| y ores t ; @ 6 - ™ . . ee Buperttitions jinea i sulvcky to epill ' Pee } ; Pe: nee ; tor' jt Souap ri tr cer nearly ; fee >, } = Pek: J ome te j eet WN eee a ae ag 3 anyhow, au | ' ORTH-WEST NOT 4 : . 2 [tis unlucky to 1 fs 4 Gina eke ' 4 'oinin when the en ween omen ie : ; from the Prine re + comversin & fellow Inhorer and lets Coal sells sil u hadiel' ueartin oro ; at $12.25 per ton at A i rh pot of rd paint on a Pat : ' be a ee se oxtail adder. } monton, at 50 conten barrel at Bal- 4 . foot t = akghe oe | Fi nh very Sui eed m : } Jmunigration has berun to flow in at Bran- 4 Cnnaey van en our emis Sig CC oe a oie fie ot shoelied ins ve .| Bt 7 ; 4 Pe A ; ot oats ua 1 Rd men vend ac) "Soe _ OF PERTH G. im se. r ear tithe a OL VIL Daa = we wen vee seer At Tvorahill and Manitobs City wheat ina By : ' ' Tee charhee' Rane ae viable otrbaly devinental tothe heath | ---- ' STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1883.2; ae ; : paid -- 5, Wis y to dream of & black ; --_ see 2 ; : ; ' ' ---- | Business at Brandon is still ' (i course, as it shows thet os HIS SAGRIFICE , | Behered into the hbrary, any friend or ac- | rcklens > J ' z NO. 379. ° acl everything promises well Penpagie. 3 abit af lake suppers will shestly be deopeped + | Guaintanes, and with a cold look his | they rt by wh'ch | fi spring trade. : 8 ear metal naa 7S , Sneed ae Sins tan Tro | erates, Sal ee met | Eive Minutes By the Cl SCHENTEFIC Oona Heaven' se sat of mn 6. It ja cnlucky to meet 7 , and make known his | Tetched that aha ton £ note Peres tie 5 ' | affairs is " eta be eta woman with » For Love of Her. nat pet ten eng" 4 did f i ock. ae Ne ot the towae retarding the progres woman here. do 'vant room, Seddenly Arundel started . publ "Dent aatnd , Ab beciekye sieae 05;3Ghegs ah 'athe: The toe sina retin fone bnew pale eo ens, Me ae id = fie teen and" eara up im the a rank hy the Repro ef (or. we A Sootesan thak the ae ee apartment, facing + Rawat ; , : particularly fortunate to sneeze CHAPTER XXXWI.--(Coxrmven.) 'Likes won saly 0 Sow Secbad antes neseent caught the s of light footsteps ave es heed faternsitenst 2 | 61.000 still due from the needant is any otber' day of the week, as it * probably "Ye I a thate--the wretged and. the os pe Ry Se knew. to whom these | | : ex echo-like : bao dering the pradece will be beld in -- rs eH brn estimates Inst peazon. 5 ra lida ene, and pataral that you thon | ite est 9 rizht Tae dae ad bose robbed of everything bs thing be Sontd pati tae Guar tr ren tesa tieacoe | J Geeet activity oh la the Pitrolia snow bas bren awey{ cr ete tnd forerament engineer) will arrive soon euien ta" : 1 8 . man" who room cams Mariel ' The owne inondtend dl ted Toternational Mostizal | {awa to euperintend the construction the follies =4 fant ot it Ridb Lemene oat tt da a Rok the tea bo give pre Rh obs De Mpc Bs hy ae tii on is stated that @ ---- mil tary in Louise ad niet thcered, mech against Ese si bald to:Ametentom Naering toe Eneron ralfway abd traffic. beidge at aahia af tilaty 'pet ware hall on er ney jaxury to which she has one hare supposed that ; would any APTER XXXVIII. mah bewestablished at Montreal. animal's will, After the a ey } ttl mire ex iy year. em OS ane would not sak you to that the'eanty blood Newel in the.seiee of 'How Muriel ' withdrew his cy a sa receipt for grain at Kmerson for f I : veine of was! That her life ae bi of ef 80 Pi hip ap in fe s af , Tl watch to ova.s aimgls he "ie wot mo macho fo wt de was One of them was tall aod stately, | Wan and had always boon, @ perfectly hap- spine "it. Tandivel, proprietor uf tebe tf clay te aoe resemble mar: | nothin being offer Te ie Mil of «! ae y ure the neigh. family honor snd social. posi 4 | tine off hishandaon.e bead hanghtily, not 6 Poa eae malence. There wea | | 27H for alleged liket. ially novel and effecti qaer is eepec: | man firm, wheatat SOc and onts at 36a, 7% pla la pres marlin -- notes the mag. | Arundel. Ol am s fich mae and my ts laee 1 hig' Vlack wary habfend os ap bored | theted fen ot errew spoe her lovety soft vercoal fen ne: mew Bento, B. will The Swedinh Gorermmeet hos granted a | L Projéct af uniting Emerson and West husband dowerlee: mous- v a ¢ Patrick a | Lynne « ft, ti calecky he first lamb. of Tat Ube thing T moet be rertain of, that the use Jost tinge with graye a amach | peed cheer eres St tetas onile te Te : . Ee hoe any begs nthe Rig moves very slowly, 'bat wil eveutaelly: be e peat with its face towards you, If at name she exchanges her own for ia ax fair | stooping, his bair the was bent ond | was fair and ted. mouth, thelow forvbead Jamas McFarlane, ef Weet N tte, | ed comditi heads -aicigen gh rag td cnn ae ad vive pote (ital a reese pe vet 'tygeeonr that eeither your rlaage nor cod sualstens 5 her eet, thet the family in- | features' pinch | thet parte sisfesehes = Pr nonspaoertn child's Wholly | Pai, farmer of Ham, Oe Out. Nanticatic, could -- iy ge: 'i = body, and ia Geataying fajarlons = river are enthusiastic on the question mt ofthese marries is an honored and re- | Was not uae w | te presence of any other ia | murdered by part ved r tas yet no legal step has been rightew " convealed by bh foom, she: went Jd . Acutte: stall h ? ightes » beast of the Geld. Roy's face 4 wrinkled aad poh ap hn ery bean, heavy folds of ig Bet Arenas, the ? | ONTrEp erate: : San Kitenie Lag fee wil Shy oe my Lae of watt oe blow, with Trade geverally has shown marked signs on Dee ea "I kndw very little about iy own fami pote ible to associate any Names at | pain her, the dianionde ia Arbre p Tegvacet of weal pox till conte and 1,700 sheep ia & pen without chasing or Poland," ha Mager its na es poy mitt pier Pete yplie rade ig Ene ' t ia equal gee! sy