W teveth Ty ae re martie he Matarati beatmen th hn at Lange cer: drawted ox: t wir free ss me - i ' oo out <fthe best and full wed im | tilenes. id iat den peressary te Loeenbe the wba wooden. ve 1 ie mo mew matter ia British odd The AGRICULTURAL rigtin. It haw been prac wes these ere the eptiz, country bs of wht re of that bare tracted Rey Soanieh Bs! hees often | he Lareeat Bal in te World--Chiacse reribed, but we "aeaetre ieee hating ite | There ry neg 40.000 «lirectors of com. reat Beitaia. He - 0 ea " Pte ae Awd Mm 5 mee eRe OS 'ter er Twas of soece nie Eos we apprecia! his leve, \Wonld nen give your life\or bere that he might b> epmized with awe. though a Christian, she bat too long wor- he | shipped the guia nt her-sane tale all that ia loveliest of the treasures } Flora! Mighty trees that reare! their em og ages the bine sky Piowers of won throes beauty and eernt the fragrant [had scattered with s lavish profasin. Bat thorns grew ob every rose-tree, and Veey saw there, ghding away at ther op proedly, the snake whose bite is fatal, wi rasa, mk tome . 'are there cack venomous' things on Say jovely | serpent Regia sicde.cl the grace," sadly. ter a while tl took their lene! ander the ample of a banyan tree on ibe till side,and watched the busts in the vd | harbor. ¢ Gager in the di i Pare | ** You, I see it too. Ah, what aepot.above | ™ woler | all others is one's home! Ueneath a oe Br -. are gathered all who love me. eal gare ot thelr lost. "Wy shoal Tah te to y " ee were was very tender aad very rad , at ani mnie t watt, Teekhs,""taht=Cracie, {- | looking aH Tay tuchat tone aictaace emoke his Meoilla Aad you will he hap ved." ba | yt J married 1 "Ob, Wekhs, how you startle met | why not, dear | We will mot-talk of that, Gracia." | "Dwill feare yeu two ladies to }rewource: {ora tew minutes while } prepare'the buat Tor der return," and walked toward the beach. get we anreg oe y il 'el her whe faligh Land wonder, bene region apr there are 40,000 tanks for the rata, | aay samt ie for we pe ol water, many of which dre wagnifiogst werke from tes to twenty five mene fa ctr cumference ant from ten t) six bb bie yards o water Bes! these tanks there are many cansl: leading off from the phn Thees are aupplicd by apr watt bailt of immeare stones were toagt pothrs be ria, by in eonstractior of the | aati va bares the iri | prac the beet hs Bs of doing slr work on f | mae weale serves #0 adi larges rivers a indis, For many years t fon government bas boen ecagage! in the i provement ef thi-ancloas srrigatn 3 wack la the Tas ao te no paradive are "T eau seo your home, Rekha," sald fra ng irection | bumwed among 'the foliage, and hiaarda of every hue darted the undergrow e reoun was sinking behind the hilis bathing the os of the distant y with ea mood of y tomes: Ld i sae wee Silel wih the periame of tro- a Cc ersation letween the two girls ata eoeze fw seats thats sal eee Tlarry left them, and | densel; -- district alome the searas of a gover emt from thie worm! have been exurmous, revenue snipe pe the ae great excitement year apoe rope re of £300 O00. The | | Tacoveey of a crime for wich the pty for mk d The pads vyttem has been ext ded tu avery consider able extent ia various other parts of Lodia, | was in an oom of 1h the traveller a few years compelling haters of mow: this vast tap eaters. of Creat Teitain uy tie ® Nberiil Shenae egal Bh, fie carn cle of Tadia, not "oat. Oaly jog 0 fruit ed abr bert vel in alow ts if it shou! renee a of La eat and other cereals for foreign nations, Dresitrect. ty Their Effects Upon Floods. Northwestern Lumberman