* 'Retoed, That Stratford Times. |" AND COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1882. t. SOTuER, EDR AND "THR: PLATED The tergeedt political convention the eewtobled ja (Upmada met in Toromo aad' idee, (Hie betimated that from 008 to 6, (9 if the wailid men of Ontario, gathered in wl about Hhaltewbary Hult. i Lawn PEOPLE'S 'hepa Mr, Ain. Mr. Mora, ey, and other How "1. O'Tonghde, F thi Nations) Paliey wer preset and poliver- nl elope apeoches athe: ppen thé people aObatete arice in their might and de- feat at the polls the corrupt and incapable + eliagtie whe are ad Ont Lar. Pisa Ter pre vory tonne palits b nie pegeetane ewe 175 nepreseritest Fation» adagtet ly ante the the | Cette vit my {hem nTise Tin Peoria, Revslied, hal its Ube option of thin Ge Ce Hie OF he present me of the take Debinion 1 fe suppofiers al | pm tae betw We a= pe & ou eatiract n Rade and the Prd quewtion bre wad, will this affect Stratford aca railway centre 7 op viet of Mr. Hickson, the mi on the pres wg it was mourp tha iced, (That the state to. which Mowst Administration has Province--ith a rapidly in- on a stationary or dim bom nou tering {the -ondinary = ed from 1871. bo i Char ty lace evallathe meat a Boy Your Fasl Ne Stratford Les, Cell rt Bip ape Aonbthy ie Wealth--.C. kad. Nasa of thought! yen tf earnest ee ee v4 6 check 08 recklonennes which, if ties. trot at no destant date bring 'the to direct taxation. : EXTESWos oF THE rRaxcHeE. Resuleed, That the extension ot, the tran- ehise 80 as te bring withan its privileges the cons of mhehahies and other not mow en- p ssovind Povexi-- Sia trusted with it on ema! terms with the mine of any obber elses of the eomuunity ' ty Fe 34) per aonam, Tastee ral spon whom | it has been cos pag F havertixing Rater. = | gradual and jodicions deoontralization of the First dneriion, 10 coets per line, 1 i h of J the reform of the - 'y + ia manicipal sy@em, expecially with regard to jesdion on oonte per ia poe Bie the cx oatiper of the Comply Cowneila ; the vepertiteh im --) lise for suleequest | inrpr _ cheapening of 'the school bag aoe se any bd mo faeries ih ony without im- Hypewial rates for adv te roriningfor 7.4.9 amd «Me lbienc i iene, igen » topecially with mgard to -- the t the dirertion the in the ie dene wad ites of bare ial ew and ote é Se eaidanie will be 3 oe when a pubie service wi pA pao Kajtor) be dose eee | . 'ple equtinenieations b6 anul t Neier one th tig panne at Pe 'Tiwks. Jy all wath cases. | mans dat ineled S ae peoald, in peeaiied bates Be name af the amthor waht opinion of thie Conventon, from pert, of dame -- } great ve tention of a r : JOB PRINTING. || vi of ths Pro Aiur farditiles for executing afl kicte of fiesk tanh oa o Printiog sre sumgmalies, | ek pertilon Haters eae wee eT iawee | red: Khas the able, moderate, art & vind 'woddepate, A call on poe oct is peli bf the binge yr oe Orpesition 71. T. A A . " Peititer and mel rae! wed at alae ae eleeation to te bench hs ae wiblgrtnent « yee plen ated the THE RAILWAY FUSION. t haa as a he ah me been fett pre Bey: fee Trunk pad Grea WAY «ystems tual come - a, * How in America, han settled that polet In his interview with the leading me ye beck, Mr. Wickeon gave it to be euareeies that thelr woald be no | 0 ever a central point in the traffic ef the Uirard Trank Hail The hasheet much anaiaty felt on Unie tand jroperty had Sua owing to the doubt. Hut that sorte ity met in teal estate, | perty ix dar greater than it babs pent since, ape nearly all te ited Trank gro ket at renmunerative rene ling vacant, notre he be ao pene future prosperity of the tow t deter Store, are being o ral conten ence I toyl risted, t¢ forward the troverment THE WATER-WORKS. The Company crganized seer' Stratford with grater are pu rena their project - a Posnibly. he ve @ supply of water laid on at the main Paint beter the ond of Tt At ] rie mi ally wind Hormatate bald jolicial to mt Kentally, rary ey tn an wr the { 1 Anita pring! st ie -: : repute Jat to the interest idee ve, med it hw the Le right ee Inanifest of the Day fea nnd i in we Cieivertimen waitld h fitted in tthe ise hargy on Ve "day had it pennitted that Ant to epmgain in for aw Aut he Tiler) on n Abie e Leni L ferritorjal ric 'of the Verne detinad by The + wt Bas arth Amrtica "het, tl tly ddprecaton AS wTreTer aid | onpatriotic the courg: pa the terermpiand of Untario has putea w Tefrrence be the bodnlaties uf the |'rovines nd the award in regan! to them gnee the rete to waeiat the omdniea. Op ye tie is tle meentelwtions for the Ho it mond = pored ta the internet ofa ar i ated hse are st "the Dominaen, tho. eta uo desirey te na aerieel f ot the i ps om rag thi ermenqnt ated sane tined the ju a 'uikie 0 ry the ot tn to and obligatory on the fe Domes HS MCERAON ENE hostility which displayed towards it hy the inembent of the Ontario jn A . a i dustrial well-being of Udiarig and the | Dotuinien, and in con Policy of eee eid down and jar by io. 1874, and approved o _ By rte deere of: ey je cali & pei Le g i to earry the The time yf receming eee tended to the S0ch en late Lo put in 17,000 feet af pipe, weighing some ated bona, with 22 stragt hydrants to cover -- Portao! ben cipal mand pressure vehi water over the bigheot | tai me been rt STRATPORD SCHOOL BOARD WARETE ditch, whe Fray twa hg pag im plated xt Fadl ye houses thom to A o | TB, tell Gothen donation Mark Wade with ne cure pein 'the occasion of his Bay ing 1 #8 | harber and terded the funers eaten a Found wife be B osagd~ Me. Mawsseet Stille | er & parr Hooieds ural Hocwty will be held at the Fau | hrm band at on the ie beast tation, ond s@veral her i, & Mc, A Sasieoae Kitices bra ern our mikes west of legen were nnuhed, and | putting on brakes on the chain ber mie, ae threw hi | He bas Berens on the GT Eirukomen's Bin ql! an af the fa oral "at he he et satel Trunbaind welling pent Eran Trusk. "ur sill reeume his old ru - a poe soikenaiar snockaeh OF 0 on tus toakbaavesd Detect and Stratford." Deatmer a Pousci EMAN 'eas beeen mig Mr. Harry Middly a bt pollceman for the ears, died otter a short ieee on Theewa: wane - hon North eon Thursday and Friday next. EM Mee. et he firet ee and ste The Tee of war betwoen North and South Emathey oubt atiract a uaa LY On Tharsday evening the Seleuig will be on the grounds. Hituhe Catacay Ma press aon to infer oh * four vorners * Flodgint a Mc Melotoah, the hotel hing of this a oer a house hare Pet Seas met fi t complete a uly to. pu riche for the are now ranning don ani mnths the 1th will hawe throe tet cin their management. them of manner af sucee in this ioe wl hi ' They have nsiness. ie already large tn Clinton, Rept. 16, Wm. Harley. : from the freight train Ging from at &L5 this Lroebtigaty rt ht wae CU ensued inetantly. own grade, Death of $25 te ying the expen ala anor at 'the faneral in Pye We noticed Chief Wilson cruix upper part of Horon street, on ndt forth aprimg = of the 'ean ho ar. oy «ortunatances which wcearred 'dati & Peat lity. The chief has pet b 4 own. Theeauses of this disease are teaching. Admitted that * the bot," or in the words of the dust ther doth trooble it ia well ditientt Peedi bot pboid. a wren thow dis | x. ust received o new atock of carpeta of the Leino and patterns to be found in the omsket. they import direct from the Finghiah tact they claim ta be able to pu prices nto whole rater. Seswate alen wlivertion w line of poodle Tikely to bee in che at this seh 'stuen| waterproof! overeouta. day lant week while H. T. age | boy was Letiverinuy goals down at he old usu | 425 rete howe pot hi 8 fon . | one of J Wat Mr Portt, the