amelie ee ee a #- t : = { it a S Here c = a $ tate Farming Outlook for 1668. Some anxiety je manifested as bad the ; be helfewer yareryre a by bts entirely the Renais- -- little ornm -- . i painting by - doorway, sur- 'aang of the' villa, surplus of ane bewrired fifty mii on CH 7 1888, : traualated, -- ' at enter oy res , } bop hel 6 oh johny _ the foreign ir VOL VIII STRATFORD, ONT, WAS MAR we! . "aberra-._ five millions 'there will pag pi oy ee te -- - ition" try Q : , NUTSHELL. be ifoar serplas be yy ban Abbane: oo IFICE: - Neither Mariel or Aru: bad tailed to.) Avesdel ba » "peer seen . the firm. NEWS. IN A 'Spring begi lew ahorélthe Fornlin daniel, HIS SACR : Ab gritty "pe but the pressi : baton them of even thie ual amount ior por par- earlier or inter : uhusers, will 'end to dépress rates, om. localit: ry The oneytn of ol wheat ix haryely = ; fall be affected by t it For Love of Her. bal, LA ran, have to pa v! ar Ps to 5.0 -- "er el, t will asc tens of millions | = % f fields the ground was the = 74 of thie and 7 bene rey af 18 cant thes $2 nt ive i * CHAPTER XXVL.--(Costixven.) hod ever met; bat it seemed that it | ing the terrible rignificanes the words held | 4 hatel clerk:dad an nomarried peccen joual paya Athat the washing of deop galley: wining of the iy df hery tor' ian t0 han married oo ted. rains may be by speculaters were afrant to narrate done| And why did you not 7" be ray A biogas > orga meekery, | seas actin "* Muri you do wet: tehalee jebak yon ary tage sags o 4 po 3 s gobs =" coe ek chair cut "end ol taeed tami) af oar the od as widow | Chief Joseph, jrmas peshaps looked deri two years previous." The result inf Revit rail, io Soltowed bot Sate the re- She fa ag tenga Bodh Sy we hook ig stor ag will be no | Of Dien, tina been td Francois Fret. mplomps en sad' ta Ws vlaoron : tue wedi be tras os fate he ears demand | O Wiey P enncit a2 him, | come to slmom as ne did, The day esey tsk," tne tn tid el aed a The. Se Fe verts | ane conatio chatnéter of hie ox his | Oovasion of the Cear's, be aacon'inued good, ¢ ui hy" glancing saacily ap at rioes, Whes abe had gone into the rece sy th a a wl i tive over again all | pambers aboat 290, are of and the| All. the temperasce sed | prohibiting spare of the acopal lees Wilt eo sesh ido tee heh hat pone eld a found 0 young people the sorrow and pain, just ae you did that aight. | seoqeatied, feta whigh be could | measures jintroduced im the New Jersey ites contin vm or evan ttle WGK | chink of ane amd Spais pote satneny be vv alone, whe bad roticed 'the flashed, 0 long ago when you tobi me Arun | Mecteal @ in pooling their | isa Dinsell be singe setae whom he | legislature this sension were killed. the facta, the 1 poobs gevconte if Bie Petey | fetched 's sigh, bat be did got tel coget toakion Perr i ee eee ot | « ison rebpen dca we mes. wars herous nas leceeconah miceat abestey of iayes a sehiniip continnned toa presence of | Usetober is over jose ts here eeu a litte high-Soheed. | Leoeie Suet hat bom, bs ble thes be only | # nek Senegh Tee ental tian Weeey tad | | Me hal ot ows wn ot har. AVhat would be | ir, D, Barry, of eA Midainel, See hia owe comatey, sham be rain ait fporsp: pxigerdeelegomgrns hein the . sat dawn on a quaintl: ' -- Vou. nie | eotored od acter hd t widressing or .The Porte has instructed the Governor ; the hows ing shored teal ti cry Wnt sae sch | a tens ea, Late | Nan Sa wed fl nin ro a reafainin, date at wi | Rit pep a Be Seen : thal . car teu aoe his red letra ently * the fire that | Turning the of ph hand over { P, came that evenirg, and after an Sestingest 7 Sanday pene of the highect rank and (the first in -- ft al ed > . Loge in tuany fore b : Lena 3 4 : i ming ¥ i hed % ball rw ar is /_ ae was biasing amd crackling on avers ' a spi wa thi ticle nae | wu 'ates Brent wand and while Morie! | 21st, haa turned wp in J BBR wep once eles that ha The German --_. bas (re gain, throughout Cirea! ¥ bearth, - | ; PG 5 3 - 7 Seat tg te] el nw beg i een re Si arte pant ne | mccamycaay 'tee Gare cet cau | pena Se ele od on areed nike geacesli, 'tod the draped the she salted boreal! be "the said, suddenly, "you are sor. ate 'i Howard Keriagham. Heaven been found from to death in the With there great abilities and indelatigable |S avernee of hans sone was considerably re- | gi 30 Percy on tha Welle couch. 