+ an ee ee child woe nearly enff few minutes | conditions. | never knew good milk to show dt mete Aiwakd: habe' sauna: an he ated ----s : ral their silver wedding on Thursday Last, it bein Caleutts, Aug. 24,--Frarfal rioting be. | Pe im e winding ficient vystern of fire protection ars Sree tat Meare oF ee Covnen. ts bert Morrison, one of the members of | twenty-five years apo cince the ni ' tweet! Hindoos and M nd te honkd be eredited with tho meaalt, Theettect | Wermbhip and a quorum of Cox the committer, sail that on ey rat about | Was tied , the How, Mural Dean Tuatoree: at Halen, in Madras , One Bundrod and = the ' ij nit, The effect MecMaines' milk being mae him by the | of Stew lay their golden wedding aay | é ing of hs Amociation = = £ = ES | i E = & pea mat A farther nesrrve bee te merrier it, F : sow. Aflvertizonents this Week: al ve 'Chense-- Wen. s Gerdens 0 *. | Farms for Sale,--J. Denipery. F i ae | Z ester Rair--tobn joan ' 'orth Feith-- Wim. Lawrenes, ul" Do's forget. the eneurelon 60. Fort taamion 7 Rew Foot Pownr.--G. A. Hoss. 'on 'Teesda ort Sead What. B, Marsbat NE fo sagen Meer rehire i Oblae 07. | recede t J.B, Wittianeon. = | wa, Ove tthe A 2 Pegusenls Say--W. J. Penguson, BR wubebed alleged Menars. | 2 looted Sg alice Bh a sc reant Girl Wanted.--S. C. Bolger. pty onarea Bros. are at their fax | ere. : y of Carlcten took acest 4:dulbboene, + Grant Teumk Hallway --Jox bank of the Avon.) : abort vigbtoon raites, frum this city, Lajt Tonrdon to Port Stanley. T, B. 3] The Troms came ont last week ia Thao 27 tl 8 cocire aah eye Be mene BaPenged aes Ypenphinplengityr ely = _ hear " 'The Bpirormeter.--At the Windsor Hotel. | eraph. i Oe Erie ating Me sry bee si aes m 3 Hays Win of lant week 1-- to oa of pea oe Mr, Janes Trow, M. FP, tor South Perth, is bore, | din Sutuntey titel bw Peis Stra 0 5, rs the city and intends leaving in afew daye db brpthor ohne i rn wibsaMrtand wil tee we! 1 tell a ae vethieh- Be" 4 ta Cam to have rethmued 10. bod M . of ried Wo aon Ménday, 1 AND COUNTY OF uF PERTH GAZETTE. only eo porn om gear ta 3 they wen et few Seg after the inst mayiboeiet deaths. searteced Speen oe * Sie take rested at qordh ruilos mpart their acquaintance ot , q : {ited nt Fert Hluron co Monday evening fot | nee vonamce ot that tan." They er ell WELLESLEY. | froin hin owe lane, by his reread 1088, Ths trate rcwipts om the MEER Co mem a igre bnsgcrtiny determin-| yess Dyueen.--The fine bank bara) of iter pura parte ft bert bers - a marpenteei incrénen of ingly on Th lay en so ideal bead BO Se, Alssander Meher. m Dears Site F 1 Dao ¥ Byes * wetetriaannres er fi r couples amembiled ai aakak, wise dguienpet by See on, Nine | SO erated in a barry, neoot vied by: het enters , New " Pinaat. i ) commenced this woek Tiss eluent " Great Western ax well as rn an ines beat enjoy poe A yo about 20 rod wi sa sara rae agpte es tan yea, A my front aed righa Hank, 'Ths caereliaes Supe "had rit foro " vening spent. m * d oa . " 8, - in Tay Ticks ential Ingledew Hanes "by | A Tras, Tear -_Esla Prune thom' ncw to the wish of the happy company that Mr. War lot of hay, barley, reaper, on he lieve the tjgwdy to be the dire r on er enitiad te aiicnny oe the "tb Twrtha M. Clay. Tt ins st0ry of saurpaasing | 31st Deo. tor 25 conts,--sent Wp any sddrees burton and Mise Collins might have mat x, wore among the finest in the lownallip. | soret societion, with which thé phragm sue tt in Yow and apparvotly Bei joterest, and during Ht. continuance Tre nen story, which eo the whole of Use | teturns of Soke Seaioe, ane that each cid ne ge oll Penge hogs 80 on ay The. wit ad That = Withont ing to jebies a eumnmencel anniverary i _ - i . ehory is wy fing. mI iene, = : ia. ue | gia mn ee Mutual. The fire was cansed by lightning. fot li i i beldewed that d i Chor bh bone coy aments. tae Une uo peg pai or -- hag tls Aes: De, J, Hamilton, of Atwood, spen suggented (hat as "union ix mi pefention. of the tiumies na tun for edges of Ye he trn fae having a tl el a earl quarter pla alle aisha epiretih: en ae Saturday bo Sanday 'with Mhis frided. i would be better for thei to caltia a parson's tiles around. | of {be Cornme 7 pat ' evel wil m psa set sit and artis, fier Mi Sk ae de i Lira ad tal, ea Pee eieadeehd that we give, Nek a | Stratford. © The Doiee. = 5 | Sears iter their celebrations could he "Sr. MARYS. | i white whent-- ours Hubs bo peret bey ae ee with 'place bur lee - ant yy the I hy Helly Poet, Mectee tha Ageniy,| (bdiar a pear, about ad tack reading , matter | ca otticer, will go vo lg wi the' | O8 the "ipint stock principle." : jj) ree the capa of the gang, which has -- do, Sa, A Prager, } Cayeasa jstiam Parr was Leni in thd hava evidently ben started + thh set |The TORANO INGUSTHIAL, WON fae i a. abk two Hiratign! papers, combined, Prk t month. | i Ma. Taow's Faro. Mom.