Whirtrer wy mn Panos gral Fy 'ite Wa may they van fod. bu theowensnt he hace bos Nine rat stctams Atos sant he oi Virase deoa a Call at TH sth at bast eT soared tere: ated get a tree trial SS feet he: Net ws reel' nird soot sat THE t, tate wihiet prise t ook Cts let a" GREAT ATTRACTIONS" OUR MAGNIFICENT curt nner ore rege ot Csowels from: Tw ~ THE LOGIC OF F ACTS 'Real Estate Bargains ¢ aud --CHEAP.11 track in the rac» for business, and as lon cheapest stere in t | tation for low pri / of the latter sort 1 premises where wh, jast so long will i 'well might the repitation of a-hannted house be forgotten by future generations.as that $50 5 to $1 = S cleBioared a ont THE GREATER ATTRACTION, | Soasittio expect to he freed from the indelible mark put upon it by the poople. Ask a per- $100 ar AE ate on Gn et = erry Cann eR IPSYTTTEan for? vrapresmmecane than the: think a thing is worth and _they revolt, and with a'large majorit Turin m send, a simhe survey pei = erminenee Seock.of Mew, & nd Fashionable Gonts aus 2 lange double 'stores being | | ahoppers it is an affeont But offer a bargain and straightway the purse- nog mmjonity tl 84 Pr raf fed with the choicest t attract roche? this season's importation. you will havy a customer on the spot. They leave the" tg i tell the first acquaintance ie fhemese'Wineerrirne ohhabens 'they meet of the " cheapest store in town," and if their friend has not been there they | se Frew lotd forsier'y sat 21 ioe THE GREATES? ATTRACTION, } will go with them and introduce them any time. The best advertising medium is s pleased | seme OTHRR LOTS in every wand in town OUR EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES! edson the County -, secured in thi ner, ustLOD i" must be attracted if a large trade is ever esult in disappointinent, wil serve them best The s way only, aw ol share of faver from every member of it. the word most attractive to every.class of shoppers. we should Ubusiness vocabulary because the price tells, ewe everybody tells the price. On this principle $200 Wea or te we have omarked cur goods to meet the views of close and cash buyers, and as a customer | $125 Mites ety terion and ape os belangs to ne man ge 1 goes where his faenn goes farthest, we present our claim to his pat- |" ,ToRAye I One Wort oF HEAP BUSINESS PROPERTY. READER, DO YOU, mx ; With your good sound common sense, believe that any merchant can or will give free. gratis, | THE YEANDLE PLOCGH FACTORY, . Tue { u titierent shades worth $1.28 ter ant \ few les Vor belec Sik. heavy und wrele. at qee worth $4.25, . je ce aiid Colored traced Satins , Ulack and White Check Silks . Silk Grenadines ;' Sateens > Ginghams:P. KOS. Loaces | Coles Hasiery Collars . Ladies' Underwear, | } Xe. just reaeived. and at prices that must command the attention of the closest cash buyers Ngent for Bazaar _J.R/.WILLIAMSOND Gloye Fittiug Patterns Sontnead & ° > 5 bene fat + te tie etree with Saror. and dis pa ire thy er« he VR re Nerrems fachabit netye -- These Fils arr the heat Fogmlaterte and streiag si "ron fhe nerves, atl te Sher waliest yereered grt ithern. Cee PROV LAWS SELPHER SOAP for Pr Binal, Nett tle Maitmbe"™" fos, Haris EWART 4 MoPHERSON, DK Mr PHERSON CITY LUMBER YARD! Pine Lumber, Dressed and + Undressed. SHTYOLES Tati err MMO AND TWO PNCH HEMLOCK, PINE POTS, ar saat Lined 1 Cedar stimgtes PAM BEN ett JOHN M. BEUTTER, Electro Silver, Nickel and Gold T, ALena? SPR, STA Tront. Oras Thee mole, Stratteat. May btm 3 weeks wake mane + seecn lee HAMES, HOOKS, BUCKLES. -- 4 PLATED IN FUT NICKEL OF saLVER. APrviat: seen rive | eens re ae | ae eae. FURNITURE, ke. ee --. TY TLias asses iatinsion to vy gle eat ee een sueriil LARGE WAREROOMS. Wa Ticket Office ff Geed and Chean furni saa reatly Reduced Rates to paawae PLANING AND TURNING IN DONK TO OnLEIL = "i _-- Sand, Swors, Hone Kagiohtom net Patent ThheMES iz Re & Hawt HAMEL Re Sou aft Potete in Perot By nll the First-Class..Lines, - srertr ayn coferr "| ' _ ( Seger Nee Windsor. Hotel Business, STUATPORD, ONT. | PURSTIORE, ett v yom" riley thon the 3x Renae Draltle send Hike heel, { ee Is Prepared To Sell Cheap. 