~ o- , tw 4 -- "wv Z & a . i ~ ~ . . ee = " . ee - aterm a p cae - , aap Te RE ca aaa _ ; -- = Sry a {Sicwen;* abt pose Nat (nee takioe: her watt ;. FAOTS FOR. FARMERS. «is isu, tow ite glory haw depurved with the FASHION NOTES. _ PROMINENT PEOPLE, | Arabi Pasha's Influence. | A mdpeRN RescRRecrios. * | F . 5 poor - e * wa sateen on a Ned Clopper's Little Game, thie tha) "1 meant be getting beck. J thick _-- gar oe GO We might oo; the same trath is Condor. browa ia a very (sthionable color. | Queen Victona was for the infant | erhep ee gerne ee el *% "Tool Pte ' ' rigs i ta ae ' ee abalt tesreatioe lay_tor haying 53, free Flanting --- chawe averyemere over, Asinand Kaxspt} Now -- R bor, | daughter of Mr, asd 'Manners, who | Writes that jourval from :° Lhave| A Mirecte that Took riace in our Midst OF a ee Sees tS eaubed aaowk a Wwosht tet ruay, so| sof the worth of A'rae | Bat we wil) Wek" ders sas "| wae christened om the Zird of January. | ferred to the yearn tga ae ror Sethe Powe Foe Pees {: os added, restating a sy roeelrad elapeset. oe Sa weall wosht be t ot a 2 . at oaly ome ether angie line of evidence, Trough Mis Manvers stata. cot well. | - ? : of t. a. vARNRA dew ia lovsly as ber een - which she torent Be tabs rage * Lareageet ym eal be wre the'anciret pecple t Fl cnedoer- shell are acaia among ta Bw | easipge there ie deubtiens something left shes theie heasta ars ctili gone me (Dene Feat Pees} ' alinde im, ae i d-- ae, --¢rletbt aa come t rn: . J ti-foreagear merew@ent which . ¥ 18 -TWO-PAKIS--PART I. Faoctade oni fall blows' races, Bot to rpesd éqeat t the') of sneer omy or Hw dive for mapee of reson ft Tnard | "The Ceir of Ramin bes bea told by nig We? the champion. > Ieumedistely alter | Ooe of the most remarkabie oocarrmoes | 3 or iy tweeky-une, bat he | cf peooies and hollyhocks, coald wnt pameate Wenefit, asd shade sed eb. i thad a lees secluded Life ie neces. | Atabi® trial thers cam be no doubt that ever given to the pubic. which took place | inven = deaba fonliale to | Ses jin cree! Sts Oe oe chrengh woe agar dig! \re abs ta knoon toali that New, ¢ . Wenehroom | ia nrw rhsde of | sary to tentore bis merren. He sow devotes ken png ee ant oa ve fo cer midst, hee jot se eseiten. 0 | : inh through (fe woods te wa, odind - i tune i ofler { a bd . t ne wes only-b ay a Sepoery site ave fr t Mintand Deomgst f * rf soft pia dnb, ees bee eosial wr A. a ersand bemdrede cf their followers from | ema surptive and attract s¢ great attention | piay- | falee end' malignant Vaw Dyke: _ jie Tink sbades i I | yeneon may explain why some other ctoel: | p4 fashiowsble Matray Hil, whom may the" fr st deslr a tin gray or cafe au lait velvete 1 Sent sain dos ly devoted. death ile the tras | a0 it has already in mewspaprr cireles. The | acai éaly Hwa rochant------------ eee re ea nt nnn 5 i? 'aa it tectin OMt Promised to Arabi la Ceylon seemed | facie are, icone) le pel et ans . -- -Taick a ~~ will appear with T Hasterertrevetior--sstes. + ponersus-inthe-extsme compared to thal | A Crombie, @ young man. ai, yea minal Yaition Of an itinerant pelagayes who |. {To oR cHRCEET DAD IF CCH FEST tied oft cw pigestuacs every one travels wi and which the Khedive, if fett to himeeit, | at Banadgham, « sabord of Dastrat 7 imparted to his young slind » finsted in ee - planted bh T Aine P 4 | Sn to eee balfe hundred Hindoos iy | speedily have aoonied,, thie lar. dow living at 297 M venas in this | of questionable. knowledge «tory PEARLS OF TRUTH. anpually on new dewd ines i ap and down o platherm, wit their | ity and sympathy of the vationall:ts memmed city, oat irathfuily say that be tar looked | Retardey morsing 1s oonakleration of 5 607s : ° -- this is the <ase noe, yew Tre ti ae Steere: pron iu their arms or wrapped arousd | Lopetel- te the success of fask | into the fotare wortd and )e8 returned to pper and bed on Hetarday might A048 oy tee our plang aligted to ss by pro: Framempdtaly and Laginnd, aie re faver.te palatot for pet dogs i of | their bodier, is excitihy watil constant repe- | we had undertaken in Fgypt. Bet som. this A representative of thin paper bes is- -xord beenktast on Seniiay morning. |B! viJence, that toe ania the-part of Sarg. Gs! sation Je pew geeerel, Du of tidem. rettal ANAS Suh San t8- | tition wearsedf thdvedasol novelty. | Bowe neem to have Jort Sil tbat good will | terviewwed kin upou this important wubjre? | _ yond thease Galecwatioss ep ac catithelen Ga not-by the pasition we ete IB. characteristic mj: oti whieh py cunt) pot Which o caie B pene povelties im bommete | A household: r in Bombsy was atked what | which the Premch sail we had won through | and his experiences are given to the pablic ° , i yeas in TRY TS ge ne cab aiasigel teature oT Aare, seer webs caine athe." one 200 Fs 8 ORE RS ven eee erty =e saree 'y | intrigue and more than by straight | for the first tims, Hie aant + geil pong hes Tat Ieee soo pol. ttn aha: ition Sia wae atl ok ant are, io we er : pegs iva ad iy fram the Tet loge wear tation toe boagquets planed | ogre oa pocket. | poliey. We have estranged the Naticoal "1 had been ha: -- geccle seme. om . , " ed then tr wirgtn fer sate witp & ay ee be Fease Spal + om ther gorgets with » )-weled clasp. ;* replied, after some serious | iste in sume myrterous manner, ani, on tions for s long 3 ead fe : acne eet nae tn ier jours 4 tr tevdnen Caciet sad hia hares a1 tateeen | eysailed tn am prodigiferonny Core smog te -- womens tewe Lapge plaide and" susll checks will be | thought. "he sbooide't fairly get more than | the other mand, Dave met weeks coresizos | Ae Mees my oxeright San amis wabaleas px weocner ie strock tebing any meat ase Soar Bony ae wat heteter terion Jiy faabionab' } : pent," ' very with those who surround. the oleer formerly; my appetite wpoer- , -- oe SEN aaa rer an pap ae otccievmane Mise, ater part of ad year." Me. w > garden oe psa of | Prince Bismarck was yery Beshy, but alter | Kbedire. esine rots oom and TT tan