_ Sdvaneet 80s porate acer pal Correspondence thank fully received, pe rehab athewed le , feirone fhe Ls £1 be nuther meet GW. LAWRENOE & 5ON, BARAISTER?, ATTORNEYS -aT-LAaw, 'Vey anoera, urd, Guitare, emi sine Pai H. SEWELL, SCLIOITOR, . CONVEYANCER, &c; MEL 2 eras edinee amet OPEICE ON RRIF STREET, _Mrationt, June 1% tm abe MON: LEN Atte ne aoe = . HENRY, W. LAWRENCE, MONEY artery to D. BARTON, Lal of dimall : their ad Wantage to call, aera AGENT YOR THE ONTARIG MUTUAL INSURANCETO. Bteatford, Jan. %, 1877. MONEY' TO LEND At th =. i. MBN NMIG, Conveyancer, Valuater, Comaiaion Agent, Jnauoe ©: * tant gost lpm Plcksts ana foweet rate either in or werage Passages, tems transacted ip EAgiion and German, = Office ax. Sebringville, Apel) 13. taal, as W MOWAT & SON, iéxtsbilehod = _ on be i=) FEMANBACT @ General a. nee, heswe 'drafts yom er ee, United States, Allow 5 per cent, tp on de tein the sayings Uranch. Within b] men sonable rates, Vrivate funds to joan on mort- waves at lowest rates, Interest and principal Pjable at ourediion. UU. Hs, bought and sold, 2° Marriage Moenses issued. Money! Money! Money! ASP Sore 6 PER CENT. INTEREST. Apply ot once to WILLIAM GORDON wy _" Real Extate Broker, * Stratford. Stratford, Dew, 12, 1882. oat -- -- mal pee Wedical Ss AS REMOVED INS OFFICE TO THE i Jarvia Hiock, aver Join Iatton's Stare, oo, Mirte Street. ae. psf Mirattord, Jaly Ga, DR. FRICKE AT HIS RESIDENCE, ON THE oO Downie road, Os-4ef Detng new zed as one of the most powerlal remediat aueonts in the treatment of biany tore Gf dimeaen, whee used judiciounly by prowecty qualiéed persona, Dr. Mothersill Hay tng ceed [3 extensively for severe! years, hos nyW ieectined @ firet-clasm Ble ctre-There- cathy Agyaratin, with rest ia a feientifio manner ali those cotolagt Within range of ite powers, eitioe:-Upetairas, over N. A, Bosworth's dru tee, Market Mreet, ptratfe d. Ost Eye, ,Ear and Throat. DR. RYERSON, LCP, Lb ROR R, KCTURKR ON THE EYE, EAR AND L thewt, Trinity Medical Coliege, Toronto, na Morgen tothe Sercoe Kye iatte- ) Ono tet and Auriet to the Hospital for wa Corsten, Late Ciinteal Astistant Heya) olen Opithatmig Hoopttal, Moortleida, and tr ston Throat and Kar Hospital 317 feet, Woronga. May be consulted at WINDSOR HOTEL,STRATFORD os 5 OConteal be . us Last Saturday of this and every mo Torouta, March 1, aval _ ___ mou. 4. E. AHRENS, LDS. D2 TISTRY 7; Idington's New Block, Erie Mreet Siratford. Viggiieed Alr used for the Painless Extraction of Teeth hen desired, ¥ Biratford, Match 9), 1am. G, A. RICHARDSON, L.D.S., Ovrice---Oddfollows' Mock, Market Square. Vd a eae a VETERINARY SURGEON. ee one nr ostnlorsinseees ae Se ree Every Weahetiey jorning. ! pom Sieh v'te running for 3, 6,0 pnd ned tne of nowy wl ve Honnbte by ¥ +t order, WM. POR TEROU repre WORTH'S HOTEL, EK TRAVELLING PUBLIC WILL FIND! - shove botel «Tery accommeodatior | W. 8. COWAN, AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR, &. NEW YORK COUNT OYSTERS | - RECEIVED DAILY, BY EXPRESS,- ' and ive stock agent, hi all ct every Satu salos and t - HENDERSON HOUSE. MAND RACTIE TheTerrapin of lop wil be supplixd tw custumers as usual. Queen's Arms Hotel HE UNDERSIGNED, having pu-chaacd the above hetei from Mr. James Hroctor, WESTERN HOTET,, AMERICAN HOUSE boa John Hyd James frew, most modern myle, Tue tribe ls notes he a