Mr, Anthon, ' ry. | vem ¢.roless bappissess. ith every movoment 7; | 3 crowding any of them. When pensing g travelled thas ( 'Hea 'cha quantity of wheat, © alt dora twelve if there is sly wo pa room | rhortly a 4! "ay pthne t died "Mr. Anthou"--jow as was the voice it } -- gednys head. ot hee oma) Pal + tbreaten to aaniate the sae he heat work «ee. down a long nin miles. Tht is the longa eset rine fax b hs oem marketed, Pree foe wes foer years old bat I think by reason of | would never go," she | > Je aries pes toa fixi-upos which the pen is ammall an flax, Ade; . at, ; 12, Thero\e luck in oikl members | This veins js pure, ton blond | eaid, with her little musical y, buil®, At Bet : , SSo; barley, 40 to 42c; cord wood, §8: pare, honest blood, 1 do Glenmore has i sical Igugh: and | Rifty whites cbastopel a new ye ' a a 3 play, and por the game yuu think doors ls say cinta gpoe toe Ghumore wo lave bis anit boewnne | {ae something in Arundels eyes made her | Indinaa ihe fr ws the Ga pa A Sigiaaw horse fell sick one night recent. a ndage trends genre py Sores It has" been decided "vs ie Uhcter ae hat pi eat ken woth Be kee ee oe | Souk Narehetie teen Gent laa a iioeegin as tad |e raking pdheneerecaeaeal Hiscs of the ene which was destroys dering | Emerean to $5,000" Sis Somers pow ing about it one together. | Ae ; 4 in the ne a and » of a veterin jamous slege by the allied ait brid, SS ee ee ther, i is totally wy ag cathe ; Read thought caught sizht of a stranger standing pear the | per: ax bundecd von | te het had before 'treated ion ton eu neap : dee wit pecker act obs Reser dome service om the | " adel, matter, 'Ye Oh i : aoe clowed went the mck eT canes | the ovti some Seas fost <i : CURIOUS Facts. an uncle, have yoa wot, Mr. Gisect t he Thad m5 wish to take it up sot ey Bama pardon me," shomurmared, | to placs the price at a i, -- ied | dine standiog at the door for hours, OOO 000 "eer ts ten Ceonerabie pags tera _ re mae heard you ef bin." could i +} ho amount of tal+ing | of evarse you wo de nT I thought | incrbase to $1.4, a = hid Te. The British (iovernment propare to bi can be utilized, David N, Sellegg, « bliod m: opie nena be » Richard pia decision, Koy | hav re come i y siee Lnhoald not " s rooster recently deserted his uative @ vew dock in the Inlagd of Multa: Nes Work +n pia tat 8a an,hasstarted | Brandon," answered Hoy, _wonsering i Mr pot have bis a te joualy. The Central A Blates ha J ard pear W Va. barracks are ta he ouna 'al cd the sew railway and traffic N.'Y., in which only bide} perso Newly propa cul recomnior, the ome ; but it | sbou was all there was |i sly, oittie i Toe up at him qaestion te set heii ns eamtaronee cove te Tite live tu the woods with a lot of wild turkeys. the 'use of the Mediterranean 14 "3 ~~ meaty, Ths pebrone Leroy large iF un wi qui t tut he d , . wondering wh jor tien. cross as ust a u + a s it, only said jo did not, for a at tand in that I am addressing | dering too coe salroanee her to bra Feed: wee Nayten, Ohio, two members of th his master leorna whare the wid terkeys and ote ata to a ak bo samme! gang Son at work dri pies. H notagrapa Manat tapenade at 1 A tlatirs ot Eile Brandon, of Hoaton, | he said keily. Pra my ichard Brandon," | whore abe had ne recelicctinn ate -- a cont challenged cach other igopen otc a and so ia wble to have roast turkey aa it wil mested to the' deck yard Pos ent off below the re qo A os Tbe b m| of the erimina or a . mey i cat US shook ook his bead. -- 'gs, Y. bescated, Sr. Bran: | mot before : while te ier pr a "The "dhe pie bptararaleaa . te ale Fale _ Tt f ed for filling in the contre Mare No two thumbs hare the ™ Brandon wis | amable to master the aituati reveatly convicted of ¥ g's chickens at Colum- he shape of the new British beat lived as fast a ave the spiral lines oxactly my cn | = oud, very little sient aria cy he A a aaa tog af the jhe do, what should page Bn one pte: pole sesame pocype Es oo bi City syed em hee with a head of 2 ;| Me hey eres pry bet i fone a be latest aie from the 'North West 4 Io 1 ea let, . ra Ore perataly, ing that hie visitor had np pected an introd to the a coop been raised high nd q u idding slipa, and i ories d i used in pewlareces os an bare are anne os about | n man, one whe i ition of seating himself, shrogged hie who, wes her lawful hechaad, Tt is pReged that the pee J a eatedeyed br pap sly sed ad i? a in and out by means wits rp rte! bred i ok must be te oe ¢ of | of grain aod other yer prod os the ered malar chereh stecpite aod 'Serange said Mr. Anthon, musingly epee foe aad stand ell, care | aautd he fo rodnas ber?" fie tank sll bow | bec . cobpeb Mille at Rarby, Ta. shave | tered, wn the frigh htene bea Prey thew ak m4 = " tao ie are rather | strange ger having any oppor ap jared ey 1 in no nacht ey ese producing very pure, distines and . os lntarens ', '. - ying wi ia we. chain. in uce ? He bat no ides led to work aid ve hours at hastil, or pectpepers sreling an y nag y of mak oft iedeomamenign ine to the Pl ire net and melodious ae ows family st cama | tow oe dar ple rey ea as the | Pockepe hasan hn Jb ot vn ; ia the prop. wih he h fell, aad a ae oy Y HAD Goon a0 a gy ay if drawings: exes model end pes ol jomigrenta iste large in- q . Mr. . i "ard it a ar gr t chy t 'verident G L risaner, - ARON, ake que irm, at $1.50, with B cars old has bee ou have treated h ef mn rT in hia Pee - . The Executive Committor « fakes Q an up- Ww van by go pol poring on whe we were dene | re farally : pg ban fla very little nhout Your } deep, pure love go for dining Does | choald'be, 'Aves Arendal, "sree hee vf the Avecaibly, 'will "aa ima to the Mesican An Irish tetler belonging to C. Wis 1 te y rb eyen their Inve | national