a es "= 2 "4a 2 ee a ee =O acaamca etapa aaNet ~ " ig i Sina ait 35 1 rot = . -- ye Ara: "ny t 5 a ' siete fh my pe Sia : | divorce re eRe monyuite; the | " x 'What te « ing on in the Prairis Pre. ESPECIALLY FOR LADIES is a0," Bhp ars tpege onecasrgeh the po bi 4 canes poe Set does the? t i vin 'whire Starriage to aporime. soma Seaater Senn sened Soe 0 manatee er- | ay Pintlagthy Sy te Sha stop rt femation eth Everywhere --Fortunes fer Two, wile ?" yy ee srhat in thunder shall I ambs for to trapee 'round with their cubs | The buesking np of the ee om the Assini- bg Besa at you them to prey upon?" be asked mer | yi, The way ee einen boine hes 7 --_ sudout trout we'll rit 'fore blue ' ten Crime, || man, 4 ; a bright thought strack him, "I be suckers. Well, wackers is wpa: water is mak- algsost : 'ig 8 mewepsper digs "p Dol oboe tye hi Ref estin'(of 'em BBE rete cannot : We y - ee come t n srticls depuigtive of How York *fushien- ae Ot sind sn," say the narrator, closing bis | von guile toca' Whevever 1 ar bechers "I | 18 the cellar of a ve fry the witness x anol coats lene ses | | my nat story, 'they took him up to the Tis spend hist te far neckes f miles {rit Winnipeg. hing was airs ' fmyi that they can afford, to di 7 pedal pet preyceghosar up cfr play- stun wale ddioet pin pe at goal Sok kad bat at cet ay of saying . | ver : At priseut it is too 'i progare ing the 'Dead March 1" "Well, Major," said: the Sheriff, whe'| ith hesvy stocks: they of wef being is . "ht "Very grand, I dessay" remarks the heal aude Bearly all day, "1 Se merchas hy si a certain. At old spal- fared toigist listener,' "bat I doo's care for style. Go- think aking for ain't Dy wore : ™ in Bat' ' iy well anil rity F peas b3 the to the on foot 'ia enough and one Businens ia a} ttle quiet Portage ith the most the ing cemetery than bobbin' for eels, and every "all broken speote- pale beautiful dame! who had das fear wet" that if there is one thing you like better then | at it. ig caInps are res would feel peed- : woceremanipnsly into his oflise, "that is jnet -- another it's bobbin' for cela." me ter he season, on s pees my body, my If you to relieve the ; 4 'sa gate Wine hant- respiration ia- for 7 ave nd | the wousded _ ccaing to coagtract at tee | gg ght Zouare! Heza bis to | dal, ravenous on Mrs TUE SEST SLOON PeRUNER ) + OF thank that we mere cctng to conrrac the| "long inter his mouth. Take dang ind op of the xiver bes dons ind Leagan : will yout? piped | cared: hed inet Ge OY Bh gi & telescope cco. reappraching | come sn than Cp tctenione damage Win #0 far, with the ex-| Pugiliste are generally lose all intervek | + gave the par-'| east ane ees ee eee meets the ,, | moon at thirty va hadier ee Py pedere tantaleam sate ryan' s Paid wome 4,000 fellows, bat nove of them get wpe ie the thas ed great relish, | Ce mnie of the da ; v - oes te ¥ A * tinged to of that reat | rot a rf . too, 'eer tad. But grew thie and | wi "they wi os #0 -- do that a dag gh sky an! 6 Winkin' at you +e - eee ly my, breathing " e9 Reneie eeseare 4 the water. " ang Sieslly they cent we ovsth, 18) they villa wake her fal w _--" Nw Au you git in yer boat an' row out on The Pikes A angi ate ~ tiopless while at ether ase it erat pat we folly Strases, Polly raged or Prat ane, eo fered ttn cok me." Pr 3 t the pond, an every | ty: ta weekly bi | ' . theee sentence with fore Bove baign-p she warned maid Primer, why did you ill your chego" je oarloct ste toes P the sar rthad arin whic i conten vi Dele tearesnll af motte: att Come sant which Graly Shocked the be yet ed by pinciag paths, Soosn the 'syeqomn: knew change of ¢ ler hills, an' ev'ry swish 9' O8F | Grand -- wit cosnec' better, e drives wep 'trimary ' | Ppa pies thing, 2B ules trip ot seh Because life with her had become un. mee treaks the water lato Little waves @2 | Bimey ik seein _aesordingl 'ares became je pomp i Sor a Gheanetdang abseedere of whevene tes ; hadqwon their path ee ie | oo ta and oth trip to Sap ~ | ture white, 's if war kindet skeert o' a ponkaetas dam st Mons whi Shortly af i t failed to digest, and the| + Doce-Polly wante drink!" ee aes awany, able girl whole horeel! to be in 1) ee ae the wial. oS at: the| '* You should hare re beparated Hie oe bein' rustled 'round like that, As' bime by ing contracted for a water Tpneeid Wure-ct a peculiar odor and} Thereupon fapped her | -- ood fie ereat, remy as Bo 'cancections nh 7 v0! | Prac ae one re Be, eee hopeless! Can | Sod poowsiand that | would never you git to the ¥ eg A ge Mg swep' sway by the recent inary Ard Yet I did not realise that these | gow out ofthe gion neve ef the i of spe SOU. wissen sive cause ber lover dare her where || Proper seh sert her while she anchor, cause you know hey's neg | amount of will not be very ae thiags meant anything werious, Finally I owing to 'osk fer aged when he leaves her ; on. the ot! adiled| Ne ae "she moaned, growing paler each: jeat a layin' low for suthin' new to were bat the work will be kept back | consi consulted a number of eminent physicians, by ali dcaters. a4 ant. }'Therv's tet ouetcure f har" asd Dialogue between a young clerk and his | Gn, Faget apt yt 2 tad: | Mbly, Al he Neri sock one OLY 'wule ee ou H. WARNER & CO., Sa tie: to = chai: . i ez yer fis oh, - to the cause of my trou joe youd to » chair. si talitiec vate wie. mer You wish to speak to me, young pole dip. simen Mr Bal' tenth fat the bob, hare commenced work, and are making And from brain disease; another spina 7" pelle gaged @nt., Rochester, Z.