Stratford Times, 23 Jan 1884, p. 5

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- aA am, 1. per Advertining Beste. bre vent Repent omi o i tine a Tueveiguliniaee _ Rarenetdenen aed Heme of mews with be | lane Oye ax ad ntatincitheaemneennandy - Fmiafial and Cegal. oo. WoL AWRENCE a SOx, remy erat ATTORREYS-AT-Law, re aoe Uidtelieers Back, se Biretiued, Feb vem, iy 'SEWELL,. SOLICITOR, CONYEYANCRR. ~ fe: ONEY mo LEND a: lowe raed ot Lateroe " terme asd charges, OFFIC % ON ERIE STRAT "Sunttord, Jane tz: MONEY TO LEND. at amd ay toe cont. om Varm Property, "Rooent HENRY Hing, Stvattord, 'et. TAR, Oe MONEY TO L LEND T Henposable Mates of Lnteres, on Farm | pra aed Town property. Apply to G.W. EX Odd totlows! Work, Market Syuare, (OURSTY. Arche Teh, RARTON, erwin' Hho mere in want of email ome will Rad it to tame etvantege te aah ane MTL Tek IMALRANCEE O. Stratfort; Jens 27. oct cet MONEY TO LEND| 44 the Lewest Mates of Laterest, { x. Ks. 'weverenner, Vainater, © meet the lenee, ete. he Tweet at won jowent Talaa. letereat asd aaa betncioas gage atourettice U.S money bought end leenses je Hesaage Wnned. Honey! Money! i Money! MOTHER | bat: ot Cheap Money has been owt 1 y hende for investment on "PER CENT. INTEREST. Apply at dice to WILLIAM GORDON, Real Bxtate Broker, Stratford Btratfors, Dec, 12, Laat. . mu edicat. pom nann LEOTRICITY haw Rr By par of the sant ae wie in the the jreataront ot | whictowaly hh whe eet y tata dines wot ite UePair, aver x. ry Rauworth's ty Menke + Deut, Strationt, Gan Tar and Throat. 'DR. RYERSON, | Lice Pe Lica rg, FOUL Raa ON THE EVE, BAR AND r vray § Medial Coveygn, foreata, ieroor Kye amt Bar toficm at sisal Asi int te the Muepital fi \ > neice | = jast Gatur ade ont _ and every March |. bees, amu. E. AHRENS, L.D.S. yes t ts PH ¥ ' Hingron's New Mock) Erie Vitalieed Air weed for the aintess Extraction of Teeth wher destred, ress tho, March 3 » i= Hezorary Oreduate Roysl Collage ef Dents; Sur- cous ef Ontarian a extraction of teerh. eM nratford. ry Pe pe sigh tg ae Fata amen. Die Every Visdnseder ee + Sthicntbya Phares aan, } - re ae denen PL YAO DAILY, BY EXPRESS, "Tquaes, COUNTY 'or eet GAZETTE, ERATION 2 ree WEDNESDSS. JAN, ° a aa : ata SE WORTH"S HOT Ele, STBATF RY, ~The rhe, Windsor, Hotel, OMS ER OF ALUKET &t AND MARKET 5Q RK, 1. K SHIPMAN, Propeictor, Stratford, J. 7 3 ws ri Latin hy tet, "HENDERSON. HOUSE. A.W. MCCHANAS, Newton Matien, Dec. 41m, © =< TheT Ontario Street, Leal Ts finer wi ~ OYSTERS. -- oferta | hs Sats Ae ONTARIO 8T., eatin > "are sratond, Jain tak oa NS a | [AMERICAN HOUSE t wart im', o~ © nite mew, and petqewes seem senre- mecteat e THE CABINET, | MARKET SQUAR Free So aR re Chclowe disk Ligne adGaee GRAY, Prepriater. \ fitabond, aly 2h mat Stratford, eden: - et, JAMES Stratford, June 24, ino 4 alate lar Dian Inchan Block, Market Street, « + Stratford. CIGARS CHAPTER X,~ Conterreny-- Se the next day, at te lon sham with cae 'Neat aches wt Haidce crept up to lhl oo her Lap, and qureed all the time | there AS eve sod of the room| ee my i 7. that Mr. at sept, There ow Ube peg a a bright fice barntng'ta the tulad thew glace, {be Fri ve Bd . sub carved osk cabinet il things. and a Fiabe 3 a lastly there were ts eal ned | an? Se AUCTIONEER, VALATOR ke, ~¥ery well, but from no other. Theyre | ia Bs ¢ of the Lequimtion, Thay bint cat chasing | et p pasenatended a any fantot the Seatieoed ees saiirecss the wallr, ead: there | = pent ier -- pert T took a ogee ' ------ NO.421. "| SNEWws_ SUMMARY. HAP LIVI pees | inter tf Sere from all : f [Sow 2 Reirteions Bist Cai Be Ritered + ? actories are twirg --_ feel Caeeiatet, te solve the dilficalty and sine teoding enemies mransu i pound the vorgia farmers gfe busy joouring labor- fe tee sade ind coderiahan | 'ere lor the cami nd it is amid bo) jive rch, ae PP'y ---- mand. -- | witclesea:s bat wil cooagh to do in pre whetries a New Jerney hb cae or ver * Tor tha school feast cat acoompary- Pi ipl for n a be Teaches may | month ago I determined to give up sil ¢ 5 elec dered for $3 each in vey emall 'yoan ¥ ; e retur a jones se I had net.