" oa a 3 RT ee -- ep. j eee: hs ne ; _ Ss ee 3 a : | 5 5 4 * i : am 3 : ; ; eed sat hs ne ~ - $ { j t li . . = i LORETTO CON eR : He Saw Ww Jambo. : > gare a (x eck own neserEn) ance dey + Estey se Pe yom poh ya i geneatien gained | On Friday afternoon of last week, 29th wit, 'adit 'at Was) Over, and a te 8 ferme "rit | The awe this year was Lowena arn es ook place iil the hall of the Loretto Academy, Beran i's} er is deservedly ae 8 resort payee SeenersPhen bim Hi With surroundings usually pleasant, Stlond Bie G: ang t. ad an tae at Ta of Toronto, ia Abose seeking 5 we peg eae" Bret London, bis new of labor, thie -- exercises and detnibetion of - shene it yen ior 35 -s fram businces. 3 was oa, . The Baream. ik uve i "-- . tetaed ab ensiohlé Ser senenuentel The Bost, Band of this town, re nagnr Oorbted, und filled with the wealth and of pe y. Some, aad tr sae sey 5 eoeronaeenet noe Cuxavsion is offering red ta | ee ee Dakar moiga rtd toe Reguaes dekaonctention 34 Detroit last rersrhasinpan be be ser Gaipa, Hate, aint. punts tie Chenp. Fi a ene Welsosday. 'They ranked third oot of ten or | sant onee wile servi tera Jackson 'state : THE cnuscH AND TEMPER- able hi w of the weather, s train of eleven cars filled Y. fn on! ot | rare Owing to the absence of the i } is thy most yo-a-head store in, town. to their utmost capacity left Stratford, The | fifteen bands. The 13th Hatt. band of Ham- Dr. Walsh, Bishop of the diocese, Seca a aaorot al , AMOE. ott. past at state of the weather st starting proved ilton ranked fitst and the Cleveland Greys De. Kilroy, the ininates of the Convent loved ¢ ry thin a rivete Geo, MeIntyre, of the 27th Mathalben, rather an advantage than otherwine, as second. esis ford bay pleasure of the when the prisoners w ie The 'skeen: 'jn ite bast iawue, Bi | fell in the er engee te ad carried insursible | long ride was entirely free from the dust and ape Monsignr Broyero's prosence, but as he was yes food ns nig eithnce: ia athates with approbation, that' the | from the Geld. q i discomtor ab trom sslloey. teva LOGAN. arr -- i. days previews, the As adagl ox apie werg, placed and dill ! * in RAO. arrival a! Se", . Vilege ing gent eewenh fae a it the General Ansoinbly of the Presbyterian Srl fhe report af Dominion Da y porte la the weather wad still dull, and a general vere Accmpext,--On Wednesday a ue Freekiums feli to the lot of F ggg See twildings, bat withoat 'avail. ii Church, that lately met in London,.1e | om in of in ry Erowded out. frtiat come -- | feeling prevailed thet the time would have | jo. sin. sawmill J iy-whleh a. young | Sate There were pre F all day Weinpudey the 5 fumed ite astent * the report of a tke yf enced ifs Benen leoke named Frank Hrown, aged abow gow Thontas, Rev's Fr. thennan, 'Th citens caine : wy a tu A in. a sptank op, the sun bro! lost his life, It s that 1. arys, and Brady, ean Fr. Notth- all wt. A $ 11 o'clock that ni "re. 8 Cotnnittee on Temperanon becwuse it "Dominion iw over quietly ia | through, the clouds lifted, as did the spirits | 7° suiptiod 05 globes Ua baeeo thes a Shag a | SRY. That this entertainment was highly puty Warden Hinckley was awake i al of the MeCarthy toed. In the business pus Ms town, | Of the excursionists and a splendid day W4 | 4.14 'in connection with the edging saw while | "°Ccséfat be bess by "wcho" Sonely, Ons. June | the night-bell, Ck ag opening the trout ae se its Spiro 9 2 byron sats a gan imagine it Sanday.-- the result. ing waa running at s pretty high Papaagscer hae aulible apptobations of . Carr, | door et in. _ He bad Act of 1888." Lt nlno given its readors | So quiet was everybedy, The ase was held om the grounds of the | ooo or speed, aad by some means was esught | *78* and appreciative aadiener. Every ae Jumbo,jand bpolugived for being latd, as bi Major J Fraser House, which are provided with every gnd wound " and the shaft, ihing the | Btk*0n "hone privilege it vee: to be present he wanted to stay the i ti reasong that it thinks moved that 2 jor J. T. Lang, of tit. Mary's, | facility for enjoyment both for young and floor violently n with rant revoletiia. The | 0% this occasion mast have, noticed what tin raised figares and | had but 17 months t re and his better venerable. body: to that cottewe, ity | of poyal mors gg 'ancy te poet Ot. She hotel itself goo much sonnet aaie | keen wi and pectin! clncrvers of the lettets on the shel® [hich were very plain | jadgmemt told him to comeback and se: " |, externally, it presents a fresh a uth the as ; fg time. i »] e ' , that the members of the Asseubiy | Boat Mitisany Comege, Kings! euirnciice sprmarance aed 'intenaiy ie ve rial colon quickly as possible, 43 ae as 08 Tord to : poder Se ee ped peeves eet ree sid cto veda shan Ober in he 1 wae ieee were too independent (1). tuo rigs) Tas Covars.