= ee * Siow RATPORD TIMES, ' E = wintt. --~ very Wednesday Morning ae ' wereee; alee Pt SSSR me , win a Lr = ey ed to gather the fh the compe, 31 cor ta . ch clin ry ¢ = Ae oe ; " wo Ms pangs far thinde a the Nile, ' . Corvespendines. envelop the d bees oSStrrontirer gd Meme of news will be ---- - of ti Smete and with hia ia Set Pee su . AND wk, sled b a VOL IX -- COUNTY OF 3 cee ere ee Se es z ae mel STRATFORD, O} - FOREIGN ECHO: -- NT. -- ES. _ Keuis, &e A. "HEPBUR " WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 «As indi - Pc . N_ o 1s. & YEMEN, - iach 1854, ee ais atten te bint wa ne = aa wre ps ee JUT Ae TURAL DESIGNS PLANS OF | | sue = mes! AN GOLDEN : ay "ES , < citi a ; : urg-* athe maonlee 3 ARKE Bre bitect . 4 | { a % M ps oe fa reeset we Sentra, ay. Sar aposive OFFICE E_Oven W BONDS. am" nt sre ty. "tat tte} NO. 426. fo en flere the Als kad io abcing ahd atientste homiera a "MT" adel A HEPBURN: fe rina {etn Ore CuaPrm '| tes ca meme Ves om, I ---- Ss flat hs wali wes! {set Vn dnd The wee erawe:!; the HAGARTY, Proprietor, xvL- j o@P, the brad jue of pr the a 'suse fad aan roe sas R. KILBURN, AE pi RR Jesse es mu) Lapa no Sen ant him a een) Ven Lee Senne | it Gg cTonbch aan mtn te ESTAURANT, is teoareey- | mn ce vege them drew | fo good, min me et ost Sim to bnew | atthe lay be eps to Foped, te Seman ' Sicimupeeativincha ot eee ) Bit 7% ARCHE mre or. JAMES WEIGHT, 2 she a ait ew Craw ; ore ma "beficra. Lah Pca eon zon' | cane erp wee io xem. | ebild, " of ac fue: Office -0 SESE Ser ptreno life at me asp decal ny | replied hanghl nn, 1 Sev ine peu? 1 | ees Se alveye treable Miss CHE! Phi peg ofl mn epeplonn dt agi tthom wt leaky to the roveat teortaee te ver Mowat's Ban BUrTONDR, " pT pms Me Mie CAE erp i as a ambaliom arias | 1.5 aomber of eat tectdaet in smgart io ts ank. OPPOSITE wes wn ' wate we, * you. | morping, alto \ eaten wine te ockene wT: ibahal aeons nare Ma ble ba, SHAVER'S OFFIGR, | coe fally © dr ili Mas had | arb ae | gee pe et sgnin, aadl west of 'sith bis | wy tnmeset sas : | durmact 'ae is eaten tpiet Pipes wdicala TS pes, meer weer . } oomots ws j tos @ ih ie the Uc - eee ae wee ones rble & Granite Works, | reir w an tnt ot west ee ae =| cen tee cies ty inp | mrmuny, ewe ard Shae "sonata newearfowcanch "cry "cmt Aiecersaweet sit o_ : oO = ------ a ta WM. PORTEOUR LOATAINY & SILATMEAN. Tegarters pee inde of Meats ard Poultry in oe ss win unk Unk - an | Tom st the Aldere would cheat mapbino| I a apes ne ; aieceael, pat xr 0 rch the t "3 kn. 1000 491 between 12M) and 1550, . p end j ERS PROV id there was > 1 even: ; flect ¥ ' hy. tw ' SOLICITOR EWELL, | WORTH'S HOTEL, ts rid SA |e nS scien ts Hao aon nating wy th ee ne Te Lapdoner! With wuts ofthe othr jng.vhcn, Mi. (ar. simon bnghah gene A bevy Seen am angen he ee OONVETANCER, a: WTRATYORD. kr he te, broanss he Or oi! an ie nak sae it ony of tho ettne ' other people had | "red: With & cigar in Tap anor iciteil Hike Anata cr hed traveied by hie | i started Jan. 1 4 thirty: MOE 122 La tog ran ot "| rywie tRaveLton | EXCELLEST MINTS FOR Tu ay [The ee sre a tans aabooe Hn. tenn rym BS weotcetas Gi | vimeutetodien scacen wore shercocn, | geomed Bayt om 9 where 4 tints Irtemte, caay terms and weds Inherit, im the 4 PUBLIC WILL == RIFTY ' said M a " 7 usted r 3 famey to : | than th Miratfurt. oa ON ERIE STRERT. ome ity aed hotel ever} om mid | Ww. 's. Cow. -- | HOUSEKEEPER. ' Yow thnk i fe, rm] ines pron a jealous, fom." trom eg cutting me pag at - + awve waiter - clap aig abe p | ga al, Hallowe' ebereh, oo aa *! sane pence ceees Bee bot is to me," said "T aay, alin' 'Lady Male w aint] Berach of glans " rc mh g ® quent (ante et ith fits -- i ' 1 1 as aay, ain't it h fishes me ( | by tysteriia! ¢ ® followed | pr more than AMES KE mtn ne oe AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR | foie ui so rgt| ely eg waving Belen? DP i ees cael mo oe tet tee! Siesta ae arcving gare appar. tiers HOE. Seratferd, Oct. | WAdAM WORTH, | ramta mn ute ie enalen twp r the dour there with wathse, house into the eal: i and ge i dat ie wet a wor Hilt N 1. te02, or seedless raisins. well ared p of eur) Mn. ta abated and y aonwt aight of (, ground ber be cold air road, wounded in fe was found tn the | ! md ani the 34 pte CONY EY ee ras Prrtion of the ros aed wink | wo f* . good | Deerzt the door, Bet the two, trrathare, eben we ders," abd Mr. frum bie the feet it a hie widow sappematiioe oy nye P 18 olthet ve ' = be picked, ry . P : door, whom t had | Bteae me -- were at the story that, wh peared | soa © , spenbione sie Scns The, Windsor. Hotel, In