LM ed eT tn | your 4} peak 7 4 zh wit enb-horier, un the fart heme oad nw ious of Uhr Nore at the! i a ihe wisds bis atory, aml they rou et what ETE sh t we, bat rites Hie ae ea longer, wand from Port We could paarahant .* ce cs 2 Tee ead soit Powys Our faces Fen of baw undertaken to. hew through a | rl ~ a hs La a et ahs othe. action winter they | gre.cus away thefe were md Chews | forget ber Ths besooe sian ae and swamps of Panaex, | Se ene orld' wemioard the wbfattiow paduvedyuas yore rBuon detepy iol ere oh ' hong TMosl assomipentiod a Be ieee Se will oaly be b Ita tong 0 th mao rou btremea. twee muchnigt iy Inland Waters and pater hefore we reached 1 epost' On the. way pe ae et lesion My ipa | stating 8 is = * i | pines wiih thal] Wee, | SOT Se repeated! ike renidenta, ot | see boye walked tide. tgte ye solid rock, the dificalty of ite f ' Sri fuate andanked fot a phil to water hid | hours with ral One sail, cannot be ortim ite Jia! eee | : on 2 gives at with the great- | heart, | ms er, men " He gota inte this put fr ths _ or | Africa (oases hile wan of ta en ' | os re. conversation wad in| The jlepers ell will cone i ra Te Brittle many 08 eT re en eee ee In 'Supert to any Fa y Family Kodioine, dpi te tron | Progeh "There (i tae Treott pain ela iw mined a ag atid pyr If bag of gold droped trom | Tos pled greg ook ed henpalterored FO ema we ippreered rary val battles, aft" lent Torah the Lindssees of Mr} Jobb Young, The iisters are allowed only sy oe a soa too Bee bet tea at ler Eiver whosr t DOCTORS. GAVE HER UP, i taken 5 |e SLi eccanasite ont | artes tae re given «| tofeadhen They bave mat op Sor | immerse sxe enipesom; Aisi wom kay a v | ; a yonrnet. an | the Bite wal ie ie telly os brid (bray beidog. Bolden, Pera ay aie Gnees Cons. --Whee the corn m= a littl soriain ta destin toe somal EGETINE "CURED HER. t | volic Khapel fronting | see teowh beef. ian ; past the temderest r¢ stato, pull it; | season. In Soe ho was clowe rear ass Li eee anit | thy = Thay sbbor mi t aod | take off one ,thick the imak, tie the ed ss wis Morrie, xvii. Bg. Oct, Ei A. | 6. A | sei nce! the marly | veal. [rewh pork ie the meat moatiy than the ecneag learn vagy tie the | stocked Inbar market of Min. It ft SreveserDear Kir, Aljont tetera | Me taf thy Ted inating, pel tte | MA wes cele! 'at 10.30. | Threw of the play the pe Oh t had | rest of the husk down st the silk. cud in a | and in the immediate neighborhood ' he Sent teen the Aerutadrtte uh bagi er | | By 10 n¢ otk 'thik desty viele were filled be valid '6 wae Bemall bum to create or | close asd tight matiner, Place them in » workehope of the worid, Panama and S ifn jor be the waber they row an & 4 ad tious to excel Khe other. belt. T| clean cask oe barre comps re) ta wrovid. | in near - oan mires eough. fv five = uf bl : j wate Fresh Oenadians un them way to 'the weather is dry, those whe are | int : Wil Hoey heel el, 7 ;|= negroes fresy Carnedca and i i ne oe phynicinns (nF Wea tee a ve 4 | tm reh. A "ew came in rickety wagons | able wently dance from morning wrt H Vander Se eal iLivman | pet on & brie to cover the aame of | from (ATL bie machiner ! " res 'ha eam me Ne of ere 1 ut the mont of (bhem werelon fout. i bey | ni arta Firat eater' teelinatrta ' ' ry moment probab! "i about pretels | the strength of meat it ef miles from i boo of Toroat}'s mort ia} nt ca fas fread are i elralg. ahr nba ag hes ite an ayn clad compa of « drowsy feeling, andl sloop age day Gon ns on i Nie gocher Coal pee hed -- winter, soak | or America Tut even in on yo «pare m T pr va = Panacea, Amt es ats | H aint comtul had arreen 'with | | | and paigh' ta, hours ata stretch The gnagn | his thoes ch the Unleon. Ankers |'t at goer me Pep meer tej ey have inbied hal at a ' mn, ih arte seni and pleasantly. Tt tol Wh j beeotne affected: "The hair ost from the | interest pl heoena co She iionn | Anioome's | te Pin still spare: (-Tikis lacpaid.to br excel- pewerta ut rat hal ot Ket i | some ~~ thin agosi ; an j (as canes there ina loss of fecling