Fisheries Rahainion the lata fans, alten "th Hey '0. aise aa aim a #4 Cotter, Cal tie sop o to | who youngncle wae and ad os wbakaly, w | Anthon! or, if it does, bave you Weed aang 2: | presence as . cy Rerei oi ts ™ Kreatest ecunomy i mj of Carteret, Ga noeiied an ples fee ate a a mn gresip? | have come to a decision to ight tas fai, coally tare bough the cut laet fall was un- © been left there by Chinese mari Brand wnat of | enough to tell by a man' leon 6 | burn and Poa ils ri came to &slesd eet righ itor, and | leries with elosirlais near ga wrecked on the coast ong before the Cl -- belongs, a» it wrong! r. | noble and true [" * wheth:r be is | in awift terrible before her, toll ber pes Haliwin, of Buandon, Vt, amd track of the Cherok right on the te jo to that. If it did | mate iy. and they have already is irlet. | Glenmore, 1am very t 1am obliged ral words that the man with ail, be ald offende lier @ Cherokee Railway jut cx a | none » wonder, gy eo arrangements tor the tilnminati " iged Arende!'s face flushed whom the had been livi fender, have len arreated i in | Pawenger train was os ' would be | fully two thirds, of ino } #0, es ton- ng for ow York f approaching at ful] | TY: & af the aren, Thy Wealth for a Car Company, peek wix ys ner s of lady + sroently gave a emall thi debe ple Nem Py rem I know I knoe wal! Was prt mingled wi with 'ais hia igen ware was not her husband bat her busband's | terfeit poet Pieces. . dog sway, ae the endeavored to Easter fig come and gine, an and gaiety is" fone. required will be meaty $00 horse i The old woman ia the ; Ms i Brand: . c stom of | killing the oneal," es tied oan * wi a ar posal heal famity 1 abe tie stohin® y that be dered ae falt as aman fopls whoe xpecte mi | ea hatheten & Morinon elder, bes arrived at' never to flush | rd prin wet be coared bat i seppond tas se pos mpy,| In many. parta of Spain | f fe-sog aif og ti out sec wnties cs se to» your mar. j tohave Lhe rowte fi . or iven from iv all right. i arming 0 eres Wage' later | So as ns Ay A: ad roar yon none pic lenge serail trust to | | ina for ding with th my ow to being taken 4 exploe and hurl = pefider ine at - he fet a chee ap Utah ond Gs Questia Ee till the prt Lager Mag Pag te or the pret: 'onilered how Shriat -- hae made ite oe M- no p ee since Iter up the car, \sheeadedaedaicind which' bright f and as lively as telore. consent. without my j ar Bhat erene to | know not what the next moment mi > on Etaten. ball Ad mot onem inet the ta sort o: b core, The same | Did a yo kane some y " : ; y 7 ust thi Bb ie used pow as thy + hing? . The Chaldeans used aun-aried Weick No, kny did not blame him, but still he Fr yon Tw ocphew Batt bow reat ta mist tr hema, a ath oa Marit | New gs age mey 2 | 4 mGicorgia an old custom is still in vogwe | po" dou tiki for' testes' ead | Cat tue corm alter the ane maainst Ociowtal toate ais pt cropper compe aoeny Semen here rsa hice because they lacked Sved fuel red cts rey Somanensted, very much nr, unless T'kno La Pe rtai mafater 00 nas crushed fr ages = os before kim, | a o Sth fink mie on of young teriam chee Mp i charch. 1a the Presby- re ela young depoters sak Gia's eet on women separate the chaff from "the! "N met § oe er Ly ey Ins d parn them; tut they tried te com f ° a few le mec: ia by birth, b lor a certainty that tase the truth it ea! the weight of | rveciiar' re - fon ounes at als rob in Macon, a ferocious bape ede: ball they attend, and y tosming the grain up in the air dur. | wher t's down heresome- thats frailty by waking thom tery icky | site (ame from bie chair, esting that | ba | thom \s by birth, breeding, and social posi. | Inced was inthe power cf thatead: gt 41} tation for Jentertd and curled himself ap at his mis- | Pe the hope that it ma apo ee ind, bos sometimes giving them a facing 7 rs os ' interview with Mr. Anthon was over "And ba | hie ai man [oapeak. Unable to understand CT Hi green ley ialecme and a guide sfeet. After awhile, aa the preacher & good hi before all the play = pyr look," and the man he pec Seem neler Xi bee hard: ad 'sel tones the Gok, ad -- talkin no the | | at jal pos think Roy (ileamore ia not ber | for ie ie geome ioe in Mecets © rey 1 mecudaised, wr wen "shes ao dk sited ta se nnaseally bigh pitch, the, dlog started ne "7 asraalt of ih yt "ding. Mice ¢: tre sanphat Sedatee just acrota the bt aid tows Repo sed . amen . e i 4, . * " le ou i Se x P & nee the cunsas le thor Sele me -- ve the while; bat cin icy bert cy ve - oe voice, the Aah of emtarrameteat upon ber fa « deep Booth ark oa mountains. mein te beck. "Ta te Setkedioe tense mB eonsel bir tas ioe ote O the Hav. inn eaoten, |! Soe, | im fencet ine Dewberry, y rereens ree -- Lata ite ater casionally they wore alec tarved acbund avy street deor had hosed alter "+ affirm ap pata ent upon her face, she | A verdic © $5,000 | 5 et in Albany insane: might be be is an himeelf, pone np Gesigoe by eather emul, and frum this arrangument | line disagreesble amile curve! Aswaasts Leow that pour sop fe Bran Vonly evi rhe against te me i nas 'been returned | 2.» peteka pe aes dlog rs curled acd for» ap epoliation. re was gaat | if examini need by bim since October last | ~. --e " be asked. predaally grew riod amphitheatre. qoment | | Ups. 