Veterinary Burpeon,: was called who enecended is stopping tbe bluod. The honw ie now doing well. w engineer haa staked out thy grocred at comstruction of the crosing north of Main at iv wall wat _ Tan ¢ mr at Lewin win sede daly aaa ie on rolaiten Sree brave arm Dern row Perth's eta | sath tegimnes {ates ee! of pratee, ured t 4 7 7 Suter atu whi pein ed rl. Kel hit al ie ho of the Yoyonet on "Toes y law eitin, eeu were « | z charged ah 'ising fire by la ing slawepd pre Bh ik dete ile cook heuses withoo! tops prin teae Line } by-law nee Ie uth that tend ing throng must termingle in a chimney, Pace Cran Ds ax --A long-telt want in Strntfor:! has a diugar pit "yp rec jhere hovers of the t care really flrst-clage artic ris Ly mart, fifaurk: t mtatho | A 1 «tyle sit A get hpened, jus! Albion Bioek | onndietad nt Eaparincpa: at pero xt, 1 was in Dur lay with a view fo effecting imlorthnt changes in trait arrangements. It is under- | stowl that ei hate the expres Lar sigl ere . | formerly ran through from Sarnia ria Hiantford to Taflalo "will pool cli natable = hae Lat tr TO) the sue route a br KK. Division th 'Lomi, aed thence | soatwand diruct. The elject is to save mile | age. } STRAT 'FORD TOWN COU NCLL. Regular! Mectinpg. In absence t the Mayor, Mr, Tee Mc vif oth oot opel the olair ae 'Mootay ove. ning sare. Burrit}. Lane, tone, and Lappton were abernt, There was very Tittle business of impor tance transacted, The a -- Ny baal ful accounbe were onder Tha ve rh a oe i ante ba - 2 Mr. mat * hr erty at 'de 'tice cotter eather- um! a = aide aM vari 7 wal » Rhe Dat af Ueto -- hin wh, LISTOWEL. ic inipaia Ayrnay rliot nalrht bew ¥ tender, and drasinie a pocke = bia aia trae 1,and making several a tempta bp him an the Je Fortuna | knit ateuck @ ib od off t breast also. Meek, dJuhn C. On the Jat duet, the Mev. f the Pneshrpe Les inche, &H., chit Bu ana previous he poe was sprar on Honda be was nick. the cay? being 0 bity he bud neni * aed at Carlton, Yprmouth count fate ted of labour » Te ween man highly ews accied, ahd the mews of hi eal mend eiriticne 1 'ieath will lbe ddl to bis st -_s garenin arul bis ws ehihdren, A Cheap Firm. te ay hai aOwe Ler eiraiort tar ows. ML, Sound veal bert Mr sain c *harlton, She mak pi azate of -- fia oF ie sear ct is wes, waa "The whole toed. | . . teal oat 'anitaey a ols ae was enlint- | ee ee ae v1 gy ry IE edite find a nally thr wnat al raid estate to py v 10 feet off the Menéra rnadlale, Mins Looe, thiarikn. the naa! brig, ane cen aa down in Buckin: | ayoare fora lane, They tsar pv Harker, iat Powe ond Me shire, forty ot fifty miles ices roa pu | © the Tow n Be pel withlie-p Wright were present ae rey veting | The disease ena carried to London In. | ar Revit begets es ee was en Mi 'day evening. The total = thber cn fected milk fre & particular dai } Mekeo resign 2 ap 5 the rail fe ie Vale of Ayle tigh hr, and Wim. Ashmore wus Negsotened la Moreday hia place, Aresolution of comfclence was at pe lai | farm had | Bre Sluddieditch,, whe of the late, Harry fe | Middicditeh, policeman, and an onier was y iraent ih Oty gat Laver | ondrted 'to My ions aie her are w for the | yet her late huskaril up to les Get. Peeskvrnet of Strmarruny Ries Hrealy: | Applications for the aflice ei night police tery melon the 12th ins}., 1houtet 15 minis. read from A. McCaffrey, W, Hon- very telly tere attending, with 10 viders. and 5. M. Gee Ki. Motarthy, D. | ower, motel Bh oativiar | Bot Herc pot thr "amination willie and TC. Jo! m invited to cor 3 Tt wat decoded to advertise for had been conducted sug ped. (ly three of the sex: eeords applicants and male the | aa at witied by "Mew, Mr, W writ int it woudl be | Were submitted, to having b 1 the July | nest meeting, The Council adjourne ter to have w examination for several | =¢ting, Mesarn. John