4 b THRE PRENOMEN. OF DEATH. Pe A " , te the he ¥ tha Fiaal Summons ~The at Diaselujexn Mest Frequeat- ' Ty Gapurs. > A pyle of Philadelphia has mide the Phenomena of death a ispecial wtady ; by * careful observatiog | lengthy veonsalta- with his he hat sequir oe ed a fund of in' facta and ' tiene moment wh: a ar: sooner or later have to . "One ol the ings of which I am wr Fine bey: in conversation re ' cently, Is rend is painless. | mean tof dimolation _----n a Sa i de aa, usconscional, sleep-- 1 kéaves VOL Vil. lesa as itentersit. What ever be the cause of death, by lin- ns = 2 geritig malady or sudden v » desea AbTrade Poem. tion either through or re ' i "The Jonscens phyxia. In the latter case, when resulting Tam an advertiner iow pelle | 7 big with © solemn trem disease, the struggle is long, ey hed rol sand | ae "Base ae meat be mncengpentea-ty sil the vit marks Prouperity ia uty Stolle poigre phils) poopie cen o-- . ; withthe waich the a af Wle-theseuke, + | Theo paogie ea sm na dead they tell him, dat means gone faohen O ive pinched In one contranens, away far off, where Ry ned pallid featares, the cold, clam my akin, " ead tue i The upturned eye, and the heavy, laboctes 'bay my gould and 4 come ase A, w rattling ree ;, Divath dons nat visio Ad Ton the Rappient 'Che athe lig quiveedsd plialiy, and with all th : the reason I reinte = aaa, of the ne same on Tam an ad ves tiser great, beart, Raced dew the chit closer to ' | i . There ie a shop scrom | hia. contendioh; Sar, bene rp the test 50 ie se the Baron Where af or ba heard ie heard « Stake tread They were alone togetber in the off fab waickeg on the latter ir - val " Wey, [rede le Duralyacd ond dew: iomed Tithe parlor ; ng «nore ree hed bastied hareas | we ened ? ait londl > rig a | a ee (hr uneapred gue pear las Serco 'which naeniah ten 1 Bat over theca , "ie in care of you, Koy." 1 cs trust you." rally lubricates the wurface ; the They donot at various periods of his po coun f=to Thardsecch iek sh east the cbSen. ; It seme to eonitart him a Sans in bre When the misery of hand life had 'first come | North-West If chilling Srtticiem doa coptact with the 'minuté blind. veel. | | Boracse he verti; | Brest misery to know be bad somsthing to} upon him, thought that | on Saturday the current of his curious | spread over the air-cells without fi: -- White a hap Contemplate | eare for he could not remain in Nee vee but after. has | = "this vincows flabdn om Pied per That Cam Wwertiner great. | Row nratied closer to bis ' ward, when couxulaive agouy bad | make am are it weed Naw la the Scat ferfent > | Roy will bes yoll sok bor" hk war: | sert ed dowu' fate quiet, unalter er condescend to give you e nibble. He change the black venus into the red arte. | "he == pengetenty Dynes: whieh pd way atatc » toed, we tay, aw his rn real earbesthy, je, Untegsing mma. 44 ¢ bed Mecitet shad t was kept, the 3 Fand | has won ul things, indeed. Fe ieee ue mnprepared Said cipiotgnens uit 'have gown sivetest bikes P wiieetr, Satemy Whe natn 5 Nay san hes aco Spies fae She fooking'S t | che back paberowghdarad err . B, cL? = 4 . r? , ry is thence om wy A gy Roe TSipeeuee" i) | How craelly the innocent question hurt ¥ new ft was happy-- hgiog aud et whack billet It cad the de of the baly, The bram tvee it and its ia eaten, tum; the agosy was adrging over him | pier with -- than she could here ete | For some seven huedred yoo . i 0 be inked therehy inte he whe Pes to seti Te. | = leva with mo--life woul nat be i," | under weep' generally tranquil aleep filled with | Wil surely, adveriie then: well No, Koy, no; T ain all alone he said to. "himaetl, his pe 'ade grow. | part of 'tives bs the dreama whiek impel the dying to ayer | And prowdiy | reiterate | A git nas' -- AUP over the chtild'é face ing Juminogs wt an | ean or question yao ont the named of friends and Taman advertiser creat! | * Ther you can be he? | Paps, 6a' Twill bo [divine "It throngs my suter Marie' | denly the soagid % some keepers; and recolles of past = . rer 'ittle boy," he han gained aid happinasr then I oar haven to | heard,-and a few Mf yards wut ur frist? Anes wold he equal te the ot grove fields,' and the aie tag 4 Through all bis agony, "Kum! Anthon | suffer" | distant, and Epes, er throng the occasion, there is vo doubt,. would aa eo ¥ or battle. H Is S AC R IFIC E: ie not shel one soar ; the tears Bat che apirit, brave and giroagep tb wan, | wale r sin be Almos mt in- simply serateh bis head, look down at thore ety large soubet < b: yore ae is ry Vv Ho vow, as, claaping Roy 'High ty ia his | was olette din flesh, apd there were times | ety, am vapacious ¢alyes which are ly supposed tribated to old ve. he burfel bis tach in the child'a soft | when that poor, quivering i th crie! out in | +e Siishen web bby mo to he fatal to imagination, and , with an monty fen * i Nags a vate Nhe | { ie os a we ; 11 such i ter aguay thes the angele ig heaven an inet BL bow ' of the Katy air of serious conviction that made it more * Bed den ri aomne | =e ou whall be ay je hoy, Roy -and mast have wept to hear it. any were the in 4 ity | than probab ed nis own story posttiy . te mcht o torerutetan j For Ties eot Her. | 'shall not be wtterly | nigh when, alone in his room, Russel | of Mrussels" with tremendius force, cutting seal say pomething like this: '* Weel, * bes remains of vitality.