-- Perth Pall Assis Assites will com. | P¥emed oF thow accommodations and aght and killed that not 7 wend wes aps spoken "ach young may ~_ oe who Ee he®oncealed himself in the bottom of a ' 4 ' th aay tox | OBC At Stratford on Monday, Ist Oetober minutie which pertain to a first class by him : box wagor that was hauling out. ciwders.-- } to approve Of anything that emana next. The Chancery sittings will commence A 'dining hall with af immense i had anything w Wak the eowad seroll or dash, Kalamazoo "aad | from: Sir Jotm A. MocDonald. We | oo Monday, 22nd eopeeny, fis sag feature a ot histo body Crating upon the floor, H on which |, een ORD, man vamtage ax dinner been ait man hang 3 have ot sien the delicerance te which | | Hose Faow ram Wasi. The olnsh 2 fern! by the proprietor at a merely SHAKESPEARE Spring of li cog widoh th x, {| and on the oppositt ¥ be etx are ines, Jane 24 A Soe rs ere, Wien ine contemporary refeme, bat we are Regiment retarned. from the wat of war st | nominal rate. Num bers, howey ver, espana KESPEARE. Wintes of life depends." Sommer ® san . Comeb- WK, apple Has ne = omber, Ont. i ORS , SORE) ' ' London last evening. = phone rolls were | ail li weed themselves in the retlettion- and Autumn the reault of all Like , caused by it, manyiig a Span hg ' «. loath to believe that the pepresentatives | e« Lee soa pay groups and dined paps i canopy, but "that ik roan ate ive : ery numerous in pos the work done in the Spring. If the ground | P A ' | ng of the [7°40 cs QP - © Se of a Charch that has always been fore- MEPARE FOR eder It is thought | of nsture's providing, for to take from some locality. Prmpecta are geod, and) eas not broken sud - prepared -- if. the urnms tion © workt. This is no |) yoo ' meats Z t religious ar moral refort wat a vin ve trom is ale Rng bap eee soe ¥ to rob them of | bsbitants are puzzled ove per thie weather. The we seed wax not canfully chosen, then the Suz dent has examined foe , ' tonal im every adres . to see Jumbo, | ® prime factor their day's enjoyment. 1 mer suuld be blank and the Autumn. a fail- e a A a ; Shouki allow. their political views ty Sepeee ie dial the muititade." . Port Stanley, itaifan unimportant village, ---- Stas a spring like this, with © | ire Wh» prevent ou this. occasion, woul f red that a clever dude 2 " rite rap eae Sires XP nie ie n ae TR r by i. Ore Dory friend stands on one of the most picturesque «pots ; not testily that youth, the Spring time of life, the marke by means : dominate iu eqplesiaation| «ffairs and to Frowsk: i donensoniie ai We hege bh sent in Canada, the bank of the lake which, as far on ee tne the we uete ae, pou the morning of i imy of lit, o : © the ering frvous people can rest 3 ey #07 i iN aN - nd { ' 3 condemn s teeusure that © nalemaetlly is pall through. pone' British acer <kd potion ne ot 4 Lp pa pee along the pe 'chen the horse shied | ° aniys bas wf huss shag ened fede ir is ughly woay is 1 HUGH L RVATE ant rite Py x sa FEET : 1 ™ e few - « been --" uands prec id prs and ran off the road into th "5 ante . aikerville, ate 2 ad rm oe . _ vs 2 Fig -- die, but never -- pies der i lee roe rn frees and and | the rg on top of "the driver. Very toxsurialaly Auieian of lala, under the _ oe pene vk soy wc ~ tiow ee salseut pointe Of ther tama Por Pure Cours. of the be : . @ farmer's mony wile, Mra. Yager, near search for the box S ft one 1g 1 (1) Nonepuliticel | i this section ten sete hee Tred | date clothed in woods, 'producing in one an po Si ingend of vere sa r: ' gr GOR EVER U N ae TBD SHOWS dre are the following :f (1) Non-politicel more. He bas had | isresistable desire 16 «riers their mazy a --s and going T we las r. verti ox rare + Tho nage Ont., " . ° bow a trial of two seasons and as thé proof of ; depths, Whieh aannol be 408. gore the horse by the per = all peel : ' June %.