aN eA RR yO . ' a Ai § bee 4 | | j ee ia i spi seeey nec 1) 1. fe'eOecter tee t ted near i * iN Mass, thres phir hen rr <4 Forages Bey ihc) pagan Erp 4 4 ho ae into the children's room and rescued Sham i with great dil teas as two of them bad "_ tet- ¢ pdegin South Bead, I: & rat Bra dpe ost from ily iy fading ee bone, ba the nite > te i 'be pared and, z "a with the got before hg ref the he dog, biel dog peli wafficientiy { « 4 lage what of Latins, Stich, om be hes Ae fest a bear ad hastily oibad 8) Ee re \Gen Mectaug 48 the be et pail bat ---- : : MIQERY IN KEW ORK. NEWS IN A -NUTSHELI | bral the foot of ree Paton | ee : the cloth, the hot dishes sore oe pees os elon! waiting fee" blat to come down : B Se et oe | etka edged envel- An Aged Couple Seck Death wp aveid Se Philadelphia 1 ha. The bear Pepe \ ' . sal into it accustomed hab- | om the . « Btarvation, : widow, who et eee, a then vi 0 re? ae Mr. King's plate ; but there was SELECT READDWG, | Moore, a widow, down the contents of the pail, ae » sist. , its. Madame 'a fancy wtp at rth ip ing' - Henry A, Wagner and his wife Teres,| IVE MINUTES son in an old, i ¥ a = [7 : lingham's became pobod ach serouty-tive years age lying Pe | = sar' babe Nie aloes Pa, was welve OR, AT CROSS PURPOSES. page sr seria tame Tn table tld too telat rely teehee Simoan taps side by side recently ma x Te ad Items.--Gendine, pry Conve al wait! feltewet by 5 insoperabl bow a Sidney | [ a aie es ene gmt Hi : stretches of | well and both were unconscigas. Da room . = Me dant ty. sale | CHAPTER. IV.--Conneras Re ersten si tad ota, | ra Crbeyeaties mat, seneiad ee Se fre jeortery of Crees Se at neteass | OC reat mae dtuwued in Champ- | Yoots shout pearchiag Im valu fr hip tuner, tbacipg i} TUR TEMPEN OF 4 FURY. gra daly to aa rom the rae y aie 'seemingly interminable vistas into its fur- the jeactare, of Cy chew aod peg a Tan inta the room 'ally wettied down 7 geo ir atraiaghee to fi "My da cousin, you really makes great | and often, as they aS le corners, The w poi om card [eg ord they cag eo arr 'A team of hofpes drives by # man named freepiatard © ah maine. die i jeat quanaty of {(deal pr fc over a very amali info) "pee rt cnnga inete on their way brs ee ip ee ec sideboard other's arma aod were bleeding profusely, | Randall, ran awhy at Paskham and after now offered, get him Sed. | my word there is nothing very muc hattering | buge The discovered a series of gaabea ex- ¥ the driver out, ciusing hia death. that ' ; food, and Ibe goatealey yioel wet msaned Ft -Re i» toa sian, wt while C. ejly was! at the far ead of the rocm that frowned : a j ; Mertied Get : , to. A Boston lady had a dog De Ae ee Yon think mot? Well, 1 differ from gavly about neneiad tani «acho sambrely dawg upon the * somewhat scanty tending pene ee the Prinai aes bas -- Rao yelp furious, vt cdg oe ae or its friend the cat wisbed to go into the | U think ki ina very solens asia |e, Stell 'bardiy tentang So of a gged, but no vital ar- | Masitobs, Tapeh vere reece which = kitchen, stood. by the tbe door and ome the | ery mere ing | w saying, in ating ert by: gol . rene the. door opel softly, and a pata ee prs alee i rouledis lost a | faraathe Rocky: ~ ite The cat could h some di ad tl 7 glined sotsdlaaty She was a short, be ; op bo aes | pas untae wet be | ac: Teil com you of that #pece . pele a ander siaeeel tnioen Sntte nad fifty ; fart ot Meet aed Ee poo Zoe Baek Mromnet Rapid da Heme hata - Fae ing. . Se eee & S dow. 'Te vent wh | "You will never remind me of it, ara | ser dan Statloed the case that i mpd a. | Det pale, Meatialana Sale aac her ae of hae serious, He was | &Y: N.B., joy pore ead ncianl "fe i Tuy Allow the. aryl to gr on ra rapidly, ble to oor, e bever -- nev y tem that any man mi ' | beneath o muslin cap, as waters - c i mines 1 E oa hen drap on the dog's back, and rid@ into | 1 cag aot live {" cried Stella, vamp: | wre ego Ling us on wera al a angina ey mt peefety chp seth pep ct bel r The United States onatenn oficiales wed Fok pstrenirtyy bey ory vs <a hs "aevieg tad gy ee dete i the kiteben in trinaeph, her foot. f. $ was the fearful thing he ha toguther pleasant in expression ; there | Rouse's Point, seized 'ive horses, th es seek ua the kat at su artic we A Rochester robin has built ite sest oh the mae that there is nothing left toe log | U -| Was she indeed such a *"viraga"--that | . [oy ot Guuning about 'hare. cart of eat teoaend pet nee ee brought over from phia, for under- pe Sy Se nich preventa disoatoretion: of the fhe at engi the New York'! to do tat to retire," orman, reaching | wr used --as said! | like appearan every movemen' hours were able valaation. i KK SEES THE PACE, ' beast Measn fra' 8p te, rate, Grat action of the old man was to ask ; : THE MOTH the: allog Ube use of ealphrur fames 19 Geatral Kailroad, between the Mts Tce, | ost bie band for hie hat. He wan getting 'Stila didnot remember ever in he tte | caine Srecpiog in like a person who le spos | for a while, at po wile, and the, iret utterance of the Dr. Wi Si the Kulcherbooker Ciuh, '- wian'the mother had heard his story she ney abv } driving spring hg 3 ans a a com ty8 | an, angry too by tie re agp ber 'tem