Stratford Times, 31 Jan 1883, p. 2

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> . ; for sthis boundary; which wks fall of ; : the street Guat and {a> nae "nat ice."} «He then returned to the: such was that Fiver tamebodys jar Ta ons part . i: - spitit the ie Seboo! Board themselves - naar re was' born | Md belore them. be Secretary. for an COUNTY OF --_ Characteristic Reply by sodinees tet e AL : , eee ; Mz. Trow, MP... Pissab was, Joba patty Hisar r. " os ; bs ei 3 3] 1893 A Scrromrxa or tux PS. for the Wiratford Tisien, Risks plomead te Eerie in ; 5 il % Wednegday, Jap.-Sl, . "the inclemewy of thi | (Laughter) Mr. ; ' : wea ae -} . Trow took his seat, at i epee jTown Hall, om Thursday clog! | Toastiwenty respectable Grits left i . 2] tT. BYYLER, EDITOR AND MavACER per Mr. 4. J. dawkins, MP. and i used by Mr. Trow has Preis ~ 2 ov a dinc: th 1 : . : = ora ~ ia &. 8. Ne, 10, Dow- of the Peiheal |-. The chairman then upon Mriiits : itt-COMING HLECTIONS are the ; aaa, te Ot the Sent | Bed he was re@Fived with great apple i \ as antes in Stratton and are offered at a decid- | 4 Dann, aimee a sth egret re Asaon a thord * ; which testified the warm } | peg ode ; tosh, ; Joba the T: a hing: holds in the hearts of the citizens ; Tas Borzoxs Facross Boxvs.--A public $29. Sed bs Dunn, 270 ; Fretive aes Mr. Daly said"he had no intention of etary ie at ae men fh, Re ae rarer fim sii net he ad ee oy Town Hall, on Friday bvening | 5; "Daz 5 cree a aes Pe Mr. Trew, MF . brat iy * got 1 of 812,000 | Sits Jolin Paitles oes se-t heg vc, Dal, Mr rane "Sam oe ee ie 5 j to Mexirs. Halter & Co., to Seine in the erec- ' les, 92; Ji amare, y, Te ipeallanoas ny tion anf 5 fo in this town ays Kat 7 redaced Ar. Hens gsi re my oat Sent nag . Hs have to acknowledgé . ARLIN: ing, and that 'pratlonan, ons plane td Toupee es eP- 3 { 1 the pares ofa" tary," reqnes c GFORD. oe tic ae, whuoe praene tn lenghtez.) Te snes iy * second a8 Sesms.-- ' @ handsome majority in good MRE. PLUMB'S SPEBCH. | "of tha County of Parte branch of thal ole "A The prose ee goticines in old spel in mars en Fodor: in aba ak sting ie. Phivhhk: wo, fave ley a OF ' tart olent m, which | of terror to shoot thre ough the shi newer s tmajorit he aod: He - } 4 | will take place at the Windsor Hotel, Strat. Sian @ those i ¥. MeMillan, Hyde, Mo- | pleasgre ie saying that it j Mr, on co: forward Was bearti Braaer sph eo : on setae | Bs - eres if " felt Medunday tee, the Thi | shen elt He Mcp | See sale aap Rae | Eee! toot fa | meee, cen | Te ae a ah | | £ lee & } 'ebruary. . way with fences, verandahs inaaler -- . » Te. SA i¢ @ big, healthy, goodalooking, half. rr i parpoes more contrast between the members for X. { ue a7 % et eR ; ee Aces. Tux Lows Copwen..--Two special otb., contary So by-law, made nad or provided. Semler 18. a aa Irishigpan, Avira obliging fallow. To ialar from «| South Perth. He knew ty ' 1 sis : es ( ce Cake ANTONE | were held last week, in order to allow the} They suppored the stenging Nemesis was | wood, Monteith, Vanstone, Pierson, Doug'. i in- oe oe S| al thaking \$ cow under | members to expend some of their spare wind | gain om tueir track. Their fears ware | erty, Lochhead, Bennoch, Macnamara. Law. p : ' | F t frgm thoes which pre. | over the Batton Factory bylaw. It wasre. | groundless. The visit of the "Chief" was | ton; Johnstone, Kennedy, Deariu:.--li ; i his ' : oe J ; solved & submit ibys fo grant $12,000 sional Rot an oficial } Hetween Messrs, Kaos. ihealae' ote af His | fe fw wie iauge.) He was sorry hy ij =| ' e Company, and & by- as one |, atout.--We were terribly frightened --Mesars i , : : ny was not there, as Kesence w +3 ; ? j H Fat * still weak, and | of DD, Hay'a speeches is sabmi lor the | herz about 4 o'clock, on the uomslig ot the volt iter {eno Freeborn othe, iP Le Bp ieeog' We pala upon his * eid ban ese bat due the halk hie iaere Uberty to deal with that pan by F . f % So a om the country. 