--The be Casiede Meat 5a : Executive Offiders ; (2) absolutely pro | the = ding ix in tie eating, " Glentoore tb exselled <i enally "Ee on hie anol be | ond be in him is ast ustil amsistanen Aas and | we eee tn * Sab ae: ie Southet® tedin 8 ' ww tienr : ' stubble atiteuite 1 the Loot hibiting the slo of ligt va Sundays, | #4 proved a sucer Hi com & all A 1. _ Din being des dies patched each and all gee ned tan apy - portions pos en *y vis , Govern. | Highaate, woticcs "4 4 Ea. one ef tise oiiaia High f feature Pyramid'. ekceyd to gurnte at thy/dinner table ; hoot Board ith cxnenet pa cute wae, eon anne ; | oe il. The 5 4 7 yr gg" : pie ' 4 4 id you sardine eoealag? precited hg Hiskin, of | With a sparen zoat. aeaihis Lar tengmeane take it fanpamibis tor bam to & ele bi ler to fer rn wae 2 A ot, and ba ut . : ' (8) providing that no few license should | the G. TOK, with a handsome gold- were included in the day's programme, and | 01; toed fi Mrs. ¥ = = *¢ next station a doctor " hun Ths Pride of 'the British Hoart. The Biggrss issue exeept on a petition of a number ier. ath preventation was made by the ns essai t band had been provided for | 1 suddenly etceading Pee tl ragonas act | Govern oo tu OOD, hon ty = ua Eleploart of Mastodon--or whatever he is--in or #at ev. wr Nortbg - 3 esved by the af the "seigtiboring talepapers ; (3) teen Nortbururne, a0 the Victor "a ving Port Stankey at 5.18 p.m. the the consequences might have been serious. be in gels ol tafagatie, To nd father stating that of Captivity. -- Hin siplifted leuk reaches upward insuing the licenm to the man and not gay Dowe.--Mr. Ai Metarths (Om jovists reached home at 4.30 p.m. w ith, ray bo ee _ aad seus as mas teenie wit tb ; Hr ie ret eas ot ou his Way to Garmas 'Ts 64 26 feet. «Abs weight is near 10.tone!. His height 4 i 7 Varthy, st ss F : bruises, and ig with a sre. {0 in cash 4 «vind bebe' Wi . the Aduse; (>) abutting up the bar on | ®t. in per rtorming ie Net "Wilson's uti rh pot Ae isciand bo amas sha day's enjoyment. a $5 ox the me fanatic 5 mt yet -betief 2 His giant stride ig over one sid during that august personage's absence in cen ee -- ee eee = ' | wou : ; steamboats, anil (6) allowing the mia | frelaad. The work is raally dobe, but Mac, HEAVY RAINS. BLMA. took part in it tee Ethel: crother. | ¥OW tone maid, C : aay on)piet 1 ke pave jority af the ratepayerm, by vote, to ares he ought to receive the perquisite of }* 1 " b Magno Sage ' "ss Te ow : ' ; I for doing nothing, tans of the chief, THIN RECTION BADkT rLoepep, msi ve adjourned -- of Me vie the of Sop probibit the wale of Jiquor in any muni- r Wo . 'i ' im wre mee of Ki a on P : , e antkinitie of a ma bres.--A gentieman,} On inst Wednesday night we had one of | Saturday of Last igality. Dy the sncktesticn of the) writing to «from Boston, Mass., | the heaviest rainfalls tha U has occurred in | Court ral wing am church or the Geacet nay chat these are Werdeor Mons wat I found the Stratford for » series of yea The obseren- | ck F S 7 | wrong ob injarioun to (be caum of tem | most atindettie, and beat ins hosts s Metivego: o showed a » tall of i Wieot, i Porter 3. Hopkins, ur Wa a i perancel Do they believe it ie rigit | met with anywhere in Ontario | nitday ste ee Oe ee pa heen a plac Is '4 Tie | 8 SIRI Hs " , ex that, friend Shipman ' ref = ne dt he i. i t act Lessa AE Hermiony 0% the sth ait, me | for the Supreme Court of auy religivcs "Srmawnempy Fesrivat. axp Coxexnt.--On | rain oe ot cree Aa lacenes A: Movtis nsteack off toll. ena t " 1! Banke ict of +ul- Fr Sole Tie a 'pe daur. Of a me | denominadun to conden or cefule its ¥elday evening the Young People's Ghureh | pour of surface it will Heppler strack of se oceupant of part lot 42, jure A clu a ' Was the beat tase had | UMtary be star al oF c G runent jad 1d Meters Ore elughie -- al . : i) provement Society will give their frit en. } be acon that we _ éenin that ni Bt anit said part of lot Non. | Se pleasure of bearing Grom so tender an | MMVer couimilied i&il to Cary in apy way, brumeaubs adi Hit pion te tah wit, Mors. epproval of. a eared sei line of) cortainsuent in the Central Methodist Chureh, | = 4 : ye ~ ete The e: ce . Lanihe Patterson atruck off; €, | A8¢ Miss Wade's trench accent and per- |) : ; duran gh. wk pe ae oF Breas ens tks ae whick lies -for te object the restriction eieawhersies 2 and ice cream sery 7 ters began are aa M. Matthews, A. ee of qucenty dignity, in the soer a babe ough andgd todly Kipp mnved wit Mresdeb las 7 . S c 0 Salter tiels an OAee Hent I an ry t f tu Low r3 ion Law Mutants dB) oGar r bes 0 See ~eeed eeiebiad "n bd 6 w Mra. af the india iu iptoxigating liquor, | 4, taken up. Adimiesion 150, No extea | ately the gate of the al dam hea bevt closed 2h lai, | 4! would be « saflicdent surety ie any thon /caleiony ly . 