a i oo hes | eet a ine be slay | GO! trains may ge 8) ACS CONTEST IN A , i 'Sew! Advertisements This Week. | THE --~ will sopply eve Pat | . Lotro Grit organs are of --The Ate ; time Cnaxar. ; j Ready |--A. Macnair & Co, os were a short ' tore a Meryant Wanted A. Caren. will have s working majority ee oceery vada oe Wotls to Conteciors PH. Rnnia. the Ontarte tne Gea of iW Timowa Excursion, ~ they / of past. The wrung oo teek iuevot.will Neve ever, pra ay gpl ys Sere tt upon the party and ' Bs 3 ie und pepe) vein ee taken iato Hel tw Cisse shestianad p PW, Biyett, who. as nen sling as and 3 be to Weet Sit he ti Py 3 keeper for the late firm for nore. years : 1 be par og ilton has 1 otc -- slewwasi hen on is a shrewd, active 7% 5 Bry a Ham has * Lak tye yg dia are Copperiieds file Const, pre pore the new fm the basinen diste---Mary. Davia, Fesatge by the steamer acta iat ae 'ae as Gibson has oufy limit the limits of ppt mane tain eundnete peobmluc-! onieucaid Ellen Gerry, Lizzie Edgar Hepey; ae noth 44 rere"? | ed Parliamentary page | well chown, the real Copperas OFFICIAL INSPECTION. | Wiis Gary Lise -- cprowtenhy ss noah premet poniny sana it Bie amor) ocibeen so are these tion of power ; : ; om Third Ciass--Mabel Davis, i aw failure. The fit two phots . if Sir P j : Fivestaof the people, ane "ingghy Sth MENRY TYLEM AXD G.T. AXD 6.W.R. OFFICIALS Mary A. bgp Nnar ag foecoy~ oemygtior a od penetra: source if oi whaler sig aan ¢ ear iae ae for Muskoka, 8 | ¢ for the sake : nee RET four, Samuel ing Carey's re ; "Mr, Fauquier, M.P.P. waa 'and "his 'friends on _-- bay ek aps d, and the * ba! = os: . ive, has bee unseated. Too at Toronto, if the Mi alter of Mitcbel roll tame before'! him in the ; se In his friends--or in it will be upon an fternoon = special train | 4) nesceainent i > ; i wiibes, woth When wee beings Sa or pecuent a Goderich, anitred ' Liners for o ee half --_ en a ved may number bue- | sconunt of s terrible one in Engligh, ° . a G Henry + President 3 Esq... : furniture most ' ruins. prota, week jk od am it into Pastinnsent by supporters in Partiamant, and may pes. : oe enh along ae Hickson, General | town, and G. G. Esq, for the ee with 8 scream, juror ae peceriecs of the fa be ue - neat Phrestrille >--' ateytine rid taallen, Sng Sages $6 5) BA | a Ee key cle eee Ot . Manager, Masts Spies, Mannaloedead Walle jertstiedlen fate satin, see 30 Chane woe at O'Donnell: and a ee oe el ee eee ae Thor. Havvand wcat Sir-| was owned by & man Jeb roa do their best ; * ts nits, apd Messrs. Stif, i in the matter, as bimi from firing again, was Wrecked. Gor, Hubvars ex rotten # by hi seated. bers of ite to from West Simcoe pn yer a Grest Western proof as to whether the county council attempt to prevent is and said; 'to ard the sufferers. an ps Lergronad fears --=_- > _ | return of and Hobson the | 2° -law extending the time for the | O'Dounell pushed her gently at i" OF Tae KILLED mestiries, young man about ty pars THE COST OF THE INVaSION tain the slestioos. are. deserviog of Ube pale] meade tear top bo the soepee hie the retaract tha rolls te' ones wae inde A prendre apr ton cb fel er peli Larn The eyeone (0, bewter dessoleh: factared socne: fous or fo ae bill t eliboiced i party 5 ikniode shih Cn ail d liter- ro sof the vessel | three buudred = wohe There will b veredt censure, and vil ' ly, a 1 | Stely adjourned. fectly still until the officers The killed. so lar as Koowa, are dot wrnee ate, ware condign punishanens epon their rae ragag y ego) Sage oe DONEGAL. placed him in irons. Carey ee M (Cote, airs Ovtore nash lene going : : order. fted f h ? Pot "'therbes. fanwer, Mail; Who is sar de expensive com- the Gri machine is being worked in era warn 1 and the fige, brigade in where in a few minutes he died, without | Mra? aed cats 4 ve hired expensive special] Soon. Is cays: coneection with the shops tarned ost. All Mr. J. C. MeLellan has gone to take charge prvse tpn The correspondent of the | Wm Hi four wlideotoe mix wanoe - no] , The el-etion emiset now their surprise of his schoal at Loy a ee Beue'ak Town telegraphs thet are Known ta be cared tr veurd eet casatien and there fs ae ts Fail of ieterese to toe ei ty wi which the alarm was responded pk, Thos Lea = pues id dane Jue Carey, | Tne destruction Bet Dodge sad Giewtend i a 7 x sattio Eyer once of th rang uchanan, nn ving up farming. ia sent home | qountiee te terrible, go presind prosipas of Saisie The jistarbance frotoetint of tne Outarts taverns Tr apa ie ee oe as fan be. Jno Irvine bas colt, two monthe old. peck arg England ' -- peat Jus susie nfee pep ctlas p ooo jor mon bees distriet r i : rel 'pommmne's' Piz. 2h wing ing i a 7 and the To vay ae "bill? "We are | toes posing tat Peliie fe b, complete wore s ialdeiede aateepeaie so = "at ie s says; --Before | ,,Omaitenne, Miah, Aug 21 seal akouerivel | os. bet eal te patient aety d who istgoing voted by paps genre ated te Supplies (best quabity, lowest | pairing buildings, . Everything | " dir. W. Knox has been appointed agent A Cape Town despatch informer | mitroad accident oat: tuese | He then hung a erow-har EE Tee ey at ee od lnvading | sprees et srs from th cverwer of & asock of Sehier' Sopp (Wass quariey, | yard was minutely Eeponed, ing 0 the | the Hun Life and Accident Assurance Com: | oS, chs who killed Carey, "I an