Card---Mrs. Curt 3. B- Seam Rare Care-- a i -- Fyntertai mune Rt. J 4 Ane : MAJORITY { Aioe : hoction Hale Ci & Abrabam. Satealeg (Meer fer North Perth, opened t 'creheton- Nongdew 1. O'Donoghue. | palit boxes, and read the retarns ato onthe Sele We0ts, Figher. & «Me i ye at the recent election, ne follows :-=! Stratford Times. AND COUNTY OP PERTH GAZETTE. ete wi Wednesday, March 7, 18 33. Haslet Ward j.2 3. ct re me a | THE RESULTS IN PERTH. At thd hoer of going lo press last was impogeible to get any re fortants gp ao to tht actual votes polled | in either of t tie Perth Nidingx. «In the North Connervative C andidate, . ha + lt: waa figured up over 24 'trom the re- "tte! hand. Not until the of me on _ eo corte: :"fageres it wi i os & satisdet with his --< ~~Tus Thase a y only 114, Ut accnws wthein of not telling the truth. yet in tye very wamie column "a need Mit. Laidia Ww singin." when the real figures are Fooly Hl. Now, otf cotem. knows full well that it was inp castle to get returna, and those which were published 6n Wednesday were announced in the Grit Committe rooms the previoas night. Bat let thee trifles pase--for after all they are of (ritism --peurile In the election of Mr. Girorgy Iie, the Conaervativ y hace } proud. They hare ted from a, wil; unin pratense whote representative, 'Me. 'lis 5, asa coan of mor than ooainer? abinty on the pubhe ~platfor ar oi la prie ate eaccaes. He was etrong minded, an. held the whip over the weak knee'd memloum of | the " irty 1 a crack of his *lup ¢tangue) | ne wld make every atraggler ftom the pai an rarks fall into line, no matter to which patio: 'alo Oo! tuljgious section of that | party" he belonged. A calm. cool, level headed, tyrannical Nort h Twoednr, he rooted | aneonteadiction. tle alenays tuad@ the (rite understand that Ae wanstheir driver, and 1 while his ofKee holders and the elique around the fearon office were sitaply subservient aed | n | wd} al late Campagie Against Mr. Hay. persanaliy . naa Polaseally Hn bopest. upright. the votes of an onbough: elagtorite, aad be meaec "\e himeaalf with the to aght tit Tt toh en Scan himself! fave suffered | t yaushment at the hands of the ie evo can he ue dowlt that Jus a ale> ianyely dae to the indecent, and WMackguanily ine of hia) during the figh For weeks afd weeks the rt columnetarned :falseboud, " "ate uhghtened munity in which @tus their privilege to oly, Mr. Hay's punishment is a double | pumalinent & the, crit amategr and profesional whe rus mle Beasow a vehicle of 1 abuie, We hope the heason receded wil teach them better mauners'--but a silk parse ecaanot be made from a wow s eat A yes fay ws bontie play, however and i is not tht to holt Mr. Hay reeponsble or all the 'thrown at Mr. Hees and the Conservatives 9 Reding ay the firacon danng. the-eon In South Murth, Mr. Davis inade a gallant iene amd his soy by "y ny) NOH oF 1,000, ac predicted, will yet prove { pieny ena a oles for My. Ballcniyne That genteman pres th the seat to bbe Flad need feel uncamfort, eversed theh tity and capac Cabinet neither one of which tt at nett posannsed Wuth thesr remarks we dismiss frow the | ns ols Tar Trees Perth politics, We © tary helped to tight a hard battic --we are on | from over, let p ngigbbours be more sictente than ever-- t it 'ant the advantage of a few office-holde: _ On Tuesday fight last, Mr, Trew, LP. who was in Ottawa, received a te! (rom