}| Yet death | paeem i shen moaned out tn agony | he cows omy Mhecgerts site, om ion | see, air, it Was on a misty dey. I was - mut yep op tt pe dee seen | CHAPTER XVI -Costiveen CHAVTER nisuxvii f= Maret. Tee Ko cae tell ot live we fe wtel | yer fr having: left Giteb'e pre Pod a coal Thandie struggl af udunce that the Cossacks had certain] ri Pine ts + at specimens of metallic : ii badoed that wakes ineternity. In ta i hnik had weed Geieuiltd ro it wanted but few moments ty the hoor | STO" Arundel hay done me. Even if she jaw sere before, an t was calling at tger- | [could not mske out what it was--I could | sed through the wood and dag up thepwcia, ye besa HBken out of the Glendover m Med ch ic v8 * Beate le ph me _ List the United | from his shguld Murial 'e 20% ha . the man er clowny, and the many clerke in the large | dies, it will be bitter than knowing pout she | pool to foe hae - "h and embark Pas | only vee it wteugyting; but I fired and what deposit. = large piece 'weighs i, yaa peomligrs cinthes befvek oth et aut: witi ee the had been "0 wholesale iyvuse of RP) Morehead & Ca, | Yim Arandel's arms, giving bim her | seugers for the East. Ihe momest the bol: | do you think was there? ah So good was ae by. tha' th Licorice. theres | apps ny. th who was the father of ker | W& preparing to leave the building. 1 es ee met "es a [vate was be a ithe "O yl tee pel pge 9. hy a pegln1 . pink Be ere ae ae te are at eat pr pesgi f wi mae ieee wot ber 'hasba lo He had aid | bad ff busy day npeas them had | Qi Awd then always the thought « of = on |m to protect the hves of the jaméagoes Ailled oer bole the hawk, and I Fexipee Ma ven stig * crow abould every come | ¥OrKed bard, Lut aone of them appeared to ¢ . Ev fter the oullix me. < of once; ba: pring A Bers fe oh aby otherdaud, and I ro chee rp sale rigs bbake js pa tery mac Insipee od. Here'gud there t Me sok rch "igor | Si crew. even as beaded itinios ti Ra | While out on the wild goose chase, we met | counting-room Vi 1 my steatermmnt, . "ies 'of rte life word ; he Bini pe that it should be the wet ---- « tn | hile gr reat a dr a wwe ian cu. H is the situation aud the ranges gad wa in mene pale fe Angus owny snd et there caed the nee perk! mn thi Mairaliep 2" Po a mien, ° u ie 39 oO vier "a yO? work of lite life pher in ignorance of | Sad three Haugh: iin ft, ' the forward of th t ' i rouse ies pprsin, rr : uae management the ageal 7 Prey mre bit moh = | the gr vef and caleery dat darkens che lives sf | oe c" Ting eae 2" re | tn fad mores through two shall shatne and kuowe, eer te be leaking very | a manopeee ae the ake Jn the ot place whe be wtleeaayes gr mt roptation = sh Ge Mate Py ie Acar : texting 's t ni hours betwee 17 ; mo those who ppxe Te | many af th: chilires of men and lic would " semper 'ing efrrow come upon her | ty Ll the passengers were mars! an ¢lde: of 8 chara: bus that of ; great pic! % saga. ahs at extravagan vr! pee riatend between sis Inve for he reapective v pie "pan the merita apd pe: ith : = mr BrCh; itself | city and pru adlance.® pendi > baa m of ine ey 1,00 photon ly am. vetiahad bis, | bas yroat, noble, uneelfish, alavost divine eve ™ nel attractions of a chlebrated ifnostion Ny manile Habart sors gerptrcy ad es ae tm Vite we a ---- Feoome Tome there en ee macs ae "In be married 1 af og ae seat: q ches be i ge "hors ani 7 ' : whe waa at that time ene ¢ 8 . songe "Yes," nad thp es eave ¥ 100 only ssy 7 am at aes Meath t y he Pra 4 one of the fashionable : sale . al sed ba pr partion ra mada poke an po "Tae pont of of the strathfanen of ot his story adhe "Wife han Spr, sop ey and ow ape tediuaig in . aK rploye wate foi ss f i aha" Sthat made his life «tile theolder men were also a thas bedeiels 7 rrovedl to be @ mos. critical and it 2. ue 1 When br a ec cece ike ve "She is very Retecpinent bs mare. notified the; oat having to tall back for cespedt Of upwan ax greater sacritice + hat more qai-tly and sender ali the mag | Ganger. than wae anticipated. Tre cane oh hea bean pyle hing. re "A native of Jovernment. ye Ag official position, or oa coe tnbabitanty of the jginbe any tnan? I 2S SNE -- which be had ix re bad bens put tate woata and sotne | in thn way b y 4 Piqaan ' ap i thie every year, 01,824 every « Feouril any bemver, mute berate act than lie yo had ustobjabed | supenin and Une, Femedetor of tan aretiete believed. Ube, bined, bi aun or be neni fe ihe caborkit And Ree alee was carrying aitiglares toss hen 'aroalating sone ek cal vi tioliniet =the ts ' nb le stray se, ny mal pte be | rea alan ual ul 'the valet _ ol the pend | ter's ground, plays no particul: in| f, the chure perridge from & box to * about sriovous hitoh in the eve Sher toe ta a na ne quien, | stairs hefe ws | arin' aber neti) the mlety of tho-sbee he tale, "In the present : these quietly "conve " to which iss to be placed when it ex- jpuar$ "atrangencnts of the Prow chances af We aw ses yee n the strivkey The ard srs in the water and tone of the crew who had Vhes a By ine go cao eS uk a set fc mth 19 nite and leara | a thumb, xe = [ etbncdae tery aes ber: heing f wy are st age thas pat eave but | art How be writhed tn bw agony « ser ailent, he Bvt excapod i the boats climbed tate the | noted poacher to carry tbe what 1 can of his wife's family and ber early 4 ONrrED st. b enn met. § fewer whe bre bern ge Mo@itug In bis despair, white upon ute ety ie : ixging. In twenty minutes after the it: | these excursions iq que-t of deer they were life. Pelle ig faulting ve doe rer of T