2 . : " June 2-- ie. refs! t th of the Phenix ver trey or a te fs Mz. and many z : listens hepreeng stn pyar eight crowd ; Mt man on the over tern to pieces. wes very somal, : shorts which Pawn hens ie on the * two hundr a F : vs Howe counties, At Flat Hoek | * f 'he : Goan oa the tile in BO teees. convicted of ; : bp Mads to ji clear of 500 t seek o ligzin ns d esterny and z Coe meen 'ficial in a ce, bub the latter Fog tin --_ ed men is posed YadRication. heed sccident five |_| instantaneous, " ale injories. " ty) His was f : ly ar : ee pad ao oa The loaving the chapel, said be orgy : « day' seme - om provinces, ! NE. On the plat- 1 gprs ation, gaan ae sectwt a6 z "Oniarlo and other eqstes peas bn MILLBA} Laeger ns provides, saa "tentlied Praat tabavien ith wrsongers ror os 'ah : theaght it would inst, fainted. poem: | & inet holding give Be : . re - | * pat over your pers La an iden of how On tho srning of. Far cndbage) dreadful strugeic tae fiat - k bes 2 Por Nery any Se reanbetit Paagelt : he Ri REAS URE R" AT LAST. an De nian Se: yr or oar borage oe weary aa -- ware. | four, in his dips aw yaar ce fer vel t than be -expeoted, - a" ne tes hese 95 before ten o'clock and -- a2 death. In The Local Slouse at | them." The con "His hosgg ertge was more in' Cam- : L tccat of try B. be H rived whiia travelling | ist of March y vim until one o Brookiyn amendment to the Vivid Sashes of | T Necor wnied that him, that if he Mr J ; dof » E ¢ tenthusiastic the supper rns bors to forgive simply become 'Having a Ross, of Huron, sift the. © revetned 1 tng ea + phone ye adjoarsment was wade hems ieee be the i ong Ls Twa & hy | ask his neigh pet yes bak opaert bridge, invited bitn to hits . » Roms, ag ; oat of justice had resumed ind' 5 lapped at liberty "In . and his * arranged ' e Hodht to their" sstiaise- | iss crieal in cae aw ample dancing was te | were ™ Good day. ber One. at £30 a year and } ing it for fy ' t bra! lr | 'Trunk provided, san came was ou bid him it of " Numi man retaining Other candidater, no last oppor s chnsth- | - Conte w + tthe G: . | good things until 'the morning tha'ehat- voted with the into there ina protrait his mother last this " Mr; Mowat hag at lagt by a toraiges nk Bpileeyy and kept up pecessitating - Prairie, incalen!}. | house & letter' to ill never ¥ i tion, : $ Mr, Jumive Young "and Chicago ing yon o'er the barn, ing of blinds La, Osfirey wrote 6 "I hope you s the selection o| . an © in informing rt and the drawing dot tak. ---- As I am tooney ly the xe a Tréacaret- Inshie have mutch pleasur relate od shutters sunatrock. were tre | evening, saying >--~ for my name. As world i ting », fee MN. Brant, as sik Chin Sie : to be ting from being ford, Leddl in this me of Popula: B. PB. fot tet that jee tit One y grumble or to prevent the guests were from Strat! ; e of my crime the The Sche moriband Adulidjstration alge: ~ Heltiined atthe 'arrangements of q As many ot th U eug\ serge oe < 80.-- Eaformation grlhiges Den | parine Toation inane aie Aa lection "bat; fren mas Tagidivere, ins me hetiie fact; they ik ides bln cereale at o'clock, nt the of mae r ve Leghel ard pany, bei d qui! 6 Majes- t, evieted t se ©. Souk eahere w Seaten of they Ske shrenr the bande of Yous py dees ba eg rng i of labial Bacay Boat Race Between | | iscan, mr al shat crety m 'at the. station the tate Tiepiness, ee twas only an{ag to _ Renee meat Peers Frees hate 'ak te Slee "the pats, ane and cart loads of humiah de. torn tor ga a> and Kennedy. tenante trom Ire four this Jan. i ens City * officials," . he sta! : the generou 'waa over mountain halt. of Mr. cod his re ty thad the caw ce for iteel!, and th: through in their praises of . | Merror and a «mall by five Tus. | here af tendance Mf inpowurity tha ix extract ypenke fe ant be etched. all, were loud in. had been entertained. were taken out, ing was gathered up KY TWENTY LEwe were superin' t, who Mr be yesdor to the late | Th whieh it ifdientes me s *| manner in which they and abandoned clothing occurred where the THE CHAMPION Waure Pienigratioa Ager protien sas mt roade j ees : Committee, asking for #| tose, The actident ia fenk bao The -- culls between | Onitheg them 'inns bs ronan was ines di) be dere 1 pee hid n emean, aid of the ands. M Paee "baerowan. solid betSeee of ra each, with an interme- a! The match ra os Tees, and J pn i Bes A the were : tte e m the Bast he wowhdl hy mits - Verant in I n soven steps walk between ard Hanan, $2.500 a * 'eon- aaa tieenes te the West, and vice shiet that the wien fiat oa the Commit lncupetact tain --Mr. It. Jones, Reeve of dint landing a upto anh wa Ave. . p Ried Fp tape on at Point of Pines: | era, at the station for spcuipee ieaisetionr: aliens Tid aon ct candidaien es jem a bag com, ws Ut it wae span bag sc the Cartun gee lay erahasing the New 2 rat tnting te lowe age ee rlects of the storm F Valley | conmrod Unis bagasse tts Spiny wast opaeee them to lated vey reo what . +, RR. A gees e alt, aad, thorktore, af 1 iployees ns, without a grant weary & the Fi- | pogan, was aes Je ar ink, man who was peor fell on : the d drivi esa the race, whie $ Boot people. themselves ta be. . and their qualifications ap Se meee thy en 1 from | the be The petition was referred cattle. He shipped ar, TREES Wore SORMO |: Scout sbamnbied her and she io cloud burst occurred dr At | rain just p ke rough water and when | they represented he chowe t Me. W ho had, in hh the above:quoted panes pays ig pn Commies Collins, for reductian of ior sh Rerepers the lot, Mr. Alex. seneety, y: | crowd peeved cote yank, seg bet da irst Goore with the | ma torn the race, had the oppose ac, a course + : it st, allowing Mr. hich the al ; tiona * i of Mr. ..F, 7 animals Vallace, contributing s is way bo apes one ® and Bour eee called out a was The Freni ' ' Denieaete S tha management of a rm tliat the inatructi ive all needed y---Finance, -Reeve of W : sum of Fp cheer his way to | both, ) men were - A start 5 -- dour: ; ' in to ° the Draper propert : it received the snug . red i 'the and | the