<= EL af wo ncsenm kt sbeaecabt: 6 isiscattcte fe Hie Brien tis diene ae [ | fi al = & I 4 | OAT EAT LB ve POTRIC MOTOR SMITHS' BELLOWS HE FARMER'S CORNER, |, lpia © Rate Aner See THE FARMER'S CC pr gy A teed ot joe Miied a Reur not Im PORTABLE FORGES, - Farm Work for October, a urofitab'e development ane aif 2 - "" BABBET METAL, = ve - 4 Works : speptecte 8 ht ope Ae tow resdily veen, sind can be quickly remov- | great degree of way" The largest assortment ia the Dominios, ed with a chisel-biale attscned too would rot in eis ; 'sling'& Co. bande, Grane lande te fernich hay next | from « know 's death William Darling "9 far should not be closely T° | and the condit! men, 18 $3 : MERCHANT. : Ig the late notemo, but be top" | ment. oe HARDWARE C 3, dressed with fine, H manure. | 1 haw foliage hers. Gram seeds may be sewn on where | sorp wpom potatoes | tioner, nse the sand is poor, and over, 204 | ving to curl prevent | shire, eeroont e tome fertilixer added, a good growth may be | by outa The | that ot eyery a, page om wis & ack ta lal se and rye: ieee sae be ed Uf the oS ie See comme oe | ary aboald it | discomfitare ; ell as early-eown grain, sod sre mere | ing should be likely to ercape ravages of tye Hreesian | 5, vines and | Fly. A top dressing of er prota, a hro of spores hee cites ; m giving the plents a good gro' tow ' PY KX : ae | '|MEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. penal ae Poy + Sey py coe ae A Po Biaeh aad Colored 80L Veleets--Peritts Faluc. are ripe, and kept for « tie ja hes ps in the | patra. i z 1 ia Bake, i field to dry ont. Sanlight iv potatow, | 'There bat they j : a orks, and they should ther: be ed in a Back snag asia dark, eect arog place. ie a Lf dso ' pee Tack Duchess . Li be assorted out, and from . ee eee 'aioe te oa. for fx fioding Hy ait , after otake hin, the Assortment of. Knitted Mang) vl beets are inj . By aod should be harvested ts ¥ to withstand the attacks of | enters arene ate gah 2 tilly told us it Shawls, Hoods & Clouds. pen pier A hag gh rg eA ET vat i tae dtoane ts enue | Thad not bad hiss'by the belt T believe na | W2 bad pata Sun aeeonakivy the Seek Seanad - er, aoe oe ee canik Sean: caued hok given me s rua roupd the yard," | petural to Gents' Parnishings in Great Var- portant to ventilate # + wel paraai : blood a beating. ame wit stand, froate, ps ' which is favored by moist, warm Hh wae-ne om panes) Hine £0 ironers ie storm, ry - » dety - and continue to grow until the season weather, there i! of finding 'a | receive inti bie b ree ncteres,| felde v4 --_-- 2 Make the ry water-courses variety of a to be % ose cella | Tae of Lotter Orders Solicited. «Write for Samp'es,. fields to relieve them of the exoora of pod be pags bpd aides to | seed and 'N f ter du heavy storma. = 2.18 . " remington rettees | 7agamganay sown, | rec wna, Seu mus en | ee Srtriss saan Wm: J. MoMASTER & C0, ally acrisa » with ttle fall, All kinds -- s xe her jibs ville Pair which, to 4 casual obeerver, seems arrived ; and to seoure seata, the a Ve : of Litter, except weeds with ripewed a r ---- rhe Mery fore: by te fo Tae Chics fro. Fi $n shoarala neseeency rrqrirementa, the ex pe are i rotons asso pega e 4U FRONT ST., WEST, TORONTO. it death of |, the com . we at all neces Sou L to . . at whould Be lasing up is 48d | ago, which took pines rece, orp sole nner writ invevers! qualities sbeclataly eusential | {9\ttisct scrum the rally - OAKLAWN FARM, around the garden and stables, to give ®| " oocwhat remat reer. The de-| told mo, thet he would not hui the ship. ng aba adapted to. commercial KA FLOCK OF SUKEP, The Iraparting and Breeding peascn, C 'i aration, It} it would soon be over. the way, it was be'ore they cam " LIKK A ; Gsvabiitnment ta orld, ; appearance at the ond evared's iilness was of abort duratic with | They use, Every wystem, including the This they wid in wpite of the shonta, re- swoots of which martals can dires i, fi eerie Tiel tepeeventin tor the | rans with on atteck | of jesadion, ond ila, tint he Jeet Felorved to the exceution | 384 ¥e one onder has made use 'of | monstrances, Maatern-arieg SUP naught to excel strawberries and ene orses i ments for wintering