te ei Ass a the mist maton rs burning forehead ya nerod the toy drape a! c o Vowel gave . be there 1s absolute! warran' « H eel era y ie bo nb re rhbust than aicgarhe forehead ge hered the ty drupe ot ty ae aad poms en = sith w every one with whym he came m | Saging of eck bee ine. detected by a keeper, who foliowed them ing Ae v arrest of Sele Pr 2 proof al from Texas in custody, -- whee ahaha of the heer. ope = -- oe ce tee i a | Muriel Mitel, Damier gveyed ap S inte dl iulesice, for une cogtaet sak. psn thn he tulnbi wa Lp acto thw dope RtaLe 6 ee Neit, for some selene, | vaperant d ald to come "Ie is ny businessto find mre licy shope wete raided in } # to keep the thing quiet, and yet ®. abon by dag . l ino laa ella o ir = ci th es . uM Rot sopliger, " ire | either in pA streets or in the store some one ae scene Was heart enling ia the extrenmiy. | in view, as if determined to od at what ° . - . ---- 'the pemapherwabie ae iv "aR os oe hag: orig bbe. "Have the hour sont (utal.0dl tits' ws making heunv8 atthe firm Mr, Robert) Morehess M of tus many former friends, and only Goi | THe people in the ---s were eaveirpel | they were. Hi ; : story goes that a m been asvertain baal | a gly ihe "ti " we at bak & yt that sa enti than acdewned rained bie heal defer reid [pew Eater it was » have 2 who | Seip, The oie Hall" "iro nh savely ane | plosssst thas the emcee tk ht that 'he ty to ¢ ans Wy a a mms pee unmephios i i tives him that 7 cp : ea, tow "tau extent have the rags rane sina Mir. Mevabea: ; i en him by the band, weo had sat at | 2elp. eee m4 might as well give him a gentle bint on th ae pomp "pants condones Mt ; emt le | MEL Ee nie NR era ng Ml nth hp ae ree | tin, ema rshe | ce ba doin | Peestored Femi |i stint be es tc ines be cased er bain cel eae Ma ac ba heuecnd, 'ao | pass him now without « a2 recognition, | i sae "las seat an was shee cartel | 90 saad stem to put him a level T um 'as & water-tight cell inthe | Wm. Buclggpll has gives the Baptist theo- ve on furlough but was recalled and ail euwfitiong of Lis att tanita H Crate, Mins ti wall tks Seay Hake ay |e un hie trowiige i ville tive ceaistea lower er sty ot | the siogery) who could sling within a hairs yard ofthe Prion, ato which & steam. | logical vem of Lewisburg a bundred vale pb as kenrned: the language' of Saft ia aay o = taut ly tay | oso papa an cn | ek a ge te | cere tea | da : ot deaths o all the rest ; how could an we tas ie a cou se me ide og, Me. Morels ariel 'aa' Y one ace ai ant "jollbeaset aimed at the white hat ged thr u A sd abliabed had oes ured indifocnaty @ any ar pea ianiiog 7 ia mabiog, : wel endl artied as i sat aenibhinne Se between thi this old, aay, inne en recovered aad, ~ ro Hal wh ° gh Ken which the m: 8 ae wore a nd sent his bullet ' tail yee byw which te wloeruaate Pak 'on ry oe ein On ile: "iat ares et ae ree x ; re, LY wonld ase man an wi unee kn ;} oan J 9 | through it, e could do thisany number of | '2Ma%e could ork- | coat of twen Sillie j cetiaitely divminsed, t 5 vay oveured ateach hour Hut this w Buy be ait ds fourm! to Si Kes dea, evetghoay nipall that "ha found thet only two > passengers wan drow tie, 'i renal pd ing i nea. . at at. the : : ¢ ' ' *v emt rink of ncessantiy af the im o oe » the home el . aun the © There ape tw oe Arandel Sa sak lead to Wve bad who ba then ion stall abroad with his a i com Kught the Grew were feet, includ iy killing the man, the elder averred; but the 'ordhire poate es enaured the en- rece "ae rae beary Sir ry i ma a i _ ein toh > reuper i wad ren he esate ee aed owt been wronged | 2°UPE © ne sro and carpell- | obaoxous dwoer of the white hat must have | £ labor, when af a length the mae: was | soon = ung See rt all this? oT reise so much founda, acer es * eg: Fee Tok bias Rasa | ta hee Uikne:; the " agi Navan 6 acm Wrouted sere he longed ptiny utterably to see | been a nonmble man, as he gracefully retired | tured off, and moved T . gossip going that ode cannot be too a bet as -- phe the jew a bul' < tw iy pollnch 16 oie oh ine hetore 1% thi wuld Rawel Anthou A / unt uurd ad 2 nazi, | hivered, and yre i receiviog 1 the first proof of his akill, -- cal an Cxhatsbd Wh tae, he atill protasted | wa has signed the the i lem. « atill the story in thin case hae ' vole ; is co Hoge * desul te, live k fi rhad ge ot ' Tait aoa arpa omston Grop 1» See rong ing round for some time <wi € oo tet tae one wie the were ayy RANaE Lam a S nea a pescatabibatemneueis Tha: aight, comrsely-dressed German | © Milly fo th io the | United | ch pernistency that the CLock begi rs nll year pak ea * ; my - sels th pon a Lats eapen. youth, vulgarly inebriated, was thrust into | ° . fink: there may be something in it, and dual increase fy th timer Of 23) tee | ane Arundel ' and mw they ba "What sort ot @ weapon does the ordinary a9 fined. the p' in which ace Teo N Falls WN. ¥., post-offi fi "poagh some may say that AL abore tre erage, uuithe lathe 4 ted mtrength to withstand teasptaten ban any" Jy ane i Anson. os 'ant faith, forever cf bunines tan buy?" et was con! ned-- mach to Moirellet's ia | Saryiasioe ednesday night piss poe fit a private wi the cent. The masitpig® of death ts gre Ps | form otrt anil hal Lved lived ve | ® be Fe a revolver that will kill--a wast. al hundred Qpltars in money ant stamps ie hay oot ving to do, others thay have Boclnck as en ik in OU per op : iy . f ALL there vast th '0 ah that hg year vi aguny and cease ty P n