ont | xin otete eat aad -- husute ap : = in hia four by ex ch = Work and play are the andveteal oriisacee kaa, Ss ee ee eae the pesok pL ¥. | subjecting bimerlf to treatment prescribed | en er oeidrger a i = oat st aignt, 'My mveth.casted =" np ag by eat or i img, out bond for th races, tibet < that °"" nota liv itream a : = od te naw | Pe pounds; ™e changed. sleep These ls only + om ; Li ome, fore eibeteht tien tactbe wan paler te sp oats dca 7 at thet y one oleenring the inhuman treatment theeeghos' th pethets regivn." Cont. Nip Ble ual gold estore a im lovely | ig eight weeks, and is now in normal con: | Vulltenteient which be manifested when te + * [bad s faint all qome sepmntion in the canbe cured. map we Teens tical ad, be y peer sored | Symbatie w : Se aah ea a ie bee, wil Te gradations of shates in the 66m 6PTiDK tiga 'sleeping well, taking long walks with- | Aret landed in the island. he had growa > pit of my stomach that wot satiafy, prpremtrten prey Hey pe bt canter re Te is oe aati nna " pedberapie ¥ Seats vee Sabe ae dee eae x : * | batutes and eopbyre. oat | and 'eo ying long rider on | morose apd sulky Noattention ie paid to while my bande and feet felt cold and | fincase ie caused ty deramgest bist ark mu tat Me ee Ea Te : ; swe pease lees | Pretty bedroom cartass are made of a porate Theat i 'Coald make » | bim by the goveroment cfficials of the clammy, I was mervousand iritable, aod i a es Lak ook J a) i he had Tho-vpesch of the tangae ia best KaowE | ; aan i | single ciltS-<b oriecane Otoman-oleth -ovte 4 toctene He is allowed to do ae be likes aod lost allenthusiaam, Attrhes my head would tite enettbver's bh to men; Uiod best understands the Beart. 1 TS Giese romedion othe te cies t second pair ef-aetgoe face. ~- - i Staffant has been eee whom he | fow Hag | seem to whirl and my beart paiplisted ter orem hes Unc Mae 6« ee ae rary -had_tather speak three -wotda.in a rpench the pr Armd te euliewaty cure 'of ibe esthe! wide expanse 01 ope The costhewt « ' neralt -- . omelet i with the oti@er of for ° echt 1 hud no energy, oo ambition, aad I gathering Tower te SE iat Gad kaows, tha pray tates poanen ol She r3\B* | over all thas stretch of country wee man Ths tog-collare, gt y worm | 9 literany society by lecturing upon the eub- | i ts who call apan him From ever of the ral ae w the i egcage thet he understands not. im horses featly found long ago ao shundanl populy vy PRE ue ot Font ent sever at *peeteeny," mete -- Fest pees a2 y : phe l iced tashahe cot Ute, red the dainty brown . en As long ag we can cemember, Shi mOge on diamonds, opa's, rubdes emeralds, other | be warbeot tha At pcrace a aan fatare. reae. mat surders © ne meer bet Confidence aad fear are almont owe thing i fie ot Sestinans tm the his bas been de 1. is evident, therefore, that then rain jewels, the intial letters of which epell out | tem: sod Sa diesnsation theme Lord Rochester, |, doses of Frenehmee § ry he feel « yoell it we sod ee ai trpabine 'gt Tather than two when we speakcf Ged. ite rn ri f , | . exile'® Rist, even the saloon stewards be simply a cohl or @ litthe malar t teal remedy ; delicate round wrist TS) SM mash treeta moste, To oun ie "usent, aod alt acre of plane gives b Jeet fell im mack larger smount than mas; and, ibe name of the wearer o! ite fair owner, the fiend of Charles It. jog eA Mitted, and with all these, of course, would aot go. | was determined not to give and cncoctions Pe ie bs te ont pier a taste aad reach writer, --", ' at y eg oper Moa death so little of s chaoge as to those whose what © hy ve speeil b= te cas bores will carwnies a bp eet te tipo Evening 4 en arent aod ele | wish b agli ais Fe Latin *Tehe theme of conversation is condolence up, apd we time A along snd all the fy, life bas been ng comtid ja G fil prove ar -wedy ter Seca ie le any sudden change, 1 eS | gence are made of the new ecora batiates | 4 y 3 =, Peete | Sith Arabi and his lot, aod abase of Eng. while | was getting wore, It wae about ' amare and bate she held tm ber soft uaien re with | ROtfer smother, The veined cvuse ct it that the change ba; been gradu nee | nearly several Se gibt ot silver figuree that | to show la parer thanwater, | og ged her peifish policy. And Arab time that | motiasd 1 n to pale by ei! Ceaders ret ey cake toate aa | apa raped a oe po a eee i. | make shar too like clothe of guid of silver, | Nothing ts riaber than gold, | Meeelf dose aot 1 any means talk in eo bloat fearfally. My limbs wera swollin oo H HM WARNER & CO, which she bade en divinely pictured w -- , ia colt, er getter it has Leen Eroken ery (ag Item ot interest @worth mention'ng} but thie stuff comes amuog malinery goods | higher thas the heavens, ead-se-on. The Z = sow tf Kagtsnd ead ber deep | o pile Seidel atige Reali Jae stil ont, You mee 09 s te ©: os being ilatews) - riendly ' ' would mada. =A ua Enh bree at-| ogee wy) nowling within, erery.tay of | comiees "ge trot tke animal ogee c! 0 tion. Tikoegh, 8) te cain coerce whol silting still and OY comultting your. | Toe 19 Kaypt as be weed do after the | Aer , ae Sioweul 1| The ware ef ia te death 1k w termagh these eilent in- | ight reveals » harmony of unspeakab own sout 4 Kind w theoor New Mextea, Ane Nevada, ao PE ai gate ees Oe "a veil im any at o time when it is not man Ae ane k corhg ween clack -- el be ag pen mr pimp -- strange thit sin dove mot etn be oc higher ¥ var of be Jor. { . 