N THE Animal Kingdom. Many of the = bearing animals are represen { 21 Market street this fall. " List of the Animals Whose pelts contribute to our stock Mask Ox, Seal, Mink, pal at. on fe Squirrel, Wolf, Hare, b, Bokbarag, Beaver, Fox, Rabbit, Salamander, Coney, Jear, Maskrat. Good Light. We have given the front part of the dress counter and she lving to the furs good light. a = observa the ds parttnept to id near the window wala rest keing boxed up for FERGUSON. Fast Growth Our fur trade oe developed eapiy | and steadily an year we have done our part to abs it the iInrgest. We will now proceed to give you some prices. FERGUSON. Robes. Mask ( Robe, price $25 Wolf robe (light grey) price $9.50. Wolf robe (dark grey) price $9.50. Wolf robe (extra #ize) price $12. Nors.--The above goads are No. 1, want of room. with heavy seal cloth lining and beau. | tifully trimmed with soldier's cloth FERGUSON, Furrier. Please Observe': Our bread and butter don't entirely hinge on the '_ bs «furs, and we are thus more at y to sell cheaper. Small profit ranting our expectation com thie departn FEKGUSON. 21 Market Street. : Astrachan Goods | A good m for $2.50 A good boa for $2.75 A good "cap for $1.76 FE RGUSON. We Make a Specialty of Astrachan Furs, Selling the exten quality Astrachan from $8 to $4.5 motte, Capr, $2.75; Boas, $8 to $8.60 FERGUSON. | ink goods in abundan Mat 8 $8, * '310, "$19, $17. Boas to The clearest a in furs in thi« town. FERGUSON. $15, Every Time. | Well, hardly ever ners but very | of en I do my Vet mar ds low Furs "aig been Sn0 of the favored lines. See them, ffiends--see those fur capes for the slioulders, ot $8, $8.75 and $4.75, and those little white caps boas, dc, for children, all at 25c caeb. FERGUSON. Fur Mantles. We have bought for this scasoh's trade sag J prime goods. We could rocure astrachan wantles to sell at ie to $2 0, but they are, at there prices, unreli Our far made of fresh pelts and well trimmed. Prices, $25, $30, $95, $40. 40 in. Jong and opwards. FERGUSON. / Observe. Dry goods is our main hold and it's for a matter of mutual accom that I a flap ang? up the pricés that have exisied in rea ean afford to sell at lower satee--doing, it 4 to spot cash, and bave a pond USON. Persian in Lamb. miy ie the goods are ov exhibition the Real Estate B 6 Per Cent. eee leans oo BORGE 1 FORMAN, own LOTS $160 = eboice Inte, 115 sere exch Seererner iT sSeetick ae Wells « _ Nomeo ne Suton we. - pens tan mv Car $100 it Soupet choles 1/3 acre ht Heusen road, jo eadve survey. veab S tesee, 30 oats lots on W street, Nos 200. Bi, &o, being tho % G ary pouve went t ibaa te ® works, which. ubder Le® manage! will rapidly enbaves their ve us. These lots formeriy soit ot 210 are wae OTHER LOTS mi every w PAK oTs. At $53 tw $iG7 an acre vony wrass, will Ley 134 $1, 000, im Taal eres se. ch Wide ate" oh -Deer past a tne Ca wns cate ue trom centre of te' $2 ry) 000 ¢ me iy a0 acres fronting nh Hore eurve: $5 Th) water the 'cheleest 3 eeree pe vi Wot, Gal! mesnure, ia asme 60 iy 9 will hay a2} nere $2 00 (080 an were: $1 25 Wl bay wij ere lot in wame wurve alien many te rune, avd only 24 mile from centr tow | Thene ore a "Huet fet a Bite Jor in samme wurrey three poem aso were held amd | ad there scold fur three times the price pr The apward me av ere ith prey athe beat burgaice we "oe Trey was tert which I am pte users bow * athe the benefit. 