7 a . Voting to take | 18th inst. The stillness of a lovely mornii son, Doughert : . hit of Lila sale return, " North Perth is i : / 4 , x : y pad been but a yeas pice on the 17th Pebraary. . | was broken by bowling of the mont aideoes ton! Sarestens; feeds Seas, ie oe snd bearty. He informed os, Ate pe ACR carpe! Perth, then] Mr. Hay aboot his busthess, He had a big | firiee- nnd not yer}. ATavmur Begcrion -- There quite a | der, secompanied ty music from drums, | Linton, ler 17. os bot Tons roi that it we pone marks, which were reocived with entitesions ans 1 ed sent caenge awe dle ae i time rt ets her wind i a he a o way wi t : y Ln expected ~ iy rete divs as oman oes iis more witha portian of ihe mecred F ee aeiee I be mea Hive Me. | ec of ie Danaes Moan! 'on 'the will MR. HAWKINS' SPEECH. Mr. Plumb spoke highly of Mr. Heeaks j mincng the public tosome mistake a new election had to be | *Srted Ma berg werete believing his | Smith, as aa . oe isl Topestey mi Bei when haat prt emo s Aste argh play Send paki sepeedrrhvnn pt ; iands, stall the | bold and Mr. Thos. J. Douglass and br. C. | Sesanic Majesty, bad sent forth his emis | ' Between Messrs) © ip delay, buat | hell bie pl He Bok ge. 89; Toennbe: te: 8 | us. Neverthe | 2 Moere were pitted against sash cian series on & mission, not pleasant to name Kuox-- Messra Ror and Lex ior naege ie the Pot the Irish Canadian, pudionce, hed he would endeavour to fiat out | bis swordend talk rant as Mr. | | E vailable vote and still lees agreeable to.contemplate ; those | wood, Monteith, Baown, ¥ = « be teund his friend Mr. Patrick Boyie, | how it was|the riding was represented in the | Cobfelerstion was brought about by 1 1 | fone of a ---- turn ef mind beliewed that rook a iy * yerrmery ge tary Dosily engaged Se eae ot bens Coie fy Boies ofa patriots Gov. | Macdonald and the Hon. George Brown, 7 ts t mei were about to end, and that | kK Osi on, Mr, «, of rather | erument, while in Loca! House they were | Wer? i? of x | ier | fed abd a oi th |e" eT wR is Sener ga Snel e ar | Sereda us art ie, Vaan a te ng co } ted. Laveriage --Mesqre sgn lan, Hyde, M. fon, Off " m A to a | tha ormers were not 1 7 tian, Hyde, Me a, Hives Mowat, Hon. C. #. Fraser, D, D. | seml to Totonte a man wh ee tociins wahece tn eh ee 4 condifibns are changed, oS ce nai core has not long been a resident dk=3 tite ied iss ae tn : ands whaery vy load | Laren, Currelley, Kaos, Smith, Macnamara, | Hay, abd abou & gross of old Giche . | progress orja man who a pts binder to the Federal Go' t, The i | or tthe.' The Oppest ratfor RE very creditable run. Other: psec onat aint. Lawton, Johnitome, McDowall Jones--11. | papers,'down to Ottgwa, to shoot at Sir John | advance the best este of the pote es Government were, £0 to speak, | von cnr favber o w 2 " ? . ] | ng ted sessions tré-nend rt bas gai J . and concluded that the icmates pe Mx. Knox was therefore elected. He took | 4 "a ae ard the N.P., when Parliament | We are told that the province is prosperous. the veto power. In the liens y wd P- sore mad-bouse had his seat and than kel the coun for the hy enor | Meets. d Mr. Boyle is a gentleman, | Well, why phould we not be? Wh Conti attempt was mad. (| a use Dei vil and were pass contersed upon hing in a teat speech. oaly he ia Irish When he called on him he Confederatibn was formed we were robbie Antario without xeoma thrive, but an, CocNTy rnestrame ren Bis Ps ic Sida, and the C dis. | over sufficient assete to enable us to be in a sway bed used unfair means to j our t on the Ri: dd } satin ry iti . Macdonald ] | trae ale a3 ~ appointed County Streams Bil, asd the Boundary es iaag John Sandfeld Macdor: yk 'ma a sarple iced economy ihich was Folge . i ower . add sureties 10 be same and they caine to the conclusion to ww the of three arid a half millions. The Bary On account of the pecoliar ec ot + i eyes » tine a de ames free Av ; eed of Downie, as they thought in | Gu rent | R8 provincial resources. J. Sandtield Mr a ' _ ese moon Witam Davidsop mat with similiar evi. | to the boeagen tes ere to de so. As Saw entered as assets ites which amassed a real surplasof three «My a 2 sipuens dttort to dence: of Sh i * boundary lines, they settled thenz for | thould appdar he head of ordinary | BAlf millions, and this was bis ruin dee: Maoh } t daraal orm it on or iS ipgitarary 's geey will, and isagain | the present jas follows; Cormmencing where hte aY es ol pimeder which Me. Biake! rm ' : | a tion to occupy the case = "Soyertino | ila thoy beameen te i pad a4, con. 6; } ri e pale of timber lands vei made ir prebeg . : ins bela ee premply and wit ag. ar | Share wn reaped