Stratford Times, 11 Apr 1883, p. 2

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. fF } 4 OR enter eee egpiRSe Se oehe " ra : F ; i j " ; i j { New Advertisements. This Week. | Renee the sorigheemene 4 TAKING THE VEIL. ( rere - i : 7 : ei | --_-- opening at Cheapside to-morrow: | aosy at LokETTO ABBEY, TORONTO, THE 1 } et | ' Loet---W. A, Higgs, | It will well repay the trouble of a ocxun t Tite CHAPEL. Cohade | "tlle, Tex., Apsll T.--The Kade hotel, Music. Miss Link. | visit. aad. ete ia! wets . s W, Gard | -- On the morning of Wednesday, the 4th x ied a his residence ot rhe ote pemepat | g oo semme idles tol piabioton t Poms Sp Saturday s0P%- | and burned in the raise. Praitt, : } Soeal Intelligence. of three young and profession of ten ied Geo. Pesitt, Louis: Albert, of pewess v9... took plage af Loretto Abbeys, Wellington has compromiesd with the | J. E. Ford, Tepairer, J. 1). Ries, r prt aaa Tiros, & Porteous. nape ae 3 LIA | Place, Korohte. A number of invited guests for $60,000, and hax thed | condactor, BR. R. cotton baye, SOoCe----s 7H od ~ Ags pt euttoe her his Lea a Not Scrimmeogr Bros Miss Linton. will veurme her clarses in | werg present, and the good sisters displa; from other | Wert, vis, chambermaid, a mattress. ---- sy ee music and painting ou ist May. ae their usual hospitahty in the | ree J . od Hill, and four negro waiters : Mz. Hasson, MP... for North Perth, will | served, which car tgredanyiorerenth i alr house by ilimes, | pert Fifteen of the oecapants escarg:. 3S tratford Times. pleshe npougs our thanks Sots gular eSOPAY | SO se' ikaey Coresnes, Ganghonr of James BLMA shin to' seaively |e. D 'Toreer wessteriby mangled, aol ay |B \ é 1 bart . inelading the an, eae | ie teous ; iis y 2 {OP PERTHGAZETTE.: | arvet'the Sorbent «| Cororan, ay. seated: Min, Toros) ae Gn. Parker ad Mim Sasa Fel asics tot (omit |S: ming tae Se. ehem ate coal | Fe ' AND COUNTY OF PERTH a! Se left woxobi atthe recent Brown, of Toronte, aod Miss M As township were, on y leat, render ho aasistance, were bheartrending. j D. McBETH, ; i 1 Jamues' Ehvurch Bazaar sil soit iy axeton, | Chey emtened the 'chapel. Sites Marsares. | In she aly bode of {i Pasebee nian brotherhood, | The follewing businche finns. were barned seen i | , il 11, 1883. } t tye 4 + of the Merchasts' Hack, on | ¥be at the organ, played morte for p cold winter, May } + OS was EnpOSO- | oe 31, Acmeted, dre, K. Lenstein, LD INFORM HISSUMEROCS en tom- { ' Wednesday, April » LEGS. | a: te rooms of '4 ding with ty t Mixe Cor nos with + them, } month one or Agger natn and. 3.1: Comer, sand ths pantie Unsti4 be sain dg Oe 4 F Sang mt as eee en carinaat, Gucacn --Servioms in the | Omen appeared in @.very ol ee | geht Jaane Grit whe undertook to caft nee will be blown | Cachimty. Up to4 p.m., the gharréd re 4 naiged ~ B. 7 BUTLER, EDITOR AND MAVAGER | Coxoknsdsrsoman Sere wir | Of Steam, broeaded watin, the train of w Grit votes to the poll oo Feb, 27th, his (Sih had beat peooverad : RE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. Congregational Charch next Lord's Day was tastefully trimme) «ith smiiax, a hand- He hans discovered that Mr. 'T be ower ' " > Revd. B. Black, MA. ; ~! inesting they were aimpiy chur ie of teed strings, bewr, hair aod ki ge bu sicek, THE STRATPORD MAYOR ponte tevd. Bh. . paige re ae Tiegh i med order rj eabrae That hing of a Fre Temes dete. heb 9 bones, tatally dnrecoguirable.. The business of . is 7 gialet ortiaty < i which ss enhanced which he used is sure! suitable when casual ; wht fa aye h :s oF : ALTY | We understand that Mr. MeLaughlin we iro, Fi ear end wreath of peony Meta' kecnitng 7 ni ent a tert the om ma i ribet. } tristan a eth Hitsle ai Sasie Barns, connection "4 Bf Wena bew welt "aderstonnd bs stegttond | ried, His ost "ip cttw the tet, | followed as rain bocce oe" seqeias" Bils BERT. [dues -- is at reported, WD. "Prat was, bay _Manuer Gunes inet the b the scheul hus a competent teacher Brown was attired tastefully in white with nk Wednesday. eit' i spur pa . none x Diaton, \ la Mine RD SOR te A tet His Sanguine people are in hopes that spring |lesnon coloured satin train. Her angels were | pig Tunse New Howns.--Mr. W. 'A. | ous friends in this wea eorhiood accompany that sych &| Morris, Brown, I; Cox, W,. Tx Me OF PARTNERSHIP. t will soon te bere, The oma ba brightly | the Misses Haghes and little Lotte I-ynn. | anison's wile and family left for their pew | ghom to their new home. .* Clure, Fred. Eade, daughters, : 4 - 7 the ssw un daaep- Aa the yoene Sonne nals at the aber me bome. ete sgt train on 5 Mr. Jae. Seaith. « a going his port sutharities have and servant, were slightly hurt. Dr gr 12 panTweasite, Weieaidlasa caches al ne uidest in- yp O'Mahony w "i inat., . Alisa followed on rounds, and property has lost a} . { who waa fatally |, lay t dor | : vin woven. Hut such ' {he longest winter | ia Vory impremive manner of the dates | 4,y with all the stock with the exreption deal in value. {2 will rine after |. ee eee eee le bore tmtil their in two ut'| Unpeditosseare, eehoe sno teres, sroke onatiess the or, fot on Satuntay waph, Judge i d digni' 5 . which were aay two weeks pre | Mr 8. pal '¥ Hamburg, bat the | him. Denton would have killed hisrmelf, but Bececrr tires, & Porteo aie Lizerk dave bas dheirion, neteating Mr Harrison, of Toddborn, } ly dwelling on the om farours | viously. We hope thaf they may a a Se re " the second failing of the walla relessed his. ee nat aeehwal ceseeet. + A he geoun! t t the timect | sapHobe, in reowwing his subacrpion to | Serited by those choses few w wing? and in new = NORTH BASTHOPE. * One man cut throat when he found the Haberts on the geound t a Me tiaeet 1 = eoulage sie Heatfors pavple | renounce home and friends to follow Mine Jessie Robertson, who was the |. "ae eee oe Beet flames ing him. canse. © eas Cee a era wiataiky oneal 'eotl on a fitely, | Lord. After expressing their desire to be- | init month her relatives, fri asd] Allow ts to correct ap'errorin the state- : Le coagpener rere case | the calamity is uncer is thought ke x y Inst a weet | *? . dren) wha «omen | COME Members of the community the young | seousintances, for ber home near Strut- | ment in last week's ipeue to tlie effect that : > 5 agninns WOmae | oat an pan He of powder in a hardware s i " ry well satintied with their 1 y ! trod and eani a Ain re r er) od de 2 slanderous statement 2 thé ' dA anotht Sorth. : ladies retired agnin appeared dressed ford on Tuesday last, | | Me Q iy P ~ Jacob : store blew out weat ratsing th Pansnvpai.