it * . + * i i r . Be em Sin : New Advertisements this Week a in} q ' '. eeaptad A net, ; F T " ed ore 'and tool |" pa to 4% a i fing of Wiarton. Mt. cnn, : i Pe 4 ms ' ™ = i Threnship of Ellice John : ee | igre |] Alerandria, pn te ng a Dea Pat iae| | ' I osrey te Contractors F H. Bania i 5 in- June Both, tant. ao Somalis Cena Bad th eens ae ora ] 4 ae Goan 3, Ferguson, Mr. and Sas Hi. tif! ane. enjoy: | adage. 'Their the hatvest | the 2 desire aE hae eT) thems, eeith:. Adeieal ' Heey pir > j | | Phe eclane 'Macnalt a Co. | ing the sen breezes at Halifax.' cid Hetey, important to them (han ex- nee io alien tiunnestte #) gir 'Altec maa te 'ot dhe] a f - Phe sy A/ Ri Witla are pending v 'The music of the reapers er : Taya | Rsive's homaholi, were also oo the Mitt. - | hes fy. ; = ' da paris vos nike, an behoan! ogsall sides, as they level the | a Uae bers per last report... 12,782 | and wore yp Rroatly stench the " Af | ae aes 7 dl ¢ cS. Poe. rae. Toukay the He-nic of the Congr rich fields of grain. m i Pek with Mig the yeac, nasniesed by I vaaun sen pilitary bearing of the paon. |" ae ee ims tea or ! tion af St. Josqh'sehureh taken place in| The Poeun. Hickson, Exq., Gen" Brpagemst § Jeidsassresees, Se a cmarched al the qaaye, thédusalils eh | '| oy was \ the Town Park. Grand iy. aoe his stall of } Jal sede ble pepe] I = i end bis ba 0 a | 4 AND COUNTY iT PERTH GAZETTE. New Tree-We present Tite Taree to ite » Gre or} m tour of over the town hall -iliees 'Petrie. bhaa 15,222 | eridently much impreseod by tye etzbt. The | hes | Bed og hele lines of the Grand Yrank and Creat ryote ber perme 9 Gaands Enpamively er i {sf os How do you like it ? Weitarh Hailways, and the several branch | hers befors TE. feces | ea uts need eee Bie rat, y cand, expelled, saspent- as if they were going slong the | Htrects Red 4 day, Aug. 16 1882. Mr. Jaa Quitti Hines mare emnalgamated, and ender Mr. Hick Td Keg steal, wees | bat the snl mt cesree BATS) London. 'Tho Dake of Cosnduiht bested «Md TA es Wednes ay, Aug. 10, > Quinlivan, exeeator af the Inte wn fomasvign We tulle wea esc ( eee Esquires. 'trial, " put inte the can 1 was rom aber ir treet ade. Ttacdhch 1 Oe 4 | \ Thos, Mongovan, advertise: 100 acres of land | , ing that the caparity of the G. T. occupied the entire day, waa wajched with | there a few weeks. ane morning | oS) ares tne arene fs BE | Deere memnborabin.. .....0..00- 0-4 wazit The concral verdict of the Enropdan apapte- Wood 1 | ae Seer fur sale in North Easthope, "pad f Bereddord will be amre than deabied. deep inten rest by patrons pf the factory and | caw the milk: and ao vas weeks ies iceeeabeeships... <= Latkogpannty actors each insguifibent ua? ' yet ene EDITOR AND MANAGER.) My, J, ®, Harnett, mechanical euperin: | Particulars a peta coches iter seheteered Sa hp were yee: | hgoss Mustay pou Buh catmeet ie Sis Ft AyrorsTEb. e fhciry wire tte tha | groope uhoald Hive to. tee pitied aainat vo | 2 Srrouan in the Seaetin trent a) aaa announcement of | the Fren S ses a Tecmeret opeduated tn | hn Saline on bate: stohaions is the sie The faligwing coinenithees were appointpd | ebostitye ete fears Waterton, Collings | unworthy a for a» Arsbi's army, which from |" Chickems bikes 4 | H GRAND PRUNK AND GIEAT Whe Maritimo Fr dat ot eh Wikia Trethewey, senior prosecution ; Mesers. Fennell \& Gearing sp- etd soilk to the ois. Ih was the practice to Ipfrebro rie wae ag wood, G, , Mg Wiliiam jarmnid, tho strength ef ' etonlignce a Ke iu VESTBRN FUSION.' The img an unknown pisn hos been Thersday erching Inet, canal tealing of Fenring for the dafendast, : and ight's tailk. Only saw the Mi H. Cole, 4 ta. x. bom. "AU Monten Say panes. 1 W 5 7, HE | of ita position, all its med being itrmed with | gt | : bear Seeviowall anita. "A J | decp pret to de the whole comenuaity. |. 3ohm Morriann wae Gen first led serdercccs fn a Have na object in this Gaflaway, D, 1h; King, Toranh, G See.; leaner vet Tor Reasington rier, sh on of ie a Le : Ms shat ie i | "a id ve ree Hia lens wap of on 8 fen hours' duration, | Hy testified ax follows ; I live at Newry, in the muse coe tell the trath. by aera bk a BES ge a! G Yive apes Wacsdyatt, . Kepre "a their = hn event entrench | ! f j | Mf the firm bf Hew and wert Ns owner cheese evening's milk poate. second Subordinates;--Tira. W. A. ni > ; , ee i i mnofactarers, Listows Ge | Such prostrate Mala, we ee sae trom time it was skimamed Mep. Petzie's mother was aber W. 8. Campbell, Ma fs Lit ie re of Ontario, 1. 0. 