--Mr, George | The prisoriersare described by the | | tpg. Lod Melrund taceived a whund in the stily CLteal se 19 Uhorek Ba, Teron ta: 'iti e anall wonder that Tue Tisces bs pod Discowrsiene,--An order hile been isnot to SKIMMING THE MILE. Mair, Principal of the Public Schools, ridds | the 'ten worst soomndrel by, the people as { "DONEGAL. |) and. Giptain Perr': misented infantey dis- back, and reaching thi rpot wieajobs hal adie eee ey Minn eal WoiNg | the effect that on and afler Mgeday next the = to his ether numerous ts that | The witncuees pave tts ryt teen's sia te } | tingnishdd themsctves All the troops engueel soon Mel ony vrervation with rod i 3 beats dc Beat of sia! New iy the time toeabserite, and to | train beaving Stratford at 1145 a m, apd | sume etws vanseens muvee TiERtA " PecpLtAnt- of being one of the best practioal farmers mad | proatint pa agli a 7 i The Post Office has boaki: mardesied: ti Mr. did well, To-raurrow (Friday) 1 shell pete Jaan, be was bor vorried to fi lye body ot hbs beni ke aes, | Inder! those 9he de not-abniady take Tax | 1 London at 19.59, and the train leaving the | trea!" Ov THES REAPECT VENTILATED BErone plowimen in this part of the country. (We | The = borage esl, withdat hesitation. | Wig Aldred's, the chomg'a posilion xt Kelenla, and hepo, t emaplorer boa in the euptre of baer and rican Mag, 2005, TH; es Tiune todo eit owe will give thems trial trip ality at 3.40 pom : Mary's, will be dis a MAGIITEATE!® are infotmed as gentioman who resides in Psi tj Bi Mr. C. Barr hss = confined to his host pod eT : nauk «the a | anne pote '| tutte end of the year for Ye, fecling aesared | ---- Downie that Mr. Moir, with one joote vk nopalption is vieic fod lathly by i We lepe ed there dhia miming." In a telegrato dey mete brother, waa notified of the ocoyrremes, || Girl W 'anted. | c ee tes tat ae Foe rae Weet---Mr. Edward Minshall, of Frum the Listews Banner. t nearly pen Patol Seth ete ee Lee The totee ir geri fr ; "pros i patched pf 2 o'chick eS moming Wolieley ere enee left fur the sees of the mander, | | thanience they get Taw Trates they wi saratiorl, ix about to move to. Stall' River, | On the hth ioat, « ramber of puss A 'hag melt + plinaaes say. i hi mg | aes iaty way ors yemeniay ich ws miace Sile vg it: ete apd | pron oeNRuAl, mots wo wine ive it up. North-weetyTerritery. We im sucorka, | dents of ship of Elma, were charged ; ra ton thee tho oniddee ah eral viginity atu even this puter inet sac | $5? in abibt pans worked hy sana, who | Ore eo ards oom pate nant --_---- This prea North-west in making m terrible | by Mr. John Morrison, of the Newry Chevee lant in lew thanegeven hours. Mr. Moir nan bo earth During the ievete ate supply the geairoe tthety say alsa _ Todd. Di' Boat = acd LU whvtorh eS : roe WATER SUPPLY. drain on this vicinity, as well as on other | Factory. wi sing sent milk to hie factory | f het wages ke 8 | the primoracrs tree as 2; ag ar atl Mr. Fewings rained the frame of a nikw on FRTINO. riage 7 mpl, seek aaa Syncs de Hy TO places protec Helis the oid pearinies. trom, Viich the emam hed been partially |" harryster ibe would onty hire hirheelf cule beta . 8. - tent & ne = jonas which sen Sstarday Teer aod while engaged sia Londe 1 Rape --Worecley, in his 'report we a Srgerart 'the pore: Perse vay in ates Inng been « prover jo serait ont Unaeseen'e Pio: bhe- the Huntin! bebe taken. The case of Mrs, Petrie, one of the na nfeng the heneays, wal we understand | Yn thie efmmiseron our jo gay Patrick | late so narrowly eucaped being killed. | A) to the War 'Oitioe » this ceeh aye eet re a I = ite as Fi aaopply of water for metic af Birak '4 Benevolent eon aes Gorge Draper, | ™ ae al farming to neelvt his fraqmds, | Walah way found guilty ot the hares, ope price nike ra rt ia f ten fect and teed ita ia eT cab. Cans ey hod loft the re, ead a d ESTERN | ATR Weill tondd Ghuekr fired eer: ie ia hem fi "lelafid, 'Thos. EB. Hay and Thos mitted din April 11, vf Martin Linden, He | of © @ pelvead anal ae isn this ebb ss A P|' dale grove, on Friday next {hat Septern| Knoz, Pi. conta, impte- stor i waa pentepend to be Hang ; Ik aie sveyee eid mani" if, Sonuend the lel iad Shak. a rye tee Ae. An exe progranune of sports : I ee a toported in Tue Tres BLMA. ms" erica piace a Rd nigh can cannct jhe she aheweied: Sto m" mek Dob. etl aoe "TOM DON: i = penperel. and'n good tine cipy be exjantet satin rg & a even halreit ook, i | _ Hons int ie On, Friday cerning: bax dectinal ip ia i The ion Lieutenant bas only wt mdr ia hat there bg hips ster plied, * Youll ray in the vhorning"' 2The Tr ai a} "! We notice by the Furt MacKeod Gazette, | the 17th inst., when before the aame bench, week as Mr. - of the #ih con, wapen- | comma in the digo Pied odge Lawson's | ddnts One Wall inch te mondered rans brother draw _ te-aity SEPTEMBER 25, 28, 21, 28 & a.g Bat Stat Nergemnt Nanvanl |Homer, ot the with the «x af Thos, Hi, Hay. the ex. | cared in arran rit wae wheat Ab hs bags be Leonie me "at | y bard exxied Ee Te he eee Be na zor vee Metin ted Pui, has issad 9 amination witnesses was resumed, The | f!! Ni ewe Sphicr Sete to the tloor, break. md 4 Rho dats 'tga ah t ves hy oe seas Mist itty nest cr " f 18sa. | 1 borg te Fort MacLeod, and