Campbell, (irantan, -- fuaaons t, it none wed (2-8. Henderson, Trowbridge, and Alex Haru PERTH MODEL SCHOOL. trim Mrs arburton's rou, that with the | 2teo, Motherwell, were hoard, their disestrae prom ction to i, it mtet mecessarily wire sustained, and they were ordered The fi tows canlidates wore mlrnittel to efowded ; nd ge we oni be Letter en- certified to their respective colleges. | the Perth model uchodl, the session of which aliled to jeder 'of matter cotplained of, Mr, James Hamilton, Motherwell, was re. | openad on Ti dat woek : - Hettie Anilersnn, committee unani iy a the | ct! a for ministry call | Strathord ; Mazaie Bids, Ae at iy eh and appointed the wv, Mer, 'aleed apd to Mr. And. Hen wae ee yerun, Anderson ; Creras Ww, arrangements made Wrriatht anil Moors. '\iezaniet and Davidioon | 05% obtinstion tm the 88th est. Mr. Ball have repotied that the said examination to'preaide, Mr, Penman Mr, wae heid ao Tuomday; the Gth anst., r tit Hislop te the Minister and Mr, there were 1} from Mr. Warba ed oe Poot Mr, Bell was appointed mf ¥ '4 rooEn a St ee ee om Id resinioe of Molorworth and Trowbridge. Mr duly, and ohe b "Those 'atheringham stated that he had recived a | Leonora Hill, Hyeringtield ; ni; di Saba tede oe tecd bee thie Hosur Povey in from Mr. Jas. Smith, of Ahmednagar, Miteliell s ae Dublin; Alice Minton, but were only required lo be pre- initia, detailing his naomi de La M. salen, ent to emabla the examiners to form - isye help to standand whervby they could properly jeder fit Bee tone for seb iets in re high school, the sutk dame by the pupils front Mrx, 'War. | '/the amou Preab ae M. é, Toex the w ty ts people ts thix object. Mekew _ Hteatford Karat WoCoy, Carthage agreed to print far ei ches byt «| Lizaie McLellan, Mitchel McKen and sexes ere inatructed re Stratford ; Annie Eo made in this way insinuations might be made ry soestings report at Sterritt, Mother rel ; that the work waa or caaier aa the case Maseh meeting of Presbytery. : : A Wil ve: might be or effeetent A Toerren ruom tie Dierart Paasnre.-We | Wells, gy Iiexie bib i Mitchell Tho result of the was that nix | takw the liberty of publ a fe er teen of Mes, Warburton's were re- | thone trom as a i 'ths edthnor of | Bothwell, Motherweil ; Cy (be protioted, Fifteen marke | this paper, from Mr. W. "I. Ho Post- nm: Nathan' Dp ot of 215 were taken off as an allowance for , Oak Lake, North West Territory. Davidson, Newton; i th betidnrs, le bevever passed over | Mr. Roberts ie well known In Biratford, har. iat ee corye Ti ' marke, ' ii ucted ney ours, | "!" . ad Walker's papi . vin 9, | Heis an uncle of Mp, W. I, Roberte: jewel. | Marya; J. H, MeBiain, Atwood ; Henry Pat 4, 87 and "= 7, and | ler, of Stratford >-- Sa ane a de 7 ny We ow in seven sat cet, bagi te Li, nae a Ou take: Sept. 14th, 1494. Milbank! Ta latter, John McDowell ing the 200 alt ead i Tre Sruarcomy Trams regue is ety et x rks, and oting to Ubis case the 1 , it a weloome visitor ta prairie *n; J. : i" allowed onnof Warbarton's, who only | home. « W. having a fine Hime just now, dent Elgintield ; ng TF. Wren, Chiselhre vod 1%} marks, to past, viz, Nellie Scown, et sAenga arage-y eg mg a anya -- she had shown jteneral proficiency im all » thank would " jt, The Felt woukd tarot the | fF cy county to Te in if one coal get THE POST OFFICE JOB. jention of Mrs. Warburton, but we ~ | ri 2 Lg ve ter- gras wot imaging that Uiere was any fatention' of vibe thin symmer; worse, 1 am told, thas ah ass rye bet Aura ital te her an injustice. We would iuggest | usual, 'The weather at this time ie delight: | 1 Cs Tews ad I "citigen,"" nating however, the propriety 'of a great deal of care | fal.