0. Fa 'afer the Cesare bed bees I ee ' i cot pedis, ¢ up to his ons in lapel d 3 lst May; it presenit, Mrs Petrie aaid whe always did it. gern heh D. Ge Howl its woo ee lpins unlay, (Mtaws war met oc pa Piaget nag re i ebay © feeder Vm . below Mrs, Petrie, | Can't tay how many cows they have, did not | Petitions and Fry nt --Beoe. Yoon | elect or fhe inecting. The | Fricmpeuming, He rawindal them, Stat tleddirliffe, ur, leaves to-day for f+ He been in the mechanical ex There is a com. | Know where they got their batt. ,only saw b. 'alter Milla, Harauel Wool, Janes | follows inte offieres_ were snathed ot by atte siciat age oy tka' de any ot} i] Fi S.Y., wliete he ineterebs be in | p ' to look alter them chare ones, dil mgt hear agyihing, os sold an peg a i ri i . Featherstaie, | {yah a op ante 2. "ete nein aw, Cnvet Esq. | Ph &@ fitter, for closa spon rts. he affairs of the factory ; the names of the | tect "here thy crear) came from. Stra tate of th Bros, John Gibson, » Hush, drand | creat steene ins ent EON, OF at i knowm resident of Hiraticat comin at ranted i tans Robert | set both the pate end Fant opptrently stim see beiy weer Ep pen he NG alts. Gene tr Se cegone peel ears yan lormeriy of Stentiord) i i ile on the é a . Morgan, (ir i ang i | a ff er hs Hants ih a, mond " Pentaade, Conmwrall, fran whence - the cheese maker and Ron the ete ake | Examinod by siete Copasel: Have | Finaner--Bios. John Dohogh, de-ig 7) » dolitfe, Gand rmad thera bo rd pci a f | sie ey sbvevealel the 4 tof Canada in INO. He was e] of the . Thave not pd peliggor the cream taken from the can be- | Packert, (51 mm. Thotisan, E.G, | Chaplain, Trou : . pir' lttusive citizen, port woe hachiy tt ey Ab teste the auifk, J saw ] ing taken oct of the well, before being pat on Thomas, F. wend. v H erie The o yer et np aa heathy edited caseene Vwho know hit for bis many | thetniik ct ibe night of the 2h July tested, | the sland, by Mrs Petrie, sas tities gone five |, Legislation Bros. Gi. T. Camptell, W- C. ELMA ty the, ginetal pred qualitief of head and heart. He wate] p t's Counsel --The sSoske age Premier. baped teen the can | Mosery 3.8. aes, Leonar d Reruspe Se ' eee Catiyaliow h Thad their | wall-e i ; f : morning! i ] deny eters af the hats basa $8 - | ios bas a at ae Tract won Mileage an per die rap Abner Bruder, | , emer i Lada 2 Figs ge ee tex bya acre ae of Eng- | iM es Yi page | ave nce A hie fellow as and hy CF priory safe Bod ipceod oF ee | itto tha hous. haw fering Mow Beane |! a. ber Bey dear f , Wm. Fleming, « Tonom cia Meradas: neal Gea thasvavad har lag, 'a tad setrioes Beran, Tes the atternpen there} a] gp Mor y " on Gmtherworkumh wan belt in much respect He | Tine Was present at the the -- weeks ago y¢sterday. Mrs. Petrie Avcromrm.--A chort time Mr. tang @ hy ether relisioas den ree r a appeals ; waren a welilan ir Ay rown op Se ily ta 'snl July. San Hebert M milk out of iti eghowd rf acuig, and pat the ga " whe try ra me Se, este tas |S Miruthe ari; ML the 14th ve igs Oa te Sr hon num to attend ér_mot ad 'pleased, As Us eigenen am a Mr, Petrie's yard in a little jar; carried abe ine ie " : con eT | Wolsh, (Stratford), Gepree McCarthy rape ioe So int killed. | being hicked ie sie ara were poorly atiendod, The gharel 7 _ n the factory ; i citar chageast-uaehanly al Seagate eriedgeadr ue] UPR , Ham Perry, J. J, Man. | fintely over the eye. As it ov ly the city were reopened, \¢hir Augtican'> Macereent arul wileaud bs. Hobe ning, Gaon Milipoley: T. Hamank,* the Aueige hed =) pat in ueweral «titehir. 'On congregati:in being glowed | a0 gf the | Bp : "OE ' " ' am Pristiag,--Beos. J. B. King, Geand Beard Traralay, Beth ult., Mr. Jos, Print, of the Presbyterian Chatoh for their moming set. Meee Gi to Bhe.; Dame, AO toASe.: Hye, CO to * j ent si amat Watton, Mr. tary, W. J. Moltoberth W, H. (knowles, , | 58h, © y of his right | tite, their own chureh having 'been wrecked) 00, 4 Clover ated, 000° to 000; = ' arm, ahd ao ve bled to | during the bombandmont- La TOO The, 89 00 to 10 wo; ant ba ffin, : ue takin 2 ee ao ar Jon a Chater deat inv ot abl thn had bot the doctor . j is; per | nlthe Max in is F ; | Ae ced Me. Soke, Clanshan, Chatlas Cantina B. W, ne real, a iss ais onl Be mers tia week am fine smaller bottle with a as. Copper iB ane and the Mr. Fi me ~timdoy whet 'thee tho ee No. 1.