14k KELAWUEEN outeet. Nike. ancl Athert, erga WEEMS FOR SALE THe Ye had at a t ge aca ami PEREROT RATINPACTION aur Tony forget the pee Station, aint xEAT book TOG anany pS SRARMASD a i Mit thee read Meh the | ration Avett wh = 'TEAS! TEAS! TU ON THREW CEE? tows Some Choice Teas, fret cepetred frm, Low Or. Shanseie Bites, Ontarto-St. i Also Choice Coffee P. WATSON. Rrwttont, Hermeey That, ri atl + Jorree resegieny freer the Haidorns ie ohm pes Lands $2.50 PER ACRE, Without Conditions of Settlement or Cultivation. LaND REGULATIONS. ft slew Che masts How ated ba Menttbern Manitoba, af ere. awcordiiag te peive ped foe Une bert afew rat EK VED SECTIONS th er TERMS or PAYMBE Tae Faget mtzeel or ve bene pels te JOHN WTAVISH, Ha "yor rand: oe 9h we ae N Sodomiireens y. are now loflered fur eto cat tretalnenta. efth totevent at 4X tives Ihe of Ce at of laa env yane ab tae of pur Lesh perwtalam 2 GAS a Mistral and for nothing a set of Fur idon't , so dont niture, goods were sold long after the store. has been without a tenant, ra Ue tages in trade enable him Repu- mould, but-it will cling to the) 5 o be realized. Curap is the Things paid for indirectly are always very dear," Remember the -- to buy your Dry Goods is e Poputar and Progressive Store of The small-profit plan under intelligent manageiwent never fails. Catering for first-class trade is sure to The sserchant must impress the people with the fact that he can-and 1 sation myst net be ignored, and customers can be The man who hos the most for the community receives the largest word ; and attempt to compete with our low prices--of course you make a mistake, but catch on to the popular verdict. taught by experience, @ masses we were asked to name cnear from the entire and i select Tha, nee "Pike most attractive word i in the business vocs vocabulary is Chear, because the price tells, | éverybody tells the price, The merehant,hose superior advan to ale a better article or as gcod an article for less money than his neighbor, has the inside as town and conntry sho ppers believe he is the e lead every other tradestnan in his line. means sdecess ; notorious for high prices means failure, and a reputation { only besmears the businesa- with blue 161 tad Cent. wore Loans, : a? Oe Ere oF + Dahir Loam owrestr ere cron. Bean OF STRATFORD, ONT. rw nore On quarterly . tmmthiy peyments made to tssiet in hothiinyg Loney J ¥ary chwew bet: Bruns wick m0 ne. $160 Gnod at #140 each PARE LOTS. At $73 be $100 an sere £ $1,00 ,000, pi measere tn "ids o auseta ea 12 Fermean + war weet raf the Cavtcs ertate, Just | af mw wel from centre af te 2,000 itp 2acrean fromting + fruoa SOO withbuy the choicest WR fel meewrc te mane | re ---- = Bh apie _-- and | | PEERLESS ' AMD QTHER MACHINE OILS. far pre mip Sask Taden Stratiort, Was pols mera May M4 | aol ae tee SINDIT TE tH et aiy shoes _-- 4 Pos ny 04 Tos al plana ot tate > For Sale- by ald WOODS' | CHARLES DRINKWATER. Secretary. oe eal ae - Jewelle Store, . om oa + 20 Freat cwelles Store' JUST IMPORTED. Sas xis So eee hese and See My' Fine* Cornice fijeshar and Mill-Cyner. KINGS * D hasan pre tates ae sas paige " Poles. Ve db lamaght St Bock Hetty Fr Prices tot Can th st | Theis Quality, Vackety wel Low Price will adtentsh you P foment A npc foovonsa MILNER WATCHIEN ot paperises . PLCTURE wectinis LA Re D| N E \ teow Seweaet Hand W CcUeernes kOOM MO rete REVATRING wea " wees. Eee '4 it Yalan Awl wm Me Ps Rum will ats . Sarasa ALL lt -_ MACHINE OIL, ypeartinennt, fs nS PRY rae tut } TerAY Pant Mei: eae Pitan Cont. Nate. herbs, Wire, et - ee ee ¥F R.AMING.