veliaen ceil ey "+ ae ai ht, "7 big spicy, | bd . ti : ert i Sif in t, nt i " * eee rag ec next, tiping t 't sit dhe atidoa," said Me Morehea, d F, + ee re 'tat - mi never uso the | only at times ou cutee eet 'i i aust eon rhs: wedding Prt of tall |p NAS SQUAMBLASGS AND JRALOUBIES, ite use Inigbt: when it 25 per « : pushing for ad PA char Set wruwt to talk ¢ be thought " brought 'nine ison Ria Wes, weapon 'eatepl w ra his life ia a danger, | such sentences an; ' ot _ oe oe rt fort of the ig heady doris Lip. ten heard of ss prevai among pay AB a third boar of excess ia tid: ®) cae b a. § ; business fret," laughing as he spoke, with it agony which completely unmanned and conpentiint her =e one which will got dot gos wate "Vot could dey prove?" | coln rity ' 15, f fo?eign ti bath oe = 'p Ne 20 aunt Beisg 1t per tensa the ia creeping i in the» eur: "ple mre afterward | Bi ve ve reprcileit at te loner Obe | oS $3 Gis or 620. Privat oe "Schmitt, shake bande sion @u The Chi gryjand Al the better of & Hotes veasilalton Guakhe are lock Ramen 'taiteT ak on faved hit, aid be atayyered to hes | AW the two men mat the per im tne | , Little Roy was stilt with his old perve | ei afigirat The rolling wtck of the | ou $5.0 a ry ood worpene | i wis ko alaboed toey pve Ander a are les Homeruus being 164 per feet littlectlive, the g malig falling er "pon'the among the Now Hamipehuse hilly ery |Failway poaib in sha certainly not improve cers of the w all carr; carry good we pons In the m gave the turn. charging tte netors, It is claimed they | p jake place'and '"heroe treat. | one we th: # sae r hoe before | 'Ae he © wren ie th casireat the c apart ut | faces a both, any voe would bmve auppased, month or oo he Went to see him, feeling in was in y The leather | Dad Bah pe sare ai! A key a piece rot ai ver me 2 gt et that he pry lpia fac tees amd only @ third ~4 is occasionally nevemary, bar it sy a most bal, Fs se lock pot ee pes 4 Eiheren he calle hem, *tnetiy etively yay pore fied ok | we hin of an cushions and seats are 8 ceancen pr prank ae: rel usually carry gooi "oue veil a at cutlet for breakfast, = winnie . the tice, rT pe ' " 7) a enand Brandon r ely ke rom staking tate despad wana " = ol * GENERAL, to ° a no than rove the average) and the fail from taat eee See as oll certainty, Ho sti bie anew ta love the pretty boy whose dr vmedhed-dersed to that You soe they do 4 oe anki ' hour te 1} pon avers, tng Oh porlvent b ht = ae "pe a Year ut " a aie 'at fallen teow a yea watte " like in in rf < not tell me Log business when they bay let dws Sell tobeet win a nore ya ohare veal paid Cholera ds in Somatra. to oy re eanthen the mean. During the hours from @ Yo Le ne see arin vey | and he pent hours semetunes, plane P inal > of those ld affises | from me. act, | never ask them to, giving the money. elewayo ont with » cold reception | af himself concerning the-crime i oclook in the eventy ith - main sian = i a es 7 m Sethe (out the fa are anid cries: we d Bus minh lon Scere men often drop "What do you macaa by » veal eutlet done o 7 on es i aul 'y well to hun | _-- Ro 1 eetnt bales rage ' : ' ig es Tile pars ceeaiae astouiahment oe fester re anil th (a any They always | well, Schmit " the amnsed rhea Prorptg Lge YUU. for {esr of iojury being done t har re meet mortality ring paid tay hd gray. lana," he muttered "ino hed cume op hun, "hal never eft it, iit, pers H Hilenwors bad , everything my rn f _ y py tat there ae in the athet" a = key. vernon a at Piaagy SPM UAise, bur sles 1 bai hkiga one bbe lat wt ng viene $9 oie, they a toh tur her i hen youth and beauty ; aie ef bad the lrawn look upon the mouth and | UY they ware of the stant inp "aac: i ue are! cing ron were cleared off (y | Cloke obs be thor "Vasdot not right? Dis shentleman be ---- 'Eeem. f he dis Latlnguietiod ' eo Wine Soca. are been far @ early morning hears, fron ial ot j eves, bis pi aed hear 7 he e ey he kuew pow | mewhat in view ot par return, but there, Customers who, Irum their personal » appear: asked for a veal cutlet Vell done brown, und | Bel, " pe bli " Pia} of it, however, Better if there ia shat not love me when trong ap ? avy beanl were : ' . lance, £ might be Rified ix classi m 5 use ¥ bioer and publipist, is dead 2 | " vght, she wauld wot love ne Bow, No ax Mr Morehead's, bin tall figure bent, Soe story of Heory Glenmore'a hfe --it wasa | 4 4 week «work of cleaning and turning out | Sore, Ema ee Bat see ad | Lash for one well done Schmidt "Vas you i aed gable tic aede Bere Af thgre = the Gentat on ite best as it is, and 80 lony a» she te hap | ':atidany one have beliewed bon if he had "T828e story, but the tune had oo: yet | tobe done in the huase befure it is again ree | busgtare and rqughs. Bat, as I remar-ed | not haf gif dot came ven you sends de or- ay See of Pstahaza, in Ger. ? bwkward hitch to kuow fag Rca shod Bic A vy Tan bear it- theapony,the loneliness. bp geld them that he wouk! be t pronds faa years | COME, might never come, when it wo kf | spectabls. I found everything just as I bad | beiore, [ newer abil thers what thelr 0o- | dest" » bas bogg washed away by the Bouds. | w sedi contioual wha and nad rie could arias HOFE Caves | dh = Fide his neat ar tivday ? --a0, they wuald have be his solemn daty to tall inte Koy, With / left it on June 2st, the dirty tea rr | cupations age. Sailors and Italians seldom Moirellet and the turnkey langhed at ~~ = n i a sh the suppression of