ip the way in her life her guard, oe ine in 901 was an enquiry alter the welfare of her hus- | Now started from Cape Vincent rey turned eee towards her window and liom, whol ik propyl parma i ad 2 EN aaa Rey wot wane had she ever spoken out | action. Yet she was oaly coming iis band Sey See 2 tall Bows: tha. river tm © vo7y) Loki ahs idantion! face pressed againct the vbjesidonable * w i The * rd oo t ray A a | wen moral motions. so boldly and so angrily as abe had done to} make the | Ww the doctors, the man | light canoe. Z ' | window. With a terrific ebe one ; sete an t "You will perhaps be kind enaugh to thi jyoangman. She imagined that her/ Her name was Finch--Mra. Finch--and | hen questioned on nm ' <seastes* seta inion, smal pulsing ie saat ieee lig oom fei» the nest, she now 'sooner if - tae medias to Mrs. King," be onid, | OO ood just indignation were covering | she was a cousin of Mr King's, | alel Sanes Hate peony 'war | A ie 0 yea, be ing the ground, twenty.fve } Sete. Batter, ofon when tha spging is reaaing, recut wor plainly sod uuflatteringly , Mle With penitaence andre told bow | Sant beings sites and in redeced olewame fi eed stuesing baile without food, | fend Jd) Millen, Yair out ot $89 for = feet below, with terrific force aud injurt The practice warm barns, George J. pep goer coria esters ooo Ang Fe myeclt Sz | be hod termed zaand span her ard meee sera dag ai cer Saks bn oh and wrt going, and being tired of life and himself, suit of clothes, 7 / herself fatally, Tee sesleey 258 orensis add 'raaing tsk tock and rope for te ak Manchester, mi ie that che wase virago . | Wrexham for » amal if <._ determined He consulted his bf - oung Moore brought neigh is inoreasing, A hungry po geod miserably thin strange | honour, (of cating -- ------ nate And abe bad not cts th hist to go, abe | sens _Sceeekeoper, nad fo mperinuens | ictoaaly U they don's get alf ~ the peri apd she proposed | | G. Say wornd pe aon las ry Spread the spot, id they 'atin the Ting bey teen aint iedediaiely. "under fay- ae ury- | leave Valency to night ; , 4 q of that ; ba ' ; . Oma is ( od carrying sage gr cher meal Jue explain to ber the excell er -- --_e tie wasted him ; to de! fo ella di did not quite | aa vaneing to the sable, 's se er all | ateagc sg fe pg the te od trom perdi ag me BE ng fo foe beac labor su ccvoded in bringing hie , ing thatthe hungry cat you bave against the family arrangemeu then, re no letters " be id it | tosensibility., A pp yor that Tabby. wea 'oad whieh my grandfather au ie ee oe of. | "Olt une thing, however, 8 she felt perfectly by jer own plate, ahe made t the bes - bad lor os hin toseld 'co rseveers bet ie roe he the child fo i gleeh ak baa her son wy burst mies. Asacipch Rs leatt | of meat, which | [t ié per fortunate for me that ae far a now with | anc ned those e that were by the | | re ! hich the whie! prep don sipeared We ceenge with of rary | spared the nal of being saddled with a wife Srrn. Allinghas to g for ong gay than she borat ro Hao rhe didn't care ws Ute no longer. pad any | oe ed the veisaot her foreMead opened. peat vores fell to the tloor exhatiateit, pee ates . | whe, whate hee undoubted charms had ever been for his kissi ~ dis | jor his, * to kill | *"A widow from Boston, named Mra, Jobn- the part of you of laughing evidence of ? lesnad' with thee teacne oh had ever . Nor: soo disposed o "What caused you to. attemp sAitsle child appears "Fe ieteat Anctesnds . Ope of Gear most pucersaful froit : pl gees rd i tare Gediaes ete coe o" |. Indue time epg ay reseived ea anawer of bale 6s and inpitat ions {rom some ws your wife and 'yourself ?"" 2 yy ® and wae Shan feiowee yy bs) hed Li ' i Hi * mett He fury, and the vindictivens Sarat ' from her fath aw. whose crest upon the envelope betrayed ve captivated some Montrealers, tacks, He : raisers is J. : Bilington of Fal oi Gee hat was Norman Allingham's parting | Hin letter. wax perfectly polite; bat not | their tdantity, and ucircular tevin the "tee chy wife hed aly four meale ia ran up some bills there, Sha was arrested, a, | deg and vicious maps ab y : has a novel an: ry, pa wer hue orchard | SbOt. At the cunclosion of this speach he | altos ar on Benefit Society." M S yw We would not beg. Neither of us | and her lawyer paih/the bail bond, attempted to qeiet him. . repels, sending fresis batter pe pb leap and owe "placed on | tade his cousin a low bow of mock humility | He wa: oy that Mrs. King had not been inte en that there w weeks. rf 1 for forty-eight b t him in the igrch. Detective Kellert MADNESS erro, at: ies gilt-edged stamp ss riety th through the m -- : The aot departe: able to exercise amore ealutory and restrain. | D4 an tn an eaten & morse inaS ng Ay farmer natwed winter, the question of fone a oe hoyere of the 'weres domrojen which ae | As coe he oer Stow Shoe bie m Ervat dis: | tay nflasece over her okiest danzbter, more | walked tite other alee eee pref Reap smetiges whe wat airaidthat under an assumed mame, re a to him aod, wee atewptiig to quiet | gel in conan ott ave reoentSonngatin of Uhe little bluebirds, wo numerous tp Georgia. | MAY Bis ~_ arty othe Pa F ting ktrapyely | "*peetal understood