-taaaght i: dane jar Fog fay purists air ia yee the agrert Bt + has received $20 G00 from |» caentie-<ay Ake h, 'sa partial © mpevsation for wed ty +e the question of lool, J kaew | wieke seta; asd 'ie Keynes did not give i Ries. he said be had ~ took, tm portant, rane Rot ont | Sera got bold of, nad the tock ft to Mr $1,051,780 will be pant. by ter ne ~_ " ed sbetohes and studi: = mevir sten it poh. og the i, @ithoot any refark, she took, eat ber ian fag and worked ce atl T cory my "hin, while be or aod wilked. "You bei those akciches | took la Spain, we Ch '¥ ote 100 MoBBy fas ty se Tek patty bcos about in them, "Ob, you little bigot! Those blck te | ares are jus e vatber sfeaee roe ent, to relieve the mouv- wana where ie the arta fe in tng Lhe a] An ehe said iy tn Tot om Jeeuit } ? Thave a partiality for Jeas y 7 'Ob , BOL rea reaily a be! Really Way net?" T bey are tech encakicg, cowardly crea. fares, aiwaye working Uy imaarect, under hand means, sud leaving scape poor ance be bear the aterm they thesuelves have ex: im my laure arm ; oe J poor tools are fit for nothing "i uke Casing, c'ever leain uf ie me as she seem: =e cht r Tie Works i ek ereey "a wots Houtyitt Sree, i <reene eae vey, avery lovely gir! with a, grey open a! 1G. Tt. R. TICKET OFFICE, WESTERN "HOTEL. iene Office, 4 Market §t, TRA + that eztera Miates | ter a handsome aised her thin thoulters in a ati; bt shreg, | and tured to leave room. Haider rope ; tol ba said about wearing the to nive a last fcnil'geae at the fron ; ull Itian a pleasure to aint you for that het for otter (eae, b wmet he Te Call end hd lon Adie, Pampeicte Posters end | Pee =) quer nie AS tae FLEAS 1 os ll Joe_has gttrchased | al? Pr 'Wothersitt-- |S ~ | geantyat arth Natal P.Compy. ater! cliowing Hin tte doe Retantinned bees, by At of Partiament, ern a DIVIDED TST TSTO Two BRANCHES. cass, co "rhe Prsniar bas aot for, be | Taher eee perros Deiamas a Avaxre) Willem java hak eat rien con td | mow! took am: ming raw Cin Counties of Perth or dlagussecien Sex Roe tee Lc aght 20 0 an sbe fal dows, les wet hE staire very mench an: : oper iegton thie {reeh indignity cffered mo by that hate- | Reston, bar been in the employ of that ia- » Sed and fow Ty ei chme Gp to me wxting, i oo niities se for sheis ching aud teeth ' fro. 5 ty ry 2 [ae set iit es bab rom webs, Mr, Rayner," sait I btasts = ; epee Yanga <s Ut Sad Feamweon *6~: ware aneronyy Tosativation nate tory, because Aut Bg indica the ape ows baling tre -=y-- phat va Bot ie at ali the im 2 ' fe he at a the twopeauy-halfpenny trink- | manivation be implied, bet wo UT? it bavly, some formal message tem 'ee $18 713.97 T opened | it at omee = to show 'that T Sie Fr rerik 161, foo Ir to tA! re heb Av omple ard suoshine, You! hus opt tbe cane, e- a ae } " Wwherste them from a pcturneyce point mer woeld net wot give | 4 "SE 4 ae anyone ® og wmich F valy vot aly * Sas they pecs ee haan all white bat one, ree and frajt, bake Mies Christie, young Mr. it sie ing Csaatere Harbor Island to the satiznal j what to gelest. Lew tg feat my top oe a Ss mod sik, pon twas ie { called 3 while was ont sul waked we a? | P tte am e on you a "ib Tsay t 5:2.000,000 ¢ aaa [ cheeses @ ith tes ae icin embeyee| a