» Me ee =e ape ETC, i At le 'tor | the. amenen rab _PResszven. J5 : yap fe now we- | arrives. The leader "> bent mono- it seal tenor Keay rath. lomvusly on the bow ri Nndsana BES EN coche seolemene Lagory wertapouia GB, whieh, sovenste | So WELT cree fie' ee came od 4 pg inte ed prs -pes, wt yety to rectify chin?" | falling imelanchol aie or three wi. Gg aharh, eat +, what far on your ly : ny ead Fiat mar! Oh, that's arelig of arber- sremen chant «weird ng aad all lg yy : f arr, Ales. ' fainter, pad panes He borniag qoestion in all 'What relation is your [azber's only broth. | louder, now * ' : . ; tisher-in-| : wuother, of | varying length lotween ie | | | Sake + and with var present ool ag diemetd ¢ lane to yore! Yoru - reports, Thed ; h frost | jor 30 proonds, then look (st the ler in thé squab below. * ' F her seat ema > demand encoursge- cant a . x ane | A coe a ays ot holy er | at 'The 'others call opt, "Oe Tf the latter smusoce a bifnish greec colour, apd the. words | replied ny & pobedy i word for " Hravo?") dnd smile ' at ree prominent womun's esc fade at bets heron. All| **Stark's Guse™ rpear pon i i men, you bevy re ; many « ni ihe toe ene hs eel wicsity, © sert 4 be firmly be Spergery Zr sats (gc thas thers |S Pica pray puis pang | Se a re ae F ia an haat 800, being worn in thix country | 5, Finally che igets up, smiling half practice, i . the treth," said Dr. p ? 1 scornfully ; o light comes ber eae ------ aad erute fire untilit te o rather thick paste; |). ' prolucti vebeiaary cbiieded ai tee}. 28 dal etter Ft. 6 Sets hs testa bent Wonks xt her s (, vera neal pep tee soni abel APE saaly. f cant peed. = 4 peel sringe take to mal' bi cleapy, Geacaten Fectage 1) ame to Ube present, believe thalidog fat nad 1» bat giver you time A] energy, aad : Mivex Marita avs. --Tah inden | | Th cage ind fee por aya the a sure Gdire for 2o0- i my fare}, bu moms $5) cree * shae you 'barg boiled fer 'ally 2 mash oowwnsip | fel th any effort vernge one dog a week | The Courier-Journal s.ys that saure way | over the woman at| that insiant = reminie tiem with a xpaon j to & pound of quinces | Poswaeer © from here and feduoed to medi- | for the restless to obtain sleep is to think of | cence of far-off hd ysberious i mike & perinmd of #6 boil them tegethnr | 0" pry si ert mer or per ing Pog meee theend of the nose, A think se better than | ber face, partially) lifted, seems te entil they are well softened ; them oe se det time in eusy idle- A ter thea" 5 mente: i Be ee the kj obo eatin aad o be smb d vt eparenipers aero ea peas, beraone eas passcode "Generally women, ne pomp cn rit lame te hi povays plas tine mowed, oe ole jn about to receive : rhe Raritan, Take any agrttel af ecstatic hi take favo select one that | 'That woul! & good way to enoourage en ha -- oat vyien, pare an! come bbem ; cel hegre, re singh pieces, and to every pound oi ov com Of po A ee sheet daw Cofnectioat have bold that foros her waist, hes, joe put three quarters of a pmind of sugar; a 1 by th 'the univer kor marks | o haphand has wo legal right to horsewhip his | with ga casy wavitg sidewanl, the bart them in a powering pan aan a | Jontes for iter sae i " io. nt the = vw five certs) th toal|* aye a will proceed of 'remedy. women are on : kind of ee ce "cae calles jocead ee sheets. Paroel peaintiog tee boli euler benet will ae droves ree amd ergot that reyes will poem vibration; and feet, tnecen beneath "Cuan Arrins--Selve x parte ounp + peat} baat A with tuterest bearing Te ee ee ee diame coed | <0 -- The children would Jag their ph gon skirt, oo re oa, a Hiliny Waterover them, which remowes = * " : 'tak: vail. repressed r: ade Ana ella Sos rns as tnt al | Ghat. wines meee ey | ergo ar tly tu orang ck | Eater ffeleagy fora tg Rew ; bet them ser slowly un rad | "7 : oa eon thea t on | gore ew atonal B tate them out ray dria j ul © ash pg ; : bec Hr paar ya gdh re huawin tc vale ip ohdng Ais Siar bith, 'The' bat wo the pela' where sbe began, without » "nyrap, pound for pound ; sian, whee in ite -- » raaek ube Cornet auntie ' aerial ~ Head aoe ways chosen in | ter are declared the best, bg to mtep, The mune ons aslt tong, In erty to Seal, nd | | Die "wed Seied-46 tha pousauta. ¢. TE preleriece ta any cther color, ii he iatal and | The number! men known to fame as 'the | sly, the cries. of i ae ee 'lm th in re coe bs nace ftle | *o oe, 7 1 a . ite the aly oe [our or, par peer