from his grap " eye ins ron! aoe | the would di», and I proposed to her that The Hi Bank, erent "| Casa hold 4 ised with ridheg . ous' ret sie anietioa ond ate sf ' , per, seen birt that the young lady had apparently a | t by the old | creditor of Pioneer Beet Sagar done #0 than be, too, was se i i For five years be has been petting and mis- | * cold and frightened. Then, suddenly, |" air . | broad edged missive foeess "A ori ndermen- thed on the floor "in in Ty ' partiva- " ake tll regulyted temper. How ¢ fi hted up in- paced 1 h out of M is suing the w fal spasms and wri on ol 'ins he a owine im portan| ing these térde, and to-day hae about sou without shyvae 6¢ recios pred she eank | T8Ty Violent and i c nd her eis. | ReBtleman's plate, er eyes rs P Wha: you to select -- an pany rfaara euloeri my, exhibiting the peculiar symp. wrod seal 'a le, "The es veh cee bec ee te | joon ber eee ie ee face in the | C¥#f, as she waastill eo young. a ble | stantly with a wean oteomper of the-way apot for the rash wing." $300 ; 'Aloiphe Sanliected "by the:etheen, Tie tar OLN, - whip the -- areas nla fa pout san, and bart into B flood of is havo ned ps tp rs amenable ai i ance 1 r she marmare. Can | " Me wits proposed Croce Ht Orme Me stock aids rte Memon, $5,000 ; prone magteere that ang cone De eepesio? & hos sin deg upgiog te Pim Buckner, bears, : f unsell willing to let the | edged, and not the mother's wri. | Rae ey " there, bu Reille, 8500; H. were eo badly as \ ist 7 . 1 part rp hag gn py festhy Al pr oa temp ae enone matter bia in abeyance for the space son of war, ts be that one of of sons in dead? It must be E nav ed to di on teonl. id you ume £" 3 @. Boivin $1,500. ance, and they fed precipitataly, a tows perrcadheg - ie ; . oGuarahapbtideae ccomding to her own suggoati pat abe jo if u wile it. 4 UNITED STATES. . ot, and wat by hia « At pyer? Stella thought so. And yet down | ™ h db Led ute dropped a wudd. A acs e. y a kk raving: mad asd s005 wes was to jal they took up their atation ae staan or er heart there ld some- | jepplyrathed 7 hy i at "Grable to there a foo! ager en mies tot when | De I | ror . ee ery =p on aaa oe fiencral sper, a Tony ogg Consul at young mea were huay at work 1 emelahing at th I yard door, Laurin mbire | 4), lve that quite differest, diegust | sie 1» & dedlnita ded b j- | it o sad ae was own ; ita eal Qallao, bas died ever. tarts of tla Lnpelesnenaus théee' lois dat hee at Sonali ans the once cot SOY rome | ee Ghat hecksih en aa to bis Mlteeallt basying bersel! polly 'he teacups, | right.» It | kissing me gosd-by, bared it for me tae in considerable numbers have of the women, who ida iat aecina to yy away a night fram their post hey | os had uttered ; and a wild apd litter re | free ta make other plans for the future of hia ; orman Allingham came in slawig, whist- is the e only way to discover ber and then ap! with : @ strength 4 been smuggled into Wyoming Territory from thé scene, ome and retu wi or | relieved each other during the day oe ae wt he had taken her at ber word, and | vahdane and tor the ultimate disposition ling, mith bis hands _ er iri boy not | i the man chosen. Sup | hed. ones we owe te pl the deoa'| British Columbia. father, an roid ae eget sumed Wil | Weth © constantly at | ae ar aed an 0 xpressed sorro i 1 teamer Spar- to the rode and, g ry Rhy Tre lounpenple have ove bain te Ee what a stupd, il mpl san | aah ras wot abuaguete satisfactory, still | down yer i breakt | Seeded with woke geornte rete i bs and hie wits ene dul oe alae tal whee aad welake aparier proves to | Herrick, threw him to the & im ne wee : Skennel fur the dogs near the yeil dour, 1) he wuet take tet an | it left the doce of hope still o ith ree 'Not yet. Shall wo'begin breakfast at ediag 0s come, cho- wife S phir : ra fi d. | hie foot upon his breast, bound him with within sigbt Of Buckwer's winedow "en foots bar te. nile g Seiten S artangcmen's ae King, Without him, do you think!" a |aent. Teun cent there te dies - | He is » pally block maker by trade, nares bem Newmans. sate hal ive PT He thes asented oore A gore) duck a ts told | Be "Stella "cried Mra, King. © sty are like 4 wie wontan, dil not sake Stella ie oraaa @ : vole : one ta ina far | tion ? and another election ? : aes | bed ies attompped no teks in-oeahick, aa a3 Se coe Dato charged with' pois' | in a like m a Mrs 2 ao aloo | Fre Pres, While bunting mie te re tira Henly in." My dear, what oo eafth is the to her confi concerning this letter ; but ope his le: paul a Pray " | and give the man fsir play. I, hi the was too oli and feeble. Wagner was | her step-son, the jury retarned a ver- the wounds receive com alien oat '2 River dam a man w: matter T" and, lovking arcund the roe: | allowed the matter to drop entirely. She amde atter dirs neha, a four besin. | he is found incompetent, why dist: im. in Switzerland seventy-five years i 'dict ef uittal. of the wii ¥ ¥ upon the ore liveped . vere ti pe be were mates, ie peut hia hy were your meanint Ie he 'qomet te not t believe that the childish an "Oh! [dare say be woa't mind our be, He could not rain everything ina year, and | born in $ J aay » | sible. Lifting her in his arms, Billhein pe pea i ox The bated ie e Shi were mates and, as th } aek | meant ty have asked hi ta to dinber. Did ont ut net --_ mre thet ise lolunege ning :,ererything w ull be ssoue cold if we | Wo be fam if be tural mth : | aad nae be aan a Som } ape seine In the Tewksbury investigation Geo. F. sity Ssocisd tereivenna So tha anon sie, thehions i cole, and wxcellens Agee' P kd not ewan ve t, the dog seemed he aay hg he will come back ? t ely taken against ber cousin would wal ~ a rhocan say? The t! tog : i ite | Skinner oweph bes crased. ikely to eta Seeing thi, re uek, Stella rose trom im Ee kaon and brushed Stl stalaly wear inoit away in the course of " Bosc lather Mra. Finch. 