Stratford Times, 23 Apr 1884, p. 2

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j ' Adie Caw ae vow | 'BOR: a sane . PGES Conmiiien.-t0 He sould' leave 5 a b jp the meeting to The following 'resolutions aes that the Chief asa McQsien = See 23} pepoee 'a ae r sew "AUVRRTISEMESTS THIS WEEK, | 1 hoe tales te mop Stee = STRATPORD'S KDA "donide what was the beet course to pass by the raeting --- ie semrnarnimpe yo fersh 3 9 3 ae] MePannnn-- ie Sea + ght against what f consi =e ain Pha desire to ex- is to pull Sarah oki , ee ie, iardine Oi j=watall Bees TU paimed ca thes pursue; and as-be-saw Kev. Dr. Kilroy t this. meeting } eldck. Jamies Murray ee A Magnait & Co. tdi niet whesper my-seree due openly teal be wi ask him to-come.| [amare oem uaoeaaigt oatrage | Motions were made for ch . { 4 P: o re air | in eounail. is ings sed throcgh Tax Dastardly Outrage in? | perpetrated 'nx Trxes office last | ment of different parties to the off Margins iy Totarer {F. H., Box 353: } fowex. 3 i published a state.) ae es Kilsoy. amid applause, aseend- | night and Aci ery with Mr. | of night watchman. - Finally-it-was oo. jo '* he id pet be denied cr ecetradiet® | 4 : J resolved that Mary Ful DED meng sci ment that cook: a ~ led the platform. He said it was the | Butler in the loss he sustained | aera Poor "Siebillbeiiest his. ane eeerta aa eee a m t pore Sse i Ns a? Tqcper ere. Mang poopie cage altended "a | dharely upanitnodsly. selore on eee Re, ona eins? Kil indies Hinata ETA are EC acs on ie Tie tomate t peered: 5 | iret time ee had oxer_attended "a ¥.* Carried Perna at ERTOX a are "i te read ees ew scver ictal snoa| The "Times "Office Com: | citizens' public meeting in the hall, for | "That the Council be requesied to term of Robt iad ng : ons? ® earl A eee ory ienmadai RHE COUNCIL OF THE. stil bat 1 did' elaimy te be ne f pletely Wrecked. seat felt that ~~ were somtinnee | offer a reward of $500 to be paid to | expired. ra a ite Kevtcher " aa iT Beals tabs = en Ts ~ apon_in. with | the person giving information that will | - Mayor Gordon and Dafton | /% a SS 5 ering & 2 | dispate in a manly. bimora: se Ts == THE MOST" INDIGESTIBLE bad po suspicion. (Lansley Rat 2s thin | lead to the conviction of tbe party «© -- strongly agent the pressat tite Seaeae "Town of Stratford, not tention thas not two nides tchman. They A 5 native: ot | : [eevee vs so snes hee "| EVER M MADE. Sasania. after locking af the *wreek | partios who committed the outrage in oo eee and citterly aofitted for the | Ys. Moorhead no xa a "ee . ative TAVill pay the above reward for such aac ARO, a ato Tae ado E nin.perpetrate | in the business | Tux Tosrs office on the night of the } position. ae Geen oie | Mr. David Newell, of South Rasthoye. | shall te the -arre ~--4 bat natarally enough I consi a ay own ier 'yetinc 1H ahop of a eitizen, = *toula not keep | 1th inst." Carried pre mannan elnino Agere Shirt hal ~an HH Tere yy ; c= pr rs | and « bhatt € wigs party or age 9 lag man ay. eorseet ome. ;. tle | silent. He felt this was not a qnestioti| "That @@mmittee be appointed to| Promotion Examinations. | leabelle Drumsond a ain | | whe @ outrage in the am. five te crates ah, T° Son ray ed | | pe BLIC MEETING oF CITIZENS | eee ni tical -- It | solicit subscriptions to a fund to assist --_-- verph Koe 4 baie | office of the presed me thie same HE OUTRAGE DENOUNCED | of religious or er ' P We are' indelded to Mr, Robb, of the | Samuel Grow 2 ost | : : '2 seer of thon a ton yearns of discussion. | ane LL CLASSES | wae a» question the fajr fame | Mr. Butler in purchasing new ge Herald, for the tollowing matter :-- _Mied Gecatber 2 251 | " Stratford Times Newspaper, Stratford Times. car} i 45s OPAL. p * | of our good aati should suffer by the! such. committee to consist We give below the resaléa, ie part, of the ; sExtom THIRD --_ es ai oe mn 3 the i insta Sasd L hope those who 4 aed hg r | 6-40 | acts of some malicious and avery Warship" Mayor trordon; M: lo County of Perth Promotion Kxaminations, | sarge Pagh n vox | . reward after... auch, sao ape nat Tacos ee | 08 Friday eorsing at ra | sleight maurauders. The man Backingham, Sioa. M. C. ry held oa the xen The mene of Ake Merklinger iH 16 | ssaviatine ae te s ( > } . nen Passmore is ' on, should thenk tess los the cnaaimous expers. | rare hag a G Beart, town perpetrated the gross oat maseheth, D. Serimgevur, eoseiiion, Tuba itioen in Fourth 'Can '200, Fanny Henry . ref i | Dated thie 22nd April, Isd4. ~y Agnes, 1864. Bs aengent athe | 908 Mr. George ©. "the employ | FS® last 'wight would eat Mrs Batler'* | Wn, Uinir, postmaster, C. F. Nield, | oY Pitmn Clase sam, to the Rixth berg erga io 2 | " ; ILLIAMGORDON, ~-<°4 mriliciows outage -- 'Tax Tres y who-has in ne et proat if they had Sie'voursge to-ran Supt. -G.- Ty Locomotive $35, und to the | } 'pale § pale Stroni +4 earl WwW , = t jnnt-week. that us matter eo Tus Truss office for some two y' sat that risk, (Apptacse-and-henar, bear.}; John. Welsh, jeweller, Charles of the report. will oppene| Gilbert Dor _ 3 me} ; ayer, Xt. SPTLEa, EorTes axD Mawar moa Sn ieulee el ee He did not agree with all that Tax | Stock, merchant, Jas. Sharman, ment: | next week MORNINGTON, { Two Hundred i j Hy matter wh -oanenery: vt sy | sweeping up and lighting the fires, | *¢ Ss "6 : | Fr. G E. FULLARTON ection SECT CLOe I ofler a reward of Teo " diaiza . ne matter what condition in society tothe arrival of the other Tiuxs said, but to ranzzie the prees in} facterer, Goodwin, conneillor, a eck Age. 5.5. Mocks Dollare in adaiu the alos om the | he may be bald, it is the bounden duty of every- previous bis tents hie 'custom stich 4 manner was otto be tolerated. T. Dufton, councillor,C, J. Macgregor, ee ees | Kobert Bailie 3 x0 me eondit CAN THE PRESS B MUZZLED ? |» Wily ta Paipect the lives amid property of oar employee, aa it a 0 - he | (Hear, bear.) He thought the council | M.A., James Barker, W. H. Tretheway Architald Bethe! "-- a Moree | | teres Ae HH . pi . BUTLER, ts £ EE Aen aI Adin age see wm hi 7 whieh. should offer a large reward -for the | and M. 4. Dilloe, G.T.B." he on. i. | B07 | ne MATE CLA, Editor aud Maoacer Srxatronn Tints > PR ere ae oon. eet - door = hg =e Se -- yoeian perpetrators ofthe act, | A subser T hes been _ tor ee House? wt 3 po Wim J Hamilton + 1 = ' : 2 4 actlaoeaere oo with 6 hance in otlier | mak lout sustained. but we race = > : y Letter from the Editor of |) jcc tnet only tr hm cowar wld | vid. in yc omen had fay sean, | 824 thet the citizens should see toig | | know bow ioeeh haar bem skesteed ah Sea L Corre Geiss: -- ae Fn Rathertord = 18 Bie . ' i" Ag uxre ¢ ang 5 " ¢ ) The Times to his Fellow ever him to murder phe rea beards Initend @f the trim, tidy office he had that Mr. Batler should not safer by | ime of going ty press oe Mattie Ther ' 2 weciet ' =F S$ OO Citi and Pat mater 's Livast {det for (fear tk the at ' ' the sowardly and malicious act. For j : Thos Standeaven woo ao Brerelg hen 6 os) | ' acai Pascua vince pace "th - pi "aie Teen a his part heowould put down his name LOCA L NEWS. rete 1 § O45 | Edgar Fleming v $ we | ' _ and pay fori ution are, if © rn a ie aown. ' °5 and ke it$30 if necessar: pores rr Py 23 Jane Nelson 8 ped ut ati or Renisthatton tant shame | 82% than those who did the deed. doxen