om lake or river. ' French have tha meantitee, « am Te er, to frontier oilicials, t9 & their pdwer] Taxes on 1 lor which he hed 2,190 Ibs. tien . desperate effort with rarely seen soon. tosk a slight | June Sees oie . ' vat Ato do all else in a FINANCE REPORT favor | head of them . t down. With » the wo. also --_ at 6:34, Kennedy 'Bret mile. +: Tamatare, on the ' Toronto Loan Compe which |rake information and to ent of immigrants, ted in 0. Une The date of the concert they wen! feet effected during the to | barded owe di 4 snd custom, | / tuotemen od ba Finance committee repo ts :-- Coxcext,-- Church got on his feet again, nt in lead, which he kept Kennedy well sp pommel : iy defiance of law ap . ible adsiture of.) te teoitstate id effectively carr) The the follow; : wOER the choir of Christ Bth | ofticer im, when she and tier as, however, kept for that other a : ' be Responsible a cheertally an Epa ene om bot payieant of work $13.75; to be given by the c evening next, man after him, and the crowd above Mi- r wee | Hanke. was @ peptty race for th Fortait aed the { it imperative on t { at ip the | are both pn i her pw hey ie A "4 93.75. fixed for Friday lent enter- ir and fright, to discover ore work, and there of a toul and in- | Svar barber, prepar. fp Ontar'e to holdin went ip. th Th . . to furthe Cometery ; Jas, Pitzhenry, has begn fix hall. An excell despair towards the spot in bee great | his There were fears Ww of | pave aft thie barver. The M to the the Crown jn Ontar } hat of the railwa, maapier of fi | Stk; Gabalan, 818; jes were ordered to | has in the town hall. it be coon Dy the |) aie pressed motion. The ¢rush to Dablin twp or | distance both men were going ou! Soien" boovennate hate aoa eoea 'reneti bom- wel, 4 | ig country in od ingtha- | Path. atch of salaries poe * is promised, as -i names of of the cor: Those on the ap- to the unroofed and twp dications that 7» the tn ease of 6 Le? exislature, |. crewed 49 courmre to | in crete 0: nnct fail'te bare a good india. | The uscaal ict Mrs, Wi . ; | tainment i ich will include the | the conse feartal. Those forward of barns were Hanlan was, gained Yor' security 3 , ear, <r : " 24 R © tions paid. Heli . D. Carrell, $16; me, which Mr. Dangerfield, ; mediately became fea were crowded Dublin during lished. ity the | their course. this and .. Hi bs : emhey, apd we | migration wun profit by atient be Pratt, $4.00; W, Yr of Simcoe, a dis- below the stairs and, una- 'she 30.--At Bay City 1 to discover Hanlan had | pardmen tion. Mr. Young ty the vutm Bon | eneg on those wu A ibe 8 "oe | 08d B, Pratt. $16.50; Pratt & Tracy, | [708 Barnes, ther vocalists from | proach Many stumbled, the lished, ki first By this time take-bont tiable Condition. 5. ied ie ra bruther of the quill on an intlaenee whose re uber cf provpenoas Myers & Hamilton, ket---T. J. Douglas, Stratford, and and other Listewel | Pt a solid mans. from yr were by was iiliameon | several lengthe and turned the the} A Maniac's Pi i must Gongratulal, 5 doubt that fh sant 4 in the wamber siting $5.00. Mar work, Ge: E. and Miss McDowell Miss Ida Lortz, | i ® solid me the pratt 'From above, te and child, Mrs. Willias who | héaded Kennedy in advance, Afier Collier, © lunatic, ? ad have 40°4 pry yer isomigrants, printiz Te; HL Crout, Co'y., | tance, Mise Emma ijess, Forier, | coed passed over was carried to Craft famed Pieister, or five lengths bad the race in June 1.-Gearge 'of & divine his promotion, ax Dumfries Reformer | St conten ' : aa > be ; Stratford | gas {| singers. and Mosars, Mueller reh | ero os front 3 nad ind 4 man i four Hanlan evidently stake. Erie, Pa, the Seat af the sw L. the a . repairs, -Giae company, atres Misses Scherer, of the Lutheran Choi crowd coming and then fell over take refoge. first mile and after turning the laboring under ri wm contre ' - F.W. & G. No 2, oerch, mambers in the edge of the stepe mpped to his own handa, hie stroke to a srr tet hend oF oeeia ae maleoa os cenit ae telli ee iio wineos a werent hme, and Voerch, = lL be | the struggling St ce iine by the cecasionally reduced Kennedy | with the atter ; ork of an editef, 4 t gnte genge. No 1, #1 & Tracy, printiog | Se Fewrch kindly The mista will be | one ee the 2 nts Coming by boat t ease, while furious manjae's exand hand work Stikment hoea Fs mI ting.--Pratt #11. | choir, wes. T Davies. 'OULE FoR LIV igrants { nad rowed ai ut the | made weulti + A Polibmen A rt ' 18.00. Printing.--Prs her, thems and of Mr. ERRINLE TRU ; Imm) dreds. inimum, Stroke througho bat was nee Daan cree ties of 'a netuber of e Pra oman) sven: ed 2%. | Works.--M. Gallagher, Geet, the able leadership bers of the ar ht with the | Hun nearly the same E ie he cae om beens obra fu tation of laying to emer a Tar Tivea seat | $36.25. nd, $32.00; pay under ined from mem! and, women foug! E ---- wed at | kept : Ken. |i9R 'with woes. ago. Abe, Mew, afd the 1 : ; B. Hasnilton, as: Sokets ean be obteinad . Men and, each other, ' te arti . , > Hanlan, 19:04; = hy nk 4 without offen, afd the ve lar measured, with ~. Send 20 eta. and get Tae Po 60; B. . Ticket began ft despair against at On Thursday 250 immigran ly! official time ia > ion that | Sinn pA yeni by My Tones 1 spport unpopular me td of a | BS Be Canada, or U.S. until phe | £0: Hi: | . aia ia choir. as strength o! th the On sheds. They the kind,} " The officis showing by About | farther said, be san, nad, sloped " . 1 a idress in Canada, ° writ had --_- wos impous shout of anguish the Toronto and are nedy, 19:52; 2% lengths. enough to fe s fand giory and etmolumen' to any a . 