i a : oe pe | Mew Advertisement Food. on be ord ceaaed § _jier. Ei Feanamt. * : Cees Gls plat; | Bataped Ter. a s Cowah.. | : 'Warning to 'Bribara. ie a P. By}! "a | bird was unable beaht ba |) twit et Miller te. od peso Saratiord, 7 the child i Mr. Bajotes Anetion Sale-- : ce vi : 'tive 'nonines - e. | toward F : ie Pte er Dee, a Sey ew Be Pend oo the task BS Ba f owned r bor Toaal ee f ee Pasting oer Der Bi F~ cy Farming | Woe tar + Sevan | Hecht ears payee PEST Ute! a ral, " wern mot cone of he eit ay J el of of 1200 in com bananas sections hort, ilst't =p A Rar rnc Ste otiee Bele a Hert Pal iter} i vommetion ith te te web vpeagrs pen nk y fi ena Any on ca oe ee ee ft'in shia we with having on Uyese four didier- | 7,5 G.T-R., employes ; be hat bin | =aeet : very Wednestay Morning: | cease ten ea oso mee | patyonran Tee pap ot hes mt Oe we aoe a | mang % ae rales i -- 1 i jectors ty knftaen cs 4 fe re on 4 grain sarap rapananed fetta eh Fond deny wmf Paguor alee O00 The sale on the premines of Mr, Geo. Dunn, | Sot Se Suz i mat aa fe Came 'Appelle, a baling: in ese uiic -- | man of the opposite palith ; 'wth ft waa Lo r induce him te refrain from voting. OF | pownie, will take piace Thurvday 20th instead | hg) 'Within er 7B cee ae toun, -- : 4 as rageasion he Pet NO ee ceetien [ol Friday 37h inet. Bn booapener ontaon bn Ss ay the | ths con! fies ineertiee timearrite, 3 eects wy Bios. | gocket, telling bien it was mot in samara | De.G. &, Rporece will be ob ihe Windsor section whe have gone the way bf all deat had | Yon ba Miedicgeason 1b eget aha y Sed me yaraipedtoar Lepore serial af rie on Saturday, Oct. 28th, for nt tus tbe doetor above men- poe tae bEeittee eae mentee. ui See caus ts onda taka to naine Gaemaat saltation in Hye, Ear and Throat case. the of Tax Trex Sei Baal : PSeerial ratre for adv'ts runniog for 3,6, und day, In the Moinally | be many thousand bod. side contre. mmtemesting = 1 aoa Cee ee Tid nok apples Yo be any | Government Bteambost Naik Drab rmx Woors-On Mosday death Forces {ji pirate hanca Nefestant di has cancelled the certificate propelias umed Weil MeMellen, | raileosd : - Correnpendance. '| sotual promise, The 4 did mot deny s 16th inst., an old man named is ory roeern eal apelin idiantat Vere Arwen gst birt hawt beat t Zed?wiartens aged over 70 years, left his howe, saying, he | #2 Bel and In Je wieltely reeecved will be diseoure- per ap frahmagheeny. pleat wa fen was in) 'The Great Western freight shed and pas: was going to the woods te cut sempre wan 4 They peice thm Logan, Oth il Merv > poe simone jon will (im the ret notte be an-) brooms, and be took a saw wi : David Wangh, of = sun. . eft Cinly when 5 padtio, portion, me aidieaben a Dail station at Brantford make 'te five satel | om tie Sth: inict.. Far ea Pod ferprape ee ee borehole per ge Ms tly "Cine glared sd' -general | Wal Samer the wile of Mr C.'W. Hatin ai euch oot he! " : ion. ! ourl, « ae} 4 Gore of Dirwnie, inet, hh In al] such tamed, : ' Tisdale, 9.0... | Trunk sheds and station. 5. . - boys | 70 Th tn the i roc lull aad ob ae chr rpg May aa ee a aanccrs male of tarm | and men Joined in traimplng tuncagh " Beaver | death pomens bed 1 eo atcoal on the THE took; fopplind bo the Editar. for drtendant, BY Mr, Joseph's Coope.'s ome e a pring Ra erm ier, within the five 'of frontier wih wir ile ale srrenasti- Ee pl i -- stock and implementa, on ' aud moming dl erid d mL Lengpeorta a LP it: 4 the 10th inst, the «ile ; ting 82) Kibde nf Rook RIAL SUMMARY. Faathope, on Wednesday next. W-5.| ios was discovered until Sunday dis. | rnilrond. work han bees there, kindly Gea; | Capke Taylor, of the Queen's re ger Wee wie ote Dre fetes tor exrmating 6 teewe| EDITO || Cowan, Auctioneer, ing, ana | tt siben sorme of the comune leew 2 a | the aefniz pe Whisther: the commandant of tbe fort. ae ionaly if not (tally, Gijared. | yin om the.10th inet, the wife oad Vol voor . F jor each morning, covered . track, ani j ef b rnb ballet, and. seri . * 204 " ato eminn pesitien 1) ture ont Welk eee Pearson 'otthern rises ensiior « 'Qt is cupposed ty i we | trom the butte banded |" ay tomas at ees saetens | mbes coe |e nonce eae | eae | awake cogs [igi pees Renae ee een | ene ek shee MF reac bobbie sneered: Somat in their. formed | It is aow visible at six o'clock. the tail is | % hich surrounded his body, It was | near tha ig ke ea ip deg w. | ome. Major Bell, sho has sole Rated by the thermometer, ranges ns high 94 H sho wished to have the' wife hee mane ay see / reasing im : ite morn | Tabbiah w V's seventh ewith. He was not see0, | ofthe farm: onginally came 152 in the shade, and on bullet : oe ' ee Oe ae home 11 bccn The comet will continne it ot need eae ear. ins | bownedia teste deat of Une train being | Tie was one ct the proprietors 2 ine T | 9 ; with free tranepertalion to 1 , ing vinite for sever ks. Teerorasas on tux G, T. b.