i iy Bai fee af E i £ ath fi § i 2 15 : i | ! a g rs EE °F E tt F 4 ? Hal E BFE ; SP a the ta rae alysis to fouich ahe can't abut a marc tad wile Want to ake n x the ciioal which pera the water ad slagens, SrEee best pestle he ile were ay ae ty the docter-- analy, in sd orginal rota spree ne ha was baat casea GB tui nv. ing i ee ¥ thew evi 'allie them o that en, a cruel if it had de aad the bombardment af her Pais of the Artele Lorzacelgrorsit a city he "ety la thestes by tapes begin Prophet ae a fuller cwveaber of the © will ci | bow peer bool 9 host cha "sake elie an hk zo with T he inslimaka bas him fora moment then ect "ea ene ay He! the reacting ad for iar smre trea jocta, | go oho, Theo will jmougareld the Heir York Castine | it makes ite great 'oe om tH a* oha pr doviales at ore i Lenin, notwitintaniing tw Agues Hecodon and Florence Rime wilt wecivlly Lt Pages is atsited hy soars of the Government t Khar Lit et pi ge ry oy 'ell tae rete asp te New York | be a Pen her ' af tule r i] The Has ~l- ria Palace has been dentroy: eet. There [sued tage ir eS wi we | nds of met and ae lying an the rim har and c i * pecan dir ve Nile to the wont bank, "od ed he a pad wort of the Island of Abas, intel ; ora Tal fal = ir "ie aw Lee Bumbenial ther, with their bev 1) pev-igalisy wf Sonteranse which « pei his | he seventoeth sent bn the Bray mare of | "Lan coach ha ; The the Wane! ay Pn cal eile station at the mouth of | ty ila a a is Lo cross oe Lt the wf the foot in shown, Bl "tha ht ia sali 2 Iai wife and frontier castle breed explos) whose 4 Ps cane to prow ovide x te ae Sepea the 000 © ey sand i Pay | ny! pee poy igre old ly on ta woman to cross urea reg country - o as the Mobat Inland -hhe recalls he be an ea at aat wah ber koves Happiness It iso aioe idea, entertained by hie ve A black veiaherwoudn wil but in/the country the girls always want = white dren, TG i 4 S aoy it hy ne EEE ; 8 ' i ii) FE #4 j ie REFZE | it} : f i é afi none wan bail .not had tie pen. lu on- err EF = i { & Vir AE ft Sefaone Spd pierre y fs | toad ot parade and --f SF z i fi Eil,t Fat FEE i F i aftf :-a TPF it Bt rf i ited if at rite rf = t fi pal cei ig it Sj iff EEE z rei [ret bee Hi tr a§ Ete oF FE iG Hi £Fi< ht ces F aie rege H F i be ye ai ev E Ay Te PTlake before you fill the ne jack Neal Prat PLAIN Boose chia aa two oases _ butter in two spoonful of water and mel ina Heat half « flour in the oven; when hot, mix it with two vat tho pour the: melted Kicu Snort Cursr. goal ai fc better Two ounces of nf ai uoyat, mi of an 'The butter aoa at be weil nixed anes gee fre, then wt 'he gm and water, Sweer asp Comp Taet Paste --(me md and a quarter var, ath] opO Gunce sa sie Céken.--Sottom. One cupful of ter, one of sugar, whites of mn ORR pe ol ig fal wer b together bat- night te the 5 and four sifted with the powder; flour the board, Top, 4 dalalf cup of butter, two cuspid of au oa six eggs, ove ond a half tof floar, half oy oot corn starch, one tenspoonful of powder; flavor wi lemons; half a cup of chopped peanuta or hutternute rabemt t halt acup of granu ate! super, the be ntl < wnoothily; madd the beaten eggs, flour, sarah aml Lele r milton her, "and the flavoring; Gour the board, roll oat the doagh rear thin, Re out in ringy of ihe erence hey the white ie te La: : aking tin, tea hake in quisk oven, | real, tart backed hha' nome Eice . jelly ' 1 the white cakes with this, laying the rings on top filling the or with ped raisina of pute. Another nice way ix to make hanl cakes after the white part of the preceding re celpt, and cutoyt with a circular cake cutter ascertain number of cakes, anil» oa ha scalloped edge, and from th in ving a ter, before . mre oat with a thir Vie a sumerous little circles, in quick wits jam or jelly. anid lay the perforated top, sifting over them granulated amy | ent tot 'the feria. * the ak hit over with beaten ceg while bot Very |} Lk nT ret ee I. Oo Gmhoux, Druagiet, 20 Mt, Joseph Street. Serefala, Pace, Hensdar: ri) ef Congo rat de: jee rhea arte : = sae AMBER SUCAR R CANE MILLS [Yetta nh Sa iy a asi actoring NEW PARAGON SCHOOL DESK, 'The-teat hiv ae, For (Wostrated «i Prices v6 ? MM. BEATTI & sea ' Welland, pore. Hor sont Hood atte eee the iol Hd "The German ah jon ~~ cause | suc: the natives, whose lives thd woelan that a from that Mgcality. many ladies aperit emia! the say ile. thasiled ikon pene epriokled all over with forge: ib cee iy ep' pand so, from the eacre: chew rea ¥ geline nail heap we havo | reason. To wap 'ally recom menled wichfthe original na of the mcet a ena eee se, have} went the Aare satiataction tn Minnesnta have Lp Oh age one several jnery ia compet a with othe nd ips of fee Teron prolonged target practice in Pe he] ADS