Counties of Perth or Oxford. Wharts ch eta ere tlere devey. | ee ET es solvent Th aan itu ecatems ie art: !chewl Tom bee a, Giang bl otro it quence en ried om, bat rang, Tie Wak i il car wens OORSER OW ALWERT 8T ASTD ManK eT wn eat an Pores. Cains. promptly recat <= ties = would lan, i ion prose Pe ee ' "the Who we "iia "7 At Sy steele aiwaye da" male the lady's wants; Ib; coeng hee en Shangph 4 | " wt a 6. J. "MACGREGOR, =~ THE 14 LARC scot He Stranteed, Ang, Sind. 10. tee cape 7 cups core poor Mrs Keyner's Pl col it was | om" meant ome? And what did " resgh Tapped rvand ee paver pre which ibe tree yrew--the wn low. ome if - alee ey wee torre Accountant, Vatuatar, fenevald [pues oe eee D. McBETH Suc" Goer ih cette Cctghew ck ma that abe ea |, Ths tllct Deatam Charah, whieh Tetetat Tattan taet teoging = Lay ene he r tonben +d one t aah = id : . + with Bes bi . Since og Sk | ro a {Stier Makes mrs mot ed tn somet arses she puted st iedy Miia. over, and 1. S Mille tea ewer ahinet wes. Jek® her in quickly, To . "The ws ppgvaber ers dy 4 -- a ot ed ia Versi fs preva eS ATTENTION GIVEN cota - i dl we beaked seam hid CLD Cerone ire. NUMEROW are © it be Rte wal, milk, It be no be of mine who gave bare! peed to keow who Sr hind tt Si bor 'she enc, 1 should . sind cf the slerp wai smeneedivibtens here frog port te were anwilling- '© 52, carseat vaimarinn To THK cod room 18 winter, | Kiet euch {une ae hones ood the pubite that PB beg doy hy ite we Thee otts in the athe ri , odd 5 abet pean, my dear; bat hevees ™ Lam for one," easd Mv, Clo presided Jonte aattouly, o * Asal wable btm to felt ali t f was 00 strong encanta ponte © * vn - La t bes pnd og | beet well, snd bake waclve peg amenta of the joor of the egined duting all that be theogh voi este These pied von the rece fir 'The fable to one. picture Fieata aS ttiddle ; do not ee Senetiiely om om a het pare ae ee them !" she sald g if eo, who was ao Me. Carrathers, | lie bie srape boase wich ton bate letloebantrest cone la the oe aod oe hater secimg the wight. the Bar stocked with Country can afford, nd m & a Specialty. Cnauam coker. my, 1 have so mer! Posen: || marmal ode. om prea, oat waa, Nor should 1," mattered of senambtante mirvites woul settled «meen one married an ents nnd cigart. the choicest Grants ef | ¥ 'aime ep bine, tek and bi cape cares asp Cons Meovins --Teo fall litle surprised at wered, a) "De | "Now on aren 4 Me, Cerrutheye the mor came a asd Jed ia B bag eabet, cme eehaie . A pds ogee ae tn meet. | cw, mesl, one cop Grabam flowy a ae thts on od case Aed ter" aid be ~epectab! 1 wae not a bad 0 . eome oi ila and ashel her miv the rest returned how Me IPMAN. Proprietor, °° seen NE oF Shes fa cantemge for o<¢. gees two caps beiling water, on = im the corner of my poral a Mile: Yoo can do. oct be eaid, * Never mind told bum eu; bas Hecttagadl , Wesigereageg re wha! sor reel vy! wisdem, though a lese ' ---- sett 1 4 7 ty mmute "Ab, I thought tte oe you know, tubs," aod --won't do to ran work he bike shew. : ne we © prophet. 'maida NEW "YORK COUNT oveTens crectent, A oe nt reer that sedhiewnberydlercn sale oat be pee wars ging tg A toon oe Sesh ale Wesumisence eka tuund she « Soa on | tenhd ete os made spool bet sie mon at oe an op = jdemel ---- way. ta BCEIVED | | add the ep of , ni wien wo orshnyme nikecmenee tak eee the neigh corner of a will, heat guea, pounted to | wl taking up ter try, th rads GW. LAWHENCK ia ren BY E _ ALEXANDER BROWN | patter check pier dar ig te farm 0 the: teal 7, my dear child | have 8 7 in gestae by not going -- Gab of Bar Jonas': Viewnstel Ww eced | wee lone iw an t mat thes vill of Mew Repth al soe gm Dabinet Restaurant 1 WReenere ssinanaene Anes rok THE © iJ wpoce, weil, rie rep yin the | oh Ny hie egg thas yoars, week wew wich hed mow," said he, "we'll run anot with back cotton -- nreeded ta © 500 2 qveatied a > - he t, Market 8q vow aa (efor ay sealer Valeater nthe then breek ta the soe, ood | aleep vith them maple A ga i shersh out of atv dewnten . her ne ae wo ae ' = fet -- ie rae : ware, com. tir, ¥ al | . woke, and ahe ' opr se selats® MON JOUS GRAY, ' si commit to ia the w ¥ acaanel s inte hes Pett my maui doesn't hnow where the aad even | caurse eyecare hy ry Crrietie? You, of | § bet it was lee . wae bet ulsteawe vate already vahen the imitial im . 