--In « recess palled up abd he was Tun over horribly | Fyon-Kelso farm in Stratford Times, alive i One of the plate glass windows yw in gti cirwolur iseaed by Mr, W. J. Spicer, -saper- Mr. Walker, it ia well ented obtained a master etl anrennr hs t : In his Kincardine aperch, Sire gia Barnadale's store wax iy bre shout | intendent, to the Grand bis Sebi, eae not Down. i is fas whieh es Nan Sedu th ar stele | ile of Mr. M. Scherer of Uhe Belkafrewnd, AND COUNTY OF PERTH GAZETTE. -- Sands of the lawyers, and well her might, fof | night, about 2 rn ae Newurance te. the | Trenk railway, a bP be dis | farm stock by Tuesday next and move por Hai Seema tes eats ems os Beene Bias og extremely 1 Se ee cas Gebcaires ort amperes | cee a gk Win fa dhe hte 4 ; =} eee ¢ Hodgin: of LE | $100, and wescosered Office, Montreal, Mr. | sal of a number of men fee enon, do; the | 0™m- He|wus in good ciroumstances. and | 44 Ou!anpelie, which way, is a scheme see f. «burt, tehiven are ct prewah t oe er ster, of a son. BBQ, | Hiake's warment supporters, was Te SAEE Tee tan ema nt Siradbert: ee ler a civass we"at |! irr ca On the plains there this time very | Suthinking tals G: ln om the lst inst, Wednesday, Oct. 25, l ww | Qille, of Ht. Catharines, for $2,000, in C. Packert agent a' White, sa. | balbit of drinking had better be ornate for themaelves. ne es : y some ante- paper Sh ee nie alle af of a danghtr. i : er a a s | Seah te She OES a hee aivneny reeres oy ri une aren iaoree | Saat ent ste able forall' ai MORNINGTON 'The plan Major Bell intends to pursue to xe evhich were excossively thy; a good The I ional Bridge Diguster. MeChaene: Se ara ah otc $, BUTLER, BOCTOR AUD | MANAGER, | atheasing to toe eee ne att pea » the bogey | Tour exly safety lies in, total bstinence -- si bring this extenat La wark | Senitt Sciohen bt te plains, eich are' ea Ry sine is on the Tah feet, the» ae "|e See cer tn bes ae ped weg joaropens al Dachanan's hallow Monday, | uMraton, and, the mess of, Me wes lye folldw cfvitidgicn, ad sage enh ably at | CXMINA ROLIOESCR or 1mR =U rile aE Wea. Nowty, of a date " MARMION." sinded is i for three winks, Geordie was shot | it, and to ame te direction. Yr " Se peubers presets i ped the dificulties of ieee - --_ ene Eve ee gpeecines gt ta! i i sea Wo areagain remintel of the wide circlp | it takes Se ond down head firut | in the same nal port date 16th inat., o_o P pet j pir ria Nees sof r sigs hem ' the 'pinusted grou, ul ' lat British ions around the Globe, re-'| high into | Hib bead was badly cut, | benefit your began born, Gibson, Johnaton | on aisick | | 2 I tional furnishes: un |.) other valde were snen. Mill © Migmion" has beet transferred toZitmt- | of 'ew York Sun, We hear of ré- | on the hard road, Hib pot risk you lives, of the * | account of the Reeve being sway The Emerson Interna i" though several ' . ulations of Wirdhlidhaj and | marks the New York Sun, We he ti bagey smuahed. fellow -eny men who Dopaty-Heeve, took interesting description of the operations Up | Hndsjoes were pory scarce, but they succecded : for" Ta the Lequlrations of jpicing over the Britich victory in rom | and the " by tolerating a» Feria or worse con: | ol, Me born, cy last menting Sone extracts tserefrens | fw of the emaller moantaiy , 1 Tet - . e : .--Mra. : : the present time, shontitig a Priests High Charstimun and Low Chu bec to Winniper and Vancouver, from | Gis eee chow cena, | cally on inte 6.00 habits, which | Thais, hep the mitutes of lait von wes laid | ® be perused with interest by car. The other large game met were the 'i. taal has been a od Belize, from Hargy ' Ward, can show a geno: | (ition by indulging in drinking read and » A bed : will doubtless arted a. . anilers, & than, Sethtint and Preebyterian We, | Hstites to Jamaica » James Tait, Hamlet ' reok! ls nits, 1 from in, readers, When the outst sts wapitl, or elk/ with their great . * Weubt.. Wel v + 4 Aden, from Cypras to , : third growth | lead to care : al) | before the Couned ' : Railway r rl as good. uized ponies ; ---- f added an article by the Hex. I Weight, , to | Se Sthratbee Sok nf to the Bh curiosity in ber garden--a nd a sad list of troubles which we must to for the big farm the Canada, 4 Cape ge ns large as Ro ' ied : kntrw not, the objedt that the revprend gertle i ) ek oe from. Melhourne to Cope, ry raspberrina during the present season. | 10 & Oe prevent. m™ which was laid over untl the Heewe would be | was in operation only aa ca Later aye beers eal ihe iaivanald in the we Poet ee Ease = eae fea ted tu cif oire wring Wank erties | Towm Ver do wesld, Vous tne ey lad | Th, National Policy ie working wonders ior] Paucttsso Dexnuray Wiipoct Lictias. The tollowing orders A. Eby, O78, pank | Eset S00 miles ons) of ts demtionions Fae ge toeg when orng hodigr Lame y deaf ~ 4 7 Metrwan--Werrenan At the watidenee, of . - ber lime hill to. mal w fills the wide world, both the dey doed if it if responsible for a Police Court on Wednesdsy, Mr! | the following orders: A. Eby, $7.26, Ph pra ; pips Fae i ; . , brother: it Ned By . pa te cont-oviesy perp "white --Emerson Intern.itionaf, | tsi) delicious trail in ® yenr, -- aehay, Pct en of Ran Hamburg, was charg: peters 97.96, gravel to path. fa lone sd wagon and image le peda pr har hich aluo wee to be had ot Revncabie, sees Ls -- po beste. ett . tah, by: he Re godlers (anything ov sities In. thy : - +2 | the most ever : he NP | oe . Dentistry without » ro ing stone culvert oa iles in Jongth, left Flat Creek in | occasionally, bgt were hard to find. i Par " ud. dulolle Vicor which has for some sek» beep raging in Pre Uneatts ofa | ite the Gerrymander, and not t ed with pra recitbatey . do. 921 ing