¥., a4 f BAe 20, of | man ? ey aidl't no ' i 1 progres, Jf there ix anything like an . + Others heart affection, kidney dist} 'True, you weak, ners -- * frame" of mind ineloses t || ed editor, his eye ing with the tear " 1 ir. You vee, |.it to you up the bod kin ,be, oreaka @ pring they will have the ik TS. | ned were terrible, and | di ' t night, sor " of despair, nition of happiness. So she can) mpathy. "So young, wo fur, t trepeak thus Pps fh ator ne ively the | an" : feel it go cl pee fl for track lazing before the first ity for the vases Iwas cauterised, cup; | vous. king ea par Fi lowe wpltare" . dave caoney, she'cnases to oe amet were at|| Spel rf ose ft lif and yot it omnes werk that X rage ct thirty distribit iteelf "rom your topknot bao Hy iol 7 patti d bjeated to al ri ad t = bottle of St Burdock "Blood When you risit or jeave New Sretage, He. and ' bape, because were "1 do not quite despair of life, anc 4 hat . ou begin te C ayy nent, During one of | heart? Ge . and al Marios would pever Kh pier is not arth Living if this pain m = anal vemedlage ider PS gic ac ois him a gentle ez if he was Pgs Ths Moree Tae nr adlge rans wt rasa aie bg pcs Ke J, | Bitters. fers Tt pit restore you to balth th and opt eats Ores Nora ceaiiee Pr| maidiom is the purgatory of social life; 4 "Quite right, my young friend, and eaily eee |S ere ip flowers are blooming is morning. "Yen, Teonhe'h pre physician wag called, geod toad = pyen Tinton dafars reseces oS wo, father than live in purga 7 Mi 'uy my hand st caring you the have bimto the top o' the water! | the prairip . sdminion-- Letting the hens |» cost of ome ator. into a agra in the noes cies 'in| Wh hen ee a s aaticnte | little matter ss thank you any itech be } eeadianied, Twill Now iar him 4 you ae | ral by #, And pi ry aby S Se taes apnea bit cts sy! 7 Ate be hed gone fl Oa Ties: into ey 3 garden feat ar goers fea mt heat. Hews jn beyond, Who » this sim iter mye! ' i »t reat a second, then & breac + * Ob. he will be 'all ri; it | cart, stages ae Rea ae all nal ts ant | ES Wig sie Reais a cae aby, | saad ey a eve koe ago | geek es re | Me arn ee eee aS, ldelit ene hs ou y in vo oby * tick, bot a slashin' an' nee | 10 FP U . agri ne 9 taken i iv. 4 " Ht is appetive pone pot fo quick j ant he of '4 ye you are skillful that you can A yor rit fig teeser whatadurn fvol bed ben n | Western he * puileing @ spar track from |. man what to ae si hie bis no en he thlalorus Sempieetie ws ble, ae I had never used any tint" ower foam be a whe reer rom shoota a wig does he bring down ed by the cond pte of vis replace t Pre "oli the moat fet eg artist in the w atty, an makin' o' hisself, wanted fo know, | Westbourne to the head of navi Ae feels a eneezo work oy ant jaeantng drinks, whereupon prove a gg ws iiss wy x COFFIN, a ow ot 1 tasteless and insipid eaieen te ie i "+ Bless him, bless him," tera tes Se. complains that her ne: besa ; oa the W'voab, that be kuow'd it Fake Manitole, sear, She sapere brbe ~ Vest asl hen ncbel returned, made inquiries, au 'chau hig rice P.. dc. Harton Court 5. W., May Hub a mut Blood w* 1 wit i 4 rag 'av 'inion of ta very first , that she wore ee them i i bobbin' for eels, boys. 1 Cree to) connect w o A Saw) 'ork milliner tic Hat all care m . sada Bardock - ¥ ® pital unity, for that matter, i 4 | gute wit Where did be learn eo mash o one t be, madame," says the artis ef a = lara cuth in's be be bel lares you-- | ir. "tied or is buildirg to ply on me , ins fter by discovering that ends and phyvsiane seal availed 'nothing. oil Gabi ixicka always throw his ee oe tad Ge the in the pit. Indi freecnts. Timea oiler, but rich in | firmly pat respectfully. "It in tage ims] EOS way sod thik bold outer it; ears the plume on Pe farur of the poor wide ket, they hit it exetly. They the wealth of ales ction = possible that --" ax the was ic akie are he ebim in} Tie Winnipe Commercial tayo that | thie ide of the hat When Fila to think of, poe be what ailed wee . fe es gestion, and the liver ne Afeation, affection, serps the young |" But, here I" contanie the customer, the beat lope you, b'guah, tousver give up prairie firds hav: ns from sevéral | woman with two Plames just ner me, por could I find any one who did. ildese complaints a hard blow, from whie! lady, starting up, '* who in king of affec- Producing « s speck ning. the Lemont when you are down, an' to neve edie un you of serro banding" dn we Ano ness, ui Daring eeu I of last year V egctine they eter recover, (1 be ' oa?" oes It carefe y and wii a w strayed, it and Ginest mins alers seats y & big price et' w hy, why--I thought--you said, that pecplosity." 'At tant at fighta u a bein' a babe so reagan bei' in the, is ing a coat of sky ti hd wore for Tod, i" rorae a 4 eet ana ie the camel's ls} hy, "1 ees tow it was" he cries, trium,.b- colt, Sheri, 'cause 1 won't have it, try lehvee any scarcity thie sage, to lid, phe: itiable object. ° 1 continued inf 6 Health Restorer. vlog ' Snakes You to extract a tooth that! haw | antly ; ** you have been out gatking with | bia ht 'lengghty." "Sew York § aeure thi j 1934 bebe rai lass Pecemier, L Spring: Medicine ' rome 'An Excellent Report. aihet for week. Pa directed me to Dr. | them on | ~New yer Wor bigeeb | ave liedats who to be of the right rms Miller says the daily bs vot concious reasoe, thdugtl Joa, G. Aiaditdan of Brooklyn, N Grinder aa a care tal dentist. : or ' ¢ arriving " toatl City ale i is "the nix alinotie ae ivilization, Tad two ment in oui myself and | purtnes the mest Semana Saviger- y, " Hoo, a 1 cannot express myself in your pardon. 