4 TO ing stoc evel showed 1 go, if 'ne ep tow LEND. _Menttora, Preprteter tales Bedok fa eae mathe Gen, - mabe. 2 my wtoutshmen' the ploere | far mnt, Le. you will find at | om befere. bah oon, jes hearing du was ehome te. he « validity of the inetro: - ae generac Setnoentis , Sepa. 4, 1880 sh wad y part of y; Com ere eh os yarn ool aboot on 0 A wt we ast 40 a es Care | er going to take yee tor a walk." cald id WH weaatice B 7 "he wes awaken ee Oe ees ". = x =. i. DOI DTX vet | PO. will receive te Lvestn or firaiford |e, t¥e Dee pias (heaping corn. | Obligrd to « liad Misital dl abd rare Hp wy cha ten ie muster. | te tt pride B.box Autart i od, seving | turtber gality of the bryoat a, <a Conv ce, HENDERSON 'Ho * r, Mrown will beat Worth's bate | teart eur mith er be ul shite dour, cereiens w rig your dreesng-case to a as een tartan: ma, sad | ia eo late, and I gm dressed mn meddled wit a of why it tal | thie dase beat ease TS ee: Se USE. | Said and trnmacs 5 on Oe cine orders fs f "F jeairhearhs and whdies separetas tt ia Pt ~ aanesteamy preese- ae ie eon ot be ceqid fad, oe ' "Raber brevliN Wow" ted aoe mn wid Babes the fellowes, 'aay, ate tone dito ch alk <at ut alent ov = ey tie *icmrumhl '> al soda mo aap gro r ef as whe a ich Be | pow r*~ 4 mi; b teat: sbie at all, i ye IR re acti pind fe either ot és peat as ad went Paice pers cxbknstcx ory PLizast re AL s---ogiaenes AROWN --akenut os m boiling ~edl mith cate 1 reign take 10 much trouble aivee our, whis when the collect Ne ; and he P ved rologge i Aci ae a aA neat sould Ret a EAD a Bony Aguating to bia frivmtn aid the URE voton, See rae Larges 1," sad I | 'Pind it ter me . ars wi y face. | taken place durig th fring" "tke" "apy be, Boman correspondent #f bras raphe too 3h the rat. pe A pnd that the em on h hs ber Raed ot me, with © tow 'Aa Mak Tceoath ce _-- Aad 7 2 end--wede | Redruth ¢ the wight ras "Post Valadtagihi the Lamec san Shas nes tata vo pet Ueae atest ntommaeate Pipe yy ooo : ote eg eee wi cater for the putt Bi sigs x val ; pees on sas pets as yee | began making rech in oberah; Det be | tom eoy bsesmtog eee Pare at Monte. Wat the ~ W MOWAT & SON |=aae Meee rick & ck & Tile Wor rk | oth "a mick os, tem, he eae es ah So ct Seek, Satan or ce | every beomlng pte avon Ant | mep He al Paw a oste Catig alter hao ie ceed yaaa orks, atic seri eae Gad ras ae ig at cimatibet eae cord eh akin elms pe me ee yee (Zeal A.Y¥ cf tne Ld d ! oo 28 Frias evoning 35 mand hitshed + MY Guiniein dau ae JosEra lin Fie aad ne ot be move than a8 twoh ee cn they had tried ie cee oe te fod tr ne him, eae ty peewee " con | oda ahi Sarah Neiceaeo dag theta Pennant ANSACT « Genern! Ranking ~T. MANCPACTUBES TH * . | about twenty min ehoald bake To af gentlemen | 4 in ithe latin oe eee | oe throagh eke n Meds Be foul fou 'uf pe deed body of 6 man bad rheT : me BENT Lanes cr Bice Gunence cones = ce F wares oct arog pages oad mare bax ing +-aae Line a face ' mrt } werrew footpath ioe pe ete end Dy ¢ by ai elias (0G "Tiereay wig the Hotel 6 erra dard White Bachi betkd nce, on antag | Tete perteatly T thmidl: an nary ie ee the Sane ane shan, We stopped (a hed woe s Onta had ml ian tap eliial Gireiase Sncneoe (tter- | Le ger the d be bey were i card or game however wocld o ta et 'the onse, and Mr. _ rdhangede ty them ah 're ees artect le 'oo At rontette eae Pipe BRICKS. "== Sg it Gea Ee wnt ntosy sg ts sia Te Wt ries ae Spe as NES 4 iv r F jows there _ wiloe the time Vf top the ¥@, oF osal Tisteere en arnagais erin on anpanan | '180 pare © bmi aa | child's play wo me, re ee te like | hare Dediad he | "and along that re ot ' beoed." said bs <-- time ant cAhes " aifeie and pretent to pane All the BRICK, DRAIN TILES BTe Mace ell eer tear a} Smee et ee en seeched on 78th <= "Vea Veal ree 7 eee cote Wales to pecgekey She bed Neca eel dee = per in th LRU Monteith Ave ' 1; if there are baenpa tee he wurte was in ecetar iat you are very ir. |° + oulda't 1t be 'iorag As ar, abe hed beve perplexed | Prestirirdedl Ad Soci aig of at . mea ostiin rs | esos eth a vpone--tr ta | jut te rst re to veccompyed hd | rer an we te brereean hy elt, | "HE, crecres tne a ery fe wo shout te went ot ng Reteraburg = eae t Pe ee tit ads we ate shamed oui | th bs otereh anhane beat eet eee Wo ot ether objections pe / eelgtcdparre his wie on Saturda yeh ier, 05 ; . maputacts:-J vy Money! Money | 1 Money wall i wlatien you Kaow that | pe soll, | @ reer, and if | ray 4 ee follow looke+ dows at me, as wit beta oaths ri . Legued ry ee cibak pier aig The wot. y Stratford, Avg. & Last. BOLGKI (stevemons ty 8M. fn ; sweet be a. se gentlemen, laughing ard blush- | gaily. % book Tadks 00 bed tobe fembling | "Fen ts eon thee eal « west ie the tanalac Prarie | cot Healy Uamlbs eal SES Te ug = TT Ne ROMERTA, La ns bowl a when the | es : of mes sae, j eerept f faite NOTHIER lor of Cheap M een' we - ar oe yi mixed inthe sine 'aerate Oe ker Bod jos can sipays 6 ney evay eben Frccts pang Sala ag See ont pect your | hus sleep Teagsieg. 