TT pe ; 5 of a t it iF; WORTH t iafm suis before begin reek mawenet dhe <Siee of exccationse 60 of De. LAnoat whet, mabing toe Smet gin jrodern lpmetng < Serstebore cue errt- | Caray 'Mickee--of wt ieaufliciedt Nelther is there sny_remedy kedirm to a Seperate Prserz ons Sees ently into the yards and pr mamas Ay cede ete a permins 1 theedueed' te oi curobetrele to complete success bs) been | humlcr--who saw, to their horror, that the mortale that ean expel De. Fowser's Ectreet M. w. DUNITAM, loten om Live Stock. bee Sireft, and showed an expertages in| him were naxioes 10 see thh process of aan the danger to beman and animal i's from Cotoxos Herlin was tearing pod phere or ned af Be ol Batige Horses should no longer be turned out 8t | 4, chirping the ghastl; duties of regen pisiosieg, and hi Regret ne nok ee paties: wine treat nega eT bal Sateen me 2 teat: hase 'sacionachele' ae ey pen (29) siieairn® an ate ta Geer A mald vals t Pabii n ab sbolished a tween : 'arial wihkkeh aflenenl ty. Gicnally drop kK t wre dt = eo sg and Mereiciog tnteatty coneed We re sheet | a vad sip abet pry pe eared mo Re ty ee even the thunder of the approaching is man said when wie fell into the editorial horses are anavoilably drenched, rub the | tirement of Calerait snd the appointment of | executions and who genial, joviat | ed the run and tem od, Last the beavy engine dashed ia sinong aaket, dry as s000 powuble, ver wi ry " d y Gescription of him as 5 déek. pasy are it first poblic exhibition, wt | wea mass, and in ang / be well-known drag fren of bicakete. Horses need to opon the | $7 taddler by trade, and cat} men,' . The explanation « as fo be lound in|) Soo, a "s pr eral | Walsh, Poterbnro, writes that De, Fowler's inter i th. , | fied on & small bat lucrative tasiness at] the fact be ee Gaus resting at read i Extract of Wild one lows caunnt be kept in good flow of miik | gy What made him | io his hand he ap to 7 Satovented in | excitement the yond | "\tandard hes without ample rations of rich fodder. As particularly notorious was introduction | even in his little snop, Ser vel er by px "Au unfailing remedy for all \ the pasteres become bare, corm stalks, eat of the ** long drop," by which he claimed to hia work, othe bete, Setan: beciasigh the captain feyne. a0 ys 26 d mixed with wats and corn, ma ai 4 with y torture. | own make ° male. menage tops of beets, turnips, | Caloraft not unferquently gave his victims | waist of the prisoner, snd tu which yore at cal way, the : seis uate diaeeed staken | wat li apres with ghastly | tained Tey | yt & cnulonity = ht wa teenies pais " ete., in emali quantities, The aim should be | . drop of no more than three or four f the straps for the Arman, we teeny. | indder their pratt: ee ry to move proofs of the ruin i$ hea : Gore oar' | little bent" | Antique, ien't it f° oor. to bave the evwein fine form at the clos: of | the consquence being that many painfal | lar strength, and where it Pe Rotate sane wal Ia tho Heal, ed oS whe Nees clack toe Landed passengers. | fhe fatal 1 never wat Mierciotora, while teore'wl | madastes# = DN Rin fall wi borri y Were #0 close | naw dis j wil ry 4 r 4 ua Henan tare, Pt | i" Marentz aman fn | ttyl ene creme |code ibs oi | coer wirte the ibe oul of which were | Shsing'" 'oe sionantr rong mae vibes will| MrT 3 Ouper,, ot Newbery, ilere'| Bieetrié. Belt Institution, op frome bactites wha fodder he scarce, | 12% & fall varying from 7 : icipated fi lance at the man, be voir it upon the tongues, first of Mr. Daft | [einted he aight ; and the driver of Ling this letter | 8 that he bas used Bardoo ' i . pes. f y s in bi 1 effvat, and adda that sheep from séctiona where fodder is °. | by a dexteroas adjostmeut of the noose an- | anticipated from a g! last eyelet, and | Si hair showed from behind, He wemed 7 esd-then of or the express was so shaken by the spectacle in bis family with goo: rpahe) ke [V ' hem off fas i ng. Ia}, ; bas almost invariably masaged drew the strap to the very lage eyo! helpless or , bat abtracted ZJittle | himself," and the hs . All engine at Potadam. the Rev. J, R. Smith hax used it and spea j Wi ay are amogat of tow if fed | oyna aia shiciinane of'tke| Mond, A tad been pisloned in, this | attention as to on lined cme te whe SUNDAE this' eh plored hie: [an ena Oo ree en eel Pied The {of iia high terme of petias. 