1 that WNIE. cape ft at every hose who rth of Ireland, e dad to/| see. about i Miniites te Sane Sit i gg vee tie aie tyireere, is about dared the ape ication a the oid satan afscturing | roe went ap tom tn rig Fear and des. sepuagia that Con lave been engage in' 2,600 people witnensed -- Cable Meusages." iM et Min shi ue . a ave, town, in ; man them : to sett rrenen "A o be Mr, Cartwright') « Mr John Vanstone, dey nee iok| eqns inted agent for the there . have a mill for Bamnait death before their ity on the other, The majority of ics, 'They ep -- PORE magined te wast Mniatry of wlsome private oe to be appoin ufacturers from We are to h here. Mr. | 4)" side, and curiosity crush ; some are mechan: A them Exhibition. AND REORDING - ' fee of Dominio bands Alex. Scrim- to induce man letter from cane into syru from England, on one Re farming ; of Canadas. -Among re he Fisheries oF BRCEITING ' Geence th the office of 1 8. Wakerlon wet, opposite Mr. | country here, together with b amber man lately to ed t for the mastery. ly Afteen minutes, aif t ice, ali of whom we ly wre THE NEW exveTEM omnes but the electors of S. 4 uray F . - to locate here, nufacturing industrins, Mitchell, @ yi ruparations neseessry c, | foaeh' r when, after nearly the 12th Regi. 83 girls for service, their arrival, at CAMADIAN DEPARTMENT. . Finance, r $ in hits way bf ob. | Nis- | thecommittee on mai he be appointed | > making all the pi k ou Mr. D, pwag dense! ilitiamen of Brookt: were immediately on to THE cama Wy New- light impediment in 8 wayes--My. J. HY , 1 mend that be ly for | is 2 ill and di bs ies from or 30 of m hes hed up im month. aeal ' tor to Heart's gare eg ' placed b stight i uation ky rejbering The Beandon Sus isay f the | and woul recomm that he act only | Toot m Mm. je, jast two m & score he app { human fi 7 wo $10 per well of 2 A recent vial ae follows the ister th ; . \ ; farmers 2 condition ive eon 's farm in Downie, factari P & wall ol senan be very m § Peseage and s Globe Cores scarcely neces. | | A. roreat yisitor & a, che raoundee abot os while the people ot ¢ sed y ie pes district sistent "ia vite be pee Stratford, and thst _ 'onl "hat inay ~ tao wage dct ecenanded by in a aie op mang feet mn soldiers by an oo duty of doing | haye rae on the ki i oodles As nat tha Casehine' mete fou horeseboe 1 ae ES avin 1878, wh erty iD | ev orie district, Mt tenn 4 py , i r. r Canada, in ' H ! re oup de grace to the whule pee ith Bivattord, Ontario, and hanven gr ies fay of 24 per i sanstactring indie of Rk Ae ny = we have heard eat wekins wae about it, ba ner ling 4 to mitigate the hardehips jel pe pe Sig er gd ny re LJ sary fet ewky the most Capa pe pe Wales | circles st bray elt Wire enh "a the « tar, by returning to power, rine nvested : ions, such commission journal te that he, in nesote, ts | mane i vainly lock took in ae on ake my own harrow and iment the I a | metalic Poles, and strand of a cob-web the samme ydar, by returni ne Pronpier of | to-morrow ounty council met ihrough his exertio G, Raynard s acre, By all ao waw 6wo it Cadloc { eom- rh ~ work a fi & hoa deserv = ning last, almost aa fine asthe be ine . arity, the present ' . cut. -- The @ounty , tlays. : from half an become a . At his word of are ny house, shoes, drive Saturday eve tiention, : delicate siphon i a fomense mafority, ¢ | County Coox $ the cdurt bouse. | cover all ou xrout. 70 gallong ing of syrop is to become itpation at a glance. d railroad i this pui lough, fix my own the 'shmiddy, | paid to it on amount of is connected with « 'The tak id mat an J om pent . é hout Ontario. tyation the fenee an y given an end him a large to it reservoir of ink, 1 the Government at Ottawa, Litchtions esterday afternoon a of mugh business cerdes rted $33 received | the Lge ge = el Denis: theme ak mand his men soaled rom the foot walk good for the Irish peo: " or nm, Ocli, Ti can | crousing t 1 tronis. | Se Teen eae doubt that uf qual ities = nderstand there js p: of equalia ntendent repo: ts. Ex-| branch of in ds can obtain " them f people near initely more Ireland for ques- | on a table, tub or s ch who came and on every Have found it ps iO wan oot 'of @ There is no ked fof ina | We w * the importers one The smperi d $26 for interments n¢ wanting seed will shortly | rack the mass of the the m * Ot the 150 the week I Have iimot, Joneas, is tite ieabout the iso ] ly requisite jog on hand excep ots wold, and | 42.98. Anyone ¥ store, where they wedged into drove back by da anything. » All teem ring ¢ nd Messrs. Wilmot, Jo - | which outaide tube eye mf had been the brly requist m woods have | Pe ene for plo beautifying cemetery, lbected | Maclean's drug inion | 884 of the p at y Irish people | da scarcely any are hile they! are | 44 by visitors, ily engaged in an tne inte, Teuton eee he Rew, of Huron, vedoes teow | tbat ta Co. advertise grand') pentes ot | Comal 0 col end. art of revision | fe New York entrance, tt injury of the in yosterday, the fature, whi they Wome bipeE sgge ay . ahair. The lower perpendteulariy Treasurer, Me. 1 s bed dor A. Macnair & Co. . The t t i. be on Reviatox.--The co! men wd at the > fell back iy. of hope for dear ol) homes and Hon erous enquiries ral | thas playias ite ie mitmost e Messrs. A. . Hosiery, during the mon : Cornr or Re the members ero ee It : 88 praises of in bum th the ggyne cagh hee ee lar an to , , ods, Prints, for fines, &o., during : 28th uf. All he muzzle of gu wing up the advan May, of the loud in their swering hem.. 1 find that 'wi mhibit |\fheoagh on ant MiIty, 8 Cavagliont the spelen Sterings in Diese Th are well stocked in | for ' WHAT DORN TT Max met on the Intosh in the chair. of : | the militamen til the a May, 30.--Cag A @ frightfol ill see no more. ----_ them, attaches to the exhi Of goes_mer fini strain necessary for Wark- kill and ability, loves & Parasols. They © offering Al Jaigan, seconded by | Bim OM A Ma ro then dispowod of: | 204 the forced it back un t across Sra sg reports wenty | i -----s08s ublic most interes breeding purstied in the minimiie the electric 3 . for hin financial eki 1) Ui departments, and ar tion of Mr. MeGaig MoeGiuigan, ing appeals we; ced, $100; B. | ioe gained, forming a fron 6 Peril. P mot fla br Wilmot, | mists! cable, & comlog message : con! all the depa 4. On mot i, that Mesers, following | ment reduced, a wed. Then form: crowd from at Betchuan, a France of the syste direction of Mr, frangine now that the oseas wt t ch bottom price ran, resolved, ittee to prepare | Hearns's asses 's, 9200: H. Muir's, | OP clear the or ber ieccre . Ing, * Le under tha ing the whole heel trokat far wevoe girgy the | yoods at roc fast Zorra, sold | Mr. Mora: be a committee to pn Rt. Hes: ; J. Ireland's, % ir's, 9200: ra preven {their nam! heading, Dominion hateh: bean alle pret.opens thonimane service in bringirfy the | L. Zebr, of East Zorra, Moran and Dafion meeting in in eae ce aan foo as many o! of 81.