'Here able i> apite of all prophecying to ob son- eee tdi nad It aha tivedbe ing the bodies of babies in the Harvard rings vicria reras ew a hewl, Lurnme: ' the of ts your grand }« isegcting room. b! '4 had an ie om the dog rs ¥ eft oe Mans age iy eth nue away, apd be wilt te she grew older Mr. King felt sure The dour o "tlenan ater. | is ethias so 2 many desired to live. --New York /World "the in Kansas | pout pth ey ma t again; he will Ifave Val that Stella would becdémne more eensible, | tall and pain lly 'hw old pamper thy he the over The indicate that the dtive this year will reach speed across the rough. bs yi 5 Atl, besides, there war always the chance ed. He waa so thin 'i Ke th a bang | they | The Good Book tella/a that "He t that six hundred thousand head, against three | scarch of doctor: After >, Ar Se FON IRORNT" chled He ecliy to be kept ansecind. idea of @ Irving see o cee & to} i tak. | bundred and fifty thousand Yast year. | found oe and brought VY aghast =" i on loouply about him uileed, as sal iomortalit = the lity | hae rape! i eas. od than be that i W. Park, | Tae young mon Hetrick was tak. " fo the wiles lapr her daughters went th di Sheu "a that "the sheet eith, fun} * bs } eth city." then, tint from this The installation éf Rev. Chas. « Park, | family. ne young mek Chex T will, never' mbrry Met i tie one cof their daily, uneventfal though it wits wi "hile face konn andl of the Fevurrestion ol Chris Thee are |e \ af the ution' | as of abvard svoune Congrega- home by lis fa ie the morsiag ¢» : Atinghaw, mamma, and I have ald ham éaidteiie The girls went to thetr their place at all; ert pe ; te phi | ne wer done wit eir sive rg diticult task ; but tonal Ch aroh, did not 'tahe place, as other physivian attended hun A me clavsoe, and the cota ved a retired and oe Bs a paren fre pene ot ee. over the fall of Adam or the atonenept uf | impr . delighttad pet thin woot 'ee i divine = not believe in infant baptism. | entertained of Mrs core: ar 3 u ' G ie} tre angen! 'hte. Reich sauib and ie looking in every direction at once ; his b every On? were fo attain to gt moderate The officers a the pasnaricns Fs ee = a+ untisually vio en ca eg ore anything of any moment occurred We tong fingered Hike ji ps are cosp oat ardnp site ye Senny peers in the wk holders case bas occasioned mach excitement ateeng we Ststarb the serv nity of the little Eeulish | Aw he came in he looked keanly at Mrs, sions, I think/the tempor is moat difficulé nd thet the centinicat of the large stoc! the | the Eurmmera Abrouchout the peighorhood | a fay nthe i heuse inthe 'Cathedral ' Finch aad hi i sone o though tod out «thin oa | fnew to ep ih bober enh -- a Ce | Mrs. Moore's hasbaod was ® nothing - _ what they had been talking abo 7 a i Wane nion. pari fire el Squate . e hy regen ey ella, catohing hold quate sein dens x wonderful long; They be wishes wh mole g in A ee Pcie tg Boge MaNage way Ho One Haver, 4 war flower Feed of aie eae \,"steady people, hand. for she way sirealy S froat--it lasted for six weeks without a | deferentia a ing! most manifest and pandondd c ; pect Pca' "han n | More, on the ina! 7; | Herrick is not Ho violen iy The man has insulted me, any | break Every pond and every river in the that he had' slept well. . >is 'of ill pe jonally | 82d Pan od pe tay cach ree ae being made bor we femur te i lo Gin great urchte ¢ {wok n vices a ham. matey was {rosen pver, the ground was sol dic St elon 5 wink," he ans fact, all sorte of i tenpare, A sarap sagpac 4 was reyuired to tamnish security of from | a the prairie Te lmueite i Mow van you be wo chibiah * het ae Soke ce he wered, Ruraciously. "Why on earth : we Gind'» very good temper, that is, fifty to two hundred dollar. Baker se- vad | - arly live uptil'the orn fir a wiland white, asd scacles c ung ie the breakfast?" yet clas 1 wo ie and quick to f ive, bot T iy d i. | evening, and ube could hardly ateen corn f ited you What cau he Lave pao © pointed roots, aud from every baven't t you gua oreaktas ; slow ger, an hb ore cared seventeeh bapilred déllara an: -| | alte show he * a Satie ie Shee potnted y, ™Weth cy one ou would jike us to wait think the most sare endowed with » | motaing. oe aa) ilaae 1 wruld aay thing nore. | Bh-be in the fretted carcing in the ry 'ald \ tor oa," ; sg Mon. Finch meekly, begi ideal of the " old Adam" in oar natures. 