Stratford Times, 21 Feb 1883, p. 4

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3 ie Hates afternoon ' esd berg : weeld's leon " taly walked Sigs 7 j ; ay paces $i las, Tired yf pron , head Ion in really #0cb a vary devedfal blee 1" 1 McCabe, of betbor, 'and find it again? || cheek, re York tpl ales paren. Beles ' retiee : * HS ch donor wage that small feet pribeed ec ext = that the : Shri vindeor Mormot: He cives ont foe vrer}body will be aang a8 Nie ots | a of her crew | restof the railroads. P planes town peter Bik _ Buyyesss b4 et hae ety ce . wae s ' never 5 a ee mana care eee Deri, Texas, i dead, of pnea- Th one ator i hy read come overcast an aoe i like whet reper" hea ' spark ent phages trinerkintscare Seka * cheno ines At the close of the present session the A Leaakarn tra f the 'The young lady whe wie Gate et Gn Maree uis of Lorne will go to Eagland. An score ag man broke two ribs = ine og the bloods sagelstes the bowels; _ t St. H P ibe making bos blow on a pester ta direatly Seen Wate sorry for the you peor: Louis, Henry Drew killed his wife the other day, Wibeta bleasiag for fod pee teeectetnm dl aeons Ue whale we where word brings on The that he sever took to oratory. P " ber, bat just think 1 bringing | evpaarr of the Gavel mowamest A Brooklyn " : seven hu: ss # £7,000 geal a ona esate en ae gat = A Gyear-old boy st Ballast, Mi. bal for cha » American companies have applied way tron 650 tg-a8i000, fh broke thing ve | embur ery wivanced idams He hap « doll which chasters to beild o ships' canal soroes | KO0W beass and another to estimate num wusy, ed the} : stusagemonly bo let + fall ool, whos fer 'call bie wie Recent! pene eiling tems bers, ar A with 75 ae rages wien! <j ie deepair, he stood and Wpoked at his lovt.| voy "iy pe ature plans, and pee bee | Mr. Aadrew Broder recei The --_ pet of | Femelning vases: || Govermmen ' spoils. ie " aa tbe bright- faced apa ee) 1 shall Vecome a sane ad. and | Liberal Conservative ve lene ee ce $5,000, aad a an wend. tae atin of Bed to pide it. be filled within # few | ijacee th: ree erg ig ees stranger stepped to the bey's side, and ssid thea see me 12 o'clock at " | igure It looks sort s : desert SH was to one ; creda. = pogpesssr as wi & tome ' night." \ 10' mean for the . a 5 . i . . ne oF thorough kindness, "Let me |". Will ge lee reached Cairo that the 7 {to beat a man ont of 64,995 and an editor > by eS ae i J Druggis naueh, heen. She are eee a cot cared red with Zortas. It te other laipadice while you piek sp iow. it Som," tayo mm enmtonsiol uses dan have yielded to the Here -- leat under 'the billows of sand 1ii64 were stor teen} immense demand for laelaten, nigh gives aetirity to tq liver: b "for mercy's mak don't There must . being rails ia locali seerenee j keep tramping epand down the Boor in that,|| The Iishman-Beattic case has _ }ent pereane ee a ix aiiters an ; ts talon tread jomagh, and es: on TO cree, Ons iyope awe Sines. | eit: ering 6 te igs ofthe a ment on the whiskey eu Raed l Anciont Grave-Digger. a egetine- oe ERT Ry pes Fores EW seaplane cell heel tan * seb round dawn are tronic ty | _Htvae formerly cost-mary to make ; 3 ~~" FRUER SONGR--he t- mew trousers . aN : beat things 0 {never neett sues a buy 'd '1 mela from the steamer a Wik ; fiat >, arly in 2 acini comic prt demand pyres warpticed fo jearn that the Senne ve a} +7 jesmor, how came you to | miserable on by her ownersas & | season nS ek whoa tu th nes will sie Ste Heat ks were eivcted: for: armoran twedicivey Voetigg constantly Canta pe cope ot ok : . : ° Y" Professor: "Al : " ] 7 ia is the differ: fi; Pe cs Among other comicalities mare «a At het) i fi 'and ry & he pose flrs pels ry oe ~ AS The ara steamer Quebec has bees a a ng the average Washington ledotindee sacred ti athe should wear an ean er ar own country aa: ° wii SON. tat RANK . Aaagh go Pape | ey tyke, aed inert waive at Liver: |" by, Wild, of Toronto, Hee to hid jemschocsooes sche Kehoe A a BES hand he Wet ¥ at her with the pore p eae mt mm one ino : . 