53 acres ef t 1400 wt LD BUY A Hit. FAITE FARM, he iter, erage shed. oe. .; 1 "Tales jrom tbe ree i cata ¢ Strat "ee hed with the huleoet ginal) tres' Orr On monthly or querterly pee Box 50 will boy 3 soot patuted treme house Hemeo w HH buy My Couch's Brick Cottage $1, 000 pd 3 lots wel planted ao Wan corner of . aly et down, balance at 7 SISO ferent wil by i tats story brown "| pe ed house and 14 acre Ps at on north vide of | Broa onda A ta Sven rere (Lately owned by & 200 wal tne ae +8 Kiootaonte email house ae bist on Albert street Kest uf toy 'a Fiyan's france house on Caled, ard, be et hse ant 'im Avon W " ret. N Will my D | $300 Painted. "lk story } Viot oR Nuras side of Chasies wtrect, a nuort die ) tance test trom Rev KE Pat ersco's Parsonage fl lny Me 4 ee , sence on berite with fot and garden well Bulebed with al aiden, cot vente ewe. eee uypoalte the rout manos oF Wim Ajexander, Ke w rcteou s large brick cottage aed two lots on Noukh wide bias ewiok Street 4a ast Kast one = alee . 2 Vivian's Survey, tate Mre $l: 41K) weer be t anol tein tps frome reaidence ov Wateriy» street arly apees ite the © save 4 te suruer of Bt ¢ | Wade n theny brte tel . Sg Wil buy J Al Moran's SUN) ide ones and 1:4 acto © @ atthe fon Memd rau w Ppp t is ad next Gouse purth of Kiopbel® Hlvck. = $600 Wull bay Patrick Lawlor' good bh end stabie aod 1 acres on hele w oule line pear the Catho! metery, jviniog the Went corporate lithe 4 uf the town. $ ) Will bay tbe bouse, stable ane 6 ite, »e) orth acte sash. on Albe re treet. iets ewnes b a tee ") Laverty aud ¥ Fr soke we an th «itt al a caer Jota, Nua. &s ve, 8 i "alex "Geant's ouneey on St Marye . Brie c On sey, er = mA 45 thas * Ss! 100 ou s . -- ant ah We sd i fetr gre A, (fe reoaely w s| that we oF art in town. | TO T "STRATFORD, ), ONT. "The Brant Fall Boom in this De aicnt of our aes Establishment bas now. i :&. MAGNAIR & CO's., Vn are now showing a magnificent range of new Scotch | Ciottie, Overcoatings, ke, &e, at prices below all competition. ven the season with the largést assortment of y House west of 'loronte, our stock em brating 'everything ter an = le ae caearet in the ly set in at English and Canadian Tweeds, these goods English, Scots hb. ind Canadian wurkets, for men, y direct conformity to the worktnanship disp Mi ayey i in the degree. These are features in guaran tee | will be gratified and pleased. The necessities of the.tines demand that clothing should oa, latest styles ; that the matérial sisalt be the best, and the mnannfacture of the garments artistic and excellent in a higk the making up df our garments we never lose sight of, ~ Genuine Scotch Lambs' Wool Underwear. ee ee ee wes For Ladies' and Gents' wear. Our own direct impor- tation from Hawick, Scotland. Tt sae rego to add otf up and produced in fe » our patrons a pet fit, and will meet your ideas of artistic clothing. Come, you ford as we will GREAT SALE ALL THIS MON eet stot | Never were such BARGAINS offered in offer all. this Month, Astrachan Mantles, Silks, Dress Goods, Mat r| Millinery, Blankets, 'Comforters, Flannels, Wins Woollen Shawls, Mantle Cloths, Ulsterings, veteens, Silk Velvets, Carpets, Cil Cloths, G]®ves, Hosiery, Staple Goods, arched Goods, Notions) e. 500 Overcoats at Panic Prices. in | MILBURS 8 OR, Propebtern, Toews « STRAYED. - Pecsoyraees cer es Scie P, W. KELLY. Wise dT AT ue novat ROTEL. 