1 ihe wk 1.4 and the adviecement of the cause of | charge made jnside. « | through the day, which had the effect of n,J, Wa Seott, ones an _ Ag French origin, oe " my wots : scaly dysclosed ane " tee weet MS Win. " " T. Coxvictiod Qrasiuay keeping the water book, till it overtlowed i Cansphel and De. Harwiton, were placed | We would adve ber, inoteover, to take the | 04 deubt be found tnotulity und good Guverument } -Till) | oon vedeniay uss hla dpetonen Jade | ait ides and finally itcarried the gates bodily' | 00 Holl; I. Bennet changed to occupant. | * pee with her tur the claim, Helena | Dublin, Juve Zs Yames Cares, i we me the resolution referred Wo we | case of the A. 1 made by Mr. Wm. _ | away and the imprison water went down | W- atnilton assessed for pa art lat 15, Hadith Butler, as they undes. | former prey, ran lage paid shay, ant will nut believe that tbe slar that the | S8inst the . oad river with @ rush, carrying Syiiese hing be | Sonees tl ataed ca bi Egos a air) fig i?" ap eyes se ng " vse na se 3" Hur > tinati ms " " . * trate O' e, in whieh bs lore it, uprooting treea, foating away fer gone busi limasio," pa the tou, rhein a at Daw " : Heacon ban cant apon the Presbyterian | dined $50, The learned Judy ached the | snd flooding all the low-lying lands 'slong the the [ Des of Court complete Council met for Topraiiae, wa ond doubt the j bege rey 4 ae ; we Polieved ( arey wil be Church isdeserved. Ourcontemporary | Mv¥iction on the ground ' coun th general business ; members nt. The | Mest ult, aim! we would say, with due Dee Bs en e sins aa lke ¥ | failed to show that an offence jor the | , The damage 2 the mill-dam is eonsider. | ™inutes of last meoting were read and signed, | Tespect bo the "Aer performers, niost worthy aeenstown, <ore eew--Nuch excitement has boon carping at and) finding fault | statute wax on Bader (he | sole, and those who ho oeeupy lots in the fats Movel by Mr. Aloxsander, eeconded by Mr. of praise, rr is Ube Jiece, Misves Hesson aid | = igre ars to my by report ict | . ; j 3 0 . that 600 yards of gravel .be placed on tits nanifested the real scientific degree of ae. SESaES -- with the Dominion Act ever since it] Ox a Vierr.--We are pleased to notice that below, suffered a good deal of loss. Amongst | 1 $8" y & thelr mt J} edue os gets who cmbarkeg fpr a i Carey F the greatest losers are Messrs! Serir the gravel road--300 yards north, and 300 | C+ Mmosical educutsen, Mise na Cor | # HURT ICR. arey's was pomed, why does it not publish it, Mr, John Burch, tooo well-known nd Bros., whose a and mills een fairly ards south of railroad, ao the | Coren cman keeping his we whereatioute cold sag be traced. firem A let ite readers judge for themselves to his many friends, after meres at ees deluged and whose piles of lumber were | clerk ask for tenders for t e.--Carried, | © omy a Pane ow eflicions she "Fe a J j bat th Se 46 Ole ee wn j seen inn fenete ck eee com caught up by the torrent and. cared away_| Moved by Mr. Alexander, seconded by Mr. | '0st have bwen trainod, since she diuplayed | he Progretutf tho C.P.B. DOUBLE a EAucate 1 Katya cooly By cuaneee Boasts af. ee 3 whether it is an improvement on the well, and has Presper rig je ie 'ota Mr. Robertgon, the soda water factory, Richmond, that the following accounts be both heart and mind. Her #r, Northgrave's | MENAGERIE | ors, Leopards, @ kimdaof Leer, Conger, HF Crooks' Act or the reverse 1 t magnificent distane and 1 h * © [was comple os ay inundated in the lower | Pld :--J. Reith, $2.45, gravel . J. Love, $10, words, [rt belure ~ God "save the oem," Mane Sees Sey % SHERS AOEE Kk ; ae and P sorts + DOD shake Cla ets _ ca Crooks Act or the reverse calireail onectimetion ve, "" pms, r ightoing part premise and flered | 1F temporni rary bridge across Maitland ; J, Mo. | *¢te fall of wakdom, and encouraged the pu ~ by ae ) FEMALE WE DOD SNAKE OCUANMEM IN FU - pperiowsy one e will stay her for Snider low and his wood yard was | Nedladd, repairing culvert on gravel | Ys wot to atop too Jong from og sitdies |}. The Earl of Dunfeaye and party returned . i EXPLANATION WAN'TED Pies 8 ; apparent! quite cleaned ont. | Tad: D. Dax vis, $2, repairing culvert on grevel daring vacation. On our way to | ta Chicagy on Sunddypaays the Tribune, from LS4 ~-- / Taawnenntes.--Mr. Thos. F. Tran. | Mesars. ation buyer, of the woc alien fac. | Toad ; ch son ms milots, $34, printing ; 41, | ™ent hall, to tie left of the main earridor, tbe their jaunt over th dine of the Canadian : To the Kalitor of Tne Braatvond Times sor, of Harmeay, » laid on our table yesterday, 4 remove their | Pal ing notices to applicants, | [POTer'# «WX valways captivated by tho | Pacific Railroad. - Ge party made the trip i Msn, -- Wal-the Keeve of a box of his very fine strawberries, which far to the | 2d 84, pare ey Jany. to date; T. Jack. | #randeur of nig wos attracted to thé par- | from Winnipeg to tig present terminus, Dun Nerenrcd . xplain wh . y | Sarpasced any we have scen (or tasted) this ion of | %. $10, repairing bridge; J. Smith, $2, at- | /o7) Where were stul pa inungs hanging, | nore, about twelvdl miled eaxt of the Sas- Tn pick "athe sine et ne rai riety $150,000 this | ?yetc,_ He showed samples of -his fruit at the upset in the oll house, | "nding adjourned Court of Revision.