Magan vers apples whey Lara ert der Lawes bala Ha wh aye do they fe "take the medicine, aa I ign th ae he becihni gh oh that queer, are Se eek F bit: teal | : al jocome to them, the | they call ual the microg kopt right the ture with both arma, Jerwce Sam. Peek' 'Aha qeinces anid igrote | brags. neA bationsaetp TT Meena. bie » | "E deelare { excl Tt or the snapping of berHngers, in'tact, un> shia ba pone grater; and to one punt of | 1 sng re the "i fue irom the ailless of ! a sige a fe aid by tie oe om "I pever saw a yal like our Sary Jano, ul whe Sonieethe Leg wists sisi . squinda. adel three fourtlia of a petnd of | in al edt andrng present rhe mrp and t aiter ft pats cold ed ccnamest two bull slays on her new -- = s little tsbter; you can > fe sisgar ; boil it ball an bowr i put in small | Tis Joris or thveis ci iy rf brew venbiibatter and | bathin' dress, and aom't you think, she gut tng eh abe floor wa they weave upon & * ara guad corer as other preserves, lant ahs that the land he madea ' - nae it wringin' wet tho fust time she pot it oe a ) ted measure. Hart | yy of WIN Sores Be marae M rere fromm, Fimealives Onascm.--Take any een pe coheed commadity, mot homes oa bight they eat the meat, too?" on {" there in me the phghtest approach te nbs $ ond makes sakes of DOUBLE mite cn NG mee, frou ert! eraiges, with rather more than their | af a U y inging temlenty, er progress i 4.00, ii wet Wh magne ialightly grate the oranges, | Sect scot sate ur working, and we Sa teat b matter of act, ite net | Under thy tle Gariontin of the Vie ie cour! nb lines aod sho, ber sah Made and makes of GENUINE ses a DOUNLE MUZZL OUNS, from pnd syle not wiles WHVOLVEH, trom #18 te : cut them rvond and roan with » Knife, | : dene, 'There ¥ r i qnitting the boarde as o ae . na have the prieilage of vat retiring It ee 4 themecl res till on having it as not avers + {it at the time, Itlooks like lished « pamphipt comtaining a critical i] b ar Ww iD express the gus C. am u Wot satisfactory. y a | "Wein v pctges td Ld rag in sure weer | coukl be ae is im this, banka elghewig yous pe amination of the circumstance under whlch pean By i tt wii eon xity Sn SY: <p basic ty aie eS ohn dg hin lle sired cin for qu #8 page ay oy cle diay te tea "p ity chith, deprived of the use or prodectof acl, are you any regular customers ! cash cross wae aw srided, one & andbeit oatil soft om for. the head of a | whether it be coups, weet. privilngse, " We hare onc, a Mra. Parley. pind The Mosel" bel betwren 600 and 700 ekitl. he tre treata the performance with f 4 " | batairale the akin oC they are | erals, slwelling houses) or factor. | A | to live thd the corner of Avenie Aaul Six-| passengers TI mails amd apecie were xteat dignity ; thr mtensity of her sbsorp- MUEC Ll treet, oe bi ea Le yaan the wugar a thosfire with rath. | these would reqitire labor and capital in their | teenth « She was poetty far gope i | safely ianded. There waa not mach crying te veate it with a something almost y | itohihek & half pint of water to each | @ilization or Ld png and weak nengue Senettoption. at whe used ta come aver? | when the cenesl struck, ae the officers aa: | O00 ~ a | mr lat it bolle minute or twa, then strain | 1 the one who waa willing for the time | other week fur five or eix months and got ® | pared the paseeagern they were in 0 Se vern ard again)! She ype intently in f trent redialim ; couk the oranjces in the | 'wine tw devote hie tine and (alent to theit | nico fat dog. I have not seen ber for some | ver. 'The majority ot the pessen "PB! | front as she procteds, and oie iff ayren tit it pore and has « yellow color Pia deo ji eskena ike time, bat I doo anmgtens deal, 'Weak to to Falmouth. | thoata Neckivarl, jooking friumpt "3 pel ig ¥ the eyrup by patting some to ecb; he tow be aac ged ~ thins one told me she was living orer om Nit A representative of Tretia pissing over | hape with « sparkof Intent miac ie in ber i ty t pe te ton ei. the ayrup oer ediote effect, and during the yours aveoue, Hat aa a gana thing we ion'? | the western part af the Shehean re dry | Lin Sho stampatharder upon the Boo; j aot ae Mt Sp. , Hs ies mt | would elapec winder the new a knew our customer's 1 This supersti- | 45 note at | emus fullow like pistol vapertae The g he iw firmed sb that cach part gets tacoagh bulders coukd make wach Line PT. Linn is eo general on the « cant k tide that many | Nearly