'Now it may | Y, are you bot, that Perey Evriogham is go Aol rn oad gpaeorhl tan weit wr 7m, | ye Abel be , ae was © | powers, he wees have been pcre ed A bill hes bere stators: of the a ing home 1? nished, ed in Branté recan threatening supporter admis.stration to which a map ihieatorw be reer ire er, Pay, oh saving, we wil ng The fait face flushed as the girl an- few rg stnighorwsrd ete, bo has peor: shout A. Yonge $t 4 Fal chu te attach hima aod might bar re eel ont al all pa' t throughout our « ' 1 might -- Some 120 inen|have quit work in the Ca [en Ws very "sain, ih targiet on] "Lest customer, | is Karope music Bee Sanday ni "nigh know --and al "Yen ovine Tw : ads 'Ver mpl Ay . a hoot was much surprised, soon goes taal Pacific tailwa way macping 2 wy Pre et Hace fh eis payee Ny tana "Wittens Gna ee e grnerally, their home-grown erop of 182 vee her we will have a 2 i happy lit.Je time | been vach good frien =e ra f Le tot lef rd hi Mee AG Winwlong an acegant of the new check "ye they en! bis sway Jac oes e ' wir all'the supplus we have fur export will ie" shall mise bim very ma ] perce ins Serb tbe Wouen, 1 lowers, ly he gen She plese for the holding of the next an Le uned ap pror to the harvest of ISH, eortabal aly ht to have bees pee: Muriel waanilent 2 moment, then she said ) him al tter, which he desired tim toe vet j The jon! Artillery A. tion ro. | tlemen of England. He was to the pes mee ; aud there will gut be a large new ictup tectly ba he sti in the exquimtety | "wly : | his graudtathe ah | eonthe balnd aboeed meting ot OF ew, sawa, | 6ree violent and abusive out of the Fane < The German Ambassador to the Vatican, brow. Forther still, it wae expreterd thes ely Rapp 5 with flowers, | "' Losie, dear, have you ever thought that | 5 I did not Leow 1 with | con whos? the he. vetuor-Ceneral "delivered ah ai] BH Eis peinieet peteeete and never of | teplying to. Cardinal Jacobini's letter, in- the ese y 'ratte nee Lucia ane Australie Hacaremaed oa': made so cheertullyy blaz- | pemtly eka between rin anid Fotoy ania might | "hn Waren sawed salad _ in addressing an i mob, Se Se sarah of wate on the sobmittal of all eochosiastical caused by the speculative proce maiutained fire, with look ii ery lovely in Dy Tt ia i. A Hs tax, . baldry against if : ed wuld late the many years since pe your grind in the Hi uve of Amembly at Hali This often led him imto personal r + a pnt ae inctenved attorton to | terete key tase he cant siything | Lhe amatl hand fell heavily epom the keys, | mother of wrancfathor, tut Tense "kee | bill giving the Government quarrels, of which the gue with Kirt; Peel | Since the publication of Carey's die Wheat growing, Tut, the moderate prices | bat high spirits wae quite evident, an! he | whic rein agectin 4 cena ite on; posh you wil r. oe cml pret ag hk odo farmers' sops in the counties of Armagh, this yenr, seed shee improved agg! cheapened sighed" sola very heavily aa he looked | cool be ats kad ~ eweet fa ' i pss, dif t y is Lin be, hoow | leasen the damaging lwithout Monaghan abd Louth have been secretly den teom prraulege Mee produced | 1) the weet, 'atniling face that was | almost 1 never iad pont re ' Loa iWerently towards us when y u how Maty A Anp Ningot has been sentenced to, ly broils that he got put of ong re gear leaving for America. discouragement, and a chew mowed yi the loveliest, sweetest one in the | am we alweye gouk war ih sh myatitie!, maid ear- aix the' imprikxonment at Moateee] for'| postile collision on the pi the dualiin +]. The Quebwe citizens' . - Kenorally expected, shall regain our posi. world | trie ' esterday, ed Percy, very mach my: weitting « threatening letter ta a gon' registered in heaven cary le nH 'Que' largely attend, on tare the world ' granicy "Louie," be said, seriously, * Lam going | ie jut acl theaaite can tenes seny tidag Coss pub ent fo tMBrenity yon Fi gta ite . Pinan' midets cae remark. ie eater ond | pevsidian A vesotooiee was adopted aver. PO ir, thea, eewcyth to eneou , 6 * ing in ry = Amsican ixcmore: "ect clforta, "au * nig te Oh, Percy, really sui M1 about it, chere. ma a nF fe Se eer Ee sic nua hete ia, ports wold be weil if were so- | sing that « sgcond pipeor other in te wiser ort was the ground 1am, pn er ft ep te marinate ngs | ste te ain an! tar nea | compa Wy tnther ow wlan fem | ring : heavy eng alert as "it fees Realy at ye wered Pevoy, | om her ; she had perfeth | hich, though: they were not oa were UNITED STATES, to per an encounter. His personal sp-| The first honusl meeting of the British saiion ce pe "psc be inl remunerative | Blvomil y "ant night whe i went ack be i it her beantiful mother . wae the leet bright aud weet, Au Hiavamm, fj 'tke tives Socal ellen nce was very otrfking --_ Amerionn me eg grr abe tte hotel from 00 Boe imita love which waa i n i ndsome. and muecul held at ito. Mr. J. le . wheat a te nature to adi x bridge ha 'orgs rs ---- lie inn't espe ited Actors haa | nt hall made up of Wut, and loving Marist ~~ ham and the approaches to the as tyuate buils, ---- ach a pa ee ee his he scy-w J aa he oy an id ad i 7 al ya yp . quite an affection fr me, and he thinks 1] WH gil ber heart. ake bed or thought of CHAPTER XXIX. t Le sil, X. H., « French-Canadian {28 Rathicte, 4 sing gu thousand. | Pai witch on eaueaeel ath have been away trom tome long enough | head " rack anything frm ber, had alway : ' ed Willey abet a sival hee found A a wig, and sinister expression of the Ped tral and