--R. T, Preston, Jaa. Rand tiemtn. a, ee He oF ved on j subledk 'to 6 ' 7 tion: My | Thomas Flotcher, 6, BE. Manbot, Wi S. Caresert an ia ~Commdll moet the t he mmnaller hottie at Allan han os t me 1 ica ack i Bantedo, hall) Augiet Sth. Members all present the Yas AP stopped at iny house until Mr. Si and f Hash Soh spall tay tne penta paPrivd teburns Wa, &-- wl J. Shaw, J: Prighey; Minutes of last rosting read and acloptanl. fern ther icin i this T give te SUE ia nurse for ive dat before be died; could not | HD. Hall, Aviare Dppor, Ge wi Sha mene thar ia ge cee of Dae cack, he, oti : , im ence af the ela TUR INTERMEDIATE MID | juestion to my daughter, ty momory is nol pera fed my domestic duties ? aecourt OLAND MAWTER'S ANETAL MArOnT. Uriley be appointed pro tu --earr which maa "t a 7 hte SUMMER EXAMINATIONS. | bad. They sct it in the kitthen window, and | *%Mding to toy sick Busband. While my] i hy Mr Loghhead, woe. by Mr Bf oi dropped sien a fre Hp ger husband was cick Mrs Hislop and Catharine 4 Master then proceeded to read | y areet Saba , tack. These markaot Keving deen rs gah : ad EAArUL VAMDTDATES, came hore wh, the other twa : apie of Sharp done the milking as a geseral thing. | his fant report whieh aming other -- rh eae te de be pai Sins atthe Rak factory, near Cairo, This a 'tration', on ahe Th wit. ¥ a seaigiee sane =m saan Never gave the Ge pe on = to hile thing followin ; M ay a; Lochhesd, fee. eves the wat thw To : works oes ih rile, [wife of Str Charles Masneding, G, hye fi a cream r not 5 1 tir oe : { inal i; ie ! Deseo may danghber wok hal a rom the railt during Ge tims Ho A 7 husband ne sence wo! rj " any exter riinay oe i csi ~~ ae tte pel aap ey Grins seas Hl | : wae putinta « paras Wweter and labeled wasill. My hustend 'owned She aad gen ie ~ sont, ee On tte me | 'le MP ntock, Heard (reorge Hargrenve's pa am it hel. te Aa enon on ie coat aa ig set bal. $ thises * arent err 'an a seuss als esheets ae Apaallas = say that it snot true, | ines may tasband's the introduction of ee a a ce a second: | with the milk in werv then eet a shell | ke b hs coder he ot who obisined ihe [in the suring room; the # " ben! crea, and tok none mipsel. and aalar ax] | baving at their ann | mtg are reaur he as having | trom the windows ; | don' 'hae whether tha us beon sunt to the factory | 1 ROE. ety Lait ae a chan ped the jaw e id "thes ms hare | i Aa 5 te php rg mithoutan " we being dave Wo it. Did not | om Ning Toler to braneact at Dnainess in {Dut i what appears inedmpprohendible te), | windows were open of shution the olght iia ther that [ ik Third Degrie. all out hore. scans ation; there were a fot of cheese in a mother Uist Die. (ook the eream ai ripe si ' on nik "4 r. ried factory ill dev alve Spee the Grand peige WHEN WIA. aman Mav ? , ; there bs no luck on the door ; ie ice wists this seasion*ta cinabder what Jeclatati ei eee scah Ny dais . wiasilhiesh . par ) toned it with a rope that night; wae oot ki saa ny te mmplaint ; . ty the qaeetion maked om all » He | = 7 me Sbretford rane wie! pee iis sth ocala re, as matty | opencd until the committer came next mom: cata) me m tack pat of of 'ha "mall sad the = fu lett jok fi he dd their i ein at pre tos the [amadan big ab | 4 voclammation without attending | ing at 10 o'clock ; the commiltee went into ' m gigg watiffacti¢n --carréat, Mo vel hy Me Rich. | 8" yan} now, utriet pr jem 'Thomas Donald, of z ?| wo where the « examination wae | the room, and we counted the percentage of priup owt a irneveg suthor bi pn oot trom], hod, by Mr Dann, that the account « of | tres arise th) ve adbrits Cg Atwood, oaths sich et, the. FT sais ue nae it can | creain in tho testere Uhat had the milk in| °° ry, and n uthot any H. Nmitleag #6 he paid, the want it ed crukine il ne ja mot iy tot ie borgall, sadither, Of m | we fers int the shave | them o texters conaivt 7 ua' jo it. be i rt ad i by 1a too ouperth Fi, _ ] foraton. in rlew of | tester of glass and shows the percentage of : Roos baa quer Ke ep lp esa prorat t id th iy hi f withors Masson's horn, ae ondcring > Ld meena menor eb ether eed ai ding the examin. | cream in the milk; haw only one kind of | OcUPe: Pel fr" shana She tesa miescaley's ig titate ciroums#fances--« hw dispensistion from (ante | Sort ta Listowel, on the tt mit , the wife of 4 tester. At the time the milk in question |") ito yee the ran, Rametiques Rept it in a i eat hy rey Manna, sce, by Mr tea h Aine in Lime of wale, ¥ ating w Fag, basher, Gf ken, aTheTrienn was tasted there were no thermometers. used, | B5il; just kept fut sitet fretted tapeald, that the Bollawing mocoants bo paid, cargind, | toys are not 3ikely to chow any are falar ne oe ee | ca Cosson, Chretina Gour | t don't know the tempersgure of the milk mt] py). pre since a mai t tectory': stand pieaee 1h j Janis Len nnn, covering crosaing, #10 : aur a I ulcnges "fight oaean th ltt ee ta OG Sd inal, Whe wits of 5, i He An that time. The Letters were pot moved until xe of Sa sad NekE's and Bonde; | the work of por oe ti as ne alt Tite ; Mekcone, filling in brid se. HL. 80 anil a clrain trom ang] 4, ee vid Hogers af's eon. ap it~ Thong nny Kate Mackenzie, | the percentage of cream wha counted. My ity * milk Cex Bp ah rae ny prorhate fy gece a ean Foor Lie) mae UOT Dt a Melis : : : tl « Tuosdey night, aes set nieseapes Oh inet, the | Biel nf Well. Marvarct Laing Margaret daughter took it down on a piece of paper, y ehatth eifitte aid, . Confident proiye be juts sment ati intelll. 