-- F. WATERS, 18 Ontario Street: Notes wd Pe Ace Po Swarm & Ca, whe We beg te takes thankieg sthfolly remember M Heir fn from Business. Hibwerg) pretirengee ot teticdesd bee ua. M Carey V ore since IHOACERY, LIQUOR awl CROCKERY NUSINESS, Promissory soutien watket bee paid te arr now in charge. scliett few the mew firm: the this oppertanity of fits usaay friends aad etmerens ° stomers fur their generous support during the past soscm years, widech be will always rely GC. CAREY & OO Strottvent, May 24, is sanr's one ea ulen ies eee G A. JACKSON, bra paneaeltarstions . wes eee er and 'tore vote, fe 08 Dranght and in Bottles Strathont, Ma a, pmo 5 40 i = Mevecs. "Oa YRK, Propristor. Hod. Avg, 1, 30mm, Shakespeare Wagons me | REDUCED PRICES. ' J omer T'aen Above Celebrated Wagons, avr Pris thn Bre Bee | Ared will warract thew: the avinig Wetter fectlition tor = prepared te offer the te Seabhiatd BURNING ANS MORT DORARLE ~ BADE IN CANATA "ere So Saat aly Be A setenv ne IMPROVED SPOKE- SOCKE qo atvongtivening buEt> co diastet wx the fothora pi Abvertee Kh aNiner + SPECIAL SPRING SUMMER BARGAINS. les STRATFORD. ALE: TES DEBS, achiremed to ret renkesweed mew | GE BREAKWATER Port "Arthur, Thunder Bay, omen nes x ot at the Sonica ae "racy porated a To the Inhabitants of STRATFORD and Surrounding Country. 7" Having" purchased trom: M-e- CAREY &-€O; their-exten- sive Stoc = Groceries, Liquors & Crockery delay, otherwise costs will ace Our Manager in Stratford and release the same. Hoping for a continuance of + Messrs M, G,-O oo on And lating increased and renewed the same; we beg to offer cnas you the above lines at greatly reduced prices, Seat cash only you witl certainly get fall value for your money All Promissory Notesand Book Accounts due Messrs, Carey & Co, must be paid in to our office in Stratford without As we sell for rue. is hereby authorised to receipt the liberal patronage extended We are, Your obedient servants, Strath; Met 81My 1H F. kaa & co. MANUPACTIRED By A. MACNATE od co. WALL PAPERS !- Cheap and 'Medium Priced. I Cannot be Discounted. A Choice Assortment of Gold Gold to Choose From ! WINDOW BLINDS! duu. +Fine-Cloth- Painted. Figured Paper, New Designs ~ ood dine ted forpacy Manufsctaring party beak Foouis, and state sere of land tea BUSINESS SITES ON ONTARIO STREET Seetate Qureweyge Property-- sme tees cnet | of bew Post Office Buliting. is frontages to watt, B feet now gers! by Thos Miljes"s uctiee, "Sed weet of It, and 0 feet cocapied by the ld Lynch tious cotlags ttined wil We are selling Laties' Oaly one fourth ©! Faker = : Wa, HOUSES. $37 53 toy 678 paves > re bene at Lge eory tee Heron thead, ia etre be Gasels acnea ky Sea Gone) 8 creas ed - - - $350 Cm motetindy oof qiaarterty prey uawete Unat geen) street trae cottage. eted part oof bt ann ~ pater oo We tgreen tree SEEING -- ~TsSs-- But feeling is' the -M irked! Trath:* = ~_ We can give you & lively il: ' lestration of this ina NEW RIB STOCKING! JUsTPOrENED OUT 5 : 7 Oe Tineh foot, 17¢. for inch foot, Ike. forBineh foot, 20c, for 84 inch toot; Just the thing for Girls and Boys The sight of this stocking is enough to win the heart of any woman worried 'Jmoment the han contact with them goes out Come soon while they last. that darning, hus been and the and comes in the cry for so 9 