Arts Association. know | have not treated him just right--you | a agp por with all ber little geiels and Be tne missed Percy Evringham very much | vith bis lad aves y det, on, h not actually » The Danubian Conference has approved sor be amd my grandmother have nos ne hat | BY So les h > had gene ; she had seen so each © ta Miel a Inmber camp, @ man chop- e ae braaniee ck al lem of t y « troubles oa well asher joys ing & aint, in weased the striking exp of the eal for a mixed commission tg cl ara ane tue wages eee cone | me meine 2b wrote cong oiht that I would mat tame ebecl. slv slype dows i ine m n that it seemed strange indetd to have o ped aft another's bead with ag axe, The | Sint, hades trot che § 7 Sree ina: hee porting areata, with: She peste eet | start for hore Tessie hor chl place at Moriet's. (eat a1 'lay go by withont bringing bim ma lynch. nec. 7 el A ia, Roumania snd regis oP py. give er woes xe] Ties time it was Louie that sighed. maseal, houre tc havi be pleasant to have bim mii a" rir ind Willie Juyee, of Portland, AGNES STRICKLAND. 'heise ,, Austria, Bulgaria, paleo wall we can ptodace tur # ad "ey --_-- 'corey | tun in at aay time sans crremon » know : and x y : me vera Lae a 43 iJ "The i got much to tell, mamma: Percy | . on a Newfoutnstiand erring 9 voyage, is given |. Tho vast extent of varied reading re- d the others Powers a t. lat re out poe ar mt ar 'em Percy," nhe ald wristi ally. Ecanpot beat saves 'Ta and wants 'oe {o give hem may | thas a tor be +e mine thn wali up as lost with hor craw of seven. ch in printed books, ancieat records, i mambera: in rotation. . Bervin wil not sity acl to F ri aon ao to iliversify the | have you go away such eae that L will some day be hin wite | fo an #3 . lice 0 t Port Huron, | family papers, and mancecript f presented on the 1 a aa on es Noytr th, wo that tf wae | goed frienda, hay =a on haa 4+ all." Lu ' a foros in the teach the | tas goatee : meat th ' made which the composition of ber to have jurisdiction below Galatx, . a Das we ei ygetlver, waa oben fc vartun 15 "fail. there muy he an | ¥% ao not 'know how mae = "Tt think that is enoagh," sald ee | wor a conversations, the visite to the | against him not having been pro ily, : Miss As al e prs oped of site Port of San Fran all hack upon -- American Agr y percy turned his head aw tho magpntialiy- It Aton on Lista erie pace thea're, the little snappers at De! lenanéon'a, ord, Mans. thirteen 'alanale chil. | Strickland ve She 'had bree yok al "City of . © You don't kvow bow shel h I ball mire dar irene she had thought of at | Pere been a charming friend, a most jo) throwa trom a large sleigh, strack & gee 3 Ri raed tian of a0 faniaiee Tobia" op valued at $15,000 It Was | the horses are brought in ovk i ~-- SOE 5 Memmere ou, Lota * he morwured gg Meindl u thers think | ag ile penton. and belo ore many days wen 8 ul y all were picked ap uncon: ra ance, and in tank, only ac- | should be rabbed down, 1 the feet and | " = masty Uies, 0% cow es . unk ins e indefatigad! id '¢ well. It dried. ft ate wit Ad ih The Froutiors of Madness. i YOU can come and mee me, can hi y oft we when their -- | hed gone by Louie found herself th king | wc that ardour in whatever pursuit she was ep- | COM to which was = ¢ a le, ey, theroaaly vied é te PEt the sia: * oaks 3 i i : jum cop mene little fying aye te Sew a aie shall leave the hone 3 aud goaws Le cary hah bid oy: i without hia, , at igh Cunningham, from New Bra giged, without which no one anor Seve bs concuid ore without a beep an acked heels or tet te Ata resale Rosh ix the tithe a interesting lecture -- _taying one hand ye his arth, al ks homes «{ their vwa, but and p! aged mbuut- th: ty wht, wes found sithilar fatigue. paar ng iy thou; ' y reduntly delivered by "Balt in bis coupes | oy, inte self rey See on tireain way. an ot somethtig tll far vp ins "stil she was far \ with her - ict in tis betas the Sca'adehetve House, sat on am} ore of cans her nivaace of some of 1 efivern of | the ship. well to the boress atib- Paris-Faculty a "Mechewe Tie } thy ber; yous grail father sud grandinother (7 °" Ae te H fur Sue felt vaguely that the Ho Gt ae Sant tae ide nit a woman 0 seizutts are © ou te ont of equditinn ees eee ites 3 seen vy pon ioe ee ay ke ' ie Htaltione dai a "Aud "shat dia you tell him, Lowte; what | tel eigen mai "neha teal road Jao of the P roftssore at Dartmouth, N.! Sbé was im; her disposition, aod it bet tha fa if at rf "i Parnall pea rear, wil weal the beat oars er a exe tn . A ae re sireesommlee! anewer dul you give bin!" sbe asked, | it was, was not the love a ts n Coltage, hat bern serenaled with borns | bad fe the ullest extent that teudency on Mr. Gorst' amend _ it w b briefly, | slop, with & little ginger, , birerg lovking innocently ap the girls sunny sre aroun | and heard --thut od able passio: a windows broken aad fence pulled | exaggers' merits of favorices