Now rs Advortinemonts thin Week. 'Lent ds Other." Earunion - Ne Tey Mr. Robert Retherlani * coran bave reterned fren A.M rand tr . ily "TaD STRATED TOS a te r pages Thirtyale cohen hewepeper, ie a a. thee} tattle froto th Pat Sirget, Every 2 Wein Morning. Ux Fesaldect Aba tice y n fosinn is HS per acomm, it nsf 00 at td rumniog far 0,6, 0 and o etence, . Cerreepernien¢e and teres of tears fill ter tank pe bret rope Tirta wilh eu ta rah PRINTING. ne thy berg ta # | Local Hews. and Mr. James Con. Manitoba. Mr. Thos. thts hop edetasennol the: totabiie:| Hon of s larg mew brick store on Ontario Street. ml for the si ig Dhooqa ir tgigra le of the County of Mer the! areal will be ot the Windsor Me = 5 bea on Ratanlay, Augast Dhth, ah 6 Canea Pacific raat ly con frac ion rox bind reached M7 miles w three mii nt rs seerninent Lildengs. sal (Cofsenrtae. sti witt eaiaine tne J ™ ut Stratford Times AND COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. Wednesiiay, Aug. 23, 1882. YT. BUTLER EDITOR AND Maxagin *. THE HYNES MORDHE TRIAL | ial gary onder the | a dhoony a eating new eu: ito elim lo : Mr. Ae iy tng bt he 'olin, wader acho P "Ean Ur--Tin arpa trie priks Li earch, ane ( lustita ag aarti ib Tue eo " wines 108 Te M ! William E poh to Mine abs al pre af wing ae in ieuryibin a J, Sen ae ee fue sd, & B For lor srrying thir y Siresh Tr i Ne URN a n bey maine * Hobthen, hict i fu reepect. i ome tesa, slstars power An Arabie's ques ih He tiounts his he uy hile hia wile milks the cow on the belt wide. Pliments on the watelle, hes ith him the pots of a pis is iti brad, while its head is made ite qven in surmimer, while lin feet muny well a hy yer naked in winter asyy articly of achablise which iy Lyaid he-weighs, bat memes Wheat, barley, anda few other iicht heen atticles, Tio reads abd write ea.from tr fo cake Hanley, Vt v =, Oo "entcring a' house he rerqowes hiv aboce but pot tia hat, about ap much "dunner 4 be alter the woth of the dley iu 4 Tag he alte down to a hot ra eviming in oil, or, better yet, bail in th eet of even vacating hie peat for 'a aa "He know eheirs. tables, knives, forks, Wine | with the z eis itn E ale litale ee oprietty ard nos tation; no wiell te dino Jmireto surround F in oF fir Te S| Master Con, Francie ware rt uy a, mehr ave t BML 1h sles Seng 8 friendly Onder, it death the are all asenseer | nike of 20 rita, "ahi 1 patacines the rela Ly bees gord trother $1,000, oF © $1,000 a bee vol of Lovtitactivs cecey be of prea! roa. Drammand, k oF [ i : = fy i F odor hs cotuplete cl ermart F g =. F if L ers Loar ie meted d Sobb has |, f Hy axed yes return: tect. 'tect in}. Win of Winnipeg, rile } being lald at the bray ot day. 4 Hotrat.--James ehh y yoaarday for a walliay tour ainong reams = 'Haniing is visiting her parents in 7 she fc vt ereatio nial chi are 4 Pranic Sehe and their paren: As! spent eth Tatueneen pti ae oe at Thttpeday Inst. ais en: alr b btEy 'a tae 4300 The High Behe! | Voard subed tor $2,700 to h nt - aie mut Tu BP ented Mie eine, gira has new veered her connection with bLishern cw TH It war tnwily H Corporates vwo boyp | af Wrlic he shi har iiiter to | ao Get dlnee af Mer. Joke £obe be ton + Mr ee the honwe af placmny th fired sample the wheat of Pesan tho Stratti sat aione 1 Ee bron on uther Jay a let of Ing fuss i A rig a . bf 'i 'a Mr. Horne, chairman, estimated the quirements of the