John <) cmap Guelph, Nov. order to aeniet bition of men each council tried men repudiated Canada called an MAIO | sentenced Sn aes __ St AxoRew rs Dat.--The 90th November is a 4 signers, | a ec = Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1883. | shouid te world na the one day of the your when + PALMERSTON The re - NN ohstyrpreemtenemars eensine meee a eos and holiday presents wif Seottisii na ity and ah sentiment nate af Doves Meares sxp Stscuvx.--Muncie, DINNER : ' - be the eeder of the day for 'the nd of} ~Hidu Wom--Aboat & s,m. Inst Friday will probably | Ind, Now. 28,--On Robert Scott, See AO eee | ee ee tr. F. Waters, Ont , in |" Auld Bootia " are talked over af the meet- the high wind ther prevailing blew ye in | Miter two years' separation from his wile, / AT THE ROYAL HOTEL. | - eet prepared with = large and handsome stocs in | img of the Clana. On Friday next the St, | the driving shed of the Albion hotel down, retarted to her house, near Easton, ani is- 18 MANAGERS of the BTRATPOR ' THE WATER QUESTION these lines, which he puts at lompat fiqares. | Andréw's Society of Strath cele. | part she (i. T. By; track. tear Sisted that she, live with huni again, She i oe F . sty bit 4 special eale of Millinery, Mantlos and | Brating the day by % gathering and dinner at | Accuvext.--On 24th inst, while B. John 1 the ratusel, and he stabbed her deuth, killed ataiv ' ang every day ' Yao | siike be advertiond at Checpeide, in the | 8 Boyal Hotel, when a right royal time is | 00, brakeman, G. T. fl, was leaning out of his child und took a dose of morphine, trom the public, and the pressure on the Council eoher a t for both ror nhdggentle. | @tpected to be enjoyed, as js generafly the | 8 csr, his head came in contact with « sema- Brantford's New Hospital. which he died. from outside will soon become wo heavy | men's garments Mr. Williamson pe" the si Seot meets Seofon ear oycded ply Brera 2 Poor han -- Py Isremxan Macutust,--The London neem that' thie sogust body will lave to accede | greatest facilities for turning f ines | Sty Of Mueir patron-Saint. In choosing th 2}.--Mr. John H. Strae- it is now iy met ; as of gathering they will} Tur taxt--The Swiss Bell | ford, one of our wealthiest citizens, made an Welft's infernal machines would have been A Csiro ts, Se i , ~ailegnlc-al Tar Now: Th we of De ted y hey have d lormer rerforined in the town hall on the | ofer y il in venion Monday | O+ed against the German Embarsy wi z pales tt + gai Hepply Company's. mains oto aamnttet a dee Osemana Wart bradie, | 20eations, that the table of mine host Payne | 26th toe fair audience, whis fully enjoyed the & hospi his own expense | few hoars Bad not been seized. : ov bationalitins curdiasy invited: {" of the town that are so much in need | Pormpomod oe po the cee rat canpa. | Will do fall credit to the on. A cordial | Pe et ee at a cost of $12,600, anil deed. it to the city. | effect would have been similar to the explos- |/ 454 their farhilion whore bealnn ae baak . McINTOSH, President. * ( tog them--especially Avon and Romeo wards. | {... ahead ! ch invitation isextended 'o other nationalities to ng on the 27th ander auspice: to his offers bill of | don st Peaed street. It is believed the plot. beaten in their ' betpart wit by Mr. F tn betice | a and -- increasing, stich | join tham on the festive occasion. Chareh, itions, of which is that the hoapi- | term were only produce alarm. eed trork.. 2nd.--of ministers, of , W. MOWAT, Seoreiary.| | action taken » Ferguson 6 | fsa safe sign thas it is alk that is represented, | Oy os roey After ais bk ie te tal shall be strictly non-sectérian,, and that} A Staxpanp Tree Compuscartos.-- lof ¢ ie $rd.-- t My Pome ae the water of his well analyzed, with the re not more Sold by N. A, Bosworth, 17 smany y' HISBERT. ; ti > Tros.--Bosten, |/of of any churek; who -- , says tora, * _ feat, wilt of finding it uttert ot for wasn, will " ; ment ia Beak wt We Werseries ai ges other vei tall tld setae Seite ee = . bey ere pry et cA : P "s ; it utterly , wit} | Market street : nt in , Mr. W. N burtos | Hywewns.--One of thi Jeadent aff or ty arising the change of time occurred |'trestment, The curren' jcarmes 'obear iy i ; ater pany ween be Aeuls the purity of theis title bob of fsaapet pony Age sag | eI re, euegnation = manner which invariably create a Sutter of excite: | 988 OF othier services within ite yale se yenterday. cataney ree a peer ea of | stitution are by thet Steers be thet the b our, Feed & Seeds. water, and take step the Council to | y itor SS rt ° 0.8 ness hore |) went liy among the feminine i & patient shall request Ly debtor was issued Week "from the || hundreds of aor ish the. _ { euis inde thine Theecwnasen | tae BA ed He ged week Seve bed to i some Pe the community, took at frichtown aor mar such, aod then aly for thas othe of pene ot Insolvency, || who overy ioe seas ite mtmont on Sacre to ree thous. _ IMPORTANT NOTICE |!' i 'ot uy is that thet through the bannister rails, the right thigh | gre will lead to bi Chureh, on Tuesday, the 20th inst, when henatt. coupall | setaraable slock yesftrday morning. || Here come men 'ones in | ie . ' -- pretty y he o his advancement at some | the interesting cerernany which rapemaatngc to Mr, Stratford for | The vent appea time | perfect health, bat neglicted the firut everyw net sate 4 i few wells in Stratford fit for uns for drinking | ¥2* broken close to the hip. >The fracture | other point, A genial, courteous and effi. |<" : 1 beral oferta the city, and the "but the commissioner ruled