"ESPECIALLY F FOR WOMEN, [tare ior bt = eet Mra, Smith is pract'gal woman, When | aera Dreskes--Prees 'eget told of a rf 'women om "cana albahia or re, abe ee "ly think of i o Life--Chit Chat, i dias' cont a con Dre a: dF Nellie Palmer i uae eg 2 " --_ and *. [oakoeds tes," ae Uf wemer n wonld 0 ont cote piety neney Se wern ther,2ays a Lialy Pape pay Amt that tontriel men Fre Rompres fee that for the inch} or two ms ty in heme read their (Mra A Rabiinn p rincess at bh b recent wal ives i E. § fF Free i 5 Hh: i A el i HS Ht ip r" themesives in hey becomes tnattractive | j, ato ies in ag many other ways, quite feavitig on Ont | cooky feathers. Heads aii ee with hile the y " hich twider, There } dn Erie policeman _ tte eke coe apd hata Barapa de ill 'house, thinking someone . x we by items of which "at, vysechos onli, jonsa, : » for etotheir more sensi- | insulate that the neighbors to talk. pe bent ro Mee to a theatre, to her husban: Se er . * ing & néwepaper ; "There is a vere opera e mugzeation of the periamer's sbop is not € saby com com te Avatio, and they are a tao ntic one, and the faintest' suspicios -of going to * Robert the Devil. | 4 W violets, lavender, or , 'The new-nown hay what's he been opi Gires a oweet and wholesome odor bend, who ia not well up in oa -- -- ball's tove-lette r: Mine da Sopwhall, having 1 the door, ap proached the lady of in a most sterigus manner,. and asked as a employer write a letter to Nam dJobnaing. " What do you want me to may. low ger and th0 | Write!" "Write him dat 1 was at d redder une aye? the uncertain | ee ot do pinted | abd dat he dida't "Well I've got that down," ** ag ees ar 'st con myself wid de hope yu as kop away by sickness. transparency, del the ac ft otichndate hair which froerly euhanced the in now appodre a Lifeless gro wth of metal. | the number of our servants was ehogany t wall in the shop window, and-yet not te a- apt ted for homme wear and i EF dL : al i = he. prove exe of foanly nmded; "lt |x tery oppressive, Thene ing feats A Pittsburgh girl, who bad refused a good ak: The tines © That he Ladies qure sian fet from pole to pole, from one climb snvenience 'and discomfort | to anathet, "e if be die ie come 'teeuna kee be ic would be Operatic ; Said a lady, dag wastid Ro was hurled into the terrible » Charge Me. Jo wos call ed by Tens: In this graphically portrayed by 2 vargptebe oar the lbw, while the horse he 'rode whe caring his rider safely from the. dreadful field of carnage. Mr. Hamilton served in se Hritish army' fifteca years, age to-day the rears received in famous are they guing to re Wekert the ee for y aie Ls waked the hu Sco open of Rob iy. And thas other felt in vel: | a > in a selarrisg to the staff of agents,.who a desceml action. hools, to escape from hi x 'easant who w doef Las tity remy wie r = vrs nm accepting i« 4 barnonsay her Net gl bor's Cite Mill, oe ara r) ( woke th ir, ome Tear only free nb, Matildy Snowball.' * lay broke the article beyood repair, ¢ white of After the war, sayna signa when ; this chore of the Light DOMESTIC EooxOMY, the habit aa r husband o miuein she oried cut in Plas we are financially rnined for the M ges: PE ies the lust three years ivcry has ris Jeast 100 per cet:t. in value, and pear wt hh is alvo largely ured in eat entlery and other goods, has adranced 7 " in the same A Sunday-school teacher; igloo is te bakes a t i of 1 Little 7 year d fo sebolar; Pe Marr arr age ine rtant." Seal aes "Well, it: may be oar ar Samy? cone gies pe ple, we a for all iseases Scialeg from popes ag such a scrofala aad 'scrofulou: Two years ago 1 nailered with Rhetimath-m, Iv ith some firat in le Veweti " leat best seg veges re and safe re- alg ols judge the person but not the he a8 jaatice 4% bat malice. or, cles of Swath Norwich writes ty whom they oer, ished the m it "they could c ook we aint aoe éo0k now wiped ash" 6 No'um, we ain' sa me noms, oedttier: Anat Sally, * van YO hee & Bas dtr en