not | of the wate with the 3 wounded Ma a Lepage ate would! ae ansnaybhy we do not remember that any erate aed res oad ott ao lidate ae4 $0 fice, ana L. Weir's, opposite] New Post | was. om they and the disttlot aloes pany of Mobtrea!, i. aoe ne commmnisted fae telal, Be bald > nso po burt, aod itt ees med wt ; hich pap t A what | pilah the defes! now ine. | them : . station buildings, i " { Milverton, will, ilfal murder. "The eon Lon en eel 5 ' , for. Out of pi Mt the Govermssent . after which the party | ' sie. J.D. Piernon, 0 , ange from Yesterday we ; commission wes provided for. Out sroure the eleatien of the ( t the | Office. - : and | were looked through, aft bj : » start a stop in the | in self-defence. Carey drow a oi wind and batlstoria, aod "i Pieces pepo t to p "> | Lo the aptrit of fair play -- fie Prof. Hotchkin's springles} truss down to an elegant dinner, prepared | course of a tow days, iecsae 1 smatohel: 4 208 ehot him. 'wevere Spent gone shed trom ve the ae fund ing expedition? | Ome parsued iowards fnerderto convioce| Sas . How $ in another column, | sat bade rs h building at prraeut occupied by Mr. + | bis pocket. 'at Caps Town. Se A Si net se Lee Goer ths vols ond tows mt tire bode tom Gece matter il' the new bet fev' 0 lead way Fetes in wilt oat eect the supporter edvertionnan hold in its of which be was | 'The pabli¢ schov opeoed on Monday, but, O'Donnell. wishes to be tried willi) Tgoatiowion Geseribed po tn aoe of the most hurled 125 yards fgjrotigh :the sir It ia w more than mea il as thal the Fe aaes won ether the He defies tho hernia be cannot! 4 roomé, Mr. H. La Rose, the pabli¢ "i ity of rafts to get Application for a writ of Habeas Corpus f eeu accidents ever witnessed. | wheel wax h Py the parties tario Gor- the Windsor mented. At 7.46 d * 7 It is believed raslrosd te pieces. The ia name Legislature will sustain the ; rep te acer deed yan the On pad Go and ses him at deserredly compli ° hv war af the attendance wae: net be made to the Suprema Court. Besta ona aan shattered + wae he illegal and impol foot, effarte put sree Oct. 1, ial for Wiarton by way across the rater, Mn C give t evidence, | Mrery Siberos wemanth She deteta, 7 of the disp " cen consulted, "They by the Govern cary soe ones Ee We have pea D. D. Hay, an CFesip and Paina roto, . | the pad-dcra long great dea! of damage was done by the which che hes hikiocno withbela. ieny Niinds Neary ov feed '\odies had ves hind. Legiaiatere were -- "% - how there are grave cahion candidate has kindness in mailing Tux Trex regularly irect , rain, fences, saupbentinte dihelGeiectemat fone Tuina whet Se" gentionmen % 5 dot cae r aang seep neers toes snacther | Baki newspapers. og fun To ing cS at akaetvoun. cig foie ot Bg ai ae east aotih, setulh beary) -" sroesisane around Oana. Pm Tenge write of ee nt were. the okt cvoding ors and wire more fom tne | Work m placing Canada' prots The official cars contgining Sir Henry toes, and it Pill be some time before the dain ° -- Wer Una Weck ot Wenieeiee tae erty |: é sunk as ountry repudiates as ui think, they Ploromer is 1@ teen from the 'people of Auld President, G.T.f.; Joseph Hickson, }. ; the roads, can be repaired. SAMBOW KACAPE OFA WELL-KNOWN cIrrzeN. | pr Was pais & was valieved 'The head 4 dishonest. We do not , fos tha Govennmans nominee se enn fram Sr | the . ' 3..0°Con. | Tyler, Presi CE; Walter bind. . expecially to ane recast victims would reach a scx. bers and if they of the boat of corruptionists he would a lingering illness Mrs. Ij. J. Paq., General Manager, G. CB; Walt | The ""Aideet fotatctane " never rermen) on _ | the number uw separator, will support a Be pay Pfon, nad singe bended ina fair Sgut After Sanday last. We Bender oar | Es., Secretary G.T 2. and'G.W-R. div ; : ter so high in this locality Ottews, Ont., 23,--A terrible barri +, & TOWN, MBARLY y Knocking 'the compelled Mesars. Mowat and cae | eee Oye eee eat needs Algoma | nor died on San " yereaved husband and | ley. Ead-, a) Buperi R. i over the township of Nepean) Loos Mina, bandh ator x Caldwell 'was te bi pr melas gAge oF in the ! The deh, but it Gapetinedia whether the ormesthy_ te aed La i a Ga. orrow, of Listowel, is ge rns stews, last night. Sey vieioaen st the egening s cyclone strack the norts tievatarn, few tne janine pauls 1 Seem © very much, b : be effect ial train, for sore te Lebanon. Me. Wan ind may b hen it ~The DOCTORS DISAGRBE. | srjery ofits cemttarey wn eer | 2 Vertue Bi Hoge ns inn tacasig Mi. Mor. | ind ay De some wore Po tack were | freer, 4 oat tation airy wan Sew WASN DOCTORS fd t candidate is successful in-that| Ox ron, of Listowel, were if Btrat uring past year proposes | PM of the Matchmore Park fine trees | 'were Lilled und haty weusbed. The city ie in crasade against the North-West the sonstitoetig it will by no means follow diet cecil Se etal i leaving Dotiegal al-o. Daring his 1" | campletely demolished, aad coveesl ent pepe lend tocd. The superiatendent In ite Mon Herald, avd | re owat will able tw carry on the derson and Mr. John F Be has isade s host of friends -- | Tihs connected with ee o€ she ratdway telegraphs thas the list of Ruled Globe fell tout af the faith that | Mr. = Province. And vill | Thos. Henderso: 7 ecjally arpongst the fair sex, with whom he of C. It. Melntosh, M.l'., on Bank-street