threg mi | betacles and : black bear, the large draw or swing ity of Buifhlo; Co, | Maultoba, to Adejaide Victoria, - : o tullewing is said to be a true copy ¢ ' ' 3 office in BAKE. F 'M, gravelling of | Jud, jalter engountering many 0 are the commen id N river in the eity of Eb Oo y " iy E pTeretie is iret porn wae received by a toacher ih the Tne | all go jn Stratford several ladies | en". Mr. Prasar has charge pe Be tis 1 Welloeley towetine} Wo. Ebel $34, enduring ming hardships in the wayin ford. cinnamon, and the esac bap bai & Kind Coes ar fe, and in cee. Reppawsy---Mnta--In St, Marys, obthe Lath jt HHe'Tete ins knee, irweree, be Tale Bist puree | Bote, manent parent of one of A fow weeks ago jn sereanta | New Hamburg for Dr. Cornel, of Berlin, madi $0 on ist line; J. Mewhi- i pel ound: | tho grinaly, but not the true grizzly be- | And we farther Gnd thet the cause 9# such | Pre Rev, W. A. Wilson' Arter Red: h that be is oppayed to the afwil, any mipls. Ttspeaks for itself. and needs no com: | 1.4 their clothes ruined by some mi regular Dentist. Dr. paving: Bee #10, removing Joodw: G, Eberwine, erung th fh almost ip bh Len California rang, but apparently a crok: disatter was due to erimimal Ur dawny of Kew Hamburg, to Margaret Mille, i othe au, | PP es rentitivts them while walking the | 207. NO, rei : Shc farkd: aed Goes. t and the silver tip. | Hattlernakes i in ay of N : ri : way, and bews down inmdoratifn to thy | ent -- Div f the antoward | throwing black oil on ' it. | offices both in Berlin and New aah 2 $15, gravelling on Wellesley Lownie. i, | eravan Gnally ceo the 14h of June. At bial ere the plains, and induced them to eaie exngy rc for thp danger oungert dengictat of the lste Taxid Mille poratot thy Gabe. He even ow ta far 8%) emergencint was the cause of the unto Je. | along the street in the dark. Sow & f° i | latter of which he visits weekly, Mr. Ne eee ech truck, Ellice. townlige, | imateed breaking about the t three (housand | lookout. The mountain streama prt Aetna cate arabe: hy : Siete t rat hg i who meres with the former | detention of my p pr gg it pred wre throwing we hear of. Two ladies i8 | being in constant charge. a te fase #10, opening Hiack creek, ag whine, | the gimo of the gel the | breakers | MP # sharp lookoat. 'Phe s ores x, which se hye properly shenals Hevens--Rero--At Listowel. (on the Pig gs ons hile those that ST ee yo att bligingly exonerate her | sootland, township af beoet, eee reg be oom + nr FEE ites parties ta | awarded by Fendeviowers: oman ps wank foun thread seras, which | fat) of speckled trout, which took a fy ie fe eal ses ee : ran. 4 for co | _ lame. by the Bay. elie Manta Minx ae pewibes,"" whi a dq put are | or da on will of « 2 Seow! . ' oped : a4 ae a line ih ward on " dil fet ing- abs fe i" peeing ary : o i as moo of ~ highdr mind." We trom at} ty Hewett oa | ne nr beget thrown aver Renn bastore, but Mr. Kehoe, who appear. kg soinas Martin was taken up again and was expected to be under plough before the | 1, Pape bendled, wer ae ding, ne ns . "| Halla ee a ahs oo j hot do net feel inelined to | her jessane being unprepar quantity wee to the shoulders | 14 tor ghe defence, insisted that the foes earn- read; it asked a grant of $60 over his '| clone of the sasson. These fish as "4 nok an free OF ---- Senne poe Se yueation the Baste, ti ye aE officiating in the official capacity of ir drenece Huch condnet detorves to be | od by the deleodant were for the benefit of at beilding the bridge. rim som. or Eastern creeks, for they are An Aged Prelidide: | aca et Regie or vigorous | omalar lenclier, Misa OL, Toure, oblate, | of caocaty oath with ty the wethoaition of | Te. foctai gad tas het yey ae Dr, | Coaned would not frant it, and he oe i neh andy loam, eighteen inches to two! cor aonbin ge the sie sport. Tho Veaterds ing | Secduapa ebtrade Nie politinal viewa in such vigor Mua. L--." cgornd : fenee, In the course Mb nF on, sat up the bridge if be did mot follow ie L and is ily avour nor d nae th Cincinnati; Oct. 14.--Yester t ng Cmca ; : == ; : Taser acre heed ng depth, with clay «ubpoil, oaail ! the a ld, liv j } Innes to what «be This in how My. Mowat's political bailis | Exrexrnins--The Wiarton Echo eat far bin The datondant's onpueal interpos- | Herve was ae ae a8 beg eravel op roe aga oles i aes oat rer clay Vanes pling ake nt drag 7 il Bipnge egal ag rl po er d western bie When we me 7 ig 'oleetion bs a ed that a gentleman ' - id No, he Glial teeth." The ques Sori | ling: "C. Trimm $0, building | "bagisetting,"! as ed the first Hockies . at city, shot hi son = William |. cl icine aie Sam RIB OaT ne panera ie debt te expecting to be | 's eueile ting for the purchase of some rhage whether be fulfilled the law or bere: cha filing jo old ore 99 sideline 5 | River Vatiey, but ihe athe of send. Thg.