7 t) os in mx 1 en ree ~ . Ens, Etitaleth Mekor, George A. Frawr, | Tho test as then complete, 1 azn noe a, Mr A. 3. Collins, who ha tnd considerable | gence of the Grand bodes will fornralatd wire ory icie sf she' Sipgontatiion, Wa mats MARRIAGES. | ie Iter sat Honey attersan fcals pracviea! ehoeey resher mipselli Fey danghter |, incheese mi maak wit- | lasra to seusive effectively anil without dleeord "ven tat SP wottion abhi rox] McKee --Aseernowa--Bly sid Roy tL Bers * in ¥ fa ¥ r \eebisielamiente| (imo foe ten that nest eae | iaeaenaiae ci eee Mary Morrison, sworn; Am deoghter of ; " % . be n T pubs ie Pisin lmegiony ieee Barat Aum. owt daugther of Jom ep. Arm |) | two factories ; have Been making chocse for | bel, Tswbmit the matter to your theughtful 4 lagt witness ; on ae EES at his factory i ten ye ing which time bave made Large eae « tice 5 an a anarnes have ba ode SEE, Seas Oh rey ee ieetweth, vir i | " ve AUITIBAry ©! year's labour ia a fol» 1 ceil = bee sw meats) | | lows :-- Numbar of lodges ins wm a; itary oo ee "DEATH! er | | Min ee a (Meniiolay Xt lodwes of instrnetion, held vinite fur tbe tok ie ed w 'i a Sirehanar ive i i ain, B.A. of Uw c, 40; halls dedjeau ne offiecre ss looked wpe as Habis wrarawns Ae Mtreators om Tare, 16h - ten installed, 11; addrgsead delivered, 10, 'deel. efiiciency nnd bravery ot * nage eels hed Gdapoe nt j Iw rmediate Jeni Irvine, Hugh Dawid i : ; sone cnphtdous 00 Te coregt | py = " mu alacmemtianl (req tp pi heidi eh henry porll bob wed cused a 20d facie. stare beard ihe ba rendered, 127 oficial letters written, & dun. aeading. $10.00 | 3. MoCoort, balance a crs, te acdi Ga coeietesopat a Poco May, raphe rif red wotipe pae by ue of ; tent ail the patrons' milis ot found out the qeantity of cream in the i I foal et would be. ineom het bel 1 ny catvest trom 1641, si: car Harvwy, nails, | united army, English, Turkish, and Exyptiaa. | ps stunting Ye sgn aa a Uirsle tis Lace Mekeasse, Mata Cor | Tested Mr. Petre's milicon the moraing. of Temperature paight! wake" ie plo of | derelict ws ta oop dats aid T ta cognt ; Atak Chal be wae: Lo: Galaga Ek beets fs St Sree a eons cons ett sia woo | H relley Lule te Stirtun. Lika Watt, Peter "h the 27th ult, being night as = morning's milk 7 milk wary » ined, The evidence as already | I Open record my feo hed 4, M gies ssa voatt 'have Tor bike cg pd =: ane | SeCeH heined ; tested for five days previous to this; |taken would bea cgod warning, but would | aluable scrvicws rendered me by the fra enai@a: dig ita Ta anu sien i ialalaeieiinnt Arrange seats 3eetn emia eat tare trast BH ruteremed uty asa Campbell, Meta Chenin ranged = ht's from 3 to 84 pet | not be conclusive. |Cao't account in any | Mficers. Surely thiy grand body eanmol but noo Pesiaas ate é ce, Fapn . second dhughter uf Me eferwn Bhs an 4 Maule MeKenzie, cent, morning's mill trom 74104 pet | other way for the variations in the cream 'ox- | be well nerved in ifs official mations when ud ORS ee atti a rege Em Sin 4. Elisa Kerslaku:, Medellan, Iinhard | cemt.. millk of that time being sont in separate | taking it of. Have kn al a case ota they are Gilad by atch oflleers ew ined nit a skim Fawcere te Hibbort om ie ITU daly. ae | Larley, Cour Ntuart, Jotun MoCabe (yrammed | cata, faded from thiwe observations | difleronor of ten par cent bpiwer <n one day noun 3 bere B dssociaten having be htt to then wortwar yesre aba monine. tet in Latin). that something was wrong. Have found $9] and another in theg 'am ot the | cial term. Words fail to expres elty bee Parrenso--In Walises on the Mh inet, Ja wT, pon ent, of mecca 2 bares " ae of } same timo, and an era of 15 days cle ob solgsticn 1 sm anier to our worthy, ¢irand sibory amd . r PLP palms Nec Paligreon, eget Tt faa < 3 "s eres ou ithe nob us us | make Tho 'gt th i q Ee . _ iene 4 le Ae da ba Ser 9 car. Charl meet: fected ie maith was bolne thimmed. font te "lia Zep hal pnen in ae snorting the senginols cave the alarn of the | Ba nown=Gpddenly, 8 trattord on the tah! sla, sin Dunes . iazie ne ira, Metric n note ning of the state af tannor hy | afl oom Liwasent.