and jas be thicks the sebste on the Pheuix | the animal is poor and weak, there is dang * bat you cave remained here se 'al as you her thougirts god back to the F whit in it tume bad made men atel women --" soe P } indulge in Ye luxury of hero- theo which | Park muniers veustne while the is | of feeding largely of mich food. Calves in have . Mune! Trowbric Age ies, had. pable of deeds almost divine, of sacrifices | : wouten of culti minda. ing. "arneliites are greatly dis- } § with vermin are own by thei Fle caught his breath, bis handsome taeg nde Tse een perhuman, She fow G Bat, at Bu anand is i. quarrel ith Mies righ la _ hed narue af expres- -- with ral Par ell's intention to | roggh coats, ixture of lard and salpbur " Bee por | Aushaag me pl Ieould att i fu Perey' mks. as comid |e widow mei Kiaster, anatehed up a) roe rae aycok- aired mevo address, ar- | rubbed alo long the back, wiih a dose of ' fevtly teanonatle on al pointy "throat "Have you wondered at 1%, Lauir* 6 tw den, so xpocted, that | ently sutler grief and pain, whether claw hammer ond moking mar two henry | i¢ he: she p { on one of er favorite sub: ralgning | the Execute a Ssstend for its al. spoonful of feat me Plarper' @ Magazine for Mare tial . m but | you perer guessed the reason of my loug stay ir ak af im the could give up every, blows on the head frac tated her ak sll Or w oe La ministration io the entire porset of there existen ut u He ray doer eal totally & Dry prepared for it, une ercy a or ave of bin ' a 00 4 '@ minority © world aboutels| ere' Uh = hee . milling to. welt 'antil 'he cor here | thin h There is grape semen door i | in the i Eotennity of of ber own thoughts she The Carhath ning ¢ rie on Wed- | si 'i : strict si |-know that | love you} have ag and by th: 1 will Koon "or it acems to me that a love whic is! able silver discovery on f cart 1 ath cate to forget that of her auditor y conse oper the FLOATING Panagnaras. condone aamad, of | since that day 1 wd you there whether [ luve Ea. wall a sucegh | to be res spable of suffering and saceitice Is UOl 4. MyAhodiat« parson twenty miles south | piracy ty f wi oe ® toa simi Mines D. Deer afl . Halifax, N.S cover *t Ot no time of moo 2 Shatin * bat wif . ~~ love oe Got meant ena ane of Tucaon, in the Santa Kita Mountains yoitt. Like Macaulay, posted fut w with Ting thir entire cop; ek tas Harris, lone of Drury Zana ; on tw = " it New Vora von 'lauw, do you love Percy Evring- wife some ear ac GENERAL out Mercy whatever et aeeats ert . ton, ow ps As "aewh ore arise a har, va eer 'pt ugust Epetn na 'bos io ker the Such op ber w te ne fey « bj eorecit. of . out ever wcol- o T He a6 creator de bed han } mg honorably and successful Hore re Lally louie tesed her truthful eyes to her moth Dearly as she loved 'her ve. ue | Hamburg has corsented to enter the Ger- | i i oe pel gee "elds esaed tu pro: eolaae naibened, de | a ene imine Hyer dng ' argv pet | i tty i Wr) fully tatesaied 40 vffer Hoouve bu cra face bud not ory Le wall ned that Vere man Castom Unio: y luterested in totally «ith dd considerably to tho valve m, a « ri han 4,000 of the "parent ¢ ren 6! reflects out | y. hut [soe a yant wld ner of fant ' 'Luo net knew, mamma," she answered, cient te a ba rye fata wong ae tel Washington's birth: into was celebrated at | Og tis i cout, -- woquires above | of he property, sad - arouting 6 run bs ticks in Overs fe ling do ; as " n 1 he . aya to , i . e - amon, ; " x et the Jews in Han- Dr, Yall was revently consulted by Bees be eto be ad " ': i: 1 ariel Anthon's ala fanee Kad een] Veet micing with Aline' is :somen ong. Ut Soe " Tae Maite aaaran anecel cloction haa re- | eee That quatit alssont acen for ea a eget ihe od frocn other roma he pie al warm, oe at thed orl et Caspar Motas, a i young man whe uigagee to bee mnarried, | falion from lis lips before he could eter more like the expericnce of MARY Women, | come cut, am inet Nba at uotice the sulted in the dofeatot te Mislstr wry. | any other, She did bedi thegt tall CoD e" eported Jost in China, was | dry pens, bedded with faves or atraw. A ae totes sino ha tie i ber who fan "pune stg seait has me sn fuch stained Louve's fair face, she would haze Mow shat em are the ff, Taek se hae Th « Hackla, wate sent shor amy & anawer of a sign of montael intell- | # taighing stock ainong naval afficers, She | rai fastened tn the wall: cigct inches Irom is 'Secs and earn Yy bequeathing 4 | am « a did po! D . eelin i de valle ; a, . * ' V7 : pre ee _ : | whe looked up at him tera moment in start | tartan Tlcieere ex yi he f an fos, ge ame look that came about ber near Lave 'a We em the ISth, bas ang "Gaoly a awed paaite oe bi a ra t ae da Nand date at He ash 7 Te wal ta dons Fhe -- i persia sot einai Saini re ra cay the me laeed «cere: friem i, 4 iain ship which woud | roith. Ab, sure, Aitue Ireat She | rio Hooth was we pst wi s silver day fwhen Iwas laid up at