hand You was out and offered te ; me oy as New \ -- iy Hare a et, eri pen parm ' write in, | Year, Bot one J ed with | * 1 wave thet up & Usne & tee results Segoe a grain as {te ne iy Ll begea mip pr aerial my we ght w "-- ot S #are ooa- wasn't my fanit hut) Semieneeal a ividends te: the onnanet linoed ais pare vegetar farinn dint tora menth, tee porta pou, Coan, tire moat, aint the eanre inoyed et 'Tae books of the Wash; Hark tifty years, sod has pever seked |; the note suid.) Yor por taken » day's vacation. | force of men Taselah 500,009 "aston Mr J. C. Flood's Christensa + gifte to = " ae Bur fruit eycup, The cow ap oe sinh py sonedliy in wages. ordinary ove with plenty « ? ee Tee . hneer There were 1,775 tiolant deathe in Phila. \ Segetable suwp sat bread, pots in leet year, aed 110 of the vite ay F tae pie, vegetable aee'| have never been identified. Seventy of the stewed rice and tumatoes, of a he oth 1 'coarse I bad breei p i Trt ow Fg ie Pareapeel Bahan wield -- pass oad thet hia Stag ter sory. oe ' Las, stewed in sins . i letters, Ad Mneby sole vase ars aeowe i bot mind, T Despatches from the West Mar reed teed. Tue me a etetiers aa i Tape tioma, and it ja the 'Sea lacreaw, octome are recent isco er ered of ather Rao rth: weet 'weet Torrite it is 50 below aie in | 16% Stewed: freit, or . wiv" nergy dear te ite gen pant ais Yours sincerely, ome localities, tbe font" only three m a artery quently, 7 + ae "Laveaxca Reape" It ted that «3 1 Geass will | when. wery busy, I betas twa, ond a cup | seperal eran ¥ Hise 1 think I av a little tle disappointed te the | visit Haat Seohan tha ern! Geet, wel of scest aed at inca for mats @peet his friend (4) meral het ean, nent wl dadh of wkt jah "repeat '0 eins a owebere ney what con the United States Cousultiserai for |. tt reqnawag ath Oe rho, <x i Fen hould war ivup to ea asl did not ; Cate. eord off i a cheap aod goodt cooking off, and | i ea something writ Senator Fair sent $1.0.0 a0 @ Christenas | is impomntte to detect, "Pate oon} 8, at iamde lea yet 1 put ib back Sift to the Newads Ur Asylum io Vir 'tinned fora month, aud now I oely take | $°4, dislike to | | Ite th envelop a i'd Die aha : ee with 9 pleasant letter ip which he al- tie acimal products when out, put having | o@®* aa doing, into my pocket. uded to the many bap | days he had pent | them at my table, | a was Toy t yo Whenntt war that city 1 _Nuw compare thie dish to one fees of et ond tbe te Fe aed went, iato fhe rehoutrogmn amd « drew The ahip- buildin indestry in Maine h a come ous, The tatest sya de tae "ven i 1 would im this world by. the -- thong! ht it was ,ev clever maa who has ever Sore to have a a potential Jesuit, Mapas poe the peor fello reas doen't + get ene Rare aay eit fate, prpecaredy Mr, mis looked af me with » bali aie ew Must women begin like that," said he So ice eae Ot course | felt rather intignans,aserery ot a id bed = mt satan mam, oe ir pt eae vot haya 5 eladne Sng arg bein j Pond to be 'WHiTE 4 RED BRICK, eieetceeeee eae is only t her i rb. z waher two hours' work, Mr. Ra: called ch i acer soil £0 aaah more a yner te lok at hiv tketch, which represented . = _s it the roxier ip 2 the red ; and the air coiled on the top was jost . lit. thethe ine. a A ge mouth } ay | a little emalter, beet o Histie ter, aod & { complexion w little creamier in tha" white' eesgheeen cen fakes a Apes: thought ita tte gleesker aud tmoother than mine ever | peepee tte lke me, ai the mit ef cy aatashood ord aries Se rue, per veammoacd h to-asy co new low her, bat paneed ch the yop and look | "Yop are an excellont model, you ait [Eat aleady I Drenght Jews Haat ne s al iF Ek am