the whale country hdivenem the bir ke regular clack, cagk, clack, of the smitten : : 4 iyaone. would wait thele futare pur AA whl af the drag stores keep ding' fat or oi) im Huron counties and Lake Brie have walle red | etna poss on alpak her, onl the | aia of TER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN-- i | Baraca fea te area Fo es el ae oh | ech ea alan | erste ee ae eran oe | ne RIPTION OF FIRE aRMS. weigh ved apple = pt ree ir ate pic trary to till the soil, ett be tn posmcmaion mid rough Vertlit an aml New Hampshire the ere Sn rag ep aalt petit et wit "Ot ne pag gr = Ev El: DHSO mea he : it 4 neapple asd mazar : bel it in @ prosey vin of desirable-localities when the new onder of he of skunks is used as acure for croop and | harvested. Barle: tepeclally buen snih in iy aencrees ome | ii wktle thirty oe forty muciutes pth ri 'They at ts ipath eames 7 "My lies! muy bien 1° + ilver & ; Tram da Fak tomas, bing | PE et wagh ie teeth come | Hag Nata ta ahr: |G et eat ane og us| Be, laregoenuon of he ak Fire Arms, Gold and 8 Silver : Watches, Gold and Silver Chena' 8 Ware, c., a | out are mil (s vg g ket 4 . pened free from tigation to the peat The dog must be jet-black on a menticls bound to wreck the building. and his own ee ph : Sy ee es Si | prepare | eiate | boil two be Sia cen Sesies t titabiog of the fatere | Chosen it i» fed on bothing but the lange andl ny wagine pel aslo of tint ton wm, [The dancer becomes more inpassiond, ipoels the Reyal Opera Bouse. Wa tine (AY er's 'Sarsaparilla, by toead pr oay-aind take out 8 Be pe ee || rather than by enjoy ing the sraita of other livers of racoouns until it ia eo fat it cam conga jhe oneyacaul yell * dog Gght." and bus eh ve we a she hips i pe In arrcent convermtion with Mr. Cooner, rege | A Plate i Be nada wr hd the ade or fe bing i forethon, . doce net mere . ' l a enaaith ames whet smcoth and thick put | Rofl Sabor, teste | Geren he fale in eh carat bo | et ears te | hess hati a arp' teu 'and | Raya Opera Hou, (Toronte, he apobe a | For Purifying the Blood, | {4zskens, 2 OORARS NDR in pereand tumblers, | All taces could be aaseaed-on the land | porfecthy ek that hin pains and | yp as fe Mea ate a Ren b | bercnat | if MORE To NE THAN Conn. EMICAL "PHAcTiCe POR BALE =," ale ah ry lather young | which wouhl tendo Teaen the desis fo ue "itrhalable to! ame other {SUR ee oe EL cache ber sctiele [te oes "oe em geet, conontig Watrouk, Masi, Mar, 7. 1580. a vemseanlp nltage M watt alti fortes mmr a coeombers a littl longer than yoor middl: | eld at, excepting fur purposes of til OT ) ow r MERRY MOOD. ern, iby Ar cay' moked tion hae] had aaancie k in my eight sd:t0 e oravinan: bh pari tie Goweht or CKINTOSH & "ET mS ; finger, aod lay in ir mg cine cine une wee other utility, as erecting ingrid wail cre the bast ain wa eet se en ieee ornieg sat maser ioe Pai ina oni fasts My bt oe hake. bas one these fey of what my Biyahtane pronpaeeed | st ids takes yea: whia Veuomnee hint ' ; ee st Sh seers, ness ay | fot, "teat ooo mrt |r oe agro i at ee | a cps toe ot | Es i te ahaa |b sete Sanat. cts mat te] QUAY? Fee | oA EATER oe | tigen : dime o bell pre kettle with vine | sirected te other things, and the standard drowned, 08 redecmel, 3 returmed by onder amily, "it left me long age arwtlsy a cn atte pe then ens Pbrnomoiag Tanai "ot ie Hee ae Spon. freak rude. | commana and bave ; 2 Von, "on asm a phd : ioe Sens i trate + j a 2 leaves, ley the the, with a bttle | af valoes woeld ln iar withomt | of anthorities, an? 232 aro now awaiting | It may sound parax odical, lout it in never: oe a quivertig, muaky, shudderin pert "rn a, constagtly recom: Yue 4 fae ear mace lant At Uugsat anil = ae erie rol ani plat btn eens KPRTEES, Toconte. z } alow scatter wl ani ong. teem; Hil ap with | being int all obliternted. Tee death, -- Meer York World. theless tres, that you 'think the Joast of an > uheuldars | t f the leading menbers of | urdl ng it a lore rae for me hy aches oot x - em t think the most ef | motion, bepunidg at the shealders, ane | mended by many o er teciaat ta bo perfeety frve fratn tye Te purities the Sloal:| PQUUNDILY PLANT AND tustness pon. | we = 'Waem.tn a Chtuaus ibdare abet: wane persons when you think the most a doemy duwn through ber whele body, | oar profession, ided to ciyo it a trial, | medicine || poem to be perfect . It purities the | iat see td Creat Emp pica be at Hi ASTORY OF MR. FiTT. ay ~ oi fens! eras ie thei. wave upon wave, the sires drawn ti Acoontingly 1 4 a bottle of the 'Would pat be without this medicinn--Us more 5 eae tak ihnt andes bine oe aria county 3 tom! proctical man, Ci oom, i 'panies paicineas '@ the wpm Y . 