38 isthe grant : i ' t int 8! imishope hed his pes! whe nd cok. i 0} wating toaie ESTARLISHED 197) pe a beara yoy " repolaive daties of a hangman, but these | way, "where do you put Paiebfd of the At last the uppermost had his upon | selves unable to detect Fane hong snd basen all pa appre 6a, for ; f : of the Blood, 1 h eet ' - Brood sows need to Le kept in good com | ave arisen from causes over which be bad ba _Yeplied Marwoed, allow | a a ele sed ends of the wire brought cua card birth tora child in her d fra aoe i hav Psosiiosctr t Fe toe teek three sane siete, SoaIP NTS cok to blgin to pase, to] DE SUEN,, Toe ony oumapsetons Mendes h 66 ebb of oder my alta mene he SoaEe oe ee Pe wins seaahed | late papthckakts cach ethan, © dusstiog die-| oat ake jateosnde et the Cenk ae eee ea eectatel toslgesitn to seater O0b bottles sold daring ree monty | 4 42ucen Street, East, Mari h pigs, beat to begin at once fo | was, singular to say, in beget at area fo . sudden were, sendy to of electricity together aod Jaid out in one ' greatly incrensing. | (25) énery has a . kk, using the soft corn first. The he led e-- | will show y bare was } OP | tank his power. Bat the ctptain : ic-terror | that thess diseases are y * 'The Mosston, N. B., sugar refinery pent shenld cogletn anh ware, Ths. shee oa the sensational case st Durham son the part of the person piniioned, and be | 1176 120. all away, and renohing edn teChigiound, Tait peared ooh wpresttover the place. Medical help was 'Tbe. tayatnens Of Uae Soetees kas Soon large | dividend of 0 per cen RONTO, ONT igs wei} do well om the slope ofthe house, | i weeks 1g siked Marwood not to = wa map| lilted his hak {rom Ba ead. A geaniglex-| fiery rain to the ground. ee Se ly experimental and many of tee Fe hat weer fod wotn when 2 10 cont TO , ONT, with bran atirred in, Skim milk isgood for) Wien Mar ppointed to the p rer i's thori. | clamation of horror Lr ment that the current was ca mort | cases were «l the reach of surgery, yr dey package of the Tian AP ae a these, ., | he was saccesafa' tome time in keeping | tempte that were made by pris the group, There, not two feet from ~ ing & tremendous energy through a suitsble CAUSE OF TILE DDUASTER, & remedy to cure them. 3 . | them look bright as mew. Ail the popular 'The pu' ill lay througis the winter if} 4). the know of hia neigh: | ties ly to obtain from him the ropes looked upward the vision cf | ing . terubins It over two years since my atten sh ape is warm wae, sot pees mat pire : or but whe i Fao i se ean brio waid, to re de Deaih--e tg Megeencnyllle pede ee po Pg x cyan) Goulatance of in Berlin was er Fe by eager ow te wendechal preven ee ya tats beep gnc ed ne 'Toner corns, painful corns, » Bolts, Indies and _ crushed eholla and gook fed. Cropped cAlr | ence in the little town of <a bes & a hi mus- | that burn wi 4n org nic such as used to aWait the arrival of wonder kid: Paties oft COcRA, biced ing corns, ard Corns, corns ¢ ge and other ¢ food is relished by | not at all inated, and he was continu- | eum, but he preferre4 to keepjbis own life Long end matted hair and me di \ seat of in 1870. The he's of the kidneys. i sizes. are alike removed in « few days by Trasses, aro tes le pois wi vida void cro ding ally tooted ot and 'bined, a eens um, yah A echoed te gr ry Before mastache orceping case mele a ams the ability of a Daft mated te over- | eran er ca hie adjatanie this mors had Trequently yy about ihe rasaiy piven Ty Rat pen ea cin, beet HER REMBDY . , and keep tho nests, walls, etc, | orreall Mf, and when sot ong eme : it, was be- 3 ire i the d A ri that are mo i ry ii ii na? | sehen etn noe | uy ees eed in| SE els oad hanes | ve ere ete | ae nna Keg | ot a a ee nae ot | weg Semmtre, iny,eoneng, nr | SUPERIOS 20 ANY OF are more profitable marketed during the lat: | he used to it, ho went ylgihape we inpnex with | Bi# mature dio away ° truction. The experiments con- | Parliament must ultimately be saddled. Le A i ma. Gold by druggists