'he ou Sst, hiseed pat the bana ey While. thom che peeet le 7 hands eaeet oae eve 8 Hotel WHIT 'Anal ra, Clowes. | "You shoald go to chee en | ewrel hie wateh. "Tt ie justo. h ch ha we te nept heiera, wite® a "Lied. in. the = ONT. E 4 RED BRICK | somemal ses > Urabe cag: pay eias theaght ee ae 'cf the waltzes, sod | [unm Jue coald Sod the ven Seer, tondy i nd the time T have got t | emo with' waved | and he pe ached | Wht chee and pecans gave, of ice ibcor ceceunay | wenaemoren ton one | aoe ,| Seni, ss psec | ne ae SP Sa one re | ate = gh ape re NDERSIGNED, havi OF ALL a) soda, al auger, one te tele ee sm tet Latwage have Hi ing ag , -- Seek hasdiecais Make Apply at ones to ls malian ema arrears! | ot thee their tl « 4 AND STYLES Miz --twenty cane aoe vilieg Water. | " ings each 0, tot to de | do, mare Med oon font is Se beat Datars could A Finny Jester panel Jy ~ 'older, whice « wat as wi open eeale 14 "ar tae dwight > hea the meal, floar, | * Bat, Mr. ; a | oe coterie ok whe frniian renege ennson, ENR ten mann ine peek ok le wih younn. ao Vaving lowed had a | t and milk over night, jee Bat none ' would lad t Catrather, it is so late, What ee tala aint Book corner ¢ sin | vonan ematon of ibkinds of poset a bee. ary mveet. he bat renege mate the pat -- mm, kei ae" te ae ~ 71 mabe al 4 with Ledy M te: dace (Bhynehichthys arate with he} to be nparsd to thele ebitd "0 dy mts _ sad Ceate. trleneld setak Bake nee G. =: | codes snd bee sous Sek the simsived | tan whe was talking to se that be sod 1 oe any wood st all," rumaried 1 ; body. will think anpining ot et ae 'ena tin mee Saad a. vecsble. jeter (ie meiet: ves tele, par pores Stratford, Jamis ciled, apd bake peer, | going to bave a srricus ' yee g what you da" | shadows green tu | tate. imparting it pein ; Pledical. Junoon, is, SLA T R. TICKET OFFI | cakes ehuaid wot be for Lerabtant ; ae. | Sad wire wok to be Jaturbed, pti dee Sid Rly gay Aplin delle ert bay thea as I did later ; wo een | at see we habe acages| ae fe, adaurd ae if ph fmm ---- EST , | thick when dove bg Bees a» inch 2p window where th be took me to | age bie jest when ke wasted to widen |* ; bet it gave me o ren as them, aad petha cote | shee Ry Abeer, te. not ill srr Ww ERN H | Oven aad twenty to require a hat S8%¢ me cee, while be throw hi ta, ancl | goed. wanted to mecutary, fer bh mno- spy upon ther domestic co om 1 rae Int * 3 fe\ Exp | thirty minutes. Hintorn- | uy to be! * » talked and made sie do { Statistre REMOVED oy Seca we Sink ai TEL. P88 ce, 4 Mariet 8, OREITECHY Cons Caz. --Tabe, ote belie oe. At Ieucheon I st between ie tae me langh | Wile to them wa gaia me W ttc a engl i Fon # Jobe Dutton' Sere, AES Ol FEET AND Quones er, | et cia cap at ta fe pp le Raps leening weet sy iy you ley ee \ Mrs {apres whe 'Aasasthed the dtomen rachewhtnd a ~--. hat garen | whether the total ea gotumats ne ore ce | reserated trom cellar eeeitned an | Tickets to al sbi Si of old ee ee oe tee td ee couh a pretty git) oo 3ea |e "et s everybody laugh, and mai» | ing doen bo- | an the eenmiey wilh et the inhabit R; D. i. 5 qarret, ands now rose, eee milk, to form fe to girl as you | as che always : Now | le wow at the close oF lee than » Frick at it FRASER, blog. any hat |e town, ~MANITOB beat very ti hee can ba tiered viah Gspetes | Ted y ply |tew voiee, ee. Frames, ee rate | ree olan of some 'trading | Ubel bo 6 Spare tt chow that Tow Inanie t8 RESIDENCE, ON THE . ARTHUR MACDONALD, asp 168 A- | ofem imch thick on iy crpialry 8 1 had been so much spoil: that across me. addressed Mr, Cyrruthers + ind ready Papp omiling with pleasure, risk page changing their ey re Bhsly:o be 6 chat there ie a Sarnia. May 21, 13, Progeistor. GREAT SeRtM- Wear. bak: po iled "griddla, and - that I only answered calmly by *"Sba'l I pas the shc Mad siver bern hak every movement, tic dragon fly that, : st rone row lomdent | sonst 2 in the popalation. than ap ELECT RICITY|DO"IN ip leenccnaaaee en | aries aerate Ee ee) eae stirs mrt mk AT a ih ing es nas Mia any ag eb = cept Y HON HOTEL | « toent mugs ant tan chunne ten PARA ee 4 1 Cat tr rad be tt | uc incngherteng tak Fi |e Fk Ra re rae setae soa 2 . . " to =! a ; oe ; gd preety Sper beady | Orroares G. Tf Starry, "rear ail other Lage Changes than lone Woo thirty to forty M ntabies body calle a oe Mr. Carre *;) mo Bow nice it is--not Bip yoa can't the : ne neve dartag thin the lets J brea ouncta: the rate of the increase has - Esp meneed feseeckes ne