exceptions every case of type, pool cca rep tig ye) <i: Pacesniiaaene BacsEKe Ge Seb ey : James Ker A a 236 | J. R WILLIAMS( SON, tia anger T pen this arneter Ae HY The sittyeterier vet afomt by te trales,-borders,leads,-and. sorts .were Me. Faller was next called, He | estsita~Tux Tones, pnsctnenting etd ear 5 pg ques cises iy the Citizens of Stratton, and alae te} piepirabire who dontocte? this outrage, emptied itito's beapon the floor, while ree bee wk le to eayedea Mart the ¢yclone whigh struck the office on | 7 2° Pa Struthers 4 2 =| Merchant Ti ai or. the readers of Tae traatromn Trucs, who | f wilt not deign to refeqto them the " stones * on which advertising et ve papal all . trated | Thursday night, wae ete eaagren yl 5 = Mary Consett Ls 2 ever they may be or wherever they may x 1 ac laid were Sapal indignation af the age perpe hear Somewhat shook wp, it is true, but \ 4 ; sat ice mere $ z rf ccaibeyadkncntidal dn anaihacanbimt 3%: tris be ett ame ten 9 fomert te phe | PORE Bie 2 ri on his neighbor last night. They all! » ih alive and Baking! and likely to Fath Sova wed Fs 230} Miene y toe 2 3 3 \ ' WHEREAS, on the night of ithce of this paper was Surcibly entered | ¢ at Pridey-tavt:~-1-teei -too slewplt-| up with +-pied forms," and knew that Mr. Dutler waa endeavor. 'Anale Vosper 3 23t--searenree Crneiee o 3 ai soonancians Lad aeaaiererrs X Iast, sume evil: 2 ome time about the midnight hour on Paws onces dy aes "cere were piled tier above tier, and " eal ing to earn an hagest livelihood: Kika + RESUR: RAM | ."--Not from Clara Prascis ' 361 | Jobo Ritter 3 4 &c. &c. despored person dr persans hursday test, 1 diepared * leys" of * standing matter" thrown : Mts | aes, but from " pi Milly Davis 3 lerbert Colbourne 5 f j the Isreal nn ores sept ko: eae S Lgsledy-pcgday slong side the pe | 24 * family to support. During th) wry, gorcerer ~ or Tharsday night wane ee 6 = ner Ey 1 vs | C heapside Block; Burglariously-Entered complete oe None but «- practical | *1*aseioa my position frelitecally, fnancially rs past year ho: had suffered afflictions cael success aorom 8 ora "ral 4 ONTARIO ST. STRATFORD! printer can realize the ee teenth pales - rt aie inte such as few men could pull through ba ue | age arly og from, Lins Saas =o dargnrot Murtay ' Cuz importati 4 Fine French and depth of the damage don Lremrain tients, ™ : when not possessed of large means. a LResuely nd Bone Cnt ; . _-- --_ men $ The renter slay think in' view. of this vp the widespread rain-some 3.000) 114 ned been ill four months himself, |" Ellice and Morn ington council re- | Bella Urquhart 271 | Kitetbeth Good 4 Up = mas Axi SPRING OFRRODAT. Printing be : state sre eek hot aewees few! <i H. T. BUTLER, printed pamphlet sheets were spread then his wife and son had been laid np | ports went down in the Prado rea ; Sat 'oslo rk alker ' us , ; And malicionsly destroyed a lar ary. Well, tht wad my firet feeling when Editor ol Tux Staatvday Trurs. | OF the pile. He took the mtuation for months, and on ail sides sickness | Also Perth show, and several James Brooks 22) | Kaward P 2 un a ine care: | quantity of TYPE ay ry PRIN rixa alee Four! desil" entered my bedrrom in and hurried to the residence of Mr.) 50s rosiad with him. It was a dis- | !mns of local and general news Lily Baker Teresa J MeUloy 2 is 272 | ful astemtaon ip gia MATE . . Strato aed. April 52, 1064. the Editor of he St. Joseph's Chareh concert on M VOCRTM Class, FOURTH CLAS, Our Cutter, Mr, POLAND, aentanians & per I be give notier that opon bi afin Tue Th etice ed nae per Paes, "ig his beassoas graceful transaction all through, and evening was one of the best musical