aod wounded is houriy lacr Cuarles. Itepart / ; " oe ' ; + of them through Utica and Fort Cu: although they are of one poli Toronto | Gvvernment A victory gained | young nt Locomotive Supt, | especially } favorite--who all wish his the were destroyed, the wreck of one wept Nem ne Eee Cnarie 'a : bitterness of the lost something too. Hf. | evening las . vit rn. 1 Secre- | is qn especial . f Lebanco. ; ' All the tele- | trom Dodge coun! life. The mayor of . y ii 1 means carries with it a loss of 2 oe that Mr. | Stratford Div., G.T.K.; Wim. Lanning, snecebs among the Cedars o making the road impassable, mich dauiage with joss . soeaneh the Went of oak ome 0 Shins, and jy aod the respect of oe a p. D. Hay Enignation Agent Sar Ontasic, eoty at Gone nee Circe Me Ba tioea | Pete of mone alnceys 5 © -- "| gre poles, telephone i Pa Winona splay Nog. SA porta of ta ty of will, with other points, shortly be dis : for its un- hom Mr. Mowat can iit. . nt at the Hightand Agricuttaral at 11:560n W 7a nt, LISTOWEL. yes were torn down ith debris. pentes: merit of i ewer 5 Misiatees and because that paper bad rebuked it 1 | people w supporters. was present at the Highla istributin by Capt. K. C. Nelies, Station Agent, ~-- tance, and the road strewn wi Teoeived the most damage ty cussed between my ut . Caps of | Sais tim see ener Hociety's Show in thet city, distributing peerage dl Mechanical Saperiun! bad The Banner says :--The Bank-street it could be noticed that, a | Town, Not s house te uninjured and not | on th fidential dispatched the 9 be to charge it with want of ---- : ty d giving all req capt. J Kerr, Mecl : Su tam. Tux Frogva.--' a: . | From . ing to the west indicating | eyclone loft stauding, It locks nt = distance at his fect. confiden: v8 qisp , pa Ritinti Gira tei: | THE NEWS OF THE DAY. Pe Biren a tor cirngnnena| See ec cea ee ee be cthmagh «ary rds nd mre | Wt re was baring to ab roll be | rea eu teat | he of mo Tis Geers ack ete cl te r Sorth- Weal," ot lenst it says f be taken-- ae t--Many | = Past Frusout Lixe.--A new a ent | den! te accompanied by mem. | sion gone ence, but the destrue- |- in that ' Eoises shew the terrible dewtiucure foree idea o! Sat and oe © Queen ; b -- ; 4] round of inspection x heavy loss jn cousequ * some farmer to to the cyclone had passed may be obtained, 'Gommons for: the wurd of the Globe 'must Sainy charged wiih A London corrospondent pai knowing | has just been entered into for the [running o: bers of.the press. The station offices were | bi property cansed by the flood on Sab- almost hoping hope not to expect in | Se wind, As soon as the cyclin topan | may be obtats aes of I 4 5 for what it is worth. On being char. | persona who enjoy the privilege o ® the freight trains from Chicago fo Boston, | bers of-t then followed a walk across the | tion to prope riage 5, As ¢ of further jon of proporty people it: the more reread por fa rene | the explosic liberal 'supplies voted by them, and ' Herald it made a h and heir fast . 8 4} Montreal. | first visited, then " is | bath forenoos ear) hear o| ot the firm' of | $5 )Rrohos they hing pil bera: P See Sealy etcie| Gartan ari ontiet |eeeien aren ad a ad a ere pd ae Re LP Seah eterna coatinnes sy by tie 'es ate. Ms paren, 10 ie ast, iles, is {3 houre-- | somewhat w Sept. | a aitmated wi ; te ; ak-street road, was return. Ease tearful, no iden of ite extent oo ats Oa Two riborKs,-- HOME AMFAins, every one says, is ow : | longer fife of the two. No per which is close ou 1,000 miles, of repair. To a Telegram reporter 4 the reams which run in separate | Mclean, Hoger Bank-street pe hext morning, when 'lis Borrore |i, yaw a ha ie ta which our Montreal eS tein | whe hs j ie. piierwnnt urprising fast cime for freight, | ¢ _ nest what war to irections towards the southeast and west, it ing home and was caught in the full fury of | ited 'wnui 'Commencing at J, K. Cook's phAGGRD FOC mites Con THE ds 'and Gentlem ~ We do not know who owns the @ "Globe | of typhoid fever is ever properly | variably | G meeting wes in reagent the building, he said it was ander | directions haw been believed that in a | 118 blast, and had « miraculous escape with mere sypallisg. Vaal Koad, waich was euniresy : de has nak whose interest it is conducted. The the | out of danger, the system being in JL Pram axp Gast Tuesdéy evening | dane , ve it, and build 'freight | could scarcely Id be inundated to |) ic ite, The storm burst upon him as he | bose the exeione ook: Laltade sees- |. Péris, Aug. 2 mn Gironde | venue thus far has ho owns the " The Prince of | uy) Liberal olab rooms on consi to remove it, few hours the streets woul is life, -- few seconds | dem ® and outbuildings, not leav ng ris, 4 unpre: Poa unit. evidently does not knaw w ionsi eti-. | left' weak a No k, when « fish and gam@ club was heds in its place. Leavi P depth of four or five foot, nidewalks torn was passing the track, and in a fe: , dence, bar theuce sweeping throguh Lower | oy oo Friday a und M., | ite anticipated amour Herald ths fo we thin "yroteasio lighten | Walse bimesif 'news this well enough. No | of last woe ith the following oficepa: De. D. | she« men's library was inspected, and while | the moved, nnd | the crashing of telegraph poles and clanging Town, It vensed ea Dani pies wines | Codoniéd in the Aonalall