relef committee at $1,050, \ ty t them manutactring 'ind "vata men hat eg) taked fas te.n00 « ty be placed! to the credit of his committee io So "so much lene | ie the Prat fathers ; te HM =rdiae appeam to and Rewer spuetiune a Li win "iflice sii M. Ed pea Mr. ThOmpeoD Geans jon ah on wheat of the dict for the err r bekinens if sahita trom Jomnini ane ot Lerahayalrrnds reac > alee a tate a lag agree At esch "dot toe Dublin a the pon Fro town. shi pliod sher is totally discatled hy tbe Ar a he os Frightfal sowie eae Apaches in a the te benefit. lo far the cont hae wr, ot Avon Lodge, Stratford, aenist t Lexige. tthevain. : orth Earcive aye ---The -- su a tty wen crop in this Homnsy rts to Tt Peety well tu dn. pA r whole tar above the meng wa leat provided, the substan- tials of nd neylected, The hegre veTage that is, if ta tar out in sh ren "tind from its syipearnnce 'in the field, The which bees som this came on very cmall and chose reeorted fo, Harvesting fons wrre operat thus lee etpeditions and more costly. Thorr to he somew in some owing tonne having fallen rol it' while if Stood inthe shock. (nm the whole thr ba vet is abundant and aflorda great reason on con, hii gn f : fn bees the yw at the t intervals,' iene i 5% has been ot & altogether likely that the Vert a2 musicians : : yre £ F Flt Fi F i LEE Coen: Tren or Guar nye John see Hay | if We larmers have aaah eh et Batley has been foci Pg -- it ia hat diseotored in Fs te EvEgk TE fF fil : ee ERE i He E * | ; E di 3 A [ifr ih 44 F af ihe hy 7 4 34 | i conpolar and friend, and w at Stel | #8 r which bads proviat better than his own . also who are al the head of it must at times fool doubtful af thelr position when they Betaidce how moch of bloodshed an the unwelcome anespuctol scahen ot baw Mr. Purne-- commits him wll, apparently, in a merejdrram, Home Bule in by a political impossibility: but it can only Lo Home Rule with [reland as a inited Kingdom, Wi ae ' ithe butk of the peaple whatever he Spa vi be more. doubly Selcabie fol it han boa ode of power by Weal, pewget and alow bm "2 means. -- cmrewae3 IN 'LONDON, His Fare on the Voyage from South A rhe area -- Ai HEEF CHIRP on bape SREY aN D CMa AL, ree wear 3 Mar Tn T THE Yotaar. Hjemchin lake k bf dugust Lat, dba pyr pee af the Central Kew, who actampenicd Getewayo from M tele graph from iymouth :--The King ot tie ae arrived gi today oe ited) also by the 'eeanetlionk. i alesse and ane, the former of wheth led a reciment at sig eardinnd and the latter one al Horke's Toritt. The ex-Kigg's peronal suite congists of a nalive imterpte ver and & native doctor, aad tw omative wervaents, Mr. IH. Bhep hn th NhuaiGow. m7. ment, The party wen Capetown gi the Arab |, on July 12. The voyage, was pocasionally in te ani what tattered arena nts PY i he trem ba: ith frathe t emblema ol svage In his W s knob-kerrie which he used upon bis a7 i hear se on on board 'the igramer the. e1-Kire hod bath, and he dnd his native fullowers | xcre each, given a «tit of clothes, thatassicned to Solera, of hiomable, Wf somewhat roceny, cut, amler Bi of light grey treed. for bin ips and two ¢hicl were bite rowusers, loose jerseys and soft hate The ex. 