| #0 River Ca agg the a Some pao Gren bot his own 5 oe erga re « oe ba i whoa ne i "ny vai - "fase lots on the shore near the docks. oo whick te | not. The a cd the Mariani ourtel he and dpc. $1 ha Ream " cris eed ph cago ostdhes of rich mallow perfor agp oererit bright fhowers, atbomg | are dead The father and uate Dy fn beliet cf ther propasition He enuncie his then growing croyi. The es in. re isa splendid | by counsel, o bridge on Maryborongh t 'Gina woe. turned ap to the pulverizing rays of the ave the bl and a L epee, Ghne. se hatha hat each tare steps in, abd tella him tha | that kind; the | decision. rth : bindge on sideline i. loath 'Os One| Whi cormman oC igh By morning » quarral began, wher tbe fat The fit of these te to the effpet & 4 don casting & Grit vcta, und har weing bere for s busines of J a 1 aivert on Ho. | san would make the eyes of the average _varioty of others, miny of w! | mo a. shotlthe fon dell: is ws 1 phe betwoen casting © opening usta! = 5; do. #4, filing c : "| hel, k tL. 'ihe : . * ron wey jzed a gun and w! : rhomino tion is entitled to wiekl an influence | ¢ " sy 1. The poor farmer docs} gy ly of is om . OF THE OPERATIONS lim contre sideline, 09: 5. | taro alge ¢ a's teen Proviner. pect Saube was 30 yea old. Ele was : Cc bw tL, + seailiton ake to ite gumbera in thes ': = pe vid toes bala crop, a mh tk ar. is couven|ent and brig bare oy yhoo _ 2 OF THE N. P. Wha ley 87 2, gravel rene ei i pape of the ent of ploughed ne a 'np rp cccog ing shot phi father several years ago, and iran New yen oe aa beh balled a br " id University, ' settling hie debt and having ® | tins are anew 5 4 roa 5h, vel to pathmasters; : : : i © neighbors Spring File eet | be s -- 'ts oa fas aso en anit ig ey left in his favour, so he ae | man -- wen geirerglorenedngso Canadian en iy now doing our Hiadell 92.24, laak and spikes for alent. but wars cone Bil Sere the wide, yr the trip was not ang Laing chet Sad isd goong Saute inthe payer do Red Chaff « 0 br fe bf including the appel ne, is. TE] promine to vote in favor of the party whith | Gocide to locale here while proper ; fruits qnd vegetables, | [¢ wag moved seodnded and . : . fe tad y ven. ah ping for trath. They carr : Harley A a Oe ee rege ee yee A U pledged "to iw si a a " sng ons ne of the Jtvaron | Formerly sei to the co States for | sccount agteg ie pr be Pa zal ating nal Pare bp wbich i lag cm P now pie fi auhlges Rar pleeky' of fresh inant. and the bane seid nenraied fet jorge te a Oats ne pest Pe a a this ia denied them the & = >, | oppresaaion and intimidation, "Wer! "--The mee : Je, | dried and canned articles ol ace ; plete boa diag alin ' f acter ; to be more y found m vie Rouble S004 5 go" : jon inaet be abandoned." | s idiouc " wut " last week. ; il, and dry ' 7, con. ¥, acconding to & ne wn. ba erie in this then tout with « rasorand ah en h Flour per bhi Ste ae eytam of Fduetion most sia that « ith Times accusing Par. | {uitly bristled with itt a Scotch.Grite were | *F tke thetn out of our own ao f prior job to be re-let forthwith. Mr. Jaa. | Were furrows | fa raed | ee cttner pagelen who fesd been before peren? absbgetr in hig ; Bh ine bared Wright mean to A lettor in the I We hear that hall a doze or , bay { of out in one continous furro had, it wes said, iniled large itor '" ras coeidae tenet ion myst be pall a 'touted lend ex Leif by ve | ssiniys J with fitu of laughter at tho heavy | er" produce for a pera, Lake sg Dr "t co th es Jobe | it would reach of are es ap = Very eurioasly tye a0 obs hum cumetanoss show that abies erage om oa] fous per bag. a eka Tien nationals yee 7 94,000 acague Turmds be z= ing establishment of Mr. W. Bi. Marshal township, GE ly one . ' tain, ~- aed id dg F ie not] printing by the staf in ing | ing ex : tlord We. Li ton as bis naariy er twice in noun first barrel the son an th Ts ail 8 int If eo, the Ontarié eyetenn pero a great excifament | pes perpetrated by Dr. H baw | a comparatively new miasicy in Stratiord | pemition and Wm. Or the land ploughed Into a out cf meat, kad al b they were | with the first t ' i por pe es ation vu for bothing can be mare : Ireland, Mr. Par * marmalade, Dr. Hy ae Pich will oy when running | ties which were the ui were the lai Teach from | ci#ians out of m lt ibe ived the coptents of the jother barrel Setten 1" ' 7 - oe ith ene perty working of oe ailments sexton the charges and 8 | written to Attorney Geowel Mowss ta have} snd it all capacity same ferty to Gihy hands | ana Mr, Jobn 1 Gasp, eallactor she oe Wits a soak wide 16 venie. F Peat a ee eae ee cnend dane' Cawkeamitine fice, The young sind) Bad ane Dresses es "fa srulie hahe |ia-~ sity iene It i# | tritutes the attacks to the Gladstone Cavern. | fh, oath for Coron tt daily't th half, gave in the dames » Carpbell, jr. er 1800 miles. The arninh ale nevera! in, - je a san denomimationaliam, ri ' vas of induche. ia several members ol and Maid as his scretics, = a great many stories and coo! and 1 or Dax 14 ¥ ur éyeleen - i by the rajopayers, as | cent, who he al a are ponan leer | Bald, ee caw petiel effects hesebele of apppiee a goa mo and ae : adjoarn- | company proposes to break 7,000 acres) next cbs 'eciatreairii: aut dbaie§ sca ves he slept imithe bam | Loni ca om 15 asacorted, and supe 4 this on that | img the coming election aie Hover during i oetd aughter! The doctor expects to | by machines in one anions thay to the po tsgain on the first Monday in | summer, and will have a force capable of geo pet rally urkeye Ou w Te ews Ceathfag il tend soce to | EArt? bees obstrection ia the Howse during cuales 0 big bea Rented Seas which oumpiety atau tn | SUCCES? SO™ "shall, Newton.