seen in vast shoals, and during storms loam, were in the very beat pualble rown tous tl Ww bbderie Sie -- wave to wave they re- n br boarding ships i the thet 7 healong bp ae Kong a ciay a alc holders bg Sukev 'ees, amt | "hey flies. off ole THE LIME-KILN CLUB. ldhelled- a» brane! ea of prominent down: net aa bead} eatedd hh town firte 8 the vielusty of vin tion oe ' I te Moslison rytaces there are a doz mc © Sadiew samt om. Higginbottom Law | ho, Mist, arn present in de aunt yr vest i nls of we > thin ait fe shan ental Suhevents attests. Ol | votttwe they are victimized, as Preset retin iestons val net gupport the ew bimenta, The women ag only small | : wnce they have faicinstion of the enn tees a de guilty wretch or wretches will re a le. it 'ith ul ry to desist, and t ur mally | 0 red mittens in one band and a lemon and hw was tly began : 7 cannot disptesa do © pleas 4 1 under ld . ve Hall a structure wh | rather stan' beah "tan to be thane S100 on er igi H [Cheers | ") | What am ee nctheabe Whar' slo we Oy fer tting arouwl, and & +e an what am it worf by de = wheo € rd the ne ten tho musical * jokes : 4* | market sn not dberstocker \ sediree ae ie Ma Ale iy ial off the quomcions from the t x hain ioe man bad sult an manners, and was by no mew i He 'alike quite candully th at ! mi not neon Of a tpati to go into the in ladies depended upou ite | Pe start out to borry » pan of. ficu Tor ® dat F i n lar rhe sume at me one time, antl | Ob taters. It ant ventas er {Wild 'applanse from Judge g with the stuck vachange an 'peated to Some Court Drease: trawing con hebd at Buckinghaw ckiy table bows, Lat ote pitied tho queen w a drew and train of eit. When we buy an excurshun tic- a kommenee antiyae an 7 peary trimured with fa, an' reach de grand qt ahs beatdunia inst j a white tulle | teract arter a thirty hours apes co) aye 1 {by ae cont of diamond a5 th bag Pan ob bet £"} Nuesia, and lock our doahs an' et brietion wore a train ye corsage of in our roosts, [Gr wh brche velvet, the train' Aesinened | have been lookin' inte demattertur de Las with silver fox fur, over a petticoat of ght y" : ¢ je concl ' hae Head dreas--a tiara of tarquoise and | sentiment. it had bij ia 4, feathers, poe veil. mventa-- | left cut by any accident in de mixin' de bes teas ed dlamonds Onder rn Vie- | wilde't have got a bid bees Albert, the C of India, St, nm al wid a lot of fi ' Russia, t ay the to you far th nan order tk © ep sep of right Wounded, the Order of Louise 4 Prumia, | 90° hope dat it may be my pleasure at some | nd the -- of St. are of Jergaalem, | Kener Ba to' meet you aaa y pusson i vin conn De sorticn and tran of | wh * his norton _ itl find re in shaded roses | de het room two hours. ©. pe etticnst | Argentina pe over salmon | {Cheers and yells} pri Head dress --feat ryseed veil, and dia toobd. Scag e org te yal high e668. algo wore . & nockla oh 'FRUIT RIPENING BY ELECTRIC al the are of 'V ictoria nol. Albert, the | Liogr. Crown. of India, the Forty, and the Saxe-Coburg-Cotha ont tan . Twe tm Real Life. The eon of a leading lawyer in New York, | A oni pega I ny heal watied " Long woot © Hon. Lawless on "Sentiment." T wish to dispiain," said Brother" Gere " i A green ¢ town in be ney fora sEree, walked into a dedi' po the other af ae ' Lj an fi 'iE his front hair, {1 wish to displai t nfs an' burnin' te deliver pd Letars rrageh elem on $ heah r four ra a ple coof" hat cuke a 'plnsterieg 5 on bers mucilage and the mucilage- iprush in zeon dat will remain eolbl tor & tensed | a | Thestton Lawless appeared with a pair of the upper and younger pn rig 'ehtty _ leit in responte to the af 2 night eal to jn mysalt'| nacre ral pers. mai | She joer old ward is reber de Ens gha ri hg An vantage? at a sale of antijuities put | guage greets de e "TApplasase.