08 Apply at ones. af urs, i uy a . JORX PATSR. Z 325 rho ES roubtindd eds . Just received, 'sod oes od mig = hoon Custom House, two cases of Scotch Lambs' Wool FU R CA PS. Salesmen n Wanted.- ; uderwear, in two and three ply hese gobds are excellent in quality ; ere full ; regular ate earintuene i inade ; free from senms, Mud are warrauted non-shrinkable and non-imitable, and for warmth, week lege ost. stkst een ose '4 durability aud general comfort are oeonpeatied.| The follwing d is' the list oh sizes :--- Persian Lamb and S. S. Seal at W holelsale P he ces, |" "Work the Year Round, * snantsipanipaninenieestiaingsnatapio ain cereg 3 LADIES' UNDERWEAR. GENTS' SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. i Merchant Tailoring -- rele aa Smal) Ladies in two and three ply Small me's shirts and draw. rs, socks tp mateh, two and three ply. n our erc aut, orin ' : witb STONE & WELLINGTON, | Shuler te Seni ; i ie Dress Making and S st Bing wae ve dacvank Gisl Wanted. oi el he 'iL iL " very busy, and would respectfully request intensing M3. 245 es. ann 5 Extra O. size do do do purchasers to leave their orders as early as possi ra rag Cava nomen ss, = fone irae sree hen ool Wane of Ragtial aud Canadian Hosiery, including the supply of first-class work people is limited. : Wanted Tmimediately. i Vor popular guads, ut popular prices, go to 2 First-Class Dry Goods : 44 The Popular and Progressive Storo of J. FR. WILLIAMSON, T° Sy Aaa Sek oe a ' A. MACN AIR & Co. Agent for Bazaar Glove Fitting sac re and the Celebrated Coroline and Ball ww "me wee E hi tratford Cnees arket the Fact tories ay, Nov id aloe? 61 boxes <t Lge aes Hie to life v tieeetitn fa we rk n wk, 008 Exports Bm Pos . Mrieea Ploe.l ¢e c Faory 14 are TICRABD JOHN Baowy nt tar. WOKMS often destroy chitldren. but Freemen AW. joren PF ine @odexpel them from t ers, and reveatabliy (het beaits, monten land eignally fuilad, " a hen or ue ¥ Je amen 'F IeMAN, "Station. dD. New Vork tite 18-1 Rest and Comfort 'to the Suffering. $1,25 0 Mr Warp'st Boe Sresm ne TeAL ari enna | OU one acte ef che tr ca tla stew $1, 250 3 wut buy bat «a en cor! a $65 Hetmen' qurvey cnupied by L kabseo , the Ofth Louse weat from Shrewsbury a S900, rane cottage, Day 4 fate or 6 the bee eres te tien Waneneets mpd * Paine and ' a's pas, aud de for sate ty ail drug: | entsa n and er Lon rains of 'cutting tend he MILK wine: | physicians and narece here at 25 | celiarand w . mentel oF due ; shock a ken iWweh ire theway re) wrist bay enaio ster ON $250 2 [Slane street. Mcculloch eur ver A pea ing be puy Kosevore's frame house rd $500 } ots on Albert etreet, in Armold & obine: sinha $500 Un entze enry terme, will be ¥ ORie st painted benaes an core tvs ad ® tas, $5765 * une, tat Show bie, ae nearty "Opp Alex Grast'ssurvey } of Wel way Ander Rmities new white 750 wt 'oe en 1 ly alot tet Thos tof T : Seine Br 2 pon or 61,000 for same geal Sie. te Forman's vey of & 54 A peat brown bones, on * jane, near Vieto ja street. in Lancen > yurde Went of red ee T P stats olan ew ome down $17 75 wurrey. 