ee Talics | CALI ee .smurrom. | OCEAN STRAMSRIP 7 a. Ad I with water. It ' tren sl nea Rites bie yon would expect, and 4 so sacipid x08. wer owe I tell skye m= lioke cued Wee rd fog ve 20 pee 10,000 trom 38 pas 10,000 long and f UP TICKETS | Bhs cren tr i bie, ' am, et the matt: «qual to many stiavulants. Let a) wee cared (rom the momen y | that rut of & turns aleg aise Dr. Moth Core arn te the Orva} Wewere fovereuiy Te att ' inte a I read. im at you some M - me give shrouded in, and shaw! I tary streagie t | only 26-are bere) 100 tnbabitan . ' ersill miteersl, Nakves tha uration p tm the cern forty to fiy onlcoten, and bake toga gy 'ow, to costinve from And Mk Crobed barsea % , and, everwhelmed by «| fyi kia 8 bs the sha' i= fae io the fe in Paria Teor tee at be nas | SESE oa | pont 1 tent ue from the | as if away wns oe Fee 9 aha - who dashed do harp | ing 9 the department, 57 on md roailed trom G nas Poldere, end | Rice anv Coax hove te be my temper, ol there had been brad, told without did as |, {raitte wa Geroly in| M and F from MF honiall Fr caw io hated the " balf ong --One acct mplished asd 7 ore in bts something that b: was not eword, Ant, | ive re warming to bb | Moreover, while heme cups cold and one. | «rte of ood and anewer. art her mech steering , aa there shee. waa pai eo ort au * pe p on Bike VED Witesb eexn | Sry pnt. CAVER, fos wastes, sow ahs a oe on | os 28 a A adeeadinirert-mr Most of the people vpeat Sunday afte great 1s s Tbe ral : =" sng, the oy 'tir, owerer, orm a intapt ane = Frases, the co's ents ronsian'i¥ on bend. 'lon ee ' ad ------ re ae trvable et ali. can get withont | «xcept that is '7 Sent F | wheaevs pe the last two days ; oie mal the sterner dutiee, the sof | muck as 27 per cen being an x. ee +, mbcere ------ _ ; cape coarse hb = -- P nobody rede ay at all, r I was not ye; bat + male and female = pe tin and 1S Seen Sh taee | EE in| mameemerierreee | Sirota esr akany mies" | Erte pe ng oe Sap ra | cee oe Raina im uaseam oon ee) Merete a Bye, Bar and Throst,| AMERICAN Hilal beamasdtbhain--ngklabemded OSE ee So ee ep se pos | cate greene Me Ae erate |e sane ray net HOUSE Act of Portiament. pei 3 add the bd He @rh i what you know." ome, wat undir the whom I was bhusbed= and § - canted away pa hay Pr g> of the cornmeal beaten egg, and bre moustache he drank iocd trees on the lawa tise ation 'pelicd im: } taking ft TEA & rhoghe pi Seine a tetera prefect of tiv D are. e eprrty Inpared, goer Fi a ter, Stir well to form @ thin bat. locked st me, said meditatively, | nicest champagne, which is acd = = y wrong | ER doen manic. 4 pivee ty, cating rabbi boner! . RYERS 4 soon s : as ' thing ite the | "> pile, Suttle ted worhiag faith | ede sesh tn 0 MTHUR KING WH fora. Ciarine Pasa bax 1, 4 prybch ee Pa Cy ran Ae | Ol ecutoe 5 1 te rgot thet. mapvieri Ore tated, I beerd qegrendy mind," anid be mes ay A088 j sisted, mde. rag gatherer, who LR CPL Re, sig a N, ' 'avelew Be Sos aaa a BUSINESS DIVIDED 1HTO TWO BRANCHES. seall with te banda ty pray ng pose te Raa Ses ye tack. Fantonaee Tom Parkea, calling bis, dad wre te rena antares S| Fe * clncing ower ver ee. Pate wh wee ie Lived oy rearonbe pare I KOTCKER ON FH RYE : bare bavel, aad ty prey " rawest peaepd peat) beat bard F "Oh, 20, womas in thie rom." | seen' hats your thine tan Wf te God ores "Absorbed ia me the frat cage are 6 r ey jaathecing, f Varah Tetnity Mea FO Be ayer the best eat Be oval cakes, theres 4 'orm into | a ye! don't! They all seen him onl Gal be bad pever | --Mrs. Mensera." | 3 wae thinking of iapoatiad, sid toe a tine of commercial orteit my aie cetera P felbowe. "Tee re | 7 os tock sag tal in por ins dy talk &." vase Take we Kayo t's ganien, and op end dows | Mra. Mancers brag bad teariog fn 4X vo. har. «time when euch a pate 4 pak nite aria and Capers feat frend Mat! 7 minutes, 6) -"Steqven forbid i 1 * Schley with tive ate lato Mr, | ® ri ghar to be able to call that is placed amowg the th a oo ales om them, which; fell fescrnia me Ly. fname Forse Pra-- ~T muttered he, aa if to! Whats fin ony two nights a beotifel elf beautitude om the {sos of yer in Sot Pe or a i itted te be tras, ad. ee sees sand TH - Jue quer: of sweet | all Did know how to chaff--that's hie little m 'om was with | "Who they bots awim cheartag. long 9 tlaties wood Fen Bigwet, ToRmRta oo E CABINET em ad oe al ce Did yon ever ment any of tham b | mae to Mr 1d related ont the other | caus. id yo8 think Tt was, Mr. Can wag pl win away, soon relrieg, eich siigtel af similar messnre ite own af BQUARK - - U -- ope halt Never bed servast be w knew | "111 tell { the ts drop- by bis fel paper ancl RnOTE eee orporete, nd pea: pes, 'ana BL wy before to-day." "He i jan. you, you will employed low-workers STRATFORD whites wendler is mine, end the me to land you cpect me, or » eau atager of hb goes yed in different we F ae S- SCCOMMODA TION x ne hemes. if you know I've : otha best I ever had.