availa a i groerally yes. theery im the fol now prevailieg, mentioned ly wooded districta? The writer was sehalg Sone Posse of ties aan dati from human hi ablation. _At tbe Bann thet ia bow ial a peoed Tessa child tthe tian vedhid as V rrecee 4 poe the ball "Teruel in roe at "thee. vheitere prow pal if pot ally. | Te te ton "Une day, | remember well, 'the village | llike a _ batterie by tee) Toe village Dogberry_ sei 5 Shallow by became $5,000.00 CLBANYOUR BOILBRS| $1 00.00 REWARD. IN VALUABLE REWARDS. tet. -- rebsilt a city (with fatal results to ree ~ pbaeadoeharegdecbe tnd.--Naeme an Kihioplan who delivered « Sed, --Name s wife given as @ reward of ral These arethe Bible questions that Trotf penpemnte fe the new competitios t <5 | Sow Gpenel. They are certainly did but any clever Hible student & maghs te | able to answer them, to secure one of the magniSeant rew ads -- We | will give them in detail, st will, no is ha arta though uit vith any Tesh. Ay hie onier pln ost design, valued « moe 4, Ope Gentleman's Bella Ueld Wateh, Teese' Wincinn and Stem Gerling, Newest "Styl, tor Cases, most elegantly enarared 1 Three Mac! nes one famon a8 White at nn Jes celebrat- 2 « qe and Wan te 7 ve nd ai ee on Cola Siver Hating atehen ED) each Ten Solid Aluminum Gold Henting ' filx Beavtifal Solid Gold Diamend Bunge, $11 esob - 9 di holy in oonsigning both | meek exsites te the vores Fy "speaking vee losing bee san wee had pi Jove behind | is before be oon eo eraw er wt id "he had what aoe, habs esa g the |* pinanes.s = ci ol mereieot ES tah 22) bald g thors who were harried | | kuown, and ber whe Py fails cakes on the . winer of the jare of littl, wt any, aval 'albeit ee the and | po wered the prcadores wi ra reanters gd " oe here | m The ne face encircled wt Gece curls lay in ome other emall white han a bouquet of Fano aad which Harry bad -- poy her, "I onder he lores ber," Rekba | mu cmared, he in so beactiful, so Tike an angel -- ed to wyself. Loot at my taweys okie awl thee st that face with lilies } aot tones mined Bet is face ab? Ab, yoo t | tees te alle 4c, seaok ali, eid 0 dat a eo. vamide: | oo naey on oe leaned her head epon her hand and | shought lons and "Ub, why did I ever besomea C bristiaa?" my fate. Bat thia ie mere than I can bear {| af! could bat die | cowl e [maps also iter wart ae ight upon pba se, on Serisatiog ts | sank ower behind the. i hit "The birds the graw snd | revines and "pula. eet were. ee yery volumes of 1s? the baagy. growth of tembag the ter lac.mg roots et op he tilow? Net Not + worth mentioning Water falling on the reported the 'anh wa com: ® 'wea |i lew Il, bipqest k to white men in the Unto was in 1552, when it and its tributaries still Howed through the * unbroken ite- far" reschiong-| locked =p presrpinons features, i eat be discovered meet bat the insects eid suas and louder termed to ham , Grae © m: ved restlesaly in mn hee tleep, and . looked went into What was it she saw that held her gaze eo i dxediy Hse aheeb blanched with horror an whe recognized ia vhs | nal! coil 20 clove to Graces bead the viewas and deadly j black anake. It was ss eokleoti unaware of the presence of the two girl, What terri- | ble Gracie was ian! Shoald she bat be fan ate po | move the sake would bite, What a frarial dead, } fete! What then? She would be Wisin e. like =a aad "20S iene Hisovy herd Wees belief : ~-" part of the Christian re religion ? es," she anewered, stifling ber cme- | Sotid mot be. "He loves her," ty: rae How nes whe resoae (racke? apa ht That To move would be to ee with ee eg rhea rly teeth, then Seodehan susnend