3 ' a vi ate ¢ A A wers it no' F ts unses eomahe Pi eeu fee of arene hl play tg eet ee . one's bees oe ful cs Sty ee Grant, anh 1 Wih---Uhe Wee gre ire ong» oul bined ve mall (raite are now evhitited in mew j convenient you a i do eo. M in bis correspondence, an: qaent. | my f *, alescrihing my apy at | Fa ata )Pesnestn tthe quant qmandy tad t pew We all at once re -- Mar bet ineni our Fal PPPs pat apes t ou) gives one copetastly the umpresmon eed cloak parwiterss of plus cheuiile, Ia « description of life im Provence, ly, | te ke matestion | that time, waht: #7 60 am oni some | FecrOs aie te weet slang, Are ie pent eran lenin on as ilar ter FS are | nee eee ee eG ee aud cxmectsty | nuit ta tacts all ica old te USt These sie displayed ou the fromte of the | France, Mr. Henry James mys: "There is | with tari Snake Kgypt. Hew! thay, bat E should Like to know what." La | Moareaem, ssi ali afectwns of the Luce wd fit-n) Re en ee ee ttma the blake wane ae | hier nce mane apace any ie yet tg sere. © J grere, tae sats i there @ Louis XIV waistooate, the of the | 07 rule of mare or morads which | well punted up in «verything that is thie condi parood wevera! of the D acet pet Botkin tae ys bechanns eons naietinn noes Prk yr! et Se plc Gl adaar Bing =i. ov ke cenante jetly poieggs hear bd gen boud yeaa bei way «ts, deep collar and menee it improper, at acale, to fis ope't | on in that country ; aod itis a pity that his greatest agony heave wo Petoe 'Draguwte } ! f the quiver of the | ------e " cuceehrta fas vs Bi oieee ard arwe pes ae Ay > dacPestoae ixaher M cull, Medium-acad bat! correspond | eyoe poe the de com.tow 5 the infeenos whould be cor lessly allowed t cs Me! one sitantay might, the muery | ==" . many batted srrews from 7 ¥ the dear coes who ary 1) eters by some J a aT, c : i thi t have battled BOT | oe reny effective and elegant trier | is, ia the natore of th.ngs, more or lees on | mitignteaga' net ws, when with a little good calmunated. Nevure ceald en iare no more. ' mumckievous little Lat legged erehta which In self-examination, take ud scocunt of | *at-rely cured of it by letting it stan: until for hundreds of years, bat could evmacely do minge ' exhibition, We were therefare free to ad- management ii might easily have been tere- | 1b baw | : bh BRST BOILER PLATE ooe aed all, Mite! peed 7k bent i a Lpoursell by geez thegghteand resolutichs in it wenton again of ite yrenrtiy stan. itmuch longer, and then when they were Serge, cashrecre, acd Guest Australien without restriction the handsomest | ed the other way. ue has only to talk to (old sweat gathered ou my forehead : my s t igh, aod thal be loved Amgetion tovtin (qo ase of religiéd ahd sateamnity > tut} Geos themece tiraing of he bead and lett) cone there would be mcthing left. i 7 Thad bs for aft aia i enti haow | ewan Sed leased amet my throat ratt sheen Gatintts 'tee Tinian ool di fi & ith _-- the Egyptine cthiers am y come 7 Lee Riveting Fraction, days | ing the animal look inn differemt dirsotion, 7" Al! these Ya ste apparently make ome in | Fool dresses in pin check pattern; | wcll pt ickiere Tor saie Ww, "it W Why, what's sft hended chap [am f° creme hove i te aiih. yes ee Ee Oe eeu tate, hay anions eine) hee toe a Alor nit [ite pee of colored satin alterva'ing parry ar peeve. ibe cass large, quiet womae about Lrsbé to sce that that influencs even | seemed tw be in encther epbure ond wih fates, Fimsare Fons, 2e 0g. 046 wat nn. vs ? n of eniimary conversation, eodin the circuin , ¢' 130% gic pay ee , 4 nerrr eee forty agais, of an is- thing, When | teil other scrroundings. new é ' bow ir eos on fo pale and gieaerly stances of secular etuploymeat, tying a rtrong round ier fe eg er' bad even if protracted ovat Leveral years, may ee thas ot ion inom ar = | temeely feminine type et 'woud: riully rich then baer ---- ri leader only « pared mish around me, although I have eg SEND FOR PRICES ¥8 we depen ait-a Tuare Tem, aman | (10 is love ; and, toward the faller pos | Sire ond Curie if 21, 'be 'aaopled, Bat | serauy eo we that's predes hp rere meeps eaturely of the atriped material, | S94 robset, and full of » short time ago, their facee brightec up as since learned jt was roreidered ae death by| Copland & MolLaren, erowe--"er five mi from thia and fraftion of thle life there -- ee te t -- --o-- _ rida eh anh in progress, and that | while others = 4 mad Foo con junction | Sobleses. Bie hod te Meer cape pres they eagerly ask for intormation coacerming those who atees B. wee to mea a quraey Sie@benen 4 Gaej Yon tin, i ~ Uhe straight roxi ~devotion, '(hher things . - _ . | wi lored lonaise or | ™ptess, and 2! < coppers { they him. state, smd yet ope of great agony. we . real. Lees oh sainge patch fo ay bess aos pack tok amiss one je Vi rat -- thie peosenda trees Saees G0} rete waiee ond panele being Lam of the | & been stamped with the bead of Co mr } a eee -- br ipless, bopeless sed wae my caly Frans For sale TAKMES pets, ; on read " heaka pas Ing | CuRmULIoN with God. We may well fear, Meat for Chickens id wey bg Tran agency. oF COUNTS latter materia! \T Lave washes women in the Seale \ lee Yachting oom pe l remember ts ying to we what tm ammat every Crnenty ie we Pee ci Mus ced Lestinson Crusoe (and thees that not oely the world, Wat the cbarek | 46 ao apt think that we can be mistaken | 0) "BST ------ P x haeds of fer, d vere who were perhaps ae beadiome ar tbe: | The anthentieraue uf some these boatetrs | Wa" jore 7 to keep hiddew from the-eld folks l=) is growing to» bary to pray. 1 the belief that weabould by fie mere enc: | Se -- aa eee ee a eee of the |ealy swarveloas. The swiftert express | we rer Wine spite gave: tive, ey se, toh ce 1 Tien eee Rad aif: Soe. _ bat the | cewinlin the. saving of, somag suaksos by, - - LALGHLETS.