| ones." @m- | covers leas po bb.os thas collected furnate the Cheleest Ales, re seaweed care coe ne dation, well with the | acorn A yee jnow 1 gh of Sapp simaeteee sks dos weet won Kea jeu woulda's pay an; second genet 3 Anica pene ienale depen cam pomtion of oer tube Ph ee of tno Last Gatansiog jay of this and teem sed cane ™ Thre beat the pe ean ar sonore iooge | ston ee oe yee re ans tn Loi Uy yon, cad E fn Teno warbere ooriag the | RE ae foun Seth gu. every AY, Pro rn mpe.-+-- "Have wonder wheth - " i J | through de " fone. . July 30th, ext, errr Snes bee on thems in; s iad ogee te Uhbe-- Stak r babii been_farther-weet-thee ous man-sorvant Se ee F thig mysteri oe . itll | gas alteer aly Reernet a ? their . decomposition Inet aren: Sieinint ial ROYAL bar "gana aecoree = "emit, Kage, ee ae oe ol athe well, er 'co, pever," re-- Detyshire 1" Me- Rayner who bet taken vo relation of | tected our carey a by my af wate: | me " meng station Ne aan al eviahint a' eu liam Davideon amd | Od hb & good cream pas Je wan look lng lbving, bat was dewey a st akg ahaha sweatin wes formed in Bethnal 6 al é EXCHANCE Fin paste mix: | oa and ; ashamed ¢f it, | other. ~srte- and dowe-sha yram b Feen musen: a. E. AHRENS, L.D aE Meliaday's O14 atand. HOTEL sm oxen ith Be tat. and ke | sad ited his ayes enddealy ped ne canostiasn te tears Sieae San has ices |W " ecceuaiicatiameas 6-3 rman word wemants ol the soriecd ge ie rev evenings We she deat hee toon Dae TRY: & Hote. - mnvies Citas PARCKART, See ti till the plas srs dese; sre J y face ns be | neight spare them the talk of the a7 be be asked codes ji ronal yj} thats reaplation will bee _Hingon's New teat, ite Tiesto: or is yrereD cp iw Tax! ART, See. W. MOWAT, Treas. | S¢ same day. fevewed. "8 reveda} "apt easy, oboe fer pernat posal ha tho Bead ter beat Pa rene Reg LT one Ca the g Tomoten to taver'el taps pone} 'aaltaed Ait wood tor tba ia the msspeiiant of tecmecme ag Se "ALL "N rather ly. digracs, So I Ttainly eoosider a | The questi te friend are found, brooks one lit. | Wm and ing the British mire Painless aan ae frat connotation ¢ Tonnes es Buccess the Best Test of Worth ! Ot titon hart peiedae endian tas Ie erat You spiel with Me Jigs rant Kea w Sr eet ee ee wate obiah was quite nce tsuse, |: teeta Fare pot discon rt | Se ean aed ley open ik 19 ecth | Tarier & Bates' Celebrat wmatons, 'mediue size, | sine, fone | ,,.'1 om sare I don't ite Pere art ems. | de me 40 send &; 'Doran's sho--ever ?' i - brock Heeif views piles | Saatam, situated in Gress od Lager and ap che, twe wo onions, medi | "Bet ] was him," said 1 y m wepaper, which I did resdaSen-| "I--3 om ?° I enked sazion bis Harpor's M: --€. Fi Houter, | Sve! lated ao district which ix icilndih: biacmila e- Wa. oe aan, 'Woe telhernorneiel chopyed pete ig de mmnenbar whet t have So at last he begrn not think right, | voics, atraid sot," anid, ime sty dagen: pad by revels of tan loberlog wi 27 Madbling for 150 He a a many yen Save ths aes shee guile well." tek ccm se toed Oe | ee Toa omy one ins ha oper tat to mive Cary tow | --_--- . test 217, ut of 0 tatak of 467,708 viihors in J a . most troebied me | . wees HARDSON, IDs 8., eS ae. wnip ; ten-vent Boner 94 'coe teal pan . Cormathers Ltr persistent maim ee wo, where be Lesnar aie to Salk T asked (rome Meith The Bee. ' Semaasepe | lnaive Boum a, er nes wt eer oneness on| crane aS ONE = ae |e Sas tet ee Sas Seaton a Tne a co etn og pe pe ste eam 0k a a * | not i | fal n 4 or od qeeus of Ontarta. CENTRAL HOTEL raking ty ewmF SH toe eld wate sod | Msg belore. eArtrtreyr 4 take any notion of, snail d they would | whispered, with ey oe test ve her," be | talataignens 2 ---- wer. , howrr) om aix days pee reer forty -vigint ee es eTR ' when i comen the eobd water, snd fern however thet wear im the moral 7) which | bee. | Ths : o pavement Biork, -~-- faa s an oe i od en ee thes Samal oe Bed solved nosed Ff frock, for I bad r.