1--" " unaree OF HUMOR. | 4 Mortgage Paying Clock. . aily, abdjproceed fro vations a whe carries a newspaper in rientla placed im litt & shafidence In thig ates the seticleatly praisow: =r t of But only blank walls answered the e plead- | A gentleman writes to the New York inte of Southern Mettola, a a large is Hable to 'vi ' ome D I was a GENERAL En Bitters which I have used torte ing of the dese youny editor, etary od Tho original dade was was Datars ws ia the | Tribune as follows : The notice of the death going th Reck Lake and T pons. ! for the of he in: oghgbiiy ts & teres ened te ate « deficiency past two yéars with t (22) med young lady flounced down FOOT ire ord who bad a bang on his | ecerniah Curtiva remiae me of Plesast [districta |Some who have -- "It does beat all what fascalit wabantan ined there until last The nutritive constituents of the sow being ore for for bos: steps ata t forehead. 1 | ea uarstance with that gentleman, soi the | improveil their hotsteads vow tring this world, "exclaimed Farmer 'April, being attended all the wittie by Blood are in ten thas tee S aston' Dottie' weet het Tee thes make j ' Wh bachelor was married, | story cf : clock. lated by him at bis their jot hes to live with them in this land 'The last ton of fnnfol wife who never Liew walle ent occurrence. itis edaat to 8 Vari: wet trianintage: I on. = mentor Sr the Hachelar ¢ tub broke him or house twen'y years ago, -- or an? of pro -- od that ge pg ans es insanity waa pe The lo wer Linba are 'apt to be more exponar of afresh flow of immi- | 5, ing him, as a wedding present, '| called my ogg Je a clock standing at | Tho excitement about the rising of the the canse of all m mS swollen. The patient rogelat Get . 'attend Bi rog toroer No ortte: Wen is someon, p Ager of "Paradise Loat." Mt ere pares drawing-room at the Red = at kinerson has all subsided, and consciousness in March last and {asioted on ined © aiwape ake Pine the "heart Naty wnanie " hree th ® single "ie this week **No, father ian't a drove, eit! bead of the first wt fight of stairs. It was an peop! are pace mure down to attending to on being tak, be physicians isa very common aymptorh. Violent emotion | subjec loa ab hep henets MP iy thr earner, i ffir, with ste case standing re. Th val of t he steamer that remain, but I jnsisted upon lesy- ften throws the heartintothe mos: tumultuous | After a long mt [left Liverpool tr ae ie and ErIgAt iA" help &pilenthrog ake 'nt wa joes old fasts h a Mr, Curtiss' atory ran | tit om in tal vend to toall fears abou' top and we the journey, ra aang | sotto betton. The vital functions aré peppy ver- dock Blood Bitters and was "a | t ic eu heathe: eet high H utan end . ~ 4 h is diminishe a t k, bat ie char that thoes of tbe Canada Pacitic have gives all erex omens things omy thes the bridge, 'rinich in still standing, although slowly. I was met at the dock by a friend) tatigce followeraoderniecs ich exervine. reels es re (24) tives lity - yt ect Ie or Howell Hand sundry to understand that there are Jored + in Atalanta, Ga, the previous summer he had n tra the i ce hrebker ia front of the on ntre pier is wh 1 recognized ai 8 ain breatht hough « aie wien wind under ae '6 : aod on tf eta oon riley sham | man hartehipe to undergo in this new} An or sae abou th ure fold about the | velling in the State of Maine with bie "eile, For sons days al : ne ny ition and hurried sade if? csending be @c. | Has been rising your Burdock Blood Bitter seed oe ni cathe ae writing we |(ectee though those are as nothing gom- | as lecturing a youth of his fa ted sa native of that State. Sheexp essed fit shoivly down. ac My ll danger is now When T once more recognized iny fri dj sition nein "rung grea IMlsonteeed, | Has bee emedy, and finde them very yoptiey, ys out of |inared with thier which were sudfenet*be' the relive are oh aly She perc 8 raed Inport gyre age banger her childhood deadly weapon hancose 6 koew my surroundings determined to try. |} The nervous ay are carsags a ceeceme | ce, 2 liver remy, sad Sie, sed secs t 7 ; A © Hible plai ; ' 0 th fn 2 we loves whic common. Viol ad uonwers ino} te charet os pes par time to dange." "Yes, dar am @ time to | which hal Tenber ter ox ana tpea | T Ths Winpiges Commercial of a eenet | a Gate marriage, ban w Neither my- re im the. heed, vide ana or gther | Block, ; Indiawepotie, Ind, (20) Here ths trast had to "tbe. lane can be | dance," sat the dark divine, "tan (deta a the house she discovered that the | date says: The all important beens 'ttle. T fortunate owes who if ods much faith that it or of the ends, Gre dies Cregoaht mn ie Red Cloud has discovered ago tine" 'e H a ho Pear sense, Yet the bush had |"8 rd kite s-whippin' for goin ~oot a | old farctly clock was standing in ite piace as | water a supply tor Region a ai by Searth sewin hine nfronted w <i this anything could