woe omori sa broke up the fivhimg pen A he spots term bitin Bidresm, io aaa bee it sent H dironaen with polka dots Site al pied owlelge of 'pecker Is a to, Oum,.aod Minctm aeeeirorer al werna ia 'Cen Ad nein Ton PALRCaepiaw Bowe EXSINE iety tol pric aa tech wwii, 18 feb tap gant ASeah unre * tami, i dine a Ce tae cetae in hers tims to hen! war apie frocks with polka dove Thess sam frocks eta, there may be women who will thad a af satisfaction in the knowledge, anid wit dene their ole dota with a more 'panlioar air for ™ 1 ae eae ga i ora. re ere VEN, STRENT & BENGUS DEIGLIEY. fhe S chent wm alee, are aigni show vollca fot lack, Naw 'and afl Li lige gi a eel ee ea them w aye keep Dr. Fowles Extract al wri wal Straw lin ie to. ea ber with aot olan | cake cut- pac oven, aml when done, spread I che pits part minutes, stirring well nearly all the 'time, and turn it out for the table. that point to the (all m 1,286 miles, # total of 3,902 miles, The Missouri rena 2,08 miles to join the mon. anid, od had given toi the length to he oom, fa 4, 14 miles long, To the ceoeed river, tes moat be given bee i gotten of running Sirough the atretch of The "Ameri- clopedia" of C1815 from pore ted the previously qu mom "It w navigable far ad Fi 1,300 miles from the sequent'y, the river traverses a hisctaa oe al ebout 4,700 miles, of S06 aunt them the | Mpeaciars pet lower Minalasip at half, lating in St. F t vouch for ita absolute The Emperor was out walking in the park, for reason or other became in- terested in the ----< several work. nen, at work dixtance olf. 'tn Bg et Fy tw bare bee! PB ci vie Raat the Cow r Sri; | Sa Serene ¢ the Ean feecer ate hema "aed who bad bet petatire Ledinng Hicd C ial proaching me Ma; ialenty, said helped to Lift wp the body, and towel | tha bitterest crief, wile and family of are to be thoronghly "1 om of nex," eaid a orator. "Look at easton: sat ww ferer need coat? Ana & pet mi lide," poe apse Be pe a Be Gake, --When egg and butter are . Leotmwtimes hat we call bc we oe gravy for o demting bread asd ip four freck ogee, and mix thoroughly sihin mule by stirring well together a tableapoonfai of four aod about half = Selene of water. te boil weet tink nied nth, mand jun as it boils, adda level raspoonful of mit. Then rly ( ring rapik a the mixture of a 'Great Etrors. i The Amazon is the greatest volume of :. water flowing throayh any country of the va, ha aphies | Leatheroid in anew article made of pa- ong per. 14 consiste of a nomber saber of ieee | WHARTERED . + ANT&) r INSURANCE oul ye ii J.W.. Property. Properties bought sold o hai igo ml et ro "a FREE, om Tiuanent) rod wHRg Lica ig Rees ESTATE AGENT, Valuator, Arbitrator, &, Moncy Loaned on city or Farm | aud | af wtthosized 'oputarl, FULL COVERNMENT DEPOSITS MADE v the de fue tema Aerplas fe Policy Molders + « S1Oa0T pe weakness on Linire! sectices thousand teatily. u, THEO. CRAW FoRD,: Miinoyer and Secretary, HAMILTON R'S YE 3 OHBRRY PECTORAL, or Pieneln of the Why and Lunges, me as Coughs, Calis, beopiag won the The few compabitions baler have confthlen pr gee on nk words, bu eng nat tat ienee Ley eririess, eel fr a ether of di tidicine. IL mult moat cures of A, arnmpeton, --_ be mae =) ect Indeed, the C | arn 7 ee oe vivena feeling © of ina 'Anca rah fe fm sete pints effects, a a Bg ily it i anewered ; 'Kecaaes you art on the shady side of | Ter "DRI. 0. ATE 0, ort a, 2 Special attention given to facia : 4 26 TORONTO ST., TORONTO. This reiiable Steck Fire Tialluraaisal 'Com pany desires first-class experteront agpate | at ail unre, resented! points, having given such, eatief eet ioe, Chet BAGWS on une | Those whe like a Geum oe ido Well to gtve them a i ask eats 'ey aie that | an thy R. H, SMITHS 60., "caren inion a Comme Sele Moaufnrtirers for Dos Spica at Rarer ol lasses ot tral pe perty i thir Pre j inn a | Far Lands aSpécialty | References 'by "Permission | sir 4. FP. Bow 'B. ferenia. ai Hom. di. W- Allam, Senator, Teremin, | Mom. Ales. Morris, M.F.F.. Torente. -- MeMarrirh, Toronte. waif ieee prodess hot. ck eng it by it t Te frit ee y you for in t Sr en in eudder al = VIWNIPEC eee mit p tote and Barth racead ering on Comniiesian, » Momey br _ortenan end valuations - Wwoncl int | - br | SOLD ORF ALS Et n0e D DEAI, ERS IN wantin © > 4 it _MANITOBA' iS | Free Grant 'Lands! THE MONTREAL AMD WESTERN anh | CUMPANY, ee nog sats trends Ureeds Lome Qu' iy north ni pote and with oo uni cation with W The fy mgr i Lyon & Alexander. J ALBUMEN a a MAKIONS ALA HY PLATES, sy PLA scdViicigs Pit Ls STnoTS | DRY PLATE ouverrs 'OF F OZ ZINE! , OROPSY, a Phitior' Ai KE PLATES at: rods ree The hgh: Bnd only. only com Fin ie bn Deparment tet " = MEILROY, ul poos 9As0N! Sa in the Somiion