- i. pedir: 4 my head, PB wes ure te traly "teartabiy Sirettrd." Ket 10h . Market Square, pe hones, sits RIETOR. ch--sove tas penal ey wre fee j ta When, at inst, Jong x 27 ee geen, praceged 2, mpl fac since Set Srila the mame in| at toe ad fe mombirtes Sento TT amir a RE ones Sees Savant en ee wt howebcld of the the bene wale per po pag eco ga rg Bofors: mst am fy ear, ve vies bar | roth ad at plan =. They | ot the Hariinguen Mout editor Soe hort coustantiy b taraighout. "Te smedavetey swe bowrs tad ), end stow | tube oat ame Lamha 6 ont Sane te tt bee ome 'ihe and Shan tree mau he oye atlanta bran Ons of these sean Noutes, Dat kan tee are rami enya oc? eaar, | Sed am der cad toma pl | rms Bet rim Tesiotel oy tk aid T gil, turing to | mein owe en nl shel enue fe | nro Reece "Ye ry q . * A 's wing ; and : an A rows, SS ad ------ uy Re abwae on Sopnaht te et pat he po reieorit ts ere aeeeainaee mr me oy to m in hich Mr Ray- wept rines of Crier sh oo the te | ceey, the be Fan ere de eS ane hia beete: 'Tuskthoonee trie enh'ef 'A call err chopped. th nae . t be re 3 else hat 1 peodast was row beck, . '. i" cos fairy deli- he -- * STEELE, Surattord, aun sl Later im the erisom, substitate . op lee all on boat fbr Wy me ste, bed io ite ha piven sy om oa st me fs stroked bis | (7 traense landed wie braces Ios Sebaat ge Be So a ft, my me 28, A, . pens cither a for rgete . | the sotes I had + bag close "You have not fired all your "| and sak > tiling tee 8 potation of your get a'0ng on th ¥. feeairasoniar a Mr pint of sanued oun Beddenly. it Sashed spose b hed from Laur. by 5 | constr, aii We -& het up their nectar. pwrert | ind ancestor te VES eis peg eh eng wgpetnnar tho gusten s pee ha ag freee cigan tig far y wher on Ss a Rad jut ws Tete drily Mise Caria, 1 think," Lp i ee seacon = cad ately Ca pir Miron! fates rape om heateos € Cigar Divan! ae eearaaees P| SMe hares yarns om bat | ore eran ofthe re the new ne gies eement, ty we segs |seree asehiva Ite apsesir prs tll neni. WrgoassWozag smother gay : 'wae *| Seaady ap Lon tal os tees Sates | betes talking to, and with whom ba aus ieee katt remontorsd | tad teve watt wisi 5 bel dena, | See, Sb seg ey hears rl tryed" pon his L. ROETT, V- s asp BILLIARD PARLOR, } Pee ted ne Broun: Ane, | (opring it eee ohn, wer hej tefore, that' hed bad been the aight inking ot sothing ph pa while 1 was | pisces Recdmns a pair of a hinge, there two | rett?y der peewee Balen oz | up with Vetortmary a Ve Ba? Meeuasiant 45. | yet mothingly og the Teite, of pam.mer) --Sen- a wang OO thing, bas coretully, turning it ete rire Da ete ad ae -) Peter Mer 4 ian ja the dierent eM bare Hart wack ant ae P aches doabt. badd s bes o& mo t '* = 4 ~ WHADUATE + Hitralferd LIVER 45" Dowrns, roger leaf bread or dcabe Toe repsiiel sewemtat | had acd lo Light agin tan | nS. .X Gave bt i, Me Cig | Bald rani in ith them the bes ge coon' bat the eR Giver Pie ST get Prymoting DIGKSTION snd semianitat tr faroesounh, tart balowe dinact: io the sccrtder tod the It hed A am 0 'toad aay oll yon ony fe tree; bat ter a ee near ag Mend The Tet that "hilt sti ode ARKS & COUNTER, | SSE CEE Smet pe ee ates core | staeemota as a peti coy stm Lent | Tmatus c rene ig coin ree wr oR ae > ~ MLIFY ade and @ Hradec boiled eggs. ~ iline terme with waa yet oa and too much search, | not jast %6 comfort his, line lout Of the abind io nd hon Len A OE to. Abn Maeeteraren ot he tain be HMLEEY quick'y pteht ho the aa were oce aed the Purben and barons Pur there ie frightened to ory. | prolty, baxe donbted for Lcouia | "MT sary, This we deal be kot %_ sod = ua . brands of (Size eeiht now n dita a they ae wari ot cones -- Five trek. ws i wep mace 1 w taricus lees like alarming is a mys world. Hs tack a: bed, Lawrence for the | i vccading, bs iS ape: sundae of 8 more fun ate picole Was & great - a rr; - ali ailed, 3, cream | bissalia. 1 Grabam | os: pierre vary. mach mane of being = Sonicome not, I thought, as fi ead kuaed it, bat | 21 tseecing rh needle shspet darte that cost bia Jest 65 santa, The tiowry tite &S reuale Copriionm, Bedled eo masted Oatmeal mush, rary this carioas dino anew at the mercy of some meeh, acd then he cared about is | Toward the pai nest, placed. side the workt owed every 'The theory that | MES ARS 5 Senecit sans Seana tek 2 ian wien aki ey oa et dee font ed es Dyer enon ES eeieere Seen Toe werkt owot &tmse nothing. was falee, medicize know Tweedap.