everywhere. Pula} he Immediate tellet and ar reart ¢ ot "ll i ber }, and bis e time was} weight, and occupation of [prisoocr with | in his menlees frame | way cons! < : I t fall op | mine had been in poor health for somo time | tures. Sold by drumsis y Knows to wan fort cetlet and thas at Thaskagiviog e r Christin poner ann oatbier in = ih 4 ---- whom he bad to deal, aud probably whieh the repens foe whoue Seo the --< pags heer! of tbe ight 430 ata ps bagead ae the primary blame wake vee, | and eae for poh gi bs be pic Cegit twee going to become grey } Eretien,abuan ov nocndept ma al froth neo ~_ ish charch, H much pride the 9 prep or strict Darwinians claim asceat. mpalee waale) exinteslqniets.- the 8 i Fi neslal Mise | the bood and perver, subi aa img Sheep for Profit, aie pameaet to wlio med his | he calculated the length of the drop, for be | (1 terrible dread seized all who looked @pon | seating EY TO THE MILK, have done 207 but at the aamve time they | disease. Chemical Wad micioscopie t vx | 1 see | ieee ahr tareed arey abe did | A point to covsider is the increasing ut | execu a ee erver beac a ike caked hoppy any ed "Otiee 4 Lian Phen the callow Lace, eskant ia all the feor a It did this repeatedly with ease and certain- we wala have beea tempted to break the lel ee es coe Saagiar ged enough, sedvens Denes meat tac U and vale of mutton, and, ro doubt, thie ia- | ing bis exporien a of © iG ae ing up any- dem death. He } ty, while bearing no extra weight efoept | rales had the Prussian Chamber been char- large quad firmed the correctness rt i hants 'strawberries may | Grattal Weakness, par DHE. heaping crewo would be more rapid and greater fo | great improvement of the lang drop over all | he said, 'ben {think | The captain motioned back ue t[that of ite engineer or driver, The | scterised by a leas peany-wise and Perper Bok ngtre- i Seal | 2 be Feath mote Fowler's Ex-| Womb Trowttes, umbaice, = . he ¢ A the offered ado} in . this | body else up to follow me, and!when I t! like a leaf and spoke for thy first t of acter 7a ' te diagaesia, After trying all the u 'aot Ai rez bat Dr. Fo 2 i Rhswwationl wae Spee 9 fhe meena point ts the large pom pre in fasy railway pas- | [ = failing it will thea be time enough to | _ . ' % en --" t "oe nee -- sell: eitte- Lies te now a State reassess directed him to eeakrpsip tle tract - Ww a Strawberry seed sere kn ir gay ' Then, eaten cure' 4 lamb, worth not . * him ja train have | have an essitant." "We ared senor." Ps ? Sra tion was y , avery time in the ew , ' i mesh oa fiend ree | Sad em aos eae | "ihr re many, eng ges pe | neta "| pinstripe fhe atari | ryt Ap hat ar apo dead Imgtrament whe ¢ eh Gang ramets Tona of am emma, ig the third is the market value 1. Now, | mode of hurrying criminals out the | trait of Marwood, but w Fo ** We do not know." 4 ese friction between | tho Mivister of Pablic Works, asked f'arlig- | aad within four sion! no mer = Riceptenmens, euraigin, should go 0 Hg to th tine | how bis Hiar vfnity in| enterprising photographer ¢ _ captain knew, and we shrask as | doces an . | be va: that time there was pro- paper tells of sn Obi man who . ion vase Seal ta = thet alt there pointe repeat hy taay be Temembedyt that | one day. fur & sitting, bat rep = if from Aume.at the t the two ee pobre ches faving Acts teens Sar" 452, 000. marks ld = proper ips only a trace of albumen, and he a *.. killed by the gar being tarhed ou in his Panic J * alana ic depetl for their most spocessful issue 4p0a | only @ few days betore hin last ides he | explanation being that one ipl oy = ape » are dying of fever." entét of th rote oP » cad a te en Lunder the line, #0 | he expressed it, * perfectly well," and wife's room. He n't hav in: F ELE RE eee es, Me fey ear thn an |e aceon | tog onset ia |, Meee ie ns emt | taal pe | lo ce al tn | a a | ec ree soda nin e breeding « care, the feeding, and the ith evident ea nom! ol to a town by an earlie 4 "d have hie igment riy' " 4 iy be ee : - eB TTT NST Ta ; P wa, A My he | em cary neo keg no | upc ty tem Ap ror | wes en Eas Gone | ear en ea rn aie ce | gaviniae Ses on | eho ay FO BE eae ee RAASTS |. cs ere tonnes Yet ortance, but