news- Pas 8t9e4) comparatively thing ; Of longevity than <2 other couptey, [| Pee ae tne jong night watcn" oad, "10 cannot be, the exception of the Morehead faimly, hoiad u#el at our lat meal, some foal bread ant ourry revolvers. They are customers of G G rman sstopility, bat acon after, whe spension the highest pyors | nh Daguitenl into a very great matter, 'i ate by ohoy tolsest Baar of Rasa : amis ikea That sorrow asd mental pain can make » By friends, their hous was the only ove b | batter, 4 toa pot with moubiy twa leaves ig) Mr. however, but always buy knives. the prisoners were eating their food Pha AS its ing » large auouns of dirty " understand there is el aie F pies abt lone intone hia time hed bees well veited, S. the Gret year of the life of self: | it and cobwebs from chau to chair, anc | Look at this instrument," be remarked as | the avon said -- aa hs nto the rise and | ay pak M are ; piel une rigenph league myvare waved tis Racal sacrifices which, for gake of the love he | from table to Hove. be teok a large dirk from the show-cane. "Yo Lai didi yast as well ty bare ing of tet mith on the & ners k # in Russel Anthou's case, | le The blad hes ead laugh at me gues fs vos dot ate grens of Socts salle in Feaase will be dashed. y something @ 'a ase how i haps pens thiatiacs, whan hore 4 Her pier Hiunee! 'Athos had taken upon r abouts, to woh ond other covering -- wielbat ie what "he kT ao sharp | vat sho: Id laugh. Dopd dink I vas a fool | od. ; 4 ; ¥ Fate, wo man of ew j woe. ack Tar carries. ' , ag faint year au, Russel Aution gave up tar the | 'mell. ba cael tp Sbrow over plano avd other fargig] T° © Tes ; ey i "os ae aa oul edbmit to be dropped likeia + the: une of my hving., i of the love he Lore his wife, rica ami For a few moments Mr, Morehead talked | | tare Merge ihe 'od inter it color, and I re sive tins a A val = he rs aud 1 vasa tief. [ ey, r% 8 fa som homered gl vi seed 2 Xi reopens f okt he better for them fiends, aa well an pate and wealth, he is | Cornestly about some mattory suns to his | bred sal fede feos Ease ne vet " iid ml is another nati tionalit ity desk vo heat ily of of a'l his money. 1 gobs recen' ly. ; } , pres attache Sr eet ; " ae Se d ag ot daw ma "4 Base. 7 re hep A 'the * ' Thee i ee Mee , wn tame mpg Thee @ faaist, ny ye br chen widows. of epuires, let ta latterty wor} bl both rerolverniacd Gnives. It's the agra rer night, ot tae quick avay teva Sexton parte imme diately for the | Pagey (f Policy! You, pocy, thé "ULpoe Hie peo re iakiar ag a faith pee lace. God must ® Sn Whose. name ie well known in the ; Pleasure. to go heme of tine. 1 fas glad we had takpo down?) : hoe Ras "How do you mean ¥* asked United Btateg ey response 'to thg,"ret; send of | , the wont, lout genovally rigid in readrd to "the exadtitud te ¢ ] ye F i i 'd care? a fobd : | crstiek himaelf,.and he "tae d ey corp Hd Mr. Py 1 the dead io ane year, the fore ste | igheat dial and business circ in with me aw My a oa nclore' lee rie On Choe en in Ot | et v the first time looking taward the 'beer . oawer well in tie long ras, wnives 1 formed me, 416 pea af 100 year and | Slewly ew from his pocket a ailver- oy! [a thin wise it mappene Laud it was) © cures: doug ster bas just returned frum | fuse We posse : rune ee elie guiabie Se seen oo on eee pwarnds, died in the Russian empl a4 The mounted revolver; it was on: Hen y Glen. 286 of those dispensations of Providende ; Earope aud L-want you to meet her an. ber a garg nek ibe a vit toed " Hanh! I vas a tiet, I tale gon. 1 | Senos bis Tniptlon of abulishing the cz: 1 abdest was, 136 yoare, and thee @ere 1p) | more had given him, tre had goven bum | whic aor us that God dons not forget His | ba hes : oh, you mast come, I shan't take | Ney he it ear a prec ~~ pers. all de tiete--all der brisone--look | %Ution of we : te Bas the mischief have you gotto * aver 110 years ofa. J regret to owd that ay | * many things that dead friend of hie | cbthitre | ananewer; besides, Mra. Moreh 1 Ales mix yeaa Meas ae pleatifal, oo 0 Ch : A t of the Times foreshadows } si hothing, bat. eto * Aimerioan reve a be , ate in abythin-, | Whew he bad joun | that the Indians had rob- ora day he hal remained with little Hoy | experts you, = you must not disappoint |"? pe 4 . + ie nay He acta to work and beats me ¢ t "and Jutchman with asly wink re- | & coriflict bet Stanley and De firaga on} "AGM Rnnot but be repeated, and gossip 1 bet ih this ine the ered ol Bes ome | bed him of ev d Gkamore = taney the "y ate Hamp- » | her, you kp popes tte ge i Alec Seer thrown 83, avd Teell him « revolver for about $1 moved aneatly hiddedalide in the sole of | the Congo Ri - kin sai lo what one may, cir- walk 0 over the gooree. + Maw ' hadte tate nell it ing the r aly wengeas i in his band, Tahire hilla; then, with the chi _So Ku ec! vent awl met for the fires | OYe? the teecradee i SY, expecting to taave then the by citieen woald his heary shoe, discloing three ingenious) A Dublin degihtoh intinates that the 0 fopnd Sg: TA ores the cary: aEDY te wel om it aa, pon his lipe--tbe warm, Lomceach, bites | time Mr. end ide, Disbeows Se Morehcacn, | dae! the mp Tannen' of rad Sloth pr bay Por; | wrought skeleton keys and. s. amall ts i : ; a Tux Caraepeat Crocx, 1 i "ne Pn r in it; one of the coble, stricken | daughter and sun-in-law, Just as her father felt, but 'wonderfal to relate everything wea He aloo bayp Spices. ont Praers a large one | vial. 4 ™ Connor be appointed Under! Beo- ic % . we ae ee H I rain would Le enough to put an end to this | might Laat to nk work hack e| hal rahe mre. Db on rte fa 4 wench a fis goodtana, T lweathed ang. prod ge bnsiness which think And do you "I Schmidt, to break pore deewhe ' eee arrested at ' omy He pat bis Boger upon thy w Yar ook for work, by the ward the grave rand retined face with ' hited * Y a TRE LIME-KILH cuun.