'orouto, ry ten how he act fur, mig Forest aed ek den 48 i 1 hope. ae we m hee 'emily, Ay: A fire | broke oat in the Grand 4 rk canis' teban ier | highs "This woul] eke fa atl dpb rg weed it ot "the remoteet far - aii: l i Bats stare? | ey sheds at i Pint i. the gard: : } " i . the second, eon evident shal tl ihe Sd "Why," | Clare Hell mays por tr they were destroyed. . i Kotecy. eee oat grave-digger prepared himself to un" wt it was pained ite D Y SP EPSIA 1: wskoal the tear: with curiosity quite | man, when asked bow bt cet young wo-1 Thus {ar 200 ) Quarterly Boards of wa New Hapland contritiutes apthing to the raphe tat storm "by having ineased vocrwhare oo ieee nt truemg ( saan Venkat w orme Spewnatras ladies, but they never : ae -- bea iomed her, to utente et oe of Canada ha 2 vont -- ° - tee ee this year, But | sorte of shapes and puttrrns. | When San i ples an ing, and of te he 'a this anon: rout 2 a ae : ha ab gp rom 8 he grad who qhestianet hee: any te the sir It ie ae thet Mr. Smith, lady whats cat wés run over Hy an an ioeak, cease fad peony apse nae 4 diegine the i ies can live better for less money wot ir pag : = pom Hepat Nee ce Te Vaink they are ladiow and ien't and them as Yee ever bier on whose lps or mustache you Seargeant-at-Arma, has also = Dente Thine apart and Gfty sentof ioe will be | #82 to aH xB a Bae Poa i " Rotel in thee ll thas af any Other rad oe be a aly ; ce] pa pee Gia mot taste téhacao? been appe sored Jor. coohn : waistooat alter At and decides to RICHARD KING, Rox 346, tries to be and be." pad ' Y" And the ovsrersa- teens te the vew § - Aenlips rod Auburn Prison next sum. | T*ittovat, which « "it va A San Francisos pp oe teeta eee = & Out Sagages he f . R paper. Ah! No amoug the audience i keel " : & Merete Pri wo couhanan' sys & tolbeg: wane eoting of uneasiness in Paris still con- know whya jail is called "the cotta." © Agger relieved hiuuself Pg Bag Boer ey ohiet prosernted ft bribes ues Fee 06 ess ear : equal with bat alt a 3 >, eid room of = young lady at Milford, | Yet for B strong government. pe A man at Lawrence, Maer, didn't know 'aul, the boy digger, imoased himself in the goal, worth three re aad. thers could: be 2 4 a., the other night, and stole a fino growth! Charles Le how be wns to oyaad Vo February end MM. cast-off veats, which tneruatads the scalvos.ef Have You Tarp 1 westerns ares ethasiah. tes qorae of baie from ber Reed, bat It does sot explain aoe bt an 'ounce iprig took three. | 'n Fieriés, but some one propa Pra e mp ag for, ae No. t r, No: fo ite marvellous po Tift, yn ca = r teen count tone, daeay thai ' y the young lady did not hang her hair . am, but | ¥™* fo Treasurer, and the $150 enshlet |p fry ee, ial Stier = he At, ge pee hte friends, We' rete 7 SEB on the back of a chair before retiring, be | " The Spanish Counc ane ie. | Hin hi cable | alt outdone, kept on the remainder ot Bap io ee to : Segity nad | ME Seetereston, cuevenenecn, ieisieroasia et and | dided tot trent. 20000. a cages steno han. de» pAb exchange says that doge under favor. |Opelia' areve and somuanced digeing Gracy cramps, colts. the stom be eee and Flower y < masters neglected to be 30 years old; ; . ' 'ag 9 ae Pp ey Hain W oman--Rlow shall you be able to | meo glocted ta riser ta 1870, autres | abd Pack soeens idan "tesepahal een The Worlds Malirenas, ieee Seagal pre al vig oy oy 5 iseenene ae venti venenn 0 stances" eae ' steectio elvan So Peaifil porta She ues ot vet ane \ The ey a icon Ohio Valley, which it boys or naighbora, a of fed 249,500 miles a: roms mm Baw stance bar forge ne tn exper _ ig: iy bse = te mere! ANENT. cla! means? Eas: ad wubeicd vty h am. railroads at the » re are) | M cf he preprie . 5 Weahingtoo, nod appear & inte | hii andthe "eves lo mow rally | ota for pun of logwoed. wan aca rived, the trck wat daared oftiph, Spek | Beresdiste attention Nae aiche cough whe ge aaa fa wi | receptions there, be papers of the en os fatne. ¥ billed bys tir ade gut oawoed. a recerty 108,00: A io . the | Bre aeel cet opiss Mig UF the ase ot 8 ten inesticisi« a " a 'e. ; Australi i : ; at ajmonio Syeupe bave continual te flo 1 will nextday gloat over your ravish ,, Postmaster Townsend, of Wheaton, Mich a woman wants to dye an old shaw! aha is | Qaceet,inlands, S481; Reta ard ad. | penenetn thin, acovnclitiontpatit | |, Resin had last your' 776 maging =a" i te tie - DRINK LAWSON'S TEAS | ion, from the attack of surmount all obs! nited 8 ed all : ' wover, Tow + Boats ; fi mem gore Wh 4 ul ical condition, from th prepared to tates | Regn Wr ar @ | the storm bie ant five difiork | lieations ratte ten Soe pertains Babs } ry ens Rs human