---Gee. Hert, Bin ai 1", torg 00 2ue's Babes: tials peavinn qontnne ira Eun tengageneed ball. The ball is/a Ror -bred, with "tthe rey. gentleman recently caused » bai tdimyg , aT. ' end, Fy. SLE 1, fore bt 0 pomp vanities ©! a ; 0." t. oa ranacunce that | North Herth, and his agent Mr. f. G. Fenuell, | [oetd, the resigning of which is portrayed .in SEAFORTH. ig re Riggs pee Setbars evening ---- nx ov Exriosives.~-The port author | ti of 14 tiving weet Saratoga, N.Y. . 2. and jad ging | HATE ea a ea tain doer Laat | {2 Plain, wut neat dreas of the order. The | o¢y nearu.--Mr, John Kidd, haniware omy ant scquaititances of | agers | ee navn palnes fen once al exponires oe started out on Saturday ia a barn ling tuanifested throughout tio | "Pt** OOF se ammenmen: connote' wills | ladies who were professed are { | Merchant of this town, died very suddenly gn Mr, Willig J met at his posers Maney The council a ons La * | his little brother bow to work a hanging ' they were paying expermes c f | and Sister H lonse, sister and cousin o! Monday wieht lant. Hie had' been in pope bt of bh to their old abd inane eee Shp conse wave shipged The tie heother. went . hor frvomcnitin . toe recent "Hag harvest" in North Ferth. | Rey Rather Twohy, Kingston. Several | Uotiay might im tu 1 Pvt, | friend, ante is fo leave on Thumsday next for Moved by | 28t the consignors consignees are making any remarks, and -yesterd . pe very Terie] poy yictire frames, mouldings, brackets, | clergymen were present, among = paw dpetremotya 5 able 40 cttead to His .w ed a farm of Attridge, that | sakeben. | Ue ehdet bepther wan found deed in the barn WAS INSTRUSTED ------ scroll work, asd all kinds of fancy wood | Nev. Father Rooney, lev. Dr. Milroy. Strat He bad been in the store all day Bisamant gathering, ae dap the scheot | | Oring to the receipt of letters containing | the il having gone : table Awelitig <i _ bo better place dan be found in Stratford | ford, and Fr if . Bt. Mary's. Monday. In the eresing he was amusipg | 804 will long be remembered by Mr. Bradley r also the order of Jonas | threats to blow up the Liverpool postoffice, 5 members of the Salvation A AKIFT IN THE LUTE than Mr. 0. Mclicth's, Market street. Since | es himsell with some of his children when he | in the land he is going to. er partaking for gyavelling, $170. The council | great; precautions sre being takes. Thirty | neve been arrested in Chatham, Ont., for ; _ iis removal to hey ptrsent stand be has largely | pRESENTATION TO MR. HOGG. | vas suddenly seized with illness, and lyibg | of & & toast was given in | thoy adjourned to meet again at the call of | additienal detectives have been Sr ap th 4 an acre of ground, benntifall Fruien the Movil inetenaed his stock of, artistic orpanteatal | serine down upen the sofa he expired in s few tio- | hotour of the host that he might not rue We D. Wins, Clerk, do extra duty there. The fre has -- ON so. of dghation dba prmeaatts Tin Turonte organ does nat veachsate its | goods | Of Friday week some of the leading busi- | nents and before sid could be protured. Mr, | Heating the banoer township. | As Mr. ee . ie vedi been warned to be ready for any emergency BIRTHS. ' ik & eentre of the town it cabtpt be gurpaewed twa more thas acammary of Moses, |. Cane es, Cxnnrr.--The credit system ness men in town waited on Mr. Hogg, at the | Kidd was one of our / intes men, he. | podsensed of a noble intellect, q generous dis- $3 T OTTAWA A from London states that the | 75 iu Downie, on the sth inst, the Wile of} bike corporation. For paiticulars Mowatand Hardy's specches in Burun he | been weighed in the balanes and found want-|'pank of Montreal, for the purpose of pre- | ingoneot those who removed from Harpartey position, ian aflentionate heart, a one BXPLO 4 ON A ) Wa. nogoti between the Grand Trunk and papery herd ' , d a Apety t» WEES That) " : fori, by Mewar. Mo. Carey & Co., after tral | ontiog him with « very handsome and to Heafi oa after this place bommunand | mind, a fine | feeling. what can ir y ae Canada Pacific Railway have resulted in an | Srang--At Stratford, on the ik inst. the wile WILLIAM GURDON, eAtep-fatbet | of overal pears. From Ist May next they | iver service as mark of their esteem for ho busi t b d ed more in man? We wish him suecess in| A Botthey+Containing lost agteement being arrived at, whereby the of Mr J, B stark, (stark & Counters of « Rial 'Ksdte HeoKe'. Wath Mr} intend to fun their business ons cash basis | bis, as a private citizen, and as of | country. He was an enterprising and han- new home. The party at last dispersed Liquid Phrown into the ~ | Grand Trunk concedes the Canadian Pacific's | wysrr--in Ga'merston, ov the 30th ult, the 8K. meu" i m yar, he gives which means to the customer more gowds | the Stratford Branch of the Bank of flow. ceable business mun and was y known | te ve homes, in good cheer, men, of the right to a monopoly of the North. West busi- Vite of Mr C. Wyatt.Gif R., of a aon: . ER RA the orators away, Let as place i JUMBPON: | fy the caime money (real for the past 17 years. The testimonial | and aniversally respected. He loaves widow | Torthe Maitor of Tur Stuatronb True, - nem, and the latter agrees