in the bands | juxuriejand an millionth partet Jay Gould's rorya eg say 4 i sak ovaries cornea eh j é Are Sending Tally ; \ " twas, eeioaly [t sued, Sesteey opt de Barpoit yd hoppy, | Rare Tomarous --Tomatera may be kept any of the United States 'will iF - PA Roa aoa nem fo fy 4 ree . t : : 'ss at d ' thot ate' with any gaoge of for.) almost any length jot time and come out ms ] tw the construction of = com the ail state. _-- = Tae 00 ly inci Ley jw 4 ae | : 4 ; we | then 5 ss wl awaited tha tap of bel L. ife no pain. At doatiaes athe fate shoe a Fo handed Noel | freah aa when oret pickled by preserving nal with an Amefi-an gusrantec, Y E ines, E hat | fe aa ol pe NE LB. CADDIES AND OVER i i eh site: ana | Thin a lepers | times 'the skin pate filled seth steel entire From je « so mack differ. | pure vinegar diluted with water--one gill of | Hl we aceept the! Suca precedent, it te far ie tel sit gh ah toe ki ie likewise had it, | Uhat Er en eeal revhote tay may fired j thie Then i ks open hone Si hake abs wiaryar bul feo of water. Pick when iat from rng the bolders of Panama + Wits ike I yi Bases ting eared of a bal) ey saints bay a ton bes Be aphoned lually sbrivels, away. When the we phe ger Soh at to part with bat not very soft ; few stems on, bet | stock. When Mb ile Leswops Legan to malkir ora Jhoob nye ay may wolf, by bey Hoenel ite wFacy na Selinee iewaporior t) liver and lungs become seriously alfecte: bed tobistipe" Aa ee 2 pienso do not or : baw portitns at lithe aay. 1 2 the tiie erman y ny | te amy af the Prem Palen es ALLED PURE TE $ | 5 . s oy . *e Heh gargs Mina tegg with dh by ib ot, seedy i all ? Ihave worked Alter yon get throagh patting them in. place vet beet stieat 1 wen for the alere quactmabt meer | , . Lhave never dine L bathe every | somethin i eatimates ate satel i) ¥ a 1 itt day: 2 ig on thei to keep them under the /- : coat of catting the Pa agure one, 2) Famsily* Modiein, ter in w All have separate beds, The imen are searwals | Sommmison Ttceh Gok. Pip Nigquid, and take wut pe youmey inhi to use | Daina Canal at £26,000,000, Atthe Saez rate wales nilals as iti cared fen tt me t be; Call He ae mba Hs mast, i kept :T pa i? the women on elepray [it ° hing oats Habe bora api hngts ber xr bir} ve err roo as pie cag eage ao pea: | : Ss La 4 ely ca oar seq each | th Ty . z ¢ Temh ine io will get fagl . ve fraleed .* Aoltne iy whare the slehsos ethetase rte The ab ota man who bad the peg tp Piers naa rp A «eon whic' that pene ges ly There Page ad cb wollragt o or et ve Talkers bad ae bag '4 Load Vogetine is Sold oy all Dy uggists, |) tole oe wartlens, re) case andl whe i prop ' y 2 or eh, he: Tt neve, -- Mr. . ia | ot ep shont the penn co a in| said it waa Hag ages le tT oe ar ne ne wee Len eh lng talon i Rt dues Bl ge ie) porate ity. peste ate x ir te agi kare that iat lgwe hor he eres . ama ceed tine wshiit. servant EF Lo - - i #4. an: » @ + it . wee aera : ons h- | dostored forthe bisek scarry '1 believe I'd | leaving om the stoma, tha tratlc, whereas the Fore » tl imeet bet wt the gate aad cop vig te | TALEO Sendtor ty llustrated aut servant hoy, Aaide trom | get well. "They aay that thar foun pein dosha RV SUE this they: do ape the' work. In the dormi-|in Chatham w jbo Gare a -- w Mar ~. Dur Bri tite. -- Never | Ot the American Huaspot ; CRSA Pacha 1 Vohere Sires, ito EY SRL beds erele mon f teres the pele ace Cragg tes "i ie awake at night stalin gees o Je be tyellow fey sitet opp deni i foxoy ot ea E 2 Weil hevnkh muaioeabe GUNS ities, pee Fiskil bee ci "i : . ; quilts cover the iroo bedatends The para esgystirale iy Sig tie fo care 'na I sing water (c a wird cont po hes meut guaraotee to cut # maritime canal Peasahs of sedentary halite, or whe, are) MeDUe A iibew. ae Nie & cieeege nek, Coesisad® t a day. Kverything is h whine an cone off like a chara, Lat them through Nicaragua, may be traffic eopipyee in factories) eto}, requirs u it te te | ye eromecdl. = ri r the | scrnpuloasly test, Exe dormitory in the water loag enough, bat. no