the re; hart 1 Woe cam doubt in? 1 would | {com ite slambere ea ek r | ite head aot saw the sleeping | back aad coiled Logtan, 4 Ot whom ae yu peng Mary Lit: t and (irecie would have been lost to Dingty to make | Hn a rolchead He bate ened' ghded away. whe for Ax Avensaa Cow ehou'd mye f of mik per day days of every year, ag ama oream for y 100 pounds mitk. a of batter for every may sometimes take refuge in pen they never dig. Ail ont oon -aliod ab are bares, =r Das stxo Oncitekte, "Caitivators infied of tre re * e #, cack | 675 feet, with a c.ntral girder 350 feet long, | hemg toca from tne Baeble and the Prophet. oy. tm the he of Fachearin = consis: of | and eloquen| cylindrical masses of ma- ir Rood wholesome for abe nded fo witnew the awial ply ee of vary. | where. horse, sheep cr cattle stealer, Tae ad 'The drink statistics of Belgium have & i tof Tae gr meat ng at yar Motieal Sinica a on eb at Queens- Tings. s es lat Five Rets donen each) Extra vy Dinner Forks HISa R62 ese reg Sst See Seu Nee ess iad Sev Reno' Six Sets ta on ywrned Watches, latest bm i) s : =i bre) § eo | i to & | ws ) Kight Beautifal Hound Voburmes of | te , 2.50 Compiete Works, bell | 4 mings Seven Well Bound Volumes |e Socket wo toss, Triple Silver Plated two hund j given abore. rs Se Belt Fasteners Boos you For r Sale, by. CORLAND & yc), AREX \"ralad* Speak Mickel oe, Hoary m0 Case Watohes, cack 814 .....-+.. 10 a ae ha re Eee Tube Cleane: pepe elinaven & Grey Nun Sta, Montres! WMMUN BKEBE. SULL TRICM PH 9 tk wer, be . pe peo cs five pear raat ally oi Truth ofive. Oviy bsing or me wa wae Petes 1883. St "TUN "SLRLBITIUN- ~1ts Four First Mriees sod nT we itplomas, The biehent of Bi Amarde foe Leather Hel Fire Engine Hoee were accorded by the at the &F Jotin Centenatal edt Deaninion tiheion, te UMN ® SAULEH, Montreal, ov er all competitors TO SADDLERS, | a bg fre oe whe shemale Paeitler 7 Mensa hanes Neca. T . Kile, Lette, 0 Mast ah ond Bon, Breetiont or tran ore by' art Na. Heetiton tele agente for the Thom BEAVER § 3. SB. Ls LINE comeeat, RELY & Qurber, brs CALLING A' QUEENSTOWN AND. BELFAST Fes lowest . 2 'winding, eto.. at $5 cach voces |6SR qovickis Forka. valved at §1 each ae These ificen costly rewards will posits | be given free to the first ved, and Sphere threo persona y answer the Bible questions ft. F. MURRAY, Reaver Line, Montreal. = TORONTO. i DIXON & & CO. Leather' Belting ! ! reer on bie Deisied erapepeeen ag tor Price busts and () seonnte, ie "THE QUEENS | ASK Pom IT AND TAKE SO OTHER g7 BREW SRE OF IMITATIONS. --MADE BY-- THB. ALBERT OILY. S0AP--00, arl $ eae oe r acob aithfal ; Aies, Household Departinet "Ttealth th Depart Young 'olke Department; t; Fashion De t 4 with all latest ial and one of these rewards you matage Se ww thie first i 5 bs ft tn Ostotae meting ton into the trachea of hild ac croup. | #4 TH hem to lore. the memory of, Heads an wh b their vonage dh i sot ki , never a erop r | Ere? mokes toeniaty wy gentry be several and two to cach tree hare tatested with ah the worm. --Coustry (Jenlieman, -- oodling Ceres you Srame.-- Mach dithoulty by ie Hla 3 : i ' i i ; i f é BENE 'ity! if § i i mech werau r than the soil, which starts the bud bel cut. tings a ehaole be ds in dry F] F ret bEr ef f Hh Me he eer ss Bheep, goats sold, and even at The letter America to was duced into oomnmen maiz), | omer ground ueetal H it a Ha i TE ft Hf Hi Hi i [ t LEE Ree if E i H : ie forget people the cr 'ales the crangr, eas bok with 'naey cnuvmocttes te seit, aad wo many eager sellers and em ged most animate! scene. din vores may be heard hen you enter the great where, wader the shate a thousand I: i FLE z &2 Fe it et i ti Hae rie ch ¢: 8 po een giatan ee rhe the i nem ! : Er sf Fregel ee af i ap | f ? t E va ft Hr i : E FS i fet Het FF F E i F | é ip i i re ! f f : ft t i i 7 = s ry with their answers owe pottan for si ths" au! wh cannot fail be pleased with your dollar investment. 