the first of all is the selection. | several members of the house and was awaiting Msrwood. If his cdrrespomd: | po bis seat with & quick, pharp cry, vet ht tons over ah ordia- | os horrible cntastro he ia the result, full doses in both acute and chroaic * | fund, 5 miles from Tusambarg, wboat 1D) acres | of ¢ gn fo Yoni wes emir eh stotautld For Ha cep is kept that makes infericr | bis autograph with them. aa has - - it wil pati cur |*Santo Dios!" and feli upon his back well aks on ite copsidered that the | "™* ome © id 4 iti (Bright's aa oe Bend _-- cleared. tree from stumps and winded, 9 qant epeetee better lor thea than any priva man thio, scragey, bon b, The deceased executioner had amassed a | 00s. Quite recently he show i f d track. ; Wher : satint rau y obvervali ' for © gus: panting Se . feat, poe te rt | tar monatet porn Swing vara |e Japanese sverhr ics iad ee |, apn err he stirs Net, | eesinpes ral otto janet cuan abe wenn saer eral bam ove ely he, | eral Rieter Seat oe Lat . t d labor { hi benid: vi other in- t to him by a gentlem 2 i aid on ul ney id haa R ae' mouth im | hall, oF ewe ve for astral properts. Aop'y § ame ne Le regard Wo weatter, white sg: marked eomtraat to bis { and it wan certal wily of considerable mtrin: | Prom! they never wenld return, aid seon that these results show = ctreariie. Sikes ania Come 'lis oul ead a large number of whiok have | {youbitt WHALEY, Hox X, Cauritand, = ; iy vai he admitted that the down | days, when he led » most penurious life, He | sic ae. 1 tenn he climbing with the of des ary advance in the dirction o! An "inside eae eat pes er by a lady proved so satisfactory to my mind, , t onary | Circular and/€onsultation Fre stands first and the Shropehire second, and | had for some ti t ted ra putting anoth on to [hs shop snd | Never will forget the struggle that engued. othe "tel tonalen™ ourrent employed in | ee oe ae oan ainaw " Oh, earnestly arge ¥pon my pe a : | i Private that theae hold the same place olute habita, and this cireumstance 36: making a kind of maream, where he cou The leading i clinging with both | The is also fourd to pereat opera. why he F borer 59 1' ** Peay, don't db ren the of ving ® fair and ANTED -STRADY RMPLOYStENT | an rivate. market lame, yet we have a o Mer- | pravated hia illness, and enlists, Sos show bis -- --- bey me gles hands to the iy ee ak, Oy Ee this oy 51 hedlnne fh pene AB nig f cay to via i pried eure tuey are long agp linet! ilies ces = he Vy nnn sa bay isan te every, nly | 0 0 delane wool sheep, which are t death. He leaves 9 wido t | things he collec: ori bande of the captain per- | t Bacnee : 5 id, . - class ments where th owning » sewing Mhac ppnoder brio . a SST eta ad van Ear hcsercaece ty | Srnttae a de ph | cote eay Mere | meno |e ld on ser Sonal in an cnbealthy sats eepecialy |S Padroni orcad | ae ci Wether yiehls ke goo, asd well favored | tmp that be was accompanied by hla son | An interview with Calcraft, and. that. was tne lives of all oa Ee a fails, cnanected by fish-bars, laid upon or-| Acountryman who often fy told that bis | Where glandular eng srgoments aad of thoes | he Wiaterial wo furmia 'wil Coe Menu. | CRYING DA BLES ae oottad, Strengthened matten as even the Southdown, and a Mer- | being incorrect. Nothing isknown in Horn- | when = party ericans, f mad: he cursed and snapped his teeth; sill- pa Fad these are bedded ia | tain bishop's, and was alreedy ie tory s, Indeed in many of ~s whoa flaished. PINDLAY & Co., Man na eeiaagecke mo lamb ia proverbially plump and fat, At poe as to Marwood's successor, in- } aaked to be allowed to visit/old Calcrafs, ing the air with bitter oaths, drawing his unary cre a Beava~ 'Shere ip was at. hie studies and = oy Jorma position ia whish there | factarers, . i. Daa . E te same tinge Checwoo! tt tak » clas | habitants unanimously hope be will not re- J-weat with some cfficial to ask | (08 00 Tait to the high db » Ateupiat iaiie, wed yet be distarbed, at last observed, | 1 11 ls no epid ware | : ed aa fice combing--lor it ia Jong « uh for | side there. T said _-- Calferaft if he wont ee ee 4 | reach, and throwing all hie ate into s ion mo eet mn wish the Queen