embarked the barn fimet case tried was that of Allan MoMaines. | '"# both bones of his leg in several plkces, | tion of thy cor : 4 tee el an yep, i L and etme of making and sie ae rca mf The ov idenoe againat biz, ax prekeruaatng andeausing other injuries. Dr. Hatallion om of B ' = of Cin ears 7 Th owas in Egy is ua ening mg t bb completaly aroand Uneir siti ay, as HE Gties, S15, 000, 00. IN PRIZES . gli & euthore boy, fg fs a veriinhle Hoeky trial of Mra. Petrie, given by the complain of Aevud tsattending him, but bia friends | wevtenee was shia : Hise | to be played a wt railway in thei i pest nt i a te aan st afierico rire bes bien Mountain pioneer, Success attend hin, ant, may be summarized ws fo detherwa $= will be avery to hear that it will be some firme | asked ghgt cost ; 2 rth ailbrecvan ad a 'thik i ties 1 rolling : - ve of Mr. David Hyde, of Shakespeare, is the ¥ Mir. Morrison said : owner of the ioe arpa sono again. Rs i pi oath aw tq tho a A each Le. i a perce 'a she Pa 4 and ralli : Gen, ie. « Parsi tant peer ae i seuncisoe otk diana : ery tater, ad ather of Sr. Williamson Guy of Stratford. | ure dec at = x, Foutin ni, was found $100 in cass, 09 that Prise set | ecg sete fw chick: sri lees, thu one xewty soe rete and pt the ana rein ete ruanieipal € odiaesl ofphe' Townaldp a = 4 j wrciy the wi of fa win the i "Tht Abert . pa ¢ Bve eee that ' TE petheee wae copuimadthcn dagen ee kerarera 1 BS Nocera { the bec! : ra pe ma met at ' con of lor the purpow of pobbery, Sime the dir mille i ri we tee ft ae A spat ag the capacity jook wre tha: belinens far the, peceon fo kane aio Aagust ; Members all present; Mingtds of : PEE ere ged ! of tie purder has bee careulatod ia ttle r eae ee eee ape Came, | Boe' | commitiee for the year are A. Simpaon, R last meoting read and adopted; Moved by at : mind Qneen's "John Brown" a Bes trict in which it cceprred, ragora have teen | ,,! ei peas | Davie mays lt ie all on aeesups of Use Morrison and myself. My daughter is ¢ the | Mr. Bichmond seconded by Atr. Dunn, thatas | parual jury. ns vin ail ba Molsanpa. poesia alts nal pga gr ect dy iy Spiess Gute ee ten tpi tmander ! wry' | ot and bas full charge of the fac. | Pied by the euuncil ot Noenington that a * Pw onal to lida act (oh hg Bot wes ee. the cnlti Raced sonal, see pakemian's: sleter t: ieee | Ie ig) as gots wid Taman 'Tine at rm F tory,, She weighs the milk morning, | 2! council had sppointel ~~ in OveranB ea m the Loudon Figure, i beri ad ot tlhe elk roe ass |r ~ scandal, and the common belief i that. 4his be) abe. For sonie time past explorations have been | got through the bus oaxtoce.---Having | and hae fall charge of manufacturing the | Mal! of Elma Carried Morel by Mr. eran Embankment ing of the Cotirt, there are strange || sero fivg ki Spee oe by ¥ | in whatled tothe murder, 18 is tle re m fl os gov p rete eg ti rely or wane aban stonpta pryusted sone -- cheese, [tin dt tier duty te) age that the Dare, pesonaes by hy Mr. . 4 mal) ree can § - " geen oe eth which eel, off-bdod |) mour hah ovemtisnd ag ser es ay ae he that ee adn Ma arrewted jut wnt TOWNSHIP OF Z oo 'al pre " ¢ : " | ithe: 1 Can buais of) CATTLE Pu. am = nee wi lich Wairaty' | a at arvik picion fhe = mutdere pay ' andl the i pa ruant ot me it in town, for a grand fall ie ned Poy is Whocking "nd 2 eine and cieartuoae sa i tom: allowed each counell seg op = pM a Om dean TOO carpus ere 'xibuE. vane oite body. it t Gaaek cnn tenant the canal, a. 0 whall / _ eg io a throughowt the ioaatey na Pipyl slaas MORNINGTON. s stn hin bl rapidly as possible: and by the Lith of! a Ths zenbionec tye poreiglr ply ard 3 bc ' in fe iilatrions © = the many visitors who pre plies unall 1 seornetd yes ork. wg ine Pnyoaliben yan a r Sad! ep- | Vot t Cc ef the " A terribly ae: : | ers' Li mrt " the evening of the dah | <0: 7 9 erave! road r 1 | * secured on the tirand ia ¥ sudienecs of ihe Queen, ) ANOTHER CAPTURE. right in hia bowie: s we she r to McMainos', got a the aon HL can 1: No 4925 opp if ma nt A kn paraag ea Nate bes bye _ been a sIgood and fwittitul Damien has been captured. "The a sanitary THR WOMAN SURANLY AbwWrTs tative stor "mE | 0 3 B eve! une, a eulied rane ent j peer | or and deported f ty comm, nad. ps it hn ae Z { revivn cate phi : po pak gar sher, : at | the eonetderation Te ieee eon for 'ities . AmB LN nice ta bak ie LY 6 GWEN Mant Ly ool ' rieeding few the een ae sample th ech wa i mefong he "3 ith whieh Ottaen, Aug. 4. -- The inquée tof th iti 1 Tota 4 poracent ta" The Nene 2 pyc ile i cate." Mre ig i 1 bass peo pe presence of the eeeiinioa nag | cattied. Moved by Mr, Dunn secondal Ly eu ts William Kelly, a tlealer, wee 't Majesty troata him ; Upe it | t pity Robert Mt affrer, was hel nes fe iteapille, | € Ranae Conte I uae: toe! alee i inwrhdomit as which the « ng A vera sorry Mr. Bichmond, 'that oe contract ef A, ot ti ea anu ery ann on Fy Nine tae toe eoneeomicton aie royal aniatinnes The priaicers Maria and Chester Steet | Z : foe Consty of Porthea Go : ~ bis, as Mrs. Ete re Morrison