not to invade | Stocx--At on the 1th inst, the wife 4 tion teu pqmaces, Laitantyhe, the elect for] 1) (05 piddell, son of our old friend | was purchased from Mr. Joho Welah by a| aud a ily ta mourn his loss, The | Dean Srn,- Your paper maked its sppear- thé latter's territory. . oe AU sietticra. on the dnd ult, the wife ai tial Mr Jotn Biddell, of Mornisigton, - gave as | i dior the f of whieh | funeral took place on Wednesday, and the | ance at S44 Elk St., on Thurvisy ev 5 'The! Woodstock Times. says :--Mr. . of Mr it. Jeazard, (TB. of & non. "i jefeat of Mr. | a eall an Monday. He was on his way to} Mr. J. I', Macdonald was the chairman, and | remains were interred in the Maitland! regularly, On perusing its edjumns I am qusir, the lately elected member lor Maskoka, Uexppneun=) 4 ine on tha Ovi ings. Up wife fort © that a . We) who read the following cemetery. Out of reapect to deceased all the t your North Egstbope cor called upon us on Monday. Notw MS ary tae the Hftn nik. she: wife ly believe bit) | wast bins success. He added his name to a business places on Sai street -rere cloged | pondent is still alive. No doubthe ts a brave ing the hardships of the campaign: Mr. F. 'of Mr. . D. Murray, beker, of a sou. seciva of bribery | Tue Trees lint, as lie wants to keep. his old aman rem while the funeral cor paneed out of town. . and alway ge pray at ~ looks well, and able to another battle,| Jou 7 = fp Blitehall, oa the ind inst, the wife vs m pet ie wer att | hte errenmib | To James Hogg, Eay.. Manager Bank of | Mr. Kidd was & comparatively young m4n, | disposal fo communicate to y @ gone: party. uedted to deny the oa johnston. - ees , : ' , ' ae "The aah trends of Me. T.! 'Montreal. Stratford, being in bis Gfty-first year --Kzpositor. news of the bamner township. At fires sight a wel Pha 0 that be was Sealer! " coe ty iivoterms of i pol Eig 7 crab te. 2 1 " tt ' iui I thought s new corres fad entis j i Haldane Hill, the pol- nem--La Bit on the 30th ult., ie wife i taste | Mf. dwty, or, well regret to learn + lean Ste. The basiness men of stratford -- bs : in his own division. . pol rot rag ' nis 0 | Rrentraked with dangorous ig, | Reine lncened wh toate ef icavtoe the tows FULLARTON. eisieal! Oo Four Tell, a2 ramiound mem eae oan a ele Foam Morin Yalinrton, oo ibe Suh ult the wite { : vate t yh vessel on hae DOsy | Thea depart ie begotten of & --_o * le being | be tt iicto moraing Vant ' Although be lost = large | Gentine regard {or you ss & ow citizen, and Counct, Mretixa,.-The council met on ned ina Grit hotel at theitime of the 115, Bettes 26. So much for Grit lies, Modinrnmin Mitesll oh the 3st =. fie wile i A e = he . t dh hat better, and | 89 earnest desire that y: i poreuneet eee r eleution--owmg to his ing in politics, a " of Mr Patrick MoGrath. of a daughter. Mr, Unsilantyne enty bei vartmaly the nape af end he is sormnewhat better, could have been ip their mide!. But their feel- | Monday, pare march Atte reais the anh © ongervetite banner. t Ltn as org noe eet PY ils ee re oT a: imatigtive set by Mie Mowat tn ac low | ane fair way of recovery, | ot jod with pleagure toat your Jerk lo write . ? from unteins tlantic a , o deiner Prd, mye a Tast.--An. adcident occarred | Eamera etee erated wil sided savas | Treantrer of SS. No.3. request 't that tacit hale nad. beasty dnd prepared | seaboard will by x touch welcomed vino. McNicilou--Hrrmxuuton -- Ie Mitehell, on the H ee : Sorth Porth was adgutted'y Conservative | en Wednesday last by which Mr. D- Be | eee te genet ality pth worth, and te ae pay over to the Township treasurer the sam to flourish his * pen" av of Although not warin enough to give a boon to "th inst, by the Kev. A. B, MoDonaid, ; . had net (legitimate in | Macdonald was nearly drowned. By some | yneoughtes it ie thoroughly merited. of $49.10; being the amount wrong advise him, bowover, lest he shotild go beyond | and to open the buds af 5 it trees slmed by Bar, b. yo ceur. Mist, Nex ie Having given the Credit SyS- \ yet. the veodiet of the | means Unknown be fell into a tank, in which | Dating rber long residence 2 ee ed from 8,8. No 3 aed »aid to de No 8. | the limiteef the law in writing logus articles in this latitude its epee in' decided eae ea Toevebip'ot Dalhousia, rain Rela supposed he st have been five minutes | x Mr. Jahn (rartrell was appointed inspector 4 holdi i dioala P Lanark County, cs. : ) . ss 3 hetore roe fact eas disoavered by Mrs. Mac. } Douition of marsay Or apes eed edaBenes abi clibe om work of zo to be built over Whee sears ! Bb Seda « The backwardness of the rpring has turned Guutertaxpancos Oa the itn fast, at the good trial during the past six donald, wh 4 1 n | all Whose business relatious bave brought thew | Fiat Creek on Thames road. 1). 8, Campbell, 1 hand of i } 'nal! 7S dered out happily so far for refer crop,as the rosldence of the brite's father by tye Mey we find ite tisface nd got hrm out of the water, it was a long | [IS coptact with you Your Wusiness ty aud Esy., PLS ppoi wucioney for a of time al e run Delaware reports indicate the slest, storm Wm. Ottwet, Mr Ww, araaey. 8 Kobi. , iL very unsatisiac- ti Sener before conscioaness wae re. | gnbeading ae -- ity pave enna ES fd the township in conformity with the require- old, childish and feeble, what shall you of Inst week did little damage to the buds, ee Rea ra i Henderson. oun. & i : Fake 4 1 Me uy' aracular apeceles seco. and up to the present Mr. Macdonald | pertees seats Sear obliging dispoaision mt menta of the ditching water cotrse act. hi pees eae oa ry leek aoe b vy rt ud i Waliace, . fhe t0id hunet," at Rett Ty ito ourselves, and disadvan- this one ie rather tuted Si woeld appear | is not considered out of danger. | Jadsctogs counsel bave earced for you the ed- | Edmund Turner 2aq., was appointed referee 'to ship Sich over tome, in Twe Queen's Heatru.