------- | hooes 'kad svealng Cra es ary Sa el thas he eezet and | Vesitie are frequently overlakes i : tw read them by candle light}--never kisret | glory ts y texen. hat tY| giving them @ greet deal mere anime! Tool) 4 ie Witte hee beam summarily correct: | cent traised 1cbe of vel sey pare ri rs pated j f they were at rest A mile a mioute | <0) ae Terese rt * pever y Bore * 'ot whisky wor | ebich outtiows from Ghrist is conaummated | than wesre in the yrsctice of doing. Cura' | / 4 al aM vet, recently | statsly Ariesian cvp, whiei OO8 | ta ctten made L dis. | the strain pon my mind gave way and ee er tice me Ween, Senco ery ee roe apie <2 toy tke Tay of Keverrection; bat 1 #€8rts | meal mash, beided. potatows, and siaila: ed by bie mother for repeated acts made was further arched with ie | aloft end co the back of the bead, which ia) as titen teeriel,) Wasa bisnk. How jong this continurd Ide] * ba Mu ereursion weeet bere. hort i reahold which the ransomed | xubstamces generally compose, as we ali) Me a ee s rath bahia l Do re as | geen ars alo page ov nd | 0m the aace fo fittelaees of the wind | ot bow, but of leet | realiaad the preienoe (ee as phd an Gt for me since | first came | wel pasars into the radiant j:yeand blisefa! | kuow, the of young chichemas! a1 s oasa an Es Mimpocnd Go: | asennad the bottom, gad ot the thrust ont | eEich Seaity cometeangiotee iaeeil taser [Std She mmpeseiity of aptelag perieerty | cl Dives nto the world, I'm not going to stand thir, 'expeotamcen of Maredise, tba we aso why san yee | anal anmant™ semper ; wee es be neiced, | wetbebiy ar cathe akan to okie Sr co bes 0 one u mr para " pan et you know--1 guess not--sot fT knew my | Cod makes cress of great variety ; Ile hirde should be exceptions to the ordinars . : | dark brown fur, while a stylish matinee of | tr of the frowt-hair are poshed bebicd | fevtly favourable cirgumstaners and for Oe 1 - 1 " ' 7 j , which feed | You see," said @ lawyer, in summing ap | * i. | tremes of | abost hen these boats bly | however, pen fowe " ots oY siad's made up, 1 de i ve | prvenapies robes ag uk beet, Tat that li Weep ancy iakeed i See antanal fond; | 9 case where ofie party bat waed the other | ba") tadiaa f v ite wide lace the cara _ . fowa i. a cae ae igh as 2 al | sivarane i that my friends bad, during my ameomecicas: | WY ra. Evans* Thie warded like a bloody threat. I jeg Tight, and yet ave bo Xea difficult to | evee those which, whe they 671 matué, | op @ Uranmiction oe oaal, "the should | FaGlen headed by wide bande of ewansdows. THE RED SUNSETS. | dred mies an hour, Tue distance bet | Bess, been giving me = T bed | asconp im abucitenen Ap. font me might mean micide ng ible the army dh 7 nome te makes et presious | live mostly om fruits and conde, are fed when have gowe to the buyer," "Not so," said) Amcog the newest isp ried jerseys are hte | Poughtrepsie and N. ambarg We tine | bever taken before, aud the peat day, emer | crests need HE Mae howe init Ayer Urctin per ab ' Ree ae eens nar) excite | in ther neste on wera. grub, and insect | the jidge, "it shoald have gome to the cal: | thoge winith are nearly covered with an ola-| Wo Correct Explanation of the Pheno =-- miles, Tur Saow Fiaks, 44 ft 10 mm. length, | tes wnBaence of this trestment, the bleatint | TAT EX TsE MADE WN AN the envy of spectators, but ia reality are | We notice the old birels ali day long baaly lar, . | borately beaded «mbroidery, citer in black wena yet Given. owned ty Rogers, | began to di Thar rg ay ae Siectenmn, Manarvai & wt. b aml, as belli able to crucif \ ge those which are | eoaaged ia au -plyiag ther your with food "There are various keys," nid a young | or with those ir ues, Trdam | No recent phenomena has more prezled tance in seven usinates, In I8T2 the yaohts | sta lily improved, until to day J am a+ we " se ot mptrted > readad. x | but alemye with aoimal fucd. in fact, it 1* man to another, " euch as eul key, ey, | dmi.ns, which give them a very Ostental | oronomers than the remaréable «| | Haze, Suow Flake, kad Snow Squall, sailed | as ever in 4 life, pring hich ise perfect gem, pn wad tO OR tyes tet Pree th thrious Hw heart was passionate + eet ee § SEER K-KS We bave neon soytinog elee | aul ris-key, bat the only key to pour heart ance, Que very handeome style) ice of the atmosphirs as observed after | to Altmoy 4 d d th t, | the terrible acute ripe . antes, #9 | Cornet: fite Like & tive to the facore sry wy hat apd heweither meditated blood THE RAILROAD TATTLER Why, then, shoull chicks be an exreption ') ie Sir key" --- "Tt th. oS a bred: | roneet and before eumrise the Laet }La}}Os2 the igs ese Seat pod Td rors f ccmmeeietin t Werner Bele Cura trike tant tauhbves. Sen Manalect. is ai) shed ner. ' senor | The recommendations, alaost without ex-- other, "bet I defy anything torench your} ered with smal! stare io brilliant cut-jt | aye months, These brilliant glows hees't utes, at ing two miles ~s} hd tise 1 His resolve being taken he put cs his bt a Mechanical Detective Invented by @ | ception, in cor poultry pablications ar) to' near: bat whle-hey," beade A chenille drop and jet fringe | 10'n seen in all {the habitable world. | inate Lo 1879 the Cowet, Phantom, | the remedy that brought ry after TF THE OROMPTON. clothes and calishim boots, ough 1% was Sater. _ {ere tm zs animal food to ove grown fowls if | ZArich old bachelor waa dying. Several | Gaish the lower end of the bodwe. Same | Trey were first noticed on the 2th of Aa. | Z1phyr, and Magic sailed together ten miles | bara Aarpregs penne S YORK STHEET Toae sre the middle of the Week, and with his new). 4 <crantom despatch im the New York expect them give us more regs, oF female cousins ge old ne himesil came to 4 both ia minutes, +04 moet of the time ¢ usual «2 perie hap Am . rei y where there is £0 | Fast, snd they may still be wes, BOON TO te + when the " ot wows 4 and « little re he | Mr. Crombée,* anid the writer who nad been gale burled Lhe bonta till phere vindward | Os sete = we pe ea ABO Times : A mevhanival wanes, cially is winter, when they help themselves | paar' in| bending or 2m braid i 1 Tee es towbate ~ 4% tea Eres? Merocement tt peter bie firet question --! asked | cuffs of velvet are now addel to eve the favorable. It 8 well kaow win teen, had | ranners were at an angle of a5 3. _ 8! ~ is Pee nar Bete y fo dapinpr adic masher mang Sipe "Yeu f think | pave," waa the reply, [- wena Chain @ und went down to breakfast. on the railread) cewteriag i thie-oit make hans mere ger rewaiy, We BATE TL. thy ane of these eos seas, [tanal-plein appearances, These are invari clear themattar by which the | A aeatlemaa ef Poughkeepsio wishing | pt a ib suui oes