--Under the ab of salmon a proves ® | (ag bene bigsalieg (rein fh i é _ . Zeb, of } first regular Fraser bet's $200 ; : Bam back, whiie scene Paris, May a esterday pu In the gaze in operation, and prov alentia, works the bras rollers, the wo of enttliie the | yy bgeargeter to MeCullosh, of vou: and introduce, at the by-law for the regu tioo; k. Pm 1 dismissed ; Sa: parsing pared went toward the dead secret de Bisnark," Figaro y era peraet to visitors. | ees ie as it paaeos bag = iH sj fina! | 51 head of fat c deorue sam of bwer $5,000. the month of August, a by and thorough D. C. Brown's appea , ; Wm. Sari as conld be sp help in extricating Hat ale icle declari : ¢ sheorb | over failing source of of Mr. Wilmot's | Contre of at a Ef . rahi or cba urrtangs stock, for the han _ taking us all 61 of lation of the 'Btratlord, and for rd Kaiser's saseasmont rt lot 18, con. 1; & th ving the living. -- here so firmly elf from fetes and eee tae France The same may als * for whitefish, whioh is trae 7 oo y the Lente od pedir | bbe wud of rid tar eeators (ee fed inthis part othe Counkey peecsrvation of coder and suppeesden of sel Seales nena tate oe at Dolio i dead en dying inde hee Sioms: sad tee | orundivided athebtion. paroles dee oe. Sey antioitociioreae, rabined | lth pions bse bagree te moana. Workeg by mislortane Ciness fed . & very ton of ord ilton mee * fot 17, con. 1; that to extr wl to d with grea! iso- | arly aeen'in . the com! the alphon vely oF nega! oe Friday _Iast, {| Preservat: jor, es tenant, part 14; Isaac together back the cro' ried about 100 yards ound herself more simi uration from t. | two keys, and posit hon pulat now ta die y uncertain coumtitueney, and Cow Kitep.--On to Mr. 'T. Hagarty, o sances thereon, 1x COR, Hoch, junior, pant, lot 14, con binson ; impossible, To was possible were ca! ° POY, WC | we acee belore had abe tom has: she | evoked mi beity of ite arrangement. fied, the doll ev ee el She tape. Respon- SOEESENTS SEED sts would hare been Fo abie por belonging killed on the rail: LSEEENTY YOR THE nded by |G, ¢ jot 6. con. f4, instead of R. Robin Ox. | ext to ly impossible. Helief nd to ay . and hands, nd enfeebled, Never ul ingennity and a freesers perhaps rank side, how to the hind of we operator, the. at yview, it Sap 4) 5% mercial Hotel, was This makee Mr, Goodwin, sec to | Eaves, lot 6, oan. 14, for lot 8, Eas was equal! roots for the Witting burned on the face It is | sted anded more pr ns and po tors are B greater | Oe the eet one noteb,' Yeo é picidal, to * Preset | the Com the freight sheds. killed on | | On motion of clerk was instruc ohin Whyles'aa tenant, fo t part lott, | only by making quickly Cone. eee ally @ were killed. Testewate seul. * pine last | 7, ular favour, for they Seer oc ink suerte: wpe socsdeuly St tang lanyerogs, nay ebicida I maoyority, qo tho | way, near Mr. Hagarty hag had ki Mr. Moran, the cler { Romeo Ward not | John Why Hl. McHagh, as tenan to strike | uleways. It war q railing dividing f my non more inveterate foes. alliance have at) Bank Se FOreea Mavens dease | notchbe, three " depression. util wd wel mapyority, ¢ third cow Mr. . Pound-keeper o| dur- | ford road; ion 'was : away the iron on both ij they may recover. Ten Te ae of the triple th belore | a Gsalty , Th ten Sf looks like mall aod unadcertain Miding. Mr. Young | the thir » | notity the tle running at large 11, A resolutio: ot to be com: is tore rail trac i : 7 British Govern- | tq secret een of the tru a bly imag h which both inh teased on the mobtial Hiding. 3 the railway + Mr J. E. and any ost pea | property and pe frou were ples appt decided yet by the Brit ith. re- set in the and we have a pepe rr Aopen en rent hitisey pabh iis mercies of x doubt what, may despatch says; Mr, ing Un daytinn te Beare off all personal py he roll as amended | 10005 dragged those who waa ' Il be ita policy with re- | bean OE Sewey And minioters, and we Save can, { general Tmay | tig Tr Gsclarmbeltathe tiie, t ¢ Miss An Ottawa desy been awarded the ing the day ritew. ted in levying taxes. passed in coun sites, and the opening. btfal etly what wi to Canada ; but it the oyes be py rae jon . mp eo ; Hot it na phere 'to. ae itueney, and therefor est at eae ae oe asd Inland RUCCREA ATTEND teconded by | puted, adopted and fi an waa" le Sorta 4, erat Oe fright! went Ii reason to believe & change in the Minis. hatin oneof th venti Ba Re el on. he called a eure constituency praentinnn for the post-office ir. As ion of Mr. Reynett {| was then unt of Jos. 5 ies ate for policemen the workiol is decd that whaserer created as will canse rts the object of |' ; hing 450 Tb, and caught ft age Ww 3 prety ~ Lufton, Ont. ©n motion hat the i ici. The Maaaye na Hesh, and the on the | is di . Figaro asso on | sterhalibut, weighi large collectibn ot famous taterproterit le way or. got the appolitment. » Tredsurer Devan building, at C iding post-oftices at jrown, ordered tha interview till next meeting. th, building heap of human l the iron fences the m terial is to seotre the r 1] ® last June. The large bearvation | | 'ow deljonte jars work isc0p . r ental dutien of the { present building r. Hrown, Lief be appointed to | over lows: H. McHug ap- |! . Along abd cn the triple alliance i t the suggestion of | py ay Joes not excape obsar ae ae ie ae Heart's Content, The departments lpht. Thking | with is at pre ford. Health and Re' he view of obtain. | OG as RB, $10; C. Flock, dopiwny, o& the mised trast, ridge, the and that it is at the s 1 | dried fish shown does concerned in the tetwaen f thesame slectsie powes. pare womparatively ligh tham and Stratfo P b ty counci! with the t, div. 8, O. R., $3.50 ; J. King. foptway, on th sides of the + f France, French f: a ho are more ; "five jars of the. low of land wite ; of, Ontario are compara: , eived and | Cha Min seflding hie sub. |) "80 ® y eurted: culvert, at Byers', ner %. on bo' laid. BM Bi be, and frittering by those w! f the fishing ; | While twenty ta-wark 360 bn than td en that cash reo Zdward Minshull in Silver an Hospital.