Lalloening. ° Si, of the classes suffe aeette és that we should enlig! we | mania careful in regulating his hea! he | 2rwasiaed wa Presiden: A. Farmer, Ist | work Pgh Baa directed that the fire | up, down|s raging-torrent, 'Lhe damage at the Jed wires told him of his danger. Petoe oven thio ta my places w hare Orans iekngwn wipe ; soulture haga) tanek ot our contemporary. This much, however, r ag many public dinners, Eraser, "W. Blair, 2ad dog W. Law. | in there, which was done, and the | carried down)a rag: operty is tl et rapidly, but only to find the had beet a resideoe, | npreoan dlabyno yi fot il balloon. in agricu tement made by fi drink Asarule be | vice Precident; W. : alarm be sounded, nce | to public and private prope od the dctris the left. The te Silted with wad ae bust. | oo icts shown som! many Bert Se er hip is simply | eats but little and drinks i of | Seo-Treas ; J, P. Woods, Cognsel. connected with the works at or now lestimated to be from $15,000 to addy streams bad pourel over it. 'Ten rect ' vh of in reference to our proprieto: . dines in the middie of the day, aaa ae "Serene : "--Mosste. A. M and gave the officials an exhibi- 0 Ul. Although cf course a r ies . heen bicckn were unccated Maire ment Ty eral dtate untroc." The Herald then con' a innales if} @ chop sod « glass of sherry. At night, | Baspt! Ava, Beast!" -- docks por in case of dgnger from | $20,(00 in all. lamity cannot be tatall void the obstruction: to cut across Fhe sotal: | whineut busi- ustry is sound, and "We doing Un Globe on patton if * leaves a pablic eutertal | nair & Co. call attention to their tion of their rab Superintendent's | rence t 1 be done to | ® by the blown-down fences. | 17 are'-----Joo MeCole, a pra by the vue 4 henever goods for the season. Mechanical Superini and w. the fields open by a : four mii hed up by Gloses valy veotes ah eancther method of | NA! carefel to 'ezap.Sieaeel! ap nd avelte | ar doen Garin os ae eee fon Tie Mesiaain ste bath reome, cad | prevented, niuch may sorts | To this md Here he was siruck by some fying pieces ol wind aa Saad round, treahing gvery presicc. sokalacnees j ation. It ts aud it declares | running all ris! cold. ie song himesl f a ly the wants of their numer- Ni the departments in ilding z ic momsures are being taken imber, w ete ray Mrs Biscle, and gunt; Mra ered to the dis. rs ego for the North-West, word res | ful man" of the popular comic song , to supply +, | ich they wended their way | energet FP istel the 4 on his head and the other on his | Dips gad ; Mrs Osborn a: Wm Hig- Ireland, exceyt-in regard eC Cito cated | ot mors art tn the bit te Eg especialy in the ides of tions land cir | ABHDGA. Alter which they wand ati | and eect ferment brig | ROR Hie slog reached tome and up to | Ta my Gauche a tht, ies MeOurmik. posal of appeals, 'where therd 14 scil jo: he t;* that 'the of | lish throne. . es found in good order. ton to ore & driver, and buil this morning was doi L. a ia | Bight bodies were taken into 5 Whe been i it ty opeake . Hagh Shield, > which were four " where the wood | intention 3 town t hae visited this their names were kao ia cain Twill costisye 19 30 oi ie Ser oe official report of Mr. Sunderland | "APS Dusrn---Hew, |W. id Hes de kaon ap the « long shop, through from pre Rar ee oo Ndast forty fest, and inaailis te tone tela, fed four fe wait "Unclalined. woaking 26 killed. sien to serve the North-West!' Ifthe Gi 3 Q.C., M. P., 3400 af tha & h Resrak, intimacy pester at y and to the other, 6 was also the yards. wa idth will be secured by moans of pilos -----eeetiningidip ig einen * an iedinua ican Quick and fre ehiltzen. tion the provisions ee a ee ee . has been submitted to Parliament. | 7 Church, in Bratt Toa, | S20 and bo she other, d th dnrelg drtelithavagh tee enkenionah very terated Tea. - | Gadiyeat: Ms. Rboed. "wife and eid | Prat late combinaté ould be ap RT sua. Wat the Glan Ii appears yd a aie Denend & learned af aleve leach | aa were also the oil shed and poe were | severe lomes Were sustaindd throughout the Aan) Sv i 3 of Jap. Mon. liheet' teueesaliy? Jef baner," Jha ~ of con! ta der the of chiliren \ bar gi de in Steptiord and | rooms. 'The freight offices an gricul- | adjoins bi P iber of fp The seizure of 700 more packages MT pebhenoek. Weeser Dau U'Hrign, Us. f Liab; 'induence to 'serve' 'ihe NosthrWeet ts | Uhe hall wes built, and wiahoot the tooe ing | 0nd many of his old trieade in Step ited, and y agricul. | adjoining the ground. A nuniber of New York customs authori. | Steer sores Henesa Onear (tei payment o , * to 'serve' the covet itect, the bolt, instead of being vicinity will join with us in expresding regret | inst visited, end up iting shipment Sir | being razed to natal ss having been [ ancso toa by the New Yor is being | Lew injured taternally, #. 