pomyaon, oo gravel road ne onmplety sled to the battain © 'ont ie eal hin Joyo complet a aan , peices at eth MON OUT Toe will and pera snont "I ay ips = el be artel % of an pee be. Ft . : ' 4 'ea U Yl geri a he perlacit forgets hig bse and t ped "| wes ott 2. ks fe Bene big reer: og OEGER 8 HALL, VEWTOW, fs ehair OMe Tw wit . i ea rm Frveeape senoe Richie In te S80 July. having examined it on the | \7 a tw om cued rep Moved by vf Lo tod Majette «dal of the uta tend A ioth Ta. ee Watling) ery tte on vin wnthey take with them our e lous, pl ii do necund _D ic bale lowked a on . a hw i ts ([" eegees thvarmsteyen, merit | mo | ean a nid | es cape tamer io mt ie tea che ease' una et Mth Day" of Sephambn, 1880; . ne Ma be that fr the dente aren Ther te pein we lunbott ol {arailies going the milk of the dath, a Y isand that the Bifor Caching & con'G, H. Featherstone -naned ney Enna: | arab , ight arm aS th ont Schone | at 19 o'etorn --e on new that the summer hnlida: cream rose ive per cent. ust £ ee nil, a ee mninee cbt ails crt Rh aE ed portion Bhat herent i rene in the valley, alee any co tier | 2 wins ton close. Husbands ra her m4 of crema is eight or nine per cent, ph ati The North-West Capital. ie dighoalt " ; ate ner ioe Hide | fareucertinanet rete salit ites . nnn yi ciel agian ther ear te the pees gp (hat the milk cttw eer GUBISTENING THK KITE bing " eh | ail wR ' a ipl ones rH 7 t o of Or ct u . 'ihe ca i ha aa ts venir poe i Neither =n i on the same day, and wel; 8 LEa--THE FCTCRE souay ut or tin aon "gaan it : ry servers per Gent., the other cight per pind te «5.6, 'bm ite: Mi 10 Tabs bertacn ye) Bamber et mich ect to Work to break open | PLAINS--TRACK-LAYING COMPLETEN CPT [ite i att JOHN WATSON, f naa on the 24th again eaumined two others, T $347 taxes ne the tail APITAL THAT t8 TO BE. i alin uh d tall cut anos . (ate! thie Ete: ¢ tek of the antl) See hey + & micccarit ase me sere a and in por seven and raid ewig) 3, Harvey yg oads fe. b the poor Wii nia 2 » althy z tbe n of Sera struck b) - iat Permck rd mae ska change ite rt a f cent of ervam teste! the milk a ontramesy ecka) n bits, t. It was a imnipeg, Arg. us -A telegram fram Hp. | Pee" push fortard apd occupy a ton 1 i preg hii i be ul Fer oe war ve ra pth he afl rt | brought (rom MeMainex' on the erening of Fullarton, $90, making Votur's lists---Carried. fesafel resee cling, for the spiel which a, the new capital of the North-west sont Thee. thy canal suven milos wust of "pak legge sbon Fi agi aelon page the Ser oat = i i A RARE CHANCE : along Ibs ect! This water titernd | Canada, Iie believed thate large number tae open by een The milk ie | ars p Re Bann seconded Uy at Mann, | Lwcerated t Bea tril titory, reeuived 4t nigh}, announers have been warned tho canal could be mout ins eonfeaon " the hop: _ereeine her | ih bas Prom walt be tree trom ail impunti vf these have bron cireulated during the past tested by paces a quantity of is Ip the that N. appointed inspector of} ry, pres by beings dragged out im this manner. | completion of the Canadian Pacifico Mailway scriously damaged." sitag ber 1 TWO FAR ly 'to detiver Ue w ie peopoeel 1 alld be borne ia mind r a testers, am allowing Pr tore main in in them alj | btidee in cour of eretan n bre ron oo on animals werw laid guton the grass ha the Pile of Bones Hiver yenterday tmor- Ee ADADL AMD DS Leases, i. th peal | MS FOR SALE! ¢ put in duplicate tmachinery ten do uae alle om thie bank .@ tid: bes Mowe by conded | SF ah ene of the weeident. Out od the the at nine o'clock. Chnstraction trains lena ngust ¥5.--It é ary th 3 ATA BA witch ¢ ' the nid toler tasigead aa the onshere the top of the al in the phi non This 2 y =. Dann, hare Mr. Merger 'codsaver whicl omyirised 162 cattle, "have crossed the nite, and. track-taying ismaw | Arabi aocuses De Pp Lanne} of having fsa * a | RGAIN. a for usual way of testin This is fi wrobable eost of ts bolts | ing U iit A hy cates | C)SR.CONT 7 : mee £ nae in he ba 2 - bas rd in Maitlan: Lidge and report neat atcann £ ll Toronto petite ge were | Sascmbled in frome Manager Van Hooks hum wilh false carrer hgh sa ite alle te an =a was 82 a wowabry | oO peed = 1 : to badeonnett Na o wtake prize at the Frovincial Fair. On the | 7" claws were for the lavying taken down ur Port Uni on bu ndlay evening special ear, maimed new clty with » aml that in wai ity "Thine ages is x "i s i * wal, F slept pevalonn 8 of om 27th, there was a ve par cen the 'literent rales for the current year which . mock enthusiasm, pews those Jresent * head, fontopir relatiche oi a au yo dub. a] ' wut the in soba reonived instructions ween Allan Mc (I the other | © ax follows: Co, rate $3,068,67, 28/10 mmcked, and consider. the Ligutenant-G SMS MIRTEART FOYER TIS veaned wd thet wale pr ge | tag de iocat ines at te piles deseriitibn is ene D By Sie than were Pencil pr HM sie th 1 tea rom experience | | ete Oe Tp. raw $1,308 pr rarslageh line to hea The care | Bey. Hon. Judge pg Mr,.D. Melniyte. Res at ec Ane' 25. Nelidatt, | to boenceiate, ee picts