mom! ty 1 be ppm tay mages |g ae earn | aay Sate hfe My [yee te Swe |S el ropa | Ear Rew Sel Geer settee em the. ir, wal f.. Sxslnimer | which by th ployee, yee } quiry wou! ve bees, "Are ye ony Though plain fabrice are just now los in | the sun, ex toa distance of twenty s : nm in Wert eh Clappet easier Uagtha wba vote wt baa fecemtly attracted 8 goed deal of arta. | wAber ad va rte mag oh aod healt | t = Fe ae rote! than plan checks, #n broexd- | or thirty degrees, ve been | Bere impr snes, jumped on ® dig en Gn cone ahauas wun oaane vo pear| Leather Melting, Vire + Mave, ae fork and wtarng at bis son and heir while tice, sod been vigorously denounond by | 1 ao ee ee in inncheel with at | "What do you think of my article os-the | od and shot materials, the former sra lways $ : | congas 5 ae seb: te to hk me, and they do nat kcow it I be | Four Fire Prises and Ta an. The Mrs. banda and eyes peously 2 ryijraad mea. The claim is ads by the | ti Young cite nage stat political situation 7" ieqalred F popular and ladylike, avd d@ not weary 1. Te watery vapcr in the atmosphere. reached depot at 3 hw | howe. disease is the most deceptive histhest of elf Awards for Leste: siotina. and the sa arg ee reine yer employers that ratyrvees te woohnoal pene Pcs cers Kew feat eh enue "Keerboty I bare hearaeprak of it," re | exe ae pateo'cs mast do when coostantly | 2 To meteoric matter trent hich the | met sad accomplish his object, Tha! rere ta che world. It comee bho m think} Pog Sasine lowe wore ecoucdsd (Jers cane into his chat sermty to preven' the picns ties ' # oowth t 2s plied Rege. "pralses it very bighly." "lio | bedore is. sai brown, laurel or bottle green, | earth supposed to passing : | - och speed wag: ht, ft hee en Ridetion. 60 MOBIN 2 SALINE, ° aitrral, Hi Seema Ns HER: oon | pat the-coorywniog by Abe ened F2DRI86 SST ie aes Lc ewig metews esters tne, Wei! wid Lindeman eagelp "Whom | Wiearach of reval bien and ther wt sd re sea rea tel intey mumeaete ae An Pat aah Us MRC tactr-ewrevcrenty, fe {aeaucomoeitrs, OT a 1 pve eased | art ae have you opeak "Nohody entors Vory pretty trenmed with veveral voleasic eraptions ava 1 " 2 1 ee th | and all the more dan- ELM CITY HARNESS OIL oid prenimens wit are you up to-_reaue. cara be make op for the auuermary delays witholting ently ae attache cat | Yourself," anid Pogg careleerly. | rome-of mary sarvow gid o silver besid | Alaska, cen aes APS eno Jack Vout, Zig Zag. Win bay trackers oo GITY HARNESS OIL - sieve oletie ¥ officia. ' oi Ww ougge :! Sir Robert Peel told story ofa man who | Tdera is & great improvemest wane: | are Severe | sce bent an She i Arey | than any one other complaint. If I had the Bikes ON NEUTS Peer ort. day, my bey, hot the Fourth of July neither, | that no matter bow faithfully a conductor | tered ov It We, ther fro, suggest to ot | tectare of this hind of trimming, Good | by the secon} may be |e bost on the river. She is ownei " a gs aod don't you know Jqu State and Peter | sal eapineet sea promise aot to ran fester setamere s0-chagge 2 meh teins | Save Sh bon Wall J *enid the | dualties do pot readily tarnish, and are | sid to be rendered extremely im | Commodore ear A. fear Her di jyener y sad erat Gems posse ga merry tbe be a ee eine gat May pet's a comes tartar po, help m= te | then toon ealizs on hous, Usb see ant | opertion of aimsat teak, che p in| master, "Tam sorry you are to lente quernatend te stnnd the sation of salty | by the lng enutlonsnse of the plows. Te | from end of bow pews Wig teees tee eyetem belore it la too late." = nh a . 5 P. cemmes' as phe hour | ve wed thua filet owt, wach | me; what are your causes of discontent?" | Stmospbere, which will be a thing much in earth cromes the meteoric streams - ' sia; 'Oee of the members of the Arm of White | F+ F- » Hamilton, Out., tim Be er Ui py a Foun mie 0 eee | Cue for hitmaslf, whether it ig.n0t a very Se | Well," sald oka, *F dow's wih to be an: |e lavor ap & commendable garniture for | gust and Novembe te afew days at most, U1. length of frame, 29. Bin width Om of eee reapers tee Drang ae evs ote een " : word * i ded ben «fi ing to maborit d. | reasonable, bat I want three thiags, sir :) onaen. | " 7 | ham Aecentric, paid a {rateroal visit 5 po Roeper. = ee eke ob erage fgg Poet sesber of Ate-abidiie tnie strong, | ore leas work, and | shoald like to | | tented more than five mantha. | The voloante ee ee 7s | aes pees aah in ' BEA VER S.S. LINE sass ; heer" mother, be pes 4 practice ) healthy fowls. --GePmantowi Telegraps. } bave the y of the wine cellar." = i Ag wb boiat of j:b, £9 (0; on 4 Baw. 28 ft 6 im ; | tation, Mr. Ccombie's pame wae mentioned. Quebec, Montreal, and ba Frog pe 8 14s 9 seneiaeaai Ie pase oat It eget 1 iy" Ac im t Welshman called to bis The Greatest of All. | women sithes pe a os the on ste : x tt total wright of yaobt, "| kmew about hie sickness," said the CALLING aT * ~ on, | piece of | ---- | é planation be di a ay, ; Py patiently, "i've gota little particular busi | coustrocte! much on the priaci: | Modern and Ancient Katnfal | wife:--"Comet Come! Inn't breakfast sowea oe led Iavthe last nambir of Sédercal Messen. | 2.390 ae, "a8 bie remarkshle sevevery. i GURenETOWR, Ane etree nese on haod this motalag up atthe eqaire's. |-ple of the "tape" that checks off the condi. | la é rently = | ready e had nothing 2 yesterday Morey, fellowa ats, | ger, I bave briefly stated hewiers A ride-on one of theese boate st fall ypecd obsteary vps aapourced lowest rates Tt finish ft op iB an hour dr twoend get jon of the stock market, It is wound up| 8 mat yin Fone petnment{ fni >morrow will be the third dey {| emptory they were in order, how eager to | thi) theory, oa t--"No similar re- | # moat 'exhilarating, prodacing # sensation Badge: ecentvic thet be-couks at tive watil 4, HURRAY, BEAVER LSE, Meateel, Que. back im time to go abead with the hay." irke « clock, locked within a box, and plavet on prea wae eduction af ee