rooms Taylor & Bates' Celebrated Lager az¢ Al arA the county. CHAS. PAECK AINT, See. W. MOWAT, Treas- 20, tae. Suocess the Best fost of Worth | CENTRAL HOTEL 1 Palace Cigar Divan STARKS & OMUNTER, Pre NE Silver& Bronze Medals }683 OXFORD 8T.,1.ONDON, _ A. HEPBURN, a at Sh a J. R. KILBURN, ARCUITECT. :| Office--Over Mowat's Bank. Marble & Granite Works. GADSRY & SHARMAN, Importers and ete x and Can- Stands, ond frat Sey. 15, 1876, 26.y TENDED. SAL ~ In Counties of Perth or Oxford. Stratford. Ane dnl. prea D. McBETH Vy TouLp INFORM HIS) NUMEROUS customers ami the pubtic thet he iin: : ucing new styles of brackets, fancy stanca, c " a" * Picture Framing a Specialty. Vie'ln strings, bows, hair and keys in stogk. Viclins sqraired. , (Ad viollns bought or taken in exchange for w ones. ' MARKET STREET. Stratford, April l0cn, Lat, i ROWN, UCTIONEER FOR THE SGUNTIACS OF Verth end Oxford, pt praiper. Valuaior © S ive - Mr. Brown will beat Worths hute., Stratford, tday till) pm toreceive orders fur ransact other business. ALEXANDER BROWN. A onton, Sept. t, 12a we BSTRATFKFONRDYD Brick & Tile Works. J0,2PH COOPER, Fronricte-, pes TLE he CLAWELS UF Bdad Whe Machior-Yad CKS - ANO WIHTE Pitesen BRICK. DRAIN TILE, kTC. bAtenve Gerdan's Survey ra fod Wee oe | outs a1 Wm. Reberts i ' I TUCK MAKER AND BUILDER, MANL ¥ ur ACTURAK e WHITE & BED BRICK. Drain Tiles OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES Hee his Celebrated Prenced Brick, (he hand somest and best ever made to Miratford. Tes dence, fast cud of .mtariv tt; « flice, Laveen. Hoot and "hoe Etore, Corner Un.terto ani Erle Btree Stratford, Der 3), Len Wy G. T. R- TICKET OFFICE, --n-- Express Office, 24 Market St 8T \ Tickets to all Points im the Western States. } ---MANITOBA--- AND THE GREAT SORTH-WEaT. MON IKEAL, PORTLAND, i N. axp NEW YORK, at Lowest Rates and Loss Chi om thy all other lines, al "s OCEAN STHAMSHIP TICKETS Te afl Potuts in Cdrepe, Call and get Mops, Pam phte joa. Pa. iphiets, Folders, and Q. L. CAVEN, Br-ly Exptess Office, 24 Market Street, all inf , County of Perth Mutual P.I-Comp'y, Established 1863, by Act of Parliament. ~ Property Insured, over 82.G8.0% Amount of Claima Paid, 33,00) 41. BUSINESS DIVIDED INTO TWO BRANCHES. aD OF DiKECTORS , M_D., President, Stratford. 'row, Keq., M.B.. Vice-Prea., do, * Kaq...Ex-Mayor, Mitchell, J, Salkeld, Erq., Ex-Deputy Heeve, Downle. Themes Orn hea . Ba Be . qd. G. disde, Keg , bepaty- Reeve, North East- James inown, Eb dioeteas tee. Keq . Reeve, Hibbert. James Hemiltos, Enq, St atford. P, M., Fuilarton. PATORS ; Darid Boot, Stratford niet A. Drown, Downie. Powacrross :--R. @ J. 0. eniith, Kage, Bar- Chaters, Gewenat AdRxrs:--WUllam Davidson and A. Frame. bi ff of . i iy Tite 'Btoon. nYous be 5 STE Mand ost mest powerful y, uve +] companion was ee years of whiskers, lish cut, .| never gave it - | felt. confidante, sibly) as though justi; words spoken qui of hay Pony 'ed , but vires effort, = * They haven't told you then-- --~tnoubile 1" I saw it was indeed trouble, 1 shouk my in silence. The old kee; kerchief, and with per loosened his neck-hand. ith his eyes fixed on one i is | bi it afar out, told me regard ¢ was about ing the only -persan in' the world belonging to him, -- his the ; . I cannot write down the old iJ er | Story as he gave it, with choking pauses, tebe broken