nature must fore tamed Sai * whom he refused | A man in Summerville ie mamel os fold, it having at that time 108,831 seine ct on attention be d rkneon moe | he wireless et -- The larg- in the ¢ following: "When you see vil ly that h niet somploted road. Th ie pear, but the simoom maintained ith vig- Faget ¥ "oe mida ~ sailing down street shorty: aft. |. Tee W ashington Ways and Moan Com- 'umn out of pl ' -- Sek extent of railroad is 'ional, Ohlak' had pel ban nightfall Yestorday janes 'i "yf ptdyhen seerscieees etenh mallee, ware ever, arprenngs + i. ptt se wit rs aur'price Hat, chodse Ne. and elk bal palit hin collar mashed down bi -- of the house of re tatives have the sneeze int of letting it fly he Sonid meh Great Britian comes next, with journey the parsengera proceeded on heir # bottle of Briges' Electric en toot Fae : | corn Prive in Lrettetored letter, ond Toa wil girl orawtin i there' ore be © reread Dat the siaty on iron | Dave burst i ore than a million { 5.281, Russa bas 14,779 miles, The bout i townlce he was Dhade | without toa tabene te froma drug ore, Vegetine is Solid by Au 4 bys ag OP etairs not fer distant with Plabed at 6 fifty sporty ments, rag: | United States at the close pf [881 had with bi et sensational incident, as gagge ot! | If ttn wit Drugzists, | bayer Pens wine thus opportunity togeta Cad * der ber arm and an extinguish: he invent tion One of the fi y io Y miles as much a: z 7 eaghoor at work att ni; febttaad . would be lectly wure that your ___BUSIN pentngyrotine' sunreses dy of F Tea. | et Ring inher comin aera = Jom of the | itl land to the ats 2 re York | Eovopn Tt itt the year wil | GtSan Fr gt any ba | erik dew will wit be fond oat the beat z SINESS 0) CHANCES. _ EDWARD LAWSON, 4 raaiied qibveok mang curling rang, and' oiler ha H mb sed) i et law Sime Ese wisn Frangiecs Beaminer, any. ee | mpm nt porokse.. | ft woe ime some other | recently hen" snide enly ah '4 ae tee | locks | Sultan's wp nr is apok < st the pao hg re door and Rbree years there will bens man aa ian oO --teborer i k i vai oe Nin Wentworth Victoria Tea Wa aa 3 hought of. in astate of | bands, gave vent to a dow ble bd up her Ts pokeo bed ettreet. But ao tive Raper miles of railroad in the United many or ' ancaie Varie rota resturer aod "ane ery A thin good | ea suse tease | abalibo bad woken the taba | two oli yell, which ole nargeng forty: Palm ala Manuiacte guests enoose ow ay © contented "aa | All the rest of the dah Ley Aig Staten, os fa Ja reply tothe ties, ae. BS ioe: es new inapennyd aad p visvted, 40 niNTUSH wpe balance Ld % BANG. STSAEE EAST. SomONTO t et for | hole he house appeare tae py teat me Bf mt authority to b . re " i i al "of eafficieat import: : ere Py rhe. wala sult "apolar od f $20,000 by the action of = Finn a A peasant in Sweden pe make -- P = ine in once ot Keg Staley o f fie ren fvented a restore tha : wg ba. in voutherots Somme tae on he mr. bagging are late anager. "ing w-peasant wi wiiend a polite fe Biting of of fe Yioaian Sliver. array ns the ord er of their excel pee, Try it "sala by atl Arn at ee Foul tenkeokered ease ree the back of her ps 'After the pestorme apnea Mos waloes keeper is- shia explain so many Swedes | j The British Museatn has just acquired an | 'Th Gi eros in ae of ten are an belive: anid droga : ' ; mesg tial to any act of her | ance was over, nisl citticcans vaste pettorm et viacarda annoanc! a would bet ee to thiac ccutey. They equa to avaid interesting collection of silver obiecta | H e Green teas are Cotppreder, Inggrial, i roe aged Wants 'te know: "What are i os , larelture, svaF on is tur one. |dusounet ion ake tat docieet the ben lat te tal ice sit stugsstcahone gg eclerebmyra head. , daily Li yson, Young Hyson, Hyson, Hysogtekin | SSF eo cxmning to?" Coming to Wk Goon fine upebing. MACK; | Cutarring Th = Yount testing the | slate pencil, wi ch seeped ie Ws 1m the Loridon Lottery, = Homan © been found h "ne fin: wankay; the black are} te our + girs rr ies : Khas, Teo Aiseaees of the ioe mc om God ¥y iefy. Wi 7 e had been ebrii found in the coset atl ri ea "tna | ol wre mao Tass Sa] Suttlig feng tha ea Se pape Oe ea ALEXANDER. CSE o } a! be ' penade Bere oe i 'ioe nee nei wet |p ne pce Lavage seed | Ptr Caaihcoetnty tether Sos eee ae sR PE 2 7 ----_-- - e(iuelph Agricultural College ° a. jerk while he was