- -- At bie Tonldeney, ried Nr eresad, xy " the tith , had ni EEL I ne featlons ai emi ine, m " Nendar. the 1th fn utente Lewrer vathan troupe, Walter 8. For | tuenmade the test of the 37th July, referred tant watchfulneks over" the interests of ai Hee samuteten ellie oly Sime: tet Cooma, Culset Clarke, Thos. Mt to. Before making the test sent word to the order and for the intelligence a displayed Aratw, se at =m broke and tod | wii : --$$--$--$--$_-- Mowe E. Flay oes, Ephraim Irvine, " sit ot wna ware Thor a= aw in the « cress m of the Sreportant trust con or isin rove billed 3 io yee quarter', A Some of tl SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' r nT Wren, tieo. Wilkie, Jennie ss marT a ilies! ag au reaulted to any on @r | | . { result showed ¢ percent. _-of ere: orca ; » The Morrisons wae all the oa ey Nid ket L pow resign to you the trust sou plarad oe ring ealyert, 42: 4. Mute = ha gave : ni y ad re a fi 'Sal ae +t be v 4 sample of tm thi ilk 7 - if h the t yr "h =i ' ' 1 tl Hutbreds oft pore rien tro es. me, Petrie' bo house; it was a Wrought 0 to done ules aE Ry Sees nese ree of = denis The b at a woth me ye $2.30; Donald Gore 'ta ee aes pei te are ais peg arm or e. a 'cat Seal abad 'duet: id gluny the bans Tos , ino plane and by me Mr. Fisher: Aft fea test an made | Sete desire to perform them - a frdien b tntt &: a da : ae a ts 1 ay arendnge work t © dane. aac eartfal Lo kinep ie distinet from any "othar by Morkinons roth foal boabd re bring the tial Pasi with an eyo to th ibe a one ree a ee Etat n> a duuble seu wean Mises. Mary Sona 'ouper, ce ol tes » showed 9 per cent of | matter belore the camumittess did as 1 should | ot That 1 have will take part wpleas L teers Proor Heb Ay 'that Heil cause consbter tie. (Ore, and Messrs, dafftey, a, Actin Wateue ae ra iets O por cont t4 got onusally , feapect then todo in making ® farther test. | fean only hope, bat J Kos that the charity ne wr their seryicea, They are | s.™ toil under qpitivation. gictre labor Vefave TE case ter feeienl 4 Ths. feeptnet wern all bets bat a goa proportion some go higher, but | [ think F would thes have got somebody to 'which dwelleth in your hearts covers a mult i ras eer 'at "hack ta o Rhee heb on al instal homie ett apd the a in ve ried wild = pean the wt eft at this season have not fuund Nghe. Tested | watch and see if anyone tool cream trom the | tude of errors compnitied without malien, gs Henly With intereut 61 6 pir cent, eh rah of datos Dickson's on 27th inst., night nd don't think 1 could have any better | 8 happy priviljyre 1 this candace nc ett Mate pelenialy, toes the Gth day af. " * wring per cent. of cream ; } evidence of guilt, unto 1 had soon the cream | Grand Lanlge upon the the improved jaaspects Arby aan bs i sorted tartbe at tiene | 5 by Dabs suction aa cen eT t ; Also James Gray's showing 7 por ont of | taken off ; thut is what { mean by canclasive | of the Order in this jurisdiction, and the an Cosine trope. abe the peemisos, +)! will 3 cen. The potition ¥ Tie u, (Carrie HUE cream; also jenn S showing 4 pet | evidence. The lactotneter ix not necrssary | coutinded erillenes of brighter days and years "seal tho English ac renee a eg A of Walkerton us a Annie v W Dosey jst heanpae y. | exe of cream. On 2h tse a Tobere arm for someone the srount bf erearm amd is | in More for Let wishom and good jodp Executor of late Ti = ah a" i Livicion it © yogde | Jas. Norris] Prank Shodf ¢ ai sel un Latiny, 7 atyne's, wight aad moming's 0 | never used far Wag arse ment enter inte our deliberations, such as eill ea ci of comiezable North Easthope, + ce ve EY ist the rettirn of Ma, it. rea A oes at tasty Little itoring Tho cow Sieur elendant jniliy, and prion ica enlarge _ stepled a Kersipen rear of Aum. po aie avey ae pavers Brae in = 7° imposed a fine of $5 and costs in nll $12.75. or, proi- ot dlry eather » 2 pubiting tety PALMERSTON raenples of both night a pt age The hearing of charges ayainst the other xenntice in greyed de the wtuils Suan L isish Fotis les Grand "Trunk R' loch pene cnr, tos beey and « st -- kr een pedi san gee og porning's rs ml pertins wie posted fora week, in ordar es rts soi ye - - 4 recling o 4 |e 1 frit a | ii there wor mle sari dhe ah ; ae - Desai a Seating 8. ine camially nad fairly, and am purtevtly eatiobed | dais vad oeiny terested "lett attond to GRAND SEPRETARY's EEVoRT. chisveof the mound 1% y Manitoba & the Great . apiling Or ii on ag test showed fairl ec rep thig ane wae ; The ¢ - an 2. iow then read his repoxt, en Mew ry are oreet. | milk, Never made a test i eo litthe ITO rom Which the ming ia taken ; " ort. Ww Shh Digere Meerfecteabed eterna Lenina' my burned do mill to eeplace the one which | i " 'th Ik ae Toe ofa per cent, if it MAM BA AFFAIRS. sais 2 law ch defines the dut . 