w i finish loquent of his grief. The neither fine nor granmats it ni look poorly in print. You would not foel pathos, for you did not sit beside + bowed of the roughly clothed, weather- , old ki foel r heart aching and your checks getting wot at the sound of his voice. But briefly it was this i C7 _ In one of the storms so prevalent there | on in late autumn, the boat Jack saild in was went down ina names of the cre ww. was no doubt that Jack had t The old man shook ted well. ae ured, his head ; they had nothing since, not a word or "a bit © writin'." © Tmaid what 1 could of comfort, and came away, leaving the per ing motionless in the bright sunshine, his eyes never wandermg from that fixed, | distant "4 , my poor Rose, ought As " e were brown 'and his cluthes fit- CHAPTER IV. . The little Austice held out her fat arms knowingly when- ever, she me, late, for that Dolly and liday' throve apace, and he A vague, impalpable shadow had arisen | of 'between Rose and ine, and though words it substance, it was keonly | * Jack Lancaster had been alwaya a great I trested favorite of mina, and felt companion on the hill, now as 'Rose Kent's city beau.' ly vexed, perhaps, for though Rose passively aceopted his tio had been hi '@ for respousible for So I felt vexed with Rose, 1 4 Theo's Un- cou ous atten- ro' aw her manner an entire absence of coquet- n Notwithstand stre tered the pail she carried on a shelf, before ahe mw ite ey if a = Fr : aT | d FERS AEP TF te] 4 i ll * Ff lta He THE ws, there scarcely bring m , her. A hard-working, diss ppoint- ed woman all her life, i mont ral that her mother' desire this in the poverty-p home. Sheltered by high, semicircling rocks, I nged one cléar morning, on the yellow warm sanda, just beyond the light-house ok _ int. slowly up the H F k nat ly pride and ambition for Ros r ve between them Rose he bent down and away as they ed sands toward my rocky this she was envied by every girl on the inland, there was no assumption "of such new dighity as wo indicate the appre- ciation of her good fortune. "She: 't care two pins," was my indi bu low be- mnt, ed. I went less and less or ", very mw, every hour in pr those dear ones 5 7 nF r. i? i SF | ee i z i 4 ; 7 . * i if i Hi 3 : at ii : i Fire fii gas Fi g i F if FL 4k g ° L i i j q ify Beers rf i i '7 iE id Fl i Pad | fifi Wi HF : E ffi RHEE ar j Fe E TE. HE peel 5 4 tmakes no difference now to Jack 'may haze boots #eruel thing té say, i it. A Durban dispatch says that the remusnt oe intention vised by Chief Usibepu's forces, who Sioaghtersd half of them, and s tall, bronzed young sailor made his ry fi eart, forgetful of all but that Jack stood tho One bundred and fifty Ansamite convicts, '0! Ah' how my heart ached for him ; and g bt ished, possibly, by the vivid Wa- i ination. you could he 'inet it kaow all about it in Heaven! Let me help down. * Hoecently a husband and wife left Montes. Ee ree 4 = =< i ie | : 5 fi Feiti Fee ictts ie tall f Es Fa 4 iy FEEES i f E E i = i i ¢2 FS raf fe = 4 rete the vigor» lr be ii itt | i F rl € FF & z EE 8 F peti Hl i t H | 3 tf ii a i i F ifs if et Hi ii 4 Fe i : E iil : Tt i f Ff i il # £3 3h F i Mh af B. i E i fy E fies. [et ff -------~- He zi iH le f Fi i i i F i li if j F i te 'm_ going to be a rich widowse, am.' r i il Elli H & Ht Hl ' i fff 4a i if aff THE sila a i i