Possil on my der. ' 'She was belt in 18 for purposes of at ny oii a few days before the. new invention fof instantly stopping elluwer the iowa ere. Seed never 0D ae uy cire es develop its | gu ffercd patucutly for her bow a . laurel wreath at Ely Library sofa, { a wound in the knee, she sivec bavigation dering-the war aad was pigs bioery from aly part of the build ing, by Ary y darlng, "pleaded Mercy bending anything watuler or deep r; bat Munel had J nade co outward sign of gail vely The British Clestpasianes st hes again pe was: kin "anough St with me for two ewe in the blockade, number of simi- an: electric bat bia Weal until is #yee tn hed Livure'e wit teed od heh love ok chic tears! hehad berue ths grief whieh had conte 90 | inke Poultry.---Uuloaa welt kept, vermin mer | atiapsing necking is Apert nt Dread ys ie of 'that love 1 | she bad ; life, and it was | ™aD ed iron Spain the release of the tu hown, and was lly very entertaining, | i It at the same tim". |, ex ule the weather gets warmer. engine valve, wilt acrabtlons save haar, aml ta! wep Pr Ph tle figureto i the beginning bat the consummation ; sulenly into her fair youas bi mages ref fromthe number of anecdotes she recounted Twn or three Grare lest and rest were pes ier ene te the a i¥ ne: | strain the ies ase ome igare'te ahs oly knew that ber love hl come after | po Is it Fist ae sho wes by mater: a wit wenclonn hog reoduct o: Opens in im the ate time. wa - sold, except the a now 00 the ches. "iren abled fewill apread to the fowte thas if you dade some ony we | ine ana | you love me ani Lhe my own footly bay Se an ake halt in, ee weakd aver a ; ) any Teco apensm, coos ate 'odet ie tlermany o nth after br ne preeved here red" station and the "Tallapoosa" tig bens shoudl have a --? med quiet | id your fae the tok ro st will not', proctoun wile * it vstmised (0 Wer that's love Which begun at | Finding, as she suva hal found, that tt was | 1s oth ni lesbed | re mo. rey latter said to meon coming | '¥ *!tered from . 'eed young chickens a | iqre your nerves, We follow 'this plan she clasped ter emall bands nervously Ur 110 ditas was thelove which endured through tile at her lowe for Percy Ev ea authorities have wichdrawa the | *Pest Whe = i os to say to Miss | Michael Doyle, of St. Louis, a brother-1n- - : eaciee | dirgel also leave ont >, gether irs and eternity an out of her heart--eo deeply t fabricar tal charges ngaivet the clerk of the Rerlgkland Mead . 7 time? She aays you were | law of G Macau. J of Ming | b ina still greater syprovement. | Pere yan't te ry =~ that yok 0] there is no ae arvain the potas 5 we all | focus! 4 taelf there --ehe buried a deep as Adnerican firm at Shanglat mage » aisd sha wen ho Reeta bere." "Number 1," says Mac: net teen Dogeaning. | Bin" prutitic, who ase not keow inysel! ver § ought of a js wilge eho id and humon re by ; ahe could and went on with her life, and The Conve tsverument " ommrart cally | a " replied * with th Yass i with any Irish moveme the A tobonaing hill shduld ps as nearly | 2 m the Casths Yard, pear to wit- j shobe 18. } ur own persanal experience, though the bright sunlight ta 'tale Out) pushing on reinforgements to ite western yo) did not aay six words to her the 'whole Fenian fiasco of 1865, Doyle i in constant | perpendicular as possible, with, at the ba:- | » arrivals at the Lard --Lie a "Hove thought abwut loving me--o . Would you be Y pleoted, mamma, if 1 | of that li_. no ape stspected it, en her | frontier, sirwaton ect ¥ Russ tine. pondence with Macadaras. The latter. | tom a long, level" , over "hk h the | ile, were for the firat tins aseloded laa' shoull marry leroy 1" continced Louie ; | own fond pare | A setieation ae lhe amen in Kegland _- --_---- ee ls an invalid, and constartly travelling sled can 4 with the impotus derived from iy fhe yard was kept by a y hin his vores ie OT sie at your wiah that when he comes | y sorrow "hall bot sadden any one | by the fierce demu: Soiats on of Me, Guriet! : ODDS AND ENDs. hier hi esliegy There is no in hia | gg Two or three passengers make) a Coltatroam_ Gaarda; poticoman in to her heart tack tu me for my answer J will tell him cee," she anid to hernelf. be Laud Fy by Mc ik ' Macadaras wis in s Fey t dur jg j lady or ladies being placed in win lined the hall, and deteutives guard- Teo poly her no ph yeu f had never been Paxple peniey an ppdiraPar elle g io the Lmpoei al Gos ioe i -- ing the the wh: "lo time covered by the Fivenix | frout and the stesrsman sitting behind. Torone ft nan Waa ' fi Would | Vr sid of her, | 4) ile the ta: ¥erke of " seiageatnd stm Mav we Asa Pam Ma nt Nc [ete et ~1 =~ =~ want Schi'e een, Sabo the wlan | poting wan Bongos spuont Mr. Penr | enebennngee salon te 721 | HAL Sector may ha he lato Wa A. 7 fal th bi . moun' Trance. ker, i § did not i J never theaght thas . ting ser hit righ, hod «i ste at | rsa boca. The slow wr tha the Notable