her = taal bes ree store find peat 'obits. presses ™ " r : - me . se We ee > 9 ing cheep did not fall to the bottom | Vice-D'resideny jan Ambassador iene "a di Bev r Igke, tow ni i engeite i on).opvinm cf ater orp. 8 tbe Pation Maginteate. A fine of 91 and Bosts | J d July. though tho Prercuntie Stratton! & Haron it mnbankient, and little damage was | Smith, Director, and Mies, Be Beith; "ir Vin sible in lace of the deefled attitude of That STRATFORD MARKETS, 7 | pasa pa janie foes aither volt of the a a a Sa ae re caer at tym i a ete pol | tS Meals _ on ich and | is trot seven to vight per cent, McMaines for eg bes animals of the car. eek ; Hon. J. J, C, Ab. | fi t0.get the stipulation of the military _ HARKETS} i Fer farther nent 9 aren es -- poss oi ps he ae " - t the aath, which was texted om tbe night of the cecurmed Williaty Torry | bet, Sits, J. EL MeTavish. Land Comeni Laskhin. convention between Turkey and England ex: Corrected try vd M. Fewniett, i pres TAM omni aha whole This is the ont r allen will be mp =r i pen 7 Che law | 27th before the arma tho: showed anly two Souk be ing along the bop of | €t; Mr. Graham, Mr. McDonalil, Hudson Bay amined and if necessary modified hy the Con- ia ape wie | | Keeeaaes: ta ang whiieh.wlll secure the miniram rates + Eraoeieue: en a Wage sci I bony eream, On she geab, dhe mnt | ee Py bs he fel sti Bat yhe | Co, Mr. Rufus Stephenson, Judge Johnston | "Tune de bode endeavoring to have the dogu: at " fants ? cat tow & faaran,--On | Sher ve wat iis was hight and 'o. over the ombankment he md succORS Lo i » | ment officially cor jcatert a > 2 aueea ie & Beadle . eff cen oe t = Jin Enns, ifieraonn a little idl mol about three | Morning's aie thes manta teen ie 6, logan & 4 Elma. oS ek eaped | tat his lds, and euscotbed im eatin ai that man eapating fe Ee once ad goon ae it ia ery t ig spel - } 7] NORTH PE RTH cs abil tp eigen of Btralfoed will « SMein fer fears, was playing neat the watering broagh hy my father shew per cent of cream. | armed to meet on Hak isth b Sepadober: the wreak. Althoagn badly shaken, A. he in that mapulonn country, resembling ~ he wiehts to extract from Great Britai ae a. : SUF tia nb the works, Capote Fisene a het, eee ret. Pas W vant een pereett would not show Thos, Friseate point et te cag 4 mee ib ¥ some degree that which Governor nom ---- thet she will sock « L es 4 b extion uf fhe ina ear . ite feet | that qream had aff, pint on the whole line for sch an p Bev er now held. Since then hi clan bi i 1 wil ee a -UODSErVa, tion. ee Mi ronan 54 report Xs ~ei e 'eating eae Ioihen me Luckily, Headley Cook only showed four per ovnt., I woukd eonelinde LISTOWEL. J furn Bad ser Bacal, miicene i is 8 Gnal aolation ot the ew ition to the thes Pens : of ve ss0cla / heyuestion of Gre inmurance, it matters raed sim ue 'iloa quickly _ex- a part of tt been taken off. All t -- pleasure to nuk thexe presept to drink kapooe | Surgpe. | Nelidost has alreaty "eben Flour per bb, a 4 Tem | oe rapier ee periloes ited ctw The | samples of milk were tested ander the same (or respected townszaan, Gro. Draper, Esq,, Fearful Rioting tn En in India. to Regina, the Queen City of the Plains. He | '< "#rport to his elfort of at foart one of eal" nes I E..- q, Erosion oF thy Cacia Va) Awese hits esteemed partner, ce! had walked Over sta sila On| & lovely, rolling | illeaagnes. ae "Eee i j roeraEn fir ' u : eaga Tis AnD, ie Oa lie + awa Wadlace, 1 a beroby Tequpsted trosea : : mf 3 4 0 . resent bo ial 2 , Pilirpe po tne dept oe noe oe fea. The elject st the tucking wante Geati | Cheeepmaker, be was one of the party who | And thm ai vigoroas in mind and bédy ns | Ch, AB Are wittins saw the disernbow 7 Per cult | ass the water works by law "The rated had the milk brought jothe he actor eed they are at the preagnt morwnt, - body of a Mahorn dan infant lying on the s ' tater & tow eicicndevandi 'wee hae? mete He ln abide te saith (ake "| ale' Gearge 1 has, of the firm of Hess (Bros. ground *iah Pitwae stern off. The headless | j 4 kin E j a a 4 om |* te Poet oa tegbeideting one OF uiare Avie eillor Natier brought belore "the Counell's Re lorrison, Mr, Morrison | bas gone ta the Northweat on business. Hess | vo tein, nonimneda men and women regi approx! of those so quali. oodk Iw 7 ame! es 3 netleee tte recent distrcicthenn ol : gave ob Soractner the milk he had got at © dui i i were lying on ater side. Mal nmmedalia' | S04 10 jadge of it ax thoke mt on i r pape te: sae Sones +o oo | Convention: " tn the ante rigs pares ing peor ioe mg lo be tested with thr ercam a fernitare as : 'vere bam 1 and the principal si. preety Os Cw 0 Ismailia, Adg. ¢s.