that it was after | toms of disease uncertai Sain Pr | shore Nile. | The McL N N A N or culinary porposes; and that the time hex dois Peel He hae Po Ages "ae i: cient efticer, he was deservedly popular with parlecued ty tne tev, DONG the sho, De council will further confer with Mr. Strat: | 10 and defaulted him. The case will pro: | felt pay coat ftiend wepnen wraptond 'troops, wil ' = s arrived when the Town Council must move in | an esitor's son ought & ee A gros "ble Nh of sitivene---pethepe & baber's contracting parties being Mr, Michael | rd len the site, plans, &c., are tubrgitted. | bably go to the Supreme Court. ~ | became impaired. little realized the nd Khartoum. Three | Enon tenaterbct Sen. San aanee trol ann el phd S| ete wh pen wi ace al ok ome ha | Ohne cite May Stn Poots Con viea ete aaees fencdat erger tenes eso tw corto oe sii Ses ieee ail i i bh bad water. gt ire rg og Mr, D. MeLeans: curiosity that ak per of private company pont a i the co pang igen steers release the 4g Bagren inte hed stitute armen, might sae mee nt ' analysis of Mr. Ferguson's water was | Oot: tne tre hail, recently oosapsed bp Masses, | tadccl he wok ey ave soch am tndd- | many triends and acqsaintanors, daove to the | * 4Ce*owLEDES To Mario BERK 4 Fexta¥, | gaol in Dublin, where he is confined under bishops, lawyers, judges, statesmen, million: Flour, Corn-and Pea " by ti in Toronte, and | fil) Brod. Mr, Mele: 7 eens 'of i tf ™ & curiosity" indeed in | house of the bride's father, and partook of a BCT DESIES THS MVADER. ' tontence of 4 Kaguy. The | sites, journalists, college and e Meal, : f lout his'od ; thor | uxperienen it ha buuineen anes offt isations eg eet Stratford. In musical | bountiful repast, which was got up in elegant Dastin. 36 ree of Kilmainbam have been doubled. | officials from all parts of the aon KP oF } will be fou$d in vertisement in anc perience in | news and-will know how | circles Mr. Warburton will be much missed, style by Ming + Ann O'Shea, farmerly of Dublin, Nov, 20.--At the Poole for iva b ing that th Dra the morning Democrat ond column. | t : bet von op the best of everything in | ax he wasthe life and soul of the Stratford | Hibbert, but more recently of Detrait, the murder of Keney to-day 5 viction of Poole was a 'mistake. A memorial | Chronicle from his the reporter re- D AD COARSE GRAINS, ~~ yh new, ft is, coupled -- ---- jot band for ', ears, In w with @ | After dinner drove 'to Mii il, and ae i. prisoner, fied that bo first | will be t to the Home Secretary, asking marked, " Doeter, letter 'of yours has j Field and Garden Seeds: e redibly informal that the Hon | ine over rhoat of bis conspetitors it the tre. , | thecuuelees to co ee that subd nagar pat up st the Hicks' hoa ival aught Kenny had bene. oa gk gui be | that Poole = ieprieyed. on the grand thet created a good desi of talk, and many of out ' 4 ah « resign. , wh eng idence di ; erdict ilty. 3 4 it ¢ solte * :. / Xtam Crooks exp 1 lube determin. | Hus special will be superior extra family | regretting his removal, we wish him unbound. | Se ay ete a gel sg ye of the girl led to the murder. The jury | 1p riper Likely, lena Wane vee os "To what do you refer?" remarked the ported Minnesota Patent ation to euppokk the Opposition in the | four a ported patent Minnesota flour, | ed puccess in any new sphere of labor 'he may | shot are, where they intend spending a | fund Poole guilty of the murder of Kenny | be granted, doetor. . Flour, ofr ane ing tt say ten |e mi hb en | ir pon Esme le! nt | ety iy train Eh er | humps ih pape, dar st | Hat 0890 sr th ager ieee eee inal > 5 --------e0@ee 4 -- : iJ " Fy 0 a jour Shee? the hands of the Mowat | ti. american House at the railway station 1 THE LOUAL ELECTIONS. _ | {ature may be as brat as thelt on and allies Poole spoke at length, In| O.heds te hill Lord' Loved face tee yar eS SS Ae: wll Westin ss Seliverod in aay part of ciel jovernment.--_ --_----_--a is taking thi 'on cat motel ralbey and | n _ is | thest only crosses little onex, shat daniel ea ee tones hd om- sina of of his cf who were woe ch oeipad Np Pe showed him the . le votel, y Mr. Pethick in ie writs for t lect: West Middle | + me tee urdered Kenny, "J ancestors » which was as follows : =Mr. Geo. W. Hoss, the briber, who' was | frvt-class style, wth every modern eonvens. | ser, West humece ard Conte meee, | DOWNIE -| bat edmitted that be was a Fenian. He | jo" pt wor gg cant finkbe ween net Cutrrox Sretsos, Saxrrantew Co., | reeratly wits es West Middlesex, has | ence and bg toed dim for a short _ bra issued, and the days for nomination and poll. { -- an ia Ln 4 a, be =~ 'i i fi h il they q f thei Cutrros Sree, NY. Oct, 11 1883. { appointed Minister of Education in | passe? into the management o' ¥. Arthur | ing in all throw of the constituencies will} Provom~e Matcu.