'King ond} ana his pata | nubored fron: en sickness, bot for a short time mye speedily agi their appe Vibes, and wiles thes ir he Bing cnt spake, gre zi dear 4 servant sleeping in callof his master, The teo chief hod berths in the second-class, and whept with the native inte ter, who i a Natal Zalu. ey Their appetite has left nothing to be die sired, Between Cape Town and Maderia they con- ir Li matked by some notable departores {rom that to which Englishmen are sccuste ested The King cor ms of the barbarism of mixing food on one a plate. The poles, therefore, ent erty article of food by itself, byginning wit! oem aro ranger by perrider,, occasionally waa 4 or champagne. The King in ery Bell aie about hisperon, teking o bath every morning He pairs his finger nail, vik thone of hi irate ] ant pitted to prow like colle talons, 1 hin oon Seu a gre fonthe, utterly belying the lar ation whack petures give him oa a mode urlwalent savage, His intelligente ix hy th questions which | his in eters. Cotewayo ious to mach Londen, ng 4 erm the at in tired nd for whom endif wark to the colon: nis and Boer alile:. ie aalipathy ta John Dann remarkabie ng ia mpanied are broeht Zululand tn aed ander to dekcribe. the state andj of the country ond A Y bing. His teeth ight be accounted ping; an posse w on are brilliantly whites ghd bis daure imposing. The party are onacepmpanic y women. The Arab afterward procerded for South. ampton. The Chie go Herald thine taking a bind a oye view of th the sfttaation tion in Halion says the Sertt mie a penne ret' -- the fad a of tare in Cana te irectors of the Agri cul. ri used fo gi i 7 i paigp ast lac. Vorers to bring to the Province! Ex hibit ithon specimens of thelr agricultural implements, Cirewnstances have changed. Another Canalian enterp launehed the English market The 'Cann Fresh Meat Importation Company has igeged Sy seepelnes The C of and classes, only firwt quality fresh aida al all hide. ivoah Cansila inte the United Kingdom.) The mel stock of the company in £50,000 in shares of £1 ench. The Director also draw pies in Whew se ped ey eke $8. is to appealed. of 'The case F & surrender i waar infantry, if pokes ferns oi New Fal mt per bi ooh, sy $1 00 tok Hed Pi x Chole Count © 'Opater,. Preatrat) ties Consigument on ahrrnoce, cone "AUCTION" SALE Farm and 1 i Lime Kilns There will be «fered for sale br Pablie auton actin? fouth that the who clipe of a "Tuie bh ix te SATURDAY, SEPT. 2, 2168, ag = 1 bony oe in overs ward. Special fhciltiea iy 'wag allo vt Ia auiteheti, en tne Ith apt Mrs \ thers mente niay the i arne et the Sam verinten n . at : EXCURSION the Kev itr Pray Mr fartie tle er. gi wel, to Misa sophim pe ak, he : guar 2 30, 1882 z ? Jomme--in be 14th Pe t bs 8 i Logan, on thie Neth inet, wil gf dr, Mobert Joo 4 ar cea In Btratford, on therm inet artes i ae Soe Wont Io tirfed i reer. inh pcg sais Srna aid npw thatthe etate bie selative ett pai au G. 26TH. re to the al nee om Ly Irwh mormbers, Ras Glad- morre Tickets Good oa inte F SALES ATTENDED In Counties of -Perth or Oxford. Onters 6M et Tet Tiwes OMce, promptly Misaded to, anion chine with a few wma ole combn) ers tuk, tar bnice been bert ier Notice to conan GROWING OATS.) da 1 abe and bial wero fed the te ht fs of the peu we '|@ROWING OATS. _| Tounship ¢ of North Easthope. Monday, Anges ie , 1882, for the tevring of febeal athe 1d the howe bodice wore Via toeae ceca ia Lough 'Gori, | town OF 81 STRATFORD ei CHILDREN, chee jae COUNTY OF 'OF PERTH odel School |i Say, Thewley; She the 12th September, for thirtgen weeks, Jeeves ul