help me, but we d to wpor the disease. The seory the piensce are | his poner ration He i one of the few clou ape j mae . rertoal philosopky - Abstinence tr ; chiléhood days | The t Twhicn ' inl danger. matty Ser they ge nad at 4 sconlingly dismissed "Y'| almont alwaya either » we Oe VEY WAT | Sitch have © mols pe at " male dimer. be the Neat ¢ pest * fonder." All eweil that ends | trae : pa aoe Sent Bi we ¢roight pure rohai So. an "the 'own Emmimigery has preps ibe certain to bring ous hem pet ts up allother remedies, and I re-,| tially pertormed. . mboaiton eres cations fron 'ihe Mr Joseph Hatch, a Bayham; writes : va ng tut ar , pray inonr Nor 'ell--an reeard shoes, One -- does it af tie owners could be ind = ie? pall { proved a srpud = depth et 97 fewt. In metaget joy to say that with the blessing of Him who towel aed dan he rapeptic mata 0 of the storeach. | f had rheumaticm for tw years at every Ene sere I without » little not make. a. bummer. Distance lends en- | proposition was therefore imble fc ar ae stquck at a dep fee and Convérsatiie.: " You \ lay a wal man; bay are extrermely cox change of weather in my shoulder "and oi pig besslad orl fiode it: cath ult to chantment to a fe ot me cael the bal- |e { the old clock, w im ter rose 6; iar was "t Mehat been ao vigorous for m: years, and [ crsemat Dam « cre ED. until finally they were useless, | Many. § ve er doing it, leta of an nae = le os pee 0 fai es crite meen and the price of $1) The 11 j ue " Howie "ae tllowes day one of 'the russel ING v Phe he won't pay +] owe it all to the wo woaderfal, Cet ee | Toro: ch a Ons. Nor ember 25, 1879. much worse I could not turn my ie Maer wey ¢ ot by an , th ita scorn Wor in ave | clock was packed and sent to Brooklyn, and | the to ved, with the statemen can't, but he Widn't seem * Yous, power afo Care, the rem-) 11.42, srevEns, ong : tontifying to|pillor. Itook a dol t se | got 89 ¥ ny a -. = | painted. © atch | your heir heres ron share takes to steep ter for complete reovativa and | | Yrinnlpes pep pags ed ao Aung anent any che --, Nova bew edy whit Te lit 7 Rave mived "pleas on pout Sing. oP tic Repellant and oe 'a ally from the old country, wake very poor repels. ' 'ded, bud 2 wigs of water, Ww You can well imagive peed bpm have su exceedingly from chrono Aead- | Paves oes al leis of Wek 4 , pi mv t ith thelr advantage ot a [it- --_--------ae ------ « clock man reported the clock a valu. | 1. 560 vw TT '5 writinn tbare mahi Mr. Abral . Bn Wills one feetancae Pb roumstances, and, lik aw | acne nad penne dobitity. fron Which f abtain- ayer and way and not b. tie ca ital; lat som them without The Story of the Three Apples. sie coe, _ og UKE it w "des eee | Han ew little c be signs © g as | Mvocos frm Eas r led 'fo ,t vert, I earnestly desire that all ho od ne mth since, to t1y 't ; Vecerive. i rheumatism. wold advire a 10 ase thin et price thet ore aber taly of no t all, The te Jea has a| facture, and that it was ge saoinier | Fare aan wut save betes that the rent | he te. or Wirctabe suffering shoul know and avail themselves | about a rm yearns have been for the i the risk with | ition made by one of our Colonization Coe of the Turgenets latest tales h 150 years. "then 3 Me. and Mra. € oot: | tha sriter . ot dagly Mg dle phe ly, buy too means of recovery. Had it not been last four yeary: emoy my food better, an ithe "Charge, oo eri" shone the drngeiat peeps a 'pa ¥ We by sla of the | shrewd heise bof humor, He recounts how d together, questioning among them- | of th gh se wali eis i Y | He loved not wise uy bove named I should doubt- stronger, and paitetrae from ny old euemy ,t } don ue the word behing ! gompantes to ae we oie : arty ria Seafar, the renowned Vizier of Haroun Alra- |» porte we had ers j small a sum | pers of Wins ave gone counilorsay | ly | lar the zeny sei the Walls of an, asylum| headache. feet cthat my Y hestigiony me may ln | as he sol.) a x pad on ae 10 hia wat + direc m the ey hi. | « wi % ~ w \ happiea, a pel mrad Mi . ol | country copie af | wchud, ; ehil vet young agi peg pee nemrcae tor theitenk considering ite repo vale he pf thste agg A A mates Begine quality . Vast wae invented id the be ry sh acday Th trouble with my | duce others to a 7 _jomysrox. wtfgwar Steyn Wey attempt ( - as : se wed h | fescucd a imysterion: nat aiet their consciences in the ' ; | New wow Oe. f the queation, but wi ir d at ao relate. hy wee ball gy ih nad ex | ant afterwar | visited nigh on 'iat hve Ae j mater they re aed to ven the ople of | of the the, jand qu wip feed pte bee | won. that patnonte sas generous tart en | say "a ihen aither her | eee ee of roughing it, Hencea colony ex | requert. the old m ook, --_ ss 4 om they urchased the clock another | agger afte Lh eer ny th ory great we... : endorsing "rites tion etncon aa hhewer is, use Pul own way, or applies to | iy, sively ° any one clasyis not desiratite, | ye ips Kn ie ite 8 ist Sol which grew |e vam el money, A accordingly f mon hore bg citizens who hav : ' York N 'the same or a similar condi sana one <4 pe cea anf the pain'n Palatees Vorn 'rites sate ~~ the, areas 4. A blasted life her for themselves er the coantry. Ani ; by hig oy eee cy By retura mail a letter came frou ts tarted, This ia the most | =*%-- know its » Kidney troubles are the | bi Corn pats, Alwar su