| | anc ar it bak; slowly be alee bed nto' meee whieh, | he dep, of sore Ber snd una, 8 areeaned | "The Fane sgl wed posi y were sudly | Tr Sr iat sciieg abide coparee eal ene. shall ree. my gold safe--I git Mighieay sobs 8 a sai os his hend patio 3 th t sudden); wis ir iy, and citing lg him at di a, nm le out of Vrance, - sg What the " Ord man ~ "Shins of Lhsryers | renee pene, Meer! - pens : YY gro abe had tail ed with him in her sol grace. reduced it flesh, and looked all fike cor rok tr 3 facts U boys, whether big ind now, bat I vas wee Dg vould not catch ime The Russianiauthorities are ignorant of =e. | Anthow odin hove been dead lead by his own | But even in the great busy cit: was so | ful way, felting him of p abropd, ic tak elf ec hans fry, bentd agd knew s am doing wrong. + "Thin if you will aid'me, oway with you, pvery of twomen of the * Doorin' de pas' week, ! began She old | hand. | bard to get work of, any description ; if he | When she tound he had visited ba atl | the Egy creak nh rabcavaiy, bearing what can Ido? 'if I do not wll to them |! know of a vast tressure buried in the i in the letter of the ar "man as the stove grow radi hotand the lamps | "'Hus-el my friend, I ave e iny boy to you; | Spplied lor any position the rat hapescen fare. | Soldiers making their' way apes 'rom the some one will, ant'I am obliged to do wrong | Forest of Hondy. A third of it shall be 7 cast their brightest Tight, I have geoeived | he will have no one vist in all the world but Which was asked him was, What Dessert hwl been placed upon the table beatrode the Cui look i becanve my neighbors do. Now this re he i weveral letters weds sop pin' dat youu to care for him. '| Tyeencee--who are your friends " "aod when Mr. Disbrow said : pt pe dt ride ina: oul ir tou volver here ts called a toy pistol. It is 22 widcight | re Géman Lexan work, Private roteky te; ! 1 1 war' tov hard on ofa ag latealso | Did Henry Glenmore rise out of his grave | What answef could be nmake them? Osly "I have a box at Wallack' « fe to-night, (eave en, booted nw: ar Be: an | calibre, and will kill the strongest man that oyenin tie Tl door With one ot bis keys, mated 4 ued, and the Khe} ft roceived seve: tte roms | po i f udder | to save "- 2 Iolo trom srs the deatt df » | this: that -- peither friends nor refer-| and we wre all going ; ye. Braurion, |, aw buses having been reubed by uutiaith ever lived, ey are wold for from 81 to $3 wed fort into the dimly tighted corri- | di Cheitrgsienations, | . ty 8 ' ences " " = i open tae auyin' dat ee t barton half | recap Frist nal toch ly, Soe ps ag. dee had | been #0 innomerabie & year before had | jou too, , milk re mong 'is heats you | ful servants w thought their padroni | "ch, anda great many are ut by boys a, turnkey wad sitti he , ' yodence is agan progr by the Sarbntaiteoct cles" Tepfan | is nas ei i Sarg ght fn | he bth oportonty teed tcl ow he Rane a" |p hg a ed ee (yo tempat ck oe sce ae ct paratate at The vi E one the ave vou \* § f Mr, Fieett! . reehy atte chur, Who rane the I hurt * * law. | Th 0 iad thks held the svvaiver dtupiped | face with the nevemizicn of life, -but | you. now nod che. Gn (Alncandsta et "tennay' | wr hh e-guard b Satarating the band rchief wRbthe fluid | "laree that #9990,000 have mot been ae: riect.on in"budiout € aye. frome £ yers. Nota tell of any importancd paqves nervously at his side, a gleam of recollection | Perhaps it was best for Rassel Anthon that 'No, indeed," said Mre Dishrow, sil b : ee mete Sehoot themselves from the vial, toe: al eyadoned thas } fockit ce are Rnitted in a y jew. | i Howse or Senate widout auine lawyet has a came fata ove fs or <TH eyes. | itwesso, for had there been nothing for | ing ; 'that woul never du; you willigo or Bete about thoes is going to be arow, potest Mg: wer i funetionary insens } th mater: pee of | S hak"init. ifhe hasan db puit on hb taade "G boy," tered, «4 | him te do but sit down aad brood over his | with us, will you sot, Mr. lirandon *" | und the Karupeane at apa Reap: within 5? . hry big k tbadtbang 1 in his =e be as. Harriogivt. pecretary of the Ovgas- } white, ix } he has a law rassed to a, jt asattiaion had jorgetbe 'abet him, and 1 promised | own misery, bis brain surdy would have | He'could pot very well refuse, yet how | i ae! year be 'The Bost Deer te Step Fire. ey tha to the main ¢ Comming of the National Lage } needles with # ani an obatruction 'han' | hie ctying father that 1 would'take care of / tecled. reason would have depeeted him, the | he arank from going. The last time be had | Cais sone a6 BUine to Pitch into the Aran ber of experiments have been on --y resi pee of cota tatteaetat- 1 k eee ene: PS brave beart would have fainted, As i ny an ~ te gains eoeee: in the native circles, and a A number of experi have made " 4 - be posem j work was done must have a & he haw itamended, "ithe t he, finds @ lave which . ' peed. it was, Wallack Nei fonmda! in this country to teat the valne of different Passio wviftly f the Prison's