--a nice cool breeze continually blow who ts to bi ie thio bricks in foot bf the ing jieed- at these examinations in sid besetital, telreching raloe besaiboualiy caw Weak OF iart tre Of erection, futore, both by the preuiding examiners and 4 ! nights are alwaysi cool. Pra- | ie name @ liatioe, whe mark Be ea they sre the. wild ducks are very plesti- | 1) (tate that Lam pot responsible for the tron baale hich tee Byard bate of determin. tinny of Inte that we tpl 5 beaten PA ing the work of Use teacher; and although at | ar quith T prefer the Prairie | material ; rn Office, 1 aan only revponeible for the manner Hiyes there|may be reasons given which h they ary fatter, and fa: wchijeds, he Meck ja dina. See: Kilbucn 'lo be satisfactory to the Board when pantionn | have mpre und they have «| i fing arohitiet. failure to promote has taken place, pet the | flser flavor. t to Oak ny. yr - public who pre a gener | Lake exgurion, the bate da asi: Rosalie ally form their opinions of the, teacher from | other teen |. |. Mops 19, 1482 Un published promotion list, and suel opin. | millions of docks ment tratiord. a odlong. fur inate wens: sagegs aa er let you knew the and # ~~ Togan. futore usefelness of the We shail | iniles wide-- td st Neoner esthars ences cover they Largest ae tise | , Vatu ag pong? will confind their confplsinte to the Board cman aap z the and ae Haden all goeslp for the | ofher day, and puble, with themsclres ax the chief | of too actors, ade mpaseraady ion E each other | #9 Istand 'are cannot be tanght the pupily unless by the teacher, and such is ae onar arn & pre by is commendable in Ei teacher, and perhaps ia not of seeundary wan't iportancd #0 either reading, writing, or The ety the names of the rey tho : i. S17; Nellie Laurea, 232; 14 T ua tm, bbing the p pl Hels tan at once niertgaged the lot to company, and Mp, Chariton knew Bathing it ca will Shel a wiek ago, when he rem tha = iy ringive seaside Poul he taken to hare hiect | him, Me, Chariton claims he hholda tie school tas collector's receipt in fall for the x ets, ee gal ye Whit, who was oo * he re my afforded by #i doewq"s Lake, whata than may lose local prajer, axpater Rd ia anetiar Teetiatine ofl by neylecting ta tale a we | Tomoprs Ferre Manuey--At Luambers' ih ; fi Lit ples mag a eg wea Mort itt bavilee kets, $1 Moved Lachiaad thet the i we Bek tie ont, Mis = wn nocurred on Tavelay beech in the he sat trombwin, iadicting 0 wound t. and glan. 2 atternpt, and ge not enter dan, received with blow ibe wie "wife nd boon dis teat, Mr. je. fhe was Bt, & ante: at Ley i state- att with ber | nent:---"Iwent abound the Asis at Owen -- tee Tay | Sead idngeht on Wednesday in corm 4 ome fe gi . wand H. BL Gallag- the hart | ber, both of Manitawaning. The steamer ¥ it in Canada. | was crowded, all the staterooms being fll, civilization triainph and and many passenger ii teins aaa te confortable houses far | sabi floor. All went woll until about elewen © Northanpberland take | Sr Tusday morning, hen the storm strioh tent the forest, Her re- | 1 wax in my berth at the time. My uncle, J. Avondale H. Tinkins, jumped up: and said the boat was il jarse atten | doomed. Dishes and chairs were flying in old settlers | every direction. We left tho cabin and abbey found aianhy in prtting betreers ag Fi was ravi s ton, ae = dusters of deveased preterver and patiit on. 5 areal vat into yh ee the trough of the sea, and would not obey ELMA. ber elim. rollel beavily for sboat The mani¢ipal © 'ancl f tha Ty. of oer Eypaty itinnten,, heeds beim hy : fee tec 2 if ( polat Sern 1h on Fatarday, 0 thd Hith di eTEOCK BT 4 ni wi Sha A8p POUNDrRED, September; | Members all presqun; Mi tates and went down with te engines ae ofdast meting read and at half-past cheven, The Asia was mak- Mr. Lochhead seconded by Mr, Dunn, that | ing for French Hiver, had men, homies, Mr. A. E. Yer be paid $5; being rent of | and lomberman'y for the shanties bouse odeuphed by Mr. Nichol famtll bors: J aaw thrpe baste lowernd. I+ wae in il, Mowe! by MrJ Dann se the firat boat; gbon! - were with me. ¢, Richmond, that H.