--The Werlds Lond- Bate ae eee Ot ert sto our numerous cash and , " | miration and esteem of your fellow-citizens. to arbitrate in reference to the formation of veri Jeune tol pene . ' =r yt iy aes bell n row it Cotaeryatye ounatituency La ugmex, -The " Thraia" Lacrosse Clot | t if while we refer with Seveetal sears bi a wulse seboo! section on townline Fullar- shall erect bim i trons of =y peered ins goed, but the in or bruise Mary a i robes Penresctsed 8) the Coe | 'Seas tasluese ines ere naturally the Bret to | ton and Bianshard. The following Path- in a coke the kage fn dol rmending'as Do should. uncon "Lron Ta St, Marys, on the 2 ult hly. paying Customers, who 7 ise Vpreciate, we Won) aro tives, on behalf c renesviewert oundkeepars * vion to d 7 : ; Wilsoe, Joseph . A - ' ; | Sse eine: 'aed ot, lrauenle. Sor Stoo Cheastion were then appointed viz: Pathmasters, 8T. MARYS. ary n he i i Sir William Moquuttan Mek atri mr ns Marys, on the had to bear part of the heavy pode that & gectiomen you tave s fully exemplified in our | John Francia, Vs , George Vivian, -- A The caso ing Jenner remained permanently at Windsor dud inst, by sae Moy, Mr. ee Joven BR aon in book-Keenine, 'lideas form ds Treasures Ra ee tee rctotheaoelal end wore! | Heary Gale, Walter Walkom, Robt. Jackson.) Mr. J. D. Shaw, teller of the Bank of | Minister of Caatle, and ngag Q eee et eee : \ ping, i viuge by . J. | well-being of the ovumunity bes pot only fouad | Charles W: kore, Janie x aie aoa Montreal here, has been remove] to a sim- have been indefinitely postponed. The doctors | Panwrs--Fain Us the dh instsby the ev: W. tHe debts, &. atin mh; cland, and G. | Is you an serpent sorope ee ig at rely pan + ea | at position in Stratford. Hf promotion | a Penis ard scrprised and disappointed that the in- prensa ue Parkor, toSsrahs Geughter bois noe 3 a . Oe 4 "pee ma. = b: e yen to | to elielt youy'ivera! syd Ueerty support. And | Richard Francis, Joseph Coz, Thomas Baird, 8 for him. H ured bas jelded to the treatment. chub hey in, | te hee Pi you Ge gratitude of all classed |}, ines Irvine, Conrad Ratz, Robert Doukes, wets Mather Bretadcs entertaihed his choir i , y who seek (rue progress prise « Dougald Me! a No th ' of William Fair, ~ ei of Et Queen's event: | Dy xroxt--De as the residence of the reported, The cla! & hilpnges from all junior clubs, They in. | of wil puayeng the 21th of May, if posable b Pn the first of May next, we =o ren | « 1 - nven * ARBESTED IN LONDON, recovery are, however, Bride's motlier, "Boroside F: Riice. on : \ ous scknowiedged worth, | Byers, George Hamilton, James Potter, John | 'The table was well loaded and Act out in fires gino we! Weenessey, th inst. bs Kav. HL Patterson, - Tostas to CaLirousts, F tron. - On| a ar true and wnsoifiah M8 | Campbell, sr, Robert Kice, Rabert C F asio formed leature = * aoe seen enmnn elise canghont the cash system, and né Friday just a train passed here from Boston | si0088 6, wae ot eet be. torm of & tty, Joseph Nichols, Coarad K. | of the evening's entertainment. The pless- i of tbe late Mr. Daniel Dempery, of Blice. 4 : en route tor California. The train was made ee ee at airs Hogg. the loving | Thiel, Robers Muir, Robert Clark, August | ant time was brought to a close by a vote of eR ar pede cts, AME will be given after that date. dining and baggage cars | partner of all your joys and sorows, may the | pitty) Wm. t Schroeder. } thanks to Father Drennan and singing" Auld web ere "On y last ayaip= DEATHS ; ne ' ER Reta of! Sxemraton ls, | ant Peat ate too is inctsded in | Joh Robinson, George Kreamer, John Shal- | Lang Syne," every one expreasing themselves Te pocmnoite 406 f et on thn Ga i Bae hake no exception to this rule. A short stoppage was tnade at Stratford. and | oo : trust that both of | labary, John K. 'Goetz, August Neverline, | well satisfied with the manner in which they and ms when exposed to cold air. On Mowhle of Mf. James Morrigao, aged 33 years, . * the party secured attention from M J to each other, wed enjoy | Wm. Hain, John Rainey, Win, Clarke, John entertained. Saturday a physician was called from Truro, | Hami.e--AtStiatord, oa ard ist, anuie At this after mature consider- tre North Morrie and the of aot the ro Ho Car ) nan years xs Bm madrid yy ory 1 | Wiles, George Morse, Andrew T. Brown, The two Oddfellows' jodges of this town with fannd him bydrophobis and dearly-beloyot pret gy . treet from the wafer ixy were vd with the trip. and | toteoe of the Divina tavor ming riebly rest Wm. Parker, Pranci« Standeaven, George | are talking anion in earnest, aud it ia con- of & mild type. He en Sabbath about was meets. knowing that we .can best bad ecrdently vat «cond time on the rugd. | Ooo oe the business men of Biretferd, Young, Wm. Morrison, John Thompson, | fidestly h that it will be consummated 1 o'clock p.m., in a convulsion. pat- | BonLaxp--In St, Marys, on the Jiet ult, Thomas a 4 When Mi Ballant Jee eapregeed tuemealves as well amis _ pea tobert Morse, John McNeil, James Koger. | ats near date. Within the last six ingtatal results be had his will made on Borland, bgeu Sl years. oe FA jour present customers and ' » the carefal managemeyt of the C. H. Mc Levant, - P. Macboxatn, Richard jercock, Alex Miller, Richard | both } ve made rapid dries: and both 8 and settled up hia worldly affairs. ODRL--in st Marre. on the 2th wit, Jmie . a uke he stated whet nin isa very early excursion an secretary. Comirmam | Wiles, Walter Martyn, John Melntyre, John | have acourpulated conucerable Wealth, But Hewes forty-three yearf'ul age and leaves «| sravemspeeia Minshart, ov the sub ult, public' generally by. giving than Vint he knew le © athens ely times atnongst ratlroads during C Canet, Tresearer. armer, Ross, George Gill, James | it is felt that inatown like St- Marys one wife and six children. Mirian Slevensun, aged 5 rears, 7 montbs, i "recap" Mianeer sas unsistaterber