en- | William Pettapiece . on William Struthers ay an } j fers aan combined with com sad ae . , = : . a, a as . wchiioe ol rein Tue Tiwes ------_---- i in' Sitrationd | Sunnie ors a eee ™ 7 elegance a information bei, Hs ms settled down to a calm vigw ot OUR WARMEST THANES. told his story. It is needless to ea: ~-- be 'eamink al tolerated | Fimancially jon posts pores . Saad M Hy . Pp -- weir a a etawe! | a, mo _ mand English creat. E =< or ver d other Cana- - ~ ° a a f *. | cPadsen na - he sue hosteree, | Sl.a dove goats eae _ | that 220 pound' of "editorial matter" | ers H.Nasmyth & Co. advertise a line of Gilbert MePadzea 5 250 | Helle Tilley Iu all the latest styies lad tothe detection ad conve "T sr i fect ae ; i ssauaoee pt Iwetlirew of the Press in| was never quicker sent flying fromthe} Mr, John Welsh (jeweller) , said' Le | shoulder braces which are highly reco motes elton b 208 | Rebece yr the guilty arty or parties, a reward of . copnhe anndiorel ts plechals the | Stratford we return our most heart | 9, on that occasion. Meeting | differed with Tux Tiwes and Mr.| winds by vee =e faculty me ihe ee John Sterritt 30 | | Rows =| @ENTS' 'FURNISHINGS, $200 will be pai contemptible ex io ne x és : | vention and cure of o 'illiam Y: 4 Bailie act recunted, and alsothat there should te | felt am! sineere thanks No sooner | yfr aigy. Serimgeour and Mr. Donald | Butler, both in polities and municipal | They are strong enough to bs eet D4 Bay = | In ads tition t 'the above rewr Reuben Wie Dobson igd, cuslracing ' men debaerd enough in the commanity ty | Was 'the ontrage known and fully | yop {hey all entered the office to- | qusstions, and in many other matters. | £7" eg office destroyers wp to lamp posts. . Fraak Turaboll i? ip large, and vor re: ceuencins Connell af Stratton wall chan 5 conspire aval onccenetalle carre cat such ao understood than petvonally every peb- gether, in antes with Chie? Dodds. | To was free to that perhaps aint Bosworth's and Soom ¥orman's | Mary A, Wiley 4 david Murray -_ ik ae LtaMsox lt S600 . a _ siiaieininaiaien aaacaiaidataidiiaaemametl What they saw sbore--rain, | he had tad as many Alsputes with hier} Mr Tosworm tye the ec rues Mabel Taylor 7 a0 Tae F m3 <P BETEE -- 1 some thirt®' yeary xinte the od- bie assintance inthe way_of Pls: | desolation and perenieg all in ove | as any one in tle hall, But he would | © as tbat -apenig oy at y | Mine Govier 208 | Alexander Loney 5 & ties and Manager Stratfo to upset » baby carriage for fear there migh' | Annie Currelley 224 | Edward Loney 216 ' weiter 'of "thie ww nar 'piaced his toot,| ing their oGiee material at our 'Com: | planes, throw that all aside and all citi- | be » squeal come forth. Mr. Foomen_ thinks Campbell 4 Jennie Paul 4 oS) tratford April 22nd, Lie! in Mtrettont, Tat comtinemmsie} as far as could be ---done May 'Pwo newspaper forms ens-would joi he came out all right om secount ia w Babb 18 | Ella Johnston ae: a oe 23 . . ae kaown 'hat the tight side} N, 'Clark 200 | Chart he s 24 4 ~~: Ls cxailent. hery._since nt cee age | Shei shadows-never grow. Until) the Advertiser stood behind a ae acula x or midnight i a 'after | i always up analy ni | Albert Crowiy : 200 | Isabella Jane Glenn ot \ "9. FARME. sent img. Seoyeedictedie 3° have Sera Lee * bodily fora of solid --- is at the front door and eseaped joming | vengeance. {Applause}. This was a Anditor's Abstract' of | jot Psocperd 3 208! Mary Molellan us wor Wanted, by an F mam fichting the battle of life---here. iy family eee. pi" and 'ims to | the coalition. question whereall could meet on the | Accounts was in type and" ready" for | Riney Levernage = 