other, "Wahionae niet}, or alimony an jo bape tint for ihe, credit of 'our tear | pay inate were clam arr nue, Upos | mother foe nily rhein Me Fer | sly it Pipabacndn Feel wad yoo irl ee Wave lean deceptive of all Seneres | Tha: bare | VO Si ZOURETON, Ow Fraudnate Lita "it run Sie ice ' the bh pasa of score Hame the scene witnessed the other day in this tes kate: thee plos) one of longiah | reomtrs of th ins de a6 ness Rabies eee } chic - tolook into a chicken's cidiith ond bo symp! of their --. J e rainiee oar feet ent wil aac Townagia + the Unnarentare, immigract 'hed, 'where Mite aoe the eens ecg | Man Garces nee oe ne Pesaile tet | tha eymiptar of nearly ovary known com: | Vensting ip aid by All Druggista, | cs * | be again | shape, and white as milk; the t © Antiquity of Dentistry. teage, like that of a h hat le are dying every . Love's Way Everywhore : co ey pag aaa gered, the ¢ aus jal rol; the than Hetle, strvvaled) 4 tor that mine had just hoo Ceres Hs a : kh f and science of | it would be a square give away on plains, -- 7 i hed apoplefy, hite, "Teen says his boarding-house is pc tamoras is | Ne " reac wean might ox sce that the des-| yellow Ay sax) ve . Of th srt | ment on the mortgage up lace, lace, and we ! Ti aly bry re, but one thing ison u, | or who trying to palm off ay ie ep s al on pote faint," and mapy Foople ee their eee wie took og: ms Sold ee ere Teemer that fa Tie sets tone » ts nal eat our 0 apples np : '0 if and we bad | dan oT flour: | a yor inonnes id the real cause at bn lied ever the alepown nt of | ieuty ummigrante were attonded to, teat | & hhite, thou wilt ba the wisest of mens | had not the on fe. ; t go. | and that i that goo deutal surgeons : other jliseases, when, cou night; io Reise de Jereat immigration, Unegoverumest should | te rok thee Witt te ake rnteent mate tpt 7 'cae, which, bas en. | thed io the ;hoak shoot oraereaine ween | was the one her husband th ekiove ts eco L, "Temas tbe Mrvath and reddens the SB cricinaie CW" DENNIS, Tormta™™ * ty. | Sarat migrate disembarkation | ye yellow, in wilt vspeanmularly eupulie ke A make a payment, aud our home | agers . fete and mechanion have been re t her with pos ti t terrible of all | Rah "nn at of daughters aad sons (escent PEEDLING STILAWBERRY = fm here t women. i t ethics. hi an || Ea maces re beau! Piants-$3 per £000; from exter ive ts ang . io ed" Vekares loves ite virtue within an hour." | Trashed by the pathetic story above te "sears, Laney enol yd -- | fences. | Any = who known . = ied m= 8 oes as a & a $ NG Lae 3 froee ~ Chatte thanten, Bi alae make acother sug. | Guar rumineted with mac Peet | inten ¢ bey ertain how mach the | Dental j t many of the tools used to-day | rarter and should be wa re verify. That 1 be no doubt, That OULDINGS, Picture' Frames, Mirrors, and: a w Mente, this same ma Poth Lie more tan 4 erat ong | ein linicss u vlace. In reply it wohl 4d par be t were in the fancet, ten loaded, is about - a pie proms were those of many other dis. Mercere eieunpryeessin, ea ber} rt , c 3 'of a =4 here chon! id be o recvlar cary | pi 'iba Hen: other ten will env me, 1 appeared that the tig ere wins of Pompall, Ldgarlicinl digeapel So ston as 4 pisto! ateee sa cases is equal opie = uae ake Pristye tacks -- WHOL RSA LI AND peoth -- a aa nH nro y ut Vrovin- | will eat Pike "yell yw apple." And he did ao. | si her consultation followed, | !¥ " re herpes eth n Bid of | - ----s en doomed Teer. na peal hing ag hws { KA' peta fox stouk, ty ramon ot i lal Toards 4 Health ue iT) ba y well when The ~ aulex elated Tint seat cory in which the value of the wav aod Sooner ae oo plates were also found, and pin {a -- With & Greas "a ing lethers just received will cyafirm this: | tras goods, i BROKER, SKoN | : ous d mouth, an: sts « } in the eo dey q small-pox ur some other contagious disease hast chosen the better part. y ba 4 re with geld and cement, c ga ~ : BMONT ASYLOM FoR gy re i i$] J A enh A a TON, greta, ate ma | Set nat ee de be sol thos at Sethe ou obese ra a | wae agree tarhsee, Bo" | doaoee the pra ne o ha rime ecw | sF ae eutery, and a Salomor Nor neede th he yt ED. ven dpor when the eteed i stolen ki Boheat nt thew 4) eer pos Solomon wilt he rich | mortgage, and thereupos ape was remitted H pric vocal te,|anl some of lat eet discov 'nd " a tthe Bish act: ae Te i Ee rrr On -FOn rringe « Measures bul be adopted ai ugh without it, and none will envy th for the purpose. tes by Dr, S¢hliemann show t iL Indesk onived! We on you not only upon | | K. &J.M. SPROUT, Hamilton, half a bh low t paysraerd, | 8b by those who are are reepo _ wen enge," respond aed -- ----~+ = | a betray baal sD tet ied in the the continuance of your yealth, but also upon 'Send for el AR NRE «pair, aml, to Uspicion, the gal . " to indicate to me the Mae " Taken from many 0} he m ¥ nt, cd ACRES TIME. th r ae sr his guitar and sat on hie balcony | An "Mijtorieat Bpet, the se m ther of the moat mae 'of the q| Shakespeare's aay n " r yramide, faugaish proof sat i x pereices of : sel gee by need sitet through sox 2. 