's | rape nephew could pen' aaewer | i ai He you not introdaca me to your in New Yor aphattian Klevated Haiiroad palpi the presc x hoes letter u ut the knowled that lobe ng the eth an ve . The = "Lady loa money." a | think I paid hieo back for i om jest justices T put to him . rie: Huse anol?" if 4 was proven that hut coals emphatic ho struck pres Bible a pgethaan editor } ore bunre ther -- ge of the i ey about the size of a walnut. It i t oe tod Hab " Po 0 -- 0 ~ | between Louie ana Percy Ev 'oes ta is family ; and, in consequence, | w _He looked at ber helplessly; ther { dropped fi coe t the company's engines on the back. The dog jumped up with in his | ea that he r. Cochrane | a" be held ia the mouth for two miuates a No; she can't fod it, - Diary | epolling my plans," he aaid 1 to in olf. ano iE federal jac rad other father rapa sg yp sd oy gray ect on fr a roe crippling me for life. My Gea ran over sate mats the congrogal ton pet ae bee vp atrad of th@éditor letting pcr ypbd gil eine eetiee Reape haa. tat, - well het for * bcedle ina 'o-t | fa '» i wron, sf | way. loop- i 4 now, puneacteoas pecgecre ml ee kin es the caine pena a noes ques' mene | Cyadered to bhsacstl tow fe wna posibcier for At the inventigation into the chai 1 Dro ef ing a -- was a feat accomplish; outand ha porter] Was that t ep melting staining of riche red aillos ot by her "t find serge in this straw." oe Mania Cored tte 'the Bu " has 'There were traces of the ious wenr"e:| arr Fe pe what he asked." posed refrain from pag hie life. With. +f the! management of the Tewkesbeey, by danas Humphrey, of Goboes. PY. om after the? say that newspapers rope herb ter, then adding a piece of alum oo of wae orn a German bh wey 4 down a aie mn [oneal the way lo unscrew the hana struggle spn Richar. Brandon' « fare fot be | "Ves Tipoke brig at en ing elegy ri ght = to what be was go- | 'Mase. Al oats @ former employee rata ate Long Lake he aaw 0 Pra bees ke ae 7 little mone oF & tittle he = RK, ry re pound of Vpactian oer the me np aa aod wa nied to know what was and having dove that he immediate! tn leamant ittine room waiting for ly. "'I tole aa aha = ---- before he cock slips to speak ; but a large number of infant bodics | o small isleod i te of the 2 falaity deea not matter e'poand of Spanis own ; reduces ** Laily los to try to fin | out the y began Kny to come, and when a tl a your nephew could utter a sound the man who | Were told to Harvard and He thus describes ae] ee -- is increased by pe - ta ring or something." said the ie he in ¢ Ry Med piled" At! ad ae av dnd ™ net heist comin, aes tha ido hi oe ial ees to Muriel--sh, Heaven, think | schoola. and other medical | | | jamped eahore par gran te y spe hE Crovn iff fof Tecrn would not thank the met di For coloring Black he at the parlbad the conversation wae bart canghts title of of first he put wrong end ' ban ihe la. | hat did he my to you, Roy * quick |--te tell you wh Ml you about myself | for 2 ie ir alls ont stones, I had just got back to the boat, | j * ifs poli theref pase nt dip in flaid caphaltan orin a hot ry tw therbole, but turned it road. ent round | tell me nat PPPS eiars fed oT wm, oo an- | the with when ted, ' Here be : it won't, thi®egh the buzz of talk is -- linseed oi! and asphalt, jot mix. | Vee doto? Vell, vill; and she don't --_-- way for sacking. Finding -- 1 With almoet w a - ps Ae est ows | any alae tee tee, od bata Mar tha | ae fray moustachs, aboat the pallid i oe aed Paonia ging nc sigue ny another eruption Qn ie el a fanillade of vocke:; bus ke ally of ties. Very little, how. _ Scienti¢ pa aa E haaet pein eet i ' "nol d, he turned the other emd of the cause in | strange, reserved lif such ¢ the li | M «no attentim to them, but started for it either one cpa touinn ef chee a vot} Th hase, Sal earefliywtack i ints Me lit, ss tases Soe te ee him ati i te ard | and society. avoid athe eee hrger wide Felon Anthon know of the Fir i a il deaaaa ! wooed bie pea Ue itt and I pep- | be gr it ie avideat soine mut | for pl ws x noe a te fou, platfigm bega sie <b aah hack a 5 nto turn it ight way. : . He asked me ques. | my fellow men." pantoas! cont uneelifek: | wi e rocks, and | dou J rs great knaves. No | Comductors to the force und . <i a th ey it was of couree, « very difheule font elec tmy family which [ could not) 'lf, Mr. Mrand rohbed of ness of the man he had | olny sch ailiance it in said . be | finally drove him again-to the island. | ° t about # t, whatever, conditions, b under certain known | |. : is mouth wide open and hit to perfor for him | answer, amd th Pal Jon ? really, you all that war dear to hin, "| tween Ttaly, Gera . exiote He tarted @ iste in gig ire itions, but thase which offe » | eyes fastened of the agot, raid Dea Gana mene tacks cence ea, Set nn x eco | eh akenienbi ee | ato vom: thei |UzE nc chen ae | Mata a ie | pepe ee | uatppcda dimen e to turn is between bie tandein voles te kml poor Roy, disappointed and pb tee ey tenderness which Yanciateli the N him. I gave him one that lack: young Bh would « ply, Ride oe ead entice al bough they' may _be y this tine everybody an the car wan ine screw it ia, and the. long: br nelee eg h out, dropped be heel in his ain a Y epi the sound of the cold, cantic sh sens velvet eyes an she spoke to Ar- will re ay the oa fiee ue Nusete a at Bea him, Defore hee recovererl 1 oes iy' stoned selves pil cultiv iy oe ent clue ve of bal conductors, The tas wit end watebed the woman the $ brush prevented it {rom remaining @ uy = at ene aroused him ; looking up he | rained roles aie Hichard Brandou bad | can, waat tiasegee aie ae reali. if you | of of the Grar, 4 the cars and beid his b under wate | thom anit Beliegs it woul) be bot = foe the orat to oli i per dine --- oem, ee cundvct avthey turned aver the ° / = ; bead ; . wa ' i i we ovodue: or with the rieht side up. He Beli the shout Rs saeks, SE Regent: al it a, | dnihen starn.os io ayer Sell shew 'tinete | tee Gen | aria ert the Sultart has appo'tt- Se Te reel womanlinabetiive sees aad bende vn see iewantdhisfue ; ; y even so it tor's face, for i a visi | "How she loves him," be has sai' | Vinee Gow and oth 2 eard on Yonge * ----o "Ts 1 some " was'very