-- | breaking Fee eee Tate aise gree that fooet | twat & food the stock. He plwaysiperried «| Cee woot" 60 a a ee j any snocessfal Macealg sad Davie scout all ad ni the |" Kine ow tz Gauxp Trexe.--Barly Bup- by a process best known to the | Jig Warsow, Clark. ONE THOTWAND ACKES PER WEEK. sae a Sake mae pee elarehere, are | razor with him. dis Chic! 100% s Re i 4 it destroy that aystem : theof each charges, and assert that from | body of a man, eu le produce a dried a almost per: ee Oxen loyed in breking, bo Lanand io 200 yards. a a ER GI Hides per m4 a See aaa mamagerant of che | petenal Knowle' they ar certain the al | dsy Bocas Mamicisge, agra susek OX'n| Cit eeeits eg thes sect sores aotes RT x. lee a ee seonh the Site sasaoahory Nes Arabi's Surrender, $" earned EB a: Sootarianiam into management of the | (rr tions are unfounded. pate trade, but latterly an inmate of | English Piea, ba tables, b = personae PLAN: thy season thane yoke pulled 8 gang plowgl | Po), Crpetes rifles, which, having & ve pon iba yuevndertind ve] freed mirniea "300 + 40 sehodis, the appeintment:o! aay ae | weneee 8 Waterloo, on_ac- | #0 dry all Kinds of Ti sail be uired 'ik Expositer (Grit) of bwo plough, cutting each » furrow difteey Sat trajectory and an expansive bullet, are) Imiyediately po 1 Dae sentigr rai | -- Tyepwroe-- $5 00; Fall aa : m4 sks, fat auppesing, for strates at Dumfermline, Seotlamd, | the county poor house at the G.T.B, | as yet in its infancy. Time will be req ' Prom (he Seafort! aleed inghes wide, 'The season having been very deadly weapona up tc cupatjon of Onire Col, Stewart sent. pes I 70:8 Wheat, #6 97; to selection of baxt be ee da he Mag : the Balvation, | count of ities, waa found on burg. Ji | for ina In the after One thing is ¢loarly d y the dry, the sod has become tough, and five yous Wiskbeetar expesss was aleo found to bea| p . who responded to thij emmunions $08; to" WO; to hai Pea, 05 kT the wake af argument, that this i ae Ube, 0 int ayy ee iretooted by the | a» ahort distance weet of New apa ry or | af the ix in & ty | dispute over the withdrawal of * Marmion post (dpi required to palla gang of two pood rife, bat sotas jet to the English | came to the Abbuasieh, Soee Phi = 7 Pa toide rt bia oii noridablogatines school aff = cali "ne «mob took the hint and callect- | appears docensed me been patrick or anil cider and vinegar ol a a quality frota lhlic| wehools of -- ter | Plgaghs. Tt ise novel and interesting night expres, The Americans use Sharp's 7d Toulba, and was ses Lien. in Sheapekina, $2 00; Wool, 90 ; Hutter, 18: . ' wreeent | polic ee ' ' i " inse, - hs t Daili ) dfiieer A i " . Gepnted, we slight ot silo ae oa " se ee cher catas the cote pad of one of whom, it ls eabd, he avowe as lina. wi We. Mamba atime deubh Sy SM tee Pee ue. tata: yoke of can Aye sor ise woke | FBAEe ese Ser ee oe Khedive's sorvion, Arabi aebed hint Sat "he | Eiegs.17; Chewse, 00; Hay, ¥5; Potatoes, | the view of Stn dawominations ---*ot Seder, Sanne cuaree? tot | ti y= a train fo run over ~ source of profit also, LU we had more men igue. Ik is too : f van, ing the | 'em in pot Like that common | wns required todo, Dallier told hins to wur- | 40 to 46. z i arinted dn nto the streqfs. | tion bod: : : ors lof political intrigue. quite & caravan, corr ing in this ountry is not ny ne : f anes ae ae th: perachers--for they hare been aa hit t eae of thelr sport, the mobattadted | than retarn to the gg mp te cut | hix enterprise Sho see Piety u te much to expect af Mr. cpocks at nee ote brown prairie into a sea beere wavelet, | hovel where b mas nee ee sents one reser bi sword. Piet prepare. rege NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -- for qaite a didivrent purpose --fir ool the hall, emashed the doors and windows, horribly mangled, of manufactori Le he man oeeupying the position, = turning cps rod or more of sod at m "swath, lake and nite there tll ve er be understood ees ne Rencstin mer aietes: hyteries depute that duly to : vok powspaaion of ho town, | into xmall pieces wealth of Stratford. ° : his educational duties and at the samo forea hme GaP | tne water by dogs, sod der paddles up | conditionally. Ho replied . eyucls and pres fe in i ist ne hie and a = tuck {movable evinhty, Die ox ae Paarmre,--A med In connection with this ey we rues emany who are wate "to figet aod eat tal 11 o'clock a.m. when ie 'it, and ehpots it or bite it on the head, ac: | eorrendered to the peg eidatg. o3 He ' BOA 7 thelr ishops or Moterators. (Ko oy Weniroy: eg as oi : tree | 5 ty o comduc- | mention that the Woolen milla OuaTS. LAGE t litiea! capital out of the urned « to to i iney: but hard walking } then began = efcet men . = * b + of a general election, | Stones, bricks, boxes, barrels, etc.,"werr Vi , Who wie formerly & cones i tho re. | persqnal benefit or po amen are tun -_ to : F by Gk, Lowe, DOAKDERS ean te eothforta- calunk rpc cs 9 + coe ip ait mans wer bay ixjape. | scoped Fecmee vi branch of ihe G.W ws pred, sn sirant inavties per ex. | affair Been, oe hen wigs hgh gon yen prongs fom g are ted earefl alin im the open psi and were brechees, 5 va dtonped fhe ah re TM Maton ated Nae ce gil ore Wi oe a is main etreets were hloeked, the pe re | " the Cai af mew and costly | mistake i s . © | over treeless hills or moun a ho stated "A then '© . MEB. 'r. - DRAPER'S.