got ssgenc eer alee dey all ieee eis | ccc cea Me. Monk eea eM | i,t epee Sat ! } si tmmay ignotminiously ejected at the oy th rn . " - Mowat's determination * re rose over one mm) nm a pe ; re ae iid A Gx reine Gown Stratford has lost | tally. We are. long oo tering peterdares a by the anos we the etn rs, the | see vod "dead ion , nat ue = the sixth con- ter to qule or tornin. Why should ~ of dollars in one year, It is calculated MRpt ew ; : "3 another wall known an omrnacs < citizen | our patience ia completely exhausted atded t a opal Morass ning. nave men in| hog Parliarae ont tat Ontarie stand. | 2 about twelve years more our forests . F ; pst Hy to tutnbie to | in the perme of Me ames J who ae, evel mies li = Broat he The comin mn mh Pas d tle | Sthausted ; these should ptacar : : Us ents al etipha dealt by an | died on Wednesday evening inst being car. FULLART Thi 2 309 36 the mo ot importa pte eat a mssihi Conted. th Hr. Wood had ex 000 more : - . i fer ceople | Libewal-¢ othery zit is | hed off by that insiduous and fatal disease, the wenden Tlioe apposite Forties Bott aot | 1 connie iia geet WO mest.) We gan | Rims goy oundar eation aa pe ie received last yrar, and yet he claims a: " ¥ ' het blow * conenmprien. +, Odbert wasan industricas The annual eee of the Methodist charch MiG KCNSOL TRUATERE. betorn abe the 6 pice prota) patiorm ieee june, Sess me e the ee sention fase | or ee re chart ; AT vd al J ! and honorsble citizen. ugh a young | of the Fullarton Circuit forthe year eudin The following geatlemen wers 9 4 | Mr. i Pee eee eee ek ene 20 | senaee wee [he National Policy. Msny2na ake aid they give to. char i H ral) Your oivn honour, the | man he had by his indomitable perseverance | June Suth, 1532. rn ows the am petther raed High Setoo! Tru Bates ' er appointe Mt mites belag sp very busy, and fhe work | doubt cast ber ballots - "i sustain the bxtitutions, but all these institations 3 ° d | » peosinee, the amteprity of | and shrewd business ospacity prospered in | by the different appeintaente as follows Liaw --k. nee Oo 15: Dr. Nichol. 21 af building a platform ao important, Seeing | Natwoua! Policy 5 bak 0 coupled with it the | {¥° *ere in existence m Sandfield"s t i ' io . pomateae ney ce | evacytiing be underisa : Mat be tas sat | Eehemen atdt niece adn Lie owl: < me . Nieho so many brefitects, sach ax the Gfohe, and | position bh Jovemment took | Debentures were taken by Mr. Crooks to Leg. : tty you wilt | esd {alah in the tutare nf Bteutsard to insess | Mount Pleasant 'st, Stata, 70. ial Stratford--Mr Moran 16: W. Robert | re a fail and ther legion of planig rotting | om the bo Pag lon and sold ata ruinous discount to a obey, P : } ¢ pretty FOU WED considerable of 1 th in sabetential $2 sethed, Shin hale ora | Je. Sy. Moran. » Me : ES, | mpc 2 sambling down, one after arSther, at eon! pany, the Colonial Trust-Co,, for which! j | eis m= : am ttl, sisceli-- ia Sac Fk I | blast of wind, and as the elec¥on will Acting as soliciter, when the 3 q i | apirit mast not be i een a » Race, 5. | aot ake ce until the 18th of Mamth next, have sold at par, Fist of Mr. Wood's a ; we thought we would take more tun, and do its in $105,000 in the library Toragyp, j . aces per Eccoay al our work as itshould be done, Wé would, from which no money will ever 7 Stratford, B8lst Jan: 883 erg : is aes bd ast, and wa t levied on it | tatths, Doaghersy. aetilan and Sco 'la Amccetide { th Parties ark their erodes tnemnal van. witts te we . : : i wayh 2 De] attended, ¢) iemegeai Te = which Socuety | fully wade op except Salem, which was 82.40 | "ore sppouited to draft the stagdin, = aad ati, &, tae County of Bastiite be ra oon Rai bat on enti ; he belonged, turning cat rem | behind. Carkingtond Las 75 P'sespaista isang Mele 4 arreG Stagding com | sna | workibs. ts there is lots of wort to be ir Richard Cartwright, the -- ---- Tux Wanen's Scrrap.-- ab T. J. Knox, | 93.00, and Bethel, 60 conta "| The tollowing Nacking ccmiciliasen ui = a Sa and any stnount of ground to work tet, probably taught them the ¢ STRATFORD RD MARKETS, Warden a ber | Coos of rues for the pre- Exactiox oF Orriceas.