alt for bh "Where are you U se ' in an instant of ti . sail tohim- | Leb cfacr vf The er er 8 J " pen m ney ; turn of the schew te at per yaa 7 be asked in ear ames acie: Kishara 7 Fare achange. It was er lente a gy whi a is apr have rom| Home, De ! po pene enya ard curious story | day eveni Fok ary weunley an Sun- Communtem in Africa, i Pisiag cis aod the conductor. went worked at it, however, with the " Holding the door-knob in one ban he dark cyes ble with | i " heow, vy, M been appoint- { stea ing ravbite. iogs were canght | cottraging. « Bi least it does 2 The traveller, comin own au bis kuees and buried the mower wearying pérseverance until iy rye Pit Rac lon tarned, and never tad rey j ~ anger in them, upon the forehead great ', bbaradaany her. ded ashe aid © many pogo of the ai, in ye place of § ie nei re heorfpire & laces dog of the D Bot 29 appear | into Damaraland, in st nf band = Earope | iy teown son orate Se 3 4 } jeare re he anid ease}, deceased » &crom betwoon a St | y the great com- Tt! it " turn of the ecrew to satch, ha Phan + | ween on his lace be'ore the loo that rested \onaa had gatherol, The flood of bitterness | "God hel os me 4 and 4 large woolly colley, fe € 22 | Tux Catuxvgat C muniatic freedom wi ich & tto the ain't a. swig," mid the quickly turved it round and roand until it ad | Shue fe coe te ee wrath P, Pines shal never know," the Tiaperial a {© dogs ; a san, fpr ared by all < te: LOOK. tes the land apd i "i, nan ap. | Man next to the German, : " ow for : * 'ausing within a f moti o minions Pa Hl je Becd ® stranger, a mall anid ite natural products, | ~ "Yaw, it w " wan screwed ep'to the end. Th ery Where am I going 1" ho said, ri J years Russe: An had Leen dod yeh sear | lion in levis of séspen Ber, we i have boen wora t it was money," said the German marshes rt ing was, "hat haere te ctten he | eo > "Tam got rs to tej. ad poet lig nove monger) een y borat bee nrael = Bon i re pertame | a ae to 50. The Govetamenh "to tents the hole inte ply ape Berra col big dog, La ee Ree ary tm Clethen, uy Sechinen aad th tho heasa oo woesees wea i" "Tesen ear & dat ain't no di ppors in the be, geaticness went aciel--he | i J wt us mi vi babe ; ain't no diamond," was indeved to wy turning the Pande the the | : "th sanstees b " fst APuodel Ant vette eal y Taare (PBamri end ether members of the smaller com woolen, Wad pelos some Sian oa wo ef the frost Corlons ryt but Bo ome in obliged to peep tote | buch the ecboeed Ta "W6 tbe samt thy s tewed : : ' ge ; but in th ceased beat: | A of understan Fr : pot cece nee ie! | SwArram ann. | SE Rteaee cougar set |. aeleineaaaaiaias Aperai ttprtin pent ts Pato te |e toed Teetons Teg | Se bass | Some sda ag ES | a se ee ang wal e unscrewed it again, and then bere are limita to everything in th . w young agai The "My name is Richar " | have arrived at Liv mus | scratched away all the grass and the ston pone 4" which led to drivk in te anc "Th hie : mire wed Sail th the en per time rather Pr i aay ee isi pationt Galaraiea: ' pea anew Maal 2 ei 'tt 'att height, ts the aoe wasa lic. Hut eaereen dee when, The Duke of kK i: dragged up ro board covering the catranee ple pele porey Apgeated fe the countrys marked that t them ductors evn 5 f, the fea Slinade it © is pot reason wt When be haij F decoros ey prectinn _ Cyaan dorks Teme i tee foul sake look, the cheeks no Gonna Gol will court stands at the ber of Heaven, f th Oate teal and Combri vise "ynteratien, and 'hook the --. meal et = tecries jamp ap Sot ke 4 Sew f y te bel bbe Dk yi "ae put own nthe straw vere : $ if screw d ts a time when th & God- sunken by of the red flu 7 'eae im? gonvourse ew minn we ytsturage is free for th ' vena i. od & wetor what 5 ap we fe, 4 and eee beines will Years ion per oa. he ee on ioe, im, the gleaming eyes lighted = i ee a teens : ge -- t rh Arundel | present at the cothrowensc nt neal" Atehblay tat he preacuted t Tie, i. "3 rid agp opt 8 in oy ate, the wood for the. peyote H were fate of money Uy raking ore hay ne remarkable thing ts tuat | injaries they have receireland | In over; red bd jon eoling almost | | both proceed to devour their sup) en bs via wapper. ia atray rol wots the [hunt w: ve Cope. mn the take eo nuch trouble in thai hich have been \d the power of wid trokien becopoud, | Lave eae aal Lae oy calling | A gentlomas of Hiton, of b i. -- lepton oat as resumed until Yonge street hes is po Siticia) benefit to his, Te yes har uranoe ' pre earth: "ston I persis oes whe lam, nto action all his will-power that be k \ has 1 th " of ch psiton, i* | | hunter « Ce ee ii was reached, wlen man 1a i pt in pil aad ead. | then? i Arundel An- | himself from sinki eo kept that he saw Lad - singeler combat t h | the would bh ae ial ! --that t chan 4 sinking down, weak, fi Dixie r bol between insects was | the - Lt rf have to go. sufficient t inducement to bg nae ye rag ran Authos. me had come now to Kussel | and Psi ta Th 'lo ail changed by mienry = oF a ew words, Seracis ih a poe wie je time shee asediack | | Parsuing : Bes Seaveller is a Aion i he =i not inmnse thas 9 Go ves ate, a wt | | eae " -- your money!" asked any amount of trouble. This seeme a very |... °% he had lived patiently, b Look at me io not look like the wan chard lon," meant volumes to him ; | Comauttted, and saw 's i 4 ants, A 'asa host of small Pirecd Upon, or venture to int | int did ° th human feeling, such as ia not A 'FY | his bitter pain and sorro Lins ¥, bearing yee left to di o they meant that Russel would never betray | 08t anybody accostin Bee walk away with | ral 8 ant would mount upon the cater: | our the proceedings. Tue utertore vith, we I didn't tind it,' weid (Me » Hews, in any other animal Ie paigiorh be: had