2 fecing a5 Syd stairs. (Ja rt spose ted bow * op Ne aa" ie. of Gyan *y iatre Stable. « bb Youas's) cf oceot Win Mowat bq. 25 street, opposite of corver of Waterlon street, on jot Os K . (Late D Ht McDonald's $1, 1200 res Snesel'y 100 requined da That «hte paluted cottage of ¢ good " Réveres Brick Grocery on Dufferia paenenpenre Ward. Oaly $1; 200 3 Bg by Sue nicl printed house and "~ cA " of Grange aaa inias ®) $900 preter Me! cow plete Nelson rac mras St Mepeuald 7 case (Seadies) and See ed This class of furs at close cash | $47 feet frasue punted bo, 'prices. Muffs, boas and caps. A 8024 | on oust vide of Queen atzer Robinsos y cma ssa gunn bred janrtecly of any pp aDeuts a = FERGUSON, $1250 0" ar. me hectare tat at Ee anne a ve 1h Muffs and boas | $650 M2yrsx cetera" south 'aide of mateh from $2. 75 up. octets Sian aati ook ad wi saok en's tee Ev y Time. |S{=a esas very eee or we bew and ladies' coney band caps at betes Bide. $1.40 0 and $1.00 sll sell every me, etn vista, went pines ars) 'Beauties. as Se ent oes $4.75 up. Beauties ies Again. French seal muffs, $6. 'Praneh seal boas, $6.00. i ie $84 sens i | WEEKLY FREE' PRESS ! BEST Paw. Y NEWSI'AL pan PN CANADA ING OF WKEKLIE $1 PAPE arenes. CUT AND PASTED BY NEW et - aay Het Market Department, ' ' bes - feeeee Depa: tmnt, eee os gonious Pustie Column, y Kawerteme. JUST THE THING fame THE -- SF Band 9168, vat oe will be forw to yor nusry Ist, $11,000 IN PREMIUMS 'The most liberal ind: Canada to parties geting oy ines far "the Weekly Free Prem. Send for Premiam List. nine oy Y iat Jags , it Pr MOTE. ait Rabe FREE PRESS OFFICE, LONDON, ONT. NEW LIVERY. -- I%s HODGINS, 4.8. "Sof euettora. begs t form fhe cltiveue of AE Atrattord, that he Peres sbove line. in the ou eee STABLES. ts rear of the New Post genus ait totes eel w rues Peira of ths seaso! il reapectfally wolieited. No worn out ulring his services inthe Veerin- poh peak mnt red mag htable ' nor ersous --_--- pkey bib 7 TRE ADVANTAGES STILL FOR THE BUBSCHIBERS ! are sent the on price to noch wih in (ree. three su) pli go eighty paf L | { |e JI. woops, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Opposite the New Post Office, OWTARIO STREET, STRATFORD, {Successor to W. H. Roberts.) He is now Offering Full Lines and Special Inducements in WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELERY. The Largest Stock o& Watches in Town to choose from. "i,{Give me a call before making your purchases, Discount to all Cash Purchasers, * t=" Repairing a Specialty. Liberal Go to F. WATERS PICTURE CTURE PICTUKE FRAMES. FRAMES FRAME ADQUARTERS FOR Cornice Poles, Picture Cord, Wire, Nails, Kuobs, Pockets, Stereoscopes and Views. F. WATERS, 18 Ontario 5s. Pictur ooks, Wiro| Easels, Photo Wane, Photo 'Albums, Jnpanesé Goods, Wall! CALL SPECIAL ATTEYTION TO THEIR ary STOCK OF Hand-made Boots and Shoes ; Ladies' Oil mt Polished Calf and Fyench latest styles ; Boys' _ and mph yore Boots in Great Variety fine t Hate 'Cape and Genta' Furnishings ; Also, a fine Stock of ' pan Misses' F P. J. WOODS. Pur Goods; Ladies', Misses Kid