* : whee ly A ded by the introduction matter, which shall and brush. his . E oigal visa tin ie gg ro ot Re nat nck thee wilde aleonder els Fp. was found dead qn the prairie, | @0G08 by the ints | they are net able to keep i pdt roe of eitcation oat of the ss aaa bg Hel nat Ton haps tod Goa "alanis aogier are allowed to ners! to his palave for a Hin'| Rabea\es sepstt opeesion Abe Mareen Home being first determined by - eanbeane y " ven: tailie When found: be | their order book clear. in of polities," and hard werk and ekill ary now fe i oe ee a tford, Cet, 24, 182. Raat. . in proportion to theit | prewnile), niles from Selkirk. shape of felt | domain The oxen pet no other hal past, : 'edabi ofthe | Stratford, josdent F Education, we sappose, in proportion bes prea ---- was lying on hia face, and w as thou A bg lly soisrcond Be hey The ebove is from the Montreal Star, and they pick ried the prairie. Eighty yoke of | quisite. It {x bolieved that noon initeed the leaving he ania at = oi ce astemeaghenlion eysieosot eaticns'. | _Thecléngyensn wh will nok ots the me ot | ee bed Retin s Mt. s0od ere | ne cab 2+ SG sabe | we must say. it guages the position pretty | O02 Mey "Ea tloved in breaking cis poate | crated Mottasgrany' tees a thoemh Ieee: Treated hia weiht Hewes | VAT SS COW AN, art this b Phrodite aywt eee © ite clan ks upon the memory of | 1 had 'ously taken. a ition was Sd.in addition to these 34 m ora, . all tte * sent seh sok | Seay Seah tig! SAY | nly Se tht ee | ty ppm te Manon be eae un! Ta: | rs tre im ogni eh | au of een inte sre | Sn le aed vo | LIST OF SALES. ; sa 'gio "clerical eran | and chain and a buneh © teed 3 's Experience in a | tendent of Educstion and rem Next year only m! D | cer the tndinmeret : Ww : es werer, teat Ontario will ever support sue religions j aymal as" c the a in 'ton hire. 'The wile 0 4 live in| A Bridal Couple's is trees 'paler the com. of hay (400 torts) | say go alsa, or Garnet Wolesley. rea eg = fs momtronity ne en owsik i si pay tr thy arn esta the --e poe are brother.inslay lives in Sityat- Bath-room. 7 oumeess ot ate ae aod br eat age tod ow that te radiway be tle down as farmers or ponoeable citizens net he wae talon by = har lien anon tat 4 Doh. & on Brides Oe ff thie (undamental proppoitin mt. ft ia i 7 any mean; * | ford. A cewly married pair, who arrived on their | i a Minister of the is can bade - | corres Marersa. 'Abdin palace. 'On the way be making 'orpkne : se atsite 3 'od are not fi it Joniusce Siworme.--We are 7 ' "| celebrated whi f the jocrnala wi tively Joy rate until next season's erdp ; parte) the Viright's ia granted bis subsequent argu tn the yfinoiple that rogues ool Tax Fux Jone ' : trip at Expositor wna we feared | Pare ? 'ot Bells' cliwse Gs try which s the umal to palit 9, Morniisg Jouptedly Logica tions, anil the ¢ tranky. There is something wiong lebrated Fisk Jubilee when accomodation was at 8 | suposed it. We did so becanse ; can be barveried. Major Bell's described by old soldiers apd setilers as black natives did not respond he threw himeelf | On beg tiara ek ghaeeree ay teat | with the pew gage i iingwished |g cea eae wa exbertalnatent in hip poumnlaas. hal 0 tanitrece spread for them by | our pducational Iictoom, to be Goad ox based Lis Besides himself 'core iets | v7 rflals, and uver which back in the carriage with dingust on Thesday, Oct won : desorih e ol Leah . i one "| of ry i, tematically. sometimes Pa ee r bodk dom not, 'exactly with the | Sdems of kmperteoss qoligions Mataneieadtons town, on the evening of Mofiday, the 901 | comp in the middie of tie wight the house to sbigha be in the interests of either | Po cral superintendent of the fam, Mr. 'T. | wapiti, as dont Voveriieay antecd with eattle = ea ind obuny. part sect, Arobbishop, -Episcopalian, Preebyterian, and Me * inst. We need not say one word in commen. sige by . a 1 We scarcely say as Routledge, an Engl , aod a aur st ths siraying fat up the moun A Triple Tragedy. views o pt haw a right | ay fools. The Hamliog. ot <a ry at dation of this Company. pote | naptial chamber, What was the matter? | Gor fears are being |, dane i! © | foremen. At present 100 men a a ing' beside fow Ra IP egy | eae : > is | Methodist clergyman asa Jubilee Singers | yout The yo svishing to ring | pappoted pf oe in qa, breaking, that mre left. 'The cattle bral... om mtapartal. 5 = asid the Minister pf --_ | sequel to Sturgis Handy's ribald jeers of | tion already won by the Fisk Jubilee Singer bey cued come hold bf what abe Tey partion cvinced a apirit to treat eduea- Say ahalantid scan vutiale balld that are lett. adr ATTER THE BATTLE ALL ARR TOCND BaD, | PANY Delong fo Ae. Sonepy fy gad (ponder the (natant withdrawn) ofeach | Seanel to Stari lle so well pd ernapec to be the -rope, it | cational q ani the it va baing erected. In the erection nid | ee be the tract moet : . Oe. 10d dempaddhs from Ss! 