| Featherstone ; At mare got!in boat was over: 4! balance af contmpet of Tiridige paced Ned eae over twice, Partles were carried. Move Bich. om to my lile-preserver, which got wtvbed by Matin, that Mr. Michimond disploonil rl tthe it tom, ti I then ne oe the serviogs a inappetor of bridge boat and Caer ote et iter lining coneiraction if anid bridge) | * by, poh yticw Moved by Mr. to chhead seconded | the to belp me in. He Barr tty 2 that ¥ ba . ry wu ing on 'ont Boe sea a Our oo a on the how! He waa dying and being supported oo one eo the men when erboard. The next to wave Washed him ov bu wae a boat er et wi medion the ganwale oughin fbr T ewold ~ him eg age - the water for nearly a bemdred ra wer now reduced to seven, five ee whom died before the beach, vin:--Captain Sayage, who was the Isat to die i y arma about taidnight on Thursday ; ake dno, Littl, of ult Ste. Mario ; the mute, McDonald ; and ten others, names cnknown, boat finally stra Point-9a: ft niked ment about poet Friday with Mir Morrison and OSLY Te ecarivew, I pat abe bodies out on the beach and pried the bow with an eer bet did not behe: Morrivon and 7 went down the baat. to @ derric! shout one and y serigfus affair Y | a half miles divtant and lay on the liane all verti wolk At the Commercial hotel About | nicht. About eight o'rlock Satords eight o'clock, Gillie Terlaney son of Mr, J, 'morning an indian last cnn sco, and Lenanerd Terhune, wter, entered the kitehen of | jis to Parry Sor He would the Com: meneda! hirted Soren being somewhat | 4.4 briny: " under the iftiaence st li he was cansing The steuner Novtharm Bella ot the samme bance ling, which reached corning) han heen furnished with-ier, and my left for the bodies, Misa Morrison Tinkiss are being well cared for and the rid fi ither. will euffer materially from their long exposure, There were peobably about one hy 4 Ss THE BIDDULPH RUCTION. FIVe Pewee cane FOR MAAULT ON BUTTE: the fewh tar enough to ewe angerous wound, In the ollier ia the krife only . oo" whieh Ihave» rooently arisen ingore Acree = in and Good. bite idulph hee recelred an sdiitionsl ian 'win was ite Wak arres through | implieati an loriged } in the i "i une ion Mat ed he renal Pinas of ner redigheg bein crht W. Boott, Esq., and | is known, warrants have tomy imei atte ter ve "i wf the wating bad mianding a number of the residents of the te war committe! fo anahi i Stratford gaol te stand "hh trial Choolwin the pare aiggl = rf pry bi rd OF PRET: lact feloniowdly nasaulted, wounded and ill. with i sv plea of Bydsophobia. hol Death of] Dr. Pusey. erie was t nas of tthe late Hon. Php lined (half brother pode ne first Earl of P ol mori, Ww mal too! I was appointed regi rica in the University of Oxford to a wl a canoncy of Christ Church, ite. waa one of the earliest and mast tore Jhorch, and ela! te the Rucharint, royal ecclesiastical mary, marriage with a Seanad ea aleter, snd Sieily to High Cooren cceinns ts and GR AND * TRUNK RAILWAY. RETULS ee i HAF aC ag Week ending Rept, 2nd Correspand Week, 2d, is Tasengers, Mall, oF Darth a Freight. 'sees 'Total. i | acu ul ; § haw, Malate isa. __f {85,196 | Nines epen, 'aie. (saan Bi T. B. HAWSOX, Auditor an $5005 year of taxation will only have to um, which can scarcely It ta from the Manc! B great interest in Eorlend's a pimmrern well Heuaviv's Orme avn Proca.