1|, ae a legitimate une 'naa heen found with ooo han! stpwing that this contimies | article and applied it as directed, From | 1s te Uken tat | ana oe erty some hapa disorders. - Kray. | capital, Pipe per han: iy How the Great praprodicen Shanghai house-Loat ia very mach more wo! tor viecinaer yagi Young gentlemen who | ioenward tober feat. In whe a in | the Gratin ication I commenced to im- POUrE Most respect M ee orth chee ara the Ac ear: coe terns. cosh, MACKS ra rs ai Folled an | home than are the craft called by the ame | Woy the fashionable tight eruuscra uy it act of uoderguing te cmis, a.set pent, re [ used two-thirds of a Bits DAVIN CLARK. | face of Watoary thar should be expellest trams Fa pita Shortly after thn breaking oat of wi reagan pet dat eee of tha groat yt the keg. ' : "th eat, moment oe fe Ci, irene icon ex: J, BENTLEY, MLD., xnyns | (De blond. Internal derangyoen = e FeCkaty, sane youn Mtb | Fronch avis oti, rere new . al maaan ible ae Lip ade pow) timer hast action! they Lind water-jarws th 4 ne "| par meiae ao tua an wunan | bauks and ede peg ht peaches believe | gait with an tm wl Sribable: air of invitation a It has done more good than all medical fiage, and those substance they disease amd j tuuctiners molest rrr ss eett: | ' aig im a syrup allowings poured cy wou er ch ak vaste I heeerme! Bat the crews: wae rons © deatroy. AYERS Samnar ania arc heen | Tosa & PETRUS. Toronta. "i for etery died of cucumbers, with a pin ant the mix " setts " t Pre | in the tomaing aching rH nq sc ramngle sire wall pes Horn treatment. hatmors front the blood. When thie 7 bre ae, GKIGULTURAL PoUNDRYE REMI 7 of water 1 ayer to a lively Wil shin, bo Pte the' s : te ohae poke men betore pe ess ite she i going weneaos (a "bak ex every One Was Hig toe f ee Fob, 9, ai Prd alg Capris wt ay neuatl oh pot ot jd dots x ei . hi itl, the Tory, J Some of oor young men re ition on} eWay too, aml, Mie ML. Leah sa Moan aad Bs magotiee,Dinedinen of lobes tas th ¢ | bom thet coralicser, 4 % ane =| chute ben: barked the |forwand, execute & pothry movement like a a picnp bee peg ge nga, Bevepe r a rape carapace Shea tolerably well, had twice ae ee adn aane for 2 Solecnntes vatel Dg stock. They ahould | have that of the bent part (fan suger. In fact, The deong Over. inthe creak cr your Vieoerine, and nd T| | sen ies ey aoe hos. it 'abbas Hse: see him i £ least, you 7 eon ber ty bore -- into the floor, raking. the source pf so mach misery to | balers, in'ail cases, it Tetter 5 ' ' nt away, the grea me "* A ina Bt once the atamp- using Pirtwaw's | lnebe Gnae, a delicate young Yady of about 17 corn and. 3 Rhew ry vA seny "POR SALMSON NoMTHAIL atin the CAMs ae . hin white Horne! ungracioualy remarks that by oe = was 5 | Vt non Tc I pet ies 4 Bains elieae Huan" : being too pee rs hin -- bi i eeep body ungrach ty the ri - Bid ie ple peo clapping aa be 'tw anne ' a. Pattee Conz "Exrmacron, a i oe a Mer oir puso ae BY on tee rh q m8 c0 Be peal ig ay ' Ho, bo = hi wl, os abe cones hor fog pleasure. Corns are amall in ine, bul their reat porebinte MACKID whos ould bebe a m ove ive 1 Shia ek iis she walks | hack to her scat"ike importance iy not to be judged by their | she had boco previously subjected. aia Tappa Seg: Genero Linh tienes Belesasgit heat "Eve wher cote pees at bet Gna 'liberabed [rob ta spell :and the whole aise, an any toe fond of a tramp can teetily, Youre reapectfully | fren WE oe i x EVERY ' ut xr¥ oF tT a hk in Donan te Slice al Ah an a tat tor --"" Well, Mat, Sod heat ll thing is over, Tino. PF. Latmmer, ib Try Putnari's Parte Cons Exrkacron 1. BENTLEY. Mth bY alow aaulae the sem ina ane sine wit sour tear egy Cie Sere, eee oe thenyht it bia d ' ie infor M bea of pile [ pent you es, wiry | yyy ty Munaind. jor Sr r. coma. | Ky nee i. -- veer yd rel telinct suerte hor bow qaat the ogee: pat to thie | sutity: abs b intention" oe ke hin further | 8° bye ae aes ejiteais wa arto bin et _ sh fs any Wrote ss a iat teed =a o.tibm, ng Bloot Tatting, ond yet spleadidly Leudly tn bts Praise, DR. J, 6, 4.6, ATER, 'ovata, ae ie tae mau sal 'i rigging Gore |Fee } . 