been eruell mitts, comet ed y, auch as I ha +) him to Muriel, that be had i s | piller's back and bite tim. Pausing, the at ange hunter' game is an mech "th "Didn't she find itt" ay a th th a y and foully wrun; ve suffered, works renounced all a * | caterpill Bs . ee hanter's as his, one tl the boo! pies wan with ' pearl yy - - nora notloss pavpl corare resignation ; airing bias, tL iy pagan changes, now a that men. pep ha bia own name, that he would let an Se ae | = is forme roy dias dinars a seen | Sie Oa cet Gee Ue wid tbcr'y to atte carne : . i.e ; ' imply the déaire to | isery of others--which he could re- | who you} W Ld Insane Mintste: dozen or more of his 'nad bimselt a hunse there. "No, t achie ob A 1 ®' am--I r broth wo saalle Muzial head. rim the Pulpit persecutors the cater- it b A she did' t find it," lows his attention tobe diotraated sect it be wo ulevintion ambi apes pig a ™ * Remel An Mr. Gi amade sone" she | The Salma {Ala ) Ti " -- npn te ore he te uathing woree happens t ray tha ie eee 4 dene. 'TI ate crying of his own heart, omtend a "Tanith he had been tarned | +I agp ne the marble-like face J.S. Pevy, @ Meth } edit living, bys Revs | to alk 0 poe Bsc Loren Hie bat unreasonable is cemandod of ine he mol mt tie imate <a lal J ie i arti 6 Senet | secmna almost ineredible > stone, Arun: listened. : tect yon, Mr. "| Of the Tove hice < pi ib at | same way that peopl $ | No," sald the = Sexty Meech tes -Provisannsi. cami ing allowances loc rae gon inched plaka :only a 'a pallor bigot er amall, white right hand as | site aren Staton iaoeent ai the aborg tire igeeeuieel ho tabek i soan stove world srs not Sees in other fat sen n°" woman ; "you can have over face, . v in « tors i = It is pretty well nettle! now that the ver | eines, ie tes shane hwy va shout ee soceth Tena thee a certalp look | The last timo she had spoken to h pamed place cm last Sabbath. At the neg | 84 threw it off the stalk. The anita, one Hiply titan bts, the atces hot 0 easil however, | "Mow much was it carly roricneng doesn ee apie ter m the worm ; i tem pi tation ; had he ne a seal witnined his teeth as mon do preach adh Uircwsir head had bees upon his breast, his argu hae hoa be oy th pulpit, kneeling as it wet i i hos igmed had too atrong ape pe leat it ia both ugly let is @ native cra member ofthe ib "A ha'penny,* © passengers in comes before an Ned t aj te al Arges | was, in yhical 7 arou , and "e, with ministers, to offer a short ion for them to overcome, resort a natalgol Se proves a | all he does aut car who had boon i eriounness be pete i tight along year Pi) va he have thus pap egy lest they sboakd cry out im | brokenly, her face ahs had sobbed out | prayer mained in that position for | @E2%8Y- | T ey began ing thcena the wocw say pinot bn pale be scared away, is +t lat | settled lock in sii cytes reply whith the bist jee Lo tere, ia | the Urait of his ar coi in ei aee, | thrcet when Rucwel bed stint motes tee" Tack to me soon Resel, sey hue: | Opes ice mine hn m be srees and | Eo venjasdec! sate paraets open thr eat better discharged sy | Settles in sop pateties aque' task, hawt pe an innocent look, just as if they bads't ich the bird frost pro 4 divi as though he had felt a chok ng, . Goud-by, Russel, iby." Ht 4 y reading a hymn, | hundreds of ants pounced upon the cat. wise ever, ex; ; < must, bow. en the slightest mterest in i , Me Fathi toe CU hedtd de eet ate | mont ivine fishner Deon Slowly hie * choking sensation | back to him now eo vivid . beame | Which wasauhg by the congregation. Ha | Pillar, dod be was killed, and the vict 1 by an \elpuniva am. | well pect thatother persons, finding it | anyway. the thing, tun ble ofthe Pobruary and March ¢ on © waa no longer resigned, willing to suffer | and fice od the eyes travelled the form | happened only a few gee} hit had |-then offered a short prayer, and immedi marched off in victory leaving the foe' ucd c to | will srereiied with waver and pasty there a now thes each ae t | in allences every drop of feenny in his veins | whose life he had I before him--the man | come back tb ~ lore. Hw had | ately read the second hymn, when on the field. ad dd, and then the ing there herds there too; and it is acd balan day, Its okey in igctle the real | pees pi er Ry bitter, big Engen his | his wtiffoned Ui isweneel Then, with or pc ay ae a he, Resoel, be her besa | his la Ryman by b ich, opnend the Bible, and phaes | Biber looking for cattle in the timber hat, In | get od $f on iphe Tang tig to FACTS.anD ND FIGURES. : rs ate in the air, and the | anger all the more, er-- | "Great God, it is true! It dove ob the cnsit tend the tad * | mained te the same aa if resting, re- | bills at the head of the Matilija, Vent oven, | standing thei » Dotwith: . Sa ak ing Gees Chet SE pas neon | gta A ot ah acne a seas | Sate saris ate ian br| fet en oO ii | any Borda esl wcbtak so et | sob sag ek tenes ag asa bb oR © acl ' « cy "J sao ahy It in a wel of pol grrr pateel Cpt ral Acpey -- au & passionate cry, the other threw up hea ad geo oe ® member te ¢ wary Phedere then shad iy Ortega some trees his cane hich fey hen | pian yer her src deed psanggelg Abn " two court 'theatres at Berlin ep man wishes he hed mediam | of Muricl was his obild, the = o arma, rowbridge then let him fold | paid mown | ices, to w! her| Shout a hundred yards and stepped. 