---Tie annual meet. year were appointed ; ¢ ap a. i wall, and when it is Shady we red, ough' the i fo A PI will give you the seed to sow is reganos cnet Mr. wea an eno M. Rewnett, sent year. wed the bers of the | 'tg of the F 'Agni Socisty VP imasce--Messrs tomas. McMillan, | doubt that yor wil find bal t and when ~ . : ' tome the piace oficial sud a few oxher beld ot Follarton on Thursday of last week, | Monteith, Beunock, Johns: McDonald, | Stpeey- sliding pol litigians : 7 xen arpateiotly iieatted ave sxkieustel wil bes rat vest ts Vash, be) eB He riends to ap oyster supper in the Commer | #°°0rding to requirements of statute. The | McLaren, Lochhead, Hrown, 'ti ' : ; J adenine" nt : oa iste | Ss cial hotel, on Weineeiay svialag Inst. "Abeat annual report as submitted by the directors | Freeborn, Piersen and pore. tg a ¥ tana i suppl 4 mey ty di 2 2 6 i provided, avid showed that the society wasin a j) a yee and B: M J uly ee we of the [punty of Perth, uaid om wa : : phason ondition. TI iswing f officers in arog I a arges---- Menars Jones Cnerel Ye 2 will find men who ce&heot see afything not. educated to. ay would be fa Ry rt . ga oecupied thechairand |¢d for the curr tear. viz :--Richard ennedy ' o. Do " bert: arn bey in tt, but spill eet Ha aa roe tooling for . bow secret nyolicy of leaders of th 3 36 Hay, MPP Francis, Presiden: ; (1 Leversage, Sec. | Deavitt, Kubry, 7 Vahatoe Line Ace McGuigan 1 | oe pee be "en she tte toga bosstdary under the rs ave the wight of the'te TO: 8 a ae fines. Bennoch, Lecb- retary-Treasarer, i. Coan, T. Green *ood, and Riggn. poe | os er ie Sen yea #Et lene ft Sere icp Act; but the arbitrators do aren ibe ined by inking +g age aes pesca: by des & fenavan,) ft. #4 LA. Wothwell, J. Sey, A. Miller, Eduattion---Measrs; Lechhee: - ron, | _ ged nthe elect Le 7 vit har are silt, to bot pretend Mhat they found that boundary. ps8 Beery kare Tigh tened by tir J ie) a Ww La SR OoL se so nereal salaiek af honor around the | th. Bulg tee. ad . saps 3. fu Direc. | Johnston, Carrelley, Monteith me MeDwnai an ¢ I hig & st a tron ¢ eel perpen: at evidenee dra be abalition tf 'the samp ogee i ce ood Vantes * gi = j eo new Warden was | tt; and ft. Uo u, Auditors. Mr MeKee's application for reduct be D iegwite » aid not a question of the : an & 075 pi 35 Mr ase ete ants pan fia y a -- v Tecoma bore ee oe Ad sen nations A tion © a 1 voiedahould | opinion oof three arbitrators, Uf the con- | PSP@r postage, ete, The Reformers ", 500 Cords of Gc d sof og «Eo og tomply trom Mr, | Png show at Fr larton Wot % Alexas paneer iat old ventional hope ppd line were adopted, end. | Hat ® protective policy is driving peo ood Soft os 10 ter everythin ana J bod Ea Apri ae eee Sime: warty ins P avideon and der were 5] okery at Toronto 07 akey aa-dust | | woul ue ame out of Canada ts a- Ng "more Rigi Waated. Appiy « Doss 8 ' ree TNs Ae FMing and everyoody b p 1 it undation, and serd it with Nee Croe: pac wpuld | rh ' am | protected country. ® . JOSE F H COOPER, sf rn aye ts nd eloquently reapondi ~------+ 0 -- . for completing the Aasese: oi {th ardee 'gwd Hpees any arrangement based | } ing the G ta ie Pd 23 » asonable bour. MITCHEL L rd, Mitchell and Listowel. ws apes 3 , iM aid i ee Hay to desolation, oe Ls Pisetey i tell us that Sir John Mac- saat ee erant coed sa ihc a RS pes Dew oe paar 7 hry te bor don ne \ ae fare! h, Ce donald is plundering te country by admin- $350,000 divided tong the schools. If tleq] x -- . Turkeys euch 0% * Lge neuds m ring or Wepvase.--Luzes a -. = | istering miners! and timber interests, but he people return the Mow: Government TOWN OF STRATFO G "J, Ueewe he fa" Me ng pert month thureday, Jan, 25 PC \LITICAL L DODGING, is doing nw strictl. Ae da: F power they would take it ah an endorsati ' WOKS pe je i 5 our pls eds a Dr. Bowie, one of The treasures was instructed to furnish | sodsecbesding coctens a3 baswees Cae of their mivohievious policy, Mr. Mowat hi Meeti ra R Chi rina bt : i ' ie: psd at ran Hale sired oot hiss 170 Ine a0 avail aiden Hom ~ sounel ith @tinancial statement as te | rex cog: nercen 7 " eakeop oe mb "mise | #fament ef Téronto and that of Ottawa * tho license co i loners and the bai eting o tatepay Hides per' lin th 750° 1.8 00 : Hail Gamal: Fe sf _ a = te and uther points 'will be presse af pie ed PO WEDRCE AXD OTM majority of C House of Cornzons voted iff potron ts for carrying on politic A Mnerine or ThE here Sheepskins each 