--Mayor Talloch hs: sh ll ; 4 Conservative id ie them. + om - if ele ex i * chgaged 1 Dead We =| ther th pressiray their "deg mt wal be pdlgtiation at = Mr. Thorndyke, being called as a witness, | for a Winniper rm whieh wil connpeiee, act. thrown into: welsh thi corpers of Stabom- imatrumentalin making s choier, and thought shee «ay " | Ruse Paliienest, beberielatirsy bbc, TE suqh condoet, and ik was rewotved to give Pt pain i ee osu ype igre' mal cas sete of knack don furnigare, tone a beg B. ua Troops ary still patrolling | had been a very satisfactory one. é ie a 8 ' s | ogo epi jim porte alr tothe 'delegates | f m would be powpra to the police committee, exety there, as par uty, | single ite of wi includes 4,000 'phaira. hp re reo its mamas ware & stoall SR amine per: wie | hase «1 Wo. noe we tg | ' pet ot only partial lo marae to discover the acampa, od have nk hed Seve ese habit of pacing the mith ean Mowers. Hess Bros. intorm ts that they coal thinority of the population, A Roffianly Assault in Brantford: | i). ' " bar ae 'x ma ee he ne ee res "chs aa A | - 4M - wns " ay rer vt uh we he ry: me The Lis ite he saw Mr, MeMalnes' 'him tbe filling 0 orders for the rome frm 7 are Friday evening about 8 o'clock, an ex-Maye prong regen we m3 nd be "en tte { ic ¥ . ies } 4-87. Geo, shld 4) --2 4 fintet of hn eticidlbt wat wap iron th ve | marked last A eeak: Listowel Standard re. | milk, but did not know how often, She took | Exrexpsn.-- Messrs. Hess Bros. havy com. Fatal Explosion. Mr. Ry Henry wan citing meiat i fone fat | eu i hotter knowieln of) the | _ BIRTHS... | ij ian a tu 4 it lt be pe on the hee alert Land :~* Bireplord F Sebool | all the orvam of whe coald got ~ milk me new] the erection of w lanae edith a res Mr. 'Hunt's livery stable, Ca sab ig | CML 2 LEE in bn. "a rae i ae A thatch 1] j ey ed tha! offer a reward for the eumvietion of | was then sant to the facto She took the | Ubelr furniture Bewry. he mew wht = will at aS - bog i | sre f <j sien i oe ORAND TRON | tise crear be peat re wor ° at any pereons sanght trorpasning on the schoo! | cream tothe hoase. Haw her do this mone heck on Main strert, on the weut sie the | Buffalo, X "7. Au aman by the bate gt W Lats anaed | | New York Au yecial des 2) eh Se Barre, aise ite the te FP Ne if ge tue mast er oat : pen Lacs gucnggaoitaia In | than once. She was the only perion he caw | present milding, and will he 34 by f the Erie Hailws. ig, 25, 2 gum.--The root af tye on ese 5 thowt rad "| } ares "The Bi tinh pos attache a the the danght Ls yer, of Duflon & Myers, af Se eee eee red ent tetarectoee | 40 the ihe sahand gran eons tase open | shim the ke ial cl © viarien 'igh. " Ih tate be Rciahed is | Amexplacion. the cause ol abel er eniereny | rman s_ bat: ste piste be: wateats Eeyptian position at Tel-al Maite Satintay | soi ane Sige Mins Hilla ast whieh ean only be cartig) on whore aueb teas of a pa ark Like omnis." Wie sont the milk of five ihon Me eioes exit bad shout five bow p Mestre Hows Bros. have Sovnelt Sibel acetate and with a expres tabi! sige es the tine dis bows ee 8 Sai ter. es Wea x| NWOTICE ! { valaa srother to the south would follow end in the avening aint e - beens pel nf . t re re, sei 1 o ca' a § example and beattily the sohesl a Tie wilh ee laced isan i the | realy © tone artory hy en rapidly . ch iewt., the sete On and after Mon niday, the 28th F. j S teih Gowers nod chedy. walls be | pestamerning tobe daivered to ihe inctery | bends arcemplryed, ut even with this tye iiSitate Gh | inat. the train leaving Strationd af) | oe | egover 1p theca 8 powerful influence | We rom oné-haif to. one gallon od number hey behactr pelt igh Ayn Bonnar, Joh peace Th engineer, J . ronpes Up to rel fe the Sia toot the Mite | Ha and due at Longdon at | ae sigtaaily go where such protection | we if in the twinkll Tey it, brother, _ pon igs acne pi family, morning and | tomer. As econ an tho new 2; Alegr: preaaey pos I een and Hany lee are sop. |/violently. Mr. Henry rose snd Aetendded bien. | S7eIsed wlan ee whole line with bese loo. | Sh en on fe tain ine tie | ake: 00's due age Mary's ab } exlsted. 'cstractive genit are Bos dal qanveried into Leunbho ie pavdecy Spinal ab rn ng be ti y Lap haes employing twenty-five | had his ak Sa ahd hia ies tent: vigoroaaly that hit oxsailant alter br sen ei ; pier largely reinforend from | Goer Non At yam ora 'aul f 405, will ba discontinued. ary's ab =f t posed to draw the water from the Omcar Wildie.* ' hor any Poker person; never bark rego FT jn comabderable mee + ae og a -- 2 ie Te ore al that are | wan prostrs moan te cape SAL Blows | with more eensidenc sti ay hey bed 3 iis mrt <s eee a pie tniseabng | in ' , a alt "te sui of Jot 43, In our report Pail wht? Bhow wo | Wile or any one else taking eroas of the lace th ed toilet of 100 horee-power, per iri icy adage in the building at the] make an effort ta hold ti a: Haary displaytd. . Their varadtiney pp ies Sis ores MARAIAG ail i GMRIRAS ta a Sapeenin ol! walls Banc oe om of a ads Socal of yet exibieed by peg lavage gs knowledge whatever i oda hh lao cele all is contusion aye he broke deny and m: ee | Reet baathitied, ail i arte wh Sanvin Lavert--At -- - ai i MANAG «| Gh nun" ter 1 bee's | auch theese wl no Sok | Seg ate nh ect en vn | Saker hae eal been: | Sanaa oe POR, aa ee, Fennel wry is meee pe wisat creas ote Sa | NORTH PERTH. | ap & | wdanired weil no be | Hesses elicited nothing further of any impor. | Were mereeted on Monday Inst i test ever |\tance. 