'Harrow 1 vy sr - on i wins are growing sp, and hete Thad hoped their kindness. A SEARCH REVEALED same platform, {Hear, bear.) + Pre on Friday mora- ey 206 |i --, Ue oe i cana lay my bowes at rest inpeéace when the time | May the "hell box ~ be the Inst "dis viet enleoaen bad boon effected by & | with Mitford ee plating or William J, Melville 200 | Dev Knead Uw oT A Hitwatio " athens a ot te arrived toate the ---- ne tribution case for any wan-or setof} oa) ine g window, which is fasten. Mr. T. a a was. the ee: RE bt or wee iver the Rowe Dee Sms will Davidson phd a an i acruis! all fn name hare = © sppoinie' | men who would harbor 2 malicious inal of a piece | "Peaker. P' | work will be duly executed, Mean-| Blake Durrant 906 | John Atkin 28 Pyly to : BOR aa homeh rr poe whet | thought against one of our confreres inp iebea tener waa ames unanimity we teeing which prevailed. | tinie our trie who have job-work | Mery Vewssts 319 | hleoe a guess Sus oe = 7 morning I never thought that & haman | W@ have fought you hand," geiitlemen, Outside of this window which fronts #|4*¥**-4 good-sign that no matter bow gar office must bear with us Minas W: en zl ese 0. Mack "is rr _ ------ ---- reing ented wih 10t0 ghement-s in the past, and will do so again, but lane, Mr. Macklin had piled s load of much those present might differ with | os @ aeet Ee. AS aaa en... THIRD CLAm. se Mary Schrenh ut ~ ela ichome bre toward me beyond | rely on this it will not interfere with wood fow days before, and there was the editorial, --" '* --* a into our pi box on Seturday William Baird = SENIOR TRIAD Chast si li surance Company, Whar herwright with bie | personal -friendshipe- i tritk- or "work ired | Course BY... AEF. 37a He did of proffered en Riddall 13 1 a to pat the ot saad shar ' e did- of our red | 'Thos. Bolton t om : i) 4 prateletpiet sf hin Yat! | FE The Type. from which Twin |toefletan dateanee, The back door oot Tae ees tel wae er | empty to Al hineeld ep with | Mec ege | a od Unconditional incontestable argh carer hav ct | Toa i hn nek printed was aaa | wa cre, het big ated om | ons erent onsenns P| ae eet | si aiiceors td LIFE POLICIES. hoowmgly injured # perscn's ¥ @ 1} to us by Mr. Ale atheson, of the | the inside, without » lock, Tracks of that done by some-cowardiy- asenceine +704 expreased his disgust at all and ite one Jonte 12 aO----_--__-- : = peo ORECTION 18 VERY OFTEN the vabeeot having | srattort Beaeon Mir James Robb} tho or_more . Sheervable 7 af iy | Mtndry who bad a hapdin the business. | Agnes Fanson £95 | Gottge Lindsay is bt TS vantage at F , . * daring the midnight bours when thyir =1-| Bella Waddell i ot STRATFORD MARKE: vanica nies funy ipke aaaniage af ot pee ya wickedly stoled Mr, H. Cront's and police of the Herald + M Pratt & both at the window and the door, but . . 2 Mr. T. H. Roberts, of ths G. T. and Foreaek Teas Ly 'ote . ad aie comptlee wort satrap : oan McCarthy's apples, in my apprentice of ike ad a " 1 Mr. se as they stood on frozen ashes Victinf wasin bed, To have waylaid | ("41a g T. Bailways, of Fort face: 5pm $e | ou caanere 2 a J. Ml, Raynett __ | ee, bad Hie, oliner aeets eatirey the ty) ae, Ager 5. OE him and murdered him would have | G ; v6 as aw eall Gi | Tess Fast 35 Donen il MH " 103 | Show for « om wT i crabider. Schmidt, of the Canadian Kolomist, | could not be of any use in forming « emg the | Th last," the hes A Lt Keste 4 Re +4 LLU ia 1 os ce ja the argument. bul It cannat be ts my tsinet amc hs rian ow gv fice, | lef the ore om ofthe eonaily dot | tn be wot wafer ested ote | Mane ont 1 a no: 04s |i ie ssixial difficulties, lau. galy thane inciden thandbilt type-and-three