read axcthime-- You can feel them, bu' eoran omen oy TOR, - OLD py VALEaTENE. . Lol Quebec Ultramontane parents are oe Ni a = Ot seo them. Grand transformation cen mf PaDTOSRAPHIC coODS = " cna aoaeeeee | & Few Thouxhts a = | opeenvertte: to throw cont wanee apes nthe 0 weight Sletten ee orn Extractor, that p sitive somnt Pong Sai eeel or ccipimnie re og y a | t St. Valentine's brn ot Garb pablia hon ae to Me er Lange | care ar me maar ts ew mea wo weil core: partnam'e Coen Fi tractor oult i ' ot: o , because b-- This is shee bag te ma ne fy erritiest | ven There may futty concl bs ay flewh, be itien In for lor abtety than Nahe, her wartiorhuw | windows wath a bn "ot the hokatore | givens | There are any tet wo woul carry the | the ean "a wivarunjhy or ole |e give i hgher pecan nfo bh igevery romper. 'K,. Poinon Ese i heir Leas wos di je oF shop, Atne the oe 4 Sori veit a er Soden . "" i is 4 agai of ber tercor-etricken | pate Rema ctr ardd, eco me sciod apie omtont A only Named One intel tro waa a le A Pension out in Natehez secured a | §°4 neometation; rae isa Bs jrongher of a species of olive, "atireraderr st ig An Admositien j Also, & ale hcents in thes Dominion: of, Cai frwnd, Kapiolani walked a handrod miles | plase Go one: Hisheles ix con itted. ta" ian Montreal by the anthoritres, when a mob on Phe handed 'oceee of $1,000 and | fom the vase-handle and 'dishes, the judged fitactor GUA hae a6 cane; ne i the & Toneglest a congh or cold, is but to in- Thy Mena ~ her he who is just as familiar to every cre and attacked Mr. Prezeau, the ot 8850 as ais 'te ey --s the | distine ay Bes Rebylcaian under infiu- crop. For, sm teas, + he cousumption, that deatroyer of the '0. 112 and 114 Bay Street | Mack's Magnetic Medicine leo, tion pleasure | #8%% an orkshop may dat te from th green leaves are t man race. Hagyard's Pectoral Balam will i ves | conquest of 'Lisxanier --The A om, we od in eheiew we + haloes wou pre Cen yo ee allay al! a uf the 7 General & Fi ina jal Ag | E By *. Na " t immediately after they are g: beoue jungs, an etna ne enc s ~ y Aree i then 2 . rémedy all pulmonary complaints, gi yi a ee man (house of everlaating fire}--in hem thrabing wild " © ten wi rolled with thi arty: Asth ach , =f agg | era y than cr. Quebec wh: 4 , my x N tn Russia. i 0 hands. ; wna, Bronchitis, Whoo % 4 ES of . ' fe ae ag gy mar 9 "tay "death | oriilalg ~ {imu | min 'groom haa taken = ti | New in consi ain into the pan, and quickly dried, fhoing | ' ming Cosgh We. | sm ituses ¢ Cnanoon Maatects rel § (ons ye ners but deetructior the is | in th ka of iat cy tueplayed The majl tral and requested him not to as a special favo | doutinae Peeve t ene erable fhumbers do | kept in rapid motion by the han id és a ott and any Kind of plains aie ep jf ON ' if eit | ina « ood be! aodone, 'od many a coy maiden | Sound sturk fa going south from Owen | The groom should make such @ req meet | prosper in spite of th and apparently to 'i Thus prepared, they ares A BP Een angrate prom eble} mh ddonu» vanes mame. aria - Dery to aigrinape ont eet whic rms hep selina hy xed to think recently, and remiae sr " Markdale unless she has a cold-sore on her lip. a et the dangers and restric. | dullis color, but become -- -- at "eas mae | seeteives cares N i. e at trom her rashactz but, | sane that h a to hc mimeigintda: | The latent addition to the British Museum spread out * Under Lane. Toran Weak' Memory, foes ot Carolee Power er a je tin, , out i i eome ti He " ' 1 tegen te too, ba a coloured porte fon ithe com qznia cia at wt hich a owe paar) careful ex being iatheaod. Th kn 'sae thee tossed "39 wh "| pnp imo it Wea wan -- teeeal A om } ti ve + . test, the nivest and | authe act uf pasta (a wear which indicate that Net's = sad they become, soft and yielding j € =, | vonetes ie tate ntelieet ' to him she | be fell pass vada hen - ae o FOung man. Human nature deen't | ® ie ter are tren a an pio E ms saw reels {in either ae Se ° frees nuctustrating the rage af Mule, Gathe cme ans pitas month, aud died por lay ae "the e pon much, though years roll on. andurpoing - poy or @ little | wae sis =A, pm Sd odeh onder. fue etvo | a handfyl of ole . neriss tiene . b im- remount! . a : ioe Maple good u nu ; ae wey ndtal uf mcred abelo berries, eves coo; [Tytience What a beautifully tla ra oo doespoahd of 'yous' lacy