--Car- | $b¢ work of the papi dunng the year. as is | katchewun iver, #4 distance of about 750 her Shows +m thie Contiw gt it 5 We have bad Mr. Levaraage's sido of | corecultural show, but did not exhibit as a | Mr. Walkom's house tell his' carriage | el, Moved by Afr. Hichmond, seoonded by | Met necessary for the common Ife of tien, of | miles, in. bweDty-fhal hour, which shores sea eam ae 'ei ve a at " en wil tect hetnto can soto or @ prize. 'The samples wers | works, was several feot in the water, and he | Mr- Lochhead, that J. McNeiland be appoin- | ® Teporter's, that, oar oyes should rest with | they say, the chan be: of the road. 'The | ou shaitied fuk. v i, ni Wail aca Me if Wah casi't fae lature eath ox: < sacaired bogs for size and their lu had tw carry the women folks out on bis ted to arent gravel south of, and D. Gordon, | Pie t 1 vith laying ot track, the: Bay, has bee the most tt Somnitiaht ralbe one Ik se the finest aaeaple of the bea. north of railway, and to assiat in spienting out that ¥e 'copid I live, yet, mabe refining, how Mi Mi Thi incrone aiding ha dg prt Cease nt Seedling we have yet, or' rding to the observation taken at the | '0 Seir compen we divislens, valary, $1 easing to the eye, and to | on record. "It ha fen isi tration nthe pat il shotild at once appeal t® the |. T. J. 21, Reeve and eter al affice at the High Schoo! day ~-Carried. Couneil then wlfoarved & ral manager has | WOtTFebLitorr--in Mitel i, om the 7 . astice! Stratford oe Med, for» Warden of Perth, ¢ us a friend laat | this has been the heaviest rainfall since June sets sien 'ealled by the Reeve » thes could be laid in ih, aa. tne Bee, B gnm, Mr. © tomy time, 'without complaining. but when it rc ; tthe sch ring nthe | Is71 ork, pee: she ban ag the | iki > ate Meibew hilictt, ail of ol fal, in hus township, would ------¢ 0 e - an | rowed gt our treasury, it iv time ta rounds halt ne Present. Alter our eight weeks' | RESIDENT OF LOGAN MUR. LISTOWEL. '| DEATHS. holiday. we whad to decline. Ji ported : Youts traly, ys TR seh DERBEDIN THB NORTH "| aX P a hee fi \e Intelligence was rece vessived were last wee alt, Will tas ATAX PAYER -Mr. Samuel Hoe, Mr. Kno redecessor WEST tha ' ' | " t 4 drotherof our townsean, Mr. ae Pvt 7 ini tod July, 18%, as Keove of Elma, for a pe riod. of" 31 yenrs, ae drouned. in the QorApp . Kerep. | Sisters wh Ee, Nore. The tes im pane for appeal. | gave usa call on Beturday, Oar old friend -- The dead body of John MeCa aged 6 Territory. and he has been s troe friend to us in every roid formerly a farmer in the "Dowotkty fr gree T.G. Fi pareve and C. Hacking have ? ' FIRE IN WINNIPEG. i sense of the word for sonny long looks in this county, where his wife and | been pointed to wm ad the inewtung of the NEW ADVEKTISEMEN 5, hale and hearty, noteithatanting Nie long tamity still teside, has been discove in a Grand | 'age AF. ¢ is Xt. On inwcas on the Explosion of Several Kogs of Cian taunieipe? carver = oy fy an Arvaie x po pa Ry i of Joly. ' oa . WA N TED. . powder Th eo orate at A. Macnair & Co. plense He house showed signs of a etre r vd 5 Or aaah " ori gona pee -- | badie: xbwen fot years a medical > ; ea ss oe a) ee N URGAN dT tor thes Ht cacti caievviaea adil aneauey, Wosvimes=<ves bien how te atjenr sea oe eeaical | hi trunk was cite ransecked. | scales placed on the west wile of Waltace-st., | (Uucty tuo the trees ww spel tose tuted (| aN Church stot in ties to commence WML TOMS SRAREN AN EF FT Rare axe » > aang the tates, sree Cranes his yea * in 7 . ' reboot ihe avon ere with aeres! functions. | to the munis y / sb ho on a searching inves. snare. VP. Lilheo and G. Towner have re- plese " Ur anya vigor and entiancing | aay they sow me veut rid "te Apiicahuue to be sentto * Winnipeg, Juve 29.-- A fire broke out at 10 | parsuit of natura turned his Hentias bas Spa erdere t. Daring his tate | "ie pellet iris bw ae folic bs no JOHN STEWARD, o'chogk to reho tion to the corset, i 4 Tae pmal puta gentleman disposed of tw: ' Sains IN Re Sorheeee " hdown, har bel plage xa hie conection were HIGH SCHOOL. and 'a half sections of Manitoba lands for A. M.D. G, Mira ford, daly 2rd, i . i & fram subvening cloth Sal 7 - some! 000. Mr. Lillieo still + cenean Sire ford, daly 2rd, ise, om ing. te bits en ie pan th unleas something eb The following are the names of the pupils, : » ctions in the neighborhood of oie tsi (iol OF PRIZES, « BS, O00. frit oe "bain en a a" us core! r . e ulations in the Northwest 4 dd Medal. presented by bis Ln womhiy Bobo eva . iy ai that nome kege of oa lan Veceranmiots eb ecntcan at the late promotion examinations = ine have proved excvedingly fortunate lp p prey Pokeneey ert ae eee ers out | tuistaae, as éither M « Medicit n Mbxiess os War nara: ee i z ta e je SECOND Fou, Graber of pernots chars: | coated en Diceute me Katty Corcureu, | or Calgary would ha " Charne! eriat! 