at the time! culning eamimer Mar i >! Imed Woodley, ar., Andrew Taylor, Robert Sasnp- lodge is sufficient to fulfil all the :purposes of The brought to light by the and wi days, deughiter of Hobert strvecedu, i ; their goods at the lowest po A rurpor tins been started at Montreal, that MAL MuOu's REPLY son, Wm. G, Balfour, s Allen. James | ( liowship, and that when harmony can investigatior now being conducted in Mansa- | x Lied yg a onthe Sat uit, Margares iq ; . the Grabd Trenk Mado oy Company, a eon.) yyy dt his gratuication at | GUY. John MePherson, Wr. Hansoa, | te made to prevail in one strong. lodge more chipetia into the affairs of the Tewkesbury 'Abn Harris, aged 2 months and 35 aays, price. The saving effected . rejarnce of the trouble they experience in , r. Hoge one fiscr iy Sea a the Wn. Y le and Robert Roy. Fenceviewers, | c.n be than by two lodges rib ¥ Algshonss have qauseda shudder tu ec sentienes Gi hekett Marcie. a eal i bI ; : : di 4 ties 1 wen present oa the, to him, unex eee preter olga eae relt trary vane Sgt ge ysot Downie K FACTORY SEIZED aT BIn- Pip admclarggen| gto Nap a Jas tere A oanatter of Me. Donald Ate: ena e ug to give a large 1S- ie a ee Taylor, Wan. Hobineon, James Motes, | brother of Mr. 3. G. Jopling, ex t of eee raid on «| many infants smecthael aibhentely olest Monawre--in stration! ov Tnuseday sah tat off the present prices. itt Por several weeks the. ' £ coedingly grateful tor John Tuer, Samuel Jordan, John MoGill, | the Agricultural Fs very credi- to th in order that a medica! college await , ? boar Friends. J am exceedingly erate! David Walks, ( Somerville, Robert 1. | table examination at the Ontario Veterinary might be supplied with bodies for the dis- | Winstows-inttratior!, on the tah inet, Sarah |)! : army af aky and pins infest Pig's tn expenseion of vous 6 iume Roy, Henry Heal, Jonas O. Coles, Thomas | College at Toronto last week. He gained _|° Winstone, relict of (bs tate David Winston: ' ai . L 1 do not feel at ali deserving euch encon ae ' ee 4 secting table. The death rate in the infirm = | We chose our Books late committer roome Bes wes you Lave addressed to me, the estimate | had | Edwards, John Sharsell, James Brown, jr..| honors in Anatomy, Eutozoa, Physiology, ary'tf the Almshouse has been enormous, - of pitiosbarg, County ot Waterloo, Unt, | ( 5 ron engeel Io rhe ace id te wae ofthe | John i. Hoger and. Jaines Smith. Pound: | Chimintsy. Feeding, and tor bend general 2 ve | aac ferent tr sentation jal: last day of April and ry . x . 'as tas which your address and pro- bach, Michael Shellaberry, | amination. He took first prize ih chemistry, : lieate, and aiford 1" standing accounts mans i " G andcredible witnesses have irmed their Macan--in Monckton, on the 4th inst, manne i i de me matter of | Peter Sebsch, Robert Brown, Wm. Robinson, | and first by belief that many babies died of no discase Machan, motile aod 2 days whatever, bet simply from starvation. It soem also to have been the practioe syste' t prise 0 «4, W L t jays th wage ts oe at per vere Goartey, John Wiles, George Gortner pt mi ; . an j ; tled before that time, 3 en . 7 ati wo ject adult patients in order ' SEs logue satisfaction tehis Superior oficers | David Glidden, Thomas Mutton, William | yr. Jopling practised with C. FP, Smith in re yr bas their bodies might be 7 . other ? abd al Ube same Line please the customers of | Parker and Alex Young. A few «1 a} sy ring last summer, and will i. The ter ought to, and iy away Ballantyne the working © the dank .Thet 5, have je some meneure were issued after which council adjourned | commence practice on his own! accoant in ; us bir , ni bie' onponiict ne | Wt wel z todo both, 1+ -videmoed by my removal | oot the tact Monday in Ma: 0 the | one latel wijl be, pushed un perso high in oe ee aan honorable Tponae . ; to Hrock¥ille, and the very bandsome gift which . tI be held. --J y w Parkhill immediately, authority is proved responsible {ofthe crimes os sonones by wabhine eh oar Hap rer eak Che teoth when be ad 4. » political yOu DOW presant to me. hevision Court wil peld. OFS TLaUN, 2009 of the su pete, ais S tericen day upon the cheat end i . y hyeet to gain in nttemng a f at a } have alwaye felt that 1 was amongst you as | Clerk, MORNINGTON. 5 ' Holioway's trestinea! ia stroogly recommenda | ot gain i Lefiny the represeutative of, god in the interests of, ae eg ee ' The recent arrests in England in cennec- | With the view of Giving immediste ense, pre. 10 Or as wun of nnaplaced at causal by cancer be throat, The deceased "the Henk of Mostres!, but | trust 1 bave not ---- ; . Tout a t of yeating ve danger, abd effec . 7 a was one bf the landmarks of Stratford having | been obtivicus of the feelings and interests of WALLACE Corxer. Meerxo.--The countil met at ond, Apel 'ied, Lae, stat tudenes Whe . ial reandedJiere since about 18%) He was co itecustowpers. It bes always been « pleasure to Buchanan's hotel, according to adjournment, ' ri newtesd with th Now | te to meet thetr wishes and | am pleased to be | | The Municipal Council of the township of | on Monday, April dad. Membert all present. oe et g ruts pernsusl ferlngs of diference of rieae | Wallacemet, pursuant to adjournment, in| The minutes of last tecting were read and ©b Bpy eubjoct over zieres an application re the Town Hall, Gowanstown, M igpued, T Jer' council any woe ; bat "hen obi to de so, it was © members presen trom the Inspector " pera it ry ied Be NO CORT ET Oe carers to | Reeve. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes | and one from Rowsell & Hatchinsbn, publiab- the interesGs of the bant, to grant | of Inst meeting were read a | er: fi y co emonget Fou has in later | 'The bill of the Listowel Jolkafreund, adver- | was presented and read by Jas, BB. Davidson, and pot throw 2 hi wotruthful insin ERS WILL Me RECEIVED! Ix wentation years roudered the intercourse witb you with tising municipal election 60. | when it wed b neconded by and a by the underaigeed, until Twelve he OV. | Whete it Was tno cr. i cs e say that nt a which Pg Aig Dears ap rye! a ee John 8, Nickel presented a petition with 22 | Mr, Magwood, that the auditors' report be ston that the 'one kal RDAY,.14th Apri, !883, / Be Se ye my. Us the epee ah pie 30 and al on the ith and 6th aareees los atogiel. seed Oak the ate be af eee etplosions at various portions of N SUNDAY EVENING LAST; somewhere cee, or the purchase of ' Conservative parts of North Pe + sastiinn t : i 4 . t , re ' b. 2 3 2 ABT, . a = " HE ae i eee re ee clea cee ton paces ane, | ditidtual custocers of tho bank or tg cvmnection | \ioye3 by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. | German earned. Moved by Mt. Magwood, | Two farthee arrests have been madein the | of Léndon and also at Windsor Castle, where | i" between the C. A. church and the resi: | 145489, Concession 10, Elma, mpegs seen te esta Skene) Md aince then be had been @ vietit of disease | as the large and important agricultural (apie. | Ferguson, that the petition of John 8. Nickle | seconded by Mr. Baird, that the Reeve issue the | Her Majesty is residing. An endeavour to | deweut WA Wt AND © fw -- ' the crite could | Bi Mime tally sank antildeath seioved hug | WR Works, your flourlahing ges compeny and | and 2) others praying that side-road between | an ofder to Jas. Davidson and John Gibson, night. The latter is now | reagh of the Cabinet was also 'TRNIR #000 down, and balance seeured by TD : very auccmmful ioaa society. lots 30 gnd 31 in the Sth and @th cons, be} for $5 o adi 1882. early half « ton of | em programme. At theexami-| Tbe photenray'. The finder | mart@t. to oult purchaser, for term of years on T day last Siretfor gaat ever have « large share of ny = wa for Weavel, Et in of several of the on Satar- | Will be rewarded on ietarsing to W. A. Higgs, | lnberegieix per cou Diocese or. Henox.--The Evangedical | Sioaghts, sod | cam amare you that it woukl opened and made el, carried, A Ang the er: that the explosives | aco ee 2. Or any tender not necemsarily ne- Churchmgn this epeaks of a former | S@om Peed ct oll srry phen eof tm phy deapertteoe gles fad councillor | have his work all done on the 5th hich in their possession were of the most destruct- A he 'A. SYDNEY SMITH. Stratford}te The poogle ef Alvinaten Foe mo to recurm and sania al the postion in ry my be protatde cost. ai the June ig oe ae es ven ay _ _popenben 9 ive Mature. It rumoured that one of the MISS renee ; ira, Sed April, i wee had rare { oo Baw Ad which | now vace r ¥ M exami, | Intendson the Ist of May resuming Ch oa tes on oiieies em h Such ' regard and esteem cy on of this coancil The mty- | to MeDonaid, th: for @6, Masi t ; sof arth 'Pacth by Yar. Bid sening. the oan - - ny toligw-citieyan seusbors my departure trois yout ek bis seat in the council, Mo sta fe lahor money relzraed Ui eee part hetjoa on Thursday, tad Baile, nnd ih Pulte, idsdbcile i eb Y ! MONEY ! ; ; » w b » by Mr. n, lot 14 1 collected in os, t0 be made known a' residence on a] . % . contented hinaelf with Breddin Ba A le of St ethorvyine Ps be, as \ senae } bat hare the that Henry Sider be paid $2.25 vor wt ed 38 tA tion STRATFORD MARKETS. Norman Steet, ext to Sheriff Hossie " vt ; That was what M: weant, vn | Johg's Ciurch, and which ced a great pleasant rewembrances | must ever cheriah. stove for use in Town Hall, and the | signed by Jas. Whaley and 11 others, asking April 1th, L483. 2 ti twee MONEY! reality, bat he remembered that if it were not The oi apes onennsne, bes om ore ave bene neanes to nyler 90 Shy Lee reeve issue his order--c . The commit the il to to form J. a. d A Sale ! Bete}: noe fur these same © Datehmen > in South Perth | gic ETIBGIpAl REioimet® od Misa Gilmour, | toat | am deeply conscious of maay failings | 8ppointed to inquire into 'the responsibility | thera into a union school with Milverton see- a, Red Fall wheat per bush, 80 99 to $1 Unreserve uction e3 4 HTED AMOUNTS af my dispowa), hoe curmey as a statewman frase the mark' | cf Londos. The eamest endaarours of Mr. | {'Mvewtapied smoaget you Tint Thave bese | horse, reported that aher snaking 0 strict | tate Moved by Mr. Magwood, peoonded by Vigaid in tins, some] Pringle = = too OF sane STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, {ah woakf hate ended very abruptly years ago Harnilton, are highly appreciates, and he ve able so to as as to zecsive snk, an altvers 200 inquiry could not find the municipality | Baird, that the Reeve inaue te ote to | #2 and nitro-plyc Bo Bed um 9 ~ 0 s. cS " gen y ih ty iH CENT INTEREST if Mr. Ballantyne had esidence in his pow | DEORE FEY POPUISE Tok ony crn His | butabie aud ought to be credited to the grace of | Tesponsible, Moved by Mr. Robinson, seci | William Yost, for $4, for making coffin tor Ea oe et | Parley " " on loth, hast of Oxford road, | U! Ae . ; ry hhad + Heas | Ete 'jeans than doubled in the God, for it is by Him that I have been kept | by Mr' King, that commissioners Kentiedy , at Poole, an indigent. ¥ ' he officers of the court, of 7th wiki as is ali ete TT ee ita: fess dinar ie & szaldet many termptations and eustled mere and Ferguson : ion abe lots | My by Mr. Magwood, omenged by Mr. uestions. Pons: : a) priviioges, and lower charges than r * election he should have submitted it to 3 - Mr. 5 found tn} 43, con, 1, probable A R A . ' " . a ; rr May's committe, before 'the time allowed fot | FouPs man of twenty four, who wery recently | Siiny wage, echuewiedse. His be grog pe fl oa is' ob the Jone semion ef thi | Ce dane ee peg eg = farther i roiey cutout tee a oe oo. 3 4 ot howe st GEORGE FORMAN, ; weteehing the viactiog hed pamed. Ibe kad | mPa bie cours io Davee maj. | SUWAE SAY patie," and "them ther honor Me 1} eouncil--earried. Moved by Mr. Hobinson, | ame indigent relief--carriel. Moved we. Lanfand Loan r 4 Y bridge, England, sud isa don ef James Hamil. | will nesae. by Mr. Kens: thate past Mr. April' 4, 16%, no evidence of puck, then he shoudl have | ton, E'aq..'of Stratford, brother of Dr. Hamil. | "Viease 'secopt irom myseit and Mex Hoge. $f lash pencion ebuptions Seumieer mepen bl nee tees dnaraegry by ho temtiamattnteeneweenthihtin . remembared the fate meted out to those bis | ton, of Atwood, and of Mr. J.B. Hamilton, wien Gur eee tena i tesane Deauti-|-rescinded and the report referred back ta again on the first Monday fa Jong as court N,M.0.,0. 