Watches. +] catgted 13,000 to the losare ver hey Fury the Sieber eubealteed to bag wo sree jel coped er Perwgee 'ica I 4 % et bag ie = , | ove rag hy ¢ sorrow' ak | o 7 , ' "2 (proportion. ¢ ae ay husk | emi " , node aie sian rat ype and sine Boot "p a the J nace name would be tn Jerse ey pooch vonieon foes 1 paid away he treastttes of the we tle ra sai -- oe . rh al seer premaent Grate rere, shaid rogues pik naan mare iounsie ase wth ; the United States Marshal whe towt \ Luabmemt of aa dink, on , « 4 " f. " * bere Cabi . or om equ me mt itaverablir tari itu his afi ars, hi ter. Si hike sina: Usa a like Perey very mach, Lor a ha rarely ----. - 9 est "arte ioata _ = siscap A ak creme' wan Gunlng: which go rani without creaking hon portfolios: Fr Minister and Mio- haben to steor, #The stetraman lets % Rp Marshals af France, 8 tallow-offee ou : ~ § : vt an on toaab | r * Like you, Percy You nee 1 like you + Thou think he would make you oie, Y} | told I her the rea ou ave bund -- tiven Percy ip wro wrought were they ; deft fia ehieelled i t, whereas pruportion ot pPrmei-- arn hip poem, or Ube other into the -- weontling wr Kee tof thone dreadful nclesitife men who 'elt a temptatina te jump | batter thao any one | have over m Lex cma fre 4 you him wi ie vand 1) he: er answer at Gi aha . - sees pide <a i co » tbe Beitish prod was form- renee terior; Pa Feuitlos, Justice; Charles | li in which be wishes to turn % let oneat waything fear of Weis " het sit 2 a 'Amd would at ke very hard to love me* ould please yoar 'Ho. caus toa. et loving bie when he wits mach umdnt wf pric gems. wiahmen in 1, ie 1S eal adeut in Fenillos, J ieee 2 craft. If is the evrect thing vil ia om the rasny and says Bens Guy en kis) Habe) a 1 Louie he a she | In one, within/the body of an cagle, + open- above 70 per con Is now oaly Bran, Marines Meline, Agricultare: k ile th end in our wuyar is the cause of ar tw ould likd to please pepe," oon ous, loves her az at aaa gon es | ing across the écutsle seth the works, of son, Commeret; Cochery, Posts and Telg- | turn out in a blanket coat and ins, sy J liver asd kidaey 'coinplalate tint ngs presently ro witli a fo you know, we mamma, _ t! . abe sorry i teen bi ptr she | ecrol: ibee flowers, tehly cng cn cave | on 2 | TL winh to state," writes a provident ale Seville Raynal, fi sgh foe ie ed Sogeece: fonghe om "a i. comb is made attificially and bees 3 ; ie nite ple sctsha: 1 hace A eae thought | soon" ot Him telling Loule that she 'had | groaad of niclla orn the dial-plate This | isee "chat Lhave procured an alarm clock | Finance; Thibaud: at. Having Sidon wither s4ex teleate, pon ike glucose, and even eggs (witheat ttle! slanghter | ' pa, | atic Ph he 'lid tid notte love me--well, as mach as fence § a kee Sn foes ved her;and eegd pect Wada og not bapsco ving the thes will wake up the congregation as soon cand, ee all agi penn sorving gently paah your irail sled the low va j are mandlactured ! pled « : : the girdie by the ring in te of the + ice is over." ane si ; ; ae " twood Grandpa 1, hh rowing ver ten- | the gi blll and launch reelf into eternity. Kobert,-im tie Bali gh ~ Mev mai lying of croup, an ihe spent night ine » | Sehettee lneps 1 you. fer for sine watt Eile Alm pleaded | bird's hack, can staml out bravely upon Atv. sien happens that we find ot in the army og the retired Liss. ba ed sear eae ares eoer lallation a', gives the inéeadible mortality of agit by ber ten Yet," mid be to the] be leep down in "Gh a darling," said Muriel, reproach: | ji. strongly developed claws. tore bred t * said one --_-- of ab will Save a good idea of the Shundred it & thous rate _ hen | was 10's Own wa true 'peart S tyere wan amething | 51 why do yee think by such ech things? Tt bh i chink by the time he cames for The Evrl of Sta wfted owned an a Mi her. Lhe poy have you not ema Chit-Chat. jon of the amateur Rigen pry dar. . and over a hondred for Oviedo and moment Ww Meck the | thatteld ler-abe ezjeut we you fa ez Vahl have discovered that I love him time hmperroyilly adorned. Jacinths form. ol how pa . a thet is bred to 'edi sits aw talblonsille te 0 of the night ine i an slide. There of gone. eos. Cause, insufficient f At to creased, Tehe torment. | oo worse ocmetines love, Stilleometking ia | vos talks hedges ek you very a yl, sake tl Bp pth potent pr epl other. pas anapaack, = fb the Koad andin the pit of the vedi fing filth, great numbers mover washing ¥ ry her out of | the expression of het fece gave Percy a ie Louie. And why abould he sy one though me '» heart wae aching PY mes ad t tia Water we - ' * anal "and the nether world up and u their lives! Where are aud | ara bee tate the fire. Even} t or he aid \mpaleively taking bo' ¢ you pot his only por Pe iy had nature aalied before, ahe sail, none the of & "nut waich! aL ne cage ngeac, ont ie fick payed j chap ae sale ben youre wile gw bite a all ener ° oecy and » you | feel} her hands in his own : But after Muriel had left her, goi leas earnestly : ape, and at a certain: Mi ped be bath dirty, a0! pg er | upinthe iz ca 1 «vow with 300 pounds weight u Uhre af the principal hospitals of | site: 01 ore oat but} "! Dun't give me your answer now, Louie, | 10 To reception-raom tqentertain a lady friend athens yen wili, dear, for I knowhe loves | its ebutracted propdrtions the report ome st se t oy | Mr. Nettle was recently married to Miss unched down ---- of ice pr ai be Sutera of C Charity, pamberin YT dootae ver saw | I will wait for it aptil I come hack to you | Yh) TEpNm NON oo there thinking, traly, Louie, and it would make his utive bong sioereg ato tera swiminthe sea, always wen' Thorn. That's what om vaehs ilo prick- of amily ot thereabouts, with a hutdved. arenbdeer te Whortghanl ne de again, then you will tell me, darling, won't { singled with her thoughts of wes tie ts poarrke scoeate! ff you should tell him Still another fancy was foe cpokle-abell ringed themaclves in a frewh- Snkedl ly pair. sear not my pe foo degrees, gath- Shs mate engl aalee setanlande; ? and God grant that your answer wall | | ree wiah that she was dearer to ather wif." 1d ha: -- conns, having them F iy chasnl pad énam preserve the wee of _ David Fender, a topning the asestien," 4 apne erence dh eral in the ec ofa a » ie 5 ean Inkoeond apo ad- Yeu.'" . she knew full well ahe was. " tos 5 ope rk snd the an who tps sn | a letter, concl: t mM few seconde; Gamcnt-auty § - £ Pablic A the "Yea, that @ill be better, Pony," abe | When late that af we thas Laid Pot ove Percy as think 8 wo: wr Quite an elaborately tinished etek wm | as Sn éomason bee fos jay "yous dear 'Mary, Twit welyibe yout Th. | ts." arn ae like spindeift. at aration Pete gee ne ly He wurmared, Uting ber ar Ai ss in | hood be found (Muriel waiting for hha in | osay o vb pagived rage v sige hag = ble teri 1 ap eee "Ose ae | sta nance, 'they Voth ait sit dows i ig calling aa: ' sro @ hurricanc,and a # i of shrieking itinuation of thar anaual endowment | ot per 'ell tion yor ponte no | bet be your | fe, bi) , her beautiful face very thought- on i eccoga a : T would be Lod wale, wie hgh be the lower ene tude a silver tial pla ig a chair. The he Turk, how: Sloughterby oye his wife haan' on ee A bie sh is el po up by © . an choad her part saeco = nilions f franés oct a rhe; hey - pad bee " nd sedis! her almoat oanae with much' gilt entation in mach who _ ater, ee she did | tu a seconds you reac! ted ox tally inc ae k ile pan ie te ion w - dna cawervatton wha broken hy ' be 'or marenty a yoiel leoking | does, ale Ute ee realy, b reyee sn att so noxels teat On CoML thine al the man who uses the orange | Sie Sr gay 6 mull cian rah Fae snl ' bong ba oe tenn vet Shenpene ito be Wek OU) "i ste smal! wi eee. oy oh i oiniege of & ica man He fuhfithed! ai the Cation: of, ibe "Ne | ston Son Fale ool se fo wre rather silent | tow trond ng and V faing beste hives tissod Pa; Ty think a Bases Ba ncdepn ly in iin ted ys ic was Great. numbers roabelgfing. pasta saldvased tiny | A bounce: wild ea wa a billed in the | of --! id headsets ype on tdi his eee 3 of thienaixetarels te ane ectan| exemplary manner, No doc i iel and Arundel doing | « haned r tl nade is Greweiak tot Quem oF the ranas oon | suburbs of | # day, and | careers for ; olucts--coke, gas tar, eal fied to his dnsane,| that evening, Murie ber wm til ber face flushed and brigh! oat of pity dons bim ater injestice than which, with the wilisess of | level, til! finall r y ; pot : . bier dts bes eon aaon $he * "totteran most of talking, Mader Perey rose to | | under his caresses. abe bax if she him ahe did not live Prospinensty bere ean of Che si tia cin yet their own shells } Gunna ctaid af the startle place, ap admie Moh *t ~ ee ae 4 'iesabtty re Somes Garatte leave the ent with him into ity is Pry darling f" he asked, him, and not be bis og pg i yg of hr ver ack 6 Car har! ¥ li ahelle of ma ie when | [fous thé next evening jor ttime ip | en tunity for flirting wish your falr ethine *} . a tt reac ' i" m_ . | Evringham has asked i Now Year's two ears. e k.- Of & brigh r . - ~ an coming the next evening to dine | ban as sth to h i mg of which Louie | ot his execubion (January, 164g) th Sir sir Tho: for Mtoe Kor i iitecaily i eee A fashion ips saythat the favorite | ascabegbttilegh. wae. bone keen oa ton in the coal will be tu , ce Te with them, so they woukl sce each other re sudden light "hashed into Arundel's | ,, w nothing, x though one of them was from Hechert. it'was a. = | of undressed foratroat wear is dar! | paced orerfowin with stars, t be of Sep or heralva: shonssed souk Tho Probable Kxciusivences of Heaven. | acain before he left the city; still o A pcg Percy Ev Tingham, the athe item his gram: of the fines bandiwirk of the times 'i. fashion originated iu Africa, where "al Bat it has ite from a ton ef