7 = * fo "warchoate pre -- of -- George Sloan, William Brydone, Bedford | ed with breaking the TEE pee sean a et \ caicbidh tia tin latter leon ia wt thd A CLIENT HAS $5, 006; " soi Natirel Groupes War Dances, eee &* Ceremonies, ty pre os lexs injured, end a Reena er Seine aay enor ng last o te -- i a Ne = in R, » Bh, | ee venve of liquor wer W drat, for keneral awai- -- we be the ec For intveest nabs ue on Mortguse of reel estate, ck oe : staileted . u «fas ean bbe i peteon o ennie J ten, jce Smith, Emma Mac d G. D m ae h Columbia Di Feasouable tein yo rhe whe d tial other Misa Annie Vhippe was perwa by Mr. | Donald, Alfred Macklin, Hermann Schmidt, ney were I ed i bar anna coat ih imei by ig Mute Dunmore will anil £64 ; H. SEWELL, 33 GOLDEN 'TABLEAU CARS 33. isincs amaahed to cet bts iW Armstrong. of Hamilton, to join her | Georgie McNaughton, Bessie Predam, David are ermnined to de og} | Eistr, Mise d1ts amd Mies Pateck , o Ute: Pa 7. but will return to@tbend a gemeral gather- Stralfid, oly ted 1889, wie ss ere: oa. bea ap fee peager eS ie Ser Sie, Sie Bay. G. | lichard- si Sd Pater MacKenzie, John MacDon- | sum ith all pesee distucbers, it will | ete eee ted iby Kev. Ko, Kil ing at C aleary * when it is expect: S. ' 'in. tis DAN Thas af . ~ won, Oo! e C. burch, iste the B. | ald, garaeol : oe ~ ave roy, a ¢ road will" non Santa thaws « in M ' . aid _-- 4 on a if raft aces were G. Whyte, of the Congregational Church _| eondat theonelfes in qctres Sanrores uy a eee ene saa: dniciinsaon ol mt. . = > soetgrenes © Chet Servant Wanted. WwW oman who Morey ee Ps eas Brome ee snack The Old pha hoult rv strc it ts dak a rn a "we made the twain one, he its partook ef Andrew Hienng seh, 7 pans Durst, Minni. seuti-annual : t i Jak, preecttatond oy jis. & HB Kitroy, ae St, . Aver jn 0 BF ete - Cinderella's Fu iry camaliien Chit Maltobt a these boat pee elegant deycuner prepared ie Shsconaaing, Weir, Nellie Forman, Jessie Brown, Fann ay Perth Counk nas > eee ia Lutaraas Busts, weer AG im 7 GOIKd. sbeut 1b yearn cf ere.to do Nehs CaaeE in a Free Ful 1 View. cn niighaly Sajered ie ae, hoe = ae "" , -- of er par Garden, Martha Stevenson, uae Hamilton, here on Saturday lest at ii pan Ti a dpe 1 'rise for order, tierited Ly the Mines Matric . . . ae atniy t ce eer More Men, Yo Char # rw o § % s . : c 4 hem. "Tr ' J Seale, insuranes cletk, it is staat is fatally trienda, the "nay ,Y orl congrats x: nae i 'Wala nog ye 'lio F Stubbs, ap busiters, we aim a be Shame ss pole: wp oo Be ot genta 4 A NCMEER OF TORITT A HANES "Let IN" Pron MES, S.S. FU 1. LER"s MIGHTY Sea Kine fica een orn ny Loos Wid Benata; Toasts, ea pile of burning « om fe. . » N a ry : - + -- ai were nec of Unig tri upon [yeni tus. "Weller oat engtalation | Pratt, ment Cae, Kanth Terbal. | te Suing a ace te ca lt ne met! a omni, | PARADE, fuitite dearanca tsi usshietalena tape tbat Lt ieee peda orc Rutherford, fern, and Mee J. W. Armstrong, and wish| The' Sieae are the names of the first | Oho ccn a, * * x wae jahanimoudy maerite! by Visi Wisictoner: Eomiphine Cat: Prom Mail are Strationd, June 26, 1483, 390-2t Amerion Coming! ea prostinc } silk . . thes ome life, health and happiness. T! three in eac' aig --_ " ;. ; alternoan, the | corau,ana May Mutiinn; oUteives by JosephiLe . f= scene =a Prot " G ' was weriously burnt. Kerr, another fireman, ides presents were eleg Sabant nemeve Arith: att Wm. Brydone Klima District Association, comprising six | Corcoran, For some time Tafofto bas enjoyed an 1¢@ Grounds Daily, nt 8:30 +a. ™. was also badly burned. James Twill, fire Stratlord asd ' sist wes John oats , Saste one! aia Wen lodges, alao met tor business, and ratified the | ,, Prime fur regular astondauce, obtqined by Mise | immunity from swisdr3 of on kis ad, bat : hoplincisgiahseencasetnen i 7% alarm superintendent, was severely eut on the a ra iors ve 4 oeghorhcod lr od. y: Pes equal, Martha fants decision of the Co nty Association asto the ai x plate ant tansy Wack; near tho loll was only that hofore the somes es CARD OF THANKS we LEN, Rue SFOOT. GIANT Little iPeopte, {Der Msn, ¥ n.. MeHobio, prese 'ou 5 Ret . ' \ g Will ¥ oe pl oy Wek, - ; . 