'A, hen wits been broken up. jqure Ea se bang oper mre North. of the arch td ure, was of the dacaise. tural implements awniti to learn that} cattle are also repo wed the | ties shows that & determined the effects | Miss laviu abd two children. Nols. Hansen, fe ety | Z West matters "ithes practically ebiltereted its | light eaough to yield to "jron_ work, | *# his dem: : Ohio, son | Henry ed was surprised drowned. Frpm reports we have reoeived t F frow child, badly cut: Mra. Usbore and dangh tion in agrarian crime, [wae matter, it ee Cemeseenis euneesens ste " deseri of wrought iron * Mrz W. RB. Giblett of Cleveland, ~ Bran was such an important manufso- i } hi Iteration in this line of business, badly bruised. Three chi dren wo Lady pie > urder fof their object | have udd record. it finde Ae Bt of door had a small a) re eo Mr. Richard Giblett, formerly ofj Stratford, * Papin dollars Mornington | of adul sand, brick | Giarit is thought they rannot be reocgnined wy baving murde: "tyticles caleulaved to prevent iby pettlement of | The door ts time, and arranged so | of Mr. iii leave for Califodria on turing centre. ee from ona | to ten thousand dol heavily, | Gypsum, soapstone, common the i reas The above are 19 hospital. "Lous nm chec! by the No rats Shee ectnmang heey ee | admis "tacilitate the taking'of tickets." This | writes that be wi his infention to} It is evident from retmar passed § ly | appears to Have suffered the most heavily, dost, blue are among ogre Mrs Coons, ¥rack Cleneut, with broken . the erelit af the company la be | a4 to facilitate the taking of tic {| 4th of September, it being his : d | to another of the officials orderly alcecoh avery held j culvert being dienis of their favorite beverage as it h Hone ain wan ties ; ; punishment of offe ing epewed ia' optticnent,' tis anne aw fe | aistrat We dene do is te canines ines | wedi elllior uf 4am. Praoehion, of ferteo in which they found the works kept y ei lien Nd. Goane of theve pleasing | "TAy Cyclone rtarted wear Owatouna, foliown' r hala vbeckiarioik ae lo settlement Ite to tha Marthe blocking up a door so as to enable one ticket . We wish him prosperity # the land | manner well satisfied with their away or remored. blige heretofore been in order to give to the | »jiue neatly a mile south of the Winona railwes pete i oe eck Hike teallincsa THE SESSION's LI "Wee ort re <itie te cntae jal! thoes | taker ta callect trom « large pe tes ot big trait tod big Pi le of 'all After Tearing the eee ine NEW HAMBURG. ten a color which unadujiarated = tag thereat "pasved, opst twenty ate ities, three port nly but bumped' met teens atu y Repent ork of legislatio: Government it Government | appointing more than one New Cwrerram.--Mr. John §proule o! H and the other officers --_ make it weigh more, and some telles worth of the rosd. [t varied ju ip oo} the wmidel of a Genes ae OF D ager et Ase x ce ar oes bt me 8 Gor being is far too common, now tha = has beet away on/a tour up | Henry their ure, stopping but Fioons.--In this village has been | seme to the tea has bean used | fom due to three miles atid did not skip . jratien was DOOM str hia | progress he close @f the treduced and svithout taduiging (p charges ana | P2TPO=s, warning has been given of the | the Royal Hotel, he was a | train and took tations on the} THs % destructive deluge of | dissemble the fact that t of it. Dat swept dverytuin® clear. Mouses | bery, Cru: i B] Etecally torn 'is | which Texpromed at the close ; tredueed and without indulging (p such « fearful ing iste to" be Northern lakes. While there | few moments at the lower 6 experienced the mos! r before and that the virtue is gone ou' Eee Set Sweet sre mone. Aster a» beard | oiothes, but his «kit he: een pany +0 whosee: flow from it, it is to , d were so | . St. Thomas. ' its oldest inhabitants. On ore Bn be the | barns and crops | mare Killed outside of say Pate was dragged for t have no! ted inreichictnnsa be devmoymeatetine Sorta boped pubis opinicn il tania rash, rather | fahen up witb' hie' becve apy -- | Se. Friday wight dod Batarday weak bent raice | 2 somyion by each euocemuve handler of the | feam-sbout sr yectoas Wome, Kido nantly ball « ae thecogilt te appointed." T Rave | cordial "Senay a draguing stad to accommodate a rush, i honorary chief of the roing 'clock | followed each gther, when the } PP Loni to the consuni- paces Finally e pease ta iim aveatpliah their teal eae without dn 2 : venient for | they elected him an honorary c ednesday morning about two o'cloc! ; ight and Sunday | tea on its way from the fiolds ; 1-0 Finally, ome: he 'of | ausent to y dows the Norts-Wees and sdian Panine il- | than bolted doors, while, very death to the | tribe.' His Indian name ia " em -up- On Wedne: Fr ining Sir Hen' ed to open on Saturday night undsy i ly rascal in the procession. arket. cond, 'Gratien ay wed be & mass : dane aesall 7 rance i cars conta ; trent till the | er that he o Stratford Cheese Market be neaggblecding to death. | which snenre da com pet eer If the Globe had ® | the showman, as en , are iol {"" as train o , Presi of the | morning, the water falling in torrents : honorable to human = wounds, and to be neiggbleoting tc '- occapied "of lak F war iets at avery ot readily find the | conie in tains -- = _ oi & te q Fou iit Uiseitie Cisse on germ Tyler, of London, -- -- Genera dan of 'day. br noon, the -- auiet ane the ultimate resultant of at Buuatlord, Ang. 21 ISx\-Ths-olferinze t-tay | Strange Yo-cay he did ndfgee conseions pe ---- by Gee ceeit | prow ener ba doe srs erg prey The election in ta the totuem a ---On Monday last we bade good-bfe . ane J. Spicer, Superin it; ittle stresm, t, and the moving of | these processes & mos! one t | were2O17 boxes, Hipooses being July, wo ©¢ | for a ingle i " and fidence apparently bewn been % iu she ost beyond doubt, result in the return o Meth: wife, of Burlington, lows, Pree Engineer; Assume 8 seribus mepect, f the United States Governmen rast cb Males i090 baxes Iaitsr_part od although he E trusty'tend to proinote confide: Giese 3 maligoans tet the aridaacs of «Conservative hee Lay od Wat Po oe 'i were ¢ _ their way to toc! co be vil Wallin Ley ve Supt; Chas. Stiff, Supt., | property fe hlgher oe ier hind coronal The lors of the 'trade in _ Spurious and Saba beet pe: a . p mble, ts. | injury, a wer. between Ke uffected. ' . --* deter -- tion er Sao s lier /neon, . t thy of hear en iain wpe "gue of fo | wate by the Eaton Gout, Wve Sime | wh it acer ner may | Uae ron 6K. mdi | EOP" dh fn Rei | coos me ety ot pra dies ta is by. perce rete gt , Esq., . P s 4 iron bridge boihe 7 low m: - in! % "» With very ai le, J ure, uy. itis ussiecs ste tine Canediian carried by Mz hog ellen & majority bere feel regret at the long distance Joveph Hobson, sacl oer "Geos obey robo baie rr og ma floating, women | of the kind above specified mr) pes ae be | iittie disposition t do busiges, at ies Sgures, | carryiog eff pe zn bere a eaio at ciections Nectar tetany Pere eee ane tae | ceremnay 8 uke, be reeciving 9 mai In | which will hereafter divide them. Division ; J. M. Riddell, Supt. Geo: sey, later thin she through the raging cur- | Canada? And, if so, shou! mp- | Nertfatn Tiwrday booeee iq | #00d fortune it soon 'Las terra firma. | lating to corrupt pp woreawest oe 'North-West are the of 29 over his a was vas G. T. RR Pree Pre. wre. pembers tLe 'sie Division, and . Asa were bali exiried | way beodening more and | taken to prevent its entrance for consump. | 5 gpl all 'ane. "{Qtetings 4,800 bates, Ini madethoiselle at last # neo and bealy.| will extinguish the rH pares interes: 4 > F. _ : c } f f f° 9; e . e sorely distres sd, a . Fevulta of ita regard irr Canedian interests: If beadaonl by Mr. Thomas Long, who defeat. | of the Grand Trunk Fire Brigade cola ant nical Supt, gic the ps alarsaing. Wahow! one p. m., the livery | tion. ee: See mes -Y eon ences Oi Pe : con Btn, esi cafdldod sours' corruption -and upye all who have bad todo, witb. tne epeutog td Mr. P 2 by @ majority of Gi. lta! ford and several h syd acs Pini on | Those officials ee tour and when | stable floated oft ity posts, tow | $he iron A Meteor Outdazzles the Electric Lstie Felis, Aug. 2.--Belea 11.571 boxes y rom | seared, - ther wi Tolom, has vesed Laticicat enpee Sy ot the North: Weet La rwcest you mrctiat | capture by Mr. Phelps at the last electioa Saturday last. The good things of le were { line of the --_ visited the new | bridge, steadily it moved around, striking the ° Light. "intea Awe gu talse In23 boxes @ from se.| The Weleb to assist their |The Act improving-ihe law of -| oo ite {pettein na one te silly enough to be- was regarded by both parties as « Me con enone Pagel lied, and the ral games | here bt lar them who saw our harbor bridge, which guivered, os i fete tg oy ren land fi -boats toh halle a hy singe Laue nae Pricte Lap epson en. o exal " | 'ra atey ix well milapted to sa a couatry: Wise ibe 'country wre, whet Lhe and it was cued trom the Ceceahetina. feorts sone for. One of the wees pares first me he gretent at aaa a a bowes of sas _ When one of the States bg ery. cate Fintos. Aug. 3 -- Oller " v7 some fellow country heal bin cw of sais t 78) adneed poop: ~ oat Tarek Wises fidence: on part ; the presentatiog to j ite beacty and adaptibility for | building bs the . 3 sland, hot -- York, Aus. 14 --Mecolpie fi ------$---- 'ae ane + 'he Act con: he inteswna ore tent pope wee @ real | They have . ctacltee. ta be, | tures of the day was the p im| of a ¥ miration of ii axiak i the inten- | few minutes jater a went through 'elook last evening, a large white ha boxes; exparia, & The market trading communities eoumsnitied by @ beet it would | They 1 allow themselves to be | George Clark, by the men under him] of a very ree, and that it was | on the iron bridge tumbled over, land: | © ison, and beret with & report |. S500 bones | experts, KEAD boxe. thet th low : . ; will greatly improve Ler ihn te onde to pecan ta ahvertoe ponttanes | heace they wil} not Fe sboald not} valuable gold ring, suitably engraved. George tion of th y to F crowd as the ire cde down Gee across the horizon, , ao | eae Reon Sul many cherse went tits stor ; ' cet September | Corning paterits i on "A edeempod ro ht" nappini 3 " * P P| : do » large portion ef the northern ing it 200 yards ing was | that bled a ten Y thas i Ma riows, Aine, bo. to be : ancy 9), j /Q00D SERVANT GIRBS whout Sept th ition of inven The pro- pad. Fhe weitene tn the (loge orn enty poblis | be too a ¢ co watire cendidele | ia the A -- esmwoll | -- wa sed & Sant railway yard was | water still s care and everything. , | close, spparently, to be sa denther Helier «ug. 2.--Thecheose marketisvery | AY re sey ' ; vision wile pu Fis waten ter would vecroncd. thet attacks Inajority. Nothing but grdes negligence the | 19 their 'complete stock The tied sana ters eee Gs ee a ee and the Wood's family were left ia La | must have landed © great statae will ate XV. Aug. 11-200 boxes ald - A-CAVEN. | > 'sin thine bd ae matives are | 3 ble. of 2 i a. e ener 3 o whe i f their lives, when' was visible w to-day or 9}0. per r . 