--ca: conded by Mr. omches . ing culvert, div "Ki tae te ded were ted rtace of the globe, an: Mad- mercial aspect o thie time spent peas bs pesdat's i 5 tien oateaary into consigeraticn ly real acepunty | afr. aap ee Totes, writes fron fine | ™& motiéo of Mr. Rrown ssc 3 : i nce sal | dead and woun when oxtrica! or ~abost the su in » Congo, bey joneas has~by ' er en ae ve rpoee os the We e the anly on te ' i 5 . : 5 strength bun: | ond Mr. J xpatiating at efficient for traees eS cath Wshursedare the on ok-kpeper | scription to ba, that the weather nd Ys the council adjourne: . Dunsmore, ne apally div. 3, Of. half a score were . Others were more ht -away their st and Tonquin, and the lies many houry,in expa: Guspe | times "faat nem slow re need be kept. Any ordinary = ordain £ | Senek. x ay tf aod soodis peer gh the | Venstone, a EXT. | ary, 035 ;' P. Kelly, ecko Po meet on Mon. | 4" pte say jared. They lay siz = were Agaacar, toaoucso has {alien into a ttap. | sitogether tehing and ct pra dh @ carried a aoe the ta 5 dies tts del ; Fig » " the ¢ (May heerful, VE.. N ry adj P.-L bh tie Govern: of the ion a " ald Ut the office as well a» diols i The dy were bright and che BAND,--FRIDAY EVE. The couneil i of June, 1463.--P. .L. dom torr YT tase to ho lowes from the me Jole attracts wide attention. hy extent the news was Cork, the Tonarten on ths of te tacnage ti heen orld, No questi fate wese-cold. ' some d ¥. pe "The clothes were ta t to pet in it, To most many ax 20,000 nedti of laaving tke rood innovating rf pander in the wor Moved the | nights wern-c ' {Tux Toms Jove Roun: 1, Clerk. long dead, 7 ne in the attemp' 2 Dynamite Fiends. beg sing that es y cally v4 is @ Martling a robloma in tinge ws neacixo.-- The Editor o this} starch Jelle Vue Chambers Manan = bodies of more than oi less, many shocless 1 . The Dynam ; a little surp tized cod were ann' There, i policy, no pro! fn the management $f bis fi saa. ering from the effects o 1} uadrille Belle Vu Verdi ae ' All were hatless, Five The Government Bil! -- Criminal | uintats of the large Medi " the utmost priveay. : fi t overing " Ma ' them out. bung in sags. May 50.--The { d --In the Central € u Canada veys plinked w: families, Hon. James Young fn Hoult problem that [is rapidly recov till confined to * hospita! q tasia Op Atti Round BLMA others clothes into an mm. Ma ral holdings in Englan: ndon, May 31.--In ing sent fro fish conveys (7 new accom of the eounty The only dittcult i fate illness, bat is wi Wesvoring to regain | Pan True Love right --_ re- | and on all dead and tramp! trom the P agricultural | in the Heuse of | London, the Hecorder, | The imposing show of this branch | Pe representatives of at Porth, were departinent. : mind is this; "where | ba where he is en. tundity,| "Valeo implicity Wrig feclings of deep women were were taken from second an iil gtew | Court to-day, to the dynamite ob The in magnitude o . Dre. munter in wit itedlf to bjs mind j yuartors, rdopois and ro! tks Simp Linter w.--Tt is with he demise ly mass. They been seen in ney of the Bill Jury, referred to ! je Cat Tome j f i Goes' Rot pre | iD conarall station wi} romans itealé & ey of Ontario, yo ns a part o' loss aroe ko the chair editorial Pol Squadron Ontruam 9 this week chronicle ¢ William | unshapely One of them had The urgency -16 wry, her Bros,, Whitehead ' trade, but beyond Hidavas:: Mr i apes from _ i late the onturing to 0 i z ottom heap. | baby important measures irators, Galiag! ny and maid thein- | a9 ig . ctlve fea! rigidly eae. : can | best plate the money cree the purus | pee venturing to ta! Galop jave tHe Quxex. gret that iret beloved wife of Mr. town- | bottom holding @ screaming t down. emake, * eB bs sburgh and Wilson, ith trebwen Fyn ly ati bes , itis adowne~ saile for yea ta the greatant des a ot.--There was a very large Ses Bs vexmcno, BM. | Or Mary Ann, neesaion of this . | the crash hs ss she wen not | fain ngs for past | tain, An: charge them with . however, rightly affording aie af Lan to gdvar . Hine oh siky y." |The} isan Sica cauihen ab Melee but a Lixpexn that on. | Fennell) of oe A ones place on the -- the heads rye the baby, It berg nabitbort ot [at oe lest | dictine: igs he L Horan, wie the collection of erage Nye 1] ., The Laer Be Soe ss pects and' enidituro and still fuore | A bance Maxxar. tity of grain a ish 1t distinetly understood that an. ship, an event Zn Recented hee et te en bad scattered about pave ant felony. He st togive evidence for Nee yaa ro injurious to them, sent by | Candda -- ay iere woah th eardd te | oe pari ry call, ry prodbes ons baarthe cathe ene heed a per band | ing of "Tail anjoptian ot = whes the -- rove be that weak infants had he would eeseribe the pated og pene last wa grbe is by! me Lod Heaemae ry BSARAH seem thought the In amall etuff, ¢ Id at prices ° the performan itis|in the ta i her fe evidence . Queen. ? hich existed in 4 logical y or Tere en a t | supply was large, ge hy a reported | ren quiet prensa ay cence Dyn, a0 this about a yaar D that irptdious or yun Jak ypc Hyer hp inkign where Gee onsidens Fenian conspiracy wh: wed the prisone be esata ici the sid) ot Oia. very was cu young: te dist anes paccbeod. et Hie rewalt of) supniy was ree, * ocho possible to do justive and | fell a vietim hich ahe sufterpd several The lace on poral datqercns: cent is the pote oe ger bg! prayer, Tah p Aeel-wnor Ayr yA Me upon the nd, Terran he ate aes ONS tritte in that neighborhood, ure Han. | ake prices. ;: perfectly im iidren in so very | id us | disease---from wi 1 the one which sever- ocourred is the who