--Colds, Hremith. mals. == ef , por; 100 Is, 80 00 to 10 WO; oe eet Eggs. per doa, 18 to 10; d 25 to He; Thacks, brace, 50 Gde,; 00 te Ny Pele 100 fel 50; 50 to 66 f ets id iuerdellit aT Fete nt e ri? i fii i Mi 4] guns. RATONETT OD RAE THE; shih second As moon food the tre yr wus won. ihe High. re usealind frye Wao; rivet and the South side on the Gipti itton wee and the surgeon at the Guards iellowe I ane te a Eytan Groce on = make along detour, down Armory vars hile we completely beat we wend hither an thither all might till aay probal ay 2 aj i z is would not eop |O, appease eh mah, ba! hundreds remained at rh pow, and © #1 kaviiepd mais oh it ie they ae sineeaps sw slight when the fatare of che fed und. the namgber af the de 'cae ay it considered, F Locus, ie i ses in Wolage by ae accuracy bas Fut nd gs live! Regarding the Eeypiian day's engagment no comput ; ry; it cannot be 2,500 (ty ore ig contingent several places the ghee of i ---- were lying in hea dhhseorda ad and they 4) i inp ot i ls aiee a in dense rows ve the pert ne. chile ¥ are wore la metntable eteny's ei eren cfd men r ie were kill Thin wal unerpidauaed: he : pwing to the fact thas i tha Rare ee ie + opi, I ptlan army ceased ty exiet. |S tea) sa re from the mod | : finet | war one, being ouly oe : .% Vo the sand hills whove the camp. There the A saD 1 BND. «Es a , artillery overs started i caine eneny 4 short time to enable ihe Belt and othor witha i" tow Fang of hor eontiniiment at' the tinie of he r i The Pistal Again. 3 Woolstockh, N. Th, Bupt. ¢--A peor DETROIT, CHI MICHIGAN. ILLINGIS. AND INDIANA. | \ Aten ert aMordel te thoes withing to to tla pond ost ecm ee age Sachs Eats becit weed wal J TUESDAY, OCT. 3rd | fl rt ing " ; ing what has been ot yeah for by thitca ta i ma Ta Miteliat tne wyhtiiot Mle) a wth . tat sate Pmptercicw-- lo Stee the ih pusitcawad od Adon bat pls: gt Pat seas ee Waorur-- ach iratfobi, on the bp wife pera Janice wriese Ot 4 rina wr sme ans wat Mi ihe tree ior Mii iow on i¢ i of 3% ena mea, Lh eon, ware it stab, at hah kn paret, = resre ands 1, Florence miele? ' ght. ates anein' eat ax OXTLET WOFE RoW xn fener. in. Never did 14,000 mon get under anne Seq. MY Sewn hal i" te 1 her fe ms woe hg i. the err oper appeared to ecient of ane ther branedy which overt 1 2 lowly the : falls beist Al ever ' aly by the oscasional clash of stool. 1b was | Ct with i Ed emall lake ter ct eae Servant. = of wth ie oe bite silon saying that she intwuidud to wha i a ee Fe we Frgnlly of thre, tie wus thal mi ight cs OF | didmot return for sdweral howm ler friend Apaty : by 1 reg pe far out na became alar and proceedabto peaweh for ie sie eet ae a front ol Teqpacl + oon t ian t her. They did nit sicger: cnekiry Teg, =r, ; ry Al reqa but discovered sae aE a peeteph P hooks rguubléd loudly over the sandy plait | Suter. "Nave misenine teboly ot the hades Buy Your Fuel Now. te bos with un. : 'die ore » body of the indices eral Gefen brigade, which het alread already py mee yet mae. ee ani pane sreavvory 6.09. COMIARE, has 4 r; 1 Lee} " any Pt jor cur Rath) Ze) beshale «i done good service by twice repelling Gratin, of Hull: The jury witaraed "e , fagite ofthe enemy. . Then came the ( sar of macidental dese, -- Ee wan, when the metic be. evidence tujthe contrary, as tne i on amie " wii =a Met y 2 naira e isc ie ee Le tain wa cours to light) wer dar ih ot ts --_ a | the des fecty awe sotie opinion pagans new Purchias mo Now: a Ty ODE, : the i nh way itself the naval brigade ndvanped with SUD Bash. Gas Lina Sa, 'Be te Load . tn truck. South of SrHA' THe siete " Biratto, Bayh * yes, voy PALACE CIGAR DIVAN, No. 79, Albion Block, via Ontario Street, Stratferd.. Starks & Counter, Wholesale and Retail. aah, be geaiie is ": sais kasi de i nc ten tumble inte the enemy's | Swaing. While a tamer of je Smoking and chacus, Pipes, ad nae. nung themselves fling at a vena with tol, ot digtanoe me i Smokers' Mer beyan q 1 hates i risen se lad nate ey sedate « ' . 