epetine x weok all are r if 3 own roca the at ; crops w N the tome vias phen lot th sthere ne iy ceaflict pei the Felis na 'the taetad tay thee mace tee role ares jai gel it iw tai that | ever Ry Ah nag Wher iH Sune WILL CURE SCROFULA. 4 ru cen j ; : F andeailayes 0 ulen mulation af peopl: in which be fis bebe tori out inte the woolabed ee handel of M | the great : ay. bs bor necks gn ol ibe © Lill suspected of corn Jafri in that. cated sale deh eae: oh 1a | drafta going on. "The aoc a yr with bie shattered ig hich wan ampoat | toniher, "The aoe very nilivent lah language i sal, Sh exopoyed blow, co as fo qnaline the rexponeflaiity Scrofulous Humor gts we Iya | ' om ewe bes: bat of | | lntion at 'er Last." rutioniat to fead the lines * . * pepe! . batt Dh . a a fh ps sage ym ne mt me jaf the dirafte Later in Be ee stg ahaa might aumiey ined that the sargeon | but he pment bn 8 geet eet edtdlie vali pager "while she wrote out jena ae ore a most mysterious of recent | Veurtine ofnla cad Semon icauoe tt hae epree ah ieZaanie femwa, in maith : ia ae And tame 1 there taroreble ras inal probability, the re catia! the koa Planar pare it: ov ants -- full aR aod then half the Phonetica ly, Alter seine 'nsnantn J, #he | events in Berlin was the wai of a suey /talet of Seraf thousands in Boston and ho case aft under ne cin mil tpl oe SS Pies att poate at . "elena betind together, | thus to new vent ncn from the immediate vacinity this coun lein't read it after | coueds firmly faed 'in hor There | cessful lawyer. He was one of the busieed a ni eerages le om Yong and painful ou ie edbenes te ee ee twe tory whaes ' of the crippled tee lon of peered Epa all ss hoe wn shout eS ee ets partly | of moe in hie Liege prea, ic 04 pad the remit aan ther melt icine walt aan he arnt =e is cl an immense oF ithiest and payin , * cl : 10 ubeooadinne 'arm 7 Aa ie tthe axchadge frm collapaing alto pauigr dr custained if thia B oreatly 'Ths Armies of Ragland and Egypt. Uy carioity to witness he novel hg -- ai on shane wee Bismarck, ao ne Pimples and-Humors on vee al particn e-em wt | SY ee ee eee oA a2 ae we day When, striving still to detain prevent She ta, ited tos Glasgow paper's aceount : A esekal | 4 in | first bor pronunciation "ih ion as fortamate as bis pecun B08. We desire to tn Medielme in wold by Drug -- ak sa 1 iclther tailing paler, rig yer etn --t atta Manet shipping dinaater : "Fre Capain ra ress, ss! Petersbarg Golo on the armies of | distinct, but af adsaizably, while ber 'sat: woe he ene es been able bo explain. why on mare hzeld seach, wathal 5 -bieishy. roast oa at ent pet dd gy ad oo eae WA 4 re R§ catch her feeble breathing ; but I Maguilicent Treuanaas. ashore, as did also i | It proves that Arabi | posed, and spoke admirably, on drowned himae! Sled akin depends cotive spemn a Inter i tmalled fren Of postage, on inece | BRICK milk bao ate bedaperirseanls feaiaaande dead, : ss the finest wedi tramens ¢ oe She waa inwured Bt a fea Bat | 2 ce enue onete eoaob men, including | ing was as strong as thirty yours ag "The East Mississippi feah Pole, Sains M selene oat gels oe ee ee ee we mache mabectance senior" Crenins Lins T eee the f dew Perhape 4 fone of | pig~ : = 7" West Point, Mina! a Teujmonink. "Veh pout serpin of ncout |, Farha the Seas ekg Ses Se | in peer paliations han, newsbapes | $0.00) renee al S the prmsatcbneertat thes a cae of mutilation of « pea chen the Stats, andy | PSEer sine cada INES, BRIOK F PRESSE Mee feo that could ba called which Pye (from Philadelphia tos young lady in By in | have occasionally Parieies | ler smcee CF Sook baci tel 20,000" Beropeat sold Gates on a ito mgainat iteowner. Fine) pa inion fo he coal ato depart- atarr ' ' rae ee Ss bimationa im with, satin, | Indi pointe t an pre is ine salient pone couk| be! taken