01 obliged 4,000. overcoat, Not having it, he 'out with. } ledge that A terrible know. | "Dead," he re: ow her to-bis heart and call ber his fold | paid no attention, Lut remained metionléas killed the biggest bear at the first toga trast, 5 go awa, ay fron the «haste Fifty thos 7 out any and comes hume to die--génerally | runel bed robbed bimel the | had died. Yeu" mecld have beta 'eae! Slasflls wed harm, ton wentharite patie: | mes less, The CST! quickly cllattel santhes, hike tho tated otty Net oe naar iia have Filly thousands pairy of shows dally are jof Onan & dey ail of j aa well as wife and name and i- | merciful, Arund have been more | band which hy had was the wide golden | meantime dississed itscl!, a few gentlemed | Wok to the woods. . while sho third { 7 by side ie in the prisons of New York, The out- dlen and without warning the 6 a sud- | nest, had roused fierce and bitter | in | to el, bad you pat » knife in- | by her side « remaining better to acquaint themselves:| 0% foot to bi Ortegy's boy then went joree, bat they are gotuated by side manufacturers fo 'elaion $o be enable te r : ly bird ap- | his wo w feelii my heart and made sure that I before altat, when, ja the | with the ) ves, ring back the hone, but bef polltical views. The yo cotnpete with the There is nothing ander the sun tor | added » food of w+ of the world before wae ont t of God and strange actions of the pastor, Not.| he reached tho horse : ne people are ee $f vrceer if tie t took my plice in rapa men, he had taken ber to | replying to : ; a-tear overtook bin. to gradge a st-arger the posed F New York jim to cat, The crust of the carth is mot) Arundel nal ( it you yr be his wife. He did pot dare to iB to any in' tarragsilons, he was Gnalc) As soon as the bear saw the bo teud ba eet parti ular spot of or come a from the +s HAfgeanible, 'The insect world ie Eresen fa or Arus 1 had woanded 'and insulted Roy Steadil: little hand, aad touch that | ly taken hold of to be seated, when be abhim, and boy be rushed u pies, wie tadrive f Mediterranean about X10, ; Sere tsthotn bio loved ar deanty us th ly Arundel walked . and abruptly he turned m be ta and the boy was too frightened © ive ler. 30,000 ora ood a Casren a worm to be seen | be bad be his own son, be had ht | Uasechiag hia desk he tk ees oun ngtes of ita wan looked po an lea iy. mere salt "Tie ees atte to accom aud seated inh anything but to atand still ant call ag | san Feo : pee mT ! An inven vale fore hal " tears monn, of an peculiar situation for a bird to fed hs Moly | over as pale ol noble young life riya we iw ta kg moot hi in his | she thought to bevel brent he oe the gentlemen to his ro idence, eae 10 which ie and fire jet aa. o 4 wanes his rifle coat oe sunt te wee md this seine ot Werk '" complegiie awenty Sher ae es i. boarding-house parl f saved him, Kassel Anthan, «4 he oot ladies' 'society. ien't | ner gave assent nox i; rema han jen o1 ite k goen, Wheo the Hi eet Indies, vaa't "find foveal" Secret | eee Sets, the ask te Prices of watts ae Phesda elroy wait is reg saying to y. 1 Hassel Sen dc he seeete os herme. Lone being told "et the ented the here etd hed ples = abe tata d once atked 2 tation changed ce } eat years ino The Spaniant drioks wine than his a { ! tter drop | will be h + butome | saw Min no rockled 7 woe tked and clos dso again rushed at the bo ' ' oir uc, He replied, © domination of the Nama. | eighbors--1# gations which caused cup to overfiow, the enough, probably, I remember I think I must have | that he could 'are led hn ) boy, the blood streamin ; th ; » | quas, te whom they had Preiard h a day only, as com- | Injury which te wuld to orertow, the ast | ware always s good shot el TT jon," | that he must we aa fram « butiet 'hole in cep aoa thie Tied te,clten pat | subjected | the Sarna eexejoealy Vows |e cowla showed: Ae aaaen tncaan Athen " tank i ' ; aner, > ¢ . ' - TAs be walked pen he stream --s oe aE Sows a son the carved oak ported Cs ve Met Jeave on ts Baad 'Gend | bongs saoid h tang mothe ont wep 2 7 Wathen ayes aad ming. po Bar od repel <<: der diry ly ay mashed? | mae a peace with tom The pec Ak a £9,000;000, i. ' . c. Brandon, f iy epaiting 'e ve oH i ec Coat, Ww | ba - sal oto cso Med eat eaen tthe, | Eatiam ented le fae dts! he glite of | ie often and see 0s," BoPe yon will cope tele ecm spemnt ete these ti =f a emecte, ak tous ee, ley of fast, the | Locetary Sacsne, we artion sheshi Ax 0 | , Tt smerted that. the 'Indians are not a hich hed anger. : +. 36 G, Groves. Hie sprke not a word jesperate father seat a bull ia that wo | would bo! -- which they | "peristing race," t © inex pace mg ff Rego Le | Big pr Td am want your life. Coukl sone | cppected mad sikad fer a'pee and tome or Wick ae ahtorh howe at uo the baa | ie whew e Food book the lene ape tary echt wor waaly to ache asses | WE tools ig shat 1,000 iy. F th w'batiorness oll new to him « | Seeks fs tale tne sete settcbed erebtend tp a Uncle Cash tans ewse Sel! beck wad and 'railed agony tne | of their coats | ede, Heese coop ta Les thee oacie tery Goome tee eee email tee am, He wants, to Meow whol am, doas he? year weariness and pais out of mRIoNT TxovG from that time on he seemed have re. {, hill rolled down the re have no then wh: y- bard el, over which they had fought no ailtee in Soe Celia' Davina i001 S80, nearly je wan: . of the life of ovaurs, turned to his pemi-uncspecious state. See but ons? Aa eu bth abs ner nett The Uerero chief, K Phil buted among sixty." the mah who is called Beane | nck the bricht hopes I once id At eee | be found at ; hem jeclared re Aum. } ight agencirs, id His curiosity hall be satiatied--I will tell could it make me again the man I once was! hen man in mon inquire what bi perfectly rational asi intelli be Interesting Experiments. ¥ aa There | eae part ol ri pee fel etay, ne 'Achorting to 'LeuMondes tit him whol am." No, no. And even if it could, I could not be ek etn 0 | email iseh, intelligent, bet the { From Marie we receive the report of he peact, of tobaceo in Rueai consumption . fale Ie--nok noe Whee fai tan iat | seat