Longer. ! ing one canal [com | ng seeder aaytcnd [aged tas | | Diks: 4 : hunerwtte we homed tee + diaew: Ae : , tolthe Pacific, but what pro- | *=t loftexercise is surg, scuner or dated, to o| f Turnlture faetary for ele, mipata Lepers of Tracadie. violin. | The melody was i and awoet | thetr prayers on retiring aul arising. The by reieovi » kin, ving "k thee ry = there of audividend if therv are twor impair ithe chigestive powers. Them it ia) _ ion! Teasin welt accion bleu ing of toe * Canmliart Boat Song," Phesee wally are covered with pi taror | of saints be t t at and b kee less time ti that joature requires & stimu! iad st beet i " 1 ' | Barreda Bh i iy a onnigg was ale: a ed Liye the F they had peg rit with eden ak th an the peaches, a a wh fo bushel may crea! i OC. Fromeet | Hitters, It oe sk Tanke: & -- * 4 ) whaling W the wéhry hours, ish < bel m skew rr : Hee rebite, « 4 i * erie: : 4 > fa see Laangatey Norpa-East | We ascended the pondh. Passing inte -- top pireeemticg yard. 'is af the ech tes i ae te clei rag bee =e Aah ns Sassanid lies pr li aa Markey nt come | New Mrunswick. | the entry we atood before a door with a] 2) teen be Aa - w told me how they to iis cee tbe Lrapilly Micah seme 5 iy saree whet, befia ronigh Bs eile the | ira Rabat per ne H hel * | lwicket. The worda, iia Ait Slew bx bh m then, The Sisters hare changed be rok an ove pie I d ch of all, as it collet 2: - : : v ' y ; macRnice 1 that. ] have no word tor _ * ONR ETEBSILE DE JOC LAA BCR. ngainat them. (od: i bless @hesn, sah To Day Sweet Arries. Hake as for the =p = fall Re xf = rented | Saay Bones SAyshy any soen t Be ' : of varting day! in U pixthire, we eho ix eolil TIVELY cured ty Heliatuy 47 Agonist SE: rara' 's : they can for us, [tin mot their # | table, then dry ina brick oven. "yf parting day, in this unrumantic # th bi i ' trends ct & {Ware's J TOCT Pasay itour own faulf that we are hore ne HOT 8 | be wml, heat ter el aw : Go world, wt we sendin i aid ea Fear pas "fe 5 cya wt, Disgetiers pres f pare BETOR, FuNaIOYS Be . : titel weesna . heantly applicable _w persons eesilaarciet nena paar aE |B at Se aie tx . Fad aS » evening) \ norpag tm Bsa jpackage. Simple aa| 00. 16 toy hercet Toren ha gs STANDARD ie } t suffering alifetime of miery. There ip no '(Church waa out and a cloud of dust inidiva'. ban j > -- ee ConaninE i : ; abuvie. the dope Father. Habineas | "Ph aa dra for either the male or fe. | el the march of the charchgoors bumesrard. | they» ma | i i ETS au ior peatth, ca E | She tell, A, cecon# afterward the | Mal lepers, and unaccr ¢ | The mum bad passed the meridian. Adinner' | "78M * dried apples = | anser Rowing 2s | Semiir Seager yt CHRP gir St trends.' Belting ter ut Mer Ge ba dintingsiah some of then from Sedionry bell rang Noel started aa'though awaken. | To Dur Sween cone Pick carly in the Fs ard birt fis 9 the V W aneet et Being | CORSETCD., Tennia. ® arint Milis, ed trom aloe baw weer ts 'Pe of Lsmitton, Ont, sett at | cele for everytht it ral ital At we wentered the male ward ten of the | men," sail he, pencting Sts ie "fe de. eat ai iar 'tre ed gedew: ogi ers indats. In| CHEAPEST MUSIC IN THE WORLD, get tee bP reherte B -- ee 2 is 'chorea into = soit A a roo wuler ST i toad ella frown danger, [| taiting you from dinner see an few who +36 ; ty recat tthe Hritish fay has | af al] kinda, the matt , ware plain blo, destitute of understand ao Pie Het ray Ph (3 sisy ainet, best print aw i aro! napkin, ane furnished with tin pinven, it abies ud eitnation i J fae me: b ta ti teats "f foe amp ae Uy art wees as thal & FARMERS' 'SCALES. ret cot within | eyes |" Core again andl see me if you ev si ; $ roo! en pre yet inst 'coametee Eb ' fal mat @ patil iT revielt th st t par bam on EME SIRNTRE Ht ptt Na STENT is Shad. ke fakeb a willbe many a log Fl erp: mie 5 garg wolerate wail } repink inact et idating, tle Whuser wan | Denters +7 Kou Berets Aw a ee Se peed a ite te payseth 'ota inan. He had | Sight betone T deepen. rere ta Biehl ee Marnted al' the week