7, boa es yet; may v0 lict havn't come off yet RAILWAY UNTIL be efficacions, Sold everywhere. To, Ooer., Mar. 3, isa j i, maid the muanister atypia gaia ere ee Ate i por Office ane ~ tse ees feria the i t time ches SOLD DBY ALL bat ecISTS. AND Tih Ageut, Morriniuny, Ot * bes pica te top lel ins drawer o that | ah, OF eupenia, the Hiner aay 6 PB ype bor combined Sone ae tee Tuvrn always likes to praie what @ Conecrming Soup. Vierubrs hasbeen beleee the pantie hei' | ERs IN MEDICINE, 4 *,0F pee I at JEWEL. kay, alinet aud Lrg ne sy iat or eth the oat, "Seaery ment. Fifty editors are waiting for a vacancy | thinks night, asl support what is etraight | (yeentiness ie pext to godliness," and salina ebro fe tr | snngaliys is ive weoters i ovkg } Si om wire a peur of be odbc A morose | St alg oa PTieigeee wd of toate, | in that office by death, having loxt all hope | forward aud plucky. It docs not matter | conmum pion ie meanure of @ | Apge-o medicine. Our customers speak | TO er wih \ VE DIGINE 1 O00 ie in SCLIN ' opening the latter be produced a | 7 aka, and insacaas which block up the | of w renignation. = ae _ lta natn uae lla nation's civilization, Agcording ta a corre. | laudly in ite praise, i wnmitrace, |= 14% fit =§ Pisa owner fe fetiring. MACKINTOSIL &. * les bes thi ks Four Vieitor ™ eseiney min. crack' ieokow the bridge, the only sense | Jt eceme strange the t na bare fener pron acne gr el i the right thing i said io emel, i re Teucees totaal eet (or. acon and Kizabeth treet | « a G xT Res = yo pa "189 ite maa, wir," answered the secee--| Utillated te any extraunlinaty ilegres wae inpeliie anal. Ie wid eae '© hapdy at at | anything lho Ue Hight ws 2 they peas Beock vile Branton Pa Paris at pam fe 2 Aan "he fies Balt cane | ieee "incremaet ipo oe bs & i d © 'anually comme 74, noap, ba a 7 in Tire * ehape i 1 have expected him for 'sme pido + pg raphe f the tle les 7 po hawlar tt teetalid Now the little Fork hn doing this at Fresent | rhe above in only the prow of twelve V egetine | a ' Gaaim aN env Food. att : aa a. Manica Wat nai ye! be te faint over Eo a pate Mie Led referctice mule cities and tow not to. mention what is * aA whea he callaagn han be show a Virginia ruffoed a . . and therefom Prompt aml fetus! Mbmed TS Kis best cpa (8 Cncarn fr Woe or testing ain Sesion A traveler how m pes of pe waa Ue win 4 arty ie Mes Tae Noel |mawitactaral et comme me B00] HF STEVENS, Torontay Ont. es Sle ideas "ch the Meg coh ant Sag sen "owl you expose to danger your hfe on dow and had te 5300 for gpg vere like any ng, stirci Vs pometi¢ies | ris" tne, ie irrespective of the fabulous «Weakness, ond Sere rete clams ie Be llr ~~ Unie wd ire ae thogh: depe atid eae j pene! 4 ieee tye eg ih eee wis eaten beth a a8" amount of toilet soaps manofectured in Vogetine i B Sold y all Druggists, | Peer, Fy Baga oer inci si head be sold chin nd pom em wre willbe oo danger, Tt eth 4 . i 2 a in ite, conn 'la i meanings z nk gou iy bu etchant you, plane." iar tr Aree tert the cor ik You cad knock a whole botelfuh of folks their English and their good 'seus imported To sheet somcel oeack tote 1" Pp R O D U Cc E. | ge PES + eae | hee Gk To. i ter. TovHat VALU Aocorliagly the Frene nam, on his return, saree ssomnetan, the ¢ he bee hire pe nee , | milly by sliding into the kitchen anil patting | Hut i has rmantill pees toe frank, out- | 9) per cake of four pances.--Aisgatom Da = With eae ender for 3 ees Pvetn ae oon ; az wan aahera? inte the roe here William |!" a " dot when hin hands werr busy | @oat'e claw into tho hash, All thocridence o and # forwurd, anal wil ib Mere. trgere, sani rik fire ihe mise olen ar * Pitt eat alone, a huaded pistol in one hai, ae ee res hie rae i bat aan in the world that hash was made upon | due time throw Br the callow ee of ar [Gra dor ~ Apt bach ve ik is the Cheapest the miniature in the other : ep int the open comet the honor wouldn't convince them that it was | and th . tite:b i sorb! jet Genld Mardiy Stand on her Feet. (FRUITS, PROVISIONS, ETC. | | amd Bent Medicine in the maar | Pull par: 3 'ee sll merely 'to extract all | yee calmly. "you, mee I tin tn every oy | os aod ooien Rot out. ou the [Og man in the | and eageroem W bannens o ay Wings | Ni Rat Ga You bah' yhar|CONBIGNMENTS SOLICITED.