| I would | nd unde hehe of Romulua, the found jer he Ieume, "Pre subjick cb my address am Sentim brass te ti seoUsuent am a fort o il an' taush sur- t yond a oe wathig, bee ae are re kept gj be anes it ha: ap an' turns to ston 0, while intodders it thine out patil the heagt fairly tloot in @ pond o | sweetness. (Applause) Sentiment has con- abval todo wil elwry ackabean in our ebery day lite, Tt am biznes when yo pan baad viniately" "followed by vivorba pauses } maven to lend, inefead oF de nandin' ge residence of his me ped Inouye, minuter reign affairs, The ene aK wiuntee de ye an y Haalstt thes ie od RO ta wc out gn wold vi old clothes He poke very highly of Mr. Gilro bealype who has stock " tp wel 'null to loaf on fur Seether month, \" a we havea kickin' hee Gur edntiment We aay La ite 'tafety of resputres le well "loaded. _ Teal. aeeibiaedt | on the aub- x erly Meagher sill fur meat comes in, .fCrner of You a treeh rice straw Tao HS 'My tr fia, sentiment writen poetry wid one head an} tans de backs of de chill'en wid Ik torty- y ars, an to a r satin, bhandeomely draped with 'orale : un dat itwasa wise thing to purviile de ne a Dallee cag and it willcost us thirty ce ra re on "th you are indeed a poor Finah 're plied the "nl nd. 'Send the re- by th THE SELFINM HOSTER. w ng chased a Hinnter across beg Lay throug gh forests for several miles, hk hail the mortification nore seeing tis cane him by climbing a tree, $44 a itd "ft dew t complain of that," panted the wells "ut what hurts my feelings 4 the ited "3 giving me this uveless y have some reapect for 'ctber ooanlite feelings hereatter." THE NONEST CLERK of my chair for seven daysand nights only when is the great prerogative of in tightest hues the future as it stretched ont be fore y P vi sored up for us en tered the beart then. Hut as'we gro . corns, make life ie, the nearest drug store asd buy a be bottle of Put nain's Corn Katractor, the safe. and _ inleas corn wc. Polson & Co., King A merchant who felt ins hi Protite -- not a lupe a6 hin le Tauted loob ed over his books one Satay aod then inter- wie wed his clerk w n Henry, ie have taken $500 of my since January. * That's a0, T aed it to buy futures in cotton, and I lout," * Aod I must send you to State Prison!" "Oh, no! Previous to Jan to bay a race horne, But honesty one the tteal. But for my business 'ou would give me full ¢' es GEMS oF TROUGRT, Learn thy trae self, and live it. the sc the best days i such. as uncharitable, who beliew virtue but oa ery ca: mae it --_-- + ¥ aod poor men's Keep your promise Prompt and exact, and i: will save Nev he opkadar. breaks his sbrest twenty times, with the cold-clamm contact 0 at no one sheuld move, a gen for 2 an lights were turned supernatural than a dirty white i any rubbed wtih phosphorus aod stuffed with white tow ; this, at ¢ of a thin ile: feetations™ without rising from his chair,- Chambers' Jowrnut, Answer, "Tf twenty boys," says oil ie Devereux ke, 'were brought up in the same way aa gitls--laced, kept indoors, taught sewing, embroidery and playin vane wort of young men would they be when 'they were 21" te Lillie will tell' us how twenty be nee are -- es ing ete, me 21, t without octal Lely, we will try Ay pRands her ques agg The Nodthweat. My coe tei field rasa "ae oper- of Roe © me, sxo-Colurg Gotha family onder, the Prus- | Weeks on dia subjeck, bat obsarvin' dat ¢ the Care the Sic company the cr ay yenterel a a Spin | By No Means a Complete Bucceas--~" Ap- i parent Perfection" only, Net Real, Fruit ripening by electric light is due of Years ago, Was a by the inno: | velopments of electra "the. Landon lace and Sen chamber. | ¢ i Tora cen ; " oe Fe now , pay sh changes? of the fi ave wailing direction when . In the case of t! pere wers of 68 "eos he ie one t he south-east, Threo rohan atte this, "with 73 be older ones a fis ened pay eome iy _, Here, flowers 0; 2 oral floc f Progress 4 tealily, becacse the posai- i gisele sana ets bay a qi ening Production by this perpose, The The Island hire: of Sheila and ee contains 98s abou BaY- | Siew ens. "whut heretofore * appareat