by the | #2 sth the only awarded sorb Ss easly frames alfa a year, Alt hough but 1s | od and dawn thea: tang, LL Wrieds: waasted Le eee ty labor fer daily bread -- ms the recent Inlustfial Kahibition beh at WHEY, ics, aaa man of 70, | bot eur ohae in Bik bators bint, pei iat oad wat or the sb ont hildren clink os ie the tail worn banda of | OPO 8 eh ie sara t fur {Neat rated achalagae Suter Mt Joh, mation the asaretta, on Blackwell's salad | Ea8™ bi over tut damot wash, pat or te wore | parenta, whe re strangers to them tall] +. Soy TS recurs, EE & U RNEY & & WARE, mie t-tae "i nan, abont 36 y Sisters said that es ee anil Jot it wa Shree of four bours, buil- | ter mes, te wary 0 other mania Ne : Tho Yoara Holl On, | WRASSEE, rn the Hotel Dien, =| woe moch better than he The Utility of Drankennoss.' jng dowly tftees or wwenty minutes at the | paragon: n ae thean out for | oon Bt days and mn, prate alow ty bat rnrely t CLE yer AT Misiromy4) « =i mong = t ' apartment a| Darwin abows that the . . le Wei which Meyers cade the | ammk ite the aby 1 ". AeA ¥__i- | Jed man clad in a bluo | the development, or w sien os ier "te u ' ie fat or lpr llem cg ane Be Bono beige er wail thas wht the a _ ot oope e or sy W dewelet, ra Ernie ase a sitler shirt turned his face {rom na,picked | 48 the collective prosperity f-the » io CaN (inmes Cons,--To every ain | fathers that they were so absorted "in boi .) Any ! x rr : POS 1 1 hin prengimca, igh a op o short black clay pipe, and more ipto | broaght about by op seultiplication, "Tol. ao ss a take one/ ounce of tartaric | Wess that tley id not eee enough of their | bummal suffering Uaioe io dere by post promptifape rh mgh of or, | lowed by | necessary struggl late isenived fo boiling water. Cat the | own familics to recogmue them on mj At so | Puthuan's Painhoes : hue misfortunes were fs > wed Pia in Faget wat- | the patient wives devised the pot po It itivell rexeny thi i : pat Ne i poange night's supper, to which the | loa and lumps, qeomipely 7 = chael Puan the lono | * fittest " nie t Mises t _ = : pr Sia copie a anil the father thus | with feortainty. Neware af er owe 5 or) tune ts wjuaintance, ite N.C i A belt lisqwe bet one fom the ad atnall Saturday night may bring ite cares, too, we icrs.' Gold eter mr Dike : to Th ore ¢ twenty | but they are hardly glecurnable {frees joy : dain wat g h S| afer 4 mK Jno tocrtay «cl ap clothes for dhe ssipee e, \ E hes nfe tat : . wonlt gusty { went ia | aie the mi aperats je ting on the bed rang- ee Lin w hound. me tress feu ithe war 7 pad mee vt badheingrn of es yiuyt , Febnee ase vemselves in line with * yred. beada ae 4 the ear: ier « at hy «ace an crip oF xm of Hiveral i rib nt q {jematon. | | gut | dejected enantenane a naa tag Bao the fittest for carried won te ones Gare fap ane vbhe te ithe | | in an qi SEE & Femiareene't vn Me fhe \ aris, pry, 1) anal eats lil. Ope was enffer. | brutal or phyw nergies best unable! mat tine in jagt before the ered begins to duce Se eat: = PEBILE ar vy fi tem bo stragaie with teak 1 Fr i I harden. They are, alter bring packed and # Wi Hark, te. ma TT ' ao oa oe surroundings, La ras " iki freed from atenm, putinte bottles (wide neck | the hast se ¢, | Foargnteed rel ciate atte cradities Se petmanel - pon. hd hotties) so aa nearly to Glltlelatter, 'These u the shadow of grimwed arct: ie Dyer in a ne: ba for H tA bs Hes pies tm iro phe rs aang The perpetual After | ° md saps oh iy f Cole on opti oe ai heat 5 ' ™ tribes gave the ilo- c kettle, | "nine ety ly tormenting caren + Complaints geticr a) . ™ 7 | inion of the sae: Goat. aic"bo tor, om tin | . he r rie foliy horn. t- gaenien ee EAL. $ ws <1 ! a tage wet | Es hy the Mtreri geet and most vickent he i a' the boiling | os ie li riten days t oablath began Iden Moqioal Dinesw. iy tu i WAL. 'ADD "4SSdcit now xy generat wait, 'hatciant: fies ie ee | men gechiriad Wao tluety tion Gttect, anit be aur point. 