aa imprisoesant betes mats meds of b cat, a oF 00D within Yok thermo rite ie tla Weg "ine J. W. G. WHITNEY, sino make y, marethaghinse bo bore at pepo nor pe es ladies rave | for example, ant 'caartinary character tena Ireland, ani) Government wou! such an atrocity, which cafle for the it us aty ap red al srs recei pol patat lsctory proof fothwe wrest Wood purifier, '| wllte. od Furniture prea oat mat fe A nee Ceeen de lnbormed the riaing geucention of its | ably mot mathe risk na site souk coke so ha on H epthng aie of marriage « baling a Pr ypheone: | Dyspepsia. EATATE AURNT, * sa : hite satin = votained "400 | 3) editerranean birth departmen : | same ediling drew was of wi ith | time that o certain town co di " probably no] gir D. cing it of $1,000 oF §2,000 for e rerstart a , eet a home ie leh me, | echewe lace, The ors wap ot vith a gavde ont to the steere* ah] SPY 5.000 sand mem, on pr ayia | te emt ike evita or i aati seat child Gera te toons =f greeeiaceennitey remelprt, seoenty Valuator, Arbitrator, &., si ba py r Anita's lite oh she was faith: | Slaare baer lace, and a duchesse lace | with bing mal. clusion, the Goloe remarks that . aap ge A reed. It contained Glucose ia = cheap, Pp | pe oh. "Les F | pie ibecl, She ove heen tres obi. eenel wate Hepes. being oven, ties the Year Round, ipa can caly be vure of eveuam if che prepes adn for the gensine sugar --s 5 Faintness at the Stom: hin| Meney'Loaned og cia or Pare | * del lice hero, ' : j nol ls made, whe and Teresita, in dinner dress was made Messnlmas Egypt fora sampaign an F when imulating bitters, . Prepe Le 4 | tn cette IMT trend mal Flceemieck col far; | | Amine Bem een ea the Fave guarvics had sia' | pes fr Kelton, ray hn capes | caper Ss Sopris Ser. Tht seldom sepeaiedon bias ais 'i iore 5 ent Seas ison The oqpare Shei frum. Commtanhs F eee Biccsioen Hover Ba Without 2, point stad fossa be share, 'Thave #8 dows produce anil agaravate dyopep Thea recto -- i farmers, | be mn uu i A rom ' s é rm mete. ; neste Fins ot dation Peles neergeew filed teeth Ince, and the elbow aoe ony & 5 A gl rapidly bets Tourists and all who are sab =. Sessiee tod 'kok bean worked for many oe and by its proneneas to wet op Female W , Weakness. P Special attention given vm) inrmain, bs bwn ret | Sk satin do Los drew, to wear Sts |extfed Into ere alco the Buropenne may | change of climate. water, diet he shld from Lecdon is sboat to bs ployed. in| fermented palatal eifestioue of tae tbocene ossting sore Cire wren the commas | 9 TORONTO ST, TORONTO. | here, throosi a trustworthy source, A garnet satin de of in | BS" ) Anfallible remedy-for scemed | theve - acta the pecretive astra wt afi level at : dinner, af f out aa they wore 1) Wild Strawberry, the uncovered in Pompeii ena the whole aren, 4 DEIML Alruaitiin, ts the rots of 8 ar bimntg enbvvidery, White nsan's id roti halap «a ts apeeddy be ws fe adds "Ni ig wal! | all Summer complaints. (5) Irak emnk c ag cigar much longer,' ideutieal intabpect with the Judgment ott organs and allays (nf 'i INDIA UBB ER O0DS | Hack, creas a, Paral with his leviing offipers and advisers, Wish rset Baan, Fees cent i Leas vent this but the fear of a. aiid Chowier,|as he worried witha ink, Solomon; In the centre Si Sorat ow General lity. Cheal amt) wee detenni pon before carriage wear, tines of lace Oriental mind is only swayed by From the Latin. "No," mild some one t, Lhe three judges; mnoeling at t te | 1 he Vege 1 om lete arrival of the Feitiah | Meet at trimmed with alternate plaitings of lace fear, nat of distnat, bat of immediate ; eat tenoke it much shorter." | Chowder | Sotteule af prerg © cemeh, twee Oy te reatiaed immediately after commenc: | a4 The largest and on ay iG Pp tia ani. devtraction of Alexamdis | sil vailing, Jabot Ince encircled