pairs, Fenovson § Hosteny Covrten 2} MRRKET STREET AGAIN Cream and Unbleached Balbriggan HOSE At a straight Diseount "of wenty Cents o Dollar; that his AND 89 ON = Come and he Ips us to.unload a + Ret Sho chee an Rencon White Brick Cottage pot » aired ou sea, Aces Kart, 2. "Wiha Sk tor speed wl Death pos '|Plain Paper, Mauve, Green and Buff, from|$so° =' oe 5 cts. Upwards. SPRING ROLLERS. N. A. BOSWORTH, $1150 'WIN Yery that fine large } cheney oh stot Doars oars anaes meer TW focaghe ced: Ray ever ant foe teterest. (Late Tota Counters > Panis 4 17 Market Street, S1LRATFORD. McColl Bros. & Co., TORONTO. -- THE BEST IN T WORLD. SOLD BY oes as 600- Young. Men Wanted, New Silk Web Shoulder Brace. 'They Banish Round Shoulders, Keep the Chest in Good Shape, And are Neat and Durable MEDICAL HALL. STRATFORD, __J. H. NASMYTH & CO. Ladies' Hair Work. Brn tea To INFORM THE LADIES oF sThaTroRy she has o6 hand » brge ant Carel emert , Switches, Cue, Pui, Waeee...] ant Primes, Envisible Nets, &e Comings sod Out Mair cube above fortns, § DOWNIE STREET, Near Gadeby & MharnseW Marble Works Stratiord, Mapols 19th Lee ' up in Ser ot the WHERE IS MAITLAND'S PORTRAIT GALLERY ? Why; in Myers' New Block, rane MW Haven't you beet eS " seeciryer? He has~ the a ny 23 in Stratford. $550 Sesee, Of oLFSE: best Studio, and makes the He can take a child's Picture as quick -- O! oa Don't you believe it? has the best Light and Finest | pay, W. H. ROBERTS. Fs ¥0 novewtoure 7 ' omens tatatcioaita The Old Stand, Opposite the|#* New Post Ofice, Where t STOCK of , Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Spectacies, Silverwa e, &c., Ac., All Ki hed. OEE Deer toe wane font . C raceme, chateta, oF Tar Thet One peieted Crone Eronse , aotiagn, Se $850. Tess muav bias And soft water, orma: racatal trult trees. Giota, Sow 4s and by Mo serect, Paanetpeste 'tere. 0200 oF $400 required dow ' pre @ bert sree and Rob eye! Well, just try ured see for yourself. and guarantees satistaction. G F. MAITLAND, 40% -.. W. 1. ROBERTS- yas you can win He rth Co. nstruments in. Perth Nw Block, Market Sq) ialinatecs ens ac, _Pepbten, 'renentl "Town of 'Stratford +" Water M, Steam. me | ps PREMises LATELY « oOUriae BY [ene on eee Verve tor Stratford, Tx May 2), 1684. Rhirtings. Heows and Mus Denine, Towels, Taile Ost ahd Chowne jast pat inte tort amd martind at Department! and those ladies sho ware disap ae the orders could not be got Call and see the Millinera thst i ot Me. Obl Apion Rieck, Guinete, Mereet, Quotient. FERGUSON ; MOR H! -~A FULL ASSORTMENT OF -- | Thread & Silk Gloves' Now InN TAFFETA GLOVES oF cENTe vr, THREAD ue} AN Extra _ up to best hep qaatities, - FERGUSON. -- STILL MOLE-- | Fancy... Handkerchiefs, . Sold here at rates entirely vot, | Delow all competitors FERGUSON. READ ON. NEW STOCK. i RREESACOIE «| Something quite new in -- NEW STYLE OF TAYFETA i ee Lovely black and will weitlike (A Panic in Prices es == No. 2 Old Albion Block ! Jn encetvingg thelr Millinery A L STRUTHERS. Fe TOWN LOTS! POR SALE. WILL SELL THE WHOLE OR PART! ttt Pecwarees see oe Raisins Cleaned by Machine. ONLY 650.4 Page with, Bris Currants 4 ~ Res. ind tee ek leather, price 50 cents. THIS ALSO. High pressure prices in BLACK. CASHMERES "Bought ata grest and 0 me ever so muclr below A pure wool Obshmeret. Mots. do e, 48" = do « <eHveryone sheuld see these goods. LACH Ss! AN EXCELLENT RANGE, And at prices~right down _ to 5 waere. a éan't be - eS nderhnghed: ' EE oun - Black Spanish Laces, Cream Spanish Darne Net Laces, 150. up. ashing Laces, Edgings, 2 cts, up, - FERGUSON. pans Oa 12. 1-2 cents © er ees New. suas' sa aud 25 Ct. GOODS, FOR 20Cts._ ae =Believi IN Gyre ee