front door ing i s hed for Figs. : } heoan't jump ober oe dodge aronn' hd metsto | When little Koy Glesmore's mother was | if he liveti--and for little Ray's sake he bad | and Muriel had been with him ; -- lovely | wal lends endo le By pen.eny oumtation, materials for doors y be ex wo {* 2 tow mo ees. | and the knitting is loose abd ) work to tinker it up. We haven' allaw on | dying, she had felt that ene coald notszo and | determiagd now to live--be must work ; she hail looked that night in her rich dress scares are but natural, and until | fre, from hit pertiaps the Falttog 8 and listening until the St ' hogan jast as we ¥ de statate af Mich 8 whigh means | leave h by bebind + "I Yh, my God, he would mane ne St his own support auy of | of bine velvet ® great cl bale kan uaias Ak still excited 'magi nation | beat door yet devised is cue made of wood | Mad pase! upon his s bel ths two men sud- eas I simplest man- f itteadé, abd which cansot te marie to | let met ke him with me now!" she had ~ --) Heury Glenmore bad deft} he | red at her waist, and she had been so besa tides, such ramors may {ecm time | 2% covered with tin. The door is formed déuly darted from * the | The Paris pigigrs contain detailed aceounty | it in the real #0 a8 to mean mons' anything, Bat'ede | prayed, and God, ju His great, farsighted | had kept strict account of prey. pany interested in the play she had cried at «ne | to tine crop up. 'Nativ of solid planks, or boaris matched and Kk stree and excepe mr of the reall hie q j ta { the work it ix potsimply plain, oreof lawyers. : fi merey, had thought it best net to answer | le aad 'been forced to spend bf it: be tof it.--she was so tender-hearted, bi ti i es * cata, | pears 4 'The German led the Sines 4. really | ype -iabe skin | ply . H bt For ebery murderer convicted go | that wearer: ; it had bees His will that little | fore he died he would pay it, all beck to Mittle Mariel, abe could not bear evin the wee a ore Rthe or a or gel = forty-five segrece. There shes about streets to the » bart of Parts, and ee ons aris by raf Sorel ing wig ; olear, shee winen de evidence am just as on dre ry mia Gy ~ Aud ; rely eae | | a Lalit Giwan « i balk sight of nesaale print and thisery. . i wout % tata fon on dae dig snd encase aor be less th. th y -- vei they had arrived at the Forest ef pied Mor Br ay pati cson kta hai bed vow of tarme strong. de witirk- of lawyers, [5 life het teen (liv val jor, alking slowly * Bri . course, you will go with | like @ European hat or hel 4 by more Ld be th: --_ o -- t i nicely shaped { 'Fer eb-ry thief sent t¢ prison fod s year | bat for the Xn eo ¢ tt itie Either i btinly 'slow apedway. tg meet sadly | us," sgid Mr. Morehead. | and call therm Sey aol Gayman The last corerh negeinee 3 be ad ame It was a dark might, bat Moirellet readily jw ere * andunt of eitality Ta | by different from our P; : i # " dhouk 'd ' * + ¢ t Bignell cadet ye. PO tts cpts have whee rows sien regs ble argh | et mm" eter aN | sata noes ee Ane fwd wean oy ten eno, |e! go" thera weal | rca in man 3 es | iat ' mtOat of ob ew at of lawyers. ¢ life os, | night, and the cros walke were bidnk with anid not apeak ri int Fame for dog or 1! then these dogs pletely covered om every side with tinned | BMGs on ae pried tee sticks, the has suffered faQ¥ix years from a varicome ing there is a.character- tof ebery Sity atrpste made' by de a be ae of that Wutle Jonely child, | Gigpery, Mimy mad. As baleen Bike: peed stor w! er J hte dragged about with cords round ther necks } sheet-iron, all the joiuts being soddered as "re twa large tin boxes coo: ulcer of the Mggtthigh, which resisted every ; Eavetian atock- eevape puhiats Dat¢de work bf lane | o© the sake of the preanies he Bad madeho | wide strest a guatieaun ia froat of Biss | ton Segue eoeced th tbes hip nates t om, eae, Tirmles, of Sctar, 3 veartel ig heaped msevingren co incneet |, a8 they dd 2, a vofltia fore Of frentencs. tw wine: wes fonrievs Tisiccesd poset the Meyseee wake , = een b, t's of law: a pdky he Hesael Anthux revolved 'tot slipped, leat'hie balasve, and fell heavily %¢ | priving bin for. moment of the pawer pt resp Gually they were Sepet eal oe yr haaaed moving sn on iostined ladene ys ma then ayy ing in the forest | comtimeters 4 eight deep 'At tha ro. | "0m Kayes " = i : i ' * fied. an an | Fail or over doarway, so > quest of the t, Dr. Lamalierre resort-/ © 4 "De lawyer ; deisen divaroe fur de hake of | liv | the ground, at the very feet of a huge pair | speech. . nian! and. the en: hen free to move |i dle i A score of with swords drawn . , de tos. . fia tnciten falaliehe to. fight'n dead au 2 tte hil all Wad thom." of hermes which barnetd tom hearty dea | "The entre waa well led with people miembees od eaies Iaty and' the ents eveld SelM EEG Oe ck vrlone te ston la Grcle about 'them, daating the | Pe SkiMSrEDE, Rrosering for the por | rales soodaie ith bak, rat a trugk, ven rapidly wi brow entered i re of their dark mosey. Hs mitt tare cp agin faguer, or-| poor, decpairis bin 2 reac ho whotiave been lel Another instant aid thove iron shed i the other boxes were. cocupied, bith the casing cov - ea By in aad "Pierre Moirelley, you are my pooner "| Faas tate Ee eek Cee Gaebly toner tee © husban' agin wife for a twenty-dollar bill, bya child oot a panery. sway from ; would Paty ee Out the brains of the direet-y opp. hea. A Japanese Execution. * Pinte which the door wili