the, senk at eee Goren on 1 feted tcmmpay ich, the imbecile one with | ward the abeeeee hake a errnae = tock in a Lniz re B , t and destruction the "i 7 i with Ince. A | ably the idea that Net rise from ee tailed 0 atrest at it comes to | "P22 th a knife, while be --- einem od ° Ties M N A mule: teveayeee Beiex nie Th of bronas 'and | bat if the Terks once impunity Te aes ears Dae waad heart, By the way, when to vubeds with indif. ; pn a le bombardment, Arabi maruing dress wae made ited. aides | they may with "crit tras thea 7 baling rere ian't it te hn Ses (eee ent elt Vegetine ay "i Department Supls | ee Grant ends , mamecre coun! ermans have dora? cre ' ; i et of ts loteles Reopens page Mah te| Two. confiscated at West Lynne, for 'Do not take wach Sie wheh co olenp foene, an 2 H. R. STEVENS, "Toronts, Ont. T. Mcl LROY, Jr. | sa MONTREAL AND WESTERN LANG whing combusti! custame' regu stimo co Py ART: Sang 'plain stripe pala ee Se i policy wih eee Sicilia Hair Reoewer fetes tes tareved appetite. Bardook serestin to Military Surgeons. a ists. "Ee Wr for Pee ie ee Torch if: fa Appetie, teased egetabl restoring . Ferp vegetable medicine, appreciated the inconsisten- Teg a is told b oy &f Write for Price Lint tele td a rag pw gy err Jitu ot Bray ttgeey ms ie -- taking bale rnc ls denuens the blood . mai uJ medical officery saloting | gillag: penis Pratt waren and ow * | in Terkey alec." hhair to ita not a Bottle 10) cy ' = cant Fy prairie, Fi: . pero , | Bede ep the system, "Serpe ' rors 4 reviews ; and ba ea ecrcanth te" Stn jest hae & Wise Precaution. The M. B. Company copaltecting own! that Power om.P.). ITH OA SECT! BOILER Dering the Sammer aod Fall people are large drain from their mill at West Lynoe ent 8 ip a ote the Catenin: Cambridge, milnte with tbe hand. od Mo. 5 20-Horee wr. | Reciad Laty We wes, weapon Revie | Onto Lone & Con. Toronto St, T Saar | wk oink no rome meascdy cot etter] cad | uo tae Mi) River's0n cebiehnent | on Seciation will be 'called P iande, | Sneed oaly, mute wi iforma should not rue WOE) omy aoy | heceaile ore ; pry tht mre fy tee wos tv with water. at Choir Got paytent na Kerth- Week Made, pam tah eoge chop oftheers |; CHAMPION 70.8. F. ne Sow | i rot We wo ao - GRAND DOMINION at hand, life may ishow 'nt Take Ayer's Pills for all the ® | Home of them of several of | 15) io secure for the oughly examine the-Chuasy cae | |) | Eee Fowuts etrect of Wid Straw. re fer d um | there fisenclal balbien hich, have 'imi | eteater fewedom from danger in the dit | XRUPPS CELEERATED 20H * " oi relief a ad hope charge of their homane , loa" be mr Physica is een fequize. all pasta ne Senne tice by the sali 'she of 6+) feld, prop Earopean to adopt i ' cape Yr tives for family use. wo 'the I 7 eficct. I ; 1 Woe nancial war. a distinctive international uniform. If ovER 600 T sox Auten 'and iris Arts Associatia voald wot alfon! Sos dabei Sor the your 1061; | whet paar Ades to the other sulleringy ot Ireland | + dist whatever their satsnaliy tetsu Tener terre | ABT L weed The fisheries ntatinticn tere your 38t; women guts = boast thet ee a bed harvest is anticipated ug? trgeanay Ay wore attired alike, an enemy would 'AT KIWCSTON, {| inst, published, abow the total value of the everyone of her sex who know the henry and incase raine cues | TQ BE HELD end - valne in the it ot it. ing. ) i ry ps nage geome niece to $14,400,078, Ef you would have a clear [Sth to the aan: it Seplemb i, 1882 oles ont sethal oho catoh is Manitoba and | } Gil es of which Offered in Preniinms, Northwest territories, | freely | o rebaren. | ot AND DOEON MEDAL euemina | Ferive | 2.¥, aid this mote | date of June 2 | Sa i ee F the summer of any pe. | stock," amd adda that he can sage gy Pablic. { Dyventery, and Cholera, Paints, botile of be i if i lt fe EE i *