6 ho sent to | a A Fis" Intetligence. ~ peg ' Sebi would aay nn nk 1 <iral to " 5 routers who were "5 th he was very giad to aoe He Nad tnsuitet her, and ebe would ne i wana Leek of water in the public ming gra out the that we shonta aang hd itd bers adhere care ak» nah bod on he "| carpliee Island, in the South Pacific, bod I gether that the coki blooded | seta pig eB eee ahr ashe wel | gardens, where it noon became the farhion L in "nal Norton rogcting _ Why 7 millewnarvaniam w> bad ching oe to beso inuch di ieplored as study the solar eclipse of May 6, have ar Pt tric an with contempt so far as its | ------ oe 4 oe: sooner he than do oi ed ghee for all ohe young and active rence ot both TE Guite right ; moe mach tncre 'sendibie Aad bear sae peo) is pechaps ri paler and revengefal, which wilt rived 26 at Son Rope on on the beesgase! bred intellectual powers are concerned "re aeupicl ey appa re repair daily in order to akate upon z pane 4 . | anybody can = me y hey report fi tea Hobert Jeffries inthe Aye vinta at bd ment | Dod aod freuen. 'surfsoe trom morning of his Kook ged ieee He rend tt teice | pearing of the most bitter by a ne pote hey mere -- it is believed, will prove ss Londen Geoghiss' tie tae contrary. fish are i vhtific under | and of evar areat that she ¢ Soak powibty | Ht ro Whole familie | attentively through--apparently it was not | who shall say Sak . injariogs to find and character than a more | £0 a remarkably quith, not snip ander meieral | rol fT scientific ander Y leucd | aN ating became the raye, Wh lengthy epistle ; then he folded"Tt up, and | clergymen in onate tdmper which soon exhausts it- GEN conditions, but quick at accommodating na magi: lity in io te her dawubter's re | took ep their modo upon the ice from snore: par iota hie maskal withent e wo 4 ied are ris taster," We cannot always prevent A popalar rising ix threatened in Cuba. a sed elreumetancen wich t . oer aaoste and oiling Alege In reading the directions on the H oe 'all duak, taking out provisions wi thee but can it 6 to ap- 7 Id not foreesee, and .the knowledye ; om mol or OU be : act "ihe * i, wicked young ae nap merry pic to wh it with curtosity to heads at t i from ng, but we The Passian Goverament propose they co! r id hinte nter, sod th Remp cows pegenp thd a a Sale | may. ve hon Hy = 'ell you what he at = ahaa alga vithe" (oteioating we oie a Ma. kcdged letter w ah the Vrtaren forge An any tie ey gaining the mastery over us, aun Persona | Doint an ambassador to the V an. ow to meet : coal jock not, slaved | | set pe p2 ald wah an oom ba in the year, ; oes the clothes be) amid, 1 hat ao uer evel repew its but : partine. Valency [nagendal might Por! end ' 7 , | evils in anybody holding' what 40 outgidlera ie ee npc allay eve y well, The lea of Orangemen in Ulster were berthed. The ing j : "rave all things; hold fast that which is arm suds a while | Pevfoc chy hate and dete: ar him, aod [hope Tt was he auias tune, sand the classes were King, glancing 4 w her eyes ti ixed askance migh lowiiy it to be so, though I yer much | 220sadlly large an F lat them enme' deen, with ever eo heavy goed." to an hour --beture { shal He never eee him agai hier the tinue He the young toward it as he dolifed it up, | A VQRY 'TReclows YROTH, : ete ae ikke at this ane bing 4 act 5 Bowet, commander of the Prencti troops, | ee " He > babschoursend at these-vilea.- | es, Wath any,good, leas | | | gitle whe were ey pt Ove ays school He ral pos ee lean hands ope over the | Tun Cook woald 1 dow a as ee geen Petra i in stein arrived! af Hancl 'on Jene | thd. : yh rampart tehanre | ; p the clothes free trom dirt | * !tlows were, of course, bitten with the orber wate huckln, f it is a trot! ery pelfish excuse ? Jone never day an ont, we sown do net ain more in the uu } aon hat what is the right thi itadds to the happiness of those around us, them at periods © y as Itha pity 4 hd t Mo have f MITAETER 5 secersl manta. : U give Rv ar Noow, wes iad knows ad ret ne derusslem ? or increases ae for us, to witness peadial Hanlon, artested for ting {ten with long intervals of silence and with |, th a hetter yee ue ™ x, only treJjerately |! A FATAL watt It was eat to impossible that Mra, King ali rout, wouldn't you, Harriet!" he said, | ¢ - mer ti .. cgthodax id E Knit our outbursts of passion, How much misery in the mardee of 'Mrs. Smyth, agen hae | o™ ible variation. > duce has the heclshe Hh, awe th pid: exery' ' « ter will me The immetiet necquence of Stulla's | sbuntd refase oe Hs alloy bare girls to} a in ~ aot . urn very red. i eel catigi nig teachers of te might be avoided if we should chek ti, ried Eitersnor the 'euined beew icRiowed by 'telery OF bY | cake its plece : ine eet air ict Batt, wl harder ae ee oon veent and so healthy # recreatio: : = 0 san w this, | rebeliiows and wadetiful coaluct ~ that Stsowel thse cs go down te the yardens My cousin ! as it I should Presume | saying 8 Rody en tha ss aby ect? i angry re ut before ia ut oth tee ' ae Loniship, Christopher V Tenteverth, sogthing see be ree svat that t passing | [Stn ny ot mncles, A. ann bed anerg ae Seng Il fe rte te Ber father " ponnle aed ecey: pen the ether Pe ayeeate att ed Pheapien gear arch coat wabet foaee Mi well righieous parvoas, ta there any one who tention to rege" a trains are harmie«, and