are ing | conpected "7 Lynch's ae uch light i» throw ~-| A litde © id ertaken in ber pi 'of May; marks oo Friday to @ ise of the obild itizens will aid inating attacks, unti «i bore the " persons ither way it is a true agaitat * | also.on view, my Lion has interrst A atthe shi hossotte end the bude hushed, 7 ther' the | new 1 accident happened oa 10 Oe | nerine, ¥ @ hope the citiz he band is | cruciatin; ions with earth and t f |-ctsocture. as thoy pass ei jd be mont fally life of fish, Dr. Efi mcs ready to de- | 4 faid the b Fattie ty loug ajiwnes bere. ~ J he | A sad 's. In going annoying. t while the connection: 4 the 'hour o! er the scenery wouk some days early life ¢ job he is always re: Peri ¥ W throats i the ? sbt. Daly her: | * der at Jone! her bode. Nor was ov a evidence tponed t . which jetitifie ¥ | He mialbo than tin | chute tess ero] of one ee ee an | ie as iy ¥j mw, Sec'y. | spirit to its Sasi ix none the less coleman oe 8 moat peri ruber Brides Officer charts ae leone was deciding ai to the nag ing exhibits, which | ie tt wee" Wile fro iarestach pati: this respeet is the question a d sell, abe "-- pan gor Peat ck 3 _-- = oe ' tot the incident wich ao ua h 1 helped to her feet at beg a eres hp the indictment. A seco t jong these Bape dis sect and 8 upecime Ac bape and love, sed Joy en kee hy inte one inf th i » Peemier's " mfind. | self, hurt. The thik rartied td ---+@re Ire. | acco that hour that her | had he! . Ti one ceowd. in wood-boring 4 on a ledge | Ana * bed growa so ewe, oF preeomt t6 the © Little : yntjent, | severely hu Jno, McAuley ani * od we k Mob saved it. It was in I over seven yoors, | " bed f-many in that ment, would Lynch, for having the mouse, which is The British ta and Life beat dss noticeable pene aecmer heigl tad Lae ee was attenvead By # > grt Sunday. t pegged ets had com wg hp ie at cane coeety ung pore gl im. theif possession nitro overs be permitind st pies aticalers arrived on gee om sens nee torial reproser rye ud Fraser, ¥ ile | fon Nad & California, ant ds, | Tt grew pent of an, " would al the | Columbian contri say, have that advvcates of terri , hat the | tors smith at lik -- rally. while residing in Califor te and friends. that mavem by constant murder. Lynch this caso. T Colum them, | regret to ; ould consider is, . . p.--June has come in ' . 4.--Henator G aL been it to his paren' ang to | dense The crowd, forced Brooklyn to "s evidence in this all came | day but somect teak 'thts of, the ali 'ge, ¢ in.the Cabinet shou ¥. 'Mowat, Crobka, Tux Wearuen. «Jui light lightening of New York, June f the Fourth ward | ned om a visit ne house, she spr ired. | pousible, ion from the to give Queen od true bills in Se red severely through Among i wecncles of Minera: «loth 81 gee ee tent, ighienia oat ina Yaeonberd lay, said. if Upon his entering of joy, an nahin of | pressure and ncoote a cataract, Grand Jury return recelving the charge. | Saye and cannot podaibly be used. of buntewen gear ; Y eontigoona, tk " in order, Sunday yobs nm riah league yeste in. | ©) # in an ecutasy of the township of it over the at k lay piled with within an hour after voyage, and - Ore mar : and Young are 7 { Mr. Pagice [apparel is now day and /CSswda of poop branch of the . pact take proper 2 | his arm was born in the t., in Ixza. | aide, wen fell, until the wal g ot phon wi peal Se i a ie er, Two smell boxes _ fawn, . 40 to speak; that of } he | to be a very fine doors byMbie soft, balay "the Irish-American: Government at |' decessad y of Lanark, Ont., Penal, once started height of steps, al Heroism. nsiderable in 7 to \be brought Teil worn ia dome. saree ilo Me. Fraser's is the wore attracty) out doo antl Ofer pee | et ' diteresily i | Drammand, count the wile of Wm. Fennell, | one thevobd i Pat of tha salen ought doctors. 'These 'ia eo : T farthdr wat, whil sottted ev." The cemete! Jat Banday | WeeRineton it would ans 'England. They | tn 1847, abe become d to the t f the | and fell down bey: Relatives of a num Trurt tO | of notice of our = earth is giad 3 , pant of Toronto repre alsiosp ¢ thronged--in fact las! {| Washington, relations with Irelend in 1855 they ioncera of the 'ew York, June 1,--Nelat ten to 'TH PERISMING IN AN & under the oil, and flower, miy ane to the east tern friends }-onadeu were d tobe the first day of ite diplomatic rel heap and in 1855 pe diftl. New kilied or 1 & GALLANT Tot noTHEn, are packed in oil, cod liver oil. ' 3 . How de our cas' t almost be anid te . com 's wrong. The Elma, Being noogn' ber of those kil York and Brooklyn : RESCUE 4 substitute a ma teased bigs cond on? 2 4 -- quarrel, and avenge Ireland 'rinet fight the township, they re first settlers, but by brice pores 7d i says the police > The detaila pf | mended as doaity a of spears Like mhonld be' ee, Uae dintetoatins a" Mr. dames Wilson has tm k bein come when ute Garis was § cultios and drawbacks ift the lor brie ba insufficient, the Richmond, Va.. May a1. of a youth | Another ick fish, while a variety he the Kye 4 i it. ». te in i a! boma. bwid, Ler Py 7 ION OF THE CZAR ; payee tien and is new gi Me baitle for 7 Ipeland. biped at garry re pomp Meant and 6 oul ue strious } fo roger lan Aung . nghle act 0 heres oo th tom the " of the stick implements used i a 7 rot 4 mtly py '| ing® ero Pistols w mon, ami . te | stairways 7 on the a . in waving ing his own life in "deserve mention, ot photo- aortas toward CORONAT: eo the new building ages yposite the Albion. | ing few moments, fired 1 ying wife, an affections: reneporianes polize force waa incom t) uring house, and losing @ just bedn | Indios 'd due to the very med an fisheries, ving dowd wi amt woeks of pre Thomas Orr, nearly kewn aathe Shakes. oa from the polive, man, 4 true and Joving ry high in the nization af the D hast Tuesda} might at b * to rescue another hav hr roline | of praise is due Britidh Colum! Lord thet rohee at white, Miter moths of J ' nies conneched | Tene. bouse will be ® trst-claw house, molentation fr ~~ 99003 ther, dnd Sprrdgesae searing A large. She note, and really ly drilled tion for train robbers | attempt rom Hoy iF was | graphs of the at the' request of ie shall be ne muire on the gorgeons cortmonies cd Mr. Wilson bax and we low up the! mother, 5 the eee ee Ee Fight. 