30 DAYS' TRIAL LECT H artes canton) beye trial FO ix ¥ "4 A Tot sa On OLD, whe are saffer- fee vy, hewn q Pay: herent end allt Cs Voltaic elt Gx, Marshall, Mich Allan Line Royal Mail ail Steanships. grey, Tharedag. 5 si Fintan and iter ging (pect -- wubscribers to Truth competing vast also send the dollar, and their term wt be extended siz months. If any of our readers ire it of amu The ad reas 8. Fraxx Wraow. i i Shot Gan. Grip, and all modern frome Smacks Ove retailed at id fg rg ating Cane So eka i iit i Taree i i ia ty i H ff r iit frites Terenie; Aliane, Hae & Co. qa bs Atlas, Porviend, Boston, urea Dominion Line of Steamships. rend iy toast he pemeer anos asd from Portly a ty Thuretay during the winter PORTLAND TO LIVERPOO! '. 3h. naa i ASSOCIATION. $5,000 Paid on on Marriages. Over #100,- 000 Paid In Benefits to Date, ISSUE IN 1889. OVER $2,000 0,000. ow - a "Ladies Sec eE ES no Closing April 2ist. The jetor of the Lewdied' Journal lors ee eon list of rewards, ne: far he pe valuable yet given *kely to be the cleain, neers if ribs sania THE OTR TIONS, 3 Re the Meld grosienther occer ft the ayete et abe. sie Puy 34 eat van Sea on Une ¢ of Aaron. The valusble and enst Iy _articise whow will be cheerfully he fire' 5 fete Bi adral and tewat wha + t TO PRINTERS BSS : Five Teasllf ul Triple Silver fe 4 Rivet hcmetees bimmaaroealbened 17 ire lLeduw Reeat Coin on Se Henig (ane Wateben, at \ § 0 .aee ne 1) ¥teo (ontionnen's Heavy Cote te ty > ver ite tng. Case Haledon val . pate sea ---- from Ress, ¢ RSs goeereee eye pw ri + pFte rc ai A uminow Gora Lust. st we Wacheny women no och ¢ a at Bi Je o- Hana Ries 1 Watebes, (16 ch ww ¥ i ' am elie Syren Watton BS 4 entth ve ccererers be S heron Renoered Wate ary ree Watches 2 wart cress: pw o)T Bete om eect) « { "Triple stver Pte Tea. eo " © a eae Be Ro otiratty <i ow uaaveccese "2 we vas wx woes, Reantife'ty | 'Reged, Tennyun'e Pome, G22 x fever eysaege etek Boe fas Kaives. Bem c.seieeeee te very <ajeanie must setnl Late centa hulle on ek ue or rae anne . ne mage ating the Tee 'io he hey ve sent en on a year to ied co orders are receive ue "fm rewarla, ively 42 DS, Vieie Cent Cas dilekel a " alston valued $13 exe . eo hp Right Pooe Fixtra fears Ore ta Ly) sajatnaa beherserey eed ee im Six Wet Bound henna 7 meat kal ta Sh. son's Knee, $209 neres na Then even the last ones are to be re- the last seventy-sere whe send cor rect answers to ibe ible pte sons gives ore. THE CONSOLATION EEwagna. Servies 2 Seles eta mend Eee Eocpierentneene Bliver Watches, $15 cack .......- wo "der oF, Alemtnem Gold Huat- Watches, rains $14 } irate Fees Bold get an he competitor aust, 'in every send fifty cents for one year's tion to the Ladie? Journal wers. ae 1 f f l: if g Or tf stories and « short story; i besides a .) oes noesiEy a a 'Wanter "Fo ° the renow! ee eee? ty 'etches, valued at §12 each ne C SDOU tina SECURITY. Premtans rsuall we & Wasete. vommon Sense' Brace +52 * at S| King Moet GURNEYS & WARE, te | STANDARDSCALS , way 5 RORY noe a Dareilieg bo hy npn emt ectiom ot tata. por 5 Sod owns eect tt a AS MeN TRIN se WO ea the eursof Consemption, rae <= mw Alerm Sones Dr. 2er. SP sexo rou niverearts Teen cur. GURNEYS & WARE, Bites. sev : BICOLE BREW. . _ 1 One Wanser Sewirg Machwe. {2) oo