will perch on the |™ formed to be o mm " bat aviles bat ") ; and every on, whe ly, h s inagine s "gi | comes? o oll by cts A : a ion to resign, a hd . ena bed pomgg ta thy/part remot x 7 pas " How vy hours « ap ' he ; oad oe "long et, ' a ore ava siete of a sow ? and =y facrpseat ep Wyich ie right? u perhape f | allows himeclf wo _ violent amt nape: eee | strict, | telegraph wires or pe aver on Pao . mnder weve nod boap sight con, mp wing the optst wok go herself, and fetch she tried to turn it off with a laugh, for Ay natanath ate ee haan Bot foal worry and Staffordshire, Eogland, Soxemek cae the frating Wonperative. cctlams 'ee enon n be w-to tom euch ungeactous and c ad a ve pod xe rn is, too, laugh matters a though everybo y naturally ashamed when the heat of passion is over? and immense weight in > die ? a sh she : are e ween her house ed Me. King. oT Now I dare say you sta! know, you koo Then how much better woula it be for them | ® HM. wan in wag o whibh young | furnace and glaring light, = taors at " i aap } Now, 1 . 1 " RE suede, on i Tore do a Vt eae courant, Los ci se Paina a and the yenlens by which she was in the iol the pastor and th the handwrittn There ta ome thi fe, arvrame regret apg hmige geod Poses ere ot Wabits da pidge, | sie hee en with a and 'ne a " - | anys fe ' ee ee ut of going to them, A steep fight carefuil ore I came | that : A ty y 'says zal aby was ball an hour long a ae ees tela ey Bessel 5 | dose bates c two sowe af aod gh . bp my word of paki --"cried | piouies are sale Leaecyerpper m avout th bappier and be mach more Pexpected by so | now dua fete in he G nibs es mere bape aig magn ak bane Bet over night, as a " poverty stricken he tases trom i (Sela, ins tna atly. vehat you | omnilerable amount of ris seni Siete Nasir sasnded nek coe tin es Peo 'ser probibi t whe im. Speen bs wadidsusein the weeray of 1 eu nthe a ; Cathedral rquare, which stood high on the ut, = don't give away a . oat Pe actdition esr tnt Sutar---th 5 een NV hnomenel cetik rid top of ~ hill, to the gate of the gardens, | haven't got, my good tady. dine sie way | it aoe very wall : gc eget we week by toda toe w in 'ar okkee ined 'pase "Te Eat i sindithe ms = es vey san in a Bp ia telkt | } aa al happemed, . do alte ° a : oa fred snakes | off sevding bien, ant without closing the door ewe he ? ee ta dare ie valley | tea inten Wek) SH ee raters = lly Possible. OU, you get now! wrong doing? I think there is {death flassed, jad Gabidine, recently' gence, hy arethe rooks pra of ce | Hpat ie. core whan the wach, . for geodantlall te amy hopes there might tw | Dewueeh, By waing these. steps P oirs, Phich banded him hts tea in offend-|cryaker! Better say nothing. J no more pitiable object in life than a man or ot ce guilty of high treason, boy with the clapper? ey | it . with a 5 © vcrabbing easy, even , tur @ future arrangement of Cl nana, Hat ; bat the danger in not teva though the woman secking the aid of man to ast aside ist, has of-'| have notived his ticstile ment ments s they depewd upo eahceoe nt) af in upon, he | Une afternoon Mra. hing, being rather | ed 'alouoe ; «* Nodear a L 'A Pasteur, the well-known chemist, k olf the instant | Te ya will usually ge scribe 4 tonic, or heap, but clean . Mra King was a clever w md she oin her | Norman, wailing to soothe her feelings, |'are closed." Nodear we one of God's most ascred laws, woman fired te 4 mission to investigate the | . Why is the basking j . he physics Tks var In etmploying ® common, c toc proved herself equal 'to the peal ar | later than grual in starting out to | y to do that tie ae ol a ' wk ing to be freed from a husband whom she bay ypae-pr . he hears.the light step ut aman? He haw) i. tiling fo tone up the aysten, ¥ ] often put lean than a teaspooufal of . pe i | daughters, ran very quickly down these | rr od her wh Phat she was going pa ap a li 4 life cae | nature and origin of cholera in Egypt. | is ate re have | f are pure air and exercise, nd: ew dered s ito the bottom of the tub, Her daughter was very young, she wrote ; | aug! . mS : | 'a the word, only oop bd wig once better than life; a man casting T Ti it iss jy. | Observed that after 4 P a ag pn | est of fumion ti Lk ict are of Title en ; the dear girl had been quite scared at the "pe " | y, Tahal 1 walk over to Bartield = need from him into utter ruin the wife he has he London Times thinks conce' often followed attempts to. ipju iP | withous these all urbe iti ay my j ahead banily knows |'*°y slippery. 