Mr, Mathexon, of the -Heueen, ofc: trat- ford. which read as follows :---" Fear | Pert Ridings are lost! Mr. Trove pot on macious wile and undertook 15 ex- plain té Mr. Blakethat he was noti surprised al the resell, aa * Rallantyne was very un- popular ip South Perth!" The Beacon asked jnnt Priday if thé Tory papers wouhin't |, New Aavertisementa This Week. | NORTH and Contermeret Appolinaria, is oct 7 seb tgee ya Heat ia om ar side, We bed Mavens t0 Mr. y in terms of f gratitude Bias Ward bin enemies, Hos ver, inach his fom may The taajorities in St ne wi by Warde is os ed to " cateh follows Shaleepeare at a loas toon re ry. af friends ean wl 'sah te i conare- years on Ontario aan Span te eres victory, which he pe alow, an ae Aron Hamlet Fatatat as Mr. tie in tue ner dafeat of Mr. Flay, and electing in bia stead manot Mr. Hess' uitaatins mets and | tons early. now down, pal q Hey is ois ee an cettend bo Rive him 'cans, He | "¥: is, we admit, a clever icbater and a man of ing daily for every om Campbell & Abraham hare of for the sake 2 pene well mare ibuke he received at the polls on North F benor, and wi Nijoiee that it has its seperation of being Conservative to the care. Mr. iowa, withstanding Girit statements to the centrary, will reflect credit on the Hiding, and ably trnsts reposed i baht -- sheraries a splendid business taonvwe me, *t North Perth im the Local Legislature. A CRISIS APPROACHING. We learn from Toronto that the Mowat Governmen: the elections a catenet council has been held and also to appoint a Minister of Edacazion, both of which positions are yvacant--Mr. | Wood, the Treasurer, not having a seat. and se Mr. Crooks taing too ill to again take a sent im the Hous The eastern Ontano Grit | ' Loember demand another representative, and | wed gu tate o} Tiawte te every pe j | will be formed tier | eastern member: | Polling Subdivision lace Tarnin ton owe The total nucts. of rejected ballots in the THE GOVERNMENT SUSTAIN. Riding was 16. B Thro elections leaves the Government with onl: eight of a majority, against thirty-one which | P&Yit they had rt the last ee sheereey The two in den' ili or THE NEWS IN STRATFORD. The lection day in Strath: wd was e hot t . bat was ties 'ed overboard wh Grit convention bea wing dave $5,900 | ing kim by 100, The Conservatives all voted « ational | Policy lnet Jane a refused the Grit nomi- for i of the fortt: firat business pléces erected in Stratford by: nt theres upon having eo escn, sig the late (iA. Daly n si George Hews os their repressut- Provineia! i'arliament Vé heartily conartalte the electors of * victory : nT A ¥ banners, 'Nr. Ballantyne posi ey oy nt ee in th Sxow, Swow.---At the tune of writiag tye save is coming vigorously ed the palatual f he Mitchell Advocate, Cuaatioset i on ke are sure, tes before men. He is 0 eoccamen of tha To ) Srey er on the representative t is in great tribulation. Beret in thle sogtion ot Ontario. Bee adv't. also be programme, Tho tortainment will pln ia the Town Hail, ae is fe 1 it iw apron more serenlanecns to on working i it will make a eularable sddition "to our . --e po| 'Wuat Tae " paormeres " parsicrenapict Tar st + they dv not -- bouty that wa Mr. Meredith a the if " DONAL.S IN LUOK. A prob tias ori for bas * brither ote a8 sy Dooalds ap pounted tast Sa «from the Globe "| lage of T'+ne . Kent bo Ninth Divino Court of 'the ie ! d stead | tot Saha 'To amis, riedlgned 