1} shal ne ome anhstnely Sheer ia a6 clear 88 | inexcusable supineness, on the alt, | #24 gente' furnishing vases, and in danger o stand. Only ope'star was Buowx Straor', August 94, 15 f the national. debt wi i : j ,. rth of ls of the | Deter McQuade. * volunteered | soen { the fleet of the PrcKaRD, Jonx Baowx, -- of t t a a gc epee ba ar ne eed Saecnedat mb mare | Berman tgese Sos cemette |PeuaeSettaren, | mn "BURT | alin te mania" thi party with which the Globe baa Se tar tale oh Ibe cae et nae ate Toot wanh' genta' furnishings. trunkp, Talioes, Irish Poverty. tempestuous waters never tiring antil every | Lron Bt at the time and the three ne A aq rire ge credit. The Act for ele an TR 'The Baie jovernment have decided to the bs dsome were = os ee eee i HOMES IN TEX BOO swamrs or | sou! the ately t the | by coun ane: ie, lights,' on a latter looked 4 got tart bt einen heed cp te of Mr. Wiliaca ie of Irish industry. xed enterp tesY and = ANU. The British Go ner ting ands A d--aend thdy have it | 7wmmamx rm that the owner of . all h, it | Color with the meteor. ; he electric | Mouterey, Mex Mon for several the i 4 MARKETS FOR OUR M. tsaist 200,000 Irish to settle in Maui nan & Walker's late stand---snd thd ALY, able 'oredit in lending his boat, although, it | color i fromuier. 'te hed hova in Manterez. tor, several ! mares dis #ACTURBS. : 5 state aided emigra- ntly fitted up and filled with « very bad on his part, when life was | much clearer : N.Y. Ban. weeks oc "abutem-up Prt for the further. relis adias atactares are tion criginated wish Me. ---- poe gf the lines we bave enjimerated th ede Aiep none Paty sik oe fusrauie in eane the light a yellowish hue. Z hanting f aay reo . ispeevin, A Meviean gration and tai ae for Canadian man the Canadian Pacific way ve. , Writes --- ram oats should be lost, horrors in- Sad Poisloning Acciden Police jrernsed him, Je arom Tocanepe ae ote daught ' supplies a new proof your a F many new planes. 11 only re- | of Assisted by the influence of Lord Duff Homwz Aosm.--Last week: Mrs,| William Tabernakelly I found three families of hard ie ings, fences, telegraph poles, Eovepmes ae & equad of the | Moanin Stratton! on ¢ U he * 3 men been s in distance of about a | creased, as buildin, like straws, each -- . an. Instantly bo wae set upon by « rq 1 pt Mr, Peter Ale Neb. . 0%. of a son, to the prosperi . tains for our enterprisin; i are extremely favorable, returned where ata visit was | sidewalks, €c., succumbed TWO CHILDREN KULLK HY'A BLOND! Gandimen's cbilenanen, with sabres, and | rprxban--in btrattard, MG the ath lost, the rf Her ya: Ghe advantage when it is held ow! hold | each settler is to havo one company with her sons, she had beer residing q a half part. My ight, | being torn as by magic from Mieke phices te * alihuongh be bravely inet the attack. he was i wile ot air done Chepe! pu, G To, of n conclusion rid vit they tit will be ly taken implements, seed and pan lady jis mueh Not one of the cabins hada ligh terrible mass of de Which named 7! fi ortrcomé, Miller was a fair reproseuta- tM » I trust the favour of Providence ova i ot eae, A feed ag seach fav nay barge vitauuss bar wast taken @ith the Korth Wash ond eeael ecto None' of the cuntchatiie. "Sos oust | Sled tha sow nighersine Tee or three pln Piitiy leeks nrviee Bryiges, sent |.ute dt the type of maakint found in the rath. Kei in ferettor pe me nace | © Leet pe larger oe Ee mete the, examples of how new -- Bulgaria, some | They are to have the lands free of Bagby i there to Ontario, ard ag Al ripened years ins t ape pp had | cooper shop OP ep serie Free by to Mr, 'Dingman's drug, store, in rong gans explaite Farsi bat panned s tee le eee Axncnean A$ Fateview, oF berm ee be object of my constant ' s § ip Kastersi countries. In Bulg ted | three years, and then to pay three i | tive that her** worse mak a change, Payne's stab + Woodeock sheds, for a quantity of santonine, which Li ome} babe. Of the towbatant ife of Mr. A pt » davgh ;and happi of my people. Cauadian agricaltaral i $500,"bat they ima any time gbtain ix mind to dwell on the bros prairie. | D0 'be garment each--s coarse, patched Mr. Wootl's smoke stack gave way, his children for-worms, "| S84 the six-shooters kK. The tair xT fare and aes Pha F among Tie dlow-going | upon 500, but they may 98 latter sum.. his min doing welll on their 'The only food any of them | when Mr. be posed ining to ' elevated with a siuzal 'thow s dexie to adopt them | ac ay ify Wound | Ripley hare ot should | Tool der The ont food any of then | when Mr ST reateen ie ihe mahi crder was fla by the drugaat the package two | Song of the, eur screatnd, ith terra aaa is in onder to of bgbor trom pals next spring, 00 ba composed of ten aren y-at-home dud ple Gee Rey ch areen bars priate m ite fury. Tho Rau's and ohildren, gadget prepare dba ang the men He shook ber off rou 3-3 ---- Rat Portage : in the way thet more W ae] [omer veraging H [> been to bed several nights within the wee Hetmar's beldgeh: too y drifted off, the j © both of whom died Iam very short time batwpen the ra, atfact Ler in'ive face wish ity z sl om advanoed.nations have done and are r tasting. and | latter sailing 1m iy down bg Bateeng fh suffering intensely. it has since | bet eld mentees cimoe her anvaliast A GLOBE" CORRESPONDENT CHABACT 7 They all had river, over the lower dam, - I that the druggist made a terrible Bie pit bb the smoking pistel | Nuon : IZED POR YILIFICATION. | won't produce ; bes ort | odist cbureh and 'cogine om te mistake and pt up gaat a oo beteae | Lethe bend een ce ens ne emaking piste iin ot sry NORDIC ot a | sk La Sah part ah ee ars in place of the drug rete Aa nk ® | tle aad. pole i sebard Fad hee nee he Davi . Rat Portage, Aug. 27.