seau ouking g club . ' ey are railed epon at wrtane, act wow, J, De HER IY iY | mena if he tatenea dors mat to retupal tre : - taba rite, instead of <# "derision ch }eure' It muy ten i: ne MY: 'a Pon brea a= ited & TRAFOE. Bae shock Afver parsing four pony 4 ean! Finnish, and Lia Sportal saeco object being to get A ee Psy Pompne arti be Mesie nar 'in ths the crated aaa peace offered to the pay boae| | clerks and delivery tn . make Post 'an eating pickled limes and writin, ; 0 | are 19 a Se tw 0 moisture, and at the ma merkst amphiet sent free by mail te Hay Gathers ; a eo profane, v= how ATale of a a Lenety Lire the boys, with 7 " ia to h jy, and 93 | te twist the leaves; ani belt are tate th he Wood tt tet ue a threw ame | fiapey 3 right ' 'i are pall brig hte and Wishing inot to " ppear i t they ae atin down en ining pes =p <1 fo ey he analy poeedl bai the van i ait dace he waste a rte : for we by her of he anomiadomn ba happier for jt folk eocentric, but to | tical. peac: | act ie teil ~~ dried sl OX M CHURCH S fi Beeb aig ° Standing there in the " 'oliow the fashion, I resolved to 11 © ti ' 1 é u TR EET | money, by addr i oa Toon pre at BEHOLD Tam LITT . ie ive up toa ot | pe de circula: Th : res. The : f our celebrated | et aT) reas : Maks We . nt tal akaral penomneda on earth, | poewving it tro Tray atpEs pot. Therefore, my own little tin plated thecal thake by ar lovee ad is given | goo; hae 71, | Giatetatn varies te qenstiny 004 beat nad eheazr md Reather 6 exe. the | Mieada ne asada -- by * : terrilje conception o m the postman, whe look, bo wiht xpence, having sprung a leak, I wanders by | the ail and th 13 pera in wicceesion. 5 Lacy at pe 2 pot deity, Kapiolani calmly addrensed her shyly, while she tres to ap stevens at pores time another, a blue-and-white ie ing bere -- tea-plant cultivated pie a list end for + aes price i~ Saisie 'dwn iat de as they stood appalled at their tine. Tet miyleenes tn her hand is a vee | --son8 tee phe ie Strand picks it ay aed ne gs bt ger ond Tm Hand ot of Death he a Babys Face. Lan - a wich mthore -- RELIABLE _ 7 | ah oe ere meee (amen ey ensaennery tere Sara etree evince | tee eae mene | ot iyng te 3 | 7 " m = cake 'ea po! ex! y rs ago in the ---- i ber i imple of her own » the ancred in- | only----on Gatmeal porridge for k toan papers palm it siecin their readers. Hagerstown, M me Me ae } might be a and if one | principally, and the ary wee When an American , ageratown, Md. A baby born w: fre ' eonla es cist 1 & follow hee there he | ter, A re Seay aoc, 1 and but- Washington. from a Parag -- reaches mark ie her face was taken to where an old Tob Cotas, ix Clites, : Fhe aduire it and se would apes tt and | lation enable distant re- | miles distant t ss hundred | Wiored woman was lying dead, and her ae acary, to China early in the af osetia eee Later Near e nae we sed is wae from the right one | Teapot = foun Tagen. pee th ital oer Baw rveonteng Th sn tlegeni a oer tg alii rated depeatedlly over the poet ee Toking fn the olanda i. a in sameieiee an | ne woul: - G 'i ' . i nated o| rial ram jeacriptive anid » ij Jonliah: over these thing it. Girls wil b to breakfast on on obs bat ad wy re Aaeal veasel should resch Washiz erament war | ng Ssuperstition that by #0 do- -- sing Ss the islands of $a u cad Beatoars "Cultivator's Guide? . L a ss, yo ow " bloate hington safely, | 38 ald di and Formosa, Pro eae ; uitivater's Guide for 18S, gent free oa & eo day, hi Ch you know, and | Likewise to my m< hee after a voyage of a few hand, . y. of the xi isippear, The mother hie lant inland plivation. Address, ne Ayr | pela ' dns looks tk ies -- pari ri abe, ao aatikedl os 2 Fer salt wi s* regarded aa a rem wre ile poche the ne ag erg <s Niele tes mo} mt China s Lett = os i SrIacnece ph, pretty little coasjuest - es, ham tongne, brawn, mx ' wasentirly gone, T - ew months | hibitory edict issued rie © roo sempre ED HOUSE valentt: se 6 bo | stared a quest, and that | meata, and rashers of tacon ; aly AR hae ee ld, wit gone, The girl ix now 19 years | Prox sed x ' , sl Be . ; con- ----- id, with a» complexic _King 8 renee! et | ey iermeps aa ae | anes ge Tac | eee ee Bari howto mtr eee ETTLER . endered tovareelves or oar | iy, yw ¢ cherishes "tnost aad ur Po did, ttered myself aoe " ---- ---s Tau ' lin which : . ery article | live up to yeelt, i -- Sato a Fak OREAT OUI . _ jet hich i 0 ore the beaut cory | vary cn tie Teapot I ha " ial "i re. But | 4 ait decnaie main broke his back with « Ravens, but net Kittie 3 Mawns. 