TF pert H if ru oH hel htewas ans X pases & e's that Ser mare, pages Hea ontain from 70 to 74 tener te ' sonebtatoal \-ecigio' Aisow tas Sachets Lemon. ZaTT | wath unt sheveath coats . te Pitteba secaka "4 Four tewlens pnt Boro ents i have Lede being derived fr ol I's the wap a where iphalets are Laat -- 'The Arye are sera He vette of black wets, Tound ia one of the | cuded vid Greek "Greek tx 'other, oe proves ear. whole than was expected Yost opto" on the dry teaidte teeg prob oo gpkiod en Bente secount of the prevailing hewr freighte, i.wt nitrogen, and it comtaine « re 5 i unueaal namber o aceous or fatty Henee, to lire. Ihewos we: Jot seeah | esr there was on t could caly walt til! next ye ata ianctar bene, ead in 1553 the vod comes withie treat alone, manee ae cies Poses a day ni ay ae two. Hat I think I if tous of i ° ™ Ye , P ed the diseases _ 'il * y are oom A New York cigar dealer has invented a ; peat al bte to wan if that Mesh be mot thor it weed rm t ad, necessary t) mi ntion | fresh and moist while ex: Le sad " oughly cooked a! shrowahss al ae VERy | iw Sead nod whch hee tetloed |e ot © <r annals live. a peetestly watarat life, mort of then are m ote or lees diseased has to be got rid of by the liver, kad others 1 % meat rg rg ae Sreth Carolina nasa lecel option law | meya, acd lnags; hence these organs ure i aiferd aa work I had to do, in to towne ec cr in the me; but I liked that half | aot proper to be adopted in South Garelina, Teewtegroom ater diagor, and | It waa shown that tee H.vle auth dix | OF : Thea ier | papers « ver my collec, and Mr, | toree for adultery, and also thar the lost | bosome diseused ands core work to-theeta Pthe newe-- | ¢ i tone or urinary calcali may flicw, lobe HH} i+t ie Pye EEE of a law of thas kind leads to adultery, and | or the heart, which becothes ateo dtremeed yt is often a cruel te innocent : | the endis death hy the lingering «fis- vo stoped letter--they | bet the objection could not be overcome, | 4s, Whioti * wore portans---wilm there was. South remains solid om the | Where. Piven epi! ry Jane came in, gig- | | Mdultery ienue, tdi agyras bey fleekh, "Cancer i st A Raa es { Tsve matte stmay bate 'asad to "Ox mim, I've broaxht Foes parcel, 2 Sao hes. ar et is clr oe tom oben y "T anewered the eel and Kicheliew river at Ieottes I r. Q.,ccating | neetion with flesh, it due chy to Mr. Reade on hie horse with thie; | | $17,000, want offresh air, Vege food is*cheap, 'Take it to the echoolroom, | A Chicago pa ttates that no lees than | contaizs an abumdlant eapply of nutriment « iriatie ;' and then he | 3,000 Caaseks left Sen eae heetay Mie | at Sek aah wat ie t sytem arses formed | | + t to use it 7 RE i iste deliberately, as, hie" ah » be oouas srmansute rioksrs sat =p fieiching tow sien be the Sete j bead, "What 1 give you as a reward wt Soe et AE Rayner: Ulike having 1 ears i di i ' t tt rele mse sa at iceling is, ry a eure ca one bs. dng. bat : Xenethaps Ty than thas," said Me. aoe, ip alow talee, ; tostensd if half to looking up with o very ( case Niad sinile ts I bly tha reo. fy Thas an slave Sad jest rum out! wish Mr, ot the acbac on a he sonataaine Stier lemons, when Mr. Raymer came Hej bold im Reig vey a old amd sable | - vital room. ed Liaw you wasn't in there, nor Thali evn davghterof Sir a { force. We use 20. etre doch our ; foot, a the hall, thinks 1, 'I'll be beforehand with | Themes of Senator C Chupien, | or io a rotten etate. is time bes out she comes, j aod Private Searatafy to Liset, Goedrnce | By menue of cur diet umch disease is pre- ihe | Mise Cariatse,' 'Never mind," says 1, a waa? b I'll give it to | Robitaille, j sated nad