--A ploughing mateh = . We learn from a Scottish paper that his Lord- : i Fecucnte hth 1 Hine, Mr. Mowat's shaky Government. To | Rie sho has succeeded in doing & vers | probably be the same--namely, December 7 | was held in Downie on the 2ist inst , on the tyr doe bib are phigh oy tang ship hmd an ancestor named Andrew Mercer, Ps sk nt tran oe Conservatives tha polatnent has little on sere fet yaad mat with a good and | and 14. The servatives have tu f Mr. } ac, when considerable ledged that be wasin Kean a. -|}"who long before an English navy was | forts of kidney disease that we tare. fee i ' remarkably well furnished house, and exesp. | 8 tair chance of carrying each of these con. | competitibn took place. In fact the boys of Ad ore {ever beard of, commanded the combined | watching with t '. interest. Jast as weil have Boas as Crooks | tionally ¢ management, business in that | etituencies. All they have to do is to work | Downie, with pe. - ride thanwal night of urder, he "4 , with great care some cases I am loo j } 5 asa, es hand ' i cots of Spain, France and Scotland tt | now treating with it, and I hope for favorable in that department when the coming mashup povaliny LS ae -- i oe. King, | With a will during the next teo an half | on ther ploughing, and we have seen teids caneter in stri ing hin is ae Ble England." Think of that for s real old psulte. f t favors Fikes however, has ¢hown Rirnself well adapted to | weeks. Let them do their bes lard Out there that would do no discrodit t early as oe, bAtigh gentl --~M 1 Witness ch ye come down a aaa conduct a first-class house, and woald n= | their Province in the battle Ermglist ploughing--and. that in the best ia | 7eeF of age, bat never fo the Vigl. F 'Awimportamt piibt as to muticipel le wettest ee pep soe The Grit Convention in Southy Hurer doubt succee: here. | agrattiat her he world. The farm of Mr. Ree is admirably til t jitter. His purpose was to wait ; ei crepe oF tad your sletiug Secacd and ah with you about detent ot inful ben- Naknow Escars. arton Hehe says ~-- | wuited for the exercise of skill in this direc. | 95% "s ig dent being ed to strike £5 motion was made to quash s conviction | institution -j Ow YOU OvET OUF | sett ve at Berlin, as emit Goren vificers were opted. last week wan hold in the Presbyterian | One day lest weok an infant child of Mr. Lennox Election tion, and was in euch « condition as delighted ow for independence, when he should oo-- inst ¥ he : - = . ith the expe ition, Unanimess opin VILLIAM $WHALING, ) ., Church at Bracefield| Mesira." Blake and | Alex, Kerr, of Wiarton. vill oun the heart of a good plougt have | © with theme | Poole will be hanged on | against Hoobe, of Guelph, last winter for nos Youre truly. By rie tery eye SDWIN COLLINS. { Beteutors. | . | : ., Kerr, on village. narrowly e Ne heart of @ good ploughraan, As we have | Hecember Ith. The jadge in' passing | Clearing snow from the sidewalk. con- (Signed) HENRY POSTER, MU. Pt, and that she must avenge the mw- ¢ amin ; M je were present ore caped death under peculiar circumstances, ; /'7I4##S MsowTt rom rue cowssnvarig | said, some good work waa done, and Se deep! . id viction was made under a by-law of Gu Iph, "I¢ ler 'oummeander Mobpcrieff, her con#al at 4yeat is é : , - while asleep ip ita cradle. Mrs, Kerr was en SaNP1b07R 1TH TWO PLacks 19 Htxam raow, | prized were awarded as follows :~--First Clase sentance was deeply affected. He said tho i 7 pad Se © NO- see why anyone should be skep- ere actire opponents anieeaypernmin - na cutty stools," whilst the} palpi: as ably @ in nining room, and a s:nathere | -- 1, Wm. Murray; 2, Alez, Hotson ; 3, Geo. evidence left the jury no alternative, aad Ye -- . at Mun Spel Ant Uocnl conperaing the letter," remarked the aiid UCTION SALE filled by a newspaper Editor. Tho pastor, tract. a heeritier dito | Napanee, Ont. Nov, 26.- q 's Gray; 4 W " i hs &. We . ran | | dite concurred in verdict of guilty. Sa ed baer bad NOs . What D hitean 2 Nev. Mr. Hoss, stood at the door and shnj all the 'wedi and "there eoeen oa } dhectos the tole ring are hainene 8. Geo Tasers gma the eae ee oe ™ j oh ts law is Coa nated t r *Ten't if uruaual fora physician of Faye : nk Down tt Mean . rm Stock and Implem Dut Grit delegates gut! The present mem. | "hich was inhaling the child's breatli, while | 6* heard from :--North Fredencksburg, 84/2, Jno. Murray ; 3, Hobert Boyce; 4, Alex. 'Tug Bont Calamity. its socal t ~ 2 oa that i: part reap ata Recommend s peopeie: i cmet otto 7 the po . é + . to A F ro, ioke! if N ot s we' C i ---- al - eparation 7° Pil retions" are the pow- bor, Mr. MoMilian, was requested to rez by oe discovery vere oe a ae | rah : manny ' ea. opera le | soll Ss . Wes Gin - ere bea sake ROTLER EXPLODES Asp vorn oF tee crew | Ptlity cannot impose a penalty, but mus tae | don't know how it may be with others, | eT of certain glands and organs of the Body wae & vole nf G#to 61, and Sir K. J. Cartwright | the time it was no doubt the résult would | Napance Town, 24 maj. for Allison ; Selby, 6 | West cleaned horses and harness--1, George FELLAD. Pi the snow is cleaned off and sssess | but in this institution we alow no person to | to bold and distribute the healthful fuids of @hoean' to' contést nstitaency in bis | have been fatal. Our advice to people ix to | aj. for Pruyn; Bath, ¥ ua} oe Alison Gray; 2 A. Cochrane; 4. Wm. hause = the property for the expense incurred. dictate to us what we slisll gee, Our purpose systern, wuch aa bile from liver, ate, atead. vAfter the political letter-writing and | *Hoot all the stray cats which conse prowling | Wilton, 6 maj, for Pruyn ; Roblin 31 ms} for | The Judges for the firat class were Francis | Kincardine, Nor. 21.--About 2:30 this after. | 7adgment ved. | #s to cure the sick, and for that work we use| Burdock Blood B be oo E I i ge and aroand, 08 & like oecurrence may Cot bout | Pruyn: Forest Mille a1 te lor jana ul Gloyn, thos. Steele, jr.. and Robert Fraser ; | 2208.8 Jend report Like the discharge of At rorogation of the Victorian Parlin. | anything we know to bo valuable. Because | 64°¢ of the secretion to make pure blood : political sermons which have emanated from opportanely discovered. . Haven, 1 ms; ior Prove. = for the second and boys' claves they were | *Wenty--ve,poander was heard in town, and | ment the Governor, the Marquis of Norman. | | know Warner's Safe Care is » very valuable A CRYING EVIL --Chila often the pastor of Knox Church in Stratford late yi . 