\ : ; 4 ; ' =) { tat but it is feared (has forty Permons e yier- Tass 5. 1 bf }ap'to the time of «ais taking aN ate sian ° ; norte er ter. ery liftle ix known of him ae Paings ee el "$500 Réwn ral. * Wm. "Ro berts,: } exoopt.by the patrons of the hovse. Jol Amserdam were broken. Twaly: bolus oll ¥ "ol the gurlesiun lava bean dia . a AND WUMRER ---- E body in asking what bia wwtive plate ag J We willay the abv. rterare HH nos coat ver? whe k Twelye. workmen were in thd Luke ; vie, bape oeghony aptow tteadacten could have been ; bat those oep ing af fis time ME ue explosion, Tha tasw | 1 -Tikeptiou, Usietl, are vie a ib Sling Wg White & | Red Brick, the run of social and busimess gossip | was y damaged, and the inhabitants gakdonrsw ie Week's Veaor able Laver Piste --. MILWAUKEE of life Qf fon 9 Thw eran? onbany Becomte ony ote § Sr ering. 'DH ceri RR eS | fe ES a el) i ARKEST OF THE nan 'LESSE tin! af a ae tt vas " a HALL HOUSE--A PREVIOC , No now featnres were | ; " wei tea shag dnd cis . a atford. 31 FRE TMX HOTEL . ; mom sane ferent an a es o- = TO ~, 8 ~~ nea terday. ise emsn "Uramss jlomne ay Rr Mil k Sh Wa - iG a { nada Kebe fey, bala paRes amps cok Get es eat A despatch from Milwaukee says ---- lesk Ways and Gous oe See i itor io 'Seen = sdtaiarat over the great hotel . Should te i ivi 4 ip: % ex | Sara Sis we k bt Thoms; Oas.Jaa, [8,--Coa Sige , Wantert, amit eqally ta this or remedy tn he i tite scarcely more'fittense @ wer he Prasbytenat boat) Word fom Ckanapgein the $0 Hb ins and | b ae per, treasurer of t wey t Selig mg ye than it as to-day. oo iki Port Stanley, whoves arrested in: | ote, | Aghenet ol ire att " " "| me Sd : |, bowever, bo one appeared in cogrt bers, cliscged ® 2) 1 1 me | . ~& > ' ab tor 'Stestfo ina, bt in believed -that. the incen eeeeiee i mes serenetes See rsh tethers! 'Mfothets'? Mothers? } RARE! ee teed wantin ye bad been apprebended. George | 4 Sfotee eee te" arely Qurads © are are | are) youy tt teed mt eins don « peas 'so sactew i ' ; rt Rev. ee Vacating way | Me ce +a2% oP | jut i troth 7. Pan Sehéller, lessee of the bite! Bar, was pede ore ores lide: f 3s Bery taeexane hed al bowtie pe Mid, WN 'Comfortable "Sia, tictiatier' last evening on suspicion of many others whe losned * Sacne Lape - | Fotos sabia oe s¥® oT tt wall reifeve Home in. A , Walpitor, ine ts Pus | the gyre ' ip ht "pen . being the demon who tired the build-4 bale oe Oe vee a AAT, Sve ae; tee tea tte i bout i | #OR SADE. SALBG ATT Ey Day holoca Behe oe _ dl net a uae mart tiga it | ; i ing and paged oan ie on the Rlek wre aA peor 2 a? thos! whos end ay eG at dnew: that ie will Pee In Counties of Perth or Oxf . r, wan aie laics fhe 1 Sle Gt 1. 7 - = eloabd hy tie south euirauce, eo hi ite saat oh. } ond rehvt aga heath 'tat onli enim, cannvatins | A? Npareues Fees 8 Lt inten S sors Nett t freee » Pee shout one e'lotk | in the morning, but Terrible Exptosion. 1 Nase avatpitamst totic tect, welt ene ceety etnelaedst tier' he, Sam Carnee oh t el - _ ~~ seri in} H foped the videst acd vert funale | (ntario ou tiene, in otvet! way observed to retaro for some | |e MTLE pi wexfr wna 6! sre crap, ( Sirdict € ot ebed items 'ig thy Uitted. brave walk rif Pome + andy coystefiogh purpose two pours later, | + MotLaxD.-- pert rregy wrremis: ioe | told ower ym "fe 0 85 ae pate le ; The 5 Ronnie § conlat itoetliain or ouly a fow minutes ore the firy! - j 68°." ot Su) aay 1o#$ 1mngend 4 Loseal asses ol age amp Saati tostdes wan: started. The man ia quiet ma, Rar ici ee 19.