-- Hard ,) tanate beeataful 'endo thought | would Ly turned beat | bee | 1» whence waas WHOLESALE ABT RETAIL. es cuit, or tmah Graham raile; mash bis | solved : sae eoiaty tnlde wey dk fll her geste go te Lady Mills and edtcat woe and, the boat | Tiahdr vw thie litte j omitimes unable to * Saget Revs sen reve, <n Pee HE_OINTMENT] yt) ay | rs w |e RA meio ny hee hes ag tp eC jr Iona cee | a in a soos Also, dealers in ail kinds of } ---- -- ia Upa eee a cane ec jem | Save wenld be an jd. Bev wt heows ath is go mde eo my mone each cig wl ea rn R praal ee Oe Oe ae E eonel 'Compremise--iggn and CHAPTER X¥11. eatire, el LT ames Mr. Caruthr., j deep. . Woes the ating -- of aa inc' ide workers out Winten opportani. Pipes. and Smokers' Sundri + sitters nda Hii aree Wedwend toast, al Ae ens a aervants in' the ] Beside, savers) af the (to wt corrmvEn), |b nc pair rene ro the Bg tinh en wh wot ont Wont tf * we the 4 s were those i » 3 oomairy me solicited. | aT huaraieabie te alt oon Tans pes age ae egy dees eats kong seat pees cat. | foe, tod eet under Lady Maly anuberty" i pad ey ae or cept nrch wth diy pe test neler poe +E BOR. | YaReAT ASD CuEET Seoush dried promeete or ery wae pang! of that, fur 1] bee 'eaplcrere Bhmediee had A Weetartet | are ie. Ouly seo Wane she tae epee West, As po sage sane te | Seco and o plume. (pected), warm, bright "wane {meal be ind: amt} ond. everybody Beil. "gh Seat have theite my into the tar : aaa , ¢ i ard hers ine | 5a foised, for 18 would bring the I re: | errant being suspected of beef as at [oot Sear ae eee vr Primes being | Boe morge tinetite tame -- unty of Perth ercracteting tarveres of Logs uietouea ie mn want 68. Radar ean. pak mata eo co chee ty rg So! s our. When 30 fitde to Spent yond, « bigger le 1K SUMCRUBER 18 PRE ease QncrmaTse, mesh, "r Sent over the lawe, tod 2 1 | my lows, which I felt move t, bat to bear | ™BlAly of interest on wis : bs | Digi mervange, sh er 4 ARED TO . Th Jute tn aot MEURALGTA Tt eet. paste, ties: round sed raed the fowr Sey, hare, tivaght mn thon 5 -choutd which swings in acovest of their bell, | vee ay a year im the East. Cyan Giasie Cork's = he bat alee tt nenran a apples, into the pha all, a A esaptised silence. After half way up the Monster wooden belfry | and im the twinkliug of ij youoe ra! House Furnishings, : noraae ae Eee ee ae ee ce mereey ere ate See meee fuck os Toon, oat at Cea b. « BouswrTe Grabem. bread (he y tn leawened b when, suddenly, by my aad war s cop {iss ra Bid if the int 5 Ro nar Vee Te aid than 6 '2 le Socata ee (690, OXFORO GT, LONDON ane Soa en erdar tare eee ae Oe ee Ee ppd a ad io bel ayy ll ' 3 " al . with . clothes, | here: : & bags teste kept ln | rea | and preree ey = Dreséedt Latiber of ajt Fai ef cack wok, aa ene tes as tee Pree soo Sard Ci show vate; whee "flame meaty mma piesa bee os T tegen to thins ~~ Tape bat, when seansien ta | red atings, i the eoey with a hen 2 | near Pot ao. Se a rs ot lens _Lirahamn or cat: Si otto avesd tear Bett scmented hie af tnt mares i wear ga cugcntin ince ae Sidon putin are hey Seiya al | an ae ; 3 KIRK, : 'aceonted bim at pe down-stacrs to rung Bormeriy it tps, snd the mac stir the | Chr: ] Pn casn. = 2 : eed bee plam black velvet round with once & year, bet now was would wot watrow docr of the sting," said the Rav. tal te be ge Shop newr poineepeltialis eo. y eee Rincast Tee tsrentions on tae Pete Sit Mon, Conninghom, whe ng tue tases Sesee = my be bard pe ae the DE ae petal at a revival oe Naagis be OLD ALBION ce faventions s- 55s Oxford street. Londen, ; ead eet wear my pendant, thet I why Poly dag dou 'e lagen. Tt incnn| and develop however, soap infect the colony day alterseon ; a1 fabs Ale Keneibed banbiiiet: > -- on Bhock, Srie-siree!. | rer Trnte Master they are apertant. | ow voila, coors | Who'd "2" Vhs comcinewca Unet it hed come ced pag oe Ga «le ia hh age 'the grrm of some malady. ia hid Mand We Completed . March 5. . dqere 6 ase. ri peamaared th ot mer a. 'or baked Ostmenl simak. said * @ easing & it soupaetas tor et Gs tap pean eee in diameter, and thick, 9 feet, er woes eee em . How | chonid call one af i "Now if I +e =F Abwent Kine, a2 aime eet ple, Brewed «1 be, tomching bis you hers 2 said | beard Mr. Carrathere =7 porte tt weighs 74. Labeler ey ad Mita S { Be 3 a <n =|" a oe Ee ce | art sarpeion heat With rather awk. | mark would apph on wot 1633. i he 'thio coe to oe en ee re ae Sh eee | wl iim ce 'Woust, oe hy. nm mast have lacen : It war's fine sae the With the rim wound ; sr ae maa they | hare it" ouvines e rae | he 'tate ies =p they 'She words i " aif Tom 1) wae ot cold, thoueh te com pom teva --oom- Kuown one of the arts ee er mouth whee were : pet Fst : Be chert ah ea a ls es ittnemetamenemen to Siri iiss on alts | erie oan e: = ; a a par | mie aad 1 x ye opm pale the tet - with « for : Se ie a ee Ta they woalt beard at» distance of cos hundred | pa reap comping Argan, decay pee adn : a = * leoee ts dane sir ot wale there was caly cos thing o- a ore co to them, For. thie purpose m8 Fey ey ber, ons thing to da, "Ged bless; -- 4 « e ered ' him the " j ' s o