0. 8, ALSO LD. $6 orien, Ananias and apps. tus [of WaiBe Coes, Tarte, | | alee sear ee and Pacis egetas | them to be corrected bythe neat season of | of Hesiion--caried.--doxs, Watoox eN if wite. When will certain Grit mutrvas pn orig oe seas 4 sot rescgt beld 85 Bre expressed for us in the addzess, z council--carried, {o ------ " tive . jatter rhe . Parliament and Editors of a great many Grit pregeet soot satin ball in the Town aoe Daly expressite ot hs a bay exempted ion = haa he for the rea ee : sea S800. Feniane ig Hues och 0 "1 ex the propristor hid far papers----{such asthe Beaeos, for injiwnce)-- | Hail, on Ti ¥ evening week, and succeed- rting with such an 'esteemed citizen, the | 1862--catried. Ged by Robinson and| Sredi.n Bussnnowess a Fatiact.+ The lonely connection with the inner | ( On fureishing epproved joint notes ; peda iéain to keep in view that " hel the | ed as usual in getting up the star asembly | Qonutation bade Mr. Hos a regretful good- | King, that Valentine Berket be $60 for} life of w bachelor ix, after all, a state of i Docks per pair " ¢ aad A discount af 7 per cent. per iodo all'liars ?' of the season. These annual gatherings | yyy and withdrew. services as collected for the Re 1882, he , until'it is completed 'and embel- { Bernard her, thear-| Cl " " = § Gatem for cock on all yareeney ove Si Se se ehaaneck. "Oelede ton ecanaien r. Hogg left the sare evening for Brook- | he having retarned his rol! and fulfilled his by a better half. Sach must have | rested d fiend, within Higes per 100 1D re 5 7 katt --- veering LC of The from stances. On this OCeasiOn | ville, ly Stratford for | office in a satisfactory manner--carried. | been opinion . of fri Mr. Ji ween i "4 4 ' ; : Ai 'Fhe Australian Method Of FMRI | PF anttord, Guelph, Sarnia, 'Toronto, Detroit, bly indy caunly remains be Se Moved by Mr, Robinsah seconded by Mr, cued oof of the Gore of Dowhie, as we Pritian a poet Hay ton 7 "6 Does, £08 Ne, ae jg bave givex! in my Accoznie for aon oo uflalo, ey was ted. The room ---- ~ | Ferguson, that Valentine Berlet having col- | notice that on the ith of April' he the Wool per cord soft 30" 58 | ATJGOPTION SALE Bo ieecbees Mill pisses cath and sebbte ee 'cient veal of interent is now manifest. | Wee tasteleity decorated by the members of lected the rates of 1641 and 1882 <jn a very, | joined in the holy af wedlock ralee blown up by gunpowder, | Wood per cord bagd 560" 900 : , atone caiinand Me fe ly As a great cians fi bee the broth ds and bi t their PRESENTATION. satisfactory manner, be it resolved that he be | to Miss Lorenza Dempsey, at the t Nobody 'Two arrests have been 'Pak GEO. SMITH, M. DB, % ed in the reform of our aystera of registering | ase ettuctively qubibited gave @ distinctly : ei continued as collector for 1853 ata salary of | her mother, " Burnside F. ane OF rare Form ae, sons, ae ' i titles, and many persons do not understand | (inet mapegt to the gathering, Good| Op Satardsy last a very considerable | $60--carricd. Moved by Mr. Kennedy secon-| our best wishes we earnestly wislt prouperity are bh -.cg00-- ---- Sr, Mans. --Fall bushel. $0 96 fade on mabe Public Auction ee ' the Anstralian systems, we gite a comparison | ic was provided and here about | eathering of Grand Trunk men took place in | ded by Mr. Ferguson, that the treasurer be | may atiend then in the fature av it has done 8 Terrible Revenge. to 00.08 ; Spring Whaat, $1 00 to #1 09; Saterday Aah of Aped ine Fre- fLOWAT & SON,' betwoen that system and the one we hate i | 559 Koonlo presdnt enjoyed a capital time. | {he reading room of their Library Institute, | paid $8 for time and expenses to Stratford in| in the past, and that their on --. Barigy, 48 to 0; Oats, 40 to 40; Potatoes, | mises. Lot 31, Con. 28, ine : BAN . tase in U jo. ae The refrestiments were provided by Mr.Jmo. | 1, bid farewell { their fell ' re Railroad interest, payment of County rate raed ith evidence was given at an | 9 6 @ 76 ; Apples, © 75.t0 1 OD ; Bast Herees } Mare +1 'Toul: Mure Colt ores 7. The registration of @ deed in Ontario six" | Ginson, anil uve Keneral astisfaction. Mr.| "yr 'Thomas Goulding,--who im about to | for 1882, and the Reeve his order-- Secti ai F 17 800; Matton, 6 60 to} ['yetrold: tyke stesre Zyeare old. 3 miich no title tothe perm in whote fosour the | Ginon always fills the three grést. lines in we to the North and on the carried. On motion the ing orders Ninkttes rus Towser Paraexs.-- to 7 50; Butter, 18 to 19; | Cows: Sprig Calves: 2 Miwers, I year oid st deeds rade, but only furnikhes evidence |) yin aacellenon quality tn ey presented Tink nebaseae wae on were. granted snow on the'l The ined gl 'at Rostéck en the 2nd i perdoz., 14 to 14 ;-Hides, per 100 lbs,, er. 3 oars fd; 1 Hatter, 3 year old ; 4 fall that mich: deed was +: Af the perspe and tastiness in serving up the viands. He | gadroeg by a well filled purse. | grivel road, vis; ter, I day, 615] inst. 6 'were 1ea4 from the cw . 