'The heel of her boot ment Id," aaid Mrs. Finch w Speaking shout 'iniracles, where is ie | sworn to cherish and protch, The Gmenat aban mae French Gbveroment will sup- more hes tare dung at~ hiss, a long pole | "Widsn suffer a goed deal from voli ied bot on of oe Aas ferane shed bees ra, | aad che was thrown lown, falling th the wtole | my deck tg child," said Mrs. Func Chrtetian World at this at? Whasit | discord was once but « little cloud, oft had Admiral P eta thes water; h¢ bas Leen a abot, he eves id summer. fring & Cag singy »\| what it meant. ripe length of rag bas ght, from the top to the | a: bear- | tave. . * atawire, Hs remem surg of prevent this trou mk tos 4 the ty; be had not given her time ® op I will come wit said . it been treated with patieoce 'or' | ort py ame tocurd p alter ws os es mab xteeg men were '0 impetuous, tot om, upon her back. | Mr. Aline kindly "Tt 'ieee frosty Is would soon have been dissipated, bat! The Imperial Government intended send- wea Bot waitfor the attempt aes nterlag, bat brisk wal ~e Yast aad tar meee, fen ONED yours, frightened ito | *She picked bende up, feeling oly rather ° long watk," Is it impossible? It tured | ing tho Surgeon-General to Egypt to observe | but pute timsol! into safety. Hf Fo ci tu eet the blood in mo Tuateve good exap Joa tag, ie not Poor lita Stella ~~ been io - Sed into oe tol yy Lore the d. foe 9 og oh Saree 'iad it poisons domestic peace and separates for. the nature. and effects of the cholera now he did wob realins|thet it' was wan--and cena | tearn nt him away, poor ag | ra. Fide with smiles. wi i ' . to. bot, yolhaginsn eepec: 'ally thane Peo hea hardly dee retanding what she was doing. ' arenes: but she bed Shite and i el or for the health o ; cove at those who would be all in all to sach raging there. powible enemy--tie sr pion rake well \stirred about in the boiler, It is) Rut, of au coo, Norges must not lose heart; ill when ebe or from deliverance 7 _ casmitéilanccisiniaae The P. has 2 sunaonal the she Femed 1 - object, comseq iat 9g bi rived bestto leave by she pias ite of thoes way The Jalla: at Kdmatnham shops to the purpose of onan ai ae poacher is to obiiterate - | table at hic tm spite » pode e 'condition ani er auswer--the answer | She profexed herself to be : nite unhurt, | "WwW 'hat do po want to go t Barfield to | nate lication? T en iimainbam, where the Dublin pinnae eee th sail thas toe ish hal? not ret reget as of such a mere okfd-- hast ot be taken as & | ouly a little shaken by the accident, and she | day for? Way, Sir Edgar was ae 4 dining . ach ts the poms Bite Meacinal, "his enemy, you can do much as y rf 4 the ft.) @nal, Then, of course, there woa fd be Ce- | even managed lata home between ber | | here last night. You cannot want to see sek trom wht is shachiagly ci cire LD g the new twas ghey =< on the | with him, orn in . varying degrees + to fall back 3 'bat 4 en Cecily was deOiters, with» hand ou éac their! his mether, ype there's pobody else there ror used to ieerri "eane. + queen oli: ant at possible, and thee ret ay bo only alsteen, She knew nothing alkgeters. Buta woman of a certain |e but tife childr You can't want to look be pone aigue had « Think . por sag oN by what tol we, oak Tintin the 'philosophy | about it at all--nething had been told her. | is not caer fall Sh such @ manner with- | 4» Lily Finch! 1 suppose. you would like Tee what of all this ado abet Ae hag 74 at 7 --_ othe excitement in | Fecognizes w man. Firet bie light, an' two . soil a Clothes clean. In point of fact, the whule matter bed bet- | out « injury. | my grandson to marry your ddughter, mad- day tral ine and Sunday labour i Are r | Strong founded in Tha tary mon: Jules Ferry dectares mat bare | pared with other aninats,brisk st ai ag fled ' a oe ter bo allowed to rest for the next year, and By ynigiall Mr sien mine was in bed and | ae Prarniag navagely roand upon her. ce} cA public opinion tarni og roan¢ astery, whose priors were pesrs Ragland over the Ti affair rare step instead of @ four-step, " : ' then she felt that. everything thy deste been t for, and by the | ™.. "Oh! Mr. King, how can el, abolition of Sunday asa re dag Lerd Chancel. arisen from a miscon: of the feet, not four boots, There is a difference at WAIrs | oF wer. would come right, phx 'morning agerepiedy knew that she was | 20 wojust,asto say such things! As if 1 of the pe | lors, and of the Freuch Cabinet. is ie Oe dese the ecu gadidy wrapper---a dry- goods clerk. 'That was about the gist of the letter, =a ee ill tm ware. es | and my poor ehild, in our bent Page oee tl are to be held a Hyde and fe js boca by by we ponelitiey | ay use the tr cua wrap . was penden: trons, e a Associ: MAMeCTCe o s Laat winter's féstivities | it gave ber any a pon ---- thas there |" Abd here Mrg, Finch melted condone the Governmest's wad Mareemest | oven yout foet-~that is, by two Dy i aerigpee | i sl injuries of a grave ma- | i150 her ke 'bandkerchiet, th De beats be ter it was ™ address wore other intern Beane yee strained the brisk mations of sed | eee Oot ry pana evar | resto may tre of | foo ma cameras me aes apne | "Doo Tl frame of he ary whi Bet "aii itn | , ij i ful | 4 Irishry. ry di at work ip ine af -- y - morn: | re a wicked, disobedient, rebel. | came the good little French seater? Pain! - d 'a afterwards sbabbed, is i ccomtant provi elton ta --parhclax 'ee it may 00 ee en I thiuk "your sana $ deel of bor we aoulioon | det te on be | itm pa nag me Ortigia ofthe Names in the Wook. anuay athe iy pre aon aranie uh Bh 1 -- ease. The London Chamber | of Commerce has | when they are goibg along fast, With thew = donea deal of harm by your d % r fy wiuaily repo in action. rot a -- but also to your sister | " rhes Mrs. King koew herself to be be dying Be Aral nee vol 'iq, they -- the and sehanens and Pad William of . me talon