perfec- Lone the int Was ambitious aod « feted 6 i 'es | + sh a vata and arg her more sora 'oe P hee ied ever, Y, Were married aud the lady it | melous dew pte at the Weeders of society in the a A Mr aad c \ sch poor quality that well know in Penn na rs ner an render sg hoe py Bat need dm the Wrong Pisce. - he Stover place in New Lt si | tion" "is the oaly point aitained ; 5 the | per- as Elder was crampet ign an a That again he was prem And took a lot home to Salt Lake A soldier at Fort a . Was wadealy sein with He thought he on gooe, Tat when her "ube St, Jacobe Oil, waa all right again, Tho sunflower does not turn with the san, ge rade east, their 'Dey. 'oala, about twenty" ~_ have been starved to death bat for this, 4 to Siemens, ty ; livey-« boble, refined, charm: 'le bas npened late! 7 eae seca ra at sant ator ai aa! sie committee for ia are coynized pavement every place where in sold, and every customer drops pan it bis sou as r " many of must I 'daplee-ittinnse has been formed in Annee canon sade ooanas | [svlned en yor i F j i ue an turn all your money and mare enough ia | tact have lost all, You' dl better go visiting and harge Hnyeinem consists in the constitution of 1? Those in which we we inct souspanioh a who = was truly he. niin must bs excessively Ege cade he Kvery day isa little life, and oar whole | life is ra day repeated, Therefore, live | the ee ev referred = It t were hat were mal 'to do, dopa had b oe chureba, th» letter, be ou win yoo the respect and trast of your las, east duwn by trifles, If a twenty times will he ad it Make 1) ae mind to do 'a tong rs = you wilt a m ap the genuine articlo--a fie and was wav meercad in _ sokues, run! from en end of the nerodi- ble awiltness, now high,. nom low, cassionally smithy, on bai check a corpse, In spite of the medium's stringent mjano- na th, clutehed this awfal apparition as it swept t him, and ch = the other world proved to be roth: mg | could cause all manner of appalling "mank wat hot ont helped. I could pot lie in. ted for advire all troubld with the jisease to uso this remedy. To dread no eye and to pases ay tongue CHItLpuoons Memonixs come badk laden _ the joys and pleasures of that dream time ife witen sweet anticipation garnished with + Props, "The gifts of common ee cg ie are not compared to those of co t lov ely ve Rex Siinad am Batiwore Co,, Md. Te, Kagan = a apn A boline is mine young hai: Jd head, e'TETER F silane amp'e of t pore gates Dieser om i Set oem {1 + 'Will you exchange a case of chronic Ja, wr apeen ie break Mp 4. flit- ious t--to give torpid tigenen gas over en ¥ iuelph, March 2 cK et A Ly «lt tend ~ my! tipamet andliverat oe x 4% Wwe <> vy phen i wen + ball log OL vl & gout Lapreet « a which are received daily at the e I itor | office, a A woman may getto | o ve by Fear degrees; the | beattire does not fare ould you avoid vy ee e reas | tandeanaes spriog and summer? e the system with Burdock Blood is Atern: It regulates the Liver, Bowels, Kilneys and Blood, and in the pares, toni¢ im the world. Trial bottles WO centa (5) Out in the world men show ra in their character ; by the firemde = common, and often fatal, dimase is te Bitters, the worst case may be speedily ) weak ; they ars but the instruments of the Permanent Cure in effocte| in from oue sires applic ations, Particulars per} treative receipt of stamp, A. H. Dixon & Son, Jon, 305 Ki. st. West, Toronto, Canada. Humility is a virtue all preach, none Well as Ever. Lottie Howard writes trom Baffalo, N throagh i mi DT avepwegre juties : sufler- ed from nausea, headache and bilious nts, Tried itardoc' Jet Bitters with most beneficial effect. Am yer, "The as pounced on by an ounce penete 'hie veliet that the animal weighed o A it our Nocks. A weak pronstrs or entgrored ceasing is like rope aboat our necks, We strung up and unstrung alte nately + © istenve beconea unbearable, Burdock Blood will ar: ll this misery. I ters rest al is . dock Blood 'Uitters is I boon to the sick. Let us remember this fac Is it a runaway dict in othe insect or ani- mal world when you see one antelope with another Raggage Expressage and Carriage ae sop a-Unany Usiow Hawn opposite Central De 450 ©! rreoree atiod ®& cost of one milton C aenare reduced to $1 tnd Fum: vat thoGrand Unie & Hotel than at Oirnt-o! eee the city. : Hand-o1 ba ripening.