10, Manttedea. the Great S egg ME FOR , en in thet en, toa weil ng up u Oregon, British Colm' ' Cumaélim Malice, | owy future that is a am well ancy ith ge he awks, an old tise clos wentand % = smite b +l ahowsk to kero one whe wi the gratiti- ring the tirst half of January { sar New York di Theta oe ny salt ' areal pb sys hear : ard, ee beauties of | just a little 'She way err cry over it, g ornl things, "Sette with a rr dcpations Mtg of quartz mining w ore tysoedad ba j an of bis harsh tetas Poeese seca [oi i we 4 Sree Pome RES bad ao by | Hattie, Bevoklya abd, Murray Hill gris |® ¥alentine-before, she may never received | My maidat-allwork broke wal | onase of his," increased ie : el twyond compariain, the Moatreat | sai, bat chat toate eee oe | eee See offthe tip of ite | Mr. Fresiman, the historian, intends 10 | "Don't trouble you Se a ang Pear of opt | epartmcn | "s Hapadsigscomratgeeol: girls asd those from the. other Canadian valentin olish little "pothing of a | caused the tee to di bite ¢ fracture collect intoa volume h " Tenpireasss ~_ S to | man, "the Lo nasal be ovwill cate for trys | oe iene { hot as sowereign remesty > ~aere a ic cl tok iy hear ' be rd vo rveaoriciont writing of the | a cloth and then'that Teapot nag ecping liv hited States," whic! th hive a cor ete young ravens hart Gey cry cal bf the ui ae in F "rig & iets wt) | ator pola at Montreal, proves | on the road sh MAKK A #POT upto no mone, Never trust a T: highest v magazines. Ppeared in i yt said the cecgyumoe "tht rehing ts | He opium hye 'cent éted MUTE: ' , AM, ane | 71, q " sh : * eapot bo! ; o zg > ry sing as anything where cach object / there were aig perplsage a girl where Ate ane Up, to the care of servse a farmer advertined that if the about the young Hawks. Bis malice bogie, HPORSTER, ATS. me iT 1S Aa SURE 'cure, i . ald | ' 7 aud birds, and | 5 i unwisely confided o run off with bis wif P om ; ig nig alr opens Stw old by all drogscinta inted so much or |. Ryo sky. Perhaps st Teapot supplied i yd dren, and. Me, twochil- | 'The : t ortraite i oft lis facture Jibs Bheswmatins Hes. wack ' D the pe sie will Kee: t supplied me, pentin dou! and 85 Id rete: : soe acter Digger . arte Oo. i. Cathy % \ sort be alt ye "apirtts hae '4 od every nd. | re he ps abe -- oe ae may' ea: Fieain be sagt & re Beall Aa Bh he might koep the indony am poy wife ones |, * Some acai ae Wks x i only rreptitionsly when US tad rbolnete aete 'me nm every pair Ly th pleasure of being teased crown. This was a mode | During th th sd iliams dag | ed snticis vould et | mek i ot Ualy at Lay | uaet che Ql aieat it Wt Knows | teatrare. ner wat ep Feat | emer are Mae S| x we which Tama wok in. a srack | A nian ght wight thrown "Forsia™ | The Aux iliary. Publishing Ga sore inevery pals. o will do with i. | Perhay ng so firmly as to resist fob. | wearon it » _ Duriagsthe dry | ie ry roedieizs 'A Urs. is . a lagen lly ee wy i a | wc ute a ae ele HE a | fot hereto tareree| arya ee ek dee | eee tnt te rn ay ea | ii, ee GE ee vs ik bean' of doy wating side iby cide. writh H x wetter. It's I ? "drew," | f¢ their boata, a" » gets lower, and in v 1. a , from the Chusene aide. red. Trade work « , OLPAALA AED RETAIL treiia i h | 7 young tellowa who are mean that 'it extracted ths eotible Pari Sad is very babe! er ther | Chi Jone learned ie ty. A. HaLLaney, § King St. E. A P + x ing one wit meh sisdicted to ten aon ihe oo only pie ts of my tea so efiectually as to 'anit PR tg th re tagged blished | ag dorng the esseh Oe merger d nt satirely i irom Bites SHEBP AL t anatrol Miers . h P. ER DEALERS as i ; no rs * es or Society 5 e king like aero | straight-way rece oun n, they wired bo madd fn the Teapot Than + wend tobe is poet day. Very late in the ue | H ala Meas days: rain o rent them ' reset and pertiy ICE TIC era, siete clas a wie CAN Q ites ' "y . : th jnvalid sister will pele I will nb, therelore, ne or Pe 4 that seater, east ty Bho dozen copies--all | a a Chine jistillation, on arb Sy Te They DOW SHADES. tate mt dengan' Sem | 8 = iC U R E D. we.3; IN STOCK pepeuetve rem for my servan spaper stands. | Baby. bined io. 4 rt tall bevas, bat shpil