aharag be leon bd at the 'the eon! and this ia rather pntions---exgacieney barbirgee 3 ' ond oe em et elslent i datgiter, say calling har to bet | Fepresentations: from the idols from whieh f } another Saga inade- | to show tha: fish, aad sty hie Si Prt Nay hing Im: } pon, and ¢ betta wah . inter Tee' theedl. Beatie. Iriab | quate and unsatisfactory, pace rn fee 0 paar by ; ore ; not breathe te wud uF Sy ana fo Sun comes Su reply toast healt! i young titans wea pape wmber that ahe too is | Listen to me, "Stella; I am going to weir del potent with his fase cet at the Ea i F, ag mr my Lond Hats are generally of a different hue* to pont fdr years to come Yor ane: necertain if Wn So we how muck | to have her chan and by ; and it of | a sobbed the zs, bibliog b burping mate, with Seth Dedieia said he Peiteved that. before the | 1. rast of the salt, for ove thing ; and it | true. Raed wy wy don paid i should whet | oe the bed, "don't }hands.oa his course close af vext century the populstion of Can- was noted, a contury ago, that wild 'erea- ; ae a Ne pee anything about sees A | iar new yoa "eth a: ~) pric Mose. tom which ada would be forty millions. ro magn Poultgymnyan are sometiqes troubled with 'nigh fonds "4 i place, amt 'hint | me eo Sella" | **No, my dear, I shall nit e Pai Ry Manda i bakebed a short coat like a | Pg se Setter of pw, Roane Bi ae me covers we to the 'be en all saber ell pec tn penis ttle variety 10 " _ ** Yea, mamina, I will certain! ir | tars gad Goshen, bes is be wet her to | man, bat holding the gece in bis hands. cluded from the House until he engages 'pot wipes for.we nuust romamber' shel aah their foal. The eylila is wis macalag are ; : t to take the oath in to clothes as our akin @ | atuc ther wo Hemdy, tha ce sy Local Gucnan of the Howe. Bead mye | have Sa ulne akin over whe bal hair of the head pce on theca withbabaasistanca, When the action of the H im ill that be wil 'By ail these signs « st both eyes are in th irene ig 8 cea again appeal to his constituents, man inmediately, and ae certaibly } 40. .; wi ty, it' has "6 : ' ------ eee. oe creature} meevinng on land woul paided by. hesring "ated" umoti ; ev r! : 4 Les, to tell hi and Cecily are | week was : Wedoesday ter on démall Pox. kaow him, ise i a Woden, { which 'comes * ered f = me that shod wan'a wile." quite friamtons, and Soak Wp what you | Woden, from he S His TF seg sary, amt! re Stan? fer | i acon dipped ic leas or not your business, my dear," | ate tod», You un itd image was prayed to for vant y (which @ thousand jects trate) 5 80 | and-thé éyen soumed open. "Phey alge ee : will send for fou both Thor, vo bed, wk tothe « manera we are quite justified ia believing that | rea tily, ees toedt rations greédily, and seated im a with stare or all begin to oak, and live at Wrexham, and -you mast head, } bts imprisoped in 8 fish really « or i hat the Is, and do an: eles be tele yor. Fri See aes ee nae Friday, is made over attributes of ite te Scone se ; fe will want wh a Arg El Be pred boos sword in his right Later we learn or one ogee bg too atep i Lady Tricycliats, Gant: bla - grat ques: @ and | walks a slowly 4 posible, at pusnag ike paibe siel_ ot a tricyole haw, alr ebdy oes and oa fous twa it gradeally prowing it, In thin way pro- pron) = Newport, aia sat. between of Rowen ;* ' on he mialg withont vitwation. 'The wheels, Which warn counected by a-short ha Faas Seth ie ot shakon od does pot commens- of saddle. Pie stride ee Gonaider: wale, Thw with bring to make 4d i Duke of the him ta the verge of toe piace where 'he Bat ed mate boociaary, an in ridiog igen: ' Feasts of ain Mer feet reached down: ro ramp, 'The Traming of Chiléren. might oes # bnaking. ' pst employol ie , «Tf eithes of you marry both dof 'nell: steerin aes sge joy che - "Oh, be was nobody at all," answéred | be provided for, and I can feel youve "fier : and of children, ming by " Te OS, be Mand I feel almost | not be cagt out into the world to carn your | ment in the care ng wr has very. ved, own living. I' cannot speak a we should never give way to anger bef other | been, wo 3 eare of mater and try them: be ia. | much Re. iegsprtee fo baad ns yous my | wea tr bam eding tees onan be prac £ aes read * Y. was erential that strictly ; stopped, faint and Mb f Naincer gern rd hepa well re 08 the pas- | that it is bgteeahenand her Stella, the insulting reply Perr Se place | Dr. in terror, pamioued te doctor and the can we wander these abe. ander urep from the adjoining roam. are ; Sante cesonh, oa tree pnatie days after Mrw, King never spoke agais. 'either % ; mae » pn a ma, epee 4 Sony ove hewn a ocho come om yet? Dig they | Slt th ans ves aaa Set batter, bs & to senels eihene for sallealy, | With such a " * teh Beata ga Aas com» | the of CHAPTER VL then reasons with the child, sovere a o , rata =| he has done wrong, then if be reai- whilé: be na we told Yanieenan ewe eat: WREXHAM, Me tm make him Speer half an : The winter sunshine tame palely ia Shion bre desire 'keep shoulin's . 'si : : = bat ; ttm. | arn was hissing and "The South Renfrew election case has been | and i + coe ae te ol ace nad aijpanel wal Sop athe ton : ; ' $e he ic a row upon | : 5