--An re hy . them, one | it s wrecked maks 7 resemblance between wo, ~ } that V 'oa tol ; turday between Mr. y; 'When, | West stroet. jet Silene gy tion will be held to enquire into the mai | Bagrega had Jet Miller walked fo " = peter gins pref W. fale | sottnaied tesa the eaviest' are' the auth i Ssmiad spuactiiaeeen aeons Sealer tale te reece gntremnent ocurranes ps hes and ay little ; & Co,, }.ings wi Se hamota Svty cance aw i Tow, Wood, Woodgook, F. Merner a txt Bo friends a . gueteie one iliams, jona, which: appeared in Brodrech 4. Ernst, Roohty, Stiefel. whrilling Experience. * make Soe re igtgt at pecting amertio ' Imps Papen, Mice Everatt, and others, A" pasar wits ctjection when Jape inhiseras ME, Lon the Globe affecting M. as We cad can scarcely be q eens FROM BROWNING AT ATR-- ei 'at br We om this trade can be Bun 'leays:-- + | mately given, Shilice it to say, all are heavy Ere. i a RPG: Wixtavou- 19 Logan, gaged in it are ort plboe last el abet mao Hinds, of 'Himitton, went to Ayr} THE STRATFORD TIMES Tuarein---te ey rey Ey ph ; \ <page ight hne | sboclianeae aaron few days with " eolites -- Tite ta Mitchell, 6a th ° a a per, | ie teing machin we bs sop | ane pry free tat te lene ot | sn tagnd comet | acer marsala rare: | Tat Hes +In reply to a toast he ¢ meutbers of rerekitsdh macy and ye) opinion | morning the water commenced to rise, an. "2 ; Street, sao tn coud end. " ireven | Ua elles dep of water forse iiterhour the water tnguf to rede, ant | Every Wednesday Morning, with a "4 even é iraught could be secured, j { clock «ae -- = Lire ond thinks that be many vessels of over 250 | the village folk felt mere fi 8 = Ms by | Scmeitrrion Price :--§100 per annum, in d pele fapn ios Se aoe barry hare peel gy Re thes aging ol Ses testo Lol' sation were 'edvandé: $1.5) por aupum, If note paid. c tation tond would ven tinging a here the con- dering biting time, Seat is voald only draw about oar Mid. | a ae eee vos we Advertising Rates, was sending | once returned very much when diemiss to Lake Erie riz Iona, which would the residents around adjoining village ion, 10 conte per line, " avg el ~~ committes shecten: the distance about ppt miles. caret gg ot Platiaviiue had sat aoe EaS soba ineorttfn, 3 eae Mag oa ver 15 conte per Une os, each er enjoying = rad areas: a ee aes 'to nal foe olibenssaiian cans ee ime was in remerifos ¢ 30 cents per Line for rubsequent he "= I their at ramayley gee py river. He does not | undated. Mr. Hinds, his hed to wade 'Sportal tatee for ads Tuning for 36 0 and ney | le The ther on keep to river will'have to be | inmates of Mr, Thorne's house wo thai Meni seer | Pexeate ee = secatchen opted en asby means of dams the water Fe aighes once at | dirty straw rea WE recta he width and | Nithville bridge, which = pet igen sonal ogee! a o << On the whole, it may be ex-| a moment before it, was vais = Gorseupondence and iteme of news will be stand "Sore | sccbdadec' ss them oper yi petted that Mr. Austin's 'report will be family Rein pong». on the root of | Uusalfally received. sence will be disccura- = with rats. i : favourably to th remained for over TOuly when s patutic eareioe 4 ree heey ship. | As the water regime Promiar Korqoay i } Wor Fis Andiew Weaver, of Both | their oe arp bal rence orgy ftitonet he Raiter) be wed only "eit a nom de bo the pro- sont beyond the sf un try, : bets to pIe2e0,000- Mr. Weaver's | Hinds states that the very te Are Pid ccbncans et bes Teste aan pe eee 'ma Canadas no aesistance rood has fallen 4 and vicinity was considerabie. and | . thd author wuat be penal to of ovr politicians | as stated. Borcrpe --_ 4 a considersble ing eh een people | suppl ind to . See sfotied preveot Canadian | recovered --Joha ety LFarer bg ase age. His means were invest- gattuildings danroyed, easried off, in some JOB TING. en bane For pe oertdions gle apectable ' mwivioe pie ed im real existe and in' public securities, | cont howe td lenny dow withthe 4 is the tse," | some, teville, aged on He bas berong Tg merge here vera oper may om + Won henie machete. establishments | only for suicide in be is | oO. 'Weaver's father died four figod. with thom, dad y cod aun machinery ere te | Se j , and was tha sole Gag Beenght up ry we yi Scat spat better ov nl Wine hank eemanlan he child, tar from satisfied, said In Mazioo ous reaction, gone a 5 oe 'The school than the first, mabe er eg le cee ad ae 4 Te tawess aller PES ceed his Wood ape People rst peng Sa w pmager mpl wens we ait | See £8: expen rashes, ae s cigar in his mouth. Ia the. law sourte ye ind ; who all. thet own s families earn two commoniy fre rare ws eee eos = Dredg that is over and. cold nerrdeory rg jean | mt and a very crents " fad isc 5 eid borrow pocna ding Oa «in its independence fi Ai E i i Fj ti i a E j : I Ih Hit id itt i alli aT FF itt i H I u i E rT i Hi : f E i F ii! aregi eit lit it if Fy -- oy | E : HE i if oatt bod