10.--. | anid seve ~ ron shore a eta N h- est. 5 ticdhcier vac Me is seus burned] down some tiie auto, tained ; the rain falling in the can would mia | Abandan' of the Grand Seorvtar + T beg to Snbanit : io eas "Dale Pa t a Hy A fom ih the chief mavay contre the crea Assuming that the can stood oat. Cries. om Bxpooted. herewith my 1 md : lok | wi AN 5 Wt ie 7 acs ik, at | neon i in ve oie wag aaa WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER STH. isi it thy Ho the country. A Innge sialon vide mt Mrs Petrie's pave, if the anilk was | xo wmevit, anay worn, rerato neo om turner | OL My office, toawthor with rag eupmoa " Tt I Lope to 9 op. The ope a : : Ww nit that line iv done here. ee tantpered with, the rain-fall would not " ' for the wellare of the Onder las seal r he a ya cui A eet Mi MACKENZIE AND 11S By Moore ia starting new bakery in } affect the rise of cream 5 conclude that have oocurtel to me from time te time, path af (ar oulpostas! KETTLE Treijn: will feavy ey town. Suforss to him milk being mixed with the rain on that night, | Winnipeg, Aug. 7. Ae te harvest is noe ered from the experieneos of the year. ue: | third fi He Renate Hp JO Rtas and Brook rll on tepectn er eh Me Sy ph Hall left for Manitoha this | could not be skimmed. Aw of opinion that} at band, and the for the year | CoM! has indeed crowned our efforts ¢ lide ae Hla young me ane peat ftom artes rialnd a it Manitole Dinnangls. Deebee ke bere ee ook on m prospecting tour the milk waeukimmeed; do not know of pearly over, I hare been instituted, and larg iat , i bY tae is tain will Lave com! ay rh init shail rape tin wnai crt averag "The farrdare In thts section of the country | other rmson toaceoust Jor I Can distin, | to you ef hough might e eigenen x membership jand finnseial {rest ot aupare 5 Rowed toibo: Remportant, Wyre | I rea tea take Renaibes' white neecuee Ahn bokeaot it rapewwa ney? iar busily engaged in gat ¢ in the Paaish all the cank; have names on them, the crop prowpects and the "sdvatensont made. The which we : Frac cin Winter, 77 vecupants of Fes ' Moho 'onion bei 3 " ally, ti "act th 'Mh. body in Herat { nl ool i fin tthe. J Aaiyngs gain, se thet basins is ratter | In wey to defendant's Counsel: 'This is | 'hich has taken place since last I wrote to | T°" 8%, vite. 10 close the year with (14,000) Vt. bie son ' ie latte beth opens regitnen Py sett! ea a ae ee | aconsepany the teat eg alécfreel bes Were by hie party 1 Anns sill ibenel anger my fourth season at cheose ing | never | you. First, an regards crope. We am again tom 4 'membern e using an oar. | regiments of infantry bw bing doen ipon fie an explanalion waa : ee tested cheese anywhore else ; nequirad my ex. | Ging to have « bountiful harvest. I am tanding the be 'Phe hk a ton pe 1 at i Tell, In telling | them on Monday mornin The Wait and Take 'the Popalar < Roste, e-fein-Binin, giving, nod canes has arrived at Osburne, where he | perience trom working in the factory 'with seeing parties from every section of the | and the slight check cansal iy 'the bie Lise misarin eran De "Winter's tiweh th d 7 L. - bac ' Benin, giving. mod wail bas ae interview with the Qucen, when | my mother, vaiting other choose factories | Province apd of the North Wost Territorioss | Hi? transacting | « aa es : 1 ag se gory no co 20. Fer partioulars apply to the Company® gy O) the fror i f Majes i commani to him the }-and attending the tion. read and the report ait Ms businew! in the third chi Pigs our or t \ if mi . Pores Bzit | back door, We an told that the zapl day of welsome nbws of bis restoration to the cola from Prot. Arnold, Hon x A. ina: wl splendid.' , hid there 4 Hivays @ the thing I iis Order in approved of, and whervin : a Pak pose 24 goa ~ Vr 4 bi "Be = borne ener iacape an of abner toep ns pa Mio aa | throne Harris Lowis ; the latter treats on butter as sa cosa ac Recs readers to, are and ite teachi: react ; ve 'ki yak retucned the mney kitting Montreal, Jah bass Lol a nyier si ne cg ie ide a tap eonme. es 'When th oun Princess crossed the Tine | Well ag cheese, Have never read in Willant and that is--tha of the | Stf-crident ; asut behouves every ijgmber twwnty of the souty To-might Z at se! | BEY Een eitagtiainicha, Sige ey, eocamared Hacphante, they were webjectod to the | that the cream guage was not reliable, but seven years aco, the cropy have | to Hrow hy his evenrday life, in his intaseoarse fore will go out, -- 3 if with the masner In whieh a young man grt. | gy fal