6:45. p.m.--All parce heard from bat Adol- | James Ballantyne, H. J. Ballantyne and Geo. | While the gitizens generally were conjecting | by, in the course of hie speech said, in refer. | Preparation, I commend it. As ita power-is | pogo NG BVO 'Worms le the cats ly, the © ative members ol the Congre- lomne Sr Leu Cavenr, --London, Nev. 23. phustown and Ainherst laland, Proyn haw 15 | Motch ith their usual hospitality, Mr the or, word was ved that the tug | ence e annexation of New Guinea arid | aauifested under my ue, so Pall I add to| Dr Low's Worm syrup safely expele tio 1d Ube tenid be coenet 5 8 Founy man who gave his name as John | majority, . and Mre. i ti j | Brie Rellé, owned dy Olerto & , of | other islands, that the question had been in. | the completeness of my . Worms. gation would bot in Ube least be surprised to | Harr, was arrested on Talpot-street to-day } : * Vindsor, which dat tensified by the Fre: . make Haye you ever analy ? boys robbed a Southern Pacific train in y ; Midnight.--N« . i hear of thet snored vdifice beingaleo placed at | While anxiously endeavoring to dispose of & |G: Ambenet ion alas ed ee | dian. fashion---wa might Cady " mght } 'ow : their worst | We ys analyze before we try an} ona. | ' the di J of the "pairty " leadersand wire. horse and carriage, which be claimed to have | sng to- he) aio an os ail = criminals. Feeling that a terrible misfortune | Preparation of which we do not know the | un editor and collar his ld befal th ies if such hould constituents. ut apalysis, Sarat vk doen" -- a) Cana: } dian fashion--we might 10st aay royal fashion---for there is no-stin: at the board of farm: pullers for Convention purposes. *. Mr ar ay sin Mitchell we which was | -- eteee a Canedian er. you know, only Ros, of Praceficll, has his dowble in | have plenty of friends up north end sents | Mary Bell's Escajp.t: re ili Oy Becmnitted, they bad carnesti f : poe pallid _* BIRTHS. - Ras, ! field, dowble in | have plenty ef friends up north, and profesmed | - ue * ed with the Imperial authorities. A con- | !tpertant sfobortions, The s a 5. : tue. Stratfard | ansiety to go to the telegraph office and have | , oes 2 m a MORNINGTON. v which will soon meet at Sydney will | Power of Warner's Safe Cure undoubted! : peeved r ---- & message sent to Mitchell. The datective ATHIaS AND TE rece Se eae -- ol the subject, a well as | Consists in the proportions" rd Witxm--In Ellice, 08 the tist inet, the wife a | * p ai #5, ou furnishing ape THE RIGHT TO VOTE. and the youth scoordingly rtepped:into the Mii) SNP THN" Nous TUTEY--amRESTED | Nery om ram Casa.--On Friday week, Wen. | accident fill never be Enown Tt nes with the question of federation. There is | which its elements are mixed." While thee | tame nates Wiekie, of w daiyghter--sti} rr 'per cout fur cach ea afl : wii telegraph office, . asthe officer wet __ Warren, a resident of this township, while | that the pamps which supplied sore evidently a firm determination on the part | ™ay be @ thousand remedies made of the | Tomm--in Stratford, on the Sind inat, the wife bach * = 1 THE EN AMOS OF Tite FHorie's kionts ov | the desk to write the message, the young man | Guelph, Nov 26. - Un Saturday aft on his way home from visiting fiends an | b itradl in and this was | of the Australian Coloni F some | *4me dlements, uniess they are pst together of Mr. Thos 5 Tobin, of a sou slMoma. tnade a dash for the door. The detective was Ja wall-decinea aaa t ne i i emown | Halton Co., died very suddenly on the cars | not noticed by the first epgincer who was in | means or other the injurious scheme which | i* proper proportions, they are worthless as Enantiec eat Birallors, on the Lith 180, the . i -- j vot lar behind. however, and a hot chase en- | with a horse aaa bu, vehot, lh edawnd | between Guelph and Fergus, the cagee of his | charge, the water got low, and. when the | would be so fatal to their best interests. » iney and liver preparations Fraxnioan--La tae fate af Denies eee Brown Meredith's Speech at Barre sued, in which a nuaber of citizens joined. | gD horse au putea tally ce ored | death being hemorrhage of the lunge. The | water did find its way into the boiler it bad | + Gauls Natioxat, Lorrenr."--While our |"! some day t> meet Mr. Warner. iuat, the wife of Mr John Flaiinigaa, of a When tf election for Algoma was coming | The runaway was finally captared and lodged | antme! at such a low fieare | F omering tbe | deceased who was a young man of about 34 | the same effect upton the plates as ® spark | corrupt neighbors in the. South pectecling personally, and extend fuller congratulations eee on Mr. Mowat knew that the fate of his Gos.) 12 the «tation house, In his possesion was pasion The baa i TS ae So nyptae: ene: yous of age, and had been suffeting trom | of fire would have in a powder magazine. thentetne a ledterion | to himon the excellence of his preparations I rar eet t ao vorerh e vary aioe ornmett whe jtrembling in the bals ecard with the name Adam Switzer, {ley at a rid eas "hee vere also | tune disease for some time; but sugh a aad. | The following lost their lives, Wm. Osgoode, | Qacial Gasexe this enlightened her have beard muth of tim ai the founder of the | WaTr--Jn Logan, od the Wes tas, Mis fhvce de the ge deliberately that the Gov Marys, which is thought to be his real | "hief uf Police got ria' f the ged the | den taking off could scarcely have baen ed | of Loraine, Ohio, and Frank D of istian province contain ise vit Warner Observatory, arid as a man o Watt. of a sou, : e eryaged in on, the imprope He ina 21 years ak: tor interriewing the és stone os 4 tare for. From imformation received, it appeare | St. Louis, Mo., engumeers; Wm, Sbyles, of | application will be made to te Laney os ; benevolence. The reputed high character of MCE Sxmon--is Login. ca the Mth teat, Mea W expendituré of public money, and the pr mm, but ho whiske tain him for farther detalonments The | he took bad at Guelph station, where ad | Detroat, fireman, the . Captai Quebec, at ite next session, f ay rg the tuan himself gave assurance to me in the | CoLwett la Alitebell, od the Stat inst, Me B stututi ax duties for the purpo tooloured f rie than gave bie ao pene! shen ki © | to be aasivted into the cars, and before the | Troy, Jas. McGraw, Jas, Montgomery, C. "ae "The Matlonal i \ fl first Uhat he would not put remesy Cotwoil, of & son. oo carrying that constitaency. Although the , Utes. | and a nn of Anten. wtTSY: | train reached Fergus he expied. The rail- | Gammond, and J, Komph, manned the Kin. * { Teenie Je| Upon the market that was not trustworthy, | ROXMENRERO--In Logan, bm the 28nd ined, Sire ectons.---The qualifies. | and stated tha: Dr, Wynn, of Acton, owned mh) " - Quebec." The names the applicants do Heer piety Ad Fred Honvenberg. of ¢ daugnter Sh " were held in February lant, | 4... tad mnayoes, aldetian | the rig, and couamesioned him to take it to ite officials did all = a power wi him, | cardive life-boat and picked up the crew that | pot appear, but their solicitors are Mosara, | 224 '$ Wasa source of a good deal o: grat. | Set Soo olecti 8 Was not MGDE OO | reeves, daputy reaved and counciliors most ba | Guelph and dispose of it to the best advan. | 222. 4POm Sscertaining bis mame and resi- | were in the water, Lacoste, Globensky, Bisaillon and Brossesu-- | S#0n to me to find out by actual expen. - MARRIAGES. 7 _ '; till September. They choose naly dimteu, | 88, follows : They mast renide in the nuniei- | tage, 4s be vas removing to Manitoba. ng Pann arnt geen gig 7.7 net eehomernn, Sim. coe member of which is wn Hoborable alae meen Sieh somtained wey eth | grad Pee 1,000 ft, b-* ca a to tener "Ten of Georgian bay and bality. ov within 'bec milee therwol. Must be aan gene the Chiet onamnaed ptnenee friends. Mr. Alex. Hobinson, brother-in-law |! ALLAN-WITNESS CASE. ettent te te gg it psaally |" 'The conclusion reached by Dr. Foster is |" tust. by tha tev A Cacalegea Me peasee ' thin 5 miles of Hebriogrite gies : Lake Sapedor. There iss targa settiement | yr arcane aul ie PPSTEDGS EDS of ¥ , aod 2g, ry persisten recively th 0 i w iitatt, to Miss Asute Roxette, eldest daugh- i y . 4 "ak Cockbus oe lheweats 60 or 06 pera dan nlp opr eet = | coast, ae being ase aby 20 on ae down to Fergus on Saturday morning week Rs tie ose a ene age Get te rey tak Sauolne cad the oppealiion Un "Robert ree LP edema pe Mr dyleesicr Ballybury, al ot Hig t Price Paid for Saw Logs. = x 1 2 1 e . +] th ri i y " f . ° ~ beens . . Glia tesa ames | an horn ot St ies | Scorbatnird astra ener | Soa Arwen icra he Dros | rs of elt an apa fr | tte heel Sahn Be eee | lh ad tere ad one eyo «| MouaseHogndy ssh rodent tne and Ra 7. . ; ee shel hige | Soles f A ' aig = % / F ° ¥ ne Ke I believe Mr. Macdougall got only one vote : Se arn Se BeeTy ies = natnes at Pine finally emma he ioe of 'bets Shs since he followed hiv aged mother to'her last Sen ore motion (ara pried on tech- bat in 'heiea} : lat iil bave wahntet 9 oo mack ol et dm di peor KW gry eg Peta Ware Ses ot ht i 3 Se ss " es y ; o s i 7 us 7 t A lieve F will atten rere 5 7 there. Meldrum Hay aleo had né polling the dast revised assessment roll to the value | young$woman dresscd in a man's cists resting place. ts father, the late Jobn lately. howeven the Messrs. Allan , t ij | $0 keep their eyes open, for rfal inf j bad 4 . women and chiid en, Ae oe Sanicoceaston, Uy the caine, place, and it was hoped the electors at these following etore charaa: Yens a ineam | This was Gh feat dude **- | Warren, met his death very suddenly, some | ™*F> h * ae gave formal will be broaght to bear hy the ren from disease and death: ° Mr J 4 You' stock, to "Misa S places would not try to cross the boisterous trance ant) In hie iterated villages Psa re | the courage which ' had are t oT ae } three yours ago, by his horses rumning away fair rat the ding Mollet to ages Montreal Witaens y the other side,-- | Sees mieten gunn See eneee of Divas b waters to the polling places. $600. 0 eat ee ; " > | and throws: mu out-of his wagon at Car 4 , through . - | L i je the Gore of Downie, on a A hy rst ne n them. . bi Sod a Ea pill ne. : far sa th bridge." Mrs, Hobinson 14 "the only sonnel, a Benjamin, requested the de- Pte sk FOE 44 A Wild Man at Ke. Bathe ag A a a Mr. Meredith-- Yes ; ptrhaps drown these | i: cities, trachold to $150), or ascbel map her tieme was M at- | member of the family living. The friends Thin the. Present their bill of "Nees, Twenty-four O'Clock. " ' ' See eee Campbell, of Downie '4 onfortenste Then, sir, what iM they | 93,000 ; (4) in townshipa, tre hoid reared bn in Torow " knité: _lived | of the deceased re . ough the Macls be erpiad for the Witness, 9 Pastees 4 WOMAN ASESLE AND B16, MRR re ny we 2 '8, Belleville, do in that y from Port Arthut | jesehold te ge0o. a" hg rhe a |S weita' torceabine Gite ir Times, their grateful thanks to the officials of | 4 We bd et mith, were instructed to | VERY ran rndw orto SEWLY-MNv RENTED MCHEME, essary | amisted by Hev capt nee Mr to Hat Bertage. There was no polling place when the « ualificati: PS is partly fr F glen | five youre that " essed 4 the railroad, for the ar ae nay si ON = the defendants bill | Pp iMaburg, Pi ' t i of fo Bliss Keuny, youngest sister for 800 miles, There were, they say, only p easel lenstbald har tit Seceheapan nen leat Frids ia which they manifested on' the present oo- costs taxable against the plaintiffs will (Detroit Post and Tribune} tis pr 3 'enn. Nov, 20.