| nes, Maly a Arwedinn nt pughngy as vo Ps them in as earthen pan and | prepared tot yor, thanks 19 an agent ra ' > thi M fennel yee {ae it was | one whaeneg other tyiog i shammock, | in its columns which would hare been much modi gre beet toe aly Bo Rene e price bye wy wehdvess rel sy: t t oor Lis ave nk ny hy Cone 6 cn og ish * needul. > mae cine _ 5 . a "tay "bod eae pel Serle Liege A " inevitable. it bad to be born aie ---- rirts ving Aw thts Te ay ot Be pone gen ape SS ed © te al "Favorite Prescription oe Highest Prices Realized. rtroves MARES MEDCINE pin x y for five nrinaten § ut im | (cit. le any vase, } ah at have y yet ancardll attention paid to us by the native sa hase ie | | breach than inthe oheerrance. [tis mow, lly stand on my feet, but, by Md 'Tures-fourths Valus Remitted in Banker's vccigTs) Yamal ae by eae pals, Ten vil a nite dr tw | ane given yt to the ~ free aap doge--in ra tanty of ioeartlag mad get ene Sint . eras with however, ering into the thick of the fight rh ee prteray me Drafta Se Gandn axe eneiene TOLP Ss. ALE db rise ts Fs tax Sine for nies laroling Addre Add © agrup over T r eonuae att ex Uraoted: gra " "4 © Teenie . --_-- E * aprup ies in Se? pus pooll a bene paralyzed tata foe fermer invariably | A «mall stream in I'pnnaylvania, which ot ove "in ask thane nd iu that work it | ™eliciue for debilitatel and nervous THOMAS IRVINE & CO., rnvine or boat the | i ise ont el P tt roth re ia another cir dinates by bosiiage sat and | some years agp wan alive wi saspone and | will faveaa witg sumber of sytm-| females, 1 cannot express bow thankful 1}, F 5 ee half a pound of a iasiabemensiel tafety und high i tacking which on with the mud turtles, has been permitted to dry sp, pathitin vudereterte may not roliah ti be | am to you for your advice. Yours truly, » LIVERPOOL, ENG. at och pint of juice . thes il" from wards ure in your power. Sell your err iaaphearance ott obnoxious ine | Just riparapecirrenasry bar Congres eiused | told every morning / that Christianity is Mrs CORNELIA ALLISON, patel irre ap nee peor me an teas ta Cirwom Tribals take your mortal of cag ol @ Ommnatsepie: [acre HP | something very lik 9{rnad, that 'preachers Vecuta, In. | irapibe sitrene--irving, Liverpool -- r formation F * . J ard (lived! am! every eo | that may evan yee asainat the machun ped agrees hp. ee Lone Sch was rocently found with a.amall | sitgcate of theredgeation of all labour on te "amen eae to Your Fiecks. J W | Tent for $hh. per Annasy (For tall ations of your country : be, ach, one of frees harm by pabhe oie na well Ip onside his vitals. The | fret day k iw either a weak im Leicontershire Tick and Vermin Lestroy- * | i Bad applfte KF. KILLALY, Cannings the necessary ovile which totey form pores judice--are posi rely dang becile 7% nent impartor. (We hal ve x will ki I ticks on on sheep. lice and grabs on enya aaune, te thee i ate thew bo * D ' the x horas heard a bo give aati | 'ter ' f and rop.of af nal say to the World's J | Seely a Pecieaigeed alate Tig | Ses tome: Se vege he ave ont of the coltish bam. | Tt'of we uss tort My that they are tmnt | tn. Soli by | Valuator, Arbitrator, &c., FREEMAN'S Siege Saet = on vale a bl [apne one fee pes with paresis cont always tll cn reser Fis ia apie. votion Ther are repo gr ow nog trate ieheaa Mbney omiaty ek? WORM POWD ERS. eens mene mgulre heking, | apne Tames Si Prosching » villege, w igh banks | 7 to be wi pon Fb ronght The great secret of the wonderful success | | M@ney Loaned PEN 1 the mi m0 ite hemi ity paid on yen st, by all be Pie trom view, by the excitement amongst special siboniletey. Be Mon cecnteae entionm ot naib tattle wnhceny tok rd ol V rat It strikes at the root of ds property. Fs Easerties pies Bo and Ave pleasant 14.4 5 (tat thet pen Slice the quiticen wat sncttery sel to repeat bie illaste). | the dogs: ant when we anchored for the |. ieneral--a dark blue frock coat, braided rub, they aretrun! What's to be done | ease by agit ol ng the blond, pint er sold on Purgative. In a hots. ©, sth a ng; puk them a winds Which, "e sah nwarly night--always in mid-streaim--their imces- | and i swarlet, heavily fringed and with then then?) It in too bad that fellows | liver anc er to healthy action, Invi- deatrarer of, morics | eid tw the {oregoin, man parking baniabed all pied ed or with go e and loopeil Wein 9 bation, W anda) shouky make thajr piles at the expense of | eorating the perrols system. { fF Hpeoiat attention given to farmers, A | i ; Anot! annoyance wea t meee H with gold caer 'tton, j some -- ---- asc) gygpin oil the Ligier: 40 | trewe cy lade heii "iy Bram grid but at-night the curtains kept them out. tribenee aie ot wal material tothe | Nard Botg ir nat Rose "4 oe my Heh thove N te 265 TORONTO ST.. TORONTO well itor pends ol white | bejhes of a spy io our behall, ere we could mee traces of the wah. The 4 quantity oi nets required may | [5 difference | pervect phe ptwenle and the | Dr. Pie erga 's ** Pellete" (the original * little I : & Al xand id Imi wery fast until it Incomes 8) No doohtu soufl-box was the safest med. work of pillage and devastation |'be imagined when it is stated that the ex- Reeneys * me gon our own ore pills") and oo pals or griping. Cure yon 6. er, ™ horn far thie t fancy fre. | carried on a Nasat the aes gimioens |e aranirms Ot iuchae seine the Nips eat in pti nome iat sick or biliows headache sour stomach, and waently adorned ps thing ; while haat mes selitdaa wtek ae wae ie pec iy rthecgnd the ney the Eemay size be sei be ibe tebe rot the appro- faa the sywtem and bowels, y ioe PHOTOGR APHIC coons | rt " e eee 7 iby satis! pas Cam, priations, vial, pe sabes nat bias point lg ameort themeclves in China, aa it is noboly"s | that Cotewayo's new boots arc 12 inches in Go at it, litte World, and try anil per JUST ae ze A (ND: depicted some real jadivideal- ~Lonton | business to remely tie appearance of | length, 4 inches agroms the sole, three inchy susde Parliame * a Railway Maré Lumps in Breast, "#, &M. ALBUMEN bile . i : Soviet rr pied aor Deeg: Mapes ag moila atid | ye. RV. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.,: Dear| | MABIONS ALHL ee Patmn. Norman's Eitri Acie Inattution (Rats 1878) | J ea Scirus tmjuaphy ote ; the cose! kote ew ae ees, wo tht, it there was ao ly. ' Soli as 4 QUERY. #7 one. Bul aia vey o.pelns pat the whole inte 0 jilty An Litea Wate butea okt id ries whew the charges | SiF---1 wrote you 'some time gd that I Pekuot tot wid on ae reduced pelea for | SRIEKOUS. Tig ar sitet cad joe . sated i. i * Moma pet hem without pressing : aks | A pouty eat'in a kitten, bat an ok! ene le villages utterly wrecked aad desertinl, not when thought | Sought I had wecancer, There was s large po Hack, ia, utaly! "reicwmd nad F in Taper i tmee-qu ian af nd Of pmggur ti a a codfoanlad niuleasen, apeak of magnificent ferelan Wig hip se to have oer | fump in my roast nd Largs on a: wales, oe A Los PHOTO DRY PLATE OUTEITS Fees these BELTS, cane : yes the jue, dncd boi boil together until it At ete: the Fanpberry, gooneberry rained plicit ted wove | Ans tein. of Ughenye i ie huis 3 Secmapenaths ie Site taking your' "tlolden Bd A a = oane oN ANIM A Sofie 1. = es ' ani cranls 1 te ew Ld , of effec "Pe hey "and "Pelleta' i Areala . ; Fiavowsd Symrs asp Farry Jee bi ott kk i r ly express the juice 'Thi ian oe rock of ages," said o tire Evory evening we anchored ia midstream, | ube, aod the af gone. iy Sijieenving feat' ic oe eiaah thengn lather Livrgoresg Kad ep the crn 'rule going two | and jumped peel «wim, pad Sree eae Prof, A Brave Onptnin. Tones ptetally,, 'whroug oh Unes towelling is ' one Occasion, Ww chosen . and } - Lan thing ip, pespeee | tes coppsree. somes penta The "knit ay duty," of | SON Eevee stores Tok, ah ee wore mapied | mariah, with tee view eyewieg te ton Pet rt Melt Alexandrine Sue Irvington, 'Mich. pemeien 70s -- eur, é anil it in best to prepare anual! por ice : abdlit: submarine telégraphi . w . dk. | = : 7 za . te oa te cry bt ey Mihe oe tat pred pe by caste Ty Nad me jumping overboard and striking ot, the tin Mane Beott 'registered the pogo night seomated cnky ee: terge pth iia B, MANITOBA. x sanbet i, add two pommeda t whit nic | os ir | i ter, over a « where send sec ets | taba, Mae hati Tata |e yeni | Set Pay ae teat | Ae Cede et io Bes], COMFORT BY THE WAT. noe rere hile bw thottle, 'The 7 ' a ani recall i . t even more \ 'ade cober i Seon demijolins «4 ad et os ot az Phe cp ing ot a i movements If | tuth sexes, Not farfrom bere are the only | from the French aHabiny ordeal pp Ae antag oe: op artes Fe rier - The enleht bers Men Of seesvitee bee - sea Rerte gags ee ee "tials, wrapped in wicker-work, Laght al- | te Mrs x F | hilis; anywhere scar Shanghai, wil be Har aod. it wes their energy aul | notice the Crimean war, After the i med la Siow and or Morirare and valuations made at E ivets the color, acd perkayy makes some fepattant wows rm the asi , they are a! pilgrimage ofiforeign- | and, ; 4 tie