0, '. ney an a aS ot ai | ys ago em | a ar eWeek [Tee a eae cea = SoBe eases Et aot hands. (ieo. Sinclair, saddler, bas both | Which Tux Troxs ix not sent, except Ver; | Brydone, Bedford Richardson, 1, Nellie For- | od uethe other day samples of tall % aye be banks w Je the Wohin: deal': Mi O'DONOGHUE takes th 7 hand d fest burned to a erisp, and the te ae Canadian phate also be Dictation & Composition "A re Beulth, peas and flax ebich npn of fa cies, saltvbarato.y dune ai i @ foe one eYeuent. and Seton phe aa ot ihe deal thanking bie ry va rag watroc Pitre: Mes ot 1, 000 Wonderful and Curious Freaks ! . he n off s large contingent m town 0 -- ice Smil . The * a ¥ B Seilbe y. Cartie tenets, : p, wet oy - sf OD, ae ae ate Lo thy whd bave in Tad his soni baty ole we eduaty, and the people who have been acens- Bedford Hichardson, ee L aa 'at pod on Hepertin n nigel a yd Ast potas, i vba « py co ereggeo ig wake fe C ie: iis bor bo Ura Caralict (hemtives - the oerviegs of :SH Brople, 311 Draegnt Beast 8 Rous nnd a Oreee, 29 Tr tospnt Jerusalinn Donk tirant, "manage fot Ashdown, waa bad y-| tomed to read Tux Toes, for years, want it mach, Jessie itrown, Misti Weir and ing to hear in this season ot een leas 1 | peiae. tor fupeotement, Mi , Mi ante eanaped © t of the in ant ee one ace {edie vise 4 weak, rag deca ben ' a ¥"| eetit after them. Every week Wont bead Samuel Stubbs, e¢ qual. Ta Reoeral com | Ligne ny, Laure UNicy Simy Pat Satis | ene Macatee ty mht i loss, and these -- burned mt the thes in his efforts to taove the the a History me Jennie A Ande Geo. Si plaint concerning the fall wheat crop, Mr. W. | Carcau. the banks of Britis. E N M O R E 3 ree Hat ¢ 6 Rand fend Pits. powder, Code, amistant chief of the Canadian prairies and from across the Maud L ron, veo, Shoah, | informe us that out of fifteen ners ho has | Viv Sod Clase--Iet p.leo, Lizzie Wingtelder omareal. mi by a shay , the Bram Nand of 100 Ihatratpen a is also seriously injured by fall- it a -- of Pomanee my apa pes intiaw - nest, bs Sows uel Durst, A. Ben. upwards of ton acres of wheat jast as good | Provesent, Lulu uN ji +t tellers tha: «wile hi, oe di Papers, 3 T.Ootave ( ime ot Beni ing timber, Wilson, anot " pany fo ar the paper comes to hand regulariy, Detgrapiey--il orman. HI '. Beydoisa, | ™* bee sample shown us. The exmples of | pacua tad da, lleisa| conor som, wan "abo be 7 ee ee scatp wound by falling timber. Aman nam. M 4 - igo enemy ae an Bethe ord Bicbar oo loan, ¥ yaone, and flax were from two to two and a | Mary U'Luace; improvosseat. relith re "| self as W $0 Acts at Ky m thr " ed MeGnuire is burned badly. Beale has since | *Pected visi ae ie! on A. Deane 8. pail foot in length. day Grd Ciase-Crvwn! aed it prito, Hattic | dealer, who intended) jum: Toronto J Sesey Perlormance. ra wre Bing 6 epbeg a. wits Nearly Eo Performers, On'y Huge are also reported fatally in- Lawn i axD gh cage Corts Fase tt a "Geos . Sloan, Joka Eby, Joh "rn tn Cemex Orv aud a location of his basi: game into the Dank ten Of the whole exhibitios. wy eld worth er spalar * Dates." amd aH the Great Sens } stors in the city bave their irom what the Macl Donald, L ge fn. i | at bh. - by slide Kate Corcoran A ot Mis ee beaphighvey en of British North 4 and pre a Qnans" Tents ever bulls, 'ms GUO Square Var le of Matgriat, at erating s Actos ' Searth, SEBRINGVILLE. " hands "full, The excitement is+ inten F b--Il. G ie MeN. ton, = wed Uy Mims Race 2 Useun Arafton the London for $600. He here must be upwarda of 5, 000 people on the Macdonald, Alice saith ska 7 m saeco ee gh grind nn iat wan. ~~Merited | had «properly drawa'd iStratt, and although streets in me bicamaom of 'the flies Maggie Hamilton; Fannie Garden, . the count press wens our ¢ the bs rc, Mr, | "nedt by spew 'Yicronwe Bailey. the manager Gt 3 A 'Brilijant "Arnis 'vent. Rickeniosn, Ahead bona sea Macinc 65 scien nee ae ~ Mie apinoerss ri , Altred Macklin. I. 8. Durst, A, ¥ previows" Now ht B h, Maurice ('L : aa Hot right, The Barnut and Loodon to 4 pera pels beard ant be ext bis here on 'Monday. 2 Payne hoa tontinoae made more beautiful with id 5 ge ae to be ta ie Be' world tha' Na the biggest aieg Tuxna Corrs is | ANOTHER R SWINDLE. / ing to sp aie the 0 ¥ mr a: conruinnce oaMe al . Pearson, op| Loney's tile yard, 'air fee fi , and = their ng a a ert outlay, ae BERD INA RAILWAY © when their horse (a fractiows one) awry ue Ph vy) rag ae het prin, came mas - _ rg accent Thea ace See It would as if the only thi spel coos ts inte the ditch. M he . atblem Muliaa; liprove, fiw institution, which ' common will inspec. |. <*. apprer a6 If the only things re- sseart: + Mr. mid ment, Joorphits Owen é tion, and will compare favorably with any | 1* n oP Mex K. had ber Coronet, Crees Bhelr : 'Ginna nt fytion to the Bank 1 . i", Agues Purbes, will stand fer service until . We would recommend everyone -to | (f were unlimited cheek and perseverance, were injured ont a Oo contd pests Lisge Biixgeraid. of and presented to : ecaierae, ond du lnduustelen, ' ay the: « hope no dad Chise~ lat pita, Mise Hore we achegs ford, the scoowtant, a draft pur. | The First pay of October, 1982. Y Pport home 7 tries .