79 } 25 5 arent of Lut Canada, called Pe De sito pagel a wedi ing feast ad and w " i Mr Mee reat garg Me, Pardes inl be for. ror ye! hed te the v7 Cone with the municipal atfaire of the country hai pod joan Lard Wonk foveal = 2 sO i 4 bs 4 Ottawa, Yad canuary ors Sir s K Morsey "ee ¢ sega bi ae a me seth year. yat raj heperte bo in: a and what will mation ofa Tati 'has the Upponi Twenty-eight Poeun trom itavia 'araae leeeentideun in the people of this cownt TOW WN, c * é ty Prece 7 eve . wate ss don intend ' 4 4 t ie Crar of Russia + ai Meet i acphere ; struct James Powell, Chaplain an hie bealth was hever better, Heis fhe county road inspector was directed to | ernment to act "thee aren, ge eave te ss people when Hey sppesiod 1 Pim th sid bg! the | ted geri. This Mowat diorsebaon tae i hes ean STRATFORD, 0 BIR HS. i*. to ye a letter Py the 2 Mh ult, | John Danggith, Begetear, re nected js eteaig Ht es a whip, and his walk as clastic | examine the bridge on the boundary between | reply. The 'Lovers he oth ad Mr avkins hhad inbipbeNcascret pee b ix: afamone ae Svante bille, which i it Jou Magdonald, on behaif Arthor Weedman, Treas sé it Was thirty years ago, Mrs. Bowie's | Bianshard and Usborne in connection with | conc tra the Oppos: other shan my A ane Mad & greater Seen n of both re a 1 ag ds mibered dectlons! in the | ° Lactuter, thea is net so good, but from appeartiaces | the inapeptar | of Huron, to make such repairs baron ge the oy inte ered The cul ae a Py bey rer than iu fo! se | retroactiy and dishonest. The loz Fab. 2, at 8 siclok oo u i ' : iution J : 3 f rartala debt ned Routh Western | = Standard Beaver 4 aged couple have many years before them | as may be ne ay pcb took (plate ae Satand: I, when Me cards th Will n: va + alle Penh vise it the aie Hite oles r stream. a ser fer o take "snus oguatie ration the ar i i . et e ¢ e * ou ' o MM et &e ' erat that far cover | Samuel Roth Conse rc a ag ~We were lately shown by | Moved by Mr. "Lochhead, seooniled by Mr. very hatniliating "to ny ithe fact wae | oufes ; on, 1M a reat, ast ae cel Mr.-Pardoe pc the 4Battod Farry. er) ed dections uth | Matthew Coulter 3 Skinner # samyir af choice seed wheat, | tennoch, that $1,000 be granted for town | The Opposition ha} the frankness #hich (Gres le) Thea ae? A full attendadve fs toque ai T, Satara om she det Jest, ve Chadian Vgc ry Tailpay bave J.B, Edwards, Po ivant grown op Mr, tirant's seed farm, Collingwood | line =e ature, to oe divided according to} honesty feels, The (} -- 'a ma al wie io itn. He peal aR on fhe ate sk Sema ff ete 4 withdraws 'fain cate rad setae 4.8 MoMath. bere Panistther township, County af Grey, Mr. Skinner is | assessment to conspir ec, Now x i achenitens gehen . njane toe the Gere ment the loge as they passed, = coast i ve eel Robert Wood. agent for the seed, and we do not hesitate in Moved by Mr. Leversagn, secended by M : i ot m by my say not apes * property without giving ey wood, cate! @ toll iff . yor: | rene aeet saying that it is the Go SOE eee et ereneniE, RECON Ge ny atr. | air. Naten "sajounts tdnothing a tall. aro- tion. never said that | % C@uld. If property rights are notiB Stratford, fan, i2ch. 186% vantage} MK wid, om tue 2h ing the: wie , | Morr Peres bend '? Pa taee sheers Hs ever saw, the | Currulley, that no grants be made either tu | mises, nothing, and states aething. and isa the touedaty a ard was shel one, nor that prosarved te where will we be? Our Pea fm ~ : Sot ¢ X ' Casmpball . ommittee xan Re. aod the kernal exceedingly | bial lined of schuols during the present ses. | inere lodge te try to patch votes, The Op- the Streams bat ought to b law. He | "ht to our property is next in sacredness te AUCTION SALE ALL. Wh 1 | sat Seay ---- sown in this locality | position had glready placed on record af ¢ actually acted 4s Mr MoLare 'lawyer ant our rights to our lives. SirJohn Macdonald : . 