coal, he will 40,- sorrow at leaving her rose withts him "And she bas promised him, Seketn, that pos Eee vert, "says Vigglesworth, abstract- | the undtrssed kids seen in the streets are It Sou tom yoar head and fail U2 keep that & works are iit at De you is tit sometimes ld tke way were) a bor wa | she will be ble wife t" be said, eazerly. Howard arn wrote = very beauti- | rim, aed face of this historic time keeper fting a handfal be prenee fom the | dark tan color. ot the fy sled wilt : Yewaa't: the feat mtitl remains that the | "+ Good.might, leroy." "No, ful letter Aran cl clenched his: teeth to- | seroll-work an¢ Paige nck finished tents, . "is one of the w Women | 4 viel in New York k was recently arrested,-| hroach-to ain spill pes and you re ec pe Economia justly =e that the with- Yay iv ha if one would eu ttolding little hand tenderly, -he look- | er she ves bie' well enough." ror it, it, reinembering the t Sev Whenever 1 smoke a cigar in | being disguised ae on old wotnan, Ll all | the hull, with a display of rain nad lofty WO of fractioas! curr incom: fast atrife wath | ight. Bat why, you! od down lly into her face, |. "But ohe bum, ' said Arandel, soplam te cast upea this man whee | from which ptoar ge Fd house the smoke in | 310 old women:who appear in tie tingnion ot oi, tumbling ue (ireenwich Wwitnosse: psy ask, did not Cod make the way proad?| Pc ponie hen I come come back to you, what | je larken " ee leaves, buds, and swa reaying tendrle nt hee glatte to Kill the begs, were arrsiol the jall woai have Un | on tha ple of tar day ph Pers Bey. iadeed "Woulil yoo nave heaven 4] dy you think your anewer ? a t, "Ihave alwsys felt that if your-- exon he had ktled. He wrote | descended a4 an deiripom to William Town- feady tocatch the ash» for tooth-piwder, Sppeuraues ef on be if, while you and your Daleines are pit bhe 'ante ? Yor might aswell] Aaa in all truth anid pst oar ehild should, marry Perey Evri ® | that he had never eberished any bitter fecl- ly Mitford, Esq. while the st eee Aw : left she soaks in | Passionate 1 P he ho wenent ing on your reapective fet Whether Itearen: would be Heaven if it ; --_ son--" He pasied abruptly; he could not | jag towards the ad never hoid iamtinel feter and treats the jower-pots to a Turk. | Heown; "that Cusrley is wholly | hes ia, does wweep Were no fetter than earth gato, the | "Think, Perey, it will be "Yeu goon and speak his thoughts ; tell Muriel | them responsible for Arandel's crime. He ' fm lath with ie. in hi affeetare ; be loves the | dow ' ways weye brynd, all ond eee Oe on 28 ie had Ito o mnerinne | hoe seepeined seven Perey Se tlds + onde gag es enaa mapa gifted with a rare insight that she wal : tens lta! ge where {ihe good and ov are CHAPTRE XXVIIL tat the retribution be had always feared | fount was v0. pleasant while she was in Now ia ---F tree y bether Y aa! eertier] him 7 when be ts it oe ie tile -on into a wes eg eC eacsatinens in wantin with tel} peek cums bee A pesn epee Lathe ee ee daughter, but he raed inat Ps et Wheos Culbetoia mag ores "no cards "| Powe thrungh, you may tilt head-on i nr Rune as Siesy' aah: Weald you wish suck "would be off; that he would in thoaght that Mike le buvad S Who dearly loved oa seas made | atthe end of marriage ge 9 | omy woh an bosident & fair a tate wl SAisirn all trough eternity? No; 'way escape the ly panighment of | each ather they need not be parted because dearly a joke, thei Bé Femarke that "that girl has pat some of | - siray tcrne n bcr > sotwe 'way " nie the similarity of the syllables of pe potions into Jim's bead, bet he'll | '¥ mg - the Hire see chops sin. '| of the win of a man long dead, p)man w! "* Worth' makes the man, and aot rer he has '| Wood" and "a dull thad lewkity 0 tee = he 6 alter been married " Dare must sever be fee tipple of truable Mer Sant olit, Une "ellow," " replied Lougfeliow, | BS £¥S Sotho Ea cnne dak cemateete't of ehadow of aarow ty "i qturb the ol ow, in order te ecoure pes ppthing most be i > permitted to enter the | other 4 Percy, laid-all ~ pleasant single . ween My her that att 1 i co for ber, and climbers, may |: just plevsaa: eight feet high, ool must from inther, timacy « sup- many for = been, or. ph - of these bad Dem: « an. ; was Sea sees ae =a aa : ye = bite cl by and which are not head mn 1 Mike then Goctiod i - lest 1877 ~ i head, = battered - -Bavaris, a Pi ane sca dings his th wy he came waited for three hopes, cone vie bie | tell him no, pa hahmapln oo -- The elgg [retry yo Sis oak. That pet | Gee rein of baelyi~) 520,000. four persons. | not ; . : b was Fibrwacd from one ond | abe hoped so ; - 'my '<The manstro os 'During' the latte eationted Teak use of the at, Palgrrems be» Gi the quantity section is bel | 5 ee, ; 2 Loses 'oxet twelve ), apeiron se f= poche ph par ofl b thirteen tons. mesic-room their oui tons so that the |. to | ly te listen to of further de- and OXteRi, a