__, | in banks or on the railways. Week after week follow. LRYROY RANT 18 vere on New Fron ere eg ry editor's ne newspapers fesaribe t:0 sande sperendt eran ew nates' Covnr.- hich a to the dis- | tat prise, Mine Ls Mitageradl, Mt me Patek da " is stables vacation, - Duncan Menish, of Portland, these scoundrel, wind, gracefa: igenee charnoterizes \ rs Maine, called at our office, and left his card. | goes on as lively st eget '° Paes owerrsid 4g reby 4 ~ po Taba, iz Pau puter ba im ste Victoria 'Hotel, Stratford, Mr, Monish's friends, whove names are legion | of the publie if they will never -timmble is ap. | ment, the. Town of Mitchell le without any SPrWroLast Compostrion. Partivs wiahirgde rains eolte Shas will sett tor in to meet him, and parently useless, as the fresh in. | Magistrate, and Squire Henry, of Sebring. saan wise Miet ¥ Madey. Mise $2 to 2600 le ok avail themachves of the rer. ¢ actually go so far as to my that he | stance r--Vesterday an y man | ville, hes suitors are | Woes Motta, ior aoa Mani Hon, viegs 96 this or d extremely ee ere pened 2 ee ee paps tne tee ey Village for justice. On ' Paapcos seat hnoncore ii dea s+. . Visit to Uheir homer an Quote, 2th ult, Geo. Gerteer ed oe RAL fore with either his health or This | at Ee ttord made the acquaintance of | Livingstone with assaalt. After hearing a | 3, joo. , CENT : HOTEL. isns it should be. Our friend is in charge of deal of evidence, th i ~ Senpeerrnneh ttelen 'Corman, Ser ! Grand Trunk Car . stylishly. man, who claimed Mr. | et wae dism fais Way, ig ~! ; ~ aiaree radony geet gies ont | Benoit axa The rey conversed an- | On the same day, Jon Jacobs eattank of ob Sar "Ret pries mies Jeneie Coreurans STRATFORD. Ro Gracd Fla looked . oMicials antil they become like friends. when | four brothers named Livingstone be bound poe > uniGia . Sared t- Reon, Ladio' Hirde face, Sinks Standin: the line. Ths Fe A mle pg barney al near Toronto stranger wearing a peaked | over to keep the peace. He could not: show oe coe Puargeralt, Ka ve Hartley ant JA¥RS WILSOR: PROPuIE TON ache share man vod Chariot fines AAG. aang Meee Nace, Pony "ith Neen, aa . n @ enjoy himself while here? Perhaps *not ; | cap and dressed like a conductor stepped up | proper cause, and the request was refased. ae sa oto, fon fenipenge snr de helen Macon ene Woartheest Mase. fea Hot ape." Olmacly fase et Teme! bat tek hears. Casmpl, iroock Kbre: | 5 = SOS weedeat tases ee coan ae a rong {crashed Abrenghet ee Races prea peas th seeks Sate Decomarton Dax.--Peterboro' | shipped, threatening to tho piopeey ok bie pr blverg yar nem arama ern: bers Siew easier < es re bance rie ty peg 2, the Companqe the Moet Hacinte theese, ad Put . ' 3 - ken ee jose of on Kennedy, : June 28. The Oddteli ot Pe rape pony bn mens red m sivihty always et ech Travellers Ai etl op phen exhibition whieh the mvaral "clanara delight to ee mi fire ed so rsa slog. | ESE SSO atarlapee, oer Fokaree ant Sr ogee atts Teron- in drewiog 1h Water odors, the : N rE i t Wade, Patrick, Florine Tras. § F . EVERY PEND RY ACT, ASD sentir = EDIVIDUAL aj ADV Ry eatin te i F roprietor HY To YIND sos VERTIS ws ¥ hea ae ng ratiord, Jung 26, 163. 390. MICIT, AND Tx i Siac Ot ate, ay INVER | a aeee . Ff security. e the . Wan, IE ne. PRIVATE sect Paster 'geese , SON, ene FOR SALB. Every Railroad rans 'cheap rate reetaon TRAINS to every Exhibition. _ ang Immediate Possession if Required. For the comfort of those who desire to avoid 'the eréw the. grannies : il That lek Ow. defn raat ar the soe ane "RESERVED sthinelten CHAIRS, THE E BEACON OFFICE, a, BOOK STORE, ¥ - F. tF i Corner Vinoant &. & Norman Sts., tts. i BEEr f i s* war sey oot ; Hg oF SxHTET of great and : bee. pi fib Landon, nies nd Se ven awa ei Pei kL hea : G3 _ ~ i. . walt sat of space Jntiria. bade neath 3 re) 5 50 Cents. Children seagate 23. Cents Rewrvel Ni yg to en wag -- imc ae ie sntce Peabitity tiscee te extra, "Tee tap oem every day. ee natk a 7 throughs sp 4 ike ® eharu: oe * op dnnd orgy ney a bired stomach and commences at: 3. and: 6 Pia. be for tin Canada, parces, ot : is eri 'on British India 3 rin = Sie raisaeae GUELPH, I | TUESDAY, -- ed caleh, bot bey sill sony : if i [ S. JULY J _ Head, Jane 20 1888 : As it of the | and no ould, |