5 1 bans titted at tits Ale: " pulie 'ertb, the Dagalds and Duncans iii! be | nine 'looked after, but when the Sandys' turn cottees, ary other man in the Provinoes will be an ocice-hoider under Mowat ! No Bek peed apply!" All offices are for the Lord's ain folk '" THE RESULT. DBYA MAJORITY OF 8s ughout the Province the result of the Gillies, are with Mr. " Meredith. Mr. Gillies against ita nowt t. iiss. Mr. Ariel is the gentleman who ach an N jed him to Pa in 'by noel acclamation. the Government they wall nly Mr. K. wnat dows. and ; -- Recital. OF A MaxiTons Wrwren. i ll é at] Tih Hite é| girl litt Fleck i : Ho id J {oe majeuity of ten, If six members t depeniten tail om Mowat, goes! ir. J. stiturncy "embers S 5 7 | dent of tt - NMSGES L ic nM ~ re ee ee --e ee 4 siti village of Cale. | Me 'dimand, - ur | ot'tiee istremed four 'aii | ia very ill in 7 Bonsai spmpasiy to to. the bereaved family an t sorrow, mere. se eeewn ee i "wAt's Soliloquy on the Situation | #44. ws ~a = rd. mm Mexre Ll linow w with auch olaeses they think we'reall \ ane vip ult. 'ater a the anditorstee. was treet ble investovent in Tara will ree © a 'uae Mux ~ When! It thought they believed me Simon | are." | Hib 5 | Severe! ancient kecenpatres a eahsbieses ebtl't | Alecterd. & yik | visit to ah last Wednesday, panties one batons eridence ol the wes - Dennison... 20000 1 | umber of "his man oung ....a0el. neighbori a - Li i te enjoyment long, w | 7 was ap a ee ajar ot social enjoy: be Namnow Pony oe Sat fertay a while | returning from bad-a carape 1 changing cary at --, to take "the tain '® possi 4 vacancy in made, 'terere him, Mr, Mowat's ow! srkaTpORD 'TOWN ~ oumatt. ever heard of Hottowars Tr, ; hy re- mteajon of taxes ; Aen ingen do; Mrs. ert 5 Smug tial: Government "had | de: France the extridition of Walsh, peo po at Havre Hemi uve his induessee favor of Byrne. 'Th raloased to. Letters, sized at Waly dalgings show 6.0.0 men were omrulied in which he Enwlend' nad Leen are cme 'ev with funds resolver, _--S the yr aciter There is no vlan to suppose -B, seenaiin Rewesih: English' H Irish 'em: 'he Lipase paced Lottery Act :--F. W. Morson, Jaa, Frate the ft Fesolution posing 4 for the tyr. pine ; pa charges) me), Ee 4, wrk |! ipersory i aneer- States -_ Srest Britain. {two charges), E. F, Clark | The ate 4 Bia White, 5 ig ek |e votes "tor ig term nent of ig " wo . WW. barges) Harry Munday (three charges}, tit A. Almond (three charges). They we). | tay a af the nied fuser un and ) adjourned until M. , Oth idstant, tl Magistrate was not hear then, The | * charges instance of M. he has witnesses by whom he Jain be The majority of the charges are for selling | tcipates tickets in connection with the recent { $0 ite een o phd will be those who purchased ticketa ee of fied © defendants, Mr. the terme See aa or. 'eeiproey traty "hed 3 E 5 g 2 cases in a few days. The penalty in each caso where the charge is proved will be $20 and costs. eS ee - "In Like A Lamb." ADVEST OF MARCH Maret ~ carne in ihe a tain)" Bot it the old Ww bare pot must look t tur fection. Neither of Vemen, Ho erer,oifer very Leja tiow for Mare! bie K HOOKY MbUNTAINS, to be hoped the one promimed for next Frida: Epi wih bethany vecapied me! ak 'the Alps or "March wGl dupe with wameno Ss scold wad now, ie ithe. to 3st wilh aogry roa st March i going--«ooe once wore." poamuebyret vary well down to the sixth line, bus