'thems the Unt of asthorized text bouks ; incipte of the | duowa. Bide i to nay, Chat Uhawe who Fen | marty. Unhappily pina ar bye pape tor "iadereodently @ may i ppd a a fare ha Diy pel eae favoured by | Seiad Coch a eeek cot | Koserina: Toco aideetacet Get h ternble e We do not intend to cater an the discussion | 1 i. one wf the enrdinal principle © them on the ocdasion it was the pod acs 2. ees, Setepeneen ty gone by, and | thers in the North-West, Seattered aver an ststern farmer L n | ahooting.affray took Emorein igh ; '-Maruion " : rty that I Corn CRnnGe usieal treat which they will not | jegds, and down plumped such ie. : of he foatd | miy 10,000 cuttle aucstingee athe tLe ing in the shooting and death ef Major ty ef the q ™ or net ; viewol which the duty, | will hear a m Patent inments cold water as would throw a damper | neither party ngw even make a pre farm, always on the surface, arc ta D : jemly the steralght ot a tat? tore: iting in | 4 ; upila? | grown in Ontario, in vie We r deluge af cold wai hen act of the Minister of number of hardbeads, lime with only the o O'Connot, General Jamen A. iw h pnitable text book for High School pupils it de, alleged ruclty to farmers. | We incipal Canadian cities recently, | upon the most devoted of ' *. cond « conaiderable!nam Gives bes [tb asscatching ta soe how these Se Gen. Mabry und | Ceaktetis, Oct,-#100 Ian | = a ' in alll the ps a : caught ion is criticised on tho one xide and | 20S done, 'These stones supply the be ters. of the | er,, and James A. bry fr fie. send lssiitan even | teeter That has beenabiy anid exhaustively done in | iti slowed corn ean : pA rane their audiences that each | couples. husband, in dismay, Ed ith the mere object | =4 : "| | matehless riders seem to be max O'Comier hall te at the fair | --) : ss ot the tabl "wo are glad bo find | and so d by larger audiences | frantically at another om his side of the | defended on the other tyuilding mategial for the | | dituntion, atid one scarcely likes to repest the | Major E : EDIT SALE +d cong iar fae wielaaialy so in " the that oar cores is ror The hn 2 on thas » San Besa sad we sre mare Eker eed coach, yr Bee pg Hew fon thls parr te om build "up and NUMEROUS NOCKES AND KTAREEM stories told bi thoir pkill a Se pnorek orate GOckent en ae Te ot OR k and Implomente ea cape i loess hopoleealy Grit' received here by a crowded hous, waa an iy -- cance. years te bee r : helg rected tha farm highly rexpoctable ranchman threa: new, Aboot | ae : He Piper i. But we do | Of the county of Exser:--* i oa edee Vicsubee=h ede poet tame ae pote te deat, | because it i apposed that. in a are Mitte! with poe sis erralgbersinpt Ad elnggr bagprertorebonar arin 10:30 this shorning, when Gen. Mgbry wax Bh eced ap on a bagesiged Madre ep : Freshy. | Remon along the read and : hich is run on the Gri | CSese: they hoard tue Wouret tbe recan Gocded | Saecemny Nenwase & it euppese We fo spenk--the farm ie cleared of stows, | dots, and ae to how the cate wey af cevding along Jny street, O'Comnae a " wires that Indian com, whi * came, the : ; ' secured Bt | managed, telling % real Fe ie 'mite her owe have found jt to be his | crop of i aprgeat O ave dp eg wih ah ples, ser er 4 per tary : her ea tars teal caeeieg te bos "i The atte bay ee sks al ume, a The main balk ' oad ant ny party the nant be aneioel io hep bis was pasting by. 0G ered od K . : buabels eral fs tarted on > i about anle and a and a liar resi, i: he took fred daty to engage jn the basinods of drwwing p Besar of nearly Atty poabeis, phage tae] brush eget cnpleysd two people, The i cries, yt mod mun ite a a "si pseaehers ie = ei + My Mage ee tation. large abd | information to himself, bid pec - ore Gone ed Mabry fell on the fn i anas alate trom the poral rites sieeot oficial return scoped of the matter are that "Messrs, | was fambis aeesi Me a prepara: Of course all | gubetantial eis Las be erected an character fe seresity. ae find. the soll spot without varies ae a this try whith ison the eve ' ere." ind: us aod 'enter / this fe it iw bei band d. house pen a and time J aA. iD eked n 'ths 1 This seems to a | only fifteen bushels per h jt, | Jenraux & Edy, t aie ; 7 - The stable ins model of well situm Srope and vepetenie , had his atten 1 i aha ee apc fee coption Fcounty of Easex aceopta the apology.--Mail. young men, have cryin tolnaghe a. Dakin corecesten kan. eoteeet oe Se Fras cases expieal can age gad" cowafent.| It is circular in phape = Tae Eptaes tamail ia Wovicepetl anal beg br : i theres -- | tin a tectory ins General Wolscley the looks some! Ike the round elevators ' iy rn contribution to the pages of |our!eontempar. Henry Wand Beecher bas a deci: | Fuunie Se® oo bey lateod to earn on elty. : 2b Lomtdiniend icanaiod a te te] Cee Seen ee Bz | Bebra abd auiet, the Bionr, the mont war. | opot, emelintly Ooo Mean. fey the' Rev, P.Wright. pean pay at hie ce the manufscture of brooms, feather dusters. | ji. aod Mamio Quinn, aged and Jl, | tive Laomie eee incr ty eruttg a Soden it is not so bigh and is more substantial, the | jike. Wwaletod jin their i : 'ary by aid F : ion of other bruabes ; and Sunda hiding in the straw | gressers. ' i font Tt conuainia | pene c * rs and is terribly candid in "Toney ba clothes, shoe, borse and found Mi ban. | of distrast in ibe of Education 0 | sone walls being two bent thigk, Sieg sehiuce, rai ncneent OARD expect to employ from 10 to 15 hands, | (0's able ai New Y: Best tone Cone Towel | 9t etre be Oe people in the | 56 stalls and two box stalls. The floor' in | been to . - JONAH CAST OVERBO *| ered in ne of range coped eend jot ot seme an Shay BS cay hove seewaie Lo sour aps wren sthigg bo aot; toate hetar | Odeapomnoed aftohanh ha loa shone, and to pered with cobble woe. Puce ia lett | gioning to ae Kiste terms stock ready. e dayo ta) overlook with capacity ' ] 'Wa.learn that at a meeting +f Reformers | can Siciec A coeesbes ar hae eoeastasion, there was evens Grit stupid enough in the having abandoned them. ee er ame apon the elacationsl in- eopetediedly sma gs -- Mell ay ly at their held in last work, ater considerable B, Learned, who isan uncompro- | wiole town of 5 Caf ve aml The Fall Assizew for the county of Huron pes Ayes ee ned Tt fs pot Mr. Crooks | with ~ af 4,00) i. | game. 