neLie | Eat ie 4a ral to tbe eall the atirring rotalgpe ain Fg Breet Sener \eulte--at least to emy great extent--had |e of Tying through vpwe,a feeling ae of |= aust iene _ 2h wee certainly & mest- F.E es aoe the srrire," qaeped the' jn the onbesse, where fio geese soe water pow, a question of most vital impr aw - agg be et en pel od teresa' BS om, J ~ | been known to follow i peg pe on once experienced | "tae "A i. Bartlets former'y puter of . ° DIXON & co (other, a atle of the war, (a a large sheetaf ti 'pate | --" Come, tech : | If the matter started from Java on the ich a remembered, | i " Mans' ot Mar Rivet "ith more buscens with his iter Aw: | paper, wathed it fi eaaree, spel! ot tance, we wire roe@ t2 ee uke stor | Ss Monday me 5 ke mmerrow ia : por Re ng EF polled. and par. Angee, ite rates of motion nzough the a eames Pe gheR ther redarert pee a Leather Belting ! Lica," replied Ned, very red im the face, | uacer keeps moving wit! tr ee le : See . | atmosphere till its appearsnoe in Brasil wae } relied : . = Ear W may lead to bealnes with the old | corde the revolutions of the aria the delay | 2s ee ar eae an ee ie gone, aad nothing done yet!" I en nome cold ectiee | 100 miles an bour. Or, if we asume that Leap Year Festivities. je En crt wate mineh 79 Hing Street, East, Toronto, gaiue cock too, I'm goimg to--to---ssk An- | made at any given point, the number of jolte | ; . Bucs Peter a spectaity, ten ertina to be my wile. There, That'» what's | sud Jere eestalned on the trip, and-wnere | cut States was wxraly loonl, aad would & pisces of i wank station of Wap, reer peti ts npn me congrega'ion at the time of his siekness. | tor aad Instounts, Che mates." | they "oowurred, together, with' other facts | OF Wale ts iock farther, We may Bat morsing alter el, whl ; fetiniier are roptied by thew volar | for hia'an two difomas ocomons "twee | $100,000 TO LOAN See ae the owly Sot ik an Se goieg to make an. acqurate recor: of the | to. believe. theh oh co | On ee Tr cgne dos bed h i. eek ee i probably vary as widely as do their views ot | with him the day he «: reported by: his ' confidence, aa | were some fenc yourney. Th i bef } ° ty to be de i & le hia door rt . Me ern in oppoate hemlapheres i 4 tere eit who had made up bie mind to espouse some | mundent, who tess at = glance how any 1 grey Geng Fix bing degli Aad Lod jo'cluck that morning, aod y had | ™e* enretine dows res peor tnd | the same time Again, what Ape] ys me pers se ee ee vee aad o¢erder bis -seeoe Su meine ty indus by esl anaes vareal's fair daughter, and only need to a8- | pay: up, eer cover bat comparatively a very | tached them. The Jandk ri, in hie ne Jin henextead ies ing | bate maintained this volcanic matter at 52/4 leap year party, but thove who ar. lees fas . =x=WwWoT x pote hn ee eee hie gevoeme aod o oe a few sent oT ibere are reerrdyte whieh we | shit aleevet wae Nloped a ehair and hie Soames Inte his skies pocket (i, arent 2 during @ perlod of several | tidious the strongest is thet of Pag baa donp ie eral cat ene: *_ 8 Adsiatde M . Fast, Vorente , sr =--_ Pica that the irregularity of reeming ing b vera thousands, and | picking tooth bed | mosths | at . . - = - _ ~ freight tacus aad the "soldering of the they tell" Lieder pony eep which | Temarked--'Law me, ye wig «tare ER ratty ke " Ke vente Eee Ju short, no explanation yet <flered is fres pasweg ed raed ep Toe ggg cover, bat the mn sed women whe are 30. gn erin tere soo ach ooniet ee mon ab ntienn 00 well an thie mctiord | ce 'ef | history seams to show, yer purse oat there alt sight, and nobody of various sorta and kinds find | Tom serlous difficulties, entrapped into act or Sastre ep ae 2 mptacus fa wee i time, have in ter A logical towebed, oness critters 4 ] be ie sligh: \ploma, ¥ ragke, Tee? could only look at the young: fora perlite of teeny seritas tecidente, re | dead though that, is by ih pci to be | down here. I teil ye." San wh Bo Bow wigg be ner thas oar | Fordeal us uve nase of te wendy by the oon Rey cy wel os - be D seg. with cyca and Rigutm wits opes. | qultilig ir nruch tww-to--rethroed properey t-1 Tira anied, for Wx tx watiteet thet vast} OMke,"snid a. priest to hie sefraat, '*if : : ' Saabbing. natare. of the masculioe duties, and, asa ae m (isg'aiabage har bing hy | ute tpl mie ond | see Mth eee ory | ae tesa satay ve | Sirona pr Spyse pees | Ths aa gon tne i yew | bs bad or eoprice mntont «| eet "aya fate | leaving his plate untouched, bolted from | eshooes, recording every thrvb ct the ls cow penton bh has Pen ia alowe. | I'm net at hoore, for thet would ba lle, bat a, Soe ey treat pry ae i py tmel a And it te curtaial aly rr sy Mg Ecce Ny oer a de the; baey are cn the ware read to death SURCTD. FOLTAR BELT : thehoste, motive with the precision of & shorthar:! re- | 44. raised the comtine et thu o him an evasive answer." 'Usb, 1 will," i . or observation to -" negtent ; 'OnLy, YouNG "ok Ol An Nei slowly approached he little | porter, Unie will be impomibie. Bat "the | fewer, faenl tin coetinoes or limita | ud Mike," "Well, "Mike." sald She priett | feel apriog. Sad the p peter tetenon Hoe coe heed y daben of Unele guard, | Sine with wus al te eppraiae ee, nad | Se hee trom Kauviics " i ted road T j : fogs of spring, pleasant atmosphere | aod this ios their mein aneoyauce, y eves Wesxsruaun, and © ower gesden where he naturally expected | tastier" is wot liked by railroad men Trey piggies cosnges are of a dithront kind, | imt the evening, "did the miniater call?" | of autumn, each in ite way inspire They are fivva a sudden blow when they | 'atisfect rily toact the part. What seems | - Cebd Day for the Gorse. ae Teewttsea ta ove the [air objert of his devemen }vonsider it not only = muimace, bate blunt) os or ocicus | water We their contioned | "Faix, he did, sour riyerence." ""Vbat 80: | tite aad deives the h henelt eo. lene aod at ease in the secunty of | *t first though! the eaviest of undertakings | Yesterday morning Hy Downs, the tus- feosretion Se" Wascra, Views ema. Santer wy her oagal playtal pastime of gatheribg | warning on the part of the companies thst Cyient to the relative amovnt of evapora: | ewer did you ive him?" "I gaqp bimen to the madera restadraat~ New Wort id a | social interqoarve, and thus they are placed | in reality. tqu'ras no incomiderable shors | met tender of the Vitcinia and Truckee rail eee a Ra her morning bouyuet, he felt a warm their men are enirastworthy aad casnct be) (06a ireciptaticn, and mothing cas be| evasive auewer, as your riveregoe towld place for restaurants, We Wire them | at a great disadvestoge 7 of histrionic powiri. 