ere - 'ge tyre i teeare alowiated by i t ae ines mines ot Nove | | wante cheap i dwiary we the following +. at batt W078, 9905 tat mrereape + tut. Ww for her, and up I ram, aod here it ie, mien." | oeee th 1 th ey | mate ring, 1308 sophens, eaentiie, Sas nisy, parcel down upon the | 97 463 tons, gaiey: & tees y | peas, beans, lentils, ete., are all sqpcensrs "The the y- | patiod 5.060 -- } very rich ia nut Fimeak parensain, "Thank you, Jane," { said quietly, "It! jot as genet 906,060 tonsa merease i ca gg tarnipn, ts i for the charch from Mise 2 iJ fonp- 4B. 0 yngps fees, 20 it} Se elemgee A herbe fer + making a brat- Poses reah thought, tied Men, 95 Deaeell ww ae "ra sad vpennd the ne Darel He | ram. an abe exogrensens | witli ered' paben pie te pai ee wh rere of sock mon se Thie crazy Hal- | higher priced but whats freita, The ad the seteatenr, | jatonian chenld come Went. dried fruit, ax dates, 7 the middle was another note, The reteras of fis exported to (iva; | ots rae aati oe ace cheap tad oer. vee: he a tine in paper, both direet from Malitaz ovar_the Setersolonial Krarl- and at sight of | Wey show thet 160 carloads were ah: an bee the eases slater of grow irrepressible and ead: "Theg & your raat titan," ba urely. Soares opstec tuts sine! ee ey Em heen ences 1!" she 4 J ta bulk of ood | Cem, ann te 1 are ¥ $ sore, oe 1618. basse benalenn 7 | Killing: asimales "Rat i . dem rela mackerel ; 7,195 barrels hos aeenmeae fish ie beat -- then ae A CHAS. Sey vrayigeers W. MOWAT, Treas a Sg Worth | "Te Thave ever part L. 'not quite to y. hope that it was net, gs perme < wes the ebarchyar bes span bors TY' maid he, in a low | Mea. Rayes's rotor. me ho ret f tasty during the year, divided as follows: 2 ace re aes iF i I! Hl f 71 ff EE be ny A EF a i gd jay ae spgters._ne't x: sa-T take the liberty | growth of certain branches ol. ! T, He Acataox, RCP, dle Late roeen fro i free trade : The «xpart of cattle from Montreal | SF Ciarpmens Sevace 3. here the rin oanmot | hes increased from 2 S88 head in 1S76 j Fi saful Decora Teeth wt ota bettey bon, 1 | 20-208 ia 1882, while Saree Se meent pect. = with a, ick insight natarally re. if you will let me imivaem Haan from 2.656 | fined taste ad Unpit londsees Los. all . The P ial a | Pertains to the heme, woses bhouhl take rrnertxce Raave." | Whave the only volume cf the life of the | * pases: iy a, aed ee late prince consort presented by Qaeen Vio: | rained comeny seen, tert et (To Be cONTINURD). toris to an American colony. Ou the fy-lea! [ oerptriy trained, among thon. ~ One af 7 } le ef | it of vd a AN INGENIOUS THIEF, Fata Sas given attention" ts seaside + "Of all the tricks, devices, sa! bterfages, : | matt ort they have exhibited » pure aps | Mod the ed dodges, o: ¢ deceptions verall I enw," sia & y ait elevated taste, and hoes el was. by which abet daaage "Ter tie Bargenine « 8 seat mada white " Tea Aontncp Hore Sete alwaps--ia | iw the cen' expecially the ta ones, ee xcs af wel smathede Het the weet] Cee pT pipe "i tema trogen taken into tue i ry eating Besh ji ere tw re ed eee ine rans al te + ay e ad Applotens, to | jecteiriee- Already in the sturhos of de- anast j artistes ' Sr tre its sovrnitig a be on of "penianians in Sr Senate Shea havent f i its «Hit S ae ie i: ted, or woven, for saat a and } Da "Mel. saesioe that ; itone toe 'the mamout Wut exert wo: last. aia of ing indlagnes, or that bo er nee hanaiul ve coals thet oeanchems - nqreation at other thi ore rE eal Hl choews, uraters, tik: Se gg | apeed: + "acheme," aad. all matter of roa ky easmuhey ee i ff m0. fit i ' iF it > E See PERG hi q

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