--New York besamercia Adeertier. Beginning to turn. Erysipelaa, aati Salt Rheum, Eru jons, and afl diseases We Skin moe Wed od ay eg a strength and vigor at the "They call it re lyric stage in New York *o pierre it may be mistaken for a Broallway Davy & Clark, Draggiats, Renfrew, date Juve 3rd, write ;--"*Hardock Blood Bitters, taken the lead in this | som ood purifier, our t being equal to that of al! other medicines used { daring the . A Texas editor eats ink rollers when his country luce runs out. He is pot theonly 'exas editor who has a patent inlsi BRIGCGH CENUIVE ELECTRIC O8t. b--< tl Electricity Pebeor ay) train ont muscles: ina ta Natures fi i The Riectrie ry all the egies posscencs hat it ie ble to combine in a medicine, img Pisrases, ints, Mc., and La Tt truly a marvel e dees besides out it] SStnoutation "en tie storeash, "eutidone' of | Price $1.29, ech ain Tulb t srrinae. adv: counteracts the effect of uric act, hick t pro: |S zontal faces becoming nearly erect tats the jour: i m Evice 3 cunts pers tie, Heid by all drug: | Avewly-married Detrvit ot mab took | 'or his text, "She A cease. he well." : i i i PH i i: i fd i H Fe fe i i i ia ile iron net doubt ia ere aurry you yes ee ere evo that aay Heed haciat "WO Mary Street, -- on * Circumstances are the rulers of the w Carawut- --A New Treatment winwsty a +e Fat 1u VETERINARY COLLEGE, ro tent prec one practise, and yet everybody in content to rd, Fe . ply io sie H AC HOG. on a'prenibos. r) KTih i. ¥.3 --"My system became greatly debilitated Impertant. When you visit or ave ev York City, mre iy A saber Cand laiportat: fre a ie Lo States, or es! itario Agricultuéal College. ib ecw the oR . "tor "namiaion on tik eit 'Pore ving full information, a gi asthe Matt: Hi sh Pernt ais spall to atl plitteof the Doon ife arrival gua address « + ik sue ced Merchants, au to, the Faos, Artna, he J 'pee Skin SRE USING, Fem wea" o AFTER UEN astantly by applying rive £5 tla. por kottle, Sold by al} deraraia Robbins Bros., ITRATORS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. TRUSTEES &' | Wellington steeet Fant, Toronto, VANCTAL NEGOTEATIONS, jnchuding t nation of companies -- proc pth parka capitate the e parchaie aad aslo of: & ben ss LOANED :: otha peapertiee ee rates of interest you wanl 4 lean era partner, ar dest) nines bamghet rs write af T EK KEEWATIN | Oo MINES ymntertal returns promised from Lhe capt oi King trent Kast, Toronto. & GREAT CURE F' : RHEUATISM > = Ant atl © t rent Vee or ree, poi tee erable' § terms ; ! Purchases Manicins ant ates and Mort Endorsed ae the --_. ACADEMY OF MeDi- . cx Teli Ex are. Hotel | Tea I -- aly go Prsatelin's -Paative ure Lora |Win TOMER s wis! i: hates The ranve teetty pharelieipg pial Vs ratte ie Leman oe AGTA, ft orale Babine: ita ttshe, phe Tis n "SURE E CURE. by all z Norte ring Ca, are Falls, Mossea. 3 rr Finan, | bad hoiesale Ain {Toronte. § ONSUMPTION, AN BE OURED,| R- NASE RONTO _POLMONARIOM, p 2 yeare experience in Ontariag tollewing mab Hen as for itenif. m fer my ar Du XN you t extrtint oath ps pt ted mar b treatin a jronobitis, sre a aft sae wld ane! ay until after" frentment Ww 'oe 6 ot eminent mantent talewt, and with 1. rewal vex s t 3 i & 5 z Ls 1 ety cal th fee vay ae fey one Gi MABEL M.D., M.OP.80.," SE PORONTO PULMONARIU MM". ; Churct»St., Torante, Onts: at the MERIDRY the rices a they are the in need darabiiiiy anex by The tmemnasr phe Sete . - fe imitate thetr mane trade pM gs we bave pre-e de we' and iake with FANSte Our avTs rs Gee 4 § oa OR, saab. ra hadi Cutters, ete eee wah: SN