or-four cases | - --pe-sewe- gereeny weap =~ + - sapere Prin Be OBIS] Becket Hamivpe "a5 | W "1 OG WSs | other palicion Sak an pe tes beisinesa = WORM y that f of ever nerasionc : eee oka ; which they werg preseal fv. contami, suctesstuliy baked in Tux Tiwxs office | Emily Carrelley 8 McKee rr) 4 60 ¢ one. it speake for AO CRATE ET MY" pRerE " arr : ap . tors who flocked in crowds from every toward repairing the damage, but as thet night. Raker m1 'Anal u 24 575" 6 a© Rreaader THES. N is the only Com. Then as to at beri carpet, Some | OP PHet on the Aopr quarter of the town to see the real, unlike Dr.Kilroy, he bad a large! 4 sermon to the Odd Fellows of are eg pas Lats _e i. = +i te teoores am arncondl tacos Feare Sapn-5- Slee eee we ssiciashimypinied faraily to support, he could not come | strato, om 'the secasion of the 5th an- | Wiliam Keunady r $38 T Miller Dentar Fd ten Assetu.-(over) #1,000,000. miliel hota. A has coolio had ea EURT, BUT MOTSCARED. | rmurrow sus wesw mn ae bandeorcly a the Dr. te be preached by ube Hv. W. H. | Hobert Jamowon fs | Doosan NcKewle 8 i 19 oo pncro esac Poth: which aid i in blows at, " have The feeling of horror and . {Ladghter} é | Senet op cries bd Wane" oot pga HH ba m3 ° a " "Tn amas Woanmas, Bay, President IV hte pait tied soy fine date aesiat ream ~trigttened- the -wlitor--of- Tax} ah malicious "and ee - Mai _j members creditable to Avon and Bomeo | Atiile Detwiller ~ ~~~ "~~ 908 Panaes re =10- = aes SABES > at! atl te nore ne nero sail oone Consceralives Maes Ravcapton; ene Tines by 'the outcome of theit cowardly | Wad Universal, ~ Out of thousands of r greger spoke strongly ae ae a cas vested = Minnie oe = Janet Seven 1 Bt re ere --? on wee ee tans tery Bea . e oan Sameer in the toils of the 19. | conspirncy are hereby informed thet if they | citizena who viewed the wreck the only | *6im*t the outrage. y should | sharp, on that date, as from they will | Carrie MeNey 180 | Benjamin Johnston 217 90" 040 | Jomes Huth. a ihe 4 sre zt hs : look at it not so much as an injury to in a body to Miaale Thomson ' 249 | Joba ies : ie 4 eel v, Kay. Mr Butler, but as damaging to the | Owing tw wantof type we are unable camel dies : im Herbert Donald ar tw nw te MACAULAY, a " McoREGOR. eredit and good name of the town It to give Mesira Macnair's adv' full DOWNIE. Filta Edwards u 3 2 7 225 Steaiterd, Jabs 2, a AEE eth asd Huron side t 'Twas a hase attempt to ruin a man in a this werk. We ma that hay MEN1OR SIXTH Class ed 5 ia vs rs a oo is ent _ cowardly and despicable manner.-- pa Sp nate wed -- Salton Anale Seith Ape " a Minnie Rath U 198 hesitati € +f ETS. hroad daylight, 1 waa fighting men i they cannot meear to the identity of | by ay venomous ; spiteful as wretebed ; (Hear, bear). - in recom' ing p who li Bella Wood * Sao A 6 453 | James OG u poo cre od thusedaye--giants T might say. Edueated | the gang the pol every man or fiend malicious as transparent. great variety, new styles and all 1 4 Lacioda A 25 95" 100 sod wealthy men like Redford, Idington, | that conspired 4d out the } Mr. Robert Simith, LL.B. took the of goods to select from, to give & | Annie Boyes 2 Margaret Miller 1 160 <. w b ismer, Ballantyne, Trow, Grant,Corooran, , _ ESTIMATING THE DAMAGE, platform amid applause, He said injeall. As direct impo they are | Kobert Dalzell 237 | Thomas : 1 ie 1.4 7! Huckingham, and hosts of « The first question asked was what | his prosent state of bealth he hardly | ble to offer first-class lines of goods | Andrew Ladwig 4 McGuire =U 64 v0" 100 oho while glorving in erushing their oppo " Satan Finds Somme Mischiet Still tor 7dbe is thedamage ? Nobody could answer | dare wt after,nightfall, ut re at cheap 'ade ae as | Kath nal 0 i a4 0 " 3% # politic 0 wone > ' ] poy) " nents politieally, would sooner cat off their | Hands te do this. 