'Mr, Henry then process Me I Lars: "eat Tu es eapaqty (or holdingtwo ot three days apply. | purehased y for seed this fall. Mr, W. Bi, tance bearing on the yim MP inven ¥ lauton the serious | seen in Buffalo and wasn most magnificent | to the Fy then | ed on bis way pheerdZehd nin 1 Hs EB Jt mange gel papal = i Tears ince sna oe 'yt, | ng he sree ney te easiest ren easier oat eens, Tadbaes | RreeAN |aNy oneal fpeagie were sh. | the fides Ai. Wat in re sae if | Dominion Election, 1882,: 3 eman Mainoa, defendant, §20 | Of jack-knives, and 'till. 5 A whither he = Ah ates t salen tease ace ein, Oe eee | ee neighborhood can et a sippiy. Aid conte, or in deisel, "10" dye, fa. the | © few copper coins. Th ic tensoned tate tay Lewionak et tenet dete the [attached by Peach, without being diseonesviod Kacraa at Xe "Yin te glist | | STATMMENT of. 'Sest Rapewor went! Farauta, Ge, Ia piping it bs atimated that restopeoud, "ti that foot png 5 ticity "Th sanond finden tpg Me. re concealed in the store when thé doors of the year, and one most a onda hie way by tk Used ntediarle be had with | poe in the directi the Kadsasein | agora 447g 7am sentir | pended pee wise ebincugeeg | et five of sia miles would cower the most valaa the Hessian Amber wheat, -will bo a to | Fariane, of the o ae ne on Saturday night, the thoft | with i TEAry. Stes the ganton party, was ao with the intention of cocupying thst fiflamiation of the' buy rage er t rine at 9 ae. we Et 3 Fea = beon mame township, . 1, however, Inde 'os |) point. f abge, Mr Abe: 'rink ae of 's part of town, Though as Mr the farmers of Ontario, We learn that the by, ohn Morrison, of the Newry . with night and Monday preace d ny gto The bh Fn ar Oe SER, inal before. Ilia. Menor ih tole x sy Be ee Jains fn Engl Lats ad Propose Marting Meanie" ee the Biel inet, ia Felnurt He | ' omta im having sent skimmel milk to the ory. | ence taken betore Geo, Draper, EsqaJ.P.. it! the X one siisicr on the Duffalo creek of | trate. did this becaua} Peteh he: 1 rel. is iia, tetan pn faut ¢ daugtter of Mr Wn Motniien, | apres: Charges . oy The evidence given by the complainadt scald appear that they had been imaking We Kee ork, Lake Eric, and Western Hail- wenieltehl Was es mipet «lin and prvi jae veh Thar 1 peopl Sra waxt rede ed Conte and idan Haat ot fiom. tte ae aml the spveral members of the committee | presenta of stolen. peoperty: to some other | Co ons operated by tbo Union Steamboat |) towards him, and threatened him | 'it Stites there he | ij ame w vite ot Mr ne te mares cocker, aped perenaker Seaema, tenes... Noa | i caer Tp p raanges aed to that given leds i 2 sospict pond own hen and in ita ruins e : personal sia violence. Pe aarp 1 Afare entichal 'with plunder, Revpectalie | inten ic ag feiaiget gti Caples af i oa ota qa deans at uf rT fe , and comm J mon were sacrificed, | for Potch 4 ' natives gre it the o ¥ Sialiaweey dati Lteieein . Sie cknes wien uh ts caneption plead bay an rahe aaa Besides tach a Bolacaust the po Maimmagert ol je edie tard _tefotp itis, Honar on | Who 2 ise jenltios are settle it Bary Anne, boloved 1 wile EMS Jobe ht : peimigh | Sa 4 taken sent tw the factory, the | Rercnsme.--Mr. Jobn Livir smto ' is, sinks Into qomparatire | Susault, and surn totheir he twwn quite unin. | 27S is MMehert, on Monies carti : oe) pee t! ut Duty' Lectros | returned hone r. ~ ot cane or, The a! pig pi to oceat iangunce, The | 1 iz quarter Of the t t its Pee ort ims, Mon te int; ayes, | Tcertif'y the above tobe correct, 'ey fed Miss 'sevidence was to the | Friday evening week, the better of poobabiy Hever mown, as these | Brantford Telegram 7 shih of Me Paiarton, othe 20 se tt = WM, LAWRENCE | Paine ts trod i Scat |i ny heed he toad, {Darn | tera, Allappetee howeer, pot Si aane a oe arnt for Weitemne. | * ft t isited the Land = ue * * to Poss 'Thro | | Waser. and probably place th Lives" q <7 banded | ny cert a Sisteed of On the ar ta ad bea ne Been ti ro to bn explonig of boiler than | Vonatbie hockles. mie ha t Shetsihing creusetators than tteey | 22 Eee ae ETISEME: Ly ve bv Widliamn Lawronee, seat far Be if | r July, the ilk ve vi is " , i wal put for- * nad beett for the past ten youre . es a Re File A : only showed three per cunt, of jcrwam. Tho | #24 other of ol wand by same last night, St. Pe ee see ee Ru Return | pres found faa ove fo Toronto, where | Bes sevangement of the treadle a simple | conunties were proent and «aw the tee et Hie eso vised sosbe"et ta chief cies ef Tuk Exriotion, sake Peat, Minn Ang.