'It ta usally asfe for | road pear Washoe Lake, weat out about 5 Voltaic Be eee . palaces fg | peg ep en renee pe. | mote certain than that, im come instances at| me Hat wit did you say fo him?" aks hamble on the| A snub, says one, is a check, a blank ; it | cither lady or gentleman to set ont for 2 | c'closk te shoot geese. He soca discovered Voltaic Belt Oo., Marshall, Mich, werves wad began fo fear be wax aie Oe TCC Hea atch areas have' Leon in steady pro | "Why, your riverence, be asked me wae Yer | sidewalk, of, for that matter, a lower grads | ia a curtain enddenly draws dows ; it is | leap your dance with the wager | a flick on the ice im the lake, and crawled Seek faseaa is teareal iraas foley et pres ie SNOWED UP. in 4 ' ly the clase} st home, and I towld him, was hie grand: | still, 9 hos core man who wells bie fragrant pulling up againet a dead wall ; isis cold tase bafaro, the oxeetng gee heat will | 90 bis hands and haces 60 the ive, through Howell Patent Universal Grinder. mgntor ae | of the Tertiary age, thie stexly ovstraction | Mothers (0 tere: coke frees the cart af She peomneet, Sesen Obstruction and receil. Either the enubber | have mare half dosen palpable Wade- /the tales, to shot, Downs bs Awafd of Qold ana : re oe eo the fixate heme capo Fear Days os « Rocky Mountain Treats. | beiay prriectly consistent with factustions| They tell a cepital story ir the Temple of | many, many styles reeks uatil we loceueclian rrp Pager fog beg 7} siable binders ta~ thei eapustive roles, | thenvagh opertasten,. aah peret re hag _ Diver Medals. xe. eben: 2 ting, I'm dexperatel | Casries Willie, & possnger on a tra:0 | whieh might crntinue many yeare 5 #x Caiet Baron Pollock, that one ®ho wish- those giided-pelaces where-laxury ia ; curssives open by some inadvertence, by « | #8! s¥ch book mak d advantage of a goose that ia mot on the, With a few Reyptlen "horsemen, Al hie Saas ahall dint anne thie | SU «an mowed enler our Oder, ae © stactretion ° err The | ed him to ee im, hinted the wixml expdition ang extravagance the | misplaced trest in his condacemsion, aod we fal heen ak yrsctent betting. wing. Coming within iste Hae hai yp ya jie tf. { seal wal' once consent to bu p= Daaver-vesuntty;-- ie -couvarantive OA) | haat {lax the 10 ACs | i suggaating i for hip_owe_soke, entirely | customery The great physical ain to- | b te priatully soub their child- foes ap ani expected to see the bieds By,8t nothing eould - them erening L$ Sent et crop on sion +f OmET ee be detailed his experience. "We | to be counted but as one) gives us ore. | with « view te the 4 "his pba W agaiuetthe human stomach. Sime | rem tm thie wort, fivet--ollow. them liberties, c bet thoy did pot, Then he waved his bes, Half a regiment of Indien evalry oot with ontetretched banda, in th posture left Silverton last Sanday," he sald. "A) Hnmboldt days: "The whe , he. Otd man Grose, and | sgzinst the ten commendessta, we | soem stop them with » harsh check in mid- '°fhey Never Come Slagly-" an! 8 low af the eves "Gapped Usir Wiis ure vevpt the plata of war emeueres {a tell catcher, exclaim, "tb, an | eee tt aie wnat tionably going on in the basia of the( gid. with hia grim, drp gravity, "Will you | told, can be forgiven, sing human | career of spirits and in the presence of Jamen seem to think the weird stories (28° 4'd sot badge an He then waik- ith the greatest case, . Sowever, of a tall c . Pe. tery cold, Whee we et 8 eee Aral Sea... isin co way dependent! dance with mot" The guest stood, as | laws com be explated, sine individe-| strangers, or perbape we have gives way to ed up, oni tw his astonishment.jt the genersi could wot indece the rab amd culp Lose, oh sums in g'ty 98 ls "1h Lom any aislent fevaluticn im the orley «| the Land Cael Haram, who prided hima | ale may be condoced, bat sigs agsinst the | enthusianm and are met by ridicule. 1 We | suilory' St eek) titions cf | found 1:5 birds frcann fast to the tow aniio obarge, he got them to form in line pea eee papornpe Done au pilakes ae big a2 yoar baad. We had toplow | nsuare." Major Hirvert Wood cf the! particularly epon his Seo he caper t Vesa 4 ret renee" vate Patek te we helpless. 1} appeared had at rrounded! arthwork.acd to halt freing the en mB SP per erg Sg A i pe Og ag Po a rh [bya a gag a 2 cape?" Here his | MOSeOT x YReuny. yo! an 7 8 mn nerves, it ua | we tell » and are for the been wating rfl rae, afraid of the wooitat iatindly aun content pet to dighs | em* mien fear OC oe ee ee t comablived Aral Caplan Sas, ond e-| capeved wp to bin, and said trW lk:it vos | talawent tie braie ; it dime the ove oft, Or we sre given ay eedeceeet fees | memes at are nndoulitadiy bared | Josh aati the cold wave-come wp toward fact, ne puaboat wes inthe : seed 'i - | we remained fer made | tremely ti as to their ferm«r connect won't dance with me, 'with me!" er, makes to wretched ~ re 4 i peli yal * ik uselr Seerniral having ordevad the Ji eee ayn comme, | ha bent of it <r Baht yt ceed ag | ih ibe P ular Ooran." = ephret hiss De q ce ain, cod thet the comuadram of ten arises: "Is it | salves well islormed. ()r cur taste is cool iocr eubene maneaey followed by thres had become fast ag ion. Some were ions diy, When Ao 4 cold chill to ron all the way do , ra pal . ql aoe te eet aS " 5 ar A sa , : Fimerging trem the house, snd attends! £9 | sty get out and walk. Her hoaband told | gr ow romiiien cathe Contra Poste | enh UP St com. The eth Cube Serse had | lusle intheeat?? es lsddian wees a7 ; peep eg mae lighter ones laughed at'¢ cxore of time and er Doge gl ee Af TL See Rite ke the gate by the are and hie dawghter, | 1 ie ould if be wanted to, but after | oii gat haw Bad the opporte: to eve for | me more viaitore ans isquiring after | Everybod ali t face to fase with oue ignorance in '& wag to bh jan know from actual experience bageed the eatize lot, Rhini, made their way 'ee Cae ng ee ctoepdlees cf tard | taking a survey abe concioded to remsln | Siusetf that the Gteat eee Cas | ta ponte apa buppeanen wisdouremien.. | bet-water Cathe inside ty red Mansi bend: | euaae-an desl ta wet keenly, 'The stoomgth | Gent ngaren tad by taking otvectage of rites of esegeloy grr ay seem tthe | Where abe was. Lancit baskets were wooo | 40%, a vietly greater extent rn oro ages outside there can be found doctors, cf acne lies im the sodden apperheance | | So om nhs they would have times acd high tanils, who mounted the 'and 6 raid was-tade on the ex ' ' Paleding. rs bagels old -_ ives, §> the statement that cae it Looking ont t te th h bred cob, tecctserd | ef mr mn it dose now, The terraces On Ee fe Tees, paten' icine men, women, | that we have committed ouresives, ® | ie almost invariably followed by another of boats there aquire's favorite thorough . | press car, There was little in it, but w which ite waters have left all along the} 16 is » ine bow body sashes at | % prescribe this, thatand theother. 1 pity i-consrqoeat painfal sense of insignificacce. y lhe te th oie, Kinwed hit glOVO! | theo was waa confleceted by Tuesday wight. 9 o4 4.1 the Wahsatch Mountains, re a ataar poreedt pont ches may renee | the mam whoee stomach ia eat of order. | that tmrsis somebody quite clos to us, re- r or maybe called oie Quese és pre te ---- away Some gore ae ae aes care tions of thirty to fey and more pend S Peclally to keep hie, bend oreet. John (iilb xt, whose stomach is a long one, garilew of cur fealings, looting down on us, expelennens Yer. eae ote oe cadlet wrards the 7 rainy 4 . ; » his, saan oe coe baba 4 "1 "Rel miny Srogtgig tone tke Stee unin ad oap indent oat iaet teas LA ee wert ans STaatagar| teeryeam are Tentyim cam whe | Benya sebng nf px foment reat Tore a Oy By | foe Say Gold, Then be thcratt be wouldn't, | eee Af ead dite t | whicts would dood a vast ane. _. |other ft fa imtoo, revumben' position, | Soke from morning until night, asd It he aited on wis tf tasy be | its Ive Gret ismpalee wan ts tana unl 8 goanwashet if we did go without a chenge | hi, these mannose © take onty fa-| death is more imminent," f mast hare | @rinks from night to morving-~ nae ct may be dene tn 0 moment ent yet. rude we nlp, % hee taee ithout acy definste thought of where cidental tae) driven 2 mile while = lady fainting | Butler, whose stomach esparity likely to bet owgotten for years, if sot for an | thy or weak minded » dap- theald run tw; bat the S921 moment li we wes tnd epg found' ber alan scent arg en abel Hiecher. one eat t) litetime. lieste it, or shat bodied " ns = . 'deliews if | Beecher's brain, bat what honsesl of ax ) erngeeagry : se iiehaldhaaty Thad ohobed oun eoleatan | believe lt | se cake?" Withowt oubt Bacsber's Yeas ae 7 | the othe gate : ny Ay and delicat hese | have really died. _ I laid her brad down on | Stomach, Next time you ere him on the wooden it a erie Teen | <7 a lower level thas har Bédy, abd Immediate; platiorm, in. the pulpit, or bowling down harrier that shat him ong from his fair ly color retarned to her and the street like a tremendous lightning ex him ot 'the charm must cortainly de | .n4 she became conscioas, To the exe: poo Bcerglhcsin headway, take him in. roa forward bo grect groop of friend I said :--Always remember. at bie magnifcr at Uuchly thatch. ' Bsr } mote beactifcl than ever), new | this rect, namely : --Fainting ia caused by a po Breea hyper ys Ane ge eee pragior mong the i nai {, retaree: | we Rad ne dstheuls pied when we | all time t ae ane dened lat Ube baci b the heart owczes | lovehead, mark the Keen of his fait mixed red and black, called the coral maka |. Fat bast equire, with » slight eed, returned to babe getting inte | pgp neh vrognt sk poy end the conal | ibe eco the reddy reshiog Tt ie singular that jm that every. | Trang! been 4 rend after having in the bbraio, and hence the pects ge My che leonine Restore blood | eoayh, Sepeeion Nonseuas, tts re ° | te the re; a i Some time the coming fall, Phil. | agrie odnimts in bebd that foe boted will bo | the at of pee tlle wane ed ripen cde pin lta power swayed all bbe Son! { mmchines methods eo far comvened tny- % where, Some big Mage rp lh { vs events will mar -display of eleots ' sible, > Slepper f pres: Is is proposed fo place an eleotric | sleeping ©! | There ia . ek af 1ORSEE el Eat ee | who trav | safety tm do win | W you | the Sahay lkall River, ia to show how | inberesting tonote | a) mes i want to nee me abou! ped J like i Trofemiossl | familiar the i LAUNDRY thing abontt. business, be detected bufsre they do damage by « SiesP: | pealth and disease, ed - aml ver papa. Uh look q@reme is vimply BAR flowers all poo le ~ bes Bh oase my: «pera ASK FOR IT AND sa volving tens of millions of deilars: alt of the pai i TAKE NO. ving : a "--e> w fr been Tovad inpomibie '9. prove coche chant they, 40 under ron OTHER. " traned exp rin to supoly tae demand clsthing | domestic doctoring, they ¥ ou sarreis maskiod death is but a = : soilet compart | forgive thenacl No imcomaidersble pro- | our between be tne 5 wa. wee the mt te night 'orf" asked a a a + tte io colton mardy © toreatening look ; his coat caller, these sent excite -ategst by They 2 Stamniel sb ered rolled ap the i summer la and & tooth: tobe of reser ia we ry trea f a fe the wert heel their ecrrouadiogs : me eet none : -- SSRs i