2 i thciently heated, they ie aturloy Hight with the poi "apie of | ied been usel with stgral cu 4 * it. EATHER BELT! NG eee ES ee ky vival accordingly. cach bate teh to al th valli bag he aside, t pve Spang seicenta th Seotuwrerts ps the Tenge, ou i HEAD OFF CE to Fi ioe det See tae 'aco. Confident of sympath ame another era of human effort suttle te allow a well-Htting curk to bo | ate: ronageoenesic . ia, spitting of bfsoil, eborti Fi . a tycet iW s a in 1 ne wat gels creme regi perivd. aire th a ib = rk Haron rae sealed eton thon ite i encom clay ie, pole bau ry ag a i ' 0 ONT ys srugiesech ~ eat mentee = " yo ® aw nw is, Tere muec " bh «x cn was, As) mf o evening alia iit POF bl feat rT" ' | m vee at sical power, and mere mal ih 9 Lars nyc cog aie a partial vacaum 7 be --_ ry cline: orad polities ie cheat \ salle an vy : J: Ws G. W HIT NEY ou Beem m8 "pri al ts (to see ie here," he apg Jona and lows di mandod, ae we have, | pe sob ited i each, (ira re thus pre | pe, and te mony se : | anak, ** berm, marke of the * by the aid of physical science, imprisoned served tate ef va for yours in Texas, where ca bg oe wet degps= panes per ¥ Soar i the physical forces of nature at our ston: ganped iruit suvariably opuile during | | meny deeds that were rut adiuiasibis om yutr fur = Lat fi ar cll Los ili af Fora cine, 7%! coe eet reget } | boilers, a bagterias, otc;, ae have neds thew ee au a « Himndaye of it perio!, een 5 a rain of hip _ 7 or wes wing woal.news* | Tirveta, Maciel Ihrem Valuator Arbi our alavea in lieu of alle ieee ol wer, hee any ti | pre ha wold) pot have inl the wonder a ingham's Dye fur pach ar bs an} ot F pa i r, itra eas : The coarse, muscular, raring, yellow, Gaht pared H ke 'eet este 0 aM no a co} telegraph se uli have caused. pris oy ay some tredie 1 HL awed tor, ' iN bes ney city Fa or 2 ro foe ondh bat pty gs aed 'ee pnd ba oe teh eee peg nd not pba cybeertied eiffier : me Loaned 'on or tes e fittest for enrvival, but ia, an | ** !¢ contains) a lorgs perceritage of tar- iuriten sett 1 ber ih boy E he property. Properties bought and * ue ent taric al, m © S ast Saar |p ea dy Ween mane | ag, nee nm tes te vitd on commission ; ajo agua eee ny bens This apring 1 was loggin an up the dog-f Sghts, his cockpit and bul hating | Caxxina io Gabi: --Casonda are bent for ens a f preter hight, whe olan aya a nae One | Lind boot i lished, his fox-bunting, | this purpose, Couk the pulps thoroughly, miley it de th I lade to | 5 Kegbort A. Wilwob, Dixpensing Cbeniint i th wd ondar Ox: " ery age enly carned tr colanil ie the prreliicde Lo | Burg fle, er il of Ju j rc! Lastves, | aw a yellow epet on my tog. I otpenss by o y ene a ot thes fac sbi igh oad rea tees that ye ale cb ry wrote = eye . in dager om pints ye i = TORONTO ST. TORONTO. | { pald no attention tw it, ew tee it | damaging interference with civilized ag bw rt | " Fhorendell tou tract of Wild rad Foe from en too mach ie cole weter. oultare, onfitness @ i oy z preg i Make edad wlete weno Fa Tite's arin. ceive Weber maw | Anta GC TARRH 2 cue ce See cay al the: rpot 'leggy ea of the primeral aav nis | bg | f a at the \. OE the wpeleis 1 gle oun Kina : later dur ihe ghbwtedadin) mero fdinckarte sameed } \ ela ner frat one, ran bar and their survival 4s 4 parnly pret Hota jer with Tis yax made of equal parte of |. Seine thingol the day roa, Darr 'pain bape rag eel 1 - E it. ou rit een ge A ee, and comld =n . rid present interests and future progress | Fowin and tallaw, then strotch over the tej | fore ast in the drop ping vot baat vl oa, : th hi Sea Neck- aiieelre Sp Fog Sm 'This parasite ia only 7 ed o« spot on ny benent "Toe 'Peeps a bia bes the case, we sow req" shot siees bl eae the jar | the loons at Sages toil the talling bg: Piles, ote, [You'can tse amy name, betes oul sf ab of berm se s ine 7 * wire sume nunc. (¢ two team t © Lathes bell en. " onl bieod. ' perenne ant Dthought thet -f had rheum- iminating these wait, nie waned pr dus ww véral times ale covet | frm home ¢ince baat Sata a ma ed " i ae ar [eg phate: somrebery, yi feces. fee reat lation. I took some modicine mnie Lo bub it