after thet be seems like tho new recruit, to ameorrae? There "wind and #eet™ nor and ould enter ie . Ms op aud a he top. e long ran, wioars: ) Mr, Vennor etihinieterea vevain to Wiggins | when he " Theil results obtained mpeon | bu Fobroary sd ad th cannot exeuss or Warren: | foe trol De, E. "hte Wiggins' en roDuat, ] tous. Sutticlentty severe distur' a were | Bot felt in ar portion of the globe, and wedeem | out between {ecplns f atreniole the fact, at the ame | cations of iron, m o' Weight with the doctor. latter, itty to be hoped, will proSt by it eben maki unxt | has ictions, ard, if bin, arrange for thoee bo | oti en, ae " =a er ae and three saw kits, j many ¢ who, by Vine i hate | sopely lhe a dena tor Tumber. aay old' indies ve eteby saving the nerves of | ents ae mae interest they now te nr logter sherecoans. : i 4 ps a hy Railway B "Exposition. { pp J. 6 8, and 10 di rheh ions w vernix | mill anoccupie"d wh table homes al thecsaad au nd tens of thous. Detroit, March let---The Secretary of the Resieoal | j andsyal net . HCA eT MRM CI MLURETH ER, ay mast nited Suates avd Canada, and ether para |. mination of the fishery articles r, | five Fenton, ties be Crown Attorney, Mr. Fenton brad seas area MANTELLOUS METALIC HEPORITS IN KOOTENAY. 7 ~A | Reece rere A '* at Prague, about 16! yeara x bimsélf the pther day, and. left h letter to his: "| hia tik | bead ccabbens havea Depdaiem tadby bison tet edded. be-totd imal here tecstemesoion: Leagues, Otic in Latedon . The. office is the Admirality, and | is ean Gen Booth hae made is « very weed tisement. The traite and busts of (male apd female) | ap sen a de ure Cispesyes | in the moat aleo Seivetion Army lMerature. he ingly opresel.. as patos i ane in feck # tman could bet = lasted to the ce 2 one waters atk wan | ranges S, weet of t the ional meridia, in own "Fe ve mt a m composed af a Th Mr. Jacob 'Bradshaw, a 1 Hampto, NB. abore the rear driving wheels, Seyerj! very | intergxt. wee re = ae ott the United ni Baten,» | rons thelr caneaiaty pe ' blood pre th for whose despots irsting." He land | Might without any great stretch of the Lpbewir eprenle- i bare added in less high-flown, rarer teeta a as a rule the alee Sree Sep Le eve derers a + od enti indows are filled Mr, Hebiplee, i New York, ler ane member of had wish | eres, an "intectio earn 'the pet ot aidan gion dai the wih, 4 fect fd. P 8 \ i A spat = Regia meeting oe a Faoy ee poems -- ¢in tin @ans, and applobutter from troit as nature made it a laggel en. ve that and wy thane ; and be warned against Oerrected Red Fall wheat per hush, ite Fall 4 o Dressed eae per 106 Buttes per sa per D Turkeys pond Geese Ducks per pair Hides per 100 t ap hee ge ary eR ene 7,010,000, See and 2.000, r cattle have rm ow all be exhibited," { just back of the gi: Panga presi ae ee eo yor ot * fram ao re. beg oracle of the Brazen uote, and so Little ettended to, * Taki 1* 2 99 often with slecp, « healthy skin recruite a 4 the sufferer (aed there are : af ett Fe? by Ra ete "ths fuahing a Gn be Easlera maria " STRATPORD MARKETS, _ by JM. Reynett,! - aoe tte ates ee rt her School, she we itis untree | Sa a fy in netecty botios to the pareuts of her papils: Beratford, Marob Sth, Lacy ST: VINCENT $7. Chane. of Mr. J.C. nate TerMaix--in wite of ae ort eit, ates ESELTEy tii Ha tp 4 t rooms. 28 pei dt coe pa od Tre~ 2rd inst, Gis the rm Es don Pawar ult, the wite + eS ial