'Tha " it was decided that in fdture they | ising Administration 1 Sot | manofacturing industry (no matter how this at Goderich on Monday. Hus Lordship individually what they object /to or desire to | Major Dell Upen a noua and iy Hl eatnied 7" acum ae with Mr, Beecher's views, and the) boing started in our town. We amake we Justion Wilson |. There are ia the Government and party to |) NOVEL AND ECONOMICAL FLAW a fine, the Stratford 'Be . comers. bok de i af eat fi ¢ | wuld net recognize : ocided choice interchange of opinion wan | -- ection at the request of the new the chet p cases | injure, it ie iT G for roofing his buildings. Ho first sheets the | Crowe | the angasi ot the party. I was "| the result ass of | Taacurna' pant Conven- oo calender, in connection | Meng were in power, we do mot say that the Fifters with cainmon lumber and then pilata their to Inusalately Drax sere tion of the North and South Perth Teaebers' | Sut on bail neg as Boalape age Hetoren party ould be aby sobre Gonaidersie | 0 ea. Belass the paint deige eabrs | SS in tien to Mr. D. D. Hay, | yourself Amos F. L P. tha Puinocse! with the late ition, viz., Dr, of the real edutational interests. We do nor noking is stretched over the boards candidate in opposi tha 1-- Asssciations will bo held in q and John L. Stundy, lies the danger : is | and | are his dadiawd ir. Bee! promptly rvtied a bia'T pa 'and Hetarday next, 27h Lig now yt na " 'Bink they would, and herein, ox ; kod diver, Gnd this le then pointed If the India Mgrs of te Mecosentel iPe ot AM | oc making tn aso Jour! Bpu an | od Sich 'inet. following | mere Thursday u = ek oot bg ihe tasagoenen of. Minster ote | sanded, ma the sasterial, ex. <: pet A ase nt the begin the nang has been prepared ing #- | 29, of Cleveland, O., eae aoe | Crown. If the management were -- aept igobtained on the farm. * f REFORM CONVERTION. , Tee li Gipimmmen '| metic for junior classes, by ° = bored mi fed iilied twee rise ball sa ney alleen incentive to preg T Saragh 18.000" bushels, Next feet re ae if ( ----_-- i lesson wlth class, by Mr. 5 <i LP such attacks endeavor to pear oo a 4 hetek 'ordlies ie: ot Roading Model the head. comp shtack him, and by they : | AES cai Mica, Sai i Jecknon, 16 years of ee an agg ar op edly = od to Cleytand, 0. whist ae a ta, | destroy od x peer te cared | The sie sass acai Led iticmtteret st ae Le ; of Chicage-s day | 5, "Ae"a. itodgian, Mose in schvole bea', and inant Fide Be = Sh sheeee entranced to his, walt sa and 'handecene pile | Thebes where | MPURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1882, Norn ake was wnkwowee aod | ME. G. H- Phosnts. Haun Metaagil, toe: | Ors teay e Celal Ty ibe gielatien Be sles propens, woe be niece the ailing Ken D thong Ref car Ne een Ab Wctelork, mins, for disorderly | ing Bession--Lectare--™ Too. Fast," by Mr. Lyons, France, on Sanday there was ed socordingly toon Seg af try Bangg el 0 d supers Ln ---- at ' roche of omnen eke repoerge ag 2 eer a Lee ee eine rid. cad Uk ginuenet bed portion of tke pellding is #0 fect aquare, two These did.) ---- p re 4 ; SELECTION OFA CANDIDATE: that abe 7 Masic and Readings, Second day A Festanrant war afterwards \ (King Milan. ; two hori 34 left the iy. | * Yor the Local ae, " ia rorponhible Session--Morala and Manners, wae omits Attempt po Assassinate il sons wing : aes aommeet Thetuth} AUCTION SA i in Marty, Becrstary, ¥ The over officlows | i) a. MoGrgor, Grammar -- mca hre i i 1 folie Indians ; - qfefoet abe ating a 30 Cin tha . oe lesson, fourth class, by Mr. 2. Rothwell: | perons sti wing fio tbe Rabon - oa ee eravascinie" \ Fogel , ROOTT, President, statajor the rg fico eps gem ba Bs : oe te dining "oa other into sonseqosety hove ron Toag "he MBH, Beertar7, nA sate Yat | snioaioe, 0, Mr. 83. Riga. Alte. | Mine. wth oe la Freehold Prop ey ates tea rt a place tooling 'was peg og police gg ot beg' em fi hy che a ie Lee forthe enlichteyment of several one rif > sm cial Teanhers 5 Election ed pggesnanakay pacing _ Ix THE TOWN OF ; bestpez upira bal death to shame, "and oom- : if uw, | Out. 28.--Cieo. some xj i aud a. pride in having tjeir namen on Toe ir aetaake Bale. Tue Bax Devens ar Woda of Srucrronp, praia a stock of baal a Osea eect =, {Pnmins' subscription Hist. Wy pert with the from Mrs, W. > ted lar thobe "feeble o at the terme of sale, Funcen with a feeling of rn. for we bad | distress pape ent poond these for male nk tot : Bh iis the fatare as in|t.ci pask, to have | eteoad speedy tlepec s cereded hotals, ROYAL EXCHANGE + hoped ta 4 tain range ar "iN 'its was locked up or for Je the Town of Seri oe out en Mth Day of "ine at Sagi] 'THoMAs MILLER, ot = phx. 7 Mi wda wing eribh z ra * ws rt: } Sins