2.355 HAL lands Almont; pinters Se ce bene core of Shin sivers wat | Monitory u pearly one hundred mules) Fathfu Bh pol bowed othe heractera of | jcntew had bpon tore the > thon od years | £2 haustiig an experience as you au 15,088). mi For pamtictiar re adidrwoe Ke, Movinwrn, t y biped pes - uther y frum San Francisco, and besides j and sho way And Giatar "the nen wilt nes te kc ape M = Jee bel | the "weed s preg (pects h a tarkers ware | fromit, Certainly I cannot recall one who 1 et-strmet, Bt. Louis, Mo, U8, A. ry b- | OO l the most beautiful baye inthe we ee | greatest st rahe in Bagdad, "Macbeth " in the Book o! f Kinga. ex Among the aac ents th Phe | to us in so critical, and for days aud ope af vik mk tut --_---- io the Rible is "Lady Macbeth "Min the pl he Bevt sec geon denvists, and the sign, kuin by asiute Toe eaend. WATCHMAKERS | ! the tows dl setreond iby the moat beauti. | Gheare in 4 jhe it was that ti mA a to "Shaving, biteding and tooth drawing perbrart and who surviv dre: } spate ta ets "the maar points in the 'oure in tho Water, do all the deviltry he did. Then cali eo i e cities of Europe. Pidbed Ate I think, you may now Before lathes, seo the " Whitoomb.' Glacenc:y pep da y : | i ble instance of sustained mua 1, mrervant to the King. Under the netly,* tedth were made of ivory, the ed from it; for, y wade' "wy aE RICAN -WATCH "TOOL 0, tliat vicamity { Monte: tuch are A re make © instar Hazacl, a very iz: Formerty, tate gray: i recovered and no longer on and soon the ~ were | immer rai " orth vieting are Point Lobos, low lar eff.rtis given in the Medical Pre "eas! influence of his wif: ezebel, he plots to ene! sheey}, ox, hippotamus, and pi 'a ith tule" f ® . t list. Hoping for the ooatin« WRPARED Stomaavill:, ot: " a wie oft ber iy 'the il 'me oshine of calm sammer ns y occ Mol: tn ao Australian mine ae kill his ; ae 1 oy King fal i of ~ -- Ping gb mess some | fa cpachman with Secretary wr wan erin of your present health, with the best 'arm RHEICTAL LIMBS sikaritete ine ne agry relatives could qe -* o f t havi in his . This plot is successtul, reeding the pus ; : . the law ora j day, a Tuxuriant Rrowth of @ gre 7 "mary dri t rom ancther, a rapid faundatien taok | Hazacl is crowned King. This character Peres later. Jn the aixtoenth oontury dé. wibes from ail here here. cabana Mr. Avetin Jay, | " rep Ont, said pera sande Bm! Lietnn of the tony tribe can OE an place, tina few minutes the ber exactly suite that of eee a tiatry gradually passed oun at cme perieg " Tal ame y J. DRAPER. a Aticted. wit he a | Addreen 3 J, 1K yA sir for Two. jolene . 1 her | level ooxled he water stood | minor characters can also ound in the regular sor geutss to the den! : 2 be tog he Made Fortunes - rth pa reap eepiakaa addy it ee thirty fees in the shale, Twenty-seven tnen | Bib Of course, Shakespeare pas. altered mioder i tim Oe ome E das San ©, 1008. gist at oc yore induced him to THE § SUN ie ets eethe iaoat elegant ee | Math the seals sunning I the white- winged t © workings were unable to! the worda, but the plot and char are y 4nd plates of bone at length Mr Dean F Replying to your | Wl) Mt d results that after % aio te , IN PLA prey = i a j ra Agi tora 3) aoe oa ps ascend the shaft, being caught in dailt | to to be fou od th ., Hale sey, in hu wave w to plates a gold, silver, Lorry letter I would say, T Love 'Some Nhe 'emg E, | bot ape able 2 ree work as usual. he workd"s news. Rverrthing ee 1" cry, beautiful and | phetare the Gh {the butterflies, where re the w A a mel nigh ¢ p ates Ye prac | | sod rubber, the latter being more gen ie m: highly eaeel et fmocths aad | 9% be : at - nether dg yl no] cginmes tnd women $ ee Shanta U i could they kee; tor \ ip aa! d epee fo) dumb Bell bee: f in| dering the ty re a ied a uv, rape ody "One by one dartag a was to study. the Bible seven hours a day. | ""* Fepeetet very iatimately acquainted for about six ih axiatenoh, He gladly allows us to ase | jodepes crotch true Lenooratic oor d wey ike dak | equi ot bates Ccaatie ata terrible sixty hours that tlapsed before help There were not s many Bibles in his | An Ex Career. mouths past. "Por a usta veg 4 than "se tie sit Bu bac: pth 2 ALY (4, pagel. by mai i. , hat abe | hoes on ' olors, ; . inmate of m se, and month, bd paces f 1 J on drop off exhausted ; bat there aes now, -- alt though very chs . . months he Lona: 'Y 1 yok tue tleohiee iggeebg red, ar t vat ith great quasent ry 'ie : five o r Hy? holding on during | hy hy a daily practice pee bp nanan ebery nd we enjoyed constant intercourse with each | The keeper of a boarding-house is neve" ate Dating ttn oe Now ore Clty. hin forte Her he, | Ube bf nd at low le elle oc, Lake whole vo tp berien ts tes eck a formes 'ie aries 0 mar tan hoes te is | of Saree bee Ned at Pane ae id ne Peat ediealch' 'T | te belectend abct larder seeenne WANTED! -- Z made . alive. eo bodies of the other twenty spire aot know, but presum ' F Hl of remark- most & perfect wi ;, rive, is not the ouly one Mre. | ndted for the quantity ant beauty of ite | out a Stared shout cm of this extraordinary tp fu the had come to us but todie, Take Your Cheice. ssh tar othe ps | ts any of tet ng the vary pr | Ww were fund ea inieed are the strength | Thongh Shakeprare was drebly over | the pey'ot Princ Licker ee | severe pm tha gam of some of | von can Te eal erreun cm 200 BRICKLAYERS MASONS. ngton, owes bis erstes of ro { i tenacity inspired by desperation, when great man, I think he is considerably over- | the pay : marear H. Warper aod des nt, ¢ for from Cincinnati, | Fat CF A is