he rappin. ne of the vem pods barging | Would not doubt his word ; think be la a almont um the nverape of his brethren, and in every transaction o Pont Said, NOTICE 1 CONTRASTORS ir i" Gated from « leading Hentist'y establishment theis eyes With soap kads, 'Fitiv incident led deuthority, H. ilk tested with.) *heat being 204 per acre, while to ine of social fife, that we can be Okie! thor nght ate "ng Pies grbronk } ib hg in Stratfonl, on Monday last, covered with | ore curios papers to demand the abulition | lsctometer for water ; do not know if it in 4 the south, in storm-swept Houthern Dakota, nee cal while wa net like honost men. s) ere | the abi ss aisaeas be ! ae moment, apd i ere Be Ee . marks of distinction, and cache ga jot t ihe oc in the navy. food test. Have never tested in other | 40d ® great pari of Minsesota, the crops are | the py id erro bards nwo ar pointed to fed ato lat night. ceninke pects Pg yoo Ove bundied SEAUED Tenlen, adavenand $9 shat Elmeiare nathema f * ' i oaalolbows it ' 1" Dorr s watered Falk wires ia en --Fel) Wheat, $115 49 117; Fe neeeen ms Seow of ney ener Sees | Tus, dese, kentionnes, win, sal |b) age ot beget | at eat , Te steamship Palseyra haa arrived witha Tooley, low the eases Bpr $1 20 to 1 Flour pet | don't soslyze milk ; fairly | "our North W: 'tirety aot year han b t Tho Railway Fusion pounder aiery. paotusl vung. wanting, ! 225 403 25; Barley bjt I de wit analyte ; Am nota chemict 1; don't nha i mh North, West in entirely aes m bean a ery. hie iene i nun implioatel'in the masianté of Jane ; Dow ter ¢ F we entailed large . . 0 40 Peat 0 7044 0 70 ; Unts, 0.45 ta 0 45; Pt any eaeial matter inact ii | Manaitobs ts 'nessiy so, out ey a ommk ch extra lakous, Luk Tk baal teen Hai com, Aig u. . At cnive welnek to 110, on tl be ae nasie tribunal, eon: * | ate 2 abet ule party at | ' org EL ; Cornmeal, $2 50 to) milk in in too warm a place it will sour bulore | being about the same or those Sxparienced in | cheertally done, owing to the hearty; itood iin iat rappel nl pie vig gmt, i ma ye em cxaln 'ft eee re salle ae derthe jarton, " " 1 4 Pili a he Ww i a ear y party cotrsists of a large proportion of wealthy =i table low trukng wad grail | poise, rrr 0; it Eeu 174] it could be teated, Bon't know whether it is farmers do not suffer feoli i we been evinerd ta: | j, anit ie forse ie rt « if the Gs tru hy ipal. Siok Duniss, oh neible | according tos plan i \ c Mil. stones '= tual relucti harry Ae tad ny per in uae bad ity best fallen grain-- wards me by all with whom Thave eoie in| eatin A ai otieand Teank rai ee application f Tuer, taany of then are vtormendy wealthy. = 108, 10 bits Wy 00; Hides wt, 86 00 t pean. of cama te OE. nots hows the pes st peculiarity of tho soil here con ' hie in | way yet Conads.. The Great Western officals | Has undertaken » remarkable antenprias, tobe | Sheeruannas an ae. bo |. Awd; th paliic, will think and speak fowi | Aha tlle ri posible. | Park, $7 00 to 7 bo'; tect, #0 00 to Sor yap aay a oe FPAENS m auenshy of milk | being that cpap Grops is of extraor- Salveanavee kong Keng rer pircelageaey Y | her f a6 took enticl pair thi any tonight, the particnianset | Reteene tenderien nee marin |) scorn af Lords aight 4 are elajmed for J ward ri = . uw wing cream to toughness, ' =, NeyTe, our present wit ; ch i will uslom | (prone ww thet Mt " » ee Tale yn neh is now in tea all the best \Speles pet ke ran 00 to tO; Word, pes ride. Know of nothing that will either con- Airis souee sponse bat was very dry | Grand Master, Lape indebted for man ai sry =e spi i "hi hare net made pig) forme supplied, and sagued ith | dmrthen 'of nancial meqpamatisties ineureet [2 ited States, While it costa [AP tie# et baa. 1 to "Wood per nei | duce oF retard the rising of the cream in the duting May and June, thus giving | 0% ¥hich have boon tendered in the toot r : Pigeon-FI les or geo i , little te crablee the millera with the Bahr ed, short, 1 rae ~" ' per cord, don i delicate and fraternal spirit, an vei : . i al o mush be Kecoipanted re bo much or how Little, anbardagpece or i s bao Heber. long. 2 Mito 8 00, Callskins per Ib-00 to pinay a rll fe coral oe nets ito the farmers to work. In a kn maacih eet anton = ody . septed bank ue, Haase poo! A if ba fay i affect it ; think would ot ofth ~ uni be, we dy mos unpe a Pi the mate. 4 Canadian wullers have bought tren Me. Hoh Wool ddto 2; Sheepsking, each 50 to | top g wook. Count the per con by the - i Gest of tbe - Poehiteann nil are now asin gy usted marks om tester. This is a troc teat in would liberate it The bird tract uh es Goegt Wg wens AF | watislactary