rely animal eprenr oi be. the top wath allayer ot iwelted we |} him T= How ig it that Uris': Elevtrie ere ot he pi inh ane = iho skin, suppres LL me to pool. lant ity, in order that there ma we a cool place ; will keep "ustil 'the ne mc thi 1 rench ited ,wuccenatully tivat sof dram hail of tiple ein iS ul. rs low badly veuritaies ilewylig mgeart- a advice ol & oman rig Br mee "tn foo for the sarvival aad role pleat od wait itr, " nT bees a ty All be wf cane agin a Gs ~ = spa Shc ma at 1 Seay od andl te the ma the rare intellectual, more reth wl ale | For grape sat ly, the ierapes ies | vai ) ite inflvench in a few minages, when a heel etd ciabraae of the ede In wots pert me, They told ine that 1 hum the din logetber distinctively huinan sien: Te | Tait: ripe. | te applied externally, jam] aqan intergal rem | For partic a Sip ierHation. ever [ready for the deposit, bt UMS 1 ls 'i sleep ogee and here | am.for life, in desirable that thin alpulil be effected b How 0 Puksenvn (ma It i} tha | dy aft are-Loth astopialed and pleaded. well te dpe ite, con ba We aaowe tee ka bess mel part of ths . | invariably i fiapeove. Baek aed Haar ah they | (Noel told bis andl story with an dest heat, | "ae sehisdi or wpaplon bees procesding of | eTapes may Hoel! bean irda romp tke sag g. sickowing pills i Fe Now) Wear ~ Se jay leruth a dite thea soe < } | iv eruption setomt ion. 5 ve died with- | He had not been the lazaretto long stl extinction, performed by the animal pared as reg t y) De S| an-toleess, aula dentin, barrow leg S ] = Wns erent Woleenee the' defected ee ver ce Unie elmo Take prooet lances, Fram Teotw decayed or | : ich vesupied Soll hy dlragigt at corey ence, ecient) Serene ferera, be! on bin f I pt come * in enjoyable in leipertatt beerioe, and hang thets by threes | ely gid Ube Line to ait down fare a with tierce is not peeve j om the foutrary be grea wat bons ara Lasoay with: int thiir own estimation, all the objections to | 1 Micka, ecrope the edge of a tlean woo | Abral I ad dnouhe iss hee sid *) itiwbetive, it lace npeatrated wtiresrieth : Pp: ' be = acne Sa Song 'te evtiott toif retertied i er ra = Pt ¥ foliage of be ehnewine T* suggested by oar | box, deep esonyh tshokd the hinches with. jaf thw Bathet ? pase . Meo mart work und womes ait whe Se ta and one aie: sarently o : umanity are removed. out touching the bottom. 101 phe ' ate per , [mtg that thers -- some mid. | With Now, thees cotiditions mrecxadtly, fultitlet | inne ig the buttom, Hang t ue wins a | | PUT haat atin tonight nae poset ee cist op cnet Meudh iflhiay mee 2] peaty wanding, After masts xp cian' of Hi " re Ny y i ihe ~ conde co " rage] oy ben pt icp hots alcoholic drinks af the present day othér, Thew take find poplar, oak, birch ae many thin alate i '0 Faw Te te Prescriptica," which i imal fey hie tif ele fever, (alt enie CLARE openpant. t times wher weed for Uy or maple sav ; many Just sane alt al malas : ' iy : etn riven torelietw them {rem paim, | B08 read Engin. and hie countenance oe | xicwtion, aes elie Wi cae sr ure, but mot " mi ad pour it into i Faber ue dot ha deal abet. Soa by ; drag stati a arth 6 | . code « = ' -adealeid eas to affect 5 ome ht the Tpalar Lskes Science MoniAl, core Working it ~ (h,"" es be tired inen of hosinems, * ik "Ue. Talleten, tpeaking st Wiles, pat | |e abe Somnaniipicube wi ic! ppser ieee rae ee ' tobace+ given them by the 5 he apoke Goat oat BIN rm --~ ued pokes tntil they pe completely ex | in Balas y sae starw the mage 8 on ie Sie an Giueterestedatee et i i um ibrar x} reat ver ae ing ew Wes. is al fs One of the most mt pictarenque nights js thi Whea tlie Uox in filled, seal the enple of all . 