theory, dis-| victory of the Alma Lord Raglan altered 'of pe eee coke pHomegete eneryae. eeats Since as 1 eae Clete writge | ore wey ot " Buro- | Pelieved in by the médt cminent engineers | his plan of actlan to one sate a [Farm pandegerediatty they be kept 1 cool a place as ne ied, We me eri Fowler's | flatness 'of the country round the Euro- of the da werted inte the tost | 4 eatablishinemt of the Heitiah fleet "That are Ao Lit wnt om 4 . pa. ar Se bev ee le Tatroete ot Wid Strawberry for » 14 epgernggittr Ser igen jarpectean fact of the present! in Balaklava [larter, 1 of vital im- boop st persia 'ten kept the whole sam are bd find nothi cr it, ter some péctureny BILIOUSNESS, neelul for a Variet Tn Abs pktenak tor scblde i b: designed." Dy, | copees at their base, which are greatly re- | century. gt fog a a Fadl sige sry could ealy be-debe pesto DRoPsY. ing ice-cream po more wenger is needed thaw Fow ore Extroct of Wild fire cares | Sorted to by picnic A saadaryg We seconded Saal ape hae ni and | either by a INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING * that contained in the syrup. : all forma ot Howe complainta £ ste Lredkionel pheb one f rant abe tarned ene oatieie frag ever yr-a gl a y ves, or by sending INDICE. THE HEART, _ -- Summeren fF. . yeww ' retny ment into Ise | had pat the acto & completely unkeows PE y¥ OF 7 I ~ Aevertising ix im Germany, dramatic clabs in London, | hich seeme: 50 pianinn eur aeeline aN eee is dante: enartione brought him, ay, searing with sa SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, That ( upilly risitg | (he Savage, Junior Garrick, snd Ureen Room. pti A in bringing us. * || Under soe ape sve oad ge | with risk) of Plunging af momes E / anette ' tothe higher gees 'of the adver art | The Savage, which sn iy ined the eel are ae SA for pew pre stg pat on | ihjo the midst of the fi i" arm: HEADAOKE, OF THE skin, |te iy ehown inaen wea time Meble Race. his behally-- London Mazse, volunteered _ ; ama et ia dg gg the Junior ¢ eventually ecliposd | await the many trombler of the Ir they latter: barvies,| the desperate dhercorad VER. KIDNEYS. Z Wieser Vorstoclt | it in larity. Green Hoom, fount 'a pay souls the @atieri An editor, ip avert gy Swowior a week ago, yew | was y shown by BOWELS ON BLOOD, es Mat < eitung y "A German htly land-owner | ed bp othorn, sul of which the Duke of | ™¥ ecg rte Arty ee eel jee teriay printed « varticle against wines. Lord Raglan dgrat pot katrast him t 'MILBURK B60. * = -- : wiber hota Beastort is I bs cin iq | Hat €xposure anid pig eae hes pot apps- | =". Weniee Slepenee vet , ieee ¥ sisnemdy haws and toe that tn cetied ao = the herdine A lober apd acy 1 dead ear Tt and the Junior Garrick | Testly impaired the vigor (CHARTERED) =. ~ a iS R, BH, SUT 80 2 Yon Soldan," pablished in the April number) arq on Ackilphi Terrace, commanding scenthisk ' + nid tf +. Unique Adem' Rech ageeDatlerwieon | nt Were kev ieced at stat ar, se | Maitland, superintendent, of, the pomeriest meee] | =v, Tz "|" = GRAND | sant 2 near ." An enterprising Viennese setised tia tebaporatere £380 sdagrens Cf, i pes onl 'ol lal gg - | ; B. FL Ai a f tailor bas hitupon this: "How to become } 01 ihen allowed cool, . 'i pin . . Son bane 'aan . F Lino + r ale . we oe the Wlader "ar aman. | Deabed Gain a ruantity of eh x Peers ku tint y, rf ,|S7HPROVINGIAL EXHIBITION. rime hia fortane on the Wi! in on aa i . a td ' At my" sg meorie nll a anit - Y eentde ~ PPnge sale an i eae fue 16 Bottas, a deve sult for 1 Boris, p |. oe gaged curtaina. E INSURANCE omy), fumter tromeers for o etnes. t cowtame for his litthe won st the r. { r sed Ch rt low af 34 Gori aring rein | oa : | A athorise apttal, $500,009; y vo a) / Shek it these artivles ia an er ie ae seopshaeola bare bees "oii w me in the - FULL COVERNMEWT DEROSITS Mas at leant 20 flerine more for thet, - way Sige Harpies to Policy Molders + - BIOKJ reine arent having that wp | drawing in 5 tsi iia ticket for the Crown Prince Ru ; ' Ee, the lottery. At the next meyer Be number | ol in uned, 3 came out the firat' prize of 20,000 florins, '| teat the the rent portion which suni this lucky person forthwith. in- of the ia extended vested in a mansion. Thom, HP mee he | sonal intense ue Lhrongle ai my establishment, be i| of ae oS ope. j becaroe a house-cwuer and a wealthy man. Cd onl, phar pcre! alarm of the intl || gallons, enghnee | im the ne } RB