0 5 een Hawkins yearp ed » remarkably mod ale. | | "Sh, Leversage said that at the June session | convention ip or geal Tast, and im the | contended for His positi The in formers | "PE have been recreant to bis daty had he nines Wo. Magill, | better by far than any other oven | ouly 845,000 had been Pe se for expenditure, | amendment m md by Mr. 5. White. . their disallowed eighteen tills in { we Hetormers | nox disallowed a bill which deprived a" = Trawid Brethour, re rll cn Siro cian nial ean 'by | ie weary $50,000 had been ty a tu 8 Views as follows : the Conservativps only sarinteen Gite In = This ot his p rty without compensation Freehold Property; y Py ebn 4 mers. iy ua | rete ina few years there would have to t after: 3 P " i nae -- Stewart, | cial ean Lr er Mr. ant at the Provin. | another fa ak oats mhures. ey empping aaa ee fek bat nb te folowing var are ort they Tegan Han = il a bo be samaed onda page rly pale Bee bi =e tt way Ta a Se poping ha a agston 1, town libe gran beti tu! were for: 2 doctrine : 7 + Pence tid ppherae a ms bbe eee sainples of the grain both i in is ateaw aoe bags, | $o the regular arenes at ddbontares This House is of pptuion thet jastich to as wholesome which, when in Opposition, they ace re ase vat ar down such conduc , down OF, STR ATFOR| if Sat nae, | Literary 'institute took place o on Frida even: | ~~ -20@re---~ would be needed. The townships were Mable | coaamods a Libetel ectensine' of iy 'peritashen fa Pilate bapent wiht ne te supporter (Mr. sve nin tie | A EREUEE Ae PRIS Sel Au ba es disecdrig: 3 ig ing, and wus very largely attended, "Litter woonsTock te if OF: torn lises and the council coslerriog updates mae, ek anion o4| tion. Tt has bepn twice Prins readin ogo The words in "thick Se © eer bill were : - pe ine by se ead from 'Majer Lartsout, Presiden pe} . should at pnce grapple with the a aeation. | ctbere not sow entrusted "uth the frapebion the been cordamand by the Supreme Court, Mr, | "issiowed ken verbatim from theidis- BDEH AND BY ViRTUE of a Power ot Som Shee, the Institule, who was announced to take the | £27 Uizo tx rae Haxoe or tar Powe Mc, McLarpn said that 1» Hibbert same privileges as red dpon Mowat claims t4 have provided . cna pi liowanee of a Prince Elva Island bill by Suatained § eowrlais Latentare of Mo ti. sc rt Clark. : hun: | chair. out bad been suddenly called to Togon- | 3 a # practice of rr; apis <ieiving on | Mt " be 3 opp the grants. Ties real atin an 3 compensation, Yat Mr. Blake once admitted | t* Mack aw ment. Sir Fras ies f will be ir sale by He Bae oi hina}, by the reg" Bgl #1- | 10, on G. T business, stating the fact of his pie porn street ae : ten refer ered to } small peo my he "e anne oes me pneare Comet wulticent, | Were we willing Hincks was never a Conservative, and be 7 agit monet, 3 = Seewart, ? ; athed ovate 1 re ' a! waves mr pro ' " pag ee nfl of the patony aight trial of Mr. the iy wa can didate cee of the ce money came nfislation ? loge ver floated | ° Sicuaaese Gav the toaidagy amar 4 the T THE ALBION HOTSL t ber i as re re =a Ve oe V4 . ' a 5 i 'r : ig adh cake ' with deserved) applause. Tho Vise-Presi: | wich Sap, Oxford at tia icon. charge ray = roe aarmay ea geo rt jot Ay Visa settod the Baek claimed that Onterio extended to |) os oon " i A tht roel | chai. pol hei P. Neild, therefore br jagistrate, on Tuesday w "aew 'oeetbenn |e | sed by the sa pg d epuneci. Iornet. The ae Mr. Panice's geited hy the arbitrator oa creat in aturday, '10th Feb' us tars, ; opened with an | | "4 3 i. - y i - ee paiement) * ection By the Givens geen vl cg nc Seti my "ar ded we ry ka scr ik { e La the gore rh Took Pr it ' ia as follows: | Whew the limit were sold os 'uanteges of On web kan ani preg eedatpeh rd | C ar ao hep aoe aioe ' ti " n bs ai ion Were cutt up * hi ake no gran or rom ia of J od Ontario when we tr it for deta: te th f bestit een ake perrel ef tant as. parslad out ih toms =A =e =a fins" with 8 burse and eutter poche oath | turing th the a present ea ee ; u the tends afar fst be arash' violet gare known Het Bee oo "t- | highest trittanal, for cog het anesticn: my olinahe ia te ie re co a T tetta medley b: other outier containing a young limb of | ewe re ntdrio xidé follow ing sul sera pe he habit i {n nis meh who were contending for thi rd % ms diet and ad We aie 7 wane fran Winnipeg, au a eoujle oe | ** mocsntion ar fi divake of this provime | nephew, dy ae ae iar ¥ oT 4 aot his we i . t repodinta * Comes wy" ithes. T 7 Rzcinen-- At. the Chara' of Lie 4 Baker ives ic One aivie young ladies. Lo¢al sports, who A col rom the panty eed ot oe Pegi reg eye that if} to make Harnenk, to attempt | the Washington treaty and. the 'Pac j , havian 9 treatece af ane ttslyn y MAgeeavon. Bi Pe TY; Out, 08 "shares was given ine style and the fan, were he nixte the60 f the Titan © take it legal forhim to do so. We are M ic rei ara Aibwet Meine Ris Jiauary Bib, by hersiSex bere aie 4 med to take well with theaudience, "Two's | Wi Sxnbderent, ongh the | & ot be ry ing persion az that patpoms could buliding up agrdat country, whose pdpula. | r®% . Thet milway was paid Pare toot. : true *Chrve au 'Uf Peat Furry, Ont. Ww Company and Three la none," by Mrs. ut was handicapped by additional onal | Prt io tnemoralsing ee On dor. ete 7 Ba gir ete # | tion will probabil) be doubled daring the next | {or by the increase in the Customs duty) at Pree tie oh ce eee Spee Wenmand. of Battale, BE ss leh ras the got 0° ON ae, BIN WE Ai ie ny Say De ee sioner oh te | Sioainy wi Pine therwgev af ach mani- | ertee cottahe in in eeciaiy w wat ten years. Avy pf the sons of Canada may peinnleay. Tha hondery qoevtion stipes "d teens i SOE 6 tem SL een tn thosiastionll cored. Theresding, "Asleep Clyde's tur at the rendez. ss ai <a ha Jatario statutes | yoo which ton peo} cauhs ito be consulted; | Ake their hous in any pari of Canada " vet decided long ago, as ye met Ae | further parthutars "apniy * DEATHS OF at the Switch, oy Miss Patterson, was e1- » Chief of yy Pamcon he finance cotmmmities, as | thet the spy neral ¢lection will aud ure inheretie in the prosperity not of | he? but for the Reformers. Mac; oy 8 t, ond radii: A down the bouse. inoarhe it ge dig on the 'pa tepre: were also communications from Ho nate and ing' the' wisban ut tae. poopie, Got the h ela only but} of the whole Domini of | never + Pe iiament outa, Mc 4 M RBICH & DRAYTON, ede ot tek brother Shr . Ditty, sentative of Pree to 0 to ous probs tie ty ing wat tele hat the . ion pergis aus millions Fer aera 9 wy onpoer or he would act hare} Vendor's Solicitors, ieee va Khe owishe, ea cor Sie dea," which was also well receive. The follow: ® Pa 'dhoroagulare , and hauled pam tment of a paste vie comminion by the ton tant no sack Giekuon of the frenchies Mii | last aiz mantis, ¢hich show, the rapil ac. | {lt it neeessary to have an Act of Partiament pas wee Toremts.: GAN ¢ were interred iy tecedake Cen ee eee 7 y eh ths ul be with i in | ing Indies and gentlemen also ably conte). | Oe *t of the race before the P.M, who, air | | Duminion Government. Pure catsatueser aa b fore Mot Sith Proper | cumulation of wpalth uuder the Dominion fared seofrming it, Mr. Mowst in June! f ' Vinal mah ee en iN Rhweet, 'ad the! sod bind to one of the most saccosstyl ggpeert weartas Caeriaance, ink stamped ai i Fiidey. 26th Jan. , "clades who ta falriy and foeee sd | Government. Wh have nine hundred miles - pint i that all ott the - i AUCTION SALE my Se fou we, ky gsr bgt * s th q ite 4 i : iy . By BAD. endo there wt omparison with the boundary ede ' tayiany be ics Hell, Mise Bart beng rea "0% fine his horee-racing to the Driving Park, | The Reeve ¢ Ellice hasjegused to be serv. | The Liberal i ed i 7 | eset ace the my a wl ded the Stratms bill, bat now be claitee ety 'use oa 'telus fot Nits THe of ghese |-Miss Chute, Misa Drummond, Mesare. T. } *ueWed him to depart without i the | @d Upon the Warden a summons to show | Grit convention, fanything posal end of the Duatishon when : decide but uable "Pro ort a danghter of iF: { ' \ of } Liddte, Tossdale, G. MoLeod. ey $1.00 or thirty days. The Win. | 84S Why the County Council should not (meant, a hill could have been brought in tf; | ef the province is|actively reaped tate raat cate the X 'ational Policy was sconaload. ; pe y i | 'ats wise }form paiof the salisidy io Niven and Threader, After the concert an | "iPt@h*r, After depositing bis precious freight | hep Up the Northern gravel roads. Pros seasion lise 'he party's winh, Thig | ing the prosperity) of the country at large. | ~o: otic did not go fo the csncns ER and by virtaeot 4 fo i 1 Gay tan Babi ie ail y. they mbat we yuire tesecbly waa held which was 9 very. social | ¢ belt pig hrer gg made stich fast; P* pda roo pe r ant lawsuit. -- cone mare aah done, as B saat Go voters to sustain the men at a i ee speaking. | Weeoutsined is « Caras Wiese me EE the im ae 7 titte fre ; | Sitme, that was co petra, and men) and passed some unins- pposition last