sti to the old t to; The French settlers i ' | . EN Alba, Ww = | ade 4 Sidon one--cost, . in Michigan The small baby, "Travellers in Seectiw and Wie 5 Gaede % ue corn 080 mall or large quantities, at Lower eighties penge--e, Teapot whch abe wil | making varios Kinds fathers Wy | bury we nted we rat ecks ago, continues | tose thea igen an in alpage | Wo sahara ey ee v0 "PULMONARIOM, | Scare ee i and which in notches the | Tery small in vinces, though dicen' to tl hehe ili s . op td tor map aioe ley" the I ee bes vee oy ph es =| Sarr opa a foot long, a oe rosie "a, it wi take only ont ewig are vigorous and tall, and ; eas CHES. en | Erinting tons, ' ac, The ottier day, at th co a year, money matrers for | a's wadal worse on account of indulging i FOR A Phu. Composition, the Tobagganing hills, od in the al I en by ending them th i ; Whea slipped ov re on ts dt gai te os vice, The fact is thut three we ioe o * tt a aie Raltew ing! Eester which "Peak and Weeden & Metal Guvins sg rota trom the United States ei | thatthe sual boy aimiree omct A Native Indian en London Ore Savings Tank the Assttion Post elbow, "a (Pa-} Otizen, | the glow of kenith . fates "st, Bast, Torvat: athe, xd sf) > Saati ends or Printers supplies ardor, their Pai | When oné looks vo much!! One of the } , , were first given out to sbazeienen glow of health from their cpuntenane Mn IN Md KN ee Deg Eth, INR Ketirnat : Moutreal girls too reer wen, toe t indow ; hative East Indian officers who | t¢ poblic the Em claim' ; "Lite Me Some say than two i hs fo ve we at Late | Pi ereat jute a: 'ear Dr. etaneueotiniotine Farias. f amos igre oo cede i tp at | © 4 rm eee crag wil tah ge Pn ape " reel is treoetes tee teas ab ac- = signing i te aud Preserve 'sana There ix got pee ie ho tho are es daty. ten are tr T sik ¢ ms free. great hloabure in saying Yat 7 Of newrape por prising. seme Ste tar au hourwt aatroteh, 'I | will ail s tha te ae aay ane be | whi , gas $0 8 local >, in "at the -beml of that : he thy aght | 'y well. Wheo 'onversing 1 aren, THE ine ATER, » proved ny iat oar ' ; bh. "T mast tell you ho call the whole th which hé saya: - We all consiiler list of the man's beueltive finds itself in be noti ils Hemedy: After be ont nti A these githe'dreas," 42.0 fell you how | sity thy mg 8 and | to } - participators in the pre lif i a | may be noticed that the on 'ic Box I mont ajed bs several ot | Teo to het Heahand a Ficeh they! start with with | _ phage eon 2 nap Uniak Chaps sonbl be. Sestios a The wera Us anette re wee | twa ty year that have been an Se) ate } 2 ma INCLUDING POUT af ge qeconte: mnie Nad tune af she heat oceehy ee oe flannel from head to foot---and -- = + Os +] the whole wot y in post of Governor- assored of this, that b ; ped aan Ames "omer T. CLAX TON, + gate 1 | ch ef | Canada, pobt indeed ba lows 'a! ge ¥ papers in shh an such Gaunel A Lusatic's Life in Prison Pa eco aig vor be, Wesever oe Lorraise will shortly become vacaat by the all his soul and aera exieensea wi ee ie || Catalogues fren tit ¥ t Music, | coven jar ora papers in Btdeaes yoon like ¢ omer, except that ry pathe y the We fi ype of Manteufful, This ix the blu Jurors Excuse, F SALE- "aw Ri | aeen. ribboo ia. sore wkirte, and ' | telegrapher ect from' Un t >, jadi pia d the German Goveramen Tn the Court of ading ete CMIA'S Aa SATE me weed eae | Ceo, WU nin ork Pa. a day or | king pith Gerlvon' tends the ta im pin. | mesita, being worth $45,000 a year, with |, A Scuteh terrier, belonging to Phill ts otber day, tatere Mas. Beach in Loni ee fangs of steel nod Pitesan's hort way eigna Of hee put on atdress, andover that «| °* Payette porary reg) gh- t ah soiled her bands by on our ---- various allowances. t Tis, | late housekeeper at the: ing ips, {anda common jury, the ser "ou ae Eentcracoatons Oy ht ~ otra 7, * Als £ : red rhea yt eerste te Sal inshattisloae: ane alee ae ur, we are toobasignisicaat for her to tonche | $20,000 cmolamante do not oxceni | img. Torvnto, has died of grief at his devth. | missing jury nam, Hus orden cia Paceat "ie tation 1. HE wtttom Caicos. wbeclaition at i Kin d- woollen Pprisover o at Buckingham 'Dhere is cw if juryman. = onde iat TAL S. nes | egg reer My era tie, which hee dite + im fact, te F jee ee | or eave Feahes Ta aR Billy drove Ale Alerander touched oar swords, abd wid a Rag ed | ey Conte