Mites and ban ha which we are selling af w holesale Prices, as to clear 'oat those lin |M°PH ERSON BROS.) ~ BOOTS . Ordered Work and Fine Sewed Work a Specialty. A Call Solicited. Block, Market Square, Stratford. Stratford. Nov 7, ay Fitzgerald & Rutledge the noe "and Chir' CONFINE OUR ATTENTION WHOLLY AN D SHOES. Don't forget the place, Odd Fellows' FITZGERALD & RUTLEDGE. NEW MILLINERY. --_--_o------- NEW MANTLES show all the newest styles and latest naveitine in these lines. ')Opening Days---Satu nday, Oct. 6B AND FOLLOWING DAYS. All are specially invited to call A see styles, quality and eal DRESS "GOODS. My stock is now complete in all the newest lines, STAPLES. Fall lines, and cheaper than the cheapest. aig WO TROUBLE TO SHOW GoOoDSs. . L. STRUTHERS, Pratt lord, Jesndreodaeesh 1883. Having secured the errvioes of a firnt-class Milliner, T nm pow prepared to No, 2, Old Albion Block, Ontario Street. Important to the Ladies ! !|+: th rece. % f(s doer acer 4c my Crecer bul Cad nef antl te rad 7 aie) | | Superior Stationery. The Best Quality in Plain = Fancy Stationery, includi ng, Me ream rocco, Antiquo, Vellum, and. Gilt Edged Note Papers, Foolscaps and Letter Papers, by uire and in Pads. 4 Square and ae Envelopes, 'all sizes and colou T am still selling ae remarka- bly cheap Vellum Note Paper, ugh and smooth fronts, only B50. for 5 quires. | N. A. BOSWORTH, } 17 Market Street, Stratford. ar | Sell Rasmus at ey OTe let os sopp lef vs mppeet faves 464-6 y wee a ae a TOWN TREASURER'S SALE of LANDS Council Chamber in the Town of Stratford, Dest Forget act ny season's ¥ eae at Japan Dy aeshess On Thursday, the Twentiath Dey of December, 4. D. IO oe ek pe RET .|E. K. 'BARNSDALE &.CO' (uate 'Taylor & Seman a * GLAZED DRAIN Stretfod, Ber Cornios Poles, Cornice Poles, | | Sutherlind's ) Rheusfatine ! 8 pote Petits a rlire tbat flest NEURALGIA, COMPLAINTS | a \A Rheumatic J. H, NASMYTH Strettord. } Feb, ™, a TOWN OF STRATFORD. 41 TOWN N Lots Situated in 7 pebee put iahetr to." bat wf All the ilte Gegptica, ature, . & C0. oe var wo Bi J the Town Le bound we spe fa cae not le to accept i OF . RNNIK ae? Devacynent at Pub We Works ttm FOR SALE. ee The Avon Hatel a and Restaurant i Oxtanto § UNEXPIRED FKEM OF LEABE Byeare FOR S Furnitu and Stock; AT VALUATION. ~ by nnd Mite Be Bo mp Se. A 1D CHAN ~ 4 P- op: tetor molng: to BM 6: tobe, corey se ccnind iit 'nre of Comet of WM. PORTROUSB. waikot Pou titles and ware et | --Sratturd, Oot. Bh tars: eS Ss grounds conalst of a owes | TM DALY ci po oe ve Farce orth men wen pose gti fag to be made * pplication om ss. to. T. rons Tres vicaniiaind daly 2S me mee {ioe PLoS LOIC OOS AGN mo 38 out 400; nos pryun feme Bursa GyOM 'auo NHOCL nent Most V: le Property, Helonging to the Uyaly Retale, bh for be-tonab eS nore, ua fo lows BETWEEN Lepndie Hgtak st eee Berkshire a for Sarvios| i ARES An ie se acmra WM. . _ Tie OUNDED, SCs! pee WILLIamM * 408-38 rw ELEGAne mee. HIS LARGE W. Grand: Trunk R'y. Good and Chesp. By Important : Chiaige of Time, - 'That oon'> be sore ode Sunsey koa "2, : Sawing, Planing ah ae tre D pyre viens oe ene 09:08 ie Patent Fence pt @p hand. About 50,000 feet of 1 inch Ei tor eale A ON, St. Lawrence Ganals NOTICE TO Con | Deseeerr: