3 in os TIMES, | FOREIGN NOTRE i pa oo casa j ae jit is o little to tbe foreigner : italien | | tamding at Yokohama to discover « race of ba i half-clad men, Se she Fetches F ; = very Wednesday Morning. | | evar pers por lee ---- -- Camcmirrios Pace #1 0 | cogatey cootie, ia addition to a leis cloth bf pried 3. heahb: eoming dowa to his waist, rans A aaron ab | the altar of ems Tt in quelle as com- rye med 2 er on ort . i of sandals . " . | about hie betas. m - | 'The Empress of Austria bee AND COUNTY OF eo et ee ae uM - = "- -- ieee oi, ot " . ae i ere nat = Beh gk PET pee eee aT ee ee - ---- a . Y - ; ? a coe ame ton seek semaine, . VOL IX STRATFORD, ONT., WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20, 1884, : NO, 424. those selected ape the: i Ji eg , ; : Rbey dt, wife of the Minister of War; the - 7 - % eo fi sammie eplteatal cemeteries . _ eee : : Cosmas Cusonll, tte ol thn ender at ah te " 4 , ; of } j "Fie' « . . Hotels, ke | A. HEPBURN, (+ © YEMEN, M.D. LPS) FN GOLDEN BONDS cornea. rr tal Syveetie ferths we| NEWS SUMMARY, | iiNrcts. sot Mow de Kuly, wile of a ' : é = se LD.S. of Bugiand. ; \ ~F aisnpli of the ie aa teed : caehe ---- the o.mmon Minister ol Fineees. All theese = SS SS | dM NTTECTE NAY, DEMONS. PLANS C ' --_ io pt parish = i toy Rte joa, = of News. from alt! srciuted mast haps sistent egress of no. Se ay A , he "a rt orwo 1 Manzers = te 5 COM ERCIAL HOTEL, Ea " 3 "" mre . | OFFICR--Oven WJ. Fexoceex's Stone, | CHAPTER A ick Hie older slater "Laurence" a |e LF, start off the A Parts of the World. bakity oe both: 0B PRINTING. ARE. STRATFO ONT. ne; i Manxer Sr, Steatroxm Ost | ait tne Cotte Hon te ane ingly, M . iy ates as ey =. gp celle ie ants, ae Tae photograph a reer lc awe the 7 jam, Vitalt . Oxia going them ' Spr wrrant (il so gt ehnenting ath ete af Rent cr tg ig nln sre Peck Alor ae | fetaraine bet the Gret time Eeaw ma ene shel ring 6 ot Sais vamey naw irs | or atneee =e benches Masonic Gran' Master Spry, who has bees | marderer ae 1 tote a aT 47 oh 1 tee arene i ell 4 sbnowe hs J 4 . ~ "3 = ; evimal . ia so gee Lar a we te. AGAMEY. Propeiator, Stention PR eattord: Gee ee ae EE = nan pak Mie, Hiyeer snd 3 a ee eee ee by fom oa er Baciey ia belog weet frm Belle | Uretelly criminal Life Fayed me os erat. A call eolletted, y TAURANT. e JAMES WRIGHT | g slong tog fa Sar wsinve' only hou tad of inde. tm Lion Lewes | Tell whi | ville af the ratect twelve care daily. ae ry wart her prong atid ; M. Y. BUT . AYON RES A bd ARCHITrecT i * friendly manner, I had 4 that | pis -- 1 think harg yegame) The seat meraing I pat on a-white frock Polling will take place om the Soot Act wife, whom he married in 1879. has for the ~~ , Aiter and 5 - - * ° }, «3 Ld } Nes ~ ee} geet titor and Hestness AK @URSCRIDNEN 18 PREPARKD TO iit gtatually become quite for | for that"--in a practical tone--"snd 'they | thas I had 'all | im Oxford county om the 200) March next el cmt etiebanRP Lar idieciar adeaeieel serve op im the beat style aed at short ' } BuUTOnDR, | the hty Mca, Reade to turmite Mr Ray. | wii} expect champagne and--" my a ri w town clerk. of Dundes, | ot ah Jer in Baber She had been é f:qrnsial and Yegal, notier, menis to order enamaing of ali the | Office---Over-Mowat's Bank. | OPPOSITE SHAVER'S OFFICE, (oe so a0 we all came ont on | Oh, Lady: Mile will bring that 1" said | | was need dees ah] robbed of Que te count tor te tsk Yoo le an | eens Of the mean if swanired iis i Tie <a | TR, OB, i Sssey, and fo than be ave» ag stat to Mr, Meade er blletly, ns it be hed hoes | Thad bees saving tome grees cones | Soup nn wen nt '*'|yeara, bat i quite broken down by the +1: 5 tek WARNOGE ve 80N, aypanen tn order te wappir the pobile wilh the oa "ONTARIO STREET. | meter, weile bee ere at the | that drag with thoes idie young men him- ion, Then I the deloce | e daaghtar-at the | Pomre.cL hie » 2. ARKIVSM, ATPOMNEYS-AT-LAW,| (sista Ltellent stabiing choicest brands | # Marble & 3 s , ; from te Rides 9220 -- 3 oars Tiate Hos, M. Cameron, diel at Surnia | Ti+ Busters Morning News Las resmved otarine = . eos we? Dow 'venient Bat Lady Mille and her set are not the | soon come-- te getiner & j yah the Hon, A, Videl'e toni. | from a Berne correspondent the ie, Bs. Uitiaw thidfwilows Hock, @trat | newest and mont ees, va | ORDERS BROM ELIVERED, | of Geldhaun BRB, st50 Beas thes ee te that Goldbam is sooustomed to," sald | to wear as my I purpenly shone; Spey. " a ; wommer bo intai fb bebe NW Oryaters wi! be recetred dally and opckend GALABY & SHARMAN, Importers EROMPTLY DELIVERED. | pigds were oa terawol euch thet | $0, Mon 9 Rican sather BB the hope thas ° hn ates Wr. Lawnanyh | byemtoorder, WM, PORTROUR Prem | Mae meseenmes of Feige and Cos Surat 3, 19K, | che leaped om hie arm se they walked along, | + Sf" eatind iin Bovle gute Learee 0 and get ma pas | The Parliamentary library at Ottwe con- pact mae sit Hot ait ten ee > Nope Pitabond. Yom isan ihiy |, =f) Femtaonme, Sanat cen, ashanti f md heaghed se he teihed eb SY 4 atte will make fun of everything ; | himeel! to 1 wee guing to pat | taima seventy dagenund broke. Very fe | tte war carefully attended to bya Frawkions eicnniial ' Courier Tepe, &e. rigtions cut in _ petur, wnafeot d o aaper abd Vie treat is afterail for the village tie wae time fo asters, © American institutions same tort eur: Ww, . H. SEWELL, was SOT Ren fe syciiee Meee oy | FUN. POR THE MASCULINE. ee ay my Pe sot ea wan thoy an gtr | i atthe-window." =f pamsit gy ee ALEORD), -- he next evining oe | from Loadon to talking to the j of the! F )LIGH?SR, OONVEYANCER. &c; ope ae -- -- 'Noone knows more of the ups and Mra Masser', to take port ine Gaal div | girjs" " re sees ot bd Pris heagendrn rh one mile pm ay wes play cricket, day or two ee MF TAL IG bast Coan pocomusome | W: S-COWAN | dewne of life than I'do,"* ways our elevator | entmion of thes sobool- i" « I'dou't think: they will want to do sa, } (ome) rah © arian, is This will give same kdea of Use | the atfatr, received from Mail' letier inclos- poet Fo LEND a} hee retce of latorentes Saaaity. beds ins nae hous, the o Md -- pee wetaene| day. { Mrs, Manners, 1 don't indeed." anid Mr. | nove quate wager see Rel ee Sap tomefahing thes cur plecky people | jay (2 000, aad. invitation to 0 aay tetas and moderate charges. AP Teignatt hn tigen Feline of | An-eagte carried of a amall boy at | Who wae hindiy } Weads, | mot going bo to spoil the effsct | are in pushing throug it hia exp ta tot ani oa, EE ATUREL. | Sits? Aatamraatiares comme" AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR, Go, 'wis. Tee Ste astra are erik riod nem Sam | Th el ge gi, tae owl | SP Sia Sa Sots | Hea : ; t . aa hon 't aont Sunn trem | wet buaidarwtinn Pageant =: A ca te OR -- aah Upon eka eagles le, the elder © stem ranenior odie yim Poche a | Tearing etch 0 cule pitt onions. pr] Ray Rie rey or og: eg oped " oN 'tration, a1, ae. . e 2 younger wkead ever ae t Ob, thors! Then I re | ebepen "see cepred ~ eer y. AA aa oa Pig ~y 'n Counties of Perth or Oxford. A Massachusetts paper says that all | fastteuched my baod asd @ iS ae if iE | got heatrald." =e | temo: we'll find something maps, be mucyings ettive an} ist pag lag it AF gers fad + afflon to The Windsor. Hotel, Orders ieft at Tne Tine Office, promptly Texas citicens wear their hate over their e been pomething with gd | "Aed they will wast to amuse them. " wanted of all; bet I be ne Pag oonae red | above the Ab ne fontale & Cae « 7 ' ~ attended 10, ears, How do you supposd they would (Were icily obliged to me for the text, |erlves, and take up the time of the)... and to sem | that he ove the. following | Shuster with by steaus natin toe jy | CORNER OW ALBRET ST AND MARKET 30'2E, - sermetord. Aug. ced, 1982 look if they wore them under their ears t+ they _wanld nat have 'onbled se on | setters your sisters and Mise Carett| plead geve ms the | morning. He Tisec wesate. ths Tieenee, | . From Shuster a carriage toad ut a "| A decline in the price of copp a | Say Sonount. el jest li reoust | te made by & Pe oon through C. J MA apn [* THE LARGEST, Moet BLEGaNTLY - D. McBETH +, Lcgagplind drt pay poker co tobiog it, Mae shown talked shows vil- | I'll keep them cff, Mra. Manners, The shan fond wr bansttfel bn of wate --<_= -- ik reemibad. aad Warefed a" a § CRECOR,..... furniahed aod most complete in al! madera lage math rs to Mra, Mansera, g me rasbali not be teased by any imperti- | yo ; ciinias ome cave Piney apes ; + aol of Coronen the heciee aed Enstahene aos FOLLY IxvoRM His NuaERoUY [Art Hie mothers copper kettle | qitoge:her, until two little' middle aged nent asd tring young men. I'll devote my- | gah" that this was not preity |, 13 Dearicst man in : ot | Lf the peejrct is effi buntant, Vaiuater, HeneralAgent | wrt ot femme. v4 beaind hy steain WU vcstomers and the yubtie that he tate | Will stall sell for the price of a circus ladies vame io, © dreseed in om anti: | self to looking atter them." emough to wear, Go pecea. Per caveral' mentiic past be nad | selly.exccuted it will, it ln wtsted. greatly bcsiicens a thivuwheut, so- that jane such thing age | troducing new styles of benokets, fancy stands, | Uicket quated fabion @ aumber of for imple anere, who had been im | "4 1 went into the sebcel. | OF Aart alvaray ora oe thas | help trade to compete fram the PROIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THR ood eam is viper: Been beds, 4 j 5 ~. F ' s ialt A scioty young lady told her illiterate, | sale, and who, om hearing whe I was, secmed | deep earnest all the time, began to have a) 0 wish Hasdeo; but I was net i bese apetis oe ions, peavies | south sith 'a Sensinn trees oho-merttn. FOrreot ve nat ue 4 = endother| - te icture Framing a Specialty. but wealthy, lover that she was going to. rather afrail cf me, The Misses Resde Pere |eeapicicn that there was a lurking mirthful- i pn f he 320 f 1 ke Tupens om the ground fuer. The lable is cup. . hied to them ' ' she anid | Oui; imetructive mood ; over that time, eo it te thonght bis | There is in tse Glasgow Western inér- Sesinomn scruie'y and dewpatehr'"" | Que has shad'wit Ge'ekmees eroade ot viuimyenciney, MT Me And kere Se tack. |siN9 4 german, an be wid hed be sure | roty Mad to them ie & potrens'og way Nibas under Mr. Reade's gravity: so ebe anid | wen trent Soar ball rng, ttwok | Seis could not hare been lee than 350 iba | mary , rice The Waty Supp'y Oempeng's| ljuora and . ' Od viollon bonicht of taken in exchange tar |-%" Me, #8 be was very fond of beer, | Q care accomplished, and who bad T You witt have to work, det to play, if the we Kageladp tren when he He was buried on M.aday, | Skye who haa slept healthtally for eighteen -- aeteee Whoek -- snare im é new ones, MARKET STREET "I thought," remarked Jones, "that ! no worse mansere than the Misses Reade, | you come, Mr. Reade, and set quad ex neers on pohants ™* | aed owing to the width cf the ee {motes thou bel = i retterd, Jum y THe, BE, us ' sf _ the weather prophets told us we were | tut they evidently looked dowm upon her ample to the others." reome minutes timidly-- | coffin it wha {om 7 to.dispene with | pease of aga, ' "a etna a sameness chester) snd ver OE to have: ah-vpe ose rd in ioe =: cae gre re Starman | 2 wil, eb 1 swarty hope they witty La Z 4o tapiecnS Mier? 5 nearks. -- }aree.- he tiee--on- her teck:~ ad priond by open," retnar Wim fer orthi-. te tht wes shaughter of am not all w it" in leaghis UNITED sta moves those T earcon eet sateen, 08 Farm |" RRCHIVRD- DAILY; BY EXPRESS, 6° > ~- | hom . a oreey, ded could not yxpect to be so for: |'tcne; then he tarned and looked at me a Black dierke. fr of | pe ect ogee ag sed Town property, Apply te ¥ . UGTIONERR FOR THE COUNTIES OF | A gmall boy, who stood tunate as to meet the ladies from the Hall, | mete me blosh. ent Reports from various portions } fair, atd GW, LAWRENCE, ar Ta Ay RA at orkre comebeee coir thd Gres Witt: | ccespt #8 the View's, which wae neoteal | tw the eight bectle of re he | 2 ® was mecemary, and | nla indicate « bad Of the crops. | three times a day by means of the stomach- (mock. | Cabinet Restaurant, Market Square, £34 !"s stock scent. is prepared to attend to | fully at a large candy man in a city con- | SrePh | ett a coats net her @ hand. Then, jost | Daring the past year 2.623 new baildings | pump appuatus. {t is beheved that abe Markey tquare, a U + | all comeaienions ent te him in the way -f | fectioner's window, suddenly exclaimed ; | o°=4- | w to me-- nol wae thi my. snast be ta New Yark City at « cost of) will o wares reanitn of ber = . JOHN GRAY, | Parchaning of erttng stack or other property: | 1 cuuld lick that fellow with both hands sys Thay ail 'chernened aheck same | gaa am Std Tit come teak and whe you | ey iy teat amt oo 5 bead uma meme Posey: nein Be ph ing Menh aed ON EY TO. LEND ase ] ee ctinsih te en Le civatiend i Ged bebind soy back." eaters, diattiet matters, aad the Susday- Bat, «beg I had pat on my hat and man- -- pry pny | Texas cattle are dying in large sumbers | unavoidable neglect of her household ' seerenore, Gays, 5, 30. $04' | PG. will.reeetye prongs atiancian, "You promised to have my trousers \cbool, sed the life the carate's wife led her | tle, and Mrs, Manners hed led me down in- | 84 ae pment At from » strange disease, te b " enarranes rms ad | Wi. Brown will brat Worth' hore', Rratford |dame & week " said the exquisite | bustaad--cf which I knew nothing at all; | to the drawing room again, to esy a few leat had 'all tecerable 1 oO ea Japan con ary, FEN are SE |S ar Si ummns, [Far en "eta tet ery tegen Stes tpg | Se eiacht diets | pee gant Semen | oF Bh Young domo eee leila NEWTON STATION. ALEXANDER BROWN, | Was the reply ; 'bet until you pay your | 2a loaned of thems by wysall. * Hatt when | ayn saul Mr. Reed ooeees ie, | wanes Sane Se wrens soem be 8 soar | Cay. 0, 5 Sherman sehen with $0) 'ott trom ¥ ' where the UNDERSIGNED HAS PLEASURK | Avootun, Rept, 2, tsa set = ae they still remain breeehes of | 17 asnere came is, there wag ile ait | Rayner'e voice in the ha'l I started and eral wane waned Gardinamiadges. -- os ph companies | tourist ad all the ad van commodi. intimatiog te hieinende " , oe x ' | amorg them, they all emiled af bi | biuahed, aad Ma Manners ia her Lppaae ne Ld quselouee a. 5} em hotabe - sept 'and- " Sw iy | STRATTON D 1 all well ough uo advine a man to ch l Chale chalet, and seamed te Luck oak ad lah ah sn ery smaneninete. Bee" Seca coment Tiga, ape | Sith: GEED SOR OF exptal ba bees tors fT phe lage = Pong oho ' ; ae Homme a a . op keep hie- haneda ont of Hie pockutey butt Sar toooggeet waew topics and" besait the" Mr! Rayner mast have coms was all a jaxt punishment for the careless : cuntorts of home, ' iL, ert ee Brick & Tite Works hw ba toe hd is he weather looked promising for next day, and you home," she said coldly. ; 1 Avecax, N. boy inet, fie broke out ia one of ¥ : accommodation. and every attention paid to CT eee athe Cee ne grlng to 00 ik it het oo on few open this Sew and wor: 7" would not hare miered the walk bome | 24 sl maoner ia which I was car- | , verdict againet the New York Ceatral for | pete, It apread rapidly, lena MOWAT & SON, | Stutees Mlreet |Anik drena erery week, teeny wething | ed i 8 death" Then, when be had said a | with Me, Reade for the work. Sint Sens tees uate sen oe 910, $00, for the =n aa bogr the large hovsls Known as Fujiya' BANKERS, AoW. BUCHANAN, | JOSEFR COOPER, Frepricter, ; caramels, . and a box at the! per) sebed oe Lindiy why I wee aioe | Sie looked pot al -- oh my confesion [een tte morning very propaly chee: the ocgeeee aer te er ent raed oo + Yaasbtbonad ai Newton Gtation, Dee, +, 1. _ my | MANUPAMEURRS THE eT chase oo | opete! | all alone in s corver, and ast down by me, | but there was only ope way oat of it, 001 aphntch me, ean teks olson tear lapesense es Westcad Leolen le <specliag TheTerrapin Bed sed White Machine-Yad- | Herd in a fair sample of a smal jor Lh Frege phe ak pb the ahem Sade ae we wai, | Me Rayner said "Mem, Masa | The reeon's jot harvest on the Hedeon |» conclangn or am of what ia now z Mary, as gtvem by an. © pom } 'tod sont the places thy ay wanted - oo River smounts to over A becom sg knows so man " ry | Soetery, vibe eome to leteh me! What shall I -- feativition, Mi he b Lenden Ontario Street, Stratford. : Ss. [apa retina volte weet mted,..1 almoat "viahed-be would dots ; img om -- telet you lag yous hey any es saree Pail Male Weenies parrot ME BEST WINKS Ligue ts. AND ALES [ALSO RED AND WHITH Pi BLie --We Wo ta aii more--wore a hole oot ~The - eee > wae t + Xom would rgb ee ge arith bls £° acl{ out laying taolee @ lot «f disty child Pie = ~¢ hy BE the | Plage and part of Oxford en Blwayn on drm pe agony All the RICK, DRAIN TILES, ET: i , hae od. H Ob, yes, yout" ren, so 1 ssid you should come tater," I felt aow houses apd clubs w wn to ate + inthe toe of my new hoot steering mm current fiscal year, amounted ri noe y * my Then we had teu, and Mr. Maapere made} Her manner all at once. She year, fi phe 0 spuedalty popular hrande of *. VAiti-- Monteith Avenve, Genton's +a x + eat supper--pa spankel me about moeit by Rim. He went out ae scos as it | put ber arm around me end drew me to the | (of tbe moment as if 1 apie Stiand Din, 00, bam scene of og ype ay : stolen os ~OYSTERS. -- weet of Krie street, Strattord. Urderve.é t boot -- went to bed iy good | was over, asd we all went bick into the | wiadow. _¢ a wen, 8 nates great 'The frigate Colorado, which has cont $1.- | Sive'the Manchester at Se twor edicn F wen any ati at pil alls. of thy" Fran i Gooh pap-.| . Sratiand, Acg. 7d, 1a, " ms M day." é pe prey oe ng agg et * Phere; ay Serer ers eve nah vee 'hs Risugell esasapaniad Slal- 410,503, has been Speer 5 eer py tention of the home éilice has s sai : - | I fos they were for, semem- | at the on the left, wey m Beooklyn navy yard, and bilis: i ll oa are es nes will eupplied rom tt prevent dai JERVIS & HANKE, on ng Becta * = j ter tbat there sar greet olntenion because | they a! hartge from the a Is Wel Seserced sos ekattine itn ners easton, = 7 | ee cea corypabekesh Pet the law Sa . BOLG SCOCRAORS TO WM. 5 " pike, S| several ladies wa 'e mistakes, vo that, little deception, afraid there-- watil later. 'schoo! children stock show contains | relerence to gambling-bouses and oluba, ney! Money! Money! servitori, Avg. 8.39, ROMS PMionwaxnne Manufactures of | lowing swe s Poe togpe-g ago | while sank aeiaes wenn mained ont alto: | go, child, got "Hele poo ad ibe mel tendirwaeraee when we resched aon" Pigment t eas iivan oped andlati _ ee raga, carrying 9 on { were @ great many 1 fan ewi scrote ¥ : : 's Arms Hotel | WHITE & RED BRICK, sates re sstce toni Corey sip ceca rx ane | ut Wt, Saget oon cad | Bate ecg ets | oan, og ce ere Saeed 2M jovet-Chrsp Money has bers Queen's " ¥ } and dropped his load on the floor, Step-| asked meif I should like to come a oR, the poh between the laurel-bedges | & os eataibite code ke w Phillipa, of the Ramsgate, hag! .. . pinced io my bande for investment en 2 xm bayer ping toward tho Governor, he aajd, 'Au | 824 the see things for sale, ali the reat | which a. The path curved | 145 marquees, 1 saw Laurence standing | ond endell Beaton, rote 'ot ou pi a OA TARSO Big STRALTORD, OF ALL BIZBS AND STYLES. | you de gubnor, mh!" Being din | oft 7 at, | {ist of the cod: and I heer] the gate #3iog | outside the larger but leas showy oue-ef the | drach, aston after aa ® wile and two children, eaddeniy die. PER CENT. INTEREST. UNDERSIGNED, having purchased | fee thelr Coigbrated Peveunt Muck the hand. | tho allirmative, ho said. "If dat am a| Steady. 89 we went up together, to; bat I could not stop And, 8 | f0¢; beleaked n qrave and gloomy, sed with Mise dotgbter-<f & * thé abors hotel from Mr. James Proctor, or 7 while we were locking ot them, she Mr. Renate dashed around the corner, :u8- U ry years. ppeared Bradley, daagh 'of repayment t@ sult the borrower, sehety's continuanre of the te suet, "ag havin bog at hn sents ME Fn ee Yer _~ | pervously-- ' 2 1 fal aguaet hm, ad thom pated pe aa vier Pen lhe ed A syedicate of New York and deceased Mayor of Sandwich, who hel been vpon wi tiumation of 4 * y back ub de country, | a + ° expected. otended capitalate aan we Rb ea a pall Ree mr eel -- ands a poor man, sah. I h'sr dar it | fore We - agit jaek ina citaaticn be. | ont, -- panioa, a -- becuues I had not coms earher? Gurely bo Ln gerne They: fret came to Remegnts,. Stratiord. Veb. 18th, ist. (98 j some pervishuns in dix cons'tution fer de | "x, te belore." fond. woh hed sought be Lanter nrust have known how mach I wanted to de pat 26 ertde, tbat demeanaaane TPO aNETE pf cage yay gs | JAMES BLAU Ue Zs BU ERUINTR VE 2 Gin ig. weoliooadonlennill [AT haven't met wna mate fratly, white he wid SE ay i en a it ar] ~ | amen Ee Se ain Bat Stratford, June 1th, 1883. 1 me ons te ~ j , smiling. a "1 --T wad going home, orate is felt with Wedicat. sie ape satesleiniwatinet \ Vigorous Exercise Mra. Manners looked at me se il she | Tow 'Trees ou have been left ' - omen stn ' a Ato ak thaw she dared; bet | " Bat that ls not the way." A ps : Wells were completed for, Mr, Cashing having \aken all the arad- ue speere | WESTERN HOTEL, | EXprOss O00, 24 Marie at acer ter rr Sega mee ated Bt Tinta et eae" Ae ote = zi eT. STRATFORD. air, or for ph pasicurbip, valuable Of course rcme pleasanter | meet boles drilled e- REMOTE NIN OFPICE sare Coe oes Sepa -- Tickets to alt Potts ta the Weetcrn Slates. ssa tiring far from the full + to uve with there, = Bat--in-all there | "*' N.o," said L half erzing, aod disengag: Prices of egas 'Da er: --_ propeieter. bas bone wows ia a MANITOBA~-- of ject of physic exere Of consen, onal Ogcanions when we must pray yl gr ing = wes ait wee | thes they have Reluctance to Make Wills, July tn, 188. Sf | Thea! in socommodation to any hotel in tows, " ---- walaly m Worhe rs, --< and I ber ode! ey Sere Lae Te wake. a aide. Savent eto 4 t is durious the antipathy which sonie . howe "and when we must bi waning inwe | have wtruck. (DM. FRASER, Coed Mabling: Het MACDONALD: 25D TRE GRRAT NOUTH-waEET it in theér employment, "| ly"--and I thought of the test way of treat) "Not I bed beged yes eee See 1 eens 1) the an. The bill makin the C icose of Ag: | PY nopeter segniae aang PICK AY HIS RESIDENCE, ON THR 2, tot. Pre | MONTREAL PORTLAND ; Now vie xeroise--and ¥ | ing Sarab. Lenly anewored have! ing like 0 race-h ree oimeet | Soot et bebied It, presided 1 Cabutt oftider bes heen faves, | they may be in other matters, have to rate rand. Seraie, May ' - }, ROSTON, ase NEW YORK. whee fs as re vigorous equation pl Mrs, Manaears = gently. a over i the Hell. | auiy 5 by Agricaltaral com jesking sbeic wie. 'i meeatthergres. 4 - oe ee oe. oe the circulation. i oar! f pleseed loaded with more- averse ECT RICIT DOMINION HOTEL] 4 vomnn Mates nod Lae Changes than | $04 Soon it strongly to. the furthest ex- Peni sud deel vite tone . om raid es sant 1 ren home to fa Dowe other aide wea a stall mtiee af the UR House of Representa: | they rag ap orga -- i -- tremetion. It reli pr f be shawis, sad' 'witit bere a matter of duty; but no, they pat it « : Orrosrra G. TR. Station, STASTFOR. | OO RAN STEAMSHIP TICKETS | brain, and checks the teudsney to congest | Ay f fave f--whish mad your" ol and there suiaited |The 5 nate of Mi senchaontts hen voted Ge | 1 oy day to-day witil the- last devnd mno- of the imost . ; " rey " 7 yy un' ki'romasint genta 1a the Lee | {YURLI KOHINSON, Jovis sod tvorsnty Teall Potuts tn Furepe. | 12 the vital avgane. 38 cabbies she Blew £0 | timnb-- diag. in 0 Saale antiove a <aucneee cory hiatal it Lhap- | With wool: sovfal tridice, Wy shears anes thas bee desssnded | tent gomes, aad then offen it is too late. wet ee 7 ¢ Pasa' 'te, Cores, Soren cre SRS |. Catt and got Mops, Pomphiees, Vohtors, ond | PIAS Sei habbit mest all ore-t enc incest ache ad are ol | Testes very kt may Teer you | Which were mma thOR | tyes tree the earliest Gaji cl "Ue Purit- | A itian iti health aad or ee ; 7 «i Sodees'to tetera: toma thot a, sates tata b he | eeers ite toy client" Sous sow | sas here? Or would you pre- | Uovir intrinsic ea. ever thinks of death, but always as # he Dr. Mothersill cased avd reftied trem lop, to bottom the . Db CAVEN, | rics, and thence to the heart and bangs, | "se, yen" far to go slone T° »| Bat New York fruit dealers deny that frost of Nia betere Kien. . ToD ait nan ~ used \\ extensivett for peverni gears, | Store MOLT. MOLES ST WHEN EVER | oly -- Kxpret Oitice, 1 Market Street, | Sith ite land of accumulated imparitien" It | ~ "so saat you can haYe the benefit of her| "I Sould rather go alone, thank you," | sale Sig bark Gear coenige weeps or Weak Wen CLE be et down by a dranken procured fast. clese Bis ctre- iY pasinep. Fine Léquors, Ales aod best = . eas sstuase fe nee renee Sin) ty ented ail j ia S waid 1, thongh it breaking wes itn fornia oor ner -- prices. There are | loafer mp ocr ag" hie wit ua wi prepared Oats. band. A he ecemed 4 upwards made Tom | se t bento es we derma itil Dounty of Perth Mutual F.1. Comp yi joer ath aie ip acho 5 oct. icnemme foxes 1; we ; yer. a BOLO +. be is, © far as worldly affairs are cot giee him 6 c0 WG bs -- ota , ard perpetually ry always kept things trom bay that wera tikes have prevailed slong the | cerned, propared-to ¥ ace Market Strect, Btrationt, Ont, men an Seaqathas ashy Sy-oet of Sich cxcrciee a'so quick: the elimiaas' | ty 40° rae bert she bad a. ieepnapt ieee aaa ae immense smount | not, what endless wary ond, antagencs . anc sat | AMERICAN HOU SHS | Property tarerot. ener sencet" Amount of [ing organa--thoas by which the b.dy she | eerru ae wied: Wp tale hyenas en of demtraction. Bis feseerted a ok Fiat he may not leave him t Jim e, Ear and Throat. Claims Paid, $24 302 44 rid of tte waste matter, One reed Ded take -- Senet wreng, So -- oe alone wot kee five thowrand | Fisk, with all his milliune to leave, never ees Near G.7.B. & Strattera. --- poi die of p ¥ | ih Ae a mae t shoei have he ied pe Sewibtes wore juts bametesn made hie will until he lay bleeding to ON ere KING Stas -PLeasuUnr ox} BUAINESS DIVIDED IXTO TWO BRANCHES. your the entire body ae off 99° dead | aint sot for mysell, Mra. Manners, because he arte Marqsia De Mores, who death on a sofa in the Grand Hotel, and Stratiuss = matter, much e aly ( DR. RYERS °) a ecenrainn She nee eat ms pare BOAND OF BARECTORA * | a aa if dennk from an infected her c'y. Bat I tave mot with no great dif- bad | you old sheep last July to Mootana, it was then written om a half sheet of rar eecae lathe ee tari' Phe betel te | ene lyde. Yes. MD Fret oe Now the iungs, with their fullersod deep: } Goultisaia my li'e 20 far." . . betore at | give note paper," Fite writer ange had sense: dnio the punt Ser ncakt aaars haeon' Kea. Ky-Mayor, Mitebeil tion tsduced by vigor Phe looked at me agains ifen litt went =| of . Menea Meals btallheate, "Phe Snort brands | J gelvela Kise ia ibepecr Fieeves Downie, rheow fl Gectively thesiendiy carbon, | xed, a aan oe me gor" 1 sald, | ond will. At was easily found, as he knew- ond Cagars, _ ely. Per. Baa Bu) Oe eS oth Keak and take in larger draughts of life givingexy | +1 hope you will wot think I am eatech- re 1 the year and ths day of the man's death. heeye! - re ~ a poe, Fags Dopey gen ; and the heart eendsa parer blood sith | ising you rudely ; bat' Me. Manners aod I podhenPa.gor] ® | This was curices from the fact that the -- KA} THE CABINET, King... PM, Pullarton. a fuller flow through te system, The take © gress interest io yo, knowing hoe bert aso} a kad lawyer, and one of sett he commited at | MARKETSQUARE, - - STRATFORD. Miptford. fi pur S cubiaia the qecliplowe things the aid iy drawn w RAT 'ACCOMMODATION PG pdr Teeve, Faliertoa. ; body, is eepecially liable to cougestion. It | aaa been you alittle, Bat, yousee, ame | orice reat had ae ihe travelling public. Meals at all hours. | (; Ley sresxs. Hoes s, Borg. canoat hesten the biced, aa dose the hesrt | Kiry Rayner is so very and tives pt; | pese-like Les- < Eatiwtinasut" soot, Stratiors. met A. Brown, Downie. | by is own contraction, sor as do the lange | such a srcladed life, that it ie pot easy to pot snake their = JOBN GRAY, Proprietor, ag rons |--Mt, # J. G. rmith, Kaye, Bar- | by the aid of the muscles of the chest and eae Rig ge pressere, but nos t Saturday of this and every) stratiord, July anh, in me Lee Actewrs poBFilljam Davidenn and | "SPE isnown that the sugneesive col: | (pres ont (time, Chstetion pg ae - Chretien? They ad month. . eee eS a. Frome. . oat ok owt | lepee and i flation of the Innges.greatiy ait weed not fear to coniide in we ; and Mr. | way expected be- - ww. | ROYAL EXCHANCE HOTEL. | Acc" wees: | toe circulation of Ube blood threogh the isaeer, being mam and 'vou pariah oe may fort wet; ond And I ths com- nae, eto, Marek AVM CHAS PARCK ATT, Ser. W, MOWAT, Treas | liver, ana that this ciredlation ia erpecially Ayman, could help you in cases where my | and went on to Conatio al- E. AHRENS, L.D.S, | eer een TED cr ie ran | _erattont, Pet's 98,182. «| nelped by the deep breathing caused by "ej ight the sable. 4 me, | Ses Paved om) Sven Ror tort ' +e rps MOTEL ts FITTED UP IN THE - Worth 1} Hence we say to all © I thanked her with tears in my ayes; for, | fcr cae him avery. that it gave rise: XTISTEY : Idington's New Mock, Erie mest pm! tA he Success the Best Test of Worth! walk fer exercise, let yor be brisk, | sithough th ha him withme. | . padi' 7) ¢ stratford. . G - " s bade master, * ~ . ' ive : Suse dravecotheretion. Comeretioes caangee . with 0 full owing of the afma, and if possible and althoogh I did sot thick it | shrubbery, so whet I coms 7 wat be wae Vtalined Air weed for the qoemne Dor pamnananalal wwaveliaes. let it inclade more or Jess of "ap bill, Likely that I shoald Cre etparinnce ot the | heap aa on he a PO sop § ~ jess Extraction of Teeth! Taylor & Bates' Celebrated Lager and Aalders ony tral thes she iene Rochon bend brary sA ald, Pe Ales on Draught and in Bottles. y not . =a a day very Nordea tt 130 aioe ee ea i hom is: SH tc eho All over ne be met Brown the | fal for bo mi os other day, hud the latter felt impalied to im} Then " whether stroke de wren vente bear |S ae 7 ra ar" STRATFORD. *Hlaven't beard trom it in four weeks." | Love-st choal Samet 6 "Haven om i } mbrmctive tof Leet. _-- AMES uae. peeree OR SEE Ku look 04 ¥ caged oo of yoo tad 1,000 frases oe" =e ' above h toms ia . t Oi itellows' Bleck, Market Square | directly -- Se aoe is "Oh vail bere Jest: been sivien a7 | in C mace wails to tpt he att 1 ier be kept conetem worth of the stock." | til pear the them Be news eee on | hate + Not giving it away | de Salen," Loy joe f a time. qi wang "Little Mra. | the trees To be Manners sald the | softy tried mrohs lore = : aber que, bre 4 aad ton, 7 y thers was s sur the an we bert of her party. They come f iow oe wad I ghonght I hak aver, som | Sod oreche eur ey THe OOD, tmpart tne te the we feel -- as no pry eee Siegen tome ry bende p= Fae! sei se BILLIARD PARLOR, paleo ind ht | ca arte dared Jone nnd ot gale | ieee ee | aie Market Sq., Stratford pot arborec hese aha Bat, MEE 09 eT nied Myers' New Block, ry Promoting PIOESTION pnt waren bier - other, }' . 7. ™ ' * Em Seas . " Vigour, Ner | Reabmerit of any kind casnot 'athens, ome x the styte pevreer mm meracpen| STARMS & COUNTER, | tenses Soa diatrhs | tata eee ta co Ty iees arene ms Vetenee 1 balews kate Hayat SALITY ouick y Piekt to ce pata' fante, 04 ae Se ae he sorte cr: cain Dia Tiemlen berger! Manufacturers of she bent rande wf---|-in ibeip ntioset inal Ln peat tug Ment car pr emg 'aml ta, | rested ove ond thes it has stond over) SFE EATive © york, Haakience, tnd heuse Ae, rEmais jem ee ed as it ought; it will always be mia! tas amd aie better thas any other lonay ii Tree D "al WHOLESALE ASD RE my to ER) YARY SURGEON. plhescomlasns erm <4 Sater vel, Bon a Also, Qealers tur all kinda of <seRE res SOF FICE ANT ROOM ras ua Tobaceos. -- pr Ce dfellows' Diock, Market Sq're Pipes, and Smokers' Sundries. . ses, jon ae was. STRAT DIE AES, ing is | --_ blaughter. -- ee LEGURB, | sexe "ane ee beak edo ner g h ng ory herenil. And png ey - Berasterd, Hept. BA Sk, hen ton ae Be - ard : Complaints are made that passed me Bat 'ep, bat the \TFORD PLANING MILLS) of Perth ating the erareciating tarveren at farmers do not pay enough attention to trom after them, | ners war tee mapeaper wt THOR ORR, PROPRIETOR. County o erth. RWEEMATESN, COFT, I waited wonder of tae | Sarunes a ; i ack = serine 1 The © will be Aldars. | oFR, order ' '{ ACRACRIBEL 18 PRERARED TO € 'think inh a Kinde oe . el é ST., LON 0," she re: a The ti 'Ss Sauda at 38 Tam rather nied ne Lage 8 'sien = aoa halp to in ae A : +f E BL f