de Ob person from Gorise, where | ¢'ARmale td toa ren in ieee Seat the | mai arrivin, sleven 5 ba a price a has 4 mien Seat fo, tiie oh omy either direct, 'oF laireot ta the . Spc anprosetae ia wile out eacour words 7. the wi mmpiire would fall and be / pl by ) be bord 7 tin loo st their to ux Never winter be followe: . ida -&E ct ee ee main w we sed such bear as the polar -- shooting pigeons, states that the Paris vews , adding 1 "A day ma; ped j b; Prees AK VIELE AN | LS wh rank: Wilson, the gietes, 7 age IB cop atari wraters, Bi while! Gardens, H d caused & great sensation in hh household. sivall be nominated to be President, 11 | plied, * Licat elt, j eda, Hawt, (hie ot Mauidings one tee | --_ | _. -Propeletor Auxillary Publishing Cx. 7 wi ing with cold. entertains freak a myse! prions, One t + t - =e » Abbey 'the cvtabinhing bis caine shorty, Ye : which Sonalt cacy' ect ike semen ~ dor Lather) Tie cee shaving THs ari 0, TO DIAPOSE oF, | SE = pire ba . " On 7 at Hurled are . lor t, and every ye ba ving, he thinks, to me f 7 nari ting the inconvenionoe caused by t TT pe rehaee - pe toa ads wae lode cages poet liiain Upsegratt 1] note wore sega by Si; bat I think, ay the chances of the Booapart. | In 1850 Lon! Rassel introdtced a bil delay, the Juryinnn replied. can do he ates ate we oh t me, that nothing Y igeroy: ii ' pear 'the ice, ra t hurt. fake a" "the hi 18 | the Crywtal Palace We all consider -- 'The latest novelty in bonnets ix made of passed the five vending by 290 peed: Ate sip fa joi jane that he Sat it "t...) ix GORI EAC oma below, they read | BAS S28 per Py . meat bu in London, and Wind- west leather. The Londos Warchoesenaas | notwithstanding the large majorit . promo with name td wikh they had it} tow ho uakaede sais Castle next. V'h 4 and Draper's Journal ox a that | preéuare of other business! jority. Ehe -- re 9 serene ate | wate pomplete ovtdt. Symamnsion lowing, June Bly was tried and acq oy be te Palice was the pic- ruuining Tas ferkboasii | povement of the setond feiing. 0 ; senatiamees eoteg, Ques City Cars Hense. 150 Youge-« : 1g wees of insanity: cos bd in the Franco-German be il ived Jorn th thing further done a 4 | oma he was chained by the leg to fiehieen Yours | twar. E ta itlooned like his, with. There would not then be Fi § was done about it, | 'The Hon. Peter Bowe is Sheritf of CARDS. Yolentinennd Heater; inf, #2. $1 prea: high priced Am Fuchs ca Since 27a | ra raagsntmeat ee Ns | ele hap, sn ol | wit City sod County of Now York Bae mat eee | ter sos oe se hake eee Seater & blessing, but « demb Aiberty, |lery. 'it is picture in London." f windows with, and the A tolw she might use paint to improv in con wit I menthty tat conta Tho bnante' don, 1 nie Fear For site is ee have in fot tying up trimming come oe a s Tm F | feohton piaalsion yaper. comtaining the euta 1 proak y can Ehedh Fy day aie wil toll you that bet gel eligien A : men object to its use, while others see $ oF site mort ' | shart torlem, poctry, miscelianeame meieetnns, nied ef all thes wea stylons Amerias Hah prined :, Taxpayer. spe yore melancholy at ing hqaaery at Id adopt « fifty dollars, etshert music in wpe Pan lots of other Intermating - ante hotechsid hints a New) Jermy is [eee Ohio, ind hia triewds trantrated course aul grantyou 4 dispensation he sends me Ay cents for ee see lalen ee popeilng' thlene oo. that paid Wo" Parlamen attempt himself. Then he | tell yomr friends teal the tambon hen eer atoner "yor ana Seelork ae night. Meas Albert Victor. | Was talten to revival ineetiags, in the fepet ure (hat te Ladiex" euiraat contains hnatios the fashion ligatestions, Be at ; : : whom' i! ABLE Lacti ption and ane del Jar wi ' comaren of Fear, » a married theother dg, and the al een va reece og eke ed eer re tenes rested os ear teaea before sana good order : | knit Up of acigh ofihren: 'inoie aiioe oer hobione - of Adelaide baer ier wir warnis ti ¢ Leet, ' Beat- re 'roved farm A- tere. % Wess, ext, Ferrer ity ceote, & WANE whitey. ad ana = ally Pesery WoRTH OF FARMING . no cartray 'at re ores LAND } Kast, | "ot frewaitiens oo cot. F ? i i ter "Abana int ee Raat ee SOMES sib in i fy FE i i me i i! roy ay, tt Coat and aan All tone of arto ees I 4 i i tf | Pe a a +) {eae times. wits tp hanes his re ie? aad even i i

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