before him--Makomet. whab fe haa] een ne peatieee a wala ho Sed) perenne cmniatel ote és ated pod served ot hi op d expecha fair tet ia, France and England en it knowing it was to be Maricl's ert s thong | see Enea Whsheiver tuition prevt ear toa slander. | 23 him he wou! ag downward palm of the hand is placed and to ie peed tain be pegee -cou Souer aed i 1a Italy it in 1}, in Austria, 2 2-5, : ih H Bee DB re pose out to him as | when I first 2 ve you | 0:8 report is either him elf of a radical pou it in anch an § men, espe on' thewe terms lasted Fatlf eojease iu Germany 3 pounds, Jn Belgium the nven' . residence. poles Wheat onl oR ie cerns Hoaria n= * nth me eee § fear of the same, At one § the middle classe, and whose ordinary - bra tend ge to 44-5, while Hollaod takes the os hoes deat an be went ws panes rest It inndt for me to con en Mra. Grove, pars pe A ray ng eg of aie not necessitate apy nee of wipes. United Sates the Ba», rag inthe rang shall o anger; three ; anual wer ' bead pooh fag pelt bea myers Lag hd 'ar silent. A win and, ofthe p Acne ayo vain ban; soho i Uke ea tame dank vt ieee ; their streagth The Serongyet mae ma war sie Here wo fiends you dare wot ig 7 Of the million ana . Seid ceay ie bette hs | een es cence | Pt er ee aig et peg ah it et ys dat oboe et i ie ara " Anthon | ; rove upbe-| Deliberate with can with accompasicd ta this city by Dr, Groves,and 3 and the average was 56 kilogram ned than to satiety all that follow it, saciid *- in tesament bouses. There pact Mr, Anthem at hemeT" be ached tbe eae ie was, enews de. | is charge af the Rev. MM. asbd, presiding | Was nlso on average difference of 10 kil Life is not vo short bat that there i were 37,991 dedthe daring the year, and reve oan gry Ay Siinettion te eal pose with firmness. 1:0 | ea ae Com | ee ree the strength of the nn ourtesy. wins seteenet oie The Bamber of peten- nistly, "I wish to see hin. So uleteer mon as |, 0b bamiah the tears of children t _| below Camden, some miles | Re mane Met ibe sbarter mek ete 1 lark. pl play, study, ptatieee it i, take 907, of whom 44,570 were bold, ene ahebe Shen tiny name, aed," --en the man would menttered. *G di | 2iFaime upon blossoms are hartfal.-- ose! apeeng at tall man, 0 a8 aver- and Hui di OF these 4.903 1 2,239 "i prefer waithere" i tet Son was noted. The ieartor of women whose 4 A ie Ge srnest teed of his race 'who Dring. bess bed : Three fourthe of b oF th sits tes the 6 0 calling what. is | services were secured for exactly the a easier fur the peopie to have vir- habit The pb rrested had intempera oe mane, ppeodiog ae There were only fifty-two women, bat Lat ds learn to anvint our friends before | 4 20 574 oa : nod reliet was given ° 'abou convuleed the | Whes ' were taken from the same class of 0- fering from | and for their burial. Post-mortem E i 5 : snore | nobles, eril-w verter d Mibdrerptinerreen rnmasen geal cet aba wre cicty. The force of the stroogest woman jee J heer thet kind: | Austria supports 70 schools uf iI passed, was amounted only to 44 kflogrammes, and that hd onlile onal nif gd Pd *- | with 2,200 students, and 174 spinaenl 1 the cies ja red bapeonsie~re habe wes, while tite To the case which ever the wearydayy, oi deg nooner wis be Fraces fe i the ps te val that in Thus it may On the bathing tab of King Tan , free teame sale ahs eth 20 40.68 at , aeres of ---- For her sake this particular form of exer- fully re. | lowing words «i g the ful i. The Goverament pays the tor hall --torher sake I theft on woten only pisses three-fifths the intellect was pot were engraved: "If you | ach pupil, and slows kno 70 france Ref be was called | place. Becauso". bred nivbed | a at! meo. The difference of the from day to orate, youn! dg" so ees ¥ tes year ae looking rena gta : soice--"I saw for hat she hat ar bed 3 kilogram peal in women smoun}- "Chinese Sa; : dahon tok tence Tee Espoo : open. ended, | canes i had lain pater renee peered. te be a little % t women were fers and Fitness icaltural eerented. | cer ateeeeem he at the bot- | sf Wann their taller sisters, s ks, see ncther. One, ooly Might 7 coc 1882 upward of 60 ara poe' ic 7 2 common with mankind, each one havi: band os well evening forever out of her Weert & ged that nas much in our haps an we) | rebeareb, es ow oe i ab- | ing-to bear the tanec aa Wied et eS nometh . ' i sake ve that: dear love | cither decp wislom,/bold astion, the who | -- log cam ad . It ne oe Te Pend a ne: sit abt teen ne og = p A both hands to his some, hat that paren Nd meatal day f the tuay | colors shi. $ = over good Ceoummotion * alone, / A bom! ; aed La nay pa coming | left car were + Why did yle/oorn to anche, ty Mathes ieee ae ee ae question nd re it was # | tinetly heard, " For jo nok i por bed my beat Crialard hin tarps WNdet ack lee hee ne 4 thas man basecfew reminds me f b when | centre for he: " Well, I went ore a). 3 vere i mifl pear AL Ga, gchar I, rm a house Bot are the be looked | was normal F Won't {perl pbeg wanes Hanes saw was going through the piece of timber ' manner ol man iathis!" = - and that horror, saw | rosteted pty ee at terigtl Grobe is teres aed ae hie. ired at and | facts, but ec sen Yeu twill BAb stop- th, and stopped Ex ' pieced rip the act. of Saquotl by ped. sotination revealed, bacied im the weed tn that ot immediately them as Of domestic happiness in eight inches, a large peroumion: hia at, which "aecordin: have drag. in every virtze of women; the founds | tion of those ig to the ealoula- darkness of fovt, and the | to be governed J ibtenan tb ciate? familar with the growth of | ° * twise | they ga eb yg cana gp err opto fe » had been there sixtéen or reventecn oF mam a wae io he gnin |r Ss eae ae ae te 3 found to be loaded et