oewery. Jalan Tarercer, | Shey sont ante ah ae hong oo 67 | be was neh enlipwed Sith tee comes | sae acre o foe years jockey, besame em- Sale Care, Sale cre al Sue) be | bea or eo or you ex eo ma : H bodies ii ib $ wed most the time he th am ache cc catch bp int Cype pee, ' he ota raed voter eet y h rei _ originality at rather with the genas of ged by the the then reiguing Dike of Lescea. improvement ery d tiene Blood Bitters will afevinte, Jan Lop! "y Aprly to the Works : meat beastifa ex . one. rei her) a arp deal of adniration, - OO cs pepe end men io wy attractive aty le. be valet té his toyal highnenm, at te i an gears vg | spray Sag | po i rs i iggy Earnie oN i COR. MARY AND BARTON STREETS, . ora soran's gallery un sand fopt of ered es fhe me age eS hee: Crown phan id. You | ~~#et: Richard Lee, DD, ne performed up to 1818. About man was the most re I | id you ever see a fishe: try to HAMILTON, ONT. corered p c : { the world ou I ? As have, oe Cx ot ix mart o} becuse M te = ever rod, aod reel? | si bie tana the sae od pe ph eer ro Ps bay anything here, from wife or a Court. | Eventsal Pe Miele SAMUEL MILLER, 1g _ we Tréatment whereby » THE BOILBR INSPECTION the Ten ala of July 1846. Somt wealthy | white slave, to s castle, a pedi- Etiquette Gallows. office hg held when the Dake porte in . Popp O 'o » | Pécmanent Caso t "ifocte se. wi | antl nateiecs Fought toerect a long, | gree. tis not often, however, that a crown Aneoilotes of scaffold etiyuette me geaint At this period be became an active th id In view, therefore, of fhote and three applications. the p orteall painter fof the cai ioe aod beautifal Bag} is in the market, Such is B tbe ena, inal} | a agent in Austem dering i yevotation: Ans arial rears ® the shabby hope that al ho read thie:moy take tim 7, | free on receipt of of eign aH. Disos 8 INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA, : pee f ite sober . to-day. Le hat there was a regular code fi for sett ements shed he ted to Parma ly temen San, 305 King-«t. West, Toronto, ona! i curr-cmar. staid cre waz rom in view he port, which is ntobeboe tf cf all Seestions of Precedence, or tor the | Aastria: 'Miciaper, and negotiated fi wae feady f for hin 1 would nev freely aud aa oc the pos ree a my low men A Par, « gutter emer, scoanding tb a| Also Consuitiag Ragineers. Inu as ranen granted See agen see mgt saalibonts of it fae, the deronndngaeaniey, und Seal a arid ag "ibe | gular conduct of 'the "business" 'where gation of Charles I. and placed the youth. | ey 'had the ed nor digpatch is 'dead." Let it be 'gives a| Againat Expiogt napections made leat rite seg danas pe tg are the 'remains of the ol fort, The | Bf orm The ret ia the poo question Thas when different "4 fal Charlies HI, on the tern, who, it will known, g Rove B D. ie. KINS. | thea fetatvale hath eee eee $00, 4 unbis price pare Eust Richford, Vi 'ov. 7, ; , 1 ta. JOHN mmo people ar © like a well-used si] vpn block pon-ball, are | will be permitted um suite his » to | Kroes of datas duke was first seine ra It she pal be seerved | wh - joo wes leona await tartar aad Mf ee chet A. always on the #0, b onal can tyle, and title of King, | the executioner's axe, a own IBS4. It shou t for some time by some of our best phy- By . ROBE, pli chair Aix ae -- the only ¢ existing relics of th the days of ot] Mareen the mane, of the vendor, | decapitated, then an earl, and af he 6 that nas! Charles Il. came to the | Bersem's tana sca, bat those mon ine vottuloxte i in regard | On . ver get ; the afablt set feos mal on " 4 sich boing ; Serna pone] Asan instance of this, w ben, the then Barcn Ward as sent to ben Harnat's elephants wer bathing i py now its most ardent {, neds yee Thet'es PF: ie oa the tatty bal ity of ane the i to Point Pinos aoe who prel Hien wise old Here Earl of Kilmarnock offered the prion iy ¢ Ge; many by bix patron as Minis fe tumes Prat Missouri Rivgr oe | ood pipet ors. TOR. ' pl és girl and nds a cross, ing the date of | | * to t Parma at the Cor At "killed and Albert perie jure 3, 1770. "The is aan pet in ie is a fine chance for Mr. Shodd; Denn had Fe the Sherif itera and woud aot permit of Vienna. "Fhis post he held up to the time POINTED PARAGRAPHS, bi sr sd -- or f the water with the | A blush is meen Kaneitiakts Sat a a. Mos women tremble ai the discharge 0 ofa je k the old capital er, wd volitieal 'will cor.| the Earl be any | of his royal "e tragical end. When --_ others. They eet in fact, heading for pany trains are ran without head- St -- fe fan, sal yet they are perfectly familiar joriit : en 'the Place bi Paes will back sny poli . elton ta setarn other than hin pre onder. "The be at. the Dackeas t amsumed Beate authori { kev pease uta posi ¢ when 3 keeper named Arting. : ie pre tr oad I thanks for their | hard cash and their votes A King is surely | preference a Waa ee ee | Peni Hatiroad stall pludged in and renee, oat bo thea, BRIGGH GENTINE ELECTRIC ort. = sain ikers ought to make good rails first encampment, rendered ¢ vohed ie] 6 oul shove a Barcest' ant of -- hues ing conveyed to | 80 ee ie ith founda. | If that word should ever get upow the carrying 'his 'prod mouth, on = = to act tes ey Bre accu making ait arrival at eatery. rage aistanoe') advan cowld make all his se ee Tee we the they | & sted id wots ree gb Ger. | a fearful blow