----For scine time w of Sire Sey. . «i 2 fow voters along the fine of the Canada ee da 'apace, be at the Pie Pari dion band ree casion, especially Mr. A. Little, agent at pean hed rapt vusand dollars. Their * Mont people in this city and elsewhere Wot Ve eee soatiara pest hed Olio County, * eade's faabep, ord ton Woet Ean ey . Pacifie railway. all, of nescly all. Tories, and | 3) *3 J mmo - of section | Ae dss Listowel ; Me. McEwen at Fergus, and the o¥s caste, ne , will be five or six thous. | think that the 24 o'clock idéa is an original | have A oe about 20 mijes from, Whesling, inet, by the ley kB ilcor, ptr pugt nf 44 th beak Granal oat - - prapert As rated far not lous than bay uw ied - The home and rig Superintendent at Palmerston, been 'evident that the Seen 'anos hare ber so ue t eee = A who si ay "hie os docks to Mie i Het welonf 'dacs a. yoy coukl travel & aperty4 | far not leas H4,000 tea | The he ' { pembdeselns = . ) n have citizen to a reporter recently. | ! oo a H ar eLaod, |" 5 toth eB sey auee ap nett abcd anton eel: | meen nt fer wa | #2. MAntD Toy mee te hl et | wie wr coe eg Whar | hcbnd ib ano, Wy etn | nage aie | ake and Fort oe there © ree Ac eter resp Heutabrance A ; oe t woh wil come go nothing. Why, sir, it's | . * F eo 4 a) aM ua bi cnniority of" Piipetmer vetan but th : existing of the freehold. a) Ete in bstrabe th : She TOTAL, 2. Mom.--When charges against their good ship were all false, | as old as the hills. Just twelve seers ago 1 | (6 8 large club, the women into Mins {mma J Folie, ali at W the camanbetios ae pn Tonge 4 anfortunate sccident (laughter), which of tiotwan Weoorse.--Harrt Fastin Hes y | baie parted at on 7 id . on' Vec her | dividual is found who at all times stands Gp iticesd he rent ssn ant tly in utter | was travelling in Italy, apd what apetemn 'at Le py gee ay alaye apps rg peak tay ba soaker y Snlanes . 4 course Was cnevoldable, the returning oflicer | tox.--A golden wedding took place et the rathes good looks i adhiow Sine fearlessly for what he believes to bw right, abd bo oe oan oo nal condition of things, | tums da you wo i ind in operation Oth . or Ba and ferdete ag ' poe Zev J Robinson, Dock t i Har F was udable \) get there, and these Tories were | residence of Mr. Wis. Dunn, Norman-st, | it ped it ae k w! i, apparen§ she | wietheron the populsr side or not, whether | ADS DP ORs as s0 surprised as gentle. | there ? | Nothing less the 24 o'clook rE foe og ie" be hes Maggie, oungem dangh 3 t Dour, distranchised. They should have had « pol. | Stratfard, on Sunday week, Mr. and My | qiony iermdiens Bren eal arte uful to his enewses, or displeasing to his | Wa pesuselves At the revelations of the trial. | idea, which seems to startle people here as is ah dl ; med fe an te Poeorvien i ling piece at Algoma Mill, There are «| Dunn were residents of the township of Dow. pas x tok fom bine. hy ime ® | trends, whether in his own personal interest, | °° eran egy that the stawards' though it something-too deep for them pts have : a te him bot | Sy : : "1 pee . vuraber of people there, and most of thew | nie, and wore among the pioneer settle | Saratiey chad she wipe mine fell due 08 | of tatal to his prospects of promotion, and werk ule the Allsc ships will be thoroughly | to figure on. In Sorrento, 1 was foccess. It ig supposed he lives in} <-_E THE. onand afer MONDAY ete bite fee ee meen repectable people. The Government were | there. A few years ago they retired, and | eee ue nae Wished Lo raise money to | wher the community hi Preshauled, and where necessary, as it is at | to hear people tell of taking lunch at 18 o°. | S8¢ of the numerous the vicinity. | nnccn--Ap Ban Frankleco, C " tne} 2% parsinet of-Pubiie Works Gist, unable, however, j i y d | settled in Stratford, Having passed the fil. | on + She a to be punished | the mani action of such an one, though rp bed some ships, revolutionized. + To this | clock, or a ride at 14 o'cloc have been bay morning he went tothe house of Geo. iduh foot, Adtawe oe, Seerte. S28 on Biplication te the Hou J ¥ Treen, toact as deputy returning officer, sent to Owen | Geth year on the pathway of married life, on Sh sapere Pn, ror Peal aca Hi he members of that community fo not : y to put them in p informed it is em which has elung to 'qwell after _ gentleman fone Bruce, GT kh, bee a, aged $3 yoars. ep. ©. i Sound, wlivre they sécured the vervioes of a | the Ith iost., the worthy couple swletratad | aon ye i trial, As she was | aporove of all his acta, it is an indication of a | "0! such items of information as have| the ancient ch: « in Italy trom the middle | !° hit work, howling like s wild beast and | AtX4*DEn--In Moreingios, on the dh inst, Mr * be eng! gentleman nam an. Taere isa very | their golden wedding by a family reunion, at | The pane ~~ ed od parst into tears. healthy state of public sentiment. 