'Had the police pee fs yl press lamnzitel tecelyed f Mr. Ky B. Fay which were tal t year. One vie paration ey ee ra ; meh ly lnid out for the ~_-- © Hed x zenian Plot to Pacstranee. pear. gabe of eleven children ive her... bight. 'Had the 5 t to bear | Prove. . @ | county, wom leven 9'cl = Lorne during his visit las Tow seme of "the r pr nearoe tay bald carteoannee have 0 doubt he will Welland Canal caewe ann 04 thous Sosuhton he 'Listowel nppensh. 'The truest narod tae wollen igi Phere poy coat ty t_ Bowling | shows in a striking manver how sek, x She Gi air promnias tat eo th pute was brought to a close opéna the house: to-day ; . = 'A few weeks 2g0 | three vonk were conveyed It, and 3se of burial of nome of to m advoca taari- | on 1 the suburbs of | « | steams of the Prov that the T° | Wikis thems poor epee'te We weep, and Wait = pena realizing the ex: ee ines, June 8,-- ing | Her remains ¥ ¢ om the 25th uit., the expense qninent engi! ' juities' by their urd glare over teeing it, raal so adjusted that shoals. od Obes entered ; 20 MM. oa t we ¢ --- reely realizing Fry St. Catharin wa received warning for intermen ver seen in | t Viele, an they are an ef their iniqn Head d the neighbors, on render | camera was Literally. in Oar M.A, ma 7 Conv Woon ip ht last winter. 18} Jovernment at Ottaw f the Fenian | cemetery t funerals © the | General Viele olsteps where y hs h Grmen, an dwellings to isible in the water i he crow mons and |, t prices it broug! tion, we | the Go intention o into one af the Jarges ved family have ered the placing M have from their their wer. May 2, tect, L f thunder of cant Horbitant } consumption, was lollowers was heres: : ner. Measures ed was in mcr » Steatiord, May ng of bells, la -_ . * csenablage that | this nec mary article . the principals in, | that it bs party ot gece of Joe ines a ecdinenmanty Siciouseion preven a Se whas sainaat from See: M7 A Boy in a Chain Gang. = : et imerens 2 lers Mm execu urdere: been taken ---Traffic Thirty- 'arieh was oval a : onion Tk Y~ ta the tab te era tion all quarters of hit vast | understan a poe Frege mers ™ the Welland = "MIrcHEL.L. wb ape om v7 naary, solnoon, wile, who known fobia the pr A ChowD OF MARDRICED See iLoon--ia Weat-lambarg, ft PT ana waa gathered: f rady, portions " MITC! lyn bei : had crossed up 'i hér children were kno 'and A LAD Mowe : t in front 'oi Wilcox wite of Mr. James ts blow up certain partior : TP Goward persons for meawhos' : Mrs. Pari ty rescue working righ ~~ the May, the A ter. . Aone iy - tives at -- Laren, assistant | sy hb detailed for building, th + difficulty They were let "in Alabama ly of Bteatford the 4th inet. the wity . warned their representa' of --Mr. J. W. Mel the |. Five péliceme . in keeping dven were with grea' 4 the latter wom at a littl ham oi Villainous. --In Stratford, on Street, of A sou, mediately and on Sunday, the 12th Wrap- Fata Hodge's dig store, len assisted the bride Ba panic was the flaruus, but two o! tire honep } hote} ng Thero were nine 0nd | erie. Geo heck the 20th May, the wite Bt. Catering, t who were known ist ia Mr. jn Beotland, has 4 Squad onde tis . the police frees d to be missing. The er hissing J chain ga each wosring rersly pp Suna,-18 Palmerston, os anon, number of men who | in the relative tham | the exo the footpaths still found to f seething, hiss loo! mon, i -into thet Richard Bhea, @ ' May 2th, the t's fra wince and oh sine) Sta draw the meoey. wan, the promi ated coed og. There va iio ie enn! red thse the stangers on the verandah, wit Puce a Mey, distriét, - were new candle to watch | he Friday to draw the mon We oon: | promp' of wagons and 'the two boys, who were 9) ung | faces ol is an covery day right the mINGTON Lo * old and now oa characters. signa ood | a stendy stream bout' the ible death. At the j cha' i thy upon ee rere se the wife nary | the ramen rt be Sunday, the day | pay ste the chad fay long live en ; F nel ; ad son,» youn of sich given up 'e Deon tone bes tobe Katze 7 Jen. Keating ots daa the as » and | The nest day, w A , ited uch 9 wind- ee Wnpire , iiding thoug! juatly panisl Jin this gang never a ee ou daugtter. od dy | ments, toys, taney goods aor a gyi | before Brady' Sia ceukinn wrx, p- | it, ae few are -- rac - texorhe with a) Extending the Wnp wi ed ag my be reappeared with one of the ' ti A boy, not yet fourteen rte? per a nae Wabece on ete iy tea wile of 7* ad police officers who were articles of vertu of vari to indicate | mith -veg medium-sized satchel, juny fall. Althoug! he will now bee. / Ad. GAO FOR OREAT WRITAEN. bors, arid thelel: is other brother, | forg: 'with a pail of water, Lareeny ey oe seh, of & dotectiwes and ing out tis opened out appears ith 1008 || sack carrying & Catharines, having Indies, we : ; IeroRTANT Colao ys reach bis | came up to the chain gang. i : intepil the rafe ¢urry' jp | 80 far as its combined wi ry tey boy dooney ry from | the ; 5G an = a re Ho stttiggled hard to falling rafters an belonged i villains tailed to superinteni nider thie taste in aclecting, 'Jj ed from Suspension tore atimietive than éver. 4 os +England has, ax crashed amid the fran' i 2 ee ' ado Alexa! |. | great taate business. is ver the 7 many May 30.