'e béergof that monid pally, a dl dpe 'toa | it repairs Neroomt fi Waste. aki . aaild beck "a Re asi a the expaseil main stalks with a drop of ron | wlvice wouk an temd ted Neatwren Maeprs sim 'ves valle Jigar Lyon & 'Alexand ; . . rato Square ane Ligesly's Ine Fields is | Saint of eamgape sth sad aes "t a St ae Meat With cock ard = er. ke | and the ilisenas entively dieappeared, Fowl fi mgly primitive aml ev ~Orer, * a ven with simi ge} they ean rabbis i. Prosi t Lamb ton physician, | ( efor My ae Reng tod roy atin acral igh | fai Caves, Tnaros -- nemo te a Hescnd | PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS | fF wef kbs mleture, tnd an aA i ¥ om te ich : OMATY -- Procu i 1m ari ne in 1 nubee -- j * ge | Withia six wots, bs meet te anes ae cali sis up stairs | "pply many families with inure arn ngs fine ripe, bew in two ; | Sentlay at the precoting sam Hem back Ie th L J j | ith than aver. Caleta tall Fourteen' women and | @!% satinters slowly beltind his docile herd, pat inte she Bring pan tery sweet lard, and jt kel go enter into any sordid or « cnil porvinced mywplf of "its nionipe merii> | sid uni Ps = { rie fo di tisew bw wa oow neve wires, hth mi sted viet. pes crnacation in | They know the sound as well as owner | waa very hot drop ju the tomatoos akin | tive work while we sro ¢ it be ared fro burks, ¢ ed Ivertin MEN pax * i ; ary ciehed.. Kove] With leprosy left the gocnt " eatooe they sc nts epee or hands aud wyjen cust down, | Ad pick their way acrean the vet of e down; when iy pack in ve } arch of -¢ which Khe the wath > Se hich be ne ly off stemd th re é b pes o. : ie: 'hae went to. the wiles "Pero ne! three Dies Ged cae alco among them, All pi frie with utimo-t inrity ; nor de wali ae hot water to the jaice i | necta two Fei the world of toil, and ihe a compe minded aniaach a yoauiber aa te pro) ror PLAT rediyiend Pr wee le 'a eV aie Ube epoca apr gaue ee fee Tey area Pade rors below, iperrmaors pic eb nat repvinee ieee ae pot fmt rede ay oe pened ite '| | world of ret sliver aa baa refwesltn SOLD BY ALL "'onuaers tinned Sold te eat fanatics." Date ts t be One woman, nearly sighty years old, he pears pi pape hnssaidl ar ey Whew | sir-hole, iectigng peal more quickly. When | How Seer are Courted. dh madly 2 New York doctor =ho| a ps the ate west averheant Sister St. John calling our at: plays on « pipe, my toner the guatherd | Taated" for ac, poct off the waier and | Lave is the ame the worl a ee Raped j Hearn < ithe ' ntion to the fact that ahe waa concealing | 'H# Pau, ® pleasant and ev: shecon hehe gm treager ore to 'cook until |" era il over, but hos nly dow hin po i im "se ig Father bor hiueds, ender her Tang. up| poetic substitate for' the mo en a ina pbals ¢ pr oer eeursing is managed very y diterentiy ins Ta tee; ways fthen tbe cys) tot l ' Late xa Le edit apron with satul enecay, od extent of the native milkman, When the ae rt | auld cream for geary. i this meth in h -- nf countries. Hessian courting, sem | | ! + . (ore oti Nom, te be | ed two wi - 'Ying the | given the halt before the Bo} ass top bans 1 all winter: Pre fieory LU ney t snicillal rh vai peculiar, The first "< ¢ hails tallies ot 6 ' thon wi re & Sask ; doer, & pen: hes yan are) just ae good) Whi be yg peor thee youn rte nchaae: | ead? adored, "ee ; Lad Aalto Frovilanes <ET One Oar ker kant ante Shutadwohsods | sy-worth of milk ie drama A into tiny | "1" FB. Mae Oy De matin oe beet mereinaiebre Carbone aorta a = recaps te . waa touched by our © promi res fempesh pwrmfer oy Caxwap Ponms.----Splect perfect frait, anid petréleam, as now improved and perfecto 2 "i ; odsand) relatives. | he had been pt sympathy. She was the wpman released | 557%. to every panned of plume allow half 'th farien to juin the ss oehdal OF bly rhearhrintinant hep Bay a bottle, | se fs . || from 8) otbers * a 'jroo theasaml) who are usp is heal jouw she rel, soo hike ce jae the daughters of the Hussian | thi Las ae me wilt | he we ng it all E | a i] with water, and | t= walking in procession, followed | all 'hditet prepara lata es ; 2) i t nv athe the i x Up an!) dows they go, ea 'Ww g te chat with each other aml to f © hte te ae ic | a ieee mamta Eee sti | wy PAST cre | ' et oF ts =a * " " } i ty one, the same ae " . ; iF Demat clotles - NY. } * : oe 'estos Widlabica, and not yao oe The ies fath or slate the oe airelery of| i the derei brite Eagan * -- a Rap orga fe ierdatewes rae Scenes inte oe run tefere pd ah preorsaida pa the other 10 Y. PASTOR IM" IM TROUBLE. 