--Cue of the move | desma aman seian ie Fall Whest |: Tepe Mcita bite F ett ir cord ig rye syed rinmsed at | ttt erent chee ances | ered ream | tae che Oe | ene Coa ac fe =| | for Seed. be thes y H fi on of time wentfors ¢ KooREY or ot 'ay . we K that liquor was on tha premises men- | and ingenious devien 00 a overcames rg ir also present. Tests. of | having hic brother's tomb--Dr. heel thing ding, while tho engine house was padi) Hogers telegraphs to Breaident Hill, of Fs . pow pulied aie 7h ie wr ae bil wit =i Tern a rigor WHEAT FOR Canadian ee tt private rows, ber eould the cause of common injury 1 take | end seven and a half per = eet ge Abbey, + wore Aidt wa ic Napa sarees Lettered pe sires . Ey i Ri ] 1 Wed male hae been provid, he parties could | 47781 pleasure in reoceamenting it-" milk brought trom fane's iy the a | vapuee ond oh regs be Bag ar es in coat ec elont letter addreni 1 1 the azent greet aay a wala ftaere ae) | . Tih have boon far selling liquor with. Ma. Eecee F, Des) | Pevaoreaet-- Tha ascot itete pagh pada gi Before | the greatest of a great merrval Ay beowese orem Ipcney fagh he tebad from W. Hebill, Reaferthor Hos tg be rae - Pa Pa , ot The tyranny of the law is that --_ Nan). Hl am, ho ea committer, tested the | Twenty-three years had eln; ines the #levator, follows . Ww. RK MANWHALL, | a & - any. porivkte hone thay be invaded by the orginal ool Bete." elu bunts pecs apo tector thet ypoteapr sunt The vohsbending bert the out fant, and for and bee the whole of Spo emt hyo Hho Sheen alien, forth of the oorrndlery Hopsreaeecieess's Ofice, 'Gets : Auromp a0, eK alk at OYSTERS. wet a of Abe. law. ween fees. mary, spitethl- | to that he detag wi to the Par Vet, to sevwn $0 seven and a half per eat th Se aston nibtah one the oreo at tx vg Noor while tis _beartrending loops wal be nary a ain to Wan i Aug. 23,] A¥my 4 OS. | Tif Sheicot, Cont 0 Opstore, recelved tyesn + 5 en nr and top ae pres jhe: Fed ge lata enilk ta only three per bent Other pallape ind the great pb pc pe ing rect tho als, ucinonet i ogre Thinder a ee plage "ue se Gin The -- sarmzation of pata FARM | FOR I Firat Comat winter ik : | 3 " Banc ahtes Nommeicd| ep eeueess sanneed pry nthe sie toe bythe ey pec struck pertain it is that tho neon 1100 miles south of Yelloboad Pau sa eet ae Grand Trust Naliway Cope epee wigeeaan fot f ve 'that the : -- : op coment saat) : i I wih tamDles koop for their own use be foged: | into by ee aa nas awe, MP. for oe eae pi daa woccued: 2. the creain of tha elevator |in wert doing away with the necemity cf the lar + to companion at poors a stl AT THE-AVOK. OTEL. if all may be dantroyrd command of an | the construction of twenty. portable . blown ei ' detour na laid qut by the Gov are feu Gf reore stations, impoers fim pi aE 'afielad and there la no redress. | DOwws in Wort Bt, Bonitaos, The houses | Fer the defineo--Thos, MoVarlane salil : column | thai Major Rozershas NT ne | steers eer ine roe tes Soe and | Senlid Set angina to mee = A Sulotica! moobmanis aiouk\ ave ecg aap oebe eg rg since they were | bis wifeand servant girl did the » BY | his, Evarybods eaidt eer ritagh Coltem- ater ¢ tha Hist instayst, the etait employed pt rato : i atu alee wich pay er the ahing nnd Ta | willing, Had woot his ak to» chee tae open | ft he haz doce od te | Your satis on the Nemporary pay wl AUCTION SALE / There are Alten and | tory for six and pever hed beard of a. ' Pacific totige required, and you will 'be aii ec consdilered his castle, of afl the sanctity siete sbngha seeay harasea and his) anid that fama eoniing milk to wee i id 4 to motltyial © a to thas ulteet. Whi : pede B\l' of family privity, without further ressoa tba | they eve heen pas wp 20 per cent. cheaper Mr, "s lectory about the frit of June. os . Fear No. by rol however, jplease explain that this Farm and Lime ae | that an ' mayeappine whl are very Never os his wile, or any other person, will || All Kidney and ; netice will be varied, whenever it is peri | Lass ay ea eammodicns, rw have to eream of the milk. Had not thr idney and urinary complaints, expeoi, | P™ fo fo do bot Be " pape iy tng these who ties, IN DOWNES Pal oh fer wing, beer or been rented. Pg a RON ee Bom serie at 'cream waa being beat || ally ' trv aiced by ! _ Pt DowNaE, z E taay bey there fovke!,. The fidwref the Daly & Mayer were ihe fire) to ont to the fuctary. }) Yours tah, 'Taare iit bs offered foresle by Public aantion, 3 |) fs eulficioit reason for lis dew-.| be portable bounes to this ~ and | This closed case No. a. . Asin the former Stuer, othe ye » elche ts mene t | Resireen aetenee | chen we eens see sere ti fe nat eater | simply an abomination. Pro 1 of sale shooll | for thejr cheat FBG Ths third and last cae. was that of Mr. of tha tale hands, woetd be retainn Utes <1 masala be peceseary to jastity the docuetion of, the aio ---- against W. Noble, of the town- ied topartanen aa - contraband article. The -| a thf tae of alr ae ate | Sikes forte compan - cemniment is mplily Py the actions of a at ruffisus who. Sed ot tas bon puorione cass .eoubry to tive i thas Busia 90 tai ax ofi-'| Hare sighy [erie eee ear namar, weiried | atch ; Se ee : 'complaiied : omeenel, i prey oe edd 'of thelr ao i epi " a ae t bong milking. Never told any 2 i jana. content Ine be ; Papen t page gone dollar Mackensig | dans or. oil, and the des. r cme ces | iter | E 7 x ge me -- pasion ] = : a Ones ites question was for of ; Sit nar | Eire hack ot ool pre mach istarested in aby