--Eng! and the t wan ie vohiear he Corsrnotiied which 10h \' | experience in the . i * ja |ljast come o immediately To wx Burrr vodsesd Inte Canada, ot | Loteten, ween Betehuanas 4 are Wing walla. His her devoted ' pr real Cyar of asals. ait aig LA hier Lieve Ores aid shy Pa pray oles Cetie debetives who were nent oS was El per that <BR rane sult of the Sontehal ule af frag ype me 95-13 Ib ctated A foe outing wal forcibly removed from thé hy i ies 7 . it brought i 1 'anada, Refo ruined, . y + publicly ; arnell fand are & but she was The forms jand ceremonies! ws and Oti- | . monthly, which afford retie! to many Wabesee th rheard saflicient of the cor a lcreng Dap realy ace weg Ere some § facts cand cu : pribt ports from th th the Parne + | boy, cate. © mixtare of thd Medieval, ari tenes Sher cke beta aha eeiaen es, all | soon after rrivala to be convinced arent Lotieh boa the artery Freee Sag eye 2 iy Nae rine ee et | eee ee » q owing how Varied are motiier who Of little ones, all | j tion of the new they wers porumis- for this appar mill in & Cape of Good Hppe, in 'the ne 3----Fiv arrested ; 1to a Dream. rags eet ze bik: peteke, hy he Rey | Se nee poldene di aid at iseuer | dias me ane te Tas' new aseeachor eomeet rs onted bis lng in Chienga, where he | Cape of Good Hpps, iss country lying north have been The Seque: Lies represented, ifioult in suc' lamoring for carrer atare Bll ioned to wateb. bat at the up in a building under the per- whole of the great west of the ; in Globe.) f how difi e , Soil r ut unconcerned, tted up for * time The "States the Bosto 'peror, They aed thow ro . Te be had |for abo ¢ apparently ol atited oe. Beskeuba tor Mega ghig Preys etedy-- be , and even ' remarkable peror jon of the great probler| Hizatrated, sind may rth, we pre- | pbou were making sogret et which they | carried cree Ot et reer. seen Dak has i the most morn « omaniey ae eantiem il eer eels (Ler pgesneo cz hee fond isaged by | tamme tn ee tee ee et | souat Psata eo have loot hesvliy' tthe | Tam net SP tier mtd pe eae pemeoed ind mg hen t of respénsible |governmen rl eet esis, or any far bookstores ce ee ay A few of their found ee eald to Bate teehee M pignewnl ny dyn eects fe about ig" ard tS leading City] ' i villi path NM sume, 'wblishing Co., Boston . vige, ik ect & wuitable 's Governmen to submit ing, day by - : 4 'wblidhing rrias + : John's of ~ enai and it, 51 was told to. Leoed tin 7 . i the Busseli Pui Knox 4 ng tion between the freosarin. 'Bir te of the country tha Cape: The enat's width of the continen day. 91 hose trustworthiness H call hie pangs SE Cezax ciierb fae per eh ious | bo destroy oe They had not secret | more Si uen borna ie an Se ae ls "rece page gen ir gern path yee seals hee lade, Hacvey, " : cR (NSPORTATION OF ectog hg meets an barthenvare aancer and rae tetens thi total eo Governsnent Pouisy by whe Mew, i haa Thomson, | Sod there ia rercceeman eas Joong was so well and qritgere dl and} THB 'PRA device in the shay wherries from dirt whilst | j : ears of the s for it, and Mr, decision | The colony as Mr. (Hadstone said, been Boatbe ie hosiness Jowell) D 3 ticle was not | po% fo the san as 'They that 'waa promised bis hasty cithes, Tt is, ne Mi ithe and i late Marshall wl Gaara for protecting gg fn ey Aa eons ee Syd potonlle yg aad ol is pashooes, pena page wh wane a Tag 8 other of the late sod aateal es wie | Mie sorting. to Barat gg hi | a learned mill % "to ma At Kinkors, eae i S maven Sore anno eta rs Soe Po Sparen es, eh | soy Sob etod cae oie san nin." ate Pomel ee sake lect f ' ol i as 4 again { . im which war, imp dream in } Ris Bi apart age yerer them. pas "rhe Sates Ts rear] Grit of tn eulent he's 6 quad the lesson the last year of constant | roel ber Sapaes hg Gove tw her dec, whaisihe called out iflective i inted out) by the use of theue te ; that y as peooale 4 al bs goard wish him well, i distind heaton. ie was * i poi of a) } od that -by ; finer berries; s ceasion ee with a al : voy thas the fature itl yield more' and and will) ripen night, ooking th bebe Ks a he op ake saeond bal ie prance froma, and lips the locks day and : the aed ig redeep md , much earlier, Strawberry " % mp "Sadl comeat rund pi ronan foes, Bell work on | Im ceanection wih their foundry ; fee iosne hes becoaaaing beck raditomee ty ary Seton pale; a 5 ea ty consort i oe: esident, 'merocver, tha pechel 6 UY, Te by Mr; Rol. | 9 til ths combonts, cones besides aawe, H else eh Be lS to ic aera | tial of the Shosrete util eats br fear tery yeh im- The los roca ot his Sa at the A ber ' A ved of entertain Market, when hich f vy there was an jackson, him at his si ot locomotive. thowr who Ha to cudergo aiscoestors bon oe ew tens jhe wer, only 91,900. bade a pr eyes re as his araahed bat Fmengel ey fhe; who to hi stood thers. . man, louea sarted aq Pa him up from this seaboard tp pronounce a archtitectural superingendance "4 of tials. The 'corner of the tt} Hung into We TOT Reidie bi te the Denier land are both intended kinds in the north Mr, T Cc. served his sentence him os yeh hardly either on the and 1 Work the da; noticed by Mr, | 'and the the Lae rear whe febabihi| Biephars, and pene laying of t the alarm. and much and | tenderly, face or the people who fahel % gave fires inter. from washed the sod broken hioh he hat eame he abundant for ; the As a race their they ny need at it. cumendn, Fetal and) Proves hav ft ore Watt Sar - : of prwers ten te Eagan 4 the Neat bes the tad es ai samba Gipvernments,: Fans oft a pet ey ee ee the stractare second : en all those marks 'work bas besa end later « je direct ream, even | ooh) ogr shores to make = Oatario bac pad tap VERB Sp <P A erunts reaching that tend sohenae ie Beeate feel 39 Sorel ikeode: fake reqeorted | ai sneer ier echt mrs | ae ete Be Mite | oe a eae - = rs. But thorn be a 4 a yon troubled with the | Boors the other oovs- Boston, Ma; | wie terribly torn by ; XEW . ADVERTISEMENTS. ; ye oy autherities their trom . oireus, = : pendivne of the railway soupacion Fond Perrot myer | ae pa ity. iN a tee totter ne ox" mach inc | ted a pp and' Soe | ore the show 'ml FOR ADOPTION. like |The Py antl , in. | should: 1 vy ele. ; : doute when tore ' to \eroanad a ke oe t. 'pha the his = Hit . is im-| 2} facaken ic cone hays eer dis. : to walles. pan tas was » | rictim, a water. that tracted uaconscicus , herovat the prisaners but tarribiy wate tre, epi -- gled: it at S Se : stndily north-west, th 4 i change of sar nth lr end the ensure the = no ort to % ve spared Yor our om bat edpdd eee: on T nd which Fes mite ' : dated ameing & 2 't Hoy ria £ - } A * 4 - § : - tect 3 + : :" ite , ; ' t 4 te ponies 4 iat