results, We realy Pony shatter | cunt A Livre Pale OF SEcice way opinion j have no reason for my opinion, Gateway: Londos : Sa fet loon on Batunday at eaten Ba | or be tall to euaaptete tee weak ete hie that "l thie beandal | Ontario will give ur Pochlmann ordre = Have never seen 'ary. more than two per it p being tlear, My, Wa writes that the | {Me tender be 0s asceyted the © te continge ae da hope that he $e oe ~ eer invention in their milla. | wy wae. e. seers, cont, If Lecaiall on aed per Le ain ie - pes ren nt i Apes shy " binl arrived home nt Toronto on the wart "The i whee ok. wivdice ao 184 rt " Write to him for cireular. : Only a littte cent, of cream will rite. No one me te ona ae aed ipteng Nr ipee ene he he 2 + ite eupalission th ar us Bal 3 ape Hour Mewonna. Cryect,-- "ial veatry 'dew dit aus mather'y Gare, test tho milk, Ontho 27th took the milk Boo | ae goin the "that Upc rorgrevenwbbeiliny ba feel fate. Po « i wot thi earch was held an Tuesday | * Of a tow pas Leper woo ahoytiar ie Beate Loe g ay, ayer aed nik 1 | bea pion of : ty sitended. It wns | was tested was bronglst to the factory : wo oer he is. over like! owe fro alter the 1st Oaly a ttt pair of shoes, Hand 9 o'clock, a.m.; wrote down particulars A i ees pai Tatas of test just alter making it. the test year, and ta reise By thoes tie tovt witch God had eatled of Mrs Petrie's milk none rose than tarying on the | To serve around the throne. the 'i ' Me. Wi Tees 'commuitior, 1 moming's milk ; think the 's milk a La sie , W. Bimenck, | And the ran dowu that foud usether's bisolper ings Ree roll aatmy: of the ne the teheat Orop. in the vietnityzaf C. F. Neild, D. Mathews, A. teak naw of any othak bot there ic imavarance in the a aw i: ; Pak au tan from the ra this year ery dhs re thar wat eae Sind ck > Feuncand: never showed such dif- i mnie 7 nm Mahy iareey, Col Entleos, 'of the same J f Se ee reeicesereg Whe ail Carpenter on Sunday schools. Tho eher- night's : pery soon be taken tha ey will mally and yet beeen Tight se 3 raryplrh ery gentioag tyres lev. Mr. Deon, i tatus, | knew was there. : pepe -- tat ay eed Ce ree bye ign ceca of him 'u i (. J, fr dethune, who reo FT > do'webd. 2 rigs tavagy, who hase : flow: fi ¢ SA'taHl wheat or tho sowi fects af ie samen . spread uo taut t tn closieg la tstecnth anand reer ef our youth, thousands of lives, and mniliows B eladec inate Ee a Sed way soe Risen | satin mig ais trent oe [tape oe eters" wil i mgy not find B plant euiicient! cod to : : : ' of his n by the British pablie is is f a ig Seneel egret grade fn i to | and be constituted a rostory, it being Aa Sacre factories, Have Aeyranyy wed Bom megan been. votchanfod to vs gtating. | He bad searcely landed," it «ay, Mo the abi day) f Angas I sa, annuitant en .thé mission briana Mrs, Petrie; bright sting aditel frm the 7 year, nt Owe ror hearts and) volged | = befane a apo 1 i ALTO o'clock. nan Slory the tm ar or ; a mea poung tay presemtod him with wena! aonal ratew f all 'winter our efforts td d to teach ae ool we} Inoket, and all | aaa Sg ee : ---- aman fate | } cheese took first warn vf = prineipi rithetand ih, community ae ; took toothy 'kindare notin | tend so moch fe secure the anfety of eee | h : yal bociuiy, if the snvanoanent tat Sr William exhibition, Toronto. T ha all winter, and | and th brotherhood of A Cruel Trick. this ee _ wha 8 the same as all to the ground will | man--havw been ao nignally socoess!pl. Let fret reo : rg es eed 9 den ardper Bgll Mustard and Ge mimaney SESE ae been scoonpolinled ATTEMPT To POMS A CHILD WITH Kcare. . non : milk about | in the past, with the grand results a4 shown f a againet toweupeaples He retired to bed on ier fs to de oma exertions | by our reoords of » be. Malls. Ane. IL--A few dayi ago u litle " : . Branitond age oe te: rohpe = eer Daiis ween ar- thoir nerd cock end alt ts qortinue Seog a work, | 0 of Oharies ed this city. Seite 'in vinlent contact with vy oe i Naan Htergieny morning his wife notiond something: wrong, with regard to | for us, : da tidal over, | anil woure! to areuse bim, but the vital has very | it pasos before this co agers, bal ee The cause of death.was brain Borrow, the rial wheat) disease, Dhoeaerd was a grent.ronder, and better | ond Hoptember and await | wpe a keen eritic of 'evonts, eapecially aod I have arvana mations rele and Canedian shout bere and as if nown tres, and goakl rode a lpg oL* with men #ho on She} cation. Leyal the} toured over and the whole wag | gives his heart's blood of Boplember, The' that ter. id not yield =e in and Tater sown rh wad called wer. sluch as enteral' "1 : : Hl "if J il