= Three teste ex- $6 she Attpien FT. tis 'cert & « veto a * Tata Ly riviet, boxe cod} © us MOBTHL past of Lat . vour: | ons todk phice tofneeds the guep oiler nale: (la ne. warts Se ae _ Seta exegllen: well of fi manger; tad used to "ae pheveratf Sytths toaa °s Mieden. Nearly, reer eat Whi netheoraed wh | Terk. Al known on epplication ahd pwede Cwaner =e ite a5 "hotel derk. 2 ae all the h were cnretted BY the ec ouetay | AP Pe bite mod Mrivs 2 kreh: arch ai. t. parsi sels, Tiere 0 Oren oF ha Detroit. with Mr Avtisdel 'several, «ign and the ne porting anny gee v tkastes eouas --" Graksieadib ree te | ¢ epwediew. e0d. Cowan. te bows ( Yes bers ea, * ™ ba , ae ad, and virtually maneged the| moh damaged' The & 2 ef ts ane stdin stamp Sia ik: PRT Lt, Riret: | ° Strsstone, as 3br0,° «1, ba | Mula ioe * " Ww roprietor on premis-<, A - 7 "ss bit ane: [edemd wih. . with thee theorr. Riche lier | ate lating theit hoaces. There is no fea: of Tiece oe thot "Tone ow eet ver til io ; 9 Pers z. ae eaeY er obyritally, bat tia wife | ferthererplorigae. ym fin y= BenhUeaanp Levge avs Drain Tiles, ORL i A Bain mee rey in the = ee ee coutantig Riis Becovte Ker wie ty ail ov ALL SIZES AND » STYLES. Te FAN 'handaomest women in rer 3.--Dr. Samer! Mut, | '-anmats, hepare of combtrefilite nti teilte | 4 -cangtrated Prewed tte hant- ; if city. He is insanely, jealous, They wae M6 the Broken yo Jen vie Bat' | Hyety oT 8G POP ote steeh rei an ty | dnest a0 "powener fade wrath . Heai- FE. O. R M A N' bel Lincoln's ameenn ed on W ajiay, | & - +. "me trian | 'ence, fat w nd UOdtacke + ce, Lokeon's Hived at the hotel, antil-her flirtations| 4 50): Mudd eas hadubed for "tite, po) ad bl Barn aly = a _ rs é o ante ES Pat a Shipq {tore Curmer Ontario and, Brie ¥ 4] had created half & dozdn"standals, then | °° Tt dneed Bla} sod | soces Sema , : : he moved her intoa little house clear fever epi emic hindered er ies 9 co Miratiord, -- -- wity SURV V BY a beyond: the northern limita of the city, "he that after a few years he waxpanisn- Health is Wealth! 3 ley vn nd PI ng Mills where resided for » long tre. | © . ; tre (2) arin ills ein un Rs Taristocs.+l leur, 08; Ball Whaat, a TA & = ; eg Subsequently 'he tented Met her 90 81s infO.b3, Swing: Wout, $0 83 to] || PS .cairegl "THOMAS -OBB,. Paoparsgom. . ' Oawston . Far down sown, but would never eT] %y-aG; Haney, 39 to 43; Peas. 63 bo 70; ' ~ ee oO py F |, Op the, Hgron Road, Stratford, diye. His, do- | Oats, 32 10 3) j, Hides,.per 100 ib. 65 to HA) lat vil Geay i HE wadsorib v te peepared for termish 'ait mm retura to the botel to. iy 3 pe * J b ig ted ~ ca in a near a Te ee eee one murmtahinger (2 ECR RRS Be a hc bAPPY ont. yy ie years he has | | 20, sein TEAaa, Vv; 'eal, 00 3 dtter, | ahd Wk eneral House Furnis von |i 'seratior Biratiord. ala! heat, napa ty Toor filbincir "00 Os; Spring: Wheat." 0 60 to ww {doers > ~ a shtirar ae a Tastee sear aes atdelaen ' eae iia" q 7 i v te 60 vo mg Wheat, 30 64 to 80 WO; * have cen Mua Teex a ent at sa him bovering over the j Berley,46 to pd; Uats, 3540 06; Potat «4, wae. apts A tent epocthh say are nol = a }YESSEO LUMBER oF ALL xIgDS, por Cho ce. ar ots, ¢ Fra tleker ih & brok#r's offer for hours 0 jy cee Apples, 7540 100 : Beet, r ~~ i? rte is sere piel gg Sewanee CEDAR POSTS, ac, Of trom :2- t & acres, on Wide Streets, cwt., 35 ta levy; Mutton, 6 Su ted So a be erthaws tot rallou eared by the | Be became bankrupt, antl has been Eo; Tock, 1 7d bob 