from Pitot' trank oF foot ical he \ oa a i on } iden lady adorns her- | of shout four alles from Montery, in an Baap oad Fs ree) ---- 4 wenn % a Hill, the che highway ead bien French and Italian, and conducted the athe sis ge pn, ted with the | - =) = i co hen an ded reid sompderrsg Paint, pow- | extremely »picttiresque spot, and near the | himelf by selling ti baogbtly exclal tot chimney s ; | adlaire of state with considerable clerernan, other prodded away ay ot Pilot. Recognizing ; = well woth oneyng , ' , rippling waters cf Ki Rio 'ae a are the London T) "Stand off, fellow!" to which the bow net with straightfotwardaes. | spar e fork, they eS ns ofthe old Carmel Mis- the brush rephed: * ¥ mate Ward w. unble person le ; be = aersk. tea ateresting ralio of the The ---- o| enone rete aed & right mine Viel ont ht oe Verhapa alien c.' and devotion of the vener. here ave . A man of times aaptlensions pies party ra gun San Francieto Alte Mr. Stroh, d i Wa) valed abd romantly lite Ward, the The pe gudingtl te Society ot Telegr Telegraph 'Ragin Capel was about to addrese the » of teemag. snd. (riend of sov ee as ¢ Srv ous J " you've driven that hairpin way he cane Sormiees ok he | hie death with his hat on, the ex emg re | ay emery | reberd With one foot on his back, the otis and a gina eaghe " ef New Guinea. ment with the microphone, from him te take it off "belere be k m period of grea bi, ask py ts " fallowed = fato wy bead," screamed » lady ous ings | deduood the 'during the ting "the Gilet Lore. 'by jel a. litt _agtlom, a aan of the big, dry these metal Albert among the, hore, fo! Bowel Com <> If is funn Pr rere these days. Papua or New carbons proc in ping bn bayecstha at Willnm Andewwe Pit HS : pada Sotaing the jsp occupation of Epes rm like satire a ee Albert, citing' mm t third } . t, they are ¥ i t ave heck: i thas" 'Prance. Tee mnt Gueeeplad ea | oa stall ents that there ie epaiat Sony shoes its ee Cio: | natn es = oso boy knows." It seoms that pe tarbon| " | dane!) Spot terman, be Khedive Egypt has his img "the oxolate es serine yn hacer orb rag ig Leia ig ner fe free frie-} A vivid impenion the sudden fary of 'Keoape. eo el bis "dba doctor, and whil and the Ce: t Fe Rais © foe: tenleés Saat EYins 00 its oppo, the Southern cyclone ene, ceaveyed by of tke pepeet sabuliied « prea npn ped. Then by all drug- Lon ore desis ca $0 | site si 'ean extremely light zoo. S eee Some tinge singe of Capt, | cond is paid about $9,000, , ' y P js ie. the moment he saw | 45.71 of the narrow chances of frith the scusation they had pro & ""arinex" the whole cabsodie to the Crown | or. 'The other end of this caine votes) Henargn Mie, She thomom feand littie Worth atthe Seoninn wu, ingen) Roman to take any duced, trotted quietly to the tent. A min bas favented chair that can be 'st Eg hen the telegram announe- m carbou rod, which was fixed. peda poland yaod them lie fiat on being shot by a) thict, man who was 4 ' fhe fact was read lately in the House of d boy m somes. little shrubs to bave made the attempt'was sr-| Ramis es amt-yet & ta that hia wife 2a by ate tone laughed, as they well Fecal anne nd for spread een gneve) Shy Sf rosted, aod his pistol taken from him aod {rat ond ; Z ' Se Ecce saute a cats | Sake ete teat ee me TRS a tnen eter peepee ot es et | Wa wi AT cEn PRINCESS LOUISE : i tween means i Z Py * in tnat oh pid et rnprocnhl yikes ag Erlend. a hee age, snd #0 the : - pe oq Ahrens Wonted theet antes ape iat ta ie rehinimlgr gm in not being nk con 'AND: SET. bey rune 98 | Faglich i c + them, "Hold God's sake! mother of the owner 3 NECKLACE a etch shaprr gies erate! inp ua a < xy He paper Shadowed be. 5 was buried | It is for life!" amd Fan i than came, puaak cated to got her son's The price of beef in Brandon is £ I! : Y tear it Kucsed, How many } is eck Major John R. at Lotiorilie the There was a whirl and a I - twenty to twenty-five cents. Only $2.25, t In the by and bustle and the whole a beneficent ralire ag Bryon ine Boge noe shaken, and heard What's the weight of a° country ite we haven't time to make the a day. He eer beey ats His last we. { honse, ' An instant 'emia t ' - (OUT, 18 ONE HALF. dapsih size) jon --we only remark that the whole Wider ad Gil axcgne ee ae that | held my wafe in smy one was a niclancholy waste, i agehbaces ae was shedowtag tim my bey was ati tte tere Se "cna genet % i tik Bas aag ban that audible segnds are Ellen Goodwin was followed him, and | me, but brated 'and : inab tae eanutfnae ose rad Parra rai mow tthe ope" Ap ger td Tat he eine evidence papport- | YC° tn Jeeta Lealeeiie chad Jones oe fice =i aie ol ¥ Throckmo without oon 'about ¥ | is not a new O08, bohaed was never | Mr. , wh al Teenslspenibesnen ing i han been . The TRS en the popper seal tine | abdomen or El Pee a clothing ator sean inty Aracanreen lie It was the popular ris oad hw around ed. ree pera tee the Brit Throckmorton tr es Kal ish cbr: A di at re th. In storm ran a Fei neta | Send Sai ORE | tae a Tear stom evidently very near--which was polyol pes apetigg stint fron symp Rowden dra' he lie Geos ofa slaty sya noise rest, 'secret buried with ber.-- Fners give ? OT hays it pareines rete ie sisal VILEE B00, -. . \. tinned, Uoegh you Py : Nae Lg: ee ee - OT Lagauchetiere Street, " fect." f Bir: Que, made snl They're al ee ---- iret sey