tara made » | Torenta '| i z never sai % boun bed Praiueed atthe ti: wiigg | ee very)traly mindy matte lee hie WO 84: | st ae ere Tine portant and then adjourned to the | tical Propaaton, 'Bet pathingp raaheal ene Cl pi nd te ae ae Roses award i¢ all right; he never sald that the | DH id on me ot sale, there wi Ponghte ; ; i a "Brucces, | ait prevent.' Tha: an well 3s the eoncest wea a a mae: fe eaenta) e where they cattpey or fy 3 det >and the i interests of the whole nation, Mr. Hawkins eet bill was just ineo far ag it affected Thursday 15th of fa ' 1983, tHebsion Eve . MIP... an unqualified su i BLMA. ; vs - <-- pig pi i whole collan'on'a ket cm a tied ant down amidst reat applause. peed lee rqore ali 'soulda' hay- a ' ' ay Pen iad ia a i - --aeey anes --_ : j tots. ' dary ques! Sh & tri. Le 'clock i et } ' : . ae ean To ar transacted in three hours, instead #! four | Government tried ta trick th: MR. THOW'S SPEECH, banal will 'be respected by the whole | | gAt! o'clock in Yheattarioos, by. fee eal te =e tet. serra a . t 3 4 ; salah 'ar Inevitable. lowered days. ite adden debute pos motion for whi The . 7 Dominiag? The French Capadians are blamed | Tat t A ee ihe "Caeatngtac, ehats. « ok tha a ats ; © Grpcer.gnd the Wido-r. -- ae, ay @ they might be un : Bat Mr. Me: chaifman jcalled upon Mr Trow to | turinterfering in the boundary award, but the ay vis Kno t, uctioneer, e Snvaibe and thdays - 7 i WULAARtA AND TRE DANORIS COMOX. pre Frag arches up ' MANITOBA \BLEOTIONS wat the tHukshess ror, eae meeered him that he would have & | accusation is false. Take four men out of Bi List of Candidates Returned to the Fry are rah th viealing ena\| in fair play, ee teed ah tites etree ok, ae, Meee | 1, belie s = OT Bx , Rhee and Comfort to the Suffering. Ps A ong we ofan Op: . Tight mneily i m Local Legislature. position resolution regarding the franchise » Trow commenced by saying that he be sapaeed. as far as ability is con OWN OF PALMERSTON, tor ra Hoare iptersal andiex. patents he { -- And in order to acdompplich their end was unprepated tojtmake Blong speech, not | Cl, by mea taken indiscriminately ued! fares Pais m the Bide, Back er Birw: printing SovpeemEnt 20, ordoerries 10, wrrm ox | hadto adopt the ungatel Rn os bettie 4 having thought fot a moment that he Neat from the Goan ty Councilsall over the oduntry 4 eae and 4 t San 1. 40, Fiace dodge of moving their' r be allowed to r constantly speaking disparaging] y Fy _ a * Ret s t 0D; to vom: test Su 'Mr, supposed that | Conservativar were ao | the Conservatives in Loeal House, and power q ? _ § Pity sg patoly so Arye ie Pardee adopted. the abenhaget as « Goy-/{ Courteous ax to allow I te. address they havd very little grounds Yor their. bra A Bale mans pas, goene was aaifisting fa ny thetr meeting, thought in this\anatrer | Y840. The Ontario Government should not a the ex treme If wanan exynsticn otpatitea! | eas were as 'fxolusive ss Melormers, interfere {5 Dominion affairs. It in desirable In the 'Comes 1 Vert | j * smnall potetote * of the ter}. He cpntessed that he know go | for 0 bould be hk 7 be Saarapae y of Werth Gr: pd ---- t+ sttle about th fi { the inp sree the Ontario ad Denies Govern: pri be ' has of Sa « brides os sie 3 PAL MERSTON. 5 Mr. Mackenzie and his bet! oF purticuiars apply te 3 Bie E a; T bond Macussien' Inerrtpiin.--Hereatter the in Broutsson, . * EARS easy: iio EN og es he reeves t nt " O'BRIBN & GIBSON, i _ Mothers !! is brig acted : ; was is nat any se howe atory ag ps : , vowed to have been me \ committee: ns ; ; taste bas watched re stance pouadty te Shyoaghowt vith We ¢ greatest sont ensue aed x ' es I The m rgting then Cloned with theere for i Ae Messrs, Pigral ce Srsin the ehairieat, Daly | aes and Hesson, three times three for Mr. Geo, poten honbent, ma at wa i ; aa tae ger { f the ae ES "tc BNCED AC ) AUCTIONEER aH the ES ved town, bis 4 aeouringg ' = Sey. coeahing him by oa obaracterized "he however, thea threw : McLaren was cteange wating same on A were be would . ' - cts ' 2 ; fe [be 'Cunwilisa 7 45 off had not brave 'at the maees pad ad : : » by bjs * Milwau- i ; SS 4 on night of the ; % ielleues oe Rez rer ae} 'Hunt's , : * Rte ae Shack pane © Majority for 1 e ' Ricks Sel tay Sa £ 3 / é

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