26 ; Batter, 16 to 20; | fy, cf sleeves Rebeor, Wenetabvene, Motel J Cin aP FOR CASH, , $00 al pats per wn, drinking bard for a doug Mrs. Eqme per doe, Ube us; Hiden, por HOikiba., | oomintry ent ieadiog oo eery, deeuy and ruabhs : BILL SiUFF CUT TO ORDER. . r ting we leesstoe Seheller was the pet of Seriodn pea tie- bw tes BO. iene ckine, ensh, 75 tov) 1627 Tscmtare OE Nae. Merron. Som leave <HOY NEAR THR OLD ALSION RLOCE, . , Ltr bovedunte . Use> fe an Doarders in the hotel, ant ie oo -- Flog pe pety rap " ' £0 ta cra. aug br pve sexe ot of tim erain Te ORL. Phas bs wy offen, bee Pns..---F togr ) 5 ool -abernar ote Digerre, Ouse wilt evr Ld . Mr. Antinde!' 4 Heme has ~daring Oatrvenl do., 84 54 % F 75; Fall Wheat na 'eeent taxes Bach hax eoutsins ene month's stratford. Murch 28 ifs j GEO. FORMAN, ' 2 fn ~ ote th im this connection, although he & 8) poms 4a oes pring Wheat, 00 in| semen ose Mars bes. or de tos 3 ane Seornpnaheraeantentip Bole Proprietor, ° man of the highest character. If the 00°; Oats, 33 te Bfie.-* Peas, 65 to fe: Bir. | pte. We guaraiier six bores to cre and rane snepicion aguinst Scheller be corrert, ley, Aue dhe; Potitoes per ber, tte 0 ge, | Veteteb anter weeetved by un viz baxne G. T. R. Ticket Office, Hy, tha, 8 00) ta B fe: Hatter, per : © onsen With xe slotlata, we Wail emgel th: eee here ia a motive. A bankrupt through : Breleset our mitten mene ten refund the ix ; bli drunkard, and aoorrune- 1 to 19; Beet pendpe. 22 te 22; Hides, Pet] tran ey Ub hye ter "fence @ eset effect a eure ! ~f gambling, a drunes 100 1) G £014 7 06; Sheepskins, each 60 to | uarantoes why wn by gar ent author ' j maniac on the subject of bia beautifal | gy4 Wont per card, 9 60 to 3 10, Avples w & 00, ie _ omta'e + AS} He ' 4 ' wife's flirtations, would be just the | perbeg.0 70 to 0'80; Teef 8 00 to 6 O1:| yar acd" nthe" $m, gone © . SBSTRATTORD. dinbolicel deed which has | Mutton 6 @vt0 7 Gr: Clover seod, 4 G0 tof a nd KET? TO ALL POINTS IN |WESTERN tr Comite especially if his mad- § 50; Dressed oge:08 Obes GU. - Sucuess the beat test of Wirth 1? Taree * mies brain, 'shosld amevive, the eee "ne, How po 3 : "MANITOBA! ch that be trams oraet rash AT WEE One hse Abd the Great NORTHWEST, = who bad w his misfortunes. | 0 reps wd 67; Os 0 £4 0 'ok ATrRupT At LYNCHtG FEARED. cost Bareey ta Milwaukes Jan. 17,--Another body Nye TF eed MONTREAL, | PORTLAND EOeTOM, Ann . hichanwega Bates add bate Ghee {ham oll "| Seip TRIDERS, elrewwes t toe wade : "soe Crieh, Sas Wietshceata pee eonstrus- . = re We #€ fo $9 | Ducks. (0 to 00 "Ocean Steamship Tickets - ties Were to-day to remove the! ; Wb to TOO; Wood, 5 Tw all Point) le Ravope, ~ ° : " per | er en 9 ptigoner Scheller to protect. 1to 175; Wood id Gal aud gut Mor nahiotpa ghdgen, my tue yf Bass propio Saag the Third | ar FB Catfarins per Th "oO t aes ae mn, Prt sn Foorth wardera . It was rion om nae ispeseaaie gach 75 te 2. wv, ait Express Ofer, Th Market to-have s nil a a ee Warble and Granite Warks @aDShy > @ BARMAN, fe: porters 4 a \Forvigo ara blew up 16 esd con: 2 ee " ra gu w oe : ot we, lise Sa the bervropen , prernegn 7 ai ! inte a paciye oh age Boies oes fy Ears::Million!| 3222 i 1 Dogs la @ a mee P and. is the, Micron! (os ama . , ae ree 4 if ! ral piri Ei i i i eee A Res j {FE SINTMEN aS . damanete verbtel out | hes.d ae ips, * oer weer dg Oe mend P "* " ~ et '- 2 wearers wh, g PRES oy hiss. OXFORD | STBEET, LONDON rept eal wn. tf ita te i te. aati: : x = : 4B tee righ Sa pe