'The whole type in the office was | felt that he would be cocreant in Ads The Toronto Brening says: A great | John Low 7 LOGAN, ry right arma than f abeassins te 3 he k list . pose A eas apbe fe the newspapers | Amelia Dickson ; eM Chane, so njure a single hair ia she bende.of (itie ene Mk ee on the floor, Finally the stoc' duty as a man and a citizen, if he re- and it is to note the dif- at Dek poss Ade. &S. Marks. 7 ponents. Now, these were the oer of | Rebellion in the Printing Office | was consulted aod in round figures | mained away from this meeting or raat thy nredincoelynan dpe aoe William Inman 95) | Josie Mottat ow F 269 4 _ wee Dad ta fight, Can it be woaderatat | Soo yps the eating OW. Fs. advertinemens | Some $1,450 was représtuted in the | Kept silent when such a gross criminal | down es i se oa meen : 20 sdery- Adame neo 285 bed "Thay a oy who Tet schol whan 13 years Wag, f ABY Bi" --How_ mach _conld-be-t eutragehuul--breen sipete| Lenten pees eoner erin ion maken besiaii ___ hp | Margaret Stewart ta ong | 20 " ee 'ore pistol invades --the - ae =78 EE i on f By leLs img saved and sorted was a doubt, buf the| the property of s fellow townsman., | editor's mbetum bad gute hicked down stairs Franck Rowland a aitoots Lawrence, ie 2 Eo peces: te te Oice? | iLso, you saa geotably give some | very picking | Mr. Butler in his editorial and pablic | {Stay Caper i te Remnetel aamesmete toa eid Roxbargh 2a | Mangan Smith ie Ae Sia past twelve years Fean see many pitfalls I Pryce whey - -- out the larger type, rules, ete.. places | capacity was s hard hitter, but he had Regain suspend epee hie bene ~ Armatrong a -- Prascle MeKenshe is 26] pay MITCHELL ere s tought have avoided, but mot ane Thanks to the courtesy of tbe Beacon, tHE Loss ar $1,000, "| received hard knocks in return. jo) txtinding ite pe mln a Minnie White 961 } sartha Prinderrih "uo? ons Spring Wheat. 0%" 100 regret dropping int! I the con ce weak (Hear, Hear). in dealing | its advertising When hatred of 3 | Jeusie Brooks 310| Asgust Meellar 33 Ser} Oats [O35 03% iiences of a tall, and wever whined when et dam's, Ser giles ake, up the rele of Had the loss been only the hundredth . ia im any of these Miante Thompson 48 | 4 French 3 Ps ~ 075 i heal I , kicked prophet agai & time at any rate, of this AGE nos cas questions -he was more} 4 phy. acrethenpes. fora yafoe ti Nellie Andersen 238} 4 pat on >" 0 50 was beaten. never.scalped nor ie amount, there was than some people hiked, ; but when the standing forme of type are | John Bell y 271 James Bushéeld bby . Sap oi " a te sehen fate Sok ooo ae -- ever aa gga Aaborn Nanee ee ii why hie' Jif ee a ee ee a Norman White = 3 Layt 12 300 0 90 hole County of + I de net rents. % things generally badly | Thomas se <eoashgieiiavanasle samen set NEW TYPE. ann Soa Wie ¥ thouid he placed in jeopardy t| broken up, sa' happened in the office of Tux | Willlam Rvane 9 | Seven tecreer™ = te soe 00 '- 1 00 gang. of peecerenac sou fellow-eon- |. : q | Steatrona Trass the other day, it is time | Mary Yale 0 Herbert a 08 to 0 00 pplands the dastardly outrage perpe- te ive "ober ale ie ; aga (No, no.) Tt was malicious and | iC" the towmepeople to meet, as' thay did, Graham a7 | ery 2 202) wateon oo 0 00 tented in the offfee under my eomtrol uti | oo. te feats ofsaaw bods "2 spirators. wing failed im all their cowardly way in which to beat down | and subscribe money for the ot the 387 | We Weest 4 San | Dressed Hogs, wo #18 