6 00 fo 6 50; t asking, each, 1 00 to 1 25 ; Wasece, Nortand er eoeate a pion selling the property had no title, the remistray | Tov gy} ase cutamissary on such | Mr Gouldix been for & number of years | Chris. F er, 2 days, $2; W. Turnbull,|} of prishus and the fruit growers' ion. | the prisoner ee ea Sree Geter' « CK ef Hon of the ond dove oot Bie inte ie fact, of | occasions. Mach evedit is doe th thee | jn ibe Grand Trank shops and has during | 95; i. Wensel a day, Toe; W. Wil-| The clerk prodyced the correspondence re | the murdered Lisrowsts--Fall Wheat, #0 92 to 0 94 :)] Sohn Sly cnaing. Mille "ikhaked of hore any snl Ont pat tothing mare. | ments for the careful manner in | that time made many wary friends. The | loughbs, 5 cttlauter, 3 days, | sae for'Tr id over tilt she had been Spring Wheat, 90 90 to'0 99; Plour per! temy7 "4 xsnniog, Mike, 1 pos, Kong of ie TL aprorgensn sg pe weg tam og which whole affair was planned and | Qtiowing is the addroes:-- , dooghby. 5 er, -- Saaye | Moved bj by her sister. # owt, B TB, rie? tay sot, sinuic Hares Dem, neck: c . ; {ally carried T. $e * | Mr. shag ith house or food, 0 483 0 to ' ; ser Booter. : ng taeeects: bate: in gy a A Prisestarton te Ma. Cascranui--At the | 7° Mr. man Deehengs HH G eope days, #2; W. Turnbull, 4 " senirhedd deus say wit) Oatenea!, $3 00 to 3 64; Cornmeal, $2 50 to | |TEomeon & by aay oe me 1 corm ee eae stile eels cape oe close pf the meeting of Avon 1.0.0.F.,| St,--It is with mixed feelings of segret tar, $4.50; W.H. ae, da eg labor by perfort he job would 276% Depa, 1% Se 30: Baw 25 Me 15) Sot tn x iacate ney, ers in cfeourse liahle to be great, | on y evening, Bro. Beyoett, on F he - Willooghiy, mare are of a os : : ; yas Con G0 8 | Eectas edi on tin eoiad averrenan im aod tne aponnty cust slits 1 | Uta of te, uber Prec acds ami | luis mpd sly ate with whom ve page oe gegen ym aon} Fry Tas drt man any, | Hor ¥? Oo to Wo: Bek 860 6 O0 Sethi gate team nian | ny ! nam ¥¥ « . . . Patriarob's coll: 4 the follow- | had amicably for many years pemeel ane cil Hoeder said the Chickens ir 20 to 30 ; Ducks, 40 to 50 ; oad Rpreyene aver 0, ta In the Xustralian syste tlie fact of regis. | Fast Chel Satnis Boattocen ta: the Lodge, | sieasere 12 SSeS ae oe Tee it Tae gong hata F) thee tat Soe noe ry mar ag, #1 Ot, 1 OD Wed, er wD bene fa. See a 5 ; ' mee intended departure opening before yeu. Of course Pathmasters--J. Bailey, N. . which in W cord, 14550 w $ Rregrionat, deoled. Tie registrar's daty i to wee that erase, empty regret your rraoral from | silled mechsnie i d on th i- | Keever, J. Landerkin, 'W. Bhewan, J. W. Cain, and named Kenny. | long, 8 OP to 8 00, Callskine per h 00 to | ities, peti tod, roms, a oe, tas Sead Ss See: Hie ne title wich | 4 theses they shall tuise one who | ties of trade and increase, and in| Brown, J. Walker, 5. Ellison, P, Lerch, 7. The latter contented to the woman, | 00; Wool'l7 to 18; Sheepskin, each 75 | WiACHINE OILS, ETC the parcheset has 'e title y.| has been atiearnest and faithfal worker in Liane ere! we feo! Lempfnad ardor! Chamoer, x. as G. Ww. 5 and Cain agrep tecompany him. The | $1 =Eibes tar ip Case: Under this system erat hes ee urirsen thane t Ge take: seset his pono in the advemse of eivilis. | Marks, W. Thompson, J. Murray, 8. MeKea. Mallingsr to, 'the. han af ton job, McCOLL -BROS. & CO.,/ ®s » } agit ie 66 ate ne wt sae seenoetty sptvin t"tarer the ntret of | aon. The tings of repect and ens \. Meintoah, A. G. 'I. Cook, P. delay, and tins ton Rw fg of course the expense is coniy Tight. | tee Lodge, and ever ready, both heart and | fer yoa "by your shopmates have | Knechtel, A. Fi G. W. Vines, J. going to let it go alto- 60 RON ; ternal. | q «f The only possible objertion to the intne- | ieee ee ist the widow 1 orphans, | indueed a few of us to 'beg your 5. Dean, J. Magotin, G, Mac. going anything 700 f j la, a 1° ti ae Sonia ss thle Province Tere eu detennd, vik tha tak and: ey of the sccompan is present.' fie in-| Donald, ¥. falter, 3. Miller, T. spoken who 6 0; | Vo dad od Uta, sid other nettlements, afyl It sould be neces Is sediracdeo four nontooen, Seishin given tine ment-be the gnepe 'at ference" WE Wile, 2 limon, W. Tar the eoaka in 206.; Lardine oil, Cylinder oil, Bolt ws asthe | roe prov faster above culy con reward yor. our a Our sincere wishes are 5.5 Soe. 6. Fr > eS. lent Walah , Se. Cutting oil & Wool oils. : cane it is hout b ing small token, muay fod ll the sancees Gd pesuparity shat D. ie Onn We tlaake & Croghan with : ee os palber vedo file amene r good ee poe ro on for | Bishop, Fetch, ore 3 fete accqunt of | o Wheat, Four Medals & Three Diplomas shee | fasten an ce and «wong aad good thang en in the distant fetere, Borns, D. Fergavor, 1. Corsican, G. Smith, vedo bagae pat tyr 2 Pe pon, Clbechioe' and al @ Samak the | when after a preaah aed Meope a yee T: Mageffin, J. McCauslend, J. Beatty, GO.) Moatox said it was. Bhe ' ! *e in which yoo are held a pan Poot ering ae ee Sedewe ee a oe S. Smit a few minutes, Cain, therefore present heartielt wishes of men have | B. Render, E. Hemeworth, H. Gommer, J. | ford ¥ y, remained outside byes lish ; Ua} ax in the futare | known you and worked with you fy many} Debling. 3.463, Nickel, 4. Kraft, J. Mofist, 3] Penceri cama. } (ee I with the Phieaix par it you may be reminded that | years. so ans Moore, P. Marion. W. halo zeae 3 H. Col fix shots, into ather cries, Those placed on eapdcn ai eecifaret oth tha Tatterson, Jemes H. daa. | Berto icaeen ti, eaten, Me Stams. | Coors : were penne Box as = On. B. . | Roandiecpew. birthoan. A. Mitchell, C: | Capling ; ~ so your cod out tn. big' sag it ay SS 'Sho Fo ware me ihe at some future date to have oe Ropies, | Diehl, at ee ' tl ls penn sng s ome | ne ye Ge, Sen See | tal Ne a po a Lr onsen have boop takan, to onare We = + ( pwn a ae i be go Spetiel sane ers balling. Baspicions. journey, ey Grand Master "ihe. Goulding leit oa who a looking met, moumbie Amato, - grant you mee! , td the bart wishes --_--- t a : i Pee ee the lass. Siw daye dctantives i attend i bave been watching 'Vbsir movements. » wiles pM a |

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