fit tightly pty t ssid the German, plaging his hand upon | j ister } a bpp a x thoy alba be laid ower the 'ntocking the mother's bodyjbe rom de ng baby Rogues Drea | eon hel ea in that instant Rossel The punishment of the rebels who recently { closes by moving on its track, the inside of | Moirellet's shoulder. | : | of eight da) a (h) needed. --Testile Manufacturtr. grave by aghoul, an' be would fee! badibekase | enough to raise mauy a life out of the dust ; | Anthon had seize | the planging horses by | Sitting Disbfow, Russel listen: | setack pahitarerdiaba YT ihe casae being The casing | 'Andou are--" | ery! f rey public opinion wouldn't let him rakq in $30 hearts bowrect down with grief, or tirobbing | th | their bien 9 pra hin Be gg 9 superhuman | ed mechanically to the masic pf the orches- joe re enphae the Of tho 'casat rfeaine _ 'ou the opposite Side Suet r tha det caer "V idee," a nines ad and by that ha EB uromma nens h . : or $78 an' secure a vériet of not reilly. mee Saves passions,. have ellort, att own life, be thinkidg of that other aight when be pene jeav f " " erriés ; immediate ; ts wan de oa mirth; couldet ire ine | and calmed bythe eoft touch of a baby |-turned them out of the'r egurse, and held | sat'in that v " set tiepen. A French pap r fy 42 a8 to teave bo epeck to | sere: wore hore thant ne, Teri | forming rapid Be 18 tr ih) ee PEOPLE. maney 04 ' ay H . pootiand mittieg by: kee be ina hue sceured the t authentic sccouat of or. To keep the open a small bolt 1 te F it--you booked J borhood ; w ithe other hand, the tro tae Sey hay a ge hes noes wht her moon « tiefacd 34 elt | the ceremony--fur it fully deserves such 4 $i placed on the muide of the door-jamts,the | te clownieh. ; | buman pieces 82 hot adhered. The dtes - : - Sienna aay 9 ho Aida the same. The steoe vn pressure of the dacr keeping the bolt in po-| The prisoner waa sentenced to six year was cemti eight days longer, and aro Saying and Doing. Cy, me robe mi, ye. yet; | sha, bia " id wa forerament house, in the interior of stich sithon. the un: or | chose germent. Vij was overlanded ot rem ved in islet of skin, ten centime- five nillion seven hundred thoa- ee td act: | A sudden exctamation from Mrs Disheoe mander-igh chief of jop of the doar is a wire having a joint or | With com rt and the tars Jeng aid 'wide, Wax wen to have en in America who do not at- teak or de sapien: lag tole followed poke mated himvelf in fall eniform at out" lin ig hervhapenty br 9 Bak being soldered | cure, who presented bim 'ith 5000 francs establia! i Upon the center of the i, and General Joha Eaton, sitet ik anh fare rel if the blobd Reloek in the In the back ground: {With fusible that will melt at 160 | for for having so de(tly reovered their lost | ulcer. was again reapplied, 0 tes Oorhrissioner of stage.and thea it s2ened ap bloo wick it eight da S sey the mition W8 edtiente f ring | it wae taken ~ task wodil aire, t ix us standing po iramoiie Rigs = In waa wart th 'the wire som yams tiglesans teachers 5-4 mare coe , peter pehsspniaariaw Sry, sera Laer fos, tounded by offirers of the Corcan srmy fons link. This pane: tenes in guides sap Apwresiryaie . i! Sane guiigne, Lemmy ion: armed with bows and arrowa. Aa the time The threshold neely heme! the Sw in aa re i hiva to hia he' sabe, quiett gull for the great erent drew near the hands, steed be bf brick or stone to re- | fi ye Se 0v1 Minne Comeces had been hia {:*' 1 want the man who saved my ie inet Pere append pe 34 of deunte of all ei F rgncig tageh ne ay wre rag Peco! ; bed ~ . at & ane ° He at the risk of bis own te MEET ae oy PEN gone, te sound id j sage bs : | of ry there, Wie, a poor j eng | eter etl Vaieimmmeuempes | Elnotnwcet thos tere ffs te ' for himself, forthat | Se' Russel Anthon had gone with bimta| Many ancient manuscripts oP untold valne fire. by the troops. He | hip beautifial b A hls Avoduted | acu beldaved 63 bh ® ety in the Seprared in the open syncs, New York; | to bin wile and an Rickard "i wien of O yy eas be and, after waving Yellow banners with somewhere, where he did | for that wan the name he had decided fe understood to ite fu lextemt has just been teen. retired, ig dd go and {ind | thaough life in place of the pne which had | sustained in the destructipe of the mons. | 2° clear. Next came the ehiaf ex: ! been stolen from him. i | tery of Natopedi, which fire with tis' ates sod at last Froim the very first Robert Morehead kad | the care f ane of aks, ani, F xl, piniowed sud sit: among the hills of | bees attracted toward the sad-faced mau | the absence of any. appli ting in open sedaa chairs, The jailur dra .- being the child's | whose deop.mournfuleyes had totd so plain- | ing the flames, was ly bermed to the pre ype Pherdane bee gad ordi server He introduced that ile held ater, hopin or ground: Several thousand Byzantis peers Py had ¥ plead: faced woman who wag, row. When Ruse! 'his 'were consumed in this fire. To pro- mercy, they were touched en the as Henry Uilen- | name wes Brandon, he in his irmparable omen in the future, the |2 with the fatal arrow. Their faced ' he had told her 5 ee tf ' : || Greek Government baa mo Athenian ikled with water and the ground _ seyy te fetch Koy | Brundoss? and be never Jorgot the look wes oon as ood gery bringing | spe had 'swept 'over the worn bid = thas ot ow He waa a ET ogg had answered, -'¢1 haw, the in and | mo 1 bare wos Il the by over el 4 % ; for the oe- i et