'This is naturally fallen into our hands, .and whach | ages. "Peeper on in the country, where Mra Rebes ran fine steamer plying from Owen Sourd up the | whch had oneare of seding casas 7) oa evoked the sympathy of the foreibly illustrated in the ease of Me, Moir. | °* Pr nrorent to them, although irrele- travellers seldom penetrated, a doken years . lakes, and touching at Algoma Mills on rts | of their family and a number cf intimate | '*™ a en are he, after a long in St, Marys, vaut to the late trial. , ee ee ago the inhabitants clung' to the old time ber cal w seats. 6 monthe. i day. The way! But this gentleman found it. sonven.| tricnds. Mra. dpe Shure o actel| Will there be Another Franco | during which be has taken an active and pee. ny eho reason to doubt the rv { computing the hours. The zeanly child, a boy about 'S years of age, fore pollen ar hoot Of Kinin 1 over 3) years, jen} not to take by met steamer.| 02 bridesmaid to Mrs. Dota. tod ben in| pe Oe pak Be manent part in agitating an i fn earione otter, What the provisions | is now all done away with in that partof the ran inte the woods carrying the boy | pace--In IAstowed, om the sth inst. Lizzie Page | 2 : He took cing to H. H. | sons, Josey nd James, Were present, also | - nine question of public interest that has come SPY Al shi Macys Pe at ee et | orld. No, sir, the system is not » new 'ome, A waded earsoneln tak io Se rer drvilze" Cock ot sed ¢ veined that boat did} Mrs, Alex. MeGugar, of Southwold, only | (Corresponitence af Paladelphia Telegram. | {f consideration, was made the recipient of line. "Webere ue ; ------ ee De the howae. shortly | THasison ts Listy ta. 00 the 15. lost, - sees not hadoh there until 4 o'el on the after. | daughter of Mr. end Mrs, Dunn ; their won| Nothing has ccreck ee more bore in Habe 1} a testinonial which was conttbotes fo by line. e have toacknowledge our gratitude A Clerical Thief. coeds Mrs. Powell i-#- critica! a yee aot AP eam aims | complengs}ie work cantescted for of polling day Of co i dd wife trom Atwood bert, of | thag {he widespread belief among educated | Parties of all xhades of politica, partion ntike or Outspoken sympathy on the part of a -- A ition, but she war abie to teli him what Wankex-- ou the care near Fergus. on the et "¥ b gr ing officer was very sorry that an | Grenfell, N. ; John, ® nog, | Germans that within the nextfe + years another | who ageed apd di with his very large portion of the press. © have |. cormovmay wren a PENCHANT ron © hail . Tho man started at once for 36h inst. William Warren, of Mornington, | thetow accideht of kind had happened. (Laugh. | of Tara, with their wives; Mr. George Gibb, | SM*, ust range ie sertaia to take plese | We | omniona®. (A teacher of owledged ; nny Stents, ko sad ° "ot . 'x Fg bie i 4 i » | shall have to do it all over again," is tue burden : uoknown, for letters of good will.--M. TG DOORS. ue the wild mas resows .| SHPOxD-Lied on ihe road between Listowel > -- ter.) It by & strange coincidence | of Downie; Mr. Ralph Donaldson, or. and | of one bears ou every aide. It isnotibe | Sbility and energy, © sealpun hrorker | 4;- be jentront : _ se rowhridge, os the ist mat, AM . PF. H. ENNIS that nearly all the votes of Algoma Milly | wife ;. Mr. Ratph Donaldson, jr, and wife ; | Yabourivgs of infatuated "Jiagoes," bat ihe re' | in many t --_institutio --_ Boston, Nov, Y4>-Hev. Wm. Mitchell, tbe trail and alter follow. } | Vipond, of Parts, aad 35 "s * FD if are "Tory votes. Then thero was a great | Mr. Wm. Donaldson and Mish Donaldson, Stair enaken. got em an untiring politician, liberal' to a fault, De: Bald newly installed x of Westboro Con- dig i Shout five sailes canes wpe' the Sody Phillipe Mik ot de Morea ee "Tita if 2h ebue oe scarcity of ballots. It in well known that | Mr. and Mrs. Dann were made the ipienta S Noung bet ancmas Gernne in fry ip + generous an win's Farewell. tional Ch bed Pach His brains had been dashed out Jacaaon-- in a Marya at che ne Seri IE | | ee nine =e printing offices are not. plentiful in Algoma. | of some beautiful prosents, including a gold- | Franee."say the Germsna "" We dant want ta,| toa foe; he wae ¥ popular "with « large on the charge of stealing a book from Clark a | feat." tte. | Two of the party returned to dave, Me WO Mosorip, on the 19eh inst, ti ad semycuaal ia coincidence | headed cane to the f and « pair of gold Peds, but tf atseched Wo will take we | circle of ds, and cored y those who | *MMNoKuxxre ont a salen 48 | Carruthers', store, He was first noticed in 5 By the Sa aad the oo Seatene, in tee Saas east te late Avarew DA . "ce ' sonrelty ppened at the very on: | the pease, could not st all him, B Brooks & Co,' avane man, but at Takavou--in Loodon, Bom gad ' Teen i ' where Tory votes umerous. | gratulations and wishgs for future happiness | On af pandas we bear t testimon: took the form of & purse ante they had not a overtak. |p ~ fur Marre noel oo on S . by " id notvote.: Then | were tendered to iowsita offered tn conteining $165 in gold was Shim « one a . it happened jast at this time that they wanted ' nnd setiients, far one gen on Friday evening Ontario Hoase. i ot} : an pasinabaa Algonia. 'They had an ex. wn grep very inlerpsting soe eee pring Tt was the 'sation' ot 'oe prmindve to Sate ; pedition' before, you will remember, which | *V*%t tok place on Wednesday evening week, | atrack us yet; it the purse quietly and informally, but : '|, Saat, the Province 95,000, the main features | Py atiig eel teeter ote s brother, | Moltke fen the erseing Gruivek they Rtead fees ontractors. \- ble were bat>pagnd bots, | of Me doy hiegercrma ben at eal Peed bled about 40 friends from differant parts of i core and bathing towels. the ex. ~ Benj. J, Bae, of t codstock Senti- | *F the the : - : -- r F b . In petting up the ex- | 17 pevies office, to Mian Mand was onty Y\ and the formal part of tha' pre ee 3 AO Ts GLUE ENDER, aDnnessED To THE Vad dct Ol saan eae ee, Pent 8 | nod Mr. Frank Hodging. of Bt. Thomas, 6 | most Deters over, all satdown to oysters. Mr. A Little Behind Hana.