would not make fulke the ne health 6 Hoplated, the 9 wal RES WINREAL AND Fisdnud [oor Berman's Derie Tethiag Biche, = combing with the 'present improved im between fifty and sixty years age, | litthe wizen man," wii I fatal eflort. He made it, and was rT font oe th ak aod > ps who i stadies." w, the urioe » conatiy 9 ACRE MINKEAL (AND TIMBER eae) ery---and a quoted in the Boa Ore Liverpool | Marwoo! gave of his predecersor, whom down again by the same strong hands, Bat hgien c= raha in A im : day ah 1 at the| dition in which patient is said to and: int Mt ing.con : pe "t Po ie '50 cents per pound, | in «fal Kr . Hy wan cu Cee Set of] knew "well; and when Osterdtt wes sated his feet had been drawa ns close to hia Rody " omy of fuel and weight the cleo- prvtts covpy of 7 Taashancer" velord * bili * the advan! l by tho noe meee Pi one ie ee ecave Hranwary ieiss 'Than by all other remedics beside. 4 which ie 5 cents higher than yes re August, 1574, at 9 sucaton af = yous "ned, was -f pa one mare abe Te- | so that they slipped from beneath him trie actor' Core most appreciable advant- Fim, only the music stood on th a up: i : y hy pe sae peter aalnvs townstlp of Lavast, where the Caldwell geld scunmah Ciera Ghtecutle at tenn 11 bleed fine wool from the | righ: aimed or ied, not knows: Bree | ingle instant ung . 4 ow isease it seems ineral dapa lett @ 7 deren tbr 8 This, then, would wader ol Moty Flansgan, in that city 7] ent, thas waa the Idne-drop beg- Then he fell, the next man and the | ages over its »| 8 shane _scog ee ne oe ck vbr oom ihrge nitor, «Don't Son soe! | mea ; the intl. Demet rhe oe} 0 octane te ob Boy nave | rem x be the ee te ee ete ~' heed Feed Kid hed ef rao ae pom ea mer rciealiricatien saphena, tora, sad a wae vn i vb oon Siene newer perhour; while large | i'm trying to understand Wagner, and t hore 3 to mene ee -- Marae fy Fe LS & iemteten! mer to keep, Hy na it p persons Kirkdale, including the three | to do. P sik ; it" bave th sie | w' blocks up the fw uJ LING & CO., Rew "0 = he F cece ay the long wool sheep, | % staal, | for the Tithebare-street mur ood was a pious man, gud there feos sone thle were - three broad hats eungound aabionary anaes, --. pai rs a dtl ag) neta a pervipe seeho dante thtien teanioreke. Oot. ae which ia iwferior if every pot Next to] der His other engagements in Liverpool | 5 curious illustration of this| apom ove oo- floating upon the ot their descent, lhe ede al aye! lees. we ats pe P" bekter." heieg . thin might be placed the Southdown and | were not very numerous, and they included w he was aeked what was the The captain consulted with bis first offi- | same ped Thie a large margin fo ye is told of a divinity student, whd| . "Belonging as I do té a branch of the Nhropahire sheep, so pearly alike, except im} Heep, the Gorton abortionist quack doctor, me at an execution, it cer, a well-thrown pig of iron orts! rd Boa 'fo the convelatins in | A story ist vention, being deficiout | Profession that believes that no oae #0 60! | iss perfect gem, eaiial $e be tnporiad Broses (on USS cs wa epee | ey Oe key wb mer: | TA he iy ellen | srcag om fe asp | Lig den othe satin ras a aya ett eng ded | no Rees the eh reer | Sota shes Socais eer ana a ee eee aeetay, and pumay | Te al mutilated « child, : re a Tang wey ae ish brig | tricity back to power, which loss' ia twenty- hing. In deaperat' ized on | the treatmen by the mast favidions , Manufactared by ; . * , o edy that \ hort texture tender .guality, and gamey ae Me ge tana Gand at i Gitant apustet ting dook ool] Gus: | Sivo.ct thisty per cect of the total energy. | *PProsching, In desperstion he seited on, t anough to select any rem THE CROMPTON CORSET OO. H wh ery prefitable. Fer the} 4 correspondent gives the ance in his view were thope of the stood for an instant ag dia- shectsia "eashe fasth ' = although, he was that day| Will relieve my patients, without ref. ronoe 7 ou YORK KT, TORONTO, - e aher p, bet H and com: Ode deua with and " Well," Marwopd, " when I |, peared ia the radiance of italater | The jodratasryg nil cpilepsy, and, althoug to the source from whence it comer, Iam glad YORK KTREET. Pits rer ote dit young *y itl speaking, for pn a ee nh of rl eo ood exeuitiunier: t out of ge I kneel on api ce nye Fr. Allenia Hew Toth Coxphy. and its posse butik St water sandal: and, quite ep lmeges pa ct rebeem till the to acknow: tranke - is AMBER SUGAR CANE i " ; they sprear im the butcher's sta " Would you like to see Marwood?" I rf of my be ry fen owing te the friction already men- | Storm Sac over, and 'the dread verre | this remedy thus frankly. } . : *'tamb' although they may be mature and Kirkatead station, aho- God's blesting on the worl t bd $ A Its | ™ m po peetfa! re e 2 : tall grown. in is very true that as '* lamb" akon 9 lest ae moastie line with the ine to do, and his mercy for the paor prisoner. Ba, ies ot 8 attain the some ie was t 1" G R A. GUNKX, M Ee N Soy Se Schoo sks, > t cores generally, these aheep m: oa hy " * | system of the Great Ni abcut @ fort- gamete ping pes cronher, te | ane a weight, Bt gerne from ay pede tg Dean and ecg Mol Reree ys vas 4 ey er oragon. wetland, Ont . = 4 Kind un the long wool lade, rv weeigh. | ght ago--the day, infact on which obad , From the stationary engine the electric | 44 en and rode en oe p ie: i ber Cane Seed imported from the THE GREAT OURE Fc q : Spring lambs, weigh- | 8! P my opinion, more than any desire for : y eng ive | his wine merchant, Mr, Carbonel, editor cf Medical Tribwie; Aw ot} Barly Am' fa gon bend , ook and ry se ontha obl, they after the acon! Noe on Gold to whieh ate varinty that tempted him to make what Thowgh rod pratha soporte War of tho tree py with him side-by side ® consiterable way. Guan's New and Improved Hand-Book of Beaihorn Sent, Rent fer epteeoee= eee nary cube trecde Beth lambs havg | tention waa called in the * re tes nals Mwiios he bid teen fruits, pes roby through the iron wheels of the | Lord W Silay, inek a2, Ose Hygiene and Domestic Medicine, ote,, ete. | WT Tg! OW BHADE CLASP. ; those of apy other breed, Such lambs mens. "Certainly I should," was the re-| near S inly he | stitute inery located | watching an : law te him. (ehrmwrED ES) $ eold and often sell at §8 or §10 each when pl friead wan ing on the moned to do hia direfal duty Certainty perry oh oeent beneath ite 'Horr. In froct of the | ¢l aside ed something t : LR POE AY ' «art ogh and d fat enough. | PY: kk in hand, joking with the} was fond of o glass, but weeny : 4 f ich |"What's that--what's that Walsing' From MR. WILLIAM MAGARTH io us Hest 2 1 nk ent ot | fre Sl ccna irieg tei | atone the cei rand, | sad Pies a tdi, liy-tarning this hance | haben mying So Jon tail the ood] oT Map, Jan 8h, 198 | See ee ewe, with another to com y and b nod to those who dhim " the li moter 1 moved for- mouarch, i it, M si het he i 2 ND SHADES | RALGIA, SCIATICA, ne fleece of 25 per cent, or more, And the lent Abahilan eam." remark | he never had a single slip, and never made one , bap sain guilty of disespec y ¥ : Used for holding WINDOW BLT} pemadahens oi Khooneh wana pa dy ody © Will alwajatetarn ber cost, H pee , pointed out to | the slightest -nistake fa his work, bifaal preg ta malts Site pd staal PPvtiness almost {10rd informed me that I oaght to beve - ant ale mah dmegree Nder as to render | Without pina, oF sotet ee eee IT is A SURE CURE with interest." 'These are. the sheep fron | her : and this woald probably be the opinion wae el Dore the Hose Otios inn. | aweeteecd. pad Another crank, which regu- chee aes ao oe Bity wil pa my right arm nearly powerless, | I detar- Bem' for sample, 30 cenés: arity ocala | geht hy 00d ~ The Ktheamatiny M Which she Hae, ents lage woot & 8 of everybody who saw bo ae wer emmenes Page of tin | 'Teo Un- | lates the brakes, completes the list of visi. | your Ma is| mined to try % ine" "1 STRIAL WORKS CU, a Riegaes wale Lets, Toroat ve old, of ehich the finest and ith y after q : ° wi ver I bunt im: "desea and | ed. TORUNTO INDU: 3 Qicares Lynsan, Wholossio Acts, Toront wi ces oe. Suk | cy een, dtd wc | Prin by ad tat me megens iy Wes fue 2 | ents 2 S.oet Sz it aes | ae fal eneoag ne iy ere | Coren er Nemeeeb bens Wine tee So lentifal enowgh «ver to come on tot aa ire woald wear, foe mae a he paar} nt of electtic/current into | my ; health is also much improved by the uae of . ra a graced sort. These sheep yiuld a stock hat, he look. | th ; P 6 were / high-spirited horse, 20 that if anything goes} ef, cal om a 23: } Leesa aid Give pounds cf that ind of | MBM Mec, wlock ands ect goodebe: [be wen particulary carafe! tofmestion that tend, poses clenely: Spm the' patiphery of | Site Tess all gv off together "Tae King woop or peri pae poser HE OILOGRAPH! - wool which' is sought by ntry mills soured tad poaaryias: at the inquest and Aap pean the Servlogabed n wens laughed heartily at . mr Ware Macuante T - : - : g and buyers for ordinary doincatic -- "Jt was not on such an ry Lp Seer Ay pres eae all te Genk bey ted twenty-five miles, oc twelve | 'Not 'ifty years ago there lived a rever-| y yy sutherland, St, Catharines. : § iy geet wipe woot ig card! . a of et o_o 'ule rise | ake of the prisoners on a ee sents miles in exch ph chose gill herp. ond ' i pe Moen gh = pares language is whol! wacalied for," ri an ening lot 3, & these heeses . ih Bs over the drop, and the | rtion of engine, over ordinar --_ b tari ccntsio. - i a0 the pabli ee AW derful D 4 or clo bi soak Kither of _ or baiting oe Ch be tied wp to the beam } 8 elight cord, (oar or relays would be nectanary | but very secant, 'Por: instance, one dey failed a on 6 im : em ewer, and the valuable i Ofice," in large lettern, which would give away with bt of Hew York « ilade! pl two dogs Mra. Partington declared the Neuralgia to 3 as ; every wa for breeding, aa the pu' his ; an' es " The werse than the old Rheumatiom ; bat ci TS IN ONE YEAR! pred, They are worth study and examina- theta ' however bad either Blood OVER \200,000 SOLD BY AGEN t tion by farmers who are dealrous of going in- ONE MONDRED MILES AW HOUR i x . , to sheep aa a fare product. ia within the probabilitios of the near Process of Portentt Painting. An O11 Pafnting of ia senses can cop ae = ante | down from the system, 25; Clergy which last three months, (25) P mothers Whea a man is about to be told a sccrt he shats the door; vies} 2p waeen at ~ Opens it, to sure no one is listening 'When two or three are 'i { succeed his hye tamether, we them with- t" . This children side . Pan arias | Would mak mere sepeef ee ties Since tesa mre ge cas remem the raeages of this pest in he had Sit ba soncmbenel aane of this Piet Oilogray ; oaly from the persoa you dew. ME and aghin 1645, when it od Be water . or Gres 1 "anid: the , sole uy. szaeallons Do you Peeee tooe ant Somat oralt, wi watad) Park ssssssinations | can grt plenty ther can we minutely ordinary pared it, lasgow, pony Set ay ss by which wi with the escort which was bo _ Sea W. viade, ropes the little of wo," owned by-M. W. Dunham, faint = at Wayne, Il] , 35 miles from Chicago. | His, GRA OT is ears be i i horses froai type, them, : : other th paints knot, tha ba the ploture cfean @ running noose ™ saeT Yanet 303 'which made to look at from ore The a rope with | In a slander suit in Oregon, the Coart held -- which captain at that 'an honest is a min who woo't fram Hut, a lamb, id d night when and for Peace, an wit} be. thaving Lefroy, De, Webster. dels ae of the Kare ge shot hie wut be to) for this have bees very in | talk J pe wus exebationer be anid be bad never sees | Ti collars petors es > me | an >, | aut eronoepora}, # pian tains will their reach wt tee oe ---h to-cross the Brovk- + Brecy samber of species, and des and the ate j 'tractive to the hot plants: unt under the nares hg fies eae Joe we as Bd threads, which to the arrangements ot Bill," amd portrait price te i f, 'of the potato said with a touch of humor never of one, ; cB tures, but charge $3.50, al! induce & rapid decay. 'absent from this talk, | will be looked round. who makes its ind corning wp thew 'taiee don't go up in an clova:| " "AL BP 146 yas with is & side "- The point of the will be ? P eal aad the preciated whe it ie me that he continued: _ pp ee it weed bat. 'purposes pomrtl ys an . ms deceased hangman few : S i | F ] an, pcre ge Ao letters. The - 2 an BA « sxxious, but on the thus letter ¥-3°% | visitors, to to the Home compared based with other misives. charcter which were found source Po are " emaller spores