4 pay At edtensetel we Mignon | hot an alvdon ws His fe bie 7 'Patronage Reypeatfully Solicited, igedes The 74th wore nex} the tends nest | Petnely doubt ; STANK OE wore the , and the Gordon High rr! rd. COPRTER eontinged the line with the Blac 'Useless Fright f , . is Watch ppion their while the 46th and To wong shout any aa ; er Ui. hirethe Beit Ladel dake Lat oo jen Hine, | PSry troable, eepecially Dvight® nema or Swiltlpand silently the Highlanders salwea 'etetos, aa Hop Ditters cever fails, of a enppe SEALED TENDERS ° forward to the + No word was spoken | *!" wre in pomahle, Wekhew this, & | Whole af teparaia wil be tieels: 4 al, the eniirigi pheapbe unti) within three hondred --= -- otfig «1 Lie enderdgard cry ax ty ford yards onemy'# ig eg ur) Nor dp to STRATFORD MARKETS: y urday, own: Pordrad 7 sign in in si ine = s 5 o'clock, Sat Sept, 23, betoken that Aging the sae of att om Pew thee telly welt H amend frgained is Ow Cees of Xew eee eee fer tah, bit igh rh 1 oF A THWUNIC FTKE rLanmey t Spring F 1 qh 1h) Ww Ww of sand heaps, A storm of bullets eae oe te vc hat er es rid 5 1a ATER. ORKS! ! over of the ad } a Oo a9 me nae = wild cheer from the ere, wt ate e # bd) in respanse the strack op. FB oe wer bh; " ba aa TOWN OF STRATFORD... onele wer and at the doublequick | ¢, afl cae A Oe We sla Cast tron Wate Mclean and SFG gh ay Nee on Potatoes periag gh | pie bhynia: & i one could , & burst of " i ' ' o-Hydran i ie 'broke out. Tors ovaderortnstien, pais eg % 4 id 1 Valves and Valve Chinato Ei Pere wes, gts Wad pro Dreeed him be per 100 0 00 = oad | parenes Machinery, « a 4 = Ne { a my, whitse ballets whistled harm overt i | The delay in the advamoy was but Has pt ah mt Pe : aa Erigines & Bolle er Hay 4 the « given, ths urkeys cach sa bd | And other W arksineonnectian brigadd again went rapidly forward. en er HA Fi | with Same, at | Portion of the ohad pasend butwedn the rend ; i) i or See 4 speeitiagiinn oo enemy's htt and opened « flagkiny fi Hike hoor "a an) ce " 1th, at Cie heers wing's This was 2 for the ber id tice Tb ' ol 2 A. or Guim. C3 took td their heels and fairly ran, suffering, ecg a Hi j Moone} C.K Nm x Oi ances Te ple, D astheir crowded masses sushed . = sealed Se cs Lawes gr any ton m i Wry heavily from our fire, beinyt lie Wom per cord i eo ower qr any sagen yp) capped aot a Lisrowes, --Fall Wiest, $0 99 1 @;i' Sie, Mirattord Water Merl) Om, DOWN WY MENIEED, Spring Wheat, 0 tp 02; 1» Plour Seer is Meanwhile the fighting began u thie ott ew, a valid 25; Bagley jer bowh O 4340 als + thee tier sg Ping every Tan be ibe g flank, i the hing Thetied the enemy's [0 G0; Beas 6 Gide 0 6: Oats, 0 3D tp et ted a the B08 Bepteqabi 1H? extra eft. Here 'the Eqypliana' were Outinoa 4 $8 60 to 3 7 Copel * Dh. ne HERMITE, toate Giorered then: oq theie eight, aad tor © 1S vet brigh is Hie Bah Meg Fed pohign |. A Nee ; ome, A) oe 50; Hey pot tan " retfort, Pepe at i= ion pad ly fire, lhayal to if DD: Sides i Biratfert, Fepdem iste, Se the word $7 ry Neat g the an the 1 te 1 Wood oan, Next came th i . the Ge h a ; 'qed per , Reaeth tie Ger cts sect tthe | ine 2 3903 wo, Galaine ee See's | TLONTDON.. | behind ia Theit. wig ; Wool Ih to 40; Shorpaking, each 40 ta i mente by raubes. For a . : -- abort time the enem clang to iiete line of = =, SEPTEMBER &, - 27, 26 & 2B entrenthinents, but their fre ws ingnthely rly . ineffective, and the Firitieh FAIRLY INTO THE TRENCHES, a 5.000. od Ak PRIZES. enemy fought stoatly for a fuw cael ery ie Le comt-ons © hand-to-hand Ope ntathe World! | os jor Hart ome man Waa Tow tein. bend fortrinks of ape revol ith her : sher'the steak teed toe Ponting q manetnes --e! E Then: ve fp Thay rid care poke | Soul ie tertaoatan| THE EXCURSION Esistzn wil aeen 3 oh see the canal had oF THE SEAM rd Bi Information Fee ieice in std t BaMY TH A RARE 'CHANC cE. ATA meee O78 So: 1B se Eee teal TWO FARMS FOR a ae ae att a on