7 elute y ie cose of Japros years | Only 25 yearstold, ae looked to be i). Her | eadtied te aredey, Jae walk is Uae ba 7 tp once, take vide. However, every een thee perme sl wei © 'bunks | rmarried: There psi oh at , t bt a curious e and Les imumvestintel yeas téllvw ae out of hia prope k win hie phew ' we dh o "yH forerutvre eyes were and her fact minhapen ly Arcadian custom to exist in the heart of ig as whole ' Ye 'eta: binnee proper rat ihe ogra ray female parm | af the tine The Faiher visited the |™0d totally unlike the faqe of a human and if may be ned Beir yee Ww ne If to the line of girls on the Hom anak lig a loarof Use Cpios, tse 4 Leu frm aH than's Tee be rpnaaod talked with his wife|| ting. It wasthe face of a: 1 ealfering Lomlower in a h haa over heard of the | "t4tement vatbieat fern Fangdrhe a ates Mh veto apt exponen ala ae 'ei at pea Jatie,on |about it. 'The hiveband fusisted that it waa/| frum the worst form of tinsia, Dee | @xistence of a ine goathur: 3 pat see eaitte penvele os ee sie ap bed Rate i Here | not leprosy. Hin wife coincided with him,'| Pt our she te receive | Oberlient =e hit | olebie has atte-ded the Keeping of | 1 Lathe led mia, aunt « et ian | bat expremed & different opi |j ius, Sack wt we Seragl swig: The lew aera Se apples und we Ds adn sper eb a py are juined bby the parents . 'ee ja¢k of | prieltin private. that: ty hoor lesen! bade ee F ol ket ihe precantion nid i man, denerally, the old folks tee} _ he hewhaed was tainted, the wife him, | byes we went down wtairs, | Lae «| ol kenpiang eompgeatare Searly down to | bave talked st well over before, bat on this A ei At san Foeey | Me remaiee) mm cinters ibaa | of rai be surprised. "Te bo sud misery | afterward, » the pritet « hte be! | Rbe te a showed 4p Np Kitchen, the nest day a female eur +3) howd, The we ibys lencp sree ke 4 fecary shop, and the exquisite pear pi | EL MILBUkE & 60, ata. and their woe olleti : {ite image of the Virgie and 'This ben el at ae uw cletirate, Ho was Sirsehid- | antes os iataiies on ener aid. nl ee 4} ed with thetigur of the law, The conver-j the jcoon the right of ry Erp' "AYER'S HAI bel untor: | sation lasted twoor three houre, asd siihers heat nese. FU a 2 Rane ee pent att | soni twas te cater the | fll the main hody of the little chapel, aud =) mst | For Rest ri brates, Mot long age tha | Uy used by the male lepers. A es oring Gray, Hair. : be meat, A, | bocty-of rey solitary Woman bearing marke of the <dis- To'its Natural V are y Ace? tp fy atu Vitality and Color, jg an. fhels Trasadien When ee os beget nae 'coun'ing her beads and saying her prayers. Care t 7 iE alone patertaiml. | cuter the laaretto, kis baly chjection a Lgbetpenry, Lexar "opr Amie] tampons Saher 4 t's rary bey se be a Besos bane] |Mepe tren depen ipes were scrubbed |. luther, t of his dangitor's He je now . Ube trompr tal pming for the mel gereanadior ine et great racge shone petton sgnt ever his [sture' son-in-lew's : | preg hapcn ogg fics ang pon The boarriges gears -- Ts a more awtreming vawe cocered two eae oe Tenikerchids ee sepia cach bring forward a of The death . preent of some sent iN wae Pe 'inde cullen white as snow, and the windows 'Wine ia by nded about, antl stun ome hi We} iar ees wish her aaah woo Sas as the glare of is bitter ajal needs wwoeten: Upoe this is re A = store, | The then the Lcidedrootn kisws the tthe wee vi a cece ree' ae ae way of a nicely over be} 'of the Prete to be i \ \ 'ones i, Baw. anil pores the top the tines - al eompnury takes his H , Jow, and the the wan. 7 w eS leave, on Which the bei sing a song © Binters work were Lae rat with a cho us something like this 5 which bridegroon. fund, suze! faa ey og ware Beapypy" 7 haty's horse pa mt dey nil owt my tiga beter plates. " 1 which in slang sete thing ry s rosa A o Tipe we ee ater ga ' : They" Pat necr! 'Ube panto gan be : fa, for th : ae Cb Gaull" ! ae 'ft.