- Spchaguepenscpapiesneeeee tide hes Kirin, "fieador fe good deal of money, and in some eases $2.50 - Beattie waa elected to fill the chair + eg = A AITO. Sil WEN RSD ee repel a jas the ladies both:| SeTereation turned by aod Dr, a) WED: ps on yee woak-knetd Tories to seo the aun = being the (erman aruy, ies s, of Kirkton, to the iow chair. On me ae are always a jittle behind STKATFORD BAND. er next, foot ie tea rnssenns beau Reform ples. They graded fe bride were supported | =)" sccpose " deairean 'e right was Mr. Moir, on his bend unde + delays are . pie { jon of : the streets of Hat' 2 | by ME rederiphs, of London, and | mea in the left, Mr. Jas. Trow, M.P. With: toast cus, and nose mote so than an hegiecting what | 'DHE MEMWERS of the band will please Woibey ae bigs Dolly of Woodstock, and Taogh. mais Me pad peerns ew for the people of that town, I have no Med tele ke Mer dee ee BB: | soot fa tee story and song @ couple of hears panned pve sie me Aran h i edd sod wee HOTAL MOTEL. om thist OFFICE, &c., that you would be very glad if the Gov. | Hodwins Fees Bliss | shires week Pleasantly by, and the company u up oe by timely use of. '«| WEDNESD. ar a . trumens would seoute bn to do | Louie Hodgins.,of London, The ceremony | «hich are in Bhogt midnbght.--drgor, P | braced Pectoral Preventing serious lung . : ' na the same thing in Barrie, {Hear hear.) They | *** groom # Rev. Ms. rte The cry igen es 199 a ee troubles ; y : fies ter prong a | ry = Berlin, Ont, . Cog sag Tenens coy yn gem K to | citk, and the as iss Thorpe in RAT PORYAGE. mons does i ican "aasaen very mba emai i tna. * e Be ane pink satin and Miss H in white satin | --A te -- 4 [ss : -- : PAYNE Poy peormap ptepaet Aegon gr Popo 4 "Tecpeotively. Among invited ps Mr, | Toads as MANITODS CONSTABLES JAILED --Maxtfons's 'setméa ia 'THEIN FLIGHT awed wt yarexps OTErok, Siratlor!, Nov, 20, 1k, 'hit for the work paid ever at once-- (laughter and Ges Midi, Mr. and: Mra. "Ras, Mose ios pg raphieal 'juign senna eee : te Bs nad ip Detroit, Nov. 24--The spplausé)}--and, of courte, these contractors | iat 3n4 Mr, and Mrs. C. 1. Hana' | the Loca: Goverment abi lal the ot |, Winnipeg, Nov. 22.~.4 to the Times er proereenion ~| Sad Falpge from Sand wie eaetes hetemmns & ota of hamden Aer oot Se Solnoe schoo books belore thea. The seoalt b thes from Hat Portage, preg yoy poh cla yopeasiase eteneta ee Governinens alaction ; Mr-d. BE. Sanagan, of St. Thomas ; | Nelson, of Edinburgh, who now dovs the & council meet nigh' See of yo HE MEMBERS of the Cooneti pea aedew les gemgrwrmactor fut Mr. and Mrs. Win, Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. J. printing, will be notified peer i bay net bs gricbaggtornee med oe a 8 peezs red | sparing, He on fos Diipetatias the County Of Paste wit we, the majter absll he investigated to the bot. | Melt, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, Miss McPher- printed in New Branewick, the ag mi Oathatel, c T fos son gnd Miss Towner, Mr. Cornish and. Mr 5 . - : moat Court House, Stratford, Yom, and 1 feet 'that at honest itt fexlled to bh liquor Loensys were also ?. . Nadceaser will han his heed with shazoe whe | Fy cgi rear rearer Myron beets ? new held acs e. the tate are to the light of day. sed'in oetollowad Uy ay pel The Tribene has bee posinis this school or Wetag clossty ------_--~--_- _._--_ ae thelr future jobbery--in which. Tobght Promiet Norgaay, when interviewed, xaid |! ; wey Moran aan tive sgeth-Ar alt ork a} bas racerted to the Mail's p= Our, sole | Ponta' Bemocrs.--The in| Ii pill bea pretty meastwhen all accounts Chiat ot ny is to get Mr. Government, to fiurttoed Public fichoois "avec pot perked reg ral Seenager with four men, went this | {5 steeryines fo a reference of the question of in their feapective classes for good Mowat Governmesi----gnd the people of MoQuarrie, mn clght ol.) clergy * to the Buperior Court or some | during the mouth of October Ontario. constables the | hers of Uberty - Belore ep toward eset fh i. the w hacdcaming | be Frese sa vat before he Sd ee cata a sale | iene a ed under Manitoba at be a Ghoemps Soka 2 , Pan Wheet pv ; sreseec ee he was arrest. an happy to have a reterence to the | * D 00 to $1 00 p I sen Gomreat te ele a hic wil { Fro}iiimeock Alice Pall wheat por bah. Bettie | Sea i, sana "wae * (paleo 'lnied atk ee 6B Hewenoae Alice Beatty: aigiets 19% "119? ps emery = Government will submit to a friendly mAMLE, . Barley Ne 45% 0 58) Mm tothe Pesos coal. helite be yo investigation before = competent tribunal we | 1. X, Ross 2. Druman i 83 | taken Uy the Manitoba foros to make » test will be only too glad te consent. We aro not | 2. Will Matheson L. Sillifant 50 | | case, bat the Grit iovews prefer to let it ve- beam fre spirit, bok merely wish | 8, Wilford Forbes Nellie Gibson $0 | main wn open They par it : : SUtLKERPEARR, ; 00 | the rioting pri to 'sustain 'That competent tcibonal, as everybody J, Chase Tarnball Seale Lines iB Ed =~ fost ss Sit John Maplonat has on: | 3: Jahn Cate Mabel Hawekioh ra f OS eg TS z that tibunal itis to | + ae be devoutly 2. direction. 1 = hs 2 3: s. 3 on or