las i eats tisatalin Bs sel to injure Tae Toms financi ; ding of ton of. M8 ' Butter per Ib, 1m" 016 Freday last. And when going 00fer aso) Tae Tivex and the appear | "Mempt " charges, If people 221 pe Kd 36.0 218 Regs per dos 1b" 000 --ay that, L will add that wo Conserrativ | jn its usual neat form next week, It | lly by--well, we will eall itfeir moans} | yo aggrieved at what had gery ream E S| Clover Sead «: 200% 10.00 + loth claims pon them ara party, orl | costs @ rare -pi mot put was" made to means that ' ceute ieee oe v Say | Hides per 100 oO" 600 have fought them tothe bitter end in every thi in shape but so a as our | would Zeln'c tncd ta tare in Tux Tres, me uw pees Sherpaciae each wo" 1 - Pls i ab pipapeegeee -- Gone the disreputable act, it was P 7] Hay per tan... 00" #00 fight rat they went into --mever baited or | tottom dollar remains, white with 230 Wool per nok oO" 40 dallied whilethe emel! of tattle was in the nate rg ons uni a Tun Tine an mimission of the weakuew of ow ng ' air - will live to truth oven | THE FEELING OF DINGIET WAS HO ENTEERE | their cause, when with four 4 gts Pad T os I foal that itt ty right tad f whoubl speak does shame the devil That p requixition was immediately | other papers in town, they- could not rd ba Sipting Whoa. ts = : Pred roomates Posen to Mayor Gordon, calling | & a na< nes zis mes oo ie te| A Blessing to alt Mankind = volatenh onl to the| INSURANCE RATER & pablic meeting to express | Mr: Butler Hf they voukt not dso in} aI rent Rene 76. | | Is those times when our Newspapers ate 4 Pe nation fell by. the public at such an that way, it would have been far more 34 one Oats... 30 | Beoded with patent medicine advertisements, Rotors yar>en I wish thes. yobitely. te Tw the Eiditor +f Tet Srearvons Trans. Se ' ; 4 197) Biides, ed a sezegali i ences | Outrageoits deed h tra. | honorable to have given ua a good| Mr = 244] Batter 4 and in doing 50 I feet gontident the Conserv no comment from me Secures tod. dering: thE deed hours of night the cowards | * g90 Laas goes rt give party will ) ewrtily coincide coincide with sith «ne, » thoreagh is. personal | B. prt ton : oa Fire Insurance ands member of the B : " aware ry ade 'euterisined by Tux Tus attempt that. ot Bu ' tine Moras inet, Eaitor were entirely forgotten, Brg Se oh pon one og sae' be hn at4 to8 paapSoceacnibe sega > ty try atiding aye = =~ ij Yours rere: filed. - . rete eiia 4 % C.J, MACGREGOR, | was to show in an unmistakeable man SE "O4 "Aaa 6. kaa Go ner that in thie Canada of Ours, Kin | = ere Paris, 200A pel, 188. Kluxism or Comboyiam will. not be ma = a. eae i ot tolerated. It is nat Grace a] = Dean Sta, indly contey to Wannah 100) Kage ......- r the * Mayor™ anil to tithe * chairman ofthe | HERE to. ase the term Cowboy, for Martha 170 " fee "ny they are honorable sco: com. 231 " esieey cstented se arom ng ean to ikea pared with Stratford's aria akg ate = . ; = oot CEH OH The trial was in every way most gang. < throwing streame e onion aN soaks = Mr. Wa. e wean reeling inn Mote | coshie soir sone Vasant 4D say-eeehey | po ek ig a "My wile ans bon : That, Dsever tefased the oetamens ot gaa . - -- i juk paper to any man, eet Of men, society, | In view of the above thets and alee